#lou ransone headcanons
make-me-imagine · 1 year
Headcanons: Being best friends and in a relationship with Lou
Headcanons: Being best friends and in a relationship with Lou Ransone (+ pre-relationship friendship)
Pairing: Lou Ransone x Gn!Reader
Requested By: @will-grammer
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Pre-Relationship Friendship:
Neither you or Lou really remember when or how you became friends.
You just remember always getting along since you met, and somewhere along the way you became best-friends.
No one could compete with the other, you didn't really question it, you just became each others "better-half."
You know everything about each other.
What perfumes/colognes the other wears, their favorite snacks, foods, drinks.
You have said food/drinks always stocked at your houses for each other.
You have traditions for holidays, and birthdays.
Whether it be eating out at the same spot every year, or getting each other specific gifts that only mean something to you.
So many inside jokes it drives everyone else crazy.
You are partners at work, and you make a great team.
You always eat lunch and dinner together.
And often spend long nights working on cases together.
You take turns bringing each other coffee/tea and pastries in the mornings.
Sometimes you forget whose day it is so both of you end up bringing stuff, so you end up with four drinks and way too many pastries. Lucky for others in the office.
A lot of the time, people assume you are already dating.
At first you thought it was just funny, but slowly as each of you started to develop feelings for each other, the thought would make you blush.
You accepted that it was just you and that nothing would happen between you, but surprise! He felt the same.
During Relationship:
When the two of you finally started dating, literally no one was surprised lol.
There was a betting pool going around the precinct about how long it would take.
Athena won.
Nothing really changed with your friendship, except the fact that you got more comfortable with touch, as it had a bit more meaning to it now.
When walking together, he will link his pinkie finger around yours, or take your hand in his completely.
He absentmindedly reaches or you if you stray too far away.
So you often feel his hand gently against your back or shoulder, and you naturally step closer to him.
Your offices at work are littered with pieces of each other.
He has a geode on his desk you got him for his birthday. He uses it as a paperweight.
You have an hourglass he got you for Christmas, that may or may not have been a friendly dig at you always getting distracted with work and overworking.
You also have a bunch of pens you have slowly stolen from his office. He knows they're there, but he wants to wait to see how many you accumulate before giving them back.
Most of the time, you are in each others offices, you might as well just share one at this point.
If someone goes into your office, you'll be in your chair, Lou will be sitting on the edge of your desk.
Go into Lou's office, you will either be sitting on his desk, or lounging on the couch in his office (that he added because you insisted).
Even though most people know you are in a relationship, you keep it "professional" at work. (Apart from the teasing, jokes, and occasional prank)
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @rexit-mo, @imaginesfire, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry, @onuen
911/Lou Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @merlin-dahlia, @will-grammer, @aliceinwondwonderland,
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lavoixhumaine · 1 year
i don’t know about 9-1-1 fans but my ass isn’t gonna let up on my personal headcanon where rick romero, lou ransone, elaine maynard and athena nash are best buddies where elaine is the adult, rick is the annoying big brother, lou is the eternally chill youngest and athena is stuck in the middle. they’re all varying degrees of pain in the ass for elaine but she will always have their back because they are all each other’s ride or die and screw anyone who says otherwise. and they all cook lunch for each other and share food because someone’s gotta feed lou. and rick hates it when they call him ricky but it’s only lou he’ll yell at for it because he won’t yell at elaine or athena. they all know bobby and they like him just fine as long as he keeps athena happy. if by any chance she kills him all three of them will help her hide the body and clean the crime scene afterwards because that’s what you do.
chances are, the 22’s Quad Core will be a thing in every single fanfic i ever write. athena deserves her own tribe and its these three for me. yes, i will die on this hill if i have to.
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trans-buckleyy · 12 days
For the Wee Woo Show Ask Game: 7, 18, 39, 66, 69 [choose which one(s) to answer, doesn't have to be all of them! those just were the ones that jumped at me]
Thanks for the ask!
7. Hen, she's badass as hell and even when her choices are frustrating they're just so good to watch. Her friendships with the rest of the 118 are amazing and Aisha automatically makes any scene she's in 10x better.
18. Fav rescue: The one from s1 where Buck knocks the guy off the balcony sjdjdk it's just so fun to watch and Bobby is hilarious in that scene. Close second is the one where the daughters are on a walk with their mother (I think it's in s5) and the mother falls down a hole and they have to lift her out but she doesn't make it, that one isn't fun at all but it's such a powerful scene and it's so so sad. I love it because it's just devastating to watch and you can really feel for all the characters.
39. Fav headcanon: Of the already popular ones probably adhd!buck but I also love the ones that involve Buckley-Han movie nights, Chimney 100% makes sure that Jee knows all the classics.
66. My favourite crack ships are probably s1 Buck x Bobby (which would be weird in later seasons but in s1 I think it would be pretty funny) and Athena/Bobby/Michael(/David) where Bobby has a thing with both of them because I love all combinations of their relationship/friendship. Also I saw someone talk about Lou Ransone/Taylor and I thought that was pretty funny. Honestly I could go on, I love multi shipping.
69. A Groundhog Day or time loop style episode would be fun but I also love the idea of more Oceans 911 style whodunnits.
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twistnet · 3 years
9-1-1 masterlist
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✶ = smut/sexual themes.  ᰔ = author fav.  § = read warnings.
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shared moments — a soft moment between you, bobby, and the rest of the firehouse ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
suspension — bobby’s first day back following his suspension ; and you have just the way to welcome him back
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prove it — after a mishap involving a airplane proposal, confessions are made after trying to prove that you definitely aren’t in love with your best friend
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heatwave — inclose-calls are things everyone experiences as a firefighter ; however, this is the first time ravi’s watching you experience one ꒰ § ꒱
early in the morning — a little glimpse into your morning with ravi
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detective matchmaker — athena devised a plan to get the two of you together in the same room, with the hope of one thing coming out of it
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can you stay forever? — when your ac unit blows, buck is quick to invite you to stay with him until it’s fixed -- leading to some realizations of where your relationship currently stands ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
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forever means forever — you and hen have always been there for each other through thick and thin -- and one night, athena makes a comment about your friendship, and you couldn’t agree more
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coming soon
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being romantic with their so 
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© twistnet 2017 — no permission is ever given to copy, translate or transfer any of my works to any other blog, platform, or claim as your own !!
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Headcanons: Love, Intimacy and Kissing (Lou Ransone)
Headcanons: 'Love: Ways they say or show they love you.' + 'Intimacy: How they show intimacy; physical and not.' & 'Kissing: Do they like kissing? How do they kiss, when, etc.'
Requested by: @will-grammer
Pairing: Lou Ransone x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Somewhat detailed kissing, but nothing further.
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Before Lou ever confessed how he felt about you, he would show his feelings in a variety of ways. Whether you knew what these things truly meant or not.
Bringing you tea/coffee in the mornings or during long shifts.
If he buys a pastry or snack he always gets you one too.
Driving you home when you don't have your car, to make sure you get home safely. He always walks you to your door, or waits in the car until you get inside.
Watching your favorite shows and movies, listening to your favorite music, or reading your favorite book so he can talk to you about them and bond over them.
Making sure he is always stocked up on your favorite snacks, teas/coffees, and drinks for the days you may come over to his house when you are working on a difficult case.
Staying close to you in a crowded space, keeping his hand gently wrapped around your arm, or on your back as you move through crowds.
He continued to do most of the things listed above once you were finally in a relationship. But, he found other ways as well.
Keeping spare toothbrushes, soaps, conditioners, etc, that he knows you like so you can use them when you stay over at his place.
Making you breakfast or dinner, often surprising you with them.
Gently holding your head, before pressing a kiss to your lips, cheek or forehead.
Lou is not afraid of saying the phrase 'I love you', but other phrases he uses that hold the same feeling are: 'I'll be here if you need me', 'Don't be long', 'I already miss you'
Gently brushing his fingers over your arms, legs, thighs, and stomach, as you lay together at night.
Running you a bath after a long day, or if you get hurt.
Taking care of you when you are sick or injured. You never have to ask him to do this, he is already prepared and willing.
Intimacy (Physical and Non)
Physically, Lou does not shy away from intimacy.
If you could always be in his arms, he could be content.
He loves to kiss you (but we'll get to that).
He likes holding you to his chest to comfort with you or him.
Lou does not partake in PDA for the most part. But an arm stretched across your shoulders or around your waist is a given.
And he will hold hands, and give you the occasional quick kiss on the cheek and sometimes lips. But most of his physical intimacy is reserved for behind doors.
Emotional intimacy is important to Lou. He knows communication ad openness is important to a relationship.
He will always keep you informed about how he is feelings, and he is always open and ready to hear you.
Lou is not afraid to cry in front of you, knowing that he can be his most vulnerable.
He never judges or represses your own feelings, and is always there to help you embrace or heal from them.
Part of your bond is formed through work.
You work together and see the same things, you go through trauma and good days together, and this brings you closer than ever.
To quote one of my favorite Jane Austen novels: “There could have never been two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved."
Yes Lou does enjoy kissing, but as previously mentioned, not often in a public setting.
He loves slow kisses, he wants to make it last. Often until you are both breathless.
He often kisses you while both of his hands are cupping your face as your head is tilted back.
This often leads to him trailing kisses down your cheek and neck, and then to your shoulder.
Lou is so fond of kissing other parts of your body as well.
Kisses on the back of your hand, wrist, your cheek, temple, behind your ear, your neck, etc.
Kisses to your stomach and thighs if they are exposed when you are lying in bed.
Lou adores when you initiate kisses.
You are probably shorter than him. So if you grab him by his collar and pull him down into a kiss, it is hard for him to repress a grin.
He finds it adorable if you step up onto something to be his height or taller to kiss him.
This can lead to him grabbing you and setting you on the counter, as he stands between your legs to continue kissing you.
If you are a giggler when it comes to kissing (super ticklish), he will take advantage of this, I can guarantee it.
Lazy kisses in bed as you drift to sleep. Or soft kisses in the morning to wake you up.
Since you are co-workers who are also in a relationship, he has to resist the urge to kiss you at work.
Sometimes he can't help it, and will get you alone in a hallway or his office with the blinds shut and kiss you.
Always saying he can't resist. Or not being able to kiss you could be classified as a form of torture.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
911/Lou Ransone Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @will-grammer
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Headcanons: Jealousy (Lou Ransone)
Headcanons: How Lou Ransone acts when he is jealous
Pairing: Lou Ransone x Gn!Reader
Requested By: @will-grammer
Warnings: Mentions of jealousy obviously, and a few suggestive headcanons
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Before you and Lou were dating, he could keep his feelings under wraps, until it came to others showing interest in you.
He could never help the jealousy that would bubble up when others showed interest in you, and God forbid you showed an interest in someone else
When he spots someone flirting with you, he feels his chest tighten and his jaw clench.
He watches closely to make sure they don't make any unwanted advances.
He also also watches with a mild fear that you might flirt back, or show interest in return.
Lou gets a bit short tempered with others when you are partnered or working with someone who clearly has an interest in you.
If he notices a moment of opportunity, he will insert himself into the situation, hoping to make the other person back off. Or at least stop their advances momentarily.
He is a bit intimidating so it usually works.
Lou is also very good at silently and subtly telling people to back off with a single look, or a certain tone in his voice.
Sometimes, when the two of you are alone, he often tries to subtly being that person up, to see if you are interested in them.
He is always very relieved when you seem to have no interest in them, and it makes him even more hopeful.
You aren't blind, so you start to pick up on all of this. The way his demeanor seems to change when others flirt or show interest.
The way he always seems to appear at the perfect moment to interrupt someone before they ask you out.
This ends up being the reason you realize he might share the feelings you've been hiding yourself.
Established Relationship:
Not much changes with Lou's jealousy when you two are in a relationship, except when someone who knows you two are together starts to flirt with you.
This makes him angry, and is insulting in its own right.
There is no mistrust between the two of you, but he gets annoyed at those who flirt with you, because it is usually a challenge to Lou himself.
He is quite good with petty and sarcastic comments, and often knows right where to hit those who flirt with you on purpose, just enough to make them regret it.
Something you began to notice during your relationship with Lou, is that when he gets jealous. Whether it be when strangers show interest, or you are under cover and have to flirt back. It seems to...fluster, Lou in a particular way.
He is not possessive in a domineering way, he would never treat you like you belong to him.
But when he gets frustrated with others acting like you would even think of being with them instead, it seem to awaken something in him.
So sometimes, sometimes, when you are undercover, flirting with a suspect or mark, you might make specific comments that would make Lou a bit hot under the collar.
He knows you are doing it on purpose, and he knows why. And he would be lying if he said he did not like it at least a bit.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry, @rexit-mo
911/Lou Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @will-grammer
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to ask you two questions before asking something else just to make sure :) are your requests open? And if so would you be up for a request for Lou Ransone from 911?
Hi! Thank you for asking first!
Though I do love writing for Lou, my requests are in fact closed at the moment.
I always say what is and is not open in the bio of my blog, so you can always check there if you are uncertain.
I will be opening Headcanons at some point soon though, so if you keep an eye out for that you can request something then :)
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Headcanons: Lou Ransone falling in love with someone younger
Request: Lou Ransone Headcanons when falling in love with someone younger? Requested By: @imaginefandoms
Pairing: Lou Ransone x GN!Reader
Notes: Reader is suggested to be in their mid-late 20's, Lou Ransone/Sasha Roiz is in his late 40's. I do not approve of -18's + this age gap.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire 9-1-1 Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms
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He was a bit surprised when he found himself falling for you, but it wasn't necessarily because of the age difference, he didn't think much of that.
Lou just didn't expect to fall in love at all really.
But with you he was happier than he had ever been.
He didn't think much of the age gap at first until someone pointed it out.
"A bit young for you aren't they?"
A joke from his colleague, but it stuck in Lou's head.
It wasn't that big of an age difference was it?
You were in your twenties, an adult, and it's not like he was in his sixties or anything.
The age difference had no real effect on you though, which definitley helped him think less of it.
You preferred his maturity over some of the more childish or f*ck boys closer to your age.
He did become a bit more insecure about it when he saw people your age hitting on you.
It might be better if you were with someone closer to your age.
But you'd shut that down fast.
"I don't want to be with anyone else." "I'm happy with you." "I don't care that you are older than me." "We're both fully grown adults." "Does it really bother you that much?"
Athena would talk to him about it too, when she could see that insecurity rising.
"What is the point in worrying about it when it doesn't matter? Y/n loves you, you love Y/n, who cares what some jealous jackass has to think about it?"
Finally, he decided to get over it.
You were with him, he was older. That was that.
All that mattered was that he loved you, and that you were happy together.
Damn the people who cared, it has nothing to do with them.
As long as he woke up with you in his arms, happy that you were there, that was all that mattered.
Occasionally a comment is made by someone, and it lingers in the back of his head.
But when you smile at him, kiss him, or tell him that you love him, he forgets about it entirely.
Sorry it's a bit short, I couldn't think of much :/
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Status: CLOSED
Alright, requests for all of my fandoms are open. Send some in while you can, they will not be open long!
Writing Prompt List #1 *210 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; & Scenario Prompts)
Writing Prompt List #2 *200 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; and Scenario Prompts)
Sensory Prompts #1 *125 prompts (nature ambiance; fluff/relationship; angst/sad; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Sensory Prompts #2 *around 130 prompts (nature/outside ambiance; relationship/fluff; angst; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Rules Page *Basic Rules: - I only write 'x reader' inserts; no ships or oc inserts - GN!Reader only - I do not write specific body types, or for other specific physical characteristics, since I try to keep my inserts as neutral as possible - No nsfw; no pregnancy/children, no readers/character fics below 18
You can request for fics/oneshots or headcanons.
You can send in your own plot, and/or 1-3 prompts. Feel free to mix and match from the prompt lists!
Full Fandoms List Below Cut:
9-1-1 (FOX show)
Evan “Buck” Buckley Eddie Diaz Det. Lou Ransone Howard “Chimney” Han
The Boys:
Serge “Frenchie” Hughie Campbell Billy Butcher
Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Simon Basset Colin Bridgerton *maybe others? 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike Angel
Criminal Minds  (I have only watched seasons 1-11)
Spencer Reid Aaron Hotchner Derek Morgan
Doctor Who
Ten Eleven Twelve
Sherlock Holmes *I have not watched the whole series so I wont write much for in-show plot points
Malcolm Reynolds Simon Tam
Lark Rise to Candleford
Daniel Parish Fisher Bloom Sir Timothy Midwinter Alf Arless Mr Rushton
Eliot Spencer Quinn Alec Hardison
Magnificent Seven Tv Series (1998-2000)
Chris Larabee Ezra Standish Vin Tanner Buck Wilmington
The Mandalorian + TBoBF
Din Djarin Cobb Vanth Boba Fett (prefer platonic)
M*A*S*H (Tv Series)
Hawkeye Pierce BJ Hunnicutt Trapper John
Merlin (BBC)
Merlin Arthur Gwaine Percival Lancelot
Moon Knight
Steven Grant Marc Spector Arthur Harrow
Person of Interest
John Reese Others; platonically is preferred
Prodigal Son 
Malcolm Bright Gil Arroyo 
Shadow and Bone:
Kaz Brekker Matthias Mal Alexander/Kirigan ?
*I have read the Grishaverse books, so I am willing to write around that plot. But the characters will be in character for the show, and the characters will be written as 20+ as their ages are not stated in the show but it feels as though they are aged up in the depiction. 
Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock Holmes Greg Lestrade Jim Moriarty
Star Trek: Discovery
Christopher Pike Gabriel Lorca (willing to write for an alternate ‘Prime’ version of Lorca) Sarek Spock **I’m in the process of watching Disco and am currently on Season 3. I will be watching Strange New Worlds when I can. **please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
Star Trek: Enterprise 
Captain Archer Trip Tucker Malcolm Reed 
Star Trek: Voyager 
Chakotay Tom Paris
Stargate Sg-1
Jack O’Niell Daniel Jackson Jonas Quinn Cameron Mitchell 
Stargate Atlantis
John Sheppard Carson Becket Ronon Dex
Supernatural  *Have only watched seasons 1-9
Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Castiel Gabriel Gadreel Balthazar Crowley Lucifer Caine
Teen Wolf 
Derek Hale Peter Hale
Vampire Diaries & The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson Klaus Mikaelson Damon Salvatore Kol Mikaelson Lorenzo “Enzo” St John Finn Mikaelson
**Never watched The Originals’, so I only know the Mikaelsons from TVD.
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- - - - - Franchises/Movies - - - - - 
Original Avengers:
Tony Stark  Steve Rogers Thor Bruce Banner Clint Barton Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson Helmut Zemo Loki Heimdall Vision Scott Lang Peter Parker (Garfield and/or Hollands; aged up) Dr. Stephen Strange T’Challa Agent Ross Shang-Chi Peter Quill
*** Feel free to ask about other MCU characters; I will write for most (depending on if I like the request as well) ***
Original Timeline Movies:  Logan/Wolverine Scott Summers Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” Viktor Creed “Sabertooth”
First Class Timeline: Charles Xavier Eric Lehnsherr Hank McCoy Alex Summers Azazel Peter Maximoff “Quicksilver” Warren Worthington III “Angel”
**Many of the younger characters ages are not obvious in the First Class movies, so everyone will be written/suggested as 20+
The Eternals
Druig Ikaris Kingo
Venom (1 & 2)
Eddie Brock
Deadpool (1 & 2)
Wade/Deadpool  Ajax/Francis Cable Domino
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Star Wars Universe
Episodes I-III
Anakin Skywalker Obi Wan Kenobi
Episodes IV-VI
Luke Skywalker Han Solo
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Han Solo Lando Calrissian Dryden Vos
Episodes VII-IX
Finn Poe Dameron Ben Solo/Kylo
- - -
The Hobbit/Lotr
Thranduil Thorin Kili Fili Bard Legolas Aragorn Eomer Faramir Elrond
- - -
Fantastic Beasts:  ((JK Rowling is a bigot and anything I write regarding the wizarding world is of my own imagination and a continuation of a world I want untainted by her bigotry)) 
Newt Scamander, Percival Graves *So far I have only seen the first movie
**I will possibly write for characters from Harry Potter or Marauders, such as the Weasley twins, Malfoy, Cedric, Remus, Sirius, etc. But if I do, it will be after they leave Hogwarts and are 18+.
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Star Trek AOS
Cpt. Jim Kirk Dr. Leonard McCoy Spock Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Pavel Chekov Hikaru Sulu Khan *please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
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The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis Maybe: Sodapop Curtis Dallas Winston ^^Aged Up
- - -
Pirates of the Caribbean (1-4)
Captain Jack Sparrow Will Turner James Norrington Elizabeth Swann/Turner
- - - 
Magnificent Seven (2016) 
Joshua Faraday Billy Rocks Goodnight Robicheaux Vasquez Red Harvest
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Maleficent I & II
Conall, Borra, Diaval, Maleficent
- - -
The Man from U.N.C.L.E 
Napoleon Solo Illya Kuryakin
- - -
Kingsman: The Secret Service and The Golden Circle
Eggsy Unwin Hamish Mycroft “Merlin” Jack Daniels “Whiskey”
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Jane Austen/Period Movies: 
Pride and Prejudice (1995 & 2005) Characters: Mr. Darcy and Mr Bingley (other characters if requested)
Mansfield Park (1999 & 2007) Character: Edmund Bertram
Sense and Sensibility (1995/2008) Character: Edward Ferrars 
Emma (2009 & 2020) Character: Mr. Knightley
Persuasion (2007) Character: Captain Wentworth
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Outside Characters: 
Actors who have multiple characters outside of the listed fandoms that I am willing to write for!
Charlie Hunnam:
Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) Raymond Smith (The Gentlemen) William “Ironhead” Miller (Triple Frontier) **Will also write for Ben Miller
Oscar Isaac: 
Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
9-1-1 Masterlist
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*I might write for 9-1-1 Lonestar eventually; but I'm not positive.
Link to my Main Masterlist
If you notice any incorrect or missing links, please let me know!
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Incorrect Quotes *(textposts; multi-character; humor)
Part One
Part Two
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Scenario Game *male and female characters + Lone Star
Valentines Scenario Game *male and female characters + Lone Star
Christmas Scenario Game *male and female characters + Lone Star
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Evan "Buck" Buckley
'Taking care of each over when you're hurt' (whump/comfort)
A-Z Relationship Headcanons (cute/fluff)
'Rescue' (action/angst/fluff)
'Promise Me (angst/whump/comfort)
'Never Again' (halloween/humor)
'A Traditional Confession' (secret santa; romantic/fluff)
'Strength and Pain' (angst/hurt/comfort)
'My Future'; (romantic/fluff/Valentines Day)
'Safe and Sound' (bit of angst/fluff)
'Worst Fear' (angst/bit of fluff)
''Tis the Season' (cute/fluff/halloween)
Ship Drabble: 'Falling Asleep' (cute/fluff)
Moodboards/Camera Rolls:
Evan Buckley + Sunshine mood board
Camera Roll while dating Evan Buckley
Wedding Day Camera Roll
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Eddie Diaz
'Don’t Leave' (angst/fluff)
'Trick-Or-Date' (fluff/cute)
Rest (light whump/comfort/fluff)
'Flowers and Floss' (cute/fluff)
'Ghost Hunting' (fun/118 squad/halloween)
Camera Rolls/Mood Boards:
Camera Roll: Summer Picnic with Eddie
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Lou Ransone
Lou falling in love with someone younger
Love, Intimacy and Kissing
Being best-friends and in a relationship
Say It (pining/confession/fluff)
Mistletoe Distraction (fluff/romantic)
'Valentines Day Morning' (domestic fluff/Valentines Day/drabble)
'Corn Maze' (spooky/gen/fun/Halloween)
Camera Rolls/Mood Boards:
'Lou Ransone x Comfort' (mood board)
Camera Roll: Partner & best-friend
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