#look up the @ / url of the blog to see if others have marked it as scam already
silverquillsideas · 7 months
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Scam alert // palestine donations
@/originalanchorpenguin @/aminaomark
Tagging @fairuzfan @mangocheesecakes @kyra45 for boosting.
I've gotten at least 3 other asks similar to this, but unfortunately didn't remember to take ss
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smellslikebot · 2 years
how to keep following people when a major social platform implodes
(...and you don't want to join 20 new websites)
First, get an RSS reader*-- here are some free options:
Desktop: Feedbro (browser extension), Fraidycat** (browser extension/web), Thunderbird, Dreamwidth (web)
Android: Feeder
iOS/Mac: NetNewsWire
You'll be able to make a custom feed to follow blogs, webcomics, social media feeds, podcasts, news, and other stuff on the web all in one place. To follow something, find its "feed URL"-- often marked by an icon that looks like this ↓-- and paste it into your reader of choice as a new feed.
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Some feed URLs for social media/other sites:
Tumblr: Use username.tumblr.com/rss or username.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20art/rss to follow a blog's "my art" tag (as an example)
Cohost: Use username.cohost.org/rss/public
Mastodon: Use instance.url/@­username.rss
Deviantart: Info here
Spacehey: Info here
Youtube: Go to a channel in a web browser, view page source, and use Ctrl-F/Command-F to find a link that starts with "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id="
Reddit: Info here
Lemmy: At the top of a community's main page, there's a small RSS link next to where you sort posts/comments.
Some additions thanks to @innumerablewounds:
Dreamwidth: https://username.dreamwidth.org/rss (users can opt out of this).
Ao3: Tags have an "RSS Feed" button.
Bluesky: Add /rss to the end of a URL.
Neocities: https://neocities.org/site/username.rss
Sites that won't work all that great:
Twitter: Feedbro and Fraidycat** may be able to use Twitter profile URLs as feed URLs. Otherwise, use nitter.net/username/rss (or other Nitter instance) Public Nitter instances are dead/dying, and Twitter is now very hostile to pretty much anything that makes it easy to generate an RSS feed. For popular accounts, try this workaround using Google News...?
Instagram: Feedbro may be able to use Instagram profile and hashtag URLs as feed URLs. Check Feedbro's "scan interval" setting-- you could be rate limited or temporarily IP banned from Instagram if it makes requests too often!
Facebook: Feedbro may be able to use public Facebook group/page URLs as feed URLs, but see the warnings for Instagram.
Threads: Come on.
Also see how to find the RSS feed URL for almost any site. Try using public RSS-Bridge instances or Happyou Final Scraper to generate feeds for sites that don't have them (Pillowfort, Patreon, etc).
*You can set up your subscriptions in one reader and import them into another by exporting an OPML file. **Fraidycat's intended use is following a lot of people across different sites, so it's well-suited for this post and I'd recommend keeping an eye on it-- but I didn't recommend it initially because I had some issues with it, and it hasn't been updated in a while. The last time I used it, it didn't have a setting to change how often it makes requests to websites, causing me to get IP banned from Twitter and Instagram...
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kyra45 · 2 months
In regards to the current stuff going on regarding Palestinian fundraisers, I will reiterate the criteria I use when checking the blogs of accounts that I may see when browsing things:
1. Is the url auto-generated? - This isn’t a go to tactic, but a very common thing among scam blogs. Their url is almost always auto generated by tumblr. However, legitimate accounts can have this too! As I have seen verified accounts who have this.
2. Does the post state who verified it? - Sometimes in red text the blog claims to be vetted/verified but fails to state anywhere in the post who vetted it or who verified it. It’s often in large text format at the very top of the post ending in exclamation marks. There have been two cases where these blogs listed who vetted them but then removed it when found out to be lying. A third used a made up username.
3. Is there PayPal or gfm link? - Not every gfm link is a scam, nor is every PayPal link a scam as some can be legit. However, a private PayPal donation pool with a Kenyan sounding name isn’t very likely to be a Palestinian. Also a linktree claiming to be gfm generally is just a PayPal link sometimes.
4. How old is the pinned post? - Turn on timestamps and see the post date. Is it recent or old? Usually it’s a few hours old.
5. Are there other posts? - Most blogs have more than one original post and more than a few reblogs of posts that aren’t from trending topics.
6. Searched the username/post? - If looking up the url, what do you see? Usually there will be posts answering the asks that may link to any verification from well known blogs or posts calling out the account. If searching the text of the post, it could pull up the source.
7. Come to a conclusion based on what is found during research but also pay attention to any details that are in the post itself. Try to ensure any warning explains the reasoning behind suspicion but leave it up to others to look it up on their own as well.
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cleolinda · 1 year
Creepypasta: The Dionaea House (2004-2006)
I wanted to post a few of my favorite creepypasta/Weird Internet Fiction stories this month, so of course one of the first I looked up was "The Dionaea House." Dated somewhere back around 2004-2006, it's one of the earliest entries in the genre; I’m not sure how many people know about it now, but Back in the Day, it was one of the creepypasta classics. Then, while researching all this, I discovered to my utter astonishment that it was written by Eric Heisserer—who wrote the Oscar-nominated screenplay for Arrival and is currently best known here, I'd bet, as the show runner of Netflix’s Shadow and Bone.
Years ago, the story was at dionaea-house.com (now offline), and it was the kind of thing you'd stumble across somehow—maybe on a friend's recommendation, maybe from a forum discussion—and then lose yourself in for a whole afternoon. It starts out as the story of a fictionalized Eric posting the emails of an old buddy, Mark, who's trying to figure out why their friend Drew... snapped. And "Eric" is posting these emails because Mark now has disappeared. And before too long... someone else has to pick up the story. Because it turns out that, at the heart of the mystery, there is a house, and going to that house is a mistake. I would describe it a little like House of Leaves, except also smelling like cake, and projecting out to multiple locations rather than pulling you into one infinite labyrinth. Also, a shit ton easier to read.
Relatively speaking, at least. "The Dionaea House" started out as “emails” posted on a blog at that original URL [unofficial mirror], then spun out into a Blogspot, an AIM chat, two separate Livejournals, and multiple commenters interacting on them. Some of them seem to be strangers walking in off the street, as it were, but the trick is, we don’t know which commenters are part of the story, which gives the “flesh puppet” comments, for example, a weird jolt of realism:
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(I would like to think “TELL THE HOUSE TO FUCK OFF” is one of the in-story commenters, honestly; I like to think this is who I’d be in a horror story.)
So while "The Dionaea House" doesn't have the single-minded realism of "Ted the Caver," the blog-and-comment format—a found document subgenre for the 21st century—also allows for multiple perspectives. (I’ve lost count of the number of protagonists the house consumes, but it’s at least three, maybe four.) Tumblr is currently in year two of the Dracula Daily read-along, and I’ve always argued that Dracula was a techno-thriller for the nineteenth century: correspondence, newspaper articles, diaries, and even audio journaling on a phonograph. Emails, blogs, chats, phone messages, comments, and an article about the murder-suicide that starts the story—“The Dionaea House” is pretty much in the same multi-perspective, multimedia genre. Unlike Stoker’s bound novel, however, “The Dionaea House” wanders the physical space of the internet, and it trusts that either you'll see that the story has a new branch, or you won't, and that's okay.
In fact, I'm not sure if Eric Heisserer didn't know how to bring the story to a conclusion, or he got busy and couldn't keep going—or maybe there is an ending and I just never found it. (The Loreen Mathers blog doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me and seems like one giant loose end, although the mention of engineer-occultist Jack Parsons adds a new dimension at the last minute.) But as with "Ted the Caver," the lack of a concrete ending makes sense for a shaggy dog story like this, as frustrating as it might be. Maybe Loreen got got, just like everyone else! Isn’t “disappearing before explaining what the hell she’s talking about” exactly what that would look like? We don’t know! If there's a scary house and you manage to burn it down to the ground in a complex denouement, that's a story. If there's a scary house out there, somewhere, and we'll never know how it came to be or what happened to the people who tried to take it on—that's a creepypasta. That’s a legend.
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lol-jackles · 3 months
I'd take it with a bigger grain of salt since the person no longer works there and Creation will hire just about anyone.
My reaction was that Jared had an ask and while the bids might be a part of how CE determines the offer back, it's pretty much the bottom line he looks at. Those auctions are only a fraction of the take. DO THEY REALIZE HOW MUCH THESE GUYS GET OVERALL?
My best argument against, however, is that Creation is adding him back to their cons, making adjustments. (And other cons report him selling big at prices comic cons usually don't see for ops/still cheaper than CE)
Funny how this all gets argued about when they begin to add Jared back, just as CE said he would if fans would wait. (At first, Cyn even made fun of JP fans for being upset about the delayed add)
I still can't see this cynifer's post even when I log out and enter her url address separately. So besides being blocked (even though I have no idea for this person is), they must have set their blog to private because they were getting too much pushback.
Going by your vent, my guess is butthurt AAs are using convention sales to pretend that Jensen or Misha is more popular?
It's already been long known that Jared's fans are far more savvy when it comes to auctions in order to keep the price more reasonably priced.
Fangirls of Misha and Jensen have tried to copy the Jared girls' tactics to keep M&G prices from escalating too quickly but it hasn't worked in 3 - 5 years.
Then Jensen fans have the problem of the Fangasm lady (Lynn) going to Every. Single. Jensen M&G. Which automatically drives up the price because she made sure to outbid everyone. There were rumors in the early days that Jensen tried to have Lynn banned from going to every M&G of his for this reason, but legally he couldn't demand that.
You can see here that about 6 or so years ago I tracked the bidding process for an Atlanta con for funsies:
Jensen M&G - 55 bids by 28 unique usernames for 20 seats ($475)
Jared M&G - 51 bids  by 33 unique usernames for 20 seats ($430)
Misha M&G - 41 bids  by 14 unique usernames for 10 seats ($1,000)
Mark M&G - 27 bids by 12 unique usernames for 10 seats ($500)
In this example, there were more unique bidders for Jared's M&G but they made bids less frequent in order to keep the price from rising too quickly. The screenshot of the DC con was an outlier where Jared's M&G was more expensive than Jensen's.
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putschki1969 · 9 months
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~』
An exclusive streaming event will be held for fan club members to celebrate Wakana's 5th anniversary as a solo artist. She will be joined by Hirotaka Sakurada on piano. Please be sure to tune in!
‖Event details “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” Date: February 6, 2024 Time: 18:30~ Starring: Wakana, Hirotaka Sakurada (Piano)
‖Ticket details Ticket sales: Bitfan Tickets Live streaming: Bitfan Live [Purchase period] January 10th to February 12th ●Event viewing ticket ¥3,800 (tax included) ※For FC members ONLY ※An archived version will be available for viewing at the streaming URL after the live broadcast. You can watch it until February 13th. ❗ Join her FAN CLUB NOW! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗ In order to buy a ticket, please refer to the tutorial provided by Botanical Land! I have also written my own tutorial for a previous FC event so feel free to check that out! Bitfan is a very foreigner-friendly platform so be sure to use this opportunity!
Oh yes, I am excited for this. I think Wakana is planning to do a lot for her 5th Anniversary. Hopefully she can hold a proper tour. This event will definitely be a perfect "prologue". Also happy to see Saku-chan again.
2024/01/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第5回目!〜その1〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Talk Garden Vol. 5!〜Part 1〜
"Wakana's Talk Garden Vol.5" has been uploaded! This time, I intended to talk about both the messages I received on the talk theme and the comments on my latest blog post...but I just didn't have enough time😂💦 Just talking about the comments from my blog post ended up taking 45 minutes...😅 I didn't even mention the messages for the regular talk theme...😅 It's all because I don't prepare in advance with some sort of script or rough schedule🫠🫠I'm so sorry! ! 😂💦
Due to the length, I made a “Vol#5 Part①” in which I only talk about the blog comments🤣 “Vol#5 Part②” will be uploaded at a later date, on that podcast I will be focusing on reading the messages for the original talk theme 🧚✨
The comment section was full of everyone's thoughts and feelings, I had a really hard time reading through all of them, I actually cried so many times that I had a stuffy nose. Despite that, I am happy that you shared your thoughts with me, I felt like I could relate to everyone in my own way. Thank you so much.
When I read that many of you are seeking music as a source of comfort in times like this, I wanted nothing more than to sing for you right away. Which is why I was more than happy to be able to announce an online broadcast for February 6th. I would like to have a fun time with everyone at my first live show of this year, February 6th marks the 5th anniversary of my solo debut. I'm really looking forward to it! ! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Oh, by the way. I forgot to announce the next talk theme during the new episode, the talk theme for "Talk Garden Vol.6" scheduled to air on February 10th will be: "Memories of Valentine's Day"! I can't wait to read all your sweet and funny stories, of course you can also send me all of your sad stories ! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Well, please enjoy the episode even though it's long♪
Until next time~☆( *'▽’*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #4 & #5
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Episode #4 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——«« Episode #5 Part 1 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 4 Topic “Things I should do before the end of they year but somehow, I turn a blind eye to it”
Vol 5 Topic "Please let me hear your current thoughts"
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on February 10th, the topic is “Memories of Valentine's Day.” The submission deadline is 01/31.
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luxvicta · 11 months
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year once again folks and you know what that means! SECRET SANTA IS BACK IN BUSINESS! This is my favorite tradition in the roleplay community and I’m so excited to be bringing it back! (Especially since I completely missed the mark last year and we weren’t able to do it…😔💔) It’s a great event that allows us to spread positivity and get to know each other better as writers and rpers over the course of December and then on Christmas day we all exchange gifts! It’s a great time every year and I hope we’ll see some new faces joining us this year! 
The rules will be the same as they are every year but for any newcomers the rules will be listed below!
1. Any participating blogs must be active and must be an RP account. No personal blogs allowed, sorry. 2. You must have an accessible inbox with ANON enabled. This is crucial to the event! You have to have anon on so your Santa can leave you messages without spoiling the surprise! 3. Secrecy is crucial! NO ONE is to know who’s name and or URL you received. Tell no one! Don’t tell your friends, your parents, your siblings…don’t  even tell your priest! 4. The list will be distributed by a third party since I am also participating. That being said, I will be just as ignorant of your Santa as you are! You will be assigned a blog via inbox message. When you’ve been given a name please DO NOT respond to the message! Commit it to memory and then DM my blog so I can confirm the participants!  5. You will have two tasks for this event and one will take place over the course of the entire month of December (or at least up until December 25th!) As a Santa it’s your duty to be an anonymous angel! Go to your assigned blog and leave them a nice message, tell them how much you enjoy their portrayals or ask them questions about their characters, their writing, etc! This is a daily task which is why blogs must be active to participate! Your assigned blog should be getting at least one message a day from you, their Santa! (Please don’t leave any ‘hints’ in your messages for them to guess who you are!) The second task will be your Christmas gift of course! Your gift can be anything! Fanart, drabbles, edits, promos, playlists, gifsets, anything you can think up! Get as creative as you can! You’ll have 25 days to craft your presents! 
Sign up time will be from today, November 13th to Thursday, November 30th! On the first day of December you’ll receive your assigned blog via inbox message! (Remember, do not respond to the ask at all! DM me to let me know you’ve been given a blog!) I’m looking forward to another great holiday season together! If you have any more questions, please feel free to message me on luxvicta!
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mangocheesecakes · 4 months
If someone sends me a gfm link and asks me to help them boost awareness of it but has no posts on their tumblr whatsover. What should I do?
I mean I cannot dismiss them as scammer on the go. Because they seem to be following someone, a Palestinian, whose gfm link I helped boost. The tumblr blogger is following very few people otherwise. I am very confused as there is no way for me to check anything. This was the link they gave me.
tbh anon, I am as much at a loss as you are, and have been in similar predicaments these past few days.
Just a while ago someone also asked me to share their gofundme but when I looked up their url on the search tab, I didn't see any Palestinian users vetting them yet, so I asked if they would be willing to share their other social media accounts, and while they sent me a couple of links, one was privated, and on the others I could not find any post of the gofundme.
I have no way of telling if the accounts they shared were who they say they were and if they are indeed connected to each other. I could try asking for more info or maybe sending a message directly to their accounts, but I also don't wanna be intrusive and impose on their privacy especially during this time.
Some things are just beyond my capabilities, sadly. I did recommend to the person to get in touch with Palestinian users like @/nabulsi and @/fallahifag and hopefully they'll be able to get their blog/gfm vetted.
This gofundme you linked here is very new, with very few details, the text looks like it was quoted from somewhere else because of the quotation marks, and the goal is just €5,000. These are what's making it hard for me to determine whether they are genuine or not.
Perhaps the person who messaged you could also try contacting Palestinian users here who would be willing to look through their campaign and vet it. I'm sorry that this is the only solution I could come up with and recommend to you.
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kierans-crow · 1 year
m'kay. changes upcoming and catching up on a few "announcements" so to speak:
so I wanna keep the "courtlycrow" username to art, I think.
This blog's URL will change in the near future. I'm looking at "kierans-crow" right now, as I've picked up Kieran as my chosen name. It's not the name I was given at birth, but I'm also not the gender I was given at birth. I'm not killing my birthname. I just prefer Kieran to it. You can call me Kieran or Crow. You do you. (my pronouns are they/them).
I'll be sacrificing polyhedric-fate, which is the username for my DnD OC side blog. It's not getting used as well as I wanted it to. I'll be changing Polyhedric-Fate to CourtlyCrow and giving it several updates, while this, my main blog will be for my general reblog bullshit :)
Polyhedric Fate does see some reblogging though, but since I mostly draw OCs, it's perfect for a dual-purpose art blog and space for me to yell about my OCs!
My public Writing Blog which - also not seeing much use, and I've changed how I plan on using some features will remain the-corvid-scriptorium.
I will be also launching a Ko-fi and Community discord soon!
More info under cut.
the Ko-Fi will have 2 tiers, a $1 tier that gives you discord access, including WIPs and probably art that will never see the light of Greater Social Media. They will also get holiday discounts to the Ko-Fi shop.
The $5 tier gives you all that, special bonus discounts outside of Holidays or greater discounts on holidays (we'll see how it works in practice) as well as exclusive shop content.
the shop will contain packs of character art you can use in your DnD games under a private licenses (though, you will have permission to use the character in streamed Actual Plays, even if the streams/VoD are monetized)
the $5 tier bonus shop content gives you access to character packs that can be used for commercial purposes, and permission to ask for slight modifications to purchased Characters, like adding scars, or tattoos, or other markings.
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iamyelling · 1 year
ok i went and looked at tumblr live briefly. how do i even use it it is so confusing and obscure. who are these people? why does it tell me to remember to tell my followers when i go live, is tumblr not notifying them?? if someone i follow goes live would it not notify me?
are the live "accounts" / "profile" things even connected to a tumblr blog? assuming yes.. but why, if all our tumblr activity is via our "main blog" my likes, follows, live viewership (i know this because someone greeted me by my main blog's url/username).. why is it disconnected.
why is it so weird looking on desktop? i literally cannot see the whole video on desktop at once because its in this shadowbox and i have to scroll up and down. i'm on a regular ass 13" screen laptop. like i lterally cannot see the whole thing. oh my god it's a double-scrolling situation but i simply cannot get the whole thing on my screen at once. when i open the 'profile' thing (which i don't even know what it is) it's like in a mobile vertical layout but in a shadowbox inside the live shadowbox inside tumblr and nothing scrolls so i'm getting large parts of it cut off on the top and bottom and luckily a couple pixels of the X to x out of it are visible so i can get back out of it. like have you even *looked* at the experience on desktop?
there are buttons/icons on the stream that i do not know what they do. what's the exclamation mark in the triangle? does it report the stream? granted, i am not someone who watches live videos much ive never gone on twitch before really, if i have its been a while and i forgot i ever did. ive only really used like youtube and instagram live.
if i want to watch a live i'm gonna want to do it on my laptop.
why is it gamified? is there a way to "cash out" these "gifts"? like do people who go live get paid to do so? i am sooo confused. it feels like im getting scammed or something it feels untrustworthy and i am spooked a bit.
why do i have to make a whole new account to go live, why is it totally sequestered from my blogs?
i genuinely have considered doing a live or something on farmerlesbian but i have no idea how i would go about doing that. if i click the 'go live' button will it suddenly start showing my videocam to random people?? i have sooo many questions.
edit: opened it again and this time it's showing a little tumblr live headline and a "view blog button" above the viewer. but! once i scroll down i can never scroll back up again and since i immediately scrolled down to try to see the whole page the first time i opened live, i didn't know the button was there. will send you the additional screenshot in the email thread once i submit this ticket!
i'm sorry i sound so upset and rude haha i'm just having a weird day. i really am just confused and frustrated, bc while i am skeptical and cautious and hesitant, i also am genuinely curious and want to connect with my followers and my community on here. if i felt safe and not about to get scammed, i would consider it i would really try it out.
@staff @support @changes @wip why is there no @ tumblrlive or @ live lmao those blogs .. one is blank and the other has sat unused for 12 years. anyways...
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irradiatedsnakes · 2 years
I was never able to dive too deeply into biology as a kid but as an animal lover with a vast knowledge of assorted animal facts your stuff and knowledge absolutely blows me away. Wanna try studying biology and animals leisurely for my own enrichment so are there any biology books you’d personally recommend?
that's so kind of you to say!! unfortunately, i'm really not a big books guy- i'm pretty awful at reading anything longer than a short story- and most of my knowledge comes from classes and casual research (honestly, a lot of the stuff i post about i check details with quick searches beforehand), so i can't recommend much. i've recommended my comparative vertebrate anatomy textbooks in a similar ask if you're into that nitty gritty sort of stuff, i think just searching up "anatomy" on my blog should come up with it.
if you're into dinosaurs and their ilk, mark witton's "pterosaurs" and art books are good, as is darren naish et al's "all yesterdays", a short little book of wonderfully speculative illustrations. i have "the complete dinosaur" textbook, since ive heard good things about it, but it's An Entire Huge Textbook and i haven't delved into it much. mark witton's blogspot is also a treasure trove of paleontological reconstruction talks, they're really cool.
if you like modern birds and can get yourself some way to have access to it (ie via a school), the "birds of the world" database is an incredibly detailed look into..basically every bird, in nice digestible and well-structured formats. if you're in north america, the sibley guide to birds is a great field manual, too.
with regards to plants, see if your state's department of forestry has published a field guide to native trees or other plants. virginia has the native tree and native shrub/woody vine guides available for free online, they're incredibly helpful to me. any sort of illustrated native plant guide should be good to have, and i recommend starting with trees, personally.
other than that, uhhh.. find published papers on niche biology topics you enjoy. you can use search engines like google scholar, or even universities may have searchable library pages without a login to help you find those sorts of things. sci-hub is your friend for anything behind a paywall, check wikipedia for the most recent url.
that's most of what i can think of off the top of my head, i hope it helps!
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brennacedria · 2 years
motion, canvas, and formal for Elissa
Ack, I thought I had the link for this set saved, but couldn't find it. Luckily, through the use of custom themes/urls, I was able to find it with some url trickery!
Hahaha nevermind I found the link--bookmarked like I originally thought--after searching manually through a month of my blog >.<
Okay, so this list for Elissa. It's getting really long tho so have a cut:
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Hmm... I'd say Lis is a bit physically stronger than Leliana, and equally agile with Zevran. Does that make sense, for the last bit of this question? IDK, I felt like that part is more relevant so I would skip to it first.
As for how her clothes affects her mobility, it's rare that this is ever an issue, since she tries to dress to the occasion to prevent trouble. If she were in something light--like Leandra's Lothering outfit maybe--Elissa could still fight a bit. No where near her best, though. And if she wore anything more involved at all then she'd have to modify her clothes (cut them, lose them to a degree, whatever) to give her a safe range of motion.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
In the beginning, Elissa's fairly un-marked. Only her ears are pierced, she's never had an urge for tattoos, and she doesn't have any birthmarks or significant moles. (I mean, yeah, she has moles, but nothing that would draw attention positive or negative. Just the random little spots that most people have.)
What she does have though, after the Battle of Redcliffe near the end of the Blight, are two huge scars--one on her right bicep and another on her left thigh. Elissa escapes scarring from various injuries for the entire Blight and then, for this one situation, doesn't have Wynne with her. Because Wynne? whether it's her own skill or an affect of the spirit in her, Wynne leaves no scars on any injury she heals. Rando-mage-healers on the other hand don't have the same proficiency. So yeah. The rando healers took care of the wounds just fine, but the cosmetics were beyond them. The one on her leg is covered by clothing anyway, but if she's trying to be ~sneaky~ she has to make sure that one's covered up. (It's not that hard, she has sleeves 99% of the time.)
formal: What’s your OC’s formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Since Lis is both Queen of Ferelden and Warden-Commander, the word formal means different things at different times (and, usually, in different cities).
As queen, Elissa only "dresses up" for special occasions. That doesn't mean she isn't wearing dresses, or that her clothing isn't of fine materials. But when she DRESSES UP it's for occasions like state visits and the social activities around such visits. For her 25th birthday there was a costume ball (see the part above about being sneaky and having to hide the scar on her arm). Stuff like those.
As Warden-Commander, Elissa's formal wear is, well, much different. She rarely wears armor technically, preferring the robes issued to mage Wardens with specific and plentiful enchantments. She can't wear that for Official Warden-Commander Business, though, so her custom dress armor is a variation of the "medium" armor from the game.
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tiaraahotel1 · 2 months
5-Star Hotel for a Romantic Getaway in Jim Corbett National Park
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Think of waking up hearing birds singing, getting the fragrance of flowers, and seeing the mist rising in the mountains. The mighty Jim Corbett National Park is most romantic with its greenery and calm ambience which more than makes up for the lack of space.
Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts:
Lying amidst this beautiful place, Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts, the best place to stay in Jim Corbett, will help paint this picture true, thus making it a perfect paradise for the newlyweds and other lovers looking forward to having memorable romantic getaways.
Luxurious Accommodations
Elegant Suites and Rooms: You can stop wandering about the luxury resorts in Jim Corbett as Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts has categorised, comfortable and beautiful rooms and suites for its clients where they can relax and detach from the world. We have large king-size bedrooms with Bathtub, Wash and shower facilities.
Romantic Dining Experiences
Candlelit Dinners: Have a romantic candle light dinner at our exotic open-air restaurant with stars as your canopy. Our gourmet chefs create custom meals of excellent tasty dishes using fresh local products.
In-Room Dining: Fear not, as if you prefer something more personal, the restaurant offers dining in the comfort of the suite. Whether it is the first meal of the day or the midnight snack, at our hotel, 24-hour in-room dining service is available for the guests.
Riverside Dining: Enjoy a date together on a date by the river and be welcomed by the ultra-serene sounds of the flowing water and the swishing leaves. The cosy atmosphere of this restaurant makes it a perfect place for having an exotic meal with your loved one.
Unparalleled Amenities
Spa and Wellness: There is a luxurious spa offering a revitalizing treatment for your body and your soul. The atmosphere of the house is very quiet and the specialists who work with the clients are highly professional.
Infinity Pool: The extraordinary swimming pool with the dimensions of rectangular shape is an infinity pool. One can go swimming in the pool or one can just relax on the poolside with one favourite cocktail while watching the natural beauty.
Adventure and Exploration: For lovers of exciting activities, Tiaraa offers couples the following activities. Head out on a guided jeep safari tour, go for a nature walk, or indulge in cultural discovery activities that make you see more of the Jim Corbett National Park.
Personalized Romantic Experiences
Private Bonfire: Stroll hand in hand to an intimate campfire, roast some marshmallows and enjoy the feel of an overhead cover of the starry night. We can organise our team to prepare a romantic arrangement to guarantee a romantic night under the stars.
Flower Arrangements and Decorations: This is where you can leave a rose and a sweet message, turn on some nice music, light up candles all in the bedroom, or a beautifully arranged flower bouquet. Our employees ensure every aspect to provide the perfect environment for lovers.
Special Celebrations: Be it an anniversary, honeymoon or any romantic vacation that you are planning; Tiaraa presents versatile plans to mark your special occasion. Caters for cakes; and setting special events; guarantee that your stay is filled with love and joy.
Only at Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts in Jim Corbett National Park do romanticism and luxury go hand in hand making it an ideal vacation destination for couples. Dedication to providing unparalleled services and facilities, evoking sensory experiences, and extraordinary attention to detail guarantees a couple’s pleasant stay at this one of the best resorts in Jim Corbett. Come, be in love again at Tiaraa, for each living moment is dictated by romance and class.
Source URL : https://www.tiaraahotels.com/blog/5-star-hotel-for-a-romantic-getaway-in-jim-corbett-national-park
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liveblack · 2 months
Local SEO Benefits | Liveblack
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Local SEO in your business is beneficial to attract more customers using organic search. ‘Local Search’ refers to a specific location where people search for what they want, such as products, services, businesses, etc. They also use a keyword, for example, “stationery near me”, to visit the stationery. There is more to local SEO strategy that helps you grow your business.
What is a Local Seo?
Local SEO refers to growing your business’s visibility locally and showing up whenever someone searches online related to your business, services, and products. Stay on top of the search with the help of local SEO when people search for a particular thing.
Let’s check out The Importance of Local SEO
Boosts online visibility
Attracts more foot traffic
Build trust
People search for something nearby & it may convert into a purchase
Get noticed by new customers
Drive sales
Generate more revenue
Remember that smartphones are essential when you think of local SEO services for small businesses. As people nowadays use smartphones to search for what they need, make sure your online results show up that fit this smart screen. With the brick-and-mortar locations, local SEO can do more than you think.
Another point you can consider is to optimize your local webpage to identify the terms you are targeting your audiences for. Include every targeted keyword in the title tags and URL of the website. Link pages internally to your website so people can easily find what they are looking for.
On the other hand, make sure you choose Local SEO Keywords relevant to your webpage or website to get traffic. Also, add detailed contact information so that Google and users can quickly know about your business and its location.
SEO for local businesses is an effort you make that you don’t miss any opportunity to get the attention of your targeted customers effectively. The more you describe your niche, the more you can gain visibility. This detailed contact information makes it easy for customers to reach you.
Content will help you catch attention, and it is not only the webpage content that can make this happen. You can write blogs related to local events, trends, businesses, or something that will occur in the city or that particular location that will interest your customers, and they would love to be part of this. Those who love your services will draw towards you through Local SEO Content Strategy.
Creative content will broaden your horizon in the local market and let you expand your reach in a way that profits your business. Guest posting is an effective way to drive traffic towards your website. As another option, mark your strong presence on social media platforms. Zillions of people use Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media to engage followers. You can also share location-specific content to attract more people to your business profile.
Check out what your competitors or local businesses post on social media to create buzz and attract customers.
Let’s see how local SEO benefits your business.
1 — Better Online Visibility -
Building an online presence is the most important thing you can do to lift your business. This is the era where every piece of information is available at your fingertips, but if you lag, you are doing an injustice to your business. Keep information updated for your local business through local SEO.
Most customers find local businesses through Google Maps and such apps that help them get genuine reviews about the business and mark it as an easy-to-purchase thing. These are the tools that help drive people towards you. If your business doesn’t appear on Google, it will bring loss to your business.
2 — Enhanced Traffic -
To have an online presence benefits you in many ways. Whether you are a big or small business, registering a business online can increase traffic that will grab more profits. Local SEO encourages people to visit your site, as focusing on potential customers increases your store traffic.
Targeting local people will help you get the best results, as people will like to know where you are located and what services you offer. This process will turn into sales in the future.
3 — Link Building is the Key -
Link building is essential in local SEO, for it can connect you with local businesses keen to use your services. But for that, you need to put extra effort and convince websites to link with you if you are new to them. However, hard work always pays off, and dedicated efforts will get you a high ranking and more links added to your feathers.
When they get a positive response from you and quality services, they trust you and like to connect with you as a loyal customer. This is where you both start developing a positive business relationship.
4 — Effective Marketing Campaigns -
One of the most notable benefits of doing local SEO is it cuts down the targeting parameters and saves you money. Whichever marketing campaign you design will cost you little money and make promoting your services more accessible. No matter what type of campaign you want to do, you’ll spend less and get more. Because local SEO covers specific areas or locations, it decreases your cost.
Through the local business, you understand people’s requirements, expectations, and needs effortlessly. Research, set your goal, and design your marketing campaign to bring people to you.
5 — Show Up on Google 3-Pack -
Getting your local business to Google Local Pack has many advantages. When anyone is searching for local businesses or buying products or services locally, the Google Search Engine will display a local pack of 3 recommendations. People prefer to check out options that will appear on top and quick results. The top results picked by Google are what people like the most, as they trust the top results. A proper local SEO strategy will earn you the highest ranking on search engine pages. Don’t forget to put extra effort into attracting more sales and profits.
If you are unaware of technical stuff, don’t worry, as the Local SEO Agency will help you get the work done. Local SEO services will increase traffic, sales, potential customers, profits, and more. Get into top results on Google Search Engines, and give people a reason to choose you over and over your competitors with the best services.
We at Liveblack provide The Best local SEO services for your business to be known in the local locations for the best services or products you provide. Working on local SEO strategies has long-lasting benefits, increases business visibility, and many more things will lead you to connect with loyal customers. A small business can significantly impact the business world with every small effort, and we will help you set up your business digitally and in the real world.
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moveslikeanape · 8 months
yeah that's totally fine, i'll follow you back now as well! i hope you don't mind that i post about a lot of things other than disney movies haha. though my url happens to be the name of a character from twisted wonderland, a disney game that i like a lot. when you mentioned hunchback of notre dame being one of your favorite disney movies, i thought about how twisted wonderland actually has references to HoND in it--but sadly, nothing tarzan related. i found out about what mark henn said from this link if you'd like to read it, there's some additional info in here as well and it's all a bit sad to hear, but really interesting: https://www.cartoonbrew.com/studios/retired-disney-legend-mark-henn-work-had-been-more-meaningful-236985.html
i agree that disney songs definitely shouldn't be written with the intention that people will hear them before seeing the movie! i know some people do like to listen to the soundtracks of new disney movies before they see them, but i've actually always tried my best not to do that or hear any of the songs ahead of time because i prefer being surprised by them. so when i saw wish, all i'd heard was the snippet of "this wish" that was played in the trailers, and during the scene where at all costs played i was honestly so confused about the context of it that it was a little distracting. disney music should immerse you in the story and tell you something about the characters, not distract you because the situation the song is being used for doesn't seem to make sense...
oh yeah, i've heard that about the atlantis book! there's a blog on wordpress i found recently who did really detailed reviews of the different disney art books and they mentioned all of that about the atlantis one. i agree it's a huge shame, that movie seems to have such a fascinating world and i'd love to be able to learn more about it. another thing that disappoints me is there being no book for the emperor's new groove at all, though on the bright side at least the documentary for that movie is available online.
oh no, that must be so frustrating to keep missing out on getting to see the tarzan broadway show! i hope you get a chance to see it someday, and that you enjoy it when you do. i'll definitely have to find the time one of these days to at least listen to the cast recording myself. it's so interesting that it's popular in germany but not here... i wonder why that could be. i love that jane gets her own song, though. she's my favorite character from the movie (though of course i also love tarzan himself!) and i always thought it would be nice to have just a bit more insight into what she's thinking and feeling.
i remember reading that with rafiki, the director wanted to gender-swap him as well as give nala more focus because she thought the movie didn't have a strong enough leading female role. so i really do wonder why they'd change terk back into a guy, because something i always liked about the movie is the variety of different female characters in the movie between her, jane, and kala! and terk is really cool and unique for how she ended up breaking gender roles, but then you lose that element in the broadway show. if you do find anything about why they made that change i'd love to know.
No worries, mine is kind of a mix of Disney and cats, with random other stuff I like thrown in. Thanks for following back!
Ooo, I'd heard of Twisted Wonderland, but never really looked into it. Will have to check it out!
Just read that article, and wow, that is so sad! I can't imagine how hard it must've been to see things go downhill like that, a having his ideas taken like that?! Poor guy.
I think Disney needs to slow down a moment and and look into their own history to see what they're supposed to be about. Thinking about how they try to put out so much so fast, and how they seem more invested in their acquired properties than original ideas. How important quality was to Walt, to the point that he nearly bankrupted the company on several occasions just for the sake of quality. Now it's all about the money… making money for the shareholders is far more important to them that making something they can actually be proud of.
That sounds like a really interesting blog! I think they kind of fell away from art books (and other merch in general) as the movies began "under performing". Such a shame because the early 2000s had such incredible and daring movies, and they basically got swept under the carpet.
Thank you! Someday I'll get to see it. If you get the chance to listen to the cast recording, please let me know what you think! I was talking to a friend in Germany, and she said the country just seems to like Tarzan in general, so maybe it's just a love of the character in any form that made it work there. I'm with you on Jane. I would have been so sad if she didn't get one. She actually has a song to herself, the duet with Tarzan, and a duet with Porter!
Kerchak also got his own song (as well as a duet with Kala). They really expanded Kerchak's character and I absolutely love them for that. While you understand his motives in the movie, they dig deeper in the musical, and make him a more rounded and sympathetic character.
That makes sense about Rafiki and expanding Nala (especially given lions are actually matriarchal). I'll have to dig out my Tarzan Broadway book and see if it says anything about Terk. I'm guessing because they took away Tantor and they figure people would be more able to accept Tarzan having a male friend.
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dianight · 1 year
Bit of a long ramble
Don't really like putting or seeing transphobia related shit on my dash, but this one has been cooking for a while on and off.
You see, there is this one streamer who I will not name and who we will simply refer to as this dude. For someone who by chance happens to know of this dude, it would be very easy to guess who he is, but I don't imagine many people are aware.
So. There is this dude. Member of a certain community I was also a member of (still kinda am, but meh). To this day he remains the only person kicked and "unpersoned" by his attitude and words, as opposed to being kicked for cheating, as a few others have.
As a player, he has amassed quite a few achievements and was well known and respected for a long time. This part is just context.
As a person, he has always been very outspoken about certain topics that streamers usually avoid. Topics about race (he is brown, in his own words), about sexism, about politics, you get the idea.
Now, I don't like the expression "rent free in X's head" because I don't believe in the concept of rent. But I often reference his case, as I remember it happening in real time, as the archetypical example of how transphobia rots your brain. Nothing in this paragraph is meant as a joke. Fully serious including the rent part.
For added context, this dude was someone that I "took seriously" as in, I expected that if a conversation was about a serious topic, he would actually treat it as a serious conversation instead of saying some platitudes or treating it as unimportant, as streamers are known to do. When I talk about this dude there is sadness in my voice; not sadness because he could have gone differently, as I consider him a lost cause, but sadness in the choices some people make and how they end up much worse as a person.
Although the timeline is not exactly as I'll explain, the general idea remains the same. It's been years, so any mistakes are a product of my bad memory.
Around the time the BLM movement was a big thing, this dude got caught in a rather unfortunate series of events.
He got into a twitter argument involving a developer of a game congratulating a white player for a (relatively speaking) minor acomplishment when compared to his own. His point was to call out the racism of ignoring a brown player while praising a white one. For what it's worth I think he was in the right here, as much as I roll my eyes when typing twitter argument. Nothing good came out of it, as the developer did not "reward" him in the same way they did for the white player. What it did though, was attract a lot of bad faith viewers to his chat. You know the ones that like to stir shit up, debate me kind of guy.
This influx of assholes, coupled with the fact that BLM was big at the time and the fact that this dude loved talking about complex issues assuming others are looking for a conversation, to learn from each other and all that, instead of the obvious trolls he was getting, he started getting very defensive about things.
This dude used to have a blog, he's moved urls last time I checked, where he would write out his thoughts. He wrote about a very extensive list of controversial topics and his stance on them, in what I can only assume was an effort to have to explain himself less every time he streamed.
Among these topics was younger people's access to hrt, although with a far more dramatic phrasing. The arguments he posed had a telling stench to them, the fake concern that you get from sources marked in red by shinigami eyes. He got "called out" as I see people say, and he did admit that he was not well informed, that he would do more research and all that.
During all this one of his closest family members passed away. He talked about what it meant for him on his blog. I'd rather not expand here.
As this dude stopped streaming for a while (around a year perhaps?) when he came back he was a bit changed, to put it euphemistically. Aparently he had been getting harassed on twitter by people who disagreed with him over those topics, and he eventually doubled down and kept getting more into the circle that quotes the likes of jordan peterson and other such cockroaches.
Not being involved in this kind of thing, when I got notice of this changed behavior I was skeptical. This dude, who calls out anyone being racist (to him, or to others) is now talking about these grifters? Surely it's a misunderstanding (how naive...). At some point he got kicked out of the community I mentioned earlier. Many in his audience literally begged him to reconsider what he was saying as it was getting too bigoted. At some point I simply blocked any mention of this dude on platforms I use.
Make no mistake.
Occasionally he comes up when discussing the history of the earlier mentioned community, as he was there when it was started and he got his contributions, which have been erased and are not talked about unless strictly necessary.
I feel no sympathy for someone like this dude. Many such cases, sadly.
I just want to illustrate a point that we keep seeing time and time again. People tanking their careers, driving away those who care about them. And what for? To tell people that kids taking blockers is dangerous? To shit on those who can't access hormones? To mock those who don't present on a socially acceptable way? To cling to some idealized worldview rooted in bigotry and violence?
I don't know what this dude's point of no return was. I can only guess and I won't out of respect for those who are no longer there.
But past a certain point I stop caring, stop giving chances, stop giving the benefit of the doubt. You can either stand against all bigotry, and I mean all of it. Or you are an enemy, someone to be ignored and forgotten in the best of cases. Or. Should fascism not be squashed before it's too late, someone to be rid of, violently.
No mercy. No excuses.
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