#look at me writing starters
patrickoharaandco · 6 months
Cygnus Dolohov walked into the chamber where he knew he'd find his wife. Initially she hadn't been so receptive to him but he'd managed to bring her around. He'd gifted her lots of pretty, if partly see-through dresses for her to wear.
He put his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck teasingly. "Hello my love." He whispered into her ear as he pulled her body close to his own.
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somnimagus · 8 months
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-blonde horror protagonist's abrupt and incorrect assumptions about blonde people
[id in alt]
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treehuggerthegreat · 2 months
something i really need to get off my chest even if i just post this privately is That i really dislike ‘caretakers’ in whump writing. or ‘whumper’ i feel like it makes a character (even if they’re just a hypothetical one) feel very 1 dimensional and it makes me so OKAY JUST HEAR ME OUT!!! whumpee i don’t mind much, it makes the prompt or what your talking about a little clearer. But it feels like it’s putting it into a box and making sort of roles which makes it feel less like a prompt and more like we’re in an omega verse fandom and i mean this really lovingly and affectionately and no hate to any of yall. I have a vast amount of characters and i write stories and books and I can say with out a shadow of a doubt, not ONE of them fall under ‘whumper’ or ‘caretaker’ because i develop them as their own individual character. Not even my antagonist are ‘whumpers’
So one of my main antagonists literally burns cigarettes on the MC and abuses the MC. Tries to kill her on her 18th birthday. Shes her mom, and the main character PHYSICALLY cannot leave that situation with out getting the authorities involved until she turns 18. Mom sounds like an ass, she beats ‘whumpee’ up! why would i NEVER call her a whumper? because she’s a whumpee by that logic. Her mom was extremely emotionally abusive, and half the time not fully there. Her shitty ass dad got murdered in front of her when she was just a kid. but Her mom isn’t a whumper either, because she too would be considered a whumpee. She was a world renowned flapper girl, everyone loved her. she LIVED for the fame and her face in newspapers. But behind the scenes she was actively ignoring her distant parents as they continued to try and marry her off. She was then forced into the marriage when she got pregnant with the guy (much so against her will which is why she killed him.) and ever since she’s been delusional and not fully there. It’s generational abuse.
more ramble under the cut + extra clarification on what I’m trying to say
okay but that’s just generational abuse right? There are other whumpers in the real world! Yeah i guess there’s sadists and serial killers, but like, there’s SOOOO much more guys.
I have a mini antagonist, he’s in highschool and he’s meant to be the toxic narcissistic ex of one of my characters. But he’s falling apart trying to get attention, he’s not fully aware of the damage he IS doing. Ass he may be but again behind the scenes he’s constantly fighting with his dad who refuses to do anything around the house and who is also transphobic (she’s bigender but i’ve been using he to make it less confusing right now) and now she has to take care of her little sister and act like a whole ass mom. As a sophomore. In high school. Not only that but her mom died, so she has to struggle with that. She’s just an annoying ass teenager, she doesn’t understand how to treat people or how she’s supposed to be handling what she’s dealing with. But getting attention and being liked at school? now that’s the shit. That’s like drugs for her. But to what lengths does she go to get that extra validation? He uses his boyfriend almost like an accessory. He’s not considerate of his feelings, and most likely doesn’t understand what a relationship is SUPPOSED to be.
Unless you’re making a sociopath character, which i LOVE a good sociopath character, you have to treat them like they also have humanity. Most of the time villains don’t just. Do shit to do it, they have some sort of background that lead up to this!!! And also even then with sociopaths they’re their own individual characters separate from the people they hurt!!! and also NONE of these are end all be alls and all characters must be developed this way!!!!
just my advice and stuff <3 i love all of you out there and i can understand why using certain roles and terms are the go to, and i’m not stopping you!!! i just really wanted to give my two cents so i can possibly help other writers!!!
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thedcvilherself · 3 months
muse: fernanda. politician & activist. pinterest here. plot: fernanda is relatively well-known, having made somewhat of a name for herself and garnered the attention of many people her age, she's been working her way through the political world. but whoops, turns out this feminist has a secret blog where she posts depraved fantasies and she's been found out. connections: any & all. (step) relative, in law, employer, co-worker, fellow politician/activist, journalist/interviewer, enemy/opponent, old friend/bully from high school, etc.
there was an air about fernanda that could no doubt be accredited as part of how she'd made it so far, so quickly. she was driven, confident, fearless — traits often not seen in adults twice her age, let alone someone so young. it's what makes the falter of her features in that moment all the more notable; a stone cold and charismatic young woman who looked like she'd been submerged into an ice bath without warning. she's suddenly thankful for the privacy of the office, the fact that their eyes are the only ones upon her, that their ears are the only ones that heard what had just come from their own lips. "i'm sorry." she shakes her head once, slipping back into a cool collection, seeming as if she'd merely spaced out and missed their remark. though the question that slips from her next makes it clear that she did hear, that she's disgusted and appalled by the suggestion. "what did you just say to me?"
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narilily · 1 year
WHO: Nari & OPEN!
WHERE: Lake Malory, countryside
WHEN: May, 2023
It was far from perfect outside. Nari would have preferred a little more sunshine, slightly warmer temperature... but beggars couldn't be choosers, and the fact that she could get outside alone was never going to be bad in her book. And an afternoon spent at Lake Malory, her shoes tucked against her, toes skimming against the water, seemed like a pretty perfect way to pass some time before heading home that day. Not to mention the bag of cookies on her other side, fresh and ready to be devoured. The floating dock dipped just a bit under the weight of someone else, and Nari looked up, over her shoulder, offering a warm smile. "As long as you promise not to push me in, I'll share my cookies with you."
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paleowl · 9 months
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sysig · 2 months
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Last man standing (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#It's lonely at the top :(#Poor dearest is worse for wear ah </3#This scene made me cry ;;#Like it was sad when he wrote down his missing canonmates but going back in and writing everyone else's names ;;;;#Even his shaky alliances! Even the people he hasn't seen for a while!! Wehhh <3 <3 <3#You soft heart ;; I see you Admiral ♥#Also had a lot of fun writing in VUK ZIX again hehe ♪#The translations from VUK ZIX to English aren't exact - for starters they're upside down haha#So if you started from the top down it would actually read KINLEZ NATPAK but I figured that wouldn't be as readable#You read from the bottom up! I also still headcanon it being written/read from left to right#So he started with Zelnick then Fwiffo then Tanaka and so on#Although I did change it up for the second one - Teisel then Xelloss then Xigbar then Asch and Van#The more I think of it the more I'm surprised there's no H :0#Even just as a demarcation of a pause before during or after a syllable#The ''sh'' sound makes complete sense tho hehe <3#Any incorrect shaping of letters/poor handwriting on my part can totally be chalked up to ZEX not being used to human hands!#Totallyyy lol#I really like the way specific syllables are shaped - like how Teisel and Zelnick almost share the same shaped between ''SEL'' and ''ZEL''#How Z is a more connected extension of S just agh it's so pretty <3 <3 Eco_Mono really did such a lovely job with it ♪#And then certain ''incorrectly'' spelled syllables still turned out so pretty! Like the ''ANA'' in Talana - look how swoopy and continuous!#The ''BAR'' in Xigbar looks really cool - honestly reminds me of the fanweapons I made ages ago for I? think? Xigbar's apprentice??#It's been too long I don't remember now lol but it's cool to me in particular because of that!! :D#Fwiffo looks so funny haha - Tanaka has a cool star-like kind of letter in his name?? Man it's just so neat <3#As for ZEX - I mean he made it this far :( Not one to give up easily that's for certain ♥ Tenacious#I want him to be happy :'0
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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#bonus under the cut getting that snout facing right at the camera#camerupt#early 2000s animation cow‚ apparently. that's what someone just said about the bonus image. i honestly never understood this thing's name#i always thought it was pretty obviously a cow. but then its name implies camel. camel erupt. camerupt. is there a specific kind of#camel that just looks like a cow?? or. what. or am i just misremembering what camels look like#either way‚ i still think this pokémon is pretty cool‚ but i don't really use it ever in my own playthroughs. i don't think i *ever* have#not even in pokémon colosseum where i'm pretty sure you can get a shadow numel at some point. bc i already had a fire-type#not sure which one it was but it was definitely one of them. maybe cyndaquil? because of the dudes with the johto starters#that you fight near the beginning in pppp uuuhhh the PHENAC city i couldn't remember the name. for a second there.#i wasn't aware as a kid that their outfits corresponded to the type of the starter they had and also that you could only fight one of them#i think as a kid i was under the impression that there was only the one. for some reason i remember fighting the green one#oh wait they have the second-evos yeah. cuz he had bayleef. and the red one would've had quilava. not cyndaquil#ugh my memory is not very good evidently. i'm writing these tags after work. normally i do them right when i wake up but this time i just#do not have an excuse for not being able to remember shit. this is just on me. maybe it's amplified by the fact that i have yet to eat today#which i have a very bad habit of doing. forgetting to eat all day and not eating until like 5 and then that being my only meal for the day#i'm trynna get better about it but it is Not easy for some reason. for something that should be decidedly very simple#but my brain doesn't often let me eat until i've completed all of my silly little Tasks. so. idk. this will however post the day after i've#arrived back home from my trip which is nice. the first time future me will be sleeping in her own bed again. good luck again future me#you might need it
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grcveyacd · 3 months
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“ you’re being awfully quiet tonight. does the party really suck that much? “ // @falscgcds
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anglerflsh · 1 year
*trying not to sound desperate* what's your system for not struggling with social relations?
people like it when they're given subtle compliments and when you let them talk about their own achievements, so, as long as you can get someone to think you're genuinely interested in their life they should come out of it with a good opinion of you + also people love complaining together so if you can try and bring up something you both dislike enough to have a fun rant on
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aventvrina · 3 months
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The first thing that he feels is unexplainable warmth. It surrounds him gently, coaxing heavy eyes to open to dim light. He's not sure where he is but this wasn't supposed to be his destination. When Aventurine had bought the dream bubble he had expected the brutal winds of his homeland to be what would greet him. The desert would surround him and bristle his skin with harsh sand but ultimately, it would feel like home.
Instead, he's faced with a crowded room. Toys clutter the surroundings and fix their empty gaze upon him as if accusing him of intruding. He tries to sit up, hand reaching to rub away the sleep from his eyes but that only makes him freeze. A familiar weight of cool metal is around his wrists.
For a moment he forgets how to breathe. It's been so long since he left his chains that he can't help but to panic. He feels small once again. Powerless to the fate that he's been born into. And he would have continued spiraling had it not been for a sweet voice rousing him from his dread.
He can hear it coming from behind the wall of soft plush. There's a glow coming from above, almost acting like a spotlight to a scene he's yet to be privy of. With a crawl, he slowly pushes the toys to the side and makes his way towards the beautiful voice, timidly rising to his feet as he finally sees what illuminates the room.
There stands a child on a bed, unrefined posture that she's still learning to keep as she sings the melody gleefully. At the foot of her spectacle, watching with rapture is a boy on his knees. It's not hard to guess who these children might be, their wings a dead give away of just who this dream belongs to.
To think he'd end up with the dream bubble of the main leaders of the five lineages.
Before him, Sunday and Robin are the picture of unabashed joy, it's almost sickening how beautiful the sight is. The glow above makes a young Robin look almost ethereal. Even in a simple dress Aventurine can already see in her what her older self projects in her stellar performances. And Sunday, he is the picture perfect of a devotee adoring a saint. The open smile feels bizarre in contrast to the guarded empty smirks etched to his current leader image.
Jealousy is not unfamiliar to him. Granted, he knows that not everyone has had the same circumstances. It's only natural that the siblings would have had an easy start, they were after all the future leaders of the Oak family. Still, to be put in such a place while he's heavily reminded of his own past, Aventurine couldn't help but to feel disgusted at the display. His chains feel heavier than ever, the cool metal digging into his skin as he grips them in quiet rage.
He takes a step back, thinking he has seen enough yet in his haste he knocks down the wall of plushies who promptly bury him in fluff. With a resounding yelp he sits up, pushing away the giant toys from his lap trying to scram before they find him. But it's already too late. Silence is already filling the room as Aventurine looks back on his shoulder.
They had heard him.
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patrickoharaandco · 27 days
Vader's Pet Apprentice (closed starter)
Darth Vader; the Emperor's fist. The man who had slain more Jedi than anybody else, stood as the doors of the shuttlecraft opened; he had come to collect his Apprentice. She was trained as Jedi Assassin and as such he felt she did not break The Rule of Two truly. No, she was a pawn, a useful asset; she was also his plaything. He had given her a mission on this planet and left her to it and now she had contacted him to tell of her success and request him to collect her.
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tclkrefined · 4 months
CLOSED for @espionisms
the day drags on painfully slow. eleanor does not like to be away from home, and to be in an empire where the walls have ears and so many sets of eyes are on her doesn't help her general affliction. she is pulled from bed into an interview that she spends the next several hours overthinking. her eyes, which betrayed the secret bawling session her pillows had endured through the night, have a chance to lose their redness as time passes. she takes the spineless route and avoids alistair all day, despite the confession from the night before tugging mercilessly at the string connecting them -- word of him still reaches her in the outrageous rumors of his various stages of undress with the new queen.
perhaps she would take rumors to heart, were she any younger, and were she any less sure of whatever alistair's eyes hold for her, and only her. it's certainty she does not have a name for, and she doesn't bother to try and name it. but it's still in her nature to scatter momentarily, to shrivel in the face of such grand unknown feelings. a coward at heart. instead, she lets late night approach, the hours ticking by as she shifts in bed, before she chooses to give up on rest. her feet carry her to the sleeping quarters of the only person she longs to see now. she presses her ear to his door, quiet as a mouse, and listens; she'd crawl back to her own bed in defeat if she thought he was truly asleep. she knows he'd likely wake and comply to her wishes at any hour, but she has enough decency to not interrupt his few hours of rest.
but she hears the sound of shuffling, so she knocks, her knuckles against the wood a familiar rhythm. "i am well," she declares, as soon as the door creaks open the slightest, in hopes not to worry him. she wears a robe over sleeping gowns and her hair down, she doesn't look the part of a woman in danger, either way. "i could not sleep. i am going for a walk to the kitchens, and i'd... love to have you join me."
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despairforme · 14 days
Setting Nnoitra up on some dates . @nvrcmplt ( Uemura ) .
He was checking his LIKES on tinder. It was never a depressive thing, actually, because he ( somehow ) DID get quite a few people swiping right on him. It was probably because his incredibly off-putting personality wasn't on display. It was almost funny, that his looks were better than his personality ( because let's just be honest, his looks were not the best ). He knew one of the BIG things that got him likes was his height. You didn't often see a 7+ feet guy. He wasn't complaining.
Usually, most of the people liking his profile were guys. Most of them were ( naturally ) just looking for sex. Nnoitra didn't mind that, since he too was VERY interested in sex.
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He was kinda picky when it came to the guys he swiped right on, since he did have a broader choice. For girls... He wasn't AS picky. He liked picking guys who he found hot. Since basically ALL he was going to do with them was fuck them.
Even if he WAS looking for something more at this point, he had zero expectations, so it was nice to at least know he'd get laid.
He clicked on one of the profiles that had swiped on him.
Uemura Tatsuya
Oh yeah, that was a hot guy. Nnoitra preferred for his guys to be masculine, and this dude ticked that box for sure. Oh, he was 54. Nnoitra arched his brows. He sure looked good for that age. Typically, that kind of guy was looking for a young-looking twink. So WHY THE FUCK had he swiped right on him? He better not be thinking Nnoitra would be his bitch. Nnoitra didn't even look that young, and he for sure wasn't a twink. He was turning 30 in November. It was a miracle he'd survived this long.
Mah, the guy was hot so. Why not swipe? Nnoitra swiped right. It would be fun to put an older guy in his place.
He was intrigued since he was different from the matches he usually got, and so he decided to be the first one to message.
message - Uemura : 「 yo 」
message - Uemura : 「 date or just sex? 」
Nnoitra liked to just be straight-forward with guys. It was much easier and would speed things up, and hopefully skip the small-talk stage that he SUCKED at.
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wasme · 5 months
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pspspsps give me tokyo revenger threads .
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