#losh au
cyclone-rachel · 1 year
The Green Lantern Brainy AU Masterpost
how it all started:
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short fanfics:
Idea: Brainy as a human wanting a new costume, and Clark trying to help him design a new one.
As soon as Kara can get a good look at him, her eyes light up in excitement.
Brainysupes + “Please, don’t go”
Brainysupes + “I came to say goodbye”
Brainysupes + “And when did you plan on telling me about this?”
Any AU + monachopsis
Brainy's hair growing out and Clark telling him he looks cuter with long hair.
Any AU + “what the hell happened to you?”
Any AU + “knock it off”
Clark visiting Brainy when he's taking a break from the Legion.
Brainy’s face actually resembling Kaja’s
Any AU + “why are you looking at me like that”
Clark finding out Brainy grew his hair out longer
Brainysupes + “don’t cover your face. I want to see you”
any AU + “why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
AU where Brainy was already a Green Lantern when he joined the Legion
any AU + “did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
King Protea + Brainysupes
more post-No Connection
any AU + bonifate
Brainysupes + “give it back”
Brainysupes + a kiss pressed to each fingertip
any AU + “do you think you can teach me that?”
any ship + “I can take care of myself just fine”
“this place is creepy”
more general GL Brainy fic
“all the best cowboys have daddy issues”
this thing
brainysupes + “you can’t leave without letting me hug you first”
Clark and Brainy + 22
brainysupes + caressed
“Don’t tell me I can’t get killed”
longer fanfics:
No Connection epilogue
Hope Burns Bright (tumblr link, AO3 link)
Brainy and Kaja
Brainy take 2
more Brainy
No Connection epilogue
Brainy making a construct version of his robot mode
Brainy and Aya
assorted other thoughts:
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miyahopscotch · 6 months
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So okay, I've caved and have decided to post the cyborg legion of superheros au.
Maybe I'll explain more depending on feed back but....yeeeaaaaah.
Ink the fact that TFA and LoSH aired around the same time just inspired it.
Also, blitzbee.
Expect that.
And brainy has my pet snake as a companion.
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theshiaxartist · 6 months
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Also had crossover thoughts, tho IDK if I'll ever have the energy to write the actual fic. I have a lot of ideas for it, but so little time.
For now tho! Have Brainy 5.2, the newest addition to the Cosmic Pizzaplex. He works mostly in the Daycare, educating children on the health benefits of pizza and talking with the nice security guard when off-duty.
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invadersatanart · 6 months
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Here's a little comic she made too. So she has an OC named Kai who lives in the legion of superheros world. His original from the transformer world. I'll let miya explain or if she lets me post a picture of him with his bio. Kai hates Blitzwing.
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fourcolour-ace · 2 months
Feel like lots of people's interpretations of Brainy include hairlessness as a key trait, meanwhile I'm thinking:
"Coluans are typically more hirsute than many humanoid species, but most or all hair is traditionally removed. But since Querl's still a kid when he leaves Colu..."
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lemonyinks · 7 months
I want Jacques and Lyle to be on the same team and I want their outfits to be reverse of each other. Lyle in all black with a white i, and Jacques in all white with a black i.
And I personally think they both would just use the name Invisible Kid. Mostly because they think its funny how annoyed Rokk gets when they both respond to it and also because it confuses enemies, especially when they're both invisible. The team has taken to calling Jacques "IK" and Lyle "Kid" so it doesn't confuse them anymore, but the villains never catch on to this because they can't see who is responding to what.
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paintedlady345 · 3 months
I did have another design for Delphi while I was working on her but didn’t bother to show it but here you go
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I also have some demigods and urban legends stuff that I will be posting they are from first to second just a heads up timelines will be mixed and age and year will probably not add up so please tell me if something doesn’t add up with the age and year some of the goddesses belong to me any that are related to multiverse and galaxy related stuff as well as earth, life and death I will tell you which ones are mine last thing I’m the fics aren’t out yet I might just post what I have done and if you like or don’t it I will make a part two for the people who do
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wait----------what · 3 days
So these are a few ideas I got reading a fic on Ao3
Tbh this is the first time I've actually used water colours in a while
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From Legion of Sitcom Heros by @priestessofnox
Not the normal way I'd draw any of this but I figured a challenge would be nice, haven't thought about most of these shows in years tho
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secondshark · 2 years
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Andromeda AUs
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Bloody Valentines
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Young Justice 98, Titans, GL Corps, Legion of Super Heroes, Flashfam, New Gods, Shadowpact
Summary: 90s vampire slasher AU
Chapters: 7/?
Characters: Dick Grayson, Joseph Wilson, Jason Todd, Charley Parker, Zatanna, Eddie Bloomberg, Daniel Cassidy, Chester Williams DC, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Lilith Clay, Raven Roth, Kole Weathers, Bette Kane, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jenni Ognats, Bart Allen, Virgil Hawkins, Richie Foley, Ayla Ranzz, Zoe Saugin, Rol Purtha, Darla Aquista, Lori Zechlin, Hal Jordan, Helen Jordan II, Orion DC, Lightray DC
Relationships: DickJoey, Daniel Cassidy/Zatanna, DonnaRoy, Jenni Ognats/Virgil Hawkins, Raven/Lilith Clay
Additional Tags: POV First Person, Unreliable Narrator(s), Vampires, No Capes AU, 90s Slasher AU, Homoeroticism, Horror, Slasher
Chapter Seven: The Hitchers (Rol Purtha's POV)
I held onto a piece of wood from the wreckage, drifting toward a light in the distance. I retched as the ice-cold Atlantic waters surrounded me. As I neared the light, it flashed over me, warming my body. The stars fell from the sky and danced around me like a fairy light menagerie. Then, I saw the source of the flashing light, spinning slowly, brighter than sunlight itself, only appearing to disappear. The lighthouse. And finally, something hitched my shirt in the water, pulling me under. I didn’t fight. I was paralyzed by fear and exhaustion, unable to struggle against the force.
I woke up dripping wet with perspiration… As I’d done for the past twelve nights. I shook violently as the ambient noise of my fan returned to my ears despite the violent ba-booming of my heart. I didn’t know how to make it stop until I saw the lighthouse on a postcard. Long story short, I took a ferry and the bus to get to a place of nightmares. I had no choice. I don’t think the nightmares would’ve stopped had I stayed away.
The ferry was almost vacant, save for two girls who seemed like sisters sitting on opposite sides. I sat behind the less intimidating of the two, and she sat on her feet and turned to face me. “Happy Harbor?” she questioned as she offered me a cookie. I respectfully declined her offer.
“Uh-huh,” I answered, “I’m gonna set up camp near the lighthouse.” I patted my rucksack.
“I wanted to rent a cabin, but I think they’re all booked for the weekend, so I’m camping out that way,” she replied. She extended a hand to me. “I’m Laura. Laura Fell.”
“Roland Purtha. My friends call me Rolly or Rol,” I replied. I shook her hand.
“Maybe I can set up camp nearby… Unless you’re doing a soul-searching thing,” Laura suggested. I shook my head.
“It’ll be nice to have the company… Your sister setting up camp, too?” I asked, gesturing toward the other girl on the ferry.
“Oh… No, we’re not sisters. I actually haven’t met her yet… Hey! What’s your name? Are you going to Happy Harbor, too?” Laura asked loudly. The other girl turned toward us.
“Yeah, I’m writing about the crap that went down there in my zine,” she replied as she walked toward us and handed us a copy of a handmade blood-splatter-designed zine on deliberately dogged and chewed-up paper. It was laminated with a matte finish. The inside pages were thin, rough, and as chewed-up as its exterior. Un-glossed. Some pages were black with white lettering, some were white with black lettering, and others used magazine letters instead of handwriting or typed words. She wrote horror stories. Murder stories. Ghost stories.
“This is a horror zine,” Laura noted.
“Mhm. Call me Black Alice or Alice. Horror enthusiast,” she introduced herself.
“What happened on the harbor? Was it at the lighthouse?” I asked. I sounded more urgent than I wanted to. Alice’s eyes widened.
“That’s the thing. A massive amount of people disappear from the harbor every few decades. In the seventies, a camp cook chopped up a bunch of teenagers. Each one bled dry before they were dismembered. He was found dead, holding his son’s silver cross in one burned hand… His suicide note contained only one sentence: I am not a monster. In the forties, families built neighborhoods there. In one single night, all the adults drowned. None of the children remembered the events of that night, but they all said the last thing they remembered was a song lulling them to sleep. All separate homes… But the same lullaby-.”
“Yikes,” Laura whispered.
“Anything about the lighthouse?” I asked.
“Um… Let me check,” Alice whispered. She pulled a journal out of her bag and read through the most recent pages. It was eerily silent for several minutes. “Mhm… Actually, that’s probably the safest spot you can be at. That’s where they always find the survivors. In the seventies, they found a handful of kids holed up in the lighthouse… Scratch marks on the door, but no one could get in.”
“These would make for killer campfire stories,” Laura whispered, “Alice, do you have a cabin, or are you camping out like us? My tent has enough room for two, and Rol said I could set up camp by him.”
“Oh, we never told you our names. I’m Rol Purtha, and this is Laura Fell,” I introduced us. We shook her hands. They were cold, but not shockingly so.
“I’m setting camp, and it’d be great if you guys were nearby. I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t believe something awful is coming,” Alice confessed. I should’ve been scared, but I wasn’t. Something about the lighthouse frightened me more than the stories. I fell asleep sometime after that.
I dreamt of the water, but things were different. I sat in a rowboat as I washed up gently on the shore. The sky was a deep, reddish purple. It was warm, so I stuck my hand in the water. It was shockingly hot. I pulled my hand up, wrapping it in my sweater. I glanced down and gasped at the wet crimson as it soaked straight through the knitted cotton fabric of my cardigan. I fell out of the boat and woke up struggling for air. "Rol?" Laura whispered. She looked green around the gills. "Your nose is gushing blood."
Alice took a napkin from her bag, and I held it to my nose. “Thank you… That’s not-. This is embarrassing. I’ve been having these nightmares-.”
“Do you mind if I interview you about your nightmares after we set up camp?” Alice interrupted. I shook my head. I desperately wanted to explain my nightmares to someone, but it wouldn’t have made logical sense. Alice seemed like she’d look beyond logic if she noticed a pattern.
The ferry docked, and we got off and took the bus as far as it would take us. My nose had stopped bleeding, and I unfolded the map in my pocket. “How many miles are we from the beach?” Alice asked, adjusting the brim of her hat to hide her face.
“Eight miles-.”
“Let’s hitch it,” Alice suggested.
“Cool,” Laura smiled.
I wanted to argue with them, but eight miles seemed far. Alice stuck out her thumb as we walked along the side of the road, and a truck pulled over. “Headed to Happy Harbor?” the man yelled out the window. We nodded. “You three should be able to fit in the back.” We nodded and sat in the rear-facing seats. When we sat down, a little girl turned around and greeted us.
“Be careful,” she warned as she pointed to Laura. The man nudged the little girl. “You should put your seatbelt on.”
Laura edged closer to me, and we touched hands. Hers were ice cold. She recoiled and scooted closer to Alice. Alice stared at me with concern for my safety. The man drove for a short while and stopped at a grocery store. We all got out and picked up food for the trip. I bought a cooler and ice to hold the meat for breakfast. "I'll cook if you guys want," I offered.
I felt a tug at the bottom of my shirt. “Hey, Mister?” the little girl whispered.
“You can call me Rolly. What’s your name?” I asked. I took a knee, and she shook my hand.
“Helen… Rolly, don’t be afraid of the lighthouse,” Helen whispered. My breath caught as I looked at her serious little expression. “We’re taking the tour. Right, Uncle Hal?”
The man looked up from his magazine and grinned at her before frowning at something outside. “That’s right, Helen… And we better get going, because it looks like a storm’s coming,” Hal whispered, “Come on. Round up your friends, okay?”
I obeyed and we paid for our things, but the rain started soon after we got in the car. It poured and the roads were barely visible in the downpour. Hal didn’t seem concerned, though. He drove calmly through the storm while Helen fiddled with the radio. As we neared the campsite, Hal hit his brakes hard, and we collided with something. Everyone gasped and Hal got out of the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt and followed him. “I hit a coyote… He came out of nowhere!” Hal shouted. And that was the last thing I remember.
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gaypomroyalty · 2 years
Brainy scowled as he looked around. Trying to plan how he was to leave the planet for the night was hard when colu hired a new Gaurd everytime he succeeded. He tapped his fingers against the throne.(losh bodyguard au
"Is something bothering you?" Fernando frowns softly as he looked down at him. He could feel the others moving under his skin. They were quiet but nothing too out of the norm. They were just watching which was better when he had to bodyguard a coluan prince
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cyclone-rachel · 2 years
au where brainy dated alexis and brainy tells clark all about it
If he had to be completely honest, Querl hadn’t been paying attention when Clark re-entered the Legion headquarters after his patrol.
(Alright- he did have one thought track on the conversation Clark was having with the other Legionnaires who were present. The rest were on his report, and the Scavenger situation, and everything else that caused the Legion to be so spread thin throughout the universe in the first place)
But he was curious, as to who exactly Clark had met- and when Clark identified the girl he’d seen, Querl’s focus changed priorities immediately.
He didn’t mean to say it so loud, or in such a tone.
“You know her?” Clark asked.
“We all do.” Tinya pointed out.
“The richest girl in the galaxy.” Garth added. “Even I know who Alexis is.”
Imra stayed silent, but glanced over at Querl.
You are going to tell him, aren’t you?
Not right now. However… he deserves a warning, at least.
I’m still sorry about what happened last time we met her. Hopefully, Superman will not need such a warning.
The others continued to describe her, but Clark (humble former farmboy that he was) brushed it all off, saying that he probably wasn’t going to see her again.
And of course, that was when Alexis’s butler decided to show up with a message from her, just as it had happened before.
“Guess I have plans tonight.”
“Yes, you do.” Querl said, before launching into his plan- which would have included some sightseeing for Clark, something he knew Clark had complained about not doing enough while in this century. It would have been a good night for them both, had she not interfered.
Clark promised to make it up to him, as he knew he would… but Querl sensed a probability that such plans would be meddled with as well, if a certain someone had anything to do with it.
“Can we talk?” Querl asked, once the two of them were finally alone.
“Yeah. I need your help, actually- Alexis invited me to this thing, and I only have one outfit, so do I just wear that, or go in my Superman costume…”
“Actually, it is about Alexis.” He said.
“What about her? She seems pretty cool.”
“I felt the same, at first.” Querl answered. “We… bonded, shall we say, over several things. I had saved her life, she felt as though she should return such a favor by inviting me to everything she could think of.”
“So, you dated, and found a real connection. I’m not seeing a downside here.”
“She diverted my attention from the Legion, Superman. Without me, our friends could have gotten hurt, and never mind how many innocents could have suffered if I was further distracted.”
“So you’re saying she’s distracting me.” Clark stated.
“I am. And she will keep doing so, if you give her that opportunity.”
“I… I don’t understand.” Clark answered. “Brainy, are you jealous of me and Alexis?”
Not of you, he wanted to say.
“Just… be careful.” Was what he said instead. “I need to get back to my report.”
“You do that.”
Clark still sounded confused, floating in midair with his arms crossed as he thought about what Brainy had told him.
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the ask that was about the LoSH/Star Trek crossover made me think about the little LoSH star trek au I have been thinking about from time to time in my brain. Full Disclosure I myself have barely seen Star Trek I just grew up in a proper Star Trek family but the main thing is that Querl would fit so well as ex-borg I think. idk I'm rambling lol, I just love the vibes of a lot of the Star Trek lore despite knowing very little about it
Go on I am listening.... Querl as an ex-Borg is so fascinating on every level. I wonder if the Borg could even tap into all of him considering his 12 different branches of thought patterns...
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ultfreakme · 4 months
Hiiii I am totally interested in cannibal Jon, If you have any more to share! Like how he obtains the blood or if he ever indulges and how everyone that knows about it reacts to it (outside of superfam)? What does he do when he’s not being Superman? I don’t want to bombard with questions, but if you want to share anything else I’m all ears! I always enjoy the new ideas and aus you end up sharing!
Oh YAY!!!! okay so like, Jon during his time with Legion of Superheroes is given blood by the members. They're from the 31st century they've seen and heard of everything and can get him donated blood and flesh. The thing is, replacement artificial manufactured stuff doesn't work because it's all about the ~trauma~ so it needs to have come from a living person. LOSH doesn't find a permanent solution for Jon so Jon's new plan is to just suck it up and never eat. If he dies, he dies.
Enter Jay, who's used to people killing others(because of The Revolutionaries) and he goes on ill-advised definitely not Batman approved vigilante justice stuff for criminals he finds. I initially thought of him killing them but let's just say he knocks them out so Jon can eat.
Jon's feeling very, very guilty about it all but Jay puts him at ease and tells him he likes him and this doesn't change his opinion on him as Superman. He's the only hero who noticed Jay in the first place, and Jon is a genuinely good person. He doesn't want this hunger. Jay knows he's a good person and he's fine with helping him out. So with Jay, his hunger reduces because of the open acceptance to the point they switch to just, donated blood bags and stuff.
The superfam find out when Jon kinda cracks under the pressure and the hunger returns again, specifically when the twins come into their lives. He thinks they're his replacement and on the outside he's doing his utmost to make them feel welcomed but he feels like a monster in their presence.
They catch him in the act when he's coming home and Clark notices he's smelling way too heavily of blood.
The secret gets out, Jay's like "k we just gotta find an asshole to beat up for him to eat a little bit from" but Superfam are FREAKED THE FUCK OUT. They're like this must be a disease because kid Jon never craved flesh. So they try to 'fix' him and soon realize there is no stopping this.
They try to just switch him over to regular food and are like "hey we shall stick with you and help you ease into this way of living again, you are not a monster".
Now. Jon has called himself that, he's never said it out loud. But hearing that the family thinks he's a monster is a gut punch. Their only plan is he suppress the hunger but it backfires immediately because the cannibalism also involves kryptonians so........he may or may not be getting increasingly angry and fight-ready with them.
It's only resolved when Clois and Superfam learn to live with the fact that their half-kryptonian half-human son is first of all, not a perfect sunshine child with no flaws. He craves flesh and blood. Fucking around with human-alien biology is bound to create something unexpected. They birthed him, and accepting him in this is important. Second, this means actually talking to Jon and helping him through the volcano torture PTSD. As this happens, he stops wanting flesh and can be satisfied on blood alone with occasional fleshiness.
He's still Superman but this part of him is a secret and he doesn't go out if he's feeling a little too hungry. Oh also I'm thinking consuming more increases his powers by a LOT.
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invadersatanart · 6 months
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So my gf @miyahopscotch made this little au, so since Losh and Transformer animated were roughly around the same time and the same art style. She made an AU of like if they were together. We've done a couple rps with it a its kind of fun. Blitzwing and Bumble bee are the two in the LOSH world. And they're trying to get back hope. She doesn't believe this is a cool AU. Blitzwing would keep calling Brainy a gross organic, because Brainy only 5% organic and its enough for Blitzwing to be an ass. Blitzwing likes to mock Brainy, thinking his stupid. His calls the guy with a 12 level intelligent dumber then him.
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eeveedee · 1 year
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Losh Week Day one: Tryouts
Drew that infamous losh cover but with the legion as Pokemon, consider it a PMD Au
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