yzafre · 24 days
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What if the stuff that happened at the end of KH3 was like... bigger.
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triaelf9 · 9 months
Look, I'm just saying BG3 wouldn't have so many non-magic pretty rings as loot drops if they didn't want me to give them to my besties. For personal roleplay flavor. Just sayin'
(of course my gf Karlach has a bestie ring & a gf ring)
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Wait are we really calling the primary lesbian ship "Farcille" when "Marlin" is right there?
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darthstitch · 1 year
The Shade of It All
Titania, Queen of the Fae, can't accept that Dream of the Endless never took her up on a second invitation to her bed.
(For once, Dream decided to be sensible about his lovelife, which was, as everyone knew, tended to be catastrophic. That has since been addressed, but we'll get to that in a little bit. Give us a moment.)
So the vain, capricious, very dangerous Queen is incensed when she hears that His Darkness, the King of All Night's Dreaming, has taken up with a human. An immortal human, mind you, but the insult absolutely cannot be borne! It was insupportable!
And for the love of the Puck, they were married? Bound in heart, mind and soul, so Dream claims, that the very Dreaming itself recognized Robert Gadling as mate to its King and Heart? Yeah, Titania was going to challenge that, because Dream had been married before and gods above and below only knew how that ended.
So she thinks she's going to get a free show out of this, right? Bring the Lord of Dreams low, expose him in his passions before the avid, greedy eyes of the entire Unseelie Court, witness losing himself in the carnal charms of his chosen mate. She'll take whatever petty vengeance she can get.
(Perhaps there was a little bit of deviltry here from Desire's direction, because they were quite annoyed at the want and need that was currently centered around their brother. It was enough to make them reach for the Endless equivalent of Brain Bleach.)
Except she doesn't count on Feral Chaos Gremlin Hob Gadling.
Feral Chaos Gremlin Hob Gadling, who honed his eloquence and gift for words in an age where literary giants like Christopher Marlowe (and Shakespeare) had lived and breathed and spun their out their stories and tales to inspire the dreams of men.
Feral Chaos Gremlin Hob Gadling, who was quite capable of reading one capricious, glamour-ridden Faerie Queen for filth, stripping away her carefully crafted illusions with every word, every truth, with the sharpest wit and caustic humor that sent the Unseelie Court and the denizens of the Dreaming rolling in the aisles.
"Lubricate, Your Royal Nibsiness," Matthew the Raven tells him, nudging a whimsically carved goblet of dreamwine in Hob's general direction.
Hob takes it without missing a beat of his scathing read on Titania's grooming and beauty routine, which had already stripped her faerie web gown to ragged shreds.
The shade of it all was so epic that it had cast a cooling effect over the Dreaming, which had been suffering a bit of a heat spell, mainly because His Darkness and the Prince Consort had been thoroughly enjoying their honeymoon before they were so rudely interrupted.
Dream could only smile, cat-content and he had put a very eloquent period on Hob's Epic Read of Reads by dipping his consort into a kiss that was somehow far more passionate and hotter than the lurid fantasies that Titania and her Court had hoped to see. Frankly, they were all blushing like virgin maids in the end.
Desire closed up the Threshold and sulked for a solid six months.
Titania holed up in her chambers and was not seen for another century.
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iverna · 1 year
Yes, there are privacy concerns around Tumblr Live and the data they collect and how they use it.
However, if you own a smartphone (unrooted), use Facebook/Twitter/Whatsapp/Tiktok on your phone, own an Amazon Echo, use Amazon on your phone, use Chrome and/or other Google products, then Tumblr Live isn't any worse than what's already happening to you. They're already collecting and using and selling your data.
Not to say it's okay, it's not, but if you're genuinely concerned about privacy, there are a LOT of other things you need to address. And a lot of them are things YOU can address. No, there aren't alternatives for everything, sometimes you really don't have a choice, but like... nobody needs Tiktok or Chrome. You don't have to check into places via Facebook. You don't need an Echo.
More and more, there's this attitude that it's the companies who need to change how they do things. There's nothing we, as the consumers, can do except complain about it. Wrong. There's plenty you can do, yourself, right now.
Please, please do get more concerned about privacy. And act on that concern. Use Firefox. Get anti-tracking add-ons. Avoid Amazon and Google as much as you can. Get rid of the social media apps. Don't sign into websites using your Google/Apple/Facebook account. Opt out of personalised ads, turn off the web & app activity in your Google account, etc. There's even alternatives to smartphones, and ways to use a smartphone while avoiding (most of) the privacy concerns. There's a lot you can do to safeguard your privacy online. The exact options will vary depending on your specific circumstances, so just look into it.
Yes, it's effort. Yes, it might involve having to learn some new skills. But it's that or waiting for the companies to grow a conscience and stop harvesting and using your data of their own free will. Do yourself a favour and start looking out for yourself.
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clownsecret · 6 days
cazador, about to invent a new nightmare punishment for his spawns: you know what would be really fucked up? the skull of vellioth that he talks to because he has no friends: skull: cazador, sighing: why do i even bother telling you anything
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bloodofgrapes · 10 months
related to the last thing I reblogged
I need phoenix and edgeworth to both have an actually dedicated trained paralegal each
entirely so that they can call each other to schedule M&Cs and other meetings and the paralegals can sigh in commiseration with each other as they try to wrangle the Attorneys
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
I need to stop reading up on haunted mansion lore it's making me convinced it's all related to Twisted Wonderland somehow and that Ramshackle is literally just the Happy Haunts Dormitory
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answrs · 10 months
in another universe where I had the thoughts and/or motivation for it I'd write a meta/character-focused essay about Volo just to use the lyric title 'Heros Always Get Remembered But You Know Legends Never Die' because you Cannot Tell Me that isn't a fitting line for a deep dive/expansion on his motivations and position as a counterpart to the MC.
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lastofthemessengers · 2 years
Yeah, I think I'll be normal for this event, you know like there's no way-
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boernepedia · 1 year
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“Urban gay men live in chic condominium apartments, buy a lot of hair and body care products, [and] have great taste in cars, clothes, and interior design”
– Andil Gosine (Professor for Environmental Arts & Justice) about mainstream representation of gay men
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n0brainjustvibes · 3 months
the sayjins
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angelsndragons · 2 years
ya know, until it’s proven otherwise, i’m just gonna assume orym and dorian got together off screen between exu and c3 because it’s just such a funny idea. we’re all here hoping they get together and the joke is they’ve been together the entire time and we the audience are the last to learn it.
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crustaceousfaggot · 2 years
Y'all I think Tumblr is seriously underestimating Opera as an art form. It's just like. Musical theatre but with 900% more Italy, 175% more melodrama, 250% more murder, and like,,, 800% more homoerotic tension.
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ai-reblogs · 7 months
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wasabipoptart · 8 months
Cold-blooded murder aside, the world is a better place with Ned Low no longer alive in it.
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