#lotl advice
Jon Snow: Bravery of an injured boy
When Jon Snow decides to abandon the Free Folk and return to the Night's Watch he's s injured by an arrow on his leg. His injury is pretty serious to the point that even a couple of days later right before the battle of Castle Black he needs help in order to dress himself and his leg hurts a lotl:
His leg still hurt like blazes when he put his weight on it. He'd needed Clydas to help him don his fresh-washed blacks and lace up his boots this morning, and by the time they were done he'd wanted to drown himself in the milk of the poppy
That doesn't stop Jon from joining the fight, though. Despite the fact that his black brothers try to stop him from doing so, he's stubborn enough to decide that he will help fighting the Free Folk.
"I can fight," he insisted when they tried to stop him.
During the preparations and the actual fight Martin describes Jon using a crutch to move around. We also get a couple of mentions of Jon's painful injury:
He could feel the throb of pain where her arrow had gone through the meat and muscle of his thigh
He went downstairs himself to bar the door, trying to work some of the stiffness of his leg.
So what does injured Jon Snow does during the attack on Castle Black? He fights as an archer among his black brothers. He also acts as a mentor to the newer recruit Satin who is fighting next to him by giving him advice on how to fight and encouraging him. Both men attack the Thenns who stormed the castle's gate ( with injured Jon using Longclaw) and later pour boiling oil to enemies who attempt to reach them. It's pretty impressive for a man who can't even move without help:
Jon asked Satin to help him down to the yard. His wounded leg hurt so badly he could hardly walk , even with the crutch.
Even after the first battle of the Night's Watch vs Wildings, Jon's leg continues to hurt him but that once again doesn't stop him from preparing for the next battle:
He shoved aside the furs and sat. The pain in his leg seemed duller, nothing he couldn't stand.[...]The horn blew again, two long blasts, so he slung Longclaw over one shoulder, found his crutch and hobbled down the steps.
During the battle beneath the Wall he even commands the defense once Donal Noye leaves to hold the gate from within the tunnel( and later on when he dies). Our injured boy does a fine job commanding his fellow brothers. He gives them courage and inspires then to fight harder with his speech to them.
Once again, Martin shows how tired and wounded Jon is in order to highlight that despite all these difficulties Jon remains a fierce defender of the Wall until the very end.
The wall is mine, Jon reminded himself whenever he felt his strength flagging. He had taken up a longbow himself, and his fingers felt crabbed and stiff, half-frozen. His fever was back as well, and his leg would tremble uncontrollably, sending a white- hot knife of pain right through him. One more arrow, and I'll rest, he told himself, half a hundred times. Just one more.
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rocketfromphighting · 28 days
I can understand it being hard. Really! I can! It was all nervous and struggling before I confessed to my partner. But you just gotta be brave, okay? You know Sword would literally bend over backwards for you, Rocket. I think he'd be over the moon to know you like him back! So chin up, little lotl! I believe in you! :D - @simply-windy
"Right, okay!! Thanks for the advice dude!! You're amazing!"
The rocketeer practically bounced up and down, trying to hype himself up. Besides, he didn't have time for those stupid possibilities bottled up in his brain, he needed to say something, and now!!
"I'm gonna go now!! Thank you again!"
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artsyaxolotl · 1 year
Hey can I ask for some advice on axolotls? My big adult Pan recently got some accidental tank mates. Very small snails and hydra, and something too small to make out that scoots along a piece of driftwood in the tank. All of these supposably came from some water lettuce I bought for his new, larger setup. I quarantined them for two weeks but these pests were not noticable until they started feeding on tank detritus. What would you recommend for treating the tank? I'm torn between a Japanese trapdoor snail, who would be too large to be eaten, or ghost shrimp as your care guide suggested, but shimp have no defense against hydra.
Oh hey, I hope I'm not too late on this! I'd be happy to give advice!
Absolutely do not add a trap door snail. Or any snail. Snails can be swallowed, but even if they're too big to be swallowed, they can suck the slime coat off your axolotl. They can also cut your axolotl with their trap door. However, your other small snails are almost certainly bladder snails. They're the most common pest snail and since they're so small and brittle, they're not a major threat but certainly something to keep an eye on. You can easily squish them with your finger. That's how I've kept them under control. They're too slow to trigger your lotl's predation instinct so they probably won't try to eat them, and even if they did, they'll crush pretty easily. Wild axolotls have been observed to eat snails occasionally, iirc, but that comes with risks so in captivity, we try to eliminate unnecessary risk.
I have no personal experience with hydra actually, but there's an axolotl discord server that I think is really friendly and they might be able to help! If there's not that many, I've heard you can squirt them with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide onto them, but I don't know for sure. The small amount shouldn't be enough to make your water unsafe for the lotl but the direct hit should kill the hydra.
If the small things you saw scooting around were white, then they were probably some kind of flatworm and are harmless.
I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have more questions! I don't mind helping!! I'll link ya to that discord below too, in case you need more immediate advice! Good luck :)
Axolotl Discord Server: http://discord.gg/axolotls
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professorlizzard · 10 months
Week #48
330. The Leafcutters: A foreboding club. The organization, founded by Antatole Feromonov, is dedicated to finding patterns of secret conspiracies in newspapers. Or so it seems like, its actually an ARG about introducing people to interesting local magazines.
331. INSIDE Migraine Institute: A hospital for philosophers. Some of them have thought too hard about the abyss, and the abyss thought back. The special gases uses by the unctuant doctors help them lubricate their brains.
332. Three Mizi Sky: A shrine to an ancient deity. Not an Elder God, and might be an ancient cat spirit from Planet Friedrich. The Thoatls say that she sits on top of your wardrobe and whisper to you knowledge of (comically) evil politics.
333. Antersen's Antales: A children's book store. They mostly sell collections of sombre cautionary tales, as befit by their patron, Antersen. He lived in Gwin, which might explain both the tone and the insightfulness of his tales.
334. Eclipse Estates: A single residential block. For some reasons, if you look up the sky, you will see a permanent solar eclipse. This is weird even by the standards of the Unctuants, but it provides really good area for making frightening predictions.
335. Lotls Of Help Hotline: A hotline for help. The Axy cultures give a great deal on giving out helpful advice, and with this service, they provide to the ones who need a mentor. They are trying very hard to not be cryptic!
336. Project D.O.R.F. Ant Matter Institute: An energetics research center. Here, ants from Muravey experiment on the safe use of new minerals and substance. The place is lousy with Minimal-ists spies, who always have to saved by the careful ant mine researchers.
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likesplatterpaint · 1 year
Hi! I saw your lovely axolotls and as a new axolotl owner I was wondering if you have any words of advice for successful happy lotls. Mine came through the animal shelter I work at because the owner passed away, and I’ve been having good luck with my new lotl by researching online, but I’ve never had one before and would like some firsthand knowledge from axolotl owners ☺️ It’s definitely thriving and has gotten bigger since I adopted it (it’s still a juvenile) so I know I’m not failing, but if I can make the lil dude happier I’d like to!
I'm so sorry this has sat for so long! I wanted to give your ask the thorough answers it deserved and didn't feel like i could do that on mobile, lol. First off, kudos to you for rescuing a lote! Growth and weight gain are great signs. I am still learning as I go, so take this all with a grain of salt -Chiller. Oh my god, did that price tag hurt, but it's been the best way to consistently keep my buddies at optimum temp. So much so that we're considering a second one now that we've split the boys and girls across two tanks. RIP my bank account. I noticed a huge difference in how fluffy their gills were after, compared to when we were doing ice bottles. -Caves- my more shy lotes love to hide, and the ones that don't like to climb and sit, like they're a little dinner guest at a table.
-on a similar note, HAMMOCK oh my GOD mine love their hammocks. We bought two of the zoomed repti-hammocks and they are THE hangout spot. everyone piles in.
-High quality food- pellets, red wigglers, etc, and staying on top of water changes but I'm sure you know this
It sounds like you're already doing a great job. would love to see pictures of the lote in question! Sorry about the delay!
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seisho99 · 2 years
so many knives on my porch thank u to LOTL for ur sage cookie advice and no one else goodbye
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sidebaxolotl · 2 years
so i'm starting to realize I may be SSA of some kind... and Side B blogs like yours have been a great comfort for me. but I'm a little nervous to "come out" and tell people. I know none of my family will love me less but it could be really awkward for me. especially with a few being more liberal then the others I worry about "the bee paradox" a bit.
Eyyy it makes me so happy when ppl tell me this blog is helpful ;A;<3
If you think coming out is the best decision for you, then go for it! If it helps, you don't have to come out to everyone either--I came out to my church community and close friends and my parents (and in some online spaces) but there are still people in my life that don't know--mostly people I don't know as well that are more liberal minded or not believers. So that's an option too, you don't have to tell people that you feel are unsafe or might cause you undue stress.
If you feel like you do want to come out to more liberal friends that might have questions or other, I'd just recommend that maybe you have some responses prepared for common questions and/or make sure you're in the right headspace to lay down boundaries just in case they try to persuade you into things or declare you have internalized home-of-phonia or somn.
Good luck either way fam, we're rootin for ya! :'D
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froggykinz · 3 years
hi! could i get a kin matchup please? from vocaloid, land of the lustrous, and any source you'd like! thank you so much!! <3
i'd say i'm pretty well the chaotic aunt friend of any group. i make a lot of strange jokes just to make them, and i'm pretty vulgar with my language sometimes. i mean well but i'm not the most socially adapt so i often say the wrong thing without meaning to. i'm not the best at comforting people or giving advice but i do try my best - usually with humor or comparisons. i'm pretty spontaneous and impulsive, and i've also been told i'm really generous and giving to the point that it could be a little problematic. i'm also super hecking gay.
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Hello!! I think I'll diagnose you as
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Padparadscha (LOTL) Fukase (VCLD) Miu Iruma (DR V3)
Mod Froggy - Rika Furude
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Hey y'all it's been a long time since I've had an update on the boys! Recently due to the storms in the gulf I had to evacuate the lotls to upper houston an hour away and theyre currently living in a 30 gallon storage container while I'm working on upgrading their tank. Hurricanes always are and will be a big stressor in the aquarium trade but they're doing just fine, just having to do A LOT of water changes and water tests! My biggest concern is fear of an ammonia spike but I'm doing everything I can to keep them comfortable. If anyone as always has some good advice for their anxious keeper, it's always appreciated! Hope y'all are all staying safe during the pandemic and thank you so much for sticking with me!! (It was also their 3 year adoption anniversary last month! 🎉)
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dzamie · 6 years
i love damien too but you’ve gotta admit he was kinda horrible in sportive nymphs. he treated marc like dirt and basically ignored angelo when he objected.
Oh, totally. With the exception of Sir Angelo and Rilla, SC has had a nasty habit so far of “so, you love these characters, eh? Well, time to swaddle them in horrible, glaring personality flaws so big you can hardly see the good parts:
Sir Damien’s first appearance has him as a clever, quick-witted, and capable fighter who’s madly in love with his girlfriend (and soon, his boyfriend too). LotL reduces him to a cripplingly-emotional sadsack whose life revolves so heavily around Rilla that he’s barely capable of anything other than being distraught about her, and then SN has him as a boastful oaf who not only takes little heed to others’ advice (which he’s done since KotC), but also one who will then mock and insult the advisors for disagreeing with him. It takes Marc surpassing his intellect for Damien to give him any respect.
Sir Caroline’s first appearance has her show little regard for the claim to a trophy of a non-knight, which is kinda understandable if a bit haughty. Her second appearance has her paired with Sir Angelo against the echo beast. She’s shown to be quick-witted, but is clearly used to having her gender touted as some sort of huge drawback and is fiercely paranoid of her partner hogging all the glory. Despite this, she’s first to see past her feelings and ferret out the nature of the monster, as well as devise a plan to find it - this is enough to make the well-meaning but kinda misogynistic Angelo respect her as an equal. Then, in LotL, she’s a prideful, stuck-up BLUH BLUH HUGE BITCH. She has no respect for Sir Damien, very little if any for Sir Angelo, absolutely none for the residents of the town, and a possibly insultingly informal tone with her Queen. After finally caving to actually USE her allies’ strengths, she then steals a one-person boat to fuck off without them.Oh yeah, then she threatens to kill Rilla because “lol there’s no1 here to see it I am the law out here bitch.” I really hope Rilla, Marc, or Tal seriously hurt her during the Arum confrontation (not Arum; that’ll give Damien enough motivation to actually kill him).
Lord Arum goes from a cunning, fast, sexy, seductive, and incredibly capable lizard in KotC to a petulant, childish skink who boasts of things he doesn’t really understand himself and is hostile to anything different, even when that’s what he specifically asked for. From a lizard who knows a dangerous amount of things about human architecture and minds to an angry fake-nerd who’s unaware that humans are mammals and thus grow their hair rather than wear it.At least he has his tktktktk as a forever redeeming quality. 
I’m kinda biased against Marc and have no strong feelings about Tal, so I’ll skip them. idk they feel like joke characters taken too seriously
Rilla is really the only one flawed but not broken. She’s introduced as a capable doctor and loving partner to Sir Damien, and is shown to truly care for him - not just that he lives, but how he lives - in her expedition with Marc. She’s a bit of a workaholic, but that’s only to better her knowledge and the well-being of her patients. In MH, she’s extremely correct when dealing with things within her knowledge - mildew treatment, music, reproducible experiments, steady improvement on design, falling in love with handsome, clever, and slightly magical guys - but gets bitten HARD when she takes a leap too far and tries to play with life magic.
Angelo is so incredibly well-intentioned and knightly that all his faults are a direct result of him having intentions purer than driven snow blessed by the Pope and eighteen rabbis. As far as I can tell, his character doesn’t have flaws, the world has flaws and he is unfortunate enough to be too close to them.
also i’m a massive scaly so there’s like a 90% chance i’m overlooking some big arum flaws
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evan-the-boss · 6 years
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I finally finished season 1 of HNK (or LOTL) and god I loved it so much. I even made an oc, whose name just so happens to be Almandine (which is the name of my gemsona for SU). They’re calm and very comforting to be around, giving the best advice they can muster whenever asked. They also act very effeminate though they prefer to be referred to as ‘they’. Almandine Category: Garnet Formula: Fe3Al2Si3O12 Crystal System: Isometric Hardness: 8.5
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chibimonkey · 7 years
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Hey guys. So I took a little break from tumblr because of Hinabee. I wasn’t intending on getting another betta so soon but I made the mistake of going in a store. Meet Atlas and Te Fiti Ammy! I normally get females. I prefer females. But I saw this sad little dragonscale (who in the store looked so ugly but looks much more colorful and pretty already), with his one eye almost covered by scales and the other one starting to be, and my heart went out to him. He’s very nervous (understandably so), but I hope to have him out of the temporary 2.5g before his sight goes so he can acclimate to the new tank. I want to get a 5g on Black Friday when I get the lotls their 40b. (There’s a whole end of the year move for half my fish that’s going to happen.) So far he just likes to stretch his fins out, and cautiously explore. I expect he’ll be completely blind by Easter, if not sooner. @finsandattitude has given me great advice for caring for a blind betta thanks to their experience with their own blind betta Apollo. Te Fiti Ammy caught my eye because I’d never seen a metallic/possibly dragonscale female in the store before. And in the right light, she looked a LOT like @bettabbys’s Ammy. She has a green tint in person which is what prompted me to call her Te Fiti, but every time I saw her I called her “the one who looks like Ammy.” She wore me down and came home with me and I gave her the original name I had for her and Ammy’s name. She’s a zoomy little fish, but has not learned to take food from the tongs yet.
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immanilove · 6 years
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What a way to wrap up the year! So excited to be writing for @lotlmagazine LOTL Magazine in the new year! Check out the link to learn more! http://www.lotl.com/Advice/Introducing-The-Love-Doctor-2502/ #LOTL #Australia #magazine #newcolumn #writer #advice #LoveDoctor #ImmaniLove https://www.instagram.com/p/BrWf1HrHwWO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q0esbjar4m69
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axolotlhoarder-blog · 6 years
IF you guys are interested in derpy and adorable lotls, I would like to welcome you guys to my blog, and my personal experience with raising these little dudes. I welcome questions and I will answer to the best that I can ((((’:
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let me just say that they look like the most adorable little water aliens that had me at a complete trance <3. Let’s just say that i have finally fulfilled my dreams of having them as pets, I successfully warped my story of receiving them (by claiming they were given to me rather than bought) to convince my parents to let me keep them 
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^Aloy (named after horizon zero dawn) I later found out she is actually a he 
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and then ^Jay for jabberwocky, bc she is a rad drago, and i’m alice in wonderland nerd 
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Which has happened several times 
so now i have a lot of these (For sale) 
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^ A cutie pic of them as babies 
FYI the real struggle is trying to raise these dudes on a college budget with no car. You really take things for granted when you don’t got wheels...or money 
Help Ya home girl out my internet friends. 
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As for this blog, I plan to turn it into a side business (to rehome all my grandchildren) as well as give any future axolotl owners advice. From growing them from eggs, or just general protips, feel free to ask me questions, TRUST when I say that I have learned things the hard way
it also helps that my lotls laid like 6 different clusters of eggs averaging about a 100 each time (the first one was like 300) 
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sidebaxolotl · 2 years
I am christian, but I fear people hating me a lot. it seems no matter how nice I am, being a christian gets me blocked or harassed. even in real live I feel like I have to constantly defend myself. it's so strange how the culture in America has shifted from being majority christian, to straight up bigotry towards them. any advice? even just prayer would be appreciated
I mean, that fear is pretty natural I think! No one wants to be hated or harassed for their beliefs. We know that its our fate as believers but it can still be kinda daunting:
If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. (John 15: 18-20)
I naturally am less inclined to care what people think about me (the Lord has blessed me in this way) but I think its helpful to remember that God knows that this was going to happen, and He is sovereign over it, nothing can happen to you that He is not watching over, yanno? Christ has already secured the victory for us! And honestly if this ordeal of depression + the big gay has taught me anything its that God frfr is our refuge and hard times can be an opportunity in disguise to lay down our weakness at His feet and increase our intimacy with him. Good, healthy relationships of any kind require vulnerability and honesty, and in this way our relationship with God is no different.
When I do feel scared or overwhelmed I try to pray about it--Like i will legit just spill my guts to Him and just be honest about what I’m feeling, and its so cathartic! When things were really bad and I couldn’t even think of what to pray I’d just crack open the bible to Philippians and read the infamous passage to myself out loud:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4: 6-7)
Also if you have other believers in ur life that you trust, it couldn’t hurt to tell them when you feel this way as well so they can pray for you and be there for you in a more personal way. You’re also welcome to come on back to my inbox if you need it as well! I hope this was helpful ;w;
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Hey y'all it's been a long time since I've had an update on the boys! Recently due to the storms in the gulf I had to evacuate the lotls to upper houston an hour away and theyre currently living in a 30 gallon storage container while I'm working on upgrading their tank. Hurricanes always are and will be a big stressor in the aquarium trade but they're doing just fine, just having to do A LOT of water changes and water tests! My biggest concern is fear of an ammonia spike but I'm doing everything I can to keep them comfortable. If anyone as always has some good advice for their anxious keeper, it's always appreciated! Hope y'all are all staying safe during the pandemic and thank you so much for sticking with me!! (It was also their 3 year adoption anniversary last month! 🎉)
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