#looks at all the side stories and comics that dont even involve the leos I wanted to do for this week event-
intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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To whoever is still alive after all that, congrats! You made it through the hard part! Hope you enjoyed the week event~ Not sure if I will be doing another one anytime soon though haha, also do expect a small break from me after this!
Few things to make clear to those who missed stuff:
This timeline is safe! The two Leos who are currently in the timeline will be happy and well by the end of things! From this point on its just them healing~
If by chance you are confused on what happened, I lovingly hand you this post! If you are still confused, feel free to send me an ask!
I am not paying for any medical bills <3 But hey the huggy leos persisted through just like I promised-
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melodyfsoul1 · 9 months
I have been q!/c!Foolish Loki & Thor truthing for months now because of the QSMP Lore and how q!Foolish acts / is perceived there, but there are so many similarties to MCU Loki & Thor, especially now with the newly revealed DSMP Finale EternalDuo Lore, and I have just been brainrotting about it...
If the DSMP was a "never ending cycle, with all the characters having their memories erased/ or being reincarnated, while the main God just watched them and reset the story everytime he deemed fit", then thats just literally the concept of Ragnarok?!?! And its even more similar to the Marvel Comic Loki who also went outside the story to meet the Gods behind the story.
Hear me out:
Both Loki and q!Foolish are morally grey, they try to play both sides, and always try to gain sth from their current situation, even if it involves bad people, sometimes its for personal gain, sometimes its for their own survival.
But they have people they truly care about, who they would fight and die for. (Also the fact that both are bad at showing emotions and tend to bottle everything up)
Then both are immortal shapeshifting gods, who embody chaos, creativity and trickery. They dont act like the norm, which makes people mistrust them and sometimes they do really stupid things while trying to fix a mess, but only make it worse in the process, but they still CARE.
And then we have the q!/ c!Foolish and Thor parallels:
Like q!Foolish really was on his Thor in Infinity War Arc before and during Purgatory when we look at the QSMP Lore, both started out as this sunshine himbo god with Lightning Powers (Dsmp Lore)
Both are smarter than the fandom/ other characters give them credit for and they are often misunderstood or underestimated.
Both found families in their Teams, Thor with the Avengers (and Revengers) and q!Foolish with q!Roier's family and then Team BOLAS during the Purgatory Event
Both lost pretty much everything they ever cared for, their homes and their families, in q!Foolish's case q!Vegetta being absent and Leo & the other Eggs disappearing, and then the characters being taken from their homes and sent to Purgatory, so now all they have left is a couple remaining friends/ team mates that they are willing to raise HELL for.
At the end of Purgatory we had q!Foolish cracking under the pressure, him finally breaking (down) after everything that happened, hell he even lost his eye just like Thor in Infinty War?!?!
q!Foolish even unocked new (old) powers after Purgatory, and both Thor & q!Foolish are Kings too.
Like there are so many similarities, Im sure they arent on purpose, but I couldnt help but notice while I was brainrotting over Marvel, they are some of my fav characters, so seeing these similarities and comparing the characters is just so interesting to me :D
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chest-mimic · 6 years
Long text post about putting Neo back in RWBY for a story arc
Been thinking about RWBY recently because of BB:CTB, and just some ways I would write the series. One thought came into my head that I figured was unlikely enough to actually happen to be worth sharing.
What if Neo was Jaune's sister?
As best as I can remember, there's nothing on screen that happens to make it impossible. The only times they would have met (during the tournament), Neo is in disguise. We know for a fact Jaune has seven sisters, and Neo's last name is currently unknown. She doesn't come up in conversation much, and team JNPR isn't involved in the Roman/White Fang stuff. And it's not out there to think any time Ruby or Yang mentioned Neo, the connection just doesn't click. Maybe she's got hair dye or dresses unlike what Jaune would have known. Hell, maybe Jaune did know and kept his mouth shut. Point is, it's possible with a little effort. And if the series can muddy how aura works, some rando on the internet can work with a contrivance.
So, fun fan theory with circumstantial evidence. What could someone actually do with this detail? The first thought I had was it provides a possible way for Jaune to have gotten through the vetting system, AND gives us a reason for Ozpin to have missed it, all in one go. With Blake, it's implied Ozpin let her in because her background and credentials were enough that he could trust her, and at worst he'd keep his eye on a potential spy. Jaune doesn't have the kind of history that would appeal to Ozpin's weird brand of preparation. And as funny as that Dumb RWBY comic is (http://eunnieverse.tumblr.com/post/123075118473/i-dont-care-what-his-transcripts-say-that), it's more likely that Jaune would have needed the help of someone with a reputation.
We know Cinder has ties to Lionheart, one of Ozpin's most trusted allies, early enough to pass as one of his students. So Neo slipping in a nonverbal "hey give my bro a letter of recommendation" (or convincing Roman to ask for it) with some implied violence thrown in isn't out of the question. Had Cinder found out, just pretend Jaune is a potential pawn with delicious blackmail attached. Leo writes something convincing about how grades aren't everything, Jaune is in with the knowledge that his recommendation had a moral cost, Team Kill All Humans has a potential mole that they never end up needing to use, and Ozpin is none the wiser. The series wouldn't need this specific of an explanation for what amounts to a bureaucratic loophole, but who looks at Jaune in volume 1 pinned to a tree and goes "yup that's super hero potential right there".
Incidentally, it could also provide a reason Tyrian singles out Jaune as an interesting person. He can't be a maiden and he's not a wizard (at least we all hope), but family of an ex-coworker in his line of work is worth keeping tabs on.
Okay, enough retcon work on logistics. Where could the series actually go with this? First and foremost, Neo has to show up for it to mean anything. Last we saw Neo, she was "gently" floating down from the sky in the middle of a Grimm attack. But any genre savvy supervillain knows that not seeing the body means they may as well be perfectly fine. In addition, Ozpin's initiation for the first year students is to launch them off of a cliff into the forest. Weird as it is, if he's expecting total newbies to survive the fall, why can't Neo?
With Roman gone, there's not much reason for Neo to stick with Cinder's group. The White Fang stopped working with our big bad, Neo isn't a faunus and can't expect any protection under Adam the Edgehog. Plus, she has no reason to actually go after Ruby or Yang. It's not like they're hard to find, and even if they were, Ruby's going off to pick a fight with Salem, the lady who is so scary Raven is afraid to openly confront her. Considering Neo's reaction to even seeing Raven, we can get a sense of scale for how strong she thinks Salem is. If revenge was a motive, from Neo's perspective Ruby's pretty much doing it for her. So Neo, surviving a brush with death and having a hand in the potential end of mankind, goes home to take a nap.
Team Ruby's friends, following the road to plot, wind up getting near Jaune's hometown. Because it was so conveniently on the way. How convenient. The writers can play it off as wanting to show how a non-huntsman supported town thrives. And since this is RWBY, the answer is probably big guns taped to things that probably aren't guns, so yay more anime guns. But now in the hands of a population with no idea that Huntsmen can be made bullet proof (recall Jaune had to be told what Aura is and how it worked after initiation began). Yeah, World of Remnant covered that, but that's a conversation for another day. Point is, we the audience get to see it in action.
The team exploring town eventually would get to Ruby and Yang finding Neo. Or maybe the whole team. I'm trying to keep this from being straight up fanfiction, but since this is a post about justifying a bit of fanservice, let's just say a rematch occurs because they can't escape from crossing fate. Jaune steps in before a winner is confirmed to point out they're fighting his sister, to which Ruby or Yang rebuts with a reference to the attempted murder.
Now the meat of the potential conflict. Ruby and Jaune stand on opposite ends of a very serious accusation. Ruby has to deal with the fact that one of her friends is related to someone who tried to kill her and her family, Jaune has to accept that his sister is part of the reason Beacon fell, and neither one is going to turn on their family for no reason. Any of what happens next depends on what kind of person Neo is.
Yang already had her lesson in forgiveness in V5, but Ruby hasn't been in the same boat. Weiss's reason for leaving the team was very different than Blake's, and Ruby seemed initially more open to forgiving what Blake had done. Having Jaune defend her assailant would be a betrayal of Ruby's trust, but she's fully capable of understanding wanting to protect your sibling.
The group travelling all have different ideas about dealing with dangerous opponents, but have all been more or less following Ozpin. Yet the limits of Ozpin's knowledge are vague, and whether he's willing to take that chance on someone who is okay at best is unlikely after Lionheart. Neo being relateded to Jaune could give Ruby an important moment of leadership by deciding if the two can be trusted. This might even lead to usurping Ozpin and Qrow's choices as the de facto correct path, or casting out Jaune and Neo as potential threats they can't risk having around. Depending on how it's done, it can even tie back to how Jaune's forgery making or breaking the final decision.
There's more I could write on the topic, but it's already pretty long and I just want to get across a couple possible writing choices that could be made with one additional character background detail. There's flaws in my proposal, like why would Neo have aura unlocked and not Jaune, but a decent writer could fill those holes with good character defining or world building moments. I like RWBY, flaws and all, but I'd love to see more use of side characters instead of just making a new one every time the writers needed more conflict. Maybe I'm making assumptions about characters that I shouldn't be making for this proposal to even work. But if the alternative is getting more new characters established for two scenes then never seen again, then what's wrong with a little bit of fanservice.
Tl;dr give us more Neo.
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