#looking back on it the whole story was kinda hilarious 😂
rosicheeks · 1 year
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Ok ok so 6/8 looks like I was just editing old pictures BUT on 6/11/22 I was an idiot and sliced my finger open 😇
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indieyuugure · 4 months
Hii! I’ve been loving your Mutation Situation fic! Absolutely love the boys human designs, and I now consider those designs to be canon, it just makes sense to make them look similar to splinter and I love it. Also seeing them react to high school was hilarious XD
Okay so now the question: I believe you said this fic takes place around season 2, so we’re prob not gonna see the other Turtles allies, but on a hypothetical, if the story took place later in the series and the Turtles other friends and allies (Karai, Slash, Mona Lisa, Renet, Mondo Gecko, Leatherhead, Shinigami etc.) saw the turtles human form, how would you think they’d react? Would they have similar reactions to April and Casey or react/respond differently.
Glad to hear it! Lol, I probably thought way too scientificly about this whole project, but I think in the long run it’s worth it to get the details right ^v^
Yes, those boys have had like zero human interaction, throwing them in a pool of humans is a recipe for disaster 😂
On to actually answering your question. I think their reactions would be similar to April and Casey’s, except for maybe their animal/mutant friends who would put two and two together a lot faster.
I sorta got this idea from playing Twilight Princess where in you can transform back and forth between being a human and a wolf. When your in beast form, the humans in the game—even your friends—will scream and run away, but the animals know that you’re a person in an animal body and will give you little tips and chat with you. It’s an interesting detail that I really like.
So(to use your list) while Renet, Shinnigami, and maybe Karai might be a little slower to get it similar to how April and Casey took a few moments to realize it was the turtles, Slash, Leatherhead, and Mona Lisa would be much more likely to realize that it’s still them much faster. This is also one of the reasons Splinter isn’t confused as to who they are but to how the heck his boys have managed to turn themselves into humans.
Sorry I’m not sure any of that made any sense 😅 but basically they’d all probably have varied versions of April and Casey’s reactions except for their mutant friends with animal instincts that would be confused but kinda get it.
Good question! :]
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aralezinspace · 1 year
Hi! I hope your doing alright❤️❤️ so I just was your Storytime with Morpheus and it was ahaisospssnb so good😍😍 it was super cute and I loved all the interactions with Morpheus and the kids and the reader too? I also saw your requests were open and was wondering if you'd maybe do another story relating to the teacher reader? Maybe like Morpheus comes to class again and there's a new little girl who seems to be scared of him for seemingly no reason and tells him to take his nightmares away or Jacks gonna get him. And this would surprise (and worry) them both because no one should know who Dream really is. And then they learn the kid thinks he's Pitch Black the bad guy who makes nightmares from Rise of the Guardians, (LOOK UP THE PICTURES AND COMPARE ITS HILARIOUS HIW SIMILAR THEY LOOK😂) and yeah. Then I guess reader and Morpheus would try to convince her he's nice and stuff and maybe by the end of the day the little girl is making Morpheus sit by her and sharing her snack, while reader put in the movie for the Class (and her man) while trying not to laugh! That's the idea! You totally dont have to do it if you don't want too❤️❤️❤️
A/N: eeeeeeee I LOVE THIS ONE so I tweaked the request a little bit, but it's the same general premise with lots of fluffiness! Also LOVE Rise of the Guardians, that movie was slept on tbh it's so gooood and YOU AIN'T WRONG Morpheus is kinda like a benevolent Pitch xD I really enjoyed writing this, thanks for sending it in!! Enjoy!
~~Requests for Morpheus and the Doctor (9-13) are open~~
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I could never have guessed what would happen when I unleashed my class of eleven 4-year-olds and my ancient eldritch boyfriend upon each other. My class was utterly obsessed with him, constantly asking when he was going to visit again. I had to explain that he was very busy, and couldn’t always leave work to come see us.
However, it did not escape my notice that ever since his visit, they came in every day eager to tell me about their dreams the night before. It seemed they had grown on him as well, and I appreciated his efforts on their behalf.
About a month after his first visit, one of my students moved away, and a new student joined the class in rapid succession. That led to a whole week of late nights, filling out paperwork and getting everything labeled and ready for the new kid. Morpheus wasn’t happy with it, but I don’t think he had it in his heart to scold me once I told him about the new kid. Those gremlins really had him wrapped around their finger.
My boyfriend’s next visit to the class happened to occur on my new kid’s first day. His name was Bruce, a sweet and somewhat meek looking boy. He had huge green eyes, and was about average size for his age. When he arrived that morning, his parents helped him find his cubby and introduced themselves to me. They seemed nice, like they weren’t going to be those parents who opposed the teacher at every turn. The other kids had stopped playing on the rug to stare at the newcomer, and Bruce stared right back.
He didn’t cry when his parents left, a promising sign. I gently guided him over to the rug and got my kids’ attention. “Good morning everyone! We have a new friend joining us. This is Bruce.” There was a murmured chorus of “Hi Bruce,” before they went back to playing.
Bruce carefully dipped his toes into the chaos that was my classroom, moving to the three kids playing with dinosaurs. Over the course of the morning, he warmed up to the rest of the kids; even if he didn’t speak much, his smile grew bigger and bigger.
By the time snack rolled around, it was as if he had been in our room the whole year. They were eagerly stuffing pretzels in their mouths when Morpheus came in. They all yelled, “MR. MORPHEUS!” and ran to the door. Poor Morpheus was momentarily terrified at being swarmed by 4-year-olds, but took it all in stride.
I smiled fondly at the sight, until I realized Bruce had not joined the throng. My new friend was staring at Morpheus in what could only be described as abject terror. His eyes were wide and his bottom lip quivered as if he were about to cry. I went back to the table and crouched next to him. “Hey bud, what’s wrong?”
He mumbled, “That man, he’s scary. I know him. My- my- my mom and dad said Pitch makes you have bad dreams when you make him mad.”
I frowned to myself. Morpheus may hold the title of Nightmare King and dress like a goth prince, but he wouldn’t use nightmares to punish children. “I get you’re feeling scared,” I reassured him gently, “You’ve already had a really busy day.” I pointed to Morpheus. “I know he looks dark and scary, but I promise Mr. Morpheus is a friend. In fact, he’s my boyfriend.” A little smile touched Bruce’s face. “I promise he’s just here to read us a story and maybe play with us for a bit.”
Bruce fiddled with his little fingers, his eyes on the floor. I could tell his tiny brain was working hard to process what I said. “If you want,” I offered gently, “I’ll sit with you when he reads us a story. Sound good?” Bruce nodded as the rest of the kids shuffled and ran back to their seats, asking what story Mr. Morpheus was going to read to them.
Bruce sat on my lap as Morpheus read Rainbow Fish in that hypnotically soothing voice of his. Just like every visit before, my class was absolutely spellbound, hanging on to his every word. My brooding boyfriend was even smiling as he read, his face becoming more and more expressive for their benefit. Bruce gradually relaxed under the Dream Lord’s spell, his eyes still wide and apprehensive, but enamored of the story.
The kids clapped when he was done, and I could have sworn a little chuckle escaped Dreams lips. Even Bruce cracked a tiny smile.
Bruce gradually grew more comfortable around Morpheus, no longer trembling when the dour Endless entered the classroom. Two visits later, he no longer needed to sit on my lap during story time. Morpheus made an effort to appear more inviting and less mean once I told him Bruce’s fears.
Morpheus came a little earlier than usual for his next visit- the kids had just finished cleaning up and I was passing out snack. Like usual, they swarmed him at the door, competing for his attention. He let a tiny smile touch his face as he murmured, “Good morning, little ones.” Those bright, ethereal eyes met mine, and the adoration I saw fill them stopped my breath in my lungs.
My kids dragged him to the table where their cups of pretzels were waiting. The sight of Morpheus folding his lanky limbs to sit somewhat comfortably in the tiny plastic chairs would never cease to amuse me. He sat contently and watched them eat snack, nodding along with whatever they told him.
To my surprise, Bruce pushed his chair over so he was sitting next to Morpheus. I watched tensely, hoping and praying Dream wouldn’t accidentally undo all the progress Bruce had made. The child held out his cup of pretzels, clearly offering to share them with the man who once terrified him.
Morpheus hesitated, his first instinct to refuse and make some excuse about not needing to eat. I caught his eye and gave him a look: Don't you dare refuse this kid trying to overcome his fear and build a connection with you. His mouth gaped slightly like a fish, but he gave me a barely noticeable nod. Dream turned back to Bruce with a gentle smile and said “Thank you” as nimble fingers plucked a pretzel from the cup and stuck it in his mouth.
I felt my eyes well up when Bruce returned the smile and ate his own pretzel.
A few minutes later, Dream moved to the front of the room to read the day’s story. As usual, my kids paid rapt attention to the words coming out of his mouth, their remaining pretzels forgotten. Bruce had scooted his chair a little closer, staring at Dream with those big emerald eyes. My chest felt tight, like it couldn’t contain all the joy growing inside it. This was the kind of thing I lived for as a teacher.
When Morpheus was done with the book, the kids cleaned up their cups and Mike came to get them for recess. As usual, they yelled their goodbyes to Dream as they sprinted to their cubbies for coats and gloves. Bruce was last to the door, veering cautiously towards Morpheus. I gave my boyfriend a little nudge and gestured to Bruce.
Slowly, so as not to startle him, Dream lowered himself to one knee, resting his forearm on his other leg. He was now approximately at eye level with Bruce, waiting for the child to make the first move. I could see the boy working up his courage, the cogs in his brain working to make a decision.
He took a few running steps before throwing himself at Morpheus, wrapping the Endless in the most affectionate hug a four year old was capable of. Dream was undeniably startled; this was clearly the last thing he expected. It was also one of the last things I had expected of Bruce, at least at this point in time.
Slowly, carefully, Morpheus moved his arms to return the embrace. It was somewhat loose, made so both by the Dream Lord’s lean and lanky arms, as well as his general discomfort with physical affection from those he wasn’t familiar with. But, he didn’t reject the gesture, instead maintaining the contact like a warm, breathing statue until he felt the boy pull away. Bruce ran to his cubby with a “Bye Mr. Morphss!” and a big smile. Mike was waiting for him at the door, and guided him to follow the rest of the class.
I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding as silence descended over the room, my beaming gaze bouncing back and forth between Bruce’s cubby and my boyfriend. These two that I loved so deeply had both come so far in their own ways, both on their own and with each other- I was prouder of them than I could say.
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hrodvitnon · 3 months
Some Thoughts on GxK
So, now that I’ve had a bit of time to collect my thoughts regarding GxK, I figured I’d share them in more detail. So without further ado, here goes!
- The action was absolutely fantastic, although I do wish some of the fight scenes had been a little longer.
- I enjoyed all four of the main human characters in this one: I thought Ilene Andrews & Jia’s relationship was actually really well-done, and the dynamic between Trapper & Bernie was hilarious. Also, I feel like Trapper is definitely the Steve Irwin of Monarch in terms of how he views & interacts with the Titans. 😄
- Highlight was definitely the scenes that focused just on the interactions between the Titans, especially Kong & Suko, the first meeting between Kong & the other Great Apes, and the reunion of Godzilla & Mothra (which was absolutely adorable).
- Goji channeling his inner cat and taking that nap in the Colosseum was amazing, and the fact that he went back to take another nap there at the end of the movie was a perfect cherry on top. 😂 (Although I wish Mothra had gone back there with him at the end.)
- Skar King was a really fun villain; he might not be quite as imposing as Ghidorah or Mechagodzilla, but he’s just as scary, and I feel like he definitely made up for not being as physically powerful by having so much personality & intelligence.
- Shimo is so sweet, and I love her so much! 🥺 They did a really good job of making her sympathetic; I felt so bad for her while she was under Skar King’s control, and the way she acted after she finally got her freedom was so pure and sweet. Also, I love that she technically got to kill her abuser, even if Kong was the one who finished him off after she froze him.
- All the new Hollow Earth creatures were really cool, and Doug popping in and stealing part of Kong’s lunch legitimately cracked me up. 🤭
- Cool to see Scylla’s return and Tiamat’s onscreen debut, even if they didn’t last very long. I also couldn’t help but laugh a little at the fact that Godzilla killed both of them using his “Kiss of Death” tactic from the 2014 movie.
- I’d seen some of the rumors & leaks regarding Mothra beforehand, but I still got so excited when they finally name-dropped her, and her glorious return did not disappoint! Also, again, her reunion with Godzilla was super-cute, and I love the little detail that despite all of his aggressive behavior in the previous movie and most of this one, he visibly calms down as soon as she shows up and stays that way for the rest of the film.
- Some of the film did feel kinda rushed. It wasn’t too bad, but I feel like they definitely could’ve extended it by a half-hour to expand some of the action scenes and some of the character development a little more. The Rio fight, in particular, felt a little too rushed & short compared to the final battles of the other MonsterVerse movies.
- Like I said, I’m really glad that we finally got Mothra back, but the whole “Iwi prophecy” explanation for her return felt kinda weird & unnecessary. Why is Jia somehow the only person who can wake Mothra up? Where did Mothra’s new incarnation come from, since it seems like it wasn’t from the egg that Monarch found in the credits of KOTM? Why is her cocoon invisible until Jia touches it? (I guess that last one’s probably for camouflage purposes, but it did seem kinda weird.) I feel like they probably could’ve just had her already be awake & protecting the Iwi in her new body, and ditch the whole prophecy subplot in favor of Jia just bonding more with the Hollow-Earth Iwi tribe instead.
- The fact that both Scylla and Tiamat were killed off as soon as they showed up was a bummer, although I did enjoy both of those fights.
- And although I do like the look of Godzilla’s new Evolved form, it didn’t really feel very important, if that makes sense? Like, when he unlocked his Burning form against Ghidorah back in KOTM, it was really important in terms of the story and also gave his character some additional depth by emphasizing his symbiotic relationship with Mothra, but here it felt like he could’ve played the exact same role in the story without that new transformation.
Overall, I really enjoyed this one! Not my favorite of the MonsterVerse films (currently, I’d say my ranking from favorite to least favorite is KOTM, GvK, GxK, G2014, and KSI), but it was still a solid, fun Kaiju film, and I’m definitely planning on seeing it again while it’s still in theaters.
Oh yeah, big same all around! I definitely also expected the Rio fight to have more going on, and it would have been cool if Shimo was the one to end Skar King rightly in repayment for the hell he put her through. Mothra just suddenly appearing out of nowhere like that had me tilting my head, like what if her egg (somehow) was brought to the Hollow Earth and was chilling out on that pyramid in the cocoon stage, finally releasing when Jia did her thing (I didn't read it as Mothra's cocoon being invisible... time for a second viewing!); also surprising that Ilene didn't mention "oh yeah, Mothra, she laid an egg last time she was alive" or at least work in some way that Mothra could feasibly show up. The sudden prophecy subplot was odd, but okay movie, you do you. Maybe this will get cleared up in the novelization?
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Okay I have two thoughts that I can't get out of my head, and since AO3 isn't working properly and I can't read the chapters I'll bother you with them
It just occurred to me last night that Max and David have grown up together in LBAF? I mean, obviously I've know but it just hit me last night that they've been together for their whole lives? Like, I can't double check because ao3 is down but I think they've been raised together since they were like, 10?( I'm not sure about the age again very sorry if I'm wrong) But there's probably pictures of them through out their lives. And they're always together. I mean, they trained together, they ate, they even slept together if I remember correctly(I mean, in the same bed). These two have been practically married since they were kids. And now they're 42, I think? 32 years when they were constantly together (give or take a year, what with David's travel year and the deaths and the kidnappings). I mean, don't get me wrong I love them in every fanfic but in LBAF and TLND they were always together and that makes me really emotional🥹 I can just see Magnus and Alec babysitting Lance and Arthur and telling them stories, along with Jace of course, about their parents, when they were 12 and 20 and showing them pictures and oh god I'm gonna cry. First thing I'll do when ao3 is back is read LBAF I,II and III, I really miss fetus Mavid
Okay this makes me laugh every time I think about it, but remember in IALS, there was this chapter where Max was distant from David because he was punishing himself and David thought that Max didn't want him anymore? So he tried to seduce him? And then you posted Max's POV in tumblr and Max was just freaking out because he couldn't understand why David was acting weird around him meanwhile David was trying so hard to bring Max back to him? And what made Max almost crack and kiss David and be with him was a tired David with Arthur's vomit over him because it made him realize that him and David have a family together and David chose to marry and love and have a family with him and he was almost turned on by that and he told David he was cute and David thought Max was making fun of him? These two be clowning all day every day😂 But it also kinda makes me soft because earlier in that chapter David wasn't wearing a shirt and was sleeping on the bed and Max saw him and got so turned on he had to touch himself but David woke up and heard him and then looked himself in the mirror and then looked at his back and thought of course he doesn't want me when I look like this. Oh David if only you knew... I've always been curious, exactly how relieved Max was when he realised David was still obsessed with him and there wasn't a third person or anything?
I need to stop thinking about these two all the time😂 Also, I kinda got mixed up about Theia and Lance, Blackbane does sounds better, sorry about that😅Have a good dayyy🌷
They did meet when they were ten 🥺 and they did grow up together 😭. This is one of the reasons David was devasted when he lost his memories because he lost his whole life with Max. I think he mentions it somewhere (in some fic?) that his life started after he met Max. So, poor baby must have been so sad when he couldn't remember their life together :(
AND THE IALS THING IS SO TRUE AND SO HILARIOUS. They are both so so so chaotic.
We do sort of see Max's reaction when he finds out David still loves him. But it's not an obvious 'oh thank god' - like it is with malec in TLND. Max's realization is slower and harder because everytime he gets a hint that David still loves him his immediate reaction is not 'oh thank god'. It's 'but why would he?". the doubt and the second guessing made it harder for him to accept the truth and harder for us to see his reaction. I think when it finally sunk into him (i don't think we actually see that exact moment) he didn't just feel relieved, but blessed and grateful and just so insanely happy.
now i am getting emotional.
PS - My mind is going to all sorts of places since ao3 has been down too omg.
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blupengu · 7 months
Oh boy oh boy I finished Yves’s route…! Spoilers under the cut as usual!
👁️👄👁️ bruh
Okay one thing at a time! First off - Hugo is SO Yvesexual oh my god?? Bro just confess already please I’m sorry Ceres is getting in the way! “Partner” pffft yeah okay mister “I literally died from feeling too much love” sure, I hope we all find our own Hugo one day 😂
Also while all the CGs were beautiful in this route (oh his mask coming off, oh him crying in the corner, aaah the one with him sobbing into Ceres 😭 probably the best kiss CG even though it’s just like.. on the cheek LOL), can we talk about Yves’s hair-down sprite? Like… what is that. What happened? Yves honey who did your hair? Did you shred it with your sword yourself?? I would normally brush it off if it just looked a little odd, but Mathis, Lucas, and Ankou all have perfectly normal looking long hair (even Scien’s looks more normal) so clearly this was a choice. But it was a bad choice sorry my boy 💀
Now back to the route itself, I really liked it overall! Yves and Ceres I think have had the best romantic relationship build up (even if they both desperately need therapy). I just gotta yell out some feelings as if this is a liveblog lmao
The way I gasped when Dahut and Nadia showed up? Seriously I did not expect these two to steal my heart so much?? They’re truly a balm for my soul… Any time Dahut shows up now I’m like OH THANK GOD someone who doesn’t need therapy 😩
So… the science in his game has always been *hand wavey* and I think I’m generally good at just going with the flow in fictional stories, but like……… HUH??? Bruh I had to put down my controller and just stare at the screen for a hot second. We’re part flower - aight cool cool anime shit sure whatever. Their genes are different colors - uhhhh… okay, sure I guess? A pair of chromosomes are killed each year and that’s why everyone dies when they turn 23 - HOLD UP WHAT NOW??? Yoooo that’s actually hilarious it made me bust out laughing 😂 (I also still don’t understand why Yves’s family didn’t just tell Scien or someone about the fact that it was the toxins in the soil killing people?? Like bruh)
The whole “relivers can’t learn or change so people can’t even switch careers because their bodies don’t change” thing is also so dumb. Like… what does that even mean? If you worked out would you not gain muscle?? Practicing something wouldn’t help?? What about Hugo going from someone who didn’t have to work a day in his life to one of the best fighters just behind Yves and Adolphe in the Corps after he had become a reliver??? Ah nono don’t think about the science, don’t think about the science… 😩
I did very much love our boys banding together at the end though! If only it was against the mcfucking Royal family and Capucine (and whoever this mysterious “sponsor” is) instead of against Scien… dude I support your experiments, they really should’ve just let us die this time LOL (very glad Capucine got his ass handed to him though, god I hate Capucine… even though he’s kinda pretty, he’s not Jean levels of pretty enough to make me not hate him, especially after Nadia 😂 thank you Scien)
Also I’m sorry I went very feral with Lucas breaking free and showing up to help, especially in the Bourreau outfit in front of Yves and Adolphe!! Yaaas baby go use your superhuman strength to kill everyone, you’re doing great sweetie, SLAY!!! (literally) 😩😂 I really uwu-ed when Dahut was like, yeah I look up to Lucas so I’m kinda pissed at you Scien (best adult boy)… why do I feel like he’s gonna have a better chance at a happier end in Yves’s route than his own fucking salvation end lmao
And final thoughts, where was Ankou at the end?? I loved that he showed up to help Yves and he was the one to give him his mask, but buddy where did you go at the end??? Is there some multiverse or time travel shit going on???? Ceres really decided to follow in the footsteps of Lucas’s despair end with Yves though huh… 👁️👄👁️ sweetie I’m so sorry we really turned you in BBQ, a burnt chicken nugget, fire emblem Sigurd 💀 LMAO
Can’t wait to get into Le Salut!!
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(But really why did Yves get 5 chapters when everyone else got 4… is it because he’s poster boy…? It’s because he’s poster boy isn’t it…)
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
Bnha S1 ep8 - yeah sue me I restarted from the beginning.
I've been so busy I didn't even have the time to continue where I left of and forgot which episode I was at so yeah I restarted binge watching from s1 😂
Anyways today's about ep 8 - "Katsuki Bakugo - Startline".
Deku Vs Kacchan 1 just happened (omg I'm never getting over this fight, I swear) and Kats has been feeling inadequate and inferior to almost everyone as he watched the rest of the fights happen when Deku was with recovery girl. Like the slap he took in the face from losing to the guy he believed was quirkless and useless (just a little pebble on the side road, like he says), man you feel the angst 😫
And then we get to Deku waking up, going back to class and noticing Kats is no longer here and what does he do? He runs throughout the school like a literal lovesick school girl to find him and if you're telling me Deku revealing his secret to Kacchan doesn't feel like a fucking love confession, prepare to fight shkdkdkdhd
The whole scene is so fucking romantic man, fucking sunset behind them, a few meters away in front of the school gate, Deku with a sheepish look on his face, come on, I don't understand how people see bkdk as like brothers or whatever other shit they can invent, are you for real?! 😳
Anyways, that whole scene is so fucking endearing man. Katsuki hears Deku calling him and he stops walking and is like "What?" Lmao yeah he's still brash and shit but he actually stops and listens (that is NOT the reaction if someone who truly doesn't give a shit about the damn nerd) even though he's getting pissed by the minute because what the fuck is that nerd saying?! 😂💚🧡 And Deku like "that's why one day I'll make this quirk my own and best you with my own power" and Katsuki's face shkskdkd 👇🏼
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He's so confused it's hilarious 😂💚😂💚😂 more seriously, he's so wrapped into his bad feelings of inferiority and having lost to deku and shit, he can't even react to what Deku is saying and goes on a rant about how he's just getting started, "you won't beat me again!" (While crying like a cute little bitch shskkd).
I mean seriously, it's like those idiots are talking at each other but not to each other. (It's okay, we know they'll get there) "My words aren't really reaching you" kinda vibe, you know?
But honestly? I just love the fact that Deku fucking runs to find him and explains (though he fails miserably) that he wasn't tricking Katsuki. That's just how fucking important his relationship with the guy is (and yes, regardless of the fact that Kats has been bullying him in the past, tried to hurt him and actually did hurt him pretty badly during their training fight), Deku's view of Katsuki has never fucking changed and it fucking shows. "KACCHAN SUGOI!" SHSJJD
So to those saying bnha ain't a fucking love story between those two... F**k you 🙃
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sugiwa · 11 months
SUGIWA!!! i’ve been on vacation and came back to four new updates!? happy birthday to me?? i don’t want to bombard you with my thoughts on every single chapter so i’ll focus on the ones that won’t shut up in my head right now.
a reunions between brothers!! ace and sabo, questioning ace’s tattoo (hilarious!), the dynamic and simplicities of brotherhood, “what does it matter what has happened, he’s here now” WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONE IS GOING TO DIE?!?! (she comments with tears in her eyes)
all the interactions with ace and sabo, ace sabo and penny, penny and luffy WOW these four doofuses really do gravitate and circle around each other like planets.
i eat up absolutely every single scrap of shanks and the red hair pirates so these past few chapters have fed me most wonderfully.
things that keep me up at night: whitebeard’s thoughts on penny. are you going to write the meeting between shanks and whitebeard? penny’s devil fruit (WANO COME SOONER). penny and sabo in marineford. will there be another showdown between penny and blackbeard? penny and shanks reunion when? smoker and tashigi seeing penny again.
p.s. but penny is so don quixote coded. illusions of grandeur, a trusty steed (boat), ever-hungry need for adventure and a good tale (all in all, just a lovable delusional idiot <3)
I hope you enjoyed your vacation!! Lol, yeah, I was very inspired over the last few weeks and writing's my way of diffusing, so real life stress kinda had me at the keyboard.
I live and die by that one-shot Oda drew of Sabo saving Ace--we could've had all three of them meet as adults!! But, Luffy's development is so central to the plot. When I first read OP, I was sadder for Luffy than I was for Ace. His grief is so poignant and the anime really cuts deep with the scream, but the manga panels live in my soul.
Hahaha, they do gravitate toward one another. We haven't had an Ace, Sabo, Luffy flashback yet, but when we do, you'll see that there were a lot of traces of Penny left in Foosha, so even though they never met, Ace and Sabo kinda knew what she'd be like before meeting her. Penny's the one that got blind-sided by Luffy's family 😂😂
TBH, I could write a whole story on just the Penny + Red Hair Pirates. Penny really shares that aspect of not wanting to coast on someone else's fame like Buggy, but unfortunately for her, she couldn't really escape it since Shanks is still alive. She's been away for so long that going back scares her because she's changed so much and already was kinda the odd-one in the group. But she misses them so much, it's in everything she does.
Whitebeard’s thoughts on Penny: we will get these and we'll get a little insight into how he knew Penny's mom. RIP Lucy 😔.
Her Devil Fruit....no comment.
Marineford Part II: it's going to be a war. We'll also see the Warlords actually do a bit more than they did in the manga, so that'll be exciting. Actually, Sabaody, Impel Down, and Marineford are kinda a team-up between Sabo and Penny 😂😂
Ah, Blackbeard has his role to play too. We'll see him again.
Penny and Shanks reunion...let's say Film Red's gonna look like the prequel 😭😭
We will see Smoker and Tashigi soon too. We're actually going to see them in the immediate aftermath of Penny's escape in an upcoming chapter.
Okay, this is where my nerd-self comes out, yes to the Don Quixote parallel but there's this medieval French novel called Gargantua and Pantagruel and it's kinda where Penny's character came from. In the books, there's a character called Panurge and that was Penny's inspo (tbh, I was going to have her use Penny as a nickname to hide her more awful name, but then decided against it). Panurge coming from the greek panoûrgos meaning knave or ready for anything and in the opening sequence, Panurge goes on this long rant introducing himself in ten different languages, but in terms of story, Don Quixote fits beautifully and the fall from delusion to reality does parallel here, but as we'll see in the time-skip, Penny's built for wishing.
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
The Musketeers Reaction: The Homecoming
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
[Brace yourself btw]  
Runnnnn Port!
Why didn’t you just run, dammit?
[Well.  You said you wanted more Porthos]  I didn’t mean like this, dammit
Idk why the first thing in my head was: they had lawyers back then?
[I love how Athos is never looking the same direction as the others.  He's always standing at the back staring out at the rear... which could either be funny-haha moodiness or strategically watching the rear or both]
Double oooop
Well damn I don’t want the next episode to be about any of them… Sheeesh  [alskdjf It’s about Aramis] *runs and hides*
Ack  [This dude is an ass]  How.  Dare.  He.
[Them ripping off the Musketeers' pauldron pisses me offff] Sameeee
D’ART 🥺 buddy is like “Can we have a chill day?”
Not Athos
He knows that mark 👀👀👀  [*simultaneously* That's the mark he found on Milady in the book- I WAS JUST SAYING THAT]  🙂  [It's Louis' criminal brand tho, in general, so yes, he still knows it]
Buddies, what are y’all hammering? Oh they all crazy, I see  [It’s a warning that the Musketeers are coming in]
You would know, Flirt, you would know
[Louis needs to stop whinging]  Ahhh, whiny… Ack. This is why the Cardinal is so angry… I would be too  [He does have to kowtow to the king's dumbass decisions]
[I love this scene]  “The hands of a musician”  How many musicians does he know?  [He was a count; I'd wager many]  Fair!
Oooop  [Aramis up in arms about Porthos]  “This is bb— this is Porthos”
[Flirt be flirting again]  Yep
☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Oooop- Flirt flunked flirting  [He got extra credit]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Noooo not the goats! the new Thor has two giant goats and they scream the whole damn movie
Well, we did know it was murder already
[Cool badass character introduction]
Double oooop
That smile was as scurry as Athos’ eyes  [aldskfjaldskfj]
“I’m too lorge”  [I think they have clothing that'll fit]
Ummm that’s not fair tho
These damn past friends  [You've got some Flort bonding in theory tho]  True
Well, damn  [There was exactly 33% tact in that exchange lsakdj]
“Rooms”  Fucking rich people
These two are up to something  😤😤
["You always did whatever Flea told you"  Bottom-behavior]  🥺🥺  [You're welcome… I'm hilarious]  You are indeed  [You weren’t supposed to agree aldskfj]
– – – 
Jezebel: Soooo question… Why is it “the three musketeers” of d’Art was always a part of it?  Or are there stories before him?  
Wench: Because he doesn’t join immediately.  Like in this, he's just kinda... an apprentice.  A recruit.  He only becomes one, like, 2/3 of the way into the book.  Besides, it's his point of view, and he's looking on on "the three Musketeers.”  They're kinda legendary, tbh.  Like I said, they have that nickname --- Les Inseparables --- for example.  And when they show up at the beginning of the book, the entire Garrison is spying on them/their interactions with Treville.  And this, like, gasp fills the room when Athos (injured) walks in and is like.  Hey.  And then even more of one when he collapses.  And some of them forget they're not supposed to be watching and lean fully into the room to watch.  It's a whole thing alksdjf  So they just.  They're The Three.  And then d'Art.
Jezebel: So it’s the three musketeers. And d’Art. ☠️☠️  
Wench: Yup alksdjf
Jezebel: Oooooh! Ok that makes sense 😂😂😂  I understand a little more! Cause I was confused since like… the beginning ☠️☠️  And now for midpoint!  I am not happy that I got more Port in such a way! 😤😤  I was bamboozled!
Wench: I did warn you it was bad
Jezebel: You did but you did not say hey! It’s port heavy… in the bad way.  You just said bad.  Bad could have meant one of them gets shot and almost dies. But that’s the angst I thrive on  😤  This is sad backstory bad.  Hmph
Wench: alskdjflkadsjf
Jezebel: Also, I never noticed the scar on ports face til this one
Wench: Ma’am, how
Jezebel: Woman idk! I just didn’t ☠️☠️☠️😂😂😤  But I do now! ☠️  Also, I do love d’Art’s eagerness to run to his friends defense! I.e. him jumping over the rail when they sentenced Port  Like 🥺🥺 buddy. Did you not have friends pre-ded dad?  Now he does and is like I will not lose them!
Wench: I love that they all are that level of concerned though.  Like, not just d'Art
Jezebel: Very true!
Wench: Athos and Aramis just know what is an uacceptable way of pushing back (e.g. jumping over the railing), but the SECOND Treville said "slow them down" or whatever, Athos was gone.  And then he's like... oh.  I'm a Musketeer.  And before that a nobleman.  Lemme just... duck into this place where people distrust/kill/steal from both.  Meanwhile, Aramis is heading the entire investigation because.  Well.  Bros.
Jezebel: The musketeers as a whole group are just all loyal to each other first! Then you know the king and stuff
Wench: There's a reason it's one for all and all for one
Jezebel: Makes sense 😂😂😂 Anyway! Back to I don’t trust the “king” guy and Flea. maybe not her. But he’s definitely up to something. He either killed the guy or she did idk.  Ready though!
– – – 
It’s a repeat of the other ep  [*simultaneously* *d’art's Vadim PTSD flashbacks activate*]  d’Art hide  [How dare you steal my joke]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Buddy, you sent them off!  Hmph!
Matt?  Matt Meese?  😂😂  [lksdfja;lksdjf]
Well, shit, it’s the man in the leather mask
[Aramis, you hedonist]  😂☠️☠️ [Oh, sorry... Aramis, you *heretic]
The priest looks like Shakespeare
d’Art ☠️  [“Did you kill him?” isn’t a good interrogation tactic?]
A wot now?  [Huguenot.  Type of Protestant]  Oooooh
[Too bad Aramis isn't there… He's their medic.  Not that he'd be happy with that term]  I know! His poor needlework isn’t coming in handy  [Nor is it getting ripped, though, so]  😂😂😂
Maaaam  [Whoops]  You are marr- with the king guy!  ARE NONE OF THESE HOES LOYAL!  [I mean.  There are very few women who get to choose their marriages here, so no… Constance was married off by her family because it's a good match.  Flea... well, she chose Charon, but not out of love.  Etc.]  Trueeeeee… Kinda like Mercedes  [Yup]
Damn they went the whole 9 yards  [Also yup] Flirts gonna be jealous
Hurt him??  Im pretty sure he part of this, so this a killer!  Ack!
[“Our names are the Three Musketeers.  Our friend's in danger.  Prepare to yield.”]  😂😂😂😂😂😂
[Oop, Charon jealoussssss… Did not like that hand grab]  I mean he maybe should be ☠️☠️☠️  [True, but jealous =/= jealous + possessive]  Very true  [Once again.  Do not like that hand grabbbb]  Exactly
Ooooop "kill anyone that gets in our way"
He has figured it out!!
Where even was she shot 😂😂😂  [a;lkdsjf no clue]  Ooooof!
Well, Athos killed Milady, Flirt killed friend, and now port kills friend ☠️☠️☠️ Hopefully d’Art doesn’t know anyone else
Correction: Flirt kills friend and Port’s friend… Port, don’t you look at him like that.  Hmph.  He saved you!
The kings gonna open the letter and it’s gonna say SIKE
At least she kisses normal
And done!
– – –
Jezebel: POOR PORT! 💔💔💔  Why do all their past friends suck? 😂 
Wench: The joys of Trauma
Jezebel: Well… at least now they all have each other!   Which gives me Port vibes from that movie clip where Ports like d’Art!  We also protect each other! 💕🥺  Oh, speaking of… Are all their backstories the same in the other adaptations?? Or are they unique to this one?
Wench: In my experience… Athos is almost always the same; he was married, she was a criminal to some degree, he had her executed and has felt guilty ever since, and she’s not only not dead, but she’s working for the Cardinal.  Aramis is always devout while simultaneously romantic and having a tendency towards womanizing (or not just womanizing, depending on your interpretation).  As I mentioned, d’Art usually is different; most stories use the initial idea of d’Art going expressly to get a commission, not from some revenge story.  And Porthos… I’m less sure.  If I recall correctly, he doesn’t usually have much time spent on backstory.  He usually came from something notorious though; he’s “Porthos the Pirate” (an exceedingly infamous pirate, apparently) in the Disney film and, as you know, a member of the Court of Miracles here.  So, I guess I’d say… they all have basic similarities, and their personalities are usually the same, but specifics alter.
Jezebel: Oooooh! I see 🙂 interesting enough!
Wench: "Interesting enough?"  Dang, woman
Jezebel: I still could schmack you for pushing me over the ledge into a new hyperfixation!  (Affectionate 😂😂😂 I love it here).  I just… Ack!  I just am loving it!  (I’m also finding it hard to give mid points and end points lately and idk why, but I still love it!!)  And tbh I don’t know why I worded it like that ☠️☠️☠️ I sent it and was like enough? Why’d you say enough?
Wench: That's fair laskdjf  Any other thoughts?
Jezebel: Nope 😂😂☠️☠️😭😭 like I said in the last one these are getting harder and harder to lengthen out ☠️☠️☠️
Wench: Ma'am, what have you done?  *sigh*  I'm carrying these endpoints
Jezebel: You are! I 110% agree☠️☠️☠️
Wench: … You weren't supposed to
Jezebel: Shush lol  Also, errmmmm can we do an episode tomorrow
Wench: Uh… Probably
Jezebel: I feel bad; the DA folks are gonnna be mad!  I have gone farther WAY FASTER in this one than DA.  BUT to be fair… I was never supposed to watch it, just the Ben ep and then Alec’s
Wench: I did say that DA wasn't the most interesting w/o Jackles.  I warned!
Jezebel: Then you suggested we watch it and I’m gullible  (Kidding)
Wench: aksdfjlkafdsj I did not actually… Rude
Jezebel: I do like the show.  But…. Well…. I really like this one 👀 and alas again I didn’t expect it
Wench: Ma'am, I told you you would
Jezebel: Okay-
Wench: When ever will you learn to trust my judgement?
Jezebel: Correction: I knew I would like it
Wench: …
Jezebel: I did not expect to like it this much
Wench: Hmph.
Jezebel: Don’t hmph me Wench
Wench: You forget: hmph + period.
Wench: Hmph.
Jezebel: Gasp!
Wench: Shush.  We’ll do another tomorrow; ‘til then!
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 6x05!
spoilers under the cut!
Athena's back!! 😍
Detective Buckley 😂😂 I love this
not Athena jump-scaring both Buck and me 😂😂😂
I have never seen a toddler leave their parents so peacefully, especially when they see their parent and say goodbye, with a nanny/whoever and I've been around quite a few kids 😂😂 when I was babysitting my cousin I had to keep her occupied while my aunt sneaked out without her noticing lmao
and May is back too, yaaay, I was starting to worry that we weren't gonna see much of her since she's off at college haha but I'll take a few minutes an episode, just keep her around pls 😂
oh no Athena's allergic to the dog 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 why the hell wouldn't you tell your husband that 😂😂😂
the way they go from funny to Maddie hearing a guy get shot on a call - I just love this show
I love Karen so much ❤️
I almost forgot about Hen's exam tbh I hope she passes this time lol
random thought but like: why do people in shows get up from the table and clear the plates while they're still full of food?? that's so annoying tbh 😂😂😂
so Hoover is Hen's dog now 😂😂 lmao that was so funny, here I thought Hen wouldn't take it and Bobby would try to give him to anyone else in the firefam 😂😂
Hoover scratching at the door 😂 Karen I'm so sorry 🤣🤣
"and the fact that they were guaranteed never to be home" okay I remember the trailer now lol - but also, is it just me or does Athena sound different when she says only this sentence? kinda as if they added it in post - idk, this one sentence just stood out of the whole convo
shit it's Noah isn't it - Maddie gave him access to her whatever at the beginning of the season 😩
God there is so much going on I forgot about the nanny thing 😂
aaaand that's why we don't wear shoes inside here - it's just so gross
the nanny is creepy tho sns
Chim and Maddie just hanging out in the bathtub 😂😂
oh, so she didn't give him the password, he just saw her type it in, okay, this makes sense 😂😂 he folded pretty quickly tho 😂
just like I expected, Hoover's making rounds among the firefam 😂 this is lowkey hilarious 😂😂
"that was weirder than usual" 😂😂 seriously 😂
Hen's killing it and I love it, and the dog thing is just hilarious 😂
YAS she passed!!
Karen is seriously the best, I love her (can you believe my sister dislikes her??? like, how????)
I was just thinking that I hope we'll still see plenty of Hen even when she's a doctor, and now they're giving me some firefam mini-montage?? it was such a funny episode, I wasn't expecting to cry, but when Chim and Hen looked at each other..... 😭
she's not leaving the show is she??! why does it have such "saying definite goodbye to a character" vibes??? don't tell me she's leaving 💔😭😭
Hoover's with the lady from the beginning lmao it's perfect 😂😂
okay, what is it with Eddie wearing sunglasses that just gets me.... 🥵 oh my god he looks so good and so cool 😎🥵🔥 and like, it's not sunglasses, it's Eddie wearing sunglasses 😂😂 wtf is wrong with me 😂
OH SHIT that's how you end the episode??? istg nothing better happen to Karen 😩😢
okay, I loved this episode - every storyline was interesting, it was mostly funny with some good serious moments, I loved seeing Karen (I'm already anxious about the next episode tho) and I'm so happy for Hen's exam (pls tell me she's not leaving) and Hoover's story was just sooo funny lmao - and I loved seeing Madney together ❤️
I can't wait to continue Buck's storyline soon because I'm curious how that's gonna turn out, and can Eddie get an important plotline and more screen time please? 😂
anxiously waiting for the next one!
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hey there demons. It's me, ya boy. And by demons I mean the common cold, I've contracted the common cold. Lo I don't think I've missed breathing out of my nose so much in my entire life. I can't even greet you with the usual cute little nickname my head's so cloudy :(
In theory I like layering but in practice my sensory issues get the best of me, so the closest I get is like an open button up and a t-shirt.
the book is called Bridge to Elsewhere by many different authors since it's a collection of short stories! Fustercluck is from one short story called Whose spaceship is it anyway? by John Chu, and is one of my favourites in the whole book because at heart I am a theater kid. The whole book has amazing queer and POC rep in and out of the book!(there's a story about lesbian space birds!!!)
I love The Hobbit and Hunger Games too! There's also Sal and Gabi break the universe by Carlos Hernandez, yes it was released in 2019 and yes by then I was probably too old to read middle grade novels but that did not stop me. I have an old french encyclopedia called le petit larousse illustré, it has so many beautiful illustrations! It is reprinted every year but my copy is from 1924 so it's kinda falling apart and the part of me that worked in the library for years just wants to tape it back together but I need to buy better tape so I don't ruin it. Of course i'm a hopeless romantic so i've read pride and prejudice like a million times, it's just a really pretty book don't judge me. I really like Salt To The Sea by Ruta Sepetys it's a bit bleak but I listened to the audio book while painting the guitar and really enjoyed it.
OUTLAW ROBIN I am foaming at the mouth. if you ever finish a story like that i'd love to read it!
I really don't think you understand how red my face gets every time you call me darlin' it's not even funny.
If you want you can send me more songs and I can tell you what colour they sound like to me.
I don't get how some pretty flowers simply do not match in scent, like you look beautiful you should smell like rainbows and unicorns. it's unfair.
I only have three piercings (two on my left ear and one on my right) but like I said I need more.
asdfghjklkfj back home is also a farm for me. There's 2 dogs, 3 cats, an assortment of chickens(demon spawn), 5 ducks(my babies), and an ancient beta fish. I've always wanted a fluffy cow too! and a mini donkey 😂
I am not from the us. I really thought I already gave it away with my rantings about Alvvays not having canadian tour dates.
I am but a simple Canadian who wears tuques, listens to the vinyl cafe, and drinks maple syrup by the jug. fr the funniest thing is debunking people's Canadian stereotypes it's hilarious
your damsel under the incredible duress of her cold
Oh no!!! That is terrible!! I hope you feel better soon, lovely! <333 Drink lots of water and take medicine! I wish I could make you some soup.
Is it just me, or is the whole Ronance side of Tumblr falling ill? What’s with that?
Understandable! There are some days I get like that, but for the most part I love layers. My main issues lies with long sleeves that are too loose on my wrist. Drives me nuts.
I’ll have to check that out! It’s been a while since I last read a short story collection, and I’m always down for good representation! Lesbian space birds? Sign me the fuck up.
I haven’t heard of that one! Definitely also going on the list. I’m also not above reading middle school books at my age. Sometimes they’re just that good, damnit. You’re never to old to enjoy something like that. And the encyclopedia? That is the absolute coolest thing!! Antique books are so beautiful and you gotta love the old book smell. 😌 1924, damn that’s old. Getting close to a whole century old, wow! P&P is one I know but haven’t read. I’ve never been much into period pieces, but the amount of times it’s popped up in conversations recently is feeling like a sign that I need to read and watch it.
I hope I will! It’s a future project since I’ve got too many already, but outlaw Robin lives in the back of my mind rent free
Then I will continue to do it, darlin’, because that sounds cute as hell ☺️
Ooooh, okay, I’ll give you three. “Late Bloomer” by Mereba, “Linger” by The Cranberries, and “honey” by Coastal Club (that one is a personal favorite!!)
For real! It’s so sad when you see a cute flower and go to smell it and it just,,, stinks. Bradford pears are definitely my least favorite though. They make the whole campus smell bad every spring ahdkskkw
That’s so cool! I hope you can get more! I just know they look sick as hell
Oh my gosh, that’s so cool! I love animals so much <33 And mini donkeys, you say? Well let me introduce Hope and Brayleigh—
Tumblr media
Here’s where you figure out I’m kind of a dumbass because I definitely remember you saying that and it definitely went riiiiiiight over my head. At least I’m cute! Canadian, that’s so cool! What’s your favorite stereotype to debunk? 😂
Wishing you speedy healing and love,
- Max/Lo
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acefeather2002 · 2 years
7 & 12 for the voice ask meme? Hope you're having a good day!
These were some good ones to answer!
7) Favorite book series and/or just singular book and why?
My favorite book would have to be a graphic novel called Rapunzel's Revenge by Dean Hale and Shannon Hale. It's essentially a Wild West adaptation of the story of Rapunzel, except instead of being a frail and helpless blonde damsel in distress, she's a hardcore, redheaded cowgirl and uses her hair as lasso ropes to save herself. It's a great story. I highly recommend it!
12) Talk about a crazy memory you have?
(I had to do some thinking for this one but realized I have one from just a couple of weeks ago😂)
So here's what's going on: I recently started working at a Wendy's about five minutes away from where I live. Well, one of the ares that I work on is called "Back Cash." This is where when the car pulls around from the speaker, they pull up to the first window to make the payment before reaching the second window to pick up their food. The first window is what I'm referring to mainly.
Anyway, the problem is that when working on back cash, you're also in charge of doing the dishes that come to the sink that's right across a small hallway from that area, but when you step away from the computer to do the dishes, the customer sees no one at the window, so they automatically assume to move on to the next one. This, of course, is very frustrating to the person working that area. Well, that day, I was working back cash, and that same scenario played out.
Well, the person at the second window came back to me with the customer's card so they could make the payment. However, when I came back up the second window to return the card, the customer just drove off. So, I did what any sane and honest person would do and booked it out of the building and across the parking lot. I almost made it to the street, but they were too far ahead. My manager called me back inside and said that they'd just call back for it later. It was kept in the office after that. To this day I still don't know if they ever came back for it...😅 After that, people kept laughing but also complimenting me on trying to catch up. There was even another customer at the back cash window that was being taken care of by one of my coworkers, and even he was all like, "We saw you going. Too bad you couldn't catch up. Good form though!"
The cherry on top is the fact that the hiring manager found out about it a few hours later. I was still on back cash when she came in. She walked in and greeted everyone in her usual welcoming tone until this one dude (let's call him Ian), came up with a huge smile on his face and excitedly told her what happened through his laughter. She looked at me with humored shock on her face and I embarrassedly confessed that I didn't make it with my face basically being this emoji: 😅. Of course she cracked up at that. Admittedly, though, the whole thing was kinda hilarious.
It's because of that moment did a couple of people start teasing me about being a track star. (Which is kinda funny considering that I considered doing track but never went for it.) Anyway, it was a funny moment.
Thanks for asking, sweet petal! These were fun to answer!
If anyone else wants to ask questions, here’s the list! Knock yourselves out!
Along with this one, in a recent post I said I was gonna start clearing my ask box and reblogging my work, so let me know what you want me to pull back up! Love you guys! See you soon!
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
I'll admit I thought the Nighthaven stuff was interesting when it was Kali and Wamai, but with the all the new story stuff I find them so... boring. They're the generic "private mercs who are cocky and glory seeking and don't follow the chain of command because they're mercenaries and they only want money" and with just two I thought it was some decent spice to the formal and ridgid structure Rainbow had going on, but now with an over saturation of them along side the whole "people are leaving Rainbow to join them" in my personal opinion is a boring plot line that doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of things when you sit down and actually look at the technology/structure Nighthaven has vs Rainbow.
Anyways that's my mini-rant over. Sorry for leaping into your ask box and dropping this all on you but that previous Anon about Osa was right and you are 1000% right about your assessment of Kali.
Don't apologize for the rant, it was very interesting to see your take on it, and in fact I agree with quite a bit of it!
The introduction of NH was kinda polemic in the fandom back in the day, and I admit I was on the camp of "having PMCs be part of Rainbow seems like a bad idea" since day one 😅 It's very curious how many of the common complaints and possible problems we foresaw ended up being confirmed by the lore later on, lmao. And to be totally fair, we were bashing Harry's supposed decision as much as NH itself. However, with just Kali and Wamai, it was tolerable, yeah.
She is a massive jerk and I used to joke maybe now Ash and Mira would find common ground against her (lo and behold), and Wamai has so much potential to be hilarious, or to explore how he interacts with people... which we've never seen. Because of NH Ubi only seems to care about Kali, Ace, and maybe Osa if you stretch it.
I stopped trying to make sense of Siege's "plot" when they took up the whole SI competition thing, my god that was boring and pointless and non-sensical as all hell 😂 The whole NH drama seemed like a waste of time, but if it really helped propel the plot into something more meaningful than just "glorified paintball tournaments", then okay, I'll go with the flow. Doesn't mean I agree with it or the cheap melodrama of it, tho. And I'm sick to hell of having Kali and her sychophants being front center stage so much of the time during cinematics and stuff while more than half of Rainbow's roster hasn't got a shred of attention since forever.
And thank you for the thumbs up regarding my hot take about Osa and Kali, I wasn't too sure of how it would be received!
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Hi Jo! How are you? Soooooo… I’ve been gatekeeping my feelings about Knockout from you because I’ve been trying to find the right words to convey my emotions about this amazing, glorious fic! (I apologize if this is really long 😅)
Ok first off, I read this a few times 🙈 and the way you captured the atmosphere of the whole fic was perfect! The tone was established right out the gate and you already get a sense of where the reader’s head is at— we are DESPERATE! Not only are we desperate, but we’re desperate, nervous, & scared because of our situation. We already have this idea in our head that’s like, “ok this is the plan! Bakugou’s gonna hire us and everything’s gonna work out!” but little did we know that it didn’t really pan out the way we wanted at first. The FORESHADOWING with Kirishima’s fight though?! Freaking Rappa with his knuckle destroyer, I knew right away this was gonna come up again later on about fighting fair. (Thank goodness Kirishima was alright 😭)
I loved our interactions with Bakugou! When we first meet Bakugou, he’s already sizing us up and immediately tells us that we don’t “belong” at his club just by the way we look, etc. however, he senses something about us. After we “prove” ourselves, you can already see and feel Bakugou’s hidden/not so hidden protectiveness over us and I LIVED for it! Every time he tells us something, we fight back against his word. (of course we’re stubborn) Whenever he tells us to not push ourselves and to go home, he’s showing his concern for us. Granted he wasn’t pleasant about it, but we as the audience know that Bakugou cares for this person (us) and he cares deeply.
I loved how we tried to keep Bakugou at bay and keep a wall between us but in typical Bakugou fashion, he broke them down. When he came looking for us when we didn’t show up for a week, I was smiling like a goof 😂 That first sex scene tho! Bakugou was making love to us and it was beautiful! He was so gentle with us, not wanting to break us but he just wanted to be there for us and take care of us and that was 🥺🥺 (he fucked us later and geez louize that was another hot ass scene 🥵🥵). Gaahhh him asking us who we belong to while he’s— I hid under my blanket 🙈🙈 and then later on after the fight with Shindou… when he told us to take it it’s ours?!?!?! Sheesh Jo I was sweating (still sweating thinking about it 😅). Oh we taking what’s ours!
When Bakugou told us he loved us 🥺🥺 and we said it back to him 🥺🥺 The fact that he wants to be there for us, take care of us, and treat us how we deserve to be treated *sighs dramatically* and he called us “his girl”… Jo you really did something here. Ooooo and the taunting back & forth between Shindou and Bakugou was hilarious! Shindou was super salty, especially when Bakugou let him know that he had us cumming on his tongue… I think Shindou wanted to K.O. right there 😂 You did a good job writing Shindou as a jerk because I couldn’t stand him. I kinda feel how Bakugou feels about Shindou canonically, but he’s hot I’ll give him that 😂
This is already long enough, but I just had to let you know that this story was/is amazing!! 40k words went by so fast for me, I was that invested.
Just one more thought/question, who was in on the bet that we were dating Bakugou? Was it just Kaminari and Sero, or was Kirishima in it too?
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I am literally going to sob. Thank you so so much for taking the time to leave me your thoughts like this, I held onto this and read it a couple of times because it just made me smile. I’m so glad it feels like I managed to portray their relationship the way I wanted it to feel, that care on a deeper level and that he knew something was up when we actually listened for once and didn’t show up to the club for a week.
In my mind I had the bet between Denki and Sero! And maybe Mina too because in this fic I feel like she’s such a hustler 😂 Kirishima wouldn’t have made the bet cause he’d be like “it’s too fucking easy bro, it would feel like robbing you.” Because Kiri is just so sure that Bakugou loves you. He can just tell?🥺
Thank you again for sending this in, I’m gonna cherish it😭💕
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hello!!!! How are you?!?!?
The trip to the museum went awesome!! It was really cool and we had lots of fun!! There was some book fair close by, so we took a short tour!! There was some section with LGBT books, so I took a quiick look around and my friends just shook their heads and followed me😂
We were all supposed to go to eat something after that, but some friend's parents arrived and they took my friend and the friend they gave a ride with them, and we didn't protest because they are so fucking strict and kinda scary😭
Anyway, I still went with Andrew and other friend to eat some pizza. His parents are the nicest people ever🥺 I am already love them
I honestly had a great time, and the other friend took the chance to buy some present for his girlfriend 😂
Oh, we also put on a Spotify playlist with all our songs for the car ride, and we have completely different taste, so it was hilarious the way it changed one song from another lmaoo
A lot of my songs were queer so I just stood there silently like 😎🏳️‍🌈
No updates in the mess of my love-life, just vibing through the mess ;)
I mean my ex best friend aka the girl I had a BIG crush in high school text me yesterday after months of not talking to each other but that's a whole other story!!
Just like, yesterday, Thomas and I spent like an hour discussing and giving advices about love, or just talking about our experiences kdhdkd
We are kinda the less suitable for talking, I mean he got back with his ex and I haven't had a serious relationship, but the effort is still there😂
Like, even if nothing happened between us, we are still good friends and that's so sexy of us ;)
Anyway, I am drowning on work these two days so I'll be back to read LBAF and IALS on Friday bc life is so homophobic 😭
Take care!!!! And get some rest🔪
Okay but this update made me so happy because i can see that you had a great time and you are just doing great and you are happy and you are surrounded by such warmth and love - and good fucking people.
I'm so happy for you.
I hope you know this is exactly what you deserve - and then some more.
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bard-llama · 2 years
Finally watched TWN Season 2
Honestly, I liked it. I went in with pretty much 0 expectations, which I think was good, but it was pretty fun on the whole! I also stayed up all night to marathon the entire series (and then decided to fuck sleep and am still up), so I def need to do another watch after some sleep, but there were a lot of things I liked and a lot of things that made me think about the fic potential.
I fucking loved the relationship dynamics, honestly. Not the development, ‘cause we saw very little of it that wasn’t in the immediate plot, but like... Jaskier & Yennefer were a delight, Fringilla & Francesca were amazing, Fringilla & Cahir were interesting, Yenn & Cahir were def fun, Yenn & Ciri was great, Geralt & Istredd was nerd-tastic, it was awesome! They threw together a lot of characters and let their personalities talk, and that was a lot of fun to watch.
The politics!!! Y’all know me, of course I’m here for the Cintran elven refugee plotline! I aaaaalmost called the final twist, but not quite. But I was already wanting to write a story about the refugees from the Slaughter of Cintra, so now i definitely want to do SOMETHING with all the different refugees who have/now call(ed) Cintra home.
Also DARA!!! My boy Dara is back!!! And I thought his storyline was really interesting, but also, his hair was awesome and reminded me of hair I gave a version of Eldain in the Sims and now I want Eldain and Dara as Scoia’tael bros.
Rience is a fucking creep oh my god what the fuck. (Also Eskel was a creep too and we’re not talking about that. Why did you even name him Eskel???? That was not Eskel.)
I could not tell Filavandrel and Francesca’s brother apart (I’m faceblind and they had the same hair) and this caused quite some confusion. Also, were Filavandrel and Francesca lovers??? Because by the end of the season, it really looked like it, but it seemed like it came out of nowhere, ‘cause they def resented each other at the start???
I REALLY liked Fringilla’s story! Though, I will say, I like my version of her backstory better in that in TWN canon, she was imprisoned in a “playhouse” by the Usurper until Emhyr freed her after his coup. In my version, she’s the one that recruits Emhyr out of his previous life and convinces him to overthrow the Usurper. I thiiiiink in the books, a certain mage plays that role, but that’s a spoiler that hasn’t been revealed yet, though if you’ve read my stuff with Emhyr, you probably can guess. But anyway, I think in a TWN context, it’s waaaaay more interesting if Fringilla got to be the one to empower Emhyr. But obvi I’m not the one writing it 😂
Jaskier’s songs were fucking amazing lmao. Honestly, I loved everything about him this season? I’m mad the fandom kinda made me hate him for a long while (or at least, have a negative/unpleasant reaction to seeing him), because they leaned into his ridiculousness really well and it was dramatic and wonderful. Also, when the guard critiques his song at the dock, that was TOTALLY a play on the critiques they got for S1 and that was hilarious lmao. Added a touch of much-needed levity to a pretty intense scene.
Oh yeah, also, I loved what they did with a lotta imagery this season. They had a lot of stuff about the White Flame, of course, but they also called him the New Sun, referencing him as the new beginning after Ithilenne’s Prophecy. And of course there was the stuff with the hut thingy. Idk, their metaphors were on point lmao
I’m curious what they’re planning for Vizimir, ‘cause it kinda seems like they’re going a different direction than the books? Well, maybe. He’s not in the books a lot, from what I understand, but it’s kinda implied, at least in the games, that he was... more competent than his TWN counterpart lmao. Or at least more willing to listen to Dijkstra and Philippa. But it’s definitely interesting to see their dynamic. Also - did we ever get explained how Dara ended up in a Redanian prison??? He was supposed to have gone back to Brokilon, tho tbh they probably would not have taken him. At least... not in a well-intentioned way.
So rewatching the series made me go back and read a ton of my fics for it (mostly my non-geraskier ones as a start/my Cintra ones and plotty ones) and aaaaahhhh, I really wanna finish them!!!! I had some really cool stuff planned for the Families of Choice series and I’d love to actually get to it dammit. 
Anyway, that’s my rambling about TWN s2. Overall, I thought it was fun and more coherent than s1 on a first watchthru. I also watched s1 in one sitting with no sleep (well, I fell asleep after ep 6 and watched 7/8 the next day) and I was so much less confused after way longer without sleep this time lol. It was nice rewatching s1 too, I forgot how much I loved a lot of it. S1E4 will always hold a special place in my heart and in my memory lmao. Literally, I still have a lot of it memorized, it’s weird.
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