#lord Electrode
peccaberry · 11 months
What if Melli is considering using Pokeballs for the first time after the events of PLA and he decides to consult Lord Electrode about it by showing him a PokeBall and asking what he thinks.
Lord Electrode falls in love with it immediately thinking it's a tiny baby Voltorb and adopts it so now Melli has to take care of Lord Electrode Jr, the very non-alive PokeBall that is now his Lord's new heir.
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warden-melli · 12 days
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WIP because I’ve been semi away for the last few days, and I haven’t had time to finish anything. Decided to redraw my blogs header image. It was old and I really like redrawing old art sometimes. Makes for a fun comparison, and it really helps me to see where my style has changed over time. Can’t decide if I want to do a similar background, or if I want to do something completely different this time around. Also kinda debating adding Cesselia lol. As far as I’m concerned they made up off camera and are now best friends ⏑ ̫⏑
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kirutan · 4 months
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RIP Lord Electrode...
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keiraspades · 7 months
pla hc no.15
Melli has the biggest celebrity crush on Ingo.
He fucking hates himself for it, too.
Adaman finds this hilarious, and Ingo is Ash Ketchum™️ levels oblivious. Lady Sneasler knows and has barred him from entering the den. Lord Electrode finds it mildly amusing, and his Stunky just dgaf.
Melli gets over his crush after having a convo with Ingo that lasted longer than 2 minutes, and now never wants to talk to him again bc what the actual fuck is a train and why does Ingo know so much about it??
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leonisloresmith · 7 months
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The nobles of the Coronet Highlands, circa 1803 (20~ years ago)
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doodleimprovement · 2 years
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Warden Melli - Master Sorcerer of the Diamond Clan - Warden to the Noble Familiar, Lord Electrode
Pompous and proud, but not without reason - Lord Electrode is considered the most dangerous Lord to be Warden of due to just how frequently his wardens are unable to control his electric powers. Melli has managed to master it. His mastery of his craft has made him a good teacher, though when that will ever be relevant is... up in the air.
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theangrycomet · 2 years
Where were the other nobles during Akari’s battle with Volo.
@pokedokiecentral made this point with Lady Sneasler- but the other Nobles LOVE Akari. Half of them decided on SIGHT that she was worthy of not only their aid but the Arceus plates they were assigned to protect. The other half she freed from an incredibly painful frenzied state so they at the very least appreciate her actions enough to check in on the kid every once in a while.
We know their wardens couldn’t/wouldn’t help Akari during the whole “world is ending and the sky is being torn asunder” thing but that didn’t stop them from helping her (seeing as she could still call on them for help.
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badfanfix · 1 year
There’s no title, have a Diamond Clan fic.
Lord Electrode’s wardens did not always last long.
There was a risk to being a warden, to caring for a semi-feral Pokemon—divinely blessed or not—that could easily decide it disliked something and poison, maul, trample, or drown you for the slight. But Lord Electrode was always considered on a level of his own. The electrical surges when it was happy, the literal explosions when it was annoyed, even the fact that it could lose its balance and go careening down the mountainside near Moonview Arena—most of the clans rarely even saw the Lord of the Hollow, and most were perfectly fine with that. Plenty of young brash wardens had died in the Lord’s service, and even ones who lived to see their hair turn gray met painful ends due to a simple careless error leading to a blast.
When Melli was augured as the new warden, most did not expect him to last the season. He was too quiet, said the elders, too shy and always hiding behind Adaman or Mei. He was too timid, said the old women. Lord Electrode would lose patience with him and blow him away. The procession that delivered him up the mountain was more akin to a funeral than a celebration like it might have been for Lady Liligant or Lord Wyrdeer. Melli cried half the way there. But when they finally reached the Arena, he dried his face and stubbornly refused to let anyone walk in with him. “If Adaman is gonna be the new clan leader, I’m going to make sure Lord Electrode will bless him.”
For weeks no one heard anything from the mountain. A few tried to contact Lady Sneasler’s warden, but the old woman had not been up to the cold summit where Lord Electrode resided. Adaman begged Mai to take him to the peak on Wyrdeer, but his sister refused. “A Noble and their warden sometimes take time to bond.” She ruffled his hair, making Adaman grumble. “We cannot interrupt that.”
The snows came, burying Hisui in deep cold. The mountain paths became treacherous, and news of the death of Lady Sneasler’s warden came from Lord Braviary. But no word on Lord Electrode, nor Melli. Adaman spent all winter pacing the edge of the camp, his newly evolved Leafeon dogging his steps in spite of the sleet. The mountain loomed in the distance, a mere shadow amid the foul weather. Sometimes Adaman wondered if the mountain knew he was waiting impatiently, and deliberately refused to thaw. He couldn’t stand waiting.
But spring did come at last, the marshes turning into a lake full of run-off from Coronet’s peak. Adaman spent every moment he wasn’t in lessons running as far up the slopes as he could before the sun began to set, forcing him to turn back. Leafeon would race alongside him, bouncing to keep up with his lengthening stride. But no one came to greet them. No one came from the Moonview Arena to join the ceremony to find a replacement for Lady Sneasler’s warden. She rejected all of the prospective candidates, something the elders and old women muttered about under their breath when they thought Adaman wasn’t listening. Mai spent more time assisting in caring for the wardenless noble—as the oldest of the Diamond wardens she was often kept busy representing the clan. Adaman wondered what he would find when he could finally reach the peak where Lord Electrode resided. He didn’t like to think about it too hard.
The summer solstice arrived, and the elders agreed it was time for Adaman to attempt to contact Almighty Sinnoh, to confirm himself as the clan’s leader. Adaman agreed—not that he had much choice—but relishing the idea that Mai would have to return to take him up the mountain. It had been a lonely spring. He wasn’t allowed to bring Leafeon, but as Mei guided Lord Wyrdeer closer and closer to the peak, it was all he could do to sit still.
“D’ya think Melli will come?”
“You should be focusing on listening for Almighty Sinnoh.” Mai looked grim. “Adaman, it’s been… a while. Melli might not be… he might not be able to come with Lord Electrode.” Adaman shrunk. The adults had said that a lot lately. Mai saw his frown and tried to smile. “Besides, this is your big day. You’ll hear Almighty Sinnoh and be confirmed as the leader of the Diamond Clan, and then have a huge feast, isn’t that right?”
“That’s what they tell me. They’ve been cooking all day for it!” Adaman bounced in the saddle, making Wyrdeer huff. “Are we nearly there? I can’t wait much longer! We don’t want to waste Almighty Sinnoh’s time!”
Mai laughed. “The temple should come into view soon. Look.” She gestured skyward. Lord Braviary was circling overhead, his long feathers gleaming in the sunlight. Like Lady Sneasler, he had rejected the last attempt to find a warden. Still, the noble Lord of the Skies had been keeping a close eye on the Diamond clan of late. Some said he sensed his future warden. Others said he was merely blessing the clan for its fidelity to Almighty Sinnoh. His presence was surely a good sign.
“Warden Mai!” Adaman nearly bounced out of his seat to greet the other two waiting figures. Iscan, who was only a year older than Adaman, was making sure his noble was settled into the ceremonial pond at the edge of the temple. Lady Lilligant, accompanied by Arezu, stood at the top of the steps, twirling idly as they awaited Wyrdeer’s arrival. Melli was nowhere in sight. Adaman had to hide his disappointment.
“Lord Basculegion seems to be in good health.” Mai pulled Wyrdeer to a stop as Iscan helped Adaman down. The large fish splashed the cold water at them all, seeming to indicate it was not comfortable and would prefer they skip the pleasantries. “I trust the trip was not too strenuous?”
“There were, uh… a lot of times I think we swam straight up.” Iscan rubbed his head. “Of course, Lord Basculegion did all the work. I just had to not fall off.” Basculegion splashed again, indicating Iscan had definitely fallen more than once.
“Did you see Lord Electrode on your way up?” Adaman has been in a rush to arrive, but now that they were there, the cold stone pillars made him anxious.
“N-no. We didn’t come that way.”
“I didn’t see him either.” Arezu joined the group. “But Lady Lilligant was in a hurry, so I hardly had time to stop at Moonview Arena.”
“Surely Lord Electrode would come, even if—“ Iscan trailed off. Adaman felt a rush of annoyance.
“Almighty Sinnoh doesn’t like people who waste time. If Mel—if Lord Electrode is late, we will just have to start without him.” He stomped up the temple steps, stopping only to bow hastily to Lady Lilligant.
“Do you think that’s the best idea? All the Nobles traditionally have to bless you before—“
“It’ll be fine, Mai.” Adaman clenched his fist. If M—if Lord Electrode didn’t want to come, if they couldn’t come… it would be fine.
Adaman reached the top of the stairs, looking at the long line of statues leading to the altar. The Nobles, the Pokémon that had followed Almighty Sinnoh… of course, half of their descendants watched over the Pearl Clan now. Adaman wondered if they fell away from the truth about Sinnoh, or perhaps they watched the Pearl Clan in hopes they would one day see the light and give up their false god. Either way, as the descendants of each Noble took their place beside the likeness of their ancestor, it was hard to not feel a sense of awe.
First Lady Lilligant approached, twirling around him with dancer-like grace before laying her leaves on his head. The blessing didn’t feel all that magical. Nothing changed. But she curtsied deeply before stepping back, a show of respect uncommon from a Noble like herself. He saw Arezu behind her give a thumbs-up. Next was Lord Braviary. He leaned down, plucking a feather from his chest and holding it out to Adaman. Adaman wasn’t sure what to do with the feather, so he tucked it into his hair. Braviary chirred in an approving manner, preening a few of his bangs before fluttering back.
Lord Basculegion watched him approach warily, smoky fins swirling a deep crimson. Iscan bit his lip, looking between the two of them. Adaman bowed, waiting for the Noble fish to decide. After a moment, Basculegion bellowed, launching himself upward in a graceful arc, then lurching and twisting backwards at the height of his leap, crashing into the pond with a splash that soaked Adaman and Iscan both. Adaman blinked a few times, but Basculegion nudged him onwards, toward the empty space where Lord Electrode should have been. Adaman wiped at his face, hurrying past the empty plinth to Lord Wyrdeer. The deer leaned forward, staring into Adaman’s eyes.
For a moment he felt very small, like a Wumple beneath the eyes of a hungry Staraptor. Wyrdeer’s gaze was deep, knowing. Adaman had known Wyrdeer most of his life, but he had never been so deeply scrutinized by the Pokémon. He braced his shoulders, not wanting to back down, but Wyrdeer’s eyes did not waver. He leaned closer, so close Adaman could feel his hot breath on his face.
Then he licked him.
Adaman yelped in surprise as the wardens and other Nobles stifled a laugh. He could hear Basculegion splashing about as it chuckled, making him go beet red. He quickly bowed to thank Lord Wyrdeer for his blessing, such as it was, then turned to face the dais. As he did his eyes passed over the empty space by the statue of the first Electrode, but he ignored it and pressed forward. If Almighty Sinnoh would accept him, he would know soon enough. He stepped onto the altar, stomach in a knot. Would the moment of truth be as understated as the Noble’s blessings? Would anything even ha—
There was a burst of light, and the altar was soaked in a golden glow.
Adaman could feel the power, making the hairs on his arms stand up. It was bright, almost too bright to look at. He stood, staring upward, watching the light dance through the air. “Almighty Sinnoh..?”
Faintly, he heard someone call his name.
“I hear him! I hear Almighty Sinnoh!” Adaman whooped with excitement, his nerves falling away. It had worked! The voice called him his name, so right and so familiar it felt like he had heard it his whole life. He was the leader the Diamond Clan needed, he would help deal with the Pearl Clan, the nobles, protect Hisui, protect his people—
“Wait, no, come back!”
Adaman looked down just in time to see Lord Electrode roll smack into him, knocking him down and delivering a faint electric shock. The feather in his hair sizzled and turned to ash as the water on his skin buzzed. For a second his muscles spasmed, but the current dissipated, the light fading away as a purple haired figure peeked over the top of Lord Electrode.
“Melli?!” He heard Mai’s feet as she raced to help him up. “You’re ok!”
“Of course I am!” Melli stuck out his lip. “The Great Melli merely wished to demonstrate how a proper blessing should be given!”
They all stared at him.
“We thought you were de—not coming.” Iscan tugged at his collar.
“And how was that a proper blessing?” Arezu put her hands on her hips. “Lord Electrode nearly steamrolled Adaman!”
“Lord Electrode was greeting the new leader of the Diamond Clan!” Melli scowled. “And his blessing was far better than getting splashed or licked! We worked on it for weeks!”
“Why didn’t you come out sooner?” Mai seemed satisfied Adaman wasn’t dead.
“The Great Melli wanted to make an entrance! To make this ceremony exciting!”
Adaman stared. “Why are you calling yourself that..?”
“Because Lord Electrode deserves the best warden, and I have accepted that is what I must be!” He laid a hand on his chest. Adaman noticed he had embroidered a line of Voltorb along the edge of his tunic. “I am no longer sad little Melli, now I am the Great Melli! Warden of the Lord of the Hollow and first to greet the new Diamond Clan leader! And if Lord Electrode had not slipped and rolled away, our blessing would have made the rest of you cry!”
The others began to argue, insisting their Noble’s blessing had been fine. The ceremony was clearly concluded. Adaman could hear Arezu saying that Melli was being annoying, Mai chiding that he should have warned them—
None of them noticed Adaman as he sadly scooped up the remains of Braviary’s feather. He was glad Melli wasn’t dead. He was. But the voice that had called him, the voice he thought had been Almighty Sinnoh… he realized now why he had thought it had sounded so familiar.
It had been Melli.
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loumun-versen · 2 years
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26. Ego I was requested Melli for today since the beginning of the inktober challenge xD Here you go, @midnight197 !!
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amnesiacwarden2 · 2 years
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Peace for a cost
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nartothelar · 2 years
are the voltorbs like little kids? do they know ingo is a god but like. dont understand past ‘i can blow up this playmate as much as i want!!! :D’
you are lord electrode, and a bunch of your babies are (unintentionally) trying to kill a god
(also the little voltorbs’ faces… 👀 big ol eyes)
lord electrode’s kids just see ingo as a strangely invulnerable human. they’re too young to really give it much thought and, out of curiosity, just blow up in his face just to see if anything changes/if he reacts with more than doting cooing
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pkmnincorrectquotes · 2 months
Volo: Oh you. Always belittling my efforts, probing at the armour. It'd almost be adorable if it wasn't such a nuisance. Much like that little boy toy of yours.
Melli: What?
Volo: Oh? That certainly got a reaction. Did I finally find a nerve?
Melli: …
Volo: Well, you'll be happy to know that both Warden Ingo and Dawn are searching the area for you. No doubt the little pissant thinks he's going to charge in here and save you. The fool.
Melli: …
Volo: *laughs maniacally* I could just let the frenzied alphas handle them, but I think I’d rather enjoy taking him out myself. Heh, I can hardly even imagine the satisfaction of seeing that glimmer of hope die in his eyes! It should be quite the show. *sneering* Don't you think, Warden?
Melli: *evenly* I think if you touch a single hair on his head, I'm going to be wearing your guts like my late mother's pashmina.
Volo: *blinks* …Excuse you?
Melli: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I fucking stutter?
Melli: *glares at Volo* I said if you hurt him, you will experience pain and torment beyond anything you could possibly imagine. Your body will be torn apart, piece by piece, as you beg for a mercy that will never come. I will play your screams to my Lord as a goddamn lullaby, and I will see your head mounted on a fucking pike!!!
Volo: *trying and failing to keep his composure* Y-You should hear how ridiculous you sound right now. T-Trying to threaten me in when you’re in chains...
Melli: *continues to glare as ominous latin chants start to play from nowhere*
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warden-melli · 10 months
I had an idea! You know Melli’s Lord Electrode warden bracelet?
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this thang?? ⤴️
I had the idea to turn it into an apple watch face!
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I ended up making two different versions. One is more accurate to the in game model, and the other is oriented more towards the wearer to make it easier to see.
I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. I only wish I knew how to make a matching watch band
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Here are both versions of anyone happens to want it. Free to use, no credit needed
Should I make the other warden bracelets as apple watch faces? If anyone has a specific one they’d like I’d be happy to see what I can do
(I may still make some adjustments, but if I do I’ll edit this post and add them later)
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doodledex-project · 2 years
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Doodledex - #101-A Hisuian Electrode
It’s kind of funny how Hisuian Electrode kind of switched “temperaments” with Hisiuan Voltorb.... normally Voltorb are the grumpy ones, while Electrode look... well, very smug. Instead, Hisuian Voltorb is very cheerful and friendly, while Hisuian Electrode is, for lack of a better term, fucking pissed. (If you’re not used to me swearing here... well, that was an unspoken rule of these posts that I just chucked out the window. There it goes! It’s gone!)
Meanwhile, the Poke Ball-related mystery thickens with these guys.... the Noble Pokemon I previously mentioned in passing on Hisuian Arcanine’s post are said to be descendants of five of the ancient Pokemon granted blessings by Arceus. This was before Poke Balls were invented.... and yet, there’s a Noble Hisuian Electrode! What the hell is going on here?! (And are we actually going to learn what the hell is going on here? Probably not!)
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also i know it’s not a common take but i DO think it would be really funny if sneasler and melli actually got along. turns out they just have Bitch Energy at similar frequencies and it results in a mutual understanding
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steampoweredace · 1 year
I'd managed to forget just how much I hate battling Arceus
I've failed three times now, and have only just managed to get them down a full quarter of the health bar
This part is a nightmare
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