#look guys be proud of me I made a meme that doesn't have anything to do with Dirty Girl
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I love "Jane's A Car" as much as the next person (I GOT MY FOOT ON THE GAS!), but we really overlook the fact that it is not, in fact, Starkid's first fuck ballad about a car. And that thanks to Apocalyptour, poor Dylan's had to sing both.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
cellbit's books to the ones he cares for: translations
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page 1: forever, i don't even know how you must be thinking of me now. if everything has gone to plan, things must have been so weird that you've already started to suspect my infiltration plans. i believe that you're very intelligent.
page 2: the past few days have been a torture greater than i could ever imagine. what the census bureau did to me with that chainsaw couldn't compare to the pain to having to fight and lie every day to the people closest to me. feeling the deception hurts.
page 3: but it was the only way. the initial plan as to surprise you and the census bureau during the trial, but the vivo meme gave me the perfect opportunity to make a scene and make it look like i had some sort of motive to argue.
page 4: the census bureau doesn't understand feelings and wants too well, so this would be sufficient for it to believe my motives. it worked. i've never been so alone, but seeing you take up leadership and fighting so ferociously left me-
page 5: proud. everything is so much more difficult than i thought, but this was the only way for us to get any type of real information. after all this effort, all this fighting, all these enigmas, we still haven't found ANYTHING out about the federation. nothing.
page 6: i hope to be able to be there with you to explain this in person, but if you're reading this book, something probably went wrong. i was made to do things that i never would've done, and made to say things i never would've said.
page 7: and even trying to be apparent about my lies, even trying to make you guys suspect me, in the end, my plan . . . still went bad. and i know that probably no one on this island would trust me again. i burned all my bridges. but it was the only way.
page 8: i left a book to richarlyson in the beginning of it all, i didn't want him to have his heart broken, and maybe that was my biggest failure. but i was willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING to get this egg off this island. everything. and that's what i did.
page 9: tell bad i'm sorry for the things i said about dapper, to max about sofia, and to the french for the suspicion. i'm sorry for what i did to your XP farm, i know how long you and richas worked on it and every spawner that i broke was a-
page 10: stab to my heart. honestly, i think that they were already going to break it because it was SUPER broken [op] . . . but they made ME break it . . . to test if i was really willing to do anything for the federation.
page 11: tomorrow is the day that i'll officially become a part of the federation. it's my "initiation process". we'll finally going to have new information. i'm VERY anxious . . . and nervous.
page 12: i did all of this for richarlyson. i did all of this for felps. i did all of this for the ordem. i did all of this for you guys. i hope that it'll have been worth it.
page 13: explain to bad, to max and to quackity. and tell foolish that he's a gem of a person. sofia's new password is "Regret". and if those federation sons of bitches make the error of letting me live . . .
page 14: i will come back. keep your eyes open, forever.
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page 1: gentlemen, i know that our past isn't the best one. i know that you guys must believe that i've turned into that monster again. but that man is no longer me. cell died on that island. i'm not him.
page 2: i missed you two dearly, and wanted to be able to play more rounds of hide-and-seek, and trying to organize an EGG GYMKHANA with you guys in chume labs. i'm sorry for not having been able to. i love you both, and you're amazing parents for richas, too.
page 3: he loves spending time with you both, even if the two of you are stupid*, i think that no one enternains him more than tazer and craft. at least i won't have to take the red wool again.
*used endearingly
page 4: take care of yourselves, guys. and explode this census bureau bitch. yuo guys already took down herobrine, this shitty bear is nothing.
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page 1: richas, i tried my best. i'm sorry, son. i just wanted to get you away from this island. this place isn't safe, and the federation won't let us leave here. when i arrived in this place, i never-
page 2: thought that i would have to take care of someone . . . but what you've become was so much bigger than this. i'm sorry for not being able to be there all the time. every neuron that i burned with those cursed enigmas, all those hours that i spend locked up in that office . . .
page 3: it was all for you, richarlyson.
page 4: continue to trust in your daddies forever, pac, and mike . . . and if in any way i've managed to bring him back, in daddy felps, too. nevertheless, your dad quackity really toes love you and wants to protect you. i suspected him at the start, but i've heard the truth in your voice.
page 5: if i'm no longer here . . . daddy quackity now has my 20%, okay? i'm sorry if i've ever made you feel alone in any way. remember when i told you of a moment in my life that i felt completely alone?
page 6: solitude is worse than any prison. worse than what i went through with daddies pac and mike, and worse than this island. i'm sorry for having you suffer this, too. it's my biggest regret.
page 7: i love you, you big-headed* egg. see if you can learn to catch something that's not crabs. immortalyson forever.
*term of endearment, tends to equate to "stubbornly stupid"
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the book cellbit gave to richarlyson before being attacked by the codes
page 1: i need for[the federation] to trust me. it's the only way. i love you. i love dad forever. i need that [the players] believe the contrary. it's going to hurt, and i'm going to do terrible things. but i will-
page 2: destroy [the federation] from the inside. all of them.
additionally, he left a book for roier, however forever did not open it/read it out to respect their privacy. cellbit titled it "guapito"
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juniperhillpatient · 6 months
For the ask meme: 4, 7, 11, 30, 47 :)
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
Honestly? Before I started Scream AU, it was an ATLA Scream AU! I held onto that idea for YEARS because I wanted to make sure I could do it right - everyone is a suspect, everyone is in danger, & there's a lot of foreshadowing but also a lot of twists. I waited until I felt prepared to do the idea justice, so I've held onto it for a long time. Like, that idea festered in my brain for at least 3 or 4 years. I guess it doesn't count anymore though, since I'm doing it.
Hm... I have a million ideas at all times but one I've had for a pretty long time is Heathers ATLA AU with Katara as Veronica, Azula as Heather Chandler, & Zuko or Jet as JD. Unfortunately, I'll likely never do this one because it wouldn't have Azula/Katara endgame & Azula would die so I doubt anyone who reads my writing wants it.
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
The first fic I EVER wrote? You guys don't need to know about 13 year old Rose's weird Family Guy fanfics, your minds aren't ready. (Also I don't remember & the parts I do remember are embarrassing as fuck lmao.)
Instead, I'll say the first ATLA fanfic I wrote. It's a mediocre high school AU that has Katara/Toph LOL. I was getting my bearings in the ATLA fandom, okay? Also, it is the fic that made the Katara/Azula dynamic take root in my brain even though it's not a focus & I didn't write my first Azutara fic until a bit later lol
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I learned a lot about fashion through the ages when I was writing the TVD Au & giving Vampire!Azula a fun wardrobe filled with fashion from the last century or so. Do I remember anything I learned? Eh. But I did a lot of research!
I don't typically do a lot of research though for writing. My laziest trait as a writer is that sometimes I just wanna say "go with it." I entirely based the football stuff in my college AU on the TV show Blue Mountain State. That's not to say research isn't important, that's to say I'm lazy.
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
Okay, I really live by the quote "if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do" from Angel the Series which is funny because I'm barely a fan of that show. I've watched it all through once. I'm much more of a Buffy girl. But that particular quote has always stuck with me. I'm a nihilist but I'm also a compassionate person & I think this quote really sums up how I look at the world. I used to be an idealist but my belief that the world can be changed for the better has faded over time. Instead, I just believe in being kind & doing what you can & that's how I take the quote - doing what you can, even when it seems hopeless. That seems depressing but like, it's not to me. You know?
47. what story are you most proud of?
I honestly go back & forth all the time. I feel like it might actually be Happenstance (a modern university ATLA au with a sit com vibe. It takes place over the course of a school year.) I'm honestly just so proud of the character arcs, the balance of comedy & drama, & these versions of the characters & this version of the universe. I put my heart & soul into that project.
Thank you so much for asking! I love playing these games & having an excuse to ramble :)
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nardaviel · 11 months
oc wants meme
I'm just gonna do this for Sora and Sam, my main guys. Listen, it's a bad pain day and talking about my OCs cheers me up
Sora Yumura
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His faceclaim is Miura Haruma, when he had longer hair. The first pic is The Sora pic. My Photoshop skills aren't that good but that's as good as they're going to get, and I think it gets the idea of what he looks like across. But the second one is an extremely Sora facial expression.
Description: Tall, a little too skinny, but well-dressed and strikingly attractive, with wavy green hair and observant grey eyes in a clever face. A lot of poise, a lot of charisma, witty but respectful. All of that is a mask and he is really hoping you're taken in by his facade of functionality, but it is convincing as hell. Even dazzling, at times, if he needs to really turn on the bright lights. So almost everyone falls for it, in the end. His (rich) parents died when he was young and he was raised by his (incredibly rich) aunt and uncle, who were emotionally abusive, although he would say that that's an exaggeration. His little cousin is like a brother to him, and he protected him from his aunt and uncle as best he could, but that didn't stop him from getting the fuck out of Japan entirely as soon as he could leave for university. (There were other reasons and other traumas behind that too, but this isn't Sora's entire life story lol.)
What do they say they want? (i.e., what are the desires they put out into the world and have no trouble admitting)
Sora wants the top job. He won't be crass enough to actually say that to you, but his ambition is clear enough if you're in a position to look at his education and employment choices. He wants what's best for his loved ones, of course, which will always include his little cousin Ibushi, and depending on time period may also include Sam and his children, if he has any in the AU in question. He is likely to downplay how serious he is about that, however, and he won't mention his small circle of close friends, whose safety and well-being he is just as intense about. (But if their well-being is actually at issue, you may find yourself surprised by his complete 180 from charming and diplomatic to grim and uncompromising and ruthless.)
In all honesty, Sora isn't very open with most people about how he feels or what he wants. Aside from really surface-level stuff ("I'd kill for a coffee"), this is about all you're going to get.
What do they think they want? (i.e., what are the desires they keep hidden and only admit to their closest loved ones)
He wants to keep his loved ones safe and happy, and to them he'll admit that he'll do a whole lot to make that happen. He wants to believe his parents would be proud of him. He wants to be able to use his power to make a positive difference, but also to advance his personal interests, and he doesn't feel particularly bad about the second one. He wants to crush all his competition and see the looks on their pathetic faces when they realize he's beaten them, but he wants no one else to even notice anything has happened, because it's more satisfying that way. He wants to raise his children differently from how he was raised.
What do they actually want? (i.e., what is something they subconsciously need, but either do not realize or cannot admit)
Sora wants to feel safe. He hasn't felt safe since his parents died and he went to live with his aunt and uncle, which means in most AUs he doesn't remember ever feeling that way, and in the others it's a faint, hazy memory and he kind of suspects he made it up. He doesn't think in those terms, though, which is a shame because it's behind a lot of his decision-making. As time passes, he will start to experience transient moments of safety with Sam, and as he gets older, the omnipresent sense of danger will decrease some. That's about the best he's gonna get, but he'll still be grateful for it, without being able to name what it is.
Sam Quinn
He doesn't have a picture. :C I'm sorry, Sam. He is also @vashtijoy's OC as much as he is mine but I am writing about him nonetheless.
Description: Very tall giant man, with fluffy golden hair and hazel eyes that are quick to brighten with amusement. Otherwise, they're calm and thoughtful. Sensual lips, either a skinny nerd frame or an intimidatingly muscled frame depending on which AU he comes from. He's the middle child of a normal and loving middle-class family in London (unless the AU dictates that he is a medieval peasant instead, but he remains the middle child of a loving family). His curiosity and cleverness have often gotten him into Oxford, but also often gotten him into trouble. I wish you could be less interested in explosions, Sam.
What do they say they want? (i.e., what are the desires they put out into the world and have no trouble admitting)
Sam wants to learn things! He wants to study, read books, go to interesting places, and build his professional life around learning and discovery. He often ends up as an academic, and sometimes a teacher. He is often grabbed by a new interest and gets sucked into it for a bit, and he will definitely tell you everything he hopes to find out about it. He wants to be able to help his siblings take care of his parents when they get old. He wants to do good and help the less fortunate, especially once he marries into Soras $100mil+ family (which is only a family once he marries into it; it was just Sora until that point, alone with his parents' inheritance).
What do they think they want? (i.e., what are the desires they keep hidden and only admit to their closest loved ones)
He wants a family. He's always the reason they have kids. Sora loves their children and is a devoted father once they have them, but he only agrees to adopt (or find a surrogate, or use whatever magical gay-parent baby method is available) because having children means so much to Sam.
He also wants to be open about their relationship, when being closeted is often important to Sora's career, and so Sora has to make a decision about what to prioritize. (The answer is Sam. He chooses Sam. But it's genuinely difficult for him.) Sam doesn't ever ask him to make that choice, but when Sora pushes, he will admit that being closeted makes him sad.
You might be getting the impression that Sam is less of a complicated tangle of needs and wants and impulses than Sora. You're right! Sora is *gestures* like he is, and Sam is not like that.
What do they actually want? (i.e., what is something they subconsciously need, but either do not realize or cannot admit)
He wants a community. A family with Sora and children is probably the best way to make this happen, but in other AUs it's been Sora and a few friends they often see and trade with. He just needs a little group of people around him. Like Sora, he isn't really aware of this innermost need. He just thinks he wants kids because he wants to be a dad, which is also true.
Sam just doesnt thrive when he's alone, even if he's in the middle of a city. That's not a community; he needs something tight-knit, where he's respected for who he is as a person and what he can contribute. (In some AUs, that's another answer to this question. He wants someone to see him and think he's not broken just because he's curious and asks questions.) ...Gotta say, though, all of this causes a lot fewer problems than Sora's constant the-alarm-is-broken sense of being in danger does.
Sora does poorly when he's alone as well, although he doesn't need a community in the same way. He needs people who are his, and who he belongs to in turn. The best way to make him feel safe is to make him feel protected. So although their wants are different, they harmonize, inasmuch as Sora's desperate, clawing, wailing sense of danger can harmonize with anything.
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cloverask · 10 months
Since I didn't give you any art today, have some headcanons!
-Has fall allergies (Just like me fr)
-Doesn't do very well with horror (Kel once made him play FNAF and he started crying, poor guy)
-Really likes flowers (He's a hummingbird after all.) He likes to give them to Brenda or just enjoy being around them
-Absolute Boomer. Does not know what memes are and will get very confused around modern things.
-Would be absolutely devastated if anything happened to his guitar (He still has it)
-He does that thing where hummingbirds crash into windows and then just sit there dazed for a bit.
-He sometimes has flashbacks to the war, he gets very stressed. (Don't worry, his wifey is there to comfort him)
-He sings very often and the world seems to brighten up when he sings happy songs
-Cried the first time he saw Kel die in a video game
-Overall is just a very cheery, romantic guy
-Is able to shapeshift legs (George and Dave also can) and dances a lot
-I am one of those people who think she and Dave often get into fights so... yeah, there's that.
-Is very fast and agile
-Loud noises startle her sometimes (Rabbit vibes)
-George was the one who made her bowtie. She wears it everyday
-Everyone has to use all of their convincing power to get her to sleep every so often
-Boomer number 2 (Even more so than George, as she does before he did)
-Really likes chocolate
-Gives dancing lessons to Melody (Kel's friend who's passionate about performing)
-Was a terrific artist his whole life, even in old age
-Taught Kel how to draw when she was younger
-Died due to cancer (Hence why he didn't have his mustache in the flashbacks)
-Kel taught him about lots of memes when he was alive (He's a lot more educated than George and Brenda)
-He and Suzie still love each other very much
-Like I said, he and Brenda fight a lot
-Very proud of his granddaughter whenever she does something mischievous
-Was very strong when he was alive
-When his cartoon became successful, he absolutely grinned when he saw the looks on the faces of everyone who doubted him
-Enjoys the taste of coffee
Alright, I'm a bit tired rn, so I'll do Kel and her friends tomorrow. See ya!
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bixxelated · 2 years
It's gotta be for all these acts of violence, and I would love to see 4, 5, 7, and 9!
aaaa thank you! <3
(ask meme for my fics)
(all these acts of violence | stranger things fanfic)
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
this one:
Implying that Will has other reasons to forgive him? Like what? Mike doesn't think he's done anything particularly special for Will since their argument… “Okay… okay. Good. And...” he takes a deep breath, “and about the other thing I said, at the garage. Y-you know I’m sorry about that too, right?” Will’s eyes soften. “I know.” “I didn’t—I don’t want to pressure you into saying anything. You don’t owe me, or anyone else, any sort of explanation, whatever you are okay? Especially if you’re not comfortable with it. But I hope you know I’ll always have your back, no matter what.” Will reaches for his hand, and squeezes. “I know, Mike.” “Okay,” Mike says, willing his racing heart to calm back down even as he squeezes back. “Good. So long as you know… good.”
love me some soft supportive almost-coming-out scenes. i always thought it was interesting that mike's outburst ("its not my fault you dont like girls!") while horrible and with some pretty awful timing... seemed to imply that... what? he noticed will has no interest in girls? he realized that it wasn't just that will was a late bloomer but something more? theres a lot of subtext there i really wanted to dig my claws into
will's always been the target of homophobic bullying as seen in previous seasons, and altho we never see the kids comment on queerness one way or another, so it seems like there HAD to have been some serious math going on mike's bratty little noggin about will's sexuality at one point? but despite growing up in a family that most likely would have frowned on those inclinations, to say the least, mike kept his questions to himself and kept being will's friend, whereas someone else might freak out, or be more confrontational or simply slowly stop being around a suspected gay person without an explanation. so playing on the dialogue after ("look, im not trying to be a bad guy" or something along those lines) i sort of wanted to expand on that headcanon a lil and kinda lean on mike wheeler's "screw the rules, i can have more than one best friend/ i like you so i will now die for you" personality
5: What part was hardest to write?
the last chapter right now I'd say part 1 of the epilogue (aka chapter 13)! mostly because it explores an aftermath that we didn't see in canon, with a bunch of ideas i had that were pretty vague and hard to make cohesive, and season 4 hadn't been mentioned much at that point so i had no idea what to expect and was kinda stressing out about deviating too much from canon. but i really had a lot of fun with putting all the scenes together and im really proud of it now
7: Where did the title come from?
from a song called revolution by misterwives! particularly the lyrics, "all these acts of violence, ripping this world to shreds/while I'm trying to sleep, oh how could I sleep?"
i thought that particular verse was pretty fitting to the whole theme of the fic (esp the whole ripping the world to shreds bit as a metaphor for the gates opening hehe) and so thats why i made it the title!
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
kjhgjb uh not really? from the start acts of violence was always meant to be a fic that was going to run parallel to canon bc i do not have the energy to go fully canon divergence with this particular idea and wanted to work on some other projects like wavelength besides. akdfjdsdkgjsd it was always meant to be a sort of practice fic, almost!
but i will say that for chapter 13 there was a moment where i wanted to make mike's awakening with nancy and karen (and sam owens) to be in a military base away from hawkins, on the basis of his leg being infected with extradimensional alien bacteria that a normal hospital would have no idea how to treat and the government would want to keep a close eye on. that however felt like one plotline too many to introduce and resolve when the fic's so close to ending so i cut it out and only left some of those bits in (ie: karen's confrontation with sam, mike developing an infection, etc)
thank you for the ask!
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hoppips · 9 months
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end of the year art meme... i don't think i've posted one to tumblr in a few years but this is the place for more long form posts so i'm doing some retrospection. it's rambly and kind of corny engage at your own discretion LMAO
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(2013 and 2018 art summaries, for the 10 and 5 year marks)
please don't look at my cringe teenage interests too hard (or the fact that i apparently had a misspelled url in 2013 lmaoo) but it's crazy to think about how i've been doing this for 10 years now... the past few years in particular have been uniquely challenging for me. without getting into it, my personal situation was basically constantly unstable. i spent most of my energy just trying to get by, and unsurprisingly my relationship with art suffered as a result of the perpetual lack of spoons i had. there was actually a point in late 2019/ early 2020 where i thought about giving up on art entirely. i was art blocked out of my mind and i hated everything i was drawing, picking it apart to pieces before i could let myself just enjoy making anything. the turning point for me was probably some time around april 2020 when i was finally starting to somewhat emerge from some of the issues in my personal life. funny how being stressed might make it hard to create, huh.
but to be honest, it's not even that things got uh, much better. not for a while, anyway. it wasn't until this year actually that things are... normal-ish (knocking on wood that it stays this way). but i'd still point to that time in 2020 being a turning point for my art at least, because that's when i finally started to draw to make things i wanted to make. especially when i was younger i was kind of obsessed with needing to get better as fast as possible. i thought a lot about trying to make my art look "better" rather than like.. i don't know... just making it? as cheesy as it is, this is something i owe ffxiv so much for because like, just genuinely, i got so obsessed with my wols and the characters i liked in that game that i wanted to draw them all the time. it's the closest i'd felt to being a kid doodling pokemon in my math notebook.
i'd be lying if i said my relationship with my art is perfect, or even *good*, right now. i still have a tendency to critique it much more harshly than is probably good for me, especially now that it's my only source of income. there's a lot of technical skill i lack. i'm a great combo of self-taught and lazy so i only know what i've taught myself and i'm allergic to actually doing studies lol. in the moment it was really easy for me to get in my own head about the quality of my work, especially now that my disposable income basically depended entirely on what i made from commissions. but i realized i can say i really had a lot of fun with my art this year. so, i'm pretty fucking proud of what i made (also to be fair! i think it all slaps! let me toot my own horn, its christmas) i don't really have anything concrete to say to close this off, this is just me rambling to myself. i don't really do this kind of thing often, but one of my regrets is that i didn't journal much in the past so i don't have many concrete records of things to look back on.
if i'm looking at this in a few years, or to whoever might be reading this right now, i suppose if anything i want to say it doesn't really matter how good or bad what you make is, as long as you had fun. i know its saccharine, and you'll just have to forgive me for the sentiment. but i suppose i think sometimes about how the word amateur technically means doing something for the love of it. and that's enough, really. i love my weird little guys (gender neutral), why else would i spend hours drawing them. love is how you survive the horrors, and that can be love for a dead ghost man from an mmorpg.
anyway a nap is calling for me now, i fought back against stew induced food coma for this. peace and love on planet earth.
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invisibleraven · 3 years
#19. The paint's supposed to go where? PeterPaterLina, please. Our artist babies deserve this.
One of Julie's favourite things to do with her ghosts is update them on how things work now that they are in the twenty first century. Reggie figures the technology out pretty quickly, Alex loves memes, and Luke gets really into modern music. But they also like to learn about how the world has changed, even though it is a mixed bag of better and worse.
Alex however, is thrilled by how far gay rights have come, and that night, shyly comes out to Julie. He doesn't think she'll mind given the amount of rainbows both she and Flynn wear, but after his parents, he's learned to be cautious. What he doesn't expect is for Julie to come out to him right back. "I've been out as bi since I was thirteen, my family know and support me. I'm sorry yours didn't," she says.
"I had the guys, and after I came out..." Alex starts, sending Luke a glance, not wanting to say anything without his permission.
"I did too," Luke finished for him, giving Julie a small smile when her eyes fly to his. "I've never really cared about gender. I fall in love with people regardless. Labels have never really been my thing, but when we did research, pansexual came closest."
"I-I'm bi too," Reggie all but whispers from where he's sat on Julie's beanbag. "I kind of just figured it out..." he trails off, resolutely not looking at Luke.
"Proud of you Reg," Alex says, slugging him on the shoulder. Reggie gives him a shy smile, and blushes when Luke at him with an interested gleam in his eye and Julie looks at the both of them with a glazed over look.
"Omigod, we should play at a Pride show!" she suddenly exclaims, and begins texting Flynn to see about arranging it, given it's almost June. The guys, once they understand the concept, are all for it, loving that they can be out and proud now, without shame or recrimination.
The day of the show however, they are having some regrets. “The paint’s supposed to go where?” Reggie exclaims as Julie comes towards him with a tray full of body paint.
"Well you can wear it wherever you want, but a lot of guys go shirtless and paint all over their torso," Julie replied, nodding to where Luke is covering his pecs and abs with magenta, cyan, and yellow. Alex has a rainbow on his cheek, and a male/male symbol on his upper arm. Julie is sporting an array of pink, purple, and blue butterflies covering her forehead and cheeks.
Julie holds up the paintbrush and Reggie sighs but turns his face so she can paint a smattering of stars on the side in the bi pride colours. She gestures to his tank top, but he shakes his head at that, so she starts painting a blue heart on one collar bone, but Reggie took the paint from her, painting a purple heart on the other side, leaving a blank spot in the middle.
"For the two people who hold mine," he said with a flush.
Julie glances at Reggie's flushed face, then at Luke. She motions him over, and he bounces up to her, giving Reggie a very obvious once over, smiling with approval. Julie picks up the paint, painting two hearts on Luke, one red, one purple, then repeating the process on herself, only the hearts are red and blue. She then paints an infinity symbol between all of the hearts, and grasps both of their hands.
Luke looks at their new art, and a look of understanding passes over his face, so he holds his other hand out for Reggie to take. The three of them stand there, hands clasped together, their feelings clear but unspoken. Things were unsure and uncertain between them, but the shy grins they gave each other made Julie hopeful. With a final squeeze they went to go play the show, but if afterwards they spent some time figuring themselves out ending with a few sweet kisses and smeared body paint, well none of them complained.
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme Lines from "AHS: Coven" Episode 8: "The Sacred Taking"
You don't go home till I say.
Make me fight for it
I'll carve you up in big thick slices, then plug every hole you got.
[NAME] set me straight.
You were never my friends.
You don't see me bitching out.
[NAME] filled my head with that bullshit, too.
That bitch will say anything if it gets her what she wants.
This isn't for you. Yet.
You just killed an innocent man!
This town ain't big enough for the two of us.
War is coming. And you're gonna lose.
I used to think I understood pain.
My body doesn't belong to me
The doctors say it's terminal.
Die before Thanksgiving, so none of us have to suffer through that mess of raisins and Styrofoam you call stuffing.
They say love is the best medicine.
You are so beautiful.
You're just a fool in love.
You like the way I look, take a picture.
I don't want you watching me decay.
Are you scared?
I'm not scared of dying.
I'm scared of living like this.
I wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction of me killing myself.
I'll stay alive just to spite them.
I just have to figure out which one of those little pecker-heads it is.
They worship the devil.
Look what they did to you.
You don't get it! They saved me!
Nothing happened in that house.
You brought this on yourself.
You had no business going that house.
You're unclean.
Take off your pants.
She's hurting him.
Let's get back to the battle plan.
I want to slit her throat.
You have to stay hidden until it's time.
She cannot know you're back.
We have one shot. That's it.
Our plan has to be flawless. So does the execution.
Failure turns this into a suicide mission.
You have to save me.
I knew the world could be a dark and evil place.
I tried to disappear into nature. But I have been found.
Aw, you probably have no idea where you are.
You've been through a terrifying ordeal, but you came back.
The cicadas have stopped singing.
Somebody is looking to kill me.
You were set on fire and left for dead.
Whatever troubles you had, they are ours now.
Don't worry. You're amongst friends.
I thought I'd never see you again.
Given my wretched appearance, maybe it's a good thing you're blind as a butter knife.
How did your hair grow back so quick?
What have they done to you?
I've lost my eyes.
Our journey starts today.
We're gonna be busy all night.
Why can't he watch porn and jerk off like any other guy?
Be good, baby.
We'll have fun later.
I feel like a queen.
You thought it was you, didn't you?
Well, I knew it wasn't you
It could be any one of us.
It's not a gift. It's a burden.
Now, give me your hands.
We're ready to begin.
Can you imagine those poor Salem witches, traveling all the way down here in covered wagons without a proper charcuterie platter or a bidet? Absolutely savage!
Does nobody see the flaw in this plan?
I just love this room, especially the walk-in closet.
I need that.
Surprise, bitch.
I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.
How soon can you have all of your stuff out of here?
I really need my own room.
I can't wait to break it in.
What are you?
Who brought you back?
Looks like you've got some 'splainin' to do.
We all know the playbook on this.
I'm gonna bring marshmallows and graham crackers to make s'mores.
As my powers grow, yours fade away.
Let me break this down for yo, and stop me if I talk too fast; I'm in, you're out.
You can swallow these pills and go to sleep. Stop suffering. And stop our suffering. The choice is yours.
Is everyone back from the dead, or have I already died and gone to heaven?
That's not one of the choices, darling.
I have finally found someone I belong to. Someone I truly love.
No details, darling. I couldn't bear it.
I am very ill, [NAME]. I won't last long.
You haven't thought through this, [NAME]
You're still my beautiful angel.
This dream of a perfect love you're clinging to is just a nasty trick life is playing on you.
You will die the same way you lived your life; alone and disappointed by everyone.
What's the matter?
He won't stay till the end. They promise, but they don't.
You are nothing but an envious old bitch.
This whole room smells of death!
I'll die soon. I promise.
How'd it go?
Why can't it be me?
You have no style and your pits smell like fish sticks.
You guys suck balls.
Come hold this mirror for me.
Life is a carnival, [NAME].
I was so crazy about him.
Some play it safe on the merry-go-round, others go for the thrills on the roller coaster.
I mean, I could sit here and boo-hoo my choices, torment myself over the selfish detours I have taken. But what good
would it do now? Hmm?
Do me a favor, get me my fur from the closet.
It was preemptive, I suppose, my leaving. Get out of town before they run you out on a rail.
I've always been rigorous about not staying too long at the party. Bad form.
Know when it's over.
I could never pull off the corals.
You need to take this. We must purge you of this poison.
I was murdered.
I see everything.
I am finally trying to do something decent
You're making a martyr of yourself by giving up.
You've been tricked.
I won't permit it.
I don't understand.
They've been running a number on you.
They've been leading you to your doom with lies.
You've always been my silent sentinel.
Ain't they feeding you?
Whatever did I do to deserve this betrayal?
Didn't you like my pot pie and my peach crumble I learned how to make just for you?
You put me in here.
You can get me out.
This cage is just unfit for a human. Which is why it's so perfect for you.
You know, when I had the idea to have you brought back to me, I thought of all the many ways I could dispose of you. But I've found it give me great pleasure just to know you in a cage.
I'm not your damn maid!
I wouldn't be so eager to show my arrogance from that side of the cage.
What you gonna do? Kill me? I can't die.
Eh, throw me back in the box.
I seen enough of this world.
You think I only have those two choices?
The mistake you make is from a lack of imagination.
I'm not afraid of you. I wouldn't give you that satisfaction.
This gave me no satisfaction. But we've only just begun.
How dare you come into my house after what you've done.
Stay away from her!
I made you and I can unmake you.
Don't leave me!
It's Schubert's last sonata. It's all about acceptance of death.
This is so incredibly stressful and weird.
You don't feel anything?
My stomach feels like a storm's about to hit, but it's probably just my nerves.
I'm not exactly what you call a natural born leader.
Your feet should be getting warmer.
I'm told it starts as a tingle in the cooch.
You can't be in here.
We're under attack.
None of us are safe.
I might have slept until noon.
You didn't really make this coffee all on your own, did you?
If you're waiting for me to get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness, you can forget it. It's not gonna happen.
Now you're proud?
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jay-bee-me · 4 years
200 Followers celebration!
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For I finally reached 200 Followers here's my celebration!
It contains 2 elements! First this emoji ask meme:
So send me
🌈To get a fictional character based on your blog/what I know about you
✨To get a book recommendation (please add a genre if you aren't into sci-fi or fantasy)
💫To get a series recommendation
🌸To get my thoughts on you/ first impression
(beside the first and the last one you can sent on anon when you feel more comfortable with it)
Part 2 is the following creepypasta! If you don't like scary stuff just skip it and scroll on. I don't mention any critical things as far as I can judge. If you read it but think I should add trigger warnings please tell me (you can just sent an anon ask and tell me what tw I have to set) I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable and will add any trigger warnings!
"There's a myth being told. You know? It's about the white man. A creature pale as snow. His eyes a glooming red. You should never ever try to get him alive. And never ever summon him! He has medusas abilities and a single look at him and you saying 'no' will immediately turn you to stone for the next 10 years."." wait- wait- wait. Why only 10 years, Kathy? That sounds lame. Like losing 10 years? That's definetly worth to experience how it is being a stone!" Dev and Emma nod agreeingly." Well fine! What other ideas do you have?", Kathrine asks sending a glare in my direction. "uhm. What about 30 years and you forget everything besides the feeling of not being able to move?" I ask 'em. "why not 50 years? That's way more frightening and sounds way more magical?" Emma complains. Dev gives a noise that's implying he agrees. "than that's it?" we all nod to show Kathy our agreement. She then types the new version into her computer. "okay so how do we wanna continue?" she says as she looks at us again. "what about a young boy like 15 years old? And he is trying to challenge himself by finding the creature." Dev suggests. "okay, that sounds good, but I'm going to bed guys" "g'night" we say as Emma already leaves the room. "okay I'll write like a short introduction and I'd say we do it then tomorrow so no one leaves out!" "yeah!" Dev and me say simultaneously. While she's writing Dev and I throw chips in each other's mouth and try to catch 'em. Afterwards we talk another half hour and then go to bed.
It was dark when I woke up. A look at my smartphone revealed it was 4am. I had to grin to myself. It was exactly the time we stated in the SCP document to be the time the white man would show up. I was still impressed by Devs idea to start our own myth. And I was proud of Kathrine to be such a good writer she would write us the creepy pasta about it. The SCP thing we might got by ourselves but none of us had the talent to write a good horror story. The idea came from Deb at least all the facts for the SCP site. Only the years I didn't agree. I thought ten years of being a stone doesn't sound scary. Maybe even like a relief. Ten years without any responsibility... I went to the toilet and bumped into several objects on my way but didn't wanted to turn any lights on. When I was done I decided to go outside for a bit. I couldn't go back into that room with three other people. The air just was bad. I took Kathy's key so I don't locked out myself from her home and went into the garden. It was November and pretty cold but my sweater kept me warm. I sat under the oak tree I always wished to have a tree house in but her parents didn't allow us to build one. They thought it were unsafe but right now it would have been a better option than the bare ground. I breathed in the fresh air. 4.15 am. I thought about the creepypasta. What would it be like to be a stone for 50 years. I mean you can't age as a stone so when you come back you just lost 50 years of your friends and families life but none of your own cause physically your still the same age? Or would you die at the age of 20 cause you would have only had 70 years? I heard a rustle from the hedge in front of me. Was it a cat? But who would leave a cat that early when it's winter? I made a clicking sound with my tongue. "come here little one" I whispered. I heard another rustle. I took my phone and turned on the flashlight to have better vision. I cast it at the bush. Nothing. Then a reflection. It was almost red so it must be a cat with amber colored eyes. Cute, I thought by myself. Another movement. "don't worry." I told the cat. And it came out the bush. Only problem: it wasn't a cat. It was pale. It was a man. It was an almost white man. I gasped. What the hell. Automatically my eyes went to the creatures eyes and in my dumb disbelief I spoke the one cursed word: "no". Because my mind refused to belief what it saw. I felt my body turning unmoveable. The last clear thought of mine was: Well,at least I will find out what it is to be turned to stone.
The next morning Dec was the first to wake up. As soon as he noticed Alex empty bed he knew what happened tonight. He knew it because it was what happened to him. Ten years ago. He knew it because he lived through a similar evening back then. Sure they didn't wrote an SCP but they had other places to put the information. Back then he also thought it only was a joke of the new kid that came to the school one year ago. Back then he was as naive as Alex. When he woke up this night he ignored the urge for fresh air. He refused to be turned to stone again. The whole evening he worried the others would find it strange he told him all the facts. But he didn't questioned anything back then either. He know went down. And searched for the sculpture. The horrified look on Alex's face sent a little hurt to him and he asked himself if the one who hid him back then felt the same. He also wondered how long this have been happening already and how long it will continue. At least none of them actually loses ten years. They all only lose ten years of their friends and famalies life's. He pushed and pulled the sculpture to the cave. The cave he spent the last ten years. And because he knew Alex would hear him he said: "I'm sorry. We will meet again somewhen. I didn't knew he would pick you. When you wake up you have to do the same I did. I don't know what will happen if you don't. But if it was something good I don't think this would have continued so long. Goodbye" then he left this cave forever
I had time to think about everything. And I figured something out. When I look into the mirror in the bathroom of my new friends I met in the last year I still saw the same face. It was even stranger than if I had aged. I wondered whether Dev felt the same back then. Ten years ago. I made a decision. I never knew I would do this. But I was sure to do the right thing. The only option. I went back to the living room where Amy, Cal and Pete were already waiting. "so what will we do tonight?" Amy asks us. "what's about starting the myth of the white man?" Pete asks. And I look at him. And I see what I should have noticed so long ago. The strange oldness in his eyes. I knew it. "No!" Cal exclaimed and got my full attention. "no goddamn horror stories! Stop that! You guys know that always goes wrong! You know the movies! We aren't dumb teenagers from ten years ago! We won't do this!" and when I looked at him I notice that he was like me. We had made the same decision. But I also asked myself: when three of us are already here, how many of us exist? How many of us have to do this? When will this end?
@emo-bi-mess I thought you liked to be tagged in it :)
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What if yurio , phitchit and victor were texting there crush and there crush said something really cute or a really cute selfie and they just got completely flustered and just mt and don't respond so someone replys to there crush for them because they haven't sent anything back in like ten minutes and the person who responds basically just embarrasses them more by saying that they got really flustered (sorry if this doesn't make sense
Ah, it’s been such a hectic week what with it being the beginning of a new semester, but I’ve been feeling so down, and this is so cute, I really just have to do this. I’ll do my best, darling, I think I get the gist of it!
-’yuri!!! yuri, im @ the pet shelter atm and there’s this wonderful grouchy kitty that reminds me of u look look look’-You ruthless cutie you-Yurio already can’t handle you-He was just texting you during his break, with a small serene smile on his face-Just leanin against the railing of the rink, doing some leg exercises -The creases between his eyebrows are practically non-existent, you make him so happy-It’s the sweetest thing-But the minute you send that text, he stands up straight as if he’s been whipped across the back-Oh no-Yuri looks over his phone to see Mila, smiling sllyly down at him-”Who are you texting, Yuriii?” she croons-fuCK OFF I WAS HAVING A GOOD TIME, WITCH-he tries to ignore her, hunches his shoulders and is just about to message you back when you send a selfie-holy shit if you didn’t kill him before, then you damn well did now-There you were, a big delighted smile on your face, with the most crotchety looking cat on your lap, leaning against your hand that was petting it’s head-Yuri wheezes, this boi literally fuckin WHEEZES, and leans over, clutching his chest-he’s like the old man meme
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-that one-Mila blinks, chuckling, before taking his phone in his weakened state to see what’s gotten him in such a ti--oh my god-Even she’s enraptured in the fucking ADORABLENESS that your selfie is-meanwhile you’re waiting eagerly for your boyfriend’s reply, which… is taking a while….-A half hour damn near passes before you get a text-”Hi, Y/N, this is Georgi. I must say your selfie is very sweet and cute. I can’t handle it, but you know, Yuri is the one who can’t handle it the most. He’s currently wailing with Mila over how adorable you are! Haha.”-fucker is the only one trying to keep his cool, bc honestly, he’s crying too-you lethal weapon-yuri later tells you he killed georgi for embarrassing him he didnt he just poured his coffee on his new scarf
-You’re always snapchatting Phichit about one thing or another-You don’t usually use your face, rather, you just take photos of the thing you’re doing at the time-But Phichit loves you and your cute face!!! He could kiss it all day!!!-Anywho, he’s out with Yuuri, and while his friend is looking through ice skating magazines, Phichit’s checking through his notifs-And he sees you’ve replied to his snap!!-He asks Yuuri if he wants to be in a selfie with him and of course Yuuri knowing Phichit, he didn’t have much a choice-So Phichit taps the notif, and goes to your chat-Opens your snap, la dee d--Oh-Ooooooooooohhhhhh myyyyy gooooo--He blinks, and screams when the counter goes out, this boy literally fucking SCREAMS, HE SCREECHES-It’s you, holding up a hamster cookie, with the biggest smile on your face, looking so proud-The caption read ‘Just cooked up a batch for u, look how good it looks?!’-Phichit is leaning against Yuuri, who’s also seen the snap-”Aaaw, how cute!” He says-Phichit grabs his friend by the shoulders-”Yuuri.” He says in the most grave tone Yuuri’s ever heard, “That wasn’t just “cute.” Let me tell you a thing or two over just how precious my s/o is.”-He literally goes on a goddamn tangent-And Yuuri thought HE was obsessed with Viktor, CHRIST, PHICHIT-It’s like he was saving this speech over how adorable you are for this specific moment-Yuuri’s listening to him, smiling and humoring him-Phichit replays the snap, screenshotting it before just waving it in front of Yuuri, looking so happy-But Yuuri’s tired now, a fucking HOUR passed, and you only have a notif that Phichit screenshot your pic-This boi fuckin snatches the phone from your boyfriend, and before he can react, texts-”Y/N, your cookies look gr8! This is Yuuri btw, sorry for the delay in reply, but Phichit went on a speech over how cute u are! Lol pls tell him to stop, ppl are staring.”
-Viktor’s always been passionate about how cute you are-He squishes your cheeks, kisses your nose, gives you eskimo-kisses, blows raspberries on your tummy, nuzzles you CONSTANTLY when he gets overwhelmed, he just adores you-Viktor Nikiforov is entirey infatuated you, it’s adorable in itself-So he’s just texting you, when he SHOULD be practicing with Yuri, because… th… that’s his goddamn job…. Viktor,…. you fuck…..-Yuri’s shouting at him and of course, this guy is clearly ignoring him, giggling to himself as he chats with you-’lolololol Y/N, when will u get here???? it’s nearly lunch time!!! i miss uuuu~’-’im on my way!!!! u should be practicing, geez’-Fuckin Viktor chuckles, and does a little footwork,then checks his phone OOOOH GREAT JOB HOTSHOT-He skids to a halt after that-Yuri’s cussing this guy out, “OI, YOU AIRHEAD, YAKOV SAID TO FOCUS ON YOUR AXELS, FUCK YOUR FOOTWORK”-Viktor speeds his way towards Yuri which autmoatically makes him regret speaking because now he’s gonna go off about you-Instead, much to Yuri’s surprise, he’s… actually kinda quiet-It’s weird-His eyes are wide, and practically glimmering-Viktor’s cheeks are normally at least a little rosy due to the chilly temperature, but now, they’re a bright jolly red color-One hand is covering his mouth, as if in shock, and now Yuri’s a little unnerved-”What the fuck do you want.” He grumbled, a little off-put-Viktor slowly holds up his phone to show Yuri a photo of you, posing in front of a poster of Viktor that was apparantly up nearby the ice rink-You have the back of your hand on your forehead dramatically, but you’ve got a clear mixture of pride, love and amusement on your face as you grin-Beneath that was a text, saying “Can’t believe my beautiful boyfriend is actually made out of paper…….”-Yuri blinks, and grunts-He’ll admit, it was pretty cute, but he didn’t really…. give a shit…..-He looks up and sees Viktor’s cheeks pulled up in a smile behind his hand-It takes at least an hour and a half when you get a response and it’s from Yuri-’hey this is yuri can u maybe pls take ur shitty boyfriend away so i can be at peace’-Thanks yuri
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junker-town · 7 years
‘Catholics vs. Convicts’ was an imperfect nickname back then, and definitely doesn't fit now
The 1980s slogan doesn’t accurately portray anything about the current Hurricanes.
Notre Dame vs. Miami has everything a prime-time game needs.
Two top-10 rivals, hype leading up to it, and College GameDay in town. Neither team was really expected to be this good this season, but they’re welcome surprises. The Canes built their undefeated record largely on one-score wins before dominating Virginia Tech while ND has looked dominant against everyone other than No. 1 Georgia.
But for all the fun inherent to this game, there’s something else: That nickname.
Let’s just get it out of the way.
If you’re still referring to the Notre Dame vs. Miami game as “Catholics vs. Convicts,” you’re using coded language. It’s become the unofficial name of the rivalry, and college football fans like to hang on to evocatively named games like the Red River Shootout and the World’s Largest Cocktail Party. But those rivalry names don’t deride a group of athletes as “convicts” for the image obtained by their predecessors 30 years prior.
As far as Miami’s concerned, these Canes are markedly different than their predecessors.
I’m not sure that even Miami fans really know what to do with them. This team has swagger, but it isn’t the same as it was in the 1980s or early 2000s.
They win, but they’re not doing it with rosters loaded on both sides with NFL talent. There is no Seventh Floor Crew, no boat parties with rogue boosters, and no Cocaine Cowboys-era excess.
No team is devoid of disciplinary issues. A walk-on QB was arrested for DUI and cocaine possession last September, and two were arrested for resisting arrest right before Mark Richt’s first spring practice. The QB is no longer on the roster, but the other two had their charges dropped and remain with the program.
At Georgia, Richt embraced one of the more strict drug policies in the country. The origin of the “Mark Richt has lost control” meme sprang from him constantly suspending and booting players for infractions that many other schools would’ve handled more quietly. So in fact, Richt tends to exercise more control that most coaches.
His Hurricanes lead the nation in community service, not player arrests.
Miami, in fact, was the No. 1 FBS football program last year in the NCAA’s community service competition. Players are required to put in hours in the offseason visiting parks, schools and places of charity, and in my experience covering those events, they do so eagerly. UM has players like Demetrius Jackson (a budding politician with big goals of helping his community), Chad Thomas (organizing a Christmas toy drive) and Braxton Berrios (finalist for a national “man of the year” award as well as the “Academic Heisman”).
And a coaching staff that once employed a much wilder version of Ed Orgeron now has guys who do this:
I don’t often retweet, but @Coach_MannyDiaz has been on mission trips with me to Nigeria, & on the battlefield with me on gameday! No one more deserving. https://t.co/vJsWDTkMol
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) November 9, 2017
So what did these Hurricanes do to get people to invoke the “convicts” moniker? The answer lies in the turnover chain.
These badass Cuban links that adorn the neck of any Canes player who gets a takeaway:
Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports
They’re created by Miami’s own AJ the Jeweler, an idea spawned by former Cane Vince Wilfork. It is awesome, and probably the best of college football’s sideline props. And the links look familiar to anyone who’s seen a rapper from South Florida.
Photo by Bennett Raglin/Getty Images for BET
You know what comes next.
When the racists come out, you know THE U is back. http://pic.twitter.com/maYG8Agm8S
— Billy Corben (@BillyCorben) November 6, 2017
Convict, like thug, can be a racial epithet. A Miami player wearing a prop to signify an achievement shouldn’t have any more of a “thug” connotation than Tom Herman wearing his custom-made grill to celebrate at Houston.
Thanks to @paulwallbaby, @TvJohnny and especially the Grill Committee for helping me keep my promise. #GoCoogs http://pic.twitter.com/V7wEon4IXN
— Coach Tom Herman (@CoachTomHerman) December 29, 2015
In the hook to the song that made the jewelry a national phenomenon in the early-2000s, Nelly sings, “Rob the jewelry store and tell 'em make me a grill,” but no one accused Herman of planning a robbery.
Richt says the chain is nothing but fun.
He went on The Herd and gave these comments about the jewelry:
“What’s wrong with that, you know?” Richt said. “People want to build it into something else. I can tell you — I tell my guys — I care more what is in your heart than how you wear your hair, if you’ve got a beard, or whatever the heck it may be.
“I care about how you act as a person and how you act as a teammate and a fellow student and all that. That’s what’s most important to me. We’ve got great — not good guys — we’ve got great guys on this team.”
For Richt, the concept of swag is just different.
“Swag is whooping the man on the other side of you! That’s what swag is,” he says. “Swag is, when the game’s over, we win the game! That’s what swag is.”
The rivalry’s unofficial name first adorned a T-shirt in 1988 made by two ND students.
At the time, the teams met every season, and that meeting determined the national champion in ‘88. Notre Dame won by one point on a questionable call in South Bend, then finished undefeated and No. 1. The Hurricanes finished 11-1 and No. 2.
Notre Dame has always purported itself to stand for everything that is good and pure in college football. The Catholic school in America’s heartland wants you to believe it is holier than thou. The words “God, country, Notre Dame,” appeared on the sleeves and helmet of an alternate jersey, and Touchdown Jesus oversees all.
In stark contrast, there was Miami. The 1980s Canes embraced the bad boy persona. They were loud, proud, and largely black. They showed up to a Fiesta Bowl in fatigues. They asked at a pre-bowl luncheon, “Did the Japanese sit down and eat dinner with Pearl Harbor before they bombed it?” before walking out. They owned their brashness. There were guns, alcohol, and drugs aplenty. There were also multiple run-ins with law enforcement.
But it’s not like those Irish were squeaky clean.
It took two teams to have a pregame brawl in 1988, after all. Afterward, then-coach Lou Holtz told his team to keep the game clean, but said that if the Canes wanted to throw down after the game in the parking lot, “hell yeah, if they do, fine,” per the 30 for 30 made about the ‘88 game. Per Pat Eilers (a player on that team) Holtz said, “You do me one favor: you save Jimmy Johnson’s ass for me.”
That doesn’t exactly vibe with the image. Neither does five players testing positive for steroids from 1987-1990, or an allegation by a former player of much more rampant PED use. Holtz reportedly spit in a player’s face during a public scrimmage, and a longtime Holtz assistant said he saw the coach passing money to a recruit while at Minnesota. Holtz had a penchant for leaving NCAA violations in his wake. He did it at three different programs, including Notre Dame.
Toward the end of Holtz’s tenure, a booster was found to have embezzled over $1 million from her employer and lavished gifts on Irish players, mothering a child with one of them in a stretch from June 1995-January 1998. Holtz abruptly left after the 1996 season.
The recent Irish haven’t been without disciplinary issues and other off-field controversies. Six Notre Dame players were arrested in the summer of 2016, with one booted from the team. That was nothing out of the ordinary, but it shows Notre Dame has never above the fray.
Miami and Notre Dame have a classic rivalry. It doesn’t have to try to match an image, just because there was a 30 for 30 about it.
The Catholics are headed to Miami in one of this season’s biggest games. They will meet Canes, not convicts.
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