#lord loquat
bloopitynoot · 18 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 3
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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oh, that's good, he's (Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan) not dead p135
also not related to my read, but this time I am actually writing at my table (instead of cocooned in a blanket on my couch) so hopefully these note are easier to read (Read: I am trying to have neater handwriting for ✨aesthetic✨). All I need with my notes, book, and tea is a candle and i'd be living my ancient academic fantasy.
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If anyone wants to know this chapter is accompanied by a white tea that tastes like loquats. It's my favourite nostalgic tea. My family used to travel south when I was small and my grandparent's house there had a loquat tree. I haven't had loquats in over a decade (canada lol) but this tea tastes jut like them.
Anyways! Back to SVSSS!
Give me patience: the amount of dislike I have anytime Ming Fan is present p135
oh dang, this boy can cook! p138
Re: this boy can cook- Bye LOL "Luo Binghe's excellent cooking skills were his foremost lady-killing technique." p138
boo, I am upset that the Abyss scenario still needs to happen (But I get it, of course it can't be that easy- we do need plot for this book) p139
I can't XD he really is falling into the plot/character of Protagonists Love Interest. First the congee cooking and no the "Poison cure" p142
RE: WAIT: I am crying LOL
But like could he 👀 "Like, he knew that the going at it with the protagonist could have cured the poison, but like he could do that! Could he? Ha ha ha ha..." p145
Not Liu Qingge over here thinking Shen Qingqiu is possessed (not really wrong though) p147
once again we have Ming Fan -> honestly I would not be surprised if he ended up the new villain/scum character role p148 there is nothing likeable about him
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this line is killing me "Shen Qingqiu was astoundingly oblivious to the fact that, thanks to the divine wingman abilities of his useless teammate, Ming Fan, Luo BInghe's favor has again risen to a new high" p.150
Oh god, he's in Luo Binghe's dream world. I am so nervous for this. p. 152
Dang. Why so many deductions for failure -1000 is a LOT for him p154
okay but this dream subplot is feeding my theory that Shen Qingqiu is switching character roles from villain to Love Interest p155
Oh no :( not his childhood bullies p160
omg and now his mom's death p161
Shen Qingqiu has been taking a constant beating for 164 pages- how is he not dead p164
LOL Shen Qingqiu really said "i'm not paid enough for this emotional labour" p167
Also Shen Qingqiu "I finished my friendship performance; I can finally leave work now" p169 what a vibe
Even the Dream Demon Lord is over how much Luo Binghe talks about Shen Qingqiu (p172)
uuuugh the foreshadowing RE: if you don't learn the demon path and the seal breaks you are basically fucked p.173
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You tell that demon, Luo Binghe! RE: "right now, you are discussing terms with me, and you are free to say anything...but if you harm Shizun, any agreement is void!" p177
LOL "Aura of Badassery" p177
Shen Qingqiu after a very bad no good series of days "pls I dont want to see you omg leave me alone I am v tired" p179 this guy can't catch a break
The dichotomy of Shen Yuan acting in this though. Outward: I definitely can handle this. Inward: I'm so fucking scared, I do not got this. Is so real p180
Shen Qingqiu "I want this kid to remain optimistic and feel positive with his heritage (so he does not turn evil and mass murder me and everyone else)"Luo Binghe "I am going to be the strongest of strong possible so that I can protect Shen Qingqiu" p182
Oh gods, not him asking him to move in with him (to basically have a servant but like Luo Binghe has just had his entire life changed) p185
okay so age check- suddenly he's 15??? I thought this kid was 14 like 3 days ago?? p186
Points to Shen Yuan though for noting that how Luo Binghe was being treated was child abuse. p188
YAY! He's going to train with Meng Mo (also it made me laugh at how pissed Meng Mo is about not having the teacher title) p190
That's all for this chapter!
next one aiming for tomorrow :D
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larissa-the-scribe · 11 months
Terrarium Lights
Part 1 of 3 for @inklings-challenge
An older lady befriends and adopts a ghost she found in her garden
Next part >>here
Michael Goffrey bid his wife farewell as he left for his next shipping job, and Gail Goffrey was once again faced with the fact that her house was cavernously empty.
She had expected the house to feel empty after her children grew up and moved on with their lives; that was the sort of thing one always heard about from the mothers and wives left behind. However, everyone seemed to stress the loneliness—not the rather more intense boredom.
Gail had always preferred quiet and alone time, so she did not take issue with the solitude. However, though she still had to cook and mend and clean and tidy and all the other tasks, it was one thing to do so for six people and quite another, shorter thing to do so for two. It was even less of a thing to do so for one, since Michael had been promoted to first mate and now had to accompany the airships personally, no longer simply loading and unloading at the cloudends as he once did.
Empty and meaningless. That’s what it felt like. With her family, she had people to help and care for. With just herself, she felt as though she were wasting time walking in circles for no other purpose than to exist.
She made it to the second day without any significant issue.
She was out tending to the herb garden when it happened—a bug wandered in front of her. That shouldn’t have been a problem. Bugs were some of her favorite creatures. But after the first smile, it hit her that she hadn't seen a new kind of one in months—this one already had three sketches in her notebook.
She’d run out of garden bugs to document.
Bugs, of all things. Bugs were everywhere, bugs had never-ending variations, bugs were constant. And she’d run out of them.
Stabbing the trowel into the earth perilously close to the offending bug, she sat back on her heels and looked up at the sky.
"Well, Lord, I reckon you put me on your good Earth for a reason. And I don't think it was just to sketch bugs." She smoothed her apron out, flicking bits of dirt off of it. "I also doubt I'm done with what I'm supposed to do down here, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But if you don't mind me saying, I'm awfully bored of where I am, though I do love my house and my husband and my town quite fierce. But I have all the time in the world, and I'd like to do good with it, if I could. So if you could show me what to do where I can—give me eyes to see as who I can do good towards—then I would appreciate it mightily."
Gail had prayed similar prayers before, with varying regularity. She knew the good Lord had heard her, as he always did. And if he answered with more solitude and time and boredom, then she supposed that was where she was meant to be for the moment. But she dearly hoped there might be something new this time.
So, really, she shouldn't have been surprised to see someone under the loquat tree. But then again, it had been raining since before dawn, so no one in their right mind would have been outdoors. She should know, since she herself had been out gathering moss for terrariums and hadn't heard a breath from anyone all day, even near the city.
Her first impression was that the lad was quite young. Younger than her youngest, in fact, who had not too long ago started her career as a professor at the nearby university. Looked perhaps like he could be one of her students. Very slight of build, as though he needed to eat more, and small looking as he sat hunched in the rain and letting the wet drip down his messy hair, full of loose ends that had gotten free from his ponytail.
Gail stood at the edge of her garden for a moment, resting her pail of moss against the stone border as she observed him.
He didn't move, just sat there with his face turned towards the soil, and didn't seem to see her. Part of his shoulder seemed stained, perhaps with mud. With the house not a few feet to the left, she wondered if he'd tried to knock and not gotten an answer, what with her out and about.
Well, unexpected or not, there was really only one thing to do.
Gripping her pail handle resolutely, Gail marched her way through the garden paths and stood in front of him. He shifted at the sound of her approach, turning his face up towards her—his eyes were pale, as if someone had sketched them on and not bothered with paint. What's more, up closer, the brownish stain on his shoulder looked rather like dried blood.
He tilted his head, as if trying to tell where the sound had come from.
"Well then," she said after a long moment of trying to figure out what to say, "who might you be?"
"Oh." He looked more directly at her, and somehow the eyes looked a bit more colored in, like they remembered they could be brown. "Dreadfully sorry, ma'am. I seem to have gotten lost in the rain. I hope you don't mind me taking a few moments here under your tree?"
He hadn't answered the question, but he seemed more surprised than shifty. "Not at all. Unpleasant weather to be lost in, for sure. If you'd like, you can wait it out under a roof."
"Oh," he said again, and looked to his left; this time it seemed like he understood what he was seeing. "I suppose that would be nicer."
"Well, you're welcome to my roof, if you’d like," she said. She wondered how long he would take her up on that.
He awkwardly stumbled to his feet before she could offer her hand. "That's very kind of you, ma'am."
"Would you like anything to eat?" She went ahead and led the way to the kitchen door.
He hummed thoughtfully. "Thank you ma’am, but I don't think I'm hungry."
She didn't think he would be, but, well, it wasn't like she had experience with this. Which concerned her—she had no idea what she was supposed to be doing. At least he didn't seem to be wicked. She supposed he must need a helping hand and, while she needed to figure out what that help was, he was still just a boy; she would do him the courtesy of treating him accordingly.
The porch and floors, old and creaky since long before she and her husband and infant son had moved in decades ago, greeted them with typical fanfare as they trudged over the threshold. She dripped her way over to the stove, where she put the kettle on; it was unlikely that her visitor would want any, but she most certainly did. Setting her pail of moss by the stove to deal with later, she glanced back to see the lad standing in the middle of the space, staring up at the roof.
Gail wondered if he noticed that he wasn't wet.
"Say," she said, carefully pulling teacups out of the cupboard, "what did you say your name was?"
He looked at her sharply. "I… I don't think I did."
"Hmmmm. Well, how should I call you, then?"
He stared at her.
In the background, the rain continued on.
"Should I just call you ma'am, then?" He said, smiling faintly.
Gail squinted at him. "Now then, young man, are you dodging the question deliberately, or do you just not have an answer?"
"Oh." He glanced around the kitchen, then back to her, and blanked. "Sorry, what was the question?"
Gail rested back against the counter. She picked up her glasses from where she'd left them this morning, and stuck them on, pushing the temples through her sodden mess of hair. "I was just asking what your name was."
His eyes widened. "I… don't… Didn't I answer that?"
"Not as I can recall."
"That… that was rude of me, then, wasn't it?" His eyes were still wide, and the brown was fading.
Maybe it was rude of her to keep pressing the matter. He seemed not to know. Gail pressed her glasses firmer on her nose, trying to reach some kind of decision—but whatever was going on with her guest had been set in motion.
"What is my name?" He asked, his voice rising. "I can't remember my name."
"That's alright, dear," she said, trying to distract him, calm him down. "Do you remember where you were before my garden?"
It had the opposite effect.
He stepped back, towards the door, and glanced around with eyes that no longer understood where he was. "No… I-I can't remember… where am I? Do you know my name?"
"I'm afraid I—"
The kettle shrieked into the space between them with a rush of steam.
The lad cast a wild glance in its direction, stepped backwards. Gail, startled into motion, scrambled to shut the thing off.
When she turned back, the space where he had stood was dry and empty. She and the rain and her pail of terrarium moss had been left alone again.
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basket-of-loquats · 2 years
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I posted 376 times in 2022
That's 133 more posts than 2021!
275 posts created (73%)
101 posts reblogged (27%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 342 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#loquat asks - 112 posts
#bts - 88 posts
#*loqdraws - 85 posts
#bangtan boys - 71 posts
#self rb - 63 posts
#bts art - 58 posts
#bts fanart - 51 posts
#bangtan seonyondan - 47 posts
#kpop - 45 posts
#kpop fanart - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#jungkook is the boyfriend. your parents stick your nose up at his tattoos and piercings but you think hes the coolest thing youve ever seen
My Top Posts in 2022:
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[Image description: a digital painting of Jung Hoseok. The palette is blue and indigo. Hoseok stands in the center, looking deadened. He wears a white outfit from the ‘MORE’ music video. He's surrounded by abstract darkness with only a single window of light behind him. Shards of glass point at him. The word "More" is repeatedly written all around him. End ID.]
649 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
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“Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee.”
[Image description: Digital art of Goncharov and Andrey looking at each other, both seen in profile. Goncharov holds a cigarette in his hand, while Andrey has one in his mouth. Goncharov is primarily blue, Andrey is primarily red, and the background is yellow. End ID.]
736 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
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sons of gondor
[Image ID: A digital drawing of side by side portraits of Boromir and Faramir from Lord of the Rings. Both are visible from the waist up. On the left is Boromir, a middle-aged white man with red hair down to his shoulders and a scruffy facial hair. He is drawn in profile facing left, wearing a blue overcoat with silver clasps worn over embroidered red short sleeves. Below the red sleeves he wears chain mail. A brown strap is across his chest, attached to his shield on his back. Behind him is a golden frame. On the right is Faramir, a slightly younger white man with light red-brown hair that stops above his shoulders and a short beard and mustache of matching color. He is drawn in 3/4 view facing the right. He wears a brown top with the Tree of Gondor embroidered in silver. Beneath his top is a loose gray shirt. He also wears a pale green cloak with the hood down and a brown leather belt. Behind him is a pale green frame. The background is a warm yellowish paper tone. End ID.]
1,063 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
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I am lost very deep in the x files sauce
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Scully and Mulder from The X-Files. Mulder holds Scully with his arms wrapped around her as he smiles gently. Scully hugs him back, arms disappearing under his jacket, and her eyes are closed. End ID.]
1,087 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“luisa or isabela” bro DOLORES
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Dolores Madrigal from Encanto. She can be seen from the chest up. She wears her canon movie outfit, a loosely ruffled white top with yellow trim and patterns adorning it, and a large red bow tied around her head. She also wears her red choker with a golden and red charm, and golden heart earrings. She leans slightly to the right. She is grinning slightly, and her eyebrows are quirked into a playful expression. The background is off white with a yellow border framing the drawing. End ID.]
1,891 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Currently thinking about him
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tu-h · 4 years
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yustinamishka · 3 years
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clarislam · 3 years
I was rewatching Yakitate!! Japan Episode 68 just earlier (the one where Kuroyanagi had the reaction to Azuma and Yukino’s tarts that led to everyone parodying Lord Of The Rings for that episode) and I realized how fitting it was that Meister Kirisaki (as Meistrof) was the one that called out for Yukino Azusagawa (as Snowza) to appear.
Considering how it was established WAYYYY back in the Pantasia Newcomers’ Tournament arc that Meister Kirisaki himself had tried investigating into Yukino’s sabotage attempts at the semifinals (and failed because Yukino was able to cover up evidence *just* enough and also play the “innocent granddaughter” front in front of her own grandfather/the owner of Pantasia itself), I just found it funny that Meister (as Meistrof) gets to call out Yukino to come out as herself (or a version of herself as Snowza) in her true colors as a horrible person with nothing to hide. And sure, he gets frozen by her shortly afterwards and Azuma eventually defeats her himself with the loquat stuck to him, but I just found that scene fitting for the dynamic Meister and Yukino had with each other. 
It also makes me want to write a fanfic with those two involved, likely in the Lord of the rings/loquat-related context but I think it could be fun!
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miss-writers-block · 4 years
The Worst Kind of Time Travel AU Part Five
[First Part]
[Second Part]
[Third Part]
[Fourth Part]
 “Did you hear? The head disciple of Yunmeng, Wei Wuxian, is dead!”
 “What? How? Who killed him?”
 “He did it himself! He took up his own sword and slit his own throat! His Shidi, Jiang Cheng, found him!”
 Lan Wangji put down the loquat he had been examining, shock rippling through him. He had never met either of the young lords from Yunmeng, but he had heard that their head disciple was a joyful young man with his fair share of pride and arrogance. And as fourth place on the list of young cultivator gentleman of their generation, he would have been revered for those traits. It was unheard of for someone of their rank to commit such an act as suicide.
 He quickly left the boatmen to their discussion and flew up the mountain. He had a lot to contemplate from this latest news. Maybe he could even ask his brother as to how such a thing could happen. How a young man with so much promise and his whole life ahead of him could have done such a thing. The whole affair left him feeling uneasy and strangely sorrowful.
 As he stepped through the front entrance of his home he was greeted by a gaggle of his fellow junior disciples, gathered around each other, whispering.
 “...arrived this morning. Maybe it has something to do with their head disciple. They say he slit his own throat! They also say…”
 “Gossip is not permitted in the Cloud Recesses.”
 “L-Lan-Gongzi!” The disciples jumped away from each other and stood at attention. No one wished to be caught breaking a rule in front of the one in charge of punishments.
 But the righteous urge to punish wrongdoing didn’t fill him like it usually would. Thoughts of Wei Wuxian filled his head and drove him to distraction. He couldn’t think of a proper punishment so he dismissed his fellow disciples with a warning instead and made his way up towards the Hanshi, hoping to find his brother.
 But Lan Xichen found him first, rushing up from his uncle’s office with an urgent expression on his face. “Wangji, thank goodness you’re here. There will be a delegation from Yunmeng Jiang coming tomorrow morning and we need to get ready. They’ll be needing rooms so we have to prepare the guest quarters and we must order more supplies from Caiyi. There’s been an incident with one of their young masters, so Sect Leader Jiang Fengmain is coming with his family to consult with Uncle.”
 He had to ask, had to know. “What incident?”
 Lan Xichen glanced around and motioned for Lan Wangji to follow him. They made their way to the Hanshi at a sedate pace, the tension of words yet to be said filling the air between them.
 They sat down across from one another with a steaming pot of tea chilling between them. “We don’t know the whole story at this time and the messenger that arrived this morning was not forthcoming with the details. All he said was that one of their young masters was hurt and that he needs healing that only our sect could provide. Of course Uncle agreed and our healers will do everything in their power to help.”
 “Brother, I heard the disciples talking…” he trailed off, unable to repeat the words said by others just this morning.
 “Wangji, there is a reason that gossip is forbidden within these walls. Often the stories that are spread are false, and bring harm or shame to innocent parties. We will hear the full story tomorrow, when the parties involved can give their own accounts. I suggest you put these rumors out of your mind.” His words were ones of reproach but his voice was soft with understanding. He did not wish to scold his little brother, but to teach him.
 He bowed his head in understanding, his shame leaving a bad taste in his mouth. He had broken the same rule that he had just scolded his fellow disciples for not ten minutes ago. He would have to spend some time on his knees later today in the courtyard to attone.
 “Now little brother, will you help me direct the preparations for tomorrow?”
 “Of course.”
 The Yunmeng delegation arrived with little fanfare, only a half dozen or so disciples accompanying the Jiang family, a small party by anyone’s standards. (The Jin’s often travelled with three or four dozen servants and disciples at a time, choosing to show their power and wealth through sheer numbers.) It was only him, his brother, their uncle and the head healer there to greet them at the gates.
 He had never before seen Yunmeng disciples so solemn and restrained. They walked with stiff shoulders and straight backs, their upright figures hiding the Jiang family from view, at least until Jiang Fengmian stepped forward. The man looked tired, like he had aged years in the span of just months.
 “Teacher Lan, thank you for agreeing to meet with us. Is there a place for us to talk in private?” He glanced behind him for just a moment. “And maybe a room where my family can rest? It’s been a long journey.”
 “Of course, Sect Leader Jiang, my nephews, Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji, can escort your disciples to their rooms while we meet in my office.” He gestured to his right and Jiang Fengmian bowed his head in gratitude.
 He turned back to speak with his disciples and Lan Wangji could see the Jiang family for the first time. Madame Yu stood tall, as always, but she stood apart from her children, her face a stone mask and her eyes as hard as steel. Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli, both with dark circles under their eyes and a heavy sorrow weighing down their shoulders, stood on either side of their head disciple, Wei Wuxian, who looked worse than all the others of his party combined. He was hunched over like an old man, his long, black hair unbound and falling forward to curtain either side of his face. He seemed to be standing only under the assistance of his shidi and shijie, who were each clutching at one of his arms. He was clad in only the simplest of robes and his sword was nowhere to be found. Stark, white bandages were wrapped around his forearms and what could be seen of his chest and neck, merging with his pale skin, a color only found on the skin of the dead. But his face and eyes were what struck Lan Wangji the hardest.
 Because there was nothing to observe.
 No sorrow or anger or even pain. Certainly no happiness or contentment either. Behind those molten silver eyes was nothing. No feelings or spirit was left, just a vast sea of apathy.
 Lan Wangji had only ever seen that look in one other person, his mother. The very last day they had had with her, he had looked back just before turning the bend in the path and had seen his mother’s face and it was that look. The very next day she had passed away. To see it once again and on the face of a boy his age and level of cultivation was almost devastating.
 Everything clicked together in his mind.
 All the awful rumors he had heard just the day before were true. Not only had Wei Wuxian tried to kill himself, but he had almost succeeded. The Yunmeng Jiang head disciple was not just hurt and in need of some assistance, he was near death, and at his own hand no less. A sick feeling churned within his gut and burned through his chest.
 The purple clad disciples suddenly started shifting, hiding their charges from sight once more, and he realized that their groups were splitting up. Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan started to follow Uncle and Healer Tao to his office, leaving the rest of the delegation for Lan Xichen and him to lead.
 His brother gave them a small but warm smile and bid them to follow. While they walked ahead, the others fell in line around the Jiang siblings like they were escorting royalty, surrounding them with peak protection in mind, covering every angle. It was a kind of formation you didn’t often see in groups of cultivators and it was unsettling. Who would attack them here?
 There were only halfway there when a startled cry fell from Jiang Yanli’s lips. They all stopped and watched as Wei Wuxian collapsed, his limp figure slipping from their fingers and striking the boards of the walkway they stood upon. Everyone rushed forward at once, trying to assess the damage done.
 “A-Ying!” Jiang Yanli cried, falling to her knees beside her brother and uncaring of the state of her dress, patting her delicate hands all over his head, feeling for some kind of trauma. Jiang Wanyin did the same, pulling his brother into a sitting position against his chest.
 Lan Xichen knelt before them as well. “What happened?” he asked, his voice still soothing and gentle even in the face of such distress.
 “I don’t know, he was walking with us and all of the sudden he collapsed!”
 Lan Xichen reached out with hands glowing with spiritual power and felt over the meridians of Wei Wuxian’s body. Everyone held their breath while he worked.
 “Everything seems fine and all of his pathways are open and in order. I think he must have passed out from exhaustion. We just need to get him to a place where he can rest.” He leaned forward to talk more closely with the two. “In fact, I think you’re all exhausted. I cannot imagine what you’ve gone through these past few weeks. And you must have flown for two days straight to reach here so quickly. You need your rest as well. Let us help you, please.”
 His brother’s sincere words seemed to pierce straight through the two. Jiang Wanyin hid his tears in her brother’s shoulder, his whole body shuddering with pure emotion. Jiang Yanli let her tears flow freely, reaching out a trembling hand to clutch at Lan Xichen’s forearms, as words of gratitude fell from her mouth like a mantra.
 “Your quarters are just a little ways up the mountain. Please let me take him and help guide you there.”
 They agreed and his brother easily lifted Wei Wuxian up and into his arms, the other disciples helping the Jiang’s to stand. They started once more along the path and he couldn’t help but feel both happiness and sorrow. His brother truly was a kind and compassionate soul and the well of his love for him ran deep. The same kind of love that he could see in the eyes of the Jiang’s when they looked upon their own brother. His heart cried out for the three of them. He couldn’t even imagine...if his own brother had… His mind rejected the very idea.
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meisterkirisaki · 3 years
OOC: Can we please talk about the fact that Sylvan has seem some really weird stuff? 
Like - I’m not even thinking of his childhood, but considering that he’s had Kuroyanagi near-kiss him TWICE due to two bread reactions (during both semifinals matches), watched judges Kuroyanagi and Dave literally die before his eyes during another semifinals match (before they woke up, including Kuroyanagi waking up and almost kissing him afterwards), and then later on he gets to see Azuma vs. Yukino’s match in the Yakitate!! 9/25 arc (in the anime, I don’t think he was present in the manga to watch) which had that giant Lord of the Loquat reaction, and—He probably kept up with watching the Monaco Cup matches while Azuma + the others were abroad in France during the Monaco Cup arc. He probably saw all the shenanigans Team Japan went through in the process. 
Just...it’s wild for me to think of what he’s seen from his fellow bakers and coworkers. XD
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guoxinghe · 4 years
Guang Poyun
A short story I wrote for my Draconier OC, Guang Poyun.
Draconier is a closed species belonging to Yingrutai on Deviant Art.
Art is by Yingrutai on Deviant Art!
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There was Fuxi in Heaven.
There was Yanluo in Hell.
There were the Draconier in the mortal realm.
Guang Poyun (光破云) was your average Earth Clan Draconier with black pansies growing from his horns, hair, and tail, adorned in exquisite dress with long lopped ears. There wasn’t anything unusual about him – no rare traits.
This year was his eight hundredth birthday.
How many human lifetimes had passed in this mortal realm?
Living on Nanping Mountain (南屏山), he’d observed the small village of Linling (霖铃) grow into a bustling hub filled with food and liquor stalls selling peach blossom wine, a famed wine in the lower cultivation realm. Children ran around, chasing each other or begging their parents to buy them a small red lantern to hang in their rooms.
Never backing down from the wind or rain, Guang Poyun would journey down the mountain into Linling, sneaking around to check the crops of villagers. If he noticed any wilting, he’d repair the damage, breathing life back into them so their efforts wouldn’t fall to the quagmire. Then he’d return to the mountain, letting them believe a deity had taken mercy on their situation and spared them from a bad harvest.
He didn’t mind. He didn’t need the recognition, and more importantly, he didn’t want it. He’d rather be the type to cast a barrier for someone in the cold snow, letting them believe it was a passing Elder instead of him. If people knew it was him, surely, many would come knocking, begging for this or that. So, he did his deeds silently, but of course, the nature spirits, plants, and animals would know.
When he repaired the plants, he’d hear them whisper a soft “thank you.”
His lips would turn up into a small smile, displaying his blossom like dimples while the tips of his ears grew warm and pink. He’d nod with a small “Mn” and slink away.
He was a single Draconier, tiny in the vast galaxy. In his youth, he was allowed to be arrogant, greedy to become the darling of the heavens. As he aged, Guang Poyun found that living a humble life of simplicity and prosperity was more enjoyable than living in the higher cultivation realm, surrounded by those that’d shut out the civilians during a calamity to save themselves.
The greed and corruption he witnessed in Kunlun dirtied his eyes, and when his tenure expired, he promptly left, going into seclusion on Nanping Mountain. For the last five hundred years, he watched people pass by, and sometimes they’d get lost. Quietly, he’d help them find their way off the mountain without saying much. The people would believe he was just a silent spirit since Draconier usually didn’t openly reside in the lower cultivation realm.
Hell, the populace didn’t even know they existed. There wasn’t a lot of communication between the upper and lower realms. The lower cultivation realm had only a single sect, and that was all the way in Sichuan. So, the lower cultivation populace didn’t interact with cultivators much. Unbeknownst to them, they interacted with Draconiers more than cultivators, but again, they just believed them to be spirits.  
 Guang Poyun peeled a loquat, licking some of the juice from his fingers when a little Osmanthus demon ran up to him, flailing its little arms.
“Shenhua-Jun! Shenhua-Jun! (神花君)”
Yes, they addressed him as “Lord Spirit Flower” due to the pansies growing on him.
“Hm?” Guang Poyun looked up to see Osthmanthus demon with black beady eyes and chubby cheeks stomping its tiny feet.
“The tree is sick!” It started crying pitifully, making wuwuwuwu~ sounds.
“Huh?” Guang Poyun blinked a few times, wondering which of one hundred some Osthmanthus trees on Nanping was sick. “Which one?”
It adjusted the leaf on top of its head and continued crying, “Come help us please, Shenhua-Jun!”
Sighing, Guang Poyun set the loquat on the table and brushed the dirt off his clothes. He stood and calmly ordered, “Show me.”
 It took half a shichen to reach the sick Osmanthus tree considering that even running, the little Osmanthus demon’s legs didn’t stretch much. So, Guang Poyun walked at a snail’s pace behind the little demon. His sleeves fluttered in the breeze, and he noticed other spirits poking their heads out from behind trees, under rocks, to watch him. He was their revered Shenhua-Jun after all.
The Osmanthus demon was breathing heavily, collapsing face down on the dirt upon reaching the wilting tree. Guang Poyun crouched, picking it up by the armpits, standing it upright again.
“T-Thank you.” It adjusted the leaf on its head again and waved its arms frantically. “Please save it!”
Flicking his sleeves, Guang Poyun placed his slender fingers on the trunk. This tree had already cultivated a spirit. He could hear the heavy labored breathing in the roots as they struggled to absorb nutrients. The Draconier channeled qi through his meridians into the tree’s, repairing the core at a steady pace.
Gradually, a crowd of benevolent monsters gathered in the vicinity, watching their deity work. The aroma of pansies grew stronger, but it soothed their anxieties. They watched the white flowers regain their color, the leaves becoming green again, the branches being repaired. After ten minutes, Guang Poyun cut off the flow of spiritual energy and nodded to himself in approval.
He turned to the little Osmanthus demon. “The tree will be okay now.”
All the monsters started making various noises of celebration, some squeaking loudly, some making chittering noises, and the Osmanthus demon hopped up and down, its whole body jiggling. It exclaimed, “T-T-Thank you Shenhua-Jun!”
“It’s no problem.” Forming a hand sign, he placed a sigil on the tree. “This should protect it from corruption.”
The chubby demon hugged the tree, petting it like one would a cat. “Shenhua-Jun healed you!”
As Guang Poyun walked away, the various spirits and demons stopped hiding behind shrubs and other trees, watching his back retreat until it blurred in the distance.
0 notes
Dates Are Some Misunderstood Fruit From lemons to loquats, it's normal
From oranges into loquats, it's common to find fruit timber using a rich, however unpicked, crop. Dates additionally help boost a wholesome weight gain Theyare full of many minerals, vitamins, and fiber. The dates that fall out of the trees have been unattractive to accumulate sale and ingestion, processes which will help solve the fruit jumble problem in the landscape.
Dates rise in bunches on palm bushes, and such bunches are coated with nets near crop in order to collect fallen fruits. Enable yourself by simply looking at my Natural Remedies for High Blood Sugar as well as the Perfect Diet for Diabetics. 5. Eat high-calorie snacks like raw onions, raw seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, and figs.
It also makes sense to find fruits that have the highest fiber counts once you're watching your weight. A cup of sliced dates delivers 11.8 g of soluble fiber, or even 4-7 percent of the daily price. Dates are a terrific choice in order to bring sulphur to the dietary plan and also steer clear of allergy symptoms.
For those who, similar to me, also create a fascination about the wellness advantages of fruit and vegetables that you eat, then you almost certainly question about the health advantages of dates whilst looking over this particular post. 7. Consuming dates protect from your colon, prostate, breast, pancreatic, pancreatic and lung cancers.
Never consume water instantly after having fruits because it can result in high acidity. In case a couple of drops of lime juice are added to the palm sap, fermentation might be ceased as well as the sap could then be boiled into form palm syrup, palm sugar, jaggery and numerous other edible products derived by the syrup.
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To obtain increased knowledge of the literature demonstrating the many therapeutic properties of dates, view our Date re-search page You will notice this certain of the potential curative houses of dates derive from its own favorable properties from erectile dysfunction - that interrupts our initial purpose, that in case you proceed by nutrition truth panels alone you are sure to overlook on many of balanced foods include fruits https://www.greendiamond.co like dates.
Dietary fiber slows the absorption of these organic sugar levels. Dates incorporate elevated levels of soluble fiber that's vital in boosting healthy bowel motion and relaxed passing of food through the intestinal tract. Many of the diabetics are bemused around the type of fruits that they can eat without raising their blood sugar levels.
At the Middle East, dates are frequently made to a glue which can be combined along with different fruits and turned into into candies or used to decorate food. Fiber is critical in the daily diet to promote healthful digestion and prevent over eating. Another rare assortment of dates available in India could be your Barhi, AType that is eaten brand new and also can be still attached to the blossom: These dates really are sharp and somewhat juicy as opposed to chewy and sticky.
In Indian mythology, the Lord Rama is considered to have subsisted on the fruits of the jamun tree throughout his 14 year exile from the forests. The most often encountered reasons for abdominal pain in consuming dates will be the fiber content, sulfite sensitivity or food allergies or intolerance.
Noni juice can be actually a health foodrather than just a medication. At the U.S. various attempts have been designed to present date popcorn combined similar lines as other fruit juice concentrates as from peppers, figs and prunes for use from the preparation of cakes, biscuits, sweet breads, etc..
Noni juice reduces blood fat (antilipidemic), H AS anti inflammatory positive aspects, cancer avoidance, lowers blood pressure, also reduces blood glucose . The blend of potent flavonoids, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals along with the innumerable micro- and macro nutrients make fruits incredibly advantageous for your health.
Obtaining dates using cucumber paste helps you to keep normal healthful weight without even causing malnourishment. Fruits maintain your skin hydrated and supple , and nourish it together with essential vitamins, minerals, and anti oxidants; thereby retaining your radiant skin for a lengthy period of time.
I find longan to be a good deal rather than eating sweets and they are not expensive in any way. As stated by USDA, dates are a superior supply of Iranian Dates Exporter fiber, energy, sugar and various vitamins and minerals. Dried fruit, including dates, contain more calories in a smaller volume compared to fresh fruit because a whole lot of water was eliminated.
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Low energy density foods aid satisfy your desire on fewer calories than high energy-density foods, including the dried dates. Diabetics could have fruits such as additional wholesome persons. Since they're dried, their calorie material is greater than most fresh fruit. In the past generations there certainly are excellent discussions on how fruits could be classified and distinguish according to their attributes and differences based on scientific foundation.
0 notes
Dates Are A Misunderstood Fruit
From oranges to loquats, it's normal to observe fruit timber using an abundant, however unpicked, harvest. Dates additionally help promote a nutritious weight gain Theyare rich in lots of minerals, vitamins, and fiber. The dates which fall out of the trees have been gruesome to gather for sale and ingestion, processes that could help solve the fruit litter problem from the landscape.
Dates grow in bunches on palm bushes, and these bunches are coated with baits near crop as a way to get fallen fruits. Permit yourself by trying my Natural Remedies for High Blood Sugar as well as the Best Diet for Diabetics. 5. Eat high-calorie snacks such as raw onions, uncooked seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, and figs.
Additionally, it makes sense to seek out fruits that have the highest fiber counts when you're seeing your weightreduction. A cup of sliced dates provides 11.8 gram of dietary fiber, or 4-7 percent of the daily price. Dates are a great option in order to bring sulphur into the dietary plan and steer clear of allergies.
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For those who, like me, also develop a curiosity about the health benefits of fruit and vegetables you eat, then you most likely ponder about the wellness benefits of dates whilst scanning this particular post. 7. Eating dates shield against the colon, prostate, breast, pancreatic, lung and pancreatic cancers.
Never drink warm water just following fruits as it could lead to elevated acidity. In case a number of drops of lime juice are inserted to the palm sap, then fermentation may be ceased along with the sap could subsequently be boiled to form palm syrup, palm sugar, jaggery and numerous other raw goods derived by your syrup.
To obtain increased understanding of the literature showing the various curative properties of dates, visit our Date Re Search page You will notice this one of those potential curative houses of dates really are its own beneficial properties from erectile dysfunction - that underscores our original purpose, that in case you go by nutrition truth panels alone you are sure to miss out to a number of healthy foods consist of fruits such as dates.
Dietary fiber increases the absorption of these all-natural sugar levels. Dates consist of elevated heights of fiber which is crucial in boosting healthy gut movement and comfortable passing of food during the gastrointestinal tract. A lot of the diabetics are bewildered on the type of fruits they could eat without even elevating their blood sugar .
At the Middle East, dates are frequently made into a glue which can be united with different fruits and turned into to candies or used to embellish food. Fiber is crucial in your diet to promote wholesome digestion and also prevent overeating. Another rare variety of dates out there in India is your Barhi, AType that is eaten brand new and can be still connected to the vine: All these dates are somewhat sharp and mildly succulent as compared to chewy and sticky.
In Indian mythology, the Lord Rama is thought to possess subsisted on the fruits of the jamun tree throughout his 14 year exile in the forests. The most frequently made reasons for stomach pain from consuming dates will be the fiber content, sulfite sensitivity or food allergies or intolerance.
Noni juice is actually a wellness food, not really a medication. In the U.S. a number of attempts have been made to present date syrup together similar lines along with other fruit juice centers on from peppers, figs and prunes for usage from the preparation of cakes, biscuits, sweet breads, etc..
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Noni juice lowers blood fat (antilipidemic), has anti-tumor benefits, cancer avoidance, lowers blood pressure, also lowers blood sugarlevels. The combination of strong antioxidants , antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, phyto chemicals and the innumerable micro- and macronutrients create fruits really advantageous for your well-being.
Consuming dates using lemon paste really helps you to maintain normal healthier weight without even causing malnourishment. Fruits keep skin hydrated and supple , and nourish it using critical vitamins, minerals, and anti oxidants; thereby retaining your radiant skin for a long period of time.
I find longan for quite a great deal rather than eating sweets and they are not expensive whatsoever. According to USDA, dates really are a fantastic source of fiber, energy, sugar and various minerals and vitamins. Dried fruit, like dates, comprise a lot more calories at a smaller volume than fruit because a large amount of drinking water has been taken away.
Low energy-density foods aid satisfy your appetite on fewer energy compared to high energy-density foods, like the dried dates. Diabetics could have fruits like other healthy guys. Since they're dehydrated, their calorie material is significantly greater than most brand new fruit. In the past generations there are amazing discussions on how fruits may be categorized and differentiate according to their characteristics and differences based on scientific Kurma Malaysia basis.
0 notes
askpvzgijinkas · 7 years
// a lil’ House update
Main House:
Day Shift (Front yard): Pea, Sunflower, Cherry Bros., Wall-nut, Potate Mine, Ice Prince Snow Pea, Chomp, Repea, Repea.
Nightguards (Night Shift (Front yard)): Puff Daddy, Sun-shroom, Fumes, Gravebuster (PvZ1), Hypno, Scardey, Icey, Doom
Pool Boys (Day Shift (Back yard)): Lilith, Squash, Threepea, Tangle Kelp, /JuLApino/, Spikeweed, Torchy, Tol-nut
Night shift (Back yard): Sea-shroom, Plantern, Cacty Baby, Blover, Slipea, Starfruit, Pumpk, Maggot net-shroom
‘This Lot Just Hangs Out on the Roof and Occasionally Throws Stuff Down’ Shift: Ceb, Flowerpot, Kernel-Pult, Coffee, Gralic, ‘Brella Leaf, Marigold, Mel
At the Bottom of the Pool: Oxygen Algae, Sea Starfruit, Sea Grass, Water Gun Grass, Electric Anemone
Whenever They Damn Well Feel Like It: Gatling Pea, Twin Sunflower (not to be confused with ‘The Sunflower Twins’), Gloom-shroom, Cattail (yiff yiff!), Winter Mel, Gold Maggot, Spikerock, Cob, Slush-shroom, Super Chomp, That One Blue Starfruit, Tallnut Battlement, green  jalapeño, red doom, scorchwood
Those Two: Imitater, ‘Splodie nut
House 1:
Egypt: Bloomerang, Iceberg, Gravebuster (PvZ2), Bink Bonk, Magic Vine, Pom-O-Pult (she was unlockable in Ancient Eqypt before she was unlockabe in Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum)
Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum: Bruce Bamboo, Carrot Missile, Dandelion (PvZO), Venus Flytrap (PvZO), Winter Melon (PvZO), Sod
The Pirates Who Don’t Do Jack Shit: Snapdragon, Spring Bean, Coco Cannon, Narcissus, Durian, Piña Cannon
Cowbois: Chili Bean, Peepo, Lightning Reed
Others: Power Lily, Cold Snap, Par-snip, Goop-shroom, Toxic Gloom, Bamboo Shoot  (PvZA/PvZ:GW), Sombrero Bean, Dark Bean
House 2:
Chchchchchchhchchchchchinese: Resistant Radish, Fire Gourd, Heavenly Peach, Bamboo Shoot (PvZ2)
Future: Laser Bean, Citron (PvZ2), E.M.Peach, Infi-nut, Magnifying Grass, Tile Turnip, Ganoderma, Banana Tree, Nitration Mushroom
East Sea Dragon Palace/ AtPlantis: Oxygen Algae (PvZO), Bubble Flower, Shock Coral, Mine Fruit, Sea Anemone,   Litchi, Starfishfruit
Dark Ages: Sun Bean, Oak Archer/Robin Wood, Freeze Mushroom, Flame Mushroom
Others: Pea-nut, Ghost Peps, Wasabi Whip, Lord Bamboo, Bamboo Brother, Pumpkin Witch, SunWu Kiwi/The Monkey Peach King, Heal Flower, Dark Flower, Rainbow Flower, Spikeweed (PvZ:GW), Spikey-weed, Chesterweed, Vampweed
House 3:
Beach Babes: Bowling Bulbs, Guacodile, ‘Nanner Launcher, Acid Lemon, Lotus
The Frostbite Tribe: Hot Potate, Peps, Chard, Stunion, Rotie, Rafflesia, Whirlwind Acorn, Chestnut Squad
Sky City: Loquat, Aspairagus, Saucer, Pod Pilots, Flysalis, Ion Anthurium, Spin-apple, the other flying pineapple
Lost Expeditioners: Red Stinger, A.K.E.E., Endurian, Stahlia, Gold Leaf, Jackfruit
Others: Swee Tate, Homing Thistle, Sap-fling, Hurrikale, Fire Pea, Dandelion (PvZ2), Lava Guava, Toadstool, Hotboi, Potato Nugget, Pazzazziling Potate, Garlic Drone, Artichoke Drone, Red Artichoke, Iron Maiden/Jugger-nut, Bling Maiden
House 4:
80s Kids: Phat Beet, Celery Stalker(s), praW emyhT, Spore-shroom, Intensive Carrot, DJ Speaker Flower
Primals: Primal Pea, Primal Nut, Perfume-shroom, Primal Sunny, Primal Potate, Primal Rafflesia, Nepenthedon, Cowardly Thorns, Sugarcane Long
The Shadow Fam: Moonflower, Nightshade, Shadow-shroom, Dusk Lobber, Grimerose
The Rest: Strawburst, ‘Lectric Blubie, Jack O’ Lantern, Grapeshot, Shrinking Violet, Blooming Heart, Escape Root, Kiwibeast, Bombegranate, App Mort, Witch Hazel, Missile Toe, Cauli-power, Dandelion (PvZ2C), Carrotillery, Broccoli, Pomechine Gun, Zorrose, Magic Mushroom, Mischief Radish, Flaura, Snow Cotton, Agave, Plum Blossom, Pitaya, Angel Starfruit, Match Boxer, Firebloom Queen, Cuke, Clivia
setnaligiliV emiT: Gold Bloom, ‘Lectric Currant, Aloe
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goddessgardener · 4 years
Goddess Gardener Pivots
“I should like to enjoy this summer flower by flower as if it were to be the last one for me.” Andre Gide
Summertime and the living is easy! Or is it? 
This year will be a year like no other highlighted by the frightening health pandemic and sorrowful civil unrest. As the economy slowly re-opens, people are clamoring to shop, dine, socialize, get haircuts, and have their teeth cleaned. The line of masked individuals waiting outside reopened stores for their turn to enter is a testament to the yearning to gather. Protesters fill the streets across the country demanding needed national changes. It’s time to listen, re-evaluate, and educate ourselves. Connecting with the natural world is one prescription for finding healing and balance. 
While I was researching grants to assist the literacy charity, Be the Star You Are!® (www.BetheStarYouAre.org) financially survive during this crisis, I marveled at a constant question: How have you pivoted?  At first, I had no idea what that question meant. What did we have to do to pivot? Where were we supposed to pivot to? After many Zoom conferences, meetings, webinars, and phone meetings, I finally understood. 
But how can pivoting apply to gardening? The entire world is experiencing chaos.  People who have spent minimal time with nature, who have never thought of growing anything, have become interested in planting and protecting. I’ve had emails from individuals from many walks of life who want to get their hands in the dirt as they are sheltering at home. As they decide to pivot, nature is a salve. When times are stressful, gardens become a refuge. Shoveling, digging, pruning, planting, and watching seedlings grow into something to admire or eat are therapeutic endeavors. 
Whether you decide to grow a few herbs on a windowsill, tomatoes on a balcony, or an abundance of your favorite vegetables, flowers, and fruit in a large garden, there is nothing better than a summer of flavor and colors grown in your personal paradise. When you pivot to your garden, you’ll slow down a bit and feel appreciation. Research consistently indicates that being around growing plants benefits you physically, psychologically, and emotionally. You’ll decompress, gain more muscle mass, increase aerobic endurance, reduce stress, and experience more joy. 
Summer has always been my most favorite season because of the delightful warm weather and bountiful baskets of fresh fruit, vegetables, and herbs that I harvest from my orchard and potager. The plethora of glorious blooms constantly changes keeping my elation peaked. Unlike most people, I prefer not to travel in the summer months to other destinations. Instead, the beauty of my backyard becomes the playground for family and friends where we barbecue, engage in lawns games, watch the flamboyant sunsets, and wander the grounds watching the parade of wildlife. 
Flowering plants are hummingbird, bee, and butterfly magnets while the seeds attract the birds. Agastache, echinacea, hollyhock, and roses enchant for months. In my orchard, the loquats, mulberries, tangelos, citrus, and plums are ripe. The birds, deer, turkeys, squirrels, and I skirmish for our fair share. Soon apricots, prunes, and peaches will be ready for harvesting and the wrangling will begin again. I adore these encounters with nature. There is abundance for all.
My field of chamomile is richly fragrant and the petals when plucked and dried will make a comforting tea. The seeds from nigella (love in the mist) have scattered throughout the orchard creating a sea of blue. Bumblebees race from star-shaped blossom to blossom grabbing the sweet nectar. Roses mixed with osteospermum (African daisy) will provide continuous blooms into the fall with frequent deadheading. Lovely on the shrub, the blue hydrangeas are almost as stunning in a dried arrangement. An intriguing plant is arum italicum, also known as Italian Lords and Ladies. In late spring, the creamy-white flower is cupped at the base of the plant resembling its relative, Jack-in-the-Pulpit. In mid-summer, striking red-orange berries rise in a columnar formation where the foliage has died back. This tuberous perennial plant self-sows and can become invasive if your yard is small. If you have a woodland area where bergenia, heuchera, or hellebores thrive, it is quite stunning. Beware, all parts of the plant are poisonous. Don’t let it grow in your vegetable patch!
This summer is destined to be unusual. I plan on adhering to Covid-19 directives to shelter-in-place while refraining from attending large gatherings or even small ones. I’m working from home, wearing a mask and gloves whenever I venture out, constantly maintaining a minimal six feet distance between others, and am continuing to sanitize everything. Hopefully, we won’t go back to what was considered normal in the past and instead take better care and be more aware, of one another and the health of our planet.
This year I am happy and grateful to enjoy the summer flower by flower. My planet pivot is to play in my personal garden paradise.
What’s your planet pivot?
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay strong. Wash your hands. Cover your face!
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for July
PIVOT for stress relief to your garden sanctuary.
PREVENT grubs (the larvae of June bugs) by treating your lawn with an organic granular treatment to get rid of larvae. Raccoons, skunks, and moles enjoy grubs as a source of protein.
BOND with children or a partner by planting edibles you will enjoy together. 
DRESS for the dirt by donning gloves, sunscreen, hat, and an apron. If you are doing heavy weeding, wearing overalls is a win.
DRY three to five sprigs of blue hydrangeas for a long-lasting summer arrangement.
COLLECT the white blossoms of chamomile for a soothing tea.
PLANT Lilliputian miniature roses in a container for a moveable dash of color.
PICK a basket of mulberries if you are lucky enough to have a tree.
GROW citrus to maintain a constant supply of vitamin C. Dwarf varieties of lemons, limes, tangerines, tangelos, oranges, and grapefruit are available to be grown in half barrels.
PREVENT fires by removing debris, dead branches, and refuse from around your home and yard. 
CUT all tall grass and keep lawns and shrubs watered.
SAVE rose petals to make bath balms and rose water splashes.
SUCCESSION planting is the key to a plentiful supply of summer greens including lettuces, arugula, beets, carrots, and radishes. Sow your favorite seeds every three weeks as you consume.
CHECK yourself for ticks after every outdoor excursion. (To date, I’ve removed three!)
ADD hydrogen peroxide to fountains to purify the water without harming the birds.
MAINTAIN social distancing and wear a mask when you leave your home.
TAKE care of Mother Earth. 
BE SAFE on Independence Day. 
Photos and more at https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1409/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Planet-pivots.html
Happy gardening. Happy growing. Have a flowerful 4th of July!
Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is available for hire to help you prepare for your spring garden. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach, as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com.
Buy copies of her best-selling books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store. 
Cynthia is available for virtual writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures.
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Planet Pivots
"I should like to enjoy this summer flower by flower as if it were to be the last one for me.” Andre Gide
Summertime and the living is easy! Or is it?
This year will be a year like no other highlighted by the frightening health pandemic and sorrowful civil unrest. As the economy slowly re-opens, people are clamoring to shop, dine, socialize, get haircuts, and have their teeth cleaned. The line of masked individuals waiting outside reopened stores for their turn to enter is a testament to the yearning to gather. Protesters fill the streets across the country demanding needed national changes. It’s time to listen, re-evaluate, and educate ourselves. Connecting with the natural world is one prescription for finding healing and balance.
While I was researching grants to assist the literacy charity, Be the Star You Are!® https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org financially survive during this crisis, I marveled at a constant question: How have you pivoted? At first, I had no idea what that question meant. What did we have to do to pivot? Where were we supposed to pivot to? After many Zoom conferences, meetings, webinars, and phone meetings, I finally understood.
But how can pivoting apply to gardening? The entire world is experiencing chaos. People who have spent minimal time with nature, who have never thought of growing anything, have become interested in planting and protecting. I’ve had emails from individuals from many walks of life who want to get their hands in the dirt as they are sheltering at home. As they decide to pivot, nature is a salve. When times are stressful, gardens become a refuge. Shoveling, digging, pruning, planting, and watching seedlings grow into something to admire or eat are therapeutic endeavors.
Whether you decide to grow a few herbs on a windowsill, tomatoes on a balcony, or an abundance of your favorite vegetables, flowers, and fruit in a large garden, there is nothing better than a summer of flavor and colors grown in your personal paradise. When you pivot to your garden, you’ll slow down a bit and feel appreciation. Research consistently indicates that being around growing plants benefits you physically, psychologically, and emotionally. You’ll decompress, gain more muscle mass, increase aerobic endurance, reduce stress, and experience more joy.
Summer has always been my most favorite season because of the delightful warm weather and bountiful baskets of fresh fruit, vegetables, and herbs that I harvest from my orchard and potager. The plethora of glorious blooms constantly changes keeping my elation peaked. Unlike most people, I prefer not to travel in the summer months to other destinations. Instead, the beauty of my backyard becomes the playground for family and friends where we barbecue, engage in lawns games, watch the flamboyant sunsets, and wander the grounds watching the parade of wildlife.
Flowering plants are hummingbird, bee, and butterfly magnets while the seeds attract the birds. Agastache, echinacea, hollyhock, and roses enchant for months. In my orchard, the loquats, mulberries, tangelos, citrus, and plums are ripe. The birds, deer, turkeys, squirrels, and I skirmish for our fair share. Soon apricots, prunes, and peaches will be ready for harvesting and the wrangling will begin again. I adore these encounters with nature. There is abundance for all.
My field of chamomile is richly fragrant and the petals when plucked and dried will make a comforting tea. The seeds from nigella (love in the mist) have scattered throughout the orchard creating a sea of blue. Bumblebees race from star-shaped blossom to blossom grabbing the sweet nectar. Roses mixed with osteospermum (African daisy) will provide continuous blooms into the fall with frequent deadheading. Lovely on the shrub, the blue hydrangeas are almost as stunning in a dried arrangement. An intriguing plant is arum italicum, also known as Italian Lords and Ladies. In late spring, the creamy-white flower is cupped at the base of the plant resembling its relative, Jack-in-the-Pulpit. In mid-summer, striking red-orange berries rise in a columnar formation where the foliage has died back. This tuberous perennial plant self-sows and can become invasive if your yard is small. If you have a woodland area where bergenia, heuchera, or hellebores thrive, it is quite stunning. Beware, all parts of the plant are poisonous. Don’t let it grow in your vegetable patch!
This summer is destined to be unusual. I plan on adhering to Covid-19 directives to shelter-in-place while refraining from attending large gatherings or even small ones. I’m working from home, wearing a mask and gloves whenever I venture out, constantly maintaining a minimal six feet distance between others, and am continuing to sanitize everything. Hopefully, we won’t go back to what was considered normal in the past and instead take better care and be more aware, of one another and the health of our planet.
This year I am happy and grateful to enjoy the summer flower by flower. My planet pivot is to play in my personal garden paradise.
What’s your planet pivot?
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay strong. Wash your hands. Cover your face!
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for July
PIVOT for stress relief to your garden sanctuary. PREVENT grubs (the larvae of June bugs) by treating your lawn with an organic granular treatment to get rid of larvae. Raccoons, skunks, and moles enjoy grubs as a source of protein. BOND with children or a partner by planting edibles you will enjoy together. DRESS for the dirt by donning gloves, sunscreen, hat, and an apron. If you are doing heavy weeding, wearing overalls is a win. DRY three to five sprigs of blue hydrangeas for a long-lasting summer arrangement. COLLECT the white blossoms of chamomile for a soothing tea. PLANT Lilliputian miniature roses in a container for a moveable dash of color. PICK a basket of mulberries if you are lucky enough to have a tree. GROW citrus to maintain a constant supply of vitamin C. Dwarf varieties of lemons, limes, tangerines, tangelos, oranges, and grapefruit are available to be grown in half barrels. PREVENT fires by removing debris, dead branches, and refuse from around your home and yard. CUT all tall grass and keep lawns and shrubs watered. SAVE rose petals to make bath balms and rose water splashes. SUCCESSION planting is the key to a plentiful supply of summer greens including lettuces, arugula, beets, carrots, and radishes. Sow your favorite seeds every three weeks as you consume. CHECK yourself for ticks after every outdoor excursion. (To date, I’ve removed three!) ADD hydrogen peroxide to fountains to purify the water without harming the birds. MAINTAIN social distancing and wear a mask when you leave your home. TAKE care of Mother Earth. BE SAFE on Independence Day.
Photos and more at https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1409/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Planet-pivots.html
Happy gardening. Happy growing. Have a flowerful 4th of July!
Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is available for hire to help you prepare for your spring garden. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach, as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com
Buy copies of her best-selling books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store
Cynthia is available for virtual writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures. [email protected]
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