#loo roll holder
hygieneworkwear · 2 years
Coreless Toilet Roll Dispenser
Our Coreless Toilet Roll Holder/Dispenser is available for purchase on our site! Great for work toilets and will keep your toilet roll dry and fresh.
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Coreless Toilet Roll Holder
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jeansplaytoy · 10 months
Complaining - Ony. 3
<<part two part four>>
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toxic references, mentions of cheating, a little arguing (?)
sorry that this took so long! no proofread, i’ll proofread tmr, and this is a short chapter. 🙏🏾
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the rest of that night was nothing but endless stares from onys girlfriend. you didn’t know if she was just taking a good look at you or full on staring at you out of jealousy. but whatever she was doing, you didn’t wanna have to slap the fuck outta her, so you just minded your own business.
but no matter where you went or what you did, you could feel a pair of eyes on you.
you stood by the stairs, waiting for ony to come back down. when he did, you snapped your finger in his face. “tell yo bitch quit staring at me.” you squinted. “you act like i can control what she do.” ony paused, looking over at her before looking at you.
“you controlled everything i did, i guess she just really a special typa different.” you crossed your arms, furrowing your eyebrows at him. he rolled his eyes at your attitude. “why you always got sum to say? i ain’t said shit to you for… thirty seconds since you walked in on that lil interaction upstairs.” he muttered, scanning your body quickly before looking back at your eyes.
you shook your head. “you cheat on every bitch you get. keep yo’ eyes off of me, gang.” you muttered, walking to the kitchen to pour yourself a drink.
ony followed behind you with a slight frown. “nigga, who you callin gang?” he frowned, glancing back to see if his girlfriend was still looking. you shrugged. “the only reason you following me around is because i’m wearing a two piece. you sad as fuck.” you pointed at him before taking a sip from your cup.
ony smacked his lips. “ion even fuck wit her like that. she just another replacement for yo ass.” he muttered. you looked him up and down. “another? you think that shit posed to make me giggle or sum? knowing you’ll be doing the same shit if we ever got back together, grow up bro.” you pushed past him to walk back over to mikasa.
“i’m tryna go, bruh. ion wanna be here.” you muttered to her in her ear. she hummed, patting jeans shoulder. “we bouda go.” she said before standing up and grabbing her things.
you waited patiently for her and as she finally reached you, you both started to walk out the door. “girl what the fuck happened?” she asked you, rummaging through her keys in her hand. “i just don’t wanna be there. ony finna piss me off.” you mumbled, opening the passenger side car door. mikasa got in the drivers side and started the car, turning on the air.
��watchu mean?” she asked, sitting her phone in the cup holder. “because, this nigga talmout some ‘she just another replacement for you’ like that’s posed to make me fuckin happy or sum. like bitch, another? been fuckin wit other bitches since we been together and just won’t stop, even wit the same bitch he with now.” you threw your hands around in annoyance, explaining the situation.
mikasa hummed, signaling you to keep going.
“and then this dumb. ass. nigga. really got the nerve to bring this new, ugly, mean mugging ass bitch around and try to make it seem like the group like her. ony, yo bitch ass don’t even like the bitch, so what the fuck?” you squinted in annoyance.
he was really pissing you off, and you didn’t know if it was just because you were sensitive, or if it was because he was doing that on purpose. but whatever was going on, it needed to stop.
“girl, you wanna know what i think? i think you and ony need to get y’all shit together.” mikasa pointed at you. “because this shit finna keep happening and ain’t nobody else finna be here to sort this shit out with both of y’all. now i’m on yo side, a hundred fuckin percent, cause i don’t like the bitch either. but when it comes to you and him, it’s a mess.” she shook her head.
“so what ima do? walk around and pretend i fuck with him or whoever else he bring around?” you looked at her.
“you need to sit his ass down and have a real conversation.”
“mikasa, that nigga is not finna listen to me.”
mikasa slowly shrugged. “you ever know til you try.” she muttered. “and you know they having parties all this week, so you better be here tomorrow, get his ass, and talk to him.” she raised her eyebrows at you. you smacked your lips and looked out the window. “i gotchu.” you lazily exhaled.
when mikasa finally dropped you off, you made your way inside your empty house. it wasn’t different, it’s been two weeks. but it was still somewhat boring. it wasn’t boring before you met ony, or when he was there.
that didn’t mean you wanted him to fulfill your loneliness. and if you did, you’d never admit that to anyone. not even yourself.
but when you took off your swimsuit, you took a long, hot shower, clearing your mind of every negative thought.
putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top, you laid across your bed, letting out a long and exhausting exhale.
tomorrow is another day.
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this was rlly short i’m sorry yall i’ll make it up fr 😭.
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cricketnationrise · 1 month
Ficlet prompt
Fandom: RWRB
Time: 10:53 pm
Location: Karaoke Bar (did it have a name in the movie? I’ll have to search in the book)
Song: Josh Turner’s “I Want to be Your Man (have you seen the Taylor/Nick duet?? 🔥)
Rating: Author’s discussion
AO3 UserID: Penandra (reader not a writer on AO3 — some (old) stories on FFN
Thank you for what you’ve written so far. Excellent!
was i searching the wrong song title at first? yes. did i eventually realize and find the tiktok of them singing a verse of this almost immediately? also yes. thanks for the prompt, hope you enjoy the ficlet!
read the rest of the ficlets here
10:53pm, karaoke bar
Henry’s already pleasantly tipsy before they even get to Alex’s mystery destination. The car stops and Nora and Pez tumble out, pulling June and Bea after them. Henry waits, sprawled across Alex’s chest.
“Let’s go, baby, we’re here.”
“Comfy, though.”
“You’ll like it, I promise. And it’s an anniversary of sorts for us.”
Intrigued despite himself, Henry straightens up, a bolt of heat going down his spine when he spies the neon Karaoke Queen sign out the tinted window. A veritable storm of hazy memories flick through his brain: luridly bright kimonos, an inadvisable amount of vodka shots, an even more inadvisable moment in a bathroom.
“You want to celebrate this anniversary?” Henry asks, incredulous. “Is there a traditional gift for the first anniversary of bathroom sex? A new loo roll holder, perhaps?”
“I was more thinking about what happened later that night,” Alex says softly, a hint of embarrassment playing around the corner of his mouth. “It was the first time I—that we…”
The reminder that following his rendition of Don’t Stop Me Now—Henry is sure it had Freddie himself spinning in his grave—the two of them had stumbled into a hotel room and been as close as two people possible could, is a humbling one. Alex had been nervous, but determined to make things as pleasurable as possible for him. Determined to meet Henry’s suggestion head-on, despite his lack of experience with men. 
It had been a tipping point for Henry—what he supposed was the beginning of the end for the two of them. They’d shared a bed before, but it was that morning in LA, Alex watching Henry get ready for the day despite his own exhaustion and hangover, that a pang of sharp longing hit him. He wanted Alex in his space, always; wanted him at every event, in every room, at every hour of the day.
And he and Alex were still “casual.”
“I just—that night was special. So I made sure with Bea and Pez that you were free this weekend so we could come back here, now that we’re out, and not have to hide any ounce of love this time.”
“Forget it, it’s stu—”
“It is not stupid. Let’s go.”
Henry’s the one to lead Alex inside, fingers laced together. The rest of their group cheers when they make it to the table. Henry busies himself downing the first two shots Pez ordered to avoid hearing the specifics of the teasing aimed at their later arrival. Honestly, Nora should know that two-thirds of her bawdy suggestions aren’t even physically possible.
“As punishment for your tardiness—”
“It wasn’t even five minutes,” Alex protests.
Pez continues as though uninterrupted. “You two lovebirds are up first. And if you don’t suitably impress us, you’ll be forced to do solos until the staff begs for mercy.”
“That seems more like a punishment for us,” June whines, but Henry recognizes the teasing glint in her eyes.
Alex shoves at her. “Fuck you, I’m great at karaoke.”
“Then it should be easy to get us on our feet,” Bea says. “Choose wisely.”
“Y’all are the worst,” Alex says. He downs two shots in quick succession then stands and gallantly holds out a hand for Henry. “Shall we?”
The next few minutes pass by at lightning speed. One moment Alex is cackling over song options and the next he’s towing Henry up onto the stage while the twangy guitar intro plays. At least Alex picked a song Henry’s heard of, even if he’s never tried to sing along before. When the lyrics pop up on screen, Alex starts, lowering his voice in a futile attempt to match Josh Turner’s. It’s all Henry can do not to laugh, but he knows his grin is visible from space.
Baby, lock the door and turn the lights down low
The delighted screaming starts almost immediately, drowning out Alex’s voice as the crowd joins in. Your Man isn’t really an up-and-at-’em kind of song, but the whole bar is singing along with his boyfriend and Henry can’t look away. Alex meets his eyes with more than a little heat as he sings: 
I’ve been thinking ‘bout this all day long 
Never felt a feeling that was quite this strong
And Henry snaps out of his trance for the opportunity to utterly wreck Alex’s concentration. He deepens his own voice and half-speaks, half-sings: 
I can’t believe how much it turns me on
Alex’s face is a picture of shock; the juxtaposition of Henry, Prince of England and usually buttoned-up, singing about being turned on, is apparently enough to make Alex gape. Henry continues, more sincerely for the next line.
Just to be your man
Alex blows him a kiss and then tugs him in closer with an arm around his waist so that they’re sharing the same mic. Henry would protest, but the shots and Alex’s proximity have him relaxed enough to throw himself into the rest of the performance. He looks out and sees Pez serenading both June and Nora, sees Bea tapping her foot and holding up the lighter app on her phone. A group of bar patrons over on the dance floor are doing some sort of line dance, what Henry thinks might be a slow Cotton Eye Joe. Even the bartenders are singing along. 
The words spill out of Henry like campfire sparks shooting into the sky. He feels welcome here, in Alex’s arms, surrounded by family and friends and strangers all united by this one song. Such is the magic of Alex—he lights up any room he’s in and then uses that light to illuminate the corners, to include as many people as possible. But—
Alex sings the next lines directly to Henry:
Ain’t nobody ever love nobody
The way that I love you
Henry can’t help but pull him in for a sloppy kiss right there on stage. Just because he can. Because he loves Alex.
Because he loves.
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mommys-gurl · 1 year
New Debutante
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"Hey Stevie… look at this!" my sister said, leaning over and showing me an advert in the magazine she was reading. "Imagine wearing that!" she grinned.
"It looks like the toilet roll holder on Granny's cistern." I said. "One thousand two hundred and fifty quid?!" I exclaimed. "How do you even walk in a dress like that?"
"I don't think you're supposed to walk in it." she replied. "When all you need to do is be beautiful." she said, reading the tag-line below the Boybie logo.
"What's the point of it then?" I quizzed.
"It's a debutante dress. You just stand there." she told me.
"They're for when you're being presented to prospective wives." Mum told us. "Not that we'd ever be able to afford a debutante dress for you Stevie. It's an upper class thing."
"Thank the lord for that!" I gasped. "How do you go to the loo in it?"
"I think the idea is you don't." Mum said as she looked over our shoulders. "There must be a hundred layers in the petticoat he's wearing beneath it." she claimed. "It is very beautiful though." she said.
"But totally impractical." I replied.
"…and eye wateringly expensive." my sister added. "I'd want the jewellery included at that price."
"The people who can afford to put their sons forward as a debutante probably spend that on breakfast every morning." Mum claimed.
"How do you even sit down in something like that?" I wondered.
"You don't." Mum replied. "You just stand there; silent and demur… sometimes for hours on end when the parents are discussing dowries and such like."
"What are dowries?" I asked.
"A dowry is a sum of money given to the bride when a son is married off." she explained.
"Why?" I quizzed.
"Because rich boys grow up in a houseful of charboys doing all the household chores. They're no use as a househusband and nothing more than a trophy…. so aside from being beautiful, they come with a massive wad of cash… otherwise no-one would take them into matrimony."
"So if we were super rich…" my sister said. "…Mum'd have to pay someone to marry you."
"Fortunately you're a good charboy Stevie… which means you'll be a good househusband… so when we do marry you off, it won't cost me too much." Mum added.
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overtlydinosaurian · 6 months
As we get closer to Christmas eve, I hope everyone thanks the women in their lives for making it happen. For cooking the feats, for cleaning the house, organizing and buying the presents, reading and considering your wants and needs, and decorating. Yes men might sometimes do this too but let's be real- for the most part, they most certainly are not.
Below is the article (not sure if paywalled, either way it's easier to just read in app). All emphasis added is my own.
Christmas is a feminist issue: Who does all the menial, emotional, mental labour?
It is time to strike – You never know, you just might get a Christmas miracle
My family is blessed. We live in a house with a self-cleaning bathroom. What’s that, you ask? Well, it’s a bathroom that regularly replenishes itself with clean towels and full tubes of toothpaste. The loo roll automatically replaces itself and the small bin under the sink empties itself when full. The hot press is refilled with clean bed linen, and clothes in the laundry basket somehow get themselves to the washing machine and back to dry by what seems like magic.
Mea culpa. I tell a lie. My family used to live in such a wondrous place until last week, when I went on bathroom strike. For five days I stopped doing all the necessary chores associated with the bathroom, and yes, even though I am very, very far from being a house proud or tidy person, I found it difficult. But in the service of feminism if not sanity, I bit my lip at the empty loo roll holder, the dirty towel still on the handrail and the toothpaste stains smeared all over the handbasin, until eventually I could stand it no more and I informed the other people I share a home with that there was no magic elf and if they wanted the bathroom cleaned they would have to do it themselves.
Cue shock, horror and disbelief; dear Lord, you would think I’d told them that Santa himself doesn’t exist.
Fortunately, however, we know that not only does Santa exist, but Mrs Santa will send her elves to earth to do all those chores that need to be done in every household before Christmas. You know the ones I’m talking about: the ordering gifts online and ensuring they are delivered on time: The gift wrapping of the pressies that need to go under the tree (has anyone seen the sellotape?) and purchase of all those itty-bitty gifts needed for Christmas Stockings (the dog needs one too) that hang over the fireplace.
There’s the extra decorations that make the house look properly festive – don’t forget a new wreath for the front door, they’ll be sold out before December 15th! – All this in addition to the necessary house cleaning, food buying and meal cooking that must be done before we ring in the New Year.
Oh sorry. There I go, lying again. Because whatever about Santa, sadly there have been no houseworking elves in my world since I left the Mammy and moved into my own home. That is when I discovered that there are three types of unpaid labour that women are expected to do, without thanks or recognition let alone financial compensation.
Firstly, there is menial housework, as in the aforementioned bathroom and sitting room and repeat ad nauseum. I am talking about all the repetitive, boring stuff we have to do so that Health and Safety doesn’t stage an intervention. This is the work that is done primarily by women – and when the men do it, they expect a reprieve from all menial jobs for at least a month as well as a huge clap on the back while a Greek chorus plays “Isn’t He Wonderful” behind them. (Obviously, I’m talking about the majority of men here. There is a lot of empirical evidence to back me up, so please don’t email, text or tweet me saying you’re a bloke that does housework and I’m a nagging, ball breaking, feminazi. I get lots of communication like that already thank you.)
Second, there’s mental labour, which includes the planning of dinners, school lunches, kids clothes, dental appointments. It’s lying in bed figuring out play dates, present buying and how on earth you’re going to get the dishwasher repaired while picking up the groceries, visiting your Granny and working a full time job. It’s when you nag at your spouse or kids about having to do it all solo and they roll their eyes and say, “make a list” or “just tell me what needs doing”.
This drives me crazy because in the workplace, recognising and organising what needs to be done and then delegating those tasks is called management. This is a respected job which is rewarded with appropriate remuneration and status. When a woman does the same at home, it’s called nagging. There is no reward and no appreciation of your managerial skills. There is definitely no status associated with it. Except the status of skivvy and martyr.
Third, there’s emotional labour, which involves ensuring that everyone stays happy, included, cared for and satisfied.
Arlie Hochschild, the sociologist who introduced this phrase, defined it as work (paid and unpaid), where you “induce or suppress feeling in order to sustain the outward countenance that produces the proper state of mind in others”. Bluntly, it’s putting a smile on your face as you serve Christmas dinner when all you want to do is tell the world to feck off and then lock yourself in the sitting room with the dog and a large (bottle of) gin to watch reruns of Poirot (me, pretty much every Christmas Day).
You don’t have to be a feminist to resist doing the three types of work I mention above. You just have to be a man. Because, to answer Caitlin Moran’s question, “Are the boys doing it?” in the vast amount of cases they most certainly are not. They will leave the cooking and cleaning to you but assume they are doing their fair share if they fill the dishwasher after Christmas dinner and wash the odd pot.
It is the biggest mystery of all time. Why – despite all the advances of feminism - do women still do the lion’s share of housework, the second shift? Why, in 2019, does the latest ESRI study show that women spend double the time of men on caring and more than twice as much time on housework? The simple answer is that most men don’t want to do all that stuff. Why should they – it’s thankless work. And while women continue to cook, clean for them and pick up their dirty socks, they don’t have to.
Ladies, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time to strike. And then wait to see if Mrs Santa sends those house elves to visit. You never know, you just might get a Christmas miracle. And if not, at least you’ll have a less stressful one.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 1 month
10:53pm karaoke bar
by cricketnationrise “You’ll like it, I promise. And it’s an anniversary of sorts for us.” Intrigued despite himself, Henry straightens up, a bolt of heat going down his spine when he spies the neon Karaoke Queen sign out the tinted window. A veritable storm of hazy memories flick through his brain: luridly bright kimonos, an inadvisable amount of vodka shots, an even more inadvisable moment in a bathroom. “You want to celebrate this anniversary?” Henry asks, incredulous. “Is there a traditional gift for the first anniversary of bathroom sex? A new loo roll holder, perhaps?” Words: 999, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 36 of and i would walk 500 more Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, LA Karaoke Bar Take Two, Now With Even More Feelings, sappier than intended, But That's Like Half My Fics At This Point, JFC Josh Turner's Voice Is So Deep, Ficlet via https://ift.tt/ew7a2Lr
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labelleizzy · 2 years
Small happy 😊 🚽
A small happy thing in my house! 🏠
So my bathroom is tiny. House so smol, loo is nice but not much storage. Of necessity, the jumbo pack of TP lives on the high shelf, well out of my reach without a TALL stepstool.
I have a bamboo backscratcher, which fits on a lower shelf and I DO use it for the normal reason BUT ALSO it's an arm-lengthener!
I reach up, snag the edge of a TP roll, flip it down. It either falls off the shelf into my arms like Buttercup falls into Fezzik's arms, or...
Sometimes, and it's real satisfying, I catch the center of the roll with the backscratcher, and it slides Down The Stick and stubs up against my hand. And I can just *flip* it into the paper holder on the wall.
*cheese eating grin* Is dumb, and also satisfying.
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ohsayit · 5 days
Anson and her not very cursed tiger
For all I know, this is roughly how tiger looks like. Reference: my tiger loo roll holder cone thingy
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Tigers actually got eyes like this. Round, not a slit. I think lion and cheetah are also round eyes. But I gave my lion a slit eye because that's funnier.
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carveus · 1 month
Fellow people who live in shared houses, you ever just get those "Urgh..." moments with your housemates?
Like the "One of you lives on tinned fish and raw vegetables, the other on peanut butter sarnies and tinned soup (that you refrigerate for some reason). Can I please get 5 minutes of free bathroom time?"
Yes, we have an outdoor toilet. But it is full of spiderwebs, and I am afraid of spiders. And I just woke up.
Also one of them, despite knowing where the spare loo roll is and where the bin is; will take the cardboard tube off the holder, leave it on the counter, and then just leave the bathroom.
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thecrybabysketches · 2 months
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21/100 - this was made out of a phot of a loo roll holder in a venue if you would believe!
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birdsvilleroundtrip · 11 months
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Bedourie and Birdsville are both in Diamantina Shire. It has an area the size of the UK and a population of between 250 and 7000 (for the races and The Big Red Bash). The loo roll photo is the rabbit trap holder from the pie shop ( mentioned previously) and the little purple pea flower is one that's quite widespread in the desert landscape.
We saw three dingoes that day, all quite close and one crossed the road in front of us. The spot where Pete's pretending to kick a goal is the same place as the picture above, a lookout where we had lunch. 360 degree views and "a loo with a view".
We crossed the Tropic of Capricorn (old hat) and I snapped a zebra finch but he's a bit fuzzy.
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elegantshowersblog · 11 months
Rest Room Accessories
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At Elegant Showers, we have popular materials for toilet equipment including steel, ceramic, plastic, and stone. View your restroom as a mini day spa, and choose equipment that suits your personal style and total palette of your own home, while catering fully to your organizational needs. The lifespan of loo equipment will depend upon the standard of the merchandise and the extent of use. It is recommended to switch accessories that might be worn or broken, or in the occasion that they no longer meet your needs or type preferences - bathroom accessories online retailer.
When it comes to bathroom design, choosing the right equipment could make all of the distinction. By selecting the right color for your bathroom equipment, you can enhance the overall ambiance and elegance of your area. Each material has its own advantages in phrases of durability, look, and upkeep. Bathroom equipment might help to enhance the organization, cleanliness, and magnificence of a bathroom. They can also add comfort and performance, making day-by-day routines more environment-friendly. The maximum weight that your particular bathroom accent product can take would greatly depend on the sort of structure that you are securing your fixings to within the wall - Vertical Flat Panel Radiators.
At Elegant Showers, a range of bathroom accessories units makes it easy to create your grooming haven. Available in various patterns, colors, designs, and kinds craft the proper look by searching via our full range. We provide a broad range of loo equipment that may assist enhance your personal home. Our various range of trendy matte black restroom fittings includes robe hooks, towel rails, toilet cabinets, soap dishes, and a lot extra.
We provide every little thing from gown hooks and toilet roll holders to towel rails, bath cabinets, and bathtub accessories. Our assortment of loo accessories contains makeup mirrors, cleaning soap dispenser pumps, restroom brushes, and bath caps. For the whole experience, purchase certainly one of our toilet equipment units that provide a complete set of toilet utensils that match in style to make your restroom look luxurious. For more information, please visit our site https://www.elegantshowers.co.uk/
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hashmo · 1 year
cleaning a bathroom
1.  Soak lotta in viakal/harpic
1.       Remove water from toilet with brush/empty WUL bottle
2.       Harpic limescale remover in toilet to SOAK the limescale
3.       Replenish loo roll and soap, clean soap dish
4.       Empty bin and change bag
5.       Remove items from all surfaces
6.       Dust the light, ceiling, extractor, behind the radiator, hoover/sweep floor.  Anything super dusty use the cellulose/moppets with damp and a tiny drop of WUL to smoosh up all the dust
7.       Wash outside of soap bottles and dry with microfiber
7.  Mould spray on susceptible areas to SOAK
8.       Viakal/Limelite/CilitBang on taps to SOAK
9.       Cif in bathtub and sink (or use up bathroom cleaner like Flash bathroom)
10.   Flash Bathroom on tiles if needed to SOAK
11.   Tiles: damp e-cloth and wipe the tiles, if u used flash then rinse e cloth and go over tiles again, if not around bath then now dry with dry microfiber, dry with towel
12.   Bath – non scratch scourer, tooth brush & non scratch scourer on taps, rinse with water, dry with dry microfiber, dry with towel.  dry the tiles around bath ow too.  Don’t forget the outside of bath, hand rails, shower holder
13.   Sink - non scratch scourer, tooth brush & non scratch scourer on taps, rinse with water, dry with dry microfiber, dry with towel.  Don’t forget the outside of sink.
14.   External toilet - Dilute some flash floor cleaner and disinfectant (1:40) in hot water in bucket.  Dampen microfibre and wash the top, cistern, handle, outside bowl, back, pipe, lid, seat then rim.  Dry with dry microfibre.  Dry with towel.
15.   Internal toilet – use a toilet brush to scrub the harpic that has now soaked.  Flush and use toilet brush while flushing. Apply bleach.
16.   Spray mirror with vinegar and use a non scratch scourer if dirty, then spray again and use the yellow glass cloth. Do the bathroom cabinet outside.  Also do the towel rail.
17.   Wash floor with the flash and disinfectant solution and microfiber.
18.   Put cloths and towels in wash.
19.   Dunk bottom of shower curtain in disinfectant for an hour.
20.   Deal with any mould with thick bleach or hg mould foam spray/limescale spots with harpic (not chrome) or spirit of salts (not chrome) or kilrock gel (on taps use kilrock gel or better to use vinegar or lemon).  If shower curtain has mould then dissolve a blach table in 5L of water to make a thin bleach and then soak for up to 24-23 hours to bleach it white. If you need bleach to adhere to a vertical surface then use thick bleach like domestos, or even bicarb to bleach in a 3:1 ratio. or  Mr muscle thick gel toilet bleach.  or domestos spray bleach.  Lakeland do a grout cleaning spray .
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assilbennani · 2 years
Create Space In Your Bathroom With Bathroom Storage
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Among all the rooms in a house, the bathrooms are usually the ones with limited space. Yet, this room is the most salient corner of any home. Therefore, proper utilization of space in a bathroom is very important to get the most out of the area.
The importance of understanding bathroom storage
The bathroom is one of the most used rooms in any home. It is essential that the room is functional and equipped to accommodate any demands that would arise in a family. Integrating effective bathroom storage organisers into your bathroom space to meet your demands is not a simple task.
We all know, irrespective of the size of a bathroom, how to store and in what to store can be a big problem. The good news is that Elite Housewares, a UK- based home decor brand, offers an entire catalogue of bathroom storage options that makes it easy for everyone to pick up products as per style and functionality preferences. 
Before you incorporate the various storage solutions for your bathroom, always think about the areas you want to conceal and places you would like to showcase. This would help you invest in the right storage solutions for your bathroom.
From toiletries, like shampoo to baby soap, cosmetics, towels, medicines, and bathroom cleaning materials, including loo rolls, your bathroom is a wealth of various products that can make it look messy and unloved. Organising them to perfection requires a specific bathroom storage solution. Bathroom storage solutions to consider
While there are many bathroom storage options we can talk about, the essential ones include - 
Bathroom cabinets - When we talk about optimising space, bathroom cabinets should always be considered first. The cabinets provide perfect hideouts for products like toiletries, medicines, and cosmetics. They are a great option for keeping things away from small children. Be it on the floor or off it, bathroom cabinets can contain a host of products. Nowadays, these cabinets also come with additional features like LED mirrors, which is a plus.
Bathroom furniture - If saving space is on your mind, then bathroom furniture offers a great range of durable, stylish, and multi-functional storage options. No matter what the size of your bathroom, furniture like bathroom shelves, towel racks, bath shelves gives your bathroom a very clean look. These days even floating bathroom furniture pieces are available that give an illusion of space.
Bathroom accessories storage - There are a lot of products to choose from for storing bathroom accessories. It could be hanging baskets positioned as shelves for the bathroom, toilet roll holders, or seagrass baskets. These storage options come in impressive designs and colours. For example, the black toilet roll holder looks good inside all bathrooms. 
There are many other bathroom accessories that you can consider for your bathroom, irrespective of the size. Bathroom floor mats should always be considered as it keeps wetness away from the floors. You can also think about using a Laundry Basket in your bathroom to not clutter the room with wet and dirty clothes.
The storage solutions available in a bathroom depend on how you want your bathroom to feel like. You could use too many storage options and make it congested or use the right storage and make it look appealing. Your bathroom furniture as home decor
One of the many ways to optimise bathroom storage ideas is through proper use of decor. Effective decor fills the empty bathroom spaces and gives you multiple possibilities. Since comfort is also an important feature, always use the storage solutions that best suit your bathroom. The best part about storage options is that they come in different price ranges and are pocket-friendly. 
Your bathroom is an important part of home decor. It should never be a dull place. At Elite Housewares, we believe a bathroom is the most personal space in any home. It is the ‘me time’ place for any individual. This place should always have a good feeling about it. Selecting the right storage solution can bring that goodness to your bathroom. 
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acrxmxnal · 4 years
“When you all were kids did you used to make lil cities n shit out of boxes and pretend you were Godzilla because you had no toys?”
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“Or was that just me?”
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abd-illustrates · 5 years
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Turns out the face I make when scrutinizing my own flaws in the mirror actually looks pretty okay 🤘
(Anyway, jokes aside; that wasn’t a joke! Like - by my standards anyway - that’s actually a really affirming statement to be able to say! Lemme explain:
I took these snaps tonight ‘cause I had an out-of-the-blue burst of real intense self-image anxiety - (the likes of which are thankfully fewer-and-farther-between for me these days, but certainly not unfamiliar. Gotta love the lifelong side effects of ur negative childhood experiences, amirite fellas!) - and didn’t feel like I could trust my own reflection. But actually seeing the pictures I took made me realize I didn’t actually look anything like the actual cave troll my brain was making me feel like. I just looked like a person. And that was such a fuckin’ relief!
So yea, I know this might sound fake deep or whatever, but this was honestly a bit of a random epiphany that ended tonight’s anxiety p much instantly: turns out that when you’re having major anxiety about your appearance, taking shitty, no-filter-or-makeup-or-whatever pictures of yourself in the state you’re currently self-conscious about can actually give you some real clarity and make you realize that you don’t look anywhere near as gross as you might’ve thought.
Note to self, and anybody else who might need to hear it rn; You’re okay!)
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