#los angeles nutrition
ayurveda101 · 5 months
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Picked up some goodies from @Team_Optimum from the 2024 LA Fit Expo 💪
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meauxhausint · 1 year
Beauty magazines professional beauty tips and nutrition tips w/: celebrity publicist + CEO DES DUHFAUX
Beauty magazines professional beauty tips and nutrition tips w/: celebrity publicist + CEO DES DUHFAUX
Since the next major season is summer here are my list of summer soiree necessities:
Mango Martinis with a splash of fresh squeezed lime
The little white dress : keeps u cool, calm + collective even in the steamy summer heat.
Chanels signature shades
Plenty of water. Waikea Hawaiian volcanic water or hint water are faves.
Also my list of nutritional must haves for any season are: . *Cottage cheese + heavy cream *Fresh blueberries *Lavender, sage + mint tea (iced, or hot) And buttery croissants ! Yum yum!
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Makeup for evenings
Heavy eyeliner and nude glossy lipwear
try nudestix, Fenty beauty or sscosmetix to complete that look.
"Ready to wear " Couture
Runways locs of choice:
Paris, London + Milan
The usual 'gotos' for the latest trends:
Louis Vuitton Givenchy Chanel Escada Tory Burch Dooney & Burke Halston
Well that's all for now.
With luv, Des
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isabelagoth444 · 7 months
Tarot/ Quién es el amor de tu vida? 💕
Hola a todos y bienvenidos a este nuevo pick a card!🥰 Esta lectura va enfocada principalmente para personas solteras o con nadie especial en su vida actualmente, si tu ya tienes pareja esta lectura no es para ti. Espero que disfrutes de la lectura y que resuene contigo, acuérdate de quedarte con lo que resuene para ti y dejar lo que no, es una lectura general y no todo va a ser específicamente igual, para una lectura privada tienes el link mas abajo.
Toma aire y observa las imágenes y elige la que mas llame tu atención, a continuación dale a leer mas en la parte de abajo y busca tu grupo.
Lecturas privadas aquí
Mi blog principal (en inglés) aquí
Barajas utilizadas: oráculo woodland wardens, tarot enchanted love, astrodados y oráculo romance angels
Fotos y dividers sacados de pinterest
Grupo 1/ Grupo 2
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Grupo 3/ Grupo 4
Grupo 1:
(Cartas: mofeta y magnolia, mapache y sicómoro/ rey de gemas, torre, sol, as de rosas, princesa de rosas/ cáncer, júpiter, casa 7/ jovialidad, conversaciones de corazón)
El amor de tu vida es alguien con mucha predisposición a la espiritualidad o a estar conectadx con un poder mayor, veo que espiritualmente está muy protegidx sea consciente o no de esto. Es alguien con muchas ganas de experimentar y satisfacer su curiosidad, seguramente le apasione viajar y conocer nuevos lugares y culturas, tiene una naturaleza aventurera a la misma vez que realista, como alguien que disfruta de nuevas experiencias para nutrit su mente y alma gracias a ellas. A pesar de su inquietud por conocer y expandirse, el amor de tu vida disfruta de tener los pies sobre la tierra y pensar con racionalidad, no es alguien propenso a la fantasía sino mas enfocadx a afrontar la realidad tal y como viene, aun así también tiene su lado salvaje solo que sabe mantener un buen equilibrio. Esta persona está muy enfocada en su carrera profesional, veo que hace algo que realmente le gusta y apasiona, seguramente su trabajo tenga que ver con ayudar o enseñar a otros como un psicólogo o maestro, aunque diría mas que psicólogo o terapeuta por las cartas que salieron, ya que parece que da apoyo y guía a personas que están en momentos de crisis. Esta persona es mayor que tu, seguramente haya una pequeña diferencia de edad o simplemente esta persona tiene una profunda madurez que le hace aparentar mas mayor de lo que es, sea como sea, no veo que sea un inconveniente para ninguno de los dos con respecto a esto. El amor de tu vida es tu alma gemela, desde el primer momento que os conozcáis los dos vais a sentir una gran conexión y química que será la confirmación para saber que es tu persona por destino, va a haber mucha pasión desde el principio y seguramente os atreváis a hacer cosas justos que no hubieseis hecho con otras personas, también vais a sentir desde un principio que podéis confiar el uno en el otro.
El amor de tu vida tiene muy claras las cosas, es alguien con mucha energía masculina por lo que disfrutará de protegerte, proveer y cuidar independientemente de su género. Es alguien con una visión mas bien tradicional que busca matrimonio y formar una familia, también está muy dispuestx a cumplir su rol en la relación y hacerse cargo de todo lo que haga falta, el amor de tu vida parece disfrutar muchísimo de tomar la responsabilidad y hacerse cargo de las cosas para hacerte sentirte mas relajadx y que no tengas nada de lo que preocuparte. Los dos vais a mantener la chispa de la relación incluso con el transcurso de los años, vais a compartir un vinculo muy profundo que solo ustedes dos seréis capaces de entender. Veo que el pasar tiempo de calidad juntos y una buena comunicación serán las bases de la pareja y que esto os dará mucha mas complicidad e intimidad emocional, seguramente viajéis mucho y conozcáis el mundo juntos a lo largo de vuestra relación.
Grupo 2:
(Cartas: búho y lúpulo, gallo y girasol/ 10 de gemas, 8 de caracolas inv, 7 de gemas inv, 4 de rosas, 10 de caracolas, princesa de caracolas/ aries, sol, casa 6/ dejarlo estar, vale la pena esperar)
El amor de tu vida es alguien que ya conoces pero con quien nunca has tenido nada romántico, ya os habéis visto antes o al menos sabéis de la existencia del otro aunque nunca haya pasado nada, lo que si veo es que habéis hablado y que ha habido química entre ambos, como que ya ha habido interacción aunque no haya sido demasiada. Ésta es una persona físicamente muy atractiva pero su rasgo mas magnético es su calma y sabiduría, es una persona muy tranquila y reflexiva, tal vez resulte un poco callado o reservado de primeras pero tiene un gran mundo interior que solo muestra cuando se siente en confianza. El amor de tu vida es alguien que ha pasado por muchas dificultades a lo largo de su vida pero que ha salido de todas ellas triunfante y esa resiliencia le ha hecho ganarse el respeto de la gente que le conoce, ha tenido que pasar por muchas frustraciones y ha tenido que hacer unos cuantos sacrificios para poder ser la persona que es a día de hoy, sobre todo en temas de amor parece haber sufrido mucho en el pasado. A esta persona le salieron el 10 de caracolas (copas) y 10 de gemas (oros) por lo que 1010 puede ser un numero significativo para ti o una señal cuando lo veas para hacerte ver que estás en el camino de unirte con el amor de tu vida, también estos números indican que tu persona ya ha cerrado o está en el proceso de cerrar ciclos con su pasado. El amor de tu vida es una persona muy romántica con ganas de dar mas que de recibir, es alguien que ha superado muchas pruebas por si solo y está preparadx para compartir su vida y éxito con su alma gemela, realmente tiene mucho que ofrecer y se muere de ganas de tener la oportunidad para hacerlo, lo único es que parece tener dificultades para abrirse rápidamente y requiere de un tiempo extra para conectar y sentirse totalmente cómodo al lado de alguien, las relaciones superficiales, los rollos de una noche o los amigos con derechos no van con tu persona.
Parece que lo único que quiere el amor de tu vida es alguien con quien poder ser y expresarse libremente tal cual es, alguien que le apoye, que le anime y le de tanto amor como él está dispuesto a dar. Es alguien muy cariñosx y detallista, dar regalos puede ser su forma de expresar amor, también siento que actos de servicio es bastante relevante aquí, como que disfruta de hacer mas fácil la vida de la persona que ama. Por las cartas que le salieron en el oráculo te diría que tu persona puede tardar un poquito en llegar todavía porque se encuentra en un momento de purga y purificación, está soltando cargas del pasado que le estaban impidiendo avanzar, intenta no pensar mucho en el tema y enfócate en tus asuntos por el momento, el amor de tu vida necesita este tiempo para sanar su alma, además de que ahora mismo hay una intervención divina muy fuerte ayudandole a soltar, solo dale un poco de tiempo mientras te centras en lo tuyo.
Grupo 3:
(Cartas: alce y fresno, polilla y eucalipto, caballo y campanilla azul/ princesa de rosas inv, 6 de rosas, rey de rosas, as de rosas, sacerdote, 2 de gemas/ ascorpio, júpiter, casa 2/ coqueteo, química)
Hay muchísimas cartas de rosas (bastos) aquí! Los bastos son energía de fuego por lo que el amor de tu vida puede tener este elemento dominante en su carta astral o tener el sol en un signo de fuego (aries, leo y sagitario). Solo con esas cartas puedo decir que el amor de tu vida es una persona muy pasional, con grandes cantidades de energía y seguramente una líbido muy alta también, puede que esto sea una señal de que es una persona muy sexual o sexualmente muy atractivx, también siento que es una persona muy deportista y que le gusta cuidar su cuerpo. Lo único malo que resaltaría dde esta persona es que parece haber evitado el compromiso en su pasado y que ha preferido ir de flor en flor, un poquito energía de fuckboy, la verdad, puede que esto venga de un miedo inconsciente a mostrarse vulnerable. El amor de tu vida tiene un caracter fuerte y resiliente, dificilmente se rinde o deja intimidar ante la adversidad, parece incluso que disfruta de los retos porque le reafirman cuando llos supera y le hace sentirse mas fuerte y capaz. Es una persona valiente que no le teme a lo desconocido ni a la incertidumbre, a pesar de que haya mucho fuego en su lectura también siento una energía muy escorpiana. A pesar de todo, esta persona está cambiando sus hábitos y mentalidad, seguramente sea mayor que tu y esté empezando a pensar a largo plazo y en sentar la cabeza, en temas de valores es alguien que tira mas a lo tradicional y que busca crear su propia familia, también parece muy decididx a aceptar el compromiso que puede haber estado evadiendo en el pasado, con el dos de gems veo que se está dando un cambio significativo en su forma de ver las relaciones y lo que quiere para su futuro.
El amor de tu vida es alguien que realmente quiere vincularse con alguien y amar incondicionalmente pero que se ha topado con muchas personas superficiales en el pasado que no han sarisfecho su necesidad de profundidad emocional, a nivel mas espiritual, ha estado lidiando con personas kármicas en vex de con almas gemela. Escorpio es un signo que puede llegar a intimidar pero no hay nadie mas leal que un escorpio, con Jupiter y la casa 2 solo resalta su deseo de formar su propia familia y crear un hogar con la persona de sus sueños, además de mantenerse fiel a sus valores. Cuando aparezcas en su vida no lo va a dudar, va a ir a por ti con toda la artilleria, va a sentir la chispa desde el principio y se va a lanzar porque contigo va a sentir algo que no había sentido antes, le vas a transmitir una confianza que no había sentido previamente, como encontrar su hogar, para ti, esta persona será como tu chispa en la vida, te animará a tomar riesgos y dejar de preocuparte tanto por las cosas, a su lado vas a poder relajarte y simplemente disfrutar. Va a haber mucho coqueteo y diversión en vuestra relación, esta energía desenfadada os va a acompañar desde el principio y será la base de la relación, los dos vais a confiar plenamente en el otro.
Grupo 4:
(Cartas: mariquita y guisante de olor, trucha y lirio de los valles, caracol y arándano/ as de gemas, as de alas, 7 de caracolas, rueda de la fortuna, princesa de gemas inv, 9 de caracolas/ capricornio, nodo norte, casa 1/ dale una oportunidad a la relación, boda)
Para empezar, tu ya conoces a esta persona y ya ha habido un acercamiento, sobre todo por parte de esta persona, pero parece que no estés muy segurx o que esta persona no te termine de convencer por alguna razón, tal vez no es el tipo de persona en la que te fijarías de primeras o simplemente hay algo que no te permite confiar del todo, si es la segunda opción, no es porque esta persona esté haciendo nada para causarte inseguridades, es algo que tienes que resolver tu para poder abrirte en relaciones sanas. Esta persona es el amor de tu vida, pero solo si se lo permites, alguien con muchas ganas de hacerte feliz y dar mucho amor, esta persona cree en las almas gemelas y tiene una gran inteligencia emocional, parece también que tiene un muy buen control sobre sus emociones. Esta persona te ve como su persona de ensueño, realmente no tiene ojos para nadie mas, contigo siente que ha alcanzado lo máximo en la vida, aquí hay sentimientos puros y sinceros, es alguien que está dispuesto a lo que sea con tal de que lo aceptes y le permitas demostrarte lo mucho que está dispuesto a ofrecer en todos los aspectos. Esta persona tiene un estilo de vida cómodo, el dinero le fluye muchísimo y parece disfrutar mucho de su profesión aunque con la princesa de gemas invertida siento que puede tener ciertos complejos sobre su apariencia física, por eso se ha enfocado tanto en tener éxito laboral para tener algo que ofrecer mas allá de su apariencia. De resto parece tener su vida bien organizada y tener las cosas claras, como que ahora mismo se encuentra en una posición muy estable donde tiene todas sus necesidades satisfechas salvo por una relación romántica, mas allá de eso, con la rueda de la fortuna, se ve que a esta persona la suerte le acompaña en todo lo que hace y esto suele ser sinónimo de ser una buena persona.
El consejo que te da el oráculo es que le des una oportunidad a esta persona, no quiere decir que te lances a una relación con ojos cerrados, sino que poco a poco le vayas conociendo y haciéndote una idea de que clase de persona es y si sus valores y personalidad compagina contigo. Seguro que te sorprenderá para bien porque la siguiente carta anuncia boda, por lo que esta persona está buscando compromiso serio y te lo hará saber desde un primer momento, es como que quiere darte a entender que no quiere que malgastes tu tiempo sino que sepas que puedes esperar de esta persona. Por lo que dicen los dados, esta persona no solo está dispuestx a tratarte con amor y devoción sino que también parece bastante predispuestx a ayudarte con tus sueños y metas, cualquier proyecto que tengas en mente ésta persona quiere ayudarte a conseguirlo, es alguien que te motivará y dará claridad, sobre todo si es alguna meta laboral. Por lo general, se le ve como una persona con un corazón honesto, que tiene mucho que ofrecer y que haría cualquier cosa por la persona que ama, si decides tener algo con esta persona que sepas que es para un compromiso para toda la vida
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hollywoods-angel · 1 year
pam <3
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pam grier, born pamela suzette grier is an american singer and actress who starred in numerous action, blaxploitation and women in prison movies. shes been nominated for an emmy, a golden globe, a screen actor's guild, a satellite award and a saturn award.
pam was born in north carolina, but her family moved due to her father being in the military. during high school she was in stage productions and raised money to go to college by being in beauty pageants. at 18 she moved to los angeles and was hired to work the switchboard. here she was discovered by a director (believed to be jack hill) and cast in women-in prison films, starting in 1971.
from there pam continued to star in numerous blaxploitation and women in prison movies. roger ebert, in a review for her film coffy described pam as having "a beautiful face and astonishing form" and said that she had a 'physical life' that many actresses lacked. pam was also the first black woman to headline an action film, and throughout the 70s she progressively got bigger roles.
she made a thetrical debut in 1985 and in 1994 she was featured in snoop dog's video for 'doggy dog world.' since then she's continued to be in movies and on tv. pam's legacy is marked by the characters she played who were revolutionary not only for their beauty but for their boldness. she's viewed as a sex symbol, but she's also so much more than that. pam also founded the 'pam grier garden and community center' to teach people about gardening, organic eating, nutrition, and other tips!
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leighrobertsreads · 4 months
Los colores del hogar - The Colors of Home
@flashfictionfridayofficial FFF 256: Muted colors
Los colores del hogar - The Colors of Home
Word count: 790 Fandom: Encanto (2021) Pairing: Mirabel/Bruno CW: romantic relationship between (unknowing) uncle/niece
Mirabel decides to bring the colors of home into Bruno's life, improving her own at the same time
Inspired by "City of Angels" series by @heartniche: https://archiveofourown.org/series/4117141
Also read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56484841
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In America, muted colors were a sign of order, of cleanliness, of sophistication.
The hospital Mirabel worked in was light grey, with an interior of light wood and grey granite only interrupted by light green and blue upholstery. Her scrubs were pastels, just like the nursing program supervisor had recommended when she arrived in Los Angeles, EB-3 visa carefully stuck in her maroon pasaporte.
The fruit truck was bright yellow. Her colleagues thought it was gaudy. They also thought the flowers and birds she had embroidered on her pastel scrubs were gaudy, but were too "polite" to say it out loud - they left that to their eyes.
The sad, middle-aged man who ran the fruit truck and sounded like home, even like the family she'd left behind, brightened every time she approached to collect her perfectly-seasoned mango and rehash the latest episode of what her slovenly roommates called "Mirabel's melodramatic trash TV."
After his friend (neighbor? landlady's shiftless son?) informed her that the man's name was Bruno and that he was currently having a low-grade medical emergency in his apartment, she found someone who needed the colors of home - on his plate, in his apartment… on her.
Whenever Mirabel went to watch her "melodramatic trash TV" with someone who didn't need her to translate the language or the culture, she stopped wearing those dully-colored, almost masculine American jeans and t-shirts that she'd bought to fit in, but instead her brightly-printed skirts and frilly blouses that showed off her collarbones.
Bruno worked hard, had taught himself English, and best she could tell, did not drink to excess or do drugs. Decades of manual labor had kept him fit, and had only refined those beautiful hands, not coarsened them. His manners were oddly prim, more like those of her university-graduate father than those of the construction workers who crudely signaled their appreciation of her backside as she walked from the school gate to the car that whisked her and her sisters home.
Her roommates, who were even worse housekeepers than he was and appeared to be "hooking up" with new guys every week, would mock her for being interested in a man who had to be at least fifty. Her colleagues would turn their noses up at him because he was a fruit truck guy, and not one of the fancy ones that charged way too much for small underripe portions, but the "ethnic" one. Her family… Dios. If she dated while on this placement, anything less than a doctor would be a humiliation for them all - so she shoved what they would think about Bruno out of her mind.
But there was just something irresistible about him. A whole world was hidden in his dark green eyes. So she made the dishes everyone back home loved, using the nutritional knowledge she had picked up in her studies to replace some of the meat with colorful vegetables, and her mother's tips for making convenient, appealing leftovers. She kept wearing those bright skirts and frilly blouses, but started taking them up and in, bit by bit, showing increasing amounts of her warm-colored skin and beginning to despair of him taking her increasingly unsubtle hints.
Until finally, something broke (ironically while she was dressed in the plain t-shirt and jogging pants he had scrounged up after he rescued her from a nervous breakdown in the middle of her shift) and they could no longer deny the need for the home they had found in each other.
Once he had made her his, she felt free to bring the bright, clean colors of home into his sad apartment. New sheets and comforter for the bed they had started sharing most nights, proper curtains, a set of harmoniously-mismatched plates from the secondhand store, and a place where every new piece of her artwork was verbally appreciated. She seriously considered moving away from her slovenly roommates.
Marriage had become even more unfashionable back home than it was in Los Angeles, but she was starting to wonder if he might consider it. He had been in America long enough that he was probably a citizen through The Amnesty. If they married, she could get a real Green Card instead of her restrictive nursing visa and, as he had suggested, find a career she actually liked - maybe try being an art teacher… or even an artist. She could give him a child or two before he was too old to chase them.
And then her mother showed up with her sophisticated, muted-colored suits for a conference and mentioned that the man in the bright yellow fruit truck looked like she imagined her brother Bruno would after all those years away from home.
The color washed out of Mirabel's dreams.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this Smithsonian story:
Several hundred starving, sick or injured brown pelicans have turned up on beaches throughout California over the past few weeks, with wildlife officials still unable to pinpoint the cause of what they are calling a “crisis.”
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and other non-governmental partners, have been working to collect and rehabilitate the birds, many of which are anemic, dehydrated and underweight.
“They’re in really poor physical shape. They’re starving, and they haven’t gotten enough nutrition,” Russ Curtis, a spokesperson for the nonprofit organization International Bird Rescue, which is helping in the rescue efforts, tells KQED’s Annelise Finney.
“When there’s not the fishing stock that they can find, they take chances around fishing piers and fishing boats and places where there are people with fishing tackle,” Curtis says, explaining that some pelicans have been hurt by fishing hooks and lines they encounter near the shore.
As of this week, the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center (WWCC) in Huntington Beach and Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network have admitted more than 100 pelicans each, while International Bird Rescue has taken 260 pelicans into its two California facilities—one in Los Angeles County, and one in the San Francisco Bay Area, reports Cheri Carlson of the Ventura County Star.
Other birds have been found dead on beaches. Necropsies have revealed starvation as their cause of death, which has puzzled scientists. Populations of fish that pelican forage, by all accounts, remain abundant off the Pacific coast.
We also know that there’s supposedly plenty of anchovies and their food out there in the ocean, so we don’t really know why they are not able to forage yet,” Debbie McGuire, executive director of the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center, tells Eugene Garcia of theAssociated Press.
Brown pelicans are known to spend their non-breeding months throughout the entirety of the state’s coastline, and the sick birds have been found in a variety of locations. In northern California, most birds have been rescued around Monterey and Santa Cruz, while those in southern California have been found by officials in a variety of traditional and non-traditional habitats. Two dozen pelicans were found on Newport Beach and dozens more were picked up around Huntington Beach—but sick birds have also been identified in a lake at SoFi stadium, the home of the NFL’s Los Angeles Rams, and at a Malibu fire station, the Guardian’sDani Anguiano reports.In rescue efforts, the first step is to support the birds with warmth. “The great news is the vast majority are recovering if we can get them through those first couple of critical hours of hypothermia,” Elizabeth Wood, the WWCC’s veterinarian and medical director, says in a video posted to Facebook.
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puckpocketed · 4 months
new babygirl unlocked!! and he has HAIR!!!!!!
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[ID: Photo of Los Angeles Kings prospect Aatu Jämsen in his Pelicans uniform. His hair is backlit to almost seem white, and streams out from under his helmet. /. End ID]
oh my GOD!!! new babygirl indeed... its giving barbie its giving goldilocks its giving hair on a my little pony toy... !
Quick notes on Aatu Jämsen. i am quite endeared. he is exactly my type of hockey guy <3
Plays RW! Drafted 2020, round 7, 190th overall. Before signing with the Kings, was playing for the Lahti Pelicans. Bit of a late bloomer, but he's tearing it up lately!! Probably why he got the nod from LA.
Per EP Rinkside, "Players with Jämsen's creativity are a rarity in Liiga. In a league where systems and team-wide strategy are at the forefront, Jämsen stands out with his puck skills and a flair for the dramatic. He's a legitimate dual-threat weapon in the offensive zone, and has also made some slight improvements to his physical game; a necessity if he wants to try to conquer North America next season."
So he's known for being very flashy. Quick, soft hands. Creative. Highlight reel stuff. GOATED on the shootout, apparently always trying crazy dangles in game... I'm SURE this type of prospect will be fine in the LA Kings system (<- lying but hopeful!! aslkdaskjl)
Here he is bullying the shit out of NHL24 champ/youtuber/ex-goalie Eki in the shootout. he yells "KUCHEROV" in triumph at one point after scoring on this guy who (checks notes) laced up skates to play goalie 2 times in the last 4 years - and i think that's so fucking lame and deeply charming.
and I am not surprised at all; he is VERY popular in the Finnish league.
Last month he got into a fight with Tampereen Tappara's Otto Rauhala. VERY unexpected, he's not a fighter at all. Rough google translate from this article, cleaned up a little by me:
Interviewer: What happened there? Jämsen: I don't know. Interviewer: So would you say Rauhala started it? Jämsen: You could say. I didn't appreciate his check in the first period of the game. Nothing more than that."
This is whole exchange is SO funny to me. what happened? he doesn't know. but if he had to say? then that guy fucking started it!!! but that's all <3 LMAO
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HE MOONLIGHTS AS A RAP MUSICIAN. HELLO. His stage name is KIDJAM$EN kjlasdkljadlak HELP..,, here is one of his songs set to a short looping montage of Pelicans hockey players.. i think its a playoffs hype song??? I cannot understand a word of it. it DOES bang though!!! He plans to pursue music as a career if hockey doesn't work out. jumping from one risky career to another with no fear honestly go off!!! faith trust and pixie dust <3
everything about him i can dig up is like He's SOO flashy. eccentric. strange creachture. He bleaches his hair to get it that light. he did it to imitate Otto Salin, per this article. The picture is worth a thousand words tbh:
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the fucking. LV sweater. the sunglasses. the coy look up at the camera. okay!!! cunt !!! <3
In the same article: he got very serious about nutrition and exercise last season after coming back from a break and getting BLASTED by his coaches for being out of shape. from the sounds of it, this dressing-down triggered his current meteoric rise? He was nawwwt taking his conditioning seriously before this. Since then, he's gained weight and become stronger, and has dedicated himself fully to going pro!
same article again: he's the scion of a hockey family - and god isnt that always the story?? His dad played for the Pelicans. his brothers Juuso and Vili also play hockey. The three have distinct play styles like a cute little set <3 Juuso the goal scorer, Aatu the playmaker, and Vili the GOON!!!
ough MIDDLE CHILD ALERT!!! it all makes SO much sense now....
Due to his flashiness on-ice AND off-ice, he naturally is a lightning rod for criticism. ice hockey is notoriously conservative as a culture and everything about him goes against this. Jams... Jammie... Jammer... idk what to call you BUT. your swag too different your slay too cunty, they're trying to kill you but you wont let them!!!!!
it seems instead of pivoting and making himself more palatable, he's only doubled down. i love and support him for this. if anyone has been on my blog they know i enjoy my guys with big personalities just as much as i love the quiet/underrated ones.
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mega-bluespower · 6 months
Easy Italian Ricotta Cheese Tart Recipe – Perfect Anytime Treat!
Prep Time: 30 mins | Cook Time: 1 hr 10 mins | Servings: 8 | Skill Level: Easy Plus: Don’t forget to account for the pastry chilling time! 1,274 more…Easy Italian Ricotta Cheese Tart Recipe – Perfect Anytime Treat!
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umlewis · 10 months
Every Traveler Needs to Try Lewis Hamilton's Hotel Hacks [part 1/2]
The F1 driver has mastered the art of resetting his body clock and getting comfortable on the road.
Lewis Hamilton first stepped into the Mercedes-AMG Petronas car over a decade ago. Before his signing, Mercedes was struggling to produce as a team, but with the young, cunning Brit behind the wheel, things changed. Since then, Hamilton has scored the record for most wins, pole finishes, and podium finishes in the most competitive motorsport in the world. No matter how gifted the athlete, leading the pack like that doesn’t come solely through natural ability, and the driver has found a formula for success that follows him across the globe. Men’s Journal spoke with Hamilton on how he prepares to drive circuits he’s never seen before at speeds over 200 miles per hour, his favorite cross-training activities, and the travel routines that keep him at the front of the pack.
Men's Journal: F1 Las Vegas Grand Prix has a start time of 10p.m. PT. How are you prepping for a night race—any hacks? Lewis Hamilton: Preparing to drive a new track means as much simulation work as possible to get a feel for the course. I have two full days that I’ll do in the sim before I land in Vegas. It’s important to adjust your internal clock, so before we get to Nevada, the team is spending some time in Los Angeles. I’m already adjusting my mornings to waking up and going to bed later to fit with the schedule of a night race. I’m also making sure my meals and nutrition intake fits the new schedule. The key is adjusting the light I’m taking in—using different bulbs with different brightness so I can maintain a good circadian rhythm. Since we travel so much, I always make sure the rooms we’re staying in have blackout curtains so I can get a deep sleep at any hour. I like to keep the room cool, which makes the bed more welcome. The bed itself is also crucial, I like a firm pillow because I like to sleep on my side. The ones I have at home are Tempur-Pedic. Do you struggle with sleep? I’ve never been a great sleeper. For years I would go to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning and sleep for about five hours. But, to be honest, that worked for me, because our days are leading up to the the main event, which is later in the afternoon. So if I wake up at 5 in the morning, I’m probably peaking a lot earlier in the day than if I wake up at 8. So I’m sticking with waking up later, though these days I’m trying to get more like seven hours of sleep a night. The Mercedes Benz team has a partnership with Marriott Bonvoy and The Ritz-Carlton, which seems like a smart one given how much you travel. How do you make a hotel feel like a home away from home? One of the most important amenities is a coffee machine in the room, because I like to have coffee when I wake up on race day or any day for that matter. I love to play music, it calms me so I’ll have my music equipment in the room as well. I have a keyboard that folds in half so it’s easier to travel with. I really want that hotel space to feel like home. The Marriott team takes that to another level, and sometimes they’ll even have a picture of my dog, Roscoe, on the nightstand. It’s also about what I have them take out of the room. I have them take out all the snacks and anything from the minibar, because when you're working strange hours your body can crave comfort. The easiest way to get that is from food, so I want to eliminate any temptation I might have to deal with later. Instead, I’ll make sure the fridge is filled with healthy snacks like fruit. What’s the most challenging part about being a Formula 1 driver? The Formula 1 season is very challenging for all the drivers. We're going to 24 different countries, maybe more throughout the year, sitting in planes all the time. Rest and recovery is a huge part of making sure we're on point when it comes to showing up to the races ready. There's an immense amount of travel involved. My mindset is greatly benefitted by meditation, so I try to prioritize it. I don’t always get to, and I can feel the difference, but the schedule can get very hectic. I always do better when I can put that focus into my mental game. I like to start my day with positive affirmations, no matter what state I’m in, and focus on the things I want to do. That’s where things like playing music comes in handy. Competing has become very serious business, and we work hard, perhaps too hard. There’s immense benefit to smiling to the body and mind. Exercise is also a great way to help me stay sharp, on top of being critical to succeeding in motorsports.
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Vitamin C!!!
Did you know that ascorbic acid is actually synthetic vitamin C? What’s more, it is usually GMO vitamin C, which means it was derived from GMO corn.
If you are learning this for the first time, it can be a rather shocking realization as almost all vitamin C supplements on the market use ascorbic acid.
Even more disturbing, ascorbic acid is frequently marketed as natural vitamin C and added to organic foods as a natural preservative. Truly natural forms of vitamin C and synthetic ascorbic acid seem to be used interchangeably.
NEARLY ALL juices and fruit products are loaded up with ascorbic acid, even many organic, healthfood store versions. It seems that if a product is labeled “high in Vitamin C”, consumers buy more of it.
A lot of folks are being fooled by these misleading semantics. There is a growing body of evidence that those consuming high doses of ascorbic acid should have reason to worry.
Three Studies Suggest Caution with High Dose Ascorbic Acid
The Winter 2009 edition of Wise Traditions cites 3 studies which give pause about large doses of vitamin C. The first study (from the Jun 15, 2001 issue of Science) showed that “synthetic vitamin C may contribute to the formation of genotoxins that can lead to cancer”.
A second study presented to the American Heart Association showed a link between consumption of only 500mg of vitamin C per day and a greater propensity toward thickening of the arteries (Los Angeles Times, March 3, 2000).
Even more recently, athletes taking 1000mg of vitamin C per day showed reduced endurance capacity from interference with antioxidant enzymes (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Jan 2008).
This information should give pause to anyone who is actively taking synthetic vitamin C supplements such as those Emergen-C packets that are available everywhere, from pharmacies and health food stores to even gas stations!
Supplements like these are NOT boosting immunity and are NOT good for you!
Synthetic vitamins such as ascorbic acid act more like drugs in the body rather than whole food nutrients with all the available co-factors. Taking any synthetic vitamin can cause imbalances in the body and should be avoided.
Another worrisome and popular trend is the recommendation of some alternative health professionals to do a “vitamin C flush” during illness. This therapy (if you can call it that) calls for large doses of ascorbic acid until the onset of diarrhea. This approach to regaining wellness has never made any sense to me. Now, with more studies indicating the danger of high doses of vitamin C, caution seems well founded.
Fan of Linus Pauling? Consider This ….
If you are a fan of Linus Pauling who popularized the notion of huge doses of Vitamin C for the common cold in the 1970’s, consider this. GMO Vitamin C did not exist when Pauling was conducting his studies. GMO derived Vitamin C is what most people are unwittingly taking today!
What’s more, the studies indicating the danger of high doses of vitamin C over long periods of time had not been done yet. They were conducted long after Pauling died in 1994.
What about High Dose, Intravenous Ascorbic Acid?
What about high dose, intravenous ascorbic acid for the very ill? Note that the vitamin C for IV use is almost always derived from GMO corn as well as being extremely high dose and synthetic ascorbic acid only.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Lost in the hubbub surrounding California's new $20-per-hour minimum wage for fast food workers is how that raise could impact public schools, forcing districts to compete with the likes of McDonald's and Wendy's for cafeteria workers amid a state budget crunch.
The minimum wage law that took effect Monday guarantees at least $20-per-hour for workers at fast food restaurant chains with at least 60 locations nationwide. That doesn't include school food service workers, historically some of the lowest-paid workers in public education.
Yet demand for school meals is higher than ever in California, the first state to guarantee free meals for all students regardless of their family's income. And demand is projected to fuel an increase of more than 70 million extra meals in California schools this year compared to 2018, according to the state Department of Education.
But these jobs typically have lots of turnover and are harder to fill. The minimum wage boost for fast food workers could make that even more difficult.
“They are all very worried about it. Most are saying they anticipate it will be harder and harder to hire employees,” said Carrie Bogdanovich, president of the California School Nutrition Association.
Statewide, some districts have already taken steps to compete in the new reality. Last year, the Sacramento Unified School District — anticipating the law's passage — agreed to a 10% increase for its food service workers and other low-paying jobs, followed by another 6% increase July 1 of this year to bump their wages up to $20 per hour.
Cancy McArn, the district's chief human resources officer, said it was the largest single raise in the district in nearly three decades.
“We are looking not only at competing with districts and comparing with districts, we're also looking at fast food places,” McArn said.
In Southern California, San Luis Coastal Unified doubled its food service staff to 40 people after seeing a 52% increase in the number of students eating school meals. The district prepares 8,500 meals daily for 7,600 students across 15 school sites — breakfast, lunch and even supper options for youth in after-school sports and activities.
The district has since limited the number of its entry-level positions, which are the hardest to fill, while seeking to hire more for complex roles like “culinary lead” and “central kitchen supervisor” that require more skills and hours — making them more attractive to job seekers.
“That’s allowed us to be more competitive,” said Erin Primer, director of food and nutrition services for the San Luis Coastal Unified School District.
Tia Orr, executive director of the Services Employees International Union California — which represents both school food service workers and fast food employees — said school districts and other service industries must consider raising wages because of this new law.
“This is a good thing, and it is long overdue,” she said.
But some districts are limited in what they can do. In the Lynwood Unified School District in Los Angeles County, the starting salary for food service workers is $17.70 per hour and maxes out at $21.51 per hour, according to Gretchen Janson, the district's assistant superintendent of business services. She said these workers only work three hours per day, meaning they aren't eligible for health benefits.
Janson says the district is waiting to see how employees react, adding: “We just don't have the increase in revenue to be able to provide additional funding for staff.”
Nuria Alvarenga has worked food service in the Lynwood School District for 20 years. She makes $21 per hour now, but said she could likely earn more in fast food.
While she said several co-workers were considering finding other jobs, she hasn't decided yet what she will do. She normally works at an elementary school, but has been filling in recently at a high school where she enjoys seeing former students recognize her as they stand in line for lunch.
“I'm so glad they still remember me,” she said.
School food service workers have gotten more support in recent years under a state push to expand school meals and make them more nutritious. That included $720 million in recent years for upgrades to school kitchens to better prepare fresh meals, plus $45 million to create an apprenticeship program to professionalize the industry.
It would be difficult for lawmakers to mandate a raise for school food workers given the complexities of the state's school funding formula. That's why some advocacy groups, including the Chef Ann Foundation, proposed a state-funded incentive program that would have given school food workers who completed an apprenticeship program a $25,000 bonus payable over five years.
That idea didn't make it into Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom's budget proposal released in January. The state is facing a multibillion dollar budget deficit, limiting new spending.
But pay raises aren't the only incentives school districts can offer. There's also health insurance, paid vacation, no night or weekend shifts and a pension that could guarantee a monthly income after retirement. Plus, school food workers have predictable hours, letting them work other jobs if they wish — or in summer when school is out.
“Restaurants are laying off employees. They're cutting hours,” said Eric Span, director of nutrition services for the Sweetwater Union High School District in San Diego County. “I think we should position ourselves to really talk about some stability.”
Michael Reich, a labor economics professor at the University of California-Berkeley, said those factors could favor school districts when competing for workers.
“Working in a school cafeteria gives you more stability, job security and maybe less stress than in a profit making institution,” he said. “So there's a lot of advantages from a community standpoint. But that's not to say they don't also want to get more money.”
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skippyv20 · 1 year
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have had a trademark application for their podcast name rejected, records show.
The couple had their application for exclusive rights to 'Archetypes' - the name chosen by Meghan for their podcast - refused by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office because of the 'likelihood of confusion' with an existing brand.
They sought exclusive use of the name in categories like 'downloadable audio recordings and podcasts' for anything concerning the 'cultural treatment of women and stereotypes facing women'.
But it was refused due to an existing trademark by Arizonian firm Archetypes LLC, which sought exclusive use in 2015 for a series of books and articles about 'nutrition, fitness, sexuality, psychological self-improvement' and more.
The couple's lawyer, Marjorie Witter Norman, of Los Angeles firm Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, has applied for another three months in which to finesse the Archetypes application.
They also both failed to sign their own application to the regulatory body, records show.
Meghan made the same mistake last year when she applied to reactivate 'The Tig' trademark — the name she favoured for the lifestyle blog she wrote before marrying Harry.
It comes after it was announced the Spotify podcast Archetypes would not be renewed for a second season as as the audio company begins to make changes and revamp its output.
The streaming giant and the Sussexes's audio production company Archewell Audio released a joint statement this month saying they have 'mutually agreed to part ways and are proud of the series we made together'.
Meghan and Harry reportedly signed a £15million ($20million) deal with Spotify for the project in late 2020 but insiders close to the audio giant claim the royal couple did not meet the productivity benchmark required to receive the full payout, the Wall Street Journal reported.
The move to ditch the Duchess of Sussex's show, which explores the 'labels that try to hold women back', follows discussions months ago about renewing it for a second series.
The axing of the show came after sources close to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex claimed the pair would stop making tell-all Netflix documentaries, publishing memoirs and sitting down for interviews that bash the Royal Family, as they have 'nothing left to say'.
Spotify was said to have carried out conversations for a second series of Archetypes last year following the end of the first season, but talks later stalled.
The talent agency that recently signed Meghan, WME, told the Wall Street Journal: 'The team behind Archetypes remain proud of the podcast they created at Spotify. Meghan is continuing to develop more content for the Archetypes audience on another platform.'
The podcast reached the top of Spotify's charts in the week it premiered.
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catsofcalifornia · 1 year
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Liam from Women United For Animal Welfare in Los Angeles, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help (as well as a video of sweet Liam)!
Click here for a link to Women United For Animal Welfare's main website.
Hi! Meet Liam! Liam is the sweetest most affectionate Flame Point Siamese kitty! He is approx 6-7 years old, neutered, vaccinated, vaccinated. Unfortunately Liam tested positive for FIV but negative for Felv. Fiv can be managed with a healthy and safe environment along with proper nutrition. It is not a death sentence. It is only transmittable through deep bite wounds through fighting however Liam is not a fighter so he could go to a home with an FIV negative cat. We rescued Liam from the shelter where he was medical listed due to his eyes needing surgery. We provided the entropian surgery he needed and he is doing much better now that he can see better! Liam must have lived on the street for a long time as he also had a badly broken jaw at one point that has already healed. Our vets recommended that we do not surgically fix it as he can eat just fine and it doesn’t seem to cause him any pain. He does however have a crooked smile! Liam is such a sweet boy who deserves the world! He loves to be in the mix and greets everyone at the door when they come in. Liam gets along fine with cats but doesn’t like dogs so it’s best he goes to a home with no dogs. Liam also became good friends with a tiny 8 week old female kitten named Sherman who he would love to go to a home with but it’s not absolutely necessary.
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graceandfamily · 1 month
Grace Kelly in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, California photographed by her dear friend Howell Conant in the fall of 1955. She was working on THE SWAN (1956), shot at MGM Studios in Hollywood. Grace rented a property in the Hollywood Hills from Gayelord Hauser, a renowned nutritionist at the time. He was known as a “doctor of natural science,” promoting foods rich in B vitamins and discouraging the consumption of sugar and white flour. Hauser was a nutritionist to several Hollywood stars, including Gloria Swanson, Greta Garbo, and even Grace. She maintained her figure by eating whole foods and prioritizing nutrition, especially during her acting career. Nonetheless, she was naturally beautiful and photogenic, as this photograph proves.
Credit to Talita @dosesofgracekelly for this beautiful photo scan. All rights go to: @princessgraceus and @graceinfluential
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