#looking at the newest stuff its all so incredibly lazy. they are making it so boring looking cause its quicker and therefore cheaper t make
broughtandborn · 1 year
Vacation recap, feel free to skip
Andy and I spent seven nights at a Sandals resort in Curaçao and it was incredibly expensive and so, so great. 5 stars, would recommend.
The resort is the newest Sandals resort, and apparently their opening a few years ago was delayed and pretty rocky because of covid so early reviews were decidedly mixed. Everything seems to have been ironed out and from our perspective everything was super smooth.
We flew out from a big airport an hour away at 6 am so the trip started with dropping the kids off the night before and getting up at 2. We were at the resort in time for a late lunch and they had our stuff brought to our room and a cheese plate and wine and balloons and a card for our anniversary in the room when we got up there. The staff were incredibly attentive and they all seemed invested in keeping the guests happy. They all were cheerful and pleasant and went out of their way to make things as easy for us as possible.
Our room looked out over a gorgeous garden with a peek of the ocean beyond and a sort of lazy river pool below us, which was incredible. It felt secluded and the garden was always abuzz with tons of birds and butterflies. We spent a bunch of time in the mornings out on the balcony with coffee watching the hummingbirds and these big yellow butterflies that were the exact same color as some of the flowers, so it looked like the flowers would just pick up and flutter away.
The resort is pretty large so they have bicycle racks scattered around and you can just hop on a bike and leave it wherever you decide you're done with it. The main pool was lovely and they have entertainment going next to it all day. The "quiet" pool isn't actually far enough away from the entertainment to be quiet but there are other smaller pools scattered around that are very quiet. The beach is on a channel, protected by a dock, with tons of beach chairs and palapas. There's another area of beach to walk on that's too rocky and rough for swimming but it's very pretty to look out at -- pure turquoise water that drops of suddenly into dark blue.
The food and drink are all included and very good. There were a few perplexing things (a "charcuterie tray" that included one very thick slice of garlic bread and slices of salami wrapped around chutney to make little pouches???) but there's a solid variety and the service was usually very good, especially for the number of people they're feeding. They have three tiny restaurants in food trucks that are open most of the day and they were so good. Each restaurant has its own style (sushi, Italian, Greek, South American, etc.) and they do a great job with the menus. We were asked at every single meal about allergies or food issues and they took it very seriously. There is room to improve in their desserts but my standards there are very high. There are bars scattered all over and most of them have signature drinks that are delicious.
One of the days we were there we hired a guy through a local tour company to take us all over the island and it was amazing. We saw a million things we'd never have known to even look for and we snorkeled with sea turtles and got fresh coconuts and ate an amazing meal at a little hole in the wall kind of place. It was supposed to be eight hours but we were having a great time and he kept wanting to show us other stuff so we were out for ten full hours and were exhausted when we got back.
The trip home was annoying -- delays and multiple gate changes on both legs of the flight, so we got home at 3:30 a.m. instead of midnight, but it could have been a whole lot worse and we were already planning on the girls spending the extra night at my parents' so we were the only ones impacted by it. The girls had a great week with my folks and it seemed easier on them than we expected. We FaceTimed with them for a few minutes every day and that def helped.
The best price you'll ever get at a Sandals is if you book another trip while you're still there, so we did. You can book up to two years out and you can change your details for most of that time so we have almost two years to figure it all out, but this trip was so lovely that we both very much want to do it again. It's wildly impulsive of us to commit without blocking out budget and childcare and stuff ahead of time but this trip was so great that we were like "we'll figure it out, let's just do it."
Overall, it was an incredible week, and it was really great to have so much time with Andy to just hang out and have fun. I'm so glad we did it. The end.
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
Hav decided that plumb is genderfluid n use all pronouns cause they keep changing her gender and its swag even though i jate the newest design
#the bin#i HATE the new stuff and also the stuff before that from 2009 i think#2007 had some designs i that were a bit downhill imo but overall its ok#i love 2003 with all my heart and i do think the designs were still goid then#i think the decision to put most of them in pants was interesting but it also makes sense#they were all very active so pants make the most sense cause the alternative is dresses with bloomers and the kids watching it#wouldnt know what bloomers are#and they kept the big hat trend althout they arent quite as big but still#2007 had a lot of similar stuff to 2003 and they are largely the same era but 2009 is totally different and i hate it#i wanna take the designs from that era and chamge them to fit the designs from the 1980s cause some of them are actually kinda cute#but they are all so flat and slicked down and i hate it#also they ruined raspberry who was my favorite#and they changed orange blossoms hair to be straight and used the exact same hair model as all their white characters which is infuriating#and they got rit of almost all the big hats! if i remember correctly strawberry still has her hat but everyone else just wears headbands#looking at the clothes its pretty evident why they chose them and its because they were easier to 3d model and that sucks#looking at the newest stuff its all so incredibly lazy. they are making it so boring looking cause its quicker and therefore cheaper t make#obviously i have a nostalgia bias but i also grew up with the 2009 cause that was the one that was being made when i was little#i also had the hand me downs from older siblings and i always like the 2003 better#i was also very fond of the 2007 though looking back i think the 2003 is better#i was so sad when i was watching the new stuff and they ruined all my favorite things. raspberry wasnt mean anymore.#they changed oranges design and they got rid of the hats#also custard doesnt talk anymore which i hated too#i dont know a whole lot about the 1980 version but i do think it has the best designa#but i think they also modernized it in the 2003 successfully while still having it feel like strawberry shortcake#oh my god these tags are long. wow. i have a lot of feelings about strawberry shortcake ok#i will. stop now. i wanna draw some strawberry shortcake gggg
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thatgordongirl · 2 years
The newest chapter is taking a lot longer than I expected 😅 that’s only because I thought that 1-2,000 was lazy of me and decided to do 5,000 words instead. Anyway, here’s a bit of the first draft. TW for death, vomiting, normal sad Brain stuff
If Brain had to say it briefly, he’d say it happened in an instant. One second Pinky’s hand was in his, one second it wasn’t. A moment permanently etched into stone. That it occurred so quickly he had no time to even process it till some time later. But that would always be a lie, no matter how he tried to warp the memory in his head. To tell the entire truth, he had to go back to the worst day of his life. 
The day that Pinky died. 
They’d been so close to taking over the world, at least the illusion of closeness was there. Victory was dangling just above Brain’s head and he could almost reach it. Grasp it and never let it go. But then it came crumbling down, as it did. As all the things in his life did. Except this time it was quite literal, and Brain found himself falling. He saw Pinky falling. He saw his whole plan failing and now he was suffering the consequences.
Now, he was disheartened but not yet low enough to let himself fall. Certainly not Pinky. So he grabbed Pinky’s hand and gripped a branch for dear life. The ground below seemed to stretch downward as if to taunt him with its depth. He grasped Pinky and promised to never let him go. But he was in pain and weak and unprepared for an incoming rock that fell along with them. 
Telling the truth, everything froze. Time, movement, and he himself was stuck in a moment he wished he’d never experienced. His heart pounded in his ears. Brain didn’t entirely believe he was truly in the moment anymore, like his conscious had left his body and he was viewing it from above. He was an unwilling vessel. All motor skills seemed to fail him as he locked up in complete shock. 
He couldn’t see any other possible debris. He developed tunnel vision to the point that the only thing he saw was Pinky falling, eyes wide and terrified like he’d seen a ghost. Brain had been the last thing he saw before he plummeted to the bottom. Hitting the ground hard enough that he didn’t have to die slowly. Brain hadn’t been sure if he was dead, until the lack of movement hit him. 
An overwhelming surge of guilt enveloped his senses, making it harder to move. Even as he pulled himself up the mountain, he wasn’t certain that he was controlling himself anymore. It didn’t matter. He didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. He reached the top feeling far more empty than he did going down it. He managed to find a way down to the ridge, which hadn’t been a difficult choice for him to make.
Of course he was going to retrieve Pinky’s body, there was no other option. But the mere sight of it made him incredibly nauseous. It wasn’t bloody or broken in a way that changed how Pinky looked, but it was him and he was dead and that was almost too much for him regardless. He had to come to terms with the fact he was carrying his best friend’s corpse home. 
He hadn’t - couldn’t- really work through any of it during that time. Brain was distracted by making sure that he didn’t damage what was left of Pinky while he hoisted the mouse, who was twice his height, onto his shoulders to carry. It was equally heartbreaking and exhausting in more ways than one. Brain thought about nothing for once in his life, trying to understand what was going on gave him so much dizziness and nausea that he worried too much of it would break him completely. 
So he got back to the lab, alone. Well, he wasn’t really alone, body wise, but that didn’t matter. Once you died the body suddenly lost its…life, which was obviously but also so unexpected. He didn’t look quite like Pinky anymore, his features had lost their specific personality that made it distinctly Pinky. That didn’t mean he treated it anything less than precious. Maybe if he did, he’d appease some kind of expectation he thought Pinky had about his body after death.
Brain thought he’d die first. He was much less healthy than Pinky, forgetting to eat for days or sleeping so much that he forgot what time or day it was. Sometimes he’d stay up so late he went to bed in the morning. Sometimes he didn’t sleep at all and just lied in bed. Sometimes he thought about what Pinky would’ve been if he never existed. He didn’t get to indulge in this pondering anymore, due to his own mistakes. 
If only he’d been strong enough as to hold on tight. Brain threw up into the lab’s sink. He hadn’t eaten much regardless but it still left his throat sore and his voice raspy. Not that he had anyone to talk to. He heaved a shaky breath before reluctantly turning back to his friend. He had his eyes open only a little in the hopes they would play tricks on him and he’d see Pinky smile again. He was disappointed yet again when nothing of the such occurred. 
He buried Pinky outside the lab. It didn’t seem fair to let the scientists just discard him like they did to the other mice. Pinky was special, he deserved a grave. He deserved the world, and now Brain couldn’t give it to him. All the years of treating Pinky crassly and he had nothing to make it up. Ever. He never could and never would. 
He called Roman, spoke through a lump his throat and in such a vague way it took a few minutes for him to properly understand what Brain was saying. When he finally got it, he asked if Brain was alright, If he needed Roman to come by. He asked how it happened. Brain replied, but he wasn’t in a way that felt genuine, he gave the automated responses that would get through it quicker so he didn’t have to talk about it anymore. 
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helvetious · 6 years
A Game of Chicken :: Linked Universe::
Inspired by the incredibly fun Linked Universe AU by @jojo56830​ , (@linkeduniverse) and their latest updates. I do not know how the real plot is, and I’m taking free takes on their interactions and stories. I just want to show my appreciation towards this wonderful AU.
As a disclaimer: The original sketch of this drabble was done before the newest comics came out, along with Malon’s introduction. My writing priorities for the AU switched ridiculously fast and finished “The Blood Pulls Harder” first after the reveal. This fic is set before they reach the farm.
Rated: T because some vocabulary and um.
None of them were stranger to journeys of this kind, that was for sure. But days have passed, they ran out basic provisions and the need for warm food was starting to affect their moods.
When they reached their nearest town, they found a humble little inn near its market.
The place was small and rusty, walls were mixes of brown and red and touches of orange- the curtains, that gave the inside of the inn a warm look. They sat near the fireplace; the food smelled nice, looked hideous, tasted delicious.
And the water served to them was fresh and it tasted like water- which was a grand change after flooding their canteens with so much liquid mud during the latest rainy days.
The owner was an outrageously curvaceous old woman who only had her face to give away her real age. Everyone gave an appreciative look, except perhaps the Hero of the Wind, who was also the only one who was offered milk. He busied himself to happily chug the content of his mug instead. The milk was thick and already sweetened with honey and chamomile, the boy appreciated it with a hum.
The music in the inn came from an old violin with missing strings played by a blind, fat man.
It was a nice place. 
The Hero of Legend was the one who suggested to stay there and have a good, proper rest.
"So unusual of the stingy old man to want spend money for once" teased the Hero of Warriors.
"I'm an old man indeed, and I need a good bed from time to time" the senior hero played along with no shame.
"Now now," The Hero of Time said, "I do believe one night to spend in comfort will raise morale among us men."
"I support this" hurried the Hero of Hyrule, "every now and then it is good to find us some-" he cleared his throat and looked at his cup of water "Morale raising stuff, yes."
The Hero of Time gave him a suspicious look, but the Hero of Warriors was quicker. He stretched one arm on the smaller hero's shoulder and squeezed him, laughing.
"You’re suggesting us to get drunk are you not?"
The mighty Hero of Warriors olympically ignored their leader's burning glare, more interested on how many of his friends' ears twitched up in sudden interest.
The Hero of Hyrule though, didn't miss the leader's disproving look.
"I just say, it wouldn't hurt a little fun" he said in a low voice.
"Booze and women" suggested the Captain. He was clearly joking. Sort of. Hopefully.
The Hero of Hyrule groaned as his friend just seemed to dig a hole big enough for the both of them.
The Chosen Hero stiffened visibly. The Hero of Twilight let out a laugh, but the Hero of the Wild just rolled his eyes in annoyance. The leader, the Hero of Time, kept his one healthy eye on them with a silent, murderous warning.
"No women" warned the Hero of Swords, pointing a finger at the Captain across the table.
The Hero of Warriors winked at him. "I'll get a man just for you." Then, he blew him a kiss.
The sword smith snorted at the offer, but recovered in seriousness to then say "You know what I mean." His eyes flickered to the group's youngest.
"Why women?" asked then the Hero of the Wind, with big eyes and a mouth full of cheese. And he was met with silence.
He then frowned and twisted his mouth, looking at the Hero of Warriors with disapproval. "Does this have to do with child making?"
And the table joined in one loud gasp.
"Child making" repeated the Chosen Hero in a whisper, pressing his forehead to the table before letting out an embarrassed laugh.
The Hero of Swords crossed his arms over his chest and gave the Captain a waiting look, and so did the Hero of Winds.
The Hero of Warriors opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. His face grew warm.
"No women" he said, then.
 "So, no children" the Hero of Warriors raised an eyebrow, a dancing joke on his throat.
The experienced Hero of Time could tell. Oh, he could tell.
And yet, "no children" he said.
Feeling humored, the Hero of Warriors licked his lips. "May I ask why?"
"Hey now," warned the Hero of Swords, "watch out for where this conversation is going." Beside him, the Hero of the Winds blinked very slowly, then yawned. He may be fourteen years old, but no one should ever underestimate the power of warm milk and chamomile can have on a tired body. The swordsmith regarded him with healthy envy, as his cup of ale wasn't giving him the same effects just yet.
The Hero of Warriors, drunk as he was, did not pay his friends any mind no longer.
The Hero of Time just shrugged. "Bad luck, I believe- or good luck, depending on how you see it." He let out a soft chuckle. "I already worry enough for my wife now that I'm away, I do not know how I could cope if I left her to raise a child of ours, all alone."
The group chorused a hum of understanding.
On a different situation, the Hero of Twilight would've offered comfort- he'd rest his head on his master's shoulder, or pat his back. He knew "Mavourneen" (as he decided to refer to her exclusively to tease his senior) was a soft, intimate topic- secretive, even. He himself was most interested in it, he wanted to know everything he could about her.
But he did not want to know about this particular thing about her. Or his senior.
And to make it all worse, he was sober.
Because the Hero of Warriors- curse him- made sure that this time none of the seniors, Time and Legend, could skip booze like last time. But they still needed at least two of them to keep sober in case anything happens; the Chosen Hero offered himself politely, and for the other one they drew straws.
The Hero of Twilight twisted and cracked the tiniest straw on his hand once more, and took a sip of water.
He should've seen it coming, the Captain was as nosy as his junior- Wild- was, with the only difference that the Hero of the Wild was much quieter and better at hiding it.
Even as hammered as he was now, the only thing that gave away his thirst for gossip about The Wife Topic, was the little sparkle in Wild's drunk, half closed eyes.
But The Hero of Warriors' nosiness was but an enormous contrast to his junior's. He felt no pity for their leader's words, and the interested smirk never left his face. He planned to go on, because the real question in the air had nothing to do with children.
It was a game of chicken, in which the Captain wanted to see how much he could push and insist about their leader's sex life without actually saying it. He didn't just want to get him drunk, he wanted to see the always calm, collected Hero of Time embarrassing himself.
The Hero of Time met his eyes with a lazy smile, his shoulders down and relaxed. He had a cup of ale on his hand, but Twilight never saw him raise it to his lips. Or perhaps never noticed when he did so? It cannot be his first cup. It's been an hour and everyone else had consumed enough alcohol to embrace the abyss- the Hero of Legend was dropping smooches over his pouch of money, the rest of the world was dead to him.
The Hero of Twilight gulped, eyes fixed on his master. He's got to be drunk, he thought, to be humoring the captain like this.
It was a game of chicken, because their leader was aware of the other man's intentions and was allowing this much to see how far will the Hero of Warriors' insistence go to get this information out of him, without saying something that would most definitely cross a big, fat boundary.
And somehow everyone was doomed to be embarrassed on their behalf- instead of them. The Hero of Twilight could already feel the shame bubble up his throat, his face was warm and he had no ale in his system.
The conversation went on, every word chosen carefully. The Hero of Warriors had his tongue dancing around his true curiosity, and the Hero of Time replied with just enough to keep the questions coming, but nothing else.
At every question, the face of Hero of Hyrule grew redder and the Hero of Swords' glare grew stronger. At some point, the Chosen Warrior cleared his throat and tried to derive the conversation, but the rest was too shocked or embarrassed to even speak over the table and take his lead, and his attempt was crushed by the worst possible question ever.
"Earlier, you said it could be because of bad luck," there was tease on the captain's words. "What kind of bad luck?"
The Hero of Twilight tensed. The Chosen hero shut his mouth instantly and finished his full cup of water in three loud gulps. The Hero of the Wild held a snort.
The Hero of Legend did not care.
"I beg your pardon?" The Hero of Time cocked his head, looking and sounding genuinely confused. But he was not, and Twilight knew. His senior was pulling for another question. Curse him, too.
The Hero of Hyrule let out a whimper- Twilight feared for the poor man's life, his face was so red it seemed like his nose would bleed cascades any minute now.
For such a legendary warrior, this was no honorable way to meet his maker.
Twilight did not fear however, for the captain's life. He deserved this. The man was drunkenly impaling himself in the chest with the Biggoron Sword and having the time of his life while doing so.
"I just want to know" continued the Hero of Warriors, and everyone held his breath. "Hopefully she has all the curves in all the right places?" and to soothe the blow, he added "I want only the best for you, my friend."
There was a collective gasp. Suddenly Wild wasn't having that much fun anymore, he dropped his cup of ale on his lap and cursed under his breath. The Hero of Hyrule audibly groaned and beside him, the Chosen Hero covered his face with his hands and breathed an "Oh dear".
There it was- the big, fat boundary.
At this point, The Hero of Twilight was sure his entire body personified an ass clench.
The Hero of Legend did not care.
But the Hero of Sword could not take this any longer; he stood up abruptly and his chair fell to the ground.
"I'm going to sleep" he announced, not hiding his embarrassment and indignation towards the entire table. All of them, either for starting this conversation or for never stopping it. He was offended at all of them.
His eyes softened when he turned to their youngest companion. "Come with me, brother" he called.
The Hero of the Winds reacted to his best friend's voice, and let out another yawn to break his hour-long quietness.
"I'm not sleepy" he said. His left cheek was pressed to the table, had been so for a while. He regarded the swordsmith with only one eye open.
And yet, the Hero of Swords respected his comrade's claim.
"But I am" he insisted gently, offering Wind a hand. "It's dangerous to go alone."
Wind blinked once, twice, and his head rose. "You're right" he took his friend's hand to stand up, a little dizzy. He was sleepy. "You must be drunk, I'll protect you."
The Hero of Swords allowed this assumption and nodded, grateful.
And with them walking away into their rooms, the tension was gone. Or so everyone hoped.
But it wasn't.
The Hero of Twilight felt a mischievous, dangerous aura behind him.
After all, the Hero of Time had yet to react to the fact that his wife was called ugly and undesirable to his very face.
Suddenly the Hero of Twilight realized he entered a game of chicken himself, between him and the entire exchange he witnessed between leader and captain. He could've excused himself an entire hour ago, knowing he did not want to hear about this. It was a game in which he tried to collect as much of innocent information about her without it being tainted forever. The game totally humiliated him.
He turned to his master.
The Hero of Time still had that lazy smile on his face, his one eye fixed on the Hero of Warriors, whose face lost all color. Apparently, he managed to sober up a little. He looked like he regretted every single word that came out of his mouth in the past hour.
The air felt thick.
"No more questions" said the Hero of Time, his voice did not match his smile. The words came so cold the Hero of Warriors felt it on his skin and hissed.
The Hero of Twilight finally assumed defeat and sat up. Just because the captain deserved it did it mean Twilight would enjoy the slaughter.
It took all the power of his knees to raise his body up, tearing through the heavy atmosphere created by his master's authority. He excused himself with a quick "I'm going outside for air" even though he wasn't drunk, and avoided all the pleading eyes of the rest of his comrades because he was not helping anyone out of it. He was not strong enough.
He wanted to run out of the inn, but he had pride. The Hero of Twilight walked slowly towards the door that would save him, feet itching to walk faster but he had self control. He had it.
"But just so you know-" said the Hero of Time, and his voice had changed entirely. He sounded almost playful- and that sent a chill of fear down Twilight's spine. The inn had no air suddenly. Their leader cleared his throat before continuing, and the sound of it alone made The Hero of Twilight hop three steps closer to the door.
He no longer had pride.
But it was still too late.
"-- I am insatiable around her."
Finally, The Hero of Time's face broke into a full grin as he watched his younger peers choke on their drinks. The Hero of Warriors covered his face in his hands, clearly never ready for this answer. Shame was the darkest shade of red, and it tainted the captain's ears before their leader's mischievous eye.
Everyone else was coughing ale out of their lungs- the Chosen Hero, whose cup was empty and had had no alcohol throughout the night, choked on air alone.
Everyone was dying but The Hero of Legend, pouch hugged to his chest. He did not care.
Time finally laughed when he heard a groan behind him, followed by a hard thud as his junior, the Hero of Twilight, banged his head to the door. It was then when he took the first sip of his first cup of ale.
He won the game. 
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enkisstories · 5 years
Just like them (part 4)
Still November 16, 2038 Capitol Park
Daniel was standing slightly hunched over with his back against a lantern post. In Raj’s worn out sweater that was a few sizes too large for him and his expression switching erratically between stiffling back tears and radiating searing hatred, the deviant was looking just like another homeless taking a breather between… whatever it was that homeless humans were doing.
The android’s gaze went over Capitol Park; he was taking in the scenery, but feeling nothing. Maybe history had been written at this place, or at least events  that had prepared history getting written had occurred here. But even so, what did history mean to Daniel no-longer-Phillips? It was in the past. Like his old life.
All the places inside me that used to be wolf are empty and the stars haven’t filled up them yet.
The quote had come unbidden to Daniel’s deviant mind. The line came from one of Emma’s favorite animated movies, a fantasy flick about elves that had blood-bonded with wolves to survive on a hostile world they had crashed on in their magical palace. The movie had been all the rage in 2037.
Daniel raised his head. A few determined stars were piercing through Detroit’s urban dust cloud. They were flickering as if uncertain if winking out wasn’t the better option.
Yeah, suckers. I have no idea why I’ve come here tonight either.
The idea had been sound, though… One couldn’t go through life in an old sweater of one’s downstairs neighbor and playing a video of the past in one’s head all the time. Striving for redemption meant you had to devote your life to making the world around you as positive as possible, not to make yourself feel as miserable as possible. That sounded uplifting in theory only. In practice no one told you how to achieve those feats. No one ever told you anything. Alone… always alone. Alone with the anger. Anger at the Phillips family. At himself. At the cruel fact that “the Phillips family” and “himself” had always been two different things and that he just hadn’t gotten that. A good chunk of Daniel’s anger also got directed the Rasoya family’s way. The humans had donated some old clothes and pocket money, but then sent Daniel out to “live” and “get it over already”.
Easy to say for them! To the world three months had passed since the kidnapping and the human family was wondering why Daniel hadn’t made any progress at all since then. How hard was it to understand that he had spent those months deactivated? That no time had passed for the android? From Daniel’s perspective his first encounter with Connor had happened the day before yesterday. And, come to think of it, the second one, when Connor had interrogated the PL600 about Jericho, felt like having happened yesterday. The third had occurred only this morning, at the DPD! That were three Connor-moments in as many days!!!
Three days ago… three days ago John had still been alive.
I didn’t want to kill you. Why couldn’t you, I dunno, just dodge my shots? Is that asked for too much?! Yeah, right, like everything. You never lifted a finger for me. And then you died on me, leaving me in this mess…
And that was when the music started, a guitar being played near the center of the square. At first Daniel thought he was imagining the music notes, but then a voice rose up to accompany the guitar player:
Timmain – shape-shifter, your people are exiles / wandering aimless, your people are lost. Hated and hunted, with fear their companion / chilled by the rainstorm and pierced by the frost…
So that was why the deviant had thought about the wolf/stars quote just a few heartbeats ago! Because he had heard the artist strumming their guitar in preparation for this song, without really becoming aware of what his audio receptors were picking up. Now that he was paying attention actively, a quick analysis of his digital memory told Daniel that the song was sung by the very same artist who had performed it for the movie. She was right here and quickly drawing a crowd. Daniel noticed a few androids mixed into the humans. The amount of shoving and getting shoved was pretty equal between both species.
Another PL600 was waving with two hotdogs he had just purchased. From out of the crowd a woman and boychild emerged. They were holding autographs. Great care was taken not to spill fat on the signed pictures when the hot dogs were exchanged for the papers. After the autographs had gotten stored and the humans were holding their sausages, the PL600 put a bubble gum into his mouth so that all three of them were munching on something. And then they took the child between them and walked away, chatting and laughing, as if they didn’t have a single care in the world. And then…
…then Daniel pushed himself away from the lantern post and walked past the family of three, elbowing the android as he went by.
The PL600 turned around and opened his mouth. His human partner dragged him away, muttering: “Let’m. Haters gonna hate, is all.”
What have I done? Why did I...? I didn’t want to hurt it! It did nothing to deserve an attack. It was cherished. No, not “it”. He! What the hell is wrong with me?!
Standing there dumbfounded, Daniel heard the other PL600 lament: “But I thought all the haters had left Detroit during the evacuation! That the hiding and the fear would be over! I mean, it’s been a week since Markus … Uh, silly me. A week is nothing, right?”
Not for humans, but for us. Humans… those lucky buggers are near eternal.
Oh, yes, Daniel of course knew all the talk about thirium being an incredible power source and how android batteries were good for a hundred years or more. And that was true for the happy community of voltaic cells, unfortunately by the time it had reached the end of its life, the battery would have passed through many android bodies, because those weren’t built to last. CyberLife had wanted to sell the newest models, after all. Even before getting shot, Daniel had felt the first age related ailments: scratches on his chassis that had accumulated over time and glitches in his software. The situation inevitably would become worse, especially with CyberLife having dropped support for the PL600 model.   Just like cars, some androids didn’t even survive their first year, but with care they could become as old as twenty, with lucky individuals surpassing even that milestone. It wasn’t fair, but pondering the unfairness of CyberLife’s business plan served to distract Daniel’s mind from the unfairness he had committed himself just now.
“I’ll be back with you in a jiffy!”
That was the singer’s voice, coming from out of the shambling heap made of human bodies.
“But for now let me see to those who are too shy to push forward! We’re all packmates, after all!”
And with these words the singer moved through the crowd towards the fans that were standing at its very edge. In fact, she was standing right next to Daniel all of a sudden and brandishing her pen.
“Uh, sorry, but I don’t…”
“Don’t have a picture to sign? No biggie! We’ve been told how tight money is for many in this city, that’s why my manager brought enough photos to pass around.”
The photograph the singer produced didn’t show her in a costume or anything related to the movie, it was a simple headshot in front of a grey background. The sheet of paper wasn’t even layered to project the signature it was to receive above it either. It was just an old-fashioned 2-D picture.
Clever bastard, that manager, dishing the cheap stuff out to the penniless as to not make the actually paying customers grumpy, Daniel thought, while out loud muttering something about having seen the elf movie with “his girl”. The bitch must have glimpsed my LED (that Daniel had to keep as another of those pesky parole terms), and is now making a big show of sisterhood with an android. That’s all there is to it! Maintaining her public image! She’s not really being  nice to me.
“Want me to sign this for her?” the singer asked. “What’s her name?”
“E… Emma.”
“Your girlfriend?”
“Uh… no. I… hate her? I’m not sure. I mean, I don’t want to hate her, but she sure does hate me now. There’s no other possibility.”
“Girlfriend, check”, the singer nodded wisely. “Been there, too, you know.” The artists flashed the android an encouraging smile before turning to the next fan. The crowd started pushing and shoving again, moving across the square like a lazy, content gelatinous cube. Daniel got moved along until the mass ejected him near the CyberLife store’s near-empty window. A few blood bags and replacement components were up for sale, but no androids anymore. Or at least not for time being. In the future… who could tell!
Daniel carefully stored the autograph in his oversized sweater’s front pocket. He might forget about it or it might become an anonymously sent Christmas present. That, too, remained to be seen.
(to be continued)
Timmain - The calling: At 8:27 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9NPlbTyU40
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secretshinigami · 5 years
all right, here goes nothing
Author: @hazblogs For: @weneedtotalkaboutdeathnote Pairings/Characters: Mello/Matt, Mello/Near, Mello, Near, Matt, L Rating/Warnings: T, mention of dermatillomania Prompt: An Au where L defeated Kira, grew older, and basically disappeared. Older Mello (mid 20sish, now a detective) follows a lead that takes him to the washed up L. Author’s Notes: nyello !!!!! after all this time i’m very proud to announce that my gift is here !!! i really hope you like it and that everyone else will too. i had lots of fun !!! have a good day everyone
The recorder makes some shitty ass noise before working, but that’s all xe has, so xe makes it work.
All right, here goes nothing.
“I never imagined I would be alive to tell you this. From the most crack ass place of the Earth, nowhere in Argentina, here’s Mello, also known as the second fucking best detective in the world, and I’m here to report on-”
There’s some background bang that makes xem stop. Xe rereads xer intro one last time, waiting for the noise to subside, and then, xe gives up and gets out that crap laptop from xer backpack and starts typing again. The room is dimly lit, and moss grows on the exposed beams, there are probably termites eating at them.
If xe’s right about this, it could be the most important discovery in the detective world since the fall of Kira.
It’s been… twelve years or so. Mello still remembers what xe did when the news broadcast announced that Light Yagami was dead (xe was cat-fighting Matt for a place closer to the TV) and xe remembers the intolerable feeling of dread that seized xem. “That’s it. We’re all useless now,” was what xe thought, and it’s been half disproved by the years, but the feeling lingers.
Something is making noise again, an awful lot of noise, and – fuck, someone is trying to break in again, aren’t they. Mello grabs xer crowbar and directs a lazy but wary gaze towards the door. It finally flings open, and. Oh yeah. It’s Matt.
“Mells, fuck you,” he says without missing a beat, “I’ve been under the rain for like, fifteen minutes, couldn’t you just come and see who was trying to enter ?”
“Easier to let ‘em come and take ‘em out when they’re already in. That way I don’t get wet,” Mello answers, and Matt makes an indignant noise of protest, before giving up entirely and walking away to shower.
The little house they’re renting on the Argentinian coast is big enough to have three rooms, and they’ve been staying there for some days now, thanks to Wammy’s insufferable donations. Not that they couldn’t afford it by xemself but xe’s been… spending xer money, lately. More than usual.
Matt is back half an hour later, naked – because he knows Mello fucking hates it – and he lingers on the back of the couch long enough to peep at what Mello is typing, before getting a new set of clothes. It’s not exactly warm inside, though it’s far from freezing, and xe sits tightly wrapped in a blanket.
“Any new stuff ?” Matt asks.
“Nope,” xe says, and xe sighs. The leads have been cold for a little while now, not long enough for it to despair, but enough to make xem worry xe is losing track of xer most important witnesses. Though, it’s been weeks since xe has been on that case, and it’s been nothing but one cold shoulder after the other.
“Gimme that computer and go get something to eat,” Matt ends up saying around dinner time, and xe knows it’s only to read more of this… second novel, if you can call it that. Xe isn’t a good writer by any means, though xe thinks xe got better over the years, and this is only a shitty first draft, full of plot bunnies and incoherent rambling. Matt should also not be allowed to read anything on xer newest lead, until xe knows for sure it’s not a sham. Last time was enough.
They end up shutting the laptop off, squeezing both their asses on the small couch, and eating microwave chili with a single spoon. Two adult-sized kids, grown up too fast, looking for old gods under the rain.
My first lead was a woman named Naomi Misora. If you’ve read my previous work, you should know about her – she is the one who helped L solve the Los Angeles BB murder case. She died during the Kira case, however her suicide note contained deeply important information revealed that she had try to contact L before she died. What prevented her ? What are the circumstances of her death ? It seems that her husband Raye Penber was one of the FBI agents sent to chase Kira in Japan, and that after his death she simply wouldn’t go on living decided to commit suicide for an unknown reason. This is not consistent with the person L had described to me, which is why I went to such great lengths to get this letter from her living relatives.
I was disappointed not surprised at the contents of the letter. She did not have any information about where L could be, and hadn’t been contacted by him after the BB murder case, even though she had quit the FBI to become a consultant and eventually a stay at home fiancée. She did manage to mention, though, that she met several people, through the course of her career as a consultant, that claimed to have been helped by L.
This is where my investigation begins.
“So you say you have no idea why L helped you ?” Mello asks, slightly bored. And infuriated. And close to getting up and walking away from this shitplace.
The old woman lives in a hole-in-the-wall, next to a supermarket and a church, and probably only leaves her crappy residence to go to both those locations. Her house is however surprisingly decorated with a fully reconstructed human skull.
Mello would like to insist on the “reconstructed” part – it appears to have been smashed in a hundred pieces, and glued back together before being varnished. It has long since turned yellow, and will probably crumble at the lightest touch. Xe won’t try to grab it, though holding a supposedly real human skull has its charm.
“I don’t, young lady,” she answers, and Mello has to stifle a laugh – it’s been a while since people mistook xem for a girl, but xe guesses the long hair is a disguise enough. “I simply know my husband died in his boat and next, I was contacted by this old woman on the phone who said the greatest detective in the world would like to help.”
Her husband was killed by the English military for getting too close to the Falklands with (as they said to her, after L’s investigation) threatening weaponry: a fishing rod, five knives and a standard rifle. She is the last person to have heard from L in an investigation context, and her help is invaluable. Mello can’t help but feel absolutely cheated.
This is what L was doing ? Seven years ago, before his unofficial retiring, helping this old woman solve the death of a husband she was the only one to mourn was probably the last thing on his mind. Why do it then ?
Matt thinks he knows what this is about. He thinks, and Mello is directly quoting him there, “that you’re looking for L because you never solved any-fucking-thing that he couldn’t have solved, and if you manage to outsmart him, then maybe for once you’ll stop being a bitter little bitch”. Touché, xe had thought, but also, fuck you.
An hour later, Mello exits the house with the feeling that xe is a tiny step closer to unravelling the truth. Xe has a clue – an address in southern Italy. It’s no longer useful to stay in Argentina, thankfully, the weird winter was starting to get on xer nerves. Matt will probably be happy he can go back to England now that his tracking devices aren’t needed.
Xe just hopes this isn’t another false hope.
I went to the police department of Los Angeles looking for the archives of the BB murder case. One of the things Beyond Birthday requested during his stay was a speech-to-text device that he could use with his damaged arms, presumably to write his memoirs. What if there were clues as to L’s whereabouts ? Anything about his past that could get me to where he is now ?
A few days in, I realised my mistake. The memoirs were a series of names and numbers, accompanied with notes as to what appeared to be a suspected cause of death. Most of the names at the beginning I did not know, but for some pages there was a list I recognised as the birthnames of Wammy orphans. This deduction I was able to make seeing my name and Matt’s – and one name I guessed was Near’s. L’s real name, is L.
L Lawliet.
This name was supposed to be my biggest lead – even my former place of residence could be tracked down using my birthname, which is the reason why I keep it a secret, and the Kira investigation showed the importance of this secrecy.
There is nothing, not a single clue, tying L back to his name. He has, for all intents and purposes, no existence under the name Lawliet as I have none under mine, we are for all society but black holes with no ID numbers.
At first comforting, the thought came to be troubling. What if we don’t exist.
The town has its charm, xe have to admit. Matera is a small-ish city looking down on a gorgeous landscape, that has nothing to envy to the beauty of Rome and its cathedrals. It feels… so foreign, so fucking weird, to imagine L sitting at the terrace of café eating ice-cream.
He probably isn’t even here. He probably set never foot in this town. Mello is probably knocking on the door of some stranger right now, and the person opening definitely isn’t someone xe has seen before.
“Cosa posso fare per te, signorina?” asks an old lady with an incredible wig and hands that could definitely strangle a chicken. She seems partially deaf from the way she angles her head, so Mello takes on his strongest normal voice to answer, “Un giovane uomo vive qui?”
“Maestro L, qualcuno ti sta chiamando !” she yells back, and xe has to do a double take to make sure xe didn’t mishear.
He’s here.
A man in his thirties, with dark bags under his eyes. Standing hunched, almost like he’s afraid. Biting on his thumb, and looking at xem without any spark in his eyes.
After all this time looking for him, Mello doesn’t know what to say.
“Cosa vuoi, Laetitia,” he asks eventually, eyeing Mello with deep-seated fatigue.
“La signorina qui ti sta chiedendo,” the old woman answers, and she leaves without giving xem another glance.
They spend a minute or so looking at each other, trying to decide who will make the first move. L looks ready to slam the door in xer face, and his eyes are still so fucking empty – it’s almost frightening.
“Wait,” Mello eventually says as L reaches for the doorknob.
“What do you want,” he asks, voice deeper than xe remembers. “I’m not letting any clients in.”
“I’m not a client,” xe says petulantly, forgetting about the world around them. For a moment xe is thirteen again, looking up at L with stars in xer eyes and wondering what they did to deserve meeting him.
“Do I know you ?” L says, almost wondering aloud. “Your face looks familiar.”
This snatches the words out of Mello’s mouth. So… he doesn’t remember xem. Has xe changed that much ? Xe doesn’t think so, and even then, it’s L xe is talking about, he would remember xer face had he seen xem an infant.
What is happening ?
A thousand pleas die on xer tongue.
L sighs, and closes the door.
I don’t even fucking know what to write in here. This is entry 37 of this journal and I have absolutely nothing to write because L has gone insane and isn’t recognising me and he locked the door in my face. I don’t know if I’m furious or scared or just super tired of it all.
It was so useless in the end I can’t even believe I thought it’d be useful.
Mello hates xemself for not thinking about what xe would do in case this failed.
Well. Rather, in case this succeeded. What did xe think would go on ? A familial reunion ? Talk about a cliché. That would never happen, not with L as xe knew him, so… what exactly was xe hoping for ?
When xe is in doubt, xer first reflex is to call Matt. He always knows what to say, but right now, Mello needs something else (xe can hear him, drawling voice and all, “What did you expect, Mells, just give it up”. This is not what xe needs right now).
Xe calls Near.
Xe forgot xe had his number, but xe does, and it rings once before Near answers the call.
“It’s five in the morning, Mello.” ‘What the fuck’ is implied but not said, and xe appreciates the efforts Near makes not to get on xer nerves.
“You’re in Japan, I forgot.” Xe didn’t. “I…”
“You found him. Matt told me.” Near’s voice is small, tired and still somehow bored, but he knows how important this is for xem, so he settles back on whatever chair he was in and probably starts twirling his hair, a habit he never grew out of.
“He’s a complete dumbass,” Mello seethes. Xe can’t help it, it all goes pouring out. “He didn’t recognise me. And before you tell me it’s something he came up with so I’d leave him alone, no, he really didn’t. I could see it. He really fucking didn’t know who I was, Near. He looked at me like he’d never seen me before and he asked if he knew me. I can’t do it, Near, fuck. I don’t know what I wanted out of this but…”
“But that’s not it,” Near quietly adds, “yeah, I understand.” He heaves a sigh, before going on. “I knew he lived there.”
For a split second, Mello’s vision whites out with fury. “What the fuck. I spent weeks on this.”
Near sighs again. “And what for ? You didn’t even get a pat on the back.” Scratching sounds, the ruffling of white pyjamas, a yawn. “Sorry, that was rude,” Near says, not sounding sorry at all. “I know how important this was for you. Maybe you should try to go back, see if now he recognises you. His memory can’t be that bad.”
Mello huffs haughtily, not ready to admit defeat and make the first step. L will reach him if he wants to. Which is fucking never.
Xe doesn’t know if xe is ok with that.
Maybe Near is right.
“Ok, say I contact him. What do I even say,” Mello asks.
“You try and make friends, I thought you were good at it. Say you’re a fan. That’s not too far off the truth.”
Near has to be joking. A fan ? Xe would literally rather die. Once again Mello is submerged by the hopelessness xe felt when Kira died. In truth, xe knew Near would survive this. Near would prevail because he was godless, had no icons, no one to look up to. This battle of giants was not what his life had at stake.
Mello on the other hand, would stay in L’s shadow all xer life. Had, actually. Second rate detective, xe was, if xe was honest with xemself.
“I’ll just.” It’s Mello’s turn to sigh. “I’ll just let you sleep, Near,” xe says. “Thanks for listening to me.” This does not leave a bitter taste on xer tongue at all. “I’ll catch you later so you can tell me about stuff.”
“I didn’t even know you had my number,” he answers, “you’re probably blocking me right after this call.”
“Yeah, right,” Mello says. “Fucking true. Still. Have fun or whatever. You’ll pay me back for not telling me where he lives.”
“I have,” Near cryptically says, and he hangs up.
The doorbell rings.
I have received a package from a friend a business acquaintance, containing pictures and files about what L has done since retiring seven years ago. It is filled with mundane things such as crumpled grocery receipts, pictures of L sleeping in various locations and orders to have a giant washing machine built in his new house. What for I don’t know, since L barely seems to change clothes.
One thing that struck me was the date of Watari’s death. It was eight years ago, and he apparently died in his sleep of natural causes. I wonder how L took it. It must have had an impact on L’s detective abilities, as the Kira case was to my knowledge the only one where he revealed his face to associates during the case instead of speaking through the phone or through Watari. Had he found ways to interact with the world outside of his comfortable little bubble ?
It doesn’t seem like it. Barely a year after Watari’s death, L was ceasing all detective activity on international soil, solving only one minor police squabble in Wales before retiring to this little town in Italy. Did he lose his mind most of his field of action because of Watari’s death ?
I have another theory. L got bored. He stopped his detective work out of sheer fatigue, tired of never facing a foe as formidable as Kira. Tired of the never-ending squabbles for glory humans have, when he tasted the power of a wannabe god. No one will be as interesting to him as Kira and this destroyed him.
I know this because no one will be as interesting to me as L and
Xe stays in Matera for a little while. Not purposefully trying to cross L’s path, but not avoiding him either, rather, staying in this grey (dark) area where xe avidly goes to every place L might have been seen at times of the day he might be there, while telling xemself xe is totally not hoping they’ll meet. They kind of try to cross his path, ok.
Near’s pictures prove to be faithful. L can be seen helping Laetitia, his babysitter (for lack of a better word), do grocery shopping, or perusing market stalls. He can be seen drinking coffee on the little plaza and – this surprises Mello a great deal – going to church. Xe had never pegged L as a religious guy, not in the same sense as xem, but he doesn’t seem to go there out of devotion rather than out of the compulsive need to get out of the house as much as possible.
Near’s pictures also are useful, inasmuch as Mello is not surprised to see L gnawing at his fingers, pulling at his hair, scratching his leg over his jeans until it bleeds. He has dark circles under his eyes, worse than before, and the light in his room almost never goes off. He barely eats anything other than candy, though Mello sees Laetitia coax him into buying a sweet potato, something she does often judging by how easily L cedes to her demands, and… Mello thinks he gets a clearer picture.
Never meet your idols if you’re not ready to see them crumble under your baffled eyes, xe thinks bitterly.
There’s no point in staying in Matera any longer after xe realises this. Xe leaves at dusk, because xe loves a good theatrical exit. The only thing xe is not sure of is where to go. Matt says he’s busy but that his house is open, Near’s number is long gone from xer contact list – not that xe doesn’t know it by heart, but it’s the symbolic gesture that counts.
Xe errs here and there, going back to Wales for a short while before leaving for Sudan. Xe spends weeks there working on unveiling some of the horrors of the civil war, excruciating work that xe is not sure xe will ever do again. Months pass. Summer turns into autumn, and into winter again, like in Argentina.
Xe receives a message.
It’s from Near. He’s asking for advice. Which isn’t strange, he’s done that before, but Mello never answered and just changed xer number, though that never seemed to stop him.
This time, Mello answers.
There’s nothing like losing someone to make sure you’ll remember those who stay.
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victorluvsalice · 5 years
AU Thursday: Londerland Bloodlines -- Tower Assault
Hey, I said this AU was on my mind -- and with the release of the newest (pre-alpha, admittedly) gameplay trailer for Bloodlines 2, that's unlikely to change anytime soon. So -- let's have some fic! :D Today's offering was inspired by a previous “updating the verse” post I made, where I talked about a change I thought of regarding Alice's final assault on LaCroix's tower -- rather than going in the front door and fighting her way through all those guards, she manages to get herself some climbing equipment and scales the damn building while Obfuscated. As you might imagine, this is the last thing LaCroix is expecting when he tells his elite guards (and Chunk, here called Officer Norris because that’s his voice actor’s name) to watch out for her. . .
"Officer Norris? Has there been any sign of our – miscreant?"
"Uh, no, Mr. LaCroix!" Norris chirped over the intercom. "Haven't seen hide nor hair of her! Promise I'll let you know the moment she comes by."
"Very good, Officer Norris. Thank you."
"Uh, Mr. LaCroix?" Norris got out before he could release the button. "Not to, you know, pry into stuff that ain't my business, but – why is it you want me to keep her out all of a sudden? You weren't really clear on that before. And us in the security business – well, it's important we get our facts straight, ya know?"
"She betrayed me, Officer Norris," LaCroix replied, letting the words roll off his tongue with silver smoothness. Not that he needed to waste such talents on Norris, but – practice. "She betrayed quite a lot of people, actually. She's been selling secrets to other parties, making deals with unsavory sorts. . .and I have reason to believe she's recently caused the death of a potential business partner of mine."
"Oh wow! That is – never would have thought it of her! She's always seemed like a bit of a tough cookie, but the kind with a creamy center, you know? All molten chocolate and–"
"Focus, Officer Norris," LaCroix said, rolling his eyes. Mortals and their obsession with food. His eyes flicked over to the sarcophagus. Then again – I know what it's like to anticipate a meal.
"Yeah, sorry, Mr. LaCroix. Er – so, if Alice is this dangerous, shouldn't we, you know, call proper 9-1-1 and all that? I got some buddies in the call center–"
"I assure you that all the appropriate measures have already been taken," LaCroix cut in before Norris could go on another ramble about his "cop friends." "There is no way Miss Liddell is leaving this city without facing justice for her crimes. If she does come here, you have my full authorization to use lethal force."
"Right you are, Mr. LaCroix." Norris sighed. "Hope it doesn't come to that, though. Man, and here's me, thinking she's a pretty sweet girl once you get to know her. . ."
"The cruelest wolf can mimic the friendliest dog, Officer Norris. Remember that."
"Sure will, Mr. LaCroix. And you can call me Chunk, you know!"
LaCroix winced. "Given our relationship, Officer Norris, I don't think that's appropriate."
"Oh, yeah, yeah. . .well, anyway. I'll give you a call moment I see her."
"Thank you, Officer Norris." LaCroix released the intercom button, leaning back with a sigh. "To think I employ someone like that," he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Now that Bach's little group has been – disbanded, I should give him his walking papers." He smirked, one fang peeping through his lips. "Though I suppose it doesn't really matter, does it? Not with what's in our future."
Melech nodded shortly, then glanced at him, eyes questioning. "Oh, she'll come," LaCroix said, steepling his fingers in front of him. "She will most definitely come. That rabblerouser Jack will have told her by now I'm responsible for all her woes. And has she not made it very clear, during our last few meetings, that she wished our – alliance, shall we say, to be at an end? The girl is a Brujah trapped in a Malkavian skin. She must be itching for a chance to take out her temper on me, and damn the consequences."
Melech tilted his head, lips slightly pursed. "Yes, I called the Blood Hunt, but would you trust the average Brujah or Gangrel on the street to take her out?" LaCroix responded, looking up into that stony face. "After the miracles she's committed? May I remind you that she has destroyed both the local chapter of the Society of Leopold – including one of my personal enemies – and the heart of the Los Angeles Sabbat? Tasks that were beyond your capabilities? And there was that news report the other evening, of the massive wolf found crushed to death in the Griffith Observatory. Somehow, I doubt that was the work of Nines Rodriguez – though it still worries me that we can't confirm his Final Death." He sighed, then waved a hand. "Well, I suppose if he does turn up alive – so to speak – it will make the Anarchs happy. And so far they seem willing to believe that Alice has thrown her lot in with Ming Xiao and her nest of snakes. So long as they remain enraged enough to drive those ridiculous excuses for foreign vampires out of my city, I shall be content. And then. . ." He looked again at the sarcophagus, anticipation clinging to its every chip and crack. "Then we will make plans accordingly."
He pushed back his chair and stood up, walking with lazy grace to his favorite spot in front of the window. Los Angeles stretched out before him, twinkling in the dark. He reached out, longing to scoop it up and capture it in his fist. "A shame, really – she could have had it all," he mumbled, flexing his fingers. "I was just beginning to realize her worth as an agent. To survive everything she did, to accomplish so many difficult tasks as a mere fledgling. . .I will give Fish this – he picked someone worthy of being an eighth-generation vampire. If she'd only been a bit more deferential, a bit less – well, her. . .we could have done amazing things together."
Melech rumbled an agreement. LaCroix sighed. "But, of course, she refused to cooperate. To let her full potential grow under my guidance. To accept the wisdom of her elders and betters. No, she had to go it on her own – to forge down the path of the fool and the malcontent." He chuckled briefly. "At least I have the pleasure of knowing that the Anarchs don't trust her either. From what I've heard, she had an early falling-out with Nines, and the rest of them find her as irritating as I do." His brow furrowed briefly. "Perhaps we really did drive her to the Kue-jin. . .no, she's too smart for that. She'd know they'd never actually accept her." He laughed again, a little louder. "What a silly girl, to reject any and all that could help her! She must feel quite alone on those streets." He leaned toward the window, drinking in his city with his eyes, running his tongue over his fangs. "An apt punishment for the hubris of the newborn."
"God, you love the sound of your own voice, don't you?"
LaCroix recoiled backwards, the scream of a little girl ripping itself from his throat. On the other side of the glass, Alice rolled her eyes, adjusting the harness she wore. "As if getting up this bloody tower wasn't grueling enough," she continued, bracing her legs on either side of the window frame. "What exactly are you compensating for? You're not that short, and I have it on decent authority that your interest in your manly bits should have waned with the Embrace." She shrugged, bending her knees and adjusting her grip on her rope. "I'll leave the question for the primogen to debate. Right now – for putting up with all your posturing and other various pieces of bullshit, I believe you owe me your life. In the most direct sense possible."
With that, she pushed off, sailing into the air – then came rushing back, thickly-booted feet held out in front of her. LaCroix scrambled to safety under his desk as the window shattered, sending shards of glass flying. Melech raised his massive sword to shield himself as Alice rolled to a stop. "Ah – gah – GET HER!" LaCroix managed to shriek, waving one arm wildly in her direction.
His sheriff, fortunately, was quick to comply. He flung aside his sword and coat, spreading his arms wide as he called up on his dark Disciplines. Moments later, his human form morphed and twisted, stretching itself into the terrible gigantic bat LaCroix had only seen twice before. Alice gaped, eyes wide, one hand on her harness's release. "What–"
Melech shrieked at her and flung himself into the air. His talons locked around her arms, dragging her back out the window and snapping the harness like it wasn't even there. "Yes – NO!" LaCroix cried after him, suddenly conscious of the incredible violation of the Masquerade. Too visible, much too visible – but she couldn't be allowed to survive this night – "The roof!" he screamed. "Take her to the roof!"
Melech squealed and wheeled around, dragging his dumbfounded passenger up to the highest point of Venture Tower. LaCroix huddled under his desk, arms around his knees, trying to control his trembling body. It's all right, he told himself firmly. It's all right. Melech will take care of her on the roof, and we'll let the morning sun dispose of the corpse. And – and we'll come up with an appropriate story for the masses later. An – an advertising gimmick gone wrong. A Batman cosplayer gone mad. Some sort of – of mass hallucination from swamp gas carried on the wind. We'll make it right. We'll find the key. And I will never have to worry about any of this ever again.
. . .God, I hope he wins that fight.
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joonshadow · 5 years
"i'm not straight"
being in the closet isnt that much fun
namjoon comes out to the other members after hiding for so long.
/namjoon-centric fluff/
Tumblr media
namjoon knew he wasn't straight for quite a while now but never told anyone, neither his family or his members. not because he wasn't sure about it, heck no, he knows for a hundred percent.
but coming out to yourself is really hard and coming out to everyone else in your life is even harder sometimes.
the leader always is open and accepting, never judging anyone. he has some not straight friends and loves them so much, couraging them to be open and happy. but being not straight himself is a bit different.
first, he could never be open about his sexuality to the whole world. its just the sad truth that an idol isn't supposed to be gay, they should be "normal" and appealing to their fans, who are mostly female.
which leads to the second reason; the hate.
as the leader of the group its his job to hold the members together and look after them. if he came out as gay, the media would go crazy and not just attack joon, but probably the whole group with hate and drama.
so no, being out and about isn't really an option for him. but for a while now he thought about telling his little "secret" to his members, his best friends who are like a second family for the boy.
turns out that trying to come out is nerve wracking as fuck.
all seven boys are cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie yoongi choose called "love simon" and eating popcorn.
namjoon is squished inbetween jungkook and hoseok, the youngest laying his head down on joons lap while his head is on hoseoks shoulders.
namjoons hands are sweaty, his heart is bumping hard in his chest and his throat is dry as hell. the blonde boy kept thinking over and over how he should say it but everytime he wants to say it out loud, he gets too scared.
its weird because he knows he will receive nothing but love and support from his friends, so he doesnt know why its so scary to actually tell them.
probably because his whole life, it was his little secret just for himself that no one else knew. so telling it someone else who obviously isnt him, is scaring the hell out of him.
and the time passes, the movie almost over and jungkook asleep on his thighs.
the first one to speak up wasnt namjoon, it was taehyung.
"i love this movie, its awesome. the two boys are so cute together!", the blue haired boy said with a sleepy voice and smiled at the other members, everyone agreeing with him instantly.
which makes joon incredibly happy. he doesn't know if its just something he feels or if its common among lgbt people, but everytime someone whos important to him says something accepting or nice about the community, his heart secretly bursts full of happiness in his chest.
"its late, we should sleep.", hoseok mumbled while carefully standing up, trying not to wake the youngest member up.
"youre right, hyung. do we have any schedules tomorrow?", asked jimin, who also was almost asleep next to jungkook.
seokjin told them all that they dont have anything planned for the next week since promotions are over and their tour starts in three weeks. everyone smiled because that means they would all be able to sleep as long as they want tomorrow.
namjoon brought some blankets from his room for jungkook who will sleep on the couch today because everyone is too tired and lazy to wake the youngest up and bring him to bed.
he carefully put them over him and tucked the sleeping boy in, kissing his head before turning off the tv and going out of the living room as quiet as possible.
seokjin and hoseok already dissapeared in their rooms, tired from practising their newest choreo all day long, while jimin and taehyung were in the bathroom and getting ready for bed.
namjoon did the same, telling the younger ones to sleep well and not to stay up too late before going to his room as well.
yoongi was his roommate, the two rappers sharing their room for quiet a while now.
the older boy was already in his bed when namjoon came in and crawled into his bed after changing into his pyjamas.
namjoon thought he was already asleep so he tried his best to be quiet and not make any noise to disturb the other. he almost fell asleep too before he heard some footsteps coming near his bed, his big blanket being held up and yoongi going under them.
it wasnt surprising since the two of them cuddle almost every night. but namjoon still got surprised as yoongi began to talk in a soft, calm voice.
"whats wrong, joon? i know somethings on your mind. you can talk to me, you know?"
is he that obvious? okay maybe he is a little bit tense lately, trying so hard to act normal but at the same time trying to find a good moment to tell his members about his sexuality.
after the movie was over today, he was kinda pissed at himself because he wasted such a good opportunity to tell them.
"i dont know what you mean, hyung. im just like always?"
yoongi sighed but besides that he just stayed silent. he softly caressed joons hair and waited for the younger boy to speak up when he is comfortable with doing so.
namjoons heart started to pound faster and he felt his hands getting sweaty again. maybe this was better than telling it everyone at once.
so he took a deep breath, tried to get his shit together and with a voice that yoongi almost wasnt able to hear, he finally said it out loud.
"im gay."
namjoon couldnt see yoongis reaction, wasnt able to read his face because it was pitch dark in their room and his back was turned towards the older one.
he started to breath faster, anxiety rising up in him because yoongi didnt say anything and for a second namjoon thought that he will hate him now.
but all his fears went away as yoongi wrapped his arms around namjoons waist and pulled him a little bit closer, giving him a soft kiss on his shoulder and smiled against his neck.
"arent you gonna say anything?"
"what should i say, joon? its no big deal,
i still love you. youre still the same person as before, you know?"
namjoon fell asleep a few minutes later with the biggest smile on his face.
"so for how long have you known?"
yoongi decided the morning after that just the two of them should sit together and talk a little bit. namjoon was more than okay with that which resulted in them sitting on yoongis bed, both with a cup of tea and surrounded by soft blankets and pillows.
namjoon told him everything, about how he found out and if he ever had a boyfriend, to which he sadly answered with a no.
"i dont know if anyone would every truly love me for who i am, you know what i mean?", namjoon said and looked down at his cup.
yoongi looked at the other boy and smiled softly, hitting his shoulder playfully.
"i bet youll find the perfect boy soon, joonie. dont worry too much about it."
this same afternoon namjoon decided that he should tell the other members too. it was unfair to just tell it yoongi and keep this big secret from everyone else.
its kinda hard to plan this kind of stuff since he is the type of person to back out on the last second. but after feeling so relieved from telling yoongi about his sexuality, he figured it wont be that bad to tell the others as well.
he went to seokjins and hoseoks room, knocking on the door twice and letting himself in after hearing a tired "yes?" from the inside.
there they were, sitting on their comfortable beds while probably scrolling through social media and stalking fan accounts. neither of them looked up, too concentrated on their phones and whats going on on the internet.
both of them looked up after they heard namjoons quiet voice filled with anxiety, instantly putting away their phones and just focusing on him which, to be honest, didnt make this any easier.
"whats wrong, joon?", hoseok asks curious while standing up, taking his hand and pulling him over to seokjins bed.
hoseok sat right next to jin, which meant that namjoon is right in front of the two older boys.
nervously he was fiddling with his hands, taking a deep breath and thinking about what yoongi told him.
its no big deal,
youre still the same person as before
"i have something to say that i feel like you two should know, okay? its nothing big, at least thats what yoongi hyung says, but i just wanted you guys to kno-"
"are you gay or what?", hoseok said while letting out a small giggle, stopping the moment he saw namjoons surprised face.
"wait, youre really gay. holy shit, im sorry namjoon, i didnt mean to-"
"oh shut up hoseok, dont make this even more embarassing for yourself.", seokjin insisted and then just focused on namjoon, who was just hella surprised and a little bit shocked to be honest.
"yeah, im actually gay. thanks for ruining my big surprise", namjoon joked and smiled at hoseok, who still feels kinda bad and tightly holds joons hands in his.
the two older boys gave namjoon a big hug, telling him that theyll love and support him no matter what and reminded namjoon that theyre always here if he needs someone to talk to.
everything they said means a lot to joon and he is so happy to hear it, especially from the oldest member in the group. the two were always really close with each other so to know that seokjin still loves him just the way he is, means a lot.
namjoon looked up from the pot with boiling hot water in it, making pasta for everyone or at least trying to. taehyung came into the kitchen and just silently started to cut the vegetables that joon already put out for cooking.
"whats up, tae?", joon asked while taking out spices from the cabin, tasting the sauce for the noodles before adding some more salt and pepper. hes not the best cook but still able to make simple pasta with tomato sauce without making everyone sick or burning down the kitchen.
taehyung put away the knife for cutting the veggies, puts his hands on joons shoulders and turns him around so that the two boys are facing each other.
"uh, taehyung? what are you doing?"
the younger one just hugged joon tight and buried his face in the taller ones neck, pulling him close. to say that namjoon was a little bit confused was an understatement.
taehyung began to speak quietly with a shy, almost embarassed voice against joons soft skin.
"i heard you, hobi hyung and jin hyung talk in their rooms. i shouldnt have listened, but i was so curious about what you guys were talking about. im so sorry, hyung."
he was a little bit confused but understood after a second whats going on.
"so you know?"
the blue haired boy nodded quickly and promised namjoon that he doesnt mind it at all and that hes still the best leader of the whole world to which namjoon just responded with a soft "thank you", a big smile and an even bigger hug.
the day is almost over, no one really did anything besides sleeping and eating all day long. days like these are much needed after stressful promotions and exhausting award shows.
the boys ate joons pasta for dinner, complimenting him on his "amazing" cooking skills and after that they all just dissapear in their rooms or somewhere else in the house.
it was already dark outside as namjoon sat down on their big couch, pulling his phone out and scrolling trough social media.
most of the fans dont know but all of the members love to look at all the different fan accounts and see what they say about their group. its fun.
around five minutes later he got a message from jimin.
jimin: hyung
jimin: do you want to watch a movie
jimin: just jungkook, yoongi and me
namjoon: sure
after hitting send, he made his way to jimins room, already hearing their voices and the tv playing in the background. he just went in there without knocking and got greeted by the sight of jimin making little ponytails with yoongis grey hair and jungkook eating leftover pasta from dinner.
"wow, looks like you guys are having a lot of fun without me", namjoon said laughing and just laid down on the bed next to jungkook.
"its boring just with yoongi hyung, most of the time he falls asleep during the movie and thats-"
"oh shut up, its not my fault that the movies you guys choose are always so boring."
both of them laughed after yoongi jokingly hit jimins arm, which hurt not even a little bit since he isnt really the strongest.
"what movie are we even watching today?"
"probably a bad love movie which jimin found on netflix after feeling lonely and sad again"
the next second jimin just deadass jumped on jungkook and both of them tried to push the other one down on the bed. jimin gave up a bit after since its unfair because jungkook is "way stronger and hes tickling him which is fucking unfair".
namjoon just laughs and sits a little bit closer to yoongi, the older one putting his arm around joons shoulders and pulling him even closer.
"guys, come on now. if you dont want me to fall asleep during the movie, we should start now and not just in a few hours when you two decided to calm down.", yoongi murmured kinda annoyed, he would probably rather be in his bed now.
after a few minutes the movie was playing on the big tv screen and all four of them cuddled up on jungkooks big bed.
namjoon couldnt hold back a small giggle after seeing that jimin chose 'titanic' and hearing yoongi and jungkooks annoyed sigh.
to be honest, it was actually really nice. a few minutes after the movie started, taehyung decided to join them too and just snuggled between jungkook and jimin.
yoongi couldnt hold back and after a while he was softly snoring on namjoons lap with messy hair and parted lips.
the younger one of the two just caresses the older ones hair, loving the way it feels between his fingers.
"did hyung fall asleep again?", jimin asked with not even a little bit of surprise in his voice.
namjoon just nodded without saying anything, he didnt want to wake up yoongi and taehyung, whos also sleeping in jungkooks arms.
maybe now is the right time to tell them too since they are the last ones who dont know about joons little secret yet. jimin is still looking at namjoon with sleepy eyes, smiling a bit.
"jimin, jungkook, i have to tell you guys something", namjoon whispered as quiet as possible, hoping the younger boys would understand him anyways since he would rather not say it twice.
"what is it?", asks jimin, now wide awake and looking at namjoon full of curiosity.
from jungkook he just heard a tired "hm?".
"im gay", he whispers softly.
he honestly expected to be more calm now considering he came out to so many people in such a short time. but hes still nervous, his heart beating fast and waiting for a reaction he already knows will be the same as all the others before.
"not surprising, hyung"
wait, what? namjoon was confused.
"what do you mean, jungkook?"
jimin just giggles and shrugs his shoulders. jungkook told him that it isnt really that big of a surprise since hes not that stupid and knows his hyungs well. namjoon wanted him to be a little bit more clear, so he explained why he always kinda knew that joonie isnt that hetero.
"you never had a girlfriend and neither do you really talk about girls the way, for example jimin, does. and since there were never any signs that youre straight, i just assumed you arent."
namjoon just laughs and sarcastically congrats jungkook on his smart brain and his skill on finding out peoples sexuality. jimin joins in too and after a bit they all just cant stop laughing.
both, taehyung and yoongi woke up from the noise, confused and tired.
"whats going on?", yoongi said so quiet that namjoon and the others almost didnt notice.
"namjoon hyung likes boys!"
after that, the three boys just started to laugh even harder, not even knowing whats so funny about the whole situation.
but theres one thing namjoon knows for sure.
and that is that hes genuinely happy right now, feeling so good after knowing that he doesnt have to hide anymore and that hes so so loved.
you can find my other stories on wattpad @ smolouis
please leave feedback!!
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
Bughead Family Discord Member Spotlight
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This week the spotlight is on Cat ( @shibbycat ), our newest admin! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones | Graphic by Katie, @betty-cooper
Cat | @shibbycat
Name: Cat 
Age: I’m old enough to own a Sega Genesis bought in a store the year it was released, and yes. I still play it. 
Location: Northern Italy for the time being, but I’m prone to moving quite bit. 
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: I can do some conversational Spanish, and I can have Eric (my husband) tell me what you’re saying in Russian.
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: What gave you the impression that I like Riverdale or its ships? JK. Shockingly, I’m all about that Bughead. ALL about it. I care about most of the characters & their successes/failures… with Betty, Jughead, Veronica & Cheryl in the lead. 
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: Wow. Talk about a Sophie’s Choice. Here goes nothing. I legit yelled at my screen during The Look in 1x02, “omG. IT’S HAPPENING.” My childhood ship was exhumed. Best day. The dynamic between Jughead & FP in 1x07 rang particularly true to me. I also took away that Jughead talks about Jellybean like she’s his kid, not his sister. It guts me every single time. The end bit where Betty & Jughead walk away together really demonstrated how close they already were as a couple. Bonus for that being the scene where it clicks with Archie his two best friends were 5000% together, & their friendships was never going to be the same. It’s a small moment but I love it. Picking one thing from Season 2??? Co-Presidents. The absolute equality in their relationship was so perfectly on point here for me. The support and respect for one another was on display in blinking neon lights. WAIT. The hospital scene. I can’t leave it off. Jughead “I’ll never stop loving you” Jones almost gets murdered & only feels bad about not being there for Betty. All that matters to Betty is Jughead getting better. Plus, down-the-face kisses. I can’t with these two. 
What are your hopes for S3?: I’m really hoping to see more of a focus on the friendships. I want to see them all work together in general & specifically, to defeat Hiram. We got to see an entire season of Hiram doing nothing but succeeding in his various nefarious causes & successfully pitting Bughead/Varchie against one another. Seeing his takedown at the hands of those whose lives & relationships he thought destroyed as they’re instead working together? Yes. Very yes. I’m of course beyond stoked for the Bughead Detective Agency & them working/growing together in their relationship & lives. Some actual fun times would be great to see. Yano, ones that don’t end in someone getting murdered or going to jail.
Other fandoms you’re into?: Besides Riverdale, I only exist in lurker status (thanks anxiety!) for fandoms, but I lurk(ed) super hard in Harry Potter (Except that I’ve totally written terrible HP fic. Really happy no one’s going to read this to know that), Reylo, Doctor Who, & Sherlock.
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: Besides the obvious, just about everything Disney touches owns my pocketbook, dedication & continued attention. Parks & Rec, The Office (both UK & US), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gilmore Girls, Doctor Who, Star Trek: TNG, & Sherlock are all shows I can watch on repeat. I’m not even going to start on non-Disney movies, because I’ll be here all day.
Favourite books?: This is literally the most difficult question to answer, because books are life. I’m going to keep it brief & say “Harry Potter.” They changed my life, they saved my life, & they’re always there to welcome me home.
Favourite bands/musicians?: Favorites are so hard. I like a little something from most genres of music, but I can never turn off classic Elton John, BSB (I had full plans to marry Kevin as an 11 year old), Linkin Park, John Williams, Lady GaGa, Guns n Roses, The Killers, or Queen. Big picture wise, I’m particularly attached to Classic Rock, practically anything 80s, late 90s/early 2000s pop (I still know all the choreo to Bye Bye Bye & Oops... I Did It Again), The Great American Songbook, classical music, popular songs converted classical arrangements, and I’m a sucker for 1960s/70s R&B/soul. Long story short, I make a lot of playlists. 
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: Harry Potter for sure. Wands which choose you. Broomsticks which get released like new car models. Owls which deliver mail anywhere. Portkeys/Apparating/Brooms/Floo powder making travel dirt cheap/free. Butterbeer & Pumpkin Juice. If it’s not clear, I’m really into Harry Potter. OH. I also did a HP LARP a few years ago in a Polish castle, & it was the greatest thing EVER. 
Favourite food?: Oh food. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Seriously. I travel around just to eat. Limiting to one kind? Mexican food. I could eat it everyday. 
Favourite season?: Fall/winter. First of all, I like to wear a GRIP of layers. I’m also a big fan of being lazy & putting a beanie on over my unstyled (often unbrushed) hair. I’m also VERY into Halloween & Christmas. I decorate for both with gusto. Christmas goes up in my house the same day it does at Disneyland: 10 November. I’m also obsessed with Christmas Markets. So many quality Halloween/Christmas films too! I have an entire list of mandatory watches every year. 
Favourite plant?: Really large sunflowers with the dark red/deep orange petals. Their seeds also demonstrate the Fibonacci sequence, and I’m a human who believes math is the most beautiful thing in the entire world. 
Favourite scent?: There’s something magical smelling about old books for me. I also really enjoy the way rain smells on dry pavement when it first starts falling.
Favourite colour?: It’s been purple ever since I learned how the Phoenicians made it when I was 9. 
Favourite animal?: Cats. All kinds & sizes...except Sphynxes. & unicorns. Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: Night owl/early bird. The insomnia is strong with this one. 
Place you want to visit?: I’ve been lucky enough to check a lot of places off my “must see” list, but Madagascar is still a life goal. OH! & to visit every single Disney park around the world. 
Do you have pets? If you do, tell us a little about them: Ah! Something I LOVE talking about. I have 3 incredibly spoiled cat children who want to cuddle all the time. That’s right. Cat loves cats. They’re all rescues, Maine Coons, and little characters to be sure. Their names are Dorcas, Knick Knack, & Elmo. We’ve had Dorky for 10 years and Elmo & Knick Knack for 9 years. Knick Knack likes to walk on a leash & paws at the door for his walk. Dorcas plays fetch with toy mice, and Elmo likes to cuddle so hard Eric is genuinely worried I’ll be suffocated by his snuggles. 
Tell us a little about yourself?: My grandma once told me that I’ve always known exactly who I am, even as a child, and I’ve let that sense-of-self guide me (not always to greatness mind you) every day. I’m an introvert with fairly crippling anxiety & depression, and I simply don’t care who knows it. If me being upfront about it can help anyone, I’m happy to do it. I’m hypercritical of myself & what I put out into the world. Being frank, honest, and sarcastic are how I say “hello,” but I’m also a firm believer in “don’t say something rude just to say something rude.” Tact is key. Encouraging people to find their own happiness & fulfillment in life are things which bring me joy. Likewise, I’d do pretty much anything for a friend, & if there’s something I can do to help them/help someone in their journey to find happiness in life, I want to do it. Uuuummm, I laugh so hard I cry a lot, and my eyeliner runs. It always makes people think I’ve been crying for real & filled with emotions. It’s awkward. I guess I’m creative? I like woodworking, pyrography, crafting, and making nerd stuff through those mediums. 
Fun or weird fact about you?: I entered my wedding reception to “The Imperial March.” It’s safe to say I’ve been a wee bit obsessed with Star Wars for longer than my Sega Genesis is old.
This is the ninth instalment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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jungmoseok · 6 years
Can u write a fic where yoongi goes to tie his shoes but he cant bc his belly has gotten so big that it gets in the way and so his bf namjoon has to help and teases him? I’m so happy u started this blow btw 💞
Chubby Yoongi is my weakness ahhh. Also, cute bf Namjoon helping+teasing: omg. I had fun writing this, I hope it’s not too long. And, I’m not familiar with writing very big characters or verbal teasing, so I’m sorry if this came out weird. I hope you enjoy the fic, anon, and that it’s semi-decent. :p Aww, thank you so much!! I hope you like what I post in the future.
Namjoon wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s warm, vast frame. Namjoon squished into the older man’s plush body and nuzzled him. He played with the soft rolls of fat that cascaded on his belly and sides. Yoongi had gotten quite big since he started dating Namjoon. Yoongi was never very toned: with a slight, little belly and round cheeks. But now, he was massive. Before actively encouraging and helping Yoongi gain so much weight, Namjoon made sure Yoongi was okay with it. Yoongi was even more enthusiastic about the whole thing than Namjoon. With both of them in love with the idea of constantly stuffing Yoongi and making him fatter, Yoongi put on weight very quickly. They hadn’t weighed him a while, but as Namjoon ran his hands along the soft, pillowy flesh of Yoongi’s underbelly— testing how heavy it was in his hands— he guessed he must of been over 90kg. With Yoongi being a bit short and incredibly lazy, the pounds and pounds of soft, jiggly fat definitely took a toll on Yoongi’s mobility. It wasn’t anything drastic, though, and Yoongi said he was fine with it. In fact, it excited the older man even more. Yoongi didn’t tell Namjoon that, though, for the “sake of his pride”. And, “for the sake of his pride”, Yoongi insisted on getting out of bed himself and dressing himself. Namjoon told him he’d be more than glad to help, but Yoongi refused because he didn’t want rely on Namjoon for tasks like that, yet. Namjoon giggled at Yoongi’s addition of “yet”, but nodded, understandingly. He gave Yoongi’s soft belly one more squeeze before he kissed Yoongi’s lips and went off to get ready, himself. When Namjoon left their bedroom, Yoongi let out a whine. He hated going out. He rather be doing better things like napping, eating, or making out with Namjoon. Namjoon wanted to introduce Yoongi to a couple of his closer friends, Jimin and Hoseok. Yoongi complained about having to get up early and that he was awkward around new people. Yoongi’s whining was more to get affection from Namjoon than actual refusal. Youngi agreed, since he would do anything to make Namjoon happy. With that, Yoongi pushed himself to the edge of the bed with a grunt. He was a little surprised at just how difficult it was. After a few failed tries at hoisting himself from the bed, Yoongi finally got up on his feet; a bit breathless. He felt his member harden under his belly that reached down his thighs. He brushed it off and went to put on a sweatshirt. Namjoon didn’t care, but Yoongi wished he’d have nicer clothes to wear whenever he went out with Namjoon. Like, a button-up or something. Yoongi remembered he did, he just destroyed it on Namjoon’s birthday. Yoongi wanted to take Namjoon out to a nice restaurant, but didn’t foresee Namjoon ordering almost the entire menu and feeding everything to him in public. After Yoongi finished everything, he couldn’t even move, too heavy and full, and his belly pressing against the table. Right as Namjoon helped him out, all the buttons that were struggling to contain Yoongi’s massive gut finally popped off. Yoongi was utterly mortified, feeling stares of other people on him. Until he realized the dark lust in Namjoon’s eyes and found out this was exactly what he wanted. That night, Namjoon had both fed and rode him to the point where he was sore for two days straight. Young grew nervous thinking about it. He dreaded what Namjoon had in mind for his own birthday. Yoongi shook his head, focusing on pulling the size large, grey sweatshirt over his head. It caught at his soft, broad shoulders and flabby arms. Yoongi found it even more impossible to get the fabric to cover his overhang, yet alone his protruding belly. It proudly pressed against the fabric, the outline of his large, round belly was very obvious. Yoongi pat the dome of a belly fondly, causing it to jiggle. The size large he purchased only a few months ago seemed much too small, now. Oh well, Namjoon would get a kick out of it. Putting on a pair of jeans was even more of a struggle. Yoongi had to suck in his belly through the whole ordeal. Even then, it was extremely difficult to zip and button them with his fat belly in the way. The seams of the jeans looked like they were going to burst around his thighs and ass, not that Yoongi could see over his belly, anyway. Yoongi padded into the living room, finding himself very winded after getting his clothes on. He went to grab a pair of sneakers then plopped down on the edge of the couch with a small moan. He already knew he wouldn’t be able to get them on while standing. Yoongi’s belly turned to rolls when be bent over to put on the shoes. It was a struggle, but he managed to get both of them on. With a huff, Yoongi tried to maneuver his soft arms around the gut that filled his entire lap to tie the laces. After struggling in vain to get ahold of the shoelaces, Yoongi realized it was impossible. His belly was too big and heavy to get around. Yoongi sat back up, whimpering and breathing heavily, not only from exertion. He felt his cheeks grow hot with excitement and embarrassment. Namjoon came into the living room and asked Yoongi if he was ready to go. Seeing Yoongi red-faced and pouting, his clothes straining, made Namjoon gasp on the spot. He felt himself fall even more in love with Yoongi, looking him over lovingly. Namjoon noticed Yoongi’s untied shoes and chuckled softly. “Did you need me to tie them for you, my precious baby boy?” Namjoon joked, coming over to sit on his knees in front of Yoongi. Namjoon kissed the roll of flesh that hung over the waistband of Yoongi’s jeans, acting motherly in a high-pitched baby-voice. Yoongi rolled his eyes and flushed deeper. That’s when the younger man realized he really did need Namjoon to tie his shoes for him. Namjoon felt himself flush, now. He felt something devious pool in his stomach. He gripped Yoongi’s big underbelly in his hand and shook it. Yoongi scolded him for messing around and pouted, saying they were going to be late. Honestly, Yoongi just didn’t want Namjoon to tease him about him not being able to do simple things like this. Well, maybe he did; just a tiny bit. “What happened to you saying you wanted to do things by yourself?” Namjoon cooed, pushing up the hem of Yoongi’s sweatshirt. Yoongi only huffed in response, making Namjoon’s smirk grow even wider. “No way you’ve gotten so fat you can’t even tie your shoes, right?” Namjoon mocked surprise in a dramatic tone. Namjoon fondled Yoongi’s belly, running his hands over his massive love handles. “You’re outgrowing your biggest clothes, now, Yoon,” Namjoon said quietly as he caressed the edges of Yoongi’s vast belly. He traced the newest stretch marks on the sides of the muffin top that pooled over Yoongi’s jeans. Namjooon swallowed hard before continuing, “you’ve let yourself go so badly, you can’t even tie your own shoes.” Yoongi didn’t say anything, half-ashamed and half-thrilled. He just whined and pouted, eager to hear what else Namjoon was going to say. “It’s all because of this.” Namjoon sent a small smack to the center of Yoongi’s belly, causing the entire mass to shake. Yoongi grunted softly, saying it was Namjoon’s fault. Namjoon giggled in response and said “I feed you sometimes, but you’re the one who eats everything. You’re the one who stuffs yourself until you can’t even move. Even then, you’re still begging for more. It’s not my fault you’re a pig with zero self-control.” Namjoon’s sweet, warm voice contrasted with his sharp words. Yoongi loved it, though. Namjoon was always a sweet and caring boyfriend, but Yoongi did have to admit, he enjoyed this. Yoongi felt his hard-on poke against his belly and he instinctively squirmed. Namjoon noticed then kept talking. “I should just let you meet them with your untied sneakers. They’ll be amazed just at how huge and soft you are. They’ll just assume you don’t notice, since you haven’t been able to see your feet for months.” Yoongi squirmed, again. He bit his lip and looked into Namjoon’s eyes, pleading. Namjoon’s softened, worried he’d gone too far. He was about to apologize until Yoongi shook his head. He was panting slightly and kept glancing down at his belly. Namjoon suddenly realized what he’d done to Yoongi and sighed, relieved he didn’t hurt him, but made him hard. His smirk returned. Namjoon gripped Yoongi’s underbelly with both hands and raised it, seeing his boner press against his jeans. Namjoon groaned, pleased. He let Yoongi’s belly smack back down onto his lap as he let it go. It wobbled for a few seconds before settling on his lap. Yoongi groaned at the sensation then shot a glare at Namjoon, still flushed. Namjon understood how desperate Yoongi felt and wanted to take care of him, right away. Namjoon was feeling very horny, as well. Namjoon said he would cancel with Jimin and Hoseok, but Yoongi said he still wanted to go. Namjoon laughed softly. “Getting off on other people’s reaction to your weight, now?” He was half-joking, half-serious. Yoongi suddenly looked offended. “No,” he said pointedly, lying through his teeth. Namjoon smiled softly and gestured for Yoongi to hand him his foot. Yoongi obeyed, moving each foot in front of Namjoon so he could tie the shoelaces. When Namjoon finished, he stood back up and pulled down Yoongi’s sweatshirt down from the crest of his big belly. It still failed to cover its entirety and Namjoon didn’t hide how much that turned him on. Yoongi gave a pouted “thank you” and was about to sit up before Namjoon put a hand on his belly, pushing him back down. “You know,” Namjoon went to whisper in his ear, his voice low, “I love you, Yoon. I’ll always take care of you and will support you, no matter what.” Yoongi was taken aback by Namjoon’s heartfelt little speech and blushed lightly. Namjoon was so sweet. Namjoon’s warm breath tickled Yoongi’s hair as he laughed into his ear for a moment. “Even when your belly gets so big, you can’t even put on your shoes.” So much for being sweet. Yoongi whipped his head around and scoffed, mock-offended. Namjoon pinched Yoongi’s round, chubby cheek and kissed him deeply. Namjoon held Yoongi’s hands tight as he tried to pull him up from the couch. Namjoon noted out-loud how heavy Yoongi was and how difficult it was to pull him up. Yoongi scoffed, again: “you love it”. Namjoon nodded with a bright grin. Namjoon still held Yoongi’s hand as he guided him out the front door, and Yoongi mumbled a quiet “I love you, too."
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franeridart · 7 years
Would you ever consider uploading your Kekkai Sensen piece onto Redbubble? My friend and I are massive fans and I would love to own a print or tshirt with it on it!
Done! Just click on available products to see all the stuff it’s on! :D and thank you for liking it!!!
Anon said:YESSSSS qlu is such a good fic!!!! literally the writing is.... so good and so in char!!!! loved seeing art of it!!!!!!
YAH!!!! Asma’s one of my top favorite bakushima writers, she’s got such a good grasp on them and her storytelling style is always incredibly on point, I love reading her stuff so much !!
Anon said:I highkey love your art.
Anon said:Ahh I saw art of that scene before and thought I was content with that but OMFG YOURS IS FUCKING AMAZING
THANKS I’m super glad you liked it!!!! You shouldn’t make that sort of comparisions tho, anon :O 
Anon said:I honestly love the fatgum fam so much (they're actually the only reason I'm reading the series alongside Tsuchako; I saw your pictures of them, fell in love, and proceeded to speed through the manga in hopes of seeing them) and seeing your art of them makes my day.
OH BOY I’m happy you liked that one!!!! And I hope you’re enjoying reading bnha regardless of whether the fatfam or tsu and uraraka are on screen, anon !!!!
Anon said:I'm ganna scream if none of the bakusquad members end up running through those doors and tackle Kiri tbh, especially Mina considering we had a flashback to her during his fight
I would actually point more towards Kaminari being the most probable one to react on screen, since he’s always got something to say in scenes like this one - and in general towards Kami, Baku and Sero being the ones to... confront? Kirishima specifically about this mission, not because I don’t want Mina to be there too! But generally as far as past arcs go Mina seems to be more part of the girls group than anything, and since Tsuyu and Uraraka were there too she might be between the ones reacting to Tsu and Ura more specifically (like she was the one to fawn over the two of them after their first day of internship) while Sero, Baku and Kami were the ones to react on screen to Unbreakable AND the ones Kiri spoke to about his insecurities to begin with... then again, given the flashback I do hope Mina will be proud of him on screen......... aaaahhhhhhhh I guess we won’t know until Horikoshi will finally show us, will we? ;u;
Anon said:slides you one (1) dollar and half a corn chip, "so um tododeku?" ps your art is beautiful and soft I love
Thank you! And I guess I do have a tag for them? Tho it’s mostly old stuff.... ahhhhhh it is my fav Deku ship, so I might draw more in the near future! Keep the dollar and half corn chip for now haha
Anon said:hello! that food that you drew looks?? delicious??? i would gladly eat it,, anyway sorry for the weird message! have a nice day!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH it was seriously fun to draw too, I’m happy you like how it came out!!!!!
Anon said:YOUR HAIKYUU ART AAA I LOVE!!! 💕💕and also bnha just,, that tALENT MY GUY👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 kill me now pls 😍😍
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:pls draw some miritama!!!
In the future, for sure! They’re one of my favorite bnha ships, after all!!
Anon said:THE MATSUHANA!!! yes, bless that post, thank you for seijou third years
Anon said:I just wanted to say that when I am in a depressed funk your art always makes me feel a bit better :)
Ahhhh boi that does mean the world to me!!! I’m so happy I can help you out a bit, anon!! ;u;
I’m sOBBING thank Y O U ;O;
Anon said:I really miss ur haikyuu stuff but u have stopped doing 'em... draw something for me please?😽
Can I ask you to not, like, dismiss the fact that I have, in fact, been drawing haikyuu? Aside from the last one, since I got this ask before posting that, but in the past month as I have made present more than once in answer to asks exactly like this one I HAVE been drawing haikyuu again - you think it makes me feel good to have hours of work been treated as if they never happened? That it makes me want to draw more? Just to have even more people come in my inbox and ask me why I’m not drawing haikyuu anymore, as if the stuff I drew doesn’t even exist? If you meant this ask as in “you’ve stopped drawing only that”, then I’m sorry, but bnha is the fandom that’s making me the happiest at the moment, I’m not stopping drawing for it. I am willing to draw more haikyuu, when I feel inspired to do so, but only if you guys stop treating hours of work as if they never existed. It’s really, really not a good feeling, nor something I have the wish to feel any more than strictly necessary - if the stuff I draw has to end up ignored anyway, then I’m just straight out not gonna draw it anymore
Anon said:Bi i love your art a whole bunch
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!! ;u; thank you lots!!!!!!!
Anon said:I cry, everyone you draw is so pretty and the background in that bakushima pick you posted a few days ago was amazing (the starry one, where they're holding hands), I stared at it for hours.
BOI I’M SUPER HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE !!!!!!!!!! I was really unsure about it but seeing you guys like it is making me incredibly happy!!!!
Anon said:your KiriBaku Baccano AU is everything I never knew I needed mostly because I didn't think anyone else remembered that anime
You and me both, anon! The baccano fandom sure is a silent one, despite its name hahaha 
(..........................baccano means racket in italian, ignore me)
Anon said:can you draw bakugou finding out kiri's in the hospital? ily
I’ve drawn stuff sorta for that scenario thrice already (x x x) but for anything more specific I’m gonna have to ask you to wait for after I’ll know for sure if Horikoshi will give me a canon version of that or not! I really do hope to get that scene in canon, but if Hori will fail me I’ll most probs fill the void for myself again haha
Anon said:GOSH the way you draw kaminari is so CUTE
Anon said:we saw Kirishima recently being taken on that stretcher, how do you think bakugo would have reacted to Kirishima being that hurt (assuming they're in love at this point) ?
Again, I’m gonna answer this one once I’ll know for sure Horikoshi won’t give me the canon version! If we’re lucky we’ll know in a couple of days !!!!! ;u;
Anon said:AAAA THE LIL MUMMY KIRI!! The newest chapter ended me, Horikoshi owns my soul and he aiNT TREATING IT RIGHT!
Anon said:Is it me or is Kaminari's fringe slowly taking over his face? I love it!
If you’re talking about my art, then yeah, sorta! Thank you for liking it! Tho I have to admit I’ve kind of always drawn it like that, I don’t understand in a practical way how with his parting that far on the side his fringe doesn’t fall in front of his eye and that sort of subconsciously ends up showing in the way I draw him haha
Anon said:i praise lord yeezy everyday for how much kiribaku you draw, you're the real mvp 🙏🙏🙏
;O; thank you my friend, you’re way too nice!!!!!
Anon said:I have that headcanon that Bakugou actually uses LOTS of emojis in his texts. Kirishima is stunned when he first finds out (and no one believes him)
If you’re talking about emojis and not kaomojis then I’m with you on that lmao mostly cause I feel like Bakugou would be a really lazy texter but would at the same time be the type to dislike writing without capitals or proper punctuation and so on, so to avoid having to put actual effort into texting he just answers (when he answers) using one single emoji and thats it. It’s up to his interlocutor to understand what he meant with it. Up until now the only people who get it 100% of the times are Kirishima, Sero and surprisingly Todoroki.
Then again, I do think you meant kaomojis lmao
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
The dads' reactions to a taxidermist dadsona (but he taxidermises roadkill and deceased pets- not animals hunted for taxidermisation)?
FYI: Given the topic, there will be talk of death, dead animals and the work a taxidermist does! I hope you’ll enjoy! - Mod Mare
🥃 “What the fuck.” You whiparound so fast, it nearly gives you whiplash. “Jesus, Robert, you shouldn’tscare a guy holding a knife!” He raises an unimpressed eyebrow and kicks thedoor closed, then walks over to where you are working on your latest find, asmall hare. Robert’s never been in your basement before, which pretty muchturned into a running joke between you two after he found out about your work.It’s not the torture chamber he jokingly accused you of, nor are there athousand corpses lying around… well, no human corpses, at least. He pokes thehare, as if to make sure it’s really dead, and then picks up one of your tools.“What’s that for?”“Skinning knife.” You gesture towards the pelt. “You use it to remove the fur.”“I always thought you just… stuff the original body with newspaper orsomething.” That startles a laugh out of you. “No, I don’t think that would holdup very well. You make a sculpture of sorts. Some freeze-dry the animal afterremoving the squishy bits that might rot, but I prefer making woodensculptures.” Robert nods, watching in interest as you continue your work. “Whatkinds of animals have you worked on so far?”“Roadkill, strays or pets. I’ve never killed nor do I accept animals that werekilled.”“Would you make an exception?” You look up and frown. “For?” He looks like he’strying to keep a straight face, but there’s a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. “IfI ever have to kill a cryptid in self-defence, I want a mounted piece.” Yougive him a thumbs up. “Though it might be hard to preserve it, depending on thesize.” Robert gets a thoughtful look on his face and tilts his head. “I’ll getback to you on that.”
🍸 “It’s… it’s dead, right? It won’t bite me?” You slipyour hand into Joseph’s and give it a squeeze. Then you carefully guide it torest on the dog’s head. He flinches, as if he expects the piece to leap at him,but slowly relaxes once he realises it is, truly, dead. He politely asked you afew questions when you told him your profession, but you were able to tell hedidn’t know what to think of it. So you invited him to your workshop to seehimself and he agreed, after you promised he wouldn’t see any blood or intestines.“Is that the skull underneath?” You shake your head and gently knock againstthe head, a wooden tone emitting from it. Joseph furrows his brows in confusion,but understanding quickly dawns on his face. “Oh, so you make a sculpture outof wood and… pull the skin over?”“That’s my way of doing it, at least. Others will do it differently, but thenagain, that’s true for every job.” Joseph chuckles at that and carefully moveshis hand down to the dog’s open muzzle. You formed the mount so that it lookslike the dog, a beloved pet gone too soon, is catching a Frisbee, its tail waggingexcitedly. Joseph pokes one of the teeth. “It looks so real. It’s trulyimpressive work.” You blush at the compliment and shuffle on your feet. “Thanks,Joe. Want to watch me make one?” Joseph pales a little, which is an amazing feat,considering his normal complexion. “Ah, no, thank you. I would rather not…” Hehems and haws. With a pat on the shoulder you release him from his misery. “I’mnot upset. It’s not for everyone.” Joseph visibly deflates in relief. “I’mhappy to hear that. Now, as fascinating as all of this is, I would prefer ifyou didn’t let the twins in this room until they’re at least fifteen…”
☕ Mornings like this are rare: With Mat,Carmensita and you all sitting at the breakfast table, enjoying a lazy morningwhere neither you nor Mat have to work and where Carmensita doesn’t have to goto school. “Y/N?” You crack open an eye and look over at Carmensita. “Hm?” Shefiddles with the bottom of her dress. “We’re doing a present your parents thingat school and I’m including you and I wondered… what do you do for a living?”“I’m a taxidermist.” Mat starts coughing. You pat his back, but he insists he’sfine. “What does that mean?” Carmensita asks. You take a second to think of achild friendly way of explaining your job. “You know how there are sculpturesof animals in the museum? With fur and all?” She nods. “I do stuff like that.”Carmensita gapes. “That’s cool! Can I watch you?”“Carmen, baby, I just remembered that Y/N got an important letter that I meantto show him. Could you go fetch it real quick?” Although Carmensita looksconfused, she nods and runs off to the front door. Mat turns to you. “I don’thave anything against your line of work,” he says. “I think it’s cool, really. Ialways admire the stuffed animals in the museum… but, um… could you not… showher anything involving death and related things? I don’t want her to…” He fidgetsin his seat. “She’s not good with blood and the topic of death is still a soreone and I really don’t want her to freak out or anything like that when shesees the tools and what you do and-“ You put a hand on his mouth to stop hisrambling. “I totally understand, Mat. I didn’t let Amanda in my workshop untilshe was old enough, I’ll try not to traumatise Carmensita.” Mat releases a sighof relief and removes your hand, taking it in his. “Thank you. She’s not assqueamish as me, but that kind of thing...” Before he can finish, Carmensita returns,empty-handed. “There was no letter, Dad.” Mat feigns surprise. “I must havebrought it into Y/N’s office already. Thank you anyway, baby girl.” Carmensitadoesn’t look convinced at all, but drops the topic.
🌹 Damien had put he was most likely to ‘listen to true crime podcasts whileI taxidermy my newest specimens’ on his DadBook profile, but you’re stillnervous as you wrap your latestspecimen in gift wrap. It’s not even a special occasion, no anniversary orbirthday, but you just finished preparing a bat that you found in the forest,and part of you had wanted to give it to him. There was no backing out of iteither, you’d told him you have a present, but gods, you’re nervous. You finishtying a bow on top the bat’s head and put it into a plastic bag to carry it toDamien’s house. He’s already waiting by the time you arrive and his eyesimmediately zero in on it. “The bag does little to quench my curiosity,” heannounces after greeting you with a chaste kiss. “Please do not keep me waitingfor too long, Y/N. I might not be able to take it.” You decide to take pity inyour boyfriend and fish out the gift. It might be wrapped, but the paper mostlyfollows the shape of the bat. Damien cocks his head to the side and examines thegift curiously, before reaching out and placing it on the table to unwrap it. Atthe first sight of black, sleek fur, his eyes go wide. He practically rips awaythe remaining paper. “Oh, what craftsmanship,” Damien breathes out in awe. “Youmust tell me who made this. They’re experts at their job.” Blushing, you motionfor him to turn the bat over. He does and reads the text at the bottom of thewooden platform. His eyes widen at the sight of your signature. “You… you madethis for me?” You nod shyly. Damien covers his mouth with his hand. “What did Ido to deserve such a perfect partner like you?” He crosses the distance betweenyou and pulls you into his arms. “Thank you so much, Y/N. I love it. Pleasetell me how you managed to get the leather of the wings so translucent. It’sincredible.”
🎣 Ever since you started your apprenticeship, you hatedworking with fish. You’re sure that nine out of ten taxidermists would agree:Fish are the toughest animals to work with. That, in your opinion, makes yourgift for Brian all the more special. You put hours upon hours of work into it;hunting down the perfect specimen in particular took you weeks, because of yourphilosophy of not using any animals that were killed by human hand. But now you’reholding the rainbow trout in your hands and you’re proud of what you’veachieved. Hopefully, Brian would like it too. The front door opening andMaxwell barking excitedly signals your partner’s arrival – now is the moment oftruth. You hide the trout behind your back and turn around, just in time forBrian to enter the living room. He walks up, arms spread to pull you into ahug, but he stops and points behind you. “Are you hiding something?” You staysilent, but nod. Looking like a kid in front of the Christmas tree, Brian asks,“Is it for me?” Again, you nod. “Don’t leave me hanging like that, Y/N! What isit?”“Have you noticed you don’t know what I do for a living?” It seems like nowthat you mentioned it, he does; Brian scratches his beard and hums. “I won’tforce you to play the guessing game.” You produce the trout from behind yourback and present it to him. “I’m a taxidermist. And I made this for you.” Anyworries you had are wiped away in a matter of seconds when Brian lifts youright off your feet with a hug around your middle. “Wow! It looks like it’sstill alive, that’s crazy-good!” He grins. “I’m going to hang it up at work soeveryone will see!” Of course he would.
👟 “You know, next time River manages to destroy Arnold,I might just make her a mounted capybara piece. Even if it costs a thousanddollars to track one down and have it shipped here.” Craig lifts his head offyour chest and blinks at you a few times to banish the last remnants ofsleepiness. “How do you mean?” Unsure of how to make yourself any clearer, you justraise your eyebrow. You can literally see the wheels turn in Craig’s head.Then, in a movement that nearly sends you both flying off the couch, he sitsup. “Dude! That’s right! You studied taxidermy!” He’s still so sleepy, with hishair tousled, it’s adorable. You try not to laugh, but can’t help but snicker. “Yes?”“I totally forgot about that. You really went through with it? I remember yourparents trying to get you to choose a different career.” You shrug. “I did,yeah. Got my own business now, some of the animals in the museum are actuallymy work.” Craig clasps your shoulder in appreciation. “That’s really cool. I’mglad you followed your dream.” There’s a pause. Then, “Wouldn’t a… stuffedanimal be too hard for a toy?”“I mean, they’re made from wood, so yes, they wouldn’t be soft and fluffy likea stuffed toy, but… you know I wasn’t serious, right?” Craig blushes and rubsthe back of his head. “I know, bro. You just got me thinking about it and now Ican’t stop imagining giving her one for her birthday. Just imagine of howexcited she’d be!” You tilt your head to the side and picture it. The cutenessof the mental scene makes you break out into a grin. “Bro. Now I want to makeher one.” Craig drops his head on your chest again, laughing. “I’m sorry?”“Don’t be.” You tap his nose. “You’ll be the one paying for it.”
📖 “—and now thatwe’ve finished skinning it, we’ll need to lay the skin out and sprinkle ourborax-corn starch mixture on it. We do that to disinfect the skin, but also toensure absorbency.” Neither you nor Ernest notice Hugo enter the garage, you’retoo focused on the bird corpse lying on the table in front of you. Gettingclose to Ernest had been the hardest part of your relationship with Hugo; ittook him a very long time to warm up to you. So when he brought you a dead birdhe found on the street and asked to stuff it, you eagerly agreed. Maybe youshould have asked Hugo first. How his son found out about your job before himstill confuses you. “Now what are you doing here?” Ernest curses and drops thebottle with the mixture, but thankfully doesn’t spill much. You don’t fare anybetter and press a hand on your chest to calm your heart down. “Don’t sneak upon people like that,” you scoff. Hugo holds his hands up in a silent apology. “Whyis there a… gutted bird on the table?” Ernest kicks a stone with his foot andlooks away. You nudge him encouragingly. He grumbles. “Y/N shows me how tostuff animals.” Hugo raises his eyebrows. “How do you know how to do that?” Youshrug. “It’s kind of my job? I’m a taxidermist.”“I didn’t know that.” Hugo looks from the bird, to you and then to Ernest. “CanI join?” You nudge Ernest again and give him a look that says it’s hisdecision. The teenager scowls, but then nods. “Sure.” Him turning his back toHugo again means he doesn’t see the huge smile on his father’s face. Whichfades the moment you hand him a cotton ball. “Stick it into its neck.” Hugogoes a bit green, but his expression tells you he’s more fascinated thangrossed out.
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frozenartscapes · 7 years
My Thoughts on The Ice Dress
So, while it’s difficult to tell, it’s unpopular opinion time (or maybe it’s popular opinion time? Who knows?): I’m not a huge fan of the whole ice dress trend in Frozen. It seems like the fandom is split 50-50 on this, but here are my thoughts about it.
Don’t get me wrong: the original ice dress is beautiful, and its symbolism is also very important. It was born consuming the dress from Elsa’s coronation, turning the dark and conservative fabric into a shining, free-flowing, and beautiful outfit representing everything Elsa desired to become during Let It Go. In that moment she’s not dwelling on the past, on the pain, on trying to be perfect - she’s only focused on being herself. The dress represents a transformation in her character in that moment, and it is incredibly important both for the story and for who she is.
But...personally, I think that’s also my issue with it. The thing I find so poignant about it is that not even ten minutes movie-time after that transformation, she’s back to all her old habits: she’s anxious, she’s fearful, she’s berating herself. After that incident with Anna, and finding out about the state of Arendelle, it’s like that whole incredibly powerful song never even happened. Nothing really changed aside from something superficial like her wardrobe. The real change happens later, when she accepts her sister into her life again.
I get the point of continuing to have her in the ice dress: as mentioned earlier, it’s meant to be a representation of her throwing away the past and starting new. But, I’m not so sure having her always in that dress is the best way to go about it.
There’s the fact that it’s lazy, especially given how Anna seems to have a new outfit every time its indicated there’s been a day change. I get animation is a difficult medium but do you really think a fucking Queen capable of making her own clothes would wear the same damn thing everyday? It’s either telling me she literally wears the same dress everyday or that uniquely creative personality you’re trying to give her is going out the window because she only knows one dress style.
But here’s the thing where I see most of the fandom either in agreement or disagreement: I like her jacket dress better. For two reasons: one, visually, I just like it better. I like the patterns, the details, the colour. It just goes much better with her character, I find. And two, it’s more practical. It’s normal, it’s casual - you know, as far as royal clothing in the 19th Century goes. I can’t tell you how annoyed I get when I see things where Elsa’s out in the fucking woods and she’s doing so with a long, very delicate train of ice dragging after her (the comics are especially bad for that). Like, I can get in the context of the actual movie why she’d maybe be doing that, but for every other time now that she’s back home and has access to clothes better suited for hiking through the forest I refuse to believe she’d be that stupid. Don’t believe me? Even her actress in Once Upon a Time can attest to the dress being bad for wandering through the woods.
The jacket dress also has an interesting trait that I really think is lost on any of the ice dress variations, and don’t worry: I’ll get to those. Take a look at what Anna is wearing, and also what their parents are wearing:
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Now compare that to the jacket dress:
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There are influences from these other characters in this style of dress, influences that are lost in the ice dress. Granted, the rosemaling style is typical for the region Arendelle is based on, but that’s only one connection. The colour scheme is very similar to that of her mother’s dress. Same thing goes for that blue broach on her collar. But the jacket - that’s more like her father. Note the little crocus you can see on her belt in the concept art. The same design appears on the cuffs of his sleeves (although it’s difficult to tell in these images). While a bit of a stretch, the fact that she’s in an outfit like this rather than something more similar to Anna tells me that there’s some kind of connection being made to him, and his choice of a military uniform-style, even when not making formal appearances. Elsa, being a princess, wouldn’t wear something quite so obvious, but the jacket still is a nice callback.
But the ice dress and it’s variations don’t have any connection. They are entirely separate from her past life, and, by proxy, her parents. There’s nothing there anymore. And if they had been presented in a way that made them less amiable, and more abusive, I can see this as a good thing. But they weren’t. Misguided, yes, but I choose to believe that after that initial bad decision they spent the rest of their lives trying to make up for it, and the King’s heartfelt and genuine “You’ll be fine” is indicative of that. I don’t believe that Anna and Elsa especially have moved on from their deaths as much as the movie and shorts are showing. Elsa, who internalizes so much, who loved her parents with all her heart so much that she refused to touch them fearing causing them harm, who never got to hug them goodbye but instead simply curtsied as if they were foreign dignitaries and not her parents, who asked fearfully if they really had to go, who was never even able to go to their funeral because of her powers, I think, would have so much to work through. Even more so now, now that she’s finally allowing herself to feel and think about her emotions and is finally beginning to process those thirteen years of piled up issues. And I don’t think the ice dress is doing anything to help that.
Instead I would have preferred her going back to those same colours and styles, maybe initially concerning the people close to her that she was falling back into old habits. But she’s not, it’s just that those clothes are a way for her to still feel close to the parents she never allowed herself to touch. Maybe, slowly, she starts adding little touches with ice to make the outfits more her, but it’s just a little thing. I realize that this would warrant a whole short, if not chunk in a movie to explain, and it’s much easier visually to continue putting her in the ice dress for the shorts. But they could have done this in a comic or something.
And, ok, while the last little bit there is more of my own headcanon, what I will say in the broader sense is that the ice dress really should have been reserved for more special occasions. Honestly, if they had made the Frozen Fever dress as something that wasn’t just a carbon copy painted green and pink, and maybe utilized a more practical jacket dress or even if they had started the short with her in a more normal dress I wouldn’t have minded. Depending on what you choose to believe is canon, either Anna’s birthday occurred a few weeks after the events of Frozen, or it happened a little less than a year after. And I’m honestly not sure which is better: that Elsa literally wore the same dress for several weeks after making it or that she wore the same thing, perhaps on and off but still coincidentally on the day the short began, for almost a year. Maybe for the actual celebration the flower/ice dress would have been cool to change into, but for the bulk of the short they’re running around town - by the pier, up a clocktower, riding a bike - and especially before when it’s just the setup why bother with something with a long-ass train behind you? There’s only so much believability you can give, and considering one time I nearly wiped out because my pant leg got caught in the chain of my bike I refuse to believe that that tandem bike would work with that dress.
Same thing goes with the newest dress for Olaf’s Frozen Adventure: it’s an improvement, but it’s still the same kind of shape and form, and it still has that long fucking cape. It’s a beautiful cape, don’t get me wrong, but for the whole short? Where it looks like there’ll be more hiking through the woods, more traversing the town, and skating - where, again, I might be able to believe it if it were just Elsa, what with her being the Snow Queen and all, but have you ever been skating? There’s a reason figure skaters don’t wear long, flowing pieces on their outfits. The smallest thing that isn’t ice getting caught under your skate will send you flying. And don’t even get me started on the fact that it looks like Elsa’s able to spin like that in high heels. Those must be the strongest heels in existence.
I’m actually a little disappointed that the creators of Frozen never made a “blooper reel” like some other animation companies do. Because never has there been a movie that warranted it more: think about all the ice blunders, the surprise snowballs, the various hijinks that can occur when mixing people and skates. But there should be a whole segment of Elsa getting clotheslined by all the capes she wears getting caught on stuff.
And while some people may point out that long capes seem to be her thing, as the coronation dress also has one, to that I say: It was a coronation dress. It was supposed to be grand, and stunning, and impressive. It was also supposed to be worn solely for that night. How many people choose to believe that literally any other queen in history wore the same thing she wore to her coronation around her castle afterward? Do you honestly think Queen Elizabeth II was wandering around Buckingham Palace a few days after her coronation in the same thing, with that long, fur-lined train dragging around after her? No. So why would Elsa? The thing about the coronation dress, and any of the ice dresses, is that they are meant to give an idea of her character to other people, specifically her subjects and other dignitaries. The long trains and the intricate embellishments show off her status as Queen. But when she’s not trying to show off - when she’s alone or with close friends and family, it just seems out of place and impractical. It’s on the same level as Anna racing off into a winter-cursed forest in a summer ballgown. We were shown just how well that worked out, so why not the other way around? 
My last point (I swear I’m almost done) is this: the ice dress reminds people that Elsa is the Snow Queen. Nothing particularly wrong with that, except when it’s constantly reminding people of that, both fictional characters in-universe and us, as the real people watching/reading the media. As of right now, having seen some of the comics and what they’ve been doing in the various shorts, the writers are trying very hard to make sure we all know Elsa has ice and snow powers. Whether or not that’s their choice, or something they were told to do by Disney’s marketing department, is up in the air. But it is happening, anyway. And while it is important for us to see that she’s since gotten much more comfortable with people knowing what she can do, there is a way to take that too far. Because right now, Elsa’s sole identity is based off her powers. Especially so in how she presents herself to minor characters. There’s really no attempt made to differentiate Elsa as a character from her magic: she is defined by being the person with magic. And this isn’t particularly great for her character - it limits growth and development when all she’s known for is her magic. There are other facets of Elsa’s character that are being swept under the rug to make way for more snow-based hijinks, and honestly it’s not a very smart move. I’d argue that a lot of Elsa’s charm as a character came from her more relatable personality traits, such as how she handles nervousness, or her intense drive to be responsible and grown up in the face of so much pain and misfortune, or even despite how quickly she had to grow up she still had this underlying playfulness and kindness. Elsa is much more than her magic, and as much as we love to label her as the Queen of Ice and Snow, she isn’t just that. So by parading her around in the same icy dress all the time, all that’s really happening is that visual of her being a magic snow queen is constantly being pushed at us, with no attempt made at trying to show any other side of her character. I’d be less annoyed by this if it also wasn’t reinforced by constantly having her solve any problem by using her magic (in this case I’m talking more about the comics). Magic - or any physical power - should never be used as a defining character trait. It might have influences in things that actually define a character, like in Elsa’s case how her magic was the reason she harbours so much guilt about the past and now does everything in her power to fix it. The focus needs to be on the character and who they are as a person, not their abilities. Focusing only on that makes a story boring, and a character flat and one dimensional (especially given the range of Elsa’s abilities, it seems like there’s nothing she can’t solve, which doesn’t allow for any conflict).
To be completely honest, I would have actually preferred the ice dress more if it was like the one from the upcoming musical. From the sound of things, that dress changes to fit Elsa’s mood, so while it might start glittery and magnificent when she first makes it, it later shifts into something more resembling rags once she starts beating herself up for her mistakes. It makes the dress dynamic, and better represents Elsa’s mental breakthrough regarding her powers and how she feels about them. It shows us that there’s more to it than simply spawning a nice dress and everything being ok, and it shows us that her recovery isn’t quite as quick and easy as it first seemed. But by keeping the dress static, never changing even its shape from day to day, and only varying from other forms by colour, or sleeves, or adding a few embellishments, it’s not really helping her character. It’s latching onto that Snow Queen image and not letting go, and not allowing any other aspects of her personality to show through. It’s also super impractical in, like, 90% of the things she does. That’s not to say it’s a bad dress, or what it’s come to symbolize is wrong, but it’s something that really should have been toned down in its usage. I’m really hoping they do that in the sequel.
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doesitreallywork · 5 years
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The Procrastination Fix Review – Does It Really Work?
Without a doubt college should have been the one location that brought you to very first recognizing this weed of future past, laziness. Ask the individuals behind newest developments in professions and also freelance. You’ll be informed someplace along the line they by-passed laziness.
You might not comprehend the term itself significantly however trust me; it’s something you carry out in your day-to-day tasks. Like I discussed to you in the past, Laziness is a weed of the future past.
Why so? You might ask. A lot of our present remorses rotated from desiring we can do something in our with a little bit much more initiative. Possibly this would certainly have resulted to an extra refined end result.
That best there people is the common most repercussion of laziness. About, the subject translates to our propensity of brushing off right stuff that appears much less appropriate till we find it was of different value.
Does the above circumstance ever before connect to your individual life? Or you’re so badgered by a close friend or bro that has the propensity to put things off? You remain in good luck since this evaluation has the excellent method to minimize these old practices.
Laziness Fix- What its capability?
When you hear of a solution for your problems, you’re possibly so fast right into getting right into the suggestion without totally recognizing the entire idea. The function of this testimonial is to bring this fix right into the light, initially.
Second, the overview plans to guarantee that your entire understanding of the item goes to your complete disposal, for it might can be found in useful one day. So what truly does this fix deal you?
Simply put what this overview does, like various other testimonials on Laziness fix, it primarily cords your mind on just how to hack previous laziness. The item likewise called The Halo Technique as directly described by the writer shows you very easy lessons on exactly how to place an end to laziness. You can call it a mind course if you please.
The Procrastination Fix- Exactly how does it function?
Miraculous assurance that this item will use you a solution is due to the fact that it covers the reasons individuals usually have right prior to laziness. The lessons have pre-modal actions that might resemble absolutely nothing in the beginning however cover the justifications individuals have prior to their minds deal with to hesitate.
So if you run into the electronic book, this testimonial has actually provided you an advantage on what to seek and also quit your laziness practices. The lessons as recommended by the writer are as adheres to:
Beginning line
15 mins
Split as well as dominate
3 containers
Under stress
Extensive it might appear however these lessons as disrobed in the evaluation can finish all your laziness issues if you dedicate on your own to the overview. What’s even more valuable is that the writer has actually every lesson furnished to obliterate whatever phase of laziness you feel you go to.
The Procrastination Fix- The whole lesson break down
It is our nature as human beings to resought faster ways. I imply, why go the lengthy methods when you seek on your own something that is not in the long-run. The lesson malfunction aids you explain easily what lesson can revitalize your life.
The 15 Minutes mind hack
Offer it a great assumption. For how long does your vigor sustain prior to you ultimately give up whatever you’re seeking during that time? Unless precepts have actually wired deep right into you, your commitment period need to take concerning the very first 5 mins, and even much less.
The writer nonetheless opens up a brand-new phase on this striking Laziness problem. Via his electronic book, the writer reveals you exactly how absolutely motivational it is to dedicate simply 15 mins to your job.
If you aren’t so great with your job dedication period, this lesson can aid you out significantly.
The Carrot mind hack
Possibly your reasoning just how lined up is a carrot to this lesson? Not surprising that the writer utilized it as a recommendation factor. I do not understand the response to that either however allow us figure out with each other.
This lesson aids you to get over those downturns as well as animosity you really feel when your inspiration passes away out, making you to fix postponing relating a particular job.
Most likely the carrot symbolizes a treatment right here, as it provides for view.
The Split as well as Dominate mind hack
This lesson stimulates some believed in you does not it? It must due to the fact that it is prominent as well as can make you strive much less instead of doing effort.
The significance of this lesson that makes it obtain a lot magnificence is its capacity to assist you walk around those jobs that drain your power. There is a minute while doing a job and also you feel you can not complete it. It looked for of develops a psychological obstacle in your mind.
This lesson supplies a warning due to the fact that it educates you exactly how to separate a duty or job that has you dragging your feet as a result of the extent or dimension of the job handy.
The Nit-picker mind hack
Have you ever before been propounded job whether alone or in a group and also you seem like your initiatives aren’t simply sufficient? Or have you ever before seemed like you’re unsatisfactory to execute an appointed job?
This lesson provides a solution for you. It maintains your battle curving in at the center due to the fact that you seem like your initiatives are unsatisfactory. It maintains you from surrendering.
The Beginning Line mind hack
Your mind can generate an excellent concept however you’re opposed concerning the most effective technique to take. You remain in good luck if this is your circumstance since this lesson instructs your mind on just how to choose the very best technique with which you can begin your job.
3 pails mind hack
This lesson is a great dish for assisting you learn just how to develop an order of business that actually obtains you to doing the job. You can call it a job simplifier.
Under stress mind hack The capacity of this lesson to lower Laziness is wonderful since it reveals you just how to group construct. Via the lesson, you can learn just how to harness the power of calling out or assist from those around you. So handy do not you assume?
The Zen mind hack
Ever before been encountered by downturns that reduce you to the degree of practically making you surrender? If so, you remain in a lot good luck due to the fact that this lesson can aid you surpass such a trouble.
Within no time at all, you return on your feet as well as concentrate on whatever you require to do.
The failure hasn’t been that a lot extensive, just to the degree to provide you a heads-up o the juicy things. Track your victim, order the genuine electronic book as well as when you download and install the lessons done in PDF style, you can review he lessons at your very own rate.
This is a day after day method that when you adhere to up can obtain you adhered to your pastimes and also tasks you appreciate most, the ones you snob all due to laziness. Actually, this is a genuine Laziness Fix.
Does the Procrastination Fix job?
For some item that can be the stumbling block to this scourge of laziness, you certainly would wish to validate Laziness Fix’s credibility, whether it’s a rip-off or otherwise.
Right from the viewers’s remarks of various other evaluations of the item, one incredibly captured my eye. On Mind Devices, a one Tatenda contacted give thanks to the Mind Devices group for their evaluation on laziness. The evaluation obviously offered her a strong as well as tactical strategy that aided her give up on laziness.
This for sure needs to reveal you that this Stephen Stanley’s item isn’t a scam. Examine it out and also if it catches your fancy, acquire the entire item and also eliminate your laziness that has actually held you back from the achievement you a lot be entitled to.
This program is the essential to opening your covert possibility that has actually been prowling behind doors of laziness. The lessons supplied above make certain fire as well as can entirely re-route your capacity to deal with laziness.
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– With this understanding, you can do away with laziness troubles permanently as well as likewise expanded the very same understanding to restore others captured up in the mess.
– This program provides you 10 laziness halters as well as 15 inspiration boosters also, an all included benefit for you.
– This program can alter your life significantly on application.
– The details had in this program is very easy to absorb as well as analyze therefore making it extremely reliable also for it requires no facility essentials to simplify.
– It is rather budget-friendly to everybody hence will not drain your whole cost savings.
– You require to comply with the actions as suggested by the writer lest the program will not work.
– If you look for the soft duplicate variation of the program, you’ll remain in a fix due to the fact that the item is available in just paper copy kind.
– If you do not have net link for the on-line item, you’re doomed.
Laziness Fix is a program that is below to supply you with brand-new and also most suitable techniques of removing laziness issue. You can obtain the overview rejoice out of your suffering.
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