#lotidge angst
lotidge · 6 years
Lotidge Playlist
Fickken Finally right guys? Did one of these for Shidge, so its only right that I do one for Lotidge!
- mod potential
1. If You Leave Me Now - Charlie Puth ft. Boyz II Men
He’s been hurt worse. He’s suffered wounds dealt to him by bigger and stronger opponents. But her? Lotor couldn’t even bear to label her as such. Even when she killed him like this.
2. Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia
That was the problem, Shiro mused. They were too much alike. They hurt the same way. Fought and killed similarly to. And when they met? On opposite sides of the war? How could their attraction not result in chaos?
3. Infected - Sidekick
It was their game. Catch him, catch her. Outsmart her, outsmart him. Over and over, such was the nature of this dangerous play of their’s. And Lotor relished the chase. Fangs flashing and claws sharpened. He loved it. And, deny it as she might, so did Pidge.
4. Morning Doves - Mikky Ekko
He was right there. Bleeding, weak, and defeated. It’d only take one shot, only one, and everything would be over. This war, this power struggle. All of it would be finished with a single mercy kill. But could Pidge bear to do it? When he looked at her, bleeding and broken and begging for it? I think you know the answer.
5. Take What I Can Get - Matthew Mayfield
There were moments when he was genuine. Where he was soft and boyish, and not at all this picture perfect Prince. Moments where he just sat back and relaxed, silver-white hair blowing all around him like ribbons. Moments where he simply laughed while sprinkling birdseed onto the ground. Naturally he never knew that Pidge had been witness to those moments, but she treasured them all the same.
6. Beautiful Girl - Broken Iris
In the void, Lotor knew only pain. Drawn-out, torturous pain. Pain that played with him. Chewed him up and spit him out. Even agony seemed unwilling to accept him. And whose form this this pain decide to take? Not Allura, she had all but died to him. No. It was someone different. Someone who had always been in the corner of his eye, and never fully in front of him. Someone with shining cold eyes and curling amber hair. Someone beautiful. Someone cruel.
7. Dark In My Imagination - of Verona
She knew that she should stop thinking about it. But Pidge couldn’t help it. He haunted her. She was losing even more of what little sleep she had. Lotor seemed to circle around her at night. She just...felt him. Hands cupping her neck from behind, claws cold and slicing against the soft skin. Velvety breath next to ear as he gasped her name like a tease. Gentle, silken tickles of his bright hair against her shoulder he leaned over and...Pidge shuddered. Willing her imagination to stop.
8. Hymn - Kesha
He had to wonder, would things have turned out different? If he had met her Voltron sooner? Would he have made the right choices then? The right friends? The right lover? The ‘what ifs’ hurt Lotor more than the ‘right nows’. Because he was stuck. Thrown away and forgotten all because no one thought of his worth. But maybe...What if...No. No. It hurt. It hurts. And no one can help him. Not now, not ever.
9. All Night - Beyonce
Pidge never thought they’d see each other again. She never thought that he’d look at her like that, Allura all but a blip on his radar. She never thought he’d touch her like that. So, so very gently. Like a promise. A terrifying promise he was scared of breaking. And she never thought her heart would hammer so loudly for him. For Lotor
10. Say Yes To Heaven - Lana Del Rey (Unreleased)
Shiro should’ve known, should’ve seen it sooner. Lotor was so gentle with Pidge now. The void had...changed him. Not just his personality but his priorities. He should’ve seen it sooner. But he didn’t.
11. Tell Me How To Feel - Maggie Eckford
Pidge couldn’t stop shacking for an entire varga after leaving the void. Everyone had written it off as stress from all the quintessence. But in her heart, she knew better. She had heard the name Lotor whispered after all that rage and fury and terror. And it haunted her. “Pidge”  
12. Roses - Lana Del Ray (Unreleased)
Pidge knew something was off before she even arrived at her door. There was this...overwhelming sweetness in the air. Somehow, someway it made her heart pound. The closer Pidge came to the source of it, her room, the warmer her body became. Flushing as if she was embarrassed. Then she saw it, when the door to her room slid open. The entirety of it absolutely covered in blushing flowers. Every shade of red, pink, and orange covered every inch of her room. Pidge stumbled back. Into a pair of warm arms. Silver hair flowing in her the corner of her eyes as she heard him. Lotor’s voice nothing more than a purr. “Hello Pidge~”
13. Requiem For Blue Jeans - Bastille
She was smarter than this. She had hacked the government, brokered peace deals, and helped defeat an evil warlord. She was better than this. But then Lotor threw her that look again and there went her heart. Flying up to her throat as he cornered her. All but pressing her up into the wall with his mouth, fangs sharp against her tongue. She’s smarter than this, Pidge told herself. But then whispered her name in such a way that made her want for something really, really stupid.
14. Angel On Fire - Halsey
Ambition burned in the both of them. Crawled under their skin like a disease. I can do better, I can do more, I can raze heaven and hell and force them to their knees. They were so alike in that sense. So prone to crashing and burning that it should’ve seemed obvious how brilliantly they collided with one another. Too kindred for hatred, and too spitting for infatuation. But just right for blazing, burning, scorching passion.
15. Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran
Pidge could understand it, she supposed. The loneliness of misunderstanding. Of no one giving you anymore than a single glance, a fleeting thought. Of being seen as so small and pathetic that you’re entire worth as a person became nothing. She could understand something like that. So it hurt her, deeper than words could explain, to leave Lotor there, in that void. Screaming for someone, anyone to please for the love of all that’s good and pure in this world listen to him, understand him please.
16. Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood
Lotor disliked gatherings like this. Women and pretty boys dancing on tables. The gag-worthy scents of smoke, booze, and other things he’d rather not name in the air. But this was where his informant wanted to meet, so the Prince relented. And then the imbecile didn’t show altogether. Gritting his fangs, Lotor was about to leave. Then he saw her. Hidden away and pressed onto the wall. A girl watching him. Those same lonely eyes reflecting back at him. Gilded and gold and unashamed. And, suddenly, Lotor found himself liking this place a lot more.
Feel free to add onto this or take any of these as writing prompts! Just be sure to tag ;)
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potentiala · 7 years
Fly, Fly Away From Me (Angsty!Lotidge)
For @lotidge and @olkarianprincess because gosh darn it I should be studying.
Lotor had never cared for birds. Small, stupid little things that never seemed to avoid such blatant decoys. Be it plastic or stuffed bait, birds would fall upon them. Thinking them family. She reminded him of a bird in that sense. Small and quick, yes. But stupid? Not at all. The Green Paladin of Voltron was a force to be reckoned with. Her intellect deadlier than any weapon she could ever wield. But that's not why she reminded the Galran Prince of a bird. Oh no. It was that undying kinship. Lotor had stumbled upon her searches for a man he could only assume was her brother. It was that near-reckless willingness to find him that reminded Lotor of a bird. A bird that could be caught. The Galran Prince had simply manipulated the data she would find to lead her into a trap. So eager she was! Disregarding her teammates warnings. Flying straight into the fire. And the sight of the Green Lion being shot out the sky should've...fulfilled Lotor in some vital way. But it didn't. The Lion fell from the sky. Crashing unto the land. Like a fallen star. A dead, decaying creature that was once full of life. Naturally, Lotor tracked the metal carcass down to make sure the Green Paladin was captured and secured. Alive. He had wanted her alive. He had wanted to hear that bird-like heartbeat slamming against her rib cage as he closed upon her. He had wanted to see the fear in her eyes. Not this. Not the lower half of her small body pinned down under the Lion's control panel. Bones, nerves, muscle all flattened and crushed to a pulp. Not the tree branch skewering her stomach. Bile and blood at war with each other underneath Lotor's boots. Alive. He had wanted her alive. He wanted her blood pumping and heart hammering. He didn't want this. He didn't want her head at that angle. Looking up at him in such a way that made it oblivious that her last moments had been far from peaceful. Gold eyes dull with Death. An arm outstretched. But to reached what? It took Lotor some time, but he found it. A ways away from the wreckage of the Green Lion. A small, seemingly insignificant thing really. A photo. One with a girl and boy. The boy Lotor instantly recognized as the rebel he had baited the Green Paladin with. But the girl? She was lovely. Willowy and small, beaming in the burnt, bloody photo. Hair long and beautiful. Gold eyes shining. Lotor's legs gave out as he went back to the Green Paladin's corpse. The realization taking a hold of him feeling not unlike drowning in fire. This mangles corpse. This small woman. This enemy to his empire. She had once been this girl. She had once been a beautiful creature with the promise of the future in her eyes and a body barely strong enough to cling to her brother properly. Lotor looked toward the corpse. And understood. He finally understood birds. With they're yearning to be with those they love, they're willing to risk it all. If only they can get a last embrace, a last spot of warmth. Only to be struck to the ground. But even bloody and broken, birds still cry. Cry for their kin, not knowing their fake, but still HOPING. Lotor looked at the bloodied woman. And wanted to cry. Birds! Stupid, stupid beautiful birds. He looked to the woman who had died in agony but still yearned for her brother more than anything, and all Lotor could do was clench his eyes shut and look away. Maybe he had been wrong about this woman. She wasn't as smart as he gave her credit for. No, no. This girl truly was a stupid bird. Caught up in a lions' game.
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olkarianprincess · 4 years
Okay but Lotidge Hannibal AU? Head of the BAU, Allura, wants the genius Pidge Gunderson to come out of retirement and work on a new gruesome case. Pidge, who changed her name after her family was brutally murdered, was a talented forensic analyst but no longer knows if she can handle the mental toll of the work. Her friend and colleague, Detective Takashi Shirogane, insists she should only return with an all-clear from a mental health professional. Enter Shiro’s friend, the well-respected Dr. Lotor, who is more than happy to help the FBI out if it means getting closer to the enigma that is Pidge.
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strugglingtoast · 6 years
And solace was given
* I finally come back and I bring angst. Sorry*
@olkarianprincess you get to read this again
When Katie realized Lotor did not feel the same way about her, Katie believed that she would pick her self up from the disappointing blow. But it was not the case. Days passes where Katie just felt even more in love and envy grew at the object of Lotor's affections, the princess herself, Allura.
All it took was one day for Katie to feel something was wrong with her. A feeling erupted over her chest and out her mouth as she spewed a mixture of blood and the prettiest of purple flowers.
Katie was able to hide the disease well. Not wanting to add more to the stress and tension her comrades were facing, Katie remained silent on her condition. The flowers and it's petals were picked up and thrown away with discretion. The blood, wherever it landed, was quickly wiped and cleaned, rags or paper properly disposed.
Despite her carefully hiding everything from everyone, it came to a huge shock when Lance outed her out in an empty room, only the walls being silent witnesses. Katie wanted to quickly deny it, beat it down to sooth the ache she had in her chest. But instead, she held herself as best she could, letring out a cry of anguish that reverberated around the walls of the castle room.
Distraught, Katie realized gentle arms wrapped around her form, envoloped by a warm hug. She needed this. Her cry of sorrows finally subsided into small hiccups and sniffs.
A cough cut through as Katie felt another warmth splatter on her face. Blood and juniberry petals spewed from the blue paladin's mouth as tears of understanding fell from his face. Katie cried even harder.
A heartbreaking, and comprehending hug was shared between them. The people they loved were falling in love with one another. It hurt. But they consoled one another on two thins: That they would not die alone and also despite having this deteriorating situation, and they both get to know that their crushes were leaving a peaceful, happy amd happy life.
And solace was given.
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Don't imagine Pidge developing a crush on Lotor. Pidge finding someone that can match her in intellect and listen to what she has to say and enjoying his company. Don't imagine her seeing the looks Lotor and Allura give each other and pretending not to care. Choosing to prioritize her friends feelings over her own, convincing herself that there are a billion other things more important than a shallow one sided crush. If Allura and Lotor were happy, that was all that mattered. Besides, Pidge thought sadly to herself, Why would he pick me in the first place?
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dragbunart · 6 years
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Reflections rarely show you what you want to see. That’s what Pidge learned at a young age.
She used to look in the mirror as a young girl to find herself disappointed in how she looked.
Now, she was more confident, but she was still unhappy. Not because of how she looked. She was content with her looks and her body. 
But she was unhappy with her situation. 
You see, Lotor had returned, but he had no memory. The paladins had tried to help him be better than he was, and he got attached to Pidge.
The two spent the most time with one another. Everything was going great.
Until Haggar showed up.
She managed to help Lotor remember some of his old life, and personality. He helped Haggar destroy Voltron.
Well... Almost all of Voltron
 He refused to hurt Pidge. In fact, he stepped in front of the Paladin when a druid was attacking her.
Pidge could still remember his arms wrapping around her securely. He ripped her bayard from her hand and held her to his chest telling the druid to stop.
Haggar had approached them curiously, asking Lotor what was wrong.
“Mother you can’t! Not Pidge! She’s... She’s... I love her!” His words echoed in Pidge’s head.
Haggar had relented, on the condition, Lotor kept her under his control. 
He agreed sooner that Pidge would have liked. 
That night he held Pidge as if they were lovers. Like it was the end of the world and things would never be the same.
In a way, for Pidge it was.
Now she stood in front of a mirror, Lotor coming up behind her resting a hand on her shoulder and lifting her head forcing her to stare herself in the eyes. 
He had a smile on his face. “Look at how beautiful you are.” He pulled her closer. “You’re going to be my beautiful intelligent Empress...”
“I don’t to be...” Lotor held onto her shoulders forcing her to face him. 
“Pidge, it's for the best.” He bent over and kissed her. “Trust me to keep you safe.” But he had lost her trust the moment he betrayed her team. Everything they had worked for to better Lotor was ruined the moment Haggar returned his memories. Pidge didn’t reply instead cried into his chest.
Lotor held her close making promises to keep her safe and happy. 
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camphalfgalra · 7 years
Every action has its own consequences, and Pidge learns that the hard way.
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Kidge Heathers AU
OK HOW DO WE NOT HAVE A KIDGE HEATHERS AU YET! I’ve seen a Plance Heathers AU and a Lotidge Heathers AU (which are great), but no Kidge! We can all see Pidge as Veronica, but has no one equated Keith to JD yet?? No one???? I mean, they both lost their moms at a young age, they both have major trust issues and a temper, they both get protective once they care about someone they both have a soft side which they don’t show often except to the girl they’re in love with! Not to say that Keith’s a homicidal maniac, but their personalities fit! Kidge singing Seventeen together, Pidge singing Fight For Me as she watches Keith fighting a bunch of people at once effortlessly, Keith and Pidge bonding over slurpees as they talk about their lives and Keith sings Freeze Your Brain, DEAD GIRL WALKING OMG, and overall I do want it to end happily ofc cuz I can’t take sad endings, and omg the love and angst and everything! SO CAN SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE KIDGE HEATHERS AU CONTENT? I’ll be so happy if you do🥺💖
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The Way She Looks
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uWoMt8
by OlkarianPrincess
Prompt: Can I request a lotidge ficlet please? Where Lotor spies on the paladins and makes comparisons between Pidge and who his mother used to be?
Words: 545, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Season 3 Celebration Ficlets
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Lotor (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron)
Relationships: Lotor/Pidge (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Ficlet, One Shot, Angst, Just slightly, Prompt Fic, Tumblr Prompt, Pre-Relationship
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uWoMt8
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
Last Christmas
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ul08vm
by grbgcn2
It hurt. The smiles. The looks. The kisses. The rings on their fingers.
Words: 304, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Lance, Keith, Allura, Lotor, Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Keith (Voltron), Lotor/Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt/Shiro
Additional Tags: Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Angst, based off the song by Wham!, Last Christmas by Wham!, klance, kallura, Lotidge, SHIDGE
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ul08vm
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 4 years
when it pulls you under
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JDCLcm
by inkbadger
Lotor, son of an archangel and a demon lord, is desperate to claim the ever-distant crown of Hell. However, he is isolated, disregarded due to his heritage, and at a distinct disadvantage in the greater scheme of things.
Enter Katerina “Pidge” Holt. A mutual acquaintance of sorts, and a potentially powerful ally to have in his corner. Except she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. Nothing personal, really, other than the fact she’s not terribly friendly at the best of times and Lotor keeps insisting on appearing in the middle of her territory with not so much as a “hello”. She hates him, but that’s hardly uncommon in Hell. It’s also part of what charms him, in a roundabout, ripping-out-your-innards sort of way. So, he offers her the world, charming promises of power and Queenhood that could, perhaps, be backed up. But only if she agrees to help him.
And then she finally yields. After all, you poke the sleeping dragon and eventually, it will bite back.
For Lotor, it is one of the best decisions in his existence.
Words: 9207, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of All You Sinners Stand Up and Sing Hallelujah
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Pidge, Lotor, Lotor's Generals (Voltron), Hunk, Lance, Keith
Relationships: Lotor/Pidge | Katie Holt, Lotor/Pidge (Voltron), Lotor & Pidge, Lotor & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk/Lance (Voltron), Hunk/Lance, Hunk & Lance (Voltron), Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Lotidge, Hance - Freeform, Mentions of Sheith, Angel/Demon AU, demonverse, Demon Pidge, Lotor is an angel/demon hybrid, Prince of Hell Lotor (kind of), they hate each other's guts but Lotor needs her to become King, historically inaccurate events, Pidge is a tech hoarder, Keith brings her tech from the modern world, Violence, they're demons I don't know what you're expecting, some gore, Blood, questionable safe sane and consensual, Dubious Consent, Enthusiastic Consent, Fluff, Some Humor, Enemies to... something, Worldbuilding, they bitch a lot, Lotor catches feels, Pidge catches feels, it's a whole mess, Everyone is of age, Misunderstandings, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, written for the Mess Pidge Up Bang, morally grey Pidge, Incubus Lance, demon hunk, Hate Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Toys, Vibrators, Dildos, Rough Sex, references of bondage, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Sex, Dominant Behavior, some sadism, Overstimulation, Masturbation, a sprinkling of masochism, Oral Sex, Sensory Deprivation, Dirty Talk, Fingering, Begging, Anal Sex, multiple dicks, some inappropriate shapeshifting, Double Penetration
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JDCLcm
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lotidge · 3 years
Hades and Persephone with Pidge and lotor💖
Every time someone says this or i imagine it I just think that Lotor straight up abducts the green lion and throws Pidge into a room of Galra tech to woo her.
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potentiala · 7 years
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Lotidge Ship Week: Day 2 - Fight
Sorry guys, but applications are due soon, so Lotidge Ship Week entries might be a little late and have some weird mistakes. :( 
Curse you Princeton! Jk, please read my essays
“You can’t tell me what to do Shiro.” Scowling further, the Green Paladin sent a defiant glare at the Head of Voltron. The latter only crossing his arms as he tried to stare her down.
“I said no Pidge.” There it was again, that blankness to his look that made Pidge’s heart twist uncomfortably. That subtle detachment to her that made the young woman want to sock Shiro across the jaw, take Matt and Green, and book it for the hills.
“And I said I’m going.” Shiro was just about to open his mouth to refute her again, when a third, previously ignored voice broke through their tension.
“I could go with her.” Speak of the Devil. Or, more accurately, of the Galran Prince-turned-unwitting ally.
Prince Lotor.
He stood, leaning against the wall within their little lounge. Looking half-bored and half-frustrated. Oh great, as if Pidge wasn’t at the end of her patience already, Lotor just had to butt in.
“Oh come now Champion, you know as well as I do she’ll be killed on her own.” Lotor’s voice was all but a purr as he, very pointedly, looked over Pidge’s head at Shiro. Glossing over her with those brilliant blue eyes. 
The Black Paladin glaring right back.
“And who’s to say you’ll help her chances?”
“Well, unlike you Champion, I know these ships like the back of my hand. Not to mention the fact I’m just as much as a wanted criminal as you lot.” Pidge tried getting a word it, but the two just kept at it. 
“That’s not worth Pidge’s life.” Ok, that’s it! Pidge wasn’t going to deal with this…weird display of testosterone. She didn’t have time for this! Not right now!
Not when she found a lead on her dad.
So that’s why Pidge jumped up, strode over to Lotor, guns blazing, and grabbed his hand. Forcibly dragging a Galran Prince who was, at the very least, two feet taller than her, up and away from the Black Paladin.
Missing the look of surprise on Lotor’s face.
Shiro, naturally, called after them. But all his half-baked pleas fell on deaf ears. Pidge’s body feeling far, far too hot. A frustrated flush rising to her face and the tips of her ears. So, hand and hand with the Galran Prince, she set a course for their destination.
A Galran transport ship.
Said to hold the usual cargo. Weapons, quintessence, and mechanical supplies. But there was a unique addition to this particular ship. It was said that it was transporting a small group of especially intelligent slaves for some purpose Pidge would rather not think about. Made complete by a boosted security. So yeah.
She might need Lotor’s help.
“Going without your brother? How rebellious~” Ugh, she could practically hear the smirk in his voice. But she didn’t want Matt out there, in danger.
Not after everything he’s been through.
“Sit down and shut up before I make you.” Was all Pidge had the patience to grit out as she and Green left the Castle of Lions.
Familiar sparks dancing up her arm as she allowed herself to sink into the Green Lion’s cockpit. Ok. Ok. Breathe, you can do this. Pidge told herself, trying to calm down before anger made her stupid and reckless. Just breathe.
"Where are we going?" Oh quiznak. Clenching her jaw, Pidge turned her annoyed gaze toward Lotor. The latter raising a single white eyebrow at her. Pidge thought it over as she blocked the commutation Shiro was trying to send her.
"To find my dad." Pidge echoed as she turned back around. Watching as Green streamlined past stars and moons she didn't have the time to revel in.
She could hear the surprise in his voice.
"Your father? He's with the Empire?"
"Unwillingly yes." Pidge didn't even try to keep the bitterness out of her voice. God, look at her. Going around space in a magical giant metal lion with the son of her enemy riding shotgun. Had Pidge not been living that reality, she would've laughed.
Lotor remained silent.
Which was perfectly fine with Pidge. Give her a quiet Galran Prince over a talkative one any day. Because, like this, Pidge could actually think.
About a lot of things.
What was she doing? Disobeying Shiro’s orders? Rushing into the fray? God, she was beginning to act like Keith. But what if her dad was there, on that ship?
What if he wasn’t?
“-aladin! Paladin, I believe were getting close!” It was Lotor’s voice that brought Pidge out of her thoughts. And, with a jolt, she realized he was right. The Galran ship was quickly coming closer and closer into view. Pidge flying into action.
Quickly activating Green’ cloaking ability.
“Your lion has cloaking?” Lotor’s voice was closer, Pidge realized. He was standing behind her, arms braced against her seat. Leaning down to her level. Where, in her peripheral vision, she could see the silvery strands of hair flutter gracefully off his shoulder.
Pidge had half a mind to step on the breaks.
“Yes, so stay inside and wait for me.”
The Green Paladin nearly groaned at the immediate sense of deja vu. Setting Green up to follow the transport ship while they climbed off board, Pidge pursed her lips.
Trying to stay calm.
“I didn’t ask you Lotor.” She glared up at him then. His gaze was steady, blue-yellow eyes focused and determined as he gazed at her. But there was something more to that look he gave her. Something that puzzled her.
That made her heartbeat flutter.
But only for a tick.
“And you didn’t ask me before grabbing my hand and jumping ship...Pidge.” With that, the strange look to Lotor’s eyes increased as he turned away to put on his helmet. Leaving Pidge’s mind reeling from…that look.
That soft, soft look.
- - -
But nothing stayed peaceful for long.
Her father wasn’t on the ship. But a Galran Commander was. So between the crushing weight of losing another lead on her father, the frantic efforts to protect the slaves that remained, and staying alive. Pidge was on the edge.
Wanting to throw herself off it.
“I thought you said your father was aboard this ship?!” Came Lotor’s frantic cry as they ducked for cover against a metal crate. Pidge hissed in pain as the cut on her thigh sang with pain. Dammit! It wasn’t supposed to be like this!
This wasn’t supposed to happen!
“I thought he was!” She screamed right back, launching right back into the fray after a moment’s rest. Running low to the ground as shots flew above her. But before the sentries could adjust their aim, Pidge lashed out.
Electrified Bayard swinging toward them.
A quick, jolt of electricity and they fell. Limp limbs of metal and wires on the floor. She could feel Lotor’s gaze on her. Burning her skin even through her armor. Pidge’s clenched fist and grip on her weapon turned near choking.
“You thought? You risked our lives on a mere guess? You fool!”
She turned toward him.
“I never asked you to come with me!” She must’ve looked like a mess, but Pidge couldn’t find it in herself to care. So what if Lotor saw the huge tears streaking down her face? She didn’t care.
Didn’t want to care anymore.
She just wanted her father back. Was that so wrong? Was that so hard for Lotor to understand? Looking at him, Pidge saw that strange, soft look return to his sharp features once more. His mouth parted. As if to say something. Pidge burning against his gaze, humiliated and frustrated.
She didn’t want his pity!
“Pala…Pidge, I-I didn’t mean to-“ Still looking at her, Lotor’s eyes widened. Freezing mid-sentence as he caught sight of something over her shoulder.  
Pidge’s blood running cold.
She turned, but not fast enough. The world grew noisy once more with the sound of gunfire. Pidge bracing herself for the worst.
But the worst never came.
It was Lotor. The enemy everyone was so hesitant about trusting. It was that Galran Prince that tackled her to the side, out of harm’s way.
At his own expense.
“AHHHGH!” Lotor howled, clutching his upper back. Purple skin sizzling from the heat of the blast. Cut into his body savagely. Blood already running down his back in deep, dark maroon rivets.
Drops of it dripping onto her armor. Their collided forms poorly hidden between a wall and another crate. His weight baring down on her smaller body. Silver hair brushing Pridge’s cheek as he loomed above her. Face pinched in pain.  But that soft look remained as he gazed down at her.
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olkarianprincess · 5 years
Crazy idea I’m sorry to bother you! Lotor uses a love potion to get Pudge to love him, Shiro, who pidge was actually in love with and shiro with her, finds out and has to free her from the potion before the royal galra wedding happens, ya know because Lotor proposed as soon as he could >:3
OwO what’s this? A prompt fill???? :O (It’s pseudo-fic but still, pls enjoy)
The truth is, Shiro is (and has been forever) in love with a woman who is of the “very much not a princess” category. He was friends with her brother before ever being adopted into the royal family, although he was far too young to think of marriage back then. He thought kissing was gross and only for boring grown ups. Of course, time passed and he had a relationship or two–with perfectly wonderful men and women–but they never lasted. He tried because they were royals, and he needs to marry a royal, but his heart was never in it. Instead, only one girl occupied his mind: the alchemist’s daughter, Katie Holt.
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strugglingtoast · 7 years
AU with toast
Reincarnation AU Lotidge. Both were humans in the past life. Pidge would always sing this lullaby to lull Lotor to sleep when he couldn't. Forward 10,000 years. Pidge is Altaen and Lotor is Galra/Alta. Pidge breaks into the control room and does her stuff. Meanwhile, Lotor is on high alert for the intruder and Voltron. Something draws him to the control room. All is quiet except for soft singing. A song he remembered from long ago. He doesn't ambush immediately. He is slowly seething for reasons he knows not. Burst in there ready to attack but is immediately halted in his tracks. For the golden eyes slam his memory and all come to light for him. Pidge has no memory, attacks him and books out of there. Lotor now has another mission, get his love to remember him and love him. He remembers the sleepless nights. The haunting song, and the pain of feeling empty. And now he knows why. For that song and those lovely golden eyes made him feel whole once again.
I really want to make this into a story. A HAPPY ending story
@olkarianprincess something good for once
@potentiala the golden eyes part is from your amazing story~ ** if any of you have not read Golden Madness, please do so. It is simply amazing and wonderful to read <3**
@hessonite-angel this will be a happy ending buT KNOWING YOU, COME DRENCH IT WITH ANGST. I'M READY
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ao3feed--sheith · 4 years
when it pulls you under
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JDCLcm
by inkbadger
Lotor, son of an archangel and a demon lord, is desperate to claim the ever-distant crown of Hell. However, he is isolated, disregarded due to his heritage, and at a distinct disadvantage in the greater scheme of things.
Enter Katerina “Pidge” Holt. A mutual acquaintance of sorts, and a potentially powerful ally to have in his corner. Except she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. Nothing personal, really, other than the fact she’s not terribly friendly at the best of times and Lotor keeps insisting on appearing in the middle of her territory with not so much as a “hello”. She hates him, but that’s hardly uncommon in Hell. It’s also part of what charms him, in a roundabout, ripping-out-your-innards sort of way. So, he offers her the world, charming promises of power and Queenhood that could, perhaps, be backed up. But only if she agrees to help him.
And then she finally yields. After all, you poke the sleeping dragon and eventually, it will bite back.
For Lotor, it is one of the best decisions in his existence.
Words: 9207, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of All You Sinners Stand Up and Sing Hallelujah
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Pidge, Lotor, Lotor's Generals (Voltron), Hunk, Lance, Keith
Relationships: Lotor/Pidge | Katie Holt, Lotor/Pidge (Voltron), Lotor & Pidge, Lotor & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk/Lance (Voltron), Hunk/Lance, Hunk & Lance (Voltron), Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Lotidge, Hance - Freeform, Mentions of Sheith, Angel/Demon AU, demonverse, Demon Pidge, Lotor is an angel/demon hybrid, Prince of Hell Lotor (kind of), they hate each other's guts but Lotor needs her to become King, historically inaccurate events, Pidge is a tech hoarder, Keith brings her tech from the modern world, Violence, they're demons I don't know what you're expecting, some gore, Blood, questionable safe sane and consensual, Dubious Consent, Enthusiastic Consent, Fluff, Some Humor, Enemies to... something, Worldbuilding, they bitch a lot, Lotor catches feels, Pidge catches feels, it's a whole mess, Everyone is of age, Misunderstandings, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, written for the Mess Pidge Up Bang, morally grey Pidge, Incubus Lance, demon hunk, Hate Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Toys, Vibrators, Dildos, Rough Sex, references of bondage, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Sex, Dominant Behavior, some sadism, Overstimulation, Masturbation, a sprinkling of masochism, Oral Sex, Sensory Deprivation, Dirty Talk, Fingering, Begging, Anal Sex, multiple dicks, some inappropriate shapeshifting, Double Penetration
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JDCLcm
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