#look theres my signature
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"𝓛𝓪 𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓸𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮 𝓮 𝓲𝓵 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓮"
Thanks to @gobbogoo for the marvelous idea.
Since there is no sketch for this one (there is, but it was so empty it would be useless to show you), I give you instead a mid work version.
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I think it turned out quite nice, but that's just my opinion.
Also for those who can't read cursive, it is written "La Capocomandante e il Consigliere" which is in Italian and means the commander-in-chief and the advisor (the Consigliere being the aide of the Big Boss, representing them in meetings, etc). The Consigliere, you will notice, has a very nice maroon striped crabbemarché suit.
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koszmarnybudyn · 4 months
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They are creatures.
#dndads#dungeons and daddies#my art#normal oak#link li wilson#taylor swift dndads#scary marlowe#im not doing the swiftli week cause i dont have time (literally procrastinating school stuff as im making this) but the angel/demon#thing gave me ideas and as such this was made#there is symbolism and thought here but also just shapes#so taylor has those little antena like his hat and hes a demon because of course and he has that thingy thats also his hat (and it has a#faint blue overlay because jodie/love as an anchor) and i borrowed the snmile from the nbdemon because its been on my mind and apart from#that hes just chuby and cute and fluffy#link is looongg and he has the most basic as to how i draw angels design i made his legs extra long cause soccer and i gave him orange#(Garfield+signature color)#and red (blood that is on his hands/his isssues/him not being as pure as he was once) and he has extra wings cause hes fast#i think he ended up looking kinda like those birds with the eyeliner (also his hands and feet being darkened#also allude to his “dirtied hands”)#theres normal whose a star because that's what i associate with him (more starfish looking because i wanted to give him dots to symbolise#acne and cause hes not goood at being an angel hes not an actual star his coloring make a teenie the teen T and the markings make him look#like hes wearing a tshirt he has little fire works that are suppose to be like cheerleader pompoms#scary is the most shapy one shes sharp and “edgy” i thing she ended up just slightly harpy like which i enjoy her not being fully colored is#because shes a shadow of her former self shes the least symetrical as well with the one wing and one eye#sooo yeah im a sucker for religious imagiery and symbolism#anyway i need to get to my actual work byeee
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transsexula · 2 months
How do you find a scent. Gays? Girls? Ghouls? I need help. HOW do I find a scent that I'm known for. I need to know.
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caelum-et-ocean · 2 years
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Little meow meow……=^·ω·^=
EDIT: Inspiration creds:
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so I went off tumblr for a few days bc we went on a trip but anyways; here are some fakes I made during said trip
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bronzetomatoes · 11 months
Does anyone have that fanart thats like "cheer up quackity from the dream smp, men ain't shit" and he says "thanks miss piggy" and it's just quackity and miss piggy
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deucegorgonz · 1 year
many g3 deuce thoughts lately I wish his main outfit had a jacket similar to the biker one with the snake-scale sleeves he had in the movie . Like. If they ditched the camo shirt n made some SMALL adjustments..
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omegasmileyface · 9 months
has anybody else not felt like a real person with a life since 5th grade
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sinecosinewheel · 1 year
urgh. im gonna vent about smth stupid to avoid my actual problems
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agirlcandream84 · 2 months
we need more hc!!!! they're amazing!!!! what about bf!frank when you're mad at him/you two have a fight??? 🤭🤭🤭
Truth is, I'm sorta never not thinking about a next batch of headcanons and you kinda read my mind with the theme! Except I'm thinking of all the times Frank has been mad at YOU.
Times When Boyfriend!Frank Has Been Mad At You
Well, of course, that time your car broke down and his reaction to finding out.
One of the times Frank got mad at you was actually before you even really started dating but that didn't mean Frank wasn't already in deep and when he discovered you hired a Task Rabbit to haul out some old dresser out of your apartment -- he was stompin' down the hall in three steps asking "who's this jerk?" and when you told him he gave you an incredulous look going on about how a "pretty girl like you can't invite some random asshole into your apartment. Gonna get yourself killed like that" before he has you sit in the living room while he tells the confused man that he's got it from here and hauls the damn thing out himself.
Ok so we already know about that time that some dude on a crowded subway car rubbed his junk up against you while you were both smashed in during rush hour but did I mention that you failed to disclose that information to Frank for a week before he overheard your sister ask you if you saw the guy who "rubbed his junk into your ass" again since it last happened. You hear Frank mutter "what the fuck" from the other room before he appears in the doorway and says "Sweetheart, can I talk to you for second?" as he nods his head in the direction of the bedroom. Of course you try to deflect but he's insistent and that's when Frank launches into 1) a check to make sure you're ok and 2) when he's confirmed that you are ok, a lecture about withholding this from him. You try to tell him that you didn't want to make a "big thing" about it because it sadly happens to a lot of women and this only enrages Frank more and he's suddenly mad at All Men™️ for being disgusting assholes and obviously theres very little subway in your future.
Frank somehow got retroactively mad at you for walking home drunk from bars dozens of times in your younger days, before he even knew you. You were telling him stories of your partying days, chuckling at your disregard for good decision making, when you see the smile slide off his face and his signature scowl settles in while he crosses his arms over his chest. "Now hang on a minute sweetheart -- I don't like this shit. You coulda gotten hurt," and you're all "No Frank, I know now, I just--" but he cuts you off, his mind already decided on the next course of action-- self defense classes, taught by yours truly. Your eyes couldn't roll further back in your head but he just says "roll 'em all you want doll-- this ain't negotiable"
There was only one time Frank actually yelled at you -- like he was MAD mad -- and that's when you had gone in search of a cool thrift shop you'd heard about on Tik Tok but walked up to the place and it was inside of an enormous and decidedly creepy warehouse with no particular signage. The address looked right but this place looked all wrong. Against your own better judgement, you went in searching for the shop but it was just endless dark hallways and unmarked doors and the faint sound of men's laughter somewhere in the building. Your heart pounding in your chest, you started to feel incredibly unsafe. You probably weren't in any real danger but the vibes felt so wrong and it was the first time in your life you felt genuine fear. Like the kind that made you think you made a very bad mistake. You finally decided to turn back around and called Frank to come pick you up, bursting into tears. Of course he was there in a flash and vert pissed that you ignored your own instincts. "Your gut tells you to get out, you get out! Jesus Christ sweetheart, I know I taught you better than that." He's right and you know he's right so you're just a hiccuping mess, mad at yourself for being an idiot. Frank can't see you so upset for long so he's quickly tugging you into his chest and murmuring on the top of your head, "S'alright sweetheart. Just gotta listen to your instincts. M'not mad, alright?"
Also that time you accidentally spilled bleach on his favorite hoodie. He was just plain ol' pissed at that.
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Team Neighborhood Chronicles Screen Redraw!
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Here are the closeups.
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And here are the paper sketch and the OG screencap.
Also this drawing took way too long.
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Welcome to Danny’s Part 2
People have been asking for more of this ^^ so here you go, have a really long word vomit of stuff i think is funny
Danny’s restaurant is ALSO manned by-
Tucker, who will fix your tech for free, has tattoos of hieroglyphics and lines of code that shift around when he gets busy.
Sam, who makes an express line for veggie orders. If you try to order meat from sam all the potted plants start trembling.
Jazz, who has a special booth in the back and Magically makes people dump their deepest secrets to her in streamlined Liminal Powers Therapy. (It’s a bit weird but hey the people she targets feel better so whatevs.)
Dani, who shares pictures from tourist traps she's visited, though there’s also some REALLY WEIRD pics of alternate realities and cult shenanigans mixed in. Some of the older patrons are concerned. She’s a little too young to do all this alone- actually, how old is she? Her father looks like he’s in his early twenties…
Dan, who is working here while “on parole” and often loudly argues with Danny about it.
“I don’t want to work in your stupid shop, Dad!”
Dan is two whole feet taller than danny and three times as wide i will not be taking constructive criticism. He’s a whole silver fox. There are some ladies who have a crush on him and they’re really concerned if he’s legal bc danny is younger than them how is Dan his child-
“Dan, how old are you?”
“I don’t know, like, a hundred sixty something?”
(Lady turns to look at Danny, who shrugs and smiles.) “time dilation. What a world we live in. Dan, kiddo, can you get some more napkins from the back?”
“Ugh, fine, dad.”
The first villain Danny ACTUALLY fights isn’t the Joker. It’s Condiment King. Dan runs away from him, which is already weird bc guy is MASSIVE, and the condiment king chases him bc YES SOMEONE FINALLY FEARS HIM PROPERLY.
Danny bursts out of the shop in righteous fatherly fury and beats the snot out of him. Everyones is confused bc… what? Dan is massive? Why is he scared? Why is the twink beating the snot out of condiment king?
“Dan had a traumatic experience with Burger Sauce.” Danny explains, glaring down at the rouge at his feet. He kicks him, growls, “Don’t mess with my kid.” And walks back inside.
No one asks, bc this is gotham. Asking is rude, and also it lessens the Mystery that is Danny’s. No one knows how the kids came into existence. No one knows, before someone from out of town (metropolis, ugh) asks about the sign.
The sign outside the shop says:
Welcome to Danny’s!
Do no harm and no harm shall befall you.
Start nothing and nothing will be ended.
We have baseball bats and fists and a mean swing.
This establishment does not serve- guys in white (suits), Vlad, Transphobes, Vlad, Clowns, VLAD.
Do not ask for the secret menu. If you can get it, Danny will offer it.
(Don’t scare the other customers, please.)
When asked who Vlad is, bc he’s banned three times, Danny just kind of sighs.
“He’s my kid's other parent. He’s an obsessive creep who completely ignores Danielle because she’s a girl, rolling in money but won’t pay his child support. You know how it is.”
Several goons ask what he looks like so they can keep an eye out. Dani happily tells them “look at Dan, take away Dad’s features, then convert 30% of his height and weight into smarminess.”
It's an effective description. Vlad gets full body tackled the moment he enters the neighborhood. Danny gives the goons free fudge (family recipe, one of the restaurants signatures)
One of the reasons Danny’s is so popular is bc its open 24/7. (Unless its one of those weird times where all the doors are locked and if you look through the window blinds theres nothing but a starry void.) One of the reasons Danny’s is so weird is bc Danny is ALWAYS behind the counter. Always. Round the clock. He doesn’t sleep, eat, anything. Some people swear he has a twin he swaps out with (clones).
Sometimes, after a really difficult customer, Danny will let out a really long sigh and mutter “time out” before glitching into a new position, with a new shirt and combed hair. No one mentions it.
Theres a deal that’s just, “beat danny in a fight you eat for free.”
The deal extends to both Dan and Dani as well. Even if you lose you get fudge as a reward for courage.
No one ever wins.
One time, a couple brought their kid, recently discharged from the hospital. Danny comes over to them and grins. “Hey, kiddo! Bet you gave your parents a scare, huh? Pulled through in the end. That means you get the secret menu!”
Parents: hey wtf?
Danny, handing over a perfectly normal menu: 😀
Kid: “ooh mommy look at the glowy stars!”
Parents: !?!?!?
Danny: 😁
Old man Dave, whose heart has stopped like three times now: “Oh don’t worry about that, prices are the same and it will help your kid feel much better. Danny’s just a little weird.”
After all, it’s not just full ghosts that get the menu. If you’ve been dead, heart stopped, soul out of body before being popped back into place, then you get it. There’s actually a pretty high number of people who get it, bc this is Gotham. People get resuscitated after rogue attacks. The ecto actually helps stabilize their soul after getting jerked between life and death so rudely.
The secret menu that they’re given is just a normal menu, scribbled over top with an ecto pen, invisible to non-secret menu havers. Different “ecto-levels” to choose from, and three extra dishes. There’s also instructions to get into the “back room” for those who can’t go intangible, though it comes with a disclaimer “not for the faint of heart.”
There’s also a small note at the bottom- “do not share food.”
Anyways, as per original post. Tim herds Joker into Danny’s radar bc he Cannot Deal Right Now. He salutes Danny, who waves back, grinning like he didn’t just come at the Clown Prince of Crime like a feral badger on crack cocaine. “Heya, Red Robin! You want a coffee?”
“Please.” Tim sighs. “You’re the best, Danny.”
Jason looks between tim and the shop danny just vanished into. “Uh, what?”
“Danny doesn’t like clowns.” Tim explains. “Or condiment king. They get close, Danny takes them out.”
Jason is incredibly confused, bc he just came back from an out of town mission, but this place is right on the edge of his territory and he should definitely know about it. He asks tim, who just shrugs.
“That shop is weird. It’s like a grocery store at 3am. I stumbled in there after a rough night and Danny just whipped me up the best coffee i've ever had. Still can’t find their website. I swear it’s bigger on the inside and the door keeps swapping from one side of that fire hydrant to the other.”
Danny comes out and passes Tim a massive coffee cup. “Come back and talk shop with tucker, okay? You’re welcome any time. Both of you, actually.”
He gives Jason a weird look and then goes back inside.
Jason, who is a little concerned that the reverence tim has is more than his average weird worship of coffee (it's just that good) goes back the next day in civvies.
He gets offered the secret menu, danny does the eye thing, Jason retreats to look at the secret menu. Unsure of what just happened, he texts tim.
Jason: Why was i given a “secret menu”
Jason: the secret menu apparently (image)
Tim: …thats just the normal menu???
Jason: no? It looks like a kid went ham with a neon green marker tf?
Duke: you know this is the family chat right?
Steph: order the waffles
Jason: you order the waffles. Wtf is an ecto-level.
Jason asks for what danny recommends, Danny immediately gives him a milkshake and tells him it's on the house bc he “looks rough.”
Jason is kind if offended, bc he actually got a decent sleep- but then he tries it and its like.
Now. Between the stink Tim is making, and the sudden worship that Jason has of this shops milkshakes, the BatFamily is now Curious and will Investigate.
Are the milkshakes really that good?
The full force of the Wayne Family™ isn’t exactly subtle, so they go in twos and threes over the course of a week.
Damian gets offered the secret menu, and is also directed towards Sam’s express vegetarian line. Danny just Knew. Damian accuses Tim and/or Jason of pulling a prank on him, but they both swear up and down they didn’t say anything.
Both Steph (i think? Did she fake her death or actually die idk) and Cass get the secret menu, and they keep trying to ask Tim what certain things on the menu mean. Tim Cannot See what they’re talking about. He’s starting to get frustrated. Is it some sort of magic spell?
Tim takes Kon to Danny’s. (Is it a date? A test date on a low-stakes investigation? Maybe.) Danny, who is really starting to enjoy messing with Tim, gleefully offers Kon the secret menu, and Tim the normal one. Tim bangs his head on the table.
Dick doesn’t get a secret menu, but he does notice a couple disappear through the wall. He’s almost certain he’s seen them before, but it will be a while before he remembers Kitty and Johnny from his early Robin Days.
Duke is also not offered a secret menu, but he can see the writing anyways. He can also see that some of the patrons have weird auras, and what on EARTH is up with Danny himself? He tries to ignore it, up until Steph gets him to order one of the specials off Cass’s (secret) menu. And Danny just kind of sharpens, the air going cold.
“I didn’t give you that menu. Just because you can read it, doesn’t mean you want it. Order off the right menu, please.”
Duke, freaked the hell out by the Biblically Accurate Horror that Danny is shifting into, orders off the right menu and apologizes.
“Oh, it’s alright!” Danny flips back to cheerful in seconds. “It’s just that it wouldn’t be completely healthy for you to eat it, even if you are part immortal.”
Duke bluescreens.
Alright, somethings definitely going on.
Tim and Jason both order the same thing- an oreo milkshake, one off the secret menu, one off the normal menu. Jason confirms the one from the normal menu does not taste the same and isn’t as good. Tim cannot confirm the other way around, because Jason nearly punches him when he attempts to taste it.
They take samples home, analyze them, and go over anecdotes from other patrons, trying to figure out what makes Danny’s so weird. What makes Kon, Cass, Jason, and Damian different?
Wait a second. Kon, Cass, Jason, Damian. The ones that died and came back to life.
It’s around this time that Dick remembers where he’s seen Kitty and Johnny before. Lovers from two houses, both alike in (in)dignity, had a romeo-and-juliet-esque escapade across Gotham, ending in high speed chase with Kitty’s gangster father and a fatal motorcycle accident. Both are dead. Both are in Danny’s.
Danny’s has something to do with death.
Having heard a couple stories about food of the dead, they notify Bruce (who is very concerned as to what exactly his children have been putting in their mouths) and then call in the magic users of the justice league.
It’s a mess. Dan calls Constantine a whore. Deadman and Secret (i think thats Tim’s ghost friend?) get abducted to the backroom. Dani clocks Capt. Marvel as another kid who looks older than he actually is, with magic powers, and his showing him her REALLY interesting travel photos. Zatanna is like “this place needs an exorcism” and danny just goes “ma’am please don’t exorcize my customers.”
Tag list (if you saw me attempt this before no you didn’t)
@nappinginhell @apointlessbox @thegatorsgoose @chaos-n-kindness @mimilikey @phoenixdemonqueen @treepainting @sjrose1216 @akikkobara @malice-of-the-sunrise @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @randomkiddoscrewingaround @call-me-strega @blankliferain @somera-rubina @wordsgohere95 @rukiaai @mirellacoco @stargazing-bookwyrm @bathildaburp @littlefeather345
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kpopscruggles · 3 months
Random Hee adds.
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I'm obsessed with this heeseung fr!
I had to get this off my chest because I have multiple Hee TikTok's haunting me.... 
So right off the bat I’m thinking doggy, on the couch, hair pulling, filthy ass sounds, the most filthy but intimate doggy you can honestly think of! 
You know that song ‘Come Through’ that been trending on TikTok if not then HERE 
It is giving Heesung vibes, it is giving he is so deeply loving, vibing, enjoying you in every way possible, I can easily see him becoming a moaning mess while taking you from behind! 
He just loved the feeling of you wrapped around him and taking his cock. 
The view is the best part for him though, seeing your tight cunny wrapped around him. 
999999999999999999% PLUS IF THERES A MIRROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
He is looking through the mirror, that signature smirk on his face, his cum twitching every time he sees your eyes roll back with how deep he’s going! 
“Fuck you feel so good baby” 
“Feel my tip reaching your deepest spot? Hmm?” 
“This is my pussy, isn't it? Say it. Speak. It.” 
“Keep your eyes on yourself in the mirror! D-do not look away!” 
He is almost edging at this point, he's the type that when his pitch and whines grow he's about to fill you up! 
“O-oh fuck! I’m gonna cum! You are gonna take it right?! Of course you are, M-my good girl!” 
The way this man is Finna fill you is crazy, like there is nothing else to say!”  
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paper-starz · 11 months
after so many hours, days, months.... ITS BACK!
And now, after careful observations, I present to you fine fellows a few theories and observations. THIS WILL BE VERY LONG AND IT WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE UPDATE!!
OK to start off, lets debunk a theory thats been bugging me: THE WELCOME HOME NEIGHBORS ARE DEAD THEORY!
yeah.... has been debunked. Look no further than the guestbook! PG 2 SPECIFICALLY!
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Image reads: idonotknowwhatclownis_iaskedfrank_hesaidbarnaby_hereisbarnaby.png
So, Wally was able to ask Frank what a clown was during the time of this ask, therefore, none of the puppets are dead (yet)
"But Paperstar!" I hear you cry. "The neighborhood descriptions were in past tense, while Wally's and Home's neighborhood descriptions were in present tense!"
And for that, I have a simple answer: The puppets aren't aware. Since they aren't aware, they still think that they are living during the 70s. To us, the 70s have already past! And since Wally and Home are aware that they aren't living in the 70s anymore, they use present tense. NOW ONTO THEORY NUMBER 1
As we all know, when we look into the website, doodles (presumably made by Wally) are littering the website and sending us into secret links!
While these doodles are fun, creepy, and cool to look at... have we ever stopped and wondered how exactly Wally is doodling onto the website?
By doodling onto a book.
Throughout the website, we see few instances of Wally doodling. Where was he doodling on specifically?
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On a red book. But I can take it FURTHER.
I believe the book that Wally is doodling on is THIS ONE
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All 3 things connected to Wally. (Lord knows Wally loves drawing swirls and eyes, especially in this update) "But PAPER!!!" I hear you scream. "THIS BOOK IS IN REALITY! HOW CAN WALLY GET THIS BOOK IF HE'S STUCK IN WELCOME HOME?" Ah, patience, dear viewer! This is called the Red BOOKS theory, not the Red BOOK theory. It's simple, there's two books, one in Welcome Home, and one IRL. As above, so below
Whatever happens above, also happens below!
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And it seems like the Question Answerer is in possession of this book as well.
Which brings me to my next theory!
Specifically Wally (pretty much confirmed) and the Question Answerer.
If the Red Books theory is (hypothetically) true then the IRL book SHOULD be able to doodle onto the site as well! But how do we know this?
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Pay close attention to these doodles of Barnaby. Notice one that's... Different from the others?
As you see, the right one is scraggly, rushed, not coloring in the lines at all!
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Yeah, so it appears to me that Wally draws neater, while the 2nd doodler seems to draw messier and they don't even color the full drawing in most of the time! (For all I know this info could be vice versa. With Wally being the messier drawer and the 2nd doodler being neater.) BUTTTTTT IF YOU WEREN'T CONVINCED OF THESE DOODLES, I HAVE MORE EVIDENCE TO PROVE MY THEORY OF TOO DOODLERS
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And yet, there are hearts littered not only in the Guest Book page, but all across the website as well. And unless Eddie is helping Wally draw hearts every time he needs to draw one, then I doubt that Wally is the one doodling these hearts.
And for the last piece of evidence saying that there IS a second person, look no further than the HANDWRITING.
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Say it with me kids! "One of these things is not like the other!"
It's all lowercase, while Wally usually writes in all UPPERCASE, and in red.
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Even his signature supports this statement as well!
Therefore, dear viewers, I believe we need to pay closer attention to the doodles. Who is the one ACTUALLY writing to us?
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mintsvnoo · 6 months
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PAIRING hyung line! enha x mr
( hyung line ver, maknae line ver )
GENRE idol x fan, fluff
A. NOTE all writings and reactions from these idols are from MY imagination, it does not reflect their actions and reactions irl!
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more under the cut!
⋆。 ˚ lee heeseung
when he first saw you after the girl in front of you finally got up he was like 'woah????!! didnt know fanboys exist!1!11!' he was just so used to seeing fangirls when it comes to meet n greets.
literally eyeing u everywhere, not in a bad way nor like seductive way, just the curious way, while your introducing yourself. and when you notice him, he'll be like 'no no, just keep talking y/n' making u a lil faint when u heard him say ur name.
gives out compliments every time you give him your homemade gifts, and he's not even faking it! i mean its just, every time he receives gifts its usually bought. he just likes homemade stuffs! like ur little enhypen lightstick crochet, and little letters with tons of features and 3d stuff when you open it. he likes seeing how much effort someone does to just give him something, even if it's not a 3 million diamond ring, he'll gladly accept ur matching paper rings.
and when it comes to him now signing ur album covers and photo cards, he is super DUPER careful not to mess his signature up, and he even writes 'hope we meet again y/n<3' in a messy hand writing because the staff is already telling you to get up since ur meet n greet time is up, even though he wants to spend more time with you and getting to know you better, theres a ton more fans that are mostly girls now, waiting to just talk to him. and after you get up and greet him goodbye he'll still be looking at you even tho ur already at the end of the line of the next member your gonna meet, hoping that in the next meet n greet he will see you again.
⋆。 ˚ park jongseong
genuinely shock, like SHOCK shock. whos gonna blame him tho? especially after seeing a fanboy this cute that he can rival sunoo's cuteness! (okay maybe not sunoo's cuteness....) when you sit down you were immediately greeted with TONSSS and tons of questions, firstly being ur name obv. which kinda made you feel like 'abdvsioqlwdsj' and also concerned... since you know that jay doesnt really speaks first, considering how you were kinda eavesdropping at the girl in front of you earlier.
when you brought out your crocheted doll of him, he was so impressed!! like his jaw was dropping, which you thought was so cute AHHH. and when you also took out the super realistic drawing of the one and only park jongseong, a.k.a HIM! (well in his eyes, you thought it was super shet when u were finished with it) he was so liek 'oh my gosh?????! thats so nice' while giving u a thumbs up, you didn't think he would like it SO MUCH LIKE??? you were just staring at him the whole time he was observing the drawing.
was sad but not visible when the staff told you that ur time with him is over. in his eyes he thoughts that this was the shortest meet n greet he has ever done...
⋆。 ˚ sim jeayun
when he first saw you after looking over the girl in front of him to see who was next in line, he was EXCITEEDDD. like probably more excited than you, that you'd think he was the one meeting YOU... but who could blame him?? after rows and rows of seeing lovestruck girls, he ofc be excited to know that he can also attract the same gender.
when you started talking he was looking at you like he was some middleschoolgirltalkingtohercrush with his left hands holding his chin. and when you brought out your homemade gifts, he looked so happy!! so happy to the fact he held your hand with his own the whole time after you brought ur little crochet keychains.
and when the staff told you that u needed to go now, he literally said 'just one more minute'! which the staff had no choice but to oblige since he wouldn't stop begging like you'd think he was the fanboy wanting to spend more time with his idol. and now when that one more minute time is up, he told u that he wished that he told the staff a longer extra time with you, but sigh u and him can only wish that you two would see each other again next time.
⋆。 ˚ park sunghoon
ngl he looked indifferent when he saw u but his actions says other wise. he was so flirty?? like oh my gawd.. he wasn't even hiding it...... feel like he would use some of those pick up lines he would see in tiktok just to see if ud fold, spoiler alert u did. but nevermind that whenever, you ask him questions he would answer it so detailed?!! and when u asked him 'would you date an engene' he would reply 'as in a real engine or u guys?? well if u engenes, then maybe, maybe u–' FOLDED. u would be BLUSHING so hard, that u had to lean back on the chair and cover ur red face, while watching sunghoon laugh evilly.
when it comes to signing he would write 'to y/n-ie' with a ;) face. and would praise u if u had a rare photocard piece of him, since my man knows his value!! definitely intrigued by you, cause after hee signed ur album and photocards he started asking u tons of questions and when he asked who's ur bias and u answered a different member, he looked.. betrayed:(( he would continue asking why that member is ur bias and not THE one and ONLY ice prince.. and when the staff told you that ur meet n greet time is up with him, he would high five u and as u stand up he would blow u a kiss watching as ur face turn red.
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Hi, I have a request for Rhysand from ACOTAR ☺️
I was thinking, its reader's and his wedding night. She can be insecure and it can be also her first time (maybe she is from Hewn city, so she is also shocked Rhys isnt that evil, but its up to you 😁).. And well, they talk, she can find out that they are mates and feel that animalistic urge to have intimacy with him or she already knows it and doesnt know how to tell him, she wants him? Rhys is of course very experienced and maybe can have a innocence kink? 🥺
I would love to read this, but if you dont like this idea or not feel like writing it, I understand 😄
Have a nice day!
Rhysand x New Wife!reader
Warnings: smut 18+, innocence kink?, swearing, loss of virginity (lemme know if theres anything else)
Summary: It's your wedding night and you tell Rhysand that this is your first time. He definitely talks you through it.
a/n: unedited, prolly poor smut 🤩also i dont know how weddings work in fae world soooo
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"Do you, Rhysand, take Y/N L/N as your wife?" "I do"
"Do you Y/N L/N take Rhysand as your husband?" "I do"
"Stay safe, kids," I hear Cassian yell just as Rhysand winnows us to the Summer Court where we would be having our honeymoon. I laugh as Rhysand rolls his eyes.
"Darling that dress looks absolutely ravishing on you but I think I would prefer it on the floor," Rhysand flashes me one of his signature smirks. I can see why everyone falls at his feet.
He leans down and captures my lips in a kiss that leaves my knees weak. His hand strays to my back pushing me up into him, while my hands get lost in his hair. Rhysand starts guiding us to the bedroom. His hands ghost over my neck and head to the lace tying the corset together.
"Rhys, stop, wait" I cut him breathless, from his kisses.
"Did I do something wrong?" His eyes flare with panic.
"No, no" I reassure him, "It's just I've never done this before,".
Gods why are men so oblivious sometimes.
"I'm a virgin, Rhys," I finally blurt out.
"Oh," he says, "I'm your first? It's a pleasure to have that honour, darling,".
My head jolts up and I narrow my gaze. Usually the guy would either get turned off or start touching me without permission. He takes in my shocked expression and I can see the panic settle in, "Unless of course you're not comfortable, we don't have to do this,".
"I want to do this with you, Rhys," I start, "I just don't know how to," my head droops with embarrassment. His hand grabs my jaw, and forces our eyes to meet, "Sweetheart, you don't have to, I'll do all the work, all you have to do is relax and enjoy,".
"Do you want to do this?" he asks, still unsure. His finger running up my exposed skin, all I can focus on how it trails up my arm and upto my collarbone, gently caressing my neck.
"Yes" I breathe out.
"There's too many clothes between us," Rhys says as I claw at his shirt. My hands grab his collar and drag him down and kiss him hard on the lips. He's caught by surprise as his hands go to the tied up corset, and he unties it with ease.
The wedding dress pools around my feet. He breaks the kiss and his eyes rake over my body. Instinctively, I go to cover up my body.
"Never hide from me, you're beautiful," he unwraps my hands from my chest. Blushing under his gaze, I rip off his shirt kneel down in front of him and pull out his cock. He sucks in a breathe as I gulp at his eyes.
My mouth wraps around the head of his cock, taking him down my throat. I gag as he hits the back of my throat. Tears spill out, I bob my head up and down as I look up at him through my lashes. He lets out a loud groan and pulls me up. "As much as I love your mouth, I'd rather cum in your pretty pussy." He mutters out.
Picking me up effortlessly, he places me gently on the bed. "I want you to tell me, immediately, if something is uncomfortable," his eyes search mine for any resistance. I absentmindedly nod my head too interested in his tattoos that over his chest.
"I need words love," He chuckles. "Yes," I gasp out as he rips my panties off and the cold air hits it.
Rhysand's eyes darken with desire as he lowers himself between my legs, his lips parting to taste my cunt. The roughness of his voice laced with pleasure, he groans.
"Fuck, you taste so sweet, love," he rasps, his voice filled with raw desire. His tongue delves deep, exploring every inch of my wetness, savoring the taste.
His skilled mouth and relentless rhythm bring me closer and closer to the edge, his focus solely on pleasuring me. Rhys' hands grip my thighs, holding me in place as he devours me with a hunger that matches my own.
He continues his oral assault, alternating between gentle licks and hungry sucks, his actions designed to push me to the brink of ecstasy. Rhysand revels in the way my body trembles beneath him, my moans of pleasure spurring him on.
"You're so fucking delicious," he growls, his voice husky and filled with need. "I could taste you for eternity."
"I'm gonna-"
Rhys growls in response to my unspoken words, his focus intensifying as he brings me closer to the edge. His hands tighten their grip on my thighs, his tongue working tirelessly to push me over that precipice of pleasure.
"That's it, love," he encourages, his voice filled with a mix of dominance and satisfaction. "Let go for me. Come undone."
He continues to devour me with his mouth, his movements becoming more fervent and focused. Rhysand's own desire grows with every moan and whimper that escapes my lips, his own need for release building in tandem with mine.
As my climax washes over me, Rhys' lips never leave my sensitive pussy, his tongue lapping up my release with a hunger that matches my own. He savors the taste of my pleasure, prolonging the moment before finally easing his ministrations.
"Good girl," he murmurs, his voice rough and filled with satisfaction. "You did so well for me."
"Fuck, I'm gonna ruin you for everyone else," he groans out.
"There won't be anyone else," I say lazily smiling, still dazed from my first orgasm.
"Rhys it's not gonna fit," I finally register his size. "We'll make it fit, sweetheart,".
Rhysand's eyes lock with mine as he positions himself between my legs, his desire evident in the intensity of his gaze. He reaches down, guiding his throbbing length towards my entrance, his voice deep and filled with a mixture of anticipation and dominance.
"You ready for me, love?" he asks, his voice low and rough with desire. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me to fuck you."
"I want you," I breathe out
He teases my entrance with the tip of his cock, relishing in the way my body tenses in response. With a forceful thrust, he buries himself deep inside me, a guttural groan escaping his lips. I gasp as I feel all of him in me.
"Fuckin' hell," he grunts, his voice strained with pleasure. "You feel so tight, so perfect around me. You were made for me, love."
"Please move," I moan out.
Rhys sets a steady rhythm, his hips rocking against mine with a powerful, relentless motion. Each thrust is driven by a raw, primal need to claim me completely, to mark me as his own.
"You take me so well," he growls, his voice filled with a mix of satisfaction and possessiveness. "You were made to take my cock, to be fucked by me."
His hands grip my hips tightly, his movements becoming more urgent and forceful. He pounds into me with a relentless intensity, his primal instincts taking over as he dominates you completely.
"You're mine," he declares, his voice dripping with possessiveness. "No one else will ever have you like this. You belong to me."
As the pleasure builds to an overwhelming crescendo, Rhysand's pace quickens, his thrusts becoming more erratic. He rides the edge of his own release, determined to bring me to the brink first once again.
"Come for me, love," he commands, his voice filled with a mix of authority and desire. "I want to feel you come apart around me. Give in to me."
With one final powerful thrust, Rhys loses himself in the intensity of my release, his body trembling with pleasure as he spills himself deep inside me. He collapses onto the bed, his chest heaving with exertion, still connected to me.
"That was amazing," I breathe out as I lay on his bare chest.
"We should do that again sometime,"
a/n sorry that took so long to answer 😭hope you like it
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