#lotsa dialogue in this one
slink-a-dink · 1 year
Congrats to team shiver! but WDYM 55% OF VOTES?? IT FELT SO EVEN TO ME??
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violetsquare111 · 7 months
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part 2 of "what if you could take your uty party members anywhere": ceroba in the ruins. animating this took two got damn days!! my respect for the uty animators has doubled oml
part 1 post here (with lotsa dialogue from martlet, ceroba, and a bit of axis)!
this was kind of a test to see if i even could do something like this and i'm honestly really happy with how it turned out :) i haven't actually animated anything (besides occasional tiny doodles) since i was, like, 11. how the hell did i make a minute-long drawn stopmotion animation in one day back then... BUT ANYWAY i hope you guys like the sad mom content :'D
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sempersirens · 1 year
sun bleached flies | four
chapter summary: joel seeks to make amends the only way joel knows how: messily
warnings: 18+, mdni. previous dark!joel/raider!joel. mention of ptsd, nightmares, some sexist/misogynistic comments, lotsa swearing, nihilism, alcohol & bad decisions.
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a/n: hello! as you may know, i paused this series for a little while after receiving some comments about the content of this story. i was quite upset and reactive upon first seeing the comments and instantly pulled the series in order to give myself some time to consider whether i wanted to carry on. but, as is obvious, i really do not care anymore. i put detailed warnings before each chapter so everyone knows what they're getting into. if this isn't for you, that's okay! don't read! alas. thank you SO much to all of you who continue to read my silly little stories and send me such kind messages, reblog, and like. i love and cherish you ALL. this chapter is very much giving "it's the drama, mick. i love it.”
Joel's POV
In the movies about the end of the world, humanity always seemed so vulnerable. Not so much in the way that people would be literally picked off one by one by hordes of undead, but there was always the feeling that it took the end of the world for the human race to finally become their true selves. As if the worst of times brought out the best of people.
Joel had hated that trope. Whenever he, Tommy and Sarah picked out a zombie movie at Blockbuster on a Friday night they opted for the most gory, gruesome option on the shelf. They would simultaneously roll their eyes at any cheesy line snuck into the dialogue mid-fight scene - apart from Tommy, who would wipe his bleary eyes with the back of his sleeve in the hope that nobody had seen.
Sat amidst that gathering of lost survivors, each searching for some semblance of safety in the dire form of group therapy, Joel had perhaps for the first time in his life seen true, raw emotion reflecting in your eyes. You had always seemed so composed during your brief but sharp run-ins with one another, but this evening was different.
He'd watched your cheeks turn pink when the idiot stood at the front of the group prompted you to share your story. The way you unravelled speaking about Mia, it was as if your facade had shifted ever so slightly - perhaps even accidentally - because as soon as you realised your mask was slipping, you snatched it straight back and regained composure. Like she was your Achilles heel, the only thing in this world that could bring your walls tumbling down.
Joel had tried to follow you after the session to get you alone to talk about - he didn't even know what. He just knew was the right thing to do, and he had made a promise to himself to start following that gut feeling for once. But he had been trapped by his row of slow-moving attendees with little sense of urgency and menial small talk, and you were long gone by the time he had escaped the barricades of plastic chairs.
You'd had a child, his child. A child he had no right to see, and wasn't even sure if he wanted to see. How could he look her in the eye knowing the reason she had been brought into this world, knowing he had even let such a thing happen, to bring something so small and innocent into such a plagued existence?
A lot of things kept Joel up at night; too many things to count. The fire of bullets before feeling the limpness of Sarah's body in his arms. The mocking song of defeat, noise constantly muffled in his eardrums that reminded him of that damn flinch. Ellie's small body collapsing into his still-weak chest, fresh blood coating her pale skin. The smell of the burning building in their wake.
It was worse when the dreams reminded him of his own cruelty. Settlements raided and burned to the ground. Blades pressed through temples in the dead of night.
And then there was you.
He had stumbled upon you at the peak of his inhumanity. He wanted to blame it on being around the other raiders for so long, that the things he had only ever been a bystander for had finally seeped into his skin and corrupted him. He wished he could reject all of the shame and responsibility as an unconscious action of muscle memory.
When he saw you standing in your kitchen passing his brother a bottle of beer like it was the most mundane action, he thought his subconscious was punishing him again; like his first day in Jackson, when he'd dared to drop his shoulders ever so slightly at the sight of a woman he let himself believe to be Sarah. For that second all logic evaded him, all he could think was that his little girl was alive and well right before him. As if it had all been a bad dream and she would turn to face him like it had only been an hour at most since they'd been apart.
It took just as much time for his brain to remind him he was really seeing you and not another one of his nightmares. Despite the briefness of your encounter all those years ago, he would've known you anywhere. Even if he'd wanted to forget you, his brain wouldn't let him.
You had every right to despise him, to out him to his brother and the entirety of Jackson. Not only had he taken advantage of your vulnerability, he'd failed at the one measly promise he had made you in exchange.
His biggest regret manifested as a Bambi-eyed little girl staring up at him as if he were a stranger. Which in truth, he was.
It was still early when Joel returned home to an empty house. Ellie was staying the night at a friend's, Dina, or something. Tommy and Maria had reassured him that she was a good kid and it would do Ellie some good making friends if they planned on staying in Jackson for the foreseeable future.
So, he retired to bed and tried to disappear underneath the thin duvet in the hope of dreamless sleep.
After tossing and turning for what felt like hours, your feeble voice from earlier ricocheting through his ears, he admitted defeat.
One thing Joel appreciated about Jackson was the lenient opening hours of the Tipsy Bison. Something he didn't appreciate, however, was how the entirety of Jackson's male population seemed to think the same thing.
"Joel," Tommy called across the room as Joel entered the bar.
For god's sake, Joel muttered under his breath, all hope of a peaceful glass of whiskey dissipating at the sight of his little brother waving him over.
"What you doin' here so late?" Tommy questioned, trying to decipher whether Joel had seen through his suggestion of attending the support group.
"Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd make good of this... fine establishment." Joel replied as Tommy signalled to the bartender for two more of whatever he had already been drinking.
Two men Joel hadn't met yet were seated on either side of Tommy, and he didn't care to be introduced to them either.
"You go to that meetin' I told you about?" Tommy was never good at being discreet, making the situation sound more like Joel was eliciting some kind of drug run rather than going to a damn trauma support group.
"I did," the bartender placed a glass of whiskey on the table in front of Joel. "Saw your girl there."
"Oh yeah, she goes every week. How was she?" Tommy's face lit up at the mention of you.
"S'fine. Don't think she likes me very much."
Joel took a swig of his drink as one of the other men chirped up, questioning whether the topic of conversation was about you.
"She's my patrol partner sometimes. Doesn't like anybody very much, don't take it to heart."
"That so?" Joel mused, twirling the glass around in his fingers.
"Spends most of her time with her kid, and if not her, then she's with our Tommy and his Maria. Reckon they're all that's good enough for her in this town."
"Now, don't put yourself down like that, Keith. She's just a private gal, that's all." Tommy reassured the man to his left, earning a raised eyebrow in response.
"Hopefully not that private, I'm takin' her for a drink tomorrow night." Now the man on Tommy's right spoke up.
Joel felt his grip tighten around the glass, his eyes narrowing on the tall but weak-looking man sitting across from him.
"Well I'll be damned," Tommy laughed. "Y'finally wore her down, huh?"
"Other way round, really. I gave into her asking and asking."
"Now, now, Greg. She's a good girl, you better look after her."
"Yeah, really look after her, Greg. Be doin' us all a favour, might put a smile on her face for once." Keith added.
"C'mon now, boys. She's like a sister to me, don't be talkin' about her like that." Tommy grimaced slightly, which soon turned to a snort. He always did lose his backbone after a couple of drinks.
"Like any of you would say that to her face." Joel scoffed, taking a sip of his drink to stop him for saying anymore.
God knows why, but Joel felt defensive over you. Listening to the way Tommy was allowing his friends to speak on you made his blood boil. He could hear thumping in his eardrums, waving his hand in the general direction of the bartender for another glass of whiskey.
"They're just playing, Joel. She can be kinda icy to say the least."
"Yeah, why d'you think that is, Tommy? She's got a damn kid to look after, all on her own."
"I didn't realise you knew her so well." Greg retorted, his face looking more and more punchable by the second.
"I didn't know you were keepin' tabs on my life, who I know and who I don't." Joel spat back with a little too much vim in his voice.
The bartender replaced Joel's empty glass with a filled one, which he knocked back without a second thought before rising in his seat and slamming the glass back on the table.
He turned to leave, feeling the warmth of the alcohol settling in his chest.
"The hell was that all about?" Tommy had followed him outside.
"What?" Joel barked in response, turning to face his brother.
"In there, you gettin' all wound up over nothin'."
"Nothing? You said that girl's like your sister, yet you let them speak on her like that?"
"Oh c'mon, Joel. They're idiots I know, but they're harmless. What's it to you, anyhow?"
"I just thought you were better than that, Tommy."
"You're being crazy. Go home, Joel."
"Where d'you think I'm fuckin' going?"
He waved Tommy away, turning to walk back to his place. However, he didn't want to go home yet. He let his feet take him in the direction of your house, instead.
It wasn't too late, but he still knocked lightly on the front door so as to not wake Mia. He heard some shuffling from inside before the door creaked open.
"Jesus Christ." You breathed.
"Not quite."
"What the fuck do you want, Joel? Why do you keep showing up here?" You demanded, stepping out onto the porch and closing the door softly behind you.
"You know why, we have shit to talk about."
You scoffed and pushed your shoulders back, the smell of alcohol from Joel's breath making the thought process for his surprise visit clear.
"We have nothing to talk about. You. Are. Not. Welcome. Here."
"They were all in the Bison, just know, those pricks from patrol. Greg or whatever, talkin' shit about you. I couldn't stand it."
"Oh, please. What do you want me to do? Get on my knees and thank you for defending my honour?"
"No- not at all. Just don't want you wastin' your time with them when they don't respect you."
"And you do? Respect me?"
Joel couldn't find the words to respond. Everything came flooding over him at once.
"Please, I- I wanna see her."
He surprised even himself at the words that left his mouth, however, you didn't seem surprised. Your eyes narrowed while his widened, watching you take a step toward him, closing the gap between you both.
“Joel, I don’t think you understood at all. Why would I want you near her, when you’re the exact kind of man I'm trying to protect her from?”
taglist: apparently my tags don't always work so fingers crossed these come thru? sorry if i forgot anybody - if you want to be added/removed please lmk! @warm-tea-and-otp @mrsquill @ashleymsnodgrass @bluetattoos @mabermaple @hiroikegawa @casssiopeia @joeldjarin @southernbe @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @cool-iguana @drewharrisonwriter @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @randomhoex @ilovepedro @koshkaj-blog @ejuliet999 @love-the-abyss @jellybeanxc @mabermaple @radsanchez @powellssaturn @ok-boke @phoebe13 @ahintofkiwistrawberry @smexy-bucky-waifu @withasideofmeg @darkroastjoel @willowsvalley @forestfaeriequeen @radsanchez @moonlightdivine @noisynightmarepoetry @mysingularitybts @misshoneypaper @ezzynf @spideyyhoe @runningmom94 @disassociation-daydreams @serendipity22086 @lionlena @shotgun-shelby @daddy-din @dins-riduur-anthe @phoebe13 @bageldaddy
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spideypool-enthusiast · 9 months
i want a team red tv show but i know that it would be a) on disney+ and b) butchered by disney so just imagine this as an opening scene
a somewhat boring waiting room/open area, with a few empty wood chairs with the fabric seat, clearly after hours of whatever establishment (darkened windows, shuttered blinds), and there's a box set tv playing some classic procedural, kinda like law and order, but it cuts from that to wade watching it in one of said uncomfortable chairs, mostly in costume with his mask lifted, eating a burrito, like "damn, this show has not aged super well! lotsa sexual assault, crazy graphic, too, and for network television?! insane-"
you know who's insane? you.
and it abruptly cuts as a web hits the power button, whatever dialogue on the show ending.
and look who's here!
in his full suit as well, peter climbs in through a window he'd opened in the back, stretching his legs as he walks through. "those shows are all kinds of fake, and half the time they pay off the cops, anyway."
"not a fan of copaganda?" and our favorite lawyer, matthew murdock, comes out of a normal door, cane extended as he shuts his office door behind him, the gold plate on it reading his name. he's not in the daredevil suit, normal work attire aside from the loosened tie, as they're standing in the office of nelson & murdock, foggy having long gone home for the day. it's a free—well, rent is paid, for once—place to meet, with full confidentiality, and don't they all need it.
anyway idk where that goes from there but just a scene that came to me in a dream
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yummy-egg · 2 years
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Forgot I wanted to share these too, some are uncharacteristically sad doodles for me so I'll put them under a read more for those who'd rather skip em ! (About healing, but dealing with sadness too) I just needed catharsis after finally seeing doomstar when they've been my favs for a decade 🥹💓
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I'll leave alt text for the dialogue since my handwriting is really shaky, but since it won't make the post longer I'd also like to explain the story in my head ! :3
That once they rescue Toki, Skwis spends every day visiting him, helping him regain his energy (feeding him, massaging his joints, helping him go for walks around the hospital).
He brings him toy / plushie bouquets so the entire room is covered in em.. but he tries to hide how deep it hurt him to even have to miss Toki and fear for his life, making stupid jokes to hide behind. (u.u
He spent nights while Toki was away sleeping in his room, wearing his old shirts and cuddling deaddybear 🥺 Even after he knows he's safe again it's hard to deal with the fact that he could have ever lost the one person he truly feels a connection with.. Despite the fact he has NO idea how to express that and more often than not turns to insults to hide it instead of showing weakness. 😔
When Toki can finally return home, Skwis greets him with lotsa toys and snacks, but also a little kitten since he knows how much they mean to him !! :3 He also might have just. Moved all of Toki's things to his own room, so they're roomies now and he'll never spend a moment alone or vulnerable again 💗
The first and last doodle actually go together ! Last being earlyklok, after Skwis finds out about Toki's abuse and the scars it left. Even talking about them hurts, but he bestows gentle kisses upon them to ease the pain.. When Toki returns home after doomstar, Skwis does the same to his new scars 💞 Both are very cathartic moments 🥺
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kronim195 · 3 months
I feel like with a lot of RPGs specifically the ones where you get to make your own character and have lotsa dialogue choices and what-not, you get a lot more out of it if you actually treat it as if you were playing a serious TTRPG and take some time to really establish for yourself who your character is. Like it doesn't have to be super in depth but if you can come up with a backstory and some personality traits and moral values that were informed by that backstory, and then use that as a reference point for how you make your character act and the kinds of choices they make etc, it really elevates those kinds of games for me and makes each run feel special and fresh. Even if the game doesn't acknowledge it and my imagination is doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
Like I've done this tons of times in a lot of different RPGs and it's always such a good time. I'll probably never share any of the actual writing I've done for it cuz I'm embarrassed and it's for my own enjoyment lol but yeah idk.
I guess that's why I get annoyed that the majority of big western RPGs for ages now has been like - here's the set character with their own voice acting and backstory who talks nonstop without your input - cuz to me that defeats the whole purpose and is antithetical to what I like about the genre
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Do not cheat you piece of shit
Pairing: Erwin Smith x reader
Warning: author tryna be funny writing, slurs, cheating(not erwin), age gap but not mentioned how much, reader is an adult, secretly simping hard, one sided love, terrible grammar, lotsa misspellings
A/N: so its my first time to write. Lotsa dialogues but mostly reader. I want to read something funny with erwin but yeah those are hard to find so if you know any please i beg of you SHARE!!! Its also based on my dream hehehe. There prolly be parts but i dont outlined shit so im just writing whatever. Teehee.
You walk ran? Ran walk? Whatever that's called, as fast as you could with your little legs towards his house, to the rescue, after receiving news that his girlfriend of six m*th*rf*ck*ng years cheated, got m*th*rf*ck*ng caught in their very own bed!
How can someone do that, cheat on their lover specially when said lover is set in life, from life insurance to complete training attendance on the ways of proper parenting.
Six years, down the drain just because she itch so much she couldn't wait for her boyfriend to come home from an overseas prestigious seminar for genius people by the genius rich people.
Reaching Erwin's two storey mansion with a big ass tree house in the backyard (told you he is serious), you didn't bother to knock, just straight up walk inside his home through his kitchen door at the back. And there he is,looking terrible, hunched over his laptop, grading spreadsheet on screen, and college research papers, scattered all over his dinning table, to grade.
"Wooah wow. You look like shit." Was your greeting.
"Hello, dearest friend, and good afternoon too. Yes, you may come in, the front door is open. And yes, I am well. Thank you for asking." And he have the audacity to smile at you with red rimmed eyes, unshaven face, messy and greasy hair probably from the wax he uses, all in his glory, wearing his tomato catsup stained shirt and avocado printed grey sweat pants.
"S'rry wasn't used seeing you like....that."
"Hmmm. As you can see, I am doing well." Is what he said gesturing at himself as if to say that he look normal as always and then picked up his red pen, started reading lines and lines of boring bordering between intelligent words on paper and straight up bvllsh1t w33d induced jumbled letters on paper.
"Erwin." You always call him eyebrows but this time you know that he is hurting and so that hurts you too. But what comes next out of his lips hurts you more than you should as you are only a friend. "This is probably what I get for waiting too long after buying that ring."
"Erwi-" you tried to stop him.
"Always waiting for the right time and now missing it." He continued.
"Stop-" Hands on your hips and eyes on his downcasted ones, you told him to stop and "saying that as if its your fault she cheated, that as if its your fault she chose to destroy what you both have. Its not. If its anyone, its all hers. She is the one at fault. Not you. Definitely, not you. Alright?"
"I should have given her more attentio-"
"You did! You never miss an occassion." To the point he was never let to go out with the group.
"You're always surprising her with dinner dates, cooking the food yourself." You remembered how lonely you felt when he forgot you invited him for your birthday party. That day made you realized how you felt about him and that you shouldn't feel anything about him you so kept a distance ever since.
"All the low calorie and high protein recipes you keep in mind because she is concious of her figure, you even wear whatever she wants you to wear, whether it be perfum, shirts or whatever." You kept your distance but you couldn't help to notice some changes in him. Like that very serious face he got when browsing the net of food to cook.
"You did gave her a lot of attention so don't give me that self-depreciating shit you're spouting. Stop shitting about yourself, eyebrows. You're too old for that shit." You defended Erwin against himself almost outing your feelings but gladly even thought this man is smart as hell, he is one oblivious thick wall, so you're safe except from Master Levi's disappointed eyes.
"You should really stop hanging out with Levi." Is what the dumbass said after all what you told him.
"You're absorbing him at this point-" a playful eyeroll from you.
"like a sponge from those super grocery stores and that is a lot of absorbing, Cheri." Cheri, the nickname Hange gave you because they couldn't be bothered to practice pronouncing your name right so it sticks in the group.
"Too late. I like hanging out with Master Levi."
"More than me?" He asked you with raised magnificent eyebrows.
"... no. I like hanging out with you more." Well he wasn't feeling well so it wouldn't hurt to be honest sometimes is what you thought.
"You're just saying that now becau-"
"I said I like hanging out with you more. Comfortable. Safe. You're good shit. Thought boring before but eh you make things interesting. Wouldn't even know that Michelangelo is so horny on main he painted nudes in a church or that story about two scupltor brothers making a lucifer statue that was just so hot for a church but the church is just so done with 'em brothers so they just let chad lucifer statue be displayed there." You mumbled jumble hocus focus your way around saying that he is a great person and atlast you heard him chuckle softly. How is this big man be looking stoic but so gentle at heart. Probably the reason college students loves him so much.
"So, what will you do now?"
"For the first time in my life, I do not know." He wore that tiny smile that barely stretch his lips and looked back down at his hands.
"How about gathering her things and burning it. I'll help you." You suggested with a wide evil grin
"I don't want to be arrested for arson." He denied you as he sweep his eyes down your hands and now finally noticing the big eco bag you've got with you.
"That's.." he trailed off.
"A big ass ice cream. Yes." You answered
"Cookies n' cream?"
"My favorite craving at the moment."
"Here." You placed the big pail of ice cream on the table. "Eat this shit for every meal. Its in the 101 ways on how to cope from stupid people by the more stupid people."
"How will.. that won't fit in my freezer."
"Then eat all of it? I help you? Or if we still can't finish it, that's a you problem. I'm out." You told him as you reach in the cupboards for cups but you can't reach it so you forgo cups for ice cream and decided to just eat it with spoon straight from the container. Master levi would be really disgusted at you but good thing everyone else in the group, except you, are super busy and not here. After all you're just an assistant of the assistant in the engineering research department.
"We are going to mope for a few hours, and then we'll gather her things, and also like return that ring so you won't do stupid shit like proposing to her." Is what you listed at him as the two of you eat ice cream like the scroundel you both are according to Master Levi.
"You're moping too? Why?"
"'Coz I've gotta deal with your eyebrows right now."
"I think that's also one of her reaso-"
"Oh shut it. You just want me to say you're eyebrow's game's on flick. I won't so shut it. Eat the damn ice cream I had to bust my ass carrying getting here. I hate your drive way by the way. Why is it so spacious? Such a waste of space and unnecessary." You ranted and let words just flow out of your mouth to disguise your blush. Unknowingly to you, Erwin smiled genuinely, always have felt lighter and safe whenever he is around you.
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signalhill-if · 2 years
I have to say, I kinda love the dynamic that's brewing between my MC and Doc. Like at the beginning my MC had that whole flirty demeanor and basically hit him with the "Look I'm hot and that's the main thing I've got going on" + some dumbass energy (THE DRUGGIST DIALOGUE LMFAO) and Doc was unimpressed 💀 But funnily enough now that I've acquired the Medic Identity with my guy I can't wait until Doc discovers that the gremlin is closer to having sworn the hippocratic oath than him 💀💀💀 talk about books and judging covers and such.
I wonder tho (unrelated), what's the romantic experience of the RO's so far? Without getting specific or in spoiler-y territory of course!
I genuinely do not know how I neglected to answer this omfg sorry anon </3 (this ask is from like a week ago) I ALSO LOVE YOUR PC'S DYNAMIC WITH DOC. That sounds hilarious lmao
As for your unrelated question... what's the romantic experience of the main characters so far?
KC: Less than she would let on, lmao. She will, like, tell stories that sound like they're from two different relationships but they're actually from the same person, or imply she was dating somebody but actually just slept with them once, that kind of thing. Very unreliable narrator, keep that in mind
Yasmin: Also pretty limited. She's had flings with some people, but she's got high standards and most people don't meet them, so she's rarely had a long-lasting relationship.
Doc: He's only had one romantic partner, it started as an accident, and it didn't end well. That was years ago. He's been content to focus on his work since then.
Levi: He's never had a romantic relationship. His relationship with Aldrich might be best described as queerplatonic in a modern setting.
Yvette: He has had every experience under the sun. Love, loss, extremely unhealthy relationships (lotsa those), weirdly normal relationships (one or two of those), purely sexual relationships, romantic relationships, you name it and he's probably had it.
Malik: ...they've had a couple pen pals they were close to, does that count?
Wolfe: He had a couple girlfriends as a teenager. Can't maintain a stable relationship for obvious reasons.
Aldrich: No
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bughugz · 6 months
hi! i read where you like cozy games? can you recommend some!
new anon? - 🪼
oooh new anon hiiiii :3
okay so i have . not been gaming hardly at all lately busy bun with not much money or time for games anymore so i do not have much for recs <///3 >:( if you like management sims and haven't heard of spiritfarer yet that's a cute one lotsa dialogue as you learn about the backstories of the spirits you're helpingggg ummm i've been playing through little witch in the woods which has been early access on steam forever im beginning to doubt that it'll ever come of early access hmmm i've also been playing potion permit lately it's like a sim / rpg where you get to play as an herbalist more or less if that's your thing honestly lately minecraft is the go to when i do hop online lol sorryyy <333
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yin-shimo · 8 months
me who’s only read stories with minimal descriptions: alright minimal desc but lotsa dialogue it is!
me who’s now reading one with more descriptions to the point i think it’s a little repetitive: alright more descriptions for my writing !!
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slasheru · 8 months
New build, now on Steam & itchio!!! Lotsa rebalancing in this one - PLUS some lore heavy Melyssa dialogue that's BRAND NEW!! Lmk how those rebalances feel :V
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m1d-45 · 1 year
(writing a blurb about other fischl despite not knowing that much about the background of the ein immernachtstraum skin lore. forgive me if its off🗿)
other fischl (who im naming night or something similar(maybe nyx?)) who maintains her identity as the true prinzessin but would throw it all away for the sake of the creator. night who can see danger coming from miles away thanks to oz and his ability to be her eyes in the sky.
her electro might not be as volatile as red's pyro but she can still protect the creator just as well as he can! (maybe even better than red!) seeing that she uses a bow and has oz, she can better fight the knights of favonius in long ranged combat.
when red comes back bloodied and bruised, which she knows is on purpose to get creator's attention, she gets a little jealous. why can't she get that attention and love? obviously she should be getting more attention, she's the prinzessin der verurteilung! the two of them are on rocky ground but for the sake of the creator, they're willing to (mostly) put aside their differences. (and she hates to admit it but red does make for a good teammate)
night and fischl don't have as much drama as red and diluc do but that doesn't stop her from acting superior to fischl. after all, who protected the true creator during the hunt? not fischl. thats who.
all things aside, she'd lay down her life and her title as the prinzessin for the creator.
- curse anon
lotsa talk and fischl lore spoilers below!
Ein Immernachtstraum translates roughly to ‘an ever night dream’ (and i’d anybody who actually speaks german thinks that’s wrong, take it up with google translate <3) so i think ‘night’ works well!
also, i went back to the event (shout out to the genshin wiki. genshin wiki my dearly beloved. if nobody got me i know the genshin wiki got me) and reviewed the dialogue from the other-fischl—who’s referred to as ‘immernacht fischl’ or ‘evernight fischl’ which is a useless fact but here—and have essentially gathered this:
‘fischl’ is a persona. we’re aware of this—or i assume everyone is? or was that info revealed in the event??—and know that her real name is amy. the event (summertime odyssey, part 3 for the dialogue i saw by the way if you wanna read it yourself) takes this a step further, but first i’ll quickly recap some fischl lore. i’ll put a ‘recap over’ if you know and don’t wanna read it.
so! as i said, ‘fischl’ as we know her is actually amy. fischl is a character from an obscure book series titled “Flowers for Princess Fischl.” now, this princess fischl is the one that rules over the immernachtreich, this princess fischl is the one with a soulbond with a raven familiar and an entire kingdom.
amy, as a child, read these books and was, expectedly, a massive fan. her parents played along, calling her ‘fischl’ and playing into the essentially very advanced roleplay. as she grew up, she kept with this persona, even as she—i assume, her lore was a bit vague—was bullied for this persona. but her parents didn’t really say anything, and were assumedly supportive.
however, on her 14th birthday, when she went to her parents for comfort after another round of bullying, they said that she needed to drop the act. she was incredibly upset by this, naturally, and went to the library to console herself with her favorite books. that night, she received both her vision and oz.
(and then they had dinner with her parents and oz complimented her parents’ beans which is hilarious as a sentence)
recap done!
now, the ‘immernacht fischl’ is essentially the actual fischl, not amy. she’s a manifestation of all of amy’s insecurities, in essence, and in the event oz actually switches sides because, to paraphrase, “isn’t she my master too?”
all of this to say that night, the personification of ein immernachtstraum, which is the outfit that the immernacht fischl wore, is essentially the real fischl that amy has based her entire identity off of.
to finally get to your point: you are 100% correct on everything. night is better for long range, and fischl in canon can see through oz’s eyes so i assume the same for night, so she’s better for reconnaissance and looking out for threats. her and red make for a powerful overload team, but she’s 1000% jealous of the attention you pay to him. she never gets such injuries because she’s significantly less tanky, has less combat experience most likely, and is long-range, but she feels like it might be worth it to have you dote on her.
her and fischl have significantly less animosity than red and diluc, but there’s a fairly large caveat. whereas red hates diluc for his choice of priorities (and for the hunt) and diluc hates red because 1) he fuckin growled at him when they first met what the fuck 2) red just isn’t a good guy to anybody but you, night and fischl have a more one sided sort of hate.
fischl hates night. she views herself as the real fischl, and oz doesn’t even recognize night as the (a?) princess! there’s something severely wrong here, and she hates it.
but night could not give less of a fuck about fischl. she does not care. she views her as a cheap copy, one not worth paying any mind to. why would she? she has everything, and fischl had to make up what she has. she has the real ozvaldo hrafnavins, she rules over the real immernachtreich, and she had all of them since the moment she was brought to life by you. she doesn’t need a vision to give her copies- psh, its an insult to imply she’d ever be jealous.
oh, and to clarify the point i made about her being an illusionist: in the event, fischl’s domain—it’s hard to explain, but each of the characters involved had their personal domain like based off of them—involved a lot of perspective tricks! so i figured night would be able to make illusions with electro, or be able to manipulate her surroundings in impossible ways via said perspective tricks. i’m thinking of her like holding a pebble up to her eye and with a flash of magic, suddenly it’s a boulder blocking off the hunters’ path! her and morax make for a team when trying to cut off the hunters, and her and barbatos can be clever together to get you out of sticky situations.
oh, but of course, since she is a princess, she has an incredibly strong sense of loyalty. her and oz are more than willing to lay down their lives for you—but then again, so are the others.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
Heya Orion! Just passing by to say: Hope you have an amazing week! And oh! Happy Easter too! Also, Genshin-related question, any hints/tips on someone who's going to restart their genshin game? I've had some awful memories with my previous account and, even if it's still around, I wish to make a new one and restart the game from zero, to make new memories and to play at my own pace (had to skip lots of dialogue/story/ npc interactions due to peer pressure from my friends). Anyways! Lotsa love and appreciation from this little Dragonfly! ❤️❤️❤️ - 🐉🦋
Hello there Dragonfly! Thank you very much for the well wishes and I hope your Easter Sunday is kind to you! 💕
As for Genshin tips, focus on a core team to build up that works for the playstyle that's easiest for you! I tend to favor the fast hitter characters and one tank claymore. And that has worked nicely for me. As of now my main teams are two pole arms, a catalyst user and a claymore. And I switch off as needed between dendro and hydro users as fit for bosses. The most annoying part is building up a kit for them, but once you have sets that benefit it does help to focus on that to round out character strengths. I tend to favor Anemo and Cyro characters myself and that makes up the bulk of my usage. Take your time really to decide what works for you with characters for the gameplay part of it all. Working from there and focusing on WHO I want to build up made the game life way easier instead of leveling up all at random and having severe underleveling for those kits.
I am still slowly working through the story and go back and forth between that and material gathering. I usually only play through every few days due to that working out for spawning that I need. Hasn't failed me yet and it is such a huge lore game, that rushing the story would have definitely made me miss details. It's really well done with lore and it's strongest draw in for me at least. Definitely worth it to take breathers in between all the heavy storytelling to ponder it all lol.
My biggest dilemma now is deciding to draw once more for Nahida that did not come home after wasting all my 23k primos I saved just for her when she debuted, or for Baizhu.
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autumnslance · 2 years
☄ your choice?
☄: what the writing process was like
This was hard so I left it up to FC vote during our maps night and they decided on "Rogue's Prelude", my actual longfic about our favorite damn rogue and my made-up a backstory for him.
So my 2 longfics for Thancred happened back in 2018. I had gotten back into the game in 2017 with Stormblood, had rolled up C'oretta and Aeryn, got C'oretta through the game, started to play Aeryn...and realized I was in Trouble. I had no idea how to run a OCNPC romance storyline but it was apparently happening regardless, so I had to figure it out.
In Feb 2018 things came to a head at work, I was fired--on the same day I fell in the shower and bruised and wrenched the heck out of my shoulder--and I started to go to therapy for the absolute funk I was in (some of it due to that previous work place sending me downward).
So I had a lot of free time between job hunting and temp work and a stint of jury duty. Free time I really needed, honestly, and by the time I got into my current workplace later that summer/fall I was in a much better headspace. And the creativity was trickling back in after a years-long dry spell and I needed to figure out how to write my favorite NPC, to figure out who he was by himself, so I could eventually smoosh his face into my WoL's face, or something, IDK, I was still figuring out this "shipping" thing.
I'd shaken some rust off with the 2017 FFXIV Write. "Walk in the Wilds" was like cracking loose locked-up joints. I felt much more confident when I decided to tackle the ideas I had for Thancred's backstory, especially when I realized how much longer it was going to be.
There was a lot of research; into 1.0 things, into Louisoix, into actual real life Thieves' Cant, into various Limsan quests and stories, into all things Thancred available at the time. I outlined, roughly, with lots of bullet points and random notes, scene ideas, dialogue ideas. Some things made it in, some things did not. I ended up reworking my idea for the climactic final battle entirely as the original iteration on the Isle of Umbra wasn't working out. I made up plenty of things (and some folks ask me if X is canon or something they read in my fic which is wild to me).
I had a vague idea of the overall, but the actual plotting and planning of each chapter happened as I wrote them, maybe only 2 chapters ahead at most; I'm a very impatient writer. The epilogue I got the idea for maybe a third of the way through, and got a few revisions as I went along to fit the story.
It also kept me sane and gave a focus for my anxiety as I went through training and the first few weeks at my new job, given the absolute blow to my confidence the previous one had dealt me. Even if I sometimes found, in my eagerness and anxiety, time during work to write. The eager, lovely commentary of my readers helped a lot during that time.
I haven't had quite such a manic creative period as that weird summer of 2018, but I've been happily busy and stable at my job, and have managed to stay relatively steady with smaller writing projects and even sometimes posting them. There's things I look back and would change/do differently now in "Prelude" and "Walk" but overall I'm still quite proud of them, and I guess I figured out how to write Thancred more or less OK (at least I stopped worrying about smooshing his face with my WoL's, though many times they prefer cuddling with a book together, those nerds), and learned what works for me when I get the hankering to write longfic, as they helped me get my writing groove back.
Hard to explain a specific process 4 years later, but the timing definitely had a hand in the vague planning and definite execution of a 37k+ longfic that required in game and real world research and making up a buncha stuff that seemed semi-plausible. Lotsa notes. Lotsa throwaway scenes and dialogue bits. Stitching it together, not as much editing and revision as I do these days (hrm, maybe too much these days...), and a fic fell out while I was dealing with Life, and one of the ways I managed to get through said Life happening to me at that time.
Thank goodness for our blorbos, being there when we need 'em.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Hi babes! What about 6, 12 and 17 if you’re up for it 👀 - Liv
Liv!!!! 🤗
6.) What’s the last thing you read that made you laugh?
Hmmmm. You know. I really had to think about this one. But I'm pretty sure it was Luck of the Draw, from this year's Snarry-a-Thon! The dialogue is A+, with the trio's bickering, then...well...Snarry's bickering. 😂 But it was also a pretty feel-good read so there was probably some just happy laughing in there, too.
12.) Friends with benefits or secret dating?
My gut reaction was "secret dating" until the potential of "friends iwth benefits" occurred to me. Like..."we're just FWB" but both secretly in love and pining while they're actively fucking??? Chef's friggin' kiss on that one, dude.
So now it's hard, but I still wanna say "secret dating." It just slaps in Snarry, you know? They both know how people are gonna react when they find out, and it's so much easier to just keep this one thing to themselves, sacred. Then also trying to sort things out between them. Like, they're both confused enough and dealing with the complication of how madly in love they are, without trying to bring other people into it!!!!
Oh oh oh....the ultimate would be secret FWB to secret boyfriends. Think of all the DRAMA and ANGST!!!! 😍
17.) Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
Oh lordy. Hmm. Well I have a sequel in mind for Cruel Summer. This takes place years after the events of Cruel Summer, but with flashbacks to the immediate aftermath of Cruel Summer. Harry still obviously impacted by what he went through, also dealing with feelings for Severus, and then Sirius comes back, so just...lotsa messiness, of course, and big angst. I think that's one of the only things that hasn't gotten to the 'outline' stage yet.
The only other one won't see the light of day anytime soon, and will probably sound absolutely bonkers, but...I REALLY want to write a HP + PJO crossover. I've had that in mind for a while. Like...imagine Professor Potter, Head of Gryffindor, acting as basically a hero mentor for Percy Jackson. But like "okay no this is bad, you're a kid, but also...back when I was a boy hero..." But now I'm getting more ambitious with it and like "wouldn't it be cool if it was this massive monster crossover...." Just squishing all sorts of characters into the Wizarding World. PJO characters, His Dark Materials characters...various other medias...it's all very vague rn. But also BACKGROUND SNARRY. Mostly genfic with Harry playing mentor to students, but of course Snarry must be married. Maybe it'll be this big ole SHOCKER to Percy + pals. Idk we'll see, I have too many projects in the meantime, and that one is gonna be WORK. 😄
Fanfic asks
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esteebarnes94 · 7 days
Flora Gijinka!
I was inspired by a question from @lotsa-cats-in-a-trenchcoat asking what our OCs would be like as AC villagers. I took this in the opposite direction and made my favourite villager, Flora, as a human! This is kind of a way for me to say farewell since I want to redo my island.
This is a first draft, so it'll likely change. Also, I explain her skirt under the cut.
Don't use my art for anything, don't repost/reupload my art.
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So, her skirt is supposed to be like one of those choppy multi-layered things that all overlap each other. It's really simplified since it's just a basic ref but it'd look a little like this, kinda:
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My first digital artwork was of an ACNH villager so this is a nice moment to remember that. :] I kind of want to make an ACNH AU where I give them all personalities and hobbies (RIP the dialogue the last time I played), so maybe let me know if I should do that.
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