#look i’ll die mad about lotors ending
mothmanavenue · 1 year
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where is your home, vagabond?
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chibi-pix · 3 years
Ah! It’s been a few weeks but now I’m back home with faster internet and able to watch Voltron: Defender of the Universe!  I’ll admit, I was tempted to bear with my grandpa’s middle-of-nowhere internet to try and watch an episode here and there, but I didn’t. Other things came up. But now I’m home and enjoying it! And I’m going to be honest, time and distance truly do make the heart grow fonder. No, not about Lotor, the only good thing about him is his hair. I’m talking about Bandor’s voice. The anthropomorphic kazoo’s voice doesn’t bother me as much. 
Anyway! I’ve been a busy creature! Episodes 39 through 45 have been watched! In the next day or two, depending on my evening art binges, I may have the first part of Voltron finished! Then it’ll be on to Vehicle Voltron and then the third season with Merla since that’s the order on the site I’m watching at.  Keep in mind, I do miss some details since I’m drawing while watching/listening to this show in the corner of my screen.  So! Without further delay, let’s get to this!
Episode 39. Ah, an episode with a comet! It may not be a trans reality comet, but it’s still a comment. I snorted at Lance’s comment of “If we wanted to play it safe, we would have stayed home.” Dude, the comet was going towards Arus. You wouldn’t have been safe. Oh well. Now it was kinda expected but clever of the baddies discussing the “attack plan” and tricking Romelle into telling Voltron. At first I thought they were being just dumb and talking in front of her, then Lotor smirked. Very clever, guys.  “With friends like you, Voltron doesn’t need enemies.” Ouch. Poor Romelle.  When paying attention to the gravity, my mind went to VLD when they dealt with planet Naxzela. It seemed interesting to me.  I enjoyed Bandor going to try and help Voltron. I felt sorry though. He seemed so pained to fire upon Voltron and the comment in the attempt to help them! Bandor! Be strong, baby! My mind went to thinking of the song “All the Mad Men” (or something like that) by David Bowie when the others were making their comments about their peace with near death. Just thought that was interesting to say.  “Come and try it, strange one.” Really, Lotor? That’s your best insult? 
Episode 40! Bandor: “There will never be another force like Voltron.”  Um... what about Vehicle Voltron? Or do you not know of them Bandor? It’s okay. You do care for the lion force team members.  And so much he wants to save them. Even risking robot mutiny. Do your best, baby! You’ve got this! And everyone having these deep realizations at the end of the universe. Personally I would have liked a restaurant at the end of the universe. Lorot: “Do you know how many princesses would love to be my bride?” Um, probably zero, honey. You’re toxis and your only good quality is that hair of yours.  And sending Romelle down a pit of skulls. Me personally? I’d hate being dropped, but those skulls? I’d have stolen a few to decorate my room. Skulls are cool.
Episode 41. Oh look, Sven, totally not his brother captured from Earth before it was destroyed since Earth is fine and dandy in this series, is alive! And found Romelle! Sorry you went a bit crazy buddy, but it’ll be fine. You just need a hug and a cookie. Or Romelle could help. That works, too.  Sven: “We have to move quickly and quietly. Like cats.” Um... didn’t a cat have to do with you getting hurt in the first place and you no longer got to be blue paladin? I feel like that was it. I mean, it was Haggar’s doing in the end, but didn’t it start with chasing a cat?  Anyway! At the end when the Pollux siblings were reunited, it made me super happy! That’s what I’ve been waiting for!
Episode 42.  Sand people! Now the tags from @breadstickcat​ left on a reblog of a palakitty art makes more sense! And those buggers are so cute! I want one! Or many! They’re so precious! And they stack! I’m gonna cry! I was so amused at how tall Pidge felt before they stacked. It just made me grin.  It also makes me wanna draw palakitty Pidge, Chip, and Shorty stacking to make themselves taller. I also feel like the Baltoans of my palakitty au would be taller than the sand people. But not by much. I wonder if I should incorperate the sand people in other AUs for my VLD stuff. That’d be amusing. I just want these precious babies to be happy. Those cute sand people. And Sandy! Allura giving him the bracelet. I was ready to cry when he was taken and converted. Thank the ancients that this series doesn’t let people die.  This may be my favourite episode thus far. 
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Episode 43. I really don’t have much to say about this episode. Though Lotor’s line of “I’ve punished many kids on many planets”, my mind went to I think episode 34. Flashbacks, my dudes.
Episode 44. The title “Voltron vs. Voltron caught my interest. And it was kinda clever seeing the fake Voltron arriving before the real one to trick and catch the people off guard.  And I like how perceptive the kid was in noticing something was off. Good job kid! And doing his best to dig in the sand to warn Voltron. You’re doing good, sweetie! You’ve got this!  “All these people are lying stunned.” Um, are you trying to convince yourselves or the audience? I looked up to see Pidge’s face when things weren’t going well and they were getting shocked. It was hilarious and I did snort with laughter. 
And finally, episode 45. Sven: “I think they’re trying to decide which one is the ugliest.” You just like calling things ugly, don’cha buddy?  It was amusing to see Sven be a master of disguise to get his job done. Makes me kinda wish we had that reference with Shiro in VLD. Though we did get VLD Allura donning the soldier uniform to sneak in with Shiro in a crate, so I guess that’s good, too.  Anyway! Sven! Not only is he a master of disguise, he can also bitchslap a guy! Good job, honey! And then planting the bomb on the ship, definitely gave me Sven vibes from VLD when the others saw the other reality. I enjoy that. What I didn’t enjoy was looking up to see what looked like a spider robeast. Why? Why does there have to be a spider? I hate spiders. Eeeeee!  Anyway! Sven returning to Romelle and ticking her off. “So much for a hero’s welcome.” Well buddy, maybe if you approached her with more sincerity instead of joking, she’d have welcomed you better. You’ll learn. Maybe. Hopefully. Hmm...
Anyway! That concludes my night of watching Voltron: Defender of the Universe! I feel glad to resume this show.  And! Another doodle inspired from watching. It was only a matter of time until I ended up drawing this.
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Anyway! I hope y’all enjoyed this! Until next time.
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f-117-nighthawk · 3 years
Playlist Update? From MY Brain? More Likely Than You Think
can't remember the last time I posted these all together but I just put a few new songs in. I've been playing Arknights bc STARSET songs keep being used in the trailers, and then I was listening to Transmissions while making dinner, and uhhhhh there's two new Transmissions songs on the playlists, plus whatever else the spotify links needed to update to my ever-changing apple versions.
This is just the main playlist, because this one is now 3h 40m, and the other three playlists are about an hour each. I’ll give them their own post tomorrow. Under the cut, because it's also Write Random Snippits and Include Important Lyrics time
Dark Matter
Surprise surprise, this one’s got probably the most work done on it. A lot of that is moving things around, a few deletions, and the additions.
DM now starts with Your World Will Fail, Dark Matter, and Eater of Worlds. Turn the Lights Out still kinda applies, but I stopped vibing with it starting everything, and wasn’t really sure where else it should go so it got dropped. It’s role is sort of picked up by a UtA song later? Anyway, the opening three are still very much about not only the birth of [REDACTED], but the birth of the universe itself. And that’s why it feels better to start out with YWWF. Because it is the start.
(Your world will fail my love/It’s far beyond repair/Your world will fail my love/It is already there)
(Bring me your soul/Bring me your hate/In my name you will create/Bring me your fear/Bring me your pain/You will destroy in my name)
(Can’t imagine the violence/The rage and the love in my madness/I am the eater of worlds and I’m looking for someone to feed me)
Remnants of Stars is a hook to Filaments at this point, but stays way up here because the thing it’s about connects back up to those three ^ and is something slowly realized by the Paladins throughout the series. There’s kinda three different points that they realize something new about this (at the moment, I Am the One, Cosmic Vertigo, and Centigrade).
(Shed all you know and make way for a galaxy of light/Answers found hidden inside the smallest stone/Bringing forth a new way of life/Open your heart to the sky)
Apocalypse 1992 hasn’t changed. Still about The Fall, still the turning point for the entire damn war. Still about poor Krolia. Still the Rogue One of DM. It happens between parts of Awakenings, detailing the rise of [REDACTED] and the final hours before the destruction of everything sentient species knew beforehand.
(Fly high through apocalypse skies/Fight for the world we must save/Like tears of a unicorn lost in the rain/Chaos will triumph this day)
Apex is the final moments of Apocalypse 1992 from the Red Lion’s perspective, and connects nicely (just as in the albums lol) to the next UtA songs. Which we’ll get to in a bit.
(Brother mountain/Now we sleep/For a thousand years/I will see you again/Something is coming/Coming for me)
You Keep What You Kill covers the slow degeneration of the Empire between The Fall and the Battle of Arus. The knowledge harshly taught by the Thuanial War is forgotten under the influence of Zarkon, Haggar, and [REDACTED]. Marzin and Galraasa quickly rise the ranks as the Empire’s left and right hands, like omens of destruction before them. The four are the ‘holy half-dead,’ the ones who shape the devouring of the universe before them.
(Defying dimensions/These ruthless creatures will steal your soul/Breaking away from the chains of mortality/They won’t be taken down/Bow now to the holy half dead/The master to death mongers calls)
The Glory and the Scum is partially here bc I missed having Delain, I’ll freely admit that. (Delain split up! Like six months ago! I’m still sad!) Here, it’s (most) of the reason why Krolia isn’t around until MGHM. Think Winter Soldier-ish. It’s also from Krolia’s perspective as she’s talking to Kolivan in a conversation I implied in Shatterpoint. Perhaps it shall see the light of day.
(Look at what we've done/Take a step back/Shake your head at what we have become/We're the glory and the scum)
The Seven Sisters is about Keith, mostly, and connected to Closure via its influence on Child From the Stars (Lost in the Dark) and also to Memories of a Girl I Haven’t Met. Also the thing about the Pleiades has kinda become A Thing associated with my two favorite halfbloods.
(I cast my hope upon The Pleiades/The Seven Sisters who would come for me/They’d fall to Earth to grant a child’s dream/But I’m still waiting)
Starlight is the Adashi song. Here, it’s the sad part, based around the time that the SFSS Genesis launches for Kerberos. It also is sort of about Shiro’s thoughts throughout the war as he watches ‘from distant skies’ (and influences String Theory kinda)
(At night the earth will rise/And I’ll think of you each time I watch from distant skies/Whenever stars go down and galaxies ignite/I’ll think of you each time they wash me in their light/And I’ll fall in love with you again)
Waking Dream and Abyss are Awakenings. They’re specifically the Red Lion waking up on Sendak’s ship to her new Paladin, but also sort of the rest of the Lions as they find new Paladins for the first time since The Fall (and, also, an accidental hook to the end of Filaments just by virtue of being on the same UtA album…)
(Centuries like flowing streams as years go rushing by/Waiting in the dark for afterlife)
(Open my eyes in a daze/How long has it been? Am I so out of place?/Warmth I can no longer feel/My mountain is gone, I’m surrounded by steel/The strangest of structures arises ahead/Seems to be held up by nothing/Where have I gone, do I dream?/How can the stars be all I can see?)
Who Will Save You Now is about the Paladins in First Contact. It’s the video messages they send to their families, the warning that Something Is Out Here that they need to prepare for. It’s a declaration of protection for Earth, but a recognition that the Paladins may not be able to do what they say.
(I will not take from you and you will not owe/I will protect you from the fire below/It’s not in my mind/It’s here at my side/Go tell the world that I’m still alive)
Then there’s The End of the Beginning. Which is, well, the eponymous fic. And don’t forget the String Theory connection! Fun fact: part of the last chapter leads directly into part of String Theory at the moment.
(Every night I die just a little/All this time, I’m caught in the middle/All your life, you fought with no winning/This is just the end of the beginning)
A Simple Plan is about anything but a simple plan. Lotor is making his secret bid for the construction of the Sinkline ships, but there’s one more thing he needs before it can come to fruition. Haggar has suspicions, and knows one thing that she needs to keep from both him and Voltron. Team Voltron is still struggling to fit into their new roles, especially with a Black Paladin who adamantly does not want to be Black Paladin, and is in desperate need of one thing to fix the last of the damage done during the Battle of the Sarnan Nebula.
(How long can we hold off ending?/How long can we pretend we’re ok?/No one goes on fighting it forever/I know I’m better this way)
Memories of a Girl I Haven’t Met. Such a short song for such an important fic. It skips all the way over Naxzela to the Mission to the Baaria Shipyards, the first major offensive that isn’t somehow connected to canon (even if only a very very small part of it is actually at the shipyards lol). This is also the song that solidified Keith’s very queer identity in Dark Matter. And more Pleiades stuff!
(In this lonely place, bathed in silence and thoughts of you/I can’t see your face but I’m trying to envision you/So are you really out there? Are you awake with memories/Of a boy you haven’t met yet who’s wished upon the Pleiades?)
There’s another fic in here that I’m still waiting for a song to catch my ear, but it’s pretty big so I’m putting it in here. For the moment, it’s called MGHM 2.0: Electric Paladinloo. Featuring the Whispers, Voltron, and a few mullets.
And then. Hoh boy. The beast of beats. TRIALS (reimagine), Dark On Me, String Theory, and I Am the One. We’ve got [REDACTED], we’ve got [spoiler], we’ve got the first major turning point in the entire war, and the first revelation of the true nature of [REDACTED]. Hence the honor of being the separation point of my two main DM folders. TRIALS is the first part, the horrifying realization. Dark On Me and String Theory itself are from Shiro’s perspective. I Am the One is… an image song? I guess? That’s all I’ll say on that. (I would like to note that the STARSET songs bar OWtT tend to be about the Shiroganes…)
(Hear me from the bottom/Forged in regret, I'm the silversmith/Doomsday, you we had it coming/Marching the streets with an iron fist/Obey no more in silence/The steel in our hearts will be monuments/Today, they'll hear the violence/We'll rise from the dark like Lazarus)
(You're the cause/The antidote/The sinking ship that I could not let go/You led my way, then disappeared/How could you just walk away and leave me here?/Light the night up, you're my dark star/And now you're falling away)
(You don’t believe in space/You don’t believe in light/You don’t believe that anything is well beyond your might/We walk across the sky and beneath the ocean floor/We’re never going anywhere we’ve never been before)
(I am the one/I am the architect to rule your fate)
House on Fire is the aftermath of String Theory, and a large vibe of We ARE Struggling Together! It’s about family, never letting go of something you care about, and the slow act of trusting.
(So I’ll just hold you like a hand grenade/You touch me like a razor blade/I wish there was some other way right now/Like a house on fire we’re up in flames/I’d burn here if that’s what it takes/To let you know I won’t let go of you)
Belgrade is The klance song! It is a) a bop b) always stuck in my head because it is That Good. The line in the chorus about ‘sweet songs of seduction’ is eternally funny to me bc a)they’re both ace and b)QPR’s don’t usually involve seduction. Belgrade also leads almost directly into…
(We pretend in the darkness/We pretend the night won’t steal our youth/Singing me the sweet songs of seduction/Let me be the fool, fool, fool/Who will live and die for you)
Here to Save You is about Sam. Mostly. It’s also about Pidge. And Zaivorge cannons.
(A slave for humankind/I made sure I would survive/To stay alive/Now it’s time to move on/When there’s nothing left to prove/I’m coming to get you)
Iron is the third Closure fic (the second is End of the Beginning, forgot to mention that. They’ve slowly moved away from actually being related to it in anything but name and general idea). It’s about Keith coming to terms with parts of himself, and learning how to use them to great effect. Also has a huge info dump about the Blade.
(You can’t live without the fire/It’s the heat that makes you strong/‘Cause you’re born to live/And fight it all the way/You can’t hide what lies inside you/It’s the only thing you know/You’re embracing that, never walk away)
The second major turning point in the war is Monarch, Birthright, and Firewall. I really recommend reading the whole lyrics for Monarch, because the entire thing is very much a Lotor song. I had a bit of trouble picking a lyric to use here. Monarch is here because Lotor is also the ‘singer’ of Birthright, and both songs are to a very specific high-level target of the Coalition. Firewall is a little different as it’s a Team Voltron song not a Lotor song, but happens because of the same thing the other two do. They’re all not exactly a direct result of Iron, but they wouldn’t happen how they do without it, and then [REDACTED] swings back into the fray and things learned in String Theory/the framing story for Through Apocalypse Skies hit in full force.
(I am not the person you remember from before/The one you patronized and stepped on, the one you hurt/And I have pulled the arrows, now my skin has become stone/No longer am I prisoner to your empty fucking words)
(The voices in my head have all begun to sing/(The voices in your head have all begun to sing)/And they sure as hell hope I am listening/(I sure as hell hope you are listening!))
(They come to your dreams with illusion/They come to bring shape to your mind/You know how to stop the intrusion/We all have to fight for our lives)
and then, The Day the Earth Collapsed
(How much time has been elapsed/Since the day the earth collapsed?)
Here Comes the Reign doesn’t come into full effect until several months after Birthright/Firewall, but starts with The Day the Earth Collapsed. It’s largely about Haggar and [REDACTED]
(You made something they can’t take away/Now bring the fire of the burning sun on everyone)
Supersonic is here… kinda as a placeholder? Things have shifted around since its original purpose, and frankly it’s here still as a framework for what I like to call The Meme Battle. It’s generally about the increase in Coalition support and general winning as they go after warlords in the aftermath of Feyiv, culminating in I Need a Hero which is, of course, The Meme Battle.
Yes, it’s the Shrek version. It’s the Meme Battle.
(Supersonic, polyphonic, this is our war/Mustering the armies, marching faster than before)
(I need a hero/I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night/He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast/And he's gotta be fresh from the fight)
But Tonight We Dance isn’t exactly a klance song, but it’s here for them. On a diplomatic mission gone wrong, the Red and Blue Paladins of Voltron uncover a literally-buried government conspiracy, a rebel cell, and nearly die. A normal days work for the two of them. But they’ve really gotta stop having relationship milestones in the middle of a warzone.
Another reason it’s here is Tonight We Dance is a very aro song to me. “A language universal, but I speak not its tongue” hits hard. I felt like I needed a bit in here to remind listeners/readers that romance isn’t a language Keith speaks. And it becomes very explicit in this fic, just like Belgrade.
(Tomorrow we might wake in servitude and silence/I will give you everything if only you would have me/Tomorrow we will sweat and toil/Our hands will quiver, caked with soil/Tomorrow we'll give it one last chance/But tonight we dance/But tonight we dance!)
But Tonight We Dance is the last of the Closure fics, which is why it’s here. Closure in general is a lot of Keith’s character development and some of the struggles he goes through to accept his place in the universe and the fact that yes, he does have people that care about him. The last fic is me shining a brighter light on Closure’s chorus and taking a ‘last goodbye’ as never needing to say it again
(I am the child from the stars/That got lost in the dark/Between heaven and hell/I am forced to live on/I am the cause when you sin/I am the demon you skin/But there is no more tears to beautify/This is my last goodbye)
Then we step back into the universe-level action with Soulbound. Revelations from String Theory and Firewall swing back in with a vengeance on a joint Whispers-Voltron mission, leaving them reeling and Krolia questioning her very identity.
(Soulbound, endlessly forever/Locked between the darkness and the light/Don’t drown in the swarming, blackened rising/Hold on to humanity and fight)
About three months after that is My Darkest Hour and Faster Than Light. Haggar realizes something and goes searching for her fifth [spoiler], sending the Blade and the rest of the Coalition scrambling. These also lead directly, and I mean directly, into…
(When the sun comes crashing down/When the world is spinning round and round/I will face what must be my darkest hour)
(Once more we’re flying fast as light/Dark matter passing in the night/Pursued by a force we can’t outrun/As we hurtle towards a dying sun/We maneuver through the remnants of a moon/On the solar winds of supernovas/There is not a place to hide, the Matriarch is close behind/It’s plain to see she’s coming for us all)
Cosmic Vertigo and Other Worlds Than These. Together they are the second of two revelations in what, exactly, is [REDACTED]
(Banish me like burned down planets/Write my fate with sparkling lies/I am the universe; you're just one sky)
(Pull the wool out from your eyes/It won’t shade your frail belief/In the end we cannot hide/There are other worlds than these)
Godhunter is Team Voltron, well, hunting for gods, even as one of them disappears.
(She’s been watching for a century/With hatred, and with scorn/If you know the hunter’s coming/Then you hide or keep on running/'Cause she’s slain the gods before)
Trophy Hunter, Ember, and Redemption are the culmination of Godhunter. I’ve been thinking of them as akin to the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2, if that gives you an idea of what the hell they run into. Also I switched which specific Redemption is on the playlist, because I was listening to Red Handed Denial again and their Redemption was vibing way more than the Hammerfall one. They link up to Godhunter and Soulbound in subject matter, and lead directly into…
(You, you won’t escape me, I’ll rise from the deep/In this final moment, no words left to say/I can’t let you be when a life fades away/You, you won’t escape me ‘cause I’ll set you free)
(Dark matter falling from the sky/Dancing flames reflecting in your eyes as you watch them burn/Watching all your riches witches burn)
(Remember me not for the mess I’ve made/But who I could have been/Finally I’m going home)
World On Fire, This is a Call, The Reckoning, The Wind That Shapes the Land, and Louder Than Words. Switched the order up a bit so it makes more sense chronologically, because the message ‘sent by forces beyond salvation’ has to get there before the reckoning can begin.
(World on fire with a smoking sun/Stops everything and everyone/Brace yourself for all will pay/Help is on the way)
(This is a call to action/This is a call to arms/All lives for one, together/There are no false alarms)
(I see your face, find peace of mind/Between the madness and the sadness and the fire burning/The end of war, the great divine/We’ll see the day of reckoning)
(Search within/Uncover the will to win/Turn against the tide that washes o'er/Find the strength to fall and rise again/Open up the gates, unleash the force/I am the wind that shapes the land/Old as time and twice as strong/Oceans arise at my command/I alone can carry on)
(We have the force to fight/We have the blinding light/A war is more than heard/Coming in louder than words)
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 135
Standing at the terminal for the private airport, Keith was fighting the urges telling him to stay. Curtis was there. Shiro was there. Kosmo was there. Krolia, James, Ryan, Nadia, Ina, Matt, Rieva and Kolivan were all there... but the one person he wanted there the most wasn’t. Lance was with Mami at VOLTRON. His boyfriend opting to stay there for the next few days before he went into hiding with Mami. They were all going ahead. Allura would be coming with Lotor in a day or two with his generals that’d been barely saved in time by a team sent to the airfield, there just some things they needed to wrap up in Platt first. Leaving Lance hurt. Lance hadn’t been too well the night before. His boyfriend tried to reassure him at least a hundred times that they’d be able to talk over the phone and he’d answer all Keith’s calls once he had a second number. Coran would organise that, and Keith wasn’t allowed to know where Lance was going until he’d got there safely. He couldn’t tell the Vatican what he didn’t know.
Hearing a wolf whistle, Keith spun round. Pidge and Hunk coming towards him. Krolia seemed to expect this
“Finally! I thought you two were going to miss the flight!”
Pidge laughed at Krolia, though it was probably more the bewilderment on Keith’s face
“What are you two doing here?!”
“You didn’t think we’d miss this opportunity, did you?”
“But... what?”
“Lance told us to come. Because apparently you can’t tell your two best friends you’re off to Rome. Sheesh, you’re so rude”
“But you were... weren’t you staying in Garrison?”
“Pfft. We still are. We came to say goodbye to you, dummy”
As far as Keith knew the pair of them would be staying in Garrison. They were going to look after Lance’s house and his cow and Blue... and Lance. What about Lance? He’d thrown around the idea of asking them to go with Lance, but Lance didn’t want to interfere. Apparently this didn’t count as interference? He didn’t want to make a scene about leaving
“What about...?”
Pidge snickered at his failure to articulate the questions in his head
“Chillax, dude. It’s all sorted. Blue’s back with Lance now, and we’re gonna check on his house for him”
When did that happen? He hadn’t been able to see them much. Weren’t they mad about that?
“But... why?”
“Because we’re friends, doofus. Plus, have you met my brother? Leave him alone for too long and he gets all stupid in the head. Someone has to remind him he’s not as smart as he thinks he is”
From the group, Matt called out
“Fuck you, Katie! I’m smarter than you!”
“Go lick your balls!”
James and the others snickered. Somehow they managed to get along with Matt rather well. James had been less of dick towards him too. Maybe the mutt was scared of Lance? Because accepting him seemed too far of a stretch. Reaching out, Hunk pulled him into a hug, Keith returning it, still slightly shocked that his friends had made the effort to come see him when he’d tried to sneak away
“You stay safe, man. And let us know what’s going on”
“Thanks. I will. I’ll be back as soon as I can be”
“We know. We’ll take care of Lance the best we can until you come back... when he comes back... it feels like everyone’s leaving”
“Lance said “This isn’t goodbye, it’s see you later””
Pidge wrapped her arms around them both
“He’s right. We’re coming to Rome to get you ourselves if you think you can skip out on us”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way... I’m sorry... that we have to...”
Pidge stomped on his foot, scowling up at him when he looked down at her questioningly
“Stop it. Look. We don’t blame you over what happened with Lance. We don’t blame Lance either. Sendak was a bad man. What we want is both our friends to be okay”
Hunk backing Pidge up, though sounding super nervous
“You are okay, aren’t you? You’re not in some kind of super trouble?”
Maybe a little? For being distracted and letting Sendak get the drop on him...
“Not that I know of. I’ve been trying to stay outside the loop for Lance’s sake. Lance can be pretty forceful when he has to be”
Pidge nodded, dropping her head back down as she replied
“He’ll be okay. He’s going with Mami and he’s got Blue now. Are you going to have the same number?”
“I would pretend you didn’t already have my work number but I know you do”
“And Shiro’s... and Curtis’s... and Krolia’s Don’t think I won’t blow up their phones if you stop answering us”
“What do you expect? Daily reports?”
“Exactly! Hunk’s getting his passport processed. I’ve got mine. Rome isn’t too far to go to kick your arse”
He didn’t deserve his friends. He really fucking loved both of them.
Matt came over to them, lifting Pidge up off of him like she was rag doll, Pidge screeching at the sudden motion
“You put me down, Matthew Holt!”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“I’ll burn all your stuff while you’re gone if you don’t put me down right now!”
Matt placed the angry gremlin down, ruffling her hair as she tried to straighten it up
“Don’t be mad because mum said you couldn’t come with us”
Pidge crossed her arms
“I didn’t ask her”
“We both know that’s a lie”
Pidge raised an eyebrow, seeming smug that Matt was wrong
“Actually I asked mum if I should go with Lance. She’s the one who said he needed a little time with his own mother instead of us”
Keith wished Pidge and Hunk were going with Lance. Lance only vaguely agreed if that Keith wasn’t going to be back for Christmas they could meet up with him. Keith was totally going to be back for Christmas. Three and a half weeks was plenty of time. He hoped it would go faster than it sounded out loud
“She’d be right. He needs a vacation, not to be babysitting you”
“He doesn’t babysit me”
“Remind me, did he not used to go ahead and check out the places you wanted to go ahead of time to make sure you wouldn’t be hurt”
“No one asked him too”
“All I’m hearing is a grumbling gremlin”
Pidge stomped on Matt’s foot. Rieva giggling at the pair of them. The werewolf seemed happier... and Loturd was to blame for it.
When they’d bumped into Matt and Rieva at VOLTRON, Lance had wound up ignoring his need for sleep in favour of having the pair over to the apartment. Where he went and fell asleep anyway after he and Rieva had made dinner for the four of them. Both Matt and Rieva were worried about Lance, Keith not wanting to talk about his boyfriend behind his back, but instead kind of sort of did, maybe a little jealously. Lance defending Lotor made his head hurt and his heart feel ugly with jealousy. Rieva having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that monster she’d heard so much about had seemed to soften into something almost human. She still hated him. Loathed his family. Wanted him to fuck off back to Europe and stay there with his family forever, all of which making Keith smile at her description. She liked him a tiny bit better now that he’d given her some answers about why her biological parents had to die.
It turned out Lotor was looking into it in his own way.
He couldn’t very well approach his parents and demand a list of everyone they and their underlinings had personally killed. It was disgustingly and shamefully long, Lotor actually admitting that to Rieva, as he hung his head before her. Part of his niceness still seemed like an act. Rieva didn’t trust him. He acknowledged that she had no need to and no need to forgive her. Her parents murders were nearly a footnote in Lotor’s research. Simply murdered because they were the wrong friends of friends of friends who’d lost a child to Honerva’s crazed experiments. Zarkon wiping out the chain of evidence back to them. He’d found a photo, giving Rieva something tangible of her parents. She and Matt were coming with them long enough to give statements, again, then going on to spend some time with Rieva’s adoptive parents, with the plan being to return home for Christmas. Krolia had personally promised them her protection... then Kolivan turned around and did the same. His mum could be scary when she wanted to be. Keith wishing he could have seen her scolding Kolivan who’s facial expression never really seemed to change that much.
Everything had changed since he’d last been standing here. It was only him and Shiro then. No Pidge. No Hunk. No Krolia he thought of as his mother now. No Lance as his boyfriend, just Lance that needed a bullet in his brain. No twins. No... friends... that he believed he’d never have because everyone left him in the end. No Kosmo or Blue. No good thoughts of vampires and werewolves. No Mami and her rebel antics. No apartment filled with memories to come back to. No house filled with love waiting a little further down the road for all this to be over and him to move there to be with his pregnant love. None of that. He was going to miss Lance so much. Pidge and Hunk too... but Lance... he missed him deeply already.
“Sorry, kids. It’s time to go. Keith will let you know when we get there. Take care of yourselves until we’re back”
Krolia hugged Pidge and Hunk, both of them hugging her back. They’d bonded. He used to believe as long as he had Shiro he had all he needed. The two of them. The two Paladins as Shiro would call them. Now there was 5 of them... Him, Lance, Shiro, Pidge and Hunk... and some kind of weird family bond between them all. Lance was right, as he usually was, it was past time putting this Sendak mess to bed. Keith knew at least two Blade agents were staying behind to deal with the spot fires left from Sendak. But Coran had that handled. For a weird old fae, he was kind of very special... He could be flaky, he could be slow, he could be frustrating, and his stories didn’t need to see the light of day again, but he did care. And fuck, he loved Lance so much. Everyone loved Lance so much... He hoped he was doing the right thing here. He hoped his boyfriend wasn’t crying his eyes out. He’d cried enough last night and into the morning. His morning sickness had seemed to almost double with stress. Keith didn’t want to spend their last night in the infirmary, but Lance had been so sick that he’d agreed maybe it was for the best. He and the twins were going to be okay... They were going to be okay and he was going to come back home to where he belonged.
Hugs did the rounds, Keith hugged by Matt who simply shrugged. Matt had the same kind of flare for dramatics as Lance. He loved love. Saying goodbye sucked, so it was “see you later”. Fresh determination in Keith’s steps as he led Kosmo over to the private jet. His doggo an idiot, trying to be part of the wolf pack... who were all in human form... He really was surrounded by idiots.
Cuba was hot. Hot and just the right place to be to forget how badly he missed Keith. Cuba was the holiday Lance’d wanted to take Mami and Keith on, but coming back with Mami was worth it to hear the way she lit up at the prospect of an adventure.
He’d cried so hard the day Keith left. Regretting letting him go without him. Mami held his hand, confined to bed thanks to dehydration. Keith had worried so much about leaving that Lance wondered if he would. Coran helped him make a gift for Keith. A small album of ultrasound photos and tummy photos from his phone, and surveillance footage. They’d had to get creative or he’d have had three full blank weeks there. He had another two albums. One for him and one for Mami. Mami getting into this baby thing too much. The knitting needles coming out and him being told to mind his own business. Luis had nearly lost his shit when Coran came to pick her back up. Mami had a few choice words about her overbearing son and the banning of her occasional nightcap, and he didn’t take her to church.
Picking up their rental car, Coran had organised it all. Special clearances, careful of customs, a nice hotel room with ocean views for a month, giving Keith the chance to come down and experience this with them before heading back to America. The only way to get a Cuban passport was to be born there or to marry a Cuban. Mami had hers, Lance her American born grandson... funnily enough named Lance. Amazing. It was also really the only time he could take this holiday with Mami. He could still hide his belly. He was small. He’d googled and seen some of the sizes of normal bellies, worrying his was to small for their twins. Mami called him an idiot for it told him “before too long he’d be wishing he was small again”. Seeing Keith didn’t need all his clothes in Rome, Lance had borrowed some of his... and packed the same body wash his boyfriend used... and Keith’s stinkiest jacket to stench up his luggage so he wouldn’t lose his scent.
Checking in, the hotel was ridiculously nice. Clean. Lots of white and arches, the smell of the beach in the air. Mami pointing out everything that had changed since she’d been there, even trying to send them down roads that no longer existed on the way to the hotel. Thank god for inbuilt GPS. Setting up their room was put on hold. The first thing he did was set up his laptop, using the hotel wifi. He had the phone Coran told him to take which was an encrypted Blade phone, as well as the laptop which he’d personalised a little with pictures of Keith, Blue and Kosmo. His own laptop, normal, and work phones locked away at VOLTRON. None of that mattered. His first port of call was logging into his “what’s app” with his new account just for him and Keith. Rome was 6 hours ahead. Making it 3am. He’d told Keith he’d call him when he’d arrived, like Keith had called him when he’d arrived and was able to.
Keith had been waiting up for him. His boyfriend nursing a cup of coffee, Kosmo trying to butt in over his shoulder. His fur son missed him... being a bad father, Blue was staying at VOLTRON. He couldn’t bring her down to Cuba, and she deserved to run and play, and he was paranoid about leaving her with Pidge
“Hey, babe. Hey, Kosmo!”
Keith pushed Kosmo off him, huffing
“How come he gets a happier hello?”
“Because he is best boy, and you are sleepy boy”
Keith sighed at him
“You know I had to wait until you landed before I could sleep”
“I know. Mami tried to get us lost”
Shooting a glance at his Mami, she was already making tea in the rooms kitchenette area
“Is that Keith? Hello, my mijo!”
Lance sighed, shooting Keith a look
“Hey, Mami!”
“Now who’s getting all the happy welcomes? How was today?”
“Boring. Long. I miss you”
“It’s only been a couple of days”
“Too long. How are my twins?”
Lance stood up, pulling his shirt up for Keith to see his belly
“Still in there”
“Hello, my little macaroons. Daddy loves you”
Lance rolled his eyes as he pulled his shirt down and sat back down
“They know. They have to hear it from me all the time”
Kosmo made another attempt at Keith’s laptop. Keith nearly spilling his coffee
“He’s a menace. Everyone keeps giving him treats and he’s stopped listening to me”
“That sounds about on par for him. Anyway, I only really called to let you know we got here safely”
“I’m glad... I really miss seeing you”
“You see me everyday”
Yeah. He missed Keith. He missed him so fucking much that he had to keep from crying during their calls
“You know it’s not the same”
“Yeah. It really isn’t but it’s not for that long”
“That’s true but it feels like forever”
“You’re not hanging up before I see my handsome son are you?”
Keith snorted at Mami, Lance had to fight for private Keith time
“I’m going to call him later”
“I want to see him”
“He’s still on the call!”
Lance groaned. All he wanted to do is talk to Keith
“Don’t hang up!”
“I’m not hanging up...”
“Good... Come make the tea so I can talk with Keith”
“He’s my boyfriend”
“Pish you”
The perils of your mother loving your boyfriend
“It’s okay, babe. Make the tea and come back”
Swapping place with his mother, Lance grabbed his suitcase of blood bags. Hopefully no one was going to be opening the hotel fridge... or that would be awkward. Coran had booked them a really, really nice suite. That Lance didn’t care about exploring until the following morning. The flight had been fine. Mami giving him a slight headache with her directions. They’d gotten in about 8pm. Perfect time for vampires to be flying. He had his box of grave soil. And he had his photos of Keith and his friends. Packing seemed like too much effort though. Especially with Keith right there on the laptop...
Bringing Mami’s tea over, he had his own blood bag in his teeth. Mami was filling Keith in on how nice the private plane was. She was gushing over how she’d be able to brag when they visited the family. Their holiday pretty much consisted of two weeks of being forced to “meet” everyone. Though he would be able to silently judge how they’d all aged. She was so excited. She’d been too excited really. Totally prepared for code names and assumed identities. She was going to be “Lola. The famous dancer with her younger, handsome, partner”. Coran dashed her hopes. They weren’t doing very many things other than seeing their family, so normal names were fine.
“Anyway, when are you coming down to see us...”
“Mami! We’re not allowed to tell Keith where we are!”
Mami chuckled at him
“You’re such a fuss pot”
“And Keith isn’t allowed to know where we are for his safety too. Sorry, babe...”
He’d love to tell Keith he was back in Cuba, waiting for him there. Coran would tell Keith when Keith was finally allowed to come see them
“It’s alright. I’ll just add to all the secrets Mami and I share”
Great. They were co-conspirators against him. If he wanted to be in danger, he’d still be in Platt
“I can’t win. Mami, go drink your tea. Keith, I’m sorry”
“It’s fine, babe. You look pretty tired...”
“I’ve been sleeping. These two are still keeping me up, but it’s okay”
Keith’s face softened. Lance wished he could reach through the screen and hug him
“I wish I could be there... It’s all grumpy people here”
“Grumpy people with dog treats”
“Yeah. There’s that. Fuck... I have to be up at 6. It’s inhumane”
Idiot. Keith was an idiot. He wasn’t going to be functional at all
“Babe! Go to bed. Put the coffee down and get some sleep!”
“I will now I know you’re okay. Oh, I’m supposed to say hi from the others”
“Tell them hello from us and we’re okay and I’m safe... ish”
His Mami smacked his arm
“He’s perfectly fine. He’s been a big baby without you”
Keith snorted. He was a traitor... a traitor Lance wished was waiting in the bed for him instead of in Rome
“I’m sure that’s not the case. I’m going to go, but I love you, babe. Love you too, Mami, and I’ll try call later”
“I love you too, give Kosmo extra hugs from me”
“He doesn’t need them. He’s a total himbo”
“He is best boy living his best life”
“Right. I’ll remember that the next time he pees on the bed. Anyway, I’m happy you’re safe. I love you”
“I love you, too. See you later”
Lance closed the chat with a sigh. He should have gone to Rome. He should have been there with Keith, and not with his boyfriend stealing mother
“Keith seemed tired”
“It’s 3am there, Mami”
There was a time difference she was forgetting
“What’s he doing awake then?”
Lance sighed again. They were barely in Cuba and he wanted to go home
“Because he wanted to know when landed safely. I know you’re excited, but we really can’t talk about Platt or about him”
“I know. Relax, mijo. I know. Let me be happy to see our Keith”
Ugh. He wanted to be happy to see his Keith. He didn’t want to share... Allura, Lotor, Acxa, Zethrid and Ezor had left on an earlier flight. They thought he was going north to Canada, where he was just a border away from coming back home if he needed to. He hadn’t even told Hunk and Pidge, only that Mami was coming with him and they’d be home for Christmas
“I know you know. I’m just being stupid. I’ll get unpacked and we can go to bed. I know Aunt Sarah’s supposed to see us tomorrow morning”
“You worry too much, mijo. I’m a tough old bird, and I finally get to show off my handsome son again”
Mami shot him a look. Okay. Let a man worry
“Yes, yes. I know the story. Be a good boy and drink your blood up. We want those twins as health as they can be”
“They’re fine. They’re not doing much but taking up space rent free now”
“You’ve become much bossier. What happened to my sweet little boy?”
“He went and got pregnant. If I leave you alone with my laptop, you’re not going to get into mischief are you?”
“That’s for me to know. Now of you go. I’ll have my tea, then off to bed”
Great. What a great way to start a holiday. Would it really be too soon to call Coran and beg to come back? Why had he thought a family reunion was a great idea?
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makorragal-312 · 4 years
Void (Part Eight)
"Lance? What's gotten into you?"
"Yeah, man? You good? D-did we say something wrong?"
"No. You said everything right."
"Wait, Lance?"
Lance jolted awake in his seat, his heart beating out of his chest. Clearly, being woken up out of his sleep via heart attack was going to be a regular occurrence for the paladin. And it couldn't have come at a worse time considering he and the other paladins were still on a bit of a low after leaving Olkarion, or at the very least what was left of it. Somewhere between them leaving and them being mid-flight, the red paladin ended up dozing off, still somewhat tired from the events from earlier in the day. But life is fair, and he needed to wake up to a voice of panic.
"Lance! Oh thank god! I thought you died of sadness!"
Lance turned his head to the sound of the voice, seeing Hunk's relief-filled face appear on the screen next to him. He took a deep inhale and exhale to calm his heart one last time before finally responding.
"No, but I will eventually die of a heart attack if you do that again!" he chastised lightly. Hunk rubbed his neck awkwardly, embarrassment taking over his face.
"Sorry about that. I just really wanted to apologize for earlier. We didn't mean to upset you." Hunk said quietly, his somber eyes looking at the bottom corner of Lance's screen. Lance furrowed his brows sadly. For some reason he was hoping that he and Pidge would let it go and just let him work himself back up again, but he knew better. Hunk wouldn't function if he knew someone was mad at him and would go out of his way to make sure they knew how sorry he was. He sighed.
"Hey, man. I know you guys didn't do it on purpose. It's just, y'know, kind of a sore spot for me." Lance replied, a tired smile creeping back on his face. "But I'm sorry I worried you."
Hunk looked back up at him hopefully.
"So, we're good?" Lance chuckled.
"Yeah, man. We're good." Hunk's eyes widened as a big smile appeared on his face before sighing in relief.
"Okay, awesome! I'll go tell Pidge the good news!" Hunk said quickly, his screen disappearing from Lance's view a second later. The red paladin crossed his arms as he leaned back in his seat. To say that he was having an all-around stressful few days would be an understatement. First, he botches a date with a girl he's had feelings for since forever. Then, he ends up breaking down to his friend, whom for some reason is feeling REALLY conflicted about; which then cumulates to him breaking down AGAIN in a conversation that he can barely remember. And now, he has to deal with hearing about Lotor again.
Lance let out a heavy sigh. He knew he shouldn't be letting Lotor rile him up like this again. He's gone, out of the picture, stuck in the quintessence field and will never see the light of day. So why does it feel like he still finds a way to taunt him? Why does it feel like he's mocking him? Mocking him on how he'd be able to do the things that he couldn't. Things that made Allura want to get closer with him in the first place. Who knows, maybe he and Allura did have something. Something bigger than Lance could ever hope to be for her. Lance smacked his cheeks, trying to snap himself out of his stupor.
"This day couldn't possibly get any worse."
"Paladins, get airborne immediately! This is a trap!."
And just like that, it got worse. What was supposed to be a simple rendezvous point became a trap as what was supposed to be the Atlas turned out to be some sort of war ship, ready to take Voltron captive. The lions bolted for the sky as they tried to put as much distance between them and the ship as possible. Suddenly, the lions became dead weight as the ship projected red beam that caused them to drop to the ground, unable to move. Lance quickly tried to make use of the controls, but to no avail.
"It's just like when we were caught by those pirates!" Hunk shouted. Lance slightly panicked at the memory and the thought of it happening again.
"We're about to be captured again!"
"Emergency ejection!" he heard Keith yell. Lance pressed the ejection lever in his lion, making him fly from the lion's head. He landed on the ground momentarily before using the jets on his armor to fly away from the area, Pidge right beside him. He focused on the path before him as he and the other paladins tried to avoid the heavy fire from the ship. He heard Keith and Allura trying to contact the Atlas, but he knew nothing good was going to come out of it. Eventually, they found themselves hiding in a disheveled forest, evaluating the situation before them.
"The Atlas isn't receiving our communications!" Pidge whispered. The paladins turned their heads to where they had left their lions.
"That beam has the Lions pinned." Hunk added.
"We must have been set up. But by whom?" Allura questioned. The paladins waited in silence, wanting to see if the coast was clear to make another break for it. Not even a minute later, they heard the sound of beeping from a distance, starting to close in as the beeps eventually turned rapid.
"Guys, we have incoming. It's closing fast." In a matter of seconds, a drone appeared, not hesitating to start shooting beams at the paladin, whom had already begun to run for their lives. Using their jets, they jumped from branch to branch in another attempt to put distance between the drone and them before starting to run the rest of the way.
"We need to lose it!" Hunk shouted, trying to balance himself on the branch as he ran and cowering in the same breath. Lance added jumps to his steps, barely avoiding the incoming blasts himself.
"Isn't there anything we can do to throw it off our scent?"
"Yeah, I've got an idea, but I need a minute." he heard Pidge shout from the branch above him.
"I'll buy you some time." Hunk shouted back. Once he made sure everyone was behind him, the yellow paladin turned back to the drone as he summoned his cannon, firing in the drone's direction. Lance didn't hesitate in helping his friend, summoning his gun and shooting in the same direction. The blasts from Hunk's cannon targeted the nearby trees, implanting miniature cannons on said trees as added ammunition toward the drone. Lance looked out the corner of his eye and saw Keith and Allura providing cover for Pidge as she tried to shut down the drone's defenses, which luckily didn't take too much time at all.
"Got it!" Pidge shouted triumphantly. "It shouldn't be able to detect us anymore." Lance stopped firing, lifting his gun upward.
"Then let's get out of here!" he replied urgently. A couple of more shots were fired before they ceased, showing the drone was encased in a protective shield. The paladins watched in confusion as the drone flew towards them, moving past them swiftly and slowly. They heard the drone begin its beeping once more, only for it to turn right back around, beeping rapidly, as it once again tried to shoot them dead.
Tears came to Hunk's eyes as all hope of escape turned dim given their current situation.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Hunk cried. Luckily for him, the other paladins had found cover and he didn't hesitate to jump into crevice beside Pidge. Keith pulled up his shield, blocking him and Allura from the oncoming shots next to them.
"I need something to draw its attention!"
"I've got it!" Allura said before running out of the space. She ran up out of the drone's visual range and summoned her whip, making it wrap around the tree that's behind the drone before pulling it. Once the whip was gone, she used all of the strength she could muster to push the tree down, only for the drone to move from underneath it just before the tree could land on it. The drone zoomed out of range above where the Altean and the other paladins stood, but before it could launch another attack, a spinning disc appeared from the smoke and hit the drone point-blank, turning back into its original form of a sword as the drone landed on the ground in a burst of flames. Just as quickly as it landed, so did Keith, whom summoned his sword back into his hand in its bayard form.
"Huh, good job, Keith." Lance remarked as he walked up to the black paladin, smiling. "I mean, I was just about to do that, too, but that's cool." His smile grew as he could sense Keith scowling in annoyance at his remark. Even though he was just teasing him, the red paladin always finds himself amazed at how Keith can get them out of situations. He was taken out of his amazement, however, when Pidge spoke up after him.
"I might be able to hack into it." The green paladin walked past the two as she knelt in front of the destroyed machine, Hunk and Allura joining the circle a second later. Lance, however, stepped back, choosing to lean back on the tree near them. While the drone was still being scanned, he couldn't help but to peek at Keith again from the corner of his eye.
His gaze was focused, looking over Pidge and the drone. His back was straight, arm crossed in mild patience and slight urgency. Lance felt his throat get dry, his chest getting tight. He looked so serious, so determined, so...strong. The kind of strength that was in no doubt instilled in him thanks to Shiro. The kind of strength that the red paladin himself could only hope to achieve. The kind of strength that made him feel safe. Unconsciously, he felt his eye shift past Keith to look at Allura. Her stance was similar to Keith's, the only difference being that she was crouched forward a little with her hands on her hips. Her facial expression was also that of an urgent one, but it didn't hold the same patience and sense of calm that Keith's face held. Nonetheless, he couldn't deny how beautiful and ethereal she looked. He felt the dryness in his throat ease up, along with the tightness in his chest. Lance forced himself to look away just in time to hear Pidge telling Hunk to shut up, so he could only assume it had something to do with the drone that Keith had just destroyed.
"This thing has been locking on to our key encryption protocol that's built into our suits and bayards." Pidge stated.
"How did they get that?" Keith inquired.
"I don't know. Only a genius could do it." Lance thought for a moment.
"Can't we just turn our suits off?"
"Negative. If the drone had our encryption protocol, then so does that cruiser and anyone on it. If we want to avoid detection, we need to lose our suits and our bayards." Pidge replied simply. Lance's eyes widened. At this point, dying by drone blast started to sound pretty good to him. The paladins seemed to hold a similar sentiment.
"Remove our armor? In this place?"
"Has anyone read the atmosphere? Oxygen low, CO2 high. We're not gonna last long. A few hours, tops. We need our suits to survive." Hunk pointed out. Lance moved his eyes to Keith, eager to see his stance on the situation at hand.
"Yeah, at this point, we'll survive longer without them." Keith stated firmly. Lance looked back at the drone.
"So, keep our suits on and risk getting blasted, or take our suits off and live long enough before dying from poisoned air." Lance thought over the options at hand. He was still kind of on the fence about dying by drone firing squad, but now with the new information at hand if they went without their suits, now he wasn't so sure. He kept silent as the others discussed what to do.
"There's no way when can move on without our suits." Allura spoke. "Our helmets supply us with the oxygen we need. Without them, there's no way we can survive out here." Hunk shifted back and forth nervously.
"Yeah, guys. I'm with Allura on this one. I kinda want to get back to the Lions with my lungs intact." Pidge stood up from her original spot, looking at Hunk with mild annoyance.
"Hunk, we all want our lungs intact. But our lungs aren't going to be on our minds if we keep getting blasted. This was just one drone, but we don't know if there's going to be more. And if there is, we can only hold out for so long before they get us. Ditching the armor is our only option." Hunk started to panic.
"Aren't there ANY other options?!"
"If there were, don't you think I would've said it?" Hunk bowed his head in defeat.
"Look, when that drone came up on us, we barely had time to react. If we leave our suits and bayards here, it'll give us time to find help." Keith added.
"But the only way we can even call for help is with our communicators. How will we be able to contact the Atlas if we can't call them?" Allura replied, sounding slightly agitated at the prospect of abandoning the armor.
"Shiro probably knows by now that something happened to us. The Atlas could be looking for us as we speak. Until then, we need to do all we can to survive. And that includes leaving our armor and bayards. We'll pick them up once we're found." The conversation was getting nowhere. Lance sighed heavily. Allura and Hunk were adamant about keeping the armor, but Keith and Pidge were keen on leaving it. He knew they couldn't keep arguing about this forever, knowing any minute they'd be in danger again.
"Lance? What do you think?" Lance raised his head at Allura's urgent voice, being bombarded by the expectant looks of her and the rest of the group.
"We're kinda split down the middle here, so we kinda need a tiebreaker and that's you. So...armor or no armor?" Hunk spoke quickly, trying to fill Lance in. The paladin in question shifted uncomfortably, the gaze from the group making him anxious.
"No pressure, right?" Lance chuckled nervously. Allura walked towards him.
"Lance, this is serious. We need to plan our next steps. Do you want to keep the armor?" she inquired urgently. The red paladin shrunk under her gaze. She looked so serious and agitated and it twisted his gut to know he was contributing to it.
"Allura, that's enough." the princess turned her head to look at Keith, who was clearly getting annoyed at what was transpiring. "I get that you're stressed, but this is his choice. Lay off him for a bit and let him talk."
Lance looked at Keith in surprise. He hadn't expected him to speak up for him, let alone against Allura. He sent him a quick smile in thanks, with Keith nodding his head in acknowledgement. Lance took a deep breath before turning his head back towards the group as he made his decision.
"Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I was fine with idea with getting shot at. But, if Hunk is right and we can manage a few hours of survival, then I think we should try it. It might be hard considering where we're at and what we're up against, but that's why I think we should maintain a good distance away and conserve our energy until absolutely necessary. I think we should leave the armor behind." Lance finished nervously. He looked back at Keith, who was looking at him with an unreadable expression.
"Then that settles it. We leave the armor behind and try to get to the Lions. And if we find Atlas, even better." Keith stated, his decision final. Lance, Pidge and Hunk (though hesitantly) nodded in confirmation. Lance turned his head to find Allura, staring back at him in minor disappointment before sighing.
"Okay. But only because you think so." Allura finally relented. Without hesitation, each of the paladins disposed of their armor and bayards, tossing them into a pile in front of them.
"Okay, the armor and bayards are off limits. Now what?"Hunk asked, looking at Keith. The black paladin didn't hesitate to give him an answer.
"Now, we split up." Lance swiftly turned his head towards Keith in disbelief.
"WHAT?!" the team exclaimed collectively.
"Are you insane? First you want us to ditch the armor and now you want to split up?" Hunk yelled in sheer confusion.
"If we split up, it gives us more of a chance to get out of here. You guys need to go and try to retrieve the lions from the cruiser. I'm gonna try and lead whatever comes away from you guys. I'll meet back up with you guys once that's taken care of."
"Keith. Going on your own in this environment is dangerous. You can't go by yourself." Allura warned, not liking the idea at all. Lance looked at her briefly before turning towards his leader.
"She's right. Because I'm going with you." Lance said firmly. Now it was Keith's turn for his eyes to widen, along with Pidge and Allura looking at Lance in sheer shock while Hunk proceeded to grip his hair and walk in circles in what could only be described as the beginnings of a mental breakdown.
"Lance, no. You need to go with the others and try to get to the Lions." Keith replied in an authoritative tone.
"I can't do that. You're trying to navigate in this random forest, low on oxygen, with NO armor with a few good hours top before something bad happens. And I know you, if something or someone comes at you, you come back at them 100%. But given where we are, that's the last thing I want you do. Besides, I'm your right hand, remember? Where you go, I go, too." Lance replied, a new sense of determination filling his chest. Keith felt the authority he had turn dim. He knew Lance meant well and wanted to protect him, something Keith would do in a heartbeat if the roles were reversed. But he knew that if given the circumstances, if something happens to Lance he wouldn't forgive himself. So as much as he wanted him to stay, he needed to keep him away. Or at least try to. Keith let out a deep exhale.
"Lance, you don't have to do this." Keith said quietly. Lance didn't budge.
"Actually, I think I do. And um, I'm not asking for your permission. No offense." Lance added quickly towards the end. Yeah, he's not backing down, Keith thought in defeat.
"Okay, fine. But for the record, I don't approve of this." the black paladin warned slightly. Lance smirked in response.
"I'm aware." Lance replied teasingly. Keith gave him a small smirk of his own before forcing his face back into a serious expression. He looked towards the team once again.
"Okay. Lance and I are going to try and hold off whatever comes our way. You guys go and try to retrieve the Lions from that cruiser. Hopefully the Atlas can pick up on our distress calls and try to trace our location." the black paladin instructed in finality. Before they split up, Hunk didn't hesitate to grab Lance's hand and shake it with ferocity as tears streamed down his face.
"You're a good man, bro. I'll never forget you!" Hunk wailed. Lance gave a small smile at Hunk's behavior.
"Come on, man. Have at least some faith in me." the red paladin joked. Once Hunk finally let go of his hand, Pidge came up next to him and punched his shoulder lightly.
"Be careful out there." she said with a nervous smile.
"Okay, we should get going." Allura stated boldly before walking in the direction of the lions, Pidge and Hunk trailing behind her. Lance couldn't help but feel bad. He knew that she was adamant about them keeping the armor on, but he felt as though going without the armor was their best bet. At least that's what he hoped the issue was, and not because she expected him to follow suit because of how he felt for her. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't feel bad." Keith started, keeping his grip on Lance's shoulder firm in a display of comfort. "You chose what you thought was best. Don't feel bad for stating it." Lance turned his head to face him, sighing.
"I know. Thanks." Lance replied, giving Keith a reassuring smile. Keith moved his hand to Lance's back, gently directing him to where they were going.
"Let's get to it."
"Are we sure the Lions are this way?" Pidge asked stressfully.
"Every direction looks the same." A solid hour passed since Hunk, Pidge, and Allura had started their trek to retrieve the Lions, but so far the group had made no progress as they continued to find themselves surrounded by dead trees and hanging branches, with no Lions in sight. And since they had no form of mapping their location, they had to depend on instinct.
"And that's why it's important to walk in this never-ending straight line." Pidge deadpanned in response. "We'll reach them sooner or later if we keep at it. Right, Allura?" the green paladin turned to ask the princess, only to receive a despondent expression on her face as the Altean was clearly deep in thought.
"Allura?" Pidge waved her hand in front of Allura's face, snapping her out of her thoughts.
"Y-yes?" Allura stammered. Hunk and Pidge paused in their tracks as they looked at Allura with concern.
"Oh no, is the oxygen getting to you?" Hunk asked hurriedly.
"What? No, no, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." She answered truthfully. Pidge and Hunk shared a knowing look with each other.
"And by that I'm guessing you mean Lance?" Pidge asked slowly. Allura sighed as she nodded. Pidge gave her a small smile.
"I don't think you have to worry about him too much. He's with Keith. He's not going to let anything happen to him." Pidge said reassuringly.
"I know. It's just...I've never seen him be so adamant about something like that. The way he went after Keith like that." Allura replied, thinking back to how Lance offered to be by Keith's side without hesitation. Almost as if he belonged by his side. The two paladins hummed in acknowledgement.
"Yeah, that was pretty crazy. But given where we're at, he probably has the right idea." Pidge shrugged. She narrowed her eyes at Hunk as he began sniffling.
"He's gonna be Keith's right-hand to the very end. I'm so proud of him!" Hunk cried in happiness before Pidge slapped the back of his head, telling him to get it together as they continued walking. They didn't take into account, however, that Allura was still stuck in her tracks, arms crossed. She knew that she had nothing to worry about. Lance was a skilled paladin who could handle himself if need to be and if he's with Keith, who in certain aspects is just as skilled if not more, he'll be well protected. But she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to this. Any other time in circumstances like this, Lance would voice his concern, but he would choose to stay with the group rather than split up. So Lance volunteering himself to go with Keith was surprising to say the least.
Not only did this fact surprise her, it worried her. Ever since they went on their date, she began to take notice of the small ways Lance started to act around her. The way he left after he dropped her off. How panicked he looked when he sped-walked away. Even during the briefings to head to Olkarion he was different. He was quiet and reserved, as if he had so much plaguing his mind. She hoped it was just because of something like exhaustion or lack of sleep, but after what just happened, the signs were clear as day.
"Allura? You coming?" She looked up finally, looking at Hunk and Pidge who were a good few feet away from where she stood. She faked a smile as she took her first steps.
"Okay. I'm really starting to question how your brain works, sometimes."
"You didn't question it before we left." Unlike the others, who caught themselves going in a straight circle, Keith and Lance found themselves going upward, more specifically towards the top of the planet's somewhat active volcano. Keith figured that if he wanted to keep whoever was after the team off their trail, they'd need to lead them to a location where they wouldn't pose a threat. Lance was on board with idea, that is until Keith suggested bringing his armor to provide a ruse once they got to their designated point. And as expected, Lance got tasked with carrying it.
"Yeah? Well that was before you decided to bring your armor into the mix!" Lance raised his voice in annoyance.
"Again, Lance. It's all part of the plan." Keith answered nonchalantly. Lance sighed. It was bad enough they had to walk (and sometimes climb) slowly in order to conserve their energy and oxygen, but that's kind of a hard task when you're carrying a bunch of armor. He was so busy on thinking about hitting him with his helmet that he didn't realize that he had bumped into Keith's open hand, outstretched to him.
"What?" Lance asked. He wasn't given an answer as Keith took his helmet and chest plate from his hands, leaving him to hold his leg gear. Lance instantly felt some of the weight get lifted off of him. He sighed in relief.
"Took you long enough. But thanks." he said gratefully. Keith hummed a "your welcome" as they started walking again, this time being side by side. Lance felt his throat get dry again as he locked his eyes on the rocks before him. Realization finally dawned upon him. He was with Keith. Alone. NEAR A VOLCANO. He could already hear Veronica saying how this was like the YA romance novels she read back in during her teenage years. He felt himself starting to heat up, but it wasn't because of his sweat forming from the grueling walk or the heat festering beneath his every step on the rocky path. He had felt this heat before: it was the heat he felt It was the same heat that he felt when he had that dream about Keith, the same one that was so intense he needed to take a cold shower. It still bugged him how he couldn't remember what actually happened before he fell asleep and the only thing that he could remember was Keith leaning in to do...whatever he was about to do. The red paladin didn't want to ask him what had happened, but sooner or later he's going to end up having a heat stroke and he was not about to let that happen.
"H-hey Keith?" Lance asked nervously.
"Yeah?" Keith replied, eyes still trained on the cliffs ahead.
"Remember that conversation we had in my room after my date?" Keith's eyes instantly moved to peer at Lance with mild suspicion. He nodded in response.
"Well, I don't really remember what happened. It's all a blur. I-I was just wondering if you could help me fill in the blanks." Lance replied truthfully. At this, Keith fully turned his head toward the red paladin in shock.
"You really don't remember?" Lance shook his head somberly.
"No. And when I do try, let's just say it's replaced with the wrong memory." Keith nodded his head in understanding. Before he answered, he placed his helmet and chest plate on the ledge in front of them, gesturing for Lance to do the same with the leg guards. Once he did that, he heaved himself up onto the ledge, taking a breath after doing so. He then reached out for Lance, taking his hand and pulling him up swiftly. Keith then stood up with Lance, finally prompting him to let go of his hand.
"When we were talking, you started getting upset again. You were talking about how you shouldn't be feeling bad about pulling away from Allura but then you mentioned how you couldn't stop thinking about it." Keith started. Lance nodded quickly in response.
"Yeah, yeah. THAT I remember. It's just what happened afterwards that's a blur." Lance responded.
"Well, when you started crying again, I walked up to you and told you not to cry because you would make your migraine worse. I guess that made you cry more, so I sat down on the bed next to you to help calm you down and you just..." Lance's heart started to beat out of his chest at the pause.
"Just what?"
"Just...lunged at me." Lance's eyes widened in fear and embarrassment.
"LUNGED HOW?!" he exclaimed. Keith winced at his tone, raising his hands in front of him in a "calm down" motion, causing Lance to cower in nervousness.
"By lunged, I meant you just hugged me and started bawling. So I just sat there and told you how everything was going to be okay. Eventually, you fell asleep and I left once I made sure you were good." Keith shrugged as he finished explaining, starting to walk once again with the flustered boy right on his tail. Lance felt his face heat up at the explanation. He was partially relieved at the fact Keith didn't kiss him, but in the same breath, the fact that he held him as he cried just make the heat he felt increase twice as much. Nonetheless, he appreciated the gesture.
"Thank you." Lance breathed out.
"It wasn't an issue or anything, but-" Keith started to brush off the gesture, but Lance wasn't having any of it.
"No, thank you. For standing by me. With everything that's been going on with the team and everything, even before we got back to Earth, you're the only one who seems to care about how I'm doing." Lance spoke wholeheartedly. Keith's eyes widened at the confession. He never realized that Lance had felt this level of loneliness and it hurt his heart to know that he had a part to play in it. The Galran looked away in guilt, but it didn't last long.
"There." Keith pointed to a giant set of rocks in front of them. "That's where we'll set up the armor, come on." The paladins rushed to the behind the rocks, setting up the armor to simulate them sitting. They stood back to make sure that it was sturdy, which it was.
"You know that's not true right?" Lance raised his eyebrow in confusion as he turned to look at Keith, who was still looking down at his armor.
"I'm not the only one who cares about you, Lance. The whole team cares about your wellbeing, Allura especially. I don't know what or who made you feel like this, but I want you to know that-" Keith didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as Lance started to cough. He had a couple of quick second coughs, but as he tried to tell him he was fine, he started coughing even more.
"Lance! What's wrong?" Keith asked worriedly, brows furrowed in concern.
"I'm fine. I think the smoke is making its way in my lungs." Lance replied raspily as he crouched over in an attempt to catch his breath. The Cuban teen quickly raised his hand to his mouth as his coughs turned violent. Keith rushed over to him and placed his hands on his arms, keeping him from falling forward.
"I don't think it's the smoke." Keith said grimly. He then took Lance's arm and placed it over his shoulder, leading him to another set of rocks farther away where there was less smoke. Keith sat him down gently against the fixture as Lance continued to cough. The black paladin kneeled in front of him in concern.
"Lance! Talk to me!" Keith demanded urgently. Lance finally released his hand from his mouth and looked down at it, causing his eyes to widen in fear. Keith grabbed his hand and pulled it into his view, only to see a red stain covering the palm. The black paladin had no time to panic before he heard footsteps coming from both directions. After signaling Lance to stay quiet, he peeked above the rocks to see an armed Galra rebel searching for them. He gritted his teeth as he turned back to Lance.
"I'm gonna go over there and distract them. You stay here and try not to cough so loud, okay?" Keith whispered. Lance shook his head.
"No way. I'm helping you. I promise to fall back if the coughs get worse."
"Fine, but only if they come here. If not, stay put and don't try to save me." Keith got up and started to leave but not before Lance grabbed him by the elbow. Keith turned back to face him as he struggled to talk.
"What's wrong?" Keith asked quickly.
"Come back." Lance rasped out, tears brimming in his eyes from the pain. Keith placed his hand over Lance's in comfort.
"You, too." Keith replied, before finally getting up and running to the sound of the footsteps. Lance took as much of a deep breath as he could before he turned over, keeping an eye out for any sign of attack. It didn't take long for him to see what Keith saw earlier, the Galra rebel with their gun ready to shoot. He watched as she fell for the decoy, rushing up on the abandoned armor only to be left in confusion as the armor held no paladin within it. A small smile crept on his face as he saw Keith sneak behind them out of view and deliver a good blow, knocking them out. But just as he was about to get up and meet with him, the sight of another figure stopped him in his tracks.
Keith panted as he climbed up the nearest ledge away from the rebel, pulling himself up onto his knees. He didn't expect the punch he gave her to make him lose energy. He raised his head in attempt to look for Lance, only to be met with a tall figure towering over him, The black paladin raised himself up on one knee in anticipation. Before he could ask them for their identity, they ended up taking off their helmet, releasing a hissing sound before colliding to the ground. He was met with a familiar face, though they have been scarred on one side of their face, a pupil missing.
"Zethrid?" Keith asked aloud, shock evident on his face.
"You took Ezor from me!" Zethrid shouted, before attempting to land a blow to Keith's crouched figure. Keith rolled out from beneath her, narrowly avoiding the blow. He stood up, taking out his Mamora blade from behind him as it turned into its sword form.
Zethrid ran towards him as she attempted to land a punch, only for Keith to dodge and attempt to swing at her with his blade. She avoided it, however, and ended up punching a rock in an attempt to land another punch on Keith. After a couple of missed slashes from Keith, Zethrid took a hold of his wrist, tripping him off balance and flinging him, causing him to roll a few feet away from her. Using this to her advantage, she landed a good couple of blows on the half Galran, making him fall down a steep trail of stone.
Seeing the commotion, Lance slowly got up, trying to keep his balance. He proceeded to release a couple more violent coughs before they ceased, causing him to grip his side. He slowly took shaky steps as he attempted to make his descent down. The more steps he took, the blurrier his vision became. Need to...keep...going, Lance thought to himself. Suddenly, he heard Keith shouting from a distance, clearly in pain. The red paladin picked up his pace into a run, skipping steps and jumping off stones to reach them. He was about to make another jump before a stabbing pain pierced his lungs, causing him to trip and fall onto the ground, releasing another round of bloody coughs. He felt his muscles shake beneath him as he attempted to sit up, his body slowly starting to fail him. Can't...I can't. Lance looked ahead of him, only to see Zethrid hoisting Keith by his neck as he held onto her wrist in pain. He noticed that he made progress distance wise, but not enough to stop this. Finally, on shaky knees, he began to crawl. I can't...I can't lose.
He gripped the ground beneath him as he crawled forever, the pounding within his head and burning within his sense excruciating. His lungs continued to burn and sizzle as he let out another string of coughs, the pain within his throat making him want to throw up. At this rate, Lance attempted to ignore the pain and merely focused on his breathing, trying to inhale as much oxygen as he could given the little amount of oxygen there was in the area. After what seemed like years, he finally made it to another fixture of rocks that rested upon the edge of the cliff he was on. With the remaining energy he could muster, he stood up and took in the scene before him. That's when he saw him: Keith, being held in a chokehold by Zethrid, whom was being confronted by Acxa and Shiro.
"How did they-?" Lance rasped out before looking up. And sure enough, the Atlas and two other Garrison jets floated above the four. The exhausted paladin looked down back at Keith. He couldn't ignore how he was writhing in pain as Zethrid held him in place. He couldn't ignore how any wrong move by Acxa and Shiro could cause Zethrid to easily snap his neck. He couldn't help but to notice the lava below them and how close they were to the edge. His view of them became shaky as he started to tilt from side to side due to the lack of oxygen. But as much as he wanted to collapse, he couldn't. Not while Keith was facing death's door. He felt himself bite his lip and he could've sworn he saw Zethrid tighten her grip and Keith's face contort in pain. He began taking short, sharp inhales in anger as he felt his lungs shrivel, his head pound, and his throat close. He couldn't take it anymore. I can't...I-I won't. I won't lose him!
A shout snapped Lance out of his episode as he looked at what happened before him. There was Zethrid, laying on the ground behind Keith as she gripped her arm in pain. Thankfully, Keith was released from her grasp without a scratch and could only look back at her before he looked up at him in sheer shock. Lance shifted his eyes to the side as he caught a glimpse of Acxa and Veronica, who were looking back at him in the same manner as Keith. Shiro was nowhere to be found. The red paladin finally looked down to see what they were staring at: his bayard rifle in his hands, smoke coming out as if it had been fired recently. He felt his hands begin to shake as he realized what he just did as he looked up back at Keith. He summoned his bayard. He shot Zethrid. Lance's eyes turned dim as he felt himself finally collapse, but not before hearing someone call his name.
"Lance? Lance? Can you hear me?"
Lance's eyes squinted as he adjusted to the light blazing down on him. When he opened them, he waited a couple of seconds for them to adjust to the two figures above him before. Luckily, he didn't need to wait long because one of them spoke.
"Hey. Take it easy." Lance turned his head to find Shiro, looking down at him in sheer relief with a relieved smile to match. His eyes moved past him as his eyes focused on Allura. She looked just as relieved as Shiro, only this time she had tears in her eyes. Lance allowed himself to smile at him. It gave him comfort knowing that there was someone at his bedside making sure that he was okay.
"Good to see you, guys." Lance spoke quietly, his throat dry. It no longer felt swollen or burned, but that didn't erase the slight soreness he still felt.
"Come on. Let's sit you up." Shiro stated, reaching for Lance's arm. Allura ran around to the the other side of the bed as he grabbed Lance's other arm before they both raised the paladin up slightly. Shiro took the time to readjust the pillows so that Lance could lay against him, making him look at the captain in appreciation. It took Lance a minute to realize that he was wearing an oxygen mask, which probably explained the newfound energy in his lungs that helped him breathe like he did before. Allura grabbed Lance's hand as he looked towards her.
"I'm so glad you're alright. When Veronica told me what had happened, I started to lose my mind." Allura spoke In relief, a faint blush gracing her features. Lance shifted in his bed as he lowered his mask.
"Wait. What happened? Where's Hunk and Pidge?" Lance asked in concern of his friends. Allura placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"They're alright. The Atlas found us first, so they treated all of us for any breathing issues. Once they got cleared, they went back for the Lions." Lance leaned back slightly, relieved to know that they were okay. But he still didn't feel at ease. That's when everything hit him at once. He sat up quickly in his bed, his head twisting in different directions as he scanned the room.
"Keith! Where is he? Shiro, where is he? Zethrid had him a-and she was going to- she was going to kill him! Is he okay?! D-did you see him?! Did he-" Lance began to wail, causing Allura to step back in surprise while Shiro sat on the bed next to him, gripping his shoulders and shushing him as he tried to get him to calm down.
"He's fine, Lance. You saved him." Shiro said reassuringly. The red paladin looked at him in shock. So it really did happen the way he saw it. He saved him. He saved Keith. For the first time today, Lance let out a sigh of relief as tears began to cascade down his face. He threw his face into his hands, trying to keep himself from sobbing. He didn't pull away when he felt Shiro pull him closer as he rubbed his back in comforting circles. He's alive. He's alive. He's alive.
Lance's head shot up as he looked at the sound of the voice. He was actually here, standing In the doorway nervously as if he was worried about interrupting something sacred. He was no longer in his paladin suit, instead back in his Garrison attire. He had a smile of relief on his face, which were a contrast from the scratches that plagued his face from his fight with Zethrid. But Lance couldn't afford to care: because he was here.
"K-Keith." Lance breathed out slowly, smiling in relief and overall joy. Shiro looked between the two with a knowing look as he turned to look at Allura.
"We should probably give them some privacy." Shiro spoke quietly to the princess. Allura nodded quickly with a small smile of her own as she walked back around the bed, joining Shiro's side as they began their walk out of the hospital room. The captain let the princess exit the room first, but not before squeezing Keith's shoulder before he made his exit. Once they were gone, Keith couldn't help but to stuff his hands awkwardly in his pockets now that they were alone. He let out a shrug before forming an awkward smile.
"Hi." he spoke quietly. Lance's smile grew bigger as newfound tears started to brim.
"Hey." Slowly, Keith walked towards the bed, taking deep breaths through his nose as he did so. Once he reached him, he gently sat down next to him in the same spot where Shiro was as he leaned in, arms crossed on top of his knee. The amount of relief he felt at seeing Lance was immeasurable. Back on the volcano planet, he was horrified to see the state that Lance was in: weak, disheveled, low on oxygen, and on the brink of breath. After he was free from Zethrid and saw him collapse, he couldn't help but to yell out his name in horror. He picked up his sword and was about to run and get him, but the lack of oxygen caught up with him and he was ushered onto the Atlas by a concerned Veronica to be given an oxygen mask while Shiro tended to Lance and carried him onto the ship. Once Lance was admitted into the medical bay, he went with Hunk and Pidge to retrieve the Lions, who were being guarded from other rebels by Garrison troops. He couldn't help but to stomp his foot in anxiety as he retrieved Black and carried Red in her jaw back to the ship bay. And now here he was.
"So, how do you feel?" he asked hesitantly. Lance exhaled as the newfound tears he felt finally spilled over onto his cheeks. His feelings of relief overwhelmed him as he launched himself into Keith's arm and sobbed. All the fear and sadness from the day was slowly being taken out of his body with every hiccup as he rested his head on Keith'c chest, sobbing more with every heartbeat he heard. Keith looked down at the sobbing boy in bewilderment.
"You came back." Lance hiccuped. His knuckles felt numb as he tightened his grip on the fabric of Keith's uniform. Any other time, he would feel embarrassed to be breaking down in front of him like this. But he knew this song and dance and he knew that Keith wouldn't judge him for opening up like this. And with everything that just happened, he just wanted to cherish the fact that he didn't lose him. And he hoped to God that he never would.
Keith smiled at the sobbing paladin, bringing his hand up to hold the back of his head and press the boy further into his chest. His other arm reached around Lance's back, helping to hold him closer. The black paladin closed his eyes as he relished in knowing that this man was alive. He was alive and breathing and he was still going to be able to hear his voice. He let out a shaky, watery chuckle.
"Of course I did."
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poorrichardslegacy · 5 years
Kacxa Week 2019 Day 10: During Battle
Acxa gets help from an unexpected source during a battle on a forested planet. This takes place shortly after Keith and Acxa's second meeting, at Throk's base in the Ulippia system.
She watches as the Blue Lion comes in for a landing next to her fighter. Part of her still can't believe she reached out to Princess Allura for help. Then, she turns and looks at the battered and torn form of the Black Paladin and thinks to herself that she made the right decision.
For his sake.
It was supposed to be a routine mission, yet it was anything but routine. Lately every mission Lotor gave her, since being sent into the Weblum, turned out that way.
She was supposed to do a quick run into the forests of Ephesian IV, extract 50 pounds of Semnesium, and head home. Simple, right?
Not quite.
Lotor neglected to tell her about the Dire Wolves. The ones that stand over seven feet tall at the shoulders. The ones with the 12-inch fangs. The ones with very nasty tempers. The ones that attacked her not even 5 minutes after she landed.
She fought them off and made it to shelter on higher ground but was cut off from her fighter. She had enough food and water to last two days, but she doubted the wolves would let her live that long. From her shelter she transmitted a distress signal in the clear, hoping someone, anyone, would pick it up. Starting a fire that seemed to keep the wolves at bay, she sat in her shelter alone, shivering against the nighttime chill.
Morning dawned, and she saw the wolves regrouping at the base of the hill for a new attack. Certain that she'd seen her last sunrise, Acxa prepared for the inevitable. And hoped against hope that someone heard her transmission and would come to her aid at the last minute.
It turned out someone did.
As the wolves charged up the slope toward her shelter, the ground between them and Acxa suddenly erupted in a series of fiery explosions. Turning to see where the shots came from, she saw the Black Lion of Voltron landing at the top of the hill above her position. Standing in the jaws of the Black Lion was the Black Paladin.
Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she realized who it was. He jetpacked to her position as the wolves regrouped at the base of the hill yet again.
"I heard your transmission. I'm here to help."
"No time to explain now. Name is Keith. Look...we worked well together in the Weblum. Think we can do it again?"
Turning and seeing the wolves charging back up the hill, she puts on her warrior's face. "Name is Acxa. Let's find out, Paladin!"
In unison, the pair charged at the oncoming wolfpack, now greatly reduced in numbers thanks to Keith's initial attack. Doing exactly what the wolves didn't expect, they succeeded in breaking up their attack formation.
As the wolves charged, Acxa shot at them in a rapid-fire fashion while Keith used his Marmoran blade and hacked at the ones that made it close to them. One wolf raked Acxa across her leg, hobbling her badly. But she refused to give in to the pain, for if she did they would both die. Keeping up her fire while Keith continued his defense with his sword, the remaining wolves slowly backed away and withdrew.
Out of the smoke and haze of the battlefield, the Alpha wolf emerged. Larger than the others in the pack, Alpha slowly approached their position...and headed straight for Acxa. Her blaster fire took out many of his pack, and Alpha isn't happy about that.
Keith knew she was in no condition to take Alpha on herself. He stepped in front of Acxa, looked the giant wolf straight in the eye, and challenged him. "If you want to get to her, you have to take me out first."
The wolf pined its ears back, bared its fangs, and growled loudly at Keith. To Acxa's surprise, Keith growled back at the wolf and...wait...were those fangs he bared? Then she remembered. He's a half breed, just like her.
He charged at the wolf, hacking at the front paw of the giant beast. Howling in pain, the wolf swatted him with its uninjured paw, slamming Keith to the ground. The force of the impact bounced him down the rocky slope, the wolf in hot pursuit. Acxa lost sight of them as they vanished in the mist at the bottom of the hill. She heard Keith cry out in pain, followed soon after by a loud painful whimper from the wolf.
She found him at the foot of the hill, lying face down. The Alpha wolf gored him badly, and his breathing was labored. Making him as comfortable as she could, she retrieved her medical kit from her fighter and tended to his wounds. She succeeded in stopping the bleeding, but her fear was that he may have lost too much blood. He needed to be extracted and placed in a healing pod.
Knowing if she called for help from Lotor's forces that they would torture and eventually kill him, she did the unthinkable.
She contacted the enemy.
Keith regained consciousness as her transmission to the Castle of Lions ended. He tried to get up, but his wounds didn't allow him. She gently cradled his head in her lap and gave him some water, which seemed to settle him down. As she stroked his hair in a comforting manner, he looked at her with a soft smile, and thanked her for coming to his aid.
"Keith...you saved my life...again. Of course I was going to help you. But, I don't understand...why did you come to help me? You had to know who sent that distress call. The last two times we met I tried to kill you."
"I knew it was you. I came because it was the right thing to do. Acxa...I know from the short time we spent together in the Weblum that you are a good person at heart. You follow a code of ethics, the same code I follow. I know that because if you didn't I'd be dead right now."
He smiles at her again and jokingly says, "Although I'm still mad at you for pulling that blaster on me when you took the Scaultrite."
Unable to help herself, she smiled back at him, still stroking his hair. "Yeah, that's not one of my finer moments. I really regret doing that. Is it too late to apologize?"
"You apologized when you came for me after that wolf beat me up. And I'm grateful. Acxa, I believe all life is precious, and I think you believe that too. Your actions prove that. In my experience with you, you've never taken an innocent life, and I know you've had the chances to do it."
She paused to reflect for a moment. "Wow. What are you doing to me, Paladin? I'm supposed to hate you. But I don't...you've given me a lot to think about."
After uttering that word, Keith passed out. Checking to make sure he's still breathing, Acxa thought to herself that slipping into unconsciousness was a good thing for him. The pain from his wounds had to be terrible. She made a pillow and gently laid his head on it. Brushing a lock of hair out of his face she cupped his cheek.
"Rest, my Paladin."
As agreed to when she called for help from the Castle of Lions, Allura makes the journey to Ephesian IV solo in the Blue Lion. Approaching the makeshift shelter Acxa created, and seeing the dead wolves lying about, Allura gets a sense for the magnitude of the fight that too place.
"He's over here, Princess. He's in bad shape. He fought the Alpha male and his wounds are severe. I stopped the bleeding and tended to them as best I could, but..." She chokes up just enough for Allura to pick up on it. "...I'm no healer."
Placing her hand on Acxa's shoulder, Allura tries to comfort her. "I am, Acxa. Thank you for calling to us for help. I'll get him stable enough so that we can get him back to the Castle and into one of the healing pods."
After getting Keith stabilized, Allura and Acxa carefully transport him to the Blue Lion. Allura is struck by the care and concern Acxa takes with him. At the very least there is a warrior's bond of respect between Acxa and Keith. Allura suspects something else may be there as well.
"Acxa, I have one question for you. After the fight with the wolves, nothing was stopping you from just leaving him here. You saved him instead. Why?"
"Other than the fact that he's saved my life three times now? It was the right thing to do. He's a special person, Allura, with so much to offer the universe. He deserves a chance to live. To find happiness. To find...someday...his life partner."
The way she says it is telling to Allura. That bond of respect between two warriors is definitely there, but this battle-hardened General also has an obvious soft spot for the Black Paladin
"I...I have to go ow. Before Lotor gets suspicious about why I was gone for so long."
"I understand, Acxa...When Keith wakes up...is there anything you want me to tell him?"
Acxa turns to look at Keith one final time. "Tell him...I hope we meet again. Not as enemies, but as..." She chokes up for a second or two before she can finish her thought. "...but as...not enemies."
"I will."
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chancellormatt · 6 years
Voltron Rewrite Episode Eight - Grand Regent
Princess Allura steps inside what appears to be a holding cell flanked by Coran and Romelle.
Two alteans sit on the opposite end of the room. One is an older, bearded man, and the other is a young woman, possible a teenager. They look up as Allura enters, but their eyes soon take on a darker, more skeptical look.
“ Hello there. I am Princess Allura, last in line of the altean royal family....I understand that you opted for a cell instead of remaining in your medical beds?” Allura says looking on both with concern. “After what you were through you really should be properly resting. Regardless of what you think you know about us, I am willing to make as many accommodations as I can for fellow Alteans.”
“Princess huh?” The bearded man says, scoffing. “Well you can save your ‘accommodations.’ We heard all about you and your propaganda against Prince Lotor, and we aren’t having it. Lotor is our savior and there’s nothing you can do to change that. You too Romelle, we have no interesting in hearing your traitorous words.”
Romelle grits her teeth and makes as if to shout back at the man, but Coran puts a hand on her shoulder and shakes his head. Allura by contrast is composed. She glances back at the other two and nods appreciatively before continuing.
“...You and I see the man know as Prince Lotor differently. There’s no denying that. But we are all alteans, and regardless of how much or little you respect my title, I do still think of you as my people and feel responsible for what happens to you. I want to help you. Please, let me do that.”
The bearded man scoffed. “So then ‘Princess,’” he says it mockingly, “where were you all those centuries? Why, after never having even heard of you for generations, should we suddenly trust that you have our best interests in mind? Where were you when Lotor saved us from the brink of extinction? Did you give us a home when we needed one? DId you shelter us from the horrors of the universe? No. It was Lotor.”
Allura looks physically struck by the words but she composes herself quickly.
“Coran here and myself were forced to hide the Castle of Lions and go into cryosleep to help conceal Voltron from Zarkon’s grasps. I would have done anything to be there...but no. We had our duty, and that was to ensure that the greatest weapon in the universe did not fall into the hands of a mad tyrant.”
“So you...what? Left all of your people to die so you could protect some weapon? It’s clear to see what you truly value.”
“That’s not-
“Oh, and we saw your little ‘Voltron’ or your imitation of the real one anyway. I guess you did beat myself and Vatta. But only just. And yours will pale in comparison to the real one. The one on our side.”
Allura winces at that. The old man sits forward interested.
“Ah...so our Voltron did show up after. I wish I’d been awake to see that. I’ll bet you paled in comparison to Lotor and the other real Paladins.”
Allura doesn’t say anything. That seems to be all the confirmation the man needs. He chuckles.
“You may have caught us Princess, but we’re going to win this war in the long run.”
“I don’t want a war!” Allura nearly shouts. “I just want peace, for once, in my life! I want all the fighting to stop! Isn’t ten thousand years long enough!? Or does your precious savior Lotor tell you that all the death and sufferings is going to be worth it!? I don’t know what he’s promised you at the end of this road, but it's not enough!”
The man scowls and turns away.
“...I’ve got nothing more to say to you.”
Allura clenches her fists tightly, but relaxes after a moment. She takes a long breath, and turns to address the other altean.
“What about you? Are you as hard-headed as your companion? Or will you at least give me the benefit of a civil conversation?”
The girl, who up to this point had been silent, looks surprised to be addressed.
“Come on Vatta.” Romelle urges. “Are you really going to listen to old Gratva over there? You know me. And you know how strange things became at the Colony. This Second Colony Lotor alway spoke of, yet we never saw? Don’t you wonder as all what he was really doing?”
“I…” the girl hesitates. She looks as though she might say something. But, after a  look from Gratva, she averts her eyes and shakes her head. “...I have nothing to say to any of you.”
Allura’s eyes looked pained. Not surprised. “I’m...sorry you feel that way. I will make sure you are well fed and taken care of. I suppose it is the very least I can do.”
With that, the three of them walk out of the room.
Keith stands alone in the field outside the Garrison base. He holds his bayard, extended into its sword form. He is going through a rotation of strikes and swings. He changes his stance as he goes back and forth between different types of moves, cutting and stabbing through empty air. After several moments he stops and dismisses his bayard. He then pulls out his mamoran blade, extends it to his sword-length and begins a new set of drills with it.
After a time practicing with the mamoran blade, he summons his bayard once again, and this time begins a drill using both blades. He continues this drill until he is dripping with sweat. Finally, he takes a moment to catch his breath. He glances down and both weapons, and holds them up, as if weighing them.
“Glad to see your combat skill are still holding up...” A voice says.
Keith spins around to see Krollia along with Kolivan.
“...even if your perception skills could use a little work.” His mother says with a ghost of a smile. “If we were enemies there could be a knife in your back right n-”
“Mom!” He says grabbing her in a hug.
Krollia looks stunned by the action and doesn’t seem to know what to do. After a moment Keith stepps back, looking embarrassed.
“Uh...sorry about that.”
Krollia shakes her head and smiles. “Don’t be. I did go and leave before you even got back. I apologize, but it couldn’t be helped. We needed to act fast.”
Keith nods. “What were you guys up to anyway?”
“We knew that Zarkon returning would fill the power vacuum in the Galra empire.” Kolivan says cutting in. “So we had to do our best to mitigate his consolidation of power.”
“...meaning?” Keith asks, looking a little confused.
“Meaning we contacted all the Galra Warlords that hadn’t already bent the knee to Zarkon. Some, as it turned out, are not so keen on going back to the things the way they were.”
“Wait, you mean there are Galra who don’t want to join up with Zarkon? Outside the Blades, I mean.”
“Indeed.” Kolivan nodded. “Four of the more powerful ones have agreed to a meeting with the Coalition. If all goes well we may be able to convince a large portion of Galra forces to join our side of this war.”
“This...this is really good news.” Keith says taking a step back, still looking surprised.
“I...wouldn’t get my hopes up just yet.” Krollia says carefully. “They’ve only agreed to meet, and even then it may just be a stalling tactic. No one wants to had over their new territories back to Zarkon. There’s also...a catch.”
“What is it?”
Krollia takes a breath. “They want to talk to the leader of Voltron. In person.”
Keith blinks. “Meaning...me.”
Krollia shrugs.
“It's worth mentioning that this could be a trap.” Kolivan puts in.
“Do you think it is?” Keith asks.
“As far as we can tell? No. They genuinely appear to want to avoid joining with Zarkon, and we have not intercepted any intel to suggest they are secretly working with him already.”
Keith sighs.
“I know this isn’t really where your abilities are...the strongest.” Krollia says carefully. “But I also don’t think I have to tell you how important it is that you be here for this. The warlords won’t come if you don’t.”
Keith sighs again. “I don’t think I’ll be doing much good talking to them...but I’ll go. If it means that It’ll make the difference, I’ll go.”
Krollia puts a hand on his shoulder and nods. “We’ll be right there with you.”
“With an escape route planned out.” Kolivan added.
Keith chuckles. “Well I guess I should see what the other Paladins think of this…”
“So you want to go talk to a bunch of those Galra warlords we’ve spent all this time fighting for the past few month to get them to...join our side?” Lance asks with uncertainty.
The Paladins along with the Coalition command are all gathered around a table in a meeting room, with Keith sanding at it's head.
“Uh...yeah.” Keith says.“It's kinda the best option we have at the moment. Even if we’ve discovered where Zarkon and his ‘Darktron’ came from, we still need to figure out a good strategy to beat him. Evening the numbers seems like a good place to start. Does...anyone have a problem with that?” Keith looks at the other Paladins hopefully.
The other Paladins exchange looks and shrugs.
“It's the logical move.” Pidge points out.
“It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve worked alongside Galra.” Hunk shrugged.
“Guess it makes as much sense as anything else.” Lance finally admits.
Keith sighs with relief.
“Good. Now that we’re in agreement...we need to figure out who’s coming.”
The other Paladins exchange confused looks.
“What do you mean? Shouldn’t we all go?” Pidge asks.
“The Galra didn’t specify that Voltron or even all the Paladins would have to be there for the meeting. There’s also the possibility that this is a trap and it could be better if we aren’t all there when things go south. Having a few lions back here could mean the difference between all of us falling into a trap, and a few of us still being free and able to mount a rescue.”
“Wouldn’t...wouldn’t it make a stronger statement if all of Voltron was there? Together?” Allura, who had been silent up ot this point asks, with clear hesitance.
Keith rubs the back of his neck. “You’re probably right but honestly...I kind of think a lot of us really could use some time back here, especially after everything that happened on our last trip.”
Lance Pidge and Hunk do not say anything, but their looks confirm Keith’s words.
“I see.” Allura says noting her teammates expressions. “You’re right, I...hadn’t considered that.” She looks down.
“I was also hoping that you’d be the one to join me in this, Allura.”
“Me?” She asks looking up with confusion.
“You’re the only one of us with any kind of diplomatic training. I don’t really know anything about politics and negotiations and I can’t think of anyone that I’d want by my side more…even if I think Shiro should be there too. But-”
“-I’d be better served back here.” Shiro finishes.
Keith sighs but nods. Allura looks uncertain.
“I rather think my recent attempts at diplomacy have been met with...less than ideal results.” She says.
“Well there’s no way you’d do worse that I would on my own. I don’t think I could convince a fish to swim. Not without threatening it first anyway.”
“Did….did Keith just make a joke!?” Lance exclaims.
Allura still looks uncertain but that puts a smile on her face.
“I guess there’s nothing for it.” She says. “When do we leave?”
“As soon as possible. Grab everything you might need and be at your lion in ten.”
“Yes sir.” She says giving a salute that seems half joking and half actually genuine. Lance looks at her with an uncertain look. No one else seems to notice.
“The rest of you guys…” Keith says.
“I think we’ll have plenty to do back here.” Pidge replies.
“You can say that again.” Hunk adds.
Allura, clad in her Paladin armor, marches towards the Blue Lion.
“I really think I ought to be joining you Princess!” Coran urges from where he walks beside her.
“I’ll be fine Coran. Besides, you have much work to do on the Castle ship. I don’t want to drag you away from that. As much as you’re trying to hide it, I know you’re excited.”
“The Castle can wait.” He mutters in half-hearted protest.
“It’s going to be okay Coran, we’ll be back before you know it.”
“This wouldn’t be the first time for you to say that and be wrong.” Coran points out.
“Very well, if this turns out to be a trap or goes horribly wrong, you may see fit to join the party to come and rescue us.”
“As if I wouldn’t do that regardless!” Coran scoffs.
Allura chuckles.
“Hey Allura!” A voice calls from behind.
The two turn to see Lance running up.
“Can I uh...talk to you?” He asks hesitantly.
Allura studies him for several moments. Lance looks very uncomfortable. Finally she nods. “Do you mind?” She asks Coran.
“Not at all miss.” He sighs. “Take care on your mission. I remain certain that if this is not a trap, the Galra will be groveling by the time you’re done with them.”
“Oh yes that seems likely.” She says rolling her eyes.
“Hurry back Princess.” Coran says ignoring the comment. She nods and he runs off, leaving Allura and Lance alone. They stand there for several moments, in awkward silence.
“This is...about what I said before.” He says eventually.
Allura looks down nodding.
“I’m sorry.” They both say in unison.
They blink, each surprised with the other.
“Sorry?” Lance says with disbelief. “Why the heck would you be sorry?”
“Well I…I was callous towards your feelings. I rejected you, then left without even properly explaining my reasons and caused you what I must imagine was a good deal of embarrassment.”
Lance chuckles to himself, earning a confused look from Allura.
“Allura, you really don’t have anything to be sorry about. To be honest you told me exactly what I needed to hear. Even if it didn’t seem like it at the time.”
If Allura was confused before, she is utterly dumbfounded now.
“Lemme explain,” Lance say noticing her look. “I was pretty crushed after it happened but let’s be honest, that was completely my fault. Dropping that on you...it was pretty thoughtless of me. Eventually I figured out that...well okay, Pidge pointed out, that I should have thought about what you were feeling around that time. That you had just found out Lotor was back and what I said was...well probably the last thing you wanted to hear.”
Allura gives the barest of nods.
“Figures. Well I’m sorry about that. Funny thing was though, I learned something about myself from all this: I...don’t think I’m actually in love with you.”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “I think I was sorta just falling in love with idea of you. I was giving you this image that wasn’t real. That wasn’t fair to you or me. To be honest, i think I’ve done that too many times. This is me trying to break the cycle. So uh...I guess that’s all I have to say. Oh and I really hope we’re still friends. It’d suck if I ruined that.”
Allura stares at him for a long time without saying anything. Then she smiles. “Lance you’ve shown an incredible amount of maturity saying all that. I can think of few people who would be that open and honest with themselves. You’re a good man, and it has always been, and always will be my honor to be your friend.”
“Ah shucks, what are you trying to make me fall for you for real Princess?” He says with a chuckle.
Allura chuckles as well. “Forgive me but I’m going to have to let you down easy there!”
They both laughed a while at that.
Lance walks back to where Pidge and Hunk stand, just outside the Garrison base.
“What was that all about?” Pidge asks, doing her best to look indifferent.
“Hm? Oh I just apologized and told Allura that I wasn’t actually in love with her.”
“You what!?” Pidge says shocked. Hunk looks equally taken aback.
“Yeah. Thought about what you said. Plus, I had a talk with my sis and granny. You were right. I was just being immature.”
Pidge can only stare.
“Are...you really Lance? “ Hunk asks, eyeing his friend. “Sure you didn’t get replaced by a shapeshifting alien or something?”
“Hey, I can have my good moments!”
Pidge studies him, but Lance doesn’t seem to notice. He turns back to watch the Black and Blue lions take off. The three remaining Paladins wave as their teammates race off into the sky, along with the Blades’ ship.
“So you’re really not into Allura anymore?” Hunk asks.
“She just wasn’t the girl for me man. Guess that was always true, just had to finally figure it out.”
“This mean you just gonna go back to chasing every girl that comes your way?” Pidge says nudging him with her elbow.
Lance considers. “...I think...for once, I’ll take my time. I figure sooner or later I’ll find the right girl, and rushing things won’t make anything happen sooner.”
“No rush huh?” Pidge says watching the lions disappear from sight. Her eyes flicker over to lance and she shakes her head. “I think that’s probably the best idea you’ve had in a while…”
The Black and Blue Lions, along with the Blades’ ship pull to a stop in the space in front of a planet. The planet has several moons, one of which is very close to where they sit. Across from them, hovering over the moon are four Galra cruisers.
“You guys ready for this?” Keith asks.
“I suspect I am as ready as can be expect for...this.” Allura replies.
“We’re ready Keith.” Krollia says simply.
He nods and takes a breath. “Here we go...Attention Galra ships! This is Keith, of the Paladins of Voltron, here to negotiate for the terms of a truce.”
For a tantalizing moment there is silence. Then, a voice crackles on the other hand.
“We read you Keith of Voltron. The commanders are already waiting for you on the surface. Sending coordinates now.”
“Roger that.” Keith says, as a holographic screen shows the received coordinates. With that he pushes his Lion into motion with the other two following close behind.
The surface of the moon is covered in dark blue grass across rolling hills. The moon’s host planet is large in the sky, with a more distant red sun in the background.
“Beautiful.” Allura notes, as she steps outside her Lion.
“Yeah.” Keith agrees. “Too bad we’re not here to sightsee.”
They turn to face an imposing base made of dark metal. Galra sentinels guard the doorway to the facility. Keith and Allura leave their Lions behind, while the Blades pour out from their ship and surround the two Paladins.
They march towards the exit with caution, but the sentinels do not stop them, only tilting their robotic head to watch their approach. As they reach it, the large door opens of its own volition. The group enters, finding a long corridor with more sentinels at the end in front of a second, smaller door. They walk down to the end to stand in front of the sentinels. After several moments of silence, the sentinels step aside, and the door pulls open. Keith and Allura enter the next room, to find the Galra leaders seated at a table, staring at them.
The table is circular, with the Galra leaders sit along its length at regular intervals. Each have their guards, standing at different corners of the room. On the left side, sits one massively muscles galra, with a scar down his cheek. The next one past that is a female galra with shotly cut hair, and a serious expression. The third one over to him is a lankier, tall galra man with a prosthetic eye.  At the end is a squatter, but still solidly build galra who smiles the moment he sees Keith and Allura
.“OHOHOHO! Well look who’s come crawling to me!?”
Keith cringes visually. He takes a closer look at the Galra who just spoke.
“Skriel? I thought you went down with your ship when we took out your fleet.” Keith says with more than a hint of disappointment.
“Bah! I am not that easy to kill! And besides, you did not destroy my fleet, only a small portion of it! You’re going to have to try harder than that to be rid of me, hahaha!”
“Skriel I know you love the sound of your own voice, but could we perhaps get this meeting underway sometime this quintet?” The female galra says.
“Oh stuff it Erva! You always were a buzzkill! Yaknow this is the reason you never got promoted past-”
“I think,” Allura cut in, “that getting started would be a splendid idea,”
Skriel grumbles but the rest of the galra seemed to agree, if silently.
Allura nodded to Keith and motions for him to sit first. He does so. Allura sits next, taking the seat to his left. Kolivan sits at his right, while Krollia and the rest of the Blades remain standing.
Allura scanned the faces of the Galra warlords and nodded.  “Thank you for agreeing to this meeting, as per your request,  I would like to formally present you all the  Paladin of the Black Lion, member of the Blade of Marmora, and Leader of Voltron, Keith Kogane of Earth.”
“Uh...hello there.” Keith said.
Allura winced slightly. The only reaction form the Galra leaders was an unimpressed sniff from Skriel.
“I am Princess Allura, daughter of King Alfor, and fellow Paladin of Voltron.” Allura went on, and made as if to introduce Kolvian but he waved her off.”
“I am Kolivan, Commander of the Blade of Marmora.”
There was a series of shared looks from the galra warlord’s side of the table.
“Guess I’ll start on our end, then.” The big galra with the scar said in a gruff voice. “I am called Ublok the Strong. I control from the Midara system to the Croalva pass.”
“I’m Captain Erva, and I control the entire Obva cluster.” The female galra says simply.
“I suppose I am next, then.” The galra with the prosthetic eye says. “I am Commander Mutava. As far as my territory is concerned, we tend to...move around quite a bit.”
Skriel snorted. “He means he’s a pirate that runs around looting anyone that happens to come across.”
“What can I say? I’ve never been one to put down roots…” Mutava sat back interlacing his fingers.
Skriel, dismissing the other from his sight, grinned and stood up. “While I know I require no introduction, you shall have it anyway! I am Commander Skriel! The Crusher of Paladins, Destroyer of Worlds and future Emperor of the Galra!”
Keith wasn’t the only one to sigh at that.
“I also control everything from the Ill’va straits to the Kranna system. If my math is right...oh yes, that makes me the one with the most territory here, haha!”
The others do their best to ignore him.
“Well now that introductions are out of the way, shall we begin the dis-”
“Yeah I got a question!” Skriel cut in. “Why should we sign on with your Voltron Colatition, when Zarkon showed he can easily beat you?”
The room went dead silent.
“Well?” Skriel prodded.
Keith looks uncertain, so Allura quickly jumps in. “-Zarkon’s appearance, as I’m sure it was to all of you, came as a great shock. We were caught off balance, and unprepared. Not to mention the fact that we had only just finished a great battle with two other powerful mechas. Rest assured that next time we will be ready for him.”
“Ohhhh!” Skriel said exaggerated. “You’ll be ready next time! Well isn’t that comforting!?”
“What my smaller friend is saying, is that you have not proved your strength.” Ublok says. “We do not see a reason to join with a group that is not strong enough to stand against the returned Zarkon.”
“Haven't proved our strength!?” Keith exclaims. “Where have all you been the past two years!? We took down Zarkon once already! We’ve been trouncing you guys pretty much every encounter we’ve had! Oh and did I forget the part where Lotor created his own trans-dimensional mecha and we beat him too!?”
“If I may.” Commander Mutava speaks up. “You did indeed beat Zarkon the first time, but you had Voltron. He didn’t.”
“He had his own mecha.” Keith replies.
“You didn’t just have any mecha, you had the greatest weapon in the universe.. He effectively brought a sword to a cannon fight. Zarkon was always strong, but even he didn’t stand a chance.Your victories against us hold to the same principle. As for Lotor...the evidence of that fight has never been confirmed so I’m afraid we must discount it.  ”
“Like any of you have every cared about a fair fight.”
“Oh I don’t care for fair fights in the slightest. In fact, that’s our current problem. It is now a fair fight. This time Zarkon has his own cannon, his own Voltron, and he seems better at using it it than you.”
Keith looks unsure of how to reply to that. Allura clears her throat.
“Is that not then the purpose of this meeting? You need us as much as we need you. Alone Zarkon may prove near impossible to defeat, but together, Voltron and Galra together can bring him down. For good.”
“And what about after?” Captain Erva suddenly says. All eyes turn to her. “Let’s say this all goes well. We find a way to beat Zarkon, and everything’s back to square one. Then what? Will you really let us keep the worlds we hold? The systems we’ve taken? Or will you simply return to slowly bringing us down one by one, as before?”
Even Allura doesn’t seem to know how to reply to that.
“That’s what I thought.” Erva nods. “So why join forces with a group that will do away with us the same as Zarkon? Maybe you’ll take longer, but it's the same end result.”
“Zarkon will burn your worlds, everything you’ve ever taken!” Keith says. “He’ll kill you. We’re not like that. We want to find a peaceful solution if we can.”
“Peace! Ha!” Skriel laughs. “Who ever said we wanted peace!?”
“Everyone wants peace.” Allura insists.
“Only the weak want peace, so the strong lose their power.” Ublok says dismissively.
“You don’t understand galra girl, we like the fight, the conquest! It's what makes us feel alive!”
“Speak for yourself Skriel.” Kolivan says. “Some of us are tired of the constant warring, death and destruction.”
“Bah! The Galra empire was founded on war! Or have you forgotten what Vrepit Sa means?”
“Just because things have been a certain way does not mean they must stay like that.” Allura objects. “During the rule of my father the galra-”
“Why to do people who hold no territory keep talking?” Skriel interjects. “I thought we came to speak to the leader of Voltron? Not a half-breed boy his gutless spymaster,, and pet Altean! Tell me, how did peace work out for your father?”
Allura looks struck by the remark. Skriel chuckles.
“That’s what happens to ones who spend all their time talking, and dreaming of peace. Really girl your father got what he-”
Keith stands up, slamming both fists on the table.
“One more word,” he says, with cold eyes, “and you’ll regret it.”
“Ohoho! Is the half-breed runt finally showing a spine!?” Skriel grins. “Why don’t you put your sword where your mouth is, then! I was fighting in gladiator matched before you were born, whelp!”
“How about you…” During the exchange, Allura’s gaze flickers between the two, then to the other galra. Her eyes widen and she gets a smile on her face.
“...before I stick my bayard somewhere that’ll make sure you never sit right again!”
“Is that a challenge boy?” Skriel asks.
Keith looks about ready to leap over the table, but hesitates. He takes a breath and relaxes slightly. “...I-”
Allura puts a hand on his shoulder and whispers in his ear: “Do it.”
“What?” he says pulling back.
“Not just Skriel. Challenge all of them.”
“Why? I thought...I thought we were supposed to handle things politically?”
“Keith, this is galra politics.”
He looks at her dubiously.
“Trust me.” She says.
Slowly Keith nods. He turns back to the warlords.
“...yes, it is a challenge. I’ll take all of you on, I don’t care! This clearly has been a waste of all our time, so let’s just get to the part where we fight!”
The warlords look like this is exactly what they were waiting to hear.
“...gladly.” Skriel says, pressing a button on the table.
Suddenly, the table pulls down into the floor, forming a circle there. As this happens, one guard from each of the warlord’s parties step forward to present their respective leader with a weapon. Ublok takes a large glowing mace, that he swings experimentally. Erva wields a standard galra sword, but she holds it with a careful, experienced grip. Mutava bears a weapon with a long energy tether, that ends in a pointed blade with a hook. Finally, Skriel takes hold of his axe, it's edge glows with violet.  
“You...can beat them right?” Allura says, sounding suddenly worried.
“After everything we’ve been through? Four galra warlords should be easy right?” Despite this, Keith has a momentary look of uncertainty as the warlords brandish their weapons.
He pulls out his bayard and his mamoran blade, holding the two for a moment, as if deciding. He ultimately puts the mamoran blade back into his belt and extends out his bayard to it's sword blade.
“...shall we keep the rules simple?” Skriel says. “Leave the circle, you’re out. Get knocked out or can’t continue, you’re out. If you die...well., obviously you’re out. Understand Kogane?”
“Sound good to me.” Keith says narrowing his eyes.
Then as one, all five step inside the circle. Skriel, to the surprise of no one, is the first to move.
“Time to pay you back for my Paladin Crusher, half-breed!” He yells charging at Keith, swinging his axe.
Keith dives to the side, avoiding the axe blade. He rolls back up to his feet just in time for Erva to swing her sword for his neck. Keith parries with his bayard, diverting her attack, while driving one of his own forwards. She jumps back, avoiding the bayard’s edge. Mutava and Ublok take the opportunity to make their moves. Mutava throws out his tethered blade, wrapping it around Keith’s bayard. At the same time, Ublok swings his massive mace for Keith’s skull. Rather than pull against the tether, Keith leaps toward Mutava, kicking the galra in the chest as the mace smashes into the floor where he just stood. Mutava stumbles, back, nearly stepping out of the circle, but catches himself just in time.
Keith whirls around just in time to see Skriel and Erva charging at him, swinging blades. He materializes his shield using it to block Erva’s sword, then parries Skriel’s axe with his bayard. He then kicks Skriel back, causing the galra to stumble, and swings his bayard for Erva’s shoulder. She blocks and shuffles back. Keith moves to advance on her.
“Hey I’m not done with you yet!” Skriel cries, running at Keith again.
However, the squat galra is knocked out of the way, by the charging Ublok. The large galra swings his mace once, twice, three times. Keith ducks below the first, dodges the second, but the third he is forced to use his shield to block. The force of the blow still sends Keith flying back, tumbling along the floor. He slides, nearly to the end of the circle. Groaning, Keith pushes himself back up. The four galra are advancing towards him. He glances over to see a worried Allura. Krollia looks about jump in herself. Even Kolivan seems uncertain.To their surprise he grins.
“Don’t give me those looks. I’m just getting started. Besides...” He turns back to the advancing galra. “...this is kinda fun.”
With that, Keith dismisses his shield, pulls out his mamoran blade, extending it to it's full length. Then he charges at the Galra warlords. Skriel is the nearest, and he is already swinging his axe for Keith’s head. Keith sidesteps the attack, letting the axe bury itself in the floor. Keith then puts a foot on Skriel’s shoulder and uses him as a step up to leap into the air. He sails right for a shocked Ublok, foot-first. Ublok is unable to move in time, so Keith collides with the large galra knocking him to the floor. Keith then leaps off the fallen galra and launches himself at Mutava. Keith swings both blades wildly, not giving the galra a chance to counterattack. Mutava is forced to take the tether in both hands, as he struggles to block Keith’s onslaught. Despite his best efforts, Mutava still earns a cut on his arm from Keith’s marmoran blade. Before Keith can do more, Erva charges him from behind. Keith steps to the side, throwing out his leg, tripping the woman causing her to crash into Mutava. He is thrown out of the circle and only barely avoids stops herself from falling out as well.
Keith taunts her with a come hither motion using his marmoran blade. Erva growls, then darts for him. At the same time, Skriel charges for Keith’s back. He knocks Erva’s sword aside with his bayard, ducks to avoid Skriel’s axe, which nearly hits Erva.
“Watch it Skriel!” She hisses.
“Not my fault you’re in the way of my attack!” he retorts.
Keith Jumps back up, parrying and blocking the two opponent’s strikes with his own two blades. Keith ducks another attack from Erva then makes as if to counter her, but instead turns to slice at Skriel, grazing him and forcing him to stumble back.
At this point, Ublok is back on his feet, and charging for Keith.  Erva moves to bring her sword down on Keith’s head, however Keith knocks her strike aside with enough force to cause her to stumble. He then ducks as Ublok’s mace swings through the space Keith just vacated, and smashes into Erva instead. The woman is thrown well clear of the circle, and crashes to the floor in a heap.
Keith sighs shaking his head. “You guys are just no good at teamwork.”
Ublok sniffs and makes another swing at Keith’s head. Keith dives forward, avoiding the blow and moving inside Ublok’s guard. He swings his bayard into one of the galra’s legs, as he runs past. Ublok falls to one knee, and swings at Keith in vain. Keith moves forward again making as if to swing for Ublok’s face. Ublok tries to counter with a heavy horizontal swing. Keith however, steps back at the last moment, and the mace swings past, with Ublok sent off balance by his own missed attack. Keith moves forward, fully committed this time, and slices Ublok’s hand with the marmoran blade. Ublok drops the mace, pulling back his injured hand. His eyes widen and he reaches for the mace with his other hand. Keith is faster. He drops his blade and dismisses his bayard so he has both hands free to snatch up the mace. Hefting it in both hands, Keith swings the mace in an uppercut to Ublok’s chin. The big galra falls back down to the floor, soundly unconscious.
Keith tosses the mace aside, resummons his bayard and picks back up his marmoran blade. He turns to face his one remaining opponent: Skriel.
“Ohoho! Just you and me is it? This is the way it should be anyway!”
“Come get me then Skriel. I’m right here.” Keith replies.
Skriel obliges. He charges forward, axe swinging wildly. Keith deflects, blocks and parries each of the galra’s strikes with ease. Keith throws out a kick after knocking away another of Skriel’s strikes. Skriel is hit in the gut and stumbles back, falling to one knee.
“Ack!” He cries out.
Keith moves in to finish him.
“Just kidding!” Skriel leaps back up suddenly, axe aimed for Keith’s face. Keith manages to block the swing by crossing both blades together, but Skriel privots the heft of his axe, smashing the lower end of the handle into Keith's side. Skriel swings the axe again, forcing Keith to retreat back a few steps.
“No so confident now eh!?” Skriel taunts.
Keith narrows his eyes. He spins both blades experimentally. He takes one step forward, going into a stand where he is holding the marmoran blade in front of him. Then he shifts the stance so the bayard is in front. Then he shifts back to the first stance.
Skriel’s eyes flicker back and forth between the two blades, trying to determine which will be the first to swing. Without warning Keith pulls back and throws his bayard at Skriel.
Shocked by the action, Skriel has to scramble to hastily block the thrown bayard, putting himself off balance in the process. Keith uses the opportunity to move in and swing for Skriel’s head. Skriel tries to block, but Keith’s marmoran blade knocks the axe aside. With his body complete exposed, Keith slams his shoulder into Skriel’s chest knocking the galra to the floor. Keith then throws out his free hand, and his bayard transports from where it fell back into his hand, to rest the tip against Skriel’s neck. Skriel swallows hard.
“Do...do you think I’ll surrender? Or beg for my life? Swear to do anything if you let me live? Hrm! I’ve still got my pride as a galra!”
Keith looks down at Skriel tilting his head. “You know I could end this here? Sure maybe we’d be out of a few allies, but I could take all of your warlords off the board. If we can’t have you, why let you go crawling back to Zarkon after?”
For a moment Skriel almost looks afraid. Keith sighs, and dismisses his bayard.
“But I’m not Zarkon. And you did come here for a reason. Come on, let’s stop this nonsense and work together to beat Zarkon, to fix the damage we’ve both done. There’s been enough fighting between our people.” Keith offers his hand to help Skriel up.
Skriel eye the hand curiously. Rather than take it, he turns to the other galra, who are starting to recover. They share a collective look, and all nod. All four warlords go into a kneeling position and put a closed fist on their chest.
“We pledge our service to you Keith Kogane, until our dying breaths! Vrepit Sa!” They all cry out in unison.
Keith steps back blinking in confusion. “...what?”
Allura sighs and steps forward.
“This is what they wanted from the start, Keith.”
“What do you mean?”
“They walked into this room hoping to join up with you instead of Zarkon. But, they needed to know that you were strong enough to be their leader. All that talk earlier, was just their roundabout way of getting to this fight. Now that they’ve seen your strength for themselves…” She motioned to the still kneeling galra.
Keith looks daunted by that.  “So...what about all that serving to their dying breaths? We just wanted an Alliance!””
“And we wanted a leader.” Skriel said looking up. For the first time the galra has a solemn look on his face. “After Zarkon returned we knew we’d never be able to stand against him, even if we did all join our forces together. We just aren’t...strong enough.”
“So, when the Blades came to us offering a parley, Skriel was quick to talk of its merits.” Mutava explained. “He spoke highly of the ones that handed him his soundest defeat in ages. It was...intriguing.”
“I did not believe a half-breed could be as strong as he claimed...” Ublok says. “...I am glad to have been proved wrong today, Keith Kogane.”
“I just figured that if we’re going to fight against Zarkon and his Voltron, we may as well do it with a Voltron on our side, too.” Erva says, then she reluctantly adds: “Plus I was surprised to see Skriel pushing someone other than himself to be the leader.”
Keith looks between the four, still uncertain.
“...Zarkon’s strong.” He finally says. “If all you care about is strength why not go back to him? Why side with the paladins that have been fighting you all this time?”
“Strength is important…” Skriel says, nodding. “...but Zarkon was a cruel, ruthless leader. He cared not for his people, only for the conquest itself. Many of us pretended that did not matter to us. It did. Zarkon dominated the galra for ten thousand years, with more ruthlessness than was ever necessary. What was nearly as bad was that many of us followed suit. We served a monster, so we became monsters.” Skriel looks down at his axe, contemplating. He looks back up at Keith with a smile on his face.
“But you are different. You are a strong man of conviction, and yet you did not strike me down when you could have. You fight to free worlds, rather than enslave them. And, as impossible as it seems, you only have your people’s best interest at heart. You are what the galra need, Keith Kogane. A man with a strong hand, but a good heart. I would not be opposed to you taking the mantle of Emperor today, if only we could could reach the Kral Zera and have you light the flame. As it stands however, another title must suffice. There is an old term for one who leads with the power of an emperor but can not yet light the flame: Grand Regent. I think you will wear the title well, Grand Regent Kogane.”
Keith can only stare at Skriel. He rubs the back of his neck and looks over at Allura. She can only shrug. Kolivan looks as if the entire situation was entirely expected. His gaze turns to Krollia. She smiles, as if proud. He doesn’t quite return the smile, but he does seem to regain some strength.
“...I think you’re giving me a little too much credit Skriel. Each one of the Paladins have fought for this and risked our lives to stop Zarkon. And not just us Paladins, but the Blade of Marmora, and the rest of the Coalition. It took all of us to get this far. I’m just the guy that ended up in the Black Lion’s seat, that’s all.”
“Maybe.” Skriel shrugs. “But our pledges are already made. Will you cast us aside? Or will you use us to help stop a madman with his own Voltron? The choice is yours, Grand Regent.”
Keith shook his head and sighed. He looks over the four warlords once more.
“...Skriel, Erva, Mutava, Ublok...welcome to the Voltron Coalition.”
The warlords each smile and beat their chests. “Hail the Grand Regent!”
Keith cringes. “Alright, first order: Stop calling me Grand Regent. Second, I expect all of you to live up to your pledges of loyalty, and not just to me. I expect you to listen to the other Paladins, and Coalition leaders too. Obey them they same you would me. You’ll go where we say, when we say. And, If I find out you’re back to your old ways, I am not going to be happy. Understand?”
The warlords all bow their heads. “Vrepit sa!”
“Alright…I guess we have a logistics to figure out then.”
It is hours later, and Keith stands on a hill outside the galra base. He stares out at the red sun, which is now dipping down towards the end of the horizon, signaling the end of the moon’s “day.”
“Mind if I join you?” Allura asks, walking up.
“Sure.” Keith shrugs.
She steps up beside him to join him in watching the setting sun. A breeze blows across the blue grass, gently rustling the blades.
“I...wasn’t totally ready for all that.” Keith says eventually.
“I understand.” She nodded. “Having people serve you isn’t something you’re used to. I’m sure it’ll take some time to get used to.”
“Dunno if I’ll ever get used to that.” He sighs. “You know Acxa said I should do this? Fill the void in galra leadership. Guess she was right. Maybe if I’d done this at the start we’d have all the galra helping us instead of just these four. But, then again, part of me wishes I hadn’t done this at all. I’m only starting to get the hang of leading Voltron, and now suddenly I’m halfway to being an emperor? Is that wrong? That we just got some powerful allies to help us win the war, and all I can think about is how I never asked for any of this?”
“I cannot say for sure…but I think it speaks volumes that you accepted this burden even though you didn’t want it. Whether you like it or not, Skriel was right, you do have people’s best interest at heart. I’m...sorry that it didn’t go the way you expected. I should have seen all this coming sooner, and warned you what you’d be facing.”
“No.” Keith shook his head. “You’ve got nothing to apologize for. I dunno what I would have done without you here. Probably argued a whole lot longer, and left mad. I might be half galra, but I think you probably understand them a whole lot better than I do.”
“I’m glad I could be of some help here, at least.” She gets a distant look.
“You thinking about those alteans we got back home?” Keith asks.
She nods. “Maybe I understand the galra well enough, yet I can’t seem to even figure out how to get through to my own fellow alteans. I don’t know how to undo centuries of brainwashing. Don’t know how to convince them I’m just trying to help.”
Keith considers. “Maybe...that’s not the question you should be asking yourself.”
Allura looks at him curiously.
“Didn’t your father used to say that the biggest mistake leaders make is to try to do it all themselves? For someone that throws that line around you don’t seem to practice it much.”
“So you think I need someone else to help reach the alteans?”
Keith shrugs.
“You could be right...but who?”
“Don’t ask me, I’m the guy that just fell butt first into becoming the Galra’s Grand Regent. ”
They both chuckle at that.
“Grand Regent!” Skrield voice calls from behind. Keith sighs and turns to see the squat galra running up. He saluts Keith.
“What is it Skriel?”
“There is something I feel that you should see, now that you are Grand Regent. A project i’ve been working on for some time. I believe it may be able to be a great boon in the fight against Zarkon.”
“Is it far?” Keith asks.
“Not at all.”
“Fine, we’ll go take a look, after we’re done here.”
“I suppose I should get my lion ready then, and send back the good news.”
Keith nods. “Alright, and Allura?”
“Yes Keith?”
“Thanks again. For everything.”
She smiles. “It was my pleasure.”
Allura runs back towards the Blue Lion. Keith watchs her go. Skriel also notes her departure.
“Princess Allura seems to be a good woman, Grand Regent.”
“I told you not to call me that. And yes, she is.”
“She will make an excellent Empress for you.”
“What!?” Keith whirls to face Skriel, blushing. “We’re not-she’s not-”
“Ah I see…” Skriel nods as if understanding. “You wish to have a galra woman to bear your children so the bloodline does not get too diluted. Do not worry, I’m sure we can get you a royal concubine and Allura can remain your Empress, Grand Regent K-”
“Please stop talking!” Keith says, growing more uncomfortable by the second.
“Oh was it because I called your Grand Regent again? I apologize, I shall strive to-”
“Yaknow what? You call call me Grand Regent all you like so long as you never repeat anything you just said about Empresses and royal...whatevers.”
“Understood Grand Regent.” Skriel says saluting again. “But just out of curiosity is the Princess your-”
“No, and don’t ask again.” Keith rubs the bridge of his nose, groaning. “I knew I was going to regret this…”
Honvera enters a holding cell where Haggar is lying on a flat slab table, bound by energy cables. The room is lined with glowing violet runes. Haggar does not struggle to get free, only staring at her captor with passive eyes.
Honerva observes her counterpart with interest, as she circles the table.
“I think you know how this will go. I’ll ask you questions, you’ll refuse to answer, and that’s when things get messy. But I’m afraid I know you too well. Everything that makes you tick, and all your weaknesses. So, perhaps we could skip the unpleasantries? It’ll be easier for both of us.”
Haggar says nothing for a long pause. Honvera gets a hard expression and starts to raise a hand.
“-I will tell you everything...” Haggar says suddenly.
Honerva hesitates, clearly surprised.
“...on one condition.”
“What is it?” Honerva asks, narrowing her eyes.
“I have one question. Just one. Answer it, and I will tell you everything you want to know.”
“Ask it. But I promise no answer.”
Haggar nods.
“...is your son, Lotor, alive?”
Honerva seems caught off guard by the question. She hesitates, but answers with a careful: “...yes.”
“Good. Then you must listen to me when I tell you that you have to protect him!”
“Who would my son need protecting from? These other Paladins? Thus far they haven’t shown themselves to be anything but a nu-”
“Zarkon!” Haggar blurts out. “You must protect him...from Zarkon.”  
Honerva steps back, shocked.
“Wh-what madness do you speak of?” She stammers.
“In our reality Lotor was banished, to a far off sector. When Zarkon was wounded by his fight with Voltron, Lotor was called back to the Empire. He started to take over the duties of emperor, but his time in that role was short. When his father awoke, he removed Lotor from power again. Our son ended up helping the Paladins of Voltron, and in doing so gave Zarkon all the justification he needed. Zarkon called for Lotor’s life, and in a final confrontation, the two battled to the death. Lotor was forced to kill his own father, with the help of the Paladins. He has since disappeared, and I know not where he is.”
“That...that’s not possible. Lotor wouldn’t...Zarkon could not…” Her voice trails off.
“Lotor may have won his fight in this reality, but it is already clear that things went very differently in yours. Your Zarkon has control of Voltron, and I suspect, may be more powerful than our ever was, even in his prime.”
“They have fought side by side for ten thousand years! Why would they decide to kill each other now!?”
“Because you are in a transition of power. You are only just now regaining your empire, and more importantly, for the first time, there is another Voltron opposing you. Knowing Lotor, he will recognize this for the opportunity it is, and take the time to strike. And, knowing Zarkon, he will show no mercy, not even for his own son.”
“That isn’t…” But Honerva does not finish the sentence.
“Can you honestly say that they’ve never been hostile to each other? Never seemed like they were ever so close to being at each other’s throats? Or maybe they have been already, and things just haven’t gotten lethal yet. It will. Sooner or later, it will. You have to be ready to protect him, and do what’s necessary when the time comes.”
“I...I’ve heard enough of this.” Honerva turns to go.
“You have a choice to make: your husband or your son. I think we both know which is the right choice.”
Honerva hesitates before leaving. “...speak of this to no one else.”
“I will not.”
Honerva leaves the holding cell, leaving Haggar alone.
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shriting · 5 years
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Tomb For Butterflies
Twenty years ago, Galra "contracted” a group of humans and transported them to Naxzela to work in the mines. Soon people realized the so-called "job” was nothing but indentured servitude: only the Galra can sever a contract and set their human worker free.
Nowadays most humans on Naxzela work - and die - in the mines.
Takashi Shirogane managed to win the gladiator tornament two years ago; he was granted freedom and sent off planet. It was presumed he was gone for good, until one day Keith found him unconscious on his doorstep...
Shiro wasn’t supposed to be here. That was all Keith could think of when he found Shiro passed out in the slums. This was where people ended up if they failed in life. Keith belonged here, but Shiro didn’t.
(not) written for @sheith-prompt-bang​; prompt D26 - Slums AU.
Shiro sighs. "We have to be patient."
"I'm tired of being patient!" Keith clenches his fists. "We have to do something."
"Kidnapping the Altean princess to ransom her for a spaceship is a bad idea, and you know it. Lotor would never let us leave the orbit alive."
"I know, but I can't just sit on my hands and wait for you to come up with a plan to save everyone! They don't even want to be saved, they're happy wasting their lives away as Galran slaves."
Shiro studies him for a moment.
"And you're okay with that?"
"No, but... I just...” Keith loses his fighting vigor quickly. Still, he’s stubborn. “I want us to leave this place. You have nothing to hold you here on Naxzela, and neither do I. We could run away and never come back."
"It's risky," Shiro shakes his head.
"It's better than running Galra errands and cleaning their filth for the rest of our lives!"
"Which is why we have to take everyone with us when we run."
"There are hundreds of people! There's not a single ship in the universe big enough to get everyone on board!"
"Then we need several ships, or we need to remove the Galra and take Naxzela for ourselves."
"How?” Keith demands an answer. For the moment, Shiro has none. Keith sighs. “Shiro, this is madness. What you want is impossible."
Shiro crosses his arms.
"Then we have to make it possible. I won't give up on you, and I won't give up on the rest of our people."
"They gave up on themselves!" Keith retorts hotly, his eyes glistening, angry, betrayed. Shiro remains calm. He can be stubborn, too.
"Which is why we have to keep trying to restore their faith. I have a plan, but I'll need your help, Keith, and I'll need you to get your job as a delivery driver back."
Keith pauses, and his eyes grow darker.
"This is because of Adam, isn't it?"
"In part, yes," Shiro admits easily. He has nothing to hide. “Because of everyone else, too.”
"So, what if Adam asked you to leave with him? Would you have done it?"
Shiro looks him in the eyes.
"Two years ago, I asked Adam the same thing you were asking me,” he said. Taken aback, Keith stares at him wide-eyed. “To run away together and be free. You know what he told me? No human can truly be free while their brothers and sisters are suffering in captivity. He'd sooner give up his life protecting his community - our community, our family - than abandon our people."
Keith frowns.
"But you left anyway. You were gone for over a year."
"Yes. And I returned with supplies and a plan to save everyone, because Adam is right. I can't abandon them, and I can't abandon him. He's the only family I have ever known."
"You're the only family I have left," Keith says quietly.
Shiro knows, and he nods.
"I know."
Keith bites his lip. "Do you still love him? Adam."
"I care about him.” Shiro shrugs. It’s not as difficult to admit as it has been before because now that’s all there is. A tender shadow of an old flame; it doesn’t hurt anymore. The door is closed, and Shiro is ready to move on. He simply wishes to give Adam a chance to find his own happiness too - as a free man, not as a Galra slave. “I care what happens to him. I don't want him to end up chewed up and spit out by the Galra. He deserves better."
"Better than you?"
Keith’s question hits him hard. Keith’s eyes are sharp, there’s something dangerous lurking behind his stern gaze, something that makes Shiro shiver.
He looks away.
"Maybe,” he says. His voice is a whisper. He forces himself to speak up. “Adam is braver than me, in a way. To lead the life he does, serving as a mediator between our people and the Galra - it takes courage. I'm too selfish for that: I want to be free. I can't be what our people need... what he needs."
Keith scoffs.
"I think you are exactly what our people need.” He catches Shiro’s glance and insists, “we won't win our freedom from the Galra by playing nice. We need to fight back. We need you."
Keith doesn't say 'I need you', but it lingers in the air nevertheless.
Shiro needs to change the topic quickly.
"Let’s discuss the plan of the attack."
The plan is simple. Lotor organizes a gladiator tournament this weekend; which means there will be weapons. Lotor should invite Shiro as an honorary guest to remind everyone it's possible to win one's freedom by fighting in the arena, so Shiro has enough leverage to be among the spectactors. He has recruited enough Galra supporters to stage a riot. As a delivery driver, Keith has to make a few trips to smuggle the weapons inside and stash them under the seats. When the time comes, the Blades of Marmora will create a distraction to allow Shiro to take Lotor hostage. From then on, Shiro negotiates the termination of all contracts.
Of course, Keith realizes what it all means.
"What happens after our people are safe?” he asks when Shiro is finished with the explanations. “What happens... to you?"
"That's not important."
"It is to me!” Keith leans in. “I won't let you sacrifice yourself."
Shiro smiles.
"You have just said it yourself. You need me to fight for you. That's all I'm good at, fighting. I can't be the wise leader Adam is, but if I can give you - all of you - a chance, I won't hesitate to do my part."
"You're ten times the leader Adam is! He can't see farther than his own nose!” Keith looks furious. Shiro wants to reach out and smooth his unruly hair and pet him like a kitten; he doesn’t. “Do you really think Prince Lotor will let us live peacefully after being held up for ransom?"
That question wipes every trace of a smile from Shiro’s face.
"No.” He can feel his stomach churning. “Prince Lotor won't let anyone do anything, because when the time comes, he won't be in the picture.”
"Wait...” Keith pales. “You mean, you're going to..."
"Kill him? As soon as I can." Shiro won’t lie to Keith, not even to spare him the gruesome details of the plan. If they are to succeed, they have to be ready for anything. “It's the only way to make sure he won't launch a pursuit after you. Cut off the snake's head."
Shocked, Keith stares at him with his mouth agape.
Shiro raises an eyebrow. "What, did you think I was going to let him go? After everything he's done?"
"No... but a cold-blooded murder..."
"This is not a game, Keith. What do you think happens in the arena? How do you think I won my freedom?” For a moment, Shiro has to squeeze his eyes shut to chase away the memories of dismembered bodies and raspy dying breaths. He shudders. Then he opens his eyes and looks at Keith. “Lotor makes people fight each other to the death, serving nothing but his own personal amusement. He makes us live in these shambling shacks, he makes us eat garbage and die from Green Lung - an easily treatable disease long since cured by Alteans. Do you really want to defend him after everything the Galra has done? I say Lotor deserves a taste of his own medicine."
Keith sighs.
"No, you're right. He deserves it. I just..." he looks up to meet Shiro’s eyes, and now he has a determined look on his face. “I can't let you do it alone, Shiro. I can't lose you too."
Overwhelmed with a bittersweet hope, Shiro smiles.
"You'll be alright. After all this is over, you'll move to a nice peaceful planet, Adam will find you a nice civilian job--"
"No! To hell with Adam!” Keith grabs him suddenly, his eyes full of fire. Shiro gasps as Keith’s hands squeeze his shoulders. “I'd rather live a thousand lives as a Galra slave than live one life without you. Shiro, I... you're my brother, and I love you. I... I love you. I can't let you do this."
Shiro blinks. "...what did you just say?"
Keith's face is bright red. He let something slip, something he didn't mean to say just yet, not like this. He looks away.
"I... can't let you sacrifice yourself," he repeats the wrong part in a whisper.
Shiro shakes his head.
"I’m sorry, but we might not have a choice. I've already spoken with the Blades, the plan is set in motion."
"Then I'm going with you." Keith faces him again. There is no way to change his mind now. “We'll capture Prince Lotor together, and whatever happens next - I'll be there for you."
"Keith..." Shiro sighs.
"It's non-negotiable. I won't let you march to your death all alone.” Suddenly, a cocky grin blooms on his face. “Besides, how do you plan on dealing with the Altean princess? You're going to need backup."
Shiro is grateful. He is so, so grateful - and frustrated beyond himself. That brave, stupid, beautiful boy, doesn’t he get it? Doesn’t he understand?
"Keith, my plan - I'm doing this for you! So you could have a normal life. Don’t you understand? I can't lead you on a suicide mission."
Keith is unfazed.
"So let's make sure we both come out of this alive, because I'm coming with you whether you like it or not.” He bites his lip. “Shiro... If something happens to you, if you... I will never be free with that weight on my conscience. I don't want to have 'a life' without you, understand? I want us to be free - together."
"Keith..." Shiro swallows. "I..."
Keith looks at him, eager. His lips are parted slightly, inviting. Shiro wonders what kissing him right now would lead to - would it really be that bad? Keith would kiss him back and stay the night, this night they could spend it together, and knowing the inevitable danger is closing in, knowing they might not get another chance, Shiro really really wants to--
"I think you should go home tonight. If the Galra notice your absence, they might refuse to give you the delivery duty back."
Keith blinks, nods almost absent-mindedly.
"Yes. You're right." He nods again, this time with more awareness. "Yes, I should go."
He turns to leave.
Despite all his rational reasoning, Shiro reaches after him before he can stop himself.
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riverlovesyou1 · 6 years
Voltron: An evaluation(spoilers) pt. 1
Written: December 15th 2018 4:18 AM
Can I just say a few things?
This season was unbelievably bad. I’m not even sure how I’m supposed to feel. But there were so many good things that came out of this show. this season had good moments. We should not avoid those good things.
They really did us in huh? Endgame Allurance wasn’t real. Allura died. OUR Princess, our Empress, is dead. Can you really believe that?  I can’t. Klance that was given hints at and parallels for ALL 8 seasons. Lance is basically not allowed to e happy. He really went through Voltron with no arc. He really went through all of that for nothing. He got what? a romance that ended as soon as it started? Lotoura couldn’t even e redeemed. They could have done something. They really ended it in the worst possible way. Fuck the ships though.
Shiro, Kuro, Narti, Lotor, Ezor, Adam, Lance, Keith, Honerva, Zarkon, and Allura all either died, was willing to sacrifice themselves, or was brought back to life.
Shiro was tortured, mangled, traumatized. He had PTSD.  He was fucking cloned. I don’t get it. He already went through so much. Why did he have to DIE? And not only that! His soul was fucking captured by black and he probably had to watch the paladins suffer and he couldn’t do anything. His soul was transferred into a body that was his clone and IT STILL TRIED TO REJECT HIM. I’m sorry that the only openly gay main character couldn’t be fucking happy. He was gay. He was engaged to a man. He married a man(even if we know NOTHING about him). He was done so wrong. Shiro is such a good character but after his arc, after him leaving his position of the black lion, his character felt forced and didn’t really have a point to be there at all.
Kuro is a clone. There are so many Shiro clones but he got to live with the paladins. He got to grow as a true Shiro in his own way. Yes, he was never quite Shiro but he was apart of him. He loved the paladins. I truly believe this. He got to see them as a family. They were his family. And in his last moments, as he struggled to control himself, you could see him fight. He didn’t want to hurt them. He wanted to keep them safe. Hell black let him pilot her. I don’t get it. They killed him. He’s dead. He had to fight Keith. And that hurt the most. He tried so hard to connect to Lance but Honerva/Hagger stopped it. (refer to lance’s paragraph) His body was stolen to contain the real Shiro's soul. It’s devastating.
Narti is Lotor’s blind general that could only see through a cats eyes, not her own. Narti did nothing wrong. She was loyal to Lotor. She hadn’t rebelled against him, the cat did. It holds a deep sadness that she was killed. It wasn’t her fault, Lotor shouldn’t have killed her.
Lotor was put through the most crap(alongside Shiro). He was neglected by his parents as a child. He was abused by his parents. That’s hard to live with. He’s biracial and that made him struggle so very hard to try to find love. His Altean side leads him to his mother's things, lead him to find the altean’s and make a colony for them. Yes, he took them and used them for quintessence but he could have been redeemed. He could have been taught what true love was. And he was. That's the worst part. He had changed. He changed. The only reason he went into the quintessence and went mad was that the paladins began to distrust him. If Keith had never shown up and told them about the colony, would he have gone mad in the first place?
Ezor is not proven to be a lesbian but it’s quite obvious that she and Zethrid are together. The thing about her is that its confusing. We all thought she died. The way Zethrid began to talk about Ezor in season 8 made it seem like she died, but then moments later she comes out. She’s alive. I can not express my relief at seeing her. But she should have never been thought to have been dead. 
Adam. He is Shiro’s ex-fiance and had no significance in the series at all other then he was Shiro’s lover. It didn’t change Shiro’s character at all. All it did was make queer baiting happen and gave the LGBT+ false rep. This isn’t the first time that the #BuryYourGays trope has been shown but it is one of the first times that a fandom has taken it by stand and Stood their ground because it was unjustified. He wasn’t even in the series for a full minute. It’s just sad that they did this to a character that should have significance but doesn't.
Lance is such a sad character. I’m not just talking about how his girlfriend of less then a week died. I’m talking about his character as a whole. He starts off with a one-sided rivalry with this guy that barely acknowledges him and as he proves himself to Keith they begin to get close. They grow into being the closest friends. They have a bond so similar to one that would be romantically coded and yet, their friendship ends there. That's it. No advancements. Lance died for the team and was revived by Allura. I found this so odd. Why would they make him die all of a sudden just to have allura revive him and then never address it? He’s insecure. I love lance. He's relatable and he worries just as much as Hunk does but in a different way. He shows concern about allura throughout the series, talks to the mice about how he loves allura but when allura finds out, it's obvious she doesn’t feel the same way. She chose Lotor. She loved Lotor, not Lance. What worse is that other than the first season, the lions switch, and season 8, they never really seemed to communicate other than in battle. They never joked around. Nothing. The only reason he died was so that allura could save him and then they could have at least one thing that point to romance. But there is no chemistry there.
Keith is my favorite character. But I’m not gonna lie he was an asshole in certain parts of the show. I know he was going through a lot with finding himself and finding his mom, but that's no excuse for the way he spoke to the other characters. But his near death scene was stupid. You might be thinking “no it wasn’t” but it was. It was vital that he take the shot, sacrificing his life. But he didn’t get the chance. Someone else shot at Zarkons ship and he was let go. Keith tried to die. And then what? Nothing. Lance and Keith both nearly died. Both never got a chance to talk about it. It's really sad. 
Honerva is such an important character. Are you shocked she’s on this list? Well don’t be She was redeemed. She had a redemption arc. Her arc was bigger than Lance’s! Common now. In the beginning all she does is cast some spells and work with quintessence but then you meet Lotor and you can tell she slowly growing her memories back, slowly becoming Honerva and not Hagger any more. She’s the villain we all wanted Lotor to be. The only thing was: It was too late. she had already caused too much damage. Honerva wasn’t a bad person. She went insane. It wasn’t her fault. Yes, she ruined the realities but there should have been a spell to change everything back. Even if that spell required her to die in the end. It should have been her alone and not allura as well.
You might be even more surprised that I put Zarkon on this list. Zarkon was a very important villain as well. But honestly, in the end, he wasn’t the villain. In the end, it was Hagger. Zarkon was once good. He loved Honerva so much, wanted Lotor to live so much, that he took her to the quintessence. He knew it would save her. He never knew the price for it would be. They all died from quintessence. Zarkon, Honerva, Allura, and Lotor. They all died in quintessence. They died the moment they stepped in there. Zarkon was good and he went bad quickly. He was power hungry. He didn’t even know how he was meant to live anymore.
Allura is the one that hurt the most. She’s a beloved character. She did nothing wrong. She tried to keep her life on track and she did an okay job at being the Empress/Princess of a planet and race that(at the time)  no longer existed. It’s crazy to think that she died for no reason. She died for a reason, but she wasn’t meant to die. Not yet. Not now of all times. Why did they kill her? I asked this probably a million times after I watched it. I looked in the mirror after crying for hours over this and I’m asking myself, “why?” But its pretty simple as to why. They needed a reason to end it. They needed a way that made sense to make all the realities come back and to not have it all ruined, but at the cost of her life? It just made no sense to me why Allura had to die of all people.
Idk guys this series has kept me in high spirits till now, but Right at this moment, I feel dead. They killed me and I’m not sure how I’ll recover from this one. And don’t tell me it was “just a show” because it was more than that. This was a cartoon made for 7-year-olds and up and they’re going to watch this and they’re gonna think that most of that are healthy. They’re going to watch Lotor kill Narti and think stabbing your friends in the back is okay. They’re going to watch Lotor and Zarkon and see how Zarkon doesn’t acknowledge him for the good he’s done. There’s not going to be a good memory with this show. I wish I could remember the good in these moments, but it’s all numb. I’m sorry for everyone who suffered as they watched this show. I thought I was ready. I thought I could handle it. I was wrong. We were all wrong. Nobody got a happy ending.
I’m glad Zethrid and Ezor worked things out though. They’re the only ones I feel happy for with the last season.
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astrodances · 6 years
Who's That Pala-Dude?
FF.net link || AO3 link
At last, I finally get to share my fic for the @funsentryzine​! :D This is, without a doubt, one of the silliest things I’ve ever written. FunSen, buddy, I hope you’re still enjoying your adventure through the stars! Say hi to Spock for me, will ya?
Special shout-out to @hailqiqi for being a total champ at beta-ing this!
“Oh man, that was priceless! Who should we get next?”
“I’ve noticed the on-duty navigator can be quite skittish when not alert.”
“To the bridge we go then!”
Three paladins and a sentry made their way through Galra HQ, laughing over a day of pranks and mischief as they prepared for their next victim. They'd already given six Galra personnel near-heart attacks in the past varga with their current prank, and it only got funnier with each one. No one was stopping them, though; they were Lotor's friends now, and Lotor was in charge.
Lance was the first to peek around the corner to the bridge. There was a single officer in front of the helm, his hands relaxing comfortably behind his back as he stared listlessly ahead into space. Lance smirked before turning to FunSen (Hunk had come up with the name). "Is that him?" he whispered.
FunSen tilted forward to check, then leaned back and said, "Yeah."
A grin lit up Lance's face. "Alright then, man, do your thing."
Pidge, Hunk, and Lance held their breath as FunSen started to play audio from his internal speaker. Zarkon's voice, dark and foreboding, filled the air.
"Lieutenant!" The boom was answered with a sharp yelp, forcing the trio to cover their laughter. "Why are we not pursuing Voltron?"
The officer sounded like he was pulling himself up off the ground, breathing heavily as he stuttered, "E-E-Emperor Zarkon? Sir?! What in the-"
"I asked you a question, lieutenant. I suggest you answer." The threatening tone sent shivers down even the paladins' spines, which made it harder to keep quiet.
The lieutenant, meanwhile, seemed to have lost his voice. "I- uh, sir, weren't you- oh my, uh...di-didn't you die...sir?"
FunSen paused as if a wave of genius struck him, then he deadpanned in Zarkon's voice, "Indeed I did. Now where is Voltron?"
When the lieutenant burst into tears, the group fled the corner. Their laughter was echoing off the walls by the time they reached the other end of the hall. Lance and Hunk leaned back against the wall, trying to catch their breath, while FunSen casually leaned on Pidge's head, causing her to growl in protest before smiling again.
"Dude, we made him cry!" she laughed. "We finally got another one!"
"I know! Hopefully we can make that three total if the next one cries, too," Hunk noted. "Who's next?" Before he could get an answer, his wrist gauntlet beeped. He held it up for the group as Shiro and Coran popped up on his screen. They looked like they were walking down a hall.
"Team, get to your lions, quick," Shiro ordered.
Lance leaned in over Hunk's shoulder to look at him and asked, "Why? What's going on?"
"Got a distress call from a nearby planet-"
"Planet Vulcan," Coran interjected.
Shiro nodded to the advisor and looked back at them. "—Right, planet Vulcan. A group of Galra deserters have ravaged a village for supplies and destroyed some buildings. We need to get those supplies back and help clear the debris before it gets worse."
Hunk locked eyes with Lance and Pidge in silent understanding and answered, "We'll be right there."
"Good. See you in a few."
The screen disappeared and Hunk lowered his arm. "Well, I guess we're done with pranks for now," he said, seemingly putting a pin in everyone's balloon. They were having too much fun to just stop suddenly.
Pidge shrugged off FunSen's arm. "C'mon, guys, let's go be heroes," she sighed, as if it was a bad thing.
All three paladins began to walk back towards the Castle of Lions in the docking bay, but a monotone voice stopped them. "What about me?"
If robots could look dejected, FunSen was doing that and then some.
The group paused and looked at each other, then at him. Pidge spoke up for them. "Sorry, man, but you can't come with us on a mission."
"Yeah, we'll be right back though," Hunk added.
They were about to turn and keep walking, but Lance stopped them. He had his hand propped up in a thinking pose as he suggested, "Now wait a tick...what if he did come with us and, I don't know, became a Paladin for the afternoon?" His eyes flashed to each member of the group, waiting to gauge their reactions. FunSen had certainly perked up.
Hunk and Pidge, however, looked at him as if he'd swallowed a vat of quintessence. "What? Lance, no," Pidge dismissed quickly. "I can't even begin to count how many things are wrong with that idea."
"Not least of which is that the lions wouldn't allow him to pilot any of them," Hunk pointed out with a shrug. FunSen's shoulders fell.
Lance rolled his eyes. "I know that. What I mean is..." he paused, trying to think of the best way to word his idea. "Well, Shiro doesn't know we made a fun sentry, right? Sooooo what if FunSen is in one of our lions for the mission and just answers everything for us over the comms so it seems like he's the one flying?" That seemed to ignite a spark of consideration in his friends as they thought it over, so he kept on talking, "Besides, it's not like it's gonna be a hard mission. We'll probably just have to destroy a couple of Galra ships and move some rocks. Plenty of time to prank Shiro." He grinned deviously yet hopefully. There wasn't any reason their fun needed to end so soon.
Hunk was the first to get on board. "I mean...it would be pretty funny."
"Yeah, and I guess so long as he's just talking, I don't see any harm in it," Pidge agreed.
Lance flashed them both a smile of gratitude, and all three turned to FunSen, chuckling when they saw him. His hands were brought together in a begging pose, and his viewport practically sparkled with hope and mischief.
"You're in, buddy," Lance told him with a soft laugh.
FunSen raised his arms victoriously and yelled, "Yay! I get to be a pala-dude!"
The other three cheered with him and started to walk towards the Castle with renewed energy. But before they could get far, Lance casually began, "And since this was my idea, I think it's only fair to say...I CALL THE FUN SENTRY!"
With a tug on FunSen's arm to move him along, the two of them took off in a sprint through Galra HQ. Lance laughed carelessly as he glanced back to see Hunk and Pidge caught off-guard before they started to chase after them.
The group made it to the Castle in record time, only slowing up once to avoid suspicion from Coran, who was still talking to a Galra officer in the main hall as they passed. Once on the Castle, Hunk and Pidge checked the bridge first to make sure Allura and Shiro had already gone to their lions before giving the all-clear for Lance to sneak FunSen to his turbo-lift. As they stepped in together, Lance put on his helmet.
"Alright, man. Now, there's kind of an obstacle course to get to our lions," Lance began as the lift took them down, "Starting with a zip line, so...I'm just gonna hop on your back for that, okay?"
FunSen was giddy with excitement and nodded fervently. When the lift's doors opened again, Lance grabbed his shoulders and jumped up on his back. He felt powerful from this position. "Onward!" he shouted, prompting FunSen to jump forward and grab onto the zip line.
The ride down to the Red Lion was a wild one. FunSen let out an amplified, "Wheeeee!" on the zip line, causing Lance to laugh until he was breathless. Once they got to Red, Lance piloted him out of his hangar into space to keep up with the rest of the team, then turned off his mic so he and FunSen could talk about the prank. They had some time to spare before they got to Vulcan.
Lance looked up at FunSen to his left, who stood at the ready, eager to get the prank going. He was right there with him. "Okay, FunSen. You see that button riiiiiight there, on the dash?" Lance stretched and pointed to a circle on the backlit panel, waiting for FunSen to nod before continuing. "That's the manual switch for Red's mic. Push that and you can talk to the team."
FunSen started to reach for the button, but Lance immediately shoved his arm back. His pulse quickened at the almost-blown cover.
"Not yet, big guy!" he chided, softening when the sentry returned to his ready stance and looked imploringly back at him.
Lance smiled and shook his head. "No worries. But anyway, what I'm thinking is, once Shiro starts talking to us, I'll tell you what to say, and then you press that button and answer for me, using your voice. Sound good?"
"Affirmative," FunSen answered.
Lance could've sworn he heard a smirk in his voice, and it gave him the shot of courage he didn't even know he needed. True, this was going to be hilarious, but there'd been that nagging voice in the back of his mind that this was taking it too far. He knew it wouldn't really affect the mission—he was confident in himself and his team to get it done—but he hoped Shiro wouldn't be too mad in the end. It was a risky prank, but they all deserved, no, needed to let loose, Shiro included. And that's what they had a fun sentry for.
"Let's have some fun, shall we?"
Within half a varga, the team neared their destination. Shiro's voice came over the Red Lion's speakers, serious and ready for business. "Okay, team. According to my scanners, the Galra ships have already left Vulcan and are heading our way. It's important that we don't completely destroy their cargo ships, we just want to damage them enough for capture and transport back to the planet so we can return those supplies. Lance, I need you to go after any ships that break off from the group."
Lance smiled mischievously, ready to begin the prank. Even though his mic was off, he spoke in a hushed tone to FunSen. "Okay, buddy, time to shine!"
After Lance told him what to say, FunSen pressed Red's mic button, his other hand resting purposefully on his hip. He echoed, "Got it, Shiro," then let go of the button.
If he could, Shiro would've had one of those "slam-on-the-brakes-and-screech-tires" moments with his lion just then. Allura seemed equally as flustered in her lion, and Lance could only imagine how hard Pidge and Hunk were trying to muffle their laughter. He wasn't faring much better.
"Wha-Who is that?!" Shiro asked worriedly. "Where's Lance?"
"What's going on?" Allura chimed in.
Lance gave FunSen more dialogue and straightened up in his seat. He needed to watch carefully for any sudden movements from the Black or Blue Lions, should they come for him.
FunSen answered in his monotone robot voice, "I am Lance, the Red Pala-dude—I mean, Paladin." Lance was caught somewhere between wincing and laughing at the sentry's slip of the tongue. Er, wires, he thought. He then quickly whispered an additional line for him to say, and Funsen deadpanned, "Pow pow pow." As soon as FunSen let go of the button again, Lance nearly snorted at Shiro's confusion.
Shiro's face suddenly popped up on Red's dashboard for a two-way conversation, but Lance kept his viewer off. "Lance!" Shiro demanded. "Where are you? Who's flying your lion?"
Lance kept feeding FunSen replies. "What do you mean? I, Lance, am flying my lion."
"Then turn on your screen so I can see you."
Lance shook his head. FunSen said, "I cannot."
"Why not?"
As Lance wracked his brain for an excuse, FunSen shocked him by taking the initiative and answering on his own, "Because as a team, we're supposed to trust each other."
The shock was immediately mixed with a deep, unbridled laugh from Lance's soul. He was in awe of FunSen's clever quip, and found himself leaning against FunSen's arm as he tried to gather himself. But man oh man, the adrenaline was going now.
Shiro let out a groan, his head hanging low, before turning his screen off and addressing the rest of the team. "Do any of the rest of you know where Lance is?"
"He said he's in his lion, Shiro," Hunk innocently played along, with Pidge humming in agreement. She sounded like she would break if she spoke right then.
Allura took a moment to inform, "Shiro, I just asked Coran if Lance is back at the Castle, but his sensors confirm that he's on the Red Lion."
That answer seemed to give Shiro some composure. "Lance, we know you're there. Unless you've been kidnapped or something, please respond."
Lance could hear the "Garrison instructor" tone spilling into Shiro's voice, but he was having too much fun to stop the charade now. He simply shrugged to FunSen for him to answer on his own again.
"Lance here. What's up?"
Multiple shots suddenly rattled the lions, and Shiro immediately dove into team leader mode. "Alright, I don't know what's up with our Red Paladin, but it seems our target found us first. Pidge, Allura, and Lance, if you're there, I need you to stay with me and help me handle these guys. Hunk, go ahead to the planet and start clearing up that debris." Another shot seemed to rattle the Black Lion as Shiro grunted. "I'll cover your tail while you get past these guys."
There were two cargo ships and a handful of Galra fighters. While Pidge started to go in to neutralize the cargo ships, Lance and Allura, and eventually Shiro, made quick work of the fighters. When one of them zoomed off ahead of the group, Lance easily tracked it down and shot it, causing a spectacular explosion that seemed to enthrall FunSen.
Lance smirked at his wingman, telling him, "And that's how you razzle-dazzle 'em."
Hunk suddenly yelled out over the comm, "Heeeeey guys! Could use some help down here." It sounded like he was being shot at in the background. "Some more fighters just took off, and I can't get them all on my own, not with this debris!"
"Pidge...Red Paladin—” Lance snorted at Shiro's choice of words. "—go down and help Hunk. Allura and I will follow with these cargo ships."
Lance was already starting to fly towards Vulcan, but he told FunSen to respond with, "Sure thing, team leader."
"Lance, I swear when this mission is done..." Shiro trailed off, clearly frustrated and riled up.
There wasn't any time to respond to the unfinished threat, what with Hunk facing his own down on the planet, yet Lance couldn't help but think to himself (half-apologetic, half-amused), Sorry, Shiro, but this is too funny.
Pidge and Lance defeated three fighters with practiced ease when they reached the surface, and proceeded to help Hunk clear the remaining debris. By the time they were all finished, Shiro and Allura had landed with the cargo ships. After they released the ships, all the lions hovered above the ground, taking stock of the situation. A small group of Vulcans was starting to gather nearby, watching them with curiosity.
"We did it, team! Nice work," Shiro complimented everybody, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
As the rest of the team agreed and cheered, Lance gave FunSen one final line to say for him, one that made him smile fondly. This would be the nail in the Robeast coffin for sure.
FunSen pressed the dashboard's button yet again and repeated, "Let's set them down over there, and get ready for the parade."
The only sound heard in response was a loud, but muffled scream over the comm, undoubtedly the sign of Shiro having met his wit's end. Lance lost it then, laughter overtaking him until his shoulders shook from the force.
Shiro cut them off. "Yep. Everybody land. Now."
Despite the impending lecture, Lance kept chuckling as the team landed. He knew Shiro was fed up now, but the payoff was too great to ignore. They'd gotten him good.
Shiro was the first to leave his lion, practically sprinting over to the Red Lion as more Vulcans gathered around them, unaware of the situation. The rest of the team huddled around their leader as they waited for Red to open up and reveal his Paladin. Pidge and Hunk were doing their best to hide the fact that they knew they were up to something.
Yet it wasn't Lance who walked out.
When Red set his chin on the ground and opened his mouth, FunSen strolled down and posed proudly in front of the lion, red bayard in one hand and blue helmet tucked under the other arm. Pidge pulled her camera out to take a picture, moving on auto-pilot as even she and Hunk had been left in awe of the sight. Allura was confused, until something clicked in her mind and she remembered that Lotor had left the trio with a sentry after Shiro had left earlier, and she facepalmed in realization.
Shiro was completely dumbfounded. He stood there motionless, mouth agape, as his resolve completely crumbled. He marched up to FunSen in a daze, stuttering half-formed questions. "How...when did...who..." FunSen merely stood there, not budging in the slightest. After a few seconds, however, Shiro seemed to find his voice long enough for one question. "...Where's Lance?"
"Right here."
Shiro jumped and whipped around at the sound to see Lance standing in his armor right behind him, a big casual grin on his face. He had to bite his tongue when Shiro's eye twitched.
"I think we broke Shiro," Pidge whispered to Hunk, who nodded as they tried to suppress their giggles.
Shiro simply looked between Lance and FunSen, speechless and lost. Lance took that as an opportunity to sling an arm around his shoulder and gesture towards the sentry. "Shiro, meet FunSen."
Lance left Shiro to take his helmet and bayard back, then stood off to the side between the two. He kept his smile up, but inside he was hoping they hadn't gone too far. He just wished Shiro would say something already.
FunSen took an experimental step forward, then another, and put his hand up towards Shiro for a high-five. "Pala-dude?" he offered in good will.
The group collectively held their breath as Shiro seemed to process everything, including that he'd just been pranked. There were still some pieces of the puzzle missing, but to everyone's surprise he started smiling and shook his head with a small laugh before returning FunSen's high-five. "Pala-dude."
The trio collectively sighed in relief, then joined in on the laughter. They'd succeeded with their prank, and Shiro was taking it well. All in all, a successful mission.
"I'm just glad you're okay," Shiro snickered, pulling Lance into a headlock to ruffle his hair. Lance pushed him off, yet smiled in appreciation at the sentiment. After returning it, Shiro clapped his hands together and looked around the group. "Alright...pala-dudes—" FunSen perked up proudly at the term. "—let's wrap things up with the Vulcans, and then get back to the Castle."
The team agreed and started for the group of Vulcans standing nearby. Yet despite the new camaraderie between the two, no one missed Shiro's involuntary groan at FunSen's final remark.
"And that's how you razzle-dazzle 'em."
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fangzeronos · 6 years
Pining Ch. 8
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
“I’m coming, Acxa,” Keith whispered. “Please, baby. I’m coming…” He clenched his hands and watched the portal open, closing his eyes as they went through.
 As the teludav sent the Castle of Lions out to Daibazaal, Allura let it close and took off, Keith on her heels. “We’re taking Blue,” Allura said. “The others are already launching.”
 “We’re a distraction. I can live with that,” Lance said. “Just find Acxa and rip these guys a new ass, Keith!”
 “It isn’t me losing my shit I’m worried about,” Keith said, jumping into Blue and standing behind the chair while Allura jumped into the seat and flew out of the bay, heading for the cruiser. He lurched forward when she hit the thrusters, ramming into the Cruiser. “Have you been learning from Lance?”
“Perhaps,” Allura said, looking over her shoulder at Keith. “Get ready. We’re going inside.” She swung Blue around and aimed for the launch bay where fighters rushed out, lashing out with the tail and blasting several out of the way. Diving into the bay, she and Keith quickly rushed out. “Shiro, we’re inside. We’ll find Acxa and deal with Lotor.”
 “Got it, Allura. We’ll keep them busy out here. Just be careful!” Shiro said, yelling as he pulled up on the controls and focused a shot from Black into a group of fighters.
 Keith drew his blade and rushed forward, cutting down sentries and tearing through whoever got in his way, Allura whipping several down and throwing them as she did. He yelled as he got shot in the back, turning and flinging his blade, impaling the sentry. Allura twisted and dodged a shot, whipping the handle of the blade and yanking it back, Keith jumping and catching it before leaping off of the wall and rushing for the corridor.
 “Thanks!” he said, dodging a swing and cutting the sentry’s arm off, Allura ramming the Bayard into his throat. “We need to get to the throne room.”
 “Go! I’ll hold them off,” Allura said, snagging a gun and flinging it into one’s face.
 Keith nodded and turned, taking off and starting to make his way through the halls. As he did, he hoped Acxa was alright, his hands shaking at the thought of losing her. He heard Acxa’s yelling, bursting into the throne room and seeing her pinned to the wall. “Acxa!”
 Acxa lifted her head, yelling as Trag whipped her again, cutting her cheek. “Keith…” she said, coughing and yelling out again as Zethrid punched a gash on her side.
 Keith rushed for Zethrid and caught her fist as she tried to swing again, turning and throwing her into the wall. He caught the whip as Trag lashed out, yanking it from his grip and using his blade to cut it in half. He slashed Acxa’s chains and caught her, helping her down. She pushed herself away from him and turned, vomiting and coughing as she did. She turned and looked at him with a glare that froze his blood. “Acxa…?”
 “You left me here…for three weeks…” she whispered, standing up slowly and spitting out some blood. “Three weeks, Keith…”
 “Acxa…we searched everywhere, every colony, ship, outpost, relay, everything,” Keith said as he stood up. “Baby—”
 “Don’t “baby me! Three weeks!” Acxa snapped, shoving Keith back onto the ground before picking up a fallen sentry’s gun.
 Trag laughed, backing away slowly. “While you two have your lover’s quarrel, I think it’s time we leave, Zethrid,” he said, turning to start for the door.
 A shot sailed past his head, singing the fur on his cheek. “Stay where you are,” Acxa snarled. She stalked forward, pain and sorrow replaced by anger and hatred before she grabbed Trag and slammed him into the ground. “Where’s Lotor?”
 “I don’t know,” Trag growled, struggling against Acxa. “He doesn’t tell me anything!”
 “He should. You’ve been sucking his dick as much as I have!” Acxa snarled, breaking Trag’s wrist. “Plenty of bones left, General. Talk!”
 “I don’t know!” Trag yelled, glaring at Acxa. “I don’t know, Acxa! He walked out and said he’s return!”
 “Liar!” Acxa snapped, breaking Trag’s other wrist. “Answer me! Or it’s your spine next!”
 “Acxa, enough,” Keith said, walking over and putting his hand on her arm. “Enough.” Acxa turned her head and looked at Keith with the fire of a thousand suns burning in her eyes, lashing out and slugging him in the mouth and knocking him down again. “Stay down, Paladin!” she snarled, twisting the gun around and pointing it at Trag’s stomach. “One more try, asshole. And we see if you really bleed yellow.”
 Trag shook, unable to do much with broken wrists. “His chambers,” he finally relented. “He took off for his chambers, said he had business to do. Then he’d be back for you.”
 “Thank you,” Acxa growled, shooting Trag’s knees. Zethrid saw her chance to try and run, yelling as Acxa shot her in the back. “You betrayed me, Zethrid. The four of us were together until the end. Narti died because of Lotor. How can you still side with this scum!?”
 “How can you side with them!?” Zethrid snapped, forcing herself up and glaring at Acxa. “You’re supposed to kill them!”
 “I’ll side with whoever I choose, Zethrid. Ezor knew the right path to take. It’s a shame you didn’t,” Acxa growled, pointing the gun at her former friend. Her finger tightened on the trigger as she fired. Her eyes went wide when she saw Keith dive in front of the shot, hitting the ground. “Keith! What are you doing!?”
 Keith forced himself up slowly, putting his hand on his chest. “Stopping you…from becoming something you aren’t…” he said, hitting his knees before he collapsed, hitting the floor.
 “Keith!” Acxa yelled, dropping the gun and running over to him, turning him onto his back. “No, no, no. Damn it, no!” She pushed her hands to his chest, tears falling down her cheeks as she tried to stop the bleeding. “Keith, damn you! Don’t do this to me!” She pressed her head to his, hearing Zethrid laughing.
 “Didn’t you remember, Acxa? You kill everyone you love?” Zethrid laughed, the laughter devolving into full cackles. “You did in the past and you will in the future!”
 “Shut up!” Acxa yelled, grabbing Keith’s blade from the floor and flinging it, hitting Zethrid in the stomach, hearing her former companion fall to the floor. She looked up as she heard feet, grabbing the gun and pointing it again as she protected Keith, her hands stained with his blood before her expression softened. “Allura…” She dropped the gun and shook, tears falling down her cheeks.
 “Acxa,” Allura said, running over and kneeling down. “What happened?”
“I yelled at him,” Acxa said, tears falling down her cheeks as she sniffled. Yelled at him for leaving me for three weeks. Then the idiot…jumped in front of a shot meant for Zethrid. Said he…was stopping me from becoming someone I’m not.” She clenched her hands in Keith’s tunic, a shaky breath coming from her lips. “What do I do?”
 “You’ve stopped the bleeding,” Allura said. “I can see that. Stay with him. Shiro and the others are on the way. Pidge is bringing you clothes. Where’s Lotor?”
 Acxa nodded softly, relaxing softly and sinking down. “Ran to…his chambers. You can’t face him alone,” she said. “We have to just get out of here. Lotor can wait for another day. We…Keith has to be the priority.” “You both need to be prioritized,” Allura said. “You’re beat badly, dear. You need a medical pod.” She looked over as Pidge and Shiro ran in, Pidge running straight to Acxa.
 “Acxa,” Pidge said, helping her into an oversized jacket. “We’ll take of Keith. We need to get you back to the Castle. You’ve been up on that wall three weeks and getting beat like mad. You need to get in a pod.”
Acxa nodded softly. “Please don’t let him die,” she whispered. “I don’t…want the last thing he knows I said to be misplaced hate and anger. I…I’m sorry…”
 “It’s ok,” Pidge said, rubbing Acxa’s arm. “Let’s get you both back to the Castle.” Acxa nodded, letting Pidge help her up.
 Shiro walked over and pulled the blade out of Zethrid’s stomach, slipping it onto his belt. “You can bleed out,” he said, walking back over and lifting Keith up. “Can’t go one big mission without getting yourself blown up, hm? I swear.”
 After returning to the Castle and warping away, Keith and Acxa were both placed in healing pods, Allura standing in front of them. She sighed and wrapped her arms around herself, biting her lip. Romelle walked up and put her hand on Allura’s shoulder.
 “Credits for your thoughts, Princess?” Romelle asked, smiling softly. She looked at Keith and Acxa, biting her lip. “Worried for them?”
 “Yes,” Allura said. “It has been three weeks since the message from Lotor. We search the entire universe and nearly blow out the scalurite crystals again looking for that slimy trash, only to find he’s disappeared before we got to Daibazaal. Acxa said that she yelled at Keith for leaving her there for three weeks, but when he jumped in front of a blast meant to kill a former friend of hers, her attitude changed.”
 Romelle nodded, folding her hands. “Because the person she loves was injured by her hand,” she said. She looked between the two, biting her lip. “When someone you love is hurt, your entire outlook and perspective changes. IF you’re hurt or captured, you can give up hope over time that your lover or other will find you. The longer it takes, the more that hope diminishes. Her words weren’t said in anger, I do not believe, but more in frustration of how it took us so long to find her. Seeing him take the shot for her former compatriot, it snapped her focus to how it should have been, and it shut off the rush she was feeling that kept her from collapsing, which is why she was asleep when Hunk brought her in. When they wake up, they’ll have to talk and come to an understanding.”
 Allura listened to Romelle and she smiled softly, nodding and brushing her hair out of her face. “That is a very good point,” she said. “Love is a fickle thing, isn’t it?”
“Indeed it is, Princess,” Romelle said with a small smile.
 A day later, Keith sighed he woke up and walked out of his pod, shaking his head softly. “Y’know…there’s got to be lasting damage using these things this often,” he said, rubbing his head as he looked around. His eyes landed on Acxa’s pod, and he moved to put his hand on it, freezing and pulling away before he left the bridge, heading for his room.
 After showering and getting dressed, Keith sighed as he laid back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. He could still hear the anger in Acxa’s voice, and he knew she had every right to be mad that she’d been trapped for three weeks. He closed his eyes turned a bit, staring into the darkness of his room as he drifted off to sleep.
 “Acxa, please, just listen to me,” he begged, grabbing her hand as she walked away from him. “Please. Give me a chance.”
 “You had your chance, Keith. You had years of a chance. You’ve put the Blades first, leaving us by ourselves or with your mother. The Paladins cut you off, shut you out. I should have known I couldn’t trust you. You’re just like Lotor was,” Acxa said, yanking her hand out of Keith’s. “You follow us, I’ll kill you. You come near my children, I’ll kill you. Understand?” Keith sighed, his heart breaking as his hands shook softly. “How can you kill me twice, Acxa?” he asked, a few tears falling down his cheeks. “You’re already killing me when you’re walking out.”
 “Then it shouldn’t be a far fall to your grave,” Acxa said, narrowing her eyes. “Goodbye, Keith. I hope…never to see you again.” She turned and walked for the door, throwing it open and stepping out, two small heads popping up from on her shoulders and looking at Keith.
 “Bye, Daddy,” they said as they waved, Acxa putting them in the car and taking off.
 Keith sank to his knees and yelled, slamming his hands into the ground.
 Yelling as he sat up, Keith looked around and saw he was still in the Castle, his hands shaking. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed, wiping his eyes. “Damn. That was…too real,” he muttered, getting up as a knock sounded on his door. He walked over and opened it up, seeing Krolia. “Hi.”
 Krolia smiled softly, putting her hand on Keith’s cheek. “Are you alright?” she asked, seeing the look on his face.
 “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine,” Keith said. “Just…a bad dream, that’s all. What’s up?”
 “We’ve found Lotor,” Krolia said. “Kolivan and the Blades tracked him to Olkarion. Something about that planet’s making him move up his timetable.”
 “It’s the capital of the Coalition. Take down Olkarion, the Coalition dies,” Keith said. “I’ll get suited up and meet you on the bridge.”
 Krolia nodded, hugging Keith. “Whatever your dream was, you know it won’t happen. Acxa loves you too damned much to do what happens in a dream,” she said, running her hand in his hair softly.
 “I know, Mom,” Keith said with a small smile.
 “Suit up. Let’s end this,” Krolia said, turning and heading for the bridge again.
 Keith walked back into his room and suited up, grabbing his sword and leaving his mask, making his way for the bridge. Once there, he stood beside Ezor who was sitting on the ground beside Acxa’s pod, playing with her fingers softly. “He’s on Olkarion?” he asked, looking at Allura.
 “Yes. We’re making our way there now. We’ll form Voltron as soon as we leave, take down the cruisers and separate before heading to the planet. Keith, we have to stop Lotor for good here,” Allura said. “And, the Paladins and I have come to a joint decision. I am giving Blue back to Lance, and we think it best if you step into Red once more. I’ll monitor from here and take a shuttle down when it’s time for the ground fight.”
 “You’re sure?” Keith asked. “I haven’t been behind Red in a long time, Allura.”
 “We’re positive,” Hunk said with a smile. “We started this together, we end it together.”
 “As good as Lance is as a right arm, it’s always been yours,” Pidge said, nudging Keith.
 “Just don’t get us killed,” Lance said. “I’ve got some things I want to do before I die.” At that, Romelle giggled and she turned away, Lance grinning as she did.
 “You’ll be fine. It’ll be like riding a bike,” Shiro said, putting his hand on Keith’s shoulder.
 “What about us?” Ezor asked, standing up and looking at Krolia. “What are we doing?”
 “We’re going with Allura when she leaves for Olkarion,” Krolia said. “We’ll be her backup and bodyguards until the Paladins can make their ways to us.”
 Ezor nodded and gave a thumbs up. “Got it,” she said. “Good thing there’ll be plenty of weapons on the ground.”
 Shiro smirked. “Let’s move it, people,” he said, turning and running off for the launch bay, Pidge and the others right behind him.
 Keith turned and put his hand on Acxa’s pod, sighing softly. “I’ll be right back. I promise.” He turned and ran out, narrowing his eyes. “This ends today, Lotor.”
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galrakythel · 6 years
re: voltron rewatch marathon
06x04: The Colony / 06x05: The Black Paladins
Note: In the later half of this post, I’ll be talking about Sheith. So...if you’re not into that, look elsewhere.
Lotor was ultimately forced to explain what his true goals were and the amount of fumbling he did, I wonder if he ever had the intention of telling Allura about the Alteans he had reaped. Was he just going to make his quintessence pipeline and ignore that he had a bunch of Alteans in some quantum abyss reservation where not many people could even venture? Would he have eventually told her when he could solidify a potential political marriage? 
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Kuron: The quintessence field didn’t create them, it revealed them.
I’m just not buying it when Kuron says this; that the quintessence field doesn’t create evil intentions, but it only reveals them. For example, Zarkon already made his agenda known before his corruption. He mentioned what he wanted to do with the type of technology Honerva and Alfor were creating when it came to his warships. He said he wanted access into the rift for the sake of Honerva’s research countless times and even got into a verbal argument with Alfor about it. Zarkon also voiced his opinion on a militant caste system and was already the leader of an imperial, colonizing regime far before the events of the series and the old paladins’ timeline began. (Keep in mind that Alfor didn’t seem to have a problem with this type of imperial system the Galra had utilized and was okay with their deep space colonization so not everything is black and white with the old paladins either.) Zarkon had already told the audience what type of person he was. He already said that “I’m an imperialist warlord who believes in serfdom.” There wasn’t anything to reveal because he was already vocal about his ideals and goals. It wasn’t even like he kept it a secret from his friends, Alfor and Blaytz. He wasn’t some cutesy king in love with this vibrant scientist; he was an authoritarian emperor who happened to be in love with a scientist who was desperate for more knowledge. But with everything I’ve said, I don’t think that Zarkon was wholly evil, just like I don’t think Alfor was all inherently good. If anything the quintessence field just makes people more malleable when it comes to corruption, like targeting someone when they’re already weakened and making an offer they just can’t refuse. In Zarkon’s case at the time, his wife was a quintessence addict and dying (and pregnant). I think that the quintessence field doesn’t have the ability to reveal, but to manipulate and create. 
Allura even mentions that in the wrong hands, it could easily cause corruption. So it’s not a revelation, it’s corruption. To the point that when Lotor does go into the quintessence field with his dark!Voltron, it’s not a revelation. He always had the intention to do wrong. He had been sucking his people dry for centuries before. He was already flinging himself into his mother’s own madness. 
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But back to the original Kuron quote, perhaps Haggar was once again using Kuron to control the others, this time with something that sounds accurate and reasonable because it’s coming from their ‘pragmatic leader’. Because at this point, the audience should doubt everything that Kuron!Shiro has said and will say. 
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I’m not gonna lie; I’m kinda bummed out about how the generals were written in the later half of the show. I was angry that they killed Nari off and I thought she could have been explored a bit more, especially with how she was able to get Kova? Did Haggar maybe set this all up from the beginning? Is she actually the bigger bad? The world may never know. At this point, I would have thought that Acxa, Zethrid, and Ezor would have packed up and left because the Galra imperial family is messy. They don’t seem to have any sort of ties to the empire and the only reason they seem to be working for Honerva is because it’s a current safe haven. But one thing that I think needs to be handled before the end of this show is Acxa and her tit-for-tat with Keith. Every season since her debut it’s been Acxa and Keith put in situations where they either save each other or antagonize each other. Like are you siblings? Cousins? Friends? Half-siblings? Aunt and nephew? Uncle and niece? Like why are you guys always in each other’s orbits?
Keith is ride-or-die bae. (Here comes the Sheith stuff.)
I didn’t want to make The Black Paladins about Sheith, but it literally has their shared title as the episode name. So I’m gonna step on my soapbox for a bit. Keith goes above and beyond when it comes to Shiro. Their connection--whether platonic, romantic, or sexual--was known by Honerva after she’d been crawling around Shiro’s mind countless times. She knew how important their relationship was and she was going to use it against Keith. She knew that Keith would go above and beyond for Shiro. (Might I add, just like Zarkon went above and beyond for Honerva.) She was banking on the result she got. 
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I’m still on my fucking soapbox: I don’t understand how an/t!-sh/e!/th people can say that their relationship is some kinda brotherly shit (yeah brothers-in-arms) when gay/bi cis/trans men have said this same shit (myself included, may I add) because they weren’t in a safe environment, one or both were closeted, or it was just easier to deal with their feelings by saying that the person they were intimate with was “like a brother/sibling”. Like...are you pro-lgbt or only when it fits your narrative? Regardless, Honerva knew about it and used it to her advantage because she’s the big bad of this show.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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f-117-nighthawk · 4 years
I’m in a Playlist Mood
I was scrolling through my dark matter tag looking for something I made a while ago to reference in the next chapter of Carry Me Home and ran across my last playlist explanation post. It put me in the mood to think about this again, and I’ve added...a lot. The playlist might’ve actually doubled in length since then (Thank You Abyss) and I’ve moved some stuff around in order. So, more playlist meta under the cut (it’s LONG)
So first thing: I’ve actually created two new playlists (well, one new one and actually made the third playlist have more than two tracks) since that post jhadsfljd. Working forwards in time (kinda), we have:
Dark Matter: The Road to Ruin
The Road to Ruin is the Main Playlist, the thing I use to write to, the thing I lie in bed and listen to to think up new things, and half the thing that keeps the timeline in place (it’s actually more updated than World Anvil rn whoops). Here we have overarching plot hooks, character development, and the story of six Paladins and their friends trying to save the universe.
Turn the Lights Out I sort of explained in the last post and I can’t think of too much more to add. The TLDR is it’s about the Lions (and, well, technically [REDACTED] too....) and sort of why I refer to a fully-melded Lion-Paladin duo as Spirits.
(I was here/Will you welcome and recognize me/I'll be there/I was here/Will you dread me, will you despise me/I'll be there/For the last living thing)
Remnants of Stars is again about Galran philosophy and the actual process of the quintessence nurseries filtering quintessence back into the universe. But the bit about giving in to know the truth becomes important much, MUCH later.
(As children of space/With stardust in our veins/We will give in to know the truth/We are the remnants of stars)
Your World Will Fail, Dark Matter, and Eater of Worlds are about [REDACTED], about what happens between that instant between the first plank time and the next. They’re an overarching theme, but also the event that everything else builds from, whether that be interpreted as the beginning of the universe or the Voltron comet crashing into Daibazaal.
(Your world will fail my love/It’s far beyond repair/Your world will fail my love/It is already there)
(Bring me your soul/Bring me your hate/In my name you will create/Bring me your fear/Bring me your pain/You will destroy in my name)
(Can’t imagine the violence/The rage and the love in my madness/I am the eater of worlds and I’m looking for someone to feed me)
Apocalypse 1992 is actually the main story of Through Apocalypse Skies, although its framing story is shortly after String Theory. It happens between parts of Awakenings, detailing the rise of [REDACTED] and the final hours before the destruction of everything sentient species knew beforehand.
(Fly high through apocalypse skies/Fight for the world we must save/Like tears of a unicorn lost in the rain/Chaos will triumph this day)
You Keep What You Kill covers the slow degeneration of the Empire between The Fall and the Battle of Arus. The knowledge harshly taught by the Thuanial War is forgotten under the influence of Zarkon, Haggar, and [REDACTED]. Marzin and Galraasa quickly rise the ranks as the Empire’s left and right hands, like omens of destruction before them. The four are the ‘holy half-dead,’ the ones who shape the devouring of the universe before them.
(Defying dimensions/These ruthless creatures will steal your soul/Breaking away from the chains of mortality/They won't be taken down/Bow now to the holy half dead/The master to death mongers calls)
The Seven Sisters is about Keith, mostly, and connected to Closure via its influence on Child From the Stars (Lost in the Dark) and also to Memories of a Girl I Haven’t Met
(I cast my hope upon The Pleiades/The Seven Sisters who would come for me/They'd fall to Earth to grant a child's dream/But I'm still waiting)
Starlight is the newly added Adashi song. Here, it’s the sad part, based around the time that the SFSS Genesis launches for Kerberos. It also is sort of about Shiro’s thoughts throughout the war as he watches ‘from distant skies’ (and influences String Theory kinda)
(At night the earth will rise/And I'll think of you each time I watch from distant skies/Whenever stars go down and galaxies ignite/I'll think of you each time they wash me in their light/And I'll fall in love with you again)
Abyss is Awakenings again. It’s specifically the Red Lion waking up on Sendak’s ship to her new Paladin, but also sort of the rest of the Lions as they find new Paladins for the first time since The Fall
(Open my eyes in a daze/How long has it been? Am I so out of place?/Warmth I can no longer feel/My mountain is gone, I'm surrounded by steel/The strangest of structures arises ahead/Seems to be held up by nothing/Where have I gone, do I dream?/How can the stars be all I can see?)
Who Will Save You Now is about the Paladins in First Contact. It’s the video messages they send to their families, the warning that Something Is Out Here that they need to prepare for. It’s a declaration of protection for Earth, but a recognition that the Paladins may not be able to do what they say.
(I will not take from you and you will not owe/I will protect you from the fire below/It's not in my mind/It's here at my side/Go tell the world that I'm still alive)
The End of the Beginning and Nobody Gets Left Behind are the aftermath of the Battle of the Sarnan Nebula, the end of season two. The End of the Beginning hasn’t been posted yet, but it’s also the second of the four Closure fics. The End of the Beginning also has influence on String Theory. 
(Every night I die just a little/All this time, I'm caught in the middle/All your life, you fought with no winning/This is just the end of the beginning)
(Don't even try to pretend/That you're rough and just as tough/As when you're missing a friend/Attack and take him back/Cause when the team isn't whole/You've got a hole in your soul)
A Simple Plan is sort of part of The End of the Beginning, but really takes place after it. It’s the newly shuffled Team Voltron attempting to track down Lotor as Haggar tries to keep him under her control, and the new Black Paladin’s slow shift away from the things that he was pushed into and to the Blade. (And... guess what... it has influence on String Theory!) Fun fact I found out recently: The Spiritual Machines are by and large also the people behind Les Friction, which explains so much.
(What is this space we’re climbing/What is this place we’re stuck in/Why do we feel we’re sinking/How do we get out – get out of this) 
Memories of a Girl I Haven’t Met skips all the way over Naxzela and to the Mission to the Baaria Shipyards, the first major offensive that isn’t somehow connected to canon (even if only a very very small part of it is actually at the shipyards lol). This is also the song that solidified Keith’s very queer identity in Dark Matter.
(In this lonely place, bathed in silence and thoughts of you/I can't see your face but I'm trying to envision you/So are you really out there? Are you awake with memories/Of a boy you haven't met yet who's wished upon the Pleiades?)
TRIALS (reimagine) and String Theory are.... hoh boy. [REDACTED], [spoilers], and the turning point for a lot of things, which is why it has the honor of being the separating fic between my two main Dark Matter folders. TRIALS being on here is a fun story, because I associate that song very heavily with my main Star Wars fics, since that’s where the series title comes from, but the reimagine version of it gave me such strong Dark Matter vibes, it ended up here. It has heavy influence on the first part of String Theory, and is what I’ve been using for general pacing of the first half. String Theory itself isn’t the weirdest song on the playlist, but it’s really hard to find the connections to it without several layers of abstraction and backstory on [REDACTED]. String Theory is also weaved into a good chunk of fics before it.
(The ending won't be forgotten/It's written in the stars and the hieroglyphs/Sending the lionhearted/The stones break bones, but we're venomous)
(You don't believe in space/You don't believe in light/You don't believe that anything is well beyond your might/We walk across the sky and beneath the ocean floor/We're never going anywhere we've never been before)
House on Fire is the aftermath of String Theory, and a large vibe of We ARE Struggling Together! (Rise Against says it’s about parenting???? lol fuck that) (okay but actually, switch the parental love part to sibling love/general familial love and that’s a pretty good description....)
(So I'll just hold you like a hand grenade/You touch me like a razor blade/I wish there was some other way right now/Like a house on fire we're up in flames/I'd burn here if that's what it takes/To let you know I won't let go of you)
Belgrade is the klance song! It is a) bop b) always stuck in my head because it is That Good. The line in the chorus about ‘sweet songs of seduction’ is eternally funny to be bc a)they’re both ace and b)QPR’s don’t usually involve seduction as far as I know. Belgrade also leads almost directly into...
(We pretend in the darkness/We pretend the night won’t steal our youth/Singing me the sweet songs of seduction/Let me be the fool, fool, fool/Who will live and die for you)
Here to Save You is about Sam. Mostly. It’s also about Pidge. And Zaivorge cannons.
(A slave for humankind/I made sure I would survive/To stay alive/Now it's time to move on/When there's nothing left to prove/I'm coming to get you)
Iron is what eventually replaced Ten Thousand Against One. The plot has actually changed a lot since it was that song like. two years ago (three?) at this point. It has more of a focus on Keith knowing what’s going on due to [spoilers] and coming to accept parts of himself that are suddenly very obvious (kiiiinda the third closure fic?)
(You can't live without the fire/It's the heat that makes you strong/'Cause you're born to live/And fight it all the way/You can't hide what lies inside you/It's the only thing you know/You're embracing that, never walk away)
Birthright and Firewall are not exactly a direct result of Iron, but they wouldn’t happen how they do without it. They’re actually largely about Lotor, but then [REDACTED] swings back into the fray and things learned in String Theory/the framing story for Through Apocalypse Skies hit in full force.
(The voices in my head have all begun to sing/(The voices in your head have all begun to sing)/And they sure as hell hope I am listening/(I sure as hell hope you are listening!))
(They come to your dreams with illusion/They come to bring shape to your mind/You know how to stop the intrusion/We all have to fight for our lives)
and then, The Day the Earth Collapsed
(How much time has been elapsed/Since the day the earth collapsed?)
Here Comes the Reign doesn’t come into full effect until several months after Birthright/Firewall after Galraasa meets their fate, but starts with The Day the Earth Collapsed. It’s largely about Haggar and [REDACTED]
(You made something they can't take away/Now bring the fire of the burning sun on everyone)
Closure is placed where the fourth of its fics is. Closure in general is a lot of Keith’s character development and some of the struggles he goes through to accept his place in the universe and the fact that yes, he does have people that care about him. The last fic is me shining a brighter light on Closure’s chorus and taking a ‘last goodbye’ as never needing to say it again
(I am the child from the stars/That got lost in the dark/Between heaven and hell/I am forced to live on/I am the cause when you sin/I am the demon you skin/But there is no more tears to beautify/This is my last goodbye)
Ember and Soulbound are two closely related missions involving both Voltron and the Blade (specifically the Dark Whispers) in which [REDACTED] comes in with a vengeance, and some revelations about certain people’s fates are had. Soulbound is actually sort of from Krolia’s perspective.
(Dark matter falling from the sky/Dancing flames reflecting in your eyes as you watch them burn/Watching all your riches witches burn)
(Soulbound, endlessly forever/Locked between the darkness and the light/Don't drown in the swarming, blackened rising/Hold on to humanity and fight)
Darker Matter and Other Worlds Than These are. Well. [REDACTED] and [spoilers] and String Theory’s revelations rearing their ugly head once again, but this time with extra context and just a little bit of [spoiler]
(Dream yourself away/The pull of you shredding time and space)
(There are monsters in the sky/There are demons in the sea/I have seen them with my eyes/I've seen what you won't see/Pull the wool out from your eyes/It won't shade your frail belief/In the end we cannot hide/There are other worlds than these)
Godhunter is a fun one. The combined effects of String Theory, Soulbound, and Darker Matter/Other Worlds Than These come to a head and Team Voltron goes, well, hunting.
(She's been watching for a century/With hatred, and with scorn/If you know the hunter's coming/Then you hide or keep on running/'Cause she's slain the gods before)
My Darkest Hour is revenge for Godhunter, as well as a distraction from it, although Godhunter continues all the way to Louder than Words. 
(When the sun comes crashing down/When the world is spinning round and round/I will face what must be my darkest hour)
Faster Than Light is almost direct aftermath of My Darkest Hour, and sort of the inverse of Godhunter, where now Team Voltron are the hunted, even as they attempt to continue hunting. Oh and, Marzin and [REDACTED] are big parts
(Once more we're flying fast as light/Dark matter passing in the night/Pursued by a force we can't outrun/As we hurtle towards a dying sun/We maneuver through the remnants of a moon/On the solar winds of supernovas/There is not a place to hide, the Matriarch is close behind/It's plain to see she's coming for us all)
The Reckoning, This is a Call, World on Fire, The Wind that Shapes the Land, and Louder Than Words are the finale, what everything has been building towards. Earth’s faction, Haggar, [REDACTED], Voltron, the Empire, and the Coalition, all clash together in a final desperate bid to finish or prevent the final result of Your World Will Fail/Dark Matter/Eater of Worlds.
(I see your face, find peace of mind/Between the madness and the sadness and the fire burning/The end of war, the great divine/We'll see the day of reckoning)
(This is a call to action/This is a call to arms/All lives for one, together/There are no false alarms)
(World on fire with a smoking sun/Stops everything and everyone/Brace yourself for all will pay/Help is on the way)
(Search within/Uncover the will to win/Turn against the tide that washes o'er/Find the strength to fall and rise again/Open up the gates, unleash the force/I am the wind that shapes the land/Old as time and twice as strong/Oceans arise at my command/I alone can carry on)
(We have the force to fight/We have the blinding light/A war is more than heard/Coming in louder than words)
Dystopian Fiction
Dystopian Fiction is focused on what happens on Earth during the main playlist. I split it out because putting stuff like Cross the Line on the main playlist was getting clunky, and I figure Adam and Veronica (and the rest of the Paladins’ families, but mostly those two) deserve a chance for their story to shine on its own.
Dark Matter is on here because title track, but also it does end up with effects.
(Don't stop, don't think/Move up, don't blink now/On your knees pray for rain/Don't breathe when you take your aim)
Codebreaker is Adam’s song! I have him primarily as a cryptologist for the Garrison, teaching on the side and as a reserve pilot. Aviators says Codebreaker is actually about Cyperpunk 2077 but uhhh Fuck That it’s about Adam being The Best and dealing with...
(Codebreaker can't you find/Can you read between the lines of code?/Tell me all that you know/How far down the hole does it all go)
Cross the Line is the Éskhayklos’ image song. They’re a neo-luddite movement turned terrorist group that are upset with the way the Sol Federation is trying to fix Earth, stating that humans are the one that pushed it into this state, they should leave it to die and die along with it. Akane Shirogane was their worst nightmare. Cross the Line fits because, well, they crossed the line when [spoiler beep] and they were happy about it. (And “human cause” comes into play later when they pick up anti-alien leanings)
(Cross the line, redefine, break away unbent, unafraid/Together we stand in the dark/Seeking the light and what is right, together we cross the line/Our journey will come to an end and then our human cause will be/Justified)
Who Will Save You Now here is about Sam, and the aftermath of Here to Save You, in addition to its referenced role in the main playlist
(Alone with this vision/Alone and blind/Go tell the world I'm still alive)
The Day the Earth Collapsed is exactly what it says on the tin.
(How much time has been elapsed/Since the day the earth collapsed?)
Dystopian Fiction is the title track for this part. With the events of The Day the Earth Collapsed, the Garrison and our heroes on Earth are at their lowest point. It really is a piece of dystopian fiction, between [spoiler] and [spoiler]. And also: “Nobody can shoot me down, not just yet” is about Adam bc Fuck Canon
(I'm a dead man/In the wasteland/I'm a soldier fighting for superstition/Under search lights/In the long nights/We've been written like dystopian fiction)
The Reckoning is the only one of its little subset that made it over here, because it’s the only one that references events from before its eponymous fic (both verses are Very Earth)
(We're all alone, walking in twilight/The night has been long and so many have fallen/Feel no remorse, light will be breaking/Our freedom is worth it all)
Filaments is the least complete, mostly because it’s the ‘sequel series’ of sorts. I have ideas for it, but I still haven’t posted most of the major story beats from the main portion of Dark Matter, so I’ve been purposefully putting it on the backburner. I do have enough to write Carry Me Home and put some foreshadowing in other fics.
Dark Matter is here because, well. A) Title track, B) yes, it still has effects. It’s the overarching theme, after all. Filaments sort of has a subtitle itself, which is ‘The Undoing,’ after the other part of the lyric that the subtitle of the main playlist comes from. It’s about undoing a past mistake (that wasn’t obviously a mistake until much later) and reconciling the events of Your World Will Fail.
(I am the keeper/I am the secret/I am the answer/I am the end)
Filaments is the title track of this part. It’s... a little hard to explain why without giving away the entire plot (what little I have planned lol) but it’s about the connections between different parts of the universe, and some fall-out of Darker Matter/Other Worlds Than These.
(These glowing filaments/Conducting this enchanting/Sarcophagus that's holding us)
Starlight is, again, Adashi song, and this time the happy part
(Don't leave me lost here forever/I need your starlight and pull me through/Bring me back to you)
Carry Me Home is what I’m in the process of writing right now, and it’s about the aftermath of the Quintessence War, specifically about how Shiro decides to settle down on Earth and what he does to build himself a home.
(Carry me home to the morning light/carry me home before you wave me goodbye/Oh, carry me home...)
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 107 prt 1
“Careful! You’ve only just got out of hospital this morning”
Lance rolled his eyes at Keith. He totally hadn’t noticed that at all. He totally hadn’t enjoyed standing in the sun, and feeling the cold wind across his. After a week of tests and monitoring, Lance was sooooo not in a rush to go back to that room again
“I’m fine”
“Here, Let’s get you to the sofa. You should be resting”
Keith looped his arm around his waist as if he thought Lance as some kind of wounded soldier and not 5 weeks pregnant. He was doing so much better for having rested and seen his friends.
They went the half truth. A lie that weighed heavily. Pidge and Hunk had come up with Rieva to see him. Hunk in tears that his best bud had had an accident, Pidge having some not so nice words for not letting them come see him sooner. The first three days all he’d pretty much done was sleep. When Mami came, Keith gave up his position beside him in bed, Lance falling asleep against his mother. When he’d woken again, his Mami was talking to Keith about how he’d been as a child. It was embarrassing. His Mami had come to see him three times, thanks to Coran and Shiro picking her up and dropping her off. Krolia had come by to check on him when he’d sent Keith off to find a decent cup of coffee before VOLTRON wound up burnt to the ground. His friends had come twice. Matt was in tears as he apologised, his, and Rieva’s, scents making Lance’s stomach roll, yet he got to thank both of them which made up for the discomfort. Lance knew he couldn’t put off telling his mother, but Coran wanted to do another ultrasound the following week. Provided things were still okayish, he planned to tell her then. Making her worry needlessly over something they couldn’t control... he didn’t want that, but it was hard not to blurt everything out because she was... she was his guiding light.
Forced to sit on the sofa, Lance patted Kosmo as he climbed into his lap. Keith pulling him off him
“Babe, you’ve got to be careful. You can’t let him climb on you like that”
“Coran wouldn’t have let me out if it wasn’t alright. I feel better. I’m doing better”
They were keeping the baby, but not telling anyone for the time being. He was too tired to tell his Mami, and honestly was avoiding the conversation for now until it’d sunk in
“You still need to take it easy”
“I am. I don’t know how much easier I can take things”
Keith argued that he should take time off work. Lance disagreed. Keith was cranky. Lance stressed. Shiro stepping in to gently pursued Keith that as long as Lance was at VOLTRON he was getting the best care he could. Keith had work throughout the day, suiting Lance fine as it meant cuddles at the end of it. His body was telling him to rest, and he was listening
“Maybe the bed would be better?”
Reaching up, Lance pulled Keith down by his shirt to awkwardly kneel at his level. He didn’t want Keith to leave, still, this wasn’t about him. Keith needed to head to work, the scent of him in the apartment was strong enough to make him feel safe. Pursing his lips, his boyfriend kissed him gently like he’d wanted him to do. Smiling from the kiss, Lance hoped it’d relieved some of Keith’s worries
“Babe, I’m fine. I’ve got the TV and my soap operas to catch up on”
“I should be here”
Lance rolled his eyes again, before kissing Keith
“I’m not going to die from loneliness just because you’ve got to go to work. I’ve got my phone thanks to Rieva, go enjoy being bossed around. I’m just gonna look at some stuff online and watch TV”
“You need to cancel my birthday weekend too”
Lance didn’t want to fight, but that wasn’t happening
“We’re still going”
“You can’t be traipsing across the country side”
“First off, who says “traipsing”. Secondly, I am living for that get away. Coran said if everything stays good, we’ll be able to go. Even if I can’t go, I still want everyone else to have fun”
“But the baby...”
“Isn’t going anywhere if I can help it. I’ll call if anything happens, which it won’t. You’re fussing too much”
“You’re not fussing enough!”
Lance let out a chuckle
“If you’re this bad, I can’t imagine what you’re gonna be like when I pop this baby out. I’m fine, I’ll be fine. You’re only at work until 5, then you’re back home”
“That’s ages”
“Babe, it’s 6 hours”
“Seeeee ages!”
Not for a vampire it wasn’t. But to be without Keith it was. He wasn’t going to be selfish. If it got too much, he’d take himself to bed and sleep until his boyfriend returned
“Time will pass sooner than you think with all your secret Blade work”
“I’d rather be here”
“I know. Look, I won’t even do housework. I’ll be good. Here, bathroom, kitchen or bed. That’s it”
“You’re not supposed to be moving around”
“I’m not going to be running laps of the apartment. Not with this little one to think of. Now give me another kiss”
Keith tried to draw out leaving as long as possible. Lance finding it cute. When his boyfriend finally left, he pulled his phone out as Kosmo jumped up on the sofa for pats. Keith wanted them to work this out together which meant he needed to understand more about what being pregnant entailed so he knew if something was wrong. Having a human baby inside of him, Coran wanted him to graze throughout the day in an attempt to get down as many calories as he could for the little one. Keith had to pick up a few things from the chemist on the way home from work, Lance not reminding him as he seemed sad enough over leaving. His boyfriend was basically an overgrown puppy.
After an hour of reading too much, he dropped his phone at the sound of someone outside the apartment. Kosmo growling, before leaping off the sofa and rushing to the door. Lance felt the need to bolt to safety. To lock himself in Keith’s room. He felt foolish when Shiro unlocked the door. Of course Shiro would be back. He was stuck on night shifts and surveillance, though Lance wasn’t sure if that was related to Honerva or trying to keep the peace. Letting himself in, Shiro went about locking the door again and setting the alarm, before scooping Kosmo up for pats. The hunter jumping as he noticed Lance, Lance flinching momentarily
“Sorry, Lance. I completely forgot you’d be home today. Nice to see you out of that place”
Lance forced himself to relax. Shiro didn’t sound mad. Tired, but not mad. He’d stressed repeatedly that was okay for Lance to stay, but Lance still felt guilty as he couldn’t really contribute anything to the household lest Keith worry
“Hey, Shiro. Uh, how was work?”
“Long. I’m ready for bed. How’s freedom?”
“Better than four white walls... Keith’s made me promise not to do anything”
Shiro chuckled, Kosmo licking at his face as Shiro tried to be out of reach and failed
“I can imagine. Don’t worry about him. He’ll settle down”
“Dude, we both know that’s not true. He doesn’t even want me getting up to use the bathroom”
Keith had to help him use the bathroom more than once thanks to his lack of energy and Lance had felt an all time low over his useless
Shiro chuckled again
“He’s just excited. I’ve already been told I’m not allowed to make your kid lame like me”
A smile formed on the edges of Lance’s lips
“You’re gonna be like the favourite uncle an he’s already jealous. This kid is going to be so confused. A werewolf for uncle. A slightly cursed uncle. A grandmother pushing 90. A hunter for an uncle... I could go on...”
Shiro dropped Kosmo down on the sofa, his fur son giving him a cocky look over his shoulder, before jumping off to trot after Shiro into the kitchen. His love for Lance lost to the slightest chance of a treat from his uncle
“On the plus side I don’t think anyone outside of a royal family has had this much protection. I’m gonna make some coffee, you want one?”
“Nah, I’m good... if you want to watch TV I can move”
“It’s fine. I usually just have it on for background noise until I fall asleep. Besides, I don’t think we’ve been alone like this for a while”
That was true. Keith was like a guard dog when Lance was in VOLTRON’s infirmary
“Not since Keith decided he bitumen needed his skin more than him”
Keith had the scars from the accident. The lighter ones would fade one day, yet Lance would never forget to treasure the darker ones as proof Keith was still alive. His boyfriend a little self conscious, but Lance didn’t mind. Shiro hummed, setting about getting his mug out and his coffee made
“Yeah, that sounds about right. How are you feeling, mother, or is father, to be?”
He wasn’t the first man to be pregnant, though his plumbing was a little unusual
“Father to be. And I know it’s been a week, but it’s still pretty surreal”
“I can’t imagine. I already talked to Keith, and he’s still pretty shocked”
“I don’t blame him. This wasn’t exactly planned”
“Still, it gives you guys hope for the future. I hope we can wrap this case up soon”
That’s be nice. Nice to know Lotor had left and life was returning to normal
“So do I... I know I’m not supposed to be prying, but if you need someone to bounce ideas off, I’m here. Literally. Keith seems pretty keen on me avoiding going home. He really has an issue at the thought of me and stairs”
“I know you couldn’t help it, but you could have been less dramatic about announcing you’re pregnant”
Lance felt himself laugh before he realised his mood had actually picked up. Shiro wasn’t Keith, but having someone in the apartment washed away the loneliness he didn’t know he felt. He’d been so spoilt for attention lately
“Trust me, I would have picked a different time too. Maybe, like, in a few years.... like, when Honerva was dealt with and Keith was in a better place?”
“He’s already in a better place. He worked his arse off for the Blades, and still felt like nothing. Now matter what Adam and I did or said. I’d been with Blades so long that I guess I was used to their...”
Shiro paused as he tried to think of how to word it
“Particular brand of weirdness?”
Shiro snorted, Lance kind of happy he could talk to Shiro like this without pretence or being careful with his words
“Yeah. Pretty much. He’s really come out of his shell”
“He’s still a little anger loaf at heart. He always had it in him”
“He has. Lately he’s come to see that, and as his brother, I’m relieved”
Shiro and Keith were tight. This little one had him wishing he had someone like Shiro
“You’re a good brother to him. I can’t help but be jealous”
“You know what they say, family is what you make it. Blood doesn’t matter when it comes to being there for those you care about”
Lance’s hand drifted to his belly. He didn’t really know why, but rubbing his belly seemed to have some psychosomatic effect on making him feel better
“You okay there?”
Catching Shiro watching, Lance ducked his head
“Yeah. This little one definitely wasn’t planned, I want you to know, I’d never deny Keith access to them, or you. Keith and I are still in the honeymoon phase, despite all that’s happened. Sometimes I can’t help but caught up in all the “what ifs””
“I could say I know what you mean, but I only have a vague idea. Keith was already all grown up when I found him. Things really weren’t great at first”
“How not great are we talking?”
“He stole my car. He eventually came back, but he was so full of anger and confusion. It took a long time to build that trust up”
That actually sounded definitely like something Keith would do. He lashed out something fierce when he was trying to protect himself from developing feelings
“I can’t even imagine. This one has so much love around them already. Shiro, if anything happens, you’ll be there, right?”
“Nothing’s gone to happen. I know what you’re asking, and you don’t need to ask”
“I kind of do. I haven’t told Keith but my anxiety has been pretty whack. Sleeping so much helped keep the thoughts away”
“I’m sure he already knows. He sent me a long list of things I’m not allowed to do or say, and I’m supposed to make sure you eat”
Lance groaned. Food was not his friend. It went down and it came up. At least here he’d have some form of privacy for that bit
“He’s obsessed with that. I don’t think he thought about it when he sentenced me to sitting on the sofa”
“He knows you like Italian, had me pick up some last night. Then he sent me on a chase to find garlic knots too. I know I’ve known you six months now, but I don’t think I can cope with a vampire who eats garlic”
“Which is weirder, that I walk about in the sun, or, that I eat garlic?”
“Definitely the sun. I wasn’t sure you were a vampire to begin with. It’s not like they teach us that vampires are out and about in the sun”
“Coran says it’s because I turned so young. Then again, we don’t really go up in flames until after the third degree burns”
“Did he say anything about the baby?”
“They should be human from what I understand. Lotor already seems to know I’m pregnant. Keith says I’m being paranoid”
The more he thought about the more he was certain Lotor knew, and this body knew too. That’d by why he’d subconsciously tried to protect his belly
“Maybe we can throw Lotor out in the sun?”
Lance laughed again. How he wished
“I don’t think Allura would be too happy. She’s already mad he’s being so useless”
Bringing his cup of coffee over, Lance tried not to smell it. He didn’t know what it was about the scent... it just made him feel gross. Sitting down, Shiro put his feet up on the coffee table, Kosmo half sat on for not moving. It was now a battle of wills
“They used to date, from the sound of it?”
“Yeah. Long before I was born. They were closer thanks to Honerva and the whole fae thing. Then he kicked her heart to the curb by leaving. He didn’t cheat on her. I thought that was it, but it was him making all these plans to leave then leaving without telling her. She’s not so quick to forgive. She’s really making Lotor work for her time”
“Good on her. I did worry she’d let her past feelings sweep her away”
“They did... kind of. She’s kind of a bit like Keith. Really good at not forgiving and forgetting. Not that that’s a bad thing. The pain fucking sucks”
“You know what else sucks? Kosmo. Move it buster, off!”
Kosmo crawled into Lance’s lap, ignoring Shiro telling him to get off. The doggo shooting Shiro a wounded glance as he made himself comfortable on Lance
“Kosmo, off!”
Huffing sadly, Kosmo stood right on Lance’s junk before using him to jump. Lance groaning as he drew his knees up
“Paw to the junk?”
Shiro asked sympathetically, Lance nodding
“He’s best boy, but those paws are no joke”
“He’s good for finding the wrong places to stand. Managed to do it to me and Curtis once...”
“Ugh. I feel your pain. Keith’s been trying to keep him off me. He thinks Kosmo’s going to hurt the baby”
“Kosmo is boisterous”
“Kosmo is best boy, living his best life. Keith brought him to visit and he ended up getting into the cupboards. I think he had the time of his doggy life messing up the room”
“I bet that went well with Keith”
“I slept. Angry Keith can be scary”
“That he can. At least he wasn’t throwing knives”
“This is true. Do you want the remote?”
“Nah. It’s fine. Curtis had been trying to get me into soap operas”
“That’d be my fault. I thought he’d be here”
He missed Curtis. Maybe in some way Curtis was kind of like the cousin he’d lied and said he was. His bluntness wasn’t always comforting, but at least he didn’t hide things
“Matt and him have been hanging out with Sam a lot lately. Whatever the deal with his curse is, it gave Sam some pretty interesting readings”
“Appliances don’t seem Curtis friendly”
“Nope. Keith’s banned him from going near the coffee machine”
“I’m not surprised. These days I’m more surprised when he finds a way to function before coffee”
“You should see him after a mission. He has to have his coffee or he’s a moody bastard”
Lance laughed, he knew that too well
“Yeah. He tells me about it in chat, or calls if it’s around 6 because he knows I usually get up then”
“You’ve got him trained”
A blush appeared in Lance’s cheeks. He could always count on Keith to message him. Now he was thinking about him solely, he really missed him, a small whine escaping before he could stop himself
“What was that?”
“Apparently I do that. I’m putting it down to this whole breeder thing... it kind of happens”
“Because you’re missing Keith?”
“Pretty much”
“I’m not Keith, but if you need a hug...”
Lance very shyly leaned against Shiro who sling his arm over his shoulders
“I’m sorry. He’s spoilt me so much that I feel a little lost when he’s not here”
“You don’t have to explain, kiddo. You’re going through a lot right now”
“I’m freaking the fuck out internally”
“I would be too. But you’ll get through this”
“Yeah... yeah, I know. I want to tell Mami, but I decided to wait until the ultrasound next week”
“You miss her, don’t you?”
“Especially right now. She... she protected me so much growing up. My family say I leach off her... but when I was making enough money, the first thing I did was get us a better house and I never wanted her to go into a home”
“If you want to bring her here, I understand”
“Thanks, but this is your home. It’s like I tried to explain to Keith. You and he need a place you know is safe. Mami doesn’t mean to talk but sometimes it comes out. I don’t want to put you guys in danger”
Shiro ruffled his hair
“It makes helping you hard. I’ve always respected that you respect the people around you. I never should have been so harsh on you when I came back”
“You had a lot going on. You didn’t know how Keith was going to be and you left your whole life behind to come here. You lost a lot thanks fo vampires...”
Still, it felt nice to have Shiro apologise properly. He didn’t blame Shiro at all for worrying over Keith
“Things got really rough after Adam. Keith blamed himself for so long. I should have talked him sooner than I did, but I didn’t... I wasn’t there yet”
“Sometimes it’s like that. Adam was important to you. Plus, your brother doesn’t always phrase things right. It took you to point it out for us to realise he didn’t have a heart condition but a crush”
“Don’t remind me. I swear every grey I have is because of him”
“If you think that’s bad, try looking like a teenager. I’m sick of it”
“Some vampires do seem to age”
“Yeah, I’m still a baby vampire really. I’ve got to be pushing like a century. Then again, look at Lotor. He’s old as fuck and prances around like a college jock-strap wanker”
Shiro chuckled
“I don’t think anyone has ever called him that before”
“If you can’t tell, I have pretty strong opinions on vampires”
“Oh, I can tell. Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?”
“I’m alright. If I fall asleep, just leave me here. I’ve got most of my strength back, but I still feel really drained”
“Emotional stress will do that. Besides, not to brag or anything, but I’m pretty sure I could lift you up”
“Dude, I’ve totally put muscle on”
“Sure you have”
Lance pouted. His ego annoyed. He’d never been in better shape, other than being fatigued and pregnant. He’d never worked out as much as he had over the last few months, and though undead. He was sure he fitter than ever
“I totally have. And I’ve trained with Matt, Curtis, Keith, and Lotor. I’m deceptively heavy”
“And still Keith manages to carry you around”
Keith made it look easy and it wasn’t fair. His boyfriend wasn’t a muscle meat head, instead he was like deceptively strong
“Is this a sibling rival thing? Who can pick up and carry the vampire around?”
Lance groaned at him. He didn’t want to be in the middle of that particular fight
“Please don’t pick me up and carry me around. Let me pretend I’m tough and manly”
“You’re a tuff and manly twig”
Ouch... His gremlin would have laughed herself stupid if she’d heard
“Now you sound like Pidge”
“She’s a smart one. Nah, you’re fine the way you are. I won’t move you if you don’t want to be, but if you need help, let me know”
“Thanks, Shiro. Honestly I’m zonked, but I don’t know if I’m gonna freak out being moved. I don’t want to risk it”
“Alright. Now, what the hell is going on in this show?”
Keith was flustered as he left work. Krolia had pulled him aside to ask if he was okay, Keith knew she was trying to ask if he’d read her letter yet. He hadn’t, then he’d been snappy towards her without meaning to. His mother kind of seemed like a different person these days. More human and more approachable... and that had him thinking maybe he’d been unfair to her for a while now. It took Lance getting pregnant to actually fucking get it. He’d never leave Lance like she had, but if he had to live in constant fear of bringing home werewolves or vampires on his tail, he could see how not going home was an option he might be forced to entertain. His dad hadn’t been a loner. Stray feelings of his dad having friends lingered then disappeared when he tried to focus. Maybe if his dad had had friends like his and Lance’s... No. Going down that road only brought up the pain of the past. He’d awkwardly apologised to her in his own way before leaving, calling Shiro as he did.
When Shiro didn’t answer, Keith ran all the way to the apartment. He hadn’t tried Lance’s phone. His lover needed his rest, as tempting and as hard as it was not to message him. Letting himself into the apartment, Keith melted at the sight in front of him. Shiro and Lance were both asleep on the sofa, Kosmo cuddled into Lance’s side, wagging his tail as his tongue lolled out. Yeah. He was kind of ready to yell, and kind of jealous, but Lance had needed comfort from the look of it, and Shiro had stepped up to be there for him. Leaving the alarm too long, Kosmo started howling as the alarm went off. Lance and Shiro both jumping as they were rudely awakened. Hurriedly Keith turned the alarm off, the apartment falling silent after a way too long moment. Damn it. He should have got a photo of Lance and Shiro sleeping. His brother, his dog, and his boyfriend. His little family safe and well... and now wide awake.
Closing the door, Keith dropped his backpack next to it. Lance was rubbing at his ears, Shiro trying to bring Kosmo under control. His poor boy hated the alarm
“Sorry. I didn’t punch the code in in time”
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rockingthegraveyard · 6 years
Voltron S6 [long af]
Ep 1
Hunk is the cutest most perfect boy. I adore him with all my soul. And Lotor. . .Stop being so fucking pretty jfc. 
And Shiro!!!! Shiro Shiro Shiro! He’s doesn’t deserve this. Whatever this is.
Hunk using his brains! Hunk in charge. This is the shit this stupid fucking series has been missing.
L A N C E ! !
I forgot Allura could fucking do that.
Oh Shiro, or Clone Shiro. I don’t even care at this point. I love him either way.
Ep 2 
Yay! Keith’s mom who’s name I forgot.
Low-key shipping Lotor and Allura. Woooooaaaahhh, they almost kissed!
But I also want a dramatic betrayal where she wrecks his ass. 
Beautiful flowing white alien hair. I don’t want Lance and Allura to get together but it seems like that might be where it’s headed. Still he’s super cute.
Boo, you gotta get your baby outta there. But man, I’m so happy we get more on the bae.
Is Keith’s dad just some weird desert hermit who found a boss alien babe. He’s living my dream life and I’m jealous.
Just a boy from Cuba! Oh, I love it. I mean, I know it’s already confirmed but still nice to see in series.
WAIT!!!! WAIT WAIT WAIT! I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT SHIRO GOT HIS CLOTHES FROM KEITH! Aw man, he be wearing a dead man’s vest this whole time. lolololol
Aw mah gad he ded. 
She’s so boss yo!!! I fucking love her so much!!
He lives and bby Keith jfc so cute!
I’m such a huge fucking sucker for this bullshit man!!!! THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AND MY HEART IS WEEPING!!! AW FUCK AND WHEN SHE LEARNS HE’S DEAD!! HER FACE!!!
SPACE FOX/WOLF COMPANION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two fucking years? Jesus Christ.
The mice ratted you out Lance. 
Ep 3
Are they fucking playing dnd or a video game????? Amazing! I love them so much, the nerd squad. He’s a healer, she’s a dwarf and I love my children so much.
FUCKING SHIRO IS BASICALLY STRIDER RN AND I’M FUCKING LOSING IT!! I FUCKING LOVE HIM SO MUCH Y’ALL!!! He said his full name, yoooo. Nice! kaSHGDRKJASG But Hunk and Pidge have aliases. 
My boy, I love him, his beautiful perfect nerd with his tragic fucking backstory. 
I adore Shiro with all my soul.
Oh Shiro!!!! I fucking seukfhljasygdkljsdghfakjsgdgftsd My kind of stubborn when it comes to a character.
Of course Coran plays space dnd. 
Allura you beautifull baby! And of course you are Lance. This episode is adorable and silly.
Fucking Coran’s giggle “hehe, you activate the trap!”
Fucking Shiro sajkdghfasd, I love how he is the one who keeps dying.
Oh Coran.
SHIRO’S TWIN BROTHER! SKDFJKDAJSDGF I swear if he dies again I’m gonna die myself.
This episode was so much fun, omg.
Takashi ‘I want to be a Paladin’ Shirogane.
Ep 4
He’s. . .bigger right? 
I love Lance.
OOOOO, is that suppose to be who ummm Allura’s cousin or sister was?????
ROMELLE!! That’s it. I love it!
And yes yes yes! I love Altaens undercover!!!
But aww Krolia thanking Shiro for raising him! Be still my heart.
Aw! Romelle! Dude, that music playing when she’s separated from her brother. Chills.
Lotor, you fuck boy! My new daughter and her little heard didn’t deserve this!
Aw Lotor! I knew you were a bad bitch but I still love you, ya dick head. YEESS BETRAYAL MOMENT COMING THOOOO. Awww a betrayal right after a kiss! Blessed.
Ep 5 
I’m always down for an episode about the Black Paladins. Maybe get some Keith and Shiro history. If Not Shiro history in general. I hope so.
Bye Shiro.
Aw Kieth, fucked up.
Aw Shiro, poor bby!! But also, yeeesss I fucking live for Shiro angst. It fuels me.
HIS MAMAAAAA!!!!!! I love her so much! 
These poor ladies, just being dragged about by whoever.
Is this where we learn if Shiro is a clone or not??!!!?! DRAMAAAA!
OH MY GOD THERE HE IS! There they all are. That’s fucked up. But who is reaaal??????????
Shiro is a god damn beast jesus fuck! I love him. 
Rest in fucking pieces Keith.
Omg! Did his eyes turn yellow there for a moment???!?!?! THEY DID!
Why the fuck clone Shiro though? Like, why him? What made Shiro so special? 
Ep 6
THE REAL SHIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Coran so much! And Hunk. They’re too good. And of course she’s not fucking okay Lance! Aw, but good pep talk bro. OH I love Lance, they did him good this season!!!
I love Coran I LOVE HIM!!! He’s the fucking best and I’ll fight everyone on that.
Lotor, bitch please. OH! He didn’t like being compared to his daddy.
“I love  you!” “You’re just like you’re dad.” “......................Welp, looks like this just gotta die.”
No I’m not sure it’s a good idea.
God bless Coran! Also kinda hot this episode, like, dem arms bro. 
Oh Lotor, you’re just what literally everyone expected. 
Yes! Girls, abandon this whack job. Aw but they they go, injected into space.
Pft, made himself a voltron, of course he did. 
YEEE Kick Lotor’s ass! And also take care of poor clone Shiro.
Ep 7 
Commence epic mecha battle, lol.
I like how much more strategic Keith has gotten. 
Magical teleporting powers! Ooooh Allura you done fucked up.
The animation for this battle is pretty sick tho.
It’s making them all whack.
I love Lotor’s face, he looks all mad? Good stuff. See ya bad bitch. 
Poor Shiro is still clocked the fuck out. 
THE COW! I totally forgot about the cow! 
Good Shit.
White  hair’d Shiro??? Finally his hair matches to how old stress makes him feel. asdjkfhkjas
BUT MY BOY! HE’S AWAKE!!! AND THE BLACK LION IS IS SO HAPPY!!!!! SHIRO, I WEEP!!! Can’t wait until he gets a new neat arm! Oh! But what if he’s reluctant to get an arm due to the last one fucking shit up. It’s good stuff.
i liked it
this season was def one of the best ones and it had some great music to it
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starlightlance · 7 years
Read on Ao3 
Summary: While with the Blade of Marmora, Keith always imagined his returning being a happy one. He just didn’t expect it to go like this. (The team finds out about Keith’s self-sacrifice, Lance and Shiro decide to approach him)  Words: 2,855 Notes: Happy birthday @savingklance !! (Subtle Klance and Broganes) 
While with the Blade of Marmora, Keith always imagined his returning being a happy one. It couldn’t hurt to hope for one happy moment. As much as he pushed them away, he so desperately wanted to be back with them. He wanted to hear Pidge’s rambling. He wanted to taste Hunk’s cooking. He wanted the secure presence of Shiro. He wanted the stability of Allura and Coran. He...he wanted Lance’s comfort. He wanted to have it all again.
He just didn’t expect it to go like this.
All of it was true. He did crave the familial bond he formed with his team, especially since he never had that back on Earth. But he knew they didn’t need him. It was blatantly obvious that the team would do so much better without him and now that Shiro could pilot the black lion, he wasn’t needed. Keith was never fit to be the leader anyways. He always needed someone to hold him down and stop him from making reckless decisions. That someone was almost always Lance. And that was another reason. He didn’t want Lance feeling like he wasn’t needed on the team. Keith never understood that cause if anyone wasn’t needed it was him. Red was in good hands and Keith didn’t need to interfere. So, naturally, he did what was right.
But instead of sacrificing himself, Lotor had interfered and now they were more confused than ever. Keith had no doubt in his mind that it all would've been better if Lotor had just stayed out of it and Keith died instead. It was for the good of the team. And now, because his plan failed, they were discussing negotiations, potential betrayal, and whatever else could come out of Lotor’s strange requests. If only he had been a little faster...Lotor a little slower. But it didn't matter. Now, he was stuck with his thoughts and the rest of the team for at least a week. He had no idea when he’d join the Blade of Marmora for missions again. They were waiting until a decision was made. Lotor had requested to have a discussion and...they did. He wanted an alliance to help take down his father, Zarkon. But Keith and the others were, of course, wary so they were given a couple days to think it over. A couple days of everything and nothing.
Keith trudged down the empty hallway, still wearing his Marmora suit. He couldn't remember the last time he wore normal clothing during the day. He didn't exactly know where he was going either. Walking around the castle was sort of therapeutic, it gave him a sense of home. He would make up for lost time with the paladins, but what was the point if he left again? He’d just get hopelessly attached and become even weaker than he already was.
Though his alone time was short-lived. The door at the end of the hallway slid open and Keith’s heart rate sped up when he saw the person walking towards him. Lance. He hadn't actually spoken to Lance outside of the diplomatic meeting yet. He was almost scared that something would go wrong and ruin all that happened between them. What would you even call it? A friendship, possibly. Though the more time went on the more Keith definitely didn't want just a friendship. And that terrified him.
Lance was silent until he stood a few feet away from Keith, looking him in the eye. He wore his casual ensemble, the dark green jacket with a blue and grey shirt underneath. His brow was furrowed and he looked concerned. Seeing Lance like this was always a little jarring to Keith, especially after the paladin had come to his bedroom to speak.
“Keith,” He finally spoke. Keith finally made eye contact, and Lance’s eyes were even more worried than he thought. “I need to talk to you.”
Confusion and worry overtook Keith, but he simply crossed his arms and nodded. “O-okay.”
Lance sulked and his fingers fidgeted with his hoodie. “I noticed at the diplomatic meeting you seemed really strange. Like, even more closed off than normal and you...you were shaking. I figured it had something to do with the battle, so I spoke with Matt, who-who saw you fighting and...he told me what happened.”
Keith realized what Lance was talking about immediately. His sacrifice. Damnit, Keith forgot Matt had seen him voluntarily try to save everyone else by giving himself up. He’d planned on keeping it a secret forever, or at least until this was long over. He had to squeeze his own arms to keep them from shaking again. “Oh.”
“Oh? All you're going to say is ‘oh?’” Lance’s worry quickly shifted to anger as he put aggressive air quotes around the word ‘oh.’
Keith averted his gaze, staring at the floor and blinking rapidly to keep tears from welling up. He didn't want anyone to know. He didn't want this. He didn't want this. “What else do you want me to say?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Keith saw Lance’s mouth wide open. His hands shot up into the air, exasperated. “Keith, what were you thinking?!”
He scowled, looking up at Lance again. “I was thinking about the millions of people that could've died. I was doing my job.” Who was Lance to tell him what he could and couldn't do? He was a part of the Blade of Marmora. He was part Galra. Victory or death. Victory or death. He had to try to save those people. He had to do something. The galaxy could afford to lose someone as unnecessary as Keith in favor of all those innocent lives.
Still, Lance was having none of it. “It's not your job to die, Keith.”
“It's not your job to tell me what I can and can't do,” Keith retorted.
“But you can't just...you can't just do that! You can't go around ready to sacrifice yourself for any other being in the universe all the time.”
“And why not?” Keith snapped. “Hell, why are you even yelling at me about this anyway?”
“It's because I care about you!” Keith froze, staring with wide eyes as Lance’s expression slowly shifted from anger to hurt. “Do you not see how your death would impact us? When you were gone...I felt so unsure of everything. I went back to being the goofball because we all needed it. But….there was such a huge piece that was missing. And you're that piece.”
“Lance, I-”
“Listen, I know how you feel. I know what it's like to not be able to even grasp a reason to see yourself as valuable. But you, you are so essential to this team. Not just in fights but...as our friend. As my friend.”
Keith felt Lance’s words tug on his heartstrings and before he knew it his eyes were welling up with tears. Fuck, now he was crying? Pathetic. “I-I’m sorry. I should...go.” He put a hand on his face and began to turn until he was pulled back into a tight embrace. Lance’s arms nearly dug into his back, making the hug tight and warm. Keith never thought he was one for physical contact, but as he melted into the hug and let his face fall into Lance’s shoulder, he realized how touch starved he really was. Lance smelled like soap, like rain, like Lance. Add that to the list of Keith’s favorite smells.
With his head buried into the other’s shoulder, Keith allowed himself to let go. Nearly sobbing on Lance’s jacket, Keith was sure Lance would get a little pissed, but all he did was trace tiny circles on Keith’s back. Lance was so strong. Especially after this, Keith knew he wasn't the only one going through issues with himself. By now, Keith had become aware of Lance’s self-esteem issues, and still, Lance was here comforting Keith like he wasn't going through almost the same thing. In between sobs, Keith whispered into the jacket, “I’ll help you like you helped me.”
Lance didn't hear him. Instead, he kept tracing his hands all over the other boy’s back. “I shouldn't have yelled. You're going through a lot right now. I'm sorry.”
“It's okay, Lance. You were worried.”
The two boys parted, locking their eyes. Keith gazed at Lance, fondness and warmth filling his chest. Lance then placed a hand on Keith’s shoulder, a final embrace. “I need you to know that you are loved. By all of us. You have a family here.”
Keith didn't know how to respond. “Th-thank you.”
The corners of Lance’s lips turned upwards. Keith really loved that smile. “Alright then. Let's find the rest of the team, I’m sure they want to see you again.” Keith nodded, excitement buzzing through his mind. He was so damn glad to be back. This is exactly what he needed. And...and even if things were only temporarily fixed, Keith was able to believe that everything was okay, for even a single moment.
Belief didn't always last too long. Sure, the few days after his talk with Lance had been great. But, the atmosphere around Keith had become indescribably strange. He found himself on the end of concerned looks and glances, from his teammates and occasionally even the coalition members that were still lingering about. Keith had absolutely no idea why, until he remembered the conversation.
Someone must have overheard Keith and Lance talking. Keith wasn't sure who. Maybe Hunk, or Allura, or Pidge. It could have been anyone. He knew it likely didn't get around intentionally, but it did somehow and now Keith felt even more vulnerable. Everyone was looking at him like some sort of lost puppy who needed saving. He hated it. Keith couldn't even walk into a room without a teammate trying to hide their worried glance.
Keith didn't need pity. Hell, they were probably mad at him. Lance had claimed Keith was valued on the team, but did he mean it? Keith wholeheartedly wanted to believe he did. Lance wouldn't lie to him, would he? But still, Lance couldn't speak for the entire team.
It didn’t matter. That wasn't important. Right now, Keith had to focus on the Blade. He stood in a hallway, actually, the same one he’d talked with Lance in. The Blade members stood in front of him, going over strategy and when Keith was to rejoin them. They wanted him to join the group again immediately, yet Keith couldn't help but procrastinate his return. Being with the team for the past couple days had been the best feeling in the world, even with everything that was going on. He was not ready to lose that.
“You are improving by the tick. You must come on the next mission with us if you wish to continue your training properly,” Kolivan said, his hood down and his brows furrowed.
Keith fought back. “What mission? We don’t even know what we’re doing right now. I'm sure the Blade of Marmora can do this one thing without me.”
“Of course we can. But, you must get better. You still do not know how we operate in battle.”
Right as Keith started to say something, the same door at the end of the hall swung open. Keith turned, sort of expecting it to be Lance again, but this time it was Shiro. He looked...angry. His eyes were narrowed and his brows creased as he stormed into the room up to the Blade, specifically Kolivan. “You,” he growled.
To Keith’s surprise, Lance then followed. “Shiro, stop!” He cried out.
Shiro didn't listen. “All of you. You did this to him. You made him do that. How could you? How. Could. You.” Keith didn't understand. Was...was Shiro talking about him? He had no idea who else Shiro would be referring to. The daunting possibility of it being because of Keith’s….choice sent a chill down his spine.
“Shiro, what are you doing?” Keith said, anxiety only growing stronger.
Shiro turned to Keith. “What’s right.” It only lasted a moment, since he turned back to the Blade, all softness on his face twisted into anger. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Keith is a child. He’s a hell of a strong one, but what you’re doing to him is manipulative. Honestly, how dare you let my little brother think like that?! Did you hear me? Keith is a like a brother to me and I am not going to stand for this shit.”
Kolivan stiffened. “He was following the motto of our organization.”
“No, you made him think he was worthless! Like he didn’t matter to any us, which couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s already dealt with enough in his life, he doesn’t need an extra weight on top of him.” Keith felt a surge of warmth fill his chest. When Shiro barged in looking more enraged than Keith had ever seen him, Keith was afraid. Afraid of what was to come. A small part of him feared that the irritation was directed towards him. And then...and then Shiro defended Keith. Called the Blade of Marmora out. A man who was always so calm cared enough about Keith to yell at team Voltron’s allies. It didn't make sense. This could make a serious dent in their allyship. But...Shiro didn't care.
Kolivan huffed. “If he wishes to not return to us, he may. However, we strongly advise that he does come back to our organization.” He signaled for the rest of the Blade to leave and they made their way out of the hall, heads up high and backs straight. Keith caught Shiro’s lasting glare as they exited and they met eyes afterward, Shiro’s expression immediately becoming more caring.
Keith didn’t have time to react before Shiro gripped his hand and pulled him into a tight hug. Keith leaned into his brother, accepting the comforting gesture. It was strange. Keith had gone from absolutely no physical contact to two hugs in a few days. It felt...nice.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Shiro whispered before they backed away from each other. “Why didn’t you tell me what they made you think?”
Keith responded, “I’m sorry. I wanted to. I was just so...scared. And it-it wasn’t just the Blade. I’ve never...held myself in high regards, I guess.”
Shiro took a deep breath in, staring at Keith. He’d expected the look Shiro gave him when he was disappointed, but this one was different. It was filled with empathy a desire to heal. “Then we’re going to change that. One step at a time. I don’t care how long it takes.”
“Yeah, I got it. I’ve actually never seen you that pissed off before.” Keith couldn’t help but smirk.
Lance, who’d been still and to the side the entire time finally piped up. “You didn’t see him with Slav. He was a beast!” All of them let out loose laughter. The sound of joy rang throughout the castle hallway. Keith felt safer and warmer than he’d ever been before. He felt like he had a place here. It was new and sudden and strange. But...he liked it.
For Keith Kogane, growing up was never exactly easy. His dad would sit him down on their old, ratty couch and tell him stories of his mother. He always said she was an extraordinary woman. Out of this world, in fact. His father would take Keith up to their roof and show him the array of bright stars in the night sky and say, “Your mother’s up their somewhere.” Keith never knew to take it literally. He assumed she was...dead. And then his father died and left him all alone in the world. Hopping from orphanage to adoption center to foster family and back around again. He was stuck in an endless cycle of moving and moving and moving, the only constant in his life being the bright red backpack he lugged everywhere until he was sixteen. The Galaxy Garrison’s acceptance brought upon a new chapter in his life. A place where he was guaranteed to stay. Consistency. The place where he met Shiro, his newfound brother, and the place where he had his chance to rise. Then Shiro went missing. Then he lashed out. Then he got kicked out. And he was right back to where he started. Alone, with only his thoughts and his past to keep him company.
Thinking about it, running off to that crashing spaceship may have been the best decision he’s ever made. Sure, things were messy at first. He was stuck in a god damn spaceship with five people he barely knew and someone who left him for over a year. Hell, he barely even spoke to anyone besides Shiro at that point. But...things got better. Keith was able to find solace and solidarity. He strengthened connections with...with everyone. Pidge, Hunk, Allura, Coran, Shiro, and...Lance. Keith finally had what his six-year-old self only dreamed to hold close.
A family.
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