#lots of hyperlinks sorry hahaha
taissaswifelowkey · 30 days
Yellowjackets calling/texting you pt.ii!
a/n: DAMNN okay so i really need to figure out how to insert hyperlinks without it showing the whole thing 💀💀 also in pt i, i mistakenly added jackie TWICE instead of including lottie :(( my bad. ig it’ll be up to us to interpret who’s who 😭
i also decided to do a modern timeline for once!! proofread and as usual feedback is always welcome and enjoy 🥶💯💯
italics = texts, dialogues will be known with quotation marks
warnings: mentions of canon elements! they’re light spoilers but i’d rather be safe than sorry about ruining the show for someone. self-indulgent but you already know it yellowjackets gay propaganda 😎‼️‼️
modern timeline
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📚 with meetings, galas and interviews and both of your conflicted schedules taissa doesn’t always have time to be with you (even though you’re often her plus one!) you’re not that much at the house at the same time but she’ll always text you to check up on you, making sure you and sammy are okay. ive said this once and ill say it again, ms turner is an avid ellipses and ok user. also uses the 👍 emoji
I made pasta!!
👍 Nice.
I might come home late…
Whose body do I need to bury??
i think she’ll also send you motivational quotes, or something related to philosophy. or anything that reminds her of your relationship. she can be simultaneously romantic and so nerdy, you love it
You know what this reminds me of? A certain quote of Socrates.
You talk about that guy more than you do about me 😒😒😒
🛹 if im thinking idealistically, it would be random texting with van. anything from memes, to weird statements, to memes again. but if you want my solid truthful opinion? i think she’s not really that big on technology. will mostly call you for hours using her vintage landline. you two however do keep contact with each other in any way when you’re apart, or when she’s on yj business
This TikTok has me rolling and sobbing
TikTok as in…the clock? Why would it make you cry? Are you okay?
phone calls when you are away! she loves hearing your voice :(( and you love hearing her laugh. she swears it’s awful but you like it in a “i like that laugh, hahaha” way. but back to idealist thinking, she would honestly use a list of emojis to communicate like
What’s happening?
I’m saying yes for the groceries get with the times 🙄😒🫤
🕷️ nat will forget to answer your text messages but she’ll still answer you as soon as she remembers? or she’ll just reply to you in person. otherwise than that she’ll take pictures of anything that reminds her of you. idk why but i think she texts in all caps unintentionally. would also have a few typos
Omg are you okay?
would use all sorts of emojis in any context but according to her interpretation. it leaves you confused most of the time like what does 🦵 mean???
🎀 hear me out…same as van i feel that adult lottie doesn’t use her phone that much??? i mean sure a few texts here and there but it’s not allll the time. HOWEVERRRR if, let’s say you’re on some trip or something, she will call/text/facetime you every now and then. would also text you right after calling
Heyyy how are you 🥰🥰🥰
Good :)) and you?
Great but I just miss you
It’s only been 30 secs since we hanged up lot 😭😭
is the type of person to send you recommendations on outdoors or indoor activities like “we should do this 🥰🥰🥰”
🦉 misty is a serial texter (when she has time, being a nurse and a secondhand dexter takes up a lot of time) so, sporadically, you’ll have messages. pictures of her coffee, or to gossip with you and minion memes. im telling you your inbox are spammed with facebook memes to the point of it being slightly concerning? also uses acronyms and 😂🤣
LOL check THIS out I am ROFLING 😂😂😂
This is the 10th minion meme in a day 😭😭
will also correct you. is literally ☝️🤓 but it’s something about those asterisks and corrections that brings a smile to your face
🪵 shauna is basically your virtual reminder. you hardly even use the notes app. sends you voice messages and expects you to reply with the same format. sends you pictures of what she did throughout the day
Look at what I found in our garden today!!
Aww that’s a cute bunny can we name it Mayfield
WILL and WILL expect you to answer directly, or at least answer 10 minutes after. of course that not apply when you’re busy but if she’s doing the groceries and you’re at home you can answer, right? right???
🧸 voice messages with jackie taylor. like, podcasts. lots of tiktok memes, insta reels, just like lottie she will send you couple activities and be like we should do this omggg 😍😍😍 uses emojis, sometimes will spam you and WILL expect you to answer her too.
Hey beautifullll 🥰
Hi :)
Can you pls listen to my voice memo
Jax it’s three minutes long 😭😭
So??? It’s a signed masterpiece LISTEN TO IT
i think she’s also the type to send you playlists but also random recommendations, not just couple stuff. like clothing, jewellery, or makeup if that’s your thing. if you two are apart expect lots of 1 hour facetimes and thirty minutes of texting right after
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27emailsicantsend · 1 year
So what do you think Gina’s Halloween costume is? Ricky seems to be a lifeguard but I can’t really tell for Gina.. Also how are you feeling about this being the last season? I’m devastated but also I’m glad they knew and could do the characters justice and it wasn’t like a sudden cancellation where we don’t get a conclusion. And Rina seems happier than ever, my babies! Would love to hear any and all of your thoughts after the teaser (and sorry about a word vomit ask, I’m obviously feeling a lot of things!)
Omg please don’t apologize I love this question!! (And if you’ve seen my other ask responses I talk a LOT so don’t worry hahaha).
So I’ve already made a couple of posts regarding my theories around Kourtney and Rina. But I definitely have lots of other thoughts around the trailer I’d be happy to share!
-credit to @blues-valentine for coming up with a theory about how Mack and Dani are basically going to be the Rocketman and Tiara of the show. (Go to my Kourtney hyperlink and there is a hyperlink of their post within that for more info)
-I think we are going to get Zac Vanessa and Ashley as guest stars but probably only for the first or last episode. It will probably be some short little cameo of them either watching HSM4 from home or denying the offer to return to the movie or maybe they show up to the scene where we see Corbin Monique and Kaycee dancing.
-in this scene, I talked about Ricky’s reaction in the hyperlinks above, but some of the reactions are interesting. I think Kourt and Carlos are excited for the fame, but Emmy seems upset and Miss Jenn kind of does too. I wonder if Miss Jenn feels either stepped on because she just planned this massive HSM3 show or if she is shocked/excited because she gets another chance to be in the movies?
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-I found this scene really interesting? I wonder if Ashlyn has a solo here. This dance move is typically done in more stylized, story telling dancing. Maybe this song is about her coming to terms with her sexuality?
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-some people on Twitter pointed out that jet and Maddox are carrying luggage and Maddox has a badge? I wonder if Maddox got an offer to help work on the film and that’s why they show up to attend East high? (After her work on frozen). Maybe they were so excited they came right from the airport to see their friends?
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-Adrian also said they have sibling bants that are funny. I think we’re going to see the ramifications of them making up and being more of an unstoppable sibling duo (it’s giving Sharpay and Ryan). They’ll just be happy and play off of each other and I. Can’t. Wait. 🥹 (it would be really cute to see them tease each other about Ashlyn and Kourtney)
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-This scene looks like Gina is doing press? This is why in my speculation from the rina hyperlink above I also think Gina is going to be under the spotlight about her “cheating” on Ej. I think more people were invested in rina’s relationship than rina realized, so now Gina is VERY famous and VERY well known, having to do press frequently because of rumors and popularity from the show. (I think she will also get bigger because she is cast as the lead in HSM4, causing jealous Kourtney and that’s where their beef comes in… more in the Kourtney hyperlink above)
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-this is an episode one flashback. Because Kourtney’s plot was so central to Nini’s back then, I have a feeling it probably has something to do with them. Maybe she finds out about EJ cheating to get Nini in the show (it looks like Ashlyn as the other character so she could be talking about EJ… especially since that was mostly Ashlyn’s arc s1 too) OR maybe Kourt finds something out about Ricky. Kourt was understandably mad at Ricky for hurting Nini, but she seemed to have a pretty big grudge for him s1. Maybe there is more we don’t know?
-Carlos going from making Gina his co-choreographer to watching her dance and giving “no notes” (a parallel to Gina’s s2 line) is just cute and shows so much growth for their friendship 🥹
(This isn’t in the trailer but I would LOVE to see Carlos pay Ricky back for helping him write a song for Seb, by helping Ricky write a song for Gina… especially where Carlos is close with both of them ❤️)
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-I wrote a post about this as well, but in short, I think Ricky is going to go to EJ when he feels so sad about letting go of high school. He wants advice from someone who left, but EJ is falling apart too when he goes for advice. EJ makes it worse at first because Ricky is like “is this what I’m going to turn into??” But EJ will say something that gets Ricky thinking about what he REALLY wants. What his heart tells him. I think this turns into a scream duet between EJ and Ricky (also the Halloween episode… everyone is dressed up in JWBWY attire but as monsters to signify the stress of the play, leaving high school, etc as “scary” or “frightening” to ricky… makes him want to scream!… of course all of this is in his head like it was in troy’s). It’s raining at EJ’s apartment (or mom and dad’s basement idk) so once the song is over ricky drives immediately over to Gina’s house and kissed her in the rain, reassuring her that if he doesn’t know of anything else, he knows he wants her. Maybe they disagree about this earlier in the episode?
-as far as Surfer Ricky™️, I’m confused if this scene is an IRL blooper or one in the show? Like maybe they told ricky they were filming but he was nervous being on camera so he messed up?
-I think it would be interesting if part of the plot was ricky and Gina not being able to clearly get across what couples costume they were going to do. Maybe they both say something and confuse what the other means, showing up in different costumes? If my theory is right, this would be the same episode as scream above^, so maybe rina are on different pages all episode making Gina feel like ricky is unsure of them (bc he’s unsure of after high school), so that’s why the rain kiss happens?
-I still am holding out hope they have a scene where they go back to the party in a matching costume later lol but honestly these last two theories feel like a reach
-lastly I am just mad and sad and confused it’s the end. Tim was so sure and made us believe we were getting more seasons. We have Bart’s cryptic messages. And to release it all in one go? It feels like we’re getting kicked to the side. The only thing I could think of is maybe the episodes are so tightly streamlined they almost act like a movie, where it doesn’t make sense to break them up? I’m confused by it all.
I would love to hear everyone else’s theories as well! My asks are open! Don’t be shy! <3 🥰
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Hey, I am writing a Fanfiction on AO3 and it features a lot of baby Ahsoka, I was wondering if you have any tips on how to write her?
hello!! ahhh, baby Soka! my girl!! I’m going to put a ‘read more’ cut just because this got a bit lengthy haha! I just love explaining my wacky writing process so I got carried away...sorry!!
When I write toddler ‘Soka, I try to have a clear image of her in my head before I actually begin writing and that took some time for me to develop. I’m not sure if that makes sense, but here’s an example. If I’m writing Anakin in TCW era in a situation that is pushing him to his more protective tendencies, I can draw on moments like this (reckless, unreasonable, argumentative), this (violent, *imperial march*), and this (desperate, action-oriented) to create an Anakin that fits in this. That’s how I handle any sort of characterisation for any character. I almost always have moments in my head and I try to pick and pull little pieces of canon personality and circumstances to create what I want in a scene.
So where that gets tough with baby Ahsoka is that we never really see her. So that internal image is a heavier burden on me because George Lucas and Dave Filoni didn’t do it for me. But they gave me this (cute, adorable BABY!!!!! big beaming blue eyes that make you wanna melt!), this (outspoken, not overly traditional when it comes to Jedi hierarchy), and this (feels remorse for reckless actions, looks up to older Jedi)! So my job is to fill in the gaps and create an Ahsoka that is fluid with ‘those Ahsokas.’ And it’s so much fun. 
At that point, I have an idea of the kind of toddler I’m writing, so, personally, I draw on my own situations and find inspiration either from myself or people around me. Through my time at university, I volunteered with kindergarteners, so that comes pretty easy for me! I have a good grasp of the priorities, thought patterns, and reasoning of a six-year-old (or lack thereof, ha!). So, to make her voice sound as authentic as possible, coming from a 22-year-old writer, I make sure I’m not writing as myself. 
I see my little cousin, Missy, who is five-years-old and wears the same shorts six days in a row because her parents are letting her pick out her own clothes now. I see my husband’s little sister, Zoey, who is nine-years-old and just now discovering an obsession with the history of space travel–she can name the flight crew of every Apollo mission and explain how the gravitational slingshot around the moon worked for Apollo 13 with scary scientific accuracy, but doesn’t really care if the situation is a socially appropriate one to share that information or not. I I see my own twin, Ben, who is grown up now, but used to make me read to him when he would wake up from bad dreams.
22-year-old Abi would say something like this:
“Is there a...reason...you’re suddenly growing your hair out, Obi-Wan?” she asked, cautiously. “Not that it doesn’t look good!” she added quickly. Then, a small smile. “It’s just...different.”
6-year-old Ahsoka Tano, however:
“You need a haircut. And a beard-cut. And a mustache-cut. You looked handsome before...why do you want to look like a bantha all of a sudden?! I think that–wait.” Her eyes widened. “Have you ever tried cutting hair with a lightsaber?” She bounced in her seat, her shoulders wiggling back and forth. “Can I try it?”
So anyway, I’m not sure if any of that was helpful or even coherent in any way, but...that’s the gist of it for me! Also, this is a bit unrelated, but I talked about how my students and my own life impact the way I write teenage Anakin and Ahsoka here! Happy writing!! And...when you’re finished, send it my way if you’re comfortable!!! I’d love to read it! ❤️
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snickiebear · 3 years
it’s been such a long time since i dropped by!!! i haven’t even had enough minutes to spare to go thru your new fics/updates because of school 😩asgdhdjdd
anyway, i got to open tumblr today and saw this
and immediately thought of you (sorry i have no idea how to do the hyperlinking thing so i just pasted the link 😅) somehow, i feel like the way you write sakura is much like the described female werewolf in the post so i just wanted to share it with you too
i have exams coming up in two weeks and even after that i feel that my schedule will be just as tiresome. 🥺🥺🥺 i hope the last quarter of the year is going much better for you!
just wanted to leave a message as proof of life and to to tell you that i miss reading fics and especially yours!!! alas there are (annoying) responsibilities to attend to…
hope to scream with you again soonest! 🤗🤗🤗
HELLO MY FRIEND I HAVE MISSED YOU! i am so so so glad to hear that you are alive and doing somewhat well! school is a fucking Bitch, that is something i know all too well HAHAHA
OH OH!!! THAT POST!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!! that is literally why i write sakura the way i do (besides the fact i just really love wild, bloody women)!!!! i just wholly adore breaking stereotypes and tearing down societal expectations of gender. i think its so much fun and really gets people thinking, you know?
i think that we as a whole population need more wild, wretched, violent women in our media. and im not talking sleek cat, or clever witch, i want a big, hulking lady who can tear people in half. yep yep, basically i want more Striga (from castlevania LOL)
OH MAN! EXAMS? i am wishing you all the luck 🐱 and hoping that you get a rest day soon, you deserve it <3333
mine is going pretty great so far! birthday last weekend, got my drivers license, opened a bank acc, and going to hallowscream tonight with my best friend! the only downside is i have this major test coming up next saturday and i...uhhh... need to study a lot more for it AHAHAHA
thank you SO MUCH for reaching out! i was thinking about you the other day actually! so i am so very glad to hear that you are still kickin it :''')))))))
real life is a real nuisance like 97% of the time LOL but i do hope that it eases up for you, 🐱! <33333 MWAH
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the-first-date · 5 years
A conversation with Ashley Pecorelli [25/F/Brooklyn]
Madge Maril: So, first things first, tell us a bit about yourself — hobbies, job, dog.
Ashley Pecorelli: Well! I am a queer mental health counselor-in-training (and hope to make mental health resources accessible to LGBTQ adolescents)! Besides REAL hobbies which I definitely have (?) I enjoy watching Property Brothers with my lil dog, Mitski, thinking about the Twilight saga at all times, and using The Sims to cathart. It is way harder than I thought it would be to write something about myself wow.
MM: Real Tinder bio hours.
AP: So my Tinder bio was most recently (I guess still is) a transcript of the ticket girl video, specifically when she says that she called the police station to see if she could serve jail time instead of paying the ticket. It says all you need to know about me.
MM: I'm going to find this video and hyperlink it. Did tinder work for you? I guess "work" being that you are now in love, as I gather.
AP: https://youtu.be/EujUx_82Bxs one step ahead of you. So I guess Tinder did "work" for me! Although honestly I never felt that it was overtly working against me because when I started using it in earnest, I really wasn't looking for something in particular.
MM: Ooo, I've never thought about tinder working against us. Though I definitely think it has for me before. 
AP: I started using it right after I got out of a long, damaging relationship, dated around a bit and had fun and didn't have fun and then found someone who is also With Her (Ticket Girl). How do you feel it worked against you? 
MM: Oh no, you're turning the table!
AP: Oops.
MM: Honestly, I can readily admit that I download tinder A. way too fast after a breakup and B. to get compliments from men. I just swipe and swipe and swipe.
AP: True, it's honestly the ultimate game. Total sensory overload in one sense but in another sense also total sensory deprivation.
MM: Oo yeah. For me it's complete escapism, and I only really responded to people who were treating it the same way. So no good. But — what inspired you to first start looking for something in particular? I.e. what do you think inspired you to really pursue finding someone?
AP: Honestly, I truly did download it way too fast after a breakup, like the same day hahaha. But I guess for me the breakup was more a final escape and the first time I felt any sort of emotional (and sexual, sadly) agency, so once I got out I wanted to start exploring that as quickly as possible. I really didn't know what I wanted until I started seeing people and seeing things I did like and things I didn't — but the truly WILD thing was, even when a person and I truly just were not a good fit, I saw what healthy romance and sex is SUPPOSED to look like and understood that I had previously had no idea what the bare minimum level of being treated like a human is. Which is pretty sad and dark! But was also really exciting, to get crushes or feel NO spark or make out with a woman in a bar or have someone listen to the album you recommended them.
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So all of that, the good and the bad and the platonic and not platonic, was great, in retrospect. But then I met my current partner (lol) and realized that it could be way more than just the bare minimum, and could be something I really didn't think existed. Not just love (because somehow I've never doubted love's existence) but true understanding. 
MM: Damn. Thank you for sharing that. Let's talk about those interactions — the dates. The million dollar question: What do you wear on a first date?
AP: Hell yeah now the JUICY BITS. So on a first date, I typically try to look hot (obviously) but also somehow represent myself to the other person in almost an experimental way. Like I try to put on something I myself would feel really awesome in, and if for whatever reason that's not their idea of hot, fuck them! That's my whole mentality anyway. 
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My favorite first date outfit has been my black vintage T-shirt with two dragons dueling over a castle, knotted up to show a bit of not abs-abs, high-waisted black jersey peg pants (that feel like pajamas), chunky black platform boots, and whatever big weird earrings I bought on my most recent whim. If they don't like the dragon shirt, they ain't shit.
MM: Black jersey peg pants? What are peg pants?
AP: It's actually these very particular pants from ASOS.
MM: WOW these are the pants of dreams.
AP: SO comfortable, SO flattering — basically have the look of something Audrey Hepburn would wear but way more accessible and comfy.
MM: The pockets! The high rise! The cropped cut! I get it. 
AP: SO GOOD right???
MM: Do you think you also factor in what the person you're going on a date with will find hot? Do you take into account their age, gender, all that? 
AP: Oh, totally. Honestly most especially with other women, but people of all genders for sure. I think when I go to pick something out I kind of picture what I know about them (however little) and what their sensibility might be when it comes to style and aesthetics and ~hotness~. I also think the more I have felt unsure about someone or the way things are going, the harder I try to almost make up for it.
MM: Completely agree. Dating women ups the ante.
AP: It totally does! And then I think about her and wonder if she's doing the same thing.
MM: Do you wear perfume or makeup on a first date, too? (Also yes... I mean if we're all thinking it then SHE has to be thinking it, too. Right?)
AP: Yes! I wear whatever my signature scent is — I say this because I always have one, but it evolves every so often. My favorite one for over a year now has been from & Other Stories. Makeup wise, I just try to look like what I would look like on the hotter end of the everyday spectrum. Basically meaning... the addition of foundation and multiple shades of eyeshadow. It's taken me a long time to get to this point, but I've become kind of obstinate in that only I am allowed to be mean and critical to me. I can be as mean to myself as I want but either you like what you see or you don't! (Please like me.) 
MM: And that's reflected in your makeup, you think? More so than the clothing? Drop the & Other Stories fragrance name!! 
AP: Okay so it was Fig Fiction, which was such an amazing beautiful warm awesome scent! They discontinued it though (the last time I found it I bought three bottles). Now I use Sicilian Sunrise, which is pretty similar! 
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I think yes, more reflected in makeup. Simply because I am almost always going to dress in a way that makes me happy (if I've done laundry recently) but I'm not always going to put on makeup, so the makeup should just be closer to what you're gonna see all the time.
MM: Ok, so then the makeup is on. And the T-shirt and peg pants are on. Is it always the chunky black platform boots? Why? Because that's a constant power move IMO.
AP: The chunky black platform boots are truly ideal for many reasons: They're cute, they're sturdy, they subtly make me three inches taller (I need every inch), they'll hold up in rain or snow, and they'll allow me to do some damage to your face if you turn out to be a creep. And (drumroll) I got them on Poshmark for $10.
MM: No!! Do you know the brand?
AP: You're not gonna believe this but H&M. I do not shop at H&M for many reasons and would NEVER buy shoes from there but I took a shot on these because they were secondhand and they've held up impressively well. Almost everything I own was thrifted for financial and sustainability reasons, but these are truly a marvel.
MM: What does that word mean to you, specifically? Sustainability.
AP: Honestly I do not feel qualified to talk about sustainability at all! But to me, it's complicated. I grew up in a lower-class, financially insecure family while most of my friends were wealthy, so my family would either buy clothes secondhand or from a discount store. As a kid, this was really embarrassing to me to not have a closet full of Limited Too or Abercrombie, which obviously feels silly now. I'm still working class and financially insecure, so it's very difficult for me to buy from stores or brands that (at least claim) to ethically produce clothes because they're generally really, really expensive. That's the case for most of this country, including many people who are way worse off than I am. Thrifting is good for me because it allows me to get clothes when I need them at a low cost while also reducing environmental impact, but I don't think it's reasonable to make a judgement call on what any one person "should" be doing in the name of sustainability. Any one person can do whatever is comfortable to them, we can all try within our means! But at the end of the day, the real damage (and real opportunity for impact) is coming from big corporations and the government's actions. I don't think you can truly think about whatever sustainability means if you're getting mad at someone for shopping from a retail chain because it's all they can afford. Okay that was a lot and I have no idea where I was even going with that, sorry! I feel in many ways not educated enough to have feelings about this.
MM: Don't apologize! There's no set definition for the word, it's unique to all of us. And the Limited Too envy was real. 
AP: Omg especially when they had the matching outfits for you and your Build-A-Bear... I wanted it so badly. BIG topic.
MM: I can't believe it's been an hour!! I'll wrap this up so you can get back to your sorbet.
AP: Omg it has, wow!!
MM: Final q: Did your last first date go well?
AP: My last first date ended with plans to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special together. This year we're going to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special together in our new apartment. I'd say it went okay!
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MM: AWW. On that exceedingly wholesome note — thank you for chatting!
AP: Of course! My pleasure! 
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jayflrt · 3 years
first, i'd love to have hyperlink to my tag because i always love to read our conversations and have a habit of just reminiscing them.🥺
well just staying at home might make you feel like home, hehe.🥰 i hope you enjoy your weekend at home with your mom and brother and have a good time </3
they aren't many restaurants close to where i live but if i take the metro and go, they are just many, and they're tasty too.😆✊🏻
yup,😼 i caught him staring at me and today too 🦋🦋🦋, he's just so pretty and i'm impatient for the things to happen 😞, i want the good things to happen so badly. 😞😞😖😖 ah~ you have faith in us, i'm scared because i might never meet him once i lose him🥲, and that's sad even when you know the answer which will/might be a 'no'.😔
also i meant that about my crush not about my enemy lol😂, i would ever talk to my enemy, i meant my crush because i'm pretty sure that would make things awkward :)
i'm happy that at least you sleep for more than 6 hours and that's healthy. i appreciate that akka </3
i haven't watched much kdramas, but these are the only ones i saw— all of us are dead, penthouse s1 and s2, vincenzo, twenty five twenty one (currently watching) i bet you have watched so many, hahah. that drama— weightlifting fairy kim bokju always came on my netflix recommends but i insisted to watch it because i was just too lazy, and the only thing with me is laziness and i have to get over with it <//3
how do you even manifest? me and him? tysm 😭😭 i rlly appreciate that but i wish i had the hope you have within me, i just love how you find happiness and hope at the same time 🥺🥰 i wish we both could be together at the end of our grade 10, just hoping 🌷
hope you have a good day/night akka 🌻🌻 i might be bust this whole week so, i might not be available for sending you an ask about my daily life and about him, it's because i need to study. tomorrow (16th) will be my last exam of preboard one and then we have preboard two starting next week from monday, and then preboard three starting from the next week after, second week of april :)
i hope you enjoy this weekend akka!!
— 🦔
REST OF ASK + RESPONSE UNDER THE CUT (sorry i had to crop this 🥲)
(cont.) in a hurry because have a fucking parent teacher's meet in 30 minutes and i'm freaking out because they'll show the board results.. i and B had a talk yesterday regarding the grades, he's expecting B1 😭😭 i never thought he's expect much!! i should mentally, emotionally and physically prepare myself for the marks and idk how my parents gonna react, i cried yesterday knowing what my grade would, hahaha also akka, i'd be very happy if you call me 'angel' or 'love' 🥺😘 and you got the new emojis?? they're cute especially that lip bite emoji, lol see u later after the parent teacher's meet (PTM) and i'll tell you about my grades too 😔
i added it earlier — you can see it in my navigation post !! AWW PLS THATS SO SWEET D: i love seeing our old chats as well !! 🥰💓
HAHAH yes i’m honestly relaxed just being at home :’)) we’ll probably do smthn fun to make up for our probably ruined vacation LOLLL so it’ll all be alright ♡ my dad is such a trooper for that dump truck immune system 😵‍💫
and omg how far away is it with the metro? :o it must be fun to take a day trip like that with your friends tho !! sounds exciting <33
have faith love you got this 😔😔 no negative thoughts !!! also i’m not sure how i could manifest that to happen but i do have faith in y’all so i’ll keep that going on your behalf !! >:) i’m excited for how it turns out to be in may 💗
HAHAH HONESTLY YEAH i used to be terrible at getting sleep in high school so i’m glad i can sleep better now :’) i hope you’re getting a lot of sleep as well !! try not to stay up too late! 🤧
omgg i LOVE the penthouse 🤩 season 3 was pretty messy HAHAH but i still adore that show and my heart literally SOARS for bae rona and seokhoon 🤧💖 omg netflix india has such good shows :’))) we don’t have weightlifting fairy in our netflix here :( BUT YOU SHOULD WATCH IT it’s one of my fav dramas ♡
it’s okay this week is pretty busy for me too ! :’)) but i hope your preboards went well !!! and thank you for taking the time to update me ! 🥰🥰 i’ll look forward to your next response as well <3
i hope the parent teachers meeting went well !! OMG NOOO THEY SHOW THE RESULTS IN FRONT OF YOUR PARENTS that would scare the crap out of me 😭😭 but i hope it all goes well !! <3 omg how did B end up doing (if you already found out) 🥰 but yesyes lmk how it goes !! wishing you all the best <3
omg i think i’ve called you love in most of my asks !! but i’m glad it makes you happy 🥰🥰💖💖 AND YES SOME OF THE NEW EMOJIS ARE SOOO CUTE esp the bubble one idk why but i’m obsessed HAHAH 🫧
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