#looking for my sunflower buddy
grokebaby · 2 years
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"Your favorite, sir"
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haechanhues · 1 year
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Just in case you needed a refresher 🥴🤭
no bc why is he so INSANELY attractive.
currently CHOKING on my spit all over again
he's just absolutely gorgeous
i'm never getting over him, never ever
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laluneveillesureux · 2 years
green shag carpet is the ultimate comfort
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Moooore descendants 4 incorrect quotes with Glassheart/CharmingHeart (they back)
(and other ships)
Red: Sometimes I get so caught up on being gay that I forget I’m actually bi.
(Girl. Same)
Maddox: Man, I’m gonna get fat if you keep feeding me all these chips and junk!
Red: I’M NOT! I was eating them and you took them.
Maddox: You said I should try some!
Red: I said they were good.
Maddox: That’s not how I heard it.
Red: Tomorrow’s the Cooking Contest. Maddox always tells me one thing every year. They say, “You might win if you’d stop eating your entry!” But how would I know whether it’s an award-winning dish without tasting it first? This may be a problem humanity will have to grapple with for eternity.
(AU. Red is a good cook)
Chloe: So how’s the food Red made?
Cinderella: It's great! Compliments to them.
Chloe: *goes to the kitchen*
Chloe: You're adorable.
Red: *blushes*
(again. Red is a good cook. She invites the Charmings for dinner and then asks them for their blessing when Chloe leaves)
Chad: we could make a boys club!
Maddox: Im non-binary.
Chad: Anti-girls club.
(Slay. Also can't decide if Maddox should be green or purple. Maybe even orange but I chose green for now. Will change later if I'm in the mood)
Red: Can you PLEASE peer pressure me into doing my project?
Chloe: Do it or you're straight.
Red: I said peer pressure, NOT THREATEN!
(That's too far, Chloe! Are you mad?!)
Chloe: Operation no more distractions is a go!
*not even 10 seconds later*
Chloe: Oh, look! A butterfly!
(She's either laser focused or cannot concentrate at all)
Red: *clicks pen*
Maddox: *clicks pen in response*
Queen of Hearts: Stop that.
Red: Stop what?
Queen of Hearts: You’re talking about me in Morse code!
Red: Yes, that’s what we doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out!
Red, to Chloe: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
(I'm surprised you kept your Head. And they absolutely did learn that because they had nothing else they could do)
Chloe: Come on, Chad. Nobody actually believes that Red is in love with me.
Chad, to The Squad: Raise your hand if you think that Red is helplessly in love with Chloe.
*Everyone raises their hand*
Chloe: Red, put your hand down.
(*raises hand* what more evidence do you need??)
Chloe: The salary of a clown is 51,000 dollars.
Chloe, gesturing to Chad and Red fighting: And yet these idiots do it daily, and for free!
Red: When I first got my autism diagnosis, my first thought was “woah… it’s canon” and I think that maybe thoughts like that is why Chloe made me get tested.
(It is canon now. Headcanon)
Chloe: Anything else?
Red: Yeah. Stay away from me!
Chloe: Alright. See you in the room we share
(Literally them. Canon. can also be switched)
Queen of Hearts: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
(rather that and not off with my head)
Queen of Hearts: We are gathered here today because someone- *glares at Red’s coffin* -couldn’t stay alive!
(Oop-. Damn. She would care more tho. I think..)
Queen of Hearts: So you're looking for information on this thing, huh? Well, I feel like it must be from far away.
Mal: What makes you say that?
Queen of Hearts: If it's something even I don't know about, then I'm sure nobody else must have a clue. So it's gotta be from some faraway place. Impeccable reasoning, isn't it?
Mal: Your Majesty.. You don't have a clue about this thing, do you?
Queen of Hearts: *screams in anger*
(Just a meeting between two Queens ✨. Canon
Queen of Hearts: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Maddox: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
(ssSSHHhhH. Not so loud. Don't want you to lose your head. Canon tho)
Red: I’m terrible at expressing myself.
Uma: Don’t worry, actions speak louder than words.
Red: Yes, but my actions are also bad.
(Girl same. Getting advice from the principal ✨ she probably did something 👀)
Queen of Hearts: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
(She for real does make it everyone's problem)
Hope you liked it!
Wanted to add more but then it would have been too long.
So the next one has more of the OGs
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rafesveryrealgf · 1 year
Request for lavender sunflower, a v clingy son to Rafe🥺
a/n: your wish is my command :)
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Lavender Sunflower - Inseparable
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Warnings: sad!rafe, soft!rafe, crying
You sometimes envied how attached, Nathan — your first born — was to Rafe. He was attached to Rafe like you carrying him in your womb for nine months meant absolutely nothing to him. But even though you envied it a little bit you still often found yourself cheesing at how much he loved and adored his dad. It was truly adorable.
But today he was extra clingy.
You were six months pregnant with your third baby and had a doctors appointment this afternoon. Rafe went to every single appointment. Today was no different.
You walked into the kitchen, your hand rubbing your swollen belly as you approached your little family, immediately noticing Nathan sitting at the dining table, stuffing his cheeks with pieces of his waffle that sat on a plate in front of him. Kai — your second born — was in his high chair, more-so picking at his food rather than eating it. Your gaze finally fell onto your husband, Rafe. He stood shirtless and in pajama pants in front of the waffle maker that sat on the counter.
“Good morning.” You said. you couldn’t help but smile at the view in front of you.
Rafe turned away from the counter with a plate of food in his hand. “Morning, baby. You hungry?” He asked, which had you nodding instantly.
“Morning, mommy.” Nathan replied, his sentence muffled due to the excessive amount of food in his mouth.
“Hey, be careful, okay? Don’t need you choking.” Rafe kindly scolded him as he brought your plate of food over to the table. “You look like chipmunk.” He added with a light laugh.
You laughed at your son, his cheeks stuffed. “You’re going to Uncle Topper’s today, baby. You excited?” You asked your toddler.
Your three-year-old shook his head in response to you, too busy chewing, unable to speak.
“No? Why’s that?” You questioned. You sat down at the dining table, in front of the food that Rafe placed on the table for you.
He took a few seconds to answer your question, carefully trying to swallow his food.
“Is daddy coming too?” He was finally able to speak.
“No, buddy. I’m going with mommy.” Rafe answered for you. He stood next to your chair with his arm rested on the back of it as he made sure his pregnant wife ate.
“no.” Nathan said, dryly.
“No what?” You asked, looking up at Rafe, hoping he could explain what your son was trying to say.
He just shrugged.
“I want daddy to stay with me.” He huffed and pushed his plate away harshly, almost causing it to spill.
“You know I have to go, buddy. It’s to check up on the baby, to make sure she’s nice and healthy.”
You looked back and forth between your son and Rafe. Not entirely sure what to say.
“Kai is going with you to Uncle Topper’s though, baby.” You said softly.
Nathan shook his head harshly and huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, dramatically. Which caused Rafe to slightly chuckle. Kai began chuckling when he saw his dad do it, not knowing why. He was just an oblivious one-year-old which caused you to snort.
“Not funny, mommy.” Nathan furrowed his brows.
“Hey, daddy started it.” You threw your hands up in defense.
“Daddy can laugh,” He replied with an attitude. “Not you.”
“Let’s be nice, Nathan.” Rafe came to your defense.
Nathan huffed one last time then everyone went silent. Besides Kai, who was babbling to himself as he made more of a mess with his food, too young to read the room.
“Let’s get you boys cleaned up and ready to go.” You said, pushing your chair away from the table so you could stand up.
“Can daddy do it?” Nathan asked, attitude still noticeably in his tone.
You sighed and looked back at Rafe, he gave a small smile, knowing that hurt your heart a little bit.
“I’ll get them ready. You just sit and finish eating, baby.” He kissed your temple before walking over to Kai and unbuckling his high chair, then made his way over to Nathan to help him down from his chair.
Rafe walked out of the kitchen with Kai on his hip and holding Nathan’s hand with his free one.
You heart tightened when Rafe looked back at you one last time with a soft, closed mouth smile. You smiled in return then frowned when he looked away to start walking up the stairs.
After the boys were bathed and dressed, Rafe threw on a plain grey t-shirt and khaki pants accessorizing it with his gold chain and a backwards hat. His dirty blond hair peaking through only the front and the back of the hat.
You being exhausted and pregnant, you just threw on black leggings and an oversized shirt — that was Rafe’s, of course. But You didn’t care. And neither would he. If anything he loved seeing his pregnant wife in his clothes.
Rafe pulled into Topper’s driveway. You were in the passenger seat while Kai and Nathan had both fallen asleep in the backseat.
The whole car ride was fairly silent. With your mind still lingering on the way Nathan had treated you this morning.
“Can you wake Nathan up? I’ll get Kai’s car seat.” Rafe questioned. To which you nodded.
You both stepped out of the car, Rafe made his way around the car and as did you. You unbuckled Nathan and slightly nudged him awake.
“Hi, baby. We’re here.” You whispered.
Nathan — being a light sleeper, instantly fluttered his eyes open.
“Can daddy bring me inside?” was the first thing he said and you frowned at that.
“No, buddy. You gotta walk, he’s carrying Kai in the car seat.” You shook your head slightly.
“I want daddy.” He shook his head and crossed his arms, the same way he did this morning.
When you looked up, Rafe was already making his way up to Topper’s house With the car seat in one hand and the diaper bag in the other.
“Rafe!” You called out.
He turned, tilting his chin upwards at you.
“Nathan won’t get out unless you get him.” You said.
He immediately made his way back to the car and sat Kai’s car seat down on the ground along with the diaper bag.
“You okay to grab that?” He said, pointing towards the car seat.
“Yeah, “ you said softly, sighing in defeat.
You moved out of Rafe’s way, walking over to get Kai and watched as Nathan’s face lit up at his dad.
“Hi, buddy.” Rafe smiled back at his son, picking him up.
You couldn’t lie. You didn’t love the way Rafe ignored how Nathan was acting. But you said nothing.
Nathan nuzzled his face into Rafe’s neck. Rafe picked up the diaper bag, not wanting you to struggle carrying both the diaper bag and the car seat.
You still struggled. The car seat was straining your arm as you walked up Topper’s long driveway. One hand sat on your stomach as the other carried your sleeping son in his car seat.
Rafe stopped walking and turned around, letting you catch up to him. “You okay, baby?”
“I’m fine.” You smiled, trying to hide the fact that you already were out of breath.
“Okay.” A smirk appeared on his lips as he tried not to laugh.
He definitely noticed you were out of breath.
Once you both got to Topper’s front door, Rafe set down the diaper bag and knocked three times. Alex — Topper’s girlfriend — quickly came to the door.
A big smile appeared on her face when she saw Rafe holding Nathan.
She loved Nathan and Nathan loved her.
“Hi! didn’t know you guys were coming,” She said cheerfully. “Come in.” She jerked her head and opened the front door all the way.
“Aunt Alex!” Nathan quickly picked his head up from his dads neck and waved at her.
“Hi squirt!” She replied, waving back.
Rafe picked up the diaper bag from off the ground. “Yeah, Top offered to watch the kids.” Rafe replied, walking into the house first then making his way into the living room. “We have a doctors appointment.”
You stepped through the door way just as Alex pulled you in for a hug. You used your free arm to hug her sideways and once you both pulled away you both made your way into the living room. Rafe was talking to Topper, Nathan still in Rafe’s arms.
“I’m sorry I wish we could stay.” You sincerely say, slightly frowning at Alex.
“Don’t be sorry, Y/n. We can visit another time.” Alex reassured you, giving you a genuine smile as she rubbed your arm up and down.
Rafe walked over to the couch to set Nathan down but he clung to his dad for dear life. “Daddy no!” He yelled, making you and Alex shift your attention to them.
Kai jerked awake, his eyes wide when you looked down at him. He began to cry at the loud sound so you kneeled to the floor to unbuckle him and pick him up.
Rafe quickly glanced at you and Kai. “Stop- look, you just woke up your brother,” Rafe pleaded with your son who had both of his arms wrapped around Rafe’s neck. “Let go, okay?”
Alex and Topper stood silently looking at what was going on. Not quite sure what to say.
You were stressed with Kai now crying and Nathan not letting go of Rafe.
“I want you to stay daddy!” He cried.
Rafe jerked his head from underneath his sons arms, his hat falling off in the process.
“I can’t, buddy. You know this.” His face was red and his hair was now messy. “Please don’t do this to me.. Making me feel bad.” He pleaded with Nathan once again.
Nathan was his first born. His weakness.
Your heart tightened at Rafe’s tone of voice as you stood holding Kai. Nathan was hysterically crying, his bottom lip jutting out as he cried to his dad. He extended his arms out to Rafe.
“Take me with you,” He cried. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
“I can’t, Nate. No kids allowed in the back rooms, buddy.”
You could tell Rafe was overusing the word ‘buddy’ to try and comfort Nathan.
“One more hug before me and mommy leave, okay?” Nathan nodded as Rafe leaned forward to pick Nathan up. Nathan folded his arms around Rafe’s neck like before, and laid his head on Rafe’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, buddy.”
You were sad for Nathan. He didn’t know any better. He didn’t understand why kids couldn’t go everywhere adults could.
“We gotta go now, okay?” Rafe said, slowly sitting Nathan back on the couch.
Nathan sniffled a few more times then tilted his head down. Nathan’s little hands were fidgeting in his lap as Rafe kissed his temple “I’m sorry.” He whispered in his ear before slowly leaning back up.
He grabbed his hat from off the couch then turned around to face you, Topper and Alex who had watched the whole thing silently. You frowned at him but said nothing.
“Ready to go?” Rafe said softly.
You nodded before walking over to Nathan. “We love you, Nate. We’ll be back before you know it.” You leaned down to kiss his cheek.
No reaction. No reply.
You leaned back up and handed Kai — who had finally calmed down, to Alex as you and Rafe silently made your way out of the, now, quiet home.
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moonriverrise · 2 years
Dreams are supposed to be subtle messages from your subconscious, right? Then why the hell did Eddie keep having the same type of dream every single night. The same dream featuring the same boy with chestnut hair, doe eyes, and freckles sprinkled all over.
He didn’t know the boys name, but he’s around Eddie’s age based on looks. His hair is styled in a certain way, swooped to the side almost perfectly. He’s pretty strong looking and pale skinned, and has the most wonderful laugh Eddie has ever heard.
In the dreams that Eddie had, he meets this boy under a tree in a long sunflower field. He’s always there before Eddie, sitting with his back against the trunk of the tree, staring at the sky or simply laying with his eyes shut.
Whenever Eddie came up to him, he was greeted with the same phrase every time, no matter what differences are in the dreams.
“Hello, Sunshine. How are you?”
It's sweet, and it warmed Eddie’s heart in a way he never thought something could. Then Eddie would sit down and they would have conversations about their lives. Because, this boy had a life, probably something Eddie’s brain made up.
“Oh, and Dust thinks he’s so much better than me just because he’s good at Algebra. Who the fuck is good at Algebra?!”
The boy is entertaining, he’s funny, pretty, charismatic. One dream he has, turns a bit different after the greeting, which is said more solemnly. Soon afterwards, the boy asks Eddie something.
“Have you ever kissed a boy before?” He asked. Eddie has paused.
“What do you mean?”
“Uhm…do you ever think you might like boys the way you like girls?” And Eddie had to pause again, because, thats how he had felt. That’s the questions he thought about, the ones he had asked Uncle Wayne.
“All the time.” Eddie responded.
“Is it..normal?” Eddie looked over to the boy, who looks nervous, scared.
“Of course. You can like whoever you want. People who don't think that are stuck up pricks.” Eddie expressed. The boy had laughed, gently. Then laid his head against Eddie’s shoulder, and then shut his eyes.
“I have a friend, you know that one I mentioned, Robbie?” Eddie hummed. “She likes girls, only girls. I want to tell her about this, but I'm afraid. Even though I know she couldn't possibly be mean, I just don't want to be abandoned.” Eddie sighed.
“It’s okay. You just need to take your time with it, talk yourself through it.” Eddie advised.
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie had paused, once again. He looked over at the boy, who looked up at him in response, through his lashes.
Eddie traced his face with his eyes, placed a gentle hand on his face, rubbed a thumb against the boys skin, who let his eyes blink closed. He leaned into Eddie’s touch, embraced him, his being.
Eddie leaned closer to the boys face. The wind whistled loudly, and birds sang in the background. Eddie let his other hand cup the boys face, and their lips met, slowly.
It was slow, but deep. Gentle, yet hungry. They parted and Eddie stared into the boys eyes, as tears settled in them. A brief flash of panic runs through Eddie’s blood…
The boy laughed, giggled like a birds song. He wiped his eyes and whispered into Eddie’s ear.
“Thank you, for all that you are.”
Eddie’s eyes had fluttered open that morning, and he felt comforted with a sense of kindness and the ghost of tender lips against his own.
Then, Eddie got up, and got dressed, ready to go to work at the cafe down the street from his apartment in Indianapolis.
Dustin walked up to him during his shift, he was wearing a hat from that summer camp he’d gone to a few years back.
“Hey Eddie,” He said.
“Hello, Henderson.” Eddie responded, giving him a look.
“Wow! Don't have to be hostile!” Dustin joked. “You know my buddy i've been meaning to introduce you to?”
“Your babysitter?” Eddie asked while pouring creamer into a cup of coffee.
“Yeah! Steve! He’s here, sitting next to me and Robin over there.” Eddie didn’t follow where he was pointing, instead decided to focus on throwing a portable cup onto the coffee then calling out the order number as he slid it across the counter.
“Alright, hold on dude. Gare! Can you take order for just a second! I'll be back in a minute!” Gareth groaned but begrudgingly walked over to the cash register. “Thank you, I promise to spare your next character in Hellfire.”
“You better, man.” Gareth responded as Eddie walked out to meet Dustin.
They both walked over to the table and Eddie froze entirely when he meets eyes with someone so familiar.
It's the boy from his dreams.
“Okay, Eddie this is Steve. Steve this is Eddie.” Eddie waved a hand in Dustin’s face to shut him up.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Steve. that was his name. He asked him that, and Eddie nodded slowly.
“I know you from somewhere too,” He responded. Steve’s eyes went a bit wide, and he stood, facing Eddie.
“Sunshine?” Eddie nodded, vigorously.
“Guys…” Eddie shunned Dustin with his hands again.
“Robbie is Robin- the gay friend?” Eddie asked. Steve nodded. “Dust…that’s Henderson?” He nodded again.
“What the hell?-” Robin spoke up. Steve shushed her.
“You look exactly how you did before.” Eddie said to him. Steve smiled.
“You look even brighter in person,”
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disasterbuck · 1 month
that's my couch - drabble
@buddie-month - for the prompt 'couch'
"Buck?" Eddie called, staring at the new couch dominating Buck's living room. Walking over with two beers, Buck handed him one. "Yeah?" "This is my couch." Looking down, Buck frowned thoughtfully. "Huh. I guess it does look a lot like yours." "No." Jabbing a finger at a distinctive stain on one of the cushions, Eddie repeated, "This is my couch." Knowing he was caught, Buck grinned sheepishly and ducked his head. "Well… you said to pick one that felt like home." Slowly, Eddie turned his gaze to Buck's face. Then without a word – for they needed none – Eddie kissed him.
I spent hours on this drabble and went through 18 drafts omg. My head hurts so I'm accepting it as is and releasing it into the wild. I really hope you like it! 💕
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@smilingbuckley @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney @faithhopeandmisery
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira @tofanasmuse @pirrusstuff @buddiedaydreamer911
@littlevampireprincessuniverse @misshiss727 @i-put-the-star-in-bastard @hermioneindisguise @dangerpronebuddie
@daffi-990 @monsterrae1
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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redheadspark · 7 months
Never Let You Go
Summary - It was tradition in your family: to go on a night flight
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Warnings - Just some good ol' fluff :)
A/N - Part of my Ocean Eyes Series, this is where Alec is 3 years old!
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As soon as Azriel opened the door gently, toeing off his boots to put along the shoe rack that was against the wall, he heard the soft pattering of feet running his way, having him break into a smile so wide.
He looked just in time as his legs were locked together by tiny arms, chuckling as a tiny body was against his legs and a pair of bright blue eyes looking right at him in excitement.  He beamed, seeing the tiny Illyrian boy peer up at him as if he hung the moon.  It was the same boy that he would work long hours for, go on treacherous missions with his life on the line, merely to give him a bright and safe future.  
His 3 year old, Alec Rhysand.
"I've missed you, daddy!" He said in his tiny but mighty voice.  Azriel's smile was massive now as he scooped up his son in his arms, tickling his side to hear Alec giggle while he held him close.
"I've missed you more, Alec.  Were you good for your momma?"Azriel asked him as his son nodded.
"Uh-huh!  I got to help her plant some flowers from Aunty Elaine today!" He said in excitement, "They're called sunflowers, they're Aunty Elaine's favorite!"
"That's nice of you!" Azriel said in a hum, placing his son back on the floor, "Where is your momma?"
"She's working on your birthday present!" He said excitedly, but he then slammed his mouth shut and covered his mouth with his fingers "I wasn't supposed to tell you!  It's a surprise!" He said in a muffle behind his fingers.
Azriel kissed the top of his head, "Your secret's safe with me, buddy.  Promise.  You wanna go tell momma I'm home so I don't peak?"
Alec nodded excitedly, rushing off with his little feet down the small hallway to the shared bedroom as Azriel shrugged off his leathers.  There was something about this little life, coming home after being away for hours on end to see his mate and son, having a small little home to hide away in from the chaos around him, he never thought he would ever want this.  Truthfully, he never thought he could have this life, it seemed like a fever dream to him for centuries.  To watch his loved ones have their families, to have their fairytale lives, Azriel coveted them at times.
Not anymore, not with this life he had now.
He inhaled your sweet scent as you walked into the living room, seeing you brought another wave of happiness as you grinned widely at him.  He pulled you in his arms, breathing you in to breathe in the scent of soil and lavender along your skin, along with the coffee you recently had.  You hummed, kissing his cheek as he peered at you lovingly.
"I've missed you today," he hummed.
"As did I," You replied, then pausing as you searched his eyes, "Feyre told me you were doing some recon today?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary, trust me" He reassured you, seeing the small hint of concern as he squeezed your hand in his, "Just whispers that Rhysand wanted to confirm were true,"
You knew he would never lie to you when it came to his Spymaster duties and what he had to do, but you also knew that he could only tell you so much before the rest was confidential.  Azriel was more than capable of taking care of himself when it came to spying or going on missions, he's done far too many for you to keep track.  Then again, knowing him for so long and seeing him become the Spymaster of Night Court, you have also seen him get into way too close calls.  Even coming home shaken to his core or a bit bloody from a mission going wrong, you still trusted him.  There was no other being in any court that you trust more than your mate.
"Whispers?" You repeated, Azriel smiling and leaning in to kiss you sweetly.  You hummed against his lips, feeling him pull you in a pinch closer to take your breath away. You had to give him credit, he knew how to distract you, which was a good tactic for a Spymaster to use to get what he wanted.  
He barely pulled away, his lips brushing against your own as he grinned, "Whispers.  I promise you,"
Though you eyed him you finally grinned and playfully pushed him away, hearing him laugh as you placed your hands on your hips, "I have dinner nearly done in the oven, and Nesta wants us to join her and Cassian at the House of Wind for dinner tomorrow night,"
"That should be fine," Azriel hummed as he ruffled his hair and followed you into the kitchen, seeing you poke your head in the oven to check on the chicken that was roasting and shift around the vegetables with a spoon, "Nesta's far along with her pregnancy isn't she?"
"She's due very soon," You explained, "I'm going to get some herbs together for her and cook her some meals too since I know it'll be harder for her to do it herself,"
"My wife, the saint," Azriel joked with you, though he ducked his head just in time as you threw a hand towel in his direction.  He admired you wanting to help Nesta with her pregnancy, the news was a shock in all of the Inner Circle when Nesta made the announcement.  After the shock diminished within a second, it was replaced with pure joy and happiness for her and Cassian, who was beaming with pride and giddiness.   Nesta had plenty of questions and concerns about being a new mother, even with you and Feyre giving her plenty of advice and wisdom to soothe her worries.  In the end, as her belly grew, so did her love for her unborn child.  
She was determined she was having a boy, but Cassian shook his head at that theory, "It's a girl, I just know it,"
After Azriel and Alec washed up and helped set the table, the three of you were sitting around your cramped table and enjoying the dinner you made as the moon was slowly rising over the mountaintop, the stars finally making their appearance while the sun was now set over the bay.  You watched Alec attempt to take a massive bite from the chicken, giving him a stern look as he was about to tear it with his teeth.
"Remember to use your fork, okay?" You reminded him calmly, seeing him nod as he grabbed his utensil.
"Sorry, momma," He replied, you then ruffling his hair as Azriel cleared his throat.
"Alec, Aunt Nesta, and Uncle Cassian invited us to dinner at their house tomorrow night," he informed your son, who perked up at the mention of his Aunt and Uncle, "You think we can bring them some food too?"
"Sure!  I can make them the stew Aunty Nesta likes!" He said with a smile, "Is Aunty Nesta gonna have her baby soon?"
"It's almost time for that, buddy," You explained to him carefully, "But it's getting harder for her to do things now, so we're going to help her out as much as we can before the baby comes,"
"Oh, I can lift things for her since I'm strong!  See?" Alec asked, flexing his tiny muscles in his arms.  You giggled as Azriel smiled widely.
"You're quite strong, Alec. " Azriel hummed, reaching over to touch his arm and looking at his son in shock, "I think you're stronger than your Uncles!"
Alec laughed and hid his smile behind his tiny hands, you watching your mate and son having their interaction together with love in your eyes.  Your meals together were always like this: light and filled with laughter of some sort.  It was on purpose, of course, both you and Azriel loved making your meals with your son joyful.  No matter how crazy your days were and how cramped your schedules were, dinner time was sacred for the three of you.  A time to reconnect and to catch up on each other's days, a time to lean on each other when times were a little together.
But most of all, it was a time to simply fill each other up again.
"Daddy, can we go flying tonight?" Alec asked as he took a smaller bite from his chicken, Azriel eyeing him first before he looked over at you.  You smiled, taking a bit from your plate as your son was waiting for an answer from his father.  You felt it in the bond, the feeling of excitement and joy your mate was feeling with the thought of flying with his son in his arms.  It was one of his new favorite things to do with Alec, almost a tradition of sorts.  Once Alec was big enough to not be in a sling or strapped against you, either you or Azriel would hold him close and fly with him amongst the stars along the countryside.  He was far too small to be taken high in the sky, but you both would take him high enough to see the city below and to look at the sea.  
"Are you sure you wanna go fly?" Azriel asked, almost in a teasing tone since he knew the answer right away while Alec nodded his head rapidly and you hummed fondly.
"Remember what we talked about, Alec.  It's up to your dad and if he wants to fly since he's been working all day today," You reminded your son, who looked at you earnestly and then back at Azriel.  You could see from your spot at the table that Alec's eyes were shining in hope, a small little tactic that he would use on either one of you to get his way.  Although he wasn't a spoiled child, nor was he rude, he was cute and would use that to his advantage from time to time.
"Please, daddy?  Please?"  Alec asked him, his blue eyes shining under the dining room light and the look of pure innocence on his face as Azriel smiled from ear to ear.  If he could, he would give his son the world and then some, simply because he loved his son far too much.  Far more than himself.  To see his son grow every day, to watch him develop and make his path with the guidance of his mother and father, Azriel could not be more proud of Alec.  
"As long as you help clear the table, then we can fly," Azriel said to him with a nod, Alec nearly jumped straight up in the air in glee as he fell out of his chair and rushed to Azriel.  He hugged him close, Azriel chuckled as tiny arms were around him.
"Thank you, Daddy!" He said against Azriel's shirt, then grabbed Azriel's finished plate and walked a bit too briskly to the kitchen sink.  You eyed your mate, seeing him slightly shrug from the stare you were giving him.  
"You can't say no to him, can you?" You asked him in a teasing manner, though Azriel knew you meant well with your words.
"I don't have the heart to," Azriel confessed, you two gazing at each other as if you were young lovers all over again.  However, the moment was short-lived as the sound of clattering dishes in the sink was heard.  
"Sorry, Momma!" You heard.  Both you and Azriel trying to contain your laughter.
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"Alright, you got your jacket on?"
"Yes, daddy."
"Remember, what are my rules about flying with me?"
"I can't let go of you, I can't wiggle too much, and….and…". Alec paused, concentrating a bit too hard while he stood right in front of your cottage.  You were shrugging on your jacket as Azriel knelt to tuck in the jacket Alec was wearing a bit more.  He smiled at his son, who was now looking at his father for the last rule.
"Have fun, remember?" Azriel asked him, Alec giggling as he nodded his head, "And remember what I tell you every time we fly?"
"That you won't let me go!" Alec replied with no hesitation.  Azriel felt his heart swell from hearing his son say that, ruffling his hair as he peered into his son's eyes.
"I will never let you go,"  He reassured Alec. 
It was the first thing Azriel ever said to Alec when he took him flying for the first time.  When Alec was a small babe, swaddled in his arms and looked up at his father in wonder as Azriel peered down at his infant child.  He loved holding Alec when he was younger, finding every excuse to keep his child tucked close to him and feel his heartbeat and warmth.  You remembered the very first time, Alec was a few months old and was acting rather fussy for you since you were trying to put him down for the night.  It was his suggestion to hold him while flying, though he saw you were petrified at the thought of your son being so high up.  So he opted to simply hover over the ground, the soft rhythm was making Alec beyond sleepy as he fought to stay awake and watch his father with immense love in his eyes. 
Azriel kissed the top of his infant son's head as Alec fell asleep, whispering against his head, "I'll never let you go,"
Azriel picked up Alec, his hands under his armpits as Alec already shot out his hands in preparation.  Azriel's wings were out and stretched at the ready, Alec already kicking in excitement while you were standing near the small garden that was to the side of the house.  
"You ready?" Azriel asked, Alec giggled and nodded his head.  Azriel then took to the air with one swoop of his wings, Alec laughing as he was now soaring by the tops of the trees and dipping downwards to catch some speed.  Azriel made it look so easy, the way he would glide in the air with swift movements and precise turns, yet at the same time he wasn't going too fast for his son who was laughing and screeching.  
"Go Daddy!" You could hear Alec yelling in delight as Azriel was getting a bit higher now, right over the cottage as he was making massive circles around the clearing and grassland where your home was.  Alec had no sense of fear, not when he was protected by his father and flying with him.  Though you loved flying with your son just as much, you knew deep down Alec would pick his dad over anybody else.  
Perhaps you were taking a bit too long watching them in the air, or you were lost in your train of thought, but Azriel flew back down to hover in front of you, Alec sporting the biggest smile on his face as he gestured at you.
"Come on, momma!  Come fly with me and Daddy!" He said to you, almost in a plead as you stretched out your wings. Azriel held his son a pinch tighter against his chest as you were getting your wings ready.  You finally felt yourself lift off the ground, the crisp air against your skin and within your hair, the shining moon that was now hovering right over Velaris, it all felt perfect as you were now joining your mate and son in the air.
You too loved to fly, not being able to as much since you were tending to your son. But still, flying was second nature to you, a soothing sensation felt all over your body as you would take to the sky and let your wings carry you.  Before Alec came into your life, you loved flying with Azriel side by side amongst the stars and on the darkest nights.  It was a sacred time for you two to share and unwind together after a long hard day or a day filled with grief. 
To share it with your son, was memorable.
As you held a sleeping Alec in your arms, taking him into his bedroom to change him into his pajamas and tuck him into his bed, Azriel was right behind you to watch with love in his hazel eyes.  Seeing his son asleep and content in his mother's hold, being nestled into his blankets and already snoring away as you kissed his raven hair.  Azriel wanted this for the rest of his days, a simple moment of seeing his son safe in his bed and already dreaming of new adventures. Then he pulled you in his arms, and you both walked across the hall to your bedroom to undress each other into your own pajamas and hold each other close in your bed. 
Azriel watched you asleep, head on his shoulder and your lips slightly pursed as your light hair shined from the moonlight.  He counted his lucky stars daily, more than once a day, that you were there with him and loving him through the good and the bad.  There were plenty of times in the past when he thought you would indeed walk away, a bad choice on his part of a too-close call with a mission he was on.  Azriel knew the sacrifice you made, and he wondered from time to time if being with him was the right choice.  
He could only lean over to kiss your head, you humming and wrapping your arms around his waist to pull him in closer as you whispered with your eyes closed, "Sleep, my love.  All is well,"
Azriel fell asleep to those three words, knowing they were true. 
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
Imagine telling the boys your parents/guardian wanna meet them...
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Alphonse: oh shit are they even going to like me???
Boo: Dw about that...
Alphonse worried: why??? Oh my god what do I gift them?? Candy? Do they like candy?
Boo: let's go with yes...But don't worry you'll charm them like you did me!
Alphonse smiling: yeah I can do that!
Seth: OH! Um should I....make something? Would it be weird if I buy them a alcohol bottle? Fuck how do I impress them-
Scout smiling: how about one of your famous grilling dishes? They'll probably like it!
Seth rushing off: Shit I should start planning. Um Sugar when are we gonna meet them?
Scout: Tomorrow-
Charlie: OH cool I get to see your parents again!
Casper: yeah but they haven't seen you since what highschool?
Charlie wide eyes: ruh roh-
Casper: it'll be fine let's just think of what to give them!
Finn panicking: what if they don't like me? What if I say something stupid? What if I give them flowers their allergic too? Aahhhh-
Sunflower soothing him: its okay, breath Bluebell. I'll tell you what flowers they like or can't have around them! And if you can't think of a good bouquet we'll just make them something!
Finn smiling: yeah! I could um make them a drawing!
Sunflower: that's good! I'll think of what to gift them too. Don't worry this'll go fine.
Faust: oh shit they might hate me-
Star rolling their eyes: oh please you've been working on your people skills.
Faust worried: yeah after seeing I was a dick???
Star: well my guardian is a dick and might like you talking shit with them?
Faust hands on face: what do I buy them? Fuucckk
Star giggling: I'll help let's just think of what outfits we should wear!
Auron: Okay.
Rook blinking: what not scared they might not like you?
Auron bluntly: Rook if they don't like me they'll deal with it. You don't need their approval to be with me.
Rook sucking in a breath: um, yeah, let's say that...
Auron slightly worried: Right? Rook? I'm a good catch if I need too I can woo them into liking me.
Rook giggling not looking at him: don't worry I'm sure they'll see the you I like!
Lucien: um Angel I don't think they wanna see their child with a demon??
Angel panicking: I KNOW?? Fuck why did I say I was with someone??? Not that I wanted to hide you!
Lucien calming then down: it's fine Angel cake, I think I can make a human appearance? Ooo I should make them a devil food cake!
Angel smiling: Sure Biggs, don't use all the eggs like last time though!
Lucien half way to the kitchen: can't hear you busy planning!
Jack: oh sick! I get to meet my lovers parents! Wonder if they'll like me? Ooo what if I give them the discounts tickets I got for an amusement park?
Buddy giggling: my parents might like use them. But good thinking...remember those discounts for the fancy restaurant you worked at for a couple of years?
Jack brightening: yeah! I'll just give them all to them! I got a fuck ton that I still have used yet! We can eat there!
Buddy happy: I think they'll like how your a go getter!
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alienoresimagines · 1 month
S'Cute | Buck x Bucky
I have been absolutely consumed by thoughts since this video where you can hear John saying "S'cute" before grabbing Gale's chin so I had to do something about it and write a lil thingie about John being drunk and in love 🥹❤️
Also on AO3
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Gale is a quiet presence next to him but his joy shines so bright John can see nothing but him. They're all seated around a table- Veal, Bubbles, Croz, Jack, Curt, Gale and him, and three RAF guys who've been trying to get under their skin since the beginning of the night- but all John can focus on is the familiar buzz of alcohol and the burning warmth of Gale's fingers against his shoulder blade where Gale rests his arm on the back of John's chair.
Every time the alcohol makes his head swim, words flying over him as he feels like floating, the press of slender fingers on his back is enough to bring him back into his own body, head turning to his left with a smile he can't reign in. Is that how sunflowers feel when they rise up to follow the sun?
Perhaps he's had too much to drink. On the back of his mind, he knows he shouldn't gaze so openly at Gale, sure all the love he bears for the man is drawn plainly on his face. But when he can't control his hand and he finds himself resting one broad palm on Gale's thigh under the table, the other doesn't pull away nor give him a look reminding him of the unwanted company on the other end of the table. Instead, Gale's knee nudges closer to him until their legs knock together, and Gale's entire body angles towards him. John has no choice but to face the three RAF pilots ahead of him if he doesn't want to do something that would definitely be crossing a line of public decency- like pulling Gale closer to his chest or on his lap. The fact that he is now not completely sure Gale would protest the action is  decidedly a distraction, and John has to sit on his other hand to act on the urge to reach and touch, and kiss Gale until the other can do nothing but sigh and-
So in his head trying to will his body back under control and his mind out of the gutter, he half-heartedly follows the conversation- something about him singing? He can do that, he's sung to Gale plenty of times- until Curt's voice reaches him, the familiar accent pulling him away from the inviting warmth of Gale's body, so tantalizingly close to his.
"If you want to get Major Egan excited? Baseball!" That brings a bout of awareness through the buzz that he isn't sure is caused by the alcohol anymore. The warmth spreading from his chest to his very toes whenever he looks at Gale, happiness radiant on his face, makes him feel he could never touch a drop of alcohol ever again and still be constantly drunk.
"And especially, the Yankees!" John likes baseball but Gale doesn't. Gale doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't bet, and doesn't like sports. John has never loved anyone more.
"My buddy, Buck, here, he doesn't like sports, he thinks they're a waste of time don'tcha?" He turns back to Gale, because the two seconds he looked away for were torture on his heart, a pull edging him to always have Gale in his sight, at arm's reach.
Gale is already looking at him, eyes bright and fond and loving, the golden light of the pub shining in his hair and creating perfect shadows on an already perfect face.
He's cute.
Gale's eyes widen a bit, a blush immediately finding its way onto his cheeks, and it's only then John realizes he’d spoken out loud. Alcohol made the words slur a bit in his mouth, coming out more as "S'cute" than an appropriate sentence but still Gale heard him. Now ducking his head shyly, a small pleased smile on his face, golden hair perfectly styled making him glow among the rest of them, he looks so sweet and handsome, and he's all Bucky's to love.
Suddenly, resting his hand on Gale's thigh isn't enough. He needs to touch his face, feels the warmth of his blush on his fingers. So, with one hand he does, reaching up until his fingers rest on Gale'd cheek for a second, before gently grabbing his chin. The touch lingers for more than it should have, but it's still too short in John's opinion. His fingertips tingle where he felt Gale's heated cheeks, and he wants nothing more than to cup his face again and pepper it with kisses. Watching the flushed look on Gale's face, the amused glint in his eyes, and the fond quirk of his mouth almost makes him do it, the world all but forgotten around him. But Gale raises his eyebrows in a quick yet teasing reminder as he brings his toothpick to his lips and John can only grin brighter, even if his cheeks have started hurting from how wide Gale makes him smile.
John would fight a hundred wars, cross a thousand hells for that man. So long as his heart beats, it will beat for the man seated next to him,  whose smile holds all the wonders of John's world.
My other Clegan Fics
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alexa-fika · 9 months
The Tale of Cats and Birds (Zoro x gn!Reader)
A/N: I really went back and forth with this one, I almost dropped it but I kept going and I think I COOKED, here is my first platonic!reader x character!
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Again? Nami, you are definitely setting this pair buddy things up; how is it that I have been Zoro’s partner every single time we draw straws?” Reader sighs holding up the straw with the matching number said man was holding.
"Well, can you blame us? Zoro can’t find his way even if he is stuck in a straight line! So you are the perfect buddy system!”
“First of all, “us,” so all of you were in on it? Second of all, you have been pairing me with him all this time because of my homing instinct?!” They exclaim, their feathers ruffling up
“Yeah. We think he needs a buddy partner to navigate while he does the heavy lifting. I mean, just look at you and him! You two work like a well-oiled machine.” Nami explains.
“Im part Dove, not part compass,” they sigh
“Come on! You were born to be his buddy partner. If we didn’t put you two together, everyone would see just how incompetent he really is,” Sanji chimes in.
“Watch it, Curly eyebrows,” Zoro sneers
“Sure, Mr. Lost,” Sanji scoffs
“Shut up!”
“Okay! Okay! I think it’s time we head out! Off we go, Zoro!” reader quickly said, stepping in between them to dissolve the fight
“Hmph,” Zoro mutters. He then looks at you and rolls his eyes. It’s clear he is still ticked off, but he follows you down the ship’s gangway anyway.
They sighed, relieved that they had managed to avoid yet another fight between the two
As the two of you walk, you notice Zoro glaring at the clouds, his eyebrows furrowed together. He then lets out a deep sigh and grumbles to himself.
“You want to go take a nap? I saw a pretty tree close by.”
Zoro snorts.
“That sounds like a good idea…”
They grin
“You are like a cat, even got yourselves sharp claws like one,” they said, pointing at their swords
“You’re grumpy like one too.”
“Shut up…” Zoro grumbles, but he is unable to hide his slight blush at the thought. He follows you over to the tree and then sits down, resting his head against the trunk. The grass beneath him is soft and welcoming.
“You’re not denying it, though.” They giggle, fluttering to a branch above them and settling down, lying face down so they are able to stretch their wings and talk to the man below them
Zoro remains silent, unwilling to admit he sees a little truth in their words. He leans back against the tree, closing his eyes to enjoy the peace. The birds flying past him chirp happily, the sun warms his skin, and the soft grass underneath him is comforting. After a few minutes of relaxing, Zoro finally lets out a deep sigh.
“Oi, bird, catch.”
“Hmm?” They squeak as Zoro throws a small bag their way, scrambling to catch it and flapping their wings to maintain their balance on the branch they laid on.
Zoro chuckles as you hurry to catch the bag. Once you catch it, you unravel it and find it’s filled with sunflower seeds.
“You got me my favorite?!” They cheer
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get your feathers fluffed,” he replies, though he can’t entirely hide his amusement.
“Zoro… you really are like a cat. You act grumpy, but you’re really a softy, aren’t you?”
He grunts, but he can’t really disguise the redness on his cheeks.
“Yeah yeah, just eat your damn seeds…” he mumbles.
They grin, plopping a few in their mouth
“Thank you, Zoro.”
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I have wanted to experiment with different hybrid readers or reader of different species, listen guys I did a roulette I swear I din’t mean for all of my current hybrid!readers to be birds XD.
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kazinsblog · 4 months
Happy Birthday Yuma~!
Happy Birthday Yuma~!
Yuma brings and brought me a lot of joy in my boring life XD
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Ngl I had a difficult time deciding what to draw for Yuma's birthday art (Plus i was worried i wouldnt do Yuma any justice orz). We dont know too much about Yuma so it was hard to keep a theme so i thought maybe a bouquet of flowers might work. The flowers represent each person from the game. And since Yuma's in Kanai Ward I thought pink and blue neon lights in the rain might look good.
Below is why i choose that specific flower for each person :3c.
Halara- Daylily. Halara's was a tough one to choose but i chose their flower based on their color palate
Desuhiko- Sunflower. Desuhiko's was pretty easy cause Desuhiko is just a little ball of sunshine
Fubuki- Pink Lily. This was super easy too XD its literally her head piece
Vivia- Asphodel . I was gonna have Vivia as a dandalion cause its fluffy like a pillow but asphodels are associated with the underworld, death, and mourning. So i think this suits him very well too XD. Kudos to the person who gave me that idea too!
Yakou- Forget me nots. Cause ...ya know XD.... We dont wanna forget our Chief. Forget me nots are also a blue flower too just like Yakou :D
Kurumi- Clematis. Tbh i couldnt tell what flower Kurumi had on her headband and after some disscussion with some server buddies we thought Clematis suited Kurumi
Makoto- Spider Lily and Melon flowers. At first i was gonna give Makoto melon flowers cause Makoto seems to like melons but some server members also agreed that a Spider Lily would also suit Makoto. Soo why not both ? XD
Funny thing I made two versions and i had such a difficult time deciding which one to post cause the response is 50/50 so theres an alt version under keep reading XD... i like both of them its hard to choose only one
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Send Off (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You, Bob and the rest of the squad get ready to send your kids off to school and let the shenanigans ensue
"Okay Daddy I'm ready now!" Auggie chirped as he stepped out of the bathroom.
Bob sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Auggie, though he had tried, couldn't quite match his own clothes yet. "C'mere bud," Bob told him.
He went into Auggie's room and dug around in the dresser for a hot minute, pulling out a little white t-shirt and a blue checked flannel to go with Auggie's jeans. "Put this on," Bob told his little mini-me.
"But we're gonna miss the bus!" Auggie chirped again.
"Buddy we've still got plenty of time," Bob assured him.
"What's he buggin about missing the bus?" you asked, poking your head in the door.
"Just a little," Bob answered. "And might I ask why you're up Mrs. Floyd?"
"Bob, I've been taking it easy for three weeks now," you told him, the dishtowel in your hand coming to rest on your ever growing bump. "The only thing that your sister's allowing me to do is eat, sleep, read, watch t.v or use the can."
"Hey, Reagan's been doing this for the last nine years," Bob reminded you with a grin. "Trust me, you don't wanna brush off her advice."
You laughed a little, neither of you having noticed that Auggie had disappeared and come back a minute later. "Daddy I can't brush my teeth."
"Why not buddy?"
"Patrick's parked on the shitter!"
You and Bob both burst out laughing at Auggie's response, but at least three-year-old Patrick had finally gotten the hang of using the bathroom on his own.
You got Auggie's toothbrush and the charcoal and mint toothpaste out of the bathroom and had him scrub his teeth in the kitchen sink before Patrick was done, having just washed his hands. As soon as Auggie's backpack had been packed up, he followed Bob out of the house to wait for the bus.
It wasn't long before the rest of the squad had begun making their way down. Maverick was the first to drop by with Danny and Thomas while Rooster was close behind him with Nicky and Pete.
"You guys get outta the house ok?" Bob asked.
"Never better," Maverick yawned. "These two little demons though, woke Penny and I up at six-thirty while Amelia was doing her makeup in the bathroom."
Bob snickered a little, more so when he noticed Rooster in his black basketball shorts and a mismatched shirt. "You didn't sleep did you?" Bob chuckled.
"I couldn't even a coffee before we left," Rooster groaned. "These two are like bottomless pits......they just wolfed down their cornflakes and called it a day."
Coyote came striding up just a minute later with Paloma and Carla giggling like crazy but the exasperated look on his face saying it all.
"Hair......" he interjected before anyone could say anything. "That's all you've gotta know."
Bob looked over at his giggling nieces whose thick hair had been put into tight cornrows with white and turquoise beads at the end. "How'd you do it?" Bob asked him.
"I don't have a clue," Coyote said, throwing his hands up. "Those two cannot sit for two seconds to save their lives and my mom and my wife are the only ones who can do their hair. But somehow, Daddy did it!!!"
Payback crossed the street with Geneva and Neveah some time later while Mickey trailed along with Isabella in her new dress with a bright sunflower pattern. Hangman came around the back of his house with the twins while Phoenix was the last to arrive with Gabe in tow.
"Holy shit," Hangman groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. "Is it the first day of school already?"
"Unfortunately," Rooster answered.
"God help us all," Natasha said, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Couldn't get the coffee in on time?" Jake asked her.
"This little knucklehead woke up and tried to bring the dog to school with him," Natasha answered. "First time I ever saw Cole jump outta bed in his shorts."
Everyone had a good laugh on the morning shenanigans while everyone had begun taking pictures of the older kids all lined up with their backpacks as they waited for the bus. It felt like forever but finally, the little yellow bus that had the name of their school stenciled on the side, pulled up and let the kids on. All of them waved goodbye to their parents, ready for the first day of school as the bus pulled away down the street.
"Are you crying?" Bob asked Jake.
"No," Jake insisted. "I've got allergies, that's all."
Bob rolled his eyes as everyone dispersed and went back to the house. His father's truck pulled into the driveway to bring Patrick down to the nursery school, where Auggie had gone, leaving you and Bob with the whole day ahead to get the nursery decorated for your daughter.
"What?" you asked when you heard Bob chuckle a little.
"Hangman was crying at the bus stop when Missy and Molly got on the bus," he answered.
"Did he really?"
"Oh yeah," Bob laughed. "Tole me it was allergies."
You both had a good laugh on the matter as you began putting the nursery together and attempting to paint it the way Patrick's nursery school had done. You looked over at your phone, noting the time, but hoping all the same that Auggie and your nieces and nephews were having the time of their lives on their first day of kindergarten.
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pacthesis · 1 year
our vietnamese tea ceremony
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some may or may not know i just got engaged to a weird guy i met in college that (to put it lightly) i wasn’t too fond of but after like 2 years of snubbing him he somehow won my heart i guess
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i scribbled a comic about it cause whenever people ask how i met him they sometimes get invested haha
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some people also may have seen him on america’s got talent or cbs news or jimmy fallon or on tiktok doing his pizza man shenanigans lol
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people often ask if he pulled me with his dough skills and i have to clarify i didn’t even know about the dough spinning hobby until after we started dating and he didn’t do the tv/media appearances until like 6 years into our relationship 🤣
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my parents were both boat refugees from vietnam (they fled during the war when they were teenagers and met as adults) and i’m american- but we’re not really that “traditional” i guess
i think many viet people don’t get married or commit without having a tea ceremony haha
a hetero buddy asked who were my bridesmaids and when i told him i don’t have any he asked why and i just said “i like my friends” 🤣 (my childhood friends were there as guests though!)
i also didn’t want/ask pizza man’s family to bring the customary gifts cause i didn’t wanna cramp my style
basically the purpose of this event was for people to witness us getting engaged and be an opportunity for our families to meet one another!
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5/23/2015 is when we started dating
for our first anniversary i got our initials and anniversary date stamped onto a penny and pizza man still carries it around 🥺
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so 8 years later we got engaged on 8/5/2023
8 for august (8 years later)
5th of august (5 for the month we began dating)
year of 2023 (23 for the day we began dating)
i think people often go to a fortune teller or someone who knows what they’re doing to schedule important dates using the stars and other factors but my grandpa doesn’t believe in that and the rest of us aren’t really superstitious
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we wore áo dài- it’s a vietnamese ensemble consisting of a tunic with a long front and back panel that is worn over pants
áo means “shirt/clothes” and dài means "long"
a lot of the time the bride wears red and the groom wears blue i guess but i wanted my outfit to look bridal when i imagine an american bride or a vietnamese bride!
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i also wanted to wear a gold khăn đóng headpiece and to incorporate pearls to resemble what my mom wore when she got engaged to my dad
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sunflowers are also my fav
(after we started dating i thought pizza man was tall and sunny like a sunflower haha 😭)
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my makeshift shoebox altar- or as i like to call it: my “spirit pager” 😤
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the double happiness symbol is two copies of the chinese character 喜 (xǐ) which means joy/happiness and red symbolizes luck for the couple
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my mom asked if we should put up pictures of our deceased and i was like i don’t wanna make pizza man’s parents go out of their way to bring photos 😭
i think we were supposed to ask our ancestors for permission to get engaged or married or whatever but since my mom raised me to believe my life is mine to live i just announced it to em
as far as i know it’s not really a buddhist thing- ancestor worship is more of a vietnamese thing apparently
my mom said vietnam is a country with a lot of war and death in its history- so imo it makes sense how they incorporate the dead into their culture and traditions
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after introducing each of our family members and friends- we lit a couple of incense to (casually) announce the news to our deceased grandparents and relatives
apparently burning incense is an invitation to ancestral spirits and to deliver wishes to predecessors
smoke from the burning incense guides people to safety or safe passing when they die- it also guides em back home on days like these
the spirit(s) depart when all of the incense has burned
next month is my grandma’s "deathiversary” (giỗ) so we’ll be paging her again soon
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we used a tea set that was used to celebrate my 1st birthday to pour and serve (my pick) of vanilla caramel black tea to my grandpa and our parents
pizza man’s mom doesn’t like tea so i was happy i picked something she did enjoy!
but when my mom brought her family to america from vietnam- she asked them if they could bring a tea set specifically for me
my mom said it’s meant to be used to celebrate any of my special occasions
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then me and pizza man said some nice words to each other and exchanged rings
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my ring was pizza man’s grandma’s- his grandpa initially proposed with a smaller diamond but after he saved up enough he got her this bigger one
i don’t listen to any comments that suggest or imply this carbon rock is not humongous 🤣
pizza man paid to get it resized and to repair its prongs (it was well worn by grandma mercedes 🥺)
also found out my ring size is 3.25 (US) haha 😭
he also decided to get his grandpa’s ring resized and to wear it too!
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my mom put this necklace on me- she says it reads “happiness” (i can’t confirm lol) but she received it from her mother-in-law when she got engaged to my dad
my mom was too scared to wear it after their tea ceremony cause it’s 24 karat gold and she didn't wanna wreck it
she said 24 karat gold hasn't been combined with other metals so it’s soft
i guess couples at viet tea ceremonies often get 24 karat jewelry- the idea is they can quickly sell it/melt it down for hard times
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my mom also passed down her favorite jade bracelet and my grandma’s favorite diamond earrings to me 🥺
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and on my 1st birthday my mom got a special ring made to celebrate my birth- she put it on a chain so the person i marry can wear it close to their heart
my mom also got a special ring necklace made to celebrate my sibling’s birth and gave it to their fiancée during their tea ceremony
it’s just the two of us so no more shiny token trophies up for grabs! 😤
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i laughed when pizza man had to squat down so low so my mom could put the necklace on him 
after the ceremony i asked him if he wanted me to help him take it off (my sibling's fiancée keeps theirs in a safe cause she’s too scared to wear it daily) but pizza man was like "no i like it 😄" and wore it to sleep and showered with it and hasn’t taken it off since 😭🤣
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at the end of the ceremony we lit the candles on the altar to represent the union of our families!
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then we ate lots of food haha
my parents both cooked! egg rolls, fried rice, lo mein, bột chiên (fried taro rice cake)
my mom was excited because she knew many of our guests weren’t very familiar with vietnamese food and wanted to share that with them 🥺
and my dad was just so excited for me and pizza man and had so much fun getting the supplies and decorations 😭
my aunt and uncle and sister-in-law brought vịt quay (peking duck), heo quay (roast pork), gỏi tôm (shrimp salad), bánh hỏi (rice vermicelli), xôi gấc (sweet red sticky rice topped with coconut, peanuts and salt)
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and pizza man’s mom and family brought lots of desserts
we have always been so amazed with how good their sweets taste and look! 🥺
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we also got an ice cream cake
i wasn’t thinking and asked em to write “nicholas and amy lễ đính hôn” and they called me and were like wtf is this and i was like oh no it’s ok haha don’t worry about it! 😭🤣
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we had some photos displayed but my sibling took lots of nice pictures of the whole thing!
i was happy i actually got the chance to spend time with and talk to everyone who came!
it went so well and we had so much fun that we’re thinking of doing something similar for our wedding- probably a backyard wedding haha
i was telling pizza man apparently some tea ceremonies have the first half take place at the bride’s home and then the later half is at the groom’s home 🤔
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anyway reminder that leftover egg rolls can be reheated in the toaster
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disasterbuck · 1 month
sorry this took a while!! hope you enjoy!! 😘
💋💋💋💋 - kiss your best friend passionately
Giving a quiet cough, Buck began, "Uh… hey. I just wanted to say sorry. Uh, about before?"
Eddie remained stubbornly still.
"I didn't mean to upset you," Buck went on, his nerves taking control of his mouth and making it run. "I just wasn't thinking. At all. I heard something about kissing your best friend and just immediately went for it because I wanted to. Like, the idea of having to be paid money to kiss you? Laughable. I truly meant what I said, that I'd kiss you for free. I mean, obviously, since I did do that. But what I'm trying to say is it just didn't even occur to me that you might not want to, which is incredibly rude and selfish and inconsiderate of me. I absolutely should have asked before kissing you, and I just really hope–"
🙊🙊🙊🙊 - don't say his name
Buck and Eddie glanced at each other, their eyes darting away again just as quickly. Eddie cleared his throat and reached for the avocado to start dicing it, leaving Buck to answer Chimney's accusations.
"No," Buck enunciated carefully, as if it was a much more complicated word which could be easily misheard and not one with only one syllable. "Eddie and I are not secretly dating."
Chimney narrowed his eyes. For a moment he thought he saw one of Eddie's hands shake nervously, but then he was slicing the avocado expertly so Chimney assumed he'd imagined it.
"Hen, back me up here?" he said, turning to his partner in crime.
"You two have seemed extra close lately," Hen said, leaning forward on her arms. "You were practically cuddling on the couch earlier from the look of it."
"We weren't cuddling!" Eddie protested, looking up from his avocado. "That couch is tiny!"
Make Me Write ✨
also using this as Tidbit Tuesday!
and tagging:
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@smilingbuckley @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney @faithhopeandmisery
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira @tofanasmuse @pirrusstuff @buddiedaydreamer911
@littlevampireprincessuniverse @misshiss727 @i-put-the-star-in-bastard @hermioneindisguise @dangerpronebuddie
@daffi-990 @monsterrae1
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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inell · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @daffi-990 and @spotsandsocks and @smilingbuckley Here is a snippet from Kindred Spirits, my Buddie Ghost Hunters AU.
If you would like to be tagged in my chapter posts for Kindred Spirits, please let me know! I am hoping to start posting it by the end of the week.
As they talk, Eddie tunes them out and looks around curiously, feeling Buck’s thumb drawing circles across his palm. Turns out that holding hands is sweetly intimate, and Eddie likes the feel of Buck’s strong hand wrapped around his, his long fingers gripping tightly like Eddie is something he wants to hold onto.
“Did you hear that, Eddie?” Buck asks when they finally leave the door. “The lighthouse was in operation from 1875 until 1945, when it was vacated. It was opened to the public in 1990, before either of us were even born. There are literally a million bricks in the lighthouse. Man, I wouldn’t want to have to count them all.”
“I wouldn’t want to count the bricks, either. Can you imagine being given that job? There’s no reason to even count them,” Eddie says, rubbing his thumb over Buck’s knuckles. “You know, 1875 is old. Are you feeling any tingles? I’d imagine that there were a lot of people who lived here, especially with it having seventy years of service.”
“Nope, no tingles,” Buck says, giving him a sly look. “Not of the paranormal variety, at least.” When he wiggles his eyebrows, Eddie snort-laughs before quickly looking at the ticket lady to make sure she isn’t paying attention to them. “Don’t worry. Ethel told me that she’s in the final two chapters of her romance novel, so she isn’t paying any attention to us. She said it’s been slow today because it’s mid-October and a weekday.”
Tagging: @exhuastedpigeon @rosieposiepuddingnpie @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @spotsandsocks
@becausebuckley @theotherbuckley @dangerpronebuddie @lesbianrobin @eddiegettingshot
@bucks-daddy-issues @eddiebabygirldiaz @kitteneddiediaz @tizniz @disasterbuck
@glorious-spoon @rainbow-nerdss @watchyourbuck @wayfarers0 @speaknowbuckley
@sparklespiff @queerweewoo @sunflower-eddiediaz @queerdiazs @lookforanewangle
@loveyouanyway @lover-of-mine @acountrygirlsfun @tidesreach @shealwaysreads
@sharpbutsoft @veronae-buddie @thatbuddie @eddiesfagstache @made-ofmemories
@littlefreakbuckley @onthewaytosomewhere @presumeddeaddie @pt-soulmate @sibylsleaves
@cal-daisies-and-briars @cowboy-babygirl-eddiediaz @treasurehuntbuck @prettysophist
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