#lorelei's yelling into the void again
businesscasualart · 1 month
Do you have a favourite kind of villain? If so, why?
HEHE yes. I do reckon it's gotta be mad scientists, I love so many, but my love can also extend to just mad scholars as a whole. It extends even further then. I can count on one hand the amount of mad scientists I wasn't feeling at all.
I love the variety. You got complex, tortured, Victorian man mad scientists. You got mad scientists just riddled with hubris and craving power. You got silly, goofy villain mad scientists. I love all three types of villains very much and mad scientists are usually relatively even split amongst those three.
Also! I've always loved a good brain vs brawn fight, especially if The Brain is evil. I love the creativity and all the inventions/discoveries used maliciously. I love the contrast. It's all just very fun.
...and also..I love mad scientists...bc...well...
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businesscasualart · 1 month
Actually now that you mention it, psimon does strike me as a night owl kinda guy. Like onslaught finds him sitting in the kitchen, thinking into nothing, maybe a spoon rising nearby when shit gets too intense
OH FR I think Psimon would prefer the night. <3 There's the fact that its easier to hide in the dark, its calm and quiet, he gets some reprieve from everyone who'd annoy him throughout the day, etc etc
It's easier to work through things at night when the rest of Onslaught is fast asleep...it is also easier to just spiral alone at night.
I reckon the rest of Onslaught has learned what it looks like when Psimon's grip on his abilities begins to slip, even though he scarcely lets it. Small glass objects cracking or shattering spontaneously, lightbulbs blowing out or shattering in socket, random objects levitating, so on. If he notices he usually snaps out of it, even finds it a little embarrassing that he'd forget himself like that and will chastise himself about it, but its so easy to do, so each member of Onslaught caught onto what's happening relatively quickly.
He doesn't let it get real bad, it'd have to be a matter of his mind/powers being supernaturally sabotaged or something for it to pose a real unintentional danger to him or the team. That'd be a worse case scenario for him.
Nonetheless, they've seen him very briefly let his emotions get the better of him or seen him get startled, and have seen his psionic powers fire off in small ways as a result.
When someone gets up late a night for some water and they see Psimon sitting at the table, silently staring into the middle distance in the dark...he could very well just be relaxing and enjoying the silence...but they turn on the faucet and notice the stream of water bends unnaturally, notice a dish idly floating out of the sink, and they gather that he's lost in thought or feeling.
Sometimes he needs to be left alone, sometimes he needs to be grounded back into reality, sometimes he can be convinced to talk it out, sometimes he enjoys knowing he's not so alone. It really depends on what's going on; but left to his own devices, he defaults to trying to handle it himself, if he even acknowledges the problem.
Having actual comrades in these times when he needs them has been monumental for him, and he knows it. He hopes he can express his gratitude through his actions enough <3
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businesscasualart · 4 months
PFFT I USED TO DO THAT! YESSSS Psimon tries to avoid eye contact, bc he knows his attention will just encourage them, and maybe Shimmer and/or Tuppence stop and try and tell everyone else to stop, like the one kid going "stoppp, you're going to get us into trouble!''...but most do Not stop. They get louder and louder. They break the window. A few kids get trampled. People get real mad but they go to complain to the guardians but it's like...an 11ft buff woman and a pale, hooded scrawny man with something wrong with his face. Kind of intimidating, as you can imagine. Psimon gets too mad with them and just ends up glowering in silence the whole way "home". Devastation kinda has to pick up the slack and yells at the gang, but hurts a couple of feelings and feels bad about it so she has to stumble through an apology later.
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businesscasualart · 4 months
i luv ur work, can I see a smal snippet of any fanfic ur working on👉👈 here’s a treat as payment🧁
AWWWW THANK YOU SM! I've posted so little work, I didn't expect anyone would care too much for my work, art or fanfic, as opposed to just like, my affinity for providing content for obscure characters and ships. <3 You are SO sweet, I'm crying TvT I'd love to share, it'd be an honor, treat or no treat as payment! Thank you for the treat tho XD
Okay, so, context: I've been in fandomless hell for a few months now. I can rely on the fact that I'll be bouncing back to and around the DC fandom every few months, but I'm absolutely directionless rn. The last thing I got working on is yet another Young Justice, Psimon/Devastation fic as always. I DO intend to write something else eventually, but I love Devapsimon <3
A friend requested this one RIGHT before I fell out of the YJ fandom into this period of nothingness. Now...you see...they don't watch YJ, they dislike superhero cartoons. They do know I love YJ tho.
I...don't...like...Omegaverse...BUT YOU SEE, MY FRIEND uh...got pretty big into it...in the Normalest way they could...If you don't know what it is, don't Google it.
My good, dear friend...requested of me...that the third fic I ever write...be a lil Psimon/Devastation Omegaverse fic for them and they PROMISE they'll pay me...somehow...presumably with a fic they'll write bc I KNOW they don't have money. SO FOR LIKE, three months, between fandomless hell, writing what I don't know, and KEEPING THIS THING PG-14...I've been writing that!
Maybe I'll convert it into a sickfic before posting it to Ao3! Bc I am so unsure about writing omegaverse and my abilities doing so. AND IT IS PRETTY MUCH A SICKFIC, I'm taking a very mild-hurt/comfort, mostly nesting, sickfic approach with it! I hope it's still enjoyable despite my long breaks writing it. I have to do some serious editing but rn I'm just trying to get it done! Wish me luck!
So uh
WIP Devapsimon Fic Snippet!
CW: uh, nothing really! There's not even much Omegaverse mention in this part...um...I don't know how to format a fic on Tumblr...there's an abundance of description of RV bunk beds...I can't find a good place to cut off the snippet...THIS IS ALSO VERY LONG FOR A SNIPPET, but this is my longest fic yet.... so uh...long preview! As a treat!
“D…Devastation?” He whispered hesitantly, torn between announcing his presence and not disturbing her rest.
Upon getting no response tried to gently, quietly push past the curtains but the metal curtain rings slowly drug against the metal bar making a screech that resounded in his ears and made him wince. 
He peered into the bunk section. It was darker than the rest of the RV, it took a minute for his eyes to adjust. 
It was honestly shocking how everyone could fit in here, it was a cramped ‘room’. If Baran or Tommy were to walk down the room, both of their shoulders would rub against the bunks lining either wall. Thankfully, the bunks themselves were of a decent size. 
They were built into the wall, like a shelf or cubby. They could hold a thin twin XL size ‘mattress’...well…really more so a foam pad than a mattress. However, the bottom bunk cubbies were decently tall, the larger Onslaught members still can’t really fit lying on their backs or sitting up, but they could fit just fine lying on their sides.
There were exactly six bunks, two on each side of the three-walled room. Additionally, hanging in the middle of the walkway between the two top bunks on the left and the right of the room, was a hammock. Cameron generously set it up when they got the Terror Twins on the team and claimed it for himself. He claims it was to win Tuppence’s favor but Psimon is almost certain it was just regular generosity and self-sacrifice. 
Each bunk had different privacy curtains shielding the inside of the bunks; some decorative, some blackout, some sheer; but a few were left open. 
One such bunk had its curtains open. Thankfully, it was the one with the only small window in the room, on the wall inside the top bunk across from the entrance. It didn’t provide much light, especially since the dusty blinds as well as small curtains on it were drawn. 
There were also string lights lining the room, courtesy of Selinda, to provide a gentle light but they were left off during the day. 
It was relatively clear whose bed was whose. Everyone had a relatively distinct sense of style, or lack thereof. 
Selinda’s was a simple bed with everything in some shade of black and purple. Tuppences lined her walls and ceiling with decor like photos, stickers, and posters. The other mens’ bunks generally looked like the beds had been abandoned for eight years, but Tommy decorated his similarly to Tuppence’s, only simpler; Mammoth’s bed had a king-sized comforter shoved in there and the walls were scratched up; and Cameron’s...well, he had a hammock.
Psimon’s bunk was by far the most organized one but it doesn’t stand out. All neutral colors, made up neatly. He had two pillows, but only really used one. He, like a few others, had small organizers hanging on the walls. He never had many personal, sentimental items to bring on these missions, so he mostly kept business related papers, pens, a tablet for work, and the like up there.
Each set of twins shared the bunks on two walls and Cameron...had a hammock…so Devastation slept in the bunk under Psimon’s.
Her bed was also simple and mostly neutral tones, but messier…usually. She had two or three more blankets and pillows than usual, all strewn about, along with a couple clothing items. It was notably more crowded.
Psimon had no idea how Devastation would be comfortable in that mess, and perhaps she wasn’t, because she wasn’t even in her bed. 
She sat on the filthy, old carpeted floor next to her bed, leaning halfway into the bunk, her face buried in her arms. 
“Devastation!” Psimon gasped, dropping to his knees next to her, nearly dropping the bowl in the process. He set it on the floor next to him, placing a hand on her back and the other on an arm.
Her hair was taken down but not brushed, left messy and tangled. She had also changed into her nightwear, striped shorts and a sleeveless top. They seemed to have been a lavender-type color, but they’ve lightened and grayed out over time, as well as developed a couple of small holes in seams here and there. 
“Oh, Devastation…” Psimon, voice quiet and full of concern, never finished his sentence.
He struggled to pull Devastation upright by her shoulders, pulling her to rest against him so he could see her face. Once he managed it, her weight nearly knocked him back onto the floor but she seemed to regain enough awareness to somewhat support her own weight and not throw it all on him at once.
Her eyes were glazed and distant when they fluttered open. She furrowed her brow and her eyes slowly moved to look at Psimon, in an attempt to figure out what was happening but before she could, he laid his hand over her face. 
He kept moving his hand around her face, to both of her cheeks and to her forehead as if they’d yield different results, but the results were clear. Devastation’s skin was impossibly hot, hotter than before, even in the short time that had passed. It was wet with sweat and flushed all over from her own body temperature. 
Her glassy eyes finally found Psimon’s face, despite his hand’s frantic search for a more reassuring result. Her mouth hung open slightly, as if to speak, but she only took in short, ragged breaths. 
“Oh…Oh Devastation…”
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businesscasualart · 7 months
Making aesthetic board for the besties really does have you searching things like "cottagecore but evil and wrong"
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businesscasualart · 1 month
In a cruel twist of fate, I can no longer use Tumblr on my phone. I try to load the tab and loading bar gets about 1/8 of the way, stays there, and scalds me.
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businesscasualart · 9 months
Man, I wish I could hire someone to vibe check me sometimes. I make a new social media and just...freeze there...in an empty account ...like a foal that learned to stand but not walk. I look back to my friends for approval but my friends aren't HERE BC WHAT IF THEY CATCH ME DOWN BAD OR SOMETHING??? I'm not giving them my tumblr, they're gonna roast me and ruin the reputation I don't even have yet. But like, girl, am I doing this right? Is this working? Are these tags good? Am I talking too much? Do I look regular rn? Do I at least look funny WHAT DO I DO-
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businesscasualart · 9 months
Gotta love forgetting absolutely everything I’m interested in when making a social media account and just sitting there with a ghost of an account for days.
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businesscasualart · 8 months
Making dubious purchases at bad times and by dubious purchases at bad times, I mean I’m purchasing Hit Game Ace Attorney’s™️ less successful cousin, Ghost Trick, while it’s still on sale on the Xbox One store bc I’m certain it will cure everything wrong with me and that I’ll no longer have mental illness if I play it
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businesscasualart · 9 months
Sometimes I think I’d like to see That Little Guy™️ put in some angsty scenario but I remember that one time I was watching Legends of Avantris vods and Kremy loved unicorns and was about to go up to the unicorn carousel and he talking about “Do you think they let you ride it more than once?” “Oh which unicorn do I choose?”. And then I stopped watching the vod right then, right there and didn’t look at the series for a month bc I didn’t know if I could take it if he didn’t get Everything he wanted. I continued the series after a month and cried until he got up there and got to ride the unicorns and was happy.
As someone who likes to appear cool and tough, you can understand my distress-
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businesscasualart · 9 months
Reopening all of my farming simulator games, trying to remember what I was doing in each one bc I started all of them at once and took a break. I don’t think I’m gonna make it.
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businesscasualart · 5 months
TFW you write by the seat of your pants and you’re following your bullet points and it occurs to you that you have NO idea how to transition scenes here. Like the previous scene is OVER, it’s time for us to move into the Next Bullet Point but it is. Simply. Not going. At all. So you just sit there typing the characters bantering like “Fun character banter take the wheeeeeeel~ take it from my handssssss~ idk how to get this guy into this lady’s bed~—“
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businesscasualart · 5 months
Playing Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town! And the besties are Ripping Me To Shreds over the bed setup THAT I CANNOT CONTROL—
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businesscasualart · 6 months
I cannot keep getting obsessed with random people’s OCs like this. There’s no fandom. It’s none of my friends’ specialties. None of them care. I can’t tell anyone how I spent two weeks hunting down the lore posts. I could draw fanart of it but also the person who made the OCs will Most Definitely see it and see me. And I imagine you can only draw so much fanart for OCs with no media except unconnected art pieces before it gets kinda weird. You can’t complain about there being no content bc you’re complaining about the one (1) person making the content and that’s mean. And I’M NOT DOING ANY BETTER WITH MY OWN OCS. There’s only so many compliments you can sting together. I can’t. I can’t keep doing this.
People who make OCs, out there, everywhere, know I care!!! I CARE!!!!!!! FRANKLY I CARE TOO MUCH!!!! KEEP MAKING OC STUFF!!!! Do what you want. Don’t let anyone stop you.
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businesscasualart · 3 months
I tell my primary care doctor I’m nervous about my autism diagnosis appointment bc like…what if I don’t pass the autism test and she was like
“Oh, you’ll pass.”
…w…what do you mean by that-
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businesscasualart · 4 months
Psimon: If you guys mess up this mission yOULL END UP AT MCDONALDS
Tommy, Cameron, and Baran:
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yess, you even got the cartoon hats to match the cartoon, I’m wheezing XD
look…failure is inevitable…it’s part of the learning process- XD
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