#lots of love to you and hope your weekend's been wonderful 💕
mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
ty for giffing some of the sweeter lokius scenes! everyone's reunion fanart is beautiful and hopeful then finale gifs make me cry again lol. it's nice to remember how many romantic moments we got 💚💛
Oh that's very kind of you to say and I can certainly relate! Was planning to rewatch the entire Loki series but keep getting caught up in Lokius being separated for now when all they've wanted is to be together working towards good so might pivot into going back through Owen's filmography instead for some much needed and guaranteed happiness 😅💖
If it helps Loki Appreciation Week is coming up soon, Dec 11th-17th, and I'm sure there will be plenty of love going around for everyone's favorite eps and moments! I'm going to be following my own lead from airing and giffing the first thing that pops into mind each day like a speedrun so can't promise zero angst but will definitely be trying to keep the majority more fun and romantic to celebrate what most of the season felt like to me 🥰
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softguarnere · 11 months
ok dove, my love, the writer I aspire to be bc your fics are actually 🤌 I was wondering if you could mayhaps appease my craving for a Joe Toye x sick reader fic? I'm quite literally dying of bronchitis and a double ear infection and I have done nothing but reread your work bc it's literally like drugs for me oml
anyway I hope you're doing okay and autumn treats you wonderfully!! <333
In Sickness and In Health
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Joe Toye x reader
A/N: Hey Sky! You are too sweet, oh my goodness 🙈 Thank you so so much! I'm so sorry that you're sick, and I hope you're feeling better now 💕 Get well soon beloved, and I hope you enjoy this! (This is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) Also, just a reminder that my requests are closed; I wrote this as part of catching up on requests that were already in my asks Warnings: unspecified sickness
This isn’t how it was supposed to happen, you can’t help but think for the millionth time today. But no, every time you think about your original plans for the weekend, the temperature of the room feels even hotter, the pinpricks of sweat on your brow and neck even more prominent, and the pain in your stomach even worse.
“Joe,” you sigh when the man in question takes a seat on the bed, making the mattress at your feet dip under his weight.
He holds up a hand, stopping your sentence in its tracks. “Don’t you dare apologize again.”
His voice is gentle, but you can’t help leaning back onto your pillow and sighing. Because you are sorry. Really, really sorry, for just about everything you can think of. The fact that you travelled all this way for your husband’s reunion with his old army buddies, only to get sick the night before; that he’s taking care of you when he should be catching up with old friends and reminiscing over memories; that he won’t listen to you when you insist that he can leave you here.
“You should go see your friends.” They’re probably all down at the hotel bar by now. Even though the reunion won’t officially start until tomorrow, some of them are probably pregaming.
“I can’t. Not when I’m taking care of you. I made a vow, remember? In sickness and in health.”
I really do have the perfect husband, you can’t help but think to yourself. How many other men would shrug it off, or sneak away once you were asleep? Strange, how the roles have been reversed here, with you insisting that he go, that you can fend for yourself.
You sigh again. “I just – I feel bad. We came all this way to see your friends, and all you’ve gotten to see so far is the inside of this hotel room.”
But Joe only shrugs. “Well, the reunion doesn’t even start until tomorrow. Maybe you’ll feel better by then. We’ll just see what happens. Besides,” he rushes on before you can continue. “A lot of the guys live in Pennsylvania anyways. If we want to see each other, we can just make the drive some other time.”
“But Joe,” you stress. “This is the Easy reunion. This was important to you.”
“You’re important to me,” he deadpans, but his eyes are soft. “I won’t be able to enjoy any of it if I’m worrying about you the whole time.”
Oh. You had been so caught up in worrying about him enjoying himself that you hadn’t even considered that. Maybe the combination of the sickness and the medicine has clouded your judgement. Or maybe just your love for him has.
“You should rest,” Joe suggests. “Do you want me to get you anything?”
You want for him to hold you, to make you feel better. But unfortunately, there are some things in the world that not even a man as strong as Joe Toye can fight off, and sickness is one of them.
The two of you have been together for quite some time now, though, and he knows you well enough to read your mind. Without even asking, he kicks off his shoes, adjusts his prosthetic leg, and curls up beside you on the bed, wrapping you in his arms.
“Let me know if you get too hot,” he whispers. When you nod, he repeats his sentiment from earlier. “Don’t worry, okay, (Y/N)? We’ll see what happens in the morning.”
The morning feels like such a distant time. Right now, the only time that means anything is that which you spend in his arms.  
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mango-bango-bby · 1 year
could I request platonic dads kirishima and bakugo when their teen reader comes back home upset after a argument with their significant other?
♡ Always Here For You ♡
(A/N: Platonic Kiribaku warms my heart 💖 I tried my best with this but I had a bit of trouble with the prompt!! I hope you enjoy it!! I’ve been getting a lot of platonic bnha lately so prepare for that!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, Kiribaku, parents kiribaku, teen!reader, toxic families, kiribaku, fights with an s/o, comfort and fluff 🥺💕
Summary: You get into a fight with your partner but your fathers are here to comfort you (Platonic!Yan!Bakugou x GN!Teen!reader x Platonic!Yan!Kirishima)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You love your fathers a lot, and you understood that they could be very overprotective. So they weren’t very accepting of your partner when you introduced them to your parents, although your dads knew you were growing up and they wanted you to be happy. So they let you date them, even if they didn’t approve of your partner.
You loved your partner a lot but you two did have your troubles. You sniffle a bit, trying to calm down your crying. You look at the notifications on your phone, most of them texts from your partner apologizing to you and begging you to call them. You two had gotten into a fight about how controlling your parents are, you got upset at the, for calling your fathers toxic.
A knock on your door alerts you. It wasn’t early in the morning anymore and it was rare that you didn’t eat breakfast with your dads, especially on the weekends. “Come on, brat, it’s time to get up. Your breakfast is gonna’ be cold” Katsuki says, knocking loudly in your door. “I’m not hungry” you call out to him, almost immediately noticing how silent he went.
He opens the door, looking over you as you’re bundled up in your bed. “What’s wrong with you? You sick?” He asks, crouching by your bed to be at eye level with you.
This was one of the few days that both of your fathers didn’t have work and yet you choose to sulk in bed? There had to be something wrong. You look up at him tearfully, telling him that you and your partner had gotten into a little fight.
“Is everything okay?” Eijiro asks as if feeling that you were sad. Or perhaps he wondered what was taking so long. “Hey, what wrong?” He says, you telling him exactly what you told your other father. You sit up in bed so your tears will fall down your cheeks rather across your nose bridge and onto your pillows.
“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry” Eijiro says, hugging you. You hated fighting with people you loved, you knew you would forgive your partner but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Katsuki has a slight scowl on his face, he trusted your partner with you and yet here you are crying in your papa’s arms because of them. He knew you would be upset if anything happened to them but he could help but want to hurt them.
Katsuki thought for a moment before getting up to go get you your breakfast and bring it up to your room for you. “I’m sorry, you d-don’t need this on your day off” you sniffle a bit at Eijiro.
“No, sweetheart. Don’t say that” He says, reaching up to wipe some of your tears. He still saw you as his baby, he knew you were a toddler anymore but it was so hard in situations like this not to see you as the toddler who would cling onto his leg and sob after your feelings were hurt but someone.
“Let’s do something fun today, okay? To make you feel better?” He says, you giving him a small nod. It would get you off of your phone so you wouldn’t have to see all of your partners apology messages.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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vidavalor · 4 months
So I’ve been thinking about your metatron is Satan theory and how Crowley, the Angels and Adam see what they expect to see and idly wondering if it’s sort of the same for all demons. We have multiple versions of Crowley and Bildad, and lots of theories as to why, but what if it’s as simple as the various characters see what they expect and so we the viewer see variations? Beez getting a new face may throw a spanner into that idea but it just seems to me that if this is the plot twist in season three then the different versions of Crowley may be a clue… anyhow your meta was brilliant and wanted to toss my poorly thought out 1am musings at you to see what you thought.
Hi there @thavron! Hope you're having a great weekend so far. 💕I've been thinking again about bees a bit as a result of your ask so there is baklava for a honeyed dessert. Love your thoughts-- they've been tickling my brain for a few days now. 😊
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If you're meaning: do we all sometimes see people as we want them to be or who we think they are, rather than who they actually are... then, yes, I would say that fits in with the recognition themes the show has going on.
To an extent, we all do this, right? And the show about angels and demons is really about the messy and amazing business of being a person. All the angels and demons are people, just like the humans. We all put on a performance in society to some extent. Our clothes, our grooming choices, how we speak, how we walk, eye contact, body language-- all of this is a performance. It's a construct that we get up every morning and do. Awhile back, we were looking at the choices David Tennant is making when it comes to Crowley's walk in different time periods-- especially when Crowley takes the stage to help Aziraphale in 1941-- and how the walk is representative of how comfortable he feels in society in different eras. That's just one aspect of things but, yeah, we're all showing one face to the world as a whole but those we let in often get to see another one.
I think that, for the most part, this holds true with angels and demons. Satan is an exception to the rule because he's Satan and actually evil so he is capable of the dubious kind of magic that the other characters don't really do. Satan will possess someone without consent, for instance. It's not hard to see that he would steal someone's physical appearance to mask his own as he already stole the voice of Freddie Mercury in S1 (which I also think is another clue to the idea that it's not actually The Metatron at the end of S2, as we've seen Satan do something like this before already.)
I think that the rest of the demons see what we see when they look at one another, on a physical appearance level. As you pointed out, Crowley can see that Beez has a new face in S2 so Crowley sees Beez's physical presentation as how we see Beez's physical presentation. He also can recognize Shax when she's bouncing around humanoid forms outside the bookshop in the mid-part of the season. There are different versions of Crowley because Crowley has lived on Earth forever and is just blending in with different societies (and he also gets bored lol.) I think that's one aspect of the recognition theme in the show because what we see when we look at each other and how that informs our ability to recognize ourselves seems like a big thing in the story.
I think S2 is talking about recognition on several different levels. We have recognition in terms of how every character on the show is really desperate for someone to tell them that they're good and that they're doing a good job. Beez's only solo scene in the whole season is actually about that and it parallels Aziraphale's anger, embarrassment, and frustration over Heaven's treatment of him. Everyone's a bit Norman from S1 who wanted a watch and some kind words and to bugger off and go tend to some marigolds but whose company wouldn't let him go and dragged him into a paintball Armageddon lol.
It's only natural to want recognition, really, as we all want to be noticed and seen for what we do, but it also underscores a bigger theme of that how we see ourselves can impact our ability to fully see others... but also how if we open ourselves up and allow room for curiosity and empathy, our ability to see others as they are allows for more open, honest, communication... and how that's good for all of us. That way lies peace-- both inner peace and peace with others.
In almost every major scene in S2, at least one character is trying to recognize at least one other one in some way and it's often literally recognizing the person. There is no one character in the series who is flawless at this and that's because they're all people representing us and none of us are flawless at this, are we? At recognizing ourselves or at fully seeing others at times without our own bullshit getting in the way? Even those of us who consciously try to be open, empathetic people struggle with this because we're people. The angels and demons are no better or worse than any of the humans and their story is actually about the messy but amazing business of being a person, which they all are.
If and how the characters recognize others around them in S2 reflects how those characters see themselves and the world around them. It's a matter of perspective and it's not one-sided because how we present ourselves to the world reflects what we're willing to share and sets up expectations that some others might take at face value but that might not be true. Other, more open-minded people might be able to see through those walls, though, if they're in a place to do so.
Ineffable Bureaucracy are the cleanest example of this (and one of the funniest) because here you have in Gabriel a character that you don't expect would be as open-minded as he is. In a lot of scenes in S1, we saw him putting on airs to cover up his curiosity and empathy as a means to survive. Yet, he has one of the smoothest recognition challenges in S2.
At first, he doesn't recognize Beez with their new face but, once it's established that this is the being he likes greatly, he doesn't think twice about it. Gabriel looks like the kind of guy who would care about appearance of others because he's a bit vain about his own but he literally could give a fuck that his partner changed up their face because what matters to him more is that it was the same person inside.
The guy who seems like the shallowest character on the show-- and, in some ways, is-- is actually also one of the least shallow. He also knew without question that he could trust Aziraphale and Crowley and went to them for help intuitively, even without consciously remembering them. Gabriel is actually a pretty good judge of character, all things considered. In S2, we learn more about him and as the characters recognize that he might not be quite who they thought he was, it's on us to see that we can think that, too. Our perspectives can evolve with a bit of empathy.
Lord Beezlebub also shows that they can be good at recognizing truth in others, too. One of the best moments of recognition in S2 is when Beez sees Gabriel's vanity for the loneliness that it masks when he takes them to see the statue of himself. Most of us, honestly, would probably run screaming from a guy who took us to show us art of himself and bragged about how beautiful it was but Beez gets it. They see Gabriel then even more than he sees himself a bit. They see that he really took them here because the statue is all he feels he is to people and he's being crushed under the weight of being revered like a god by humans and angels alike. He's just a lonely dude with no friends and more heart than he lets on.
The statue scene is also the punchline to the joke started earlier in the season during The Resurrectionist minisode, though, right?It calls back to Crowley saying that Gabriel probably came to the statue to "stare at it for hours" and "marvel at his own beauty." Crowley wasn't wrong, exactly, but he also wasn't fully correct, either. He didn't understand totally why Gabriel might really come to the statue, which Beez later would understand.
Crowley is one of the best judges of character in the series but S2 showed just how much his blindspot is his trauma, like it is for a lot of people. Crowley took almost the whole season to see Gabriel for who he is and he had reason to distrust him, sure. His fear of the situation is reasonable and understandable but it also shows a narrowed perspective. It showed how it was hard for Crowley to admit to himself that maybe Gabriel has been as trapped as he and Aziraphale have been-- that maybe he's as much of a victim and a survivor of all of this as they are-- because they've spent so long ascribing blame to him instead of considering that maybe he, also, had no way out. Recognizing Gabriel means Crowley recognizing and dealing with aspects of his trauma that he'd sometimes rather avoid, which made it harder and caused it to take longer for the two of them to get to a point of actually talking. When they do, we see them recognizing each other's suffering and showing each other empathy. The end of S1 is Crowley spitting hellfire in Gabriel's face but the end of S2 is just him all ugh ok fine...
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Growth lol.
We also see how history can provide context that can inform the ability to recognize others as well. Aziraphale has a longer, more complicated history with Gabriel than Crowley does. Aziraphale had more reason to suspect that there could be more to Gabriel than he always let everyone see, especially since there are a couple of scenes in S1 without Crowley but between just Gabriel and Aziraphale (the sushi restaurant and the Sandalphon exchange at the bookshop) where it seems like Gabriel is trying to protect Aziraphale as best he knows how and that Aziraphale seems aware that he's trying to do that. It's how Aziraphale arrives first at "I don't think he has any friends" and thinking that Gabriel needed him and Crowley, especially since he had shown up alone and vulnerable.
Aziraphale also sees the benefit of trying to get Gabriel and Crowley to talk to one another-- not in a would-benefit-Heaven-and-Hell sort of way, just in the sense that they are more alike than they realize and had been through similar things. That's a form of recognition as well-- acknowledgement of a person's pain and needs when they've not had that from others. Aziraphale is proven correct and his ability to see both Crowley and Gabriel for who they are and who they can be is admirable and shows his empathy and open-mindedness.
But mah point is that it's scene after scene of recognition... Gabriel's entire plot. Muriel shows up at the door, doesn't recognize Aziraphale. Crowley can't remember (or chooses to pretend he can't remember) Furfur and Saraqael. Michael almost recognizes Gabriel in the bookshop. Shax is desperate for Satan's recognition for her job performance-- but also for Crowley's attention. Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets wants everyone to see him as a leader. Maggie feels unlovable and just wants Nina to notice her, all while failing to recognize that what Nina wants is for someone to notice that she's in pain and to lend her support... this is all off of the end of S1 and the body swap plot in which Crowley and Aziraphale literally stayed alive by being able to recognize one another on different levels so astutely that they could impersonate one another. (Another hint, imho, that maybe the mirrored end of S2 might feature another character who seems like one character we know but who is actually another with The Metatron-is-actually-Satan idea.)
Even the little moments of the season have recognition woven into them. Do we know a Jim?, Maggie and Nina's first scene is kicked off by Nina recognizing Maggie as a regular and remembering her coffee order...
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Maybe the sweetest moment of the whole season is a scene highlighting Aziraphale's struggles with reconciling his own needs in the face of having been taught he's not to want anything for himself and Crowley recognizing that struggle and supporting Aziraphale by telling him he's already perfect as he is. Damn straight I'm including the gifs I love this damn scene lol..
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But the big scene that parallels the arrival of "The Metatron" in The Final 15 is the angels failing to recognize Bildad the Shuite coming through the door, right?
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When Crowley comes in as Bildad the Shuite to the group scene in the Job minisode, Gabriel, Michael and the other angels fail to recognize Bildad as Crowley entirely because of the things Crowley later explained to Muriel as his analogy around bees. The idea is that context, imagination and ego inform our ability to recognize someone (and also ourselves.)
Contextually, it made more sense to the angels in that moment for Bildad to be some weird human than it did for him to be a demon working to save the lives of Job's children. This is one of the main reasons why the angels don't recognize Crowley-- they simply don't see a scenario where there would be someone to recognize. It's just like how Michael initially doesn't assume that the person who comes through the door in 2.06 could be anyone they should care about-- because they're on Earth, in a bookshop that is open to the public, so the unexpected person who came through the door must be a human person shopping for books.
Context also includes appearance and one of the things I loved about the other angels failing to realize that they know Bildad is how it contrasts with my favorite bit of recognition in S2-- Aziraphale instantly recognizing Crowley from a distance, after over 500 years, and with Crowley looking completely different. The second Aziraphale actually looks at the demon he's telling to avaunt! on outta there, he knows it's Crowley. The jump from the Crowley of The Flood to Bildad the Shuite is huge. Crowley even has sunglasses on for the first time chronologically in the scene and Aziraphale's just like "it's you." He would recognize the love of his life anywhere.
As far as the ego part goes, all Gabriel cared about in the Job minisode was a scenario that didn't undermine him and which got all the boxes checked on their assignment so when Crowley and Aziraphale present him with that, Gabriel is happy to shut down any minor opposition to the truth to go with what he is presented with-- in large part because of ego. Aziraphale and Crowley flatter Gabriel into submission to their plan. Gabriel eats it up and because he has the power in the scene, Michael's suspicions are not given credence for more than a moment.
Michael also lacks the imagination to figure out what could actually be going on and takes what they're told is the truth too easily because, like most know-it-alls, they actually don't really feel like they know anything. They defaulted to Gabriel's "they can come at any size" comment so easily not just because he had the power in the scene but because they suddenly doubted themselves and let someone else tell them how they were to think.
Michael's lack of imagination and tendency towards purely literal thinking is also on display when they are shown to not understand Crowley's shoes joke. They sense shenanigans are afoot but don't exactly know how and they also seek to look impressive to the boss so they jump in that "'Shuite', of course, means 'from the land of 'Shua'," which is correct. It does mean that. Michael is not wrong but they just are so sheltered by life in Heaven and so lacking in imagination that they also lack sense of humor enough to hear the homophony in Shuite/Shoes. The only angel who gets the joke is, of course, Aziraphale.
So, a lack of imagination (which is also a lack of big picture and creative thinking), a reliance upon context, and the perils of ego are why the angels didn't recognize Bildad as Crowley in 2500 BC and are also what Crowley is explaining to Muriel with his bees analogy.
It wouldn't actually occur to the angels as possible that there could just be a demon roaming around in Heaven because they're all too caught up in themselves to consider the possibility, right? To admit that it's possible is to admit that maybe they themselves are fallible and don't know everything. Angels are taught that they are near to perfection and should behave in that way so it's hard to think of themselves as having weaknesses that might need to be addressed. They all know they do have them but they can't admit it or they're admitting at failing to live up to the impossible standards of Heaven.
Many of us have trouble admitting that the point is that we're all here to learn and be curious and we aren't meant to know everything and that things would be less fun if we did. We struggle to admit when we've gotten something-- or someone-- wrong. People who have an inability to see a bigger picture are also sometimes blocked from doing so by their own trauma and issues-- as Crowley himself proves.
Sometimes, people just aren't that imaginative or haven't had the opportunity to use their imagination, as Crowley sees in the angels. The point is that none of us are perfect in our ability to recognize ourselves and those around us. If we all just continue to try to do so and keep a curious, open mind about each other, though, it leads to more peace for everyone. It means we're talking to each other more, which is the healthy way forward.
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So, if the whole season is using these characters to talk about our ability to see ourselves and others and if it has us watch scene after scene of recognition or lack thereof between the characters where we feel like these characters might not know what's up but we sure do, right?...
...we knew Gabriel was telling the truth about his memory loss... we knew the Inspector Constable at the door was the angel from the Job minisode... we recognized Lord Beezlebub with a new face... we definitely knew who came through the door and called himself "Bildad the Shuite"...
...wouldn't it then be a kicker if the end of that season is to prove the point by showing us that we're all actually as infallible as these characters are? That we're all bees, too?
And how would they do that?
Possibly by presenting us with a character we think we can recognize but which, if we look a little closer, we might realize is not quite who he seems to be.
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galvanizedfriend · 2 months
SORRY for the above spam dear 😔 have really bad days for really long time so missing KLAROLINE and Your fics a bit more these days 🥲
I know you are SUPER BUSY so its okay, whenever you find time to write something or anything, even a small one short from you would do wonders to my days🫰😭💕
Lots of love and motivation to you ❤️🫂🥰
Hope you get the required time to write something 😉🫶
(P.S - Sorry this message is not to disturb you, don't take it the wrong way😭😭 THIS is some motivation from your lovely, stupid fan 🤧)
I owe everyone an explanation 😔
I never meant to take so long to update the story, I genuinely thought I could have another chapter finished in less than a month, but I underestimated how much work I'd have around this time and clearly overestimated my ability to juggle everything.
My work is related to the Olympics, so you can imagine how busy a time this has been. The entire year has been pretty insane in preparation, but the last two months or so especially, and it hasn't even started yet.
I have done some writing, but tbh I have been working so much that I don't think anything I wrote is even salvageable. It probably won't survive a thorough editing, so I might have to start over. And I probably have less than 20% of the chapter completed anyway. And that's just The Wolf, the other WIPS haven't even been opened in months.
In times like this I end up having to choose whether to write or sleep or work or go outside for a couple of hours and see the light of day or go to the gym and in this context writing has sadly been the last thing on my priorities list. :( Not because I don't want to write, but because I simply don't have enough hours on my day.
I'm heading out to Paris this weekend and I won't be back until the Olympics are over, so I'm very sorry but it will be a minute before I have any updates :( I wish I had been able to churn out at least half a chapter, but I struggled a lot with inspiration on the little time I had to write. I remember my original plan was to have six chapters out by now lol What was I smoking?
Sp I'm very, very sorry to you and everyone who has been waiting for updates and sending me messages asking about next chapters. 😔 I really tried, guys, but sometimes things do be this way. Hopefully it will be easier after August.
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jealousmartini · 1 month
Hey keish!! I hope you are having a great weekend, get plenty of rest after this tour 😁
Just wondering what was your favourite moment that has happened in this recent world tour so far and why is it your favourite!! 💕💕
I'll make sure to get loads of rest, I hope you guys enjoyed the tour as much as we did❤️❤️
My favourite moment in the entire tour was when Charmings sent a bunch of paper aeroplanes while we were performing "girls on wings" in America. None of my members were expecting the aeroplanes and it literally took me 5 verses to notice them😭
I remember Lili tapping my shoulder to get my attention and she pointed out that most of the planes had such sweet messages in them but it wasn't just the messages that caught our eye, it was the fans that were writing them. Like fans of different groups were sending down paper aeroplanes and signing them off with their fanbase names to show their support of our group because we've been a really hot topic amongst knetizens about whether O.M.G is a true kpop group or not.
Now when I look back on the videos the fans took, when you look at the lighsticks in crowds, most of them were lightsticks meant for other groups🥹💕💕 this was definitely my favourite moment and it means a lot to me that other fanbases love us too💙🩷
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bunny-lovers · 5 months
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) !
Hi Kleon! Hope you & your f/o have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the gush pass! 😊
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I'm so crazy in love with Rumi! I have days where she's been on my mind all day, no matter where I'm at. I'm just so happy to have her in my life & she's happy to have me in her life. She's tough but such a big softie at heart. She's only a softie to me, only me! I love her with all of my heart! 🥰 When Rumi comes home from work, she wraps her arms around me & her forehead touches my forehead. Rumi would want me to pet her rabbit ears since she only trust me. She loves the feel of my fingers on her ears, it's so soothing to her. While I'm petting her ears, Rumi would talk to me in a soft voice, saying how beautiful I am. Rumi & I love eating healthy meals together. It's something that she & I have in common. We would find a new healthy recipe to try. We even cook together. After we get done eating dinner, we exercise together! We do yoga, kickboxing cardio, dancing, & aerobic. Once we get done exercising, we have a glass of water! For the rest of the night, we just snuggle on the couch, watching a TV series & having a light snack before bedtime. Sometimes Rumi would pick me up & have me over her shoulders & that really makes me flustered every time. I love her muscular arms so much! Rumi & I are the same height & I love it! While we have our arms around each other, we give each other a forehead kiss. After we kissed, our forehead touch each other. We would wear each others' clothes & that's always fun to see the other wearing the other's clothes. Rumi Usagiyama is the best girlfriend I ever had! I don't know what I do without her. She means a lot to me & I want to be with her forever! 🥰💕
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moonjxsung · 6 months
STAR!! I love your writings and I admire the way you can dedicate times to write good quality stories when having a stressful full-time job.
When you told that you were an advertisement major, I was like, no wonder you tell stories really well! Ads majors are usually really creative!
But, if you don't mind to share, how did you go from ad major to be a business analyst? Is it related to ads/marketing? Do you work in a creative/ads agency? Do you like to work with numbers? Hehe I'm sorry if I'm too nosy. I'm just curious why don't you do something related to story telling as a job cuz you really great at it.
Anyway, I'm happy for your promotion!
HELLO MY ANGEL I hope you’re doing so well!!!! This is such an interesting question I love it, not nosy at all so please don’t apologize! Here’s the gist of it 👼:
I actually firstly did an internship with this company in senior year of college that was a little more focused on product enhancement within our e-commerce space. Funny story- I was actually rejected from the internship when I first applied, so I sent an email to the hiring manager and demanded that they at least have a meeting with me so I could introduce myself and talk about why I felt I was a good fit for their company (this is why I always say cover letters will get you a lot further than you think!) and within the hour I was set up with a very casual meeting with their team. I gave an elevator pitch to them and it was a very brief conversation but I secured myself a series of interviews for the internship which put me up against THOUSANDS of other applicants and I was their final pick for the role! It was pretty rooted in a lot of advertising stuff, lots of suggestions to enhance products and ads and all that. I did that for the summer before my senior year and then I was offered an extension as a contractor by our director there for a few more months. From THERE I was offered a full-time role but I wasn’t very interested in the team I was going to be moved to, but my company did everything in their power to find me another team to be a part of. So I moved to a role that’s in our marketing division (a little further from just advertising or product work) and I was granted a senior title before even finishing college. So I guess I’ve just been on lots of different teams and ultimately advertising sort of transitioned into marketing! I love it a lot and I learn SO much from it, I truly feel very lucky to have been granted the opportunities I have. I would love to transition back to ad work or do something writing related down the line but I think I’m in a great starting point so I’m happy where I am for the time being!
Hope this helps a little bit, sorry this was such a long answer lol 🫶 sending you all my love angel I hope your weekend is going fantastic !! thank you for caring about my silly little life lol 💓💖💘💕🩷💞
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heartnosekid · 6 months
A positive thing that happened recently is that I discovered a new way to help my girlfriend with certain trauma responses! As a bit of a background, she's a big fan of perfumes and lotions, and has a problem with dissociation. The other night, after being woken up from a really shitty intrusive memory nightmare, she couldn't connect with her body and felt like it wasn't hers. After a little bit of reassurance (reminding her that we'd talked about a nail being broken the night before, etc.) I suggested that we get one of her perfumes or lotions that she always wears. She picked out a lotion that she wears daily without fail, and the scent of it on her body really helped. I think it has something to do with how strongly scent is associated with memory. She's also mentioned in the past that a hair perfume she uses is very grounding.
Anyways, this is a super positive thing because it means we have a new, really effective strategy to tackle a major challenge she has. Between this and her getting a diagnosis for her early onset arthritis, we've been making a lot of progress with her health- both physical and mental.
I'm wishing the best for you, and I really hope you get to a place where you're safe, comfortable, and healthy as your body and mind will allow. I'll keep you in my thoughts, and I wish you the best in your struggles with food
you know what, this is such a sweet and helpful ask. i also struggle with this to be quite honest, just waking up feeling disconnected, and that is such a smart thing to do to initiate and aid in grounding! i am so happy for you two and i am so proud of the progress you’re both making, you seem so thoughtful and caring for your girlfriend. this is just so sweet and wholesome 💕
thank you so much for your kind words and well wishes, this ask made me so happy and i feel so much love and care emanating from you. again thank you so much for this, and i hope you and your girlfriend have a wonderful day or night and a lovely upcoming weekend and continue to make so much progress going forward 💕💕💕
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joelscruff · 2 months
hi cat❤️ advice anon here. thanks for being lovely and for being willing to listen ❤️
i’m turning twenty and ive never dated anyone. a lot of us didn’t start early, but more of my friends are getting into relationships. it usually doesn’t bother me. i have great friends and goals, and im happy for my friends who’ve found someone. im usually not even interested with the guys around me because i like older guys. it feels shallow to mention looks but this has affected how i view myself. ive had girls who are kind enough to say im pretty, but i know i don’t fit into the type the guys around me like, which i usually don’t care about.
with all of that, i know there’s no good reason for me to feel this way but i sometimes feel super unattractive, like no guy could like me. ive had friends mention they can’t picture me dating. i think it’s because i come off as independent, but it hurts me. i feel like they think im undesirable, which makes me feel shitty. whenever i talk with my friends about guys i wonder if they think im inferior because i haven’t had the same experiences. ive had friends tell me they’re excited for when i start dating. they say it because they want to gossip with me, but it’s embarrassing. i feel like they think im less than, or falling behind, or undateable.
rationally i know they probably don’t think that way, and it’s all just insecurity projection. is it normal to feel like this? do people actually think that way about me? tldr im bitchless and i feel like everyone thinks im lame because of it 💀 thanks so much for letting me ramble about this 🥺
hi lovely, sorry for waiting til the weekend to respond to this - life is kicking my butt right now and i haven't really had much mental energy lately. but today is chill and i'm ready to reply 💕
first of all i just wanna say something which i'm sure you've been told before (and probably hate hearing by now but shhh lemme cook) which is that you're so young. girl you are turning TWENTY!!!! and i mean that in a good way!!! respectfully you are so so young and you are JUST getting started.
full transparency - i didn't have my first real relationship til my mid twenties. and i felt exactly how you're feeling right now, like i was extremely behind and like i was being silently judged for not having had any of those experiences yet and that it seemed like everyone i knew had already experienced them. i also have a lot of issues with self esteem and self love and while i completely understand that having a relationship would feel validating and boost your self confidence, you are so much more than your experiences - or lack thereof.
you are not undateable. trust me. and i myself am guilty of falling back into that mindset. what's important is being patient with yourself, being kind and loving and understanding. picture yourself as one of your friends, imagine one of them coming to you with these exact issues and try to think of what you'd say to them. would you be kind and supportive? of course you would (i hope so at least!!) and that's why we need to extend that kindness to ourselves, as difficult as it sometimes might be.
on the topic of your friends, i know you say they don't mean any harm by the things they tell you, but if it's hurting you/making you self conscious, i'd recommend telling them that it makes you feel that way. honestly i'd recommend having a real open conversation with your friends about how you've been feeling about everything. i'm positive that they don't think you're undateable or less than - it's so easy to project our own feelings onto other people and convince ourselves that everyone is also thinking these same thoughts about us, but most of the time it's simply not true. and if it is true, those aren't your real friends.
basically honey, at the end of the day you just need to try and be patient with yourself. you're so young and you have so much life ahead of you to have these experiences. they can happen at any age, and they will happen for you. be kind to yourself and remember that your worth has nothing to do with anyone else but you.
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stuiie · 3 months
you’re doing such a great job with colour of your, i’m so in love with how you write all of your characters💓💞💗💕💞
ducky has my actual heart and as much as i love yelena, it annoys me how ducky is literally stressing about her every second of the day, feeling guilty about not being there for her (when she literally has been) and yelena doesn’t know a single thing about what’s gone off recent in her life (christmas, the guy i can’t even remember the name of, nat and wanda, etc) but yes they are my thoughts! i hope yelena accepts their relationship (no i don’t i love drama) but i hope she realises how much she’s neglected ducky anyWHO can’t wait for the next update, i know whatever you write will be just perfect!
Gosh, thank you so much!
It really means a lot to me to hear that you enjoy my writing and the way I’ve created the different characters. 🥹🥰
Ducky is a sweetheart, and I love writing her. The subject of Yelena that you bring up is very interesting. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, as I love seeing how you experience the relationships and how they make you feel. Your point is fair, and I understand why you react the way you do. It's fascinating because we follow the story from Ducky's point of view, which makes it easy to support her since we know her thoughts and feelings. Currently, we only see Yelena through Ducky's eyes, which mirrors how we experience life—through our own perspectives. Often, we overlook how others might feel or think in certain situations, knowing only their actions and words. This is why I love writing this way. It's amazing to read your comments and others because perspectives vary so widely. While you love Ducky, some think she's weak and lacks a spine, while others find her unfair to Yelena. I can't say anyone is wrong because it's all about individual interpretation. I find beauty in that diversity of thought, and even if I can agree or disagree, I won't since I know the story’s outcome and the characters' fates 😉. So thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story.
The next chapter will be posted very soon, and I would love to hear your thoughts on it, but no pressure ☺️❤️.
I wish you a wonderful weekend.
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musette22 · 1 year
Hellooo, it's me, I'm alive! Sorry for disappearing again this weekend, I hope everyone had a great one! 💛 Mine was really really wonderful, so, time to overshare because I'm feeling all mushy and tired but happy. These past few days made me realize once again how lucky I am to have so many incredible people in my life 💕 I love them SO much and I'm so grateful they love me too, which sounds cheesy but it's true 😅
I don't think anyone particularly needs these, but I still want to share some of the stuff my friends and family have said and done this weekend just because they're pretty amazing and I kind of wanted to write it down to remember it (I'll put most of it under the cut though, because it got longer than I anticipated. whoops, who's surprised, not me either)
So my friend's little boy, who is three, got a little confused about pronouns while he was chatting away, and accidentally called me a 'he'. His mom gently corrected him like, "No honey, auntie Minnie is a she." And when he asked why, she said "Because Minnie feels like a she. What do you feel like?" And he gave it some thought and said "I think I feel like a he", so she said, "Well, there you go, we'll call you a he then! But if you feel like a she later on, or auntie Minnie feels like a he, then that's also okay. Does that make sense?" And he looked thoughtful for a second, said "Yep", and carried on playing.
Later that day my other friend picked up her almost one year old, looked at his little face and said "I'm pretty sure he's either going to be a construction worker or a drag queen. Maybe both." And then kissed his nose and told him she'd love him regardless of what he'd become.
I was talking to the husband of one of my friends (who is my friend too, but I knew her first), and out of the blue he asked me, "What kind of music do you like to listen to? I know you like Arctic Monkeys, but what else do you like?" So I told him I listen to a lot of 40s and 50s music, among other things, and then the conversation carried on. And then later that night, Billie Holiday suddenly came on, followed by Chet Baker, and it turned out he'd actually made a whole playlist of 40s music because he realised he'd been playing a lot of recent popular music during the getaway so far, and he wanted me to hear something I liked too
At some point I was talking to the husband of my other friend, and when he asked me whether I'd been seeing anyone lately, I kind of shrugged and told him that it isn't really a priority for me right now, that I'm not excluding the possiblity of dating or starting a family, but I'm not actively looking for it either. He just clinked his beer bottle with mine and said, "Cool, that makes a lot of sense. We don't all have to follow the same path in life to be happy, right?" And I was already grateful that he got it, but then he was quiet for a minute and said, "Shit, I'm sorry, I bet you're fed up with people asking you about dating and kids. It's literally no one's business but yours and I'm sure that if you ever want to talk about it, you'll let us know. I won't ask again."
At some point, my friend suddenly dropped down onto the couch next to me, put her arm around me and said "My god, I feel like we've only talked about kids all weekend, sorry about that." So I assured her I didn't mind at all (I adore those kids, I really do), and she was like, "Still, tell me about what you're reading right now, and while you're at it, please show me the cutest picture of Chris you saw this week," and then she spent a while cooing over my boys with me in return.
I was sitting next to my other friends' three year old little girl in the car on put way back from visiting a nearby castle, and she was super impressed and a little overwhelmed in that way kids have sometimes. She kept wondering aloud whether 'the princess' had been at home, and whether, if she'd ever meet her, the princess would want to be her friend. So I told her that of course the princess would want to be her friend, probably even best friends, and then she laughed and said "No silly, you're my best friend" and hugged me, and I kind of melted into a puddle
During brunch today, I was telling a story about how when I was jogging recently, I thought I was being followed by a guy on a scooter, and that I'd stopped to send my mom my location because I was genuinely a little scared. As it turned out, the guy just wanted directions, so I laughed it off and told the story as a joke, but then my brother frowned and said, "No, but it's not okay that you can't even go on a run without feeling scared just because you're a woman", and then told me he read an article recently about the precautions many women necessarily have to take whenever they go out or go on a date, like location sharing, or faking phonecalls, or bringing pepper spray, because we often fear for our safety in a way that men rarely have to. And then he said he'd never realised that before, apologised to me, his girlfriend and my mom on behalf of men in general, and said he wished we'd never have to deal with any of that
I was talking to my mom while we were on a walk, and she told me about an old friend she'd run into recently. So I asked her how they knew each other, and she proceeded to tell me a story about how in the 80s, they used to do sit-ins together to demonstrate for immigrants' and unemployed people's rights. When I asked her if she'd never been worried about getting arrested or anything like that, she just shrugged and said "Not really, because I knew that we were doing it for the right reasons and that was what mattered most."
Anyway, I know they're all little things and they should all be normal things, but I'm aware that they aren't always, or everywhere, or for everyone. And they just made me stop and marvel at how wonderful these people all are, big and small, how comfortable and at ease I feel around all of them, and how amazing it is that they not only exist and work to make the world a better place, but they also care about me in return. Like, not to sound like a hippie, but whoa, I'm feeling a lot of love and gratitude right now ❤️
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merakiui · 1 year
Meraaa✨️💕💕 How was your week? It's almost Friday, rejoice 😫🙌 haha! do you have any plans for the weekend? I was gonna go on a blind date my friend set up for me but the guy bailed when he found out my height 😱 so I'm still going but just by myself now because I really wanted to go to that cafe lol
Anyways, not a request and you don't have to answer this bit ofc or at all but who in twst do you think would not mind dating a taller gal? I always see fics about short cute reader but never tall cute reader 😖 like, i want to be loved too 🥲 heheh I'm extremely tall bc genetics but I'm literally taller than TWST, yes even Malleus without his horns 😂 Sooo, i came here to my favourite writer to ask abt it *jazz hands*
Hiiii!!! 💖💖 my week has been wonderful and I hope it's the same for you!! Thank you!!! As for weekend plans, I will most likely study and complete assignments, but hopefully there will be time for writing. But omg I am sorry to hear that happened with your blind date, but I'm sure they are missing out on getting to know the lovely you!!! :D have lots of fun at the café!!!!
I can think of many characters who would absolutely love to be with a tall darling, those of which are: Deuce, Cater, Leona, Ruggie, Floyd, Kalim, Vil, Rook, Malleus, Sebek, Silver, Lilia, and Neige!!!!! >v<
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Wishing you a wonderful week too
Hello sweets!!!! Thank you so much for sending this my way!!! Appreciate you thinking of me❤️I hope your weekend has been awesome and your week ahead is even better! Sending lots of hugs and love!!! Have a great day🥰💕🥰
Dark Desires Demon!Bucky x reader
Everything I Do Joel Miller x reader
A Love for the (P)ages Mob!Bucky x reader
Dancin’ in the Dark Joel Miller x reader
Beefy! Beefy!Bucky x reader
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riddlesinthedark · 6 months
The most important day of the year has arrived.......... ITS ABI DAY!!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Happy birthday Queen Abi!!!! 🎉🎁 (also omg thank god its the weekend!! I hope you have LOTS of fun!!)
I made you a birthday card again this year! 🎀 -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sIaUwIaZ5p3fZ5ZB02saUE0kEsr7rZi5/view?usp=sharing
aaaaaand make sure you check Steam! (╹◡◠)
(btw when i was making the card i actually wrote 2022 at first... like not even 2023... just straight up 2 years too late.... i think im losing it,,)
AHH ROMAAAA 🩵🤍 thank you soooo much your message is so sweet!
I love the amazing birthday card, you're so talented it's so cuuuute 😭 💕 you even added the lil baldurs gate characters! i love it sm!!! You're the best person in the world, i hope you're doing well and are having a wonderful weekend 💜
And roma omg you didn't need to send me a steam gift!!!! you're mad! but thank you so so much that's so kind 💛 you better tell me as soon as you get your pc so i can spam you with steam gifts and games 🥰
(omg i completely understand i cannot believe it's 2024 we've been friends for so long now im so grateful!!! 😭💫💖)
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cutie-lumi · 1 year
Hi!! I just wanna say I'm super happy you started posting on here, I've been in love with your art since I've found ya, and you've been a super huge inspiration to me~ I hope you have a great day!
OOOOOOH THIS IS SO LOVELYYYYY!!!!!  IM ASFHSJKFNGJ🥺 🥺 🥺 ❣️ 💕 💞 💗 💖 💘 💝  I actually wasn't expecting to get so much love from ppl here, I feel sosososo happy and excited whenever I see people leaving cute little comments on the tags when rebloging my art  😭 💕 💞  Thank you so much for welcoming me here, it's been so long since I had a tumblr acc 🥺 I promise I'll post lots a cute art here as well~ (and maybe take some requests too 👀👀👀) Have a wonderful day/weekend as well <333
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