#looking forward to it :)
changan-moon · 2 years
year of tiger by 杉泽shanze
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sincericida · 25 days
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The way the tear slides down his face as he goes to kiss his beloved... I am so looking forward to it.
Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh in "WE LIVE IN TIME"
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breelynnxoxoxoxo · 27 days
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New Horizons! Need To Keep Looking! 😍😍😍
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jvkmz · 26 days
Gimme creampie gimme creampie gimme creampie
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nell0-0 · 18 days
Trying to stop myself from drawing Echoes of Wisdom fan art because I know once I do, and once I play it, I'll be obsessed with it for months
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 28 days
Too long without a crochet or knitting project means... my first ever embroidery kits came in today
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lokiinmediasideblog · 3 months
I've just remembered there's going to be a movie based on John Gardner's Grendel soonish made by the Jim Henson company
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sidetongue · 5 months
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so terriers biting ankles is a thing huh
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rabbitsrants · 6 months
acts of service II
"actions that make your partner feel like they can trust you to have their back, for the small and the big things - making life easier or more enjoyable for them"
chapter 6
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chapter 33
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chapter 86
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chapter 141
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chapter 150
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chapter 182
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chapter 188
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chapter 194
ran helping shin get dressed because he's sick:
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chapter 253
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chapter 254
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chapter 314
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chapter 335
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chapter 347-349
shinichi taking care of a sick ran:
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BONUS: shinichi feeling inadequate when she ends up helping him despite being sick
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chapter 351
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chapter 354
akai: warns ran, tells her to get to safety
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ran: doesn't care about the potential serial killer, decides to look for shinichi (DESPITE HAVING A HIGH FEVER BTW)
shinichi: carries ran back to safety when she inevitably faints
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chapter 393
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chapter 570
ran: is terrified of supernatural things
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also ran: refuses to leave shinichi's side no matter what
chapter 611
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chapter 650
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shinichi 🤝 ran
doing first aid on each other
chapter 814
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chapter 922
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chapter 931
ran worries about kogoro:
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visit the shinran library for more
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fearthhereaper · 8 months
Placing my early bets on Aegon's Conquest:
They'll find a way to villainize the Martells/Dornish for not immediately bending the knee/killing Rhaenys and Meraxes/resisting the Targaryens. The attack on Dorne will be justified because they had the nerve to refuse the Targaryen rule and then later kill a woman that threatened and came to kill them.
There'll be a few of them (young and beautiful) that will desperately try to convince the old, ugly, overweight Meria Martell that she should bend the knee because they'll be so in awe of these God-like Targaryens, but she'll refuse them because she's a cruel woman who doesn't understand that Aegon had a dream to save the world!1!1!1!1 and that it's of utmost importance that he also take the throne from her/her family.
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kedreeva · 3 months
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The zucchini was sending out tendrils but we hadn't given them anything to climb. I cut a few branches off a field elm I didn't like and stuck them in the ground. By morning, the zucchini had found them. Will have to cut more though!
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tobeconsumed · 2 months
Season 3 lestat has the potential to serve enough cunt on stage that it will kill me
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aikaterini-drag · 2 years
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Looking forward to something similar happening in the drama 😍🖤
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emgoesmed · 10 months
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Virtual classes involve a lot of discussion posts and replies, I’m not the biggest fan. But overall they’re very relaxed and I don’t have any interviews this week so it really feels like a true vacation.
My bf and I are traveling this week for thanksgiving and I’m looking forward to getting out of the city! Flying always feels exciting.
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jerevision · 11 months
If Huhhahhei doesn't cause the overlap between baby boos and kääryleet to disappear because they will actually become one fandom, then I don't know what will
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
Space Weather and Shuwogs
This ship didn’t have any humans onboard either, but they did have an extra spacesuit in one-size-fits-most human measurements. It smelled, predictably, like feet. It was also a little short for me, but I could deal with a bit of tightness in the shoulders. Much better than braving an actual spacewalk with just a cheap air shield.
They needed my long human fingers, you see.
“It’s between these panels,” explained the small lizardy being beside me. Her suit was the same boring gray as mine, but the face behind the dome was a yellow more eye-searing than the ship. She was a very businesslike lemon lizard. “We have tools somewhere that can probably reach it, but those might scratch the surface, and anyway an idiot who shall remain nameless put them in the wrong place. No idea where they are. Go ahead and grab it if you can. Then we can finish welding.” She waved back toward the pair of crewmembers waiting with repair gear.
“No rush,” called the other lizardy Heatseeker, her scales a mottled orange. “It’s a nice view out here.” She pointed her tail down at the moon we were orbiting. “Lovely clear space weather.”
“Yes, rush,” grumbled the bug alien in a segmented exo suit. His gray outfit was decorated with adhesive spangles and fake gemstones, which was certainly a choice. From what I could see under the dome, his praying-mantis face was gaudy purple and similarly decorated. This sure was a colorful crew.
And they were waiting on me. I took a magnetic-booted step towards the damaged area. “Is the meteorite hot?” I asked. Probably a dumb question, since it had hit the ship hours ago, but better dumb than dead from air loss.
“No, no,” the yellow Heatseeker said with a wave of her tiny hand. “Just a bit of junk where it shouldn’t be. Honestly, I would have gotten a Strongarm to pull it out, but the tentacle arms on their suits are thin and flexible; they might tear. Yours has armored fingers.”
“That it does,” I said. I appreciated that armor. “All right, let me see. Not sure I can reach that far. Does this plate pull out farther?”
“Yup.” She waved the bug alien over. “Put those mighty blades to work. Mind you don’t bop her in the face with a shuwog.”
“Shuwog?” I asked as he proudly clicked his way over, pincher arms at the ready.
The orange Heatseeker burst into song. “WHAT THE HELL IS A SHUWOG?” she bellowed, making me jump. “Someone tell me ‘bout the shuwog. All the times I’ve heard shuwog … nothing rhymes with a shuwog … c’mon explain it to meeee…”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” I said.
"It's a song!" she replied.
"An annoying song," the bug guy muttered as he fit his pincher blades into the opening.
"But what's the answer?" I asked.
The orange Heatseeker pushed the repair kit forward and launched into an explanation. "In the Mesmer language, the term for that part of their arm translates as 'Sacred Hinge Upon Which Our Glorious Blade Arms Pivot to Eviscerate Pathetic Prey-Beings.’ That makes the massive acronym 'SHUWOGBAPEPPB.' It shortens to shuwog, and the band The Loud Ones just came out with a song about it, which is very catchy..."
The Mesmer cranked on the panel with more violence than necessary, and held it open for me. "Stupid song," he said. "Disrespectful."
“No it’s not! It honors the sacredness of your arm parts! And makes a catchy dance tune.”
I edged around him to peer into the crevice and reach for the meteorite. "So a shuwog is…"
"Wrist," said the yellow Heatseeker. "It's his wrist. The bendy part. Their language is unnecessarily flowery."
"Very necessary!" the Mesmer objected. “To showcase our glory!”
I closed my armored fingers on the space rock and pulled it out with nary a scrape. “Got it!” I held it up in triumph, ready to say more, but stopped when something bounced off the hull near my head.
"Shrapnel! Get inside!" the yellow one shouted. The others were already scrambling for the hatch.
"Did we do a full orbit already??" asked the orange one, struggling with the repair kit.
The Mesmer looped a pincher through the straps and dragged her along with it. "Yes."
I kept close, hunching my shoulders as more small things hit different parts of the ship. The crewmembers tumbled through the hatch and pulled me along with them, slamming it behind me just before a large chunk of something whanged into it. I managed to smack my arm on the bulkhead, but took no other damage.
"Everybody okay?" the yellow one asked. The others said yes.
"Yeah, just a bump," I said, realizing I was still holding the space rock. I moved it to my other hand and shook my arm dramatically. "Ow. Right in the shuwog."
The glare that the Mesmer gave me, with angled antennas and flaring mouthparts, was balanced out by the bray of laughter from the orange Heatseeker. Even the yellow one snorted.
"Sorry. My wrist's not sacred," I told him.
The orange one was still laughing. "Sure it is!" she said. "It helped get the rock out from behind the panel! Saved the day! We can finish the repairs as soon as the junk cloud is past."
"That may be a while," said the yellow one. "I'll check with--"
"Let's sing to pass the time! C'mon, I'll teach you the words."
The Mesmer slammed a button to open the door between the airlock and hallway (with his shuwog) and flounced out, stomping with all four feet. He took off his helmet as he went. "Call me when it's time to weld. I will be ANYWHERE else."
"Party pooper. Anyway, it starts with a drum solo..."
The yellow Heatseeker left on official business while the orange one trailed out into the hallway before settling down to explain at length.
I followed. The hallways were tall enough for me to stand up on this ship.
“The chorus is the best part, but even the background singers have a good time. If you can say ‘shuwogbapeppb’ a few times in a row, you’ve got it. And the beat is so danceable!”
I set the rock down on the floor next to my helmet, listened to asteroid chunks raining down outside, and I learned a very catchy song.
I’m exploring backstory in honor of the book coming out soon. There are so many adventures to be had!
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