#look at this notification tumblr gave me 😭
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
I'm so sorry for all the notifications lmao I'm going around liking every ask because i haven't been on the page for a bit. And why the fuck is all the asks making me like Lars. I don't want to like Lara because Lara doesn't want to like my MC.. i already have enough problems with Rook 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I need to stay away from these problematic ROs. 😭
Oh quessssstiiioooon someone's probably asked this before but I've seen it on a few blogs. But since magic is obvs a thing. If someone cursed MC or gave them something that could only be broken by true love's kiss (especially since mc doesn't really have the healthiest relationship with those they are close to so who would think they could break a spell like that)
and it's after they've confessed to the ROs. How would they react to MC not waking up at first after they kissed them... but waking up after they've started having a major meltdown after all?
If you have gotten this ask could i please have a link because finding anything on tumblr is... 😒
And i literally fall in love with this goddamn IF every time i read anything on this page. It's a curse in itself... I hope you have a lovely weekend 🤣😇💜
Omg never apologize for mass liking, that's literally anyone on Tumblr's lifeblood lol
Also you know, I feel like Lars, despite being the biggest asshole of the ROs, is still less of a handful then Rook lmfaO good luck with dealing with them!
Also I have not been asked this one before! Felt very inspired it with, so I turned it into a prompt!
            You’re so still against the touch of his lips. You’re still even after he pulls away. His chest buzzes so loud it echoes in his ears. You don’t move, not even the flutter of your lashes and he should have known. How can he be your true love, when he spent so many years running away?
            Whoever it is, would look you in the eyes when you said you loved them. They’re someone who would have taken you in their arms instead of turning away again and again. He sinks to his knees, hands clutching at the side of the bed where you lay. Tears burn at his eyes, but not a single one falls.
            Even before he made this foolish decision, he knew. All that’s left is to find the one could wake up. If you’re life lays in the hands of someone else, a fact he always knew, then so be it.
            He’ll let you go, like he should have so long ago. He will. He just needs another moment here with you before he turns away. He needs to hear your heartbeat and the cadence of your breathing for one last time.
            Time passes as slow as honey, thick and opaque. His body is listless. In the silence, your breath catches and he blinks. Turns. You take another shaky breath, and when your eyes open, he’s on his feet.
            “MC!” He gathers you in his arms, holding on tight. “Oh, thank god. I thought I lost you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
            His forehead falls against your shoulder, and the tears finally fall. Your awake, your body is warm. And maybe, just maybe, he really does have a chance to make things right.
            When you don’t move after he pulls away, he doesn’t waver. Magic is strange, it can effect everyone differently, and with how much magic has affected you, he isn’t concerned that there isn’t an immediate response.
            Instead, he takes a seat next to where you lay. He brings his knees up to his chest and tells you about all the things you’ve missed. The first flowers of spring, the new used bookstore that opened up on the corner, school events, and class drama.
            The time ticks down, and it pricks at his heart. He keeps talking. About himself, about his life, about how he first fell for you, about how you are the warmth of the fire on a winter day, and if even if he isn’t your true love, then that’s ok. He’s just so glad he was able to have any time with you at all.
            At some point, his throat is dry and he’s run out of words. What can he say, as the sky turns a dusty orange. He swallows, eyes fluttering closed and feel the first of the tears fall. If it isn’t him to wake you up, then who will it be? And how long will you be cursed to sleep until they find you?
            A world without your laugh is far worse than a world where the two of you aren’t meant to be.
            You shift beside him, and he goes still. When he looks, he sees your eyes flutter open, eyebrows furrowing as you look at him.
            “…You’re awake.” He says, voice barely above a whisper. He brushes his fingers against your cheek, so impossibly gently. “You’re awake.”
            He laughs, a watery, trembly sort of laugh, as he runs a thumb against your cheek. You’ll still be with him.
            “Please wake up.” She whispers, kneeling next to you. There is no sign the kiss did anything. It’s fine, this isn’t the end of the world. She has had the logic of magic seared into her brain, and she knows how it works. She’ll wait. She can wait.
            But still, you remain still. She gets up and moves around, to give her body something to do as she waits. She’s not good at that, waiting. She always needs to be in the midst of doing something. Making progress. When something’s out of her hands like this, she feels like she’s in freefall.
            There might be a chance, she thinks as time ticks by, that you and her aren’t the ones for each other. Somehow, it makes the anxious energy in her gut easier to deal with. As long as she doesn’t think of the heartbreak that will hit the moment she leaves your side, it gives her a plan. Something to work towards. Steps to map out to figure out where to go from here and how to wake you up. The process of even finding the one who could do so.
            She’s on step four when your fingers twitch. She goes still in response. All her thoughts scatter. Like a deer in headlights she watches you, wondering if it was just her imagination. But then your body shifts and she’s next to you again, softly calling your name.
            “MC? Can you…can you hear me darling?” When you blink away, she feels a smile bloom despite herself. You’re awake and well and still hers.
            There’s doubt in their chest even before they press a kiss against your lips. For it to be them? They’re not the kind of person who makes it into fairytales. They know this. Stories are the sort of thing they’ve studied their entire life. They exist on the other side of the glass, able to peer in but never able to be.
            As you remain still, they stand and lean back on their heel. Whoever your true love is, it isn’t them. It isn’t that they doubt your love, but it’s hard to imagine that kind of forever for them. If this was the fate they were dealt, then so be it. And even so, you were their first love, and that’s a kind of special whatever comes next can’t take away. Even on different paths, even living different lives, you can both still be a fond memory for the other.
            But god, they’ve never experience heartbreak either or the way it collides into their body and leaves them breathless. They wanted this. Every moment with you was a dream they never thought they’d get a chance to see. They were awkward and clumsy, and they were the luckiest person alive to have been able to met you.
            They press a hand against their mouth, to stop the sob that’s trying to break through them. The image of you blurs as tears collect in their eyes and stream down their cheeks. They squeeze their eyes shut, trying to collect themselves.
            It’s why it startles them, when they feel a hand reaching out, “…Zoe?”
            They choke on a gasp, eyes flying open to see you awake. You’ve pulled yourself up, and your eyes are open. It strikes them so suddenly, they all but throw themselves against you. Any embarrassment they used to feel is gone. They’ll never let themselves hesitate again.
            “You would get yourself cursed.” He whispered against your lips as he pulls away. He doesn’t believe in true love or soulmates. For a curse to be based on the concept, it must make it the flimsiest curse to have been made. All it really needs is love and faith and stubbornness. Maybe his faith is lacking, but he sure as hell can make up for it with stubbornness.
            So he waits. He leans his head back, closes his eyes, and wonders how long it will take. His hand toys with your fingers absently. With you asleep, you won’t be able to comment on the display. He still remembers when you said you loved him, the look in your eyes that left no room for doubt. He thought you were making a terrible decision, but he wasn’t one to complain. Your terrible decision, just lead to his great decision to go along with it.
            The time passes slow, but the anxiety never comes. That isn’t who he is. Not when he’s sure about this, or at least more sure about it then whatever magic was used on you. And even if the kiss doesn’t wake you up, he’ll just find whoever cursed you in the first place and make them reap the consequences.
            When he feels your hand move, slipping your fingers between his, he sighs, “About time you got up.”
            “Lars? My hand—”
            “Don’t get used to it.” You laugh, the sound scratchy from sleep, and he feels his body relax. It was nice to have you back.
            They know your souls are too entwined to have a doubt. That doesn’t not mean there won’t be blood on their hands for what was done to you. How dare someone curse the one they love. How dare someone put their hands on you.
            They’re kiss is so painfully soft despite the violent rage in their chest. It’s been so long since they’ve felt this burning under their skin. Did the Curse Giver think you were alone and unloved? Did they not realize you had someone who was entwined with you in every way, down to the way you take a breath.
            The wraiths flicker around them, agitated by the tremble in their body. They keep close to you, body curved as a way to shield you from the rest of the earth. If you don’t wake soon, they’re hands will find a blade, and that blade will find a body. The wraiths whisper amongst each other, as though capable of soothing them.
            “But you were cursed even before this, weren’t you?” They breathe, pressing another kiss to your forehead. You shift beneath them, and when they pull away you open your eyes.
            You say their name, and the sound of it wraps around them. They have a Curse Giver to kill, but for now, they only lay down beside you, and ask if you’re ok. You’ve been asleep for so long, and it took too long to get to you. They’ll never be late again.
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graysparrowao3 · 4 months
It is cold. It is quiet. The light from outside doesn't reach inside the confines of GraySparrow's solitude. They reach a hand out to you, desperate fingertips longing to receive a touch, an acknowledgment of existence. But you cannot see it, for the Tumblr Gods did forsake them. They lower their head, accepting their fate. It is quiet. It is cold.
A sudden beam of light, GraySparrow shield's their eyes, the glow too painful for neglected eyes. Standing in the glow, the ethereal silhouette of @dutifullylazybread, a hand outstretched, holding out a single page of notepaper, three comments emblazoned upon it. GraySparrow squints at the markings - could this be it? No - the thought of it is too much, the weight of potential disappointment hanging heavy, ready to break and crush GraySparrow forever. And yet...
GraySparrow inhales the words, the taste of hope sharp and overwhelming on their tongue. They follow the instruction, optimism cautious in the direction, clawing at unseen bars and walls, screaming to the Tumblr Gods to hear their pleas. They hold their breath.
Close their eyes.
An email. Could it be? A sign from the Gods? Suddenly, the barrier gives way, GraySparrow collapses to their knees as the tension crumbles at their keyboard. A ping. Notifications. Number shining in light blue against the light of realization. Names of those who never gave up crying out from the void anew with hearts of likening, words of affirmation. Your usernames playing upon my heart. You did not forget me.
GraySparrow looks up, tears gathering in their eyes. They can offer only one thing in gratitude. They open their hands, resting in their palms: a post, a fic, scratched into the wall as they awaited release. Rolan. Tav. Angst. Romance. Passion. The warmth of the sun tingling on the image that I made in Microsoft Paint, the Memories of Clover flutters to life, dancing in the air, free for the enjoyment of the celestially patient @azrielsbbg, free unto the Rolan Nation masses.
GraySparrow takes a trembling step to their knee, and then to their feet, hands raised in celebration, invoking completely accurate and in no way exaggerated imagery of Andy Dufresne, newly liberated from isolation.
I. Am. FREEEEEEEE!!! 😭🙌🏻
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merakiui · 27 days
!!!! Those are so cool :DDDD!!!! Very very pretty!! The first one honestly reminds me a bit of Rollo but I think maybe it's just the palette it's got going on lol 😭 either way really neat :3 and glad to hear you're well!!!!
The second one though,, auughh I hope to get an outfit like that one of these days. I love the sleeves and the suspender pants!!! They're so fun!!!
It WAS a shock tho!! Usually my twt and tumblr circles do not cross much. But you're also really the only twst tumblr account I keep up with. Notifs on and everything 🫡 you're also so okay talking abr fashion!!! It's such a fun subject!! So many styles and pieces out there to look into
I have been very well though thank you :D! Trying very hard to get that eel Jade card but I fear he is not coming home this time. Maybe I'll have more luck on his rerun 💔💔
- :3 !!
Oh!! Sorry I meant to add this but forgot !! But I looked through my last asks and one of the last ones I sent was about Obey Me
They added it so you can read the entire og main story in nightbringer. In case you were still interested in reading it
- :3 again
- - -
Is it crazy that that was my immediate thought when I saw that dress and so it gave me even more reason to buy it.......... (ó﹏ò。) I saw it and went: :O !!!! omg NBC dress!!!! It is so Rollo flavored to me..... definitely due to the colors hehe!! I'm happy you had similar thoughts. :D I would do anything for Rollo. I love him so dearly. If he is cheese, then I am rat. If he is light, then I am moth. If he is Crimson Lotus, then I am the hopeless mage throwing myself at him. <3 who needs magic when you have Rollo Flamme?
AND THE SECOND OUTFIT YES!!! AAAAAA it's just so amazing!!! I hope you can get an outfit just like that!!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ may you feel fashionable every day!!!
I know the feeling! There was a time when some classmates were avidly discussing omegaverse while we were at lunch, and I could only sit there in shock as two worlds collided in the most unexpected, miraculous way. But omg you're too kind, :3 anon!!! Having notifications on for me...... I am immensely honored. 🥺 that's so sweet,,, and thank you for listening to my brief fashion rambles! I also think it's a very fun subject, so I adore chatting about it when given the chance!
As usual, the eel is so slippery and can be difficult to catch. >_< I'm sending you heaps of luck so that he can come home to you (whether during his current banner or during rerun)!! You will bring that slimy eel home!!! And I'm very happy to know you're doing well!! Please have the best day always!!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I spent the morning and afternoon frantically trying to move my stuff into my student apartment and when I finally got a moment to crash I was practically jumpscared by the new update.
Anyway, I'm ignoring the fact that my new bedroom's chair is falling apart because I want to type this out on my computer at the desk and it's the only chair the school gave me. 🙃
People said a whole lot of stuff while I was busy, and I think all the important points have been covered so I just want to say that Wars is still winning at "looks the most brother-shaped." Twilight is coming in at second, but only because his, um, more smothering approach is still fresh in my mind and he cuts a more intimidating figure. Otherwise they'd be tied.
The rest of my thoughts can be summarized with "goihslifjsljlfvnlidrjldfsojflgjsldjglj." I rather enjoyed the whole thing.
😭 I hope you have time now to rest dude
you’re so real for this. I got the notif when I was at work and I had to pretend to be normal and act like I wasn’t on my phone on TUMBLR during my shift 😭
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parkhongreal · 2 years
i noticed that i already read all yoojin fan fics to ever exist on tumblr 😭
so i decided to make one myself 🤭
a little crush
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note: i originally wrote this in haema (a diary app) 😭 should i write a yuseong one shot next? 😆 i'm very sorry if this is cringe asf 🙁
yoojin, the president of workers, the person who can lure almost anyone with money, is inlove?
you heard it from a co-worker "hey (y/n), notice how chairman yoojin smiles alot these days?" "but doesn't he smile all the time?" "yeah, but his vibe is different it's like he feels alot happier."
'wow she really thinks being happy means you like someone? sounds dumb but it's true, yoojin has been really happy these days.' you thought.
a random co-worker came up to you. "ms. (y/n), chairman yoojin is looking for you." "oh, yes, i'll be there." you say as you get up to look for his office.
"you called?" you asked yoojin while he smiles. "i apologize for interrupting your work, but i have to give you something." he said, you thought it was another pile of work, but it wasn't?
he handed you a bag full of clothes inside. "i bought them for you, i thought you might like these." he says. "thank you.." you say, smiling.
you walk out of his office thinking "he.. he bought me clothes?!"
you go back to do your work. "(y/n)! what happened?" "huh? oh it was nothing, he just gave me this" you spoke pointing at the bag that yoojin gave you.
"oh my gosh... (Y/N) I THINK HE LIKES YO-" you covered your co-workers mouth to shut them up. "shh! it's embarrassing!" you whisper "oops.." they say.
"pfft... yoojin? inlove with me? no way." you said laying down after you got home, you roll around your bed, kicking and squealing. "YOOJIN LIKES ME??? THATS IMPOSSIBLE.."
ding! your phone got a notification, it's from yoojin.
"good evening (y/n), did you get home safely? i put food in your bedroom so you could eat it if you didn't eat earlier :)" you almost choked on the food you were eating.
you stare at your phone for a minute, rubbed your eyes, and read the message again, you replied "yes i got home safely, thanks for worrying about me, and i appreciate the food and clothes you gave me."
ding! "hm?" yoojin grabs his phone and reads your message.
he smiles while typing "i'm glad you got home safely."
"if only you knew how much i like you.." he says.
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wildmelon · 1 year
hey love! if it's alright i wanted to ask you what size you edit/crop your photos to so tumblr doesn't absolutely obliterate them (they fr be dogging my shit) ;_;. i looked thru your resources tag and asks but didn't see if you already answered this (saus if you have)
ps. i love love love your entire blog, notifications on and everything😭
aw, thank you so much!! 🥹💗
i'll preface this by saying i really don't know much about this, i used to google ideal dimensions for tumblr like a year ago but i kind of gave up on that. the dimensions i use are made up and i got them through trial and error, i truly do not understand the math or technology behind it lol.
i take cas sc in 3000x3000 with srwe. my portraits are usually cropped to 5x7 in and i export them at 1428x2000 px. i generally just make the highest px value on export 2000 and that works for me! here's how a normal portrait for me would look upon export:
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darkangel0410 · 6 months
I have a lotttttt of ideas but… what about 21 for briss and whoever you choose?
I'm so sorry, tumblr never gave me this notification 😭😭😭😭 but lets see:
21. Deciding to let someone new into the pack
Hmmm, time for some Owen/Briss I think:
"What do you think?" Brendan asks, looking over his shoulder at Owen who's standing by the window.
Owen just jerks a shoulder without looking away from whatever's holding his attention outside; Brendan raises an eyebrow and inhales deeply, lets himself register what Owen's scent is doing now that they're alone and neither one of them are projecting for someone who's not pack.
His brow furrows when he realizes how miserable Owen is, immediately getting up and crossing the room to his mate. "Babe, what's wrong?"
Owen glances over at him and shrugs again, clearly trying to be nonchalant. "Nothing. Did you want to talk about Cormier?"
Brendan stares, nose twitching as Owen's scent goes bitter, like he's - "Owen, are you jealous of Corms?"
He flushes bright red and hunches his shoulders, making himself look as small as possible-a sure sign that he's upset.
Brendan wraps his hand around the back of Owen's neck and squeezes, leaning up so he can nudge his nose against Owen's jaw--trying to comfort his mate.
"Hey, I love you," he says, pressing a kiss to Owen's mouth. "I've loved you since we were both tripping over our own paws and still had our milk teeth."
"I know," Owen tells him, his shoulders relaxing a little at the words. "I love you."
"I love you more than anything, more than anyone," he goes on, crowding as close as he can manage until Owen's back is pressed up against the glass and his hands are resting on Brendan's hips. "Nothing's ever going to change that, alright? Nothing. If you don't want Corms in the pack, he's not in. Full stop."
Owen lets out a deep breath and rubs his cheek against Brendan's. "Give me a couple days, ok? It's just been - I don't know, I saw you with him and I just thought he looked more like an omega than I do -"
Brendan growls, low in his throat and angry in a way he hardly ever gets. "You know that's bullshit."
"I know," Owen agrees readily, with a small smile and presses his nose into Brendan's neck and inhaling, taking comfort in his mate's familiar scent. "I know it is, and stuff like that stopped bothering me, but seeing you guys talking together tripped me up. I just need a couple days to think through it."
Brendan's mouth twists unhappily, but he nods in agreement with Owen's plan; he figures he can poke at his mate again in a day or so, find out what he's thinking and help him figure it out.
But until then, he's happy to drag Owen out of the living room, laughing, and into the backyard to shift and go for a run, spend some more time together just the two of them.
This turned out way longer than I meant it too 😅 but enjoy anyway! (a/b/o prompts meme)
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tokyokookmin · 2 years
I'm so glad to hear you're back here in tumblr. Its been quite long since you took your break from this platform. Of course you are also a human and you need a break sometimes but I really missed seeing those notifications on my phone saying "tokyokoomin just posted a post". I'm excited to know that you'll be posting regularly now. After all, you are our jikook queen, one of those people who entertained us throughout the covid period and would share with us about your favourite jikook moments etc. You remained unproblematic and you love to chat with us and reply to comment..... Making us feel really welcomed. I have been here since 2021, anyone else? Besides that... I enjoyed to read your top 10 or fav moments and you never neglected our feelings. You would always reply back and you're extremely friendly! You always gave us true news and confirmed culture related asks, you would share with about bits and pieces of Asian (being one yourself) culture and therefore i love your content very much. Welcome back our jikook Queen 😍💜. Looking forward for more posts!
Omg this ask melted my heart 🦋 Anon 😭😭♥️ you're the sweetest!!
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I briefly took a break from the community in the second quarter of 2022 (I think I hit 1000 followers that time) as I needed to focus on myself and sort all my things out. I barely opened tumblr. I did sometimes but I wouldn't post anything. The break I took in 2022 was really good and I enjoyed it very much. I was silently active in the bts community. Just because I didn't post anything, doesn't mean I didn't know what was going on 🤣. Well last year was a roller-coaster for the bts armys and my personal life as well. So much happened lol!
I will post regularly now. Yes anon, more jikook moments posts are coming. Actually I'm in the midst of editing one moment ask so that will be out really soon!
I tend to post content which will able to produce a positive impact without any harm or malice in any possible way. I hope whatever I posted throughout the years managed to carve a smile on your lips 🥰💜
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I would like to continue my Asian culture segment too! Its really fun to explain regarding our culture and what similarities Korean culture has with SEA culture! Be it food or traditions or sports, we are united! 💗
I really like to reply to all of your comments as well. I'm a social butterfly, I love to interact and discourse with people. All of your comments are certainly not ignored by me. It's my duty as a responsible Blogger/admin to reply and give my take on your thoughts about the topic I mention in my posts. Be it an emoji or a few sentences, I'll make sure to reply to all of you 🥰
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As for my jikook posts, I'm really happy to know that some armys have actually turned into jikookers/ they support jikook from reading my posts alongside with a few other blogger posts. It's always nice to hear that your posts gives a positive impact on people's thinking and perspective of relationships and body language. I poured my heart out creating every single jikook posts. So yes, I really appreciate it when people compliment my posts and blog. A little support won't hurt, aren't I right? I love every single one of yall 🥰💜
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I vividly remember opening my tumblr app during the day for a few hours to respond to yall and complete my drafts in 2021 😭. I only intended to write a few posts but I never knew I would be that committed to a blog lol 🤣.I met some really cool people through this community and yall are really sweet people. My moots too! They're amazing people and I absolutely love their content 💗.
I met a lot people here, even Korean jkkrs that spoke to me in the DM's and some of us are mutuals in twitter haha 😂💜. I'm glad I was able to establish a better and safer community here where we are gushing over our faves without being judged or anything. I really appreciate this platform to be honest 🥰
Any changes I noticed throughout the break?
As for jikook? Things never changed, they're still the same, same old glances, same old interactions, same old behaviour and body language ♥️. Yall are most welcomed to ask me jikook asks and contact me for any post recommendations! Bora💜💜!
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Bts? That same old band I knew in 2018 are still the same. Never changed and never will, they're our humble Kings 💜💜
I have actually seen a few misconceptions about me in a few asks that I received recently. FYI (to all my new followers) I have been here since 2021 and I'm a jikook and BTS based blog. I post both jikook and bts related content. Just because I'm more leaned towards jikook in this blog, doesn't mean I can't post bts content.. I am a 0T7! I love bts with my whole heart and I will post regularly about bts members. Be it group posts, dynamic posts or bts solo career posts. All 7 of them are precious.
I miss all them but I hope we will embark on this new journey called Chapter two together 💜
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I hope to be more active this year. Yes anon, your hype blogger is back and is ready to rock and roll!
I'm here to entertain y'all with lots of content this year! Psst... Currently, I'm working on my masterlist. Basically compiling all my content together and separating them into their folders. I hope to work faster on that and obviously more moment posts are coming. More posts of my perception of jikook moments, like the old days. I'm not going to engage in any hate posts anymore. I'm looking forward to make more of jikook moments and dynamics posts😉. Stay tuned guys 🥰
This blog is a safe place for 0T7 stans and jikook stans. Nothing else than that.
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Also! We're close to hitting 1.5k followers! Thank you everyone for supporting this blog and sticking here with me! Your support is kindly appreciated. I never thought this would be possible but y'all disproved this perception of mine. The jikook Tumblr community is huge! Even though I was on a hiatus, my blog was still active. I gained 500 followers and received lots of love from y'all. It's remarkable, it really is.
🦋 Anon, I truly appreciate your love, your the sweetest! I just want to wrap you into a hug 😭💜
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This whole post is a mess but it's a heartfelt one. I hope y'all enjoyed this little update from me. Hoping to make more meaningful memories here 💜🥰
Sincerely, tokyokookmin (that one Asian girl that expresses her love for bts and kookmin, doesn't really type in a bombastic way. Just a simple girl which types in simple terms. A STEM enthusiast) 💜
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leqclerc · 3 months
hi hola hello!
first of all i wanted to apologize for the veryvery intensive spam 😭 initially i was looking for a specific moment/gifset and thought i'd have more luck finding it on your blog 'cause you're kinda one of my # charles archives tumblrs but i had no idea where to start looking (picture me typing in random '/page/20' 'page/100' thinking it'll just magically appear) so i just gave in and let myself be distracted by your content
(and went down a painful memory lane) (browsed through some of your posts pointing out ferrari's fucked up strategies and lack of critical thinking and it's good to know that they're still in the trenches) (rip)
which ,, know that your edits really are: everything
they're genuinely premium quality and creative and so well made and you're a blessing to this fandom okay
i enjoy the regular gifsets from races and vlogs and all like a lot but your quotes/lyrics/themed edits are just fucking beautiful (annnnd painful like if i were crazy about sebchal i definitely would have 10 mental breakdowns a day because of you) (but like your pinned drives me insane)
you deserve some charles &seb content as a treat to your contribution to this fandom (and for your sanity most likely) (and as payback for hurting everyone with your talent and ideas)
anyways i'm very sorry again i hope you do not have your notifications on for likes 🙂‍↕️ (and sorry in advance for when i’m gonna reblog all of it!) and lastly your icon is the prettiest ever
Hello, hello 👋🏻
This is soooooooo 😭❤️ *prints this ask out and hangs it on the wall* Thank you for taking the time to send this in, it's genuinely so lovely to receive asks like this ❤️
Second of all, okay, in this house we love and approve of mass like/reblog spams👏🏻 So no worries there!! Honestly I love seeing which posts of mine people have liked or reblogged, especially if it's an older gifset or something and it makes me rediscover it as well and I'm like "oh yeah that was a thing, let me go back to that real quick."
🫱🏻‍🫲🏻Same, my pinned also makes me go insane. Sometimes I feel a bit silly for still having very emotional visceral reactions or deep intensive thoughts about something that happened four or five years ago (the passing of time is cruel and unjust) but then messages like this make it all worth it ❤️ Thank you for your kind words 😭 I'm very, very, very happy you enjoyed your stay and also 👀 looking forward to the reblog spam!
Also, if there's ever anything specific you (or anyone else tbh, this is a general PSA) might be looking for, feel free to shoot me an ask and I'll see if I can help! Like please, I literally have '/page/20' 'page/100' and various random tags and/or words in the search bar of my own blog 😭😭😭 Not to mention the gigabytes upon gigabytes of clips and screen recordings and interviews and an assortment of Youtube videos just sitting on my drive; some stuff I've edited, some stuff I meant to use for edits and haven't gotten around to it yet, and some stuff I just want to keep around for reference or to enable my own insanity ajsdfk So if there's ever anything, I'd be happy to help in any way I can!
Anyway, thank you again, hope your day is wonderful, hope your pillow is cold on both sides, etc etc etc❤️
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trainerbede · 5 months
HOPE PLEASE TALK ABOUT P5R I need to know how you feel about akechi at the end yudkdkfk and I'd also just love to hear your thoughts about the game and the characters in general! also, just to make sure, do you know what you need to do to unlock the extra content at the end of the game? otherwise you might miss it.
WAIT WAIT I was answering your other ask and I never saw this one. what. tumblr straight up did not send me an ask notification 😭
CELE AND I DID ACTUALLY FINISH P5R A FEW WEEKS AGO AND I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS, we unlocked all the extra content too, so no worries. somehow on a first try we managed to do most things: every Mementos request, all of the confidants with some free time to spare, and about 80% of the compendium. it'll be hard to put all my thoughts in one post but I'll try and just touch on the main parts!
first of all. Akechi. lmao. I definitely went in expecting to like him, since I've had a lot of mutuals who were very big into shuake from the time I've been into saiou and v3 (I guess they're ship-in-laws of a sort). I wasn't disappointed, because I did like Akechi quite a lot by the end, but I was a bit surprised that he didn't quite give me brainworms the way I expected him to.
if I had to give a character ranking, I think Sumire would be my top fave, followed by Maruki, and then Yusuke. Akechi probably comes right after him, and then I have a harder time ranking the rest (it's probably either Ann or Haru though).
I'm really, really glad we played Royal bc I cannot imagine only playing the original and being satisfied with that. especially when the Shido parts were so frustrating and had some of the weaker writing compared to the rest of the game. the 3rd semester was just such a better way to wrap things up and did a world of good for Akechi's character and fleshing him out a bit.
I really do find the relationship between Akechi and the MC so interesting. like, while I don't think Akechi will ever be quite as high up on my list of characters the way someone like Ouma is, I do think he shines best when it's as a foil for the protagonist. all of that resentment and feeling like things could have been so different if only he'd had the same opportunities or friendships, the whole "two sides of the same coin" thing, I LOVE that sort of thing in my ships. I also really wound up attached to the idea of the royal trio as an ot3 where Sumire and Akechi both just share the MC most of the time, lmao.
everything with the 3rd semester bad ending... I love it so much, those kind of "ideal worlds where something is actually very off and unsatisfying" is right up my alley. I kind of wish the game had gone even further with making the rest of the phantom thieves resist leaving Maruki's world and even getting mad at being told to doubt their own happiness, which was something they apparently touched on in some of the discarded voice files, but then they sadly cut them out and everyone came around pretty easily :(
the main reason I put Yusuke in my top 3 earlier I think is bc he actually gave me more of what I was initially looking for in Akechi's relationship with Shido, but with Madarame instead. I really was expecting the game to touch a lot more on Shido manipulating Akechi or essentially forcing him to become an assassin, you know, really focusing on the whole "kids trapped in their role in society by rotten adults" theme that is so crucial in the game, but there really wasn't... much of that? Shido didn't even know Akechi was his son (other than maybe some suspicions according to his cognitive self, but those didn't ever amount to anything so it's kind of the same) so he barely ever interacted with him outside of an employer-employee context. and Akechi was the one to actually approach him with the idea of murdering people in the Metaverse, so it's like... fkskjdjs agh, everything with Shido just really does frustrate me, I feel like he's got such weak writing but he's also impossible to ignore bc he's such an important part of the game.
meanwhile Yusuke and Madarame's relationship was such a more believably complex picture of abuse and manipulation (it reminded me a lot of Bede and Rose from swsh, lmao). I was actually really shocked at how well everything about the Madarame arc aged; usually Persona games have a few parts of them that don't age well at all, but it was totally the opposite here.
I had kind of gone through the early parts of the game back when it first came out without finishing the whole thing, but I remember thinking at the time that the whole Madarame plagiarism thing felt heavy-handed and too on-the-nose. now, living in an era where topics like art theft and plagiarism and art as nothing more than a soulless means of spitting out money is more relevant than it was 7 years ago... yeah, the Madarame arc just felt surprisingly relevant overall, and Yusuke's conflicting feelings of love and obligation vs. his growing awareness that he's being taken advantage of and seen as a tool was just the icing on top. also his autistic swag. I love him.
as for Sumire and Maruki—the game is so much better for them being in it. Sumire has one of the strongest arcs in any of the 3 "modern" Persona games, not just in 5. I'm usually a firm advocate for "girl they added in the remake game" supremacy (Marie p4g got done so dirty by the fandom and I'll never forgive people, she's a good character), so I was so, so happy that Sumire had such an interesting backstory and complicated relationship with her sister. her identity issues, her struggle with self-confidence, the way she can empathize the best with Maruki's view of the world bc she has also wished to just bury her head in the sand and run away. I love her.
meanwhile Maruki truly is the game's saving grace as an antagonist. Shido was god-awful and Yaldabaoth was, hmm... fine but not quite as interesting or compelling as either Nyx Avatar or (redacted p4 antagonist names bc I don't know if you've played p4 yet), but Maruki wipes the floor with all the other p5 antagonists. his tragic motivations, his fucked-up "I know best" attitude that dismisses human free will and autonomy, I love it. I think something about Maruki altered me and Cele's brains forever, lmao. also the choice to have him as yet another foil to the MC, from their designs (glasses, messy hair, sort of slouched/nondescript posture) to their inability to leave someone in trouble alone without helping them... it's just so interesting. I love you Takuto Maruki you messed-up man with a savior complex.
ANYWAY these were most of my thoughts 😭 I could go on and on even more but I've already rambled a lot! I'm still so mad Tumblr never sent me the message notif for this, I just looked back at my inbox after answering the other one and I was like. WHAT. at some point I really should talk about all my thoughts on the other main phantom thieves too but there are so many of them and I've already written so much fksjsksjsj
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dameronalone · 7 months
Oh you like these things? Let me give u the exact opposite
THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT'S BEEN HAPPENING. Tumblr has really been.... interesting. Same with discord ngl. For the past while it has barely given me my notifications. I can't stand any other social media apps, so this is the boat I'm in 🤷
But tumblr suggestions can seriously be offensive. The last time it gave me a >good< suggestion was, like, a month ago for a new gif set from Nym. But ever since it's been just terrible.
bruh 😭 same. the latest discord update that completely changed the configuration had me melting down about to quit using the app (empty threat) like DUDE THAT IS THE AUTISTIC TEXTING WEBSITE YOU CAN JUST IMPLEMENT MAJOR CHANGES LIKE THAT and it's been so buggy and laggy since
anyway yeah the only tolerable place I find is pinterest and that's because it's barely "social" media it's more like looking at magazine and making your own collages but it doesn't really lend well to communication.
tumblr & discord b like. hand in unlovable hand
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
my brain is going insane over photographer/filmer yamagishi and skater boarder makoto 😭😭 i feel both these professions fit their personalities honestly but yeyyyy
as mentioned makoto is a skateboard who has a growing fanbase of followers on his social media who check out his content that yamagishi helps him take. they're a fun duo, those two kids at the back of class that laugh so loud that its annoying /affectionate i love them sm
they kinda just are long time friends in the beginning but everyone thinks they're like dating n smth like that and they're just like huh cuz yk they're clueless idiots. then they kinda bring it up and become friends who kiss sometimes and use each other when they need to let out some steam, until yamagishi is just casually like ayo bro what are we. and they talk abt it n they're like yeah sure we can date ig..? but idk they're one of those relationships that are like maybe we won't put a label on this and just be happy in each other's company but they're also like letz experiment w what we want as a relationship and all.
but yeah they're kinda boyfriends definitely friends. maybe just friends who kiss but they have very intimate feelings for each other so they're just kinda lost but they're comfortable to be whatever as long as its w the other yk<3
also they love watching old highschool/coming of age movies together while cuddling but also while arguing at the tv abt stupid decisions the movie characters make. and if takkuya is in this au too yamagishi and makoto individually like rambling to the couple abt their partner bcuz they're frustrated n confused abt their relationship but also happy that they even have the other in their life and takkuya just look at each other in "that" way and when makoto/yamagishi ask them what the look was they say they won't tell them and let them figure it out for themselves. but they go on double dates, mostly to parks and theme parks but they went to a cafe once and collectively decided to never go to one all together again cuz they got kicked out bcuz they were too rowdy 😭😭
and if we rlly wanted this to be extra fun we'd add takehina into it, karate gf and nurse in training bf, just to have a bigger group 😇
anyways i love mizo mid so much im so normal abt them (im not)
killing tumblr it also didn’t give me a notif for this i hate this fucking website.
anyways hi taku!! you absolutely should go insane abt them you are doing everything right in your life fr <3 no but i am SO listening to everything you have to say you are so right abt them my god. i’m so sorry but i laughed at ‘skateboard makoto’ help i am now picturing him as an actual skateboard- adhjfgjdh. nodding along to all of this i am nodding so hard trust
oh yes we should def add takehina!! (btw the jobs you gave them?? so so true) after all takemichi is also part of mizo mid and i think excluding him is a crime. plus i love the friendship he & akkun have it’s slept on actually i think. i mean the whole first customer thing and stuff 😭 but this isn’t abt them afjhsjf so. back on topic
my brain is empty i had to make up too many haikyuu character assumptions for my qpp yesterday (i had to rate the characters without knowing them at all/while hardly knowing them (we watched the first three eps of season one together two or so months ago)) which was incredibly fun but now my creativity is on stand-by and i haven’t managed to active it again yet but yes i love them thank you
dw i am just as insane about the mizo mid. together we can give them the recongnition they deserve maybe
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w9ndererdotcom · 2 years
"another one, please?” | kissing venti’s bruise
Tumblr media
mentions of bruises
2nd time writing on tumblr so it may be bad
reader is gender neutral 
no specific pronouns needed
bad grammar and spelling (?)
flirty venti?????? 🤭
as the bard wandered around the streets, he had recently drink. again.
ever since you and the infamous bard got together, it was usual for him to go drinking. but were you ok with it?
of course
well, you allowed him to drink a few rounds. but that was it, just as long as he doesn’t get drunk.
but anyway, back to venti.
he pouted as he once again checked the back of his hand, recently in angels share diluc ‘accidently’ dropped a mug onto the bards hand.
which lead to a purple bruise.
“venti?” a familiar sweet voice called.
he instantly hid his hand and looked behind, smiling to see you.
“my beloved! its late, what are you doing out here?” he asked, greeting you with his cheeky smile.
he made his way over to you and hugged you, and then gave you a kiss.
you gladly kissed back, it was supposed to be a short welcoming kiss but it went on.
and on.
and on..
“ah- venti, were still outside.. the people will see us-” you pulled back but he continuously kissed the corner of your lips. 
“let.. let them. so they know that your mine.” 
“venti!” you hid your flushed face on his face, and he giggled at your cute behavior.
“ehe, i’m just kidding! i wont do this with you in public, of course.”
he leaned closer to your ear, “unless you want me to.”
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you both arrive at your shared home, and venti immediately attacked your lips with his.
it lasted for a while, but his taste reeks of wine.
you pulled away, catching your breath, “venti, your breath stinks! you reek of alcohol, did you go drinking again?!” you exclaimed staring at him.
he was supposed to go buy some dinner for you both.
“ah.. ehe?” he nervously chuckled, and walked back a few steps.
you sighed, “never mind.. i guess i’ll just cook.” his eyes lit up, he loved your cooking!
“thats even better! your cooking is much better then some random restaurants!~” he chirped with a big smile.
your heart fluttered in awe, how could you stay mad at him?
you smiled at the compliment, “alright, you may keep me company. but no kissing, okay? and no distractions, too!” you spoke, making your way to the kitchen.
he followed along with a pout on his face, no kisses? boring.
as you cooked dinner for you and your beloved, the wonderful smell filled the room.
venti inhaled, then exhaled. taking the smell, “ah, that smells so good!”
you smiled and continued to cook the meal.
eventually, a pair of arms slithered around your waist. 
“venti, what did i say about distractions?”
“but i’m not! just let me hug my beloved..” he rested his chin on your shoulder, closing his eyes.
you blushed at his actions and looked down at his hands.
‘a bruise?’
“venti, where did this bruise come from?” you lowered the fire/gas, taking his hand onto yours carefully.
“ah.. i forgot about that! ehe..” he didnt, he just didnt want to bring it up and worry you.
you examined it, carefully. as if he was a fragile piece of glass.
your face full of worry, the shade of purple was getting quite dark.. how did you not notice in the first place?
you reached for the drawer behind, still holding his hand. you got out a band aid and gently aided his hand.
“y/n.. you dont have to.” although he did like the affection and attention.
"oh c’mon, i’m your s/o for crying out loud. i’m supposed to!” you replied.
venti watched your face, not creepily. but in awe and in love, he truly is a lucky guy. 
“so, how’d this happen? you didn’t answer my question a few seconds ago..” you asked continuing to aid him.
as venti rambled on about how diluc apparently ‘accidently’ dropped the bar mug, you tried to hold in your laughter. luckily he didn’t notice.
“and you know what? kaeya had the audacity to laugh- as well as rosaria!-” his talking stopped as soon as he felt a pair of lips his hand, where the bruise exactly was.
you smiled at your work, and put back the extra band aid back to the drawer.
he was shook, didn’t know what to do or say.
“again.” he finally spoke.
“..huh?” you were dumbfounded, what does he mean?
“again.. kiss it again.” he spoke softly slowly getting closer to you.
and so, you kissed it again. “ah, much better! thank you, my beloved!~” he chirped hugging you.
you were in awe, you hugged him back. 
“i actually have another bruise here, ehe.” he pointed at his cheek.
obviously, there was none. this silly behavior made you quietly laugh, but you kissed his cheek anyway.
not satisfied yet, he pointed to the other cheek. “also here.”
“venti..” you kissed it anyway.
he kept on pleading that he apparently had bruises on his forehead, cheek and neck.
“last one.. here.” he pointed to his lips with a smug look.
you know where this was going.
you gave him a quick peck, then pulled back. but venti being as teasing as ever, he pulled you back to him. 
the kiss was sweet and passionate, and long. you both eventually pulled out for lack of air,
“another one, please?”
while kissing the bard, it was technically a make out session now.
but then you smelled something burning.
you slowly pulled away from his lips, which caused him to whine from the loss of contact.
you sniffed the air a few times to make sure, then looked to the stove.
“the food!” you pushed venti away, but gently.
in a hurry, you turned off the fire. and sighed, there goes dinner. again.
you slowly turned your head to the bard who was nervously standing.
“eh.. ehe?”
“what did i say about distractions?”
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thingsonvcr · 2 months
ok what did you think about the bikeriders?? tell me EVERYTHING
Well hello there anon! I don't remember if I've ever gotten an ask before, so this is very exciting! 😲Apologies for not getting to this sooner, tumblr kind of buried the notification. Not sure if I have any sort of good or coherent answer to give, but I actually saw the movie a second time just today, so let's see...
What I can say is that I liked the movie. I was glad that I decided to take a little online break to avoid spoilers. I mean, I knew the basic premise from the trailer and all the promo, but I was glad that I went in fairly blind.
While the cast was really good overall, the two performances that stood out were Jodie's and Tom's, mainly because they had the meatiest roles out of all the cast. I especially loved Jodie, she was great with both the subtle humor and the drama. I'm not the biggest fan of Tom in general, but he gave a solid, believable performance. And I guess I have to thank him for that One Scene (I'm sure you know which one I mean), because that was INSANE.
I understand the choice of making Benny such a mystery (I mean, he wasn't interviewed for Lyon's book anyway, and all they had was secondhand accounts from Kathy and the other bikers). Jeff talked about him being very much an empty vessel for Kathy and Johnny to pour their own wants and expectations into, and that certainly came through, but I guess I was hoping Austin would've been given just a liiiiittle more substance to work from. What they did worked for the central conflict and building the sort of, idk, mythos of Benny. Austin did well with what he was given, and GODDAMN was he nice to look at, but I wish there'd been a bit more in terms of dialogue and central scenes. There was a whole world behind those eyes that we never really got to know. A deliberate choice, yes, but I very selfishly wanted the camera on him ALL. THE. TIME. 😅 Jodie and Austin had great chemistry (I loved their promo tour together), so I would've been happy with a few more scenes with just the two of them.
I liked the use of the Danny Lyon interviews as a way to introduce the rest of the bikers and to give the audience quick insight into their characters. Using Kathy as the narrator of the story was also a nice choice, it balanced out all the rough and tumble masculinity. On the other hand, because Kathy in many ways remained an outsider, the audience never really gained any deeper insight into the inner workings of the club or the men that were part of it. While this didn't necessarily bother me, it was something I noticed.
So yeah, I liked the look of the movie, loved the soundtrack, and overall had a good time. I think the fact that my mind kept returning to the movie and kind of puzzling over it so much I went to see it a second time says something, even if I can't quite articulate it here.
I think that first becoming aware of Austin because of Elvis kind of ruined me (I mean, I know it fucking did 😭), because now that he's been doing supporting roles I always find myself just wanting more. Because we all know he can do soooo much more. He just needs to star in a lead role again ASAP (the Darren Aronofsky project seems to be one, right?). Still, having a new actor whose career you're interested in following is nice (haven't had that in the longest time), you end up watching stuff that might have otherwise never even been on your radar. ❤️
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imhereforscm · 10 months
You've got Moon™️
No question.
I literally changed my background to a moon so I'd think of my spacy Tumblr and post something. But it didn't work. I look at moon, think "Scorpio's girlie and Dui's momma!" And then I continue on with my day.
I feel like you just placed a crown on my head like- 😭👑💖💖💖
"Scorpio's girlie and Dui's momma" ah, yes, that's me😚😘✨
I've set a notification for the 27th of this month🤗 You'll see me bombarding you all with my screaming✨💓🌕💓✨
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