#lore's good omens madness
crowleybrekkers · 7 months
imagine if good omens 3 begins with love of my life and ends with good old-fashioned lover boy
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Discourse of the day:
Are Sadie and Dottie mortal or immortal?
Given that the lore around Sadie and Dottie is scattered and often contradictory, I have instead chosen to answer your question based on Sadie and Dotsie, the Agony Aunts from Discworld.
Now this article mentions, in paragraph 2, that they were elderly more than 30 years ago (assuming from the timeframe of the book in question) and "have probably retired (or died)."
HOWEVER, the same article includes a footnote to the aforementioned point, stating that they were still active at the time of The Fifth Elephant. Also, it's mentioned that they seemed no older in present day than they did in the time period 30 years before. Any further inquiry into whether or not they are human veers into the realm of speculation.
A post on a Terry Pratchett forums site here made on May 22 2012 uses the phrase "Dotsie and Sadie seem to have been pensioners all their lives, but if they ever had younger days" which suggestions some kind of non-human entity, but again, this is speculation. There's similar speculation as to whether the title simply keeps getting passed on.
I did make further attempts at research (like whether the, ahem ahem, Seamstresses in Discworld are immortal, since the Agony Aunts appear to be their enforcers) and instead wound up in Reddit with a thread on the origins of the phrase. Reddit, as we all know, is a terrible dimension to get stuck in, and so I hastily retreated.
Perhaps the Discworld fans (I personally have never read the books yet) can clarify further.
Until then, I also must mention, if we're going by the fact that Sadie and Dottie are Aziraphale and Crowley's wives, they are probably immortal or at the very least long-living, if we go by Crowley's dismissive phrase in season 2 "Humans... you don't let yourself get too attached."
Now, I thank you kindly for ensuring my descent into utter madness. I thought I had reached rock bottom, and then you reminded me of the profession of miners. I shall see you in the mantle of the Earth's crust. All hail.
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okay big personal lore drop time, i usually don't get this detailed into my personal life but i'm fuckin mad and also tired rn
so i recently started college/university (higher education where i've moved away to be truly independent for the first time) and there's lots of great stuff like gender presentation, getting to be openly queer, having a good dnd group, etc
but i'm so fucking done with everyone else's romance. it's so fucking lonely.
i've made lots of new friends!! but all of them have/want partners, so they keep spending all their time chasing after people and im just left here doing nothing:
- watching Good Omens for the sixth time because i have nothing to do on a Friday night.
- getting a library card because my Saturday plans got cancelled because my friend is trying to hang out with their romantic interest so all i can do is read books alone on saturday.
- sitting alone at the end of the table because i'm the only one without a partner and they're all sitting across from one another and ive got no one
- listening to every goddamn conversation about "oh he said this and it was so romantic!" or "she wants to hang out soon!" and not being able to participate
listen, i don't want to date. i don't like being in romantic relationships. but god fucking damn it i wish i did so that i wouldn't feel so alone when this is supposed to be the least lonely time of my fucking life. i've finally gotten away from the toxic bullshit of high school but now everyone is pairing off. i'm so sick of this.
i know being aroace doesn't make me broken. i know that. but fuck, it sure feels like i am right now.
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strunmah-mah · 7 months
Touchstarved Characters as DnD Classes
Given the existence of Ocudeus and Ais's relationship with it, Ais is an easy choice for a warlock, a person who gets their powers from a patron entity. My choice would either be The Great Old One, or The Fathomless. The both have those eldritch vibes but with slightly different emphasis. The Fathomless buts a strong emphasis on the oceanic tentacle monster, while The Great Old One has some tentacle imagery but focuses far more on the effects Eldritch beings have on the mind. Which one you think suits him more comes down to personal preference I think.
Given that magic for humans seems to largely be a learned skill, and stuff devs have said about Leander coming from a more more formal background giving him access to a proper education, Leander would 100% be a wizard. With as little information as we have about him exactly which school might be harder to pin down, but for the purpose of this I'm going School of Illusion. I think it works both as a fun reference to the first spell we ever see him cast (the illucitory lily) and a sort of foreshadowing of him duplicitous nature.
As an angel, Kuras's divine power is innate to him in a way that I think the Divine Soul Sorcerer would be best at replicating. Not really sure what else to add, this might be an even easier pick than Ais as a Warlock.
Vere is interesting. Given our first impression is that of a snarling shadow beast in the corner of out vision, part of me is inclined towards Shadow Magic Sorcerer. His power seems to be innate to him and I think the Hound of Ill Omen ability synergizes well with Vere's status as the Senobium's hunting dog. HOWEVER, the devs recently dropped the extra bit of lore implying that Vere used to be worshiped as a god, which does make an interesting argument for casting him as a cleric. I don't think most cleric abilities mesh as well with Vere's in game abilities, but thematically the Ambition Domain meshes well with his personality.
Mhin is the one I'm least confident on. Their attempt to sneak into the Senobium speaks to them being a Rogue, The revelation that they're regular collecting bounties from soulless hunting points them to being a Ranger, and the Alchemist's observation that their a scientist suggests that when the full games drops they might be something of an Artificer, or depending on your tolerance for psuedo canon, maybe a Blood Hunter? IDK, I'm a little bit at a loss of what to do with this guy.
Bonus the Origins
Now given that all Origins more or less have the same skill set with some flavor difference All of them could easily be Aberrant Mind Sorcerers and be done with it. Their power is innate to them, and that power is power over the minds of others. It's a good solid choice, but if you wanted to give the Origins more influence over their skills sets below would be my choices
The Unnamed
Raised at a temple as an oracle? The Unnnamed is a Cleric. Given that it was thought their ability could create a groupmind the Solidarity or Zeal Domains could be an interesting choice, That the people under their influence are so violent could be an argument for the War Domain, or that everyone was so mislead as to what your ability is could be an argument for Trickery Domain. Ultimately as a self insert the Unnamed's background is fluid and any choice is valid, but thematically I think I think those four could all work really well. TBH I really wish there was a Madness Domain or something so you could channel that Dionysus Maenadic energy, I think that'd work really well, but homebrew is not my area.
The Alchemist
This Origin knows magic, magic is a learned skill for humans, The Alchemist is a Wizard, maybe an Artificer. Again, self insert, either choice is valid. If you go Wizard I think School of Enchantment could be a good choice, would tie into their powers a bit better then some of the other options. If you go Artificier there is an Alchemist subclass, it's a match made in heaven
The Hound
The Hound has a very specific archetype built into it and that is the Rogue: Thief. They're a street kid who survived by stealing. I don't know if there's another choice that could work for this Origin even half as well. works for this
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arthur-lesters-liver · 5 months
To all Good Omens fans that are NOT from italy:
So, there are these two italian comedians, they hadn't made a movie since 2019 (more parallels with Good Omens lmao) and in 2023 this new movie came out, Santocielo.
The trailer was poster a few months after GO S2 and we all went mad, because it was about an angel going to earth to bring Jesus Christ 2.0. (Spoilers: THE AMOUNT OF SIMILARITIES IN THE MOVIE I SWEAR!!! THE WORST ONE WSS THAT IN THE END THE ANGEL LEFT HIS HUMAN FRIEND TO GO BACK TO HEAVEN USING AN ELEVATOR!!!)
We flooded them with comments about good omens and they never actually watched it (but one of the two has now :)) and all the references were casual.
BUT IT GETS BETTER, because the release day was December 14th and me and a bunch of other GO fans met up to go watch it together. And do you know what else happened on the 14th December??? SEASON THREE WAS CONFIRMED. IT WAS HONESTLY THE MOST HYSTERICAL COINCIDENCE OF MY LIFE, WE WERE SCREAMING AND CRYING, BEST DAY EVER I SWEAR.
This is my roman empire: santocielo and s3 announcement happening on the same day while I was at a GO meet up. Not a single day goes by where I don't think about that day.
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ruvviks · 28 days
two weeks ago the rome edit u made at some point just appeared in my head for unknown reason and i was like "ough i hope casey gets his laptop soon maybe we'll hear more about it" NCNNCNCNCN
HEHE now that i have my laptop again and have sorted out my files (mostly) i finally have more to say about the universe >:^)
obscura is a project i'm working on together with @mojaves because we're insane and do everything together all the fucking time sorry about that. it takes place in a universe in which concepts like angels and demons exist, but as otherworldly beings rather than their religious counterparts :]
the world order consists of the three evils and the forces of good, though they've been labeled as such within the earthly realm because they don't really know the concepts of "good" and "evil" as we know it. they're also very much not good or evil but. well. humans love labeling things as good or evil. but looking at their actual portfolios you will notice they all have the same level of self-interest and care very little about humankind as a whole
the three evils are the brothers lucifer, behemoth, and leviathan, and the forces of good are known as the otherworldy entities we call angels. the brothers all rule over a domain, and angels fill in the gaps and spaces between these domains, to maintain the balance in the world. that is mainly what "forces of good" refers to; they do what needs to be done to keep the world from crumbling, but the domains they rule over can be anything and their methods are by no means pure
lucifer's domain consists of death, the veil, otherworldly corruption, and shadows. he rules over that what we cannot perceive directly, but know is there. lucifer leads an army of demons, who prey on humanity's weaknesses and desires to strike deals and/or gain access to the earthly realm. at the core, lucifer rules over desire
lucifer's influence is seen in life and death, ghosts, demons, hauntings, and possessions. he manifests in eclipses, red nights, and wildfires
lucifer's demons can be summoned to make deals with. alternatively, lower ranked demons lurk in the shadows on the earthly realm waiting for a chance to take control of a vessel or a host
behemoth's domain consists of pestilence, the lithosphere, and the geosphere. he rules over the earthly realm, the tangible. behemoth manifests in the eyes of the beast, takes root in that what can be corrupted, and corrupts until he consumes until only bones remain. at the core, behemoth rules over consumption
behemoth's influence is seen in disease, cannibalism, and night terrors. he manifests in traveling night hounds, and the final stages of transformation of a victim of noxbane
behemoth's night hounds travel the night sky, a bad omen for anyone who spots them. the fungus noxbane brings forth a terrible disease holding the same name, which can affect any living organism to the point of corruption and consumption
leviathan's domain consists of war, famine, the ocean, arctic regions, and outer space. he rules over the vastness of the universe, and all concepts too large for humanity to fully comprehend. leviathan lays dormant in outer space, but awakens within souls lost in the open, or lost within themselves. at the core, leviathan rules over oblivion
leviathan's influence is seen in warfare, power imbalance, space sickness, and eldritch madness. he manifests in extraterrestrial storms, and hallucinations caused by leviathan's madness
leviathan's visions and glimpses of the empty earth haunt the ones lost at sea, in space, or in war or madness. he spawns tangible visages through an individual's own paranoia, and collects the minds of those who let themselves be persuaded by the promise of answers
obviously people living in this universe do not know about all of this lore, but there are plenty of them who have either been exposed to any of these concepts or have dedicated their lives to trying to unravel the truth. it's set in the second half of the 20th century with an earthly realm that is similar to ours but with adjusted levels of technology and (priorities in) travel, and follows several separate but intertwined storylines to show some interesting cases of the influences of the three evils :] below a list of the current characters we have for the universe!
rome solomon is an astronomer and professor at the obscurus academy in crescent hill, washington. he is one of the brightest minds of his generation with several books to his name, and he is famous for his empty earth theory which he has so far spent his entire life trying to prove. the reason for this is that his sister, a world famous astronaut, went missing (not died; went missing) in outer space on a very important mission when rome was still young; the empty earth theory would prove that she and her crew are still out there, and looking for a way to get back into their own dimension
judah solomon is rome's older sister and was the world's youngest and brightest astronaut. she was only 24 when she and her crew went missing in outer space, and her current whereabouts remain unknown to this day, 18 years later
clyde morris (belongs to mojaves) is a repair technician who works at the obscurus academy and he is rome's best friend. since computers are still pretty rare but insanely powerful devices in this universe, it is very special that morris owns his own computer; and even more special that an angel has found its home within, and sometimes communicates with him
clarence rojas is a psychic operating in the south of the united states. she lost her vision in an encounter with an angel, the warning she received so powerful it robbed her of her eyesight; and in return, the angel granted her with her psychic powers, which she uses to assist people in dealing with ghost infestations, and sometimes even demonic cases
eleanor constantine (belongs to mojaves) is a preacher and demonologist active in the south and on the east coast of the united states, traveling around by train with her brother victor to help people in need. the spark of community she holds within is powerful enough to gift her near-psychic abilities and a strong intuition, which is essential in her line of work
victor constantine (belongs to mojaves) travels around with his sister as her assistant, operating all cameras and other technology needed for their investigations into demonic cases, and for exorcisms. where his sister found her voice speaking to the crowds to build a community, victor lost his own ability to speak, and he prefers to remain in the background letting his sister deal with public affairs
lazarus reeves is another world famous demonologist operating in saint-dominic, louisiana, who is trying to uphold the legacy of his late wife, who he used to hunt down demons with. without his wife's higher position in society to protect him, he is not as loved among the public as she was, coming from a family with a bad history; but he has not given up on what he does best, knowing that there are still folks out there who need his help
eve lynch is a nun and herbalist residing in a convent near saint-dominic. she is doing research into the fungus known as noxbane and its effects on living organisms, and through her research she is exposed to behemoth's domain and the terrible disease the fungus brings, which leads to an outbreak of ghouls within the walls of the convent
anatoly dorokhin is a cosmonaut sent into orbit around the moon with his crew to investigate a series of strange sightings on the moon's surface. something terrible happened on their ship, and anatoly ends up as only survivor of his own crew with what remains of the rescue crew in the obscurus academy to figure out what truly happened up there
quincy jackson (belongs to mojaves) is an astronaut who on his way back to earth ended up losing most of his crew in an emergency rescue mission, and ends up in the obscurus academy with anatoly dorokhin and two other survivors of quincy's own crew; however, the two others are alive but unresponsive, not reacting to any triggers from the outside world and seemingly trapped within their own mind. quincy and anatoly grow close over time while anatoly pushes everyone else away, and quincy soon seems to be the only one who can figure out what truly happened when they were in outer space
mary schlachter is a surgeon in the south of the united states, famous for his exceptionally precise work and portfolio of rather unusual cases. when clarence rojas' daughter grendel is born inside out, mary is the one to put her back together in the way she is meant to be, but the procedure leaves a mark on him that soon enough attracts the attention of otherworldly beings
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malignedaffairs · 5 months
Random Elden Ring ramblings.
- I wanted to like Liurnia of the Lakes. It's one of the most visually stunning corners of the map, with the water and moon theme, the golden Erdtree contrasting with the blue tinge of everything else, the gorgeous Academy of Raya Lucaria rising dramatically out of the center. But for some reason I just want to get it over with asap whenever I come out of Stormveil. It feels like a drag to play through and I don't even understand why, but it manages to be one of my least favourite areas.
- Leyndell, on the other hand? I side-eyed Leyndell hard based on what I read about it before arriving there on my first playthrough. Gilded Capital, huh? (Did I mention I hate capitals in video games. Too big, too full, too exhausting.) Then I saw it and it was just that mind-blowing combination of gorgeous music, decaying grandeur, wistful desolation and rotten morals. Add the stunning visuals of the golden roofs and elegant architecture and the vertigo-inducing shunning grounds, cisterns and catacombs underground. It ended up being my unexpected favourite and working my way towards Leyndell is now always one of the best parts on any playthrough.
- Having read a bit on the lore and checked out other players before playing, I thought I'd align most with Ranni's view on things. Free will has to be good, right? How badass of her to sacrifice that much for her principles, right? To free the world of the meddling of Outer Gods? The end justifies the means? Then it turns out that she has the charisma of an ice cube (no really, I tried to like her) and that all things considered her agenda has always been first and foremost about what's best for herself. Which could be fine, but the image I had of her based on fandom made it sound like she's that saviour figure selflessly freeing the world from evil. The only sane woman, the beacon of rational reasoning. Then she just wants to vanish into space with us, not a single concern for the very deathroot problem she brought upon the Lands Between? The whole "marriage"/consort thing with the ring? Feels forced as hell. I'm also still mad that it's so easy to pick her ending on accident in a game that forces me to click "agree" when I need to revive my horse while standing in the middle of a dragon's fire breath. Idk. Free will is overrated.
- I still can't believe that the German translation of Morgott's cloak description just says that it's worn by Margit the Fell Omen, robbing us Germans of the much more beautiful "worn about the exposed body of Margit, the Fell Omen"
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waloeders · 2 months
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tfw ur a curse and the guy you accidentally helped resurrect keeps dodging your attempts to send him back to the grave*
*not included: the person whos body ur borrowing seems to like him and its getting really annoying
does he know about roombas. guys. does toji know what a roomba is. i dont think they existed in 09 😭 i dont think he knows???
okay serious lore. um this is my other jjk s/i eamonn!! he's separate from timeless + cyclical's verse and is heavily an isekai. his name is ryder but hes the vessel of eamonn, a special grade curse with the technique known as "strings" - its pretty vague, not super "brute force" powerful but it has a lot of applications, even more so in the modern day!
so at shibuya, eamonn does accidentally fully resurrect toji while trying to help ryder + friends (hes trying to be besties with them since they share a body, mixed reactions so far) and connects their lives / "fate strings" as he calls them. aka when one gets hurt, so does the other.
however hes really mad about it. and keeps either threatening or out right trying to kill toji, despite knowing this would kill both him + ryder too. nobody said he was the smartest okay! 😭 toji totally knows too hes just being silly with it since he knows itd mean all 3 of them dying its... these guys cant just flirt normally at all. good god.
anyway, somewhere in this mess, choso gets wrapped up in the fate strings but. that's art for another day 👉👈
pose is from croxovergoddess on twt!!
and bonus songs for eamonns (s/i) vibe: above my head by polaris / angel eyes by spiritbox / nowhere to go by bad omens
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ripniklaus · 7 months
character interview.  
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name: niklaus mikaelson.
nickname/s: klaus, the hybrid, the original hybrid, the big bad wolf, klaus the mad, etc. niklaus and nik can be used by a select few.
age: mid 20s / 6000+. verse dependent.
species: the original hybrid.
morality: lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
religion: nihilistic.
sins: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
known languages: most of them tbh, but heavy focus on english, italian, and spanish.
secrets:  they wouldn't be secrets if he blabbed about them, would they? but safe to say he has plenty of them.
build: scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average
height: 6'5
scars / birthmarks: a line a couple inches above his heart (and a matching one on his back) from when mikael pinned him to a tree with his sword while sparring.   
abilities / powers: way too many to list here, but there's a lore section on his carrd fdsjak.
restrictions: nonfatal; broken neck, the cure, desiccation, uninvited, vervain, wolfsbane, being daggered, dismemberment ( while extremely painful, due to the strength of the spell that turned him, klaus would even be able to heal from being dismembered. it would be a long and agonizing process, and would likely need to be aided by his allies. but he would continue to live on, even if he was never put back together - more of a curse than a strength, really ). fatal; white oak stake.
food: he doesn't have a strong passion for food in general, given the whole being a vampire thing. but he's always rather enjoyed italian and chinese food in particular.
drink: anything alcoholic, though he has a particular fondness for bourbon and vodka.
pizza topping: he doesn't care.
color: he tends to gravitate towards neutral colors, though enjoys a nice royal red or purple.  
music genre: depends heavily on his mood tbh, but classical and / or opera is a go-to for him.
book genre: nonfiction of all types, though he probably enjoys reading anything historical the most. being around to witness many of the things in history that people tend to write about, he's curious to see how accurately they're recorded.
movie genre: unironically enjoys cheesy romcoms, but will never admit it. it's mostly because he likes the carefree, lighthearted nature of them. if asked, he'd probably say something like documentaries or historical stuff, just to sound serious and ~manly~.  
curse word: fuck, though he most often will use bloody hell. 
scents: velvety sandalwood, earthy, musk with a base note of rich amber and dark, warm vanilla.
fun stuff.
songs: empty, letdown. don't pray for me, within temptation. twisted, missio. lost in echoes, caskets. dark matter, rivals. voices in my head, falling in reverse. the death of peace of mind, bad omens. all the king's horses, karmina. lion, saint mesa. born without a heart, faouzia. demons, jacob lee. last resort, falling in reverse. devil within, digital daggers. despicable, grandson. no rest for the wicked, klergy.
aesthetic: a man who goes by the name of death, loyalty to a fault, the smell of fresh paint, a dark gaze the color of the ocean at night observing every detail of the world with the sharpness of a hawk’s frigid gaze, a beast within that will never be satisfied, clothes stained with blood that isn't his, cruelty that has clawed so deep within raw flesh and made him more monster than man, fingers stained with charcoal, stubborn wounds that just won't heal, static filling the air before a lightning strike, a charming but threatening smirk, the howls of wolves within the dark, the smell of the forest after a rain, crackling fireplaces, whiffs of vanilla and amber.
sings in the shower: only if he's in an exceptionally good mood.
likes puns: he doesn't have a strong feeling about them either way, but will definitely make them if he thinks that will annoy someone. 
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seahdalune · 10 months
template under read more + musings
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TF2: so. TF2 huh. got into it last year. i kinda lost interest because of a tf2 discord server that i ended up leaving in bad terms + no content updates + i didn't do jackshit in the fandom. i made my robot oc blog but unfortunately that one died along with my fixation! oops.
Papa Louie: the ultimate killer of my tf2 fixation. the increasing amount of "Papa Louie lore is CRAZY!" videos in my recommended feed and the eventual release of Freezeria Deluxe drawing in streamers, and then Jerma, was what finally got me to crack and give the games a go. i don't regret it, because i finally joined a fandom that i actively (? the fandom's kiiiiinda dead aha;;) participate it, after like 2 years of wandering around! it kinda faltered around July~August, but after downloading Flashpoint, it came back double the force.
Scott Pilgrim: got the books for my birthday. read them. the graphic novels haunted me for a while because it was so.... different! from what i've read up to that point. i buried it into my subconciousness but the show dug it up again. i'm not thaaaat into it though. it's a background thought thing.
Good Omens: season 2 babyyyyyy, i wasn't as into it as i was in like.... 2021? i mean, back then i read like, a shitton of GO fanfics. i think that fandom is still my most bookmarked fandom within my fic folder. season 2 was great! heartbreaking even. but as i said, i already blew my steam back in like, 2021. i didn't really have Good Omens people to talk with anyways, not that i'm confident enough to find any.
Madness Combat: was around for the 2021 boom, but my fixation came back because of the Makeship plushie thing, fight meh ok. i wonder a little if they were worth it over the Papa Louie plushie when my fixation didn't last as long (it kiiiinda does sting i had to give him up? it would be nice to own official Papa Louie merch ;;) but whateves. they're in my arms. they're very cuddly. i'm getting off-point, anyways i love these freaks, love the action in the animations, i wanna play the game but at the same time i'm not sure how well i'm gonna be able to handle the guns and the killing. eh, i'll manage, i'll live. i guess i kinda stopped being fixated because like i said, nobody to talk to since i'm a little wary about the fandom... uh, i'm sure there are a lot of nice people, but i've had peeks at what arguments people have been having and that made me decide to just lurk.
AVA/AVM: my friend was watching it and they got into it, so i got curious and i looked into it as well. they're cute little ibbly babbles, those sticks. big fan of the Animator vs Animation series especially because awoo.... it advances so much in style in each episode. V and VI especially blow shit out of the water. love it. love it. didn't really bother to get into the fandom though. i didn't see a place to sit down, so i just walked through the merchant hall and moved on. i stare at the wares every now and then though.
HLVRAI: watched it recently. it's nice. not.... really enjoyable enough for me to be a full-blown fan, but whateves. i kinda don't know why that happened to be the thing that all my mutuals were obsessed with throughout 2021 but the only reason i didn't get into it either was because i didn't finish Hal-Life 1 and i wanted to get into the game blind due to hearing that it was "the best game ever that influenced the gaming industry forever". i wonder, that if i wasn't such a wuss, would i have watched HLVRAI earlier and enjoyed it more? we'll have to see with HL2VRAI. i haven't finished HL2 either btw... sigh.
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crowleybrekkers · 7 months
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dear lord this is OLD LORE.
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ralphdro · 2 years
My thoughts and theories about Power Girl's future
As you may know, I am a big Power Girl fan. As such, I couldn't be happier with her getting so much new content as of lately. After vanishing post n52, and ignoring her n52-Earth 2 incarnation, it is really refreshing to see her again.
But, after some thinking I reached a theory about her present state, which I plan to present and explain my train of thoughts. Let's get to the point then, what did I "discover"?
Well, I am pretty sure Power Girl is going through a revitalization process right now.
And I am not talking about just coming back after so many years, I am saying full on new solo and stuff. Well let's get to it and start explaining!
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As you may know, in 2023 DC is doing a soft "relaunch" called Dawn of DC. The purpose of this is to: 1) bring back old legacy characters, that have not had content for quite some time, 2) present big names in a welcoming manner to new readers, or 3) presenting new names altogether.
In this scenario, Power Girl stays right on the first category. That being said, DC has been revealing stuff in a slow pace, letting people savor the hype. BUT, I think they already making preparations for PG's return.
First off, we have Action Comics. PG got a mini backup story in three chapters there, done by the QUEENS Leah Williams and Marguerite Sauvage. The story actually started in Lazarus Planet Alpha, but the meat and potatoes is in AC.
This story served as mini reintroduction, quickly going through her most important lore points, all the while establishing a new and very interesting status quo for the character. Having developed psyonic powers, PG has united forces with Omen to open a psychological support clinic for heroes, with their first patient being Beast Boy. This is a great set up, and opens up MANY possible adventures and cool plots. Imagine if they got a chance to talk and help all kinds of heroes! Like Kon or Tim Drake. Heck, current Power Girl could have helped Wally West back in the event-I-shall-not-name. That's a really cool way to reinsert her in the bigger DC universe, and differentiate her from the rest of the Superfam.
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Even more than that, she even got an AMAZINGLY GREAT redesign! This might not seen much in the great scheme of things, but why else would you contract and pay people to do a redesign, if you don't plan on using it in the future. Commercially it makes sense to think they plan on using her more now, if not they would probably just stick with the old design.
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And the last thing I wanted to bring attention to is: DC will release a new edition of her Power Trip TPB in March, which contains the start of her 2009 solo. Considering that this TPB brings back a more in depth look at her origins (in JSA Classified) and some solo adventures, and looking at the fact that it comes out just some days before her last issue in Action Comics, it looks like it's a product aimed at showing even more of her for new readers.
It would not surprise me if later they release a new edition of her TPBs from Judd Winick's run (I want this so fucking much) , and even later on the year start a solo limited/miniseries, like Superboy's in April.
And that's it! Sorry if it got kind of convoluted, but I had so many thoughts, and I had to put them out there somewhere. I know this might jus sound like a mad fan spouting nonsense while drowning in copium, but I really love this character, and knowing she might have a chance to finally be under the sun again (no Kryptonian pun intended) is such a good prospect I cannot help but feel excited to what the future might hold for us!
The future looks bright for our Queen! And I will be there, on the first row, NO MATTER WHAT!
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glimvinty · 9 months
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Introducing...meeeeee (tap for better quality)
Currently my only really officially posted writing:
^A brief chronicling of a single night spent at a motel in Arizona. Two normal men---Specter, an imperialist, and Tenebri, a socialist---are on a road trip.
Call me Glim! As I type this I am entering one of those identity pits where I can't remember anything about myself. Uhhhhhhh. I'm going to drink some water to escape the event horizon
Worked! I'm restored!
So what am I here for?
The Wip
Well, this is primarily an art blog where I post about the WIP to end all other WIPs, my magnum opus, my disaster child, my manuscript which is steadily gaining on War and Peace's word count and is currently over 1,000 pages long. Yes, it will be adjusted. Yes, I will have to read the whole thing over again. Because I am a little pitiable, I will be posting art of the characters, snippets of my writing, and some lore! Yes, I do fully intend to publish this. It's been 7+ years in the making.
So what's this WIP about, and dear lord?
It's one of those getting-lost-in-another-world adventure stories, but with several twists and a significant spin on it. It's Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Discworld, and Hitchhiker's all put in a blender. If that sounds horrible, imagine writing it! It follows the protagonist Mallory Noire, who is absolutely nobody and fairly rational, as she dodges cults worshipping eldritch horrors, deftly evades transdimensional fascist regimes, eludes the wizard bureaucracy, befriends mad scientists and attempts to survive a whole slew of other...improbable things. Its most major genres are horror, comedy, and surreal fantasy. I'll tag any posts related to it #misticity.
About Me, a Factor of Production!
I have a condition called anisocoria, and basically I'm blind in one eye! I have no idea what I'm missing though, so it's all good, and David Bowie has the same condition, although I was born with mine and he got punched in the face
I'm trans masc and I'm here to support you as well (all queer people)!
I most likely have Asperger's, as my father had it (formally diagnosed) and I display symptoms, but I have never been formally diagnosed myself
I lived in Germany for a year and can speak (abysmal) conversational German, but my native language is English
What Fandoms Am I In/Can You Talk to Me About?
Twin Peaks
Mob Psycho 100
Good Omens
Night Vale
The Magnus Archives
Hitchhiker's Guide (is anyone out there?)
Any bad old movies. Any of them. I love those and I'm fairly well-versed
What Should You Ask Me About?
Anything, really. If you have any questions about the WIP, just shoot. I've left it pretty vague.
I also want to make this corner of the Internet into a safe place, and a safe place for other people, so if you're ever in need of an encouraging word or two I'm here! I get the feeling often, so I want to be here for people who feel the way I do.
The Just-in-Case Note
Feel free to correct me if I say something dumb or off. I want to stay openminded and learn from my mistakes.
Anyway, keep it shlunky
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emeraldcity1900 · 6 months
neon genesis Evangelion was created in Japan where Christianity wasn’t as widespread. Most of the people working on it were Buddhists or Shinto. The way they incorporated judeo -Christian mythology into the series was mostly because they thought it looked cool and thought it was interesting. They basically used Christian mythology the way marvel uses Norse mythology’.
And that made me start thinking. Thinking about shows like supernatural where they are constantly using biblical mythology as part of it’s lore. Shows like good omens and Hazbin hotel where Christian mythology is used irreverently and joked about and used as a metaphor for the real problems of the church.
I hear from a lot of people who went to church about how they always thought it was really boring only to find out how interesting it was later on. Because they never really taught it to them in a way that engaged them.
and I think about all the kids who were hyperfixiated on supernatural that could excitedly talk about all the angels they learned about just from watching the show.
And I feel like that’s important. I’ve always seen The Bible as a really daunting book. It’s hard for me and other people I know to engage with it because I feel like whatever I say will be the wrong thing and everyone will get mad at you for it. But when you incorporate it into say, a long running television show about monster hunters, or a show about giant fighting robots, or show that’s just one massive off-color joke about it. (Hazbin) or if it’s about the apocalypse (good omens) or if it’s about time travel (many waters by Madeleine L’Engle it’s one of many sequels to a Wrinkle in time. Or a rock musical. (Jesus Christ superstar) or a whole month python movie. It becomes less scary to explore. It becomes more fun to engage with. If you liked a charecter that is important in the Bible you can look them up and learn more about them.
I don’t know. I just really like how media has managed to incorporate biblical concepts in a way that makes it engaging and fun.
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starlit-miasmas · 1 year
good omens season 2 is real and im even more insane than the previous post. Fuck, Dude. ep4-6 thoughts and spoilers under the cut <3 a bit less than coherent
EP4 zira named the bentley "lesi".. or maybe its always been named lesi and crowley just never uses its name.
"you don't seem [crowley's] type at all" you'd be surprised! they've been in love since the Beginning :)
oh shit i just realized the crank crowley uses to wind up the stars is the same as the thing he has at the end of s1 when they're facing off satan. i have no idea what the thing actually is? but they look the same!
also back at the blitz ayy. hell really sent nazi zombies after them to find out if they're """fraternizing"""
love them just casually driving through burning buildings, and zira with the 🥰 face
zira's magician career, failing for over a hundred years. both instances we've been shown have involved guns i think! incredibly funny of zira to be the one between them with a firearms license.
"no need to thank me, that's what...friends...are for!" what if i died. accept that you're friends. dude just walked into a church for you!!
everyone's just ignoring the literal zombies walking around. i mean, what would you Actually do if you saw dead people walking around. it's like that one guy who didn't know if he should point out crowley's car was on fire in s1
"you need someone you can really trust to pull off this trick!" crowley going like 🤨 . i love them. trust <333
zira has such bad stage presence. im sorry to say it but its true. hes so bad at it.
the whole shooting scene was so tense my bones hurted. crowley why'd you agree to this when you don't know how to use a gun 😭
love that furfur(??)s reasoning that clearly they're in cahoots was that the trick needs someone you can trust
"shall we retire the act?" and then warlocks birthday party. cant believe they gave ziras shitty magician skills lore
"i knew youd come through for me. you always do. " "well, you said 'trust me'" "and you did :)" i love them so much. almost as much as they love each other!
"maybe there is something to be said for...shades of grey?" is this an innuendo. i know theyre talking about moral ambiguity. but.
watched this w my family and called this scene gay. they were literally drinking wine by candlelight with just the two of them. my dad said "they're just friends" im gonna sob.
EP5 idk if i said it in the last post but why does crowley bother to keep driving back and forth, just move in with your boyf already you know you want to.
zira willfully giving away books thats how you know the end times are upon us
how the fuck is hell understaffed. only 70 demons willing to do battle??? damn!
i love crowley just sauntering around in the back while ziras doing business, he j like me fr.
crying they finally got properly asked if they're dating. crowley having Thoughts and Realizations about it...
the demon that keeps asking questions is an excellent audience member. winning the participation points.
crowley getting mad at jim and protective over zira ❤️ window was a bit far, but damn go off. crowley doing a nice deed and then "no one will ever believe you"ing jim. of course he would
the ball is so offputting, the way everyone just falls into their roles and the ""seamstress"" cant say her actual job. terrifying. bad vibes .
crowley telling nina to trust somebody for once in her life while pointing to the shop of the only being he's ever trusted..... feelings
and oh fuck its the 1/75th of a legion of hell
crowley yelling at them that they are out of order is great. i love zira and crowley telling the angels + demons how things are done around here.
the greenish light outside the windows is excellent ambience. i love jims jacket its so ostentatious.
ZIRA DRAGGING CROWLEY TO THE DANCE FLOOR HELL YEAH!! i love banter argument dancing.
jim is a fool. the selflessness is appreciated though! albeit ultimately useless. where did he get the coat its fanatastic.
crowley just bullshitting bureaucratic nonsense at them, he's great.
shax has great hair in this scene though.
"why don't you make your own plans" "it makes [crowley] so happy to save me :)" theyre so silly.
meanwhile crowley getting himself "arrested":
EP6 oh good lord we're really in it now
zira having battery operated candles and the bajillion fire extinguishers.....bookshop burning down done left its mark
crowley's heaven fit is great. the gold snake tattoo is a neat touch
maggie flipping off the demons was absolutely iconic of her but oh balls you really gotta think about your wording at a time like this 😭
not a fan of the minor employment of the "i grew up with brothers so im a bad bitch" trope but ehhhhhhh
poor muriel they got crowley scheme'd 😔 i love muriel they're just doing their best, ok, and thats enough :)
magnus archives reference: why do fire extinguishers keep working against the supernatural! pretty convenient for them ig
zira Is crowleys emotional support angel, thank u very much. crowley is zira's emotional support demon too ❤️
gabriel got yoiten! bro got fired because he realized he wanted armageddon't not armageddo. it Is, in fact, an Institutional Problem.
did not expect halos to be functionally the same as bombs but i havent read the bible in years, what do i know
love crowley hearing ziras done something and immediately zooping back.
i love crowley just scolding everyone for being idiots, how is he the one with the braincell.
"if we do a miracle together it all works too well" YEAH what they thought was a teeny half miracle on each of their parts was apparently strong enough to be mistaken for a fucking archangel??? the power of love!!
and then the unexpected ineffable bureaucracy win???? i thought the fly was just beez snooping about at first but No it was gabriel being gaybriel and storing his entire being in a gift from beez.
angels and demons surreptitiously meeting up for meals has always been the answer. except ineffable bureaucracy dont actually eat but its the sentiment that counts :D
gabe deciding he likes 'everyday' just because beez likes it and then that being the only thing he remembers solidly when he's not actively straining his brain??? im so soft.
in a second stunning act of homoblindness my dad asked "why do they keep meeting up 🤨" to this montage. truly a bruh moment
gabe miracling the jukebox to always play beez's favorite song..... bro is down bad. the whole ineffable bureaucracy montage was SO FUCKING SWEET i love them so much i didnt expect to come out of this as an ineffable bureaucracy truther but im glad i did
"something that mattered more to me than choosing sides" 😭 theyre holding hands .............
and then the family-dinnercore bickering match 💀 none of these mfs are mature. love zira scolding them. ineffable husbands rly flexing their parenting muscles this season
"wherever beezlebub is, is my heaven" "and wherever you are, is my hell" this hurts so much against the ineffable husbands finale but we'll get there. and then they vanish off to loveland or something ❤️ happy for them, im glad at least two people got a happy ending out of this. they chose the side of love ❤️
and then uh. Fucking Metatron. fuck. the ominous music when they go out on their Stroll.
so soft for the scene with crowley putting everything back in order in the bookshop. domestic as hell. the soft music. crowley just knowing how everything is Supposed to be. <3
nina and maggie come to make ineffable husbands get their shit together! love nina calling maggie 'angel', sure wonder where she got that from..
the boys are gonna talk about their feelings?! no. no they aren't, actually. everything's gonna go to shit instead. god i cannot put my feelings on this scene into anything coherent. i am in pain.
because its always been crowley advocating for Their Side and zira's believed heaven is Absolute Good and shit and of course that's what takes them apart 😭 because fucking TRAGEDIES and the narrative is out for these fuckers.
zira please 😭 its you two on earth, you two together on Your Side. not you two ruling heaven together 😭 in shambles. suffering.
i didnt actually absorb crowleys confession enough because the brain was melting into jello but fuck dude.
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