#loose canon
spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
hiya! i'm currently fixating on your stargazers au and I was wondering, where does lilith come into play in this? or would it be a spoiler? :o
I can tell you a general when, but not how. Cause it would indeed be spoilers! 😅 But she won't truly play an active role in my story until further down the line. Still, if you guys are so eager to see a glimpse of her AU lore, then you're sure to like the next part! "Meet The Magnes" include her afterall and she's a Magne too! For besides shipping, SHE'S the one I'm most excited to talk about as I think you're all going to love the way I write her. XD Or not. We'll see. I have more freedom with a character we haven't met soooo- hehe. 😎👌
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(P.S. Interpret the art as you prefer it to be.)
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spookbooh · 5 hours
I love this little shit
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lorellaishc · 10 months
Turning Tides
(( DWC November 2023, Day 3, Inspiration/Unresolved, CW: combat, violent death; @daily-writing-challenge ))
Lorellai rolled away from a blast of flame launched at her by a flame-scarred druid, barely avoiding the worst of the heat even as the caster began another incantation. She drew up to one knee, and put her fingers in her mouth to let out a sharp whistle.
The druid sneered at Lorellai, the cruelty on her face plain to see. "No one will stop us from recovering our perfect immortality!" the druid shouted, the flames flaring bright in her hands. Lorellai coughed.
"Yeh won't be seein' it!" the girl shouted back, as a form loomed up behind the druid. The smack of a wet sticky tongue caused her to lose concentration on her spell, and the look of fear and confusion on her face was almost comical as Stroganoff pulled her into his mouth, biting down hard. Her legs kicked twice, and then stopped while the mighty hornswog burbled, bathing his victim in his molten juices. Stroganoff was not one to play nice when his dwarf was in danger.
"Good boy, good, good boy!" Lorellai said, pulling herself to her feet and leaning on Stroganoff to steady herself. Her arms felt like jelly, and she didn't need a mirror to know she was covered in soot and minor burns. She'd had to toss her bomb pouch for fear of it cooking off, and the rest of her gear was in rough shape from the hours of fighting for the Wellspring. She pulled her goggles down, wiping the lenses clean as she scanned the battlefield for her friends. Down the way, Ghorren, Edmund, Shansii and the rest were holding back a swarm of primalists and fire elementals with everything they had, while further down the line she could see the Kaldorei and the Dragons being hard pressed. She'd been tasked with helping knock out the ritual towers the primalists had created to block arcane spells, and she had done her part of the job, but it had taken everything she had. Lorellai was exhausted. They all were.
A pained roar interrupted her reverie. She gasped as she saw Alexstrasza fall, struck from the air by Fyrakk, both taking their visage forms down below, out of her range. She zoomed in, seeing them speak, seeing Fyrakk raise his axe... and then she saw the smile on the dragonqueen's face. Zooming out, she saw the portals opening, and the smile that grew on her face threatened to split it in two. Their friends from the dragon isles, the Kirin tor, and the heroes of the Alliance and Horde emerged, and forced Fyrakk to retreat. A horn blew, and she saw the banner of the Argent Crusade flying, and knew that her uncle Dolraan was down there as well.
A burst of arcane energy flared from the other side of Stroganoff, catching her attention. She had barely moved to look and see what it was when she was grabbed and pulled into a familiar hug. "Och, lass, there yeh are! Oh I'm so proud of yeh!" Drogar yelled, holding her close enough she worried she might not be able to breathe. Well, she'd held her breath for worse reasons, and she just gripped him tight, burying her face into his beard like she had when she was little.
"Oh da," she said when he loosened his grip, "it's been real hard out here, harder than any of your stories!" Drogar beamed at her as he continued to hold her, feeling her shudder as she tried not to cry.
"I know lass. Some things the stories can never get across. But you've done so bloody well, and I'm so bloody proud of yeh. But there's more t' do, so why don't we get on down and finish up this fight so we can catch up proper, aye?" he declared, stepping back and pulling a rifle and one of his combat mecha-squirrels from their place on his back. He tossed his daughter a potion that was caught and eagerly gulped down, restoring her stamina.
"Alright dad, let's do this." Lorellai declared, hefting her spear, and shouting a warcry as she charged down the hill, Stroganoff at her side and her father at her back. They had a battle to win.
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odyssej · 7 months
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findingneo · 1 year
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kingsmuesum · 2 years
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I love blue haired girl such a normal amount. 
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sparrowlucero · 2 months
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The Taxidermist (or the Mousemeister, as it would call itself). A patchwork creature that uses its golden sheers to snip the person away and leave only a verminous beast, in the hopes of finding new and interesting body parts to replace its old decaying form. The useless animals are doomed line its quilted burrows as handmade furniture and the ever-present smell of mouse soup.
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kitchenlegrecords · 1 year
Many radio plays for Novatron!
Songs from “Gabori” were already played in many radio shows:
LIber LImbia -> https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/liberlimbia/episodes/2023-07-10T19_32_18-07_00
Loose Canon on radio 6 -> https://soundcloud.com/simon-edwards-6/loose-canon-monday-10th-july-2023-487
WTJU Blue Monday -> https://www.wtju.net/recent-shows/?d=2023-07-10#1689012000_16264
WFMU Spin Age Blasters -> https://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/129694
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r-aindr0p · 1 year
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✨Bon appétit ✨
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splankie · 5 months
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is blowing up a volcano after ur first kiss couple goals
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joifee · 1 month
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Long awaited hug
headcanon that they dont see each other as much as they want to so there is homesickness
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spectrecowboy · 1 month
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the triad of all time actually!
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odyssej · 7 months
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findingneo · 1 year
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slavhew · 3 months
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i reread this scene and i could just. picture it. so vividly.
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southern--downpour · 4 months
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giving jay one of the highest blorbo badges of honor i can offer (giving him my joint issues)
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