#longan dragon cookie x snake fruit cookie
Forbidden Glances (Commission)
(This is a commission for my friend @mumble-jumble-gallery
Another short stare towards their right-hand servant before gazing back at their work on the throne, they struggled to admit their feelings towards the future traitor. The thumping in their chest starting to get annoying as they tried to hold these feelings down, feelings towards their snake. It angered them, it amused them, it brought them joy as much as it brought them shame. They shouldn’t be feeling such for a servant let alone one that planned to betray them yet here they are. So deeply in love with Snake fruit Cookie, so intrigued by it. And yet they continue to harm it.
Yet in turn Snake fruit harms them too, physically and emotionally. There were times where it had the audacity to bite or swipe at them. When that mask of theirs falls.
They want it so desperately but they can’t! They are a dragon and it’s nothing more than a sniveling snake, they could never be with such a lesser creature. They can’t love them; they don’t love that snake! That snake they continue to stare at day In and day out. Slight bubbles of jealousy when they interact with the other servants. They felt possessiveness grow in their body with each passing day.
“Oh massster, you know I would NEVER betray your trussst in me~.” They’d say with that sly infuriatingly cute tone of theirs.
Could they call Snake fruit their favorite servant? One would expect a master’s right-hand to be their favorite, correct? Diligent, hard-working, loyal, obedient, and follows everything told with the upmost speed and timing. But what if that “favorite” wants to betray you? Stab you in the back like claws into prey… Such an interesting yet meaningless question, the snake will fall to their power easily. They cannot be bested by their own servant, that impossible and utterly shameful upon a dragon’s pride.
But at the same time, the thought of that snake topping them at their own game was amusing and…no! No! No! No! Stop thinking like that!
“Massster, you’ve been ssstaring at me an awful lot lately~.” They mentioned.
“Think nothing of it snake, I am merely making sure you’re doing your job.” They replied with cold indifference.
How badly they wanted to make them shut up, forcefully, not with words, however. They’d stalk Snake fruit through the halls and watch them ever so closely. Lychee Dragon would joke about their “obvious affections.” That little sibling of theirs, perhaps they enabled them too much.
One thing that passed their all-seeing eyes was how their servant looked at them too, how Snake fruit viewed them. The snake HATES their master with a burning passion yet loves them with the same amount of burning brightness. They didn’t understand why, but every time they tried to bite, they loved how their master would punish them for such insolence. It was such a thing so close their heart, hatred and love circling each other for the one they wanted to back stab more than ever before. For the one they wanted to hurt back, for the one they wanted to prove superiority over.
Thump, thump, thump, thump.
Their heart beating fast against their chest as they prepared dinner for the master, tempted to slip in poison but that didn’t work last time. They walked down the hallway to the master’s chambers, on their way however they were suddenly pulled behind one of the golden curtains.
“Wha-?!” They yelped, prepared to bite only to be shushed by their master. The plate clattered to the floor.
“Hush snake.” They hissed, that cold look gaining a strange aura.
Snake fruit remained silent as told, Longan looked them up and down, taking in their features. These features that crave so much.
“You really are something else, making me question myself and what I want. Daring to poison and bite me, how foolishly brave of you.” They commented, hand moving to hold their cheek.
Snake fruit’s cheeks flushed a bit as they did that, letting out a nervous hiss.
“Y-You’re ssstaring at me again massster.”
“You believe me to care about that? No, I do not.” Their thumb rubbed their cheek.
Snake fruit couldn’t believe it as a smile crossed Longan’s face, a scary smile indeed but one that made their heart pump faster and faster. The master couldn’t seem to hold themselves back anymore as Longan pressed a kiss against Snake fruit’s lips.
“Mmm! Mm! Mmm…mm.” They were surprised at first but quickly eased into the kiss.
Longan slightly kneeled to pull Snake fruit closer while their servant onto them, Longan using their tail to hold the curtain as a shield around the two. It’s just the two of them in this moment and both of them loved it, pressing deeper against each other. They briefly separated to breathe before kissing each other again. Snake fruit bent backwards slightly from the force their master was putting in, they would’ve fallen to the ground had they not maintained balance.
Longan had to restrain from digging their claws into the Snake and pulled back, panting. Snake fruit too was catching their breath.
“I…massster?” They tried to speak, flustered.
“Oh look at that…you dropped my dinner, go…make it again snake.” They said, trying to keep an indifferent tone. Trying.
“Yesss, of courssse, right away.” Snake fruit replied, wandering back to the kitchen.
Longan turned and started the trek back to their chambers; they couldn’t believe they lost themselves in their emotions so easily. They just kissed the snake and so passionately too. They were disgusted with themselves! And now there’s a mess on the floor!
But even still with all those thoughts, Longan licked their lips.
The dragon lord sat on their throne in the new world, alone. Snake fruit betrayed them as they knew they would do, but…why did it hurt? It didn’t hurt them before, but what seemed to hurt worse was that Snake fruit is now working for Lotus. They knew they said they never wanted to see Snake fruit again but…it was a lie. A foul lie they now regret. Longan grit their teeth tight as tears welled up, jealousy towards their sibling and anger at themselves. The dragon lord gripped their arm rests so tightly that it cracked.
Longan could only roar in anguish.
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
hi! can I get some parent longan dragon cookie with child reader hcs? thanks
Cries and sobs ilysm thank you for this request
I want Longan to be my parent ngl. Longan and Captain Ice can be my parents iwndeubdj
I’m kinda doing an adopted child that’s a cookie because that fits with Longan and idk adoption yay
When I was writing this my mind was like- can dragons in cookie run even have biological children? Because we have the main 5, but you would think there’d be more if they physically could reproduce, since they’re immortal. Or maybe there is more and we haven’t met them yet, or they can reproduce but just don’t feel any type of need to. Why am I thinking so hard about this it’s a literal game oh well.
Also I now have a hundred followers :0! That’s awesome dudes, thank you to everyone who has followed me jandiwjfi. I’m working on an event for the hundred followers soon, but I’m going to work on a few requests beforehand!
Parental Longan Dragon x reader
~| Longan Dragon is not loving. Not in the slightest, we all know this. They are absolutely horrible with emotions, and tend to hide the ones they do have behind their death glare.
~| Longan had seen plenty of children from a far before, being immortal and probably alive since the dawn of creation, but never had they interacted with one up close. They had never really had the need to have their own child, they thought children to be nuisances and didn’t need to reproduce.
~| So when a small cookie came into their possession, most likely through wandering in their palace or an offering, they didn’t really know what to do with it. ‘It’ was all Longan thought of you as, at first. Not even a living being, just something that moved and liked to nibble on things.
~| Longan would soon accept the fact they now had a child running around their palace. They thought it would be amusing enough to entertain them for a decade or so.
~| They aren’t familiar with parenting at all, and when they figured out they actually had to take care of you to keep you alive (icky, dragons don’t need to be taken care of) they were confused on how to do so. So they passed you off to a very flustered Snake Fruit for a day or so and just sat in their room, sending their eyes to spy on actual parents, where the all-knowing dragon actually learned something knew- how to parent.
~| They still suck ass at parenting. Even though they spy on others on a regular basis to learn what they need to do to keep you alive, they aren’t experienced in it nor good at showing emotions.
~| Longan Dragon did find themself growing very attached to you- your movements intrigued them from a young age, and they always wondered (after they established you actually had a brain) if you even knew what you were doing.
~| They have Snake Fruit help them deal with you on a regular basis, sometimes they just have the snake babysit you for an hour or two, to give themself some peace for a bit. Snake Fruit isn’t good at parenting either, but they’re better than Longan, so at least that’s something.
~| It’s easier for Longan to blow up the entire universe than to be a good parent, but they try their best. They manage to feed you at least two meals a day and shove a water bottle in your face every day.
~| Longan isn’t into any type of touch affection at first, but they will warm up to you after a while. They aren’t comfortable with big touching, like hugs, and will push you away, but small things are alright with them. They like to hold your hand or have you on their knee. Occasionally they’ll let you ride on their shoulders in cookie form, or on their back in dragon form. You always have their horn-stair rail things to grab onto if you end up falling lol.
~| Longan is typically very relaxed with you when they’re the only one in your company (they’re good with Snake Fruit as well), but they get very protective over you if you’re around others. Longan switches up their demeanor very quickly when someone other than you or Snake Fruit comes around, they’re a lot stricter with you and speak much more eloquently, but when they’re gone, the dragon will grant you freedom.
~| Longan will spend quality time with you, mostly just them watching you while you do things, but they’re there, at least. They enjoy it when they’re ready a book to you and you fall asleep beside them or in their lap. They find it oddly endearing, and your silence in sleep is quite adorable to them.
~| They will always read you books if you ask them, but they won’t read child books at all. They will actually read you high level college material, but they will read you some fiction books if you ask- as long as they get to pick the books. Their favorite fiction books to read are about dragons, though they tend to not like the endings, where the dragon typically either fails or straight up gets murdered by the knight. They have rewritten multiple books to where the dragon wins in the end just because they can.
~| Longan is not very good at comforting. If you ever have a bad dream or just need to cry and you go to them, they’ll just be like “oh.” and pat your head. The only time they’ll allow you to hug them is when you’re crying, and they will drape their arm over your back in return. They have had multiple nightmares themself, most of them about you going missing or them watching you die (which will probably happen eventually, if you aren’t immortal and they don’t have some ability to make you immortal or something). You can usually tell the day after they have a nightmare, as they stick around you for a few weeks and are much more protective of you than usual.
~| They’re the type of parent that will, when you do something wrong, say “I’m not angry, just disappointed.” and I will not be convinced otherwise.
~| Longan gives you a lot of big white clothing that tends to match their aesthetic. They like when you’re matching with them, as it shows anyone who may see you who your parent is.
~| Longan doesn’t care what you call them. You could call them Mama, Papa, Baba, or just Longan, they’ll respond to anything. Some of their favorites, though, are Lolo (short and double for Longan) and Iv/Ivy (short for Ivory).
~| Longan will actually do public things with you! They may not allow you to touch them, but they will go shopping, to the theatre, have a restaurant meal, etc with you. They won’t do these things too often, but they will do something with you every few weeks or so.
~| A lot of cookies are surprised when finding out who your parent is, and some may not associate with you anymore because of either fear or hatred. Either way, Longan is peaceful towards anyone who you have declared your friend, and you always have them and Snake Fruit around.
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vxlentinescookies · 4 months
HII tysm for making my request 😭😭
Could you make some headcanons of some parent-child relationship Longan x reader *BUT* reader is like pond dino, what would he do as a parent in the HYPOTHETICAL reason they didn’t kill them ?? (*'▽'*)
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→ ❛Sapling❜
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→ Pairing ; Longan Dragon Cookie & Reader → Quote ; N/A → Genre ; Headcanons → A/N ; Here you go! Also, im glad you liked the request i did for you!
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The dragon was no parent, in no way were they fit to welcome in children to their palace, so tell me why, why did they welcome you under their wing after almost turning you into stone?
Its an odd occurrence, at first they were about to turn you into stone, leave you as a statue and dont care about it the next day.
But when you clung to their silk attire, there was something that shifted on their mind, and for once, they questioned why they’d turn you into stone?
I guess in their mind they thought that, since you were so moldable, there may be a chance at taking you in and shaping you in the way they wanted.
Very well, you’ve been granted the right to live (in Longan’s mind), what now?
Taking care of such a young cookie is not a task Longan takes care of, instead, passing it onto their subjects such as Snake Fruit Cookie, they’ll take care of you better than Longan ever could, so the relationship you grow to have with them is merely one sided.
Grow to love or hate them, Longan dosent care, as long as you dont try to overthrow them, they’re indifferent.
They will, however, try to raise you under their ideals, so its very probable you’ll grow to hate cookies as much as they do.
You’ll be trained in every way possible, thats their wishes, and you will need to abide to them.
But for now, enjoy being a small inexperienced cookie, again, you’ve been granted the right to live, so truly, what will you become when you grow up?
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thedarkcircuswritings · 5 months
Longan Dragon x Female Childish/Clumsy Reader
Where Longan Accidentally fell in love with A Clumsy and Childish Reader and while Reader kept there feelings hidden since it's obvious that Longan won't feel the same to a low common Cookie like them
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Longan Dragon knew from the moment that you looked at them that you had fallen in love with them. I mean, your face did turn red, you stuttered with your greeting, and you were awkward and nervous. They weren't born yesterday, they knew how some cookies acted around the one they developed a crush on. Usually, the thought of a weakling cookie trying to dare fall for somebody as strong as a dragon cookie would've had you turned to crumbs on the spot, yet Longan Dragon held back. No, your love was almost a bit entertaining, as you were quite desperate to hide it, and almost seemed like you thought you were succeeding. They could've accused you of thinking that they were dumb, but your mannerisms said otherwise. Your belief was genuine and had no malicious intention. So, despite Snake Fruit's protests, Longan Dragon kept you around. You didn't get any special treatment at first, they just kept you around as one of the few non-dragon cookies that could hang around you. Maybe they'd throw in an attempted flirt or two just to see you squirm and try and hide your blush. It was only until much too late had Longan Dragon realized that what they felt now about you was how you felt about them.
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I couldn’t get this out of my head, so I’m gonna leave it into your head>:)
Heya! Love your content, I hope you’re doing great today:) How about some SnakeFruit cookie x reader hcs? You can pick and choice if it’s yandere or not, I don’t feel that picky about it:D!
Btw, I’m gonna ramble a bit about how underrated SnakeFruit cookie is so be warned when reading down below!
It’s almost criminal how little content you find from them it’s insane, I cannot understand why or how they don’t have more attention, they deserve to praise and worshiped for just existing you don’t even understand it! Snake person is just so handsome, so beautiful, so talented, so magnificent, so amazing, so everything, it’s horrible how no one writes about snake person:(
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Snake Fruit Cookie definitely hid their plans from you, purely because they knew you would object. They were in for a scolding of a lifetime after the whole event with Longan Dragon Cookie.
They hope to have you ascend to be a dragon with them one day! It's only fair that you join them in such power.
Sometimes you'll carry them around, purely because they know exactly what to say to get you to do so.
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infraaa · 1 year
Soo how we feeling about vampire!Longan x reader..?
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『longan has officially taken over.』
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vampire!longan dragon cookie x gn!reader— imagine!
baker’s notes // I hate yall bastas (affectionate ofc) also i was listening to one of Melanie Martinez’s unreleased tracks during this and holy shit. 🥴. I’ll link it.
tw // vampirism, blood and gore, not to be assoc. w/canon, primal play (hunter + prey mechanic,) implied cannibalism
【cw!】 I don’t mean for this to be smut, but if you’ve seen anime like vampire knight hellsing or diabolik lovers, and not even just those there’s other vampire anime out there, you’d know that vampire bites and feeding in general has a close link to sex, just a little heads up that it may be extremely suggestive.
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Imagine with me… close your eyes and lend me your brain.
Longan is probably one of those most feared creatures to roam earthbread. No, there isn’t a probability there— they are the most feared thing to roam earthbread. Everything about them is utterly terrorizing, with but a cold golden glance, one could be permanently petrified, encased in a stone tomb for the rest of their lives. Yet something is amiss about this mysterious creature… they aren’t just a dragon. Their pearlescent white fangs are a tad bit longer, slimmer, and sharper than most dragons. They retain the same body temperature yet lack heat. They’re a lot more active in the night than they used to be. And when their retainer, Snake Fruit Cookie, would slither around the door to the downstairs corridor that would lead into a storm bunker, there would always be a foul odor emanating from the other side of the door… as well as instead of the usual sociopathic aura they would carry… it is replaced with a rather… charming psychopathic demeanor.
Rarely do they venture out of their palace— they just can’t be bothered. Instead they send out their psychic dragon eyes to do their hunting for them. On one of your nightly outings does one catch a glimpse of you walking and it starts to pester you. It scares you, (because who wouldn’t get startled by a floating disembodied eyeball?) and it makes you tumble over on the ground, cutting yourself on something— could be glass, a tree branch, a rock, whatever. The dragon eye sees a bit of blood on you and… strangely floats over to wipe the blood away, garnering it on its golden shell casing. Floating off in a frenzy do they return to the Ivory Palace. The dragon flicks some of the blood off of the case of the floating dragon eye and suck it off their thumb.
They’ve just found their next meal..
Imagine… Longan finally venturing out to get you, using the memory of how your blood smells. Floating closer to you through a lush wood, a grove, the smell of petrichor and wild musk tearing through them. Golden eyes laden in a sea of black glow through thick platinum lashes mirroring the golden hickory eyeshadow on their eyelids— shining like glittering stars. They catch you. Your pure frame being defiled by such a heavy gaze through your window. Locking your doors, you rush and hide in your cozy woodland cottage, but to your surprise, that doesn’t stop the hungry dragon. As tenacious as the hinges of your doors creaking off with a loud crack, and your door collapsing with a rough thud. The soft thumper of heels could be heard on your floors as they slowly crept through the house, stopping every so often, and then moving on, seemingly growing closer in volume.
“Where are you, weak little pet..?”
That voice… so familiar… you knew it from the tales… but never suspected them to be real.
“Reveal yourself to me, weak pet.”
“It wants to eat me…”
You had heard of the disappearances around your hometown, hence why you moved away into the woods. You crawled over to a pistol you had and armed yourself with it as you sat and shook on the other side of your bed frame, away from the view of the door.
The dragon wasn’t afraid to consume their victims, or at least parts of them, not just drinking their blood like normal vampiric beings. You grew more worried as time elapsed, and they still hadn’t left. You heard a few doors by yours, the laundry room door and restroom door, break off the wall and fall loudly on the floor. Your breathing shuddered a bit too loudly, which made them stop and walk towards your door, stammering at the doorknob.
“I know you are in there, pet. I hear you breathing.”
Hugging the rifle to your chest you finally heard the doorknob break, the deadbolt failing. Gracefully they walked into the room, seeing you crouch. You heard them. They were walking now towards your bed, crawling up on the mattress like an animal before positioning right above your trembling form. And then…
Imagine something yank at the back of your top, pulling and dragging you up roughly on the bed. Dragging you further by the sleeve of your top they straddled you and looked down at you. Like a giant they are… and it’s captivating…
However, they say nothing to you. Too shocked to move you lay there, your body cold on your bed as you trembled underneath the large dragon. Imagine them leaning down directly over the shell of your ear and taking a breath before lowering ever so slightly to begin tasting your skin, your soft, lukewarm skin mingling with their razor sharp teeth and cold lips. Cradling you in their arms, they force your back to arch against your now corrupted mattress, exposing your décolletage. With low decorum did they lick up from your collarbone to the nape of your neck, making you shudder and whine.
“Please… no…”
Trying to keep yourself quiet but they snatch the hand that creeps to your mouth to shield your remaining dignity. They manhandle you to their ease to feed, often bringing parts of you closer to them and their large stature. After a while the pain from their fangs becomes almost dizzying— almost turning into a state of pleasure you dare call it. As you felt the blood in your body rush up to where Longan had bitten you, it gushed like a hot geyser— causing them to roughly detach and watch it flow.
“It truly is amusing… how you behave, weakling.”
You look at them with teary eyes and a reddened face, almost taunting them in arousal. They lick at their fangs, cleaning them down.
“You should just let me suck you dry right here.”
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mid-fight-lover · 1 year
My list of cookie run ships (updated):
Gingerbrave x Strawberry cookie
Gingerbright x Skater cookie
Zombie cookie x Fairy cookie
Wizard cookie x Cream puff cookie
Princess cookie x Knight cookie
Chilli pepper cookie x Muscle cookie
Gumball cookie x Cherry cookie
Ninja cookie x Skating queen cookie
Angel cookie x Devil cookie
Adventurer cookie x blackberry cookie
Pancake cookie x onion cookie
Custard cookie lll x Strawberry creepe cookie
Carrot cookie x Potato cookie
Lemon cookie x Orange cookie
Soda cookie x Lime cookie
Mango cookie x Grapefruit cookie
Whipped cream cookie x Birthday cake cookie
Cream unicorn cookie x Banana cookie
Sparkling cookie x Cheesecake cookie
Herb cookie x Cherry blossom cookie
Red peeper cookie x Yoga cookie
Wild berry cookie x Raspberry cookie
Crunchy chip cookie x Tiger Lily cookie
Dark choco cookie x Caramel arrow cookie
Clotted cream cookie x Financier cookie
Captain caviar cookie x Oyster cookie
Black pearl cookie x Abyss monarch cookie
Werewolf cookie x Kumiho cookie
Wind archer x Sea fairy cookie
Moonlight cookie x Fire spirit cookie
Tea knight cookie x Frost queen cookie
Churro cookie x hydrangea cookie
Croissant cookie x string gummy cookie
Millennial tree cookie x Lotus dragon cookie
Pitaya dragon cookie x Mala sauce cookie (divorced)
Pitaya dragon cookie x Rambutan cookie
Ananas dragon cookie x Golden cheese cookie
Longan dragon cookie x Mystic flour cookie
Lychee dragon cookie x Shadow milk cookie
Affogato cookie x Snake fruit cookie
Madeline cookie x Mont Blanc cookie
Pastel meringue cookie x Chocolate bonbon cookie
Rockstar cookie x Currant cream cookie
Kiwi cookie x Street Urchin cookie
Dino sour cookie x Cotton candy cookie
Espresso cookie x Latte cookie
Eclair cookie x Blueberry pie cookie
Yogurt cream cookie x Centipede cookie (divorced)
Lilac cookie x Scorpion cookie
Amber sugar cookie x Sugar glass cookie
Licorice cookie x Pomegranate cookie
Astronaut cookie x Stardust cookie
Chestnut cookie x Pudding cookie
Sorbet shark cookie x Squid ink cookie
Peppermint cookie x Piñata cookie
Milk cookie x Parfait cookie
Prune juice cookie x Crowberry cookie
Capsaicin cookie x Kouing amann cookie
Snow sugar cookie x Pumpkin pie cookie
Purple yam cookie x Twizly gummy cookie
Red velvet cookie x Pastry cookie
Clover cookie x Bellflower cookie
Popping candy cookie x Shinning glitter cookie
Macaron cookie x Fig cookie
Marshmallow cookie x Host cookie
.........And the list would keep going...... Sorry for not including all of them, I mean, there are way too much ships and I could just not include them all,so here's all the ships I remember, and you can suggest me ships for my next generation of course! So well, that's all
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pianocat939 · 2 years
snake fruit cookie x reader who is trying to poison the dragons, longan knowing this decides to send snake fruit to watch over reader whose actual motive is to help snake fruit cookie (possibly yandere reader? I dunno)
I'm trying something new this time, I'm going to write in 1st person in Snake Fruit's POV.
I wouldn’t say this isn’t dark but some of this stuff might be out of pocket.
Tw: Implied murder, Mentions of poison + drugs, Snake Fruit gets shot by a Tranquilizer, Drugging, Kidnapping, Stealing, Snake Fruit is both in character and OOC
Rat Poison
To hell with that bastard. I slither across the path of the village. The civilians are loud and obnoxious, easily letting me slip through the shadows. It’s funny really, so unaware of the terror that is soon to come. Speaking of terror...That dragon is such a spoiled brat. Parading around their status of being lucky enough to be born as a dragon. It’s agitating.
Fortunately, I’ll soon be able to take my place as a dragon soon enough. The only thing left to do is for me to absorb a plentiful amount of power. Which will come in due time. 
I find myself in front of a pharmacy; the potent smell of herbs makes me want to gag. It seems to be in business today, although there are no customers. Perhaps there’s an event going on, which explains the crowd gathered around the plaza. I maneuver around to the backside of the building, scouting for an alternative entrance. I can’t let myself be caught after all.
Normally I wouldn’t be such a creep, but with my current mission, I have to be secretive about my identity. Apparently, there’s a cookie that’s trying to poison the dragons--including Longan dragon. I honestly think they’re quite stupid for thinking there’s an open chance to poison such creatures. But then again, it’s not impossible.
I find a small window high up on the second story of the building. I can easily climb up there by calling nearby snakes. I look around for nearby onlookers before communicating to my fellow serpents. 
‘I need to get up on this wall. Help me.’
A few moments later an abundance of snakes gather around me, waiting for my next order.
‘Pile on top of each other, there should be enough of us for me to reach the window.’
The reptilians slowly stack on each other, building a ladder-like structure for me to climb. 
‘Also keep a lookout for other cookies, we can’t let ourselves be caught.’
I gather energy into my tail before springing up onto the ladder formation, gripping the wall for support as I scale the tall building. I successfully reach the small glass opening, peering into the space below. 
A cookie is mixing liquids and chemicals into a concoction, it seems that they’re making poison. Their movements are precise and skilled, expertly stirring ingredients into the disgusting liquid. I hope you choke on rat poison. The thought runs through my head, making me smile in amusement. As you know, they’re a toxicologist (a scientist in poison). Ok never mind that was a horrible joke.
I’m curious; I wonder why they want to kill Longan Dragon? Perhaps they know their motives for destroying all cookies? I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s their motive. It’s the basic but self-explanatory explanation of someone’s purpose for murder.
I won’t deny one thing though: I want them to succeed. It’ll make my path to achieving dragon hood easier. Much easier. Yet I don’t want them to take over either. If they can make poison lethal to dragons, then I don’t even want to imagine what dark plans they have cooking in their head. 
Ugh, this dumb cookie benefits me but also doesn’t. So annoying. 
I’ll have to kill them after Longan dies. That way, I can proceed with my plans smoothly and uninterrupted. Yeah, that should do it. It can’t be too demanding to kill them, especially with the numbers I can easily gather. 
If I were, to be honest, they’re kinda attractive. I mean, those eyes look pretty and that face is cute and- what the hell. I shouldn’t be thinking like this. They’re my enemy. I can’t be down bad for someone I have to murder soon. 
I back off from the window, questioning my existence while doing so. Time to leave. I drop down from the snake-made tower, motioning them to dissemble as I touch the ground. They slide away, returning to their dens.
I’m tired. I’m gonna return to the palace.
I enter my living space, yawning and flickering my tail. I flop onto my bed, exhausted from my recent trip to the town. I should get paid for this. My eyes feel heavy and I don’t have the energy to think. My sleep-deprived self really needs to get some rest. 
Before I close my eyes I notice some of my trinkets are out of place. Where the fuck is my glass dolphin? I slowly stand up from my bed, heading over to the small shelf I keep my items. Nothing else seems odd, remaining exactly where I put it. 
“Whoever has the AUDACITY to steal my dolphin sshould get ready to be sslapped! Sslapped very harshly!” I angrily seethe, frowning at the empty space; where my beloved glass child resided. 
‘Fellow snakes, did anyone break into my room today?’
They come out from their holes, staring up at me. ‘No, not that we’ve noticed at least.’ 
I snap my head towards the group, the hard frown still plastered on my face.
‘My kin, are you on drugs? CLEARLY, someone stole my Penelope!’
‘First, no we are not on drugs. Second, who’s Penelope?’
I leave them in the bedroom, powerfully moving towards the lounge/living room. I check my books and possessions, scanning over each corner. “Even my favorite book has been sstolen!” 
One snake approaches me, poking my robes with its tail. 
‘Homie, there’s something I think you should know.’
‘What Nico? That you caused the local animals to die by burning some weird shit outside?’
‘Naw man. I think we were all drugged by some sleeping gas because I remember chilling in the sun when I suddenly felt dizzy and fell asleep. I was one of the first ones to wake up, and I noticed everybody, and I mean everybody was still asleep. That’s when I noticed some of the furniture seemed to be messed with.’ 
I stare at him, eyes wide with confusion and shock.
‘You are one of the creatures Longan Dragon needs to abolish.’
“I think thiss ‘Y/n Cookie’ broke into my chamberss.” I declare, looking up at my master. Their eyes gleam in the light of the throne room, like a diamond on a wedding ring. They’re sitting on their throne, giving minimal attention to me.
Longan Dragon slightly smirks, as thought, they’re amused by my little scheme, “And why do you assume this?”
Annoyed, I glare at them, my tail swishing side to side in fury. “Well, ssome of my thingss have been stolen. Things that I favor most. Surely they want to cause trouble.”
“Alright, I believe your accusation.” They wave me off, going back to their ever-so-boring activities. 
I really need to get paid to deal with this shit.
A couple weeks after the break-in incident I find a sickly Longan Dragon on their throne, breathing shallow and on the verge of unconsciousness. They look up at me in need, reaching out to me with what little strength they have. I approach them, asking, “What happened? You sseem very unwell.”
They tug me closer, words airy and raspy, “Poisonous gas.”
My eyes widen, realizing my vulnerability in this situation. I need to escape. I immediately dart off, uncaring if Longan Dragon dies or not. I’m not dying today, especially by that maniac. The halls are long and wide, but I manage to get outside in record time. I probably inhaled some, but being outside is the best option.
I cover my mouth, contemplating to whether escape by swimming in the ocean or stay here and have a higher chance of dying. Both are just as bad. I then hear a giggle, making me flinch in fear. I look behind me, horror filling my heart at the sight in front of me.
It’s Y/n Cookie, holding a tranquilizer.
They smile wickedly, purring, “Dearie, it’s time to go home~” 
I shake my head frantically in response, not wanting to accept my fate.
I yell, “No. No! I’m not getting murdered today! Not when I’m so close to my goal.” Why? Why does nothing ever go right for me? I feel the dart sink into my neck, piercing my body.
“Aww, you look so cute curled up like this. I can’t wait to have you all. To. My. Self.”
I wake up in a bed, my tail chained to a bed post. I look over to my kidnapper, terrified at what’s going to come next.
“You know, Penelope is really pretty. Just like you~” They laugh, holding Penelope in their hands.
I hope you choke on rat poison.
I think this is the fastest I’ve ever written something. This only took 3 hours. Which ended up pretty good...Minus the out of pocket things added into it.
I’M FINALLY DONE. Now I can prepare for my October inbox event.
- Celina
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diabolocracy · 2 years
For shits and giggles - I'm an avid (and lazy) roleplayer. These are my ships and subsequent links to my f-list profiles for the characters I write (to various degrees of butchery):
Rockman Zero // Omega x Copy X (MKII) Rockman Zero // Hellbat Schilt x Kyuubit Foxtar (I don't have a profile tho) Creepypasta // Jeff t. Killer x Eyeless Jack Black & White // Nemesis x Lethys StarCraft // Zeratul x Zasz Final Fantasy VI // Kefka x Terra Final Fantasy VI // Relm x Gau Final Fantasy VI // Older Relm x Edgar Sonic // Metal Sonic x Metal Knuckles Cookie Run // Longan Dragon x Snake Fruit Star Fox // Leon Powalski x Falco Lombardi Star Fox // Wolf O'Donnel x Leon Powalski Zelda // Fierce Oni x Majora Zelda // Majora x The Happy Mask Salesman Undertale // Sans x Gaster (not Dadster) Deltarune // Seam x Jevil Legend of Mana // Olbohn x Pokiehl Mo Dao Zu Shi // Xiao Xingchen x Xue Yang Prototype // Alex Mercer x Dana Mercer
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uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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Quick things I made with the comic creator (28/?)
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hallo there, idk but i want to request some longan dragon x jealous female reader hcs please. idk how to write respectfully lmao
It's all good lol, I have come to fulfill your appetite for Longan huehue
Big pretty golden white dragon hhh
Reader changed to gender neutral for this req!
Didn’t really know exactly was meant by ‘jealous’ so I kinda just went with like the cold shoulder lol
Longan x Jealous Reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They don’t understand you. This dragon is very out of touch with their emotions, so when you express jealously, they just think you’re being an asshole and ignoring them for nor reason.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They don’t care too much at first. If you want to be grumpy around them and avoid them, then they’ll do the same to you. If you’re stubborn and continue doing this, you two could go weeks without talking.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ There is a time where, if you do this often or for a long time, they’ll just straight-out ask you why you’re acting like this.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ When you explain your jealousy to them they’re even more confused. What could you be jealous of? Snake Fruit? That cookie was hardly a servant to them. The other dragons? Longan rarely ever saw them, and viewed them more as family than anything.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They won’t actively apologize, they don’t even think they’ve done anything wrong or undeserving to you, but they will try and spend a little more time with you. You are their partner, after all, and perhaps they can spare a few more minutes of their quiet thinking time to have a chat with you, or make a cake together, or even invite you to join them- if you aren’t too noisy.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ If you do anything rash in your jealousy, then they will get angry, especially if it ends with you hurting yourself or something of theirs. Be prepared to get glared at especially hard for the next week or so.
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Snakefruit Cookie X a reader who has a history of being a thief, but wants to change for the best?
Snake Fruit my beloved
Little skrunkle
I kinda took this as reader is a kleptomaniac and is kinda just addicted to stealing things, hope that's good!!
Snake Fruit x Thief Reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ When they first found out that you had been a thief, they were like 'ok lol' and told you to just not steal anything in the palace.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They literally do not care if you were a thief or not. It's probably done a little thieving itself.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ When you tell them you're working on trying to change, they're completely fine with that as well. Tbh, they couldn't care less if you're a thief or not, it just doesn't want you to get into a lot of trouble.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ If you do impulsively swipe something from the palace and Longan finds out, Snake Fruit will not hesitate in taking the blame for you. It knows the dragon will punish them a lot less than they would punish you. Snake Fruit is still going to be a little pissed at you afterwards, but they are glad you're safe.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They do try their best to help you in your pursuit of non-thievery. It gives you money and takes you shopping in their free time.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They gave you a calendar so you can keep track of how many days you have gone without stealing anything! They'll review over it with you if you'd like, and they'll even give you some stickers if you have a good streak (expect a lot of stickers with snake puns on them).
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They just love you to hell and back. When they ascend, they'll make sure you never have to steal anything again, because then the entire world would be yours.
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Could I possibly get some HCs for Snake Fruit and/or Earl Grey with a gullible, naive reader who doesn’t know much about the outside world?
My little babies habduwbdj I love these two sm. Especially Snake Fruit, they just randomly appear in my mind sometimes and I'm like ah yes, snemk
An update on this blog as well- I have one week of school left, which I’m literally not doing anything in any of my classes at this point, so expect me to start posting more regularly! Feel free to send in some requests, I’m a little low on them at the moment and don’t have much to write for!
anyways here you goo!!
Snake Fruit x naive reader
Read either way
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Snake Fruit finds it hard to see how truly gullible you are. You always fall into their tricks and schemes and never even seems to notice afterwards, or even mind. It was pretty endearing, if a little easy for them to manipulate you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They know a lot about snakes- a lot. Being close to a serpent themselves, they have spent a lot of free time caring for their serpent servants, and thus know practically everything there is. It was more than thrilled to explain to you how to take care of a snake when you approached it one day and started asking questions about the small legless creatures you hadn't seen many times.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They are often kept busy by being the personal servant of a dragon, but they do give you plenty of attention. They teach you a lot of what they know- which, to be honest, isn't really that much, with them being so stuck away in the Ivory Dragon's palace most of the time... but they have been outside quite a bit for missions and on their free time.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ And if they don't know how to answer a question you ask, they'll just make something plausible up on the spot! It doesn't want to look dumb in front of you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ They do not mind if you stay inside of Longan's palace all day- as long as you don't go anywhere stupid like the Ivory Dragon's room- and would, honestly, prefer you stay inside to outside. It enjoys your company, and is always looking forward to explaining something new to you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Whenever they're off duty or lazing about, they occasionally curl up next to you and read a small book with you. This is genuinely one of their favorite things to do.
Earl Grey x naive reader
Read either way
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ My dude is overworked as hell. He almost literally runs the entire Grandmaster hotel all by himself, along with taking care of Pawn Black and Pawn White. Despite this, he is always happy to see an eager face, especially someone so nice!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He makes sure you get some outside time, even if he can't always be there to supervise you and the Chess Pawn Cookies due to his hectic work schedule.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He tries his best to educate you, especially on concepts like 'stranger danger.' He just wants you to be safe, but he also doesn't want you to stay inside constantly doing nothing!!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He enjoys waiting on you, though he does with practically everyone else- but he likes your smile and laugh and thank you's more than any of the other cookies he serves!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He's trying his absolute best to keep you happy, healthy, and safe.
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pianocat939 · 2 years
May I ask for a yandere snake fruit cookie x a dragon reader who is actually ashamed they are a dragon? Like maybe they once tried to be nice to the cookies as their real selves and the cookies called reader a monster (and was possibly attacked...maybe giving them a scar as a reminder of how the world views them?) and reader has been hiding away on their own ever since out of fear and shame...like when snake cookie finds them, reader is like "stay away! I'm a monster!" And/or "please don't hurt me! I know I'm a monster but I mean no harm, I swear!"
Hcs or a one shot is fine...whatever you wanna do...I'm just curious how snake fruit cookie would react to someone who views their dream as a nightmare...like snake fruit sees the bad side of their dream...
My fellow Snake Fruit simps I come with food. This is a really good idea! Taking the opposite view of being a dragon is perfect for Snake Fruit.
This turned out angsty and soft at the same time lmao. Two characters who want something they can’t have is just *heart explodes*.
Tw: ANGST, heart melting, mentions of torture, house being burned, harassed with violence, Sneky being slightly possessive. (I think that’s all)
Living a Dream
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“Ah! It’s a dragon, someone help me!”
“You dragons are only vermins to this world…Nothing but destruction and suffering.”
“Fear not fellow cookies! I will defeat this dragon once and for all!”
Pain. That’s what you felt.
The scar on your tail still ached, reminiscing the hate cookies had for your kind.
You sat upon your bed, tail hidden under the covers. Seeing the former injury only brought bad memories. Seeing that it is finally the witching hour, you leave the comfortable haven of yours. Your hands traced the cave walls as you left to obtain food.
You didn’t live in a grand fortress, nor a majestic palace. Only a big cave that had modest furniture. It was what you could make do, since you didn’t have the access to such luxury. Not that you couldn’t afford it or build it; but rather you couldn’t let the cookies figure out where you reside.
In fear of your protection you would only leave at night. Gathering foods from the wilderness or grabbing items from shops. Of course, you didn’t steal. You still left a list of the things you’ve taken with the exact amount of money left behind. Humiliation and shame made you so terribly lonely and unsociable.
You didn’t live like this in your origin, only when you decided to live amongst the cookies.
When you stepped foot into their town, they threw everything they could get their hands on; plates, jellies, candy canes, and lollipops. The mansion you commissioned was destroyed and burnt down along with your former self.
All you wanted was to live in a peaceful place with friends at your door at any time. To be loved and to love others. It’s supposedly only a dream, not a reality.
Snake Fruit strolled through the streets of a small mountain village. The dead night keeping the bustling town square still. It was almost like a scene from a fairytale.
They were requested by their rival master—Longan Dragon, to observe the dragon that dwelled in the area. Snake Fruit was not joyful in the slightest. To them, it just meant another enemy to deal with. Another one that had been given the form they desperately wanted.
While heading towards their destination, they heard a few footsteps. They were light, quick, and too skilled to be a normal cookie. Snake Fruit changed their direction and chased after the sound.
The tapping started to get more frequent, signaling that they’re rushing. Snake Fruit responded by slithering faster, sharp eyes on the lookout for the dragon.
The snake-cookie hybrid noticed that the path was heading towards a cave. Assuming that their objective is there, Snake Fruit begins to slither slowly; alerting the enemy even more would only cause more trouble.
You panted as you finally arrived at your cave. The chaser was so swift that you barely got away without getting caught. Were cookies always this fast? Exhausted from the chase you immediately went back to bed, not wanting to bother your mind any further.
If only you heard the sound of scales running across the rock of the cave…
You awoke after a couple of hours. With a refreshed mind you went to your House Plant Area™. It wasn’t much, but enough to keep you satisfied with your given situations. The plants looked healthy, and seemed to have enough moisture: you didn’t water them that day.
“A dragon looking after little plantss? Why I’ve never heard of ssuch thingss.”
You jumped, startled by the voice behind you.
“I’m sorry! I don’t mean to cause any trouble to your village! Just let me live in peace!” You frightfully exclaim, backing into the farthest corner due to instincts.
Snake Fruit eyes widen in surprise. A dragon terrified because of a mere cookie? Surely something must’ve occurred here to cause such a reaction.
“I am not of thiss land. I am ssuppose to observe you for Longan Dragon. Do not be sstartled.”
You calm down after a few minutes, still wary of this unknown cookie who broke into your home.
“Um, what is your name? Since you’re here and all.”
Snake Fruit paused, speechless that this odd dragon asked them their name.
“Snake Fruit Cookie.”
“What a lovely name. So why are you serving Longan Dragon?”
Snake Fruit remembers all the nightmares they’ve gone through in that single moment.
“I wish to be a dragon. I’m tired of getting controlled, I want cookiess to honor my power.”
You frowned, feeling sympathy for this cookie.
“I see. I want the exact opposite. I want to be a cookie; so I can make friends and live a life of happiness. Cookies just seem to not like dragon that much.”
They noticed you tucked your tail under your clothing.
The next couple of weeks the cookie visited you everyday. Wanting to discuss about your lives and troubles. These days you’ve been more cheerful. Greeting your friend with a grin and hugging them occasionally.
“Snake Fruit! You wanna see my new house plant? I picked it up last night at a cliff.”
“Certainly, dearesst.”
They started to give you pet names, which you didn’t mind. You assumed it was a normal cookie-thing. Or how their tail just barely brushes against yours.
If only you knew their true intentions
One day, you were talking to them about the flowers you see during this time of the year. You didn’t notice that their tail was inching ever so closely to yours until it coiled around exactly where your scar is. You flinch and try to pull away, but their grip was too strong.
“Snake Fruit?! Can you let go I-”
“Sshhh. No need to be sscared, I’m here. I’ll protect you from those imbecilic cookiess who dared to hurt you.” They wrap their sleeves around you in a gentle but firm hug.
You almost wanted to cry. That damned scar of yours reminded you of how much they hate you. Despise you even. To be held in such a loving embrace made you relax, releasing the torture that your body kept inside for years. In a state of relief, a single tear comes out from your eye.
“You may be a dragon…A form that I want to take, but that doesn’t mean they can treat you like thiss. I know exactly how it feelss, and I dessire to protect you from all hate. So I proposse that you will become mine, and I will cherissh you and keep you ssafe until eternity passess.”
Snake Fruit understood what it’s like to feel unwanted. To know that the only purpose you have as you walk upon Earthbread is to bear pain. They don’t want that anymore. They want to have someone to wake up to everyday. To know that they’re appreciated and wanted.
“I know it’s only been a few weeks but pleasse, I don’t want you to be in anymore pain. Let me be yourss, so I can be your protector and lover. For our happinesss.”
“I…Accept. I hope that we can be together forever.”
Snake Fruit smiled, then pecked your forehead. If even possible, they stuck themselves even tighter against you.
“It’s late now my dragon. You should get ssome rest, we can sspend time tomorrow.”
You nodded, covered yourself in blankets, and quickly fell asleep. The snake joined you, draping themselves over your body while making a low purring sound.
Finally, you were all theirs. Theirs to love, theirs to protect, theirs to wake up to.
Maybe not all dragons are horrible monsters.
Surprisingly proud of this one. It doesn’t feel rushed, nor is it organized in such a horrible way. And like the emotions you feel from reading/writing it just full on impact.
I had a lot of fun writing this!
- Celina
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Hey! I'm the anon who requested this and I gotta say...I loved it so much! It melted my heart! You are an amazing writer! Btw uh trying to come up with an anon name for myself....can't decide between snow and owl or you can give me one!
Btw may I request the same y/n x longan dragon too, if ya don't mind? I just gotta know now how the dragon would react to this...and I'd also like it as a fic plz!
I glad you enjoyed it. It was also one of my better works as well so I most certainly agree. My writing is actually probably on the worse side rn because I haven’t practiced as much.
I said this before but I would put ‘snow’ and ‘owl’ together.
I got some inspiration from Sleeping Beauty because I think it fit well with this dragon concept. I kinda went off from the last ask, but I think it still has the shame concept.
Tw: basically identity theft, horror, cookies being turned into stone, Longan Dragon being Longan Dragon
Red Thorns
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“My liege, the visitors have arrived.” Your assistant informed, holding some papers and trinkets. You turned back and pat their head, smiling as you headed to the exit. They were always so diligent.
“Y/n Dragon! You seem well today.” One of your guests greeted, holding their cup and swishing it around. “You look more powerful the more I see you.”
“Oh well I suppose I have been happier lately, since there’s no drama lately.” You reply, sitting down on the plush sofa. Reaching over the side, you take a candy and plop it in your mouth. The mixed flavors of citrus and sweetness relieve the emptiness.
The other takes out some long pieces of paper and settle them on the glass table. “Now, as you know, I wish to expand our city. Here are some plans that I want you to look over.” There are three pieces, each carefully planned and drawn.
The first one was a housing establishment; surrounded by valleys and a creek in the center. The buildings were of a monotone color with the paths and decorations being lovely pastels. The second one was a large field of flowers, creating the shape of your dragon form. In the corner of the paper, ‘rose’ was scribbled and pointed to the flowers. Finally, the third one was an auditorium. The chairs encircled the stage in the pin point of the building. The walls were painted with beings of all sorts. All seemed like wonderful establishments.
“They’re very well done. Even the planning is down to the smallest detail.” You praise, looking back at city planner. They blush in return, laughing nervously. It was adorable seeing your subjects being flustered. It was tempting to hug them.
“Thank you my dragon. I planned them to your liking as well as the over all aesthetic.” They bow their head, face still bright red. “Which one do you want us to build first?” You look back at the plans, observing each one meticulously. They all looked attractive, but the field of flowers stood out to you. As much as how prosperous and lively this city was, it needed something pretty to show the world it’s treasure.
You point to the dragon field, indicating your choice. “This one, Earthbread needs to see your brilliance and the people will want something to look at.” Your city planner nodded, packing up the pieces of paper into a bag.
They stand, waving their hand slightly, “I will inform you its progress and let you be the first one to see its completion.” They then leave, with the only remaining being you and some servants. How lonely it was here, in this empty but glorious palace.
A few months pass, and now you are on your way to the completed field.
During the wait, you and the planner exchanged numerous letters. At first, they were friendly companionship writings; recently however, they’ve become more intimate to say the least. You would never admit it, but you’ve grown feelings for the young cookie.
Their words were exquisitely arranged, almost poetic. They would praise you, and describe your beauty. You of course would reply how thoughtful and hard-working they were for the all the cookies. It was a mutual attraction, but no one had made a move; like a never-ending chess game.
“My liege, we have arrived.” Your assistant interrupted your thoughts. You get off the carriage, heart beating rapidly to see your precious cookie. “My liege! Be careful!” Your assistant sighed, and went back to the carriage to take a nap. What an energetic dragon you were.
Over by the fields, a cookie sat on a bench, waiting for a certain dragon to arrive. “Langsat Cookie! I’m here!” They turn around and see your running form, standing up and opening their arms to greet you. You dive right in, wrapping your arms around their torso. They laugh, leaning their face upon your head.
“Ready to see my creation?” They let go and hold out their hand, inviting you. You place yours on top of theirs, smiling. You two walk upon the path, sightseeing the healthy roses. There were all sorts of colors; yellow, white, lavender, pink, and of course red. They tied into a beautiful image of you and…Another dragon.
“Hey, who’s this other dragon?” You inquire, clutching tighter. They kept walking, letting go of your hand and wrapping their arm around your waist.
“I’ll tell you in bit, don’t worry.” They reassure, looking down at you. They were unusually tall, taller than you by quite a bit despite the fact that you’re a dragon.
Finally, you arrived at the center of the field. It was a circle of grass, with flowers surrounding it. Langsat Cookie turns to you and once more takes your hand. They start humming a random tune, spinning your bodies in a slow dance.
Your heart wanted to die on you, overwhelmed by such closeness. They’ve never been like this, not even their words could come close. Your faces were so close, they almost touched. “Y/n Dragon?” They call, staring directly into your eyes.
You sucked in a breath, “Yes?” Body tingly from the suspense.
“That dragon is me.” Your vision then blurred for a second before a different cookie stood in front of you.
“It is I, Longan Dragon. Your one and only.” Your legs started to shake, and you sit on the grass in disbelief. “I know this is puzzling but let me explain.” They kneel down, arms still attached.
“I switched places with the original city planner. I was just so intrigued, I decided to observe how you live with these…Unworthy cookies.” You gasp and start to back away, disgusted by such words.
“How dare you say such things! My subjects are wonderful citizens!” The wind sweeps by, blowing onto the flowers.
“Citizens? Why they are already turned into stone.” They motion to a nearby street, where cookies lay still, encased by stone. You stare in horror, sadness reaping your once happy heart.
“No, no. No! My subjects! My duty as a dragon! I, I…failed.” Tears rolled down, drenching your face. You forcefully get out Longan’s grasp. Disgusted by such a cruel monster.
“Do not be like that. I did this for us dragons. We are the ones worthy to live, and the New World shall be built by us.” They state, playing with their floating eyeballs.
“I don’t want to live in such a world! I wanna to be with my inhabitants! My city!” You fly off using your wings, emotions making you think irrationally.
You checked everywhere for any sign of life, but there was none. Only you, and the wretched Dragon. Now you hold the letters from before in your hands, on the verge of ripping them. “I failed you, my city. My people, my faithful ones. You believed in me, yet I failed you.”
“How unfortunate. You might as well live in the New World with me, for eternity.” Longan suggested, face dark with an obsessed love.
The city became overgrown with roses, trapping the ghost city.
You now sit in your palace, held by your monster loved one.
The thorns of the roses turned red, stained with blood.
I think this one turned out good. The ending was a little rushed but I think it’s still ok.
I apologize for not following the original scenario but I wanted to take another viewpoint on the ‘shame’.
- Celina
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