#iris blake meta
liberty-barnes · 2 years
went down a rabbithole of discourse to see what people mean when they say they don't like the wedding and well
let me ask you this:
do you not the like this plotline because it's "poor writing" (even though it was literally planned from the start, ie rafael knowing) or you do not like it because it shows that carlos isn't a saint with minimal, "cute" flaws, here to help tk get better?
do you not like iris or are you villainising her because she's "getting in the way of your ship" and doesn’t act in a neurotypical way, or in what you're "used to" seeing from neurodivergent characters?
really think about these cause i think you might figure some things out.
now i haven't made it a secret that i'm liking this plotline, but i'm not just gonna call out one side without explaining mine, that would just be unfair, so here are my full thoughts now that ep2 is out
i love this plotline because it's an opportunity to delve into carlos' character development, which when compared to tk, we haven't had much. like sure, they've been a couple and stuff but apart from the jealousy with connor and the issue with his parents, what have we really learned about carlos? compared to all the development we've had from tk, carlos at times felt very much like a tool for tk to move forward, because the character himself still had such limited growth opportunities
now the marriage plotline is his time to shine. i recently reblogged a post where it was mentioned that tk came full circle in the first 3 seasons, starting with a failed proposal and ending with a successful one, so i think that tk at this point is okay to take a secondary, and just overall less dramatic approach to his character development. because we've seen him go through the big things. now it's carlos' turn to do like a pokemon and evolve.
we get to see the full scope of his anxiety, internalised homophobia, and saviour complex.
it's already a huge step that he talked to tk about it before he took care of the divorce. people with anxiety disorders (it's me hi i'm people) can tell you that bringing up a problem without having a solution is next to inconceivable. we feel like we always need to have solutions for our problems and if we don't, then people can't know about them. so the fact that carlos trusted tk enough to tell him (albeit after being "forced" to by andrea) tells you a lot about just how much he cares. and we also got the opportunity of seeing tk's growth because he didn't take it personally, didn't think this was against him, he understood that this was carlos' own problems and just like carlos helped him deal with his issues, tk's gonna help him deal with this.
it also shows just how far carlos' internalised homophobia went, and shows that even though most of it wasn't on screen, he's done amazing progress. the conversation on the couch is a testament to that growth, to him realising he wasn't broken at all. it's also a great way to show internalised homophobia, because it's something that most queer people go through, especially at the beginning, and i think it's beautiful to show that no matter how much time passes or how many mistakes you make, the important part of it is that you found yourself, the rest can be taken care of later.
and of course, his saviour complex. we saw it when he let the bank robber go, we saw it when he broke down because he felt like he failed tk by not having enough fire extinguishers to protect him, and we see it now by him staying married to iris for the health insurance. abd not going to see her because in some way, he feels like he failed her. maybe he should have noticed her illness sooner, or he should have been there with michelle from the start, but he didn't know what to do or what to say so he just didn't go. which again, if you have an anxiety disorder, you can relate. sometimes when things feel too hard or we don't have a set plan for everything that's gonna happen, or we make it harder than it is in our minds, we just don't go. speaking from experience, i ghosted my therapist for a year cause i forgot to call in sick for one appointment and thought she would judge me so i didn't go back. that's just how much anxiety can affect you, and for carlos, this is his "monster", this marriage is the thing that he desperately wants to fix but doesn't know how, finds too complicated, so he's stuck where he is because he's just not able to fix it.
and it's amazing to see how much tk gives him strength, the trust they share, and how carlos found his motivation in tk. that's love and from one anxious person to another, i'm really proud of carlos
now as for iris, i love her, i really do. she shows a mental illness that we don't always see, and normalises the fact that even after being medicated, neurodivergent people aren’t just suddenly gonna be "fixed". she's saner with her medication but we see how she finds it hard to communicate because her brain just works differently. when can see during her talk of an annulment, she thought she was being obvious the whole time, and it was only after tk asked for an explanation that she realised she needed to express this better. she doesn't mean her questions maliciously (ie carlos warning tk beforehand and being ready to step in if it got too much while also trusting that his fiancé can hold his own), she just has questions and asks them. she asks them because she's curious, because she's worried about carlos, because she wants to know more about tk. she doesn't have that little voice in her head telling her that her questions can be taken the wrong way.
and the part everyone's mad about, with her calling tk carlos' life's work. she didn't say it to insult tk, she didn't say it because she thinks he doesn't deserve carlos, she said it because in her mind it proves how perfect they are for each other. "always needs a project" + "can be his life's work" = soulmates. and idk if i understood that because i'm neurodivergent or because whatever else, but it made sense in my brain, i get her.
and ofc, it's a great opening to show off tarlos' ability to communicate with each other and both their individual and joint growth.
now for the fact that they can't get an annulment, i'm honestly not sure that was the plan at all, it might have been brought in just for the symbolism and after realising they can't do it, they'll have to stick with divorce. i don't know, i'm hapoy to let the writers surprise me and then pick apart and analyse the story as it comes.
and for the fact that iris is now missing, again, don't have many thoughts about it right now other than i think she went looking for the woman at the care center that she talked about when tk first got there, bc that comment felt too pointed not to become a plot point. but again, i'll hold any thoughts until after the episode air.
i see so many people getting stuck on what could happen, and what was "seen coming" etc, but honestly, just trust the writers. we know it will end in a wedding, ronen and rafael trust the writers fully, and that's good enough for me you know. i'm not gonna stress about what "could happen" in a tv show, i do that enough irl. i'm just gonna enjoy the ride.
so yeah that was me
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tinyluminaryzombie · 1 month
thank you for the tags @lonestar-s5countdown and @lemonlyman-dotcom! 💜
1. ) Which 911 Lone Star character redemption moment is your favorite?
TK!! TK's season 1 finale bus driver save is such a great scene! Here, he proves to himself that 1) this is what he is meant to do 2) that he wants to keep doing it here, in Austin with his dad and the 126, and 3) that he and Carlos make a pretty good team, despite the non-breakup breakup minutes before.
TK goes from being (understandably) unsure about his professional and romantic life to knowing exactly what to do and doing it with his full heart, despite the risk.
Also, in true Lone Star fashion, the lyrics beautifully parallel the scene.
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(2) Is there a character you think deserved more of an on screen redemption moment than we got in the show?
I would have loved to see Owen apologizing for the "I'm going to be a father" comment to TK. Do I think he meant to hurt TK? Absolutley not. But it was still incredibly hurtful and hit on a lot of TK's insecurities.
That being said, I do think Owen has risen from that moment, despite it never being addressed. He makes mistakes and often speaks and acts without thinking. But he usually doesn't repeat the Big Mistakes - like lying to TK about his medical conditions. He's not perfect but he fiercely loves TK.
(my other answer for this question was Carlos but I saved it for the Question 4 🙃🙃)
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(3) Is there a recurring (or even one-time guest) “villain” that you would like to see return with a redemption arc? Or if not, is there a “villain” you absolutely would not want to see get a redemption?
Maybe Billy? I don't mind him (compared to all of the other "villains")
(4) Are there any unresolved conflicts from the first four seasons that you wish were reconciled on screen?
I wish we could have gotten more scenes where Carlos and Iris (and perhaps TK) talk about why they both felt they needed to get married. Honestly, we got more introspective scenes about young Carlos/ Carlos's coming out than I thought we'd get, but I will always want Carlos to reckon with his terrified and lonely teenaged self and come to terms with the fact that he did the best he could to protect himself (and keep his family intact) with the information he had.
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(5) Which main character would you like to have a more developed backstory?
Nancy all the way!!! We know so little about her life pre-pilot / Owen becoming Captain - what did her life look life before? Why did she become a paramedic?
Also, I will forever love the casual way Nancy came out 💗💜💙
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A lot of people have been tagged already so I'm leaving this as an open tag and the sign you have been waiting for to share your own answers :)
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messymindofmine · 2 years
Carlos Reyes Character Study
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I have so many thoughts on Carlos lately I've always loved how complex he is but this season had expanded so many things for me and I just have to get my thoughts on it all out otherwise I might explode. I have metas for a bunch of other LS characters planned too. You can see my Marjan meta here. I think the next one will probably be TK.
Also big thank you to @paperstorm for proofreading and sharing feedback on this.
From the beginning, I've always seen Carlos as a very complex character. I never believed him to be perfect bc it was so obvious to me that he wasn't. Go back to s1 when we first see him as someone who appears to have it all together but even in 1x02 we begin to see that it's not actually the case. Interestingly, I actually feel I predicted a lot of what we see of the Reyes family dynamics even back in s1 when we knew nothing and I know some other people did as well. The way he reacted to him and TK hooking up for the first time was a big clue.
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Even in the immediate aftermath of their hookup as he lies on that couch, you can tell this man is gone. He offers this guy he's just met a ride to work (probably bc he was hoping for another quickie) and tells TK to text him even as TK rushes out the door. I'll bet Carlos himself never imagined he could ever be this forward with a guy that he would be the one doing the chasing. This is the very first sign of the light TK brought into Carlos's life. For the first time, Carlos wants to be the one doing the chasing. He didn't deal with it well at first of that there is no doubt. We see this towards the end of the very same episode.
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It's in 1x02 that we actually see his flaws emerging for the first time. The dinner was a beautiful gesture. It shows how Carlos is a true romantic and all he has ever wanted is to find that special someone. He knew (even if it was only subconscious at that point) that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with TK. But he did go against what seems to have been perfectly clear boundaries by arranging that dinner and having TK come to his place under the assumption that it was just for a hookup. And then when TK understandably was put off by the dinner, Carlos acted like TK was the one being so unreasonable when really he was the one who had gone against the arrangement they had at the time and sprung a date on someone who clearly wasn't looking for that. It was a lovely gesture but it was so clearly the wrong one for those circumstances and rather than admit to that, Carlos resorted to acting like TK was the one being crazy.
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The next time he sees TK is after TK got arrested. This is when he acts all passive-aggressive and like he doesn't care at all about what happened. However, he still can't stop himself from showing his concern for TK but even he insists that he's not trying to be his boyfriend or his friend rather than admit to him how he really feels. It's not until TK opens up to him that Carlos fully drops his façade.
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This is something we see Carlos resort to throughout the show since. Rather than communicate his thoughts and feelings or acknowledging his own role in a conflict, he makes passive-aggressive comments or turns the issue around onto the other person. It's quite understandable actually when you consider how Carlos grew up in an environment where he constantly felt like he had to repress himself and his emotions. So much of how we see Carlos deal with things can be explained by the way he grew up. His need for control at all times, his tendency to get very anxious when it comes to things he can't control or when it comes to pleasing authority figures and being enough for people, his tendency to not talk about his feeling until those feelings come out in passive-aggressive ways. Carlos is also someone who simultaneously has a tendency to blame things he has no control over on himself and a tendency to not recognize his actual flaws. Both of these things track pretty well for someone who represses their emotions. There’s a reason why nowadays it’s encouraged to let children express their emotions freely, it’s bc it allows them to learn how to understand why they feel a certain way and to process those feelings early. Children who aren’t taught to do so can end up becoming repressed adults who can’t understand or process their feelings as adults. We certainly see this with Carlos. It's also understandable that Carlos is like that considering he grew up in what has been said by both him and his mother a very old-school traditional household. His father is clearly a man who doesn't show emotions and never encouraged his son to do so either. We see the shock on Gabriel’s face when Carlos lashes out at him after Gabriel refuses to admit that Carlos was right about the bomber. Carlos himself says in 2x08 that his father didn't even want him to be a cop bc he thought Carlos was too soft. I can see how for Carlos who must have already been struggling with his sexuality and the way it felt like his parents didn't approve of that it must have just felt like his father didn't approve of him at all. People who grow up not feeling like they got the approval they need as kids end up constantly seeking that approval from everyone as adults.
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In 4x04, we see the similarity between Carlos and Gabriel and how they deal with their emotions. As TK and Gabriel search for Carlos, Gabriel remains completely stoic to the point where TK has to ask him how he could remain so calm. Gabriel responds with a rather passive-aggressive comment about how TK is not the only one who loves Carlos. TK questioning Gabriel's demeanor was completely understandable considering the state he was in and Gabriel's remark was unnecessary. But it makes sense when you consider how this is just how Carlos deals with things as well. I do think Gabriel deserves credit for showing effort to do better when it comes to accepting Carlos. I'll bet a 17 year old Carlos could never have imagined that one day his father would be asking to be introduced to his boyfriend or coming over for dinner to meet his boyfriend's father. Or telling him that he was proud of him. Or even teaming up with his fiancé to find him. It's important to remember that Gabriel himself would have grown up with the same ideals he enforced with his son and at his age, it honestly a bit unreasonable to expect him to change completely. Realistically, he and Carlos may never have the type of casual, playful and affectionate relationship that TK and Owen have (although as we all know TK and Owen's relationship has it's own complications) but the relationship they have now is still more than Carlos could have ever imagined and that's a really good thing.
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As much as Carlos inherited certain things from his father, he also clearly inherited other things from his mother. Carlos is quite clearly a caretaker. He loves to take care of people, host gatherings with friends, cook for people and be of service in some way. We know he puts so much value in his ability to take care of TK. It's unsurprising that his desire to take care of people can often contribute to his desire to be in control. After all, taking care of others often means being the one in charge. It's just that for Carlos, it can be a bit detrimental at times bc his need for control runs so deep. That need to be in control makes sense too when you think about all the things traditional masculinity upholds. Men are supposed to be the ones in charge. Men are supposed to always be stoic and never show emotion. Men are expected to always be in control and to take on all the responsibility. As we know, this type of mindset isn't really healthy and with Carlos there is the added layer that he is already going against expectations simply by being who he is. There is also the fact that the caretaker is a role that is usually assigned to women and so that would probably have created a conflict in a young Carlos's mind as well. It's not surprising then that he would (even if it was on a subconscious level) take his "feminine" desire to be a caretaker and his "masculine" desire to be in control and combine the two things in a way that causes him to place the weight of the world on his shoulders. Of course we also can't forget how another characteristic that is often associated with men is the inability to recognize their own flaws. This in itself stems from repressing one's emotions. After all, in order to acknowledge that you have flaws, you have to first acknowledge that you have vulnerabilities in the first place. And that is something traditional masculinity does not allow. As pointed out above, we see this in Carlos as well. As much as he tends to put the blame for things like their house burning down or the plane crash onto himself when he shouldn't, he also tends to overlook when he actually does play a role in something going wrong. There's a certain comfort that comes with blaming yourself for things that are out of your control. Sometimes a person will blame themselves for something purely bc by doing so it helps them maintain the illusion that they are in control of everything. To admit that there are certain things in life that we don't have control over can be very scary. I can see how it would be like that for Carlos.
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I can totally see why Carlos would have bought the loft. When someone goes through something traumatic (regardless of what type of person they are) having as much familiarity around you and being as in control of things as possible is very important. Carlos didn't get that. He must have been really struggling while living with Owen after the fire. In addition to having lost his home and belongings, he had to move in somewhere else that was unfamiliar, someone else would always have been around so he couldn't let his façade slip the way he would have if it had just been him and TK. He wouldn't have even been able to take comfort in taking care of TK the way he usually would bc Owen would have been there to do it instead. On top of that, he was blaming himself for the fire bc he was the one who didn't notice that something was wrong in the first place and didn't have a fire extinguisher in the bedroom. He felt like everything was completely out of his control and he didn't talk to anyone about it so it just kept getting worse. So I can see how he would buy the loft in order to regain that control and regain that confidence in his ability to take care of TK. That said, it was wrong of him to do that without consulting TK about it. TK tends to get a lot of flack bc he's the one who ended things (and yes it's already been acknowledged that he should have stayed and talked) but Carlos was in the wrong here too. And as we see in the hospital scenes in 3x03-3x04, it's something he never acknowledges and instead he just puts all the blame onto TK. I don't think he did that to be malicious. His hurt was totally valid but it also wasn't the full story. I think that Carlos found it easier to pin the blame onto TK bc then he could avoid confronting the reason why he'd bought the loft without talking to him. I really wish we'd gotten to see a conversation about that after Push. Still, you can see the growth throughout s3. Ultimately, I think the breakup actually ended up being a good thing for both of them.
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In 3x13, we see him being cold and passive-aggressive towards TK and Cooper. This is another occasion where TK gets a lot of flack but he really didn't do anything wrong here. The only thing that you could even kind of say he could have done better was maybe let Carlos know he would be arriving home late but even then the problem was never about TK coming home late, it was about Carlos feeling like he was being pushed out. He felt that way bc he was being faced with what it really means to be in a relationship with an addict for the very first time. Prior to this, TK was already in a much better place when him and Carlos first got together officially and so Carlos didn't experience the initial recovery period. Now though, he was witnessing what it was like for the first time and learning that this isn't something he can just fix for TK. This is a perfectly normal thing. Anybody who's been in a relationship with someone who deals with chronic mental health issues goes through these feelings bc it's so hard to watch someone you love struggle and not be able to take that pain away. I imagine guilt played a role in this as well since the reason TK relapsed in the first place is bc yet again someone broke into their home to hurt them. And this time, the consequences were even worse. Carlos was probably also feeling guilty that he hadn't seen through Sadie right away. Also, as we have acknowledged, Carlos is a caretaker and TK is the person he wants to take care of the most. It's totally understandable why he felt like he was being shut out in 3x13. That said, just bc something is understandable doesn't mean that it's right. Carlos's passive-aggression and coldness wasn't right. But Carlos did learn. He listened to what TK was saying to him during the dinner table scene and when he truly saw how much TK was struggling, he realized that he couldn't just fix this and that he had to let TK take the lead in his recovery. He realized that just bc he can't fill the role a sponsor can doesn't mean that he can't be there in other ways. Like putting a pizza in the oven and leaving him to talk to his sponsor alone. That moment where TK tells Carlos he loves him and Carlos replies with "I know" is him telling TK that he gets it now.
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In s4, we had Carlos tell TK on his own about his marriage to Iris rather than trying to fix it himself in secret. I know a lot of people wish he'd acknowledged how the secret would have hurt TK but I do understand why he chose to spiral about being a bad friend to Iris instead. It would be a lot easier to focus on being a bad friend to someone he hadn't seen in years than focus on the hurt he would have caused to the one person he plans to spend the rest of his life with and who he has always been so determined to take care of. I also understand people being upset with how Carlos behaved in 4x03. I agree that the way he behaved was very wrong. TK did absolutely nothing wrong and was already drowning in guilt and seeing Carlos behave that way only made that guilt worse. But Carlos was also blaming himself. He was thinking that something must have set Iris off and was blaming himself for not noticing. He was probably also remembering what it was like the last time Iris went missing bc nobody had noticed the signs. The way Carlos behaved was entirely in character. He became cold, passive aggressive and so consumed with finding Iris he forgot about everything else. Honestly, I didn't like the way he intimidated the guy with the sex doll but I also wasn't surprised. This isn't the first time we've seen Carlos become so consumed with a case that he gets tunnel vision. This is just the first time we've seen it play out in a negative light. As I said, I do understand why he behaved the way he did in that episode but I also don't think it was right. Again, I do wish we had gotten a conversation about it but I'm not surprised we didn't. I know Rafa said that what happened will affect the way Carlos deals with things going forward and we still have half the season left so I guess we'll see. I will say that Carlos is more of a man of action rather than words (even though there are times where words are just as necessary as actions) so expecting a direct conversation is probably not realistic. And honestly? I think that's ok as long as TK is able to understand when Carlos is conveying an apology through his actions. And TK clearly does.
Carlos also clearly has a thing about pleasing authority figures. He's so anxious when it comes to pleasing his parents and it took him so long to become truly comfortable around Owen. Interestingly, he doesn't really have this problem when it comes to those he considers his equals. We don't see him struggling to please the 126 at all. He's always relaxed and informal around them. Even with TK, as much as he wants to be everything for him, he's never really stressed out about impressing him. Even back in 1x03 when TK was stewing over Judd, Carlos had no problem calling him out and poking fun at him. At that point, he had no way of knowing if TK would get mad at that and leave. Especially considering what happened last time he attempted to set up a date for them. Yet he still called TK out over it. So he clearly doesn't have a problem with people in general. It's mainly authority figures whether they are parental or at his job.
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I know we all enjoyed 4x08 so much bc of all the wedding planning shenanigans. It also brings back Carlos's need to please authority figures in a more comedic light. This need obviously stems from his need to please his father who is an authority figure in more ways than one. Since Carlos never felt like he got that approval from his own father, it's not surprising he would turn that need towards other authority figures. We see this with Owen constantly. It took forever for Carlos to even get to the point where he could call Owen by his name considering he calls his own father sir. It shows a lot of growth that he's gotten to the point where he can tell Owen not to be ridiculous like he did in 4x06. Clearly he still struggles with letting go of that need to please completely considering he had to get his mother involved to get Owen to back off and in the end it was TK who finally snapped. A lot of it is also down to the fact that Owen gave him the approval that he was looking for when his dad didn't so it's perfectly understandable that Carlos wouldn't want to lose that. Judd's little anecdote about his own FIL probably didn't help.
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I am so very glad that at least Andrea has acknowledged that they hurt Carlos with how they behaved when he came out. I honestly wasn't sure if this would ever be addressed at all. I know a lot of people love that we finally got confirmation that Carlos does have sisters. Tbh, I wasn't shocked bc I kind of always had that feeling. It just made sense to me just like TK being an only child did. Obviously we still don't know whether they are older or younger but I could see it going either way. On one hand, Carlos being the oldest would explain why he feels so much pressure when it comes to pleasing his parents. It would also explain his caretaker instincts bc he would have grown up taking care of his sisters. Also, Carlos does not give off youngest child energy to me. That said, it could also be that he feels that pressure bc he's the only male child and there is still a lot of pressure with that in a traditional household. Coming from a relatively similar background myself, I can attest to this. Actually, Carlos's caretaker tendency can still be explained if he grew up in a household of women older than him bc he would still have been witnessing that nurture. Plus, even if he was the youngest, as the only boy he probably would still have been expected to be the one protecting and taking care of all the women. Think of that old movie trope of the dying father telling his young son to take care of his mother. I know a lot of people are also wondering why his sisters wouldn't have helped him more if he was the youngest. That's a valid question. I do wonder though if Carlos would have even let him help them. We've seen Carlos grow in terms of letting people in but I would imagine he was a lot worse about it when he was younger. He could have seen his parents reaction to him coming out and decided to just shut even his sisters out as well. Still though, I am so glad that he had Iris when he was younger. I know so many of us felt so sad at the thought of him being so alone so it's nice to know that he at least had Iris before she went missing who he could open up to. Iris wasn't wrong about her and TK being a lot alike even if her view on the relationship was colored by her view on herself.
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We see a lot of growth on both sides during the couch scene in 4x02 when TK is struggling after speaking to Iris. Instead of shutting down or lashing out, TK opens up to Carlos about how he's feeling. Obviously, the issue was never about Iris (hence why Iris is never mentioned) but about the insecurities that were reawakened after talking to her. But TK voices them to Carlos and Carlos is able to see that TK is genuinely upset when he says that maybe getting married is a bad idea. Carlos realizes that TK isn't saying that he doesn't want to get married but rather is struggling with something that has made him voice that thought. And instead of cracking a joke or trying to change the subject, he walks over to TK and gets him to talk. And once he's heard what TK said, he opens up too so that TK can feel less alone in his thoughts. He tells TK (probably for the first time) how he felt broken bc he could never accept how he really was and how meeting TK changed that. We see them as a united team in that entire episode and especially in that scene.
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For all his repression and need to be in control, Carlos is actually the best case scenario. The absolute worst thing he does is get passive-aggressive. I think we all know that the consequences of repression can often be much worse. Despite having been raised to never show emotion, Carlos has never stopped anyone else from doing so and is always there to comfort others. And even though he may struggle to recognize his mistakes at times, once they are pointed out to him he does apologize in some form even if it's not always verbal.
We do see Carlos growing throughout the entire show. We see him letting not only TK in but others as well. Obviously, meeting TK wasn't some magical cure to his repression and internalized homophobia but it's what led him to want to open up and let people in. It's what led him to seek out a life beyond anything he could have ever imagined before that. We see him branching out in s2 as he gets closer to the 126. Before TK, Carlos would probably have never let himself get close to so many people. And he enjoys being close to them. He enjoys hosting their hangouts and goofing around with them. He's still reserved bc that's just who he is but he's also a lot more relaxed than the version of him we saw in s1. The Carlos we see as the show progresses is a far cry from the young Carlos who married a woman bc he hoped that it would make him acceptable in the eyes of his parents. Who felt that there was something wrong with him bc of who he loved. Who shut himself away from others bc he was so afraid of not being accepted.
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I do wish more fans would be able to acknowledge that Carlos is a complex character with flaws. To me, that's what makes characters interesting and Carlos is very interesting to me. My problem has never been with Carlos having flaws but with the way people reacted to those flaws being explored. I really don't like how when the marriage was revealed people decided to look for someone else to blame rather than acknowledge that Carlos had done something wrong by keeping secret. I've said before that I really think it took Carlos unequivocally being the one in the wrong without TK being there to pin the blame on for people to confront his flaws. But it looks like some people are still struggling with that. When TK handled the news so well and people obviously couldn't pin the blame on him, they decided to pin it on Iris. Even though Iris was the one who was in a state of psychosis for years and living on the streets. Even after she got help, Iris would still have far too much to deal with to be thinking about a marriage to a friend that she hadn't even seen in years. She probably thought Carlos had moved on already. And even though TK handled the news so well, people still looked for ways to blame him for Carlos not telling him by bringing up past conflicts that had nothing to do with the situation or just randomly looking for reasons. More than anything else, I really don't like how certain people decided to take their anger to the actors. I'm so glad that Rafa decided to repost the picture he had to delete after getting hate and I loved seeing Ronen showing his support. This isn't the first time this has happened. I know Ronen has gotten a lot of hate for various things regarding TK and Tim had to delete his Twitter account bc he kept getting people hating on TK. And then he got so much hate on FB for the marriage storyline that he felt he had to make a post about it. I think Tim was within his rights to make that FB post even if I do wish he would at least have acknowledged the plot holes. There is never a reason to go after actors who are only doing their jobs. Let's remember that actors are humans too and just bc they are being paid to do something doesn't mean that they aren't affected by the hate they get. We should be able to acknowledge that a character we love has flaws. If you ask me, to act like Carlos is perfect and to get upset at the idea of him having flaws is a disservice to Rafa and everything he puts into Carlos. I love Carlos bc he is such an amazing, complex yet flawed character. He doesn't need to be perfect bc human beings aren't perfect and we should be able to accept that.
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thebumblecee · 2 years
I’m seeing a lot of “then why didn’t Carlos care she was missing” posts about season one.
I don’t agree with that and here’s why:
It’d been three years.
He probably rationalised with himself that they will never find her alive after three years of being missing.
He’s a police officer the statistics are damming.
Her boyfriend Dustin gave up.
Her mother gave up.
Michelle never gave up because she felt the crushing guilt of not picking up her phone that night and Carlos had to watch her break her own heart with every false lead and every dead end. She was destroying her own life because she wouldn’t give up. He ended up being Michelle’s voice of reason.
Three years is a long time to grieve and come to terms with the idea that hope only brings pain.
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buckaroobuck · 2 years
I’m sorry do they really expect us to believe that TK’s perfectly ok and honestly productive conversation with Iris triggered a violent schizophrenic episode?????
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idealuk · 4 years
My reaction to the picture:
(In case any one other than @gele-gordijnen​ wants it)
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“HOW THE-FUCK IS T.K. (OR CARLOS ... OR OWEN ... or Judd ... or Marjan ... or Mateo ... or Michelle) GOING TO SEE HOW BUDDIE INTERACTS AND NOT SAY SHIT?! Yes, I named almost every one in Austin except Paul, because I think that he's the only one who would have the restraint to keep his mouth closed (even Grace and Iris wouldn't). And, is it just me, or is T.K.'s face screaming 'It's so sad that these guys think that they're straight. They could be so happy if they were just a little honest!'? It's going to happen, Kelli, it's going to happen. It has to if they want us to believe the characterizations they've set up for the Lone Star cast. I zoomed in and it's definitely Marjan and Eddie behind them. I cannot see T.K. and Marjan keeping their mouths shut”.
No, I have no chill, move along.
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midwest-queer · 5 years
So like I really hope that s2 expands on Carlos and Michelle’s friendship. The finale showed us that Iris knows Carlos too. So I was thinking...Michelle is older than Carlos, but it seems that Iris is probably about the same age as him. So maybe Iris and Carlos were classmates? Maybe they were close friends first? Maybe Carlos used to come over to their house and hang out with Iris. At first Michelle just thought of him as her kid sisters friend, but slowly they became friends. Then when iris went missing, that’s when they became close friends.
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911baa · 2 years
Tags I use
Abby Clark, Albert Han, Ana Flores, Andrea Reyes, Athena Grant, bathena, Bobby Nash, Buckley parents, Buckley siblings, bucktaylor, buddie, buddie fic, Carlos Reyes, Charles Vega, Chimney Han, Christopher Diaz, Claudette Collins, Dave Sheffield, David Hale, Denny Wilson, Diaz family, eddieana, Eddie Diaz, Elaine Maynard, Eli Cobb, Evan Buckley, firefam, firefrens, Gabriel Reyes, Grant Nash family, Grace Ryder, grudd, Gwyn Morgan, Hen Wilson, Hen&Chim, henren, Iris Blake, Isabel Diaz, Jee Yun Buckley Han, Jonah Greenway, Josh Russo, Judd Ryder, Karen Wilson, Kevin Lee, the Lees, Lena Bosko, Linda Bates, long post, Lucy Donato, Maddie Buckley, madney, Marlene Harris, Marjan Marwani, Mateo Chavez, May Grant, meta, Michael Grant, Michelle Blake, Nancy Gillian, nanteo, Owen Strand, pauljan, Paul Strickland, Ravi Panikkar, Shannon Diaz, tarlos, Taylor Kelly, Tia Pepa, Tim Rosewater, TK Strand, Tommy Vega, Toni Wilson, Vega twins, video, Wyatt Harris, 911 cast, 911fic, 911 fox, 911 ls, 911 ls spoilers, 911 resources spreadsheet, 911 spoilers
3 notes · View notes
taiseisasaki27 · 3 years
Capítulo uno: donde perteneces
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Nuevo ciclo lectivo. Nuevos comienzos, nuevas inquietudes... Nuevos estudiantes. El primero de Septiembre, inauguración de un nuevo año en Hogwarts, se celebra en el Gran comedor: una sala enorme que con un hechizo consigue que su techo muestre el cielo que haya en el exterior en ese momento. Lleno de comidas y bebidas cuyas recetas provenien de la ya fallecida Co-fundadora, Helga Hufflepuff, los alumnos se sentaban cada uno en una gran mesa para ellos y los miembros de sus casa: cuatro al rededor de toda la sala de forma vertical y una quinta al final de la habitación, con forma horizontal.
Los fantasmas daban la bienvenida a los nuevos estudiantes, que se formaban en las puertas del comedor, dispuestos a ingresar a la casa que un simpático sombrero con ya siglos de experiencia podía proveer. Una balada melodiosa provocada por el junte de las voces al unísono de varios estudiantes preparados así como animales e instrumentos musicales reclamaban la apertura del colegio al ritmo de un piano. Los alumnos que ya habían cursado al menos su primer año disfrutaban de la balada mientras degustaban los platillos... Hasta que, repentinamente, la música terminó y los aplausos inundaron la sala llena de velas en el cielo.
— ¡Bienvenidos sean todos a un nuevo año en Hogwarts! - un hombre de tercera edad se colocó en la pequeña subida, zona de la mesa para los profesores. Tenía una barba medianamente larga y canosa como su cabello y vestía una túnica marrón con toques dorados. - Me complace anunciar por fin, luego de una larga espera para todos nosotros, el comienzo de un nuevo año para el colegio Hogwarts de magia y hechicería.
Todos los alumnos comenzaron a aplaudir, unos más eufóricos que otros. Bastó con que ese hombre alzara ambos brazos para que todos se callaran.
— Como saben, ultimanete varios magos y brujas se vieron afectados por la cacería que los muggles pusieron sobre nosotros. Si bien este colegio no puede ser asediado por ellos, con el fin de que ustedes y sus familias tengan fe de la institución, nuestro querido profesor de defensa contra las artes oscuras - En ese momento, un hombre maduro de camisa negra y jubón carmesí se levantó de su asiento - y la profesora de estudios muggles - rápidamente, una mujer joven de capa rozagante se levantaría bastante nerviosa - nos han ayudado a aumentar no sólo la seguridad sino la forma de despistar a los muggles en su travesía por estos, ya de por sí, "inhóspitos" lares. La magia es nuestra aliada y nos protege de esta clase de problemas... ¡Por lo que, no se preocupen, lograremos prosperar!
No sólo los alumnos, sino los mismos profesores se levantaron de sus asientos a aplaudir tal proeza. La joven sólo podía reír por lo bajo, mientras que el adulto mayor aceptaba los halagos como si fuesen algo de todos los días. El hombre de barba blanca invitó a uno de ellos a conversar y, cómo la dama no quiso, el hombre del jubón camino con paso seguro hacia allí. Saludo con un fuerte pero relajado apretón de manos al hombre que le invitó, y se colocó en la subida.
— ¡Nuestro director ha hablado! - Comentó, como si se preparara para un combate. - Gracias al señor Fytherly Undercliffe por tan hospitalaria bienvenida.
El director Undercliffe se sentó al centro de la gran mesa de profesores, saludando entre apretones al resto de profesores. El profesor de defensa alzó una mano e hizo un gesto con esta: la puerta inmediatamente se abrió y los estudiantes que habían estado esperando afuera dieron paso en una fila para adentrarse al final del pasillo. Un elfo doméstico, entonces, trajo un pequeño asiento con un sombrero que parecía tener un rostro.
— Me presentó ante los nuevos bienvenidos: ¡Mi nombre es Richard Wesley, primogénito de Henry Wesley! Tengo seis hijos, un dulce hogar y me he presentado como representante de magos y muggles en defensor de la igualdad entre ambos... Sin embargo, estos son tiempos difíciles y no muchos creen en la bondad de quienes no poseen magia. - Muchos murmuraban por lo bajo, incluidos varios de los nuevos de primero. El profesor Wesley carraspeó para callar a la masa, y continuó - La profesora Kyteler y yo trabajamos arduamente estas vacaciones para proporcionarles la mayor de las seguridades, y así como nos ven, así nos aseguramos de que tanto Muggles como magos pasemos un año calmado y con la libertad que nos merecemos. - El tono de voz de Richard era casi noble, como si hubiese peleado toda su vida. No era para menos, puesto que no era el profesor de defensa contra las artes oscuras simplemente porque si. Ante esa última afirmación, nuevamente todo el mundo festejó, y fue el mismo profesor quien volvió a pedir silencio de forma sutil. - Ahora... ¡Con los nuevos!
La multitud aclamaba, ya que este momento sería de gran importancia para todos los alumnos: nuevos integrantes para sus casas, nuevas personas a quienes inculcar el amor (y las rivalidades) al pertenecer a uno de los 4 escudos que presenta Hogwarts. Cada casa tenía su cualidad, y todos tenían sus excepciones.
— El sombrero seleccionador - Explicó Wesley - un gorro que tiene en su tela las memorias de los cuatro fundadores de nuestro gran colegio: Helga Hufflepuff, Godrick Griffindor, Rowena Revenclaw y Salazar Slytherin - Mientras comentaba los nombres, los miembros de dichas casas gritaban rozando la euforia. Rápidamente, el ambiente lujubre de la llegada se había trasformado en una inmensa felicidad y pasión al poco tiempo. El profesor continuó - Este simple sombrerito, al colocarlos en su cabeza, podrá analizar a cuál de las cuatro casas pertenecen. Así que, sin más preámbulos... ¡Comenzamos!
Haciendo sonar una flauta al movimiento de la varita, otro de los profesores presentó tanto el sombrero como el inicio de la selección: El primero fue un joven de cabello castaño oscuro que caminó a paso seguro, casi como tratandose de un trámite, y se colocó sobre el asiento; el profesor colocó sobre él el sombrero y, al cabo de unos minutos de larga espera y charla interna, este se decidió:
— Toby Longbottom. ¡Tu casa es, sin duda, Hufflepuff! - La gente de Hufflepuff aplaudió, todos en conjunto. El chico sencillamente le entregó el sombrero al profesor y caminó derecho a su mesa, siendo recibido por varios pequeños golpes y sacudidas de cabello. Simplemente se sentó y acomodó este contestando sólo a lo que le preguntaban y ya.
El siguiente fue otro joven de cabello oscuro. Sus ojos eran de un tono marrón mucho más claro, y cada parte de su cuerpo esbozaba alegría. Estaba contento, muy contento de estar aquí. Al ser tocado por el sombrero, este inmediatamente gritó "¡Otro Prince!" haciendo que un chico de Slytherin levantara su bufanda verde, captando la atención del joven sentado. Alegremente le vió, pero su mirada cambió drásticamente. Al parecer, el sombrero estaba teniendo un dilema que duró prácticamente cuatro minutos completos... Hasta que, finalmente, se decidió:
— ¡Albern Prince, tu casa es Ravenclaw! - Los miembros de esa casa aplaudieron pero, si bien él también sonreía, muy en el fondo Albern deseaba estar con su hermano. Este simplemente le miraba de lejos, como si un vínculo se hubiese roto. ¿Eran las casas tan importantes como para provocar semejante reacción?
Luego de él, llegó una chica. Sus cabellos eran largos y pelirrojos, tenía una dulce sonrisa y ojos azules, pero oscuros. Era toda una belleza, y el sombrero seleccionador no tardó en darse cuenta de ese detalle. Duró poco más de 30 segundos, más que nada porque estaba aburrido con su apellido.
— ¡Blake Wesley, tu casa es Griffindor, sin duda! - varios miembros de la casa de Griffindor se pararon, y todos compartían una característica común: cabellos rojizos. El mismo profesor tomó el sobrero con orgullo, ya que era su quinta hija la que había conseguido entrar a Griffindor... Era casi como una tradición familiar.
Un cuarto chico caminó con timidez. Por poco e ignora la indicación de que podía pasar, ya que había avanzado justo cuando se dió la señal. Sus cabellos eran negros azabache, casi carbón, y su par de iris poseían un tono miel. Dió los pasos necesarios, ni uno más, ni uno menos, y se sentó. El profesor le miró inquieto, ya que no era un chico desconocido. Pocos sabían lo que había ocurrido con el ese pequeño... Y el sombrero haría énfasis en ello.
— Veo... Fuego. Mucho fuego, tanto que no puedes manejarlo... Pero es, a la vez, tu mayor deseo. Te noto con ansias de cumplir tu cometido. No solo por ti sino por a quienes más quisiste.
— Necesito entrar a Ravenclaw. - La mente del chico habló por él. - Allí tienen una biblioteca, mi padre me lo dijo. Quizá leer allí me daría respuestas.
— ¿Estás seguro de esa decisión? - Replicó el sombrero - Verás, existe una casa que sería mucho mejor para ti.
— ¿Qué podría ser mejor que obtener información para cumplir mi objetivo? - Preguntó el chico, entre seguro y extrañado.
— Si tu quieres ser el amo de tu destino no lo conseguirás sólo sabiendo como es... Debes tener la fuerza y la ambición de poder cambiarlo, y tu la tienes... Pero no Ravenclaw. Ellos valoran a la gente decidida e inteligente, pero tu serias capaz de llegar a extremos que otros Ravenclaw no. Si quieres sentirte responsable, puedes lograr tu cometido si te unes a otra casa donde la ambición y el deseo de cumplir tus metas son la prioridad.
El chico no podía creer lo que decía. Una nueva alternativa que iba en contra de lo que, desde chico, necesitó. Romper con sus traumas, estar en un lugar que le pertenece. Fue así como el joven se convenció de las palabras del sombrero, diciéndole:
— Entonces... ¿A dónde pertenezco?
— Tu, Michael Wallace - Concluyó - ¡perteneces a la casa Slytherin! - El público ovacionó, especialmente los de esa casa. Otra nueva sangre pura al equipo, algo de lo que podían estar orgullosos. El joven se quedó con una sensación amarga, ya que aún cree que todas las respuestas podrían estar en esa biblioteca. Pero suspiró y le entregó a su profesor el sombrero... Él sabía, desde ese momento... Que nada sería como antes.
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islcndxmisfits-a · 4 years
below is a list of my currently updated thread tracker since the website hasn’t working lately.... but here’s the link anyway.  the threads are listed in abc order (as best as i could) by partner url !!
now that i have updated my tracker, i am willing to take on more threads (will probably post some starter calls for muses without any threads since they need love too) .... with exception!!!! as well as bust out my currently old memes in my ask box :P
and figure out relationships & verses & bios & which muses to keep / get rid of since my last update and clearing out my followers / following lists !!! pretty much everythiiing!!
i will probably from now on, as replies come in for me, i will most likely reply & add them to queue as i do them so they don’t build up and i can also work on other things in between however some might get posted right away depending on how much muse and how much interest i have towards that specific thread at the moment.
if I’m missing ANYTHING please let me know.
I OWE: already replied and added to queue. if you want to drop or move any of the following threads, feel free to let me know. i will delete it from my tracker & my queue if it hasn’t already been replied to !!
plain text = done, queued, & added to tracker
italics and indented = queued, needs added to tracker after posting
indented = in the drafts, needs icon, queued, & added to tracker.
bold = needs replies, then queued, then added to tracker
Family Reunion // Sebastian & Lizzie
Romantic Dice // Lizzie & Peter
Playlist // Lauren & Peter
Resident Evil AU // Ray & Kayla
Early Lunch // Kara & Lena
Amnesia // Dabi & Yume
A Christmas Witch // Seraphina & Sharon
Almost Uncertain Death // Laurel & Sara
Arranged Marriage // Leonard & Sara
Bloodlust // Leonard & Sara
Dragon and Assassin // Eleanor & Sara
Familiar Faces // Steve & Diana
Gotham's Queens // Sofia & Sara
Sara & Enzo
Saved By The Flash // Leonard & Sara
Second Chances // Ray & Nora
Treasure Hunter // Chase & Jean
Welcome to Hell // Caden & Sara
Friend In Need // Charlie & Dean
New Friends // Charlie & Claire
Drunk Beck // Beck & Derek
A Helping Hand // Beck & Derek
Escape // Marceline & Noctis
Long Live The Queen // Historia & Noctis
Investigating // Winry & Noctis
Blood Kink // Himiko & Shdwkyz
Bad Influence // Toni & Amber
Dangerous // Steve & Seb
Hot Tubbin' // Lea & Lana
I'm a Delacour // Adaline & Camille
Live To Party // Farah & MIchael
Snap with Sierra // Sierra & Camden
Stepcest // Kara & Gray
Reincarnated Lovers // Dean & Dorothy
New Visitor // Sonia & Yozora
Tomato Fight // Sonia & Yozora
Soft Lips // Bakugo & Deku
Comfort // Bakugo & Deku
Nightmare // Bakugo & Deku
Birthday Boy // Dominic & Jagger
Caden & Rory
Christian & Jagger
Hugh & Jagger
Klaus & Rory
Rory & Elijah 
A ghost and a vampire // Hal & Sally
Who Sent You? // Hal & Sally
Infamous // Tara & Alu
Kill to Survive // Natalia & Alu
Loners // Stefan & Alu
Truth or Dare // Nick & Alu
A New Meta // Barry & Maddie
A Powerful Mutant // John & Victoria
After Cotillion // Ben & Mal
Another Kryptonian // Kara & Maddie
Another Mermaid // Cleo & Evie
Anything She Wants //  Lea & Kara
Corrupted Ben // Ben & Mal
Done Talking // Avery & Kara
Easter Dinner // Evie & Mal
Fake Girlfriend // Michael & Clara
Famous in Love // Josh & Maddie
Fancy Meeting You Here // Wes & Liv
Forgive Me // Erik & Ondina
Holden and Superhero!Liv
House of El // Kara & Clark
Hurt // Gar & Gwen
Hurt & Angry // Mon-El & Kara
Into the Spiderverse // Brainy & Gwen
Livewire's Apprentice // Livewire & Liv
Mermaid Reunion // Cleo & Emma
New Earth // Miles & Gwen
New York Minute // Holden & Liv
Old Friends // Sebastian & Lilly
Pain in the Ass // Tandy & Ruby
Peter & Mal
Poisoned Mal // Ben & Mal
Quiet Time // Hades & Mal
Return of Lilly // Lilly & Freya
Revisiting Themiscyra // Diana & Maddie
Romantic Evening // Ben & Mal
Seeing Double // Lilly & Harry
Stefan & Elena
Superhero!Maddie and Josh
Surprise Return // Mason & Alex
Survival // Lorna & Victoria 
Thank God You're Breathing // Mason & Alex
The World of Music // Barry & Kara
True Love // Harvey & Sabrina
Vampire Powers Activated // Hope & Lilly
What Do You Think You're Doing? // Ben & Mal
Winter Spirits // Noelle & Evelyn
Shower // Levi & Prompto
You Can Be Useful // Levi & Prompto
Drag // Harley & The Professor
Scoot Over // Clara & The Professor
Sit On My Face // Harley & The Professor
New Playmate // Harley & The Professor
Morning Sex // Harley & The Professor
Crisis Averted // Oliver & Lea
A Whole New World // Staz & Kise
Attractive Meme // Kageyama & Tsukishima
Gilthunder and Gowther
Impatient // Kageyama & Tsukishima
Puppy Love // Gilthunder & Gowther
Cisco & Hestia
Cisco & Aria
Cisco & Aqua
Cisco & Tara
Accidental Mistletoe // Hayley & Elijah
Ass on Display // Hayley & Elijah
Ass on Display // Lucien & Cami
Carnival Date // Kol & Davina
Comfort After A Nightmare // Elijah & Hayley
Karamel Angst // Kara & Mon-El
Mating Season // Klaus & Camille
Nude Pictures // Klaus & Camille
Oh Bite Me // Kol & Davina
Pinned // Klaus & Camille
Small Closet // Klaus & Camille
Smell of Blood // Klaus & Camille
Snowstorm // Klaus & Camille
Take Off Your Pants // Christian & Hayley
Trapped in a Closet // Hayley & Dean
Hizzie // Hope & Lizzie
Hosie // Hope & Josie
Old Faces // Hades & Mal
Seduction // Harry & Mal
Bucky & Harley
Drunk & Missing You // Mon-El & Kara
Kai & Katherine
Mommy’s Little Monster // Lucy & Harley
Selina & Harley
Bloodbath // Christian & Alice
Damon Royalty AU // Damon & Alice
Dark Kink // Christian & Alice
Familiar // Christian & Alice
From Playful To Possessive // Damon & Alice
Greece Vacation // Christian & Alice
High School Sweethearts // Christian & Alice
Late Night Phone Call // Christian & Alice
Mating Season // Damon & Alice
Need You Now // Christian & Alice
Negative Soulmates // Christian & Alice
Pray For The Wicked // Christian & Alice
Prince Christian // Christian & Alice
Sex Under the Stars // Christian & Alice
Surprise Me // Christian & Alice
Vampire Lover // Christian & Alice
Brotherly Reunion // Kol & Henrik
Distracted // Persephone & Poseidon
Do You Knock? // Rebekah & Henrik
Fated Meeting // Hope & Raven
Forgot To Knock // Freya & Kol
New Students // Jackson & Sebastian
Opposing Sides // Natasha & Jake
Persephone's Garden // Hercules & Persephone
Please Remember // Hope & Kol
Singles Night // Riley & Kyle
The Modern World // Hades & Ares
We're Family // Hope & Henrik
Who The Hell Are You? // Hope & Jackson
Young Gods // Persephone & Blake
A Pirate's Life For Me // Harry & Harriet
Children of Hades // Mal & Hadie
Children of the Sea // Uma & Uriella
Like Mother, Like Daughter // Jasmine & Jasura
Mermaid Teachings // Ariel & Aria
Riddle Me This // Chesney & Alice
Sisters At Heart // Ruby & Ginny
Stretch Your Wings // Maeve & Fleur
The Aftermath // Audrey & Preston
The List // Erica & Malia
The Sheriff and Archer // Roland & Skye
Underworld's Royalty // Hades & Persephone 
Voodoo Queen // Freddie & Mal
Childhood Crush // Gou & Sosuke
Future Fish // Rin & Sosuke
Heaven and Hell // Maxxie & Cas
How Badly Do You Want Me // Maxxie & Cas
Oral Sex // Dean & Cas
Pin My Muse // Dean & Cas
The End // Dean & Cas
High School Sweethearts // Hugh & Addie
Not Alone // Iris & Emma
A Princess and a Pirate // Killian & Emma
Super Friends // Kara & Emma
Lucy Quinzel, Nice To Meet Ya // Rick & Lucy
Enzo and Bex
Brothers Salvatore // Stefan & Damonm
Ain't No Crying in the Club // Harley & Kelsey
Breaking and Entering // Harley & Kelsey
Hold Still // Kelsey & Asya
Heartbroken // Luciana & Dahlia
Stargazing // Benny & Ben
Almost Killed Me // Lizzie & Oliver
It's Safe Here // Josie & Oliver
Lost Stray // Harley & Oliver
Make Me Feel // Lizzie & Oliver
New Roommate // Oliver & Harley
Oliver and Chloe
You're Staring // Josie & Oliver
YOU OWE: let me know if you want to drop any of the following !! i am also willing to move some to discord to make things easier. these threads will automatically be dropped if i don’t get a reply within a month except for those with a ** who have been on hiatus.
School Work // Penelope & Peter ( x )
Upside Down // Josie & Peter ( x )
Tour Guide // Lizzie & Peter ( x )
Alice & The Mad Hatter // Alice & Jervis ( x )
Kennedy Cochran, P.I. // Kennedy & Sara ( x )
Master & Servant // Lucy & Kyon ( x ) ** will be archived temporarily due to hiatus.
Cheryl and Alu ( x )
Don't Let Them See // Hazel & Alu ( x )
Oldest Friends // Jayden & Alu ( x )
Slow Dance // Dick & Alu ( x )
Terrifying // Valerie & Alu ( x )
Sorry I Ran Into You // Remi & Maddie ( x )
Travel Back in Time // Kara & Annabelle ( x )
Birthday Girl // Vera & Luciana ( x )
Practice Makes Perfect // Snow & Hope ( x )
Thief In The Night // Mal & Roland ( x )
Found Dog // Neal & Snow ( x )
Aren’t You Afraid // Diana & Chaos? ( x )
Chaotic Good // Harley & Chaos? ( x )
Hot When Angry // Harley & Chaos? ( x )
Too Much To Drink // Lux & Chase ( x )
@loserbled​ / @hcrlequins​
Mommy's Little Monster // Harley & Lucy ( x )
Handosie Threesome // Hope, Landon, & Josie ( x )
Landon & Ava ( x )
Landon & Jo ( x )
Stolen Sweatshirt // Tsukki & Kageyama ( x )
Can’t Wait // Dean & Tsukki ( x )
Personal Chef // Tsukki & Shinomiya ( x )
Attention // Tobio & Tsukki ( x )
Summer Vacation // Gou & Momo ( x )
Christmas Celebrations // Nick & Sabrina ( x )
Broken, Beaten, & Bruised // Steve & Nancy ( x )
One Scratch, Two Scratch // Nick, Nate, & Sabrina ( x )
Nick, Harvey, & Sabrina ( x )
Sweet, But Psycho ( x )
Sibling Bonding // Mia & William ( x )
I Own You // E2!Laurel & Felicity ( x )
Taking Care of Laurel // Laurel & Felicity ( x )
Apocalypse Now // Emily & Felicity ( x )
Cold Weather - Penguin // Uma & Mal ( x )
Cold Weather - Santa Hat // Ben & Mal ( x )
Fake Girlfriends // Evie & Mal ( x )
New Villain at Auradon // Harry & Mal ( x )
Listen... // Ben & Mal ( x )
Happy Anniversary // Ben & Mal ( x )
Alone // Toni & Cheryl ( x )
Harley & Wade // sms ( x )
Roommates // Ivy &  Cooper ( x )
I’m Gonna Show You Crazy // Kai & Alice ( x )
Bad Things // Damon & Alice ( x )
Dance, Dance // Christian, Damon, & Alice ( x )
Newly Turned Vampire // Cristian, Damon, & Alice ( x )
Teacher’s Pet // Christian & Alice ( x )
Dark Kink // Christian & Alice ( x )
High School Sweethearts // Christian & Alice ( x )
Fifty Shades of Grey AU // Christian & Alice ( x )
Christmas Party // Aurora & Henrik ( x )
Into the Unknown // Regan & Wyatt ( x )
Anti-Christmas // Kai & Henrik ( x )
Masquerade // Lucien & Ellis ( x )
Earth & Fire // Tara & Ember ( x )
Old Friends // Nagisa & Rin ( x )
Shielded From The Rain // Ruby & Dorian ( x )
Should've Been You (fcxsinned)
Protect Ban (fcxsinned)
Not Morning (fcxsinned)
Why Him? (fcxsinned)
Butterfingers (licnspride)
Drunken!Sins (licnspride)
Massages (licnspride)
Remarkable (licnspride)
Fairy Children (windscint)
Spanking (windscint)
Extra Special Service (pollutedxdesires)
I'm Fine (fragmntedx)
Home For the Holidays (monsterineveryone)
Gotham City Siren (sarcasmpersonified181)
I’m Your Mother (killersmoakism)
Snow Fairy (killersmoakism)
Brothers (memorystxrs)
Are You Cold? (pinafcl)
On Your Knees (multidivision)
The Hunter & His Wolf (multidivision)
Cook Off (multidivision)
Not Drunk Enough (multidivision)
Pinned (multidivision)
The Boar Hat (multidivision)
Oikawa & Shoyo sms thread (multidivision)
all threads with @chooseyourmuse​ & @ocylum​
Elizabeth & Howzer ( x )
Workout Routine // Izuku & Bakugo ( x )
Freaking Me Out // Meliodas & Elizabeth ( x )
New Friends // Gou & Kamina ( x )
Take Me With You // Xi & Colin ( x )
Is That Blood? // Cassandra & Matthew ( x )
Guzma & Alice ( x )
Blushing // Ochaco & Bakugo ( x )
Romantic Dice // Ban & Jericho ( x )
some threads with @multidivision already moved over; not linking bc too much work and they’re already linked in discord.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Yee Naaldlooshii
Okay, I’m loving this little expansion fic as I plot it out, so here’s the only other spoiler to be shared until I’m posting it officially. I thank @impulse-goblin for enduring me as I chatted her up. And I hope you all enjoy the expansion of the Hopes for a Bastard Universe! =)
The world was a weird place. Weird.  Magic, aliens, metas, monsters, and other weirdness. It was a nice change from when she’d been a kid, she could admit that, this world was so much more interesting. Two of her business partners were in Boston, currently handling the solving of their recent case. It hadn’t been that hard to figure out, two childhood sweethearts; Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, had eloped in Las Vegas, rather boring if one were to ask her.
Sighing she stared out at the rain, her Colonial style home was warm and safe.
Sometimes she would wonder how it was she was still home in Coolsville, Maine, rather than becoming a reporting genius like Lois Lane, Iris West, or Vikki Vale. No matter, she had a good business with her ex-fiancé, and childhood friends. Her wiry companion grumbled as he walked into the kitchen. It’d been about twelve years since that vicious fight that busted up their group the first time, twelve years since that accident. Twelve years since metas were a common thing in the world, thanks to the Particle Accelerator blowing up. Her friend was one such meta, though that was between herself and her wiry companion, the dog was the obvious meta. Scooby was an obvious meta, as were most the dogs from his breeder, talking dogs, with thoughts and ideas, and ways to communicate these ideas and emotions.
Finishing with her business communications she opened her private email; the one for family.
Her sisters’ careers were so successful in comparison to her own, it was at times both saddening and remarkable. But Daphne knew she was not the pride of the family by any means with her unremarkable career and failed engagement to her business partner.
The Blake cosmetics was run by Dawn and their cousin Danica. Both were highly successful, Dawn informed her of the latest love of Danica, while Danica bitched about some French photographer who was annoying her. Dusk had completed a merger with Jetson Aviation, it was a break through movement for space exploration from humans. Daisy had written about her break through on genetic therapy and gene mapping. Delilah was a member of Intelligence, working for the DoD, she didn’t even talk about her work, just that it was going well and she was up for a promotion. Her mom, Elizabeth wrote to say the family business was well, and how much fun she and dad were having on a cruise. Daphne blinked twice at the email from Shannon, her cousin in Scotland, and opened it to chuckle.
“Shannon’s getting married,” she announced to her sleepy companion; as his dog yawned; Scooby was a unique meta with an extended life span as far as they could tell. She scratched his ears as Norville ‘Shaggy’ Rogers opened the fridge. “To Angus Haggart.”
“That’s groovy Daphne,” he said. “Pancakes and waffles in celebration!” he declared.
“Rannon!” Scooby wagged his tail and Daphne chuckled at the dog’s excitement.
“I’m happy things are working out for Shannon,” Daphne mused. Since her disaster of a wedding, with her running away from the alter and from Fred things in her family had been awkward. However, she and Fred weren’t on bad terms, they were great friends, still business partners, and their fall out was mostly for their family, and Daphne’s parents’ shame at her for running out of the church. Wedding gown and all.
She found she was much happier in her tentative relationship with her best friend, Shaggy. A shock to her, believe her, it was a hell of a revelation to realize she was in love with Shaggy.
“Hm… there’s a mystery,” Daphne said as she stopped her musings seeing an email from Fred and Velma; they were both in Boston and apparently it had been heard by them of a large group of missing kids in New Mexico, particularly from a small towns on the Navajo Reservation.
“An omelet for you, and a feast for me!” Shaggy cackled.
“I think we’re going to be meeting up with Fred and Velma in Albuquerque, they found us a case.” Daphne mused absently as she took a bite of Shaggy’s cooking. His particular meta ability had him and Scooby always hungry, the amounts of food they could eat had her envious, because she couldn’t do that. And he was still thin as a rail. She envied him.
Shaggy’s meta ability was speed, and a super high metabolism. He wasn’t a speedster like the flash, but even she knew he was faster than the average human, and as she and the gang had learned the hard way: his eating rate was not to be messed with. The doctor; a Caitlyn Snow, had said that it would be fatal for him if he didn’t eat so much, that’d he’d pass out. Of course S.T.A.R. Labs had done specialized searches for meta ability and the meta gene, it’d been break through science that her sister; Daisy had leapt into saving Shaggy when Daphne had been nearly breaking down. Switching Daisy’s specialty from pediatrics to gene therapy.
“WHAT!?” he sputtered, nearly dropping his bite of food.
“No monsters,” she promised. “There’s a large portion of missing kids, no one’s investigating it, according to an Alice Roth, who emailed Fred about this.”
“Oh, good,” Shaggy breathed, then he tensed up. “No, sorry, I mean, not good, like it’s a shame for the kids, but… zoinks,” he groaned. Daphne completely got it, the curse of the mummy horrors were still heavy on all them. And Omar’s use of the ancient magic had been ingenius, but putting Omar and Velma together to scare people… well, Daphne got why she, Shaggy, and Scooby were on hiatus in their home town in Maine; where NO Monsters were.
“No, I get what you’re saying, I think we’ve had enough weirdness, for the year,” she agreed. The news showed the Justice League bringing in the Legion of Doom for their trial.
“Yummy!” Scooby hummed, devouring his food.
“Oh, Thorn, Dusk and Luna wanted to thank us for saving their New York show,” Daphne said. Shaggy and she chatted about a few trivial things as she looked over the case information.
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raeseddon · 8 years
Obligatory Get to Know the Blogger Post
Nickname: Rae Star Sign: Taurus Height: 5'0" -- smol and loving it. Time right now: 9:41 am Last thing i googled: How to root my fucking phone. Fave music artist: Skinny Lister Song stuck in my head: Not sure of the title, but it was from the last fandom vid I watched. Last movie I watched: Rogue One Last tv show watched: Death in Paradise. (Christ I love Ben Miller...) What are you wearing right now: pajamas pants and a ratty star trek t-shirt When did you create your blog: Oh my god I don't even remember, it feels like I've been here forever. What kind of stuff do I post: A random assortment of fandom crap, some fic when I'm motivated enough to finish it, personal rambling, a shit-ton of meta/ critical analysis, and some political stuff. I vascillate between fandoms all the time. Currently there's been a fair bit of Dirk Gently, but I'll usually go back to my older anime and sci-fi fandoms on a pretty regular basis. IDW is my happy place so when I get caught up there's going to be a small burst of Ghostbusters and BttF. I follow all of two webcomics, Stand Still, Stay Silent and Paranatural. There's a fair bit of commentary on education and literature, as both are things I'm immensely passionate about. I trip and fall into "fandom holes" all the time, some of which I manage to climb my way out of, some I settle in and make a nest in because I've given up even pretending to try. I am and forever will be Pokemon and Digimon trash. Don't ask me about my AU's or crossovers unless you want to be here forever. Do I have any other blogs: Just a few defunct RP blogs from when Generator Reset was still a tumblr RP. Why did i choose my url: Rae Seddon is the name of my favorite character in my third favorite Robin McKinley novel. Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw Pokemon team: Mystic, but by god if they ever make Rocket an option I would switch sides in a fucking heartbeat. Favorite color: Purples, almost all cool tones and neutrals. Average hours of sleep: I'm an insomniac there is no such thing. Favorite character(s): This is like asking me to pick favorite children and I hate answering it whenever it comes up. I will limit this to favorite characters out of the things I watched most recently: the entire cast of Dirk Gently. Everyone. Team Rocket, Ash, Cilan, Iris. Richard Poole and Camille Bordey. The entire main cast of Rogue One, Conner Temple, Abby Maitland and Hilary Becker. (AKA: the OT3 hell I tripped back into most recently.) The entire cast of Blake's 7. Everyone in every crack ship Dhizzle and I created. How many blankets do i sleep with: One. Dream job: Hobbit. Go ahead, ask me if I'm kidding. Following: Don't keep track Followers: See above Tagging: Have at, whoever!
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pangeanews · 6 years
David Jones è il poeta epico più grande del ’900, parola di W. H. Auden. Eppure, chi lo conosce?
È andata così, in modo del tutto casuale. Stavo leggendo un libro di Norman O. Brown, s’intitola Apocalisse e/o Metamorfosi lo ha pubblicato l’editore Irradiazioni dieci anni fa, è di vertiginosa bellezza. A un certo punto viene citato un poeta. David Jones. Non lo conosco. Norman O. Brown parla spesso di filosofi, ma nei suoi scritti, di solito, trae filosofia dai poeti. I suoi maestri sono William Blake e Rilke, Thomas S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Petrarca, Wallace Stevens, Robert Frost, Coleridge. E David Jones. Faccio una gita nella mia testa – di solito abito altrove. David Jones. Chi cavolo è David Jones?
David Jones, rullo di tamburi, è uno dei grandi poeti inglesi del Novecento. Quando, nel 1937, dopo aver pubblicato la prima grande opera, In Parenthesis, David Jones ottenne l’Hawthornden Prize – vinto, tra gli altri, da Robert Graves, Evelyn Waugh, V.S. Naipaul e Bruce Chatwin – fu William B. Yeats a fare gli onori, “mi inchino e dico: ‘Salute all’autore di In Parenthesis”. Wystan H. Auden, poco propenso agli inchini, scrisse che Jones “è il massimo autore epico di questo secolo”, Thomas S. Eliot rimarcò, “Quando In Parenthesis sarà conosciuto in modo abbastanza largo sarà sottoposto senza dubbio allo stesso tipo di analisi minuziosa e di esegesi toccato alle ultime opere di James Joyce e ai Cantos di Ezra Pound”.
Di genia gallese, artista di genio, incisore, illustratore – alla Tate potete leggere il suo profilo – nel 1928 David Jones comincia a scrivere In Parenthesis, poema modernista sulla Prima guerra. Thomas S. Eliot, che ha fiuto, fiuta odore di grande opera. Nel settembre del 1936 il poeta scrive alla Faber che quel poema “affatto affascinante” va “preso in seria considerazione” per la pubblicazione. Il libro, in effetti, viene pubblicato. “Questo libro è una epopea, questo libro è uno dei più strani dei più cupi e dei più eccitanti che ci sia capitato di pubblicare”, è inciso nella ‘quarta’ della prima edizione di In Parenthesis. Il libro, francamente inatteso e inclassificabile, seduce un po’ tutti. Anche Dylan Thomas. Che nel 1946 realizza per la BBC una lettura di In Parenthesis.
In previsione del centenario dalla fine della Grande Guerra, nel 2016, il Royal Opera House ha messo in scena l’opera di Iain Bell tratta da In Parenthesis di David Jones, ritenuto uno dei reperti letterari più importanti di quel tempo bronzeo e terribile. Quest’anno Mondadori, grazie a Fabio Pedone, ha tradotto il poema come Tra parentesi: è il primo grande testo di David Jones – che è morto nel 1974 – pubblicato come si deve. Il libro, tra ritmo jazz e ballata attorno al fuoco, mescola materiali alti e remoti – i miti gallesi, l’epica medioevale – a effetti gergali, grevi. “Alcuni di voi sono nati con la camicia/ scelti fortunati e privilegiati/ dalla razza di quelli salvati dal fuoco/ e il tesoro mio dal corno d’unicorno con solo un momento ancora, la cui balia girava l’occhio superstizioso per vedere la sua costellazione fausta da dietro i vetri”. Tra parentesi mi pare l’evento editoriale dell’anno. Non mi pare si siano strappati le vesti, quelli delle ‘terze’.
C’è, però, un però. Anzi, due. Il primo è un’opera. Il secondo è una manfrina politica. Il primo ha un nome: The Anathemata. Il poema più grande e difficile di David Jones, pubblicato nel 1952 da Faber, giudicato da Auden “probabilmente il più raffinato poema inglese scritto in questo secolo” – e lui ne sapeva qualcosa, leggetevi L’età dell’ansia di W.H., anzi no, non si trova più in libreria, ovvio… Perché nessuno si è preso la briga di pubblicarlo? Troppo difficile. Vero. Lo scriveva anche il Telegraph parecchi anni fa – era il 2002, impugna la penna Michael Symmons, il pezzo s’intitola Poetry’s invisible genius. “The Anathemata fa di David Jones, insieme a James Joyce, Ezra Pound e Eliot il maestro del modernismo. Quando Igor Stravinsky fece la sua ultima visita in Inghilterra disse di essere venuto fin qui soprattutto per omaggiare David Jones. Tra molti poeti egli è riconosciuto come un genio del XX secolo. Eppure, perché è così poco famoso rispetto alla grandezza della sua opera?”. Già. Perché? I Cantos e Finnegans Wake, per dire, opere ardue, impossibili, a tratti illeggibili, in Italia sono tradotte. David Jones manca.
David Jones, carattere schivo, va detto – “Forse eccentrico, sicuramente difficile, Jones visse ritirato nell’ultima parte della sua esistenza, in ristrettezze, ma non – come si è creduto – isolato; continuava a incontrare giovani lettori; sopravvivono i suoi carteggi con amici scrittori e artisti”, scrive Pedone – si converte al cattolicesimo nel 1922; The Anathemata, sinteticamente, è una specie di visione plurima accaduta a un uomo durante la Messa. “Jones non guadagnò mai abbastanza da potersi permettere una vita diversa dalla frugalità a cui lo avevano costretto i lunghi anni di privazione dopo la scomparsa dei genitori. Viveva in una piccola stanza in affitto e, per tirare a campare, più volte dovette appellarsi alla generosità degli amici. Il cappotto sdrucito che indossava per tutto l’anno, indipendentemente dalla stagione e dalla temperatura, era l’eloquente riflesso di una povertà vissuta con estrema serenità e gaiezza, lontana dagli eccessi rancorosi di un Baron Corvo. Prima di morire, si schierò con quei cattolici inglesi – e furono molti – ostili alle riforme promosse dal Concilio Vaticano II”, scrive Luca Fumagalli, tra i pochi a essersi occupati di Jones in Italia. Nel 1971 c’è anche il suo nome – tra quelli di Agatha Christie e Vladimir Askenazi, di Cecil Day Lewis e Robert Graves, di Graham Greene e di Iris Murdoch – nella lista di scrittori e intellettuali inglesi che chiesero – e ottennero – da papa Paolo VI la possibilità di celebrare messa ‘alla tridentina’ in UK e Galles.
Il poeta cattolico per giunta ‘difficile’ per altro poco simpatico, dà fastidio? Forse. Intanto, festeggiamo la prima pubblicazione italiana – senza testo a fronte, però – e peroriamo la causa di The Anathemata pubblicando parte di un lungo saggio scritto da W.H. Auden sul The New York Review of Books. Titolo originale: Adam as a Welshman. Era il primo febbraio del 1963, per la cronaca. (d.b.)
Anathemata può essere descritto come l’epopea di due Adamo. Forse può essere utile al lettore, per approcciare quello che è decisamente un poema difficile, immaginare, mentre legge, che è seduto sui banchi di una chiesa cattolica, mentre si celebra Messa. Ciò che accade sull’altare inaugura un treno di pensieri e di memorie, la mente si dimentica dove è, finché un suono o la vista di qualcosa non la richiama alla coscienza, poi inizia un nuovo percorso del pensiero, e così via. Ciò che il prete fa a metà del XX secolo – e lo fa ogni giorno, esattamente allo stesso modo, da molti secoli, ed è sempre stato fatto così – è l’anamnesi di qualcosa che è accaduto una volta, e non accadrà più…
La difficoltà della traduzione implicita in ogni comunicazione personale, soprattutto nella poesia, si manifesta in modo insolitamente forte in Anathemata. Sarebbe interessante fare un confronto tra David Jones e Saint-John Perse, le cui poesie sono anch’esse epiche in riferimento al Primo Adamo (ma non al Secondo). Se il lettore ha padronanza con la lingua francese, Saint-John Perse gli sembrerà più facile perché non usa nomi propri. Particolarità e concretezza ci sono, ma si tratta sostanzialmente di azioni e funzioni; si pensi ai cataloghi che elencano le curiose occupazioni degli uomini, sotto la dizione “colui che”. Queste azioni non avvengono in nessun luogo o tempo particolari: l’universo poetico di Saint-John Perse è privo di calendari o di atlanti. Nell’universo di David Jones, invece, nomi propri, calendari e atlanti sono i caratteri più appariscenti e dobbiamo ammettere che le note copiose fornite dal poeta sono necessarie per comprendere pienamente la sua poesia. Io stesso ho letto molte volte questo poema, da quando è apparso la prima volta, dieci anni fa, e ci sono alcuni passaggi che non ho ancora compreso. Eppure, l’immagine di umanità proposta da Saint-John Perse è necessariamente, perché aliena allo spazio e al tempo, priva di senso e di motivazioni davvero umane; il suo Adamo non ha storia, ma è proprio la storia di Adamo a interessare David Jones. L’Adamo di Anathemata è un uomo abbastanza vecchio da aver combattuto la Prima guerra mondiale, un convertito al cattolicesimo, interessato alle arti (Jones è pittore e scrittore), all’archeologia, alla mitologia, alla liturgia, a cui il piccolo Malory e il Mabinogion evidentemente parlano, e sulla cui scrittura ha chiara influenza James Joyce… Certamente nessun lettore potrà penetrare l’‘ora presente’ di Jones se non dopo grandi problemi e molte riletture di Anathemata, e se qualcuno dice, “Mi spiace, David Jones mi chiede troppo, non ho né tempo né pazienza da dedicare a questo poema”, io non ho argomenti per convincerlo del contrario. Posso soltanto far parlare la mia esperienza personale: ho trovato il tempo, e sono infinitamente grato ai problemi che Anathemata mi ha posto.
Wystan H. Auden
L'articolo David Jones è il poeta epico più grande del ’900, parola di W. H. Auden. Eppure, chi lo conosce? proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2SV5jRe
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buckaroobuck · 2 years
Ok either Iris was actually abducted (in which case something feels off somehow) or this is a “we won’t let the schizophrenic character be happy and ok” plotline (in which case fuck you very much)
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blogentupantalla · 7 years
Flash tiene su propia serie, y también es una muy buena serie. Aquí os hablamos del Blu-ray de la tercera temporada.
Muchas veces, muchos de vosotros nos preguntáis si merece la pena o no comprarse series en formato doméstico. La verdad es que es toda una decisión comenzar a comprarse una serie que no sabes cuando terminará o si la editarán hasta el final, pero hay casos en los que merece mucho la pena. ‘The Flash’ es una de esas series que agradecerás tener en Blu-ray, por sus extras. Ahora tenéis la oportunidad de ver la temporada en todo su esplendor. ¿Vais a haceros con esta edición?
En este post os hablaremos sobre la edición en Blu-ray, y al final de esta entrada encontraréis un pequeño reportaje fotográfico. ¿Preparados?
La temporada tres comienza con nuestro héro, Barry Allen, The Flash, viviendo su soñada vida. Sus padres están vivos. Él se está viendo con la guapa e inteligente Iris West. Y es capaz de quedarse a un lado y permitirle al nuevo Kid Flash encargarse de la protección de Star City. Pero cuanto mejor se hace la vida de Barry, también aumenta el peligro. Su peor enemigo, Reverse Flash, advierte a Barry de serias repercusiones si se mantiene en el Universo Flashpoint: además de pérdida de memoria, sus poderes desaparecerán. Cuando llega el desastre, Barry debe decidir si seguir con su vida como Barry Allen o volver como The Flash. Mientras Barry lucha con su crisis de identidad, el equipo de Star LABS lucha contra grandes amenazas.
[amazon_link asins=’B074BQ85NX,B074BV39Y8,B01KWA4IC8,B014RFXYWO,B01KWA4IAK’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’zondeser-21′ marketplace=’ES’ link_id=’aef9bf60-bfdd-11e7-b822-81e40deb19b4′]
La presentación es un tanto simple. Hace ya tiempo que las series dejaron de editarse de manera bonita – excepto algunas excepciones – y se limitaron a sacarlas lo más simple posibles. Una caja amaray azul típica del formato Blu-ray, con los cuatro discos en su interior. Este año el precio por temporada se ha visto reducido, por lo que esto es una muy buena noticia. Impreso en el interior nos encontramos la guía de episodios y extras.
Los episodios están divididos en cuatro discos de la siguiente manera:
Disco 1 3×01 – Flashpoint 3×02 – Paradoja 3×03 – Magenta 3×04 – Los nuevos renegados 3×05 – Monstruo 3×06 – Shade
Disco 2 3×07 – Killer Frost 3×08 – ¡Invasión! 3×09 – El regalo 3×10 – Problemas del futuro 3×11 – Vivo o muerto 3×12 – Intocable
  Disco 3 3×13 – Ataque contra Gorilla City 3×14 – Ataque contra Central City 3×15 – La ira de Savitar 3×16 – Entrando en la fuerza veloz 3×17 – Dueto 3×18 – Abra Kadabra
Disco 4 3×19 – El Flash del futuro 3×20 – Sé quien eres 3×21 – Causa y efecto 3×22 – En la línea de meta 3×23 – En la línea de meta
La serie está rodada en 2K, hoy en día todo se emite en HD y aunque las series, y películas, no se finalizan en 4K, siempre se intenta dejar un material de máxima calidad para el formato físico.  Nos llega presentada en 1080p, con aspecto 1.78:1. ¿Qué significa 1.78:1? Pues es el aspect ratio, es decir, la proporción entre su ancho y su altura en pantalla. En esta ocasión, el aspect ratio nos indica que la serie la veremos a pantalla completa.
En algunas webs se ha marcada una calidad bastante justita en el apartado de la imagen. Aunque no nos encontramos frente a un Blu-ray de referencia, si se puede decir que la calidad es más que correcta. No nos encontramos frente a una serie que cuide la fotografía en exceso, ni tampoco que requiera una hipernitidez para ver los detalles. La imagen es buena, sin fallos en la compresión, y que nos permiten disfrutar de la serie sin ningún problema. Y lo más importante, mejora al Dvd en todos los aspectos. Esto es HD.
En el apartado sonoro nos encontramos con una pista DTS-HD Master 5.1 en V.O. en Inglés y una pista Dolby 2.0 en Castellano. El audio en la versión doblada es bastante justito, pero la versión original es fantástica. La edición tiene subtítulos en castellano.
El pack cuenta con un buen puñado de extras, y la gran mayoria están dedicados a dos de los crossovers que tiene esta serie con el resto de series de DC (CW):
Escenas eliminadas. Tenemos escenas eliminadas en los siguientes episodios: 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 20 y 23.
Tomas Falsas (4min) Un pequeño clip con meteduras de pata y risas del cast durante la grabación de la serie.
Escuela de Villanos: The Flash Rogues. (8min) En este pequeño clip nos encontramos un vistazo a los villanos introducidos en esta tercera temporada de la serie.
Aliado: ¡La invasión! Complejo (The Flash). (10min) Un pequeño clip en el que se nos muestra un corto making of del crossover entre las series de DC, ‘Arrow’, ‘Supergirl’, ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ y ‘The Flash’.
Amanecer de Gorilla City. (9min) Un vistazo al doble episodio dedicado al gorila Grodd. Es uno de los episodios con más efectos especiales hasta la fecha. Decenas de gorilas y un coliseo enteramente producido con efectos especiales.
The Flash: Golpeando la nota rápida. (4min) Otro de los episodios especiales de esta temporada de ‘The Flash’ fue el crossover musical junto a la serie ‘Supergirl’. 
The Flash: Soy tu Superamigo. (3min) Un vistazo al número musical del episodio crossover con ‘Supergirl’ titulado ‘Soy tu Superamigo’.
Armonía en un Flash. (16min) Conocemos a Blake Neely, compositor del episodio crossover musical.
Sincronización en un Flash. (21min) Otro pequeño clip dedicado al episodio musical, esta vez viendo al compositor y a su trabajo con la orquesta.
The Flash: Mesa redonda de la Comic-Con 2016. (30min) Cada año se celebra la Comic-Con de San Diego, y cada año decenas de series hacen acto de presencia para celebrar unos paneles junto a miles de fans.
Un flash en el tiempo: Viaje en el tiempo en el Universo Flash (22min) En este clip acompañamos a los guionistas y nos cuentan un poco sobre la adaptación de Flashpoint, que ha sido parte fundamental de esta temporada.
Una conversación con Andrew Kreisberg y Kevin Smith. (4min) En este clip tenemos a Join Kriesberg y el director Kevin Smith.
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The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
The Flash Temporada 3 en Blu-ray
#ANÁLISIS | #TheFlash: Temporada 3, un vistazo al Blu-ray. @FOXHomeSpain Flash tiene su propia serie, y también es una muy buena serie. Aquí os hablamos del Blu-ray de la tercera temporada.
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flickdirect · 7 years
Probably the best family oriented superhero television show on the air has captivated a new generation of DC Comic followers and has regenerated interest with the older generations. Grabbing our attention at lightning speed with great storylines, a lighthearted romance that can be appreciated by all ages, as well as family values, Warner Bros. and DC Comics has brought prime time alive again with The Flash, even when there are unforeseen consequences that we regret.
Grant Gustin (Glee) is the Flash/Barry Allen. For the past three seasons, he has captivated audiences with his portrayal of Barry Allen a.k.a. The Flash. His boyish good looks and his seeming innocence penetrate even The Flash. Always wanting to help and do the right thing sometimes backfires for Barry, as we see Season Three start. The Flash runs backward through time to save his mother and father and have a life with them- that really doesn't exist- except in what will be known as Flashpoint. What Barry doesn't realize is that not only will he change the future for him- he will forever change the future of his friends when he finally realizes that he must step out of Flashpoint and re-enter reality.
Changing the future creates many new memories. Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale; Insurgent) becomes Kid Flash and is always off to prove that he can handle exactly what The Flash can handle- and better- except when he can't- and then when he can. Candice Patton (The Game) plays Iris- Barry's love interest and instead of remembering the love they shared and their first (and second kiss), Barry has to woo Iris all over again. Carlos Valdes plays Cisco Ramirez, who, before Flashpoint was Barry Allen's best friend, but losing his older brother and finding out during the season that it was due to Flashpoint, puts a serious wedge in their friendship. And, of course, Tom Cavanagh (Yogi Bear) who plays several characters- Eobard Thwane, Reverse Flash, Harry, and of course, this season's favorite rendition- H.R. is absolutely fantastic as we see the development of his character from musician-idea man into a savior of the team, who makes the ultimate sacrifice, putting others before his own happiness.
Besides changing the future for his friends, Barry Allen also brings a new coworker to the front- Julian Doran, another forensics genius that appears to be Barry's superior. Julian is played by the talented Tom Felton (Harry Potter franchise) and brings a new dynamic to The Flash, as well as the team since all he wants to do is bring the Metas down. At first, Barry and Julian clash at every twist and turn and we find out that Julian is almost a bad guy- but a forgivable one. He falls in love with Caitlyn/Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker; Time Lapse) and when he realizes that she is a Meta, he sees things in a different light. While Julian is obsessed with "curing" Killer Frost to get his Caitlyn back, Caitlyn has been struggling with her Meta abilities throughout the season and her internal struggle does color the season quite a bit. Not only does the team have to fight the villains, they also now must fight their friend.
New villains are introduced and I like that they each have a part to play in the cohesiveness of the season. Alchemy and Savitar are the focus of the season with some other minor villains thrown in to sweeten the pot. Trying to stop Savitar throughout the season, and find out who he really is, is the ultimate theme of the last half of the season- and when he is revealed it is a shocker- not only to the viewers but to Flash's team. Despite the adversities that Flash/Barry Allen faces throughout the season, it seems as if he will get his happy ending - until he doesn't. It's a thrilling ride and one that can be followed by the young and the young at heart without any confusion. Season Three answers many questions but also leaves us with many questions that hopefully will be answered soon into Season Four.
I don't want to fail to mention the crossover events that Warner Bros. and DC Comics present. Stephen Amell (Arrow) brings his character into The Flash, as well as Supergirl (Melissa Benoist). While I have to say that the musical episode Duet was interesting and beautifully done, it just seemed out of place in the big scheme of things. The episode did provide a basis for love and a reason for Supergirl and Flash to fight for everything, and if that was the sole purpose, then it makes sense.
Warner Bros. gives us season three of The Flash in 1080p High Definition widescreen 16x9 with an aspect ratio of 1.78:1. The blacks are inky and colors pop. I love the special effects of the speed force with the blues and almost whispers of silver peeking out. The colors of the costumes work with each other- Flash's deep burgundy/red works with the muted yellow of Kid Flash's costume. The white/silver of Killer Frost's outfit and hair really emulate the personality of the character. While sometimes the day scenes seem a bit artificial, the night scenes are deep in color and provide a good background for everything that happens at night.
The audio is presented in DTS-HD 5.1 Dolby Digital. Sound effects are pleasing and not overpowering. Background noises do not interfere with the dialogue. Even when Barry whispers to Iris and H.R hums when thinking of an impossible idea, you can hear the verbiage without strain. The DTS-HD 5.1 Dolby Digital is a full, luscious sound for this television show, highlighting both the deep resonance of music and sound effects, as well as the crisper dialogue.
The Complete Third Season Blu-ray is replete with bonus features that every fan will love and every newcomer will eat up. Bonus features are provided on each disc.
Disc 1
Deleted Scene Episode 4
Villain School: The Flash Rogues- Learn about the bad guys in Season 3
Disc 2
Deleted Scenes Episodes 8, 9, 10
Allied: The Invasion Complex (The Flash): Crossover event explained.
Disc 3
Deleted Scenes Episodes 15, 17
Rise of Gorilla City: See the artists' visions for Gorilla City
The Flash: I'm Your Super Friend: Musical tribute
Harmony in a Flash: Join Composer Blake Neely's as we travel with him arranging Duet's score
Synchronicity in a Flash: Neely and the live orchestra work on Duet.
Disc 4
Deleted Scenes Episode 23
The Flash: 2016 Comic-Con Panel
A Flash In Time: Time Travel in the Flash Universe: Flashpoint basics take us from the comic books beginnings to the consequences of time travel
A Conversation with Andrew Kreisberg and Kevin Smith: Interviews with the Directors from The Flash and Supergirl
Gag Reel
The Flash is probably one of the best television shows today. The writers bring you into the story and you feel invested as to what happens. The actors seem like a real team and their problems and achievements become yours. The bonus and special features provided on the disc are wonderful and only add to the classic story of love, perseverance, and sacrifice throughout this season. The Flash: The Complete Third Season is a must have in your collection. Run to the store when it comes out because you never know- it could be gone in a flash.
Grade: A
About Jennifer Broderick A graduate of The George Washington University and Nova Southeastern Law School Jennifer Fischer Broderick’s fascination with the movie world started when she first saw Snow White on the big screen as a young child. When the producers of the movie Annie held auditions in NYC, Jennifer stood on line in the cold to try out for a part and actually made it past the first few try-outs. A vivacious reader, she is fascinated watching books and stories brought to life on the big screen. Jennifer has passed her love of movies onto her children and they are often found planning their weekends around opening premieres.
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