milkboydotnet · 1 month
YOU DO NOT EMBODY FAILURE (by Roger Felix Salditos, in memory of Edward Oliver L. de la Fuente, martyred on Abril 20, 1984)
How many more homages  Must we gather for you In the field of painting Poetry and song For your whole life Is a canvas Of an exemplary Revolutionary A composo A novel  Of devotion And treachery Of selflessness  And bondage A novel of the comings and goings of a people’s guerilla Of a teacher, troubador Poet and organizer Which ended— Not in tragedy For you do not embody failure In this struggle You are part of the thread  Of longspun chronicles unraveling the laws of change, of historical materialism that you speak of, and the clash between metaphysics and dialectics, of the masses who are the makers of history  that will be told to the new generation in their songs composos of liberation True freedom.
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daydreamingfics · 3 years
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Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 513
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"Baby, you hang up first,"
"No baby, you hang up first,"
Your nightly bedtime conversations with Jisung always reached a point where one or both of you, riddled with lethargy from your perspective schedules, slowly began dozing off. Having conceded early on that hearing the other's voice when you couldn't physically be together was essential, and a sense of comfort, it was safe to declare the nocturnal calls a ritual by this point. A tradition that you both held close to your hearts and looked forward to, especially if the day proved to be a challenging one. Knowing that no matter what, the last voice you'd hear before you drifted off to dreamland was that of the person you loved and cherished most.
"Baby," Jisung groggily whispered on the other end of the line. The ordinarily rich and thunderous tone of his speech, now several octaves lower and softer than usual, indicating that the effects of a longspun day were gradually consuming him. There was always something about his voice that got you every single time, and before you knew it, the corners of your mouth turned skyward as you relished in the reality that Han Jisung was yours, and you were his.  
"Yes, baby," you replied in a half yawn that took you both by surprise and sent the cutest chuckle past Jisung's lips to your ears, which then ignited the warm fuzzies that burst within you upon hearing your beau's adorable and manly laugh.
"You hang up first, cutie, " Jisung expressed in a very tongue in cheek fashion.
"No, handsome, you first," You returned with just as much quip.
Another nightly custom was the cat and mouse game you two affectionately engaged in and dubbed "you first." Whenever the call was nearing its end, neither of you, though sleepy, wanted to hang up. In the end, you always wound up falling asleep together. Weary whispers of the future you two dreamt up together and winsome "I love you's." exchanged as your thoughts drifted off and you sunk a little deeper into the cozy confines of your bed. All to wake up and do it all over again the very next nightfall.
"Together then? Like always," Jisung vocalized, followed by yet another yawn, his third in a row, to be exact. You not being far behind in the yawn department as another erupted to the surface as if your tired bodies were working as one.
"Together," you articulated gleefully.
"One day, you'll be right here, in my arms every single night Y/N. One day," Jisung uttered amorously.
"And I can't wait for that day, baby," you sincerely returned. "Before we fall asleep, I love you, and I can't wait to hear all about your day that hasn't even started yet," you laughed. "Sleep tight,"
"Don't let the bed bugs bite," Jisung finished your two's patented line. "You're so cute, Y/N, and I love you more and can't wait to hear all about your day too. Goodnight, baby,"
"Goodnight, baby," you uttered as you both finally succumbed to slumber, together, as always.
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
So It Goes... 
full masterlist
Pairings: Rock star/Bassist!Bucky Barnes x female!reader (AU)
Word count: 7,149 
Warning: fluff, SMUT! but mostly just me falling in love with bucky, really.
Summary: natasha romanoff aka your annoying roommate coerced you into the howling commando’s live performance at a divebar near your dorm. little did you know, it was going to lead you to the man of your dreams aka the charming rock star boy/bassist, james buchanan barnes.
a/n: this one’s written for @sourpatchkidsandacokecan​‘s “Little Darlin’s Mysteru AU” challenge. i chose band/rockstar au. here’s another love letter to bucky barnes because i love that man with my entire heart and every fic that i write about him is basically just me expressing my deep affection for this man. hope you guys enjoy this one cause i certainly do! also, rock star/boy band bucky is such a concept omg i’m in love
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You laid in your twin-sized bed as you heard the chirping sounds of the birds outside of your window. They were singing cheerily as if they knew what you were feeling and they were celebrating with you. It felt like you were in a Disney movie that you used to obsess over as a kid, where you are the lovestruck princess because you just met a handsome prince who swept you off your feet at first sight.
The birds outside of your window are your animal pals who swoon over you swooning and they spontaneously harmonize and dance to this newfound joy. You couldn’t resist the smile taking over your face. It was too early for you to be awake on a Saturday morning. You were always up by 10 AM. No more, no less. But it was currently 8.45 AM and you still had at least one more hour to get up and be productive.
But not today. Today, you were going to welcome this exhilarating sensation in your bones, and you were going to savour every second of it. Because you couldn’t shake away those baby blue eyes and that suave, boyish charm. The way, they electrified you by first glance and made you tremble when those pupils dilated. You could still feel the way his soft, plump lips hypnotized you last night. And the raunchy way he held you at the bar.
Even when all was said and done, he found a way to haunt you in your dreams.
And you didn’t mind one bit.
You were currently in the middle of a crisis due to your upcoming final week. If there’s any word to describe you as a college student, it would be ambitious. The idea of failing or getting less than B+ makes you go ballistic. You were an active student. You joined multiple organizations that expanded your social life. You got along with mostly everyone in your classes and you had your professors’ respect too for your excellent grades and polite manners.
But your lack of dating life irked no one else more than your roommate, Natasha. You loved Natasha with your entire heart, really. She was like a sister to you. You were an only child so you cherished her older sister role in your life. She was, in fact, several months older than you and she always protected you like her own. Starting from the asshole that broke your heart in high school, despite only knowing him through your story, to incessantly pushing you to stop being such a nerd and have more fun.
Natasha was the kind of woman you don’t wanna mess with. She was loyal, brave and quick-witted. She knows how to keep her GPA high, whilst also maintaining a fun social life. She managed to do it all so effortlessly. 
“C’mon, y/n! Just one night! You need to let loose and release all tension on your shoulders, baby. It’s good for your brain before finals start!”
“Noooo, Nat. Rock bands are not my thing and I’d have a higher chance of acing the tests if I study now, okay? Just go. Have fun without me and tell me how it goes.”
“But my boyfriend’s performing, y/n. And I want you to meet him! I promise they are really good. Even if you're not into the music, you can still go for the drinks, right? Also, they’ve got other cute members available so, you might find your own rock band boyfriend too if you go.” She winked. Her smirk was menacing.
“Ugh, I’m not interested in finding a boyfriend, Nat.”
“I know, but wouldn’t hurt if you do, right? Then we can go on double dates and have them write songs about us. Oh God, it’s going to be awesome.”
“Whoa, slow down. I haven’t even learned their names, yet and we are already discussing double dates?”
“Alright, let’s just start with putting on your sexy clothes and meet them yourself. Then we can move onto picking one gorgeous beast for you.”
“What makes you even think that they’d be interested in me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, y/n. Have you never owned a mirror? You are a total babe. You just need to get yourself more action.”
“Ugh, I don’t know, Nat…”
“You are going. And I’m not leaving until you get up and put on something cool. I have patience, baby and I’m going to annoy you all night if you stay. What do you prefer? Going out and have fun and meet some cute boys or me annoying you all night so you can’t study productively.” She glared at you. Her tone indicated that there was no compromise.
“Alright, I’m going. But that’s only because I wanna meet your boyfriend, alright? Not because I wanna find a boyfriend or whatever stupid shit you’re thinking.”
“Yay!” She jumped in excitement. Her face was content with joy and satisfaction from succeeding in persuading you. “Alright, let’s dig through your clothes.” She started rummaging your shared closet and observed meticulously each one of your outfits. “Hmm… Let’s try this one!” She picked up a strapless black sequin dress that you hadn’t worn in forever. You didn’t even remember packing it up in your baggage and brought it with you to your dorm.
You began stripping yourself out of your oversized hoodie and high-waisted shorts. You didn’t feel embarrassed changing in front of Natasha, you had seen each other naked many times. You were roommates after all and sometimes, you just had to be comfortable with the fact that you had private body parts underneath and within the course of four years, eventually, you had to get used to flashing one another at some point.  
You put it on as you started to feel a little uncomfortable. You weren’t used to wearing skimpy dresses. Already wearing it for less than three minutes, you were constantly lifting the hem of the dress to prevent it from exposing your boobs and revealing your inner thighs. And the material felt itchy on your skin too. “Nat, I’m not sure about this. Let’s just wear a leather jacket and jeans.”
“Nonsense! You look bomb! Give your leather jacket and jeans a break, alright? Okay, turn around so I can see your behind.”
You twirled as she said, restlessly.
Tonight was going to be a longspun night…
The air felt crisp against your skin, as the breeze swept through your freshly curled hair, causing a few strands shading your sight. You struggled to walk steadily in your 7-inch heels that belonged to Natasha because you didn’t have a pair of your own. You were cool with wearing ankle boots pairing them with a sparkly dress. But Natasha didn’t think it was a cute look.
“What? Boots and dresses don’t go along, honey. Oh my, you need a serious makeover!” She was derailed.
You eventually settled with a silk red dress with a seductively low cleavage on the front, exposing the globes of your breasts. You were already as uncomfortable as it is, this dress didn’t make it any easier to act normal.
So you had to endure walking in these deadly shoes of torture, whilst clad in nothing but a scanty material with makeup painting your entire face. Great. What had you gotten yourself into? Damn you, Natasha.
You and Nat were walking arm in arm to the bar where “The Howling Commandos” were performing. That’s the name of the band that Natasha’s boyfriend was in. They have been a group for 5 years now, they had been doing this since they were in high school. Clint and the rest of the members were several years older than you and Nat. As soon as they graduated, they decided that they wanted to keep making music rather than working mundane, dead-end jobs.
Yep, Natasha told you that much.
Clint and Nat had been dating for two years now. They rarely saw each other due to the band’s packed schedule. Although, they would FaceTime each other every night, talking about each other’s days. You heard it all, from their most disgustingly adorable flirtations, to the most inappropriate, not so PG-13 confession.
They would literally pretend to smooch one another through the screen when you were doing your homework or when you had your nose deep in a book. You’d try to cover your ears by putting on your earbuds and turning up the volume so you could give them privacy but also, you didn’t wanna hear them talking about what they wanted to do to each other if both of them were here.
You knew Clint well enough to not feel like you were meeting a complete stranger. Natasha would often tell you to say hi to him and she had told you a lot of wonderful things to Clint. Clint would often talk about the band too on the phone, how someone called “Bucky” would piss him off by stealing his leftover sandwich. Or someone called “Sam” would often interrupt their chat by reminding him that it was soundcheck time.  
“I gotta go, babe. Sammy’s not gonna stop yelling.”
“Aw, okay, tell the boys I say hi! Love you.”
“Love you too, baby.”
It’s like a daily podcast for you every night.
The dive bar where The Howling Commandos were performing thankfully wasn’t that far from your dorm. Natasha was super thrilled when Clint told them that they were going to perform here. They were finally able to see each other after a while, and because this was going to be their last gig until they come back with a new album, he said he was going to stay and spend some time with Nat.
You were happy for both of them. You’d never say it out loud but, a part of you was secretly jealous of their love. They managed to maintain such a fun, loving, and healthy relationship despite the distance and differences. Natasha once told you that she was never one to settle with a man for too long but, Clint changed the game for her. You smiled at the thought. They were genuinely in love. If you were to find yourself a boyfriend, you wanted the type of love that they had.
But not tonight. You were okay with being single. Just because a part of you wanted what Clint & Nat had, doesn’t mean that you actually need it or you’d die. You were too much of a goal-oriented person to be chasing over something that should come naturally. You had grown so comfortable in being alone, that you stopped desiring love so much. It wasn’t getting you anywhere. So you lived your life, being grateful for your friends and family. You invested your time in your education and passion. You were content.
When you arrived at the bar, the room was full with a crowd. You walked in with Natasha trying to make a space for yourself so you could walk through them. You could barely anything else due to the number of bodies blocking your view. Natasha held your hand as she took the lead and fought through the crowd to get to the front, where she could get the best view.
There was a blonde-haired woman standing on the front, so close to where the band were going to play. When Natasha slightly grazed her whilst trying to stand next to her, she didn’t look the slightest bit happy. She glared at Natasha as Natasha noticed. She glared back at her.
“Excuse me, there’s more space in the back, maybe you can stand there instead of cutting through the line.”
“Excuse you, miss. I’m dating the band’s drummer, so I can stand wherever I want, thank you very much. If you don’t like that, then the exit is right there.” She pointed to the door of where we walked in from.
The blonde woman rolled her eyes as she folded her arms against her chest. After you stared at her reaction, you realized that you actually know her. She was in the same social science class with you. You had never really talked to her because she often sat in the back and immediately left after the class was done, but you remembered her name. Her name was Dottie Underwood. Your classmates called her Dot. The ones that she liked anyway.
You decided to stay quiet and let it pass. It’s not like she even recognized you even if you start a chat with her. You don’t think it was a good idea either since she and Nat literally just snarked at each other. You directed your sight to the stage and waited for the famous Howling Commandos to appear.
One of the spotlights turned and highlighted a man walking on stage before he talked into the microphone at the centre. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, a group of brilliant lads, that make all the ladies go feral wherever they go, and their showstopping music are going to make us sing and jump tonight. Please welcome, The Howling Commandos!”
The crowd roared with cheers, the sounds of their enthusiasm filled the atmosphere. Their claps were jovially in sync as four, drop-dead gorgeous young men stepped into the stage as their presence shifted the energy in the room.
The first one was a blonde-haired with breathtaking bone structure, forming a ridiculously handsome face. His hair shone under the spotlight like the sun amidst the clear sky. He had an amiable demeanour about him. His smile was gentle and welcoming. He waved to the crowd and stood directly behind the microphone.
The second one to walk in was a dark-skinned man with an undeniable charisma oozing out of him. He had a neatly trimmed beard that only added to his spicy appeal. His smile was radiant as he also waved the crowd. He stood on the left side of the stage, a couple of steps behind Steve who was apparently the lead singer.
The third one to walk in was Clint. He was everything Nat described him to be. Placid and nonchalant. His smile was amenable as he greeted the crowd. He walked directly to the background, where the drumset was placed. He sat down on the drummer’s chair as he picked up the sticks he was going to play with.
The last one to enter was a literal Disney prince coming to life. His prominent boyish charm completely bedazzled you. His blue eyes gleamed under the spotlight as they lingered on you for a second. He immediately shifted his gaze as he kept walking towards the right side of the stage, but you swore that when he caught you staring dumbfoundedly at him, you could see the flash of a quick smirk on his face.
He only nodded to the crowd as he confidently picked up the bass guitar that was previously placed on the floor and put on the leather straps around his neck. His eyes turned back to you as you found yourself still bluntly staring at him. Something about him just enchanted you. He had that boy-next-door charm about him but also, a bad boy persona that was irresistibly enticing.    
That flash of smirk that you saw earlier resurfaced and it was getting harder for you to pay attention to anyone or anything else in the room other than him. His gaze grew more intense as the noises of the crowd faded into the background. You were lost in this lethal game of eye contact until Natasha accidentally elbowed you by screaming her lungs out to respond to the lead singer’s introduction.
“Good evening, SHIELD’s Nest! How are we feeling tonight?” The lead singer vivified the crowd. They responded with a reassuring reaction. “I’m Steve Rogers and these are my buddies,” he turned his head to the left, as he started introducing the other band members.  “The handsome guy right there is Sam, and in the back, there’s Clint, our brilliant drummer boy and this ladies’ charmer right here is Bucky.” As he pointed to the magnetic man who had held your attention hostage since he first walked in.
“And we are The Howling Commandos.” He paused for a second before carrying on with his prelude. “Alright, so the first song that we’re going to play tonight is called ‘Rusted Love’. Enjoy.” Steve removed his mouth from behind the microphone and started cueing the band to play. “1,2…”
Sam and Bucky started strumming the first few notes as a few people cheered. Then Clint jumped in, flaunting his talent in mastering the drum with his sticks. The energy in the room felt more energized as people started moving a part of their bodies. Then Steve amazed the room with his sultry voice, singing the words that echoed through the Sound system of the bar.
“I’m a flying kite in a hurricane, you paralyzed me with your touch and your lips got me addicted…” Steve shut his eyes, relishing the rune. You had a feeling that those lyrics wouldn’t just stay lyrics tonight…
They played another four songs that night. The crowd danced, jumped and screamed the words to their song passionately. You, on the other hand, was probably the most tranquil person in the crowd. You didn’t really know much about the band, let alone their music. So when everyone was constantly pushing you because they were too lost in the moment, you eventually tried to get out of the crowd and sat on the bar instead. Natasha was also too lost in supporting her boyfriend, that she almost didn’t notice you leaving.
Through the vibration of the crowd and the music, you had to really lean in to get Natasha’s attention and to get her to hear you. “Nat! I’m gonna sit in the back and wait there. I’m a little thirsty.” She had a giant smile on her face due to the zest the band inflicted. “Okay!” She yelled back, then carried on with her foxy moves.
You struggled to walk through the crowd, trying to not step on anyone’s feet as you made your way to the barstool. What you didn’t notice was, Bucky’s disappointed on his face when he saw you walking out on him. He noticed that you weren’t exactly as thrilled as anyone else. Although, he noticed your stolen glances as you shied away from him when he stared back. He even tried to wink at you once but you immediately looked to the floor, hiding away your blush. He swore he saw the way your cheeks reddened. Not that he wasn’t used to getting that reaction anyway…
You exhaled a breath of relief as you finally broke out of the congested mass of people. You sat on the barstool as you ordered a glass of rum and you waited as the music still reverberated robustly in your ears. You sat there as you started looking through your Instagram. Nat’s icon was the first one to appear in the row and you clicked it to see what you were expecting. She recorded a video of the band, then zoomed in to Clint, as he was ardently drumming the beat.
She put on a heart eyes and fire emoji with the text; “that’s my man!”. The next one was her and you singing along to the second song they played that night. You were able to actually mouth the words after they played the last chorus and you were a quick learner, so you memorized the repeated words easily after the third time. You scrolled through your feed a few more minutes until your order finally arrived.
“Enjoy, miss.” The waiter winked at you. He was probably in his mid-20s, he had warm brown eyes and a sweet smile. His dark hair was slicked back as you stared a little longer than you should. He was obviously attractive, but, you didn’t say anything back to him. You just smiled back in a friendly manner and uttered silenced thanks.
After sitting by yourself for about a half and an hour, like all good things, the show must come to an end. Steve Rogers concluded the show with a final thank you and goodnight as the spotlight shut down, like the drapes closing over a theatrical show. The crowd clapped and some of them started leaving, while others immediately went to the bar to quench the thirst from screaming along to volatile rock music and jumping up and down, getting lost in the tune.
Natasha patted your back as she jumped on the empty chair next to you. Thank God, she was quick on her feet, otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to get a seat. “Hey! God, I need a full shot of whiskey right now.”
“Yeah, go crazy.”
She scoffed. “Huh. As if that wasn’t crazy enough, back there.” She signalled the bartender to make an order. “So, what do you think? That was fun, right?” The cute bartender from earlier walked to her as he asked her what would she like to drink and she quickly replied.
“Yeah, they’re pretty good.”
“Pretty good? They’re damn talented. Especially the drummer back there. He totally killed it.”
“Yeah, okay, they are amazing. But you know their music isn’t my kind of music, so can’t say  I really enjoyed it that much.”
“Okay, but you must’ve at least enjoyed the view, right? Don’t think I didn’t catch you and bass boy making several eye contacts back there.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You took another sip of your glass to cover your embarrassment.
“Oh my God, you totally do! Look at you blushing!”
“I’m not!”
“Yes, you are! Admit it! You like Bucky, don’t you?” She playfully pushed you to tease you.
“Oh my God, shut up Nat! You’re causing a scene!” You tried to lower yourself, now that you’re able to speak in a normal volume.
“Nope, I won’t stop until you admit it. Don’t worry, y/n, Bucky’s always been a charmer, so I totally get your attraction.”
That caused a peculiar sickness in your chest. It’s not like you were falling in love with Bucky, no. You didn’t even know him enough to like him. He may be an eye-candy but if he’s really as “charming” as everyone is saying, then that means, he’s one of those dangerous fuckboys that you should avoid at all cost. Because that means, he’s probably only going to manipulate you into thinking that he really cares for you, when in reality, he only wanted to get in your pants. Nope, not gonna happen to you. You weren’t going to be a new notch in his belt.
“Well, then that means he is bad news and that gives me even more reason to feel anything but attraction toward him.”
“Oh, no, y/n, I don’t mean it like that. He’s really sweet, and he’s always been the most chill one in the group. Trust me, you’re gonna love him. Just, give him a chance first, alright? I’ve known him long enough to know that he’s into you.”
“Into me? Nat, he doesn’t even know my name.”
“He will.” She winked again, as she took a sip of her whiskey.
Not long after that, Clint appeared from behind, without Nat realizing. He surprised her by wrapping her waist from behind as he whispered into her ears; “how’s my best girl?” Nat was slightly stunned but as soon as she realized it was her boyfriend, her expression instantly turned into a joyful one. “Hi, baby!” They immediately smooched as she wrapped her arms around his neck while standing face to face now.
“Did you like the show?”
“I loved the show, you guys killed it as always. Oh, and by the way, this is y/n, my number one bestie and the best roommate anyone could ever ask for. Now you finally meet her in person!” Her excitement was genuine.
“Hi, y/n! Heard so many great things about you, but you probably can’t say the same, huh?”
“No, actually I can. Nat wouldn’t stop talking about you every night even when I’m blatantly ignoring her.” You joked.
“Well, is that right?” He looked at Nat to assess the truth on her face.
“Yep,” you carried on. “She would say you’re hot, funny and kind, and all these wonderful things. Including the ones that I’m not supposed to hear.”
They laughed. They kissed once more, as Clint stood next to her seat, ordering a drink for himself. Next to you, you could hear Nat saying, “oh, where are the boys? Are they not thirsty?”
“They’re just packing up, babe, they’re gonna join us in a few.”
“Good, ‘cause I think there’s someone y/n would like to meet.” She teasingly wiggled her eyebrows at you, as you sent her a murderous glare. Your lips silently mouthed, “what the fuck?” but Clint picked up her tone and he quickly got the message.
“Oooh, who is it? Is it Steve, Bucky, Sam? Just let me know which one you like and I’ll deliver them at your door tonight, y/n. They’re all single and ready to mingle anytime now.”
You laughed nervously. “No, no, no, no. Nat’s just saying shit.”
She turned her head to her boyfriend and shook it.  “No, I’m not. She and Bucky practically eye fucked on stage.”
You instantly slapped her arm, staring deadly into her eyes. “Ouch!” She put her hand on the spot that you struck, even though it wasn’t even that hard. Classic Nat. Dramatic as always.  “Nat, you can’t just–”
Before you even managed to finish your sentence, she darted her eyes to somewhere behind you as she pointed at whatever got her distracted. “Oh, here they are!” She smirked. She raised her eyebrows at you before she stood on her feet and hugged the anticipated men.
“Hey, guys! Killer show back there!” Nat started hugging Sam and he kissed her cheek, and then she moved onto Steve and the last one to join was Bucky. You muttered ‘shit’ to yourself as you pondered on how you should act. Should you act like nothing ever happened during the show between you two? Or were you going to address the elephant in the room, and just straight up flirt with him, now that he wasn’t being so closely watched anymore?
You didn’t know which would be the best option so you just took a big gulp and drank down the entire glass of Rum you had left. Maybe if you were less sober, you wouldn't excessively overthink. You weren’t even sure whether he was really staring at you or not. For all you knew, he could be staring at another beautiful girl in the crowd that was standing beside or behind you. And if you act impulsively now, this would be like that cheesy moment on Rom-Coms, where a girl waved back to the guy who she thought was waving at her but it turns out, he was actually waving at another girl who was coming from the same direction as her.
Nope, you weren’t going to be that girl.
So you just smiled and nodded along as Natasha introduced you to the rest of the boys. You didn’t want to be rude so you sat on your chair, facing them with an interested look, even though all you wanted to do was just shrink and leave this goddamn place.
“Hey guys, here’s my bomb-ass bestie slash roomie. Her name’s y/n! Isn’t she stunning?”
When Steve was about to offer his hand to you, Sam immediately inserted himself in front of you and Steve. “Well, hello, good-lookin’. Can I buy you a drink?” Sam, being the cool dude he was, he leaned back against the bar counter on his elbows as he shamelessly flirted with you.
“Nope, thank you. I just had one.”
“Oh, you look like you could use another one. Here, let me get that for you.” He cued the bartender to make an order and you instantly tried to stop him, telling him that it wasn't necessary, but it looks like the bartender was already taking his order for you.
And then, out of nowhere, Bucky suddenly stooped in like a hero. “Hey, Sam, why don’t you back off? This one’s mine, alright?” That elicited a questioning look out of you. “Mine?” He didn’t even know you.
“Oh wait, so this is the one you told us about in the dressing room?” What the hell? You thought. They were talking about you as if you weren’t there at all.
“Yep, so why don’t you fuck off and get out of here before I get myself drunk enough to shit on your bed?” His tone was menacing but you could tell that this was a normal, daily conversation between the two.
“Jeez, alright. I’mma leave. You don’t need to wave your dick all over my face.” Before Sam moved to another spot, he patted you on the back and said, “good luck.”
What? What the hell was that for? The bartender came in with your order and served another glass of Rum right in front of you.
“You don’t need to drink that if you don’t want to.” He carefully spoke to you, as if he was trying to not scare you away.
“No, I think I need to. Tonight’s been a pretty crazy night.” You took a sip, the cold drink felt nice on your tongue.
He chuckled. “Yeah, tell me about it.”
“Oh, how crazy can it be for you? Isn’t this like, what you do, every night?”
“Yeah, but, you never really get used to it, you know? Sometimes you just wanna sit in the bar and have a nice talk with a pretty gal and hide in the booth or something.”
That… Warmed up your heart. Damn, if this is his way of flirting, it was truly working. You could see now why everyone was calling him ‘a charmer.’ He really had a way with words. And stares. His baby blues really know how to captivate you and froze you on spot.
“I’m Bucky, by the way.” He offered his hand to shake yours.
“I’m y/n.” You shook it with a smile.
“Did you like the show?” He asked.
“Gotta be honest with you, buddy, your music isn’t exactly my kind of music. But you guys were awesome.”
He paused for a moment as if he was contemplating what he was going to say next. “Think I got a little distracted up there.”
“Oh yeah? Why is that?”
“Cause there was this pretty lady in a red dress that I couldn’t take my eyes off of.” His gaze even grew more intense now. He was looking at you like you were the only thing in the room. Then his eyes darted to your lips, as he licked his. And before you knew it, he started inching his face closer to yours as he held his gaze on your plump, painted lips, while you could feel his breath more and more as the seconds went by.
And then… His lips were on yours. It’s like the clock just stopped ticking and every noise faded into the background and you were the only two people in the room. His lips felt soft against yours, and the way he licked your bottom lip made your head spin. You ajarred your mouth to let his tongue enter as it got tangled with yours.
You were aware that Nat, Clint and Steve who were having a conversation are now watching you like hawks, but you couldn’t care less. Not when Bucky’s hands grabbed your face, so he could have more control over your mouth. You were practically out of breath by the time he looked into your eyes, that are now slightly darker than a few seconds ago. He loved the sight of you, with your lips slightly swollen.
“Let’s go somewhere more secluded.” You could only nod and then took his hand after he offered you his as you got off the stool. He led the way and you couldn’t help but notice the glances that were thrown by several women along the way. They were staring at him with incontrovertible full of hunger eyes, one even shamelessly put her hand on his shoulder, as she coquettishly smiled at him. Bucky only smiled back and nodded at her but he kept walking with you in his hand.
Even if you were practically a pair, you felt invisible. Everyone’s eyes were on you, but not precisely on you. This must’ve been something normal to him, you thought. You weren’t used to big crowds and inundated with attention, and you weren’t used with unquestionably holding a stranger’s hand and letting him take you wherever he had in mind. But you did anyway, and you weren’t having second thoughts.
Bucky led you to the cramped lavatory and locked the door. The lack of space made it even harder for you to breathe when Bucky was this close to you. He pressed his body to yours, as he kissed you once more. Slowly, but you felt the spell in your bones. “All I could think about on stage was tasting those luscious lips.”
You were spellbound by his magic. You could barely speak another word when his baby blue eyes were looking at you so intensely like that. But you gathered every cell in your body to utter the words anyway, “do it again, then.” You boldly challenged him.
He grinned a Cheshire cat smile. He grabbed your face again and eagerly consume you with his mouth. He then moved his hands to the back of your thighs to elevate you onto the sink. He put his hand on your thigh and the other hand went to the back of your head as he grabbed a fistful of your hair, while still kissing you even deeper.
He pulled away to stare at your distraught state and asked the question, “can I touch you?”
You licked your lips, as you nodded. “Please.” His mouth was on yours again, as the hand that was on your thigh moved to the bottom your dress, delicately inserted his fingers to feel you against your red lace panties. You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter as he motions his fingers in circle harder.
Your breath quickened. Your mind was getting hazy as the second passes by. The right strep of your dress had fallen off of your shoulder, and Bucky utilized that opportunity to pull down the other strap and he began groping your breast, tenderly pinching your nipple. That elicited a petite yelp out of you. He groped your breast once more as he was still toying with your nipple.
He began kissing your neck, shortly finding your sensitive spot as you threw your head back. You shuddered. Your hands grabbed his hair, wanting to feel him closer. “Bu- Bucky… Please. I need to feel you.”
You didn’t wait for his response and immediately lifted up his shirt. You were stunned by the sight under the dimmed light of the bathroom. Clothes really didn’t do this man any justice. He should never be allowed to wear any coverups, ever again now that you had seen him. He was sculpted by the Gods themselves. His biceps felt robust in your dainty hands and the V-shaped line on his hips led to somewhere you really wanted to wrap your lips around.
Your hands quickly zipped down his jeans and his boxer along with it, and you didn’t hesitate in feeling his throbbing member right there, right then. It felt tremendous in your trembling hands, and you felt it getting harder with every stoke of your palm.
“Oh, fuck, doll, don’t stop.” His voice was raspy in your ears. It was the sexiest goddamn sound you had ever heard.
“Yeah, just like that. Go faster, doll.” He sucked your earlobe and his hand fisted your hair, making a mess out of it. You didn’t mind one bit. You wanted to be a mess for him and only for him. You somehow still managed to pamper him with all the senses you had left, even if your mind was clouded with every part of him.
“Bucky, put it in me. Please.” You begged with a quavering voice.
“Your wish is my command, doll.” In a second, he pushed into you and it sent an electrifying jolt all over your nerves. You threw your head back in mingled pain and pleasure. He felt even more full now that he was fully seated inside you. He lifted you from the sink and pushed you to the wall on the opposite.
You circled your arms around his neck as your back was slammed against the concrete. Then Bucky began thrusting vigorously. You shut your eyes and moaned his name. Bucky, on the other hand, didn’t. He kept his eyes wide open to watch you with full attention. He loved seeing the way you were drunk in him. The way you forgot your name more and more every time he slammed back into you.
He loved the squelching noises ringing in his ears, better than the melody he was used to creating in the studio. The sound of your heartbeat was far more gratifying than the way Clint played his drum. Oh, how he could write an entire album solely about you in this state alone.
“You feel so good around me, doll. So. Fucking. Tight.” Your moans became louder with his filthy words in your ears.
“I’m gonna make you mine.” This time, his voice was sultry. It was rather beguiling than mortifying.
His hips kept moving and out of you with a vehement tempo, and then just like that, you crumbled. You screamed your pleasure, not caring if anyone could hear you. Bucky was still moving, trying to reach his own climax. Shortly, he was with you. He unleashed his cum deep inside you, adding the mess that was dripping all over your thighs.
You were a beautiful mess. And Bucky loved it.
After a few minutes, coming down from your high, you breathed into Bucky’s neck, not wanting for it to be over yet. You were a little scared that Bucky was going to walk out and pretend nothing ever happened between you. You didn’t know how many bathroom stalls Bucky had brought different women to and fucked them silly right there. You had a lot do unravel about him, yet, you weren’t certain whether he wanted to let you in or not.
“You okay?” Bucky whispered into your ear. You only nodded, still a little hazy from ecstasy.
“I’m gonna put you down now, yeah?”
“Okay.” He slowly set you on your feet, as he was still staring at your face. You leaned against the wall, trying not to collapse. Bucky picked up his shirt and put it back on along with his jeans and boxer.
“Let’s get out of here.” Bucky offered you his hand, like the gentleman that he was as if he hadn't just fucked you into oblivion in a public restroom.
You took his hand with a smile. You didn’t know what was going to happen after you walk out of the door, but you were going to savour every second of being in his arm if this was going to be last time you’ll ever see him.
You went home with a contented smile on your face. You were like a teenage girl who had just been asked to prom by her crush. How could you not, when Bucky offered to walk you home and left a kiss on your cheek before he called it a night?
Natasha was going to stay at Clint’s hotel, so you were supposed to walk home alone. You knew eventually this was going to happen but Natasha and Clint used it as a reason so Bucky and you would spend the night together too. You didn’t mind one bit, though. You wanted to elongate your time with Bucky and your wish was granted.
You offered him to come inside and stay for a little while, you were secretly hoping that you could go for the second round, but Bucky only chuckled and shook his head.
“Not tonight, doll. I ain’t that kinda man. And you need rest. But I’ll call you tomorrow, yeah?” Then you and Bucky exchanged your numbers and he waited until you were really gone from his sight.
You walked up to your dorm with butterflies in your stomach and sparks fly all trailing over your footsteps. Thank God, Natasha wasn’t here. If she were, she would’ve relentlessly teased you all night and made you admit that she was right to coerce you to come.
And you would’ve had to admit that she was right. And you didn’t like admitting that you were wrong.
But tonight, you were going to admit it to yourself though. Sometimes, doing something that frightens you the most would endue you in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine.
And you were going to thank your lucky stars tonight for embedding Natasha Romanoff in your life because, without her, you would’ve stayed in your shell and Bucky could’ve fucked someone else in that restroom instead of you.
That might’ve happened in another universe, but not tonight. Tonight it was you and you were really hoping that you were going to see him again in your dreams tonight. You had one taste of him and it wasn’t enough.
Bucky texted you not long after you took a shower.
“Dreaming of me, yet?” Wink emoji.
“Well, if I were, I wouldn’t be texting you right now, would I?”
“That’s true, but at least you’d be drenching your sheets because of me and I don’t think I have a problem with that.”
“I don’t need you to do that, maybe I can use some toys in my drawers tonight. They seem pretty bored.” Thinking emoji.
“Oh, doll, you are killing me here…” Drool emoji.
“You like it.”
“I do.”
“Goodnight, Bucky.”
“Goodnight, doll. Thinking of you here.”
You turned off your phone and the screen went black. You changed into your pyjamas and washed off the remnants of your makeup and let the slumber take over you.
Bucky’s face loomed over you, somewhere in a fancy balcony, the view of the city stretching over, added to the beauty of the scenery. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a white dress shirt and no tie. The first couple of buttons were unbuttoned, giving you a majestic picture that he was. His hands that were in his pockets, took yours as you exerted yours to him.
He leaned in with a bright smile under his stubbly face, his blue eyes sparkled like Sirius star.
“Fly with me, doll.”
“What if I fall?”
“Then I’ll catch you.”
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nvcl347 · 4 years
G-man x Neutral Reader : Float
There is nothing more stimulating to one’s inner awareness than the sense of being watched. The cunning, grievous impression that there is someone evermore at the fine ridge of your shoulder. From the critters of dusk to the bliss of dawn, it can arise to your chest anytime. Anywhere. An omnipresent hunch with no repercussions to solitude. A light in the dark can soothe any youth. A weapon at a man’s mattress gives solace in safeguard and shelter for his wife. All these fears ranging from modest chills to relentless terrors come with their individual set of gauzes, but being observed is one that cannot be cured unless the watcher willfully recedes.
You had found no cure. Not for an entire week.
The feeling of paresthesia stunned you into place. The delicate, benign stroke of your duvet served you nothing to placate your place of thought. It was strikingly apathetic, yet your guts shifted in bleak consciousness to what was emerging before you. The atmosphere descended to the rug of your floor like a miasma of mist. A clear, untempered fog without warmth or cold in its jot mass. It was corresponding sensitivity which resonated itself from the visibly imperceptible occupancy in the room.
This ringing peal in your ears chimed and chanted the closing bearing of hazardous peril nearing you. The first wave crushed you above and beyond head to toe. Comatose struck you stiff to your feet. An excrescent stimulant so strong, yet so brusque in moments. A shrill swallow purged your windpipe to no inclusive care as it took mere instants for the swelling lump of vulnerability to smother it once more. A throbbing response dwindled to the itch of your temple with the twitch of an eye. This was a frigid prison cell languidly sealing its aged, corroded bars around you. You only had so much time before the lock lost its key for good. You took no further chance of stalling in your rotted ditch as it was now. You made a break for it, a break made too late.
The second wave flustered you with sheer cortisone you had only seen portrayed in movies before. Pure stress, no rationality. Everything is done as nothing more than towards the aim to get away from something, whether that ambition proves itself to be even possible or not. Sure, there was an absolute source of skepticism wavering in your mind that you surely couldn’t ring on a run for your life forever-- not even that long at all really-- but it was enough to confer to him that you weren’t permitting this contract to compensate you without some form of a fight.
Your window was your only gate of haven wide enough to devise your way out of the enclosing cell that was suffocating you inside. A glint of day, no bigger than even a speck of dust, twinkling the sun’s rays in the oppression of dark’s shadow. It was your first jolt of instinct to approach, with no rebellious alternatives available to your disposal. Your apartment had gone still, which wasn’t deemed strange for how often CP suppressed noise, but the silence here was different. It brought about the uneasy feeling that you had just suffered a grave loss, one without the awareness that they were really absent due to the fact that you tended to be so accustomed to their company in prior times ago. Tragedy, without its grief.
The sky was the first to greet you in a welcome of cherries and lavished grape wine streaking the cloudless atmosphere above you. The Combine had stolen so much away from humanity, but the few of which they still held for themselves was the beauty of their stars. It reminded you of the phrase, “your days are numbered.” It seemed to be all but a distant fever dream you wished you could grasp again. Days… suddenly became minutes in less than the blink of an eye. The pace in your grappled rivalry signaled you were down to the second, each footstep counting a ticking timebomb with no number to reference. All you knew was that your minute slot was at zero.
To the edge of every complex was a leap of faith. A discouragement for your well-being suddenly an encouragement for your life. A freeze in time, a spark of recollection for all your anterior opportunities seem to carelessly fall from the pockets of your shirt with each jump across a thin, sullen alley descending below you. You were loosing more than simply your hope and energy in your race for time with the earth’s sun. You were loosing what made you, you.
Then, something shattered.
Shattered. Shredded. Snapped-- split into two. It all came down to one fatal leap. A leap, without its faith, and rather the denial that this effort of running for the preservation of your ages to come was even worth its striking endeavor. It gave you an image of strength… nothing more. This was no passion that led to a glorified satisfactory succession, it was a failure that provided the solace of a short-term benefit: the fraudulent display of rebellion, unveiled to be an insignia of desperation. You were better off resting your hour to the prison cell of your room. You’ve been caught in the midst of an escape, and now your sentence aches deeper to your price. 
The concrete edge of the rooftop struck you in your abdomen with enough force to knock more than just the wind out of you. There was no reaction time for the pain to follow the fractures in which had resulted from the critical impact, hurling you rearward into a longspun lapse of descent down into the melancholy alley below. An angel who befell not from the skies of heaven, but from the soil of earth. Your eyes gaped open as if you saw a crackle of lightning that never evanesced back into its home within the clouds. The unfolding action was so swift your diaphragm seemed to be lost in time in order to let out nothing more than the shrivel of breath, a gasp of surprise, and the last fresh intake of earth’s green air.
This fall continued so until you realized what should’ve been a fatal strike into pavement became an everlasting freefall, with your back confronting first what would’ve been your impending face of impact. A swell of abnormal nostalgia puffed into your chest as the pressure of gravity released itself of your every limb. The air that entered your lungs was not of the familiarity of your home. This was something distinct, different. It reminded you of a delicate celestial nature, with its particles of dust like the singularities of nebula clouds. You were filled with the sensation of satisfaction for something that didn’t exist. The nonchalance of times not of your memory, but of someone else. This stillness of time held you down in metal chains. You weren’t in freefall, you were floating in a cage.
As if dosed with anesthesia, the sensory vision of what took place around you was vague and numb to you. You were conscience, but the trail of thought in your head met a roadblock of elaborating what was taking place around you. You could see, hear, feel, taste, and smell, but nothing could process in you. It just all took place as a memory. A chamber of darkness sealed around you so obscure that its true size couldn’t be defined as anything more than an abyss in your sight. A white glow, alike to the pure radiance of a moon at midnight, shun over your form from above without a conceivable source. It was a contrast in light so strong that the bottom half of yourself blended into the silhouette of the environment around you. Anything could hide in these shadows without a sense of ease. And, to be sure, one did.
Defiant of the darkness, a flash of blue gleamed from afar, yet felt so close. With all but visibility to the iris, it was clear that hidden under the black garment was a malevolent, disturbing smile. A man who knew what he did best had been done again, and it never failed to gain his muse. The fix of a slick cuff appeared foremost as the man entered into full view for the first time, a posture so formal it felt uncanny in parallel to his stalking pace. 
From every minute detail, not a string of fabric or inch of hair was missed in his sight of consideration. Introductions were done so in silence, as both of you were collectively aware of who each other were. Old acquaintances fallen and succumbed to a pair of cat and mouse.
Your right hand slowly raised into the air with leisurely grace, reaching out into the hollow of moonlight. A Michaelangelo painting come to life, with no god providing a yield to the touch of creation. An expression, gray and inert, but clear that there was a starving hunger for freedom inside. Deep down, there lied a wind of thirst, unable to reach out in any way, left to be discovered-- and so it had.
The man walked forward into your straight frame of vision, leaning over your deadened form alike to a corpse on an autopsy table. His head tilted to the side with latent pastime. His hand tenderly caressed yours in the midst of the air, cementing it into place with the nuzzle clench of his fingers. A flash of light traced his stare, fragmentarily liberating you of your cerebral roadblock only allotting yourself to obtain the awareness of what was taking place. Feelings of pother, dismay, and others yet to be given names before took no paramount interval in coursing within your every smallest thread of nerve in your body. Paralysis, if only of a being simply from your figment of the imagination.
His head tipped forward, mere inches away from yours. The daunting pallid smirk of his face, although resembling that of a humanoid complexity, was eerie enough to radiate the sense of disturbing heartlessness. A sharp, ghastly inhale seeped through his lips as he proceeded to speak to you in a macabre tone that of a vile serpent.
“I would have preferred for our encounter to conjecture in more blithesome circumstances if not for your cause of strain to avoid your... troubles, Mx. (L/N),” your spinal cord strived to rattle down a line of a shiver, unable to do so in an instantaneous matter.
“Granted it seems that there was no other way we could have met under terms without some form of discomfort in your underlying perspective, but…” he paused himself, gazing off into the vacant interval of distance in realization. He revered that this stall of fundamental discussion was unnecessary and of no importance. His mouth flinched in agitation of himself with his eyebrows collectively furrowing against the aged skin of his forehead.
“You are aware of why I am here, and therefore you understand what I must do,” he leaned away from your face back into his straightforward posture, flapping the lapels of his navy suit into his desired position. You mentally heaved a sigh of relief in your mind, yearning that he would release you for dear life.
“These conditions are the first who ought delivered action in your-- timeline before. I cannot say that is a title you should hold any sense of peremptory regard in,” he began to trace your form about in circles, studying your loose outline as his hands placed towards one another against the tie of his thorax.
“For now, I can only provide my condolences to your prospect… that perhaps my employers solicit a sign of potential in you as I have, but they are not so magnanimous towards subjects. I have argued to preserve you for a time, tantamount to another reputable individual I have attended in previous years. There is a recognition that you two are not so different,” he halted himself right at the edge of your head, with only the fit of his shoulder and the point of his elbow visible in your line of sight. A long breath chiseled through him once more, peering down at his Oxfords.
“It appears however that, despite when under stipulations of no jurisdiction, you nevertheless are rather alienated in compliance. For chance, Mx. (L/N), there must be change,” his form turned his back towards yours, stepping away with the track of his footwear to tap away until his withdrawal of physical ubiquity.
“It is something that of human nature for free will to allow to chose your path. It is quite often that my hires often are given this illusion, but I believe you are mature enough to be fitted with this judgment…”
The rate at which his occupancy faded equivocated to the likes of which you were alleviated of your comprehensive thought of surroundings once more. All was dark, silent, and still. Your wide-open eyes shielded the windows to a soul that had been torn away. Liberty was a concept long forgotten, the amalgamation of deviation and resultant consequence. 
Your hand proceeded to reach for the void that was the sky in a relationship with the sublime, kindled by the light of ivory. Over and over, you could hear his words relapse in your mind similar to a broken record. Crackles, cuts, stutters, and shifts decimated itself with every replay. A vaguer message, a melting hope.
Subject: (Y/N) (L/N)
Status: Pacified
Further Evaluation Pending
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minstrivia · 5 years
; alexa, play wildest dreams | [teaser] 
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– pairings: kim seokjin x reader + min yoongi x reader
– genre: angst, smut, slow burn, the time travellers wife au
– warnings: lmao tba (probably gonna be hella wild sis)
– estimated word count: 20k+
– tagline: sometimes it’s the things you can’t stand to lose that need to be lost.
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Dear Y/N,
As I write this, you rest hardly breaths away, serene in sleep, adventurous fantasies I will never get the joy to hear of swarming your dream-filled mind and I almost want to wake you up, I bet you’d want me to wake you up. But I won’t, because it’s okay. Merely looking at you is sometimes all I didn’t know I craved. And I’d call you such a simplistic term as beautiful as the others do, but you. You’re not beautiful. You’re ravishing, angelic, unquestionably divine; such a word as beautiful cannot even begin to comprehend the way you shine. Your skin radiates, now, with a flat coat of sheen, strands of lustrous hair clung to the sweaty surface, longspun lashes touching delicately on the apples of your cheeks as your swollen dawn-tinted lips jut out in an untroubled pout. And despite there being enough covers to use, you sheath yourself around me, arms encircling my waist and legs weaving in mine, unearthing some sort of desired warmth in the grasp. It’s enjoyable. At least for the time being. For now, I can pretend you’ll love me forever because you’ll hate me soon enough. You will, I can swear on it. You’ll hate me so much, you’ll throw away everything that reminds you of me, you’ll rave to your friends about exactly how much of a dick I am, you’ll scream and sob wretched sorrows into the satin of your pillow sheets and in your head, deep down, the thought will prick at you slowly, it’ll cloud all your rational thoughts in a frenzied fury and then– only then, will you wish you’d never met me. I know you.
But before you do that, before you begin to curse me to the gods. Can I just say, how much I love you. It’s indescribable. It’s scary. Your hold on me is incredible, magnetic even and yet, somehow you don’t even know it. You don’t realise that whenever you’re there, I feel like a teenage kid with his first crush all over again; moist palms, bustling heart and a terrible stutter I’ve only managed to tame. You make me into a mess of a man. So please Y/N. If you want to hate me for anything– anything at all–, hate me for falling in love with you, hate that from the very first moment my eyes had landed on you. I’d known. Then, what exactly? I hadn’t been too sure of yet. But, I had known. And I’d come back, again and again, and again. And hate that along the line, you’d known too…
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↳  release date | tba
↳ a/n | so remember the fic i was supposed to post ‘fairytale of the kims’, well whilst editing, i thought of something better, something that i have more motivation to write and actually like. because i was editing fairytale of the kims and i just didn’t like it whatsoever, i didn't like the way it was set up and it frustrated me A LOT. but now with this 360 (kind of) change. it’s better. at least i think it’s better and i hope you guys enjoyed this lil’  snippet. now back to writing. yeeeeet.
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to find you
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30Dp3hr
by OccasionalAvenger
In those frigid, longspun months at Winterfell, Jaime becomes fond of saying that he would give his left hand to sleep in a bed again. And so he nearly chokes on his horsemeat stew when Brienne mentions at dinner that she has been assigned chambers for the night.
Words: 952, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth
Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30Dp3hr
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gutter-skank · 5 years
Why Use a Commercial Lawnmower at Home?
Not all yards are created equal. Business LAWN MOWERS are growing more and more familiar with managing household yards. There are various reasons you might prefer a heavy-duty machine for your garden. Find more at https://yardyum.com/blog/post/things-know-buying-best-commercial-zero-turn-mowers.
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Your Yard is Large!
If you have a big lawn to cut, and it takes you more than an hour a week to cut it with a domestic lawnmower, you might want to look at industrial mowers machine. You don't want to attain yourself in a condition where you use more time trimming your lawn than enjoying it.
You Have a Rough Landscape
It is so tough to cut down a flat garden. If your lawn has full of hills and rough spots, you probably want to look at a durable commercial mower with more robust components. They are going to last longspun, and do the kind of task you want.
You Want Professional Results
It is very tough to get a professionally landscaped look by using a domestic mower. If you need a better finish to your mowing, you may look for a commercial lawnmower. The way to make it look like the pros did it is to use the same tools they would use. You'll admire the returns from your industrial mower.
Lawn Care is Difficult
There comes the point when lawn care becomes too much of a burden. You can pay lawn assistance to look after your garden for you. Or, you can get the stuff that makes it easier for you to put your touch on it without the pressure and stress.
Types of Commercial Mowers
The most common models of commercial mowers are the Stand on Mower, the Zero Turn Mower and Walk-Behind mower. All of them are mighty machines that will be able to handle your lawn care. It's just a matter of preference.
The Zero Turn Mower
This heavy-duty commercial mower gets its name from the fact that it has a zero turning radius. It's gained its reputation in the past few years for domestic use. If you're considering going in this way, get the BEST COMMERCIAL ZERO TURN MOWER you can afford!
Happy Mowing!
Mowing is a fun thing. No matter what sort of industrial lawnmower you prefer, we know you will have joy! Try to be the talk of the block as you plan your lawn eating monster around the yard! 
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tensalonandspasblog · 3 years
Know What You Want via Expert Full Body Waxing
Waxing may not be the most luxurious beauty routine for some. To evade pain, many clients book individual waxing methods, and they get no more than three regions of the body waxed in a single session. Though, a few clients get their entire body smoothed out at once with a complete body wax package. Before you get a full-doy wax, you need to set some goals you are trying to achieve, as there are different types of wax available that provide additional benefits along with removing unwanted hair. 
What Customers Want from a Complete Body Wax
#1 A friendly, promising attitude: Anyone who books a complete body wax understands that discomfort might add up as every area is waxed. Hence, clients want estheticians to address them in a helpful and promising way. As soon as a customer walks into the room for a Full Body Waxing Loveland CO, the esthetician ideally should reassure the customer to ask concerns if he/she feels like it and mention to them that staying comfortable will make the experience smoother. It is worth considering that a full-body wax might take longer than supposed for purposes that are out of the esthetician's control. For example, the patient might require some time to recuperate after each area is waxed. Other customers might have to wait longer to have their waxing treatments done if this occurs, which is why it is essential to provide enough time for every full-body procedure. The esthetician should be competent enough to answer any questions, deal with anything that gets up and keep the customer comfortable and confident.
#2 Expertise: Customers wish to put themselves in the hands of a specialist for a comprehensive procedure like a full body wax. It is a great idea to have your best esthetician do full-body waxes since they take longspun and involve various body parts. The person you pick must be experienced enough to understand how to deal with every body part. 
#3 Hygiene and essence: The esthetician must do a completely hygienic procedure. Take anticipations before beginning the procedure and have the customer fill out a survey to see if they have any contraindications to waxing procedures. 
#4 Compliance: It is necessary to offer clients compliance. Some of them will wish to add up services smoothly instead of adhering to the full-body package, so be certain to arrange your wax procedure "menu" in a plan that will be desirable to you and your schedule.
#5 A reasonable cost: Salons and spas have varying prices based on their place and the gender of the customer. High-end spas will impose more for any waxing procedure, whether it is concluded area by area or is a complete body wax. Some spas extend very flexible appointments that even involve monthly, bi-annual, or yearly plans that can make a great difference in the cost when it is all said and done. 
So, when you are looking up for Body Waxing Near Me, make sure to confirm the products they use and whether you can do full-body wax in a day or schedule depending on your preference. 
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adfadilirawan · 3 years
Cymbalta, who eats my mistake in the lung of night, amidst longspun fight with insecure branches so my sorrow trailing, in a million dense of tangled mind.
It’s so ordinary it flies thought —  as eyes are flown all the way to gloom and boom! Void, clay girl with lamp-back not there for me.
It’s in slow mode, self-locked 24 hours per day in the way to live centuries it’s also me or fireflies jumped off a strand by your whistle hustle and fed with meteor showers.
It wasn’t when my sobs flush, but it was your heart! A straighten rattan a washable emulsion to draw banyan trees instead, this poem, spread around my dead.
It was me, but I refuse to invade by empathy and I might be a ghost then, back through its only life until you put your gloves and umbrella in my cave.
as you say now: “ … be back and live. You’d be one person.”
Yes, I would be one person again.
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shirleymydear · 4 years
Amaranthine (不變)
English translation:
{the translations may not be accurate! pls any information contact me!}
The longspun thread of longing has finally been broken
Years of attachment, yet we still missed our date
You have gone far away
Disappeared from my life’s horizon
The hapiness and sadness of this life have lost their flavor
Memories are spreading, consuming my countenance
I cannot walk away from yesterday, cannot shed tears
You were once my sky
I needed only to raise my face to possess everything
How can I face a night without you?
My deep love for you is amaranthine
My resentment for you is amaranthine
My devotion for you is amaranthine
From now on until eternity
My yearing for you is amaranthine
My broken heart is amaranthine because of you
My best wishes for you are amaranthine
Even if you become oblivious to all my wishes from now on
The longspun thread of longing has finally been broken
The longspun thread of longing has finally been broken
The longspun thread of longing has finally been broken
The longspun thread of longing has finally been broken
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ao3jamiexbrienne · 4 years
to find you
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30Dp3hr
by OccasionalAvenger
In those frigid, longspun months at Winterfell, Jaime becomes fond of saying that he would give his left hand to sleep in a bed again. And so he nearly chokes on his horsemeat stew when Brienne mentions at dinner that she has been assigned chambers for the night.
Words: 952, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth
Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30Dp3hr
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thrill-ng · 5 years
Yul Edochie pays a special visit to his Mum and Dad, after a longspun
Yul Edochie pays a special visit to his Mum and Dad, after a longspun
Popular Nollywood actor and Nigerian politician Yul Edochie pays a special visit to his parents Pete Edochie, his father and Josephin Edochie, after many years of not visiting.
Yul Edochie shared the lovely family photo of his lovely mother and father Pete Edochie on the internet during the visit to his parents.
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kwttoday · 5 years
Frightening footage shows father hitting and throwing almost wailing infant to make her walk
Frightening footage shows father hitting and throwing almost wailing infant to make her walk
Frightening footage shows father hitting and throwing almost wailing infant to make her walk
A minute and 36-seconds longspun video that published a father tossing and throwing around his daughter to make her performed has gone viral
The footage, which has embarrassing and disturbing footage of the father ruthlessly assaulting and abusing the baby daughter, was angered numerous the Internet.
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kwttoday · 5 years
The Final trailer of 'Stranger Things' Season 3 will blow you away
The Final trailer of ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3 will blow you away
The Final trailer of ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3 will blow you away
There’s plenty going on in the brand-new season of “Stranger Things.”
Season 3 of the beloved Netflix series will commence shortly, and the newest trailer just released.
The three-minute-longspun, action-packed clip reveals that Eleven, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, Max and the rest of the group are growing up and getting on…
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