#loose t-shirt I got from the beach that has a pretty design with a sea turtle
I am wearing such an odd outfit right now.
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serahsanguine · 5 years
Vacation Series Pt. 1 - Let The Games Commence. Ch, 2
This is the first book in a two-part series. This book is a six-part story which will be upload daily for the next week. After that, it will be Book two following the same pattern. it was originally made for the Summer Fanfic Exchange.
Part one on Tumblr, All chapters can be found Here on Ao3
This Chapter Rating; PG-13
                       Chapter Two - Day one
3 weeks later
Mulder was packing the last of his suitcases, making sure he had everything he might need. Basic clothing was swimming trunks, though he added a pair of red speedos in there. He doubted he would need them but he put them in there just in case. He also packed shorts, t-shirts, towels, sandals, shoes. Washbag. He couldn't think of anything else.
He was going to pick Scully up in less than 30 minutes. He was nervous to be spending a whole two weeks in close proximity to her. Seeing her in a two-piece bathing suit would certainly be his downfall.
The Lone Gunmen were already at the house, airing it out, making sure it had food and was cleaned. If he had to admit it, he was sure he was going to enjoy the time away.
The hour was getting close, so what if he was 15 minutes early? He grabbed his keys, bags, gun, badge — never know when you're going to need the last two. He locked his door and drove to Georgetown. He arrived, knocked on her door and waited for her to answer.
She opened the door and he scanned the full length of her, she was wearing dark jeans and a grey tank top, her hair was down and waved curled around her face. She looked stunning, a true vision of beauty.
"Sorry, Scully I know I'm early. "
"That's okay, I've been ready for about 30 minutes. "
"Nice, then, shall we get going? "
"Yes, could you grab a couple of bags for me? "
"Why, agent, those little arms can't carry that much? " he was teasing her and she knew it.
"Shut up, Mulder, I'm on holiday." She threw him the impulsive Scully grin he adored, that smile of hers that melted his heart.
He stepped into her living room realising how many bags she was actually taking.
“Jesus, woman, how much are you taking with you?”
“Only the essentials,” she laughed and walked out the door.
“Yes, only the essentials, ” he muttered under his breath. He picked up the bags, finding his key and locking her door behind him, and proceeded to meet her at the car.
She had already put her bags on top of his and was now sitting on the passenger seat. He placed the rest of her bags next to the ones she had already placed into the car and sat down into the driver's side.
They sat off driving towards the Chincoteague Island.  Which was estimated to be about 3 hours and a half from Georgetown.
1 hour into the journey.
Scully had been sitting there, watching the view go by, thinking about this vacation she was about to go on. She was excited and nervous about spending two weeks with Mulder. Letting loose, being free, enjoying it. No chasing after monsters of the abyss or profiling serial killers; just sea, sun and swimming and a lot of relaxing.
She wasn't looking forward to spending time with the Lone Gunmen but they had agreed that if she wanted to be left alone they would do so and not bother her.
She turned towards Mulder and studied him. The window was open, the wind was blowing his chest hair. His elbow and arm hanging out the window, his eyes focused on the road in front of him. His brown t-shirt slightly swaying and his body slouched. He looked calm, she knew he enjoyed driving and he just seemed so relaxed. Seeing him like this pleased her and sent small fluttering sensation in her stomach. She had to stop this. It would never happen: he was her partner, nothing more. She needed her mind to change the subject and quickly.
"So, Mulder, tell more about where we're staying."
He looked at her quickly and she smiled, and his eyes focussed back and the road.
“Well my dear Agent Scully, we are going to Virginia and it’s the Atlantic Coast. ”
“Very funny, Mulder.”
“Yes I thought so, anyway Chincoteague Island has beaches like no other. The beach is only seven miles long it’s easy to get around. The beaches themselves are found in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on neighbouring Assateague. It’s just miles of uninterrupted sand dune and crystal blue waters. Back over the bridge the quaint town of Chincoteague is full of history and charm and a lovely place to explore. Max Boulevard and Main Street are where the restaurants are. The Island Creamery is definitely on the list because it’s the only place to get homemade ice cream. And we all know how much Dana Katherine Scully likes her ice cream,” he said the last bit smirking.
“I do not.”
“Now how’s telling lies, the truth is out there Scully.” A low chuckle escaped his lips  
She realised he was flirting with her. And in all honesty, she was enjoying the attention and was shamelessly flirting back.
“Why do you sound so like a travel brochure?”
“Maybe because I read one as soon as you agreed to go on holiday with me,” he slightly blushed but kept his eyes on the road.
“Thank you, Mulder, that is really sweet.” She placed her hand on top of his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “So, if the beach is really short, how did the Gunmen manage to get a house there?”
“I didn’t ask, and they won’t tell, but I know they have their ways.”
“That they do. ”
They carried on talking and laughing, at some point turning on the radio and shamelessly singing along. Neither one caring.
Chincoteague Island
They arrived sometime after. It was hot and humid. They had passed through the village and it was just a pretty, more so than Mulder had described it. The sun was at high noon, shining across the blue waters that surrounded them, glistening like diamonds. They drove up seeing the summer house: pale creams and yellows blending in with the surrounding of the beach. It was a modest-looking house with a veranda and wood white windows. They pulled up and parked, both getting out of the car at the same time.
“Go in Scully, they won't bite, we will grab the bags later. For now, let’s enjoy ourselves.”
She walked towards the front door gazing at is beauty: stained glass, full of different colours. Looking closely, it was a picture of the nearby village. It was beautiful.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it, Scully?”
“My sentiments exactly.”
She put her hand on the door handle and walked in, they were both taken back by the interior of the house. It was open and airy with its neutral colours going through the whole place. They walked a little further to find a living room with loads of Wicca furniture and an open log fire with at least two stacks of chopping wood next to it. The living room lead through to a very open and very large kitchen with its light oak cupboards and custom design table. The whole back wall was floor to ceiling doors that opened on the garden with a view to the beach and the sea. They carried on walking through the expanse of the house until they were back onto the beach.
Langly and Byers were out on the small pier, fishing. They were in casual brown shorts and T-shirts, with a sun umbrella covering them so they wouldn’t get burnt. They had noticed they had company so were discussing the latest ufo sighting or landing. Mulder looked at Scully, and Scully looked back at him both smiling and slightly laughing, both thinking things never change even when on holiday.
Frohike walked in behind them. “Well, if it isn’t the delightful Agent Scully!”
She jumped and turned around, and gave the small man an evil glare. Then smiled at him.
“It’s nice to see you too. Frohike.”
“Glad you two finally arrived, we just finished preparing the BBQ. So go sit over there,” he gestured toward the outside table and chairs underneath the huge veranda roof. He went back inside.
Scully went and sat down, Mulder sitting closely beside her. She looked at her friend.
“I didn’t know Frohike could cook.”
“Yes, he does. He enjoys it and he’s actually really good at it. It’s a secret passion of his. He makes a mean crumble.”
“Well, when I see it, I will believe it.” She was flirting with him now, and she knew he was flirting back.
She was caught by surprise as the gentle breeze flew her hair into her face. And with his light touch, he moved the loose hair and put it behind her ear, his fingers grazing her skin. He was so close now, at kissing distance. Her heart screamed for their lips to touch but her mind screamed to run away. He was her friend, her partner. Flirting was one thing but acting upon that flirting was another.
Yes, maybe one day she would surprise him and follow through with one of his innuendos. But on the other hand, would she really do it? Saying it in her head, even fantasizing about it, that she could do. But would she get the courage to actually do it? Only time would tell. It was a simple flight or fight response.  
They were soon joined by Langly and Byers, they instantly started talking about the recent UFO sighting with Mulder and she just stared at them smiling ‘Maybe spending the vacation with the Three Stooges wasn’t going to be so bad after all.’  
About 5 minutes later Frohike served everyone steak, chicken and sausage platter from the bbq. With two caesar salad bowls, potato salad, and homemade coleslaw.
Mulder thought everything was delicious and the way Scully was eating, getting the sauce everywhere, was delightful to see. She even went so far as licking her fingers, and it was stirring all sorts of things to his lower anatomy.
‘Why does she have to eat food like that? Jesus Christ. Does she even know what it does to me? Probably not, to be honest.
It reminded him of that case a long time ago when she was eating something while wearing a bib. But what he remembered the most was the moment that she got sauce in the corner of her mouth he had the urge to grab a napkin and wipe it off for her. And before he knew it, he had done exactly that. After it had happened she gave the sweetest smile he had ever seen.
The thing was, she had sauce on the corner of her mouth now and yet again he had the incredible urge to wipe it away for her, to touch her. He was lost staring at her. She had caught him in the act of staring.
“Have I got something on my face?”
“Yes, you do.”
He grabbed a napkin and began wiping the sauce from her face, lost in her eyes. Forgetting internally that the Gunmen were there and totally focusing on her: her face, her eyes, her nose, her mouth, that pesky hair that kept flipping in her eyes...
Langly coughed loudly and they suddenly broke apart, her cheeks were red from embarrassment, the chair squeaked as she got out of it quickly leaving the table, finding some space away from him.
He sat there at the table, putting his hand to his face and sighing: he didn’t mean for it to go that far, or did he?
“One of these days Mulder, you are going to have to tell her. Because one of these times, there may not be a next time.”
He looked at Byers and sighed again, he knew what his friend was saying, but did he really have the guts to lose her friendship, their partnership if she didn’t feel the same way? He had told himself, after she won her life over cancer, that he would tell her. But life got in the way and he was a coward.
Five minutes later and Scully still hadn't returned, he was getting worried and he left the boys in search for her. It didn’t take him long to find her. Her shoes were off and were by the side of her. She was sitting on the sand underneath the cover of a tree. She was intensely staring at the waves crashing into the shore.
He also took his shoes off and wondered why Scully was not hot, he was boiling in this sun. the sweat drenching his top. He sat next to her.
He had been sitting down for a few minutes when she looked at him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Believe me, that was not my intention.”
He was no longer looking at her, he was keeping his eyes on the mass of the Atlantic Ocean.
“I’m fine Mulder. It was just a long journey.”
“We should head back, get the bags out of the car, and go check our house for the next couple of weeks.”
She nodded and turned towards him. “Honestly, I’m ok, just tired from sitting in the car and warm from the jeans, and the heat.”
He nodded, stood up holding his toes and really appreciating the feeling of how soft the sand was. He started walking towards the car and took a quick glance back: she was following him, shoes in one hand, her hair flowing in the breeze. She smiled at him and they both kept walking.
They got to the car, Mulder carrying not only his bag but some of Scully’s as well, as she was carrying two bags.
It was a short walk up to the annexe and the outside was nothing like Scully was expecting.
The house revelled in its beauty: it was two stories with a grand like Varanda circling the whole house, beige windows with stained glass inside, shining different colours that illuminated the sand in front of them. She walked inside, the layout much like the main house, though this seemed bigger. This house had a completely open plan and the whole back of it was glass, with a full view of the beach. It took her breath away. She walked through, climbing the spiral staircase to the second floor. As promised, there were two bedrooms, both with king-size beds and ensuite shower rooms. Scully put her bags down still exploring when she came across the grand jacuzzi that could sit at least two people. There was an open log fire in every room upstairs equipped with enough firewood for several months.
‘Mulder has really outdone himself this time’ she thought. Realising he had no bags in his hand, she ran across the hallway jumping in his arms. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered a “thank you” in his ear.
She could feel the warmth of his body. She jumped down reluctantly. Being held by Mulder was certainly a nice thing, correction, an amazing experience. She looked up into his hazel eyes, glimmering with love and affection, his smile reaching from ear to ear. She started blushing and looked away but he put his fingers underneath her chin making sure she was looking directly at him.
“No Scully, Thank you for agreeing to come, you’ve made it so much better already. "
She hugged him again, hearing his heart hammer in his chest. She snuggled into his warmth, letting it overflow her, letting his scent invade her. He was the first to let go this time, she let out a small sigh. Her judgement was getting clouded again. She was letting her emotions take her on a rollercoaster.
“We need to get changed, otherwise we will get sunstroke,” he said quickly.
“Oh, really, now here's me thinking I was the doctor in this relationship.” She was teasing him, not mocking him in any way.
“Technically, we are both Doctors, just in different kinds.”
“Touche,  Dr. Mulder.”
They both started laughing and went into their separate rooms. Both kept the door slightly open. Old habits die hard. They had this unspoken agreement: if they were not in adjoining rooms while in the same house they would keep their doors open and unlocked no matter what.
Half an hour passed and she had finally changed. Going downstairs she found Mulder reading. She walked a bit closer to find out what he was reading and still she could not see the title, his finger and hands covering both the blurb and the front cover. He was so engrossed in the book She then stood in front of him, and still, he had not noticed her presence.
“Mulder, what are you reading?”
He jumped, quickly putting the book down looking at her. Scully watched his eyes scanning her body, they changed colour depending on what part of her body they were on, she had never seen this look before and couldn’t work it out. She let him ogle her some more before asking again.
“So… what are you reading Mulder?”
She looked amazing, her hair lightly put up around her face letting several loose curls out around her face. Her eyes shone a bright blue that he had never seen. Her emerald blue dress with a square neckline and thin straps was so enticing.  He could see matching blue straps of her bikini wrapping around the nape of her neck.  The dress flowed effortlessly off her body making her every curve pop out. It was a knee-length dress, she looked exquisite. He heard her speak and hands down he was lost for words.
“I…. Umm.” Fuck, speak. Damn it, shit. “Terry Pratchett’s Colour Of Magic,” he blurted out finally finding the words.
She smiled at him, he didn’t know if it was a good thing or not, if he was making a fool out of himself. But, damn, that smile really could light up a room.  
“I didn’t realise you were a fan of Terry Pratchett's books.”
“Yes, I think he is an amazing author. His Discworld collection is definitely his best. You should read sometime, Scully, I think you would enjoy them.”
“Oh, I have and I did,” she said walking through to the kitchen intending to make herself some ice tea.  
He was puzzled: how did he not know she was a fan? He laughed to himself: she could still surprise him. And he loved it.
“I don’t believe you. Prove it. What was his last book you read?”
“Well, I have just finished Good Omens. Before that, it was Hogfather; and before that, it was Soul Music.”
“Wow, Scully, you’re full of surprises.”
“Well, I’m glad I can still keep surprising you 7 years on,” she said laughing.
“Me too, Scully. Me too.”
She passed him his tea, and they carried them on through to the beach to sit under two parasols that the gunmen had set up. They stood there for a while enjoying each other’s company, talking about the Discworld collection.
As the hours passed, the sun began to set. Mulder watched the sea, he was lost in its rhythmic percussion as the waves hit the sand. His eyes were steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckoned the stars. His lips bore a semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he was enjoying himself. He watched as Scully walked across the shore, her toes dipping in the lapping water. She looked graceful like she had reached some kind of inner peace. As if on cue she knew he was looking at her, she turned around and looked back at him. A gentle smile spread across her lips and then she turned back and carried on dipping her toes in the water.
Tagging; @baronessblixen @today-in-fic @peacenik0 @skullsmuldon
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commonalex · 6 years
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-Where to, bud?
-Fill it up.
-Ready for a trip, ain't it so, Nico?
One quick "shut your hole before I fuck it" finds its way before my teeth but fortunately I remind myself that whatever I do I can never escape the gas pumper's son urge to chat even if it takes me stealing the pump from the tank to shove it up his dirty ass mouth.
-Just for a dive, you know. The beach here got filled with tourists and the sun will set when I get to the next shore.
-You're living the life, Nico boy, no joke. Not like us, working and melting away from the sun like pigs in the midst of September. Fuck that shit, man.
-Aha, I see.
Just before I go inside to bake myself in my good ol' Fiat and get lost far far from his gossip hungry mouth, I remember that I have to rely on his ass. It's the third day that no one in the town can use the phone and no one cares enough to ask why. I give him my frequency where I'll listen on the radio just to notify Sofia if anything crazy happens to me. Not entirely sure if he heard or understood even half of what I just said but pretty confident that he purposely delays me to keep his creaking voice running, soloing to the point of laying a curse at "these damn phones and their government plants to make them mo-bi-le" and asking extremely not subtly about what is already news all over town.
-You're shiting me! Congrats, Nico boy! Wish your wife good luck with all those diapers coming. Finally you're to start a family yourself!
I don't know if he forgot my Tito for real or it's just him being a clown and at this point I barely care. Everyone has him as a dumb fuck either way. In fact I'm only doing a favor to his father that I haven't talked to him the way I should or biting his hands with my closing door.
It's over five o' clock and the road to the shore is nicely empty. My Fiat has a hard time having the sun whipping its ass as its swinging above the sea to my right. I dug up a radio station I recently lost with some old songs drowned in noise that I can't blast in the car with Sofia and the kid because the give them the headaches and food for nagging. Notes traveling around my seat really give me space and loose my hands from straggling my steering wheel and I'm checking cool as hell the back seat from the mirror to make sure I didn't forget my swimsuit or my surely expired sunscreen. I can barely see it beneath this sea of junk and empty water bottles from our last trip as a family. I can't recall when that was exactly, but it can't be that long if the back seat is completely filled with sand from Tito's feet cause "slippers pinch his toes". I swear to God I'll be damned if I ever understand this kid.
It must've taken a minute or so to catch the song change on the radio. And what a song if the synths and the drum machine can kick my head back to my soggy seat to return to my old job at that furniture store I was back in the day, just in time for Sofia to call me and tell me the waters broke. The road's zig zags around the hills wave goodbye and I push the gas along the straight line in front of me. The tar got sprayed gold and it tinkles my eyes along with the turquoise waves racing me all the way; absolutely nothing like back then when I was locked by my stress and my blood was boiling from agony. The car couldn't fit me (brand new at the moment, not a scratch, such a beauty) until the house and then back into traffic, dragging myself closer to insanity by Sofia's moaning that keep on ringing to my ears to this day. Us two running in the heatwave till the emergency room, scared that Tito might join us in the back seat. There's still the scratch I caused by storming the hospital. There's still the memory of me cursing the religion out of me when I saw that later.
"Nico, take me back".
"What are you talking about? We are here".
"I'm scared, Nico, Let's go home. Please".
"No reason for it, we talked this out a thousand time. That's the finish line".
"I don't want to lose him. I won't bear this crap again".
"It's all good, Sofia. I promise".
Maybe I didn't use these exact words that day. I don't even remember if half of what I was saying were making any sense but I do remember me screaming my lungs out to innocent doctors and nurses while she was sitting comfortably in her pain with a look in her eyes designed to send nothing but shivers down my spine. I made it by stealing a kiss on her salty cheek as I was trying to keep up with her stretcher just so we go in together and get out us three together.
The radio host squeezes his hoarse and monotonous voice right in the end of the song to announce the song's title and singer but I'm all out of brain to pay attention. My fingers feel numb around the steering wheel and the rest of me stands sweat dripping in his place, staring at the dirt road boiling behind me. It always happens to me. I could have Sofia right beside me telling me the name of the song and my head would instantly erase it from existence because the picture of me and her holding Tito like a hot bread bun back in the house hangs above my eyelids. Her crying only from joy and me smiling nervously all the time. Holding Sofia on one hand and Tito on the other on our broke couch we still have in the living room. All of the uncertainty, all of the doubt if I could manage to balance all for a little man that fits in my palms driving me nuts in the cutest way then and in the most worrying right now.
The gas pumper's son doesn't respond to my test signals and I lose my turn for the next shore. No biggie, I say to myself, I'll do an 180 and everything will be fine. The road however had other plans, cause I can't find it anywhere anymore, the sand covered it pretty easily. No tar on sight, no nothing. I pull my baked skull outside and take a peek of all those fixed pink waves of sand stretching to everything the sun touches. I'm surprised that Ostia is somehow still on my mirror but I can't figure out where exactly I got my dumb self on the map and the good ol' Fiat has stepped in the sand for good. I set the thin line of sea on my right as compass and turn the key full of hope. I get a couple of meters deeper but the wheels are screeching, digging their graves. I officially can't go neither ahead nor back home; especially after all the shit I left back there because I decided to go swimming. Sofia's not going to stop at my insensitivity this time, especially right after she found out she is pregnant. I don't know what to say to her. I don't know what she seeks from me. I don't know if she gets my situation at the moment by asking me to be more "open" to her without her understanding that this is the way to get everybody hurt. Her, Tito, even the gas pumper's son with the audacity to sell pure ass water for petrol.
There's not a single thing on me not covered in sand as I melt my palms away by pushing the car. I get it out of the holes just to drop it to another ten meters ahead. I keep on pushing so desperately my knees get buried and I can hardly curse my luck for putting me right here, right now or letting my strength fade away from my body- in general. I lash out like a spoiled little fuck at the doors and get one of them opening wide open with empty water bottles falling defeated. Not a single drop of water in them at all and nothing of real value in all this junk of the back seat but a backpack with boxers, t-shirts and shorts of all kinds. All bad, all old fashioned and all mine. I never was this farsighted or this lucky all my life. Never.
I set my self free from my shirt and pants and throw them back to dry whilst I try one of those old ass tees that fits like a glove if I stop breathing for the rest of the day. I look down to see if I put it the wrong way but it was ok, just not the right t-shirt cause it's the one with the blue stripes.
I spent all morning eating my nails, watching the clock ticking. I couldn't wait and wished for something to happen to call this off. I called the shop to play it sick just so I could breathe in and breathe out my excitement without any distractions. I was looking at myself in the bathroom's mirror and practicing the "speech" I had written. I was getting mad, I was improvising and I was giving up all day without any hope. The sun dropped and Sofia came in late (and gorgeous) as always and kissed me besides the place where taxi drivers where fishing gullible tourists and judging the ugly blue stripped tee I chose to wear to play it like it was a date just like any other. Of course she got it figured out on her own and she tolerated me and this monstrosity until we hopped off the tram and sat on the worst set of pebbles we could possible sit, right before I interrupt her history of her fight with her mother to dig up the ring from the sand.
"Are you kidding? Because these stuff are quite laughing matter, you know".
"I know".
"Is it fake? The truth, Nico".
"Put it on and tell me".
"This better not be another unfunny crap from cause if it is, I'm telling you, I'm gone".
She did put it on, she did tell it was real and she did left with me to her place. I still remember her laugh every time the ring was slipping from her fingers. I still remember rivers of sweat washing me the next morning next to her as we were looking at the building outside glowing from the sunset. She was asking me if we could make it. I was cooling her down and telling her I would do my best for her, for us. That I would do what I had to do to not get stuck like our parents did. We would not spent all of our lives in an office but instead we would casually catch a ship or a plane and travel the world. She smirked all the way through and responded to me with "whenever it is, as long as a fan is hitting us" because the weather was just like now. Ten years ago, give or take.
Radio catches nothing but noise for a while now. I'm pressing the mic to call the gas pumper's son but still nothing on the other end. I should have known better than counting on a dumbass like him because I only hurt myself and I ultimately give up on trying to communicate to light a cig.
My head got so numb from all the thoughts running inside I can't enjoy the sun dropping behind me. All I needed right now was a dip, just to get away for a moment or two and figuring out the rest but I guess I had to have everything turn to shit. I'm searching the exact point where I actually fucked up everything but the sun touching the horizon made me realize I torture my mind in vain. Whatever got me where I am right now doesn't matter. I could try to find the words to express how I feel to  Sofia, Tito or the baby and fail miserably each time because all they really need to hear from me is that "all will be fine".  But that's not really the point. The point is that I sit in a fucking wreck of a car with half a packet of cigarettes and all of my stuff in the trunk, disconnected from everyone and everything, without any inconvenience whatsoever. Like things rolled out as I wanted them. Like I should follow this route from the start. Like I should never really reach the shore.
I was still a kid when father came with his "new" car, a stretched out Lada with the color of green vomit which in my eyes it always looked like a bin. My father had a really creepy love with that car to the point where he was telling me to not put the seatbelt on because I would "stretch" it. His obsession made me almost envy this awful bin, feeling joy when it was failing to start half the times. My father knew that and made me help him every single time, made me listen his cute words for this piece of junk that "tries to live, that poor thing" and the rest of his vocabulary which was limited to my ability to "hold the flashlight like a fag". However, his biggest hit should be the one where he was telling me again and again that "I'll only understand him when I get older but it will be too late".
The record continued to skip in my teens. It never became understandable as it became tedious and cliché. There was no meaning behind these words, they all came out like thick air from his mouth but still they made me feel like a piece of shit. Mom saw my relationship with him wearing off everytime we were fighting and she always would try to convince me to "take a step back", to "become a normal family again" and I'd always respond with something vague when I should lash out on her for taking the side of a grumpy old fuck instead of her son.
I reached a point where I was waiting for a cause to open my mouth against his ass but every time my mother prevented me right at the last second; except that noon of a September when her hand could never reach to pull my sleeve. She was in the kitchen preparing the fish for the ban and I was returning home filled to the top with happiness because after a summer buried in books and studying I finally passed my exams for the uni. I found my father, like every afternoon, bent over a bucket cleaning a rag he used for the car only in the yard. I was watching him from the porch with my palm hiding my sardonic laughter I had all morning. I was waiting him to screech with his almost girly voice to "pick up my legs and help, cause all I do is eat, shit, sleep", just to hit him with the news that I was going to be a radio operator.
"And? What do you want now? You want me to pay you just so you can play it sailor? Leave me the fuck alone".
I'd be lying if I said I know what he really said to me, but the truth is that I felt an accomplishment inside whatever he may screamed. What I was looking for was server exactly in front of me and I started shouting, he began to shake his hands up and down like he prepared to fly and my mother kept on throwing fish in the sizzling pan.
"Is it that difficult for you? It's not like you don't want to get rid of me at all times and shit, right?".
"Get the fuck inside and stay there. You came with a smirk like you won the lottery and now you dare to talk shit. But how can you understand about money and all that? You can't. Never could, never will, but don't you worry, you'll only understand me wh-".
"Ok, ok, when I get older and all that nonsense. You keep busting nuts all these year saying that, you never got bored of that?".
The last one must have hit him hard enough to bring him back, like really back. As if he was younger again and strong enough to hit a nineteen year old in the face easily. A nineteen year old that waited half his life to return the favor.
But I did not. The sick joy I was feeling before dissolved when I grasped his left arm from the elbow. I stared at the wrinkled skin in his palm with the spots and veins that looked like mountains on it. I had his pulse on my fingertips echoing quick but pathetic. I turned to look at him and I no longer saw an antisocial and absurd grumpy fuck that was struggling in every way to show his little value. I saw a fallen, perhaps emotionally wounded man without enough consciousness to prevent him from situations like this one where he stands helpless and pitiful in front of his own child.
I had no more anger in me. I only felt bad for the years of my life I lost taking this person seriously simply because it happened to be my father. That's why I left his hand and let him sink in his confusion, trying to find words that would provoke me. From what he said, I only kept the " I swear to God I'll be damned if I ever understand this kid" as I was packing up my stuff in two bags to catch a train that was already gone. Last time, I saw him in the car dragging clothes and shavers from the semi-open trunk of his car, while my mom was on the porch trying not to drown in her own tears. The house was reeking burnt fish when I lying my mom in bed, giving her a hug and a promise that I would never be like him.
It's been a long time since then, but not enough to stop thinking about it, it seems. I do not know whether or not I eventually kept my promise and at this point I really don't care. What's really important now is the way the wave is tinkling my legs and how the breeze makes my lungs bloom. That's why I let the water drift me deeper as I close my eyes and nose. I dive.
"Come on, Nico boy, do you copy? Where are you all day? Do you have this shit open or not? Your wife's here with the little one, come get them ".
"Nico, please, if you hear this come back, we're worried. We will do whatever we can. Whatever you need. Together".
"Dad; Dad are you there? Please respond, I miss you. "
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lucywilliamsglobal · 7 years
What must you see in in Maui, Hawaii in one day? Visit Front Street, the Maui Ocean Centre and the Maui Tropical Plantation.
Maui was our third port of call on the Hawaiian and French Polynesian cruise and we were there for just one day, so here are my suggestions of what you can do with your time apart from going to the beach and drinking cocktail!
There is no dock in Maui so we dropped the anchor and tendered off Lahaina (boats from ship to shore). Lahaina is beautiful town with lovely beaches, shops, bars and restaurants. When you get off the tender you are right in town so can shop, drink, eat or go to the beach.
I had a walk down Front Street and I had a look around the shops and got a coconut water before I headed off for my afternoon tour of the Maui Ocean Centre and the Maui Tropical Plantation.
Maui Ocean Centre
The Maui Ocean Centre is an aquarium set inside and outside beside the ocean in Ma’alaea Bay. There were many different species of fish from the reef and marine animals that are only found in Hawaii including species of sea turtles, sharks and stingrays.
Each tank was beautiful and the highlight was walking through a 54-foot underwater tunnel where you could get up close to the sharks, stingrays, turtles and many different species of fish.
There are no whales or dolphins there as they like to leave them in their natural habitat. But there was an exhibition of the types of dolphins and whales that are found in the Hawaiian waters.
My favourite part of the aquarium was the jelly fish tank. The Maui Ocean centre is great for kids and adults and has good air conditioning and there was also Wi-Fi there too.
Maui Tropical Plantation
The Maui Tropical Plantation is a 60-acre working farm. They grow sugar cane, pineapples, macadamia nuts, avocados, bananas, star fruit, coconuts, coffee, mangoes and more. It was interesting to see these tropical fruits growing in their natural habitat.
They also grow lots of different types and colours of flowers to make lays with. It was very pretty to see.
We were taken around the farm on a little train to see all the trees and plants. In the middle of the tour we were given a coconut-husking demonstration of how to open a coconut to get the water out and they showed us how they use the whole coconut for other things like using the outer part for fires and the shell to make cups, bowls and tools.
There is a huge gift shop to buy all your Maui souvenirs from Hawaiian shirts to coffee. Also, there is an ice-cream, fresh fruit shop and a restaurant on site.
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What to Wear
It is warm all year round so shorts and a T-shirt are perfect. I would not wear a dress, skirt or loose top to the ocean centre as it is very windy! Flip flops or trainers for comfort and sunglasses and a hat.
     Essential Info
Weather: Year round 21*C – 38*C (Very Windy by the Maui Ocean Centre)
Language: English and Hawaiian
Currency: US Dollars
Recommendations: Wear sunscreen and insect repellent. Bring your camera or smart phone and portable phone charger and selfie stick! Drink lots of water, so bring your own water bottle to refill.
                   All the recommended products are available from Amazon. If you would like to take advantage of free delivery on many of their products, sign up for an Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial!
I hope you have enjoyed reading about what to see in Maui, please share on Facebook and Pinterest so your friends and family can read too. Sharing is caring!
Have you been to Maui? What would you recommend doing?
Happy Travels
Love Lucy x
(L. Williams is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk, at no extra cost, to you).
What You Must See in One Day in Maui Hawaii What must you see in in Maui, Hawaii in one day? Visit Front Street, the Maui Ocean Centre and the Maui Tropical Plantation.
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