#look squishy as hell
I am choosing to believe that aliens love fat humans in the same way that we love fat cats
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illya-roma · 1 year
This gave me the best angst idea ever.
So what if people who died painfully and became ghosts would carry with them a palm sized emblem that showed how they died and give the same feelings of whatever caused them death for however long it took in a blink of an eye with its trauma when it's touched.
And the only reason they have that is to tell older ghosts and only the living touched by death that this is a TRAUMATISED newborn/ baby.
Practically, it's telling the surrounding ghost to play nicely and to let the baby win. Because see how they died? Oh you don't think that was painful? Will how about you come and touch it then? Go on, see how that is not painful at all.
Aka don't be a dick to the baby ghost
And older ghosts aren't allowed to tell them why they have it not because of an oath but to make sure that the baby gets better at ghost communicating, ghost emotional bonds, and stronger abilities while making it their idea to keep them getting better.
Because ghosts specifically children ( or teenagers) will not do something with enough care unless it's their idea. And will just say that it shows how you died and that it disappears after getting somewhat comfortable with the fact that you died ( when you become comfortable as a ghost/ become old enough to take care of yourself while dealing with other old ghosts but they won't say that)
Enter Danny going on a month school field trip/ family trip/ vacation by himself visiting a measum with Wonder Woman feeling a shit ton of death energy and "innocently" asking what this emblem is cause she never seen something like this before.
Danny just says that his friend is interested in occult and goth things (true, Sam) bought it (not true, but the thing attaches itself to what ever he's currently wearing so Sam took the fall for the team) because the seller said that it shows the wearer what they will die from (half truth) but for some reason it worked with only him and attached itself to him. And that they could not find the seller to ask them about it.
He says that death by a five lightning bolts doesn't sound too bad in jest.
Daina believes him and wonders what happened to the occultist that just had an item of future death telling and why it only worked with him.
She asks to inspect it.
Daina Prince a being who is touched by death/ related to death itself.
Wonder Woman, who can handle getting thrown through 12 building and stand up like it's nothing.
The amazon warrior, who repeatedly fought powerful entities that almost destroyed the entire universe and came out victorious.
Daina, the strong amazon warrior, experiences what it feels like to be a human, a small human child filled with so much curiosity and so much hope for the future, getting electrocuted for forty five minutes.
(And being ripped apart molecule by molecule and put together into something new but they focus more on the pain that will be given to a small teenager.)
Danny blinks, holds her steady and asks if she's okay?
She says she's fine, just didn't take her medicine. (Daina doesn't take medication, Daina doesn'tget sick, Daina doesn't get sick Diana doesnt get sick Dianadoesn'tgetsickDianad)
Danny tells a joke to make her feel better, brings her water to help her and asks if he should bring her anything while holding her hair up.
Daina vomits in the trashcan but tells him it's just the consequences of not taking her medication and thanks him.
Danny stays with her, comforting her,distracting her by talking about the beautiful constellation in the night sky, telling her that she'll be okay and help is on the way until her coworkers come with a mid kit.
Daina thanks him.
Danny wishes her health and safety with his large hopeful eyes and leaves.
Danny forgets about the interaction.
Daina did not.
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jimmyspades · 5 months
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xehanortsreport · 5 months
woe...world of chaos spam be upon ye...
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martritzvonmercie · 1 year
my friend, the biggest akechi simp you’ll ever meet 🤝 me, someone who would rather shoot myself in the head than be in the same room as akechi for five minutes
talking about him nonstop
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cynicalmusings · 1 year
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about to start bawling (half-serious)
and not to forget this one as well:
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i am not fucking okay right now.
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nucleqr · 1 year
this is the entire post
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slippery-minghus · 9 months
it's weird... being as sore as i am right now. sore in places i've never felt sore before. but it's good. somehow. dunno how or if i'll be strong enough for tomorrow's class, but i also feel like i've already made real progress. broken new ground in a meaningful way. i'm hyperaware of my body but in a way that feels like i'm alive, not a rotting, walking corpse. like i usually do when i hurt...
and i realized. in all the soreness and tension. my neck doesn't hurt today.
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starlightnavis · 2 years
i love this game
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bonus yukiko wanting teddie obliterated bc i forgot to screenshot him in the lineup
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lottieurl · 1 year
ok i'm curious. in the tags tell me what scenes actually disturbed you in yellowjackets thus far. if anything did
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sjweminem · 2 years
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NOT having a good night tonight girls
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
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Some of The Hoard (tm) fits. kinda in my closet. so. there's that
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dexaroth · 30 days
been having this one craving of biting a surf board and leaving one of those perfect bite-shaped holes in one and running off with the piece and eating it.mm wood
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martritzvonmercie · 1 year
getting cut off from aki's social link bc the plot has to progress before you can do rank 8 is the most bird-flying-into-a-window feeling ever
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browserfreak · 3 months
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sofiiel · 6 months
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🤨🤔🧐 woke up to a friend sending me this image from a news article.
Is this deep sea creature legit?
Because it looks like a mutant from Sons of the Forest / The Forest.
....or like Thing had a fresh new merbaby.
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Did the world get cooler or am I about to find out this creature is just AI?
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