#los jamiltons
deathzgf · 5 months
i had some Odd conversations with my mother today , most of Which happened to be recorded in oomf ' s discord dms . So ! here ' s the transcript no one asked for :3
me : john adams big naturals
mum :
mum : what about john adams and his big naturals ?
me : i ' m gonna bite them
mum : have you got a big enough mouth ?
mum : well ! i ' ve heard they ' re huge
me : wheyuh ?
me : did thomas jefferson tell you that ?
me : what do you think of thomas jefferson telling king george iii that he could eat a fat dick ? ( in reference to fredrick douglass vs thomas jefferson )
mum : i ' m not sure that that was actually uh what was said
me : it did ! it did !
mum : i think that ' s someone being mischevious
me : no no no
mum : perverting history by making up stories about what was said
me :
me : wait till you find out about benjamin franklin ' s sex cult
me : if thomas jefferson has the fat dick
me : and john adams has the big naturals
me : who ' s flying the plane ?
mum : 🤓☝️ well they didn ' t have planes in those days so
me : i have a challenge for you
mum : what ' s the challenge ?
me : name one austrian who has contributed to something positive to society
mum :
me : is camille desmoulins like an archaeopteryx ?
mum : no
me : ok ok ok listen
me : federalist party vs democratic republican party
me : oiled up and booty butt naked ; who ' s winning the twerk off ?
mum :
mum : Wow
me : or would john adams big naturals win
mum :
me : federalist party vs democratic republican party vs john adams big naturals oiled up and booty butt naked who ' s winning the twerk off ?
mum : so oiled up . . . beauty butt naked
me : booty butt
mum : so in their birthday suit
me : yes
mum : and what was the final thing ?
me : who is winning the twerk off
mum : what ' s a twerk off
me :
me : where . . . where you compete to see who twerks the best
mum : is that . . . ejaculates the highest ?
me : no ? ? ?
me : actually who would ejaculate the highest
me : i feel like . . . thomas jefferson and his fat dick would win the ejaculation off
mum : right
me : but the twerk off
me : i feel like aaron burr would take that home for the democratic republican party
mum : yeah ?
me : yeah . . . but against john adams big naturals . . . ough
mum : well that sounds pretty hard to beat to be honest
me : wait wait wait would james monroe or aaron burr win the twerk off for the democratic republican party
mum : [ sings monty python ]
me : are you an annalett yuri truther
mum :
me : and look ! the reasons clear ! for the first time in a year ! john adams big naturals aren ' t here !
me : mum would you still love me if i was a liberal
mum :
me : my pretty princess 2008 john adams big naturals thomas jefferson
mum : but he ' s not a pretty princess
me : YES HE IS
mum : since when ?
me : SINCE [ starts crying ]
me : ok ok what are your thoughts on jamilton
mum : jamilton ?
mum : who ' s that
mum : is that a crossbreed between hamilton and jefferson ?
mum : no
me , the # 1 annalett yuri truther : NO ? ?
me : are you a sewlett yuri truther
mum : no
me : ok are you a hamburr yuri truther
mum : no i ' m simple plain mum
me : do you think benjamin tallmadge is baby boy
mum : dain . i have no idea what kind of conversation we are having
me : but but but do you think benjamin tallmadge . is . baby . boy
mum : how do you think we ' re going to solve the world ' s housing problems ?
me :
me : with baby boy benjamin tallmadge
me : do you think abraham woodhull is baby boy
mum : excuse me ?
me : abraham woodhull is baby boy
mum : i don ' t even know if what you just said is a sentence or not
mum : abc
me : thomas jefferson ' s fat d
me : wait what comes after d
me : abcde E . estrogen
me : estrogen could have saved like . Everyone in the french revolution
me : estrogen could have saved camille desmoulins . estrogen could have saved louis antoine saint - just . estrogen could have saved maximilien robespierre . estrogen could not have saved georges danton . i hate danton . estrogen could have saved georges couthon . i looove couthon
me : you know what killed john laurens ?
me : the Fog
me : if the fog was british
me : i ' m britsh
mum : what do you think of antidisestablishmentarianism ?
average interaction with my mother
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her-cass · 6 years
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Con Tomás Fricher y equipo, en su programa "Sin Retorno" por Radio UNO FM 103.1 (Radio Rivadavia) el día 19 de Abril de 2018.
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corallorosso · 2 years
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L’epidemia dell’odio: nell’ultimo anno 1.379 aggressioni razziste, omotransfobiche, antisemite e abiliste Il mese è quello di maggio 2021, primi segni di “ritorno alla normalità”. Fine dei lockdown e locali che riaprono. Zaihra, ragazza trans di 21 anni, aspetta una sua amica in piazza Currò, centro di ritrovo per i giovani catanesi. Un ragazzo la fissa mentre lei parla al telefono. Poi le si avvicina e le sferra un pugno in faccia. Sviene e nessuno interviene. Occhio gonfio e mascella rotta. Nel mese di ottobre a Roma il quartiere di San Lorenzo ritorna a pulsare tra bar e discoteche, Jamilton, romano di 26 anni con origini brasiliane esce da un locale verso le 2 di notte, saluta gli amici e si avvia verso la macchina. Prima gli insulti: «Guarda se sto negro de merda m'ha rubato er cellulare, mo lo pisto». Poi un branco di quattro uomini lo circondano, gli spaccano una bottiglia in testa e lo massacrano intonando in coro: «Brutto negro». Omotransfobia, razzismo, abilismo, antisemitismo le voci che si uniscono per denunciare il clima di violenza montante vengono raccolte dall’Unar (Ufficio nazionale antidiscriminazioni razziali della Presidenza del Consiglio). Da 913 episodi di discriminazione del 2020, si è passati a 1.379. Con un dettaglio non da poco conto: i dati visionati e pubblicati in anteprima da L’Espresso registrano un balzo di aggressioni fisiche rispetto all’anno precedente. Con le “riaperture” si preferiscono calci e pugni all’offesa: l’odio virtuale scende dal 34% al 17%, Mentre salgono le aggressioni fisiche: nel 2020 erano il 65 per cento (soprattutto tra le mura domestiche), nel fanno un balzo e toccano l’82 per cento. La discriminazione abbandona il virtuale e torna a sommergere la vita reale delle persone, nelle loro relazioni familiari e di vicinato, nei luoghi che frequentano o dai quali vengono allontanati o preclusi. Figli buttati fuori casa per via del proprio orientamento sessuale o identità di genere, cittadini insultati e picchiati per strada per il colore della pelle. E ancora manifesti, striscioni, cartelli, scritte sui muri che illuminano la guerra invisibile alle minoranze. La piramide dell’odio tracciata dall’UNAR mette al primo posto le persone aggredite per motivi etnico-razziali: il 2021 ha registrato 709 casi rispetto ai 545 del 2020. Di queste 499 vittime sono straniere. Seguono poi le persone aggredite per il “colore della pelle” (137), a cui vengono rivolti insulti che ricalcano un copione rigido e caro al vocabolario razzista: «negro di merda», «marocchino di merda», «clandestino», «vattene», «ritorna da dove sei venuto». Parole manifesto del sentimento di odio e pregiudizio di inferiorità basato sulla “razza”. (...) Si registra un caso di omotransfobia ogni due giorni. Dai 93 episodi denunciati nel 2020, si è passati ai 238. Persone trans inseguite e aggredite per strada, ragazzi e ragazze costrette a terapie riparative, macchine distrutte e aggressioni fisiche a coppie colpevoli di tenersi per mano o scambiarsi un bacio pubblicamente. È stato anche l’anno dell’abilismo, parola che rinchiude dentro tutte quelle violenze fisiche, alla proprietà e verbali perpetrate ai danni delle persone con disabilità. Il 2020 aveva registrato una flessione delle aggressioni pari a 49 casi, con il “ritorno alla normalità” i casi di abilismo toccano la punta di 141 aggressioni. (...) c’è una rassegnazione, quasi una sfiducia verso le istituzioni: serpeggia la convinzione che qualsiasi denuncia sarà inefficace oppure addirittura controproducente». (...) Fuori dai palazzi però ritorna la paura, alcuni temono più di prima e tacciono, altri dicono basta e trovano la forza di denunciare cercando sostegno. In attesa di uno scatto della politica, i cittadini fanno da sé mentre la lacerazione sociale cresce. di Simone Alliva
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schrijverr · 3 years
'Till Death Do Us Part
Part 12 out of 13
When Alex has to bring Philip to work, he and Thomas discover that they both have something in common: they lost their love. They form an unexpected bond and connection about this that grows into something more.
A medium burn with parental feelings about Philip and flowers.
On AO3.
Ships: Jamilton
Warnings: grief, self deprication, mentions of death and unhealthy coping.
Chapter 12: Green Locust Tree Means ‘Affection from Beyond the Grave’
“Where is Thomas?” Alex asked, coming down into the kitchen to find Mary the only one there. He had thought Thomas would already by up, but he wasn’t anywhere else in the house and now also not in the kitchen.
“Ah, uhm,” Mary look away unsure.
“Did something happen?” Alex frowned.
“No, not- No, no,” Mary gestured vaguely, “He left this morning.”
“Left?” Alex repeated, voice shrill.
“Not left left, he just drove off,” Mary assured him, “He’ll be back.”
“Do you know where he went?” Alex asked, voice still a bit higher than usual.
“Yeah, but…” Mary trailed off.
“It’s personal,” Alex filled in understanding, seeing Mary nod gratefully. He checked: “Does it have something to do with Martha?”
“He talks about her to you?” Mary sounded surprised.
Alex laughed mentally, but outwardly he just smiled gently: “Yeah, I- uhm, my husband died a few years back. That’s- that’s what got us talking. Is he okay?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I- I didn’t-”
“I know, it’s okay,” Alex assured her, “But Thomas? Did he look okay?”
Mary bit her lip, then said: “He looked pretty upset actually. I think he’s visiting Martha, she’s buried near here.”
“Is the date important?” he asked.
“Not that I know,” Mary looked helpless.
“Would you mind keeping an eye on Pip today? I’m going to check on him,” Alex told her, “Can you give me the location?”
Mary nodded and wrote it down while Alex got dressed in record speed, kissing Philip on his forehead as he told him he would be back later and to behave for his Auntie Mary and to play nice with Francie and Kitty.
Then he got into Mary’s van and drove to the cemetery. At the drive over he wondered if he was making the right choice to intrude, but Mary had told him Thomas had looked upset and he just wanted to make sure he was okay, that he wouldn’t do anything stupid, like drive. Which he had.
He stopped at the unfamiliar rows of stone, feeling out of place as he scanned them for Thomas’s figure.
In the end, he saw a familiar magenta coat in the distance near a field with a tree. Alex walked over to him softly, clearing his throat once he was nearby.
Thomas startled slightly and looked back, mouth opening and closing without sound when he saw Alex as if he wanted to explain, but couldn't.
“I would ask if you were okay, if I didn’t already know the answer,” Alex broke the silence, “Want a hug?”
Nodding wordlessly, Thomas opened his arms for Alex to stand in, wrapping the smaller man in them and resting his chin on Alex’s head as he continued to look at the tree. Alex could see the stone in front of it. It read:
Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson
1985 - 2014
Loving wife and beautiful woman
A dearly missed soul
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us”
After a long silence in which Alex could only hear Thomas sniffle softly, Thomas spoke up: “She wanted that quote on her stone, she actually made it. Except the date.”
Alex hummed and rubbed Thomas’s back, giving him the time to gather his thoughts.
“She had a heavy attack on this date,” Thomas said after a while, “She died on the 6thof September, but-” his voice broke and he took a shaky breath, “but today is the last day we ever spoke.”
Mentally Alex did the math. They had been staying at Monticello for a while now, so it was already the 8thof August, which meant Thomas hadn’t spoken to Martha for nearly an entire month. He asked: “What happened?”
Thomas shrugged: “She had an attack, they put her under for surgery and she just never woke up again.”
“Must have been hard,” Alex sympathized, he couldn't even begin to think how it must be to sit next to the one you loved most, having to wait and hope for them to wake up, while they never would again.
“It was,” Thomas said, then picked up steam as he got more upset, “It fucking was. I spend so long knowing she would go and then it happened and I still didn’t see it coming and I just had to wait and sit there for it to finally happen. And everyone always acts like the date it happened hurts the most, but it doesn’t because she was just a living corpse and I had to sit there and watch her die. I didn’t even get to talk to her,…”
Alex felt him buckle against him, so he softly lowered them both to the ground and held Thomas as he cried.
“I- I did- dn’t get- get to say good- goodbye,” Thomas sobbed, “I- I did- didn’t get to- to say I lo- love you.”
As Thomas cried, Alex scratched the back of his head, while he whispered: “She knew, it sucks you didn’t get to tell her, but she knew.”
“What?” Thomas rasped, eyes red and puffy.
“She knew you loved her, she knew,” Alex repeated, “I know how fucking much it sucks that you didn’t get to tell her again, but she knew it.”
Thomas looked at him for a moment, then back to the stone, then up to the tree, before looking back to Alex. Alex could see him swallow, then blink away a few tears, before scowling. Thomas broke eye contact and huffed: “How do you know that?”
Alex took a deep breath and reminded himself that Thomas was hurting and didn’t really think about those words, so instead he softly said: “Because I have to tell myself that too.”
He hadn’t gotten to say anything to John either. Sure, he didn’t have to watch John waste away and he didn’t know if he could have, but he had to live with the fact that he had brought John to the airport and waved with Pip’s little hand as John walked off on a tour he would never come back form.
“God, I’m- I’m sorry, ‘Lex, I wasn’t- I wasn’t thinking,” Thomas mumbled.
“I know, it’s okay, you don’t have to say sorry,” and Alex meant it, he had said many things in times like these that he didn’t mean because his head wasn’t on straight, he got it.
“Still fucking dick move,” Thomas chuckled out humorlessly.
“Maybe,” Alex shrugged, “But I did mean it. And she knew. If I know you, then I know you were there the entire time. She knew. It might be a small comfort and nothing substantial, but that one moment wasn’t defining. She knew.”
Thomas quieted and stared at the headstone. With a distant voice he repeated: “She knew.”
They sat side by side in front of the grave under the shadow of the tree in silence. Alex just let Thomas take his time, not interfering but being a calming presence for him to lean on if he needed it.
“Being here again with you and having this, it just- it made me realize how much I wanted to say to her and how unfair it was that I never got to,” Thomas said after a while. He hadn’t broken down like this in a long while over her death date.
Alex nodded, then suggested: “You can tell her now.”
“She won’t hear,” Thomas told him bitterly, “There’s nothing after death.”
“And John doesn’t hear me either whenever I go to his grave, nor Pip,” Alex replied, “He might’ve believed in Heaven, but I don’t, just like Martha believed she’s up in the sky. Talk to her, just in case she’s right.”
Thomas hesitated, so Alex offered: “I can give you some privacy if you want.”
“No,” Thomas grabbed his hand, then softly repeated it: “No, no it’s okay. Stay.”
“Alright,” Alex squeezed Thomas’s hand like the other had done so many times for him, hoping to give him a bit of comfort.
“Hi, Martha,” Thomas said awkwardly after clearing his throat, “I’m sorry for saying that, you might hear me. I- uhm, I wanted to tell you that I love you. I always want to tell you that, but back then I wanted to tell you it even more, I didn’t want my last words to you to be ‘hold on,’ because I know you were trying and-”
He took a shuddery breath, then went on: “And I know it was a selfish request and I’m sorry for that. Instead I wanted to say thank you for being there for as long as you have, for brightening my days even though you were the one fading. So, thank you and I love you.”
Alex laid his head on Thomas’s shoulder and Thomas leaned back to him and whispered: “I love you too, Alex. Thanks for looking for me.”
“Of course,” Alex simply replied, “I love you too.”
After a beat Thomas said: “It’s a green locust tree. Martha said it reminded her of ferns and she thought it was funny that it looked like ground covering plants had just randomly turned into trees.”
“The leaves do look like ferns,” Alex agreed after he had studied them for a moment.
“It was smaller when I was here last” Thomas mused, “Almost like she’s still growing. Maybe her spirit is in it, she always did like the idea of joining nature. Even if the stars spoke to her more.”
Alex hummed in agreement.
“Fuck I haven’t been here in forever,” Thomas sighed.
“It’s not a requirement to come,” Alex told him, “Sometimes life happens.”
“I avoided it, even ran to fucking France for a few years, Alex, that’s pretty shitty to do,” Thomas replied, “I’m just being shitty.”
“You’re not shitty,” Alex said, Thomas shot him a look and Alex correct, “Or everyone does something shitty when these things happen.”
“Somehow I find it hard to picture you ignoring John’s grave.”
“Because I didn’t-”
“Because instead I threw myself into work and was there so much it was fucking unhealthy, Thomas. Those first few weeks, Eliza cared more for Philip than I did. Washington threw me out the office every day for a month until I stopped staying so late,” Alex told Thomas, “Maybe running to France was a healthy thing to do.”
Thomas was silent as he thought about that.
“Maybe,” he said, then sighed, “Yeah, maybe, but I still feel shit about it and I hate that I didn’t talk to my Ma because of it and I hate how I rarely came home just because I didn’t want to face this.”
“Luckily you can start now,” Alex nudged him slightly and didn’t add: like I did by being a decent parent for Pip.
“You’re right,” Thomas got up and held his hand out to Alex to hoist him up.
Alex let him, but quirked a brow at the sudden change in attitude. Thomas shrugged: “What better time than now? I think Ma mentioned hiking today.”
“Lead the way,” Alex smiled as they left the cemetery, not seeing how the tree lit up with sunlight and the wind made the branches wave.
When they got back to Monticello, Philip asked: “Where did you go Da?”
“I just went to say hi to your Auntie Martha like you and Papa go say hi to your Daddy from time to time,” Thomas explained.
“Did you tell her about everything that happened?” Philip asked.
“Sort of,” Thomas answered, “Where is your Mawmaw? I think we were going hiking today, wanna come too?”
“Yes!” Philip cheered, before pointing towards the kitchen while he raced off in a different direction to Kitty and Francie, who were terrorizing Sir Poof.
They went on a hike, with Randy telling the twins and Pip all sorts of things aboutthe plants they encountered on the trail while Mary and Jane talked about the market they’d gone to together yesterday and Alex and Thomas kept on the background, holding hands.
While they walked, they laughed and Alex was happy to see Thomas’s crinkles appear once Philip came to beg for a piggy back ride, which he got. Since Thomas couldn't say no to him ever.
After that Kitty and Francie wanted one too, so Alex and Randy were roped into that, which turned into a small race.
In short, they enjoyed their days in Monticello for the two weeks they were still there. Even when Mary had to go and take the twins back, because she wanted to spend time with her husband and Randy went back to college to move into his dormearly.
Alex learned to cook a few more recipes from Jane, in the end calling her Ma like Thomas did, just because it felt right.
Thomas swam with Philip and drank tea with Jane every night, before he and Alex would sit on the porch and watch the stars.
It felt like movie and all were upset when they had to leave.
Jane hugged Thomas tightly and told him to come visit more often as she pinched his cheek, before also telling him to be good to Alex.
“I will, Ma,” Thomas swore to do both.
She then turned to Philip and handed him a box with cookies, before she said: “You take care of both your dads for me okay? Be good for them”
“Yes, Mawmaw Jane,” Philip chirped.
“And I’ll put your drawing on the wall, make sure to come see,” she added. The drawing in question was the one Philip had made of Monticello with the dragon. He had given it to Jane and she had loved it.
“I will,” Philip said.
Thomas lead Philip to the car to buckle him in, while Alex shook Jane’s hand and said: “Thank you for letting us stay here, Ma. It was amazing.”
“Of course, dearie,” she told him, taking his hand to pull him into a hug, “You and Philip always have a home here.”
“Thank you,” Alex’s voice broke slightly and he tried not to let it get to him.
As Jane let go, she said: “Look out for Thomas will you, he can get on his own nerves.”
“You know I will,” Alex assured her.
“Good,” Jane nodded, “Have a safe trip.”
And with that Alex got into the car as well, all of them waving to the lone figure on the porch as they drove back home for the new school year.
Since they had spend such a big chunk of time together at Monticello that summer, they had decided that the first week back they would stay at their own homes. This, however, came to a head on the 28thof August.
He and Philip were sitting at the dinner table with Hoppin’ Johns in front of them holding hands as Alex spoke: “Today John was taken from us and put into your care, Lord. We ask you to take care of him while we remember him. Amen.”
“Amen,” Pip said, before he started eating.
Alex took a moment to look at him and his heart softened as Philip’s little curls bounced on his head while he ate. He had started first grade this year and Alex was so proud of him and how much he was already growing.
Above the mantle hung a picture of John and Alex really wanted someone to share with how much Philip had grown.
And all of a sudden he felt very, veryalone.
He ate his food and set up everything for the next day, before he tucked Philip in while the loneliness hung over him like a fog. With Philip in bed he picked up his phone.
“Hi, darlin’,” Thomas greeted him, “How are you?”
“Good, good,” Alex said absentmindedly.
“Alex?” Thomas sounded a bit concerned.
“Well, actually,” Alex carefully began, now that he was calling, he suddenly realized why and how that might impact everything, “Actually, I called you, because I was feeling lonely.”
“Yeah?” Thomas asked.
“Yeah, house hasn’t been the same without you,” Alex shrugged, “Guess I just got used to you being around.”
“I get that feeling,” Thomas told him.
“You do?” Alex tried to hide his surprise, but he was pretty sure he failed.
“Yup,” Thomas said, then he carefully added, “Your house has a more homey feel, with all the pictures on the walls.”
Alex picked up on the subtle testing of the water and replied: “Well, there is plenty of room on the walls left.”
“Are you…?” Thomas didn’t finish the sentence, cutting himself off.
“Am I what?” Alex wasn’t falling for it and suggesting it first.
“Are you implying what I think you’re implying?” Thomas said.
“That depends on what you think I’m implying, but probably,” Alex answered, holding his breath anxiously.
“Well, I thought you were implying that maybe we could talk about moving in together?” Thomas sounded unsure, ready to take his words back.
“Then you are absolutely correct in your observation,” Alex told him.
Thomas let out a relieved breath, before saying: “That’s a big decision.”
“Just putting the thought out there,” Alex answered, “I still need to run it by Pip, but I would be up for it.”
“Well, that certainly is an idea I’m willing to consider,” Thomas said, “But this is more a conversation to have face to face, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, probably,” Alex agreed, “Want to come over tomorrow?”
“Sure,” he could hear the smile in Thomas’s voice.
Alex wanted to just sit and listen to Thomas right now and not feel so alone. He noticed how much better he’d felt the momenthe’d heard Thomas’s voice. So, he settled on the couch, curling up against the side as he asked: “Tell me about your day?”
And Thomas did, he just talked about nothing for the most part. He told Alex about the dog he’d seen on the way home, the book he was reading, what he and James had talked about last time they’d called, something stupid Lafayette had send him.
As Thomas talked, Alex let himself relax, just softly humming at the right places. The sounds of home filling up the space and making his heart less empty.
The next day Thomas was the one, who went home early to pick up Philip from school. When Philip walked out and saw him, he yelled: “Da! Da! What are you doing here? Papa said you wouldn’t be home until the weekend.”
“Well, I wanted to surprise my favorite little kiddo,” Thomas ruffled his hair.
“‘M not little,” Philip pouted, fixing his hair, “I’m already in first grade.”
“I know, Pip, I know,” Thomas grinned, “Since you’re such a big boy, I’m sure you can drive us home.”
Philip crossed his arms: “That’s mean, Da.”
“Sorry, kiddo,” Thomas told him, “Just had to tease. Come get in and tell me about your week. How is school going? You adjusting okay?”
Doing as he was told, Philip said: “We’ve been learning to write and I’m doing very well and I got a star next to my name today.”
“Really?” Thomas asked.
“Yup,” Philip answered, “And were learning about addition and that’s kind of hard, but Theo gets it. She’s good with numbers and she explained it to me.”
“Oh wow,” Thomas listened to Philip talk as he drove home, thinking to himself that he definitely wouldn’t mind hearing Pip talk about school everyday.
That evening during dinner Alex brought it up, he and Thomas had briefly talked about it during lunch, so it didn’t come as a surprise. He said: “Hey, Pip. Can I ask you about something and get a serious answer from you?”
Philip stopped eating and nodded: “Did something bad happen?”
“No, buddy,” Alex assured him, “It’s just that me and your Da wanted to have your thoughts about Da moving in here, so that it’s not two houses anymore. Since you live here as well, we wanted your opinion too.”
“You’re moving in!” Philip exclaimed, eyes bright.
“We’re thinking about it, nothing certain yet, but I take that as a yes from you,” Thomas chuckled.
“It’ll be so much fun if you move in, we can read stories every night and you and Papa can smile all the time,” Philip rambled excitedly.
Thomas and Alex met each other’s eyes and it was almost decided there and then.
They did sit down and talk about it more in depth after, but soon after it was decided. When the decision was made, it quickly turned into a whole circus.
It began with Eliza and Maria finding out from Pip after they’d picked him up from school the day after Alex and Thomas had told him. So when Alex got Philip from them, Eliza put her hands on her hip and asked: “When we’re you going to inform us that Thomas is moving in with you?”
“I was hoping once Thomas was putting his house on sale,” Alex told her, “But I suppose that’s no longer the case, because a little rascal talked?”
“You bet you, now come on, tell me more,” Eliza said, pulling him into the house.
“It’s just what it says on the tin, Thomas is moving in with me,” Alex said, “We both wanted it, so why not. We just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
Eliza smirked: “It’s too late for that.”
“Oh no, what now?” Alex asked, fearing for his life – metaphorically, well, partially metaphorically.
“You really think that if me and Maria know and Pip is excited about that Angie and Laf won’t find out,” Eliza told him, “If you want them to not attack you, they should hear it from you.”
“Fuck,” Alex said.
“Exactly,” Eliza grinned, before she called Philip over and waved them off, “Good luck.”
He dialed Laf frist, right after dinner: “Hi, Laf.”
“Bonjour, Bonjour, Alexandre,” Lafayette greeted him cheerily over the phone, “What can I do for you?”
“Depends on where you are?” Alex asked.
“Do you need someone to surveille Philipe?” he asked, “Because then you need to find someone else, I’m afraid. I am eating lunch at Le Cinqin a bit.”
“No, you not being here is perfect,” Alex told him.
“Now I am offended.” Lafayette said.
“It’s nothing bad,” Alex assured him, “Just that Thomas and I have decided to move in together and I love and appreciate you, but I don’t want you to freak out.”
“You’re moving together!” Lafayette screamed into the phone.
Alex held the phone away from his face, already anticipating that. He carefully held it back and answered: “Yeah, it’s not happening right now, but we’re starting to plan it. You weren’t going to know yet, but Pip told ‘Liza, so felt only fair.”
“Alexandre, you will have to tell me more,” Lafayette said, “Will you move into one of your houses? Is there going to be a housewarming party? What’s happening?”
“Thomas will move in with me and Pip, probably not, we’re moving in together,” Alex went down the list.
“I am so excitéfor you,” Laf beamed through the phone, Alex could practically hear it, “Tell me if you need help moving when the time comes.”
“I will, Laf, I will,” after that he hung up, not sure if he was going to keep that promise.
He then called Angelica: “Hi Angie?”
“Alex, is there a reason you’re calling me this late in the evening?” she greeted him.
“Well, I’ve been told you liked to be kept up to date, since apparently you’re living vicariously through my relationship, but if you don’t wanna hear I can hang up,” he told her.
“No, no, stay. Tell me,” Angelica stopped him.
“Me and Thomas are – at some point in the nearby future – moving in together,” he said.
“I’m so happy for you both,” Angelica told him, “I would offer to help move, but I’m not carrying furniture, make Herc or Laf do that.”
“If Herc offers to help, I’m asking him,” Alex assured her, “I don’t trust Laf with throw pillows. I love him, but he’s clumsy.”
“Tell me about it,” Angelica rolled her eyes fondly, “Remember that time at the press conference, the whole world saw him eat dirt.”
“I don’t think he ever recovered from that.”
They both chuckled at the memory of a young Lafayette falling on the podium at his first live press conference.
“So, anyway, that’s why I called,” Alex said, “Thought you would like to hear it from me, not from Pip or something.”
“Who did he tell,” the amusement was heavy in her voice.
“Betsy and Maria,” Alex answered.
“Oohh, lucky, that could have been worse,” she replied.
“Yeah, it could have been you,” Alex teased.
“Glad you know your place in my life,” she grinned.
“Har har,” Alex said, “But how have you been, haven’t heard from you in forever.”
“Been good, been good,” she replied.
They talked a bit more before hanging up. And with Laf and Angie knowing, it wasn’t long before more text started to pour in as news spread through his friends. Most of them reminding them to call them if they needed help with the moving.
Together they shook their heads and laughed at their friends, but warmth spread through them as well when they saw how quickly everyone sprang to their aid.
Thomas called his Ma as well, who told them she’d start knitting a blanket for on the couch and which colors it should be.
Green and purple, was their final choice.
He didn’t tell Alex, but his Ma had done the same when he and Martha bought their first house together. It had been purple and orange. It was disgusting looking and both had loved it until it had perished.
As time passed Thomas spend more and more time at Alex’s house while his own turned into a kingdom of boxes as he sorted through his stuff, seeing what had to come with him, what he might store for later and what he didn’t need anymore and had just been collecting dust. While Alex did the same to make space for Thomas’s stuff.
They had also decided to make a few decorating choices together, which mostly consisted of painting a few walls. That had been an interesting weekend for sure.
Philip had also been allowed to paint his walls a different color. They were still yellow from when John and Alex had decorated way back when, but now Philip wanted them light green. He would also be painting new stuff on it, claiming that ‘I can draw much better now Papa, you’ll see. I’m drawing dragons and they’re going to be much, much better.’
When the big moving day came, they called upon all their friends, who had texted them. It would also function as their house warming party, which basically meant that at the end they would buy everyone pizza.
Herc and Thomas had been dismantling furniture and carrying it all day, while James and Maria drove back and forth over the small distance between the two houses, while Philip and Peggy helped with getting boxes into Alex’s house.
Alex was delegating inside the house, both carrying and unpacking since he knew which boxes where supposed to go where. While Eliza unboxed the more basic stuff that already had a spot in the home.
Lafayette was on charity shop duty, bringing everything that was no longer useful to the charity shop. Though, they send Angelica with him to supervise just in case.
That evening most of the boxes where unpacked and Thomas’s house was empty. They were all sitting around with pizza and beer or soda.
“No one is allowed to move anytime soon,” Herc said rolling his shoulder, “If any of you do, I’m not helping.”
“Boo, boo,” Peggy jeered and Angelica joined immediately.
“Oh shove off, you didn’t carry heavy stuff all day,” Herc complained.
“Faible,” Lafayette yelled.
“I don’t know what that means, so I’m gonna take that as support,” Herc huffed.
“He called you weak, Herc.”
“Alexandre, you betray me like this?” Laf clutched his heart as if wounded and fell backwards, nearly missing Herc’s shove.
“Y’all are rude, I’m never helping you again,” Herc bit his pizza moodily, though everyone knew it was a joke, Herc would always be ready to help any of them.
Still, that didn’t stop Eliza from innocently asking: “Even me, Herc?”
“No, not you, never you, Eliza. You’re sweet and much better than anyone else here,” Herc assured her.
Immediately there was an uproar as everyone accused him of playing favorites, which Herc deflected by saying: “It’s not playing favorites, if you’re all mean to me.”
“Exactly,” Eliza said, before her grin turned shit eating, “Herc, wanna help me move tomorrow?”
Laughter roared through the group and Herc yelled: “Et tu, ‘Liza?”
She just blew him a kiss.
When everyone left that evening, Alex got out a hammer and nail and walked up to the picture wall in the hallway. Before he could hammer, Thomas asked: “What are you doing?”
“Adding an important finishing touch,” Alex replied mysteriously.
He put a nail in the wall, then got out a picture frame. He shuffled the stuff on the wall around a bit before he hung up the frame.
“Hey, that’s me and Da,” Philip pointed out.
Thomas smiled when he recognized the picture from their second date at the park. He and Philip were busy with the kite, both laughing. He commented: “I didn’t know you took that.”
“At first I thought it might be a it much, then I thought it would be a nice surprise,” Alex explained, “Initially it was going to be a birthday present, but I thought this moment more fitting wouldn’t you agree?”
“It’s perfect, ‘Lex,” Thomas kissed his cheek.
“Ieww,” Philip giggled.
“I see it’s bed time for you, buddy,” Alex grinned.
“Nooo,” Philip shrieked as he quickly ran away, laughter floating down the hall as Alex set off behind him. Thomas watched the two go, then looked back to the picture as he smiled.
The next day was a Sunday and they used that to unpack the rest of their stuff as well as putting the furniture back together, which was also a real test of their relationship.
“Alex, I dismantled this table, okay. I know where this is supposed to go,” Thomas huffed pointing at the table leg.
“But it looks weird like that,” Alex frowned.
“Well, maybe it’s a weird table.”
“Why would we want to keep a weird table?”
“Papa, Da? I think these belong to the chair, not the table,” Philip tiny voice spoke up. He had spotted a few dismantled chairs near the table, with more legs that looked like the ones they were trying to put on the table and made the conclusion that the legs must not be from the table, but the chairs instead.
Both looked at the table, then to the chairs, then back to the table, before meeting each other’s eyes and bursting out in laughter.
Alex ruffled Philip’s hair and said: “I think you’re right, buddy.”
Thomas laughed: “Oh my God, we’re both stupid.”
“According to my teacher, stupid is a bad word,” Philip said.
“Yeah?” Alex asked.
“Hm-mh,” Philip nodded, “Because no one is stupid and that kind of says that a person who just didn’t know something, because no one told them is not as good as other people. You should say that you weren’t informed properly.”
“You’re a wise little man, Pip,” Thomas said, “I stand corrected, Alex, we were misinformed about this not weird and perfectly good table.”
“Dork,” Alex said.
“What’s misinformed?”
“It means that you got the wrong information,” Alex explained.
“So what I said.”
“Exactly, kiddo,” Thomas agreed, “So, how about you help me with the table while Papa goes to put the frames on the wall, because you have a sharper eye for this than him.”
“Excuse me, you grabbed the wrong legs,” Alex said, even if he did start to move away.
“Yeah, and I’ve put a nail into the wall exactly once and that was a disaster,” Thomas told him, “If you appreciate your plaster, I would suggest you do it.”
“You can’t put a nail in the wall?” Alex laughed.
“Don’t laugh at me,” Thomas moped.
“I’m not laughing, just wondering how you got stuff on your wall in your old house.”
“I called James, okay. Martha did it before that.”
“My Auntie Martha?”
“Yeah, Pip, your Auntie Martha,” Thomas confirmed.
“She’s coming to hang with Daddy right?”
“Jup, putting the nails in now,” Alex said, still chuckling slightly as he gathered the stuff.
Above the mantle, they were putting four pictures. Two of them portraits of both Martha and John and two wedding pictures. The portraits were bigger and the wedding pictures would hang underneath, neither acknowledging the fact that a third picture couldfit between them.
John’s was him standing in the park under a tree with baby Philip in his arms. He was wearing his hair in a pony tail and he just looked back, smiling at Alex behind the camera. Martha was sitting on the swing in Monticello, her white summer dress flowing in the wind, perfectly still along with her frozen laughter.
They watched over the house, both adding warmth and laughter to their main family space.
I am once again telling you to not use my fic as a guide to deal with grief, just in case you have forgotten, this is not really the medium to get information from.
Also Laf was pretty clumsy, he actually got laughed off the French court for his dancing, so my clumsy man.
Me at the pictures: “Is this foreshadowing? Did I do it? Oehlalala (pls I’m really proud of all the little stuff I managed to bring back in later chapter, pls notice my hard work)
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jefferoni-quotes · 4 years
Okay! Jamilton + plus horror movies! Who'd be screaming and who'd be the one holding the other while being so numb to the horror?
Alexander loves horror movies. He lo ves them. Thomas hates them but he acts like he's not scared at all. He clings onto Alexander and hides his face and the only reason Alex still suggests they watch horror is because he KNOWS Thomas is too prideful to say no. It's a good excuse to be the bigger spoon for once. Because Alexander is tired of being little spoon all the time.
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allisonschmidt9634 · 3 years
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Cuando me dijeron, en el supermercado de mi ciudad, que ya tenían el bloc de hojas para pintar con acuarelas, acrílico, etc, que les pedí NO SABEN LO FELIZ QUE ME PUSO, lo compré e inmediatamente quise usarlo wsjajsuwuq . Me sentí bien especial cuando me dijeron que lo trajeron porque yo se los pedí xd ahora tienen un surtido más evolucionado de objetos para dibujar y no solo lo básico 💜 muchas gracias por tomar en cuenta mi pedido, ME HICIERON VERDADERAMENTE MUY FELIZ NO SABEN CUANTO . Este es un tipo de hoja muchísimo más grande que el que estoy acostumbrada a usar por lo que quise hacer un dibujo un poco más complejo para probar que tal me funcionaba, obviamente tiene muchísimos errores que solo arreglaré con la práctica pero quedé muy satisfecha con el resultado (especialmente el de Arnold y Helga que fue el que más me gustó) 💜 . Es mi OC Tessa un poco más actualizada junto a mis ships que más me gustan: Jamilton (Thomas Jefferson y Alexander Hamilton), Connevan (Connor Murphy y Evan Hansen), Newtmas (Newt y Thomas), Cherik (Charles Xavier y Erik Lehnsherr), Shortaki (Arnold Shortman y Helga Pataki) y los Boyf Riends (Jeremy Heere y Michael Mell) ¿Conocen algunos? . Y, ¿Cómo no? También dibujé a mis dos gatitos, Oreo y Simba, junto a Tony y su bb Peter porque los amo mucho 💜 Este texto ya se puso largo así que lo dejo aquí. BYE! . #ilustraciones🎨 #ilustracionestradicionales #ilustraciontradicional #ilustracion #art #artist #myart #sharpieart #ilustration #traditionalart #ilustrationart #bemorechillfanart #boyfriends #hamiltonfanart #jamilton #dearevanhansenfanart #connevan #mazerunnerfanart #newtmas #xmenfanart #cherik #heyarnoldfanart #shortaki #arnoldandhelga https://www.instagram.com/p/CMGAy7AFyGW/?igshid=aew28wcjj5ga
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Fan Video en Vivo de Highway Star - Los Jamiltons
No tiene un buen audio, pero es un registro en vivo de algún fan de @los Jamiltons del 12 de Octubre de 2019 en el Tio Bizarro de Burzaco. Acá interpretando su versión de un clásico de Deep Purple: Highway Star. Lo curioso del video es la nueva formación de la banda, ya que EMI BLOISE, fué presentado oficialmente como nuevo guitarrista de la banda, reemplazando a Facu Fiorentino, a quién también ya había reemplazado en varias oportunidades.
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doreencrazy-blog · 7 years
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Pues aqui esta el genderbend de Alexander o más bien, Alexandra Hamilton... o tal vez Alexandra Jefferson (Si malditos, >:v hice Jamilton) Que lo disfruten!./   Well here is the genderbend of Alexander or rather, Alexandra Hamilton ... or maybe Alexandra Jefferson (If damn, I made Jamilton >:3 ) Enjoy it!
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rofortytwo · 7 years
¡Hola! Quiero decir que me encanta tu arte y tengo dos preguntas. ¿Que ship prefieres, Jamilton o Lams? ¿Has oído/ visto Dear Evan Hansen?
¡Gracias! ❤ Me alegra mucho que te guste.Mi OTP es Jamilton, por lejos: en otro ask estuve explicando por qué me gusta (básicamente comencé a dibujar de este fandom por ellos). De todos modos Lams me gusta bastante (en especial histórico, con todo su drama), mi único problema es que no puedo ver a Laurens como "adorable owo" o o sad emo boy 2.0 y casi todo lo que he visto del fandom lo interpreta así. Me he escuchado el cast recording de DEH como unas 10 veces, me gusta mucho ❤, y tengo una fascinación con Good for you. Eso sí, nunca he visto el bootleg. Y aún estoy salty por los Tony, no creo que mereciera mejor musical :(
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0-2. Tolima se apunta en la Sudamericana tras vencer a Wilstermann en Bolivia
La Paz, 9 may (EFE).- El Deportes Tolima colombiano se apuntó para jugar la Copa Sudamericana tras vencer este jueves por 0-2 al Wilstermann boliviano en Cochabamba por el Grupo G de la Libertadores y situarse en el tercer lugar con 8 puntos.
Los goles fueron anotados por Marco Pérez en el minuto 19 y Alex Castro en el 62.
El Tolima comenzó el partido decidido a hacer daño a su rival con al menos tres ocasiones en los primeros cinco minutos que sus delanteros no pudieron concretar.
Tras algunos intentos infructuosos del Wilstermann por tomar las riendas del partido, un contragolpe letal del Tolima finalizó con una sutil definición de Pérez que a la salida del portero paraguayo Arnaldo Giménez que abrió el marcador en el minuto 17.
Después del gol, la escuadra colombiana retrasó líneas para ceder parte del campo a los locales, que intentaron llegar al arco de Álvaro Montero, pero sin opciones claras para empatar.
En el segundo tiempo los rojos bolivianos buscaron con más ímpetu que eficacia el arco rival sin poder llegar a inquietar demasiado a un ordenado equipo visitante.
Un centro del brasileño Serginho en el minuto 59 que no pudo conectar de lleno su compañero Alejandro Meleán y que casi se cuela en la portería colombiana fue la ocasión más clara para los bolivianos.
Sin embargo, el cubetazo de agua fría llegó dos minutos después con un gol que conquistó Castro a favor del Tolima que aterrizó de barriga al equipo aviador y enmudeció al público en el estadio Félix Capriles.
Con dos goles abajo, el entrenador del Wilstermann, el argentino Norberto Kekez, apostó a sacar del campo al defensa Álex Silva y reforzar el ataque con la inclusión de José Nuñez.
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Pese a ello, el Tolima mantuvo el orden en su juego y su victoria no corrió peligro en los minutos finales.
La serie concluyó con el argentino Boca Juniors como líder con 11 puntos seguido por el Atlético Paranaense brasileño con 9, ambos clasificados a octavos de final, mientras que el Deportes Tolima acabó con 8 y el Wilstermann último con 5 unidades.
- Ficha técnica:
0. Wilstermann: Arnaldo Giménez; Juan Pablo Aponte, Álex Silva (m.74, José Núñez), Ronny Montero, Alejandro Meleán; Jorge Ortiz, Serginho, Fernando Saucedo, Cristian Chávez (m.63, Carlos Melgar); Bruno Miranda (m.65, Gilbert Álvarez) y Ricardo Pedriel.
Entrenador: Norberto Kekez.
2. Deportes Tolima: Álvaro Montero; Nilson Castrillón, Julián Quiñones, Sergio Mosquera, Danovis Banguero; José Luis Barrascal, Yeison Gordillo, Carlos Robles, Luis Gonzáles (m.80, Jhonny Mostasilla), Alex Castro (m.88, Jamilton Campaz); y Marco Pérez (m.86,Diego Valdés).
Entrenador: Alberto Gamero.
Goles: 0-1, m.17: Marco Pérez. 0-2, m. 62: Alex Castro.
Árbitro: el paraguayo Milciades Saldiva. Amonestó a Mosquera.
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Incidencias: partido de la sexta y última jornada del Grupo G de la Copa Libertadores jugado en el estadio Félix Capriles, de la ciudad boliviana de Cochabamba, a 2.560 metros de altitud.
(c) Agencia EFE
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her-cass · 6 years
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El 30 de Abril de 2018 se realizó la cuarta "Tempranera del Mercado" en Cultura del Sur y LOS JAMILTONS participamos del multitudinario evento. Estas son algunas imágenes de una noche muy buena.
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jamalam · 7 years
Hold On To Let Go Chapter 3
Chapter three has finally been written so here, take it. Please remember that I obsessively check to see if my works have gotten any feedback, so please comment and/or reblog if you liked it! It means a lot to me! Seriously, even just a bunch of random letters or words would make my heart soar.
Big thanks to @puns-and-fics for inspiring this, and @jamilton-central for putting up with my infrequent update schedule. I don’t know what I’d do without you two.
Thomas walked up the street, from the bus stop to the school courtyard. Soft rays of sunlight bounced off his dark curls of hair, framing his obviously fake smile. At least, it seemed fake to Thomas. But that was because he knew. At least James couldn’t tell, the shorter man running up to him and grinning.
“Tommy!’ James exclaimed, elated at the sight of his friend. “You’re never gonna believe what happened earlier!”
“What is it, Jemmy?” Thomas asked, happy to leave behind his inner thoughts in exchange for one of James’s stories.
“Well, you know how in Mr.Franklin’s class we have that research and debate project coming up, the one where you have partners?” James inquired hurriedly, talking a mile a minute. “Well, you got paired up with Alexandwhore!” He exclaimed, laughing slightly at the title they’d made up for the scrawny nerd during Freshman year.
“Why is that a good thing, Jemmy?” Thomas muttered, trying to hide the look of pain on his face. He would have to work with Alexander, who was the boy he’d been harrassing for years, and simultaneously the boy he’d been falling in lo- the boy who was his platonic soulmate.
“Because,” James answered smugly. “It gives us the perfect opportunity for what I would like to consider the perfect prank!”
Thomas eyed James suspiciously. “Your pranks usually end with someone in the emergency room, Jemmy.”
“Well, it’s only Alexandwhore, so it won’t matter where he ends up. Do you remember last year when it was a fairly bad storm outside, and that loser could barely speak?”
Thomas remembered that day faintly. It had been last spring, near the end of winter. Alexander had been a shivering mess, asking to leave the class as soon as the first bolt of lightning struck miles away. “Yeah, so what?”
“Well, I did some research- it’s surprising what you can find on the internet- and I think I know why he was like that. Turns out that on Nevis, or wherever it is he’s from, there was a hurricane when he was a kid. So now he can’t stand storms or something. That’s where my plan comes in. RIght before you do your presentation, we play some storm noises, dim the lights, and make it seem like a horrible storm is happening. Then, once Alexandwhore is terrified, we force him to go do the presentation in front of everyone.”
“That’s a terrible plan.”
“You have to admit that it’d work. All you have to do is get him in the right place at the right time so that I can do my technical stuff.”
“And Burr? What does Aaron know of this?”
“He said something about a code of honor, and how he needed to remain impartial on the situation of Hamilton- basically, Aaron’s a buzzkill, but he won’t tell anyone if we go through with it. So...you in?” James asked, raising an eyebrow.
Thomas felt his heart sink at the idea of doing such a thing to his soulmate. Even if Thomas didn’t love the other teen, this would be a cruel thing to do to his ‘other half’. But this wasn’t his soulmate. Nobody knew except him. Not even Alexander. And Thomas knew that he wouldn’t think twice before doing such a thing to a bastard, orphan, whore’s son, undeserving, smartass-
“I’m in.”
Click, click, click, went the linoleum tile beneath Alexander’s feet. His arm was covered in dark green scribbles, and the scribbles were covering up his- he didn’t need to think about that. Not at all. His sleeves were down, and it was a particularly cold day, so wouldn’t have to worry about someone accidentally seeing the marks on his wrists. Not at all.
Locker doors slammed open and shut carelessly down the hall, the metallic clangs melding together with the dozens of conversations happening at once, a few words stringing together each time he passed a group of people. One moment it was ‘she smells wine and cheap’ and the next it was a simple ‘cooler than a vintage cassette’, as if people still used those.
He kept his head down, denying himself the ability to see exactly who was around him. It was more in an effort to remain inconspicuous than to block his eyesight, but Alexander was willing to use either excuse while trapped in his thoughts. The world was quiet, but a strange sense of quiet. The type of quiet one can only find in the midst of a crowd of teenagers and the air thick with gossip.
Eventually, he reached his first class of the day, U.S. History. It wasn’t his favorite, per say, but he was smarter than to call it his most hated subject. After all, in this class, the only member of his group of tormentors that was here was Jefferson, and he sat across the room. That was as good as it would get.
Rushing in through the open door, he scurried away from the pressing crowd of his peers and walked into the artificially-lit room. There was Mr.Franklin, smiling at him politely, and the classroom half-full of people who simply wanted to avoid the noise and pressure of the halls before the first class of the day, and, of course, the memo board. It was typically bare, save for the crumpled flyer for a musical that the school had put on years ago, but today was different. Today, a neon green piece of paper was tacked to the board.
Walking over to it, he furrowed his brow at the list of names before reading the title of the page. ‘Group assignments’, it said, in overly curvy font which Mr.Franklin had most likely chosen for no reason other than the fact that it seemed amusing at the time, as most his choices appeared to be.
Scanning the page, Alexander’s heart stopped beating for just a moment when he read the words next to his own name.
Typed neatly on the paper in a font that Alexander had never even seen before was the name Alexander Hamilton, with a line attaching it to another name he knew all too well.
Thomas Jefferson.
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latabernaprod · 5 years
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#Repost @pilomusic ESTE VIERNES!!! Ultimo show antes de emprender un viaje largo que me va a tener con algunos proyectos muy esperados, entre USA y España, tocando en vivo y tambien siguiendo con la grabacion del nuevo disco. Muy contento y esperándolos a este ultimo show. ESTE VIERNES en el querido PODESTA BAR 00hs puntual “Pilo Gomez Band e invitados” ENTRADA SIN CARGO HASTA LA 1 VIVA LA MUSICA Y TODO LO QUE NOS QUEDA POR VIVIR Y DESCUBRIR 🙏🎸❤️🙌🏻 Banda amiga invitada: Los Jamiltons Invita: Julio Fernandez Pilo Gomez: Guitarra y Voz Tano Joaquin: Bajo y Voz Nicolas Martinez: Guitarra y Voz Pedro Colpachi Bateria: Bateria Pablo Clavijo: Saxo y Voz Gonza German: Percusion #pilogomezband #cancionesyestaciones #nonstop #musica #vida #alrededordelmundo #sinparar #amor #onelove #onelife #EASTWOODGUITARS #PODESTABAR Foto y flyer : Damián Pantaleone (en Podestá) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwnR0xyHNK_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6w9my2eizooz
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jefferoni-quotes · 4 years
TJ for the ask meme!
favourite thing about them:
Honestly? I dont k n o w. I just lo Ve him. His costume, his ha ir. The personality Daveed gives him, how happy he is. How smug of an a s s h o l e he is. Just,, also the A n g St opportunities???? Infinite. Good good character, very interesting and enjoyable to watch. Also, in the Election of 1800 he dances with the ensemble after Hamilton votes for him and I- love that.
least favourite thing about them:
Horrible history. Bad bad man. Like, he was such an a w f u l person and no one can disagree with that because he WAS
favourite line:
"Well I arranged the meeting! I arranged the menu, the venue, the seating!" Hes so,,, smug,,,
"Daddy's calling." Again, so purely smug and aNgry
And literally the entirety of the Reynolds Pamphlet. Hes so,,, haPpy to see Hamilton's demise.
JeffBurr for sure. I think that would be an interesting friendship.
Edit: am stupid also Jeffmads how could I forget omg- they have a soft friendship I am so sorry 🥺
*points at all my writing* take a wild guess
Jamilton 🥺🥺🥺 not necessarily because I want it to be "cAnOn" but because I believe they have an interesting story to tell and I wanna hear it. Or tell it, either or really.
People who ship,,,, Thilip...... its just strange. I guess as long as Philip is of age its technically fine? Just,,, no thank you.
popular headcannon:
This man and hair products. Hes a connoisseur. A collector. A frequent of bath and body works. Patron saint of the body shop.
unpopular headcannon:
Did someone ask to hear more about the prosthetic leg..? I dont think I ever mentioned that it's the left leg :D
song i associate them with:
Okay hear me out: Won't Bite by Doja Cat. Modern AU???? hnG fits so well
favourite picture of them:
His face,,,,
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peej0w0 · 7 years
People I admire + mutuals= jamilton! Burrens! Klance! Me: *doesnt ship any of them* there's so much content for a ship I don't shi p b u t I s till. Lo v u
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LOS JAMILTONS han publicado este anuncio en sus redes sociales: Hola amigxs!!! Como es de publico conocimiento, a raiz de la pandemia, los artistas estamos parados y sin ingresos, y los pocos shows que salen no nos ayudan economicamente y en muchos casos nos generan gastos extras. Por esta razon queremos y necesitamos de tu apoyo para poder seguir grabando musica y seguir realizando videos clips. Por eso nos hemos sumado a esta nueva modalidad que tenemos los artistas independientes para financiar nuestro trabajo. Comprandonos o invitandonos (es una forma simbolica) un café, es una manera sencilla y significativa de financiar nuestro trabajo creativo. Asi que entrando a: https://cafecito.app/losjamiltons ☕️ podes ver en los posts, nuestro contenido y apoyar nuestro laburo. Tambien estamos desarrolando una serie de recompensas que iremos informandote. Tu contribucion nos ayuda muchisimo para poder solventar gastos (que antes cubriamos en muchos casos, con los shows en vivo) y para poder seguir creciendo y creyendo. Es muy facil, si tenes MERCADO PAGO entras a los links que dejamos en los videos de youtube, en los posts de Facebook e Instagram y nos invitas un Cafecito, nos dejas un mensaje, te aparece un codigo QR, lo scaneas y listo el pollo, hiciste tu contribucion. Les agradecemos con el alma a todos los que nos den y nos quieran dar una mano. MAS INFO EN: https://cafecito.app/losjamiltons ☕️ GRACIAS por tu Cafecito ♥ GRACIAS POR COMPARTIR ♥ Foto: Naty Films Matzuri 2020 Burzaco
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