#louis de pointe du lac fucking sends me
hekateinhell · 2 years
☕ MOB WIFE LOUIS s'il te plait 🤧
Okay look, I'm well-aware of the differences and similarities between Armand and Lestat, but I think it's fucking hilarious the position that Louis finds him in with each of them by the end of canon (and I don't just mean in the filthy way). Like, Louis is essentially an emotional support animal to both of them. This is why he ends up in France with Lestat, and this is why Armand then gravitates to him like a moth to a flame whenever he's there.
But make no mistake, Louis de Pointe du Lac is a mob wife in every sense of the word. He's a black lab married to two rottweilers. Sidenote: I know Lestat is generally seen as a golden retriever, but I like to think Armand dragged him by the hair once Louis was back safe and sound; put the fear of Satan back into him if he didn't step up and start being preemptively protective.
On one hand there's Armand, who has absolutely worked for the reputation he has among other vampires, and he counts on that rep to protect his family. He's not going to run the gamble the way Marius did in Venice. Armand knows loss and he's not risking Louis or the kids.
And there's Lestat, the literal ruler of their kind. WHO HAS A REPUTATION LIKE LESTAT. Lestat needs no explanation. I definitely think post-canon Lestat would be more on guard, and Armand can give him pointers on conveying an image of ✨don't fuck with me and mine✨ because Armand's not leaving Auvergne even for a night until he knows he can finally trust Lestat with Louis. 😤
So there's both these guys, who would and have killed for Louis. 🥹 And Louis is just... he's doing his thing in the library while his husbands are out there doing their dirty business, being scary. He's watering the monsteras, playing with the kitten, sorting through his wardrobe (the Slut Shirt from Armand; all the gifts from Lestat; more stuff from Armand... Louis is their Ken doll, it's fine).
It's not a "don't ask me about my business, Louis!" situation. It's more like "I don't want to know your business, neither of you." And he really, really doesn't. And 80% of the time they're just doing the vampire equivalent of puffing themselves up and preening around, but it makes them feel like they're doing their duty to the family (and it gives Louis a chance to get a break and hear his own thoughts for once), so it's a win-win.
In conclusion:
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slothxio · 2 months
It’s officially been a week since I finished iwtv s2 and the parallels between it and Hannibal are still driving me insane, the way Will and Louis both use a daughter figure to try and cling to their humanity?? I’m permanently ill!
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allegra-writes · 1 year
"Various Storms and Saints" Part I
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Original gif by @hapireads
Lestat De Lioncourt x Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Human Au; Bank robber!Lestat
Warnings: Knife play, hand jobs, rough sex, over stimulation, non-con elements, non-consensual drug use (unrelated to the sex).
Disclaimer: I don't own any recognizable character, and for legal reasons I won't be accepting tips for this story or any story set in Anne Rice's Immortal Universe. Thank you!
The scream died in Louis' throat even before the hand came up against his mouth to drown it, the crisp, expensive smell of his French perfume giving away the identity of the intruder inside the darkened apartment even before he spoke.
"Hush, mon chere" Lestat De Lioncourt breathed hot against Louis' ear, "it's just me…"
"Yeah, that is exactly why I should scream" Louis countered, yet his voice was barely above a whisper. Yet he did nothing to step away from his embrace, even as his knife left his neck to toy with the buttons of his black shirt. 
The arm around Louis' waist tightened, pressing him against Lestat’s front, so he could clearly feel his need, hard as nails, against his lower back. Louis clenched his jaw, bracing against the shiver that was threatening to give him away.
"Ah, but I promise you, mon coeur" he cooed, puncturing his words with a long, filthy lick along the side of Louis' long neck, "before this is over, I will make you scream"
This time, there was no disguising the wanton sound that escaped the brunet's throat, right before Lestat dug his fingertips into his jaw, forcing Louis' head back to crush his mouth to his in a bruising kiss, all teeth and tongue and hunger. Lestat bit down hard on his prisoner's lower lip when he failed to kiss back fast enough.
"Don't be a brat" He warned Louis as he shook his head, trying to clear it, to break out of the blond criminal's spell.
"You shouldn't be here, Lestat" He breathed out, praying the words would come out steadier than he felt, "The police sent another alert for you. They think you killed that bank employee, Miss Brown" 
He felt Lestat stiffen at his back, felt the tip of his knife poke at the soft flesh where the shoulder meets the neck. 
"And you want to know if it's true?" He spat, "Is that what you're asking?" 
His blade snapped the buttons holding Louis' shirt closed, the hand around his waist traveling up to feel up Louis’ newly exposed skin.
"They're right. I did it." He rasped, flickering a nipple, sending sparks of electricity straight down Louis' spine, "She told me I had to let you go, so I pushed her out of the window"
His tone was sardonic, and Louis couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or telling the truth. What was worse, Louis realized he didn't care. Lestat was a murderer and a traitor. He was a sociopath without the smallest sliver of remorse. He was a ticking time bomb. Louis should have been fighting him, should have been pushing him away, and running for his life.
Should’ve been screaming for help
Instead, he leaned back into his monster, into this wanted terrorist, let him rut against him, let him bury his nose in his neck, relishing in the erratic little puffs of air caressing his nape. 
"I can't do that" he confessed, brokenly, between pants, "I can't stay away from you, I can't let you go…"
Louis could feel the truth in his words. It was something he had wondered about, what with Molloy and Rosh and the fucking FBI hot in his heels, why did Lestat keep coming back to him. Well, now he knew: Lestat was just as doomed as him, had sealed both their fates the night he had chosen to fuck Louis instead of killing him. The night he had singled him out from all of the hostages at the bank, and barked at him in a perfect, fake Australian accent, to get up and come with him.  
The scrap of teeth against his skin brought him back to the present, to Lestat's calloused fingers trailing down his stomach, slipping into his dress pants. He closed his hand around Lestat’s wrist in an attempt to halt his hand that felt half-hearted even to him. Lestat simply kicked his knees open, leg between Louis’ to make more room for his hand as he grabbed his cock.
"Is this the secret you were trying to keep from me?" Lestat's smirk was audible in his voice, as his hand began a lazy milking motion "How hard I make you?"
The flat of Lestat’s knife pressed against Louis’ nipple, a warning, making him gasp.
"Don't ever try to hide from me again" He commanded, "understood?"
Silence was his only answer as Louis remained stubbornly quiet. Lestat sighed,
“Louis, Louis… être un bon garçon” He coaxed, changing strategies, taking his hand out of Louis’ pants, pretending he did not notice the disappointed noise he couldn’t quite conceal. Pressing his pointer and index finger softly to his prisoner’s plump lower lip, Lestat said, “Suck”
There was a second of hesitation before Louis obeyed, the feeble veneer of resistance he had been putting up crumbling completely as he eagerly savored the digits, hungry for the taste of Lestat’s skin. 
“There’s my boy” Louis could hear the smile in Lestat’s smug voice, tried to be annoyed by it but found he couldn’t. Not when Lestat was undoing his pants, tugging them and his underwear out of the way as he took his fingers out of Louis’ mouth to bring them down, down and back, palm squeezing at one of Louis’ buttocks before the feeling of wet and cold right against the taut ring of muscle of his rim sent a shiver up and down his half-naked body. Lestat teased at it, circling it with his fingertips, pressing at the sensitive flesh of Louis’ entrance, but never going in, never remaining in the same place enough to bring Louis anything more than the most transpicuous, yet promising, shadow of pleasure. 
“Now… shall we try again?” Lestat finally pushed in, making Louis cry out. Pleased at the reaction, he sunk it in deeper, massaging Louis’ sensitive walls on his way in and out again, until he sagged bonelessly into his arms. “That’s it, mon chere, just like that. Do you have any idea how beautiful you look when you surrender to me?”
He chuckled at Louis’ whine, perfectly aware that, as talented as his fingers were, one alone was not enough to bring him the satisfaction he craved. But that was not his goal tonight. No, tonight, Lestat was out for blood.
"What is it, baby?" He purred, "Do you need something?" 
"More" Loouis breathed out, "need more" 
He didn’t even think of struggling as Lestat adjusted his grip, blade tucked in flat between his chest and Lestat’s wrist, forearm like a vice across Louis’ torso.
“Fuck yourself on my fingers" the taller man commanded, slipping another digit inside, "and beg"
Bastard, Luis thought, resentfully. Lestat loved pushing his buttons, obliterating his patience, pride, and dignity. 
It was liberating. 
He started moving his hips, almost losing his balance as the arm supporting him abandoned his chest and Lestat tilted forward to get a clearer view of Louis’ ass, of his small, increasingly desperate thrusts, of his long pale fingers disappearing time and time again inside Louis’ delicious hole.
It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen, and he had seen plenty of obscene things in his life. None of them could compare to his beautiful, perfect Louis. 
And Louis, on his part, didn't need to open his eyes to know Lestat was watching attentively, he could feel his ice-blue gaze burn him like a brand. He always watched, with such a wonder in his eyes, a hunger that made it hard to feel self-conscious, the ever-present voice of insecurity at the back of Louis's head, so used to mistrustful or downright scared looks on the street simply because of his height and skin color, instantly silenced by the naked desire in his gaze. Try as he might, he could not deny he had never felt more seen and more wanted in his life, than when he was with Lestat. 
And his praising certainly didn't hurt.
"Fuck, so fucking gorgeous, you precious thing… ridding my fingers so pretty…"
"Lestat… please…"
"There he is" He muttered, almost to himself, rewarding Louis by twisting his fingers just right so he could graze at his prostate just right with every stroke, "You beg so nicely, baby boy…" 
Oh, it was bad, the way he shivered whenever Lestat called him his. It shouldn't affect him the way it did, Louis shouldn't want it… but he did. And he couldn't hide it from him, his body was a traitor, its reactions impossible to contain.
If Luis had only known the trouble that would get him, he would have tried harder to conceal them. 
But Lestat could read his body like a magazine, knew the exact moment when to withdraw his fingers, just a second before he started clenching on them, the precise instant before Louis came, too early for him to tumble over the edge but too late for him to be able to come down. 
He knew just how to leave him aching for it.
"I love seeing you like this, mon chere, completely at my mercy. You'd take anything I'd give you, do anything I'd say right now, wouldn't you?" 
Louis gulped. He shouldn't. He shouldn't.
He felt Lestat’s quiet laugh against his nape.
"Oh yeah," he decided, "you would…"
The room spun and the floor was swept from under Louis's feet, in two movements, Lestat had him sprawled on the couch, head on the pillows, legs dangling from the armrest. It wasn't the most comfortable of positions but Louis had no time to complain as Lesta made quick work of the remaining of Louis’ clothes, his sharp blade ripping easily through the fabric.
"I always dreamed about ripping your clothes off you, back at the bank. All those hours locked together, it was all I could think about" He mustered, soft voice at odds with the almost feral look in his eyes. The sane part of Louis’  brain screamed danger. And it had little to do with the fact that the man hovering above him, caressing his skin with a hunting knife, was a killer. It went well beyond that. This was a different kind of danger, the slope of his cheekbones a different type of treacherous, the taste of his kiss a hazard to his heart, the weight of his body on his a threat to his sanity. 
Lestat was wild and unpredictable and entirely too beautiful, the perfect predator, one Louis didn't even want to escape. He was powerless, the mesmerized hare in the maw of the wolfhound. 
And he was ready to be eaten alive.
"I wanna do something now, chere, something you will like" He hurried to add at Louis’ alarmed expression: It wasn't like Lestat to give warnings, "but I need you to stay very very still, can you do that for me?" 
"I… Lestat, what-"
"Wrong answer, baby" He produced something from his back pocket, Louis’ pleasure-ridden mind too slow to process what he was doing until the plastic zip tie was securing his wrists. 
"No rope today?" Louis raised an eyebrow. Lestat smiled all teeth.
"No, not today. Not for this" He kissed Louis then, stealing his breath and halting his thought process, not letting him go until he felt Louis melt into him again, pliant and docile just like he wanted it.
"Now, mon beau, if you bring your hands down" He warned, pointing at where Louis’ hands were laying on the pillow above his head, "if you buck your hips, or try to close your legs, I will tie your ankles too, understood?" Lestat waited until Louis nodded his understanding, blandishing his knife in front of Louis’ face. His blade gleamed as he parted Louis’ knees and folded them back against his chest. Settling between Louis’ legs, he rained chaste, butterfly kisses on his inner thighs, fingertips opening him up further. Louis felt the cold dripping of lube on his rim, and Lestat’s warm fingers spreading it outside and inside too, making sure his inner walls were coated with it. There was so much of it, Louis could smell the scent of its cherry flavor. 
"Fuck, look at you, Louinounet, you're soaking wet" Lestat all but buried his face between Louis’ butt cheeks, placing a teasing kitten lick along his crack, and then blowing cool air on it. Louis had to fight the urge to tilt his hips up in demand. Lestat was a cruel man, establishing ridiculous rules and then pushing him any way he could into breaking them. 
One of Lestat’s long, dexterous digits started a slow massage to his entrance, deliberate and thorough, relaxing the thigh muscles but not going in.
"Feeling empty, mon chaton?" He mocked, "This pretty hole needs to be filled?" 
"Yes, please" Louis begged too far gone to be ashamed.
"Well, you only needed to ask…" 
Louis was startled at the unfamiliar feeling of something cold and hard against his rim. 
"Shhhhh" Lestat soothed, eyes never leaving the place where he was sinking the handle of his knife inside Louis's tight heat, "stay very still…" 
Louis bit his lip, trying to relax further into the couch, letting his legs fall open a little wider for Lestat. 
"That's it… such a good boy…" He pushed the handle an inch deeper, a moan escaping Louis’ throat. It felt… soft. Harder and coarser than his secret silicone vibrator, but not unpleasantly so. 
Oh, no, it was very much pleasant, he decided, as Lestat started rocking it in and out, burying it a little deeper with every movement, the ridges in the handle stroking his insides.
"Should I make you come like this?" He inquired, never stopping the careful strokes, "Think you can hold still as I make you come on my knife?" 
Louis shook your head no, he was having trouble remaining immobile as it was, desperate with the need to move and twist and convulse as he angled the handle to grace that perfect, sweet spot no one else had ever been able to find, yet Lestat had seemed to master from the very beginning. 
"No? Need a little help for that?" Lestat’s free hand wrapped once again around Louis's cock, purple and angry and leaking, begging for attention. It was too much, the double assault of the handle of Lestat’s knife penetrating him and his hand jerking him off was a lethal combination, and Louis came with a shout.
"That's it… come for me"
Louis’ orgasm was still crashing over him when he heard the metallic clank of the Ka-Bar being tossed away and felt Lestat sink into him to the hilt in one hard, unforgiving movement. He didn't give Louis time to adjust or come down from his high before he started thrusting hard and fast, loving the resistance he felt from Louis’ body. 
"Merde! So tight, clenching around my cock…"
"Les- Lestat…" Louis cried, but Lestat didn't relent, instead covering Louis with his body, trapping him as his hips kept snapping against Louis’ punishingly, bare skin against bare skin, and when had he taken out his t-shirt?
"No, baby, there's no escape" He spoke against Louis’ throat, punctuating his words with a harsh bite, "You're gonna take it… you're gonna take it all" 
Louis nodded, even as tears started to leak from his eyes, even as he struggled feebly against Lestat because the truth was he loved it. He love the pressure against his wrists, holding him in place, the bruise of Lestat’s sharp hipbones hitting his inner thighs, he loved the overstimulation as the blond demon extracted every last drop of pleasured pain from his body.  
Lesta sneaked a hand between their bodies, right under Louis’ navel.
"Fuck, baby boy" He moaned, "I can feel my cock moving inside you…" 
Somewhere in the part of Louis’ brain that was still somewhat capable of thought, he found he was not shocked. He could feel it too, overstretched, like Lestat was breaking him in half. 
"Taking me so good, my Louis… you were born for this, born to take my cock so deep" 
Louis trashed at his words, feeling another peak starting to build, high, so high he was terrified of the fall. 
Because he knew it would shatter him. 
Lestat’s hand crept lower, wrapping, unmerciful, at Louis’ over-sensitized cock. 
His hips bucked of their own accord, trying to dislodge Lestat, leg instinctively trying to kick him off. Lestat's other hand left his tied hands to press against his throat, warningly. 
"You're gonna come for me again, chere. Whether you like it or not." 
Louis liked it. Heavens help him, how he liked it. 
"And then, when your shaking and screaming my name, screaming for mercy…" His thrusts were speeding up, becoming erratic, his ferric control finally breaking, "I'm going to come inside you… fill you up with my come… until you're dripping with it. Do you know why, mon chere?"
Louis hoped it was a rhetorical question, he was far too delirious, too cock drunk to form words. Lestat licked into his open, slack mouth,
"Because you're mine" 
Something inside Louis cracked, the pressure too much for the fault line as he felt it snap, the earthquake shaking him to the very bones. Lestat cursed in French, hips ramming into him once, twice, three times before he buried his cock inside Louis as far as it would go, grunting as he spent himself inside him just as he had promised. 
Louis must have blacked out for a minute, because when he came back into, Lestat was on him again, holding Louis’ trembling legs over his shoulders, licking Louis clean, each swipe of his tongue sending aftershocks through his ravaged, aching body. 
"Lestat, please," Louis’ voice was wrecked, and he realized he probably had been screaming without noticing, "no more" 
For a second, he was afraid Lestat wasn't going to listen, but then he showed mercy, crawling up Louis’ body, even as two of his fingers sunk into him, collecting his own juices, making the ravished man whimper. 
"Open up, beautiful" He commanded, tracing Louis's bottom lip with his fingertips. He obeyed, letting Lestat sink his digits inside his mouth, wiping them clean with his tongue, "See how delicious we taste?" 
Louis hummed his reply, unable to do much more. Lestat seemed pleased enough with it anyway, if the way he gathered him in his arms, cradling him into his chest was anything to go by. They remained like that for a bit, catching their breaths, letting heartbeats return to normal, until Lestat sighed, depositing Louis back on the pillows of his couch as he disappeared inside the apartment, Louis’ eyes gazing appreciatively at the way his back muscles shifted and rippled as he walked. 
Sitting up, he rolled his shoulders, trying to get rid of the stiffness of having his hands stretched above his head for so long. There was a forgotten water bottle on the coffee table that Louis managed to uncap with some effort to take a few gulps as Lestat returned holding a wet towel and what Louis expected to be his bathrobe but frowned as he realized it was a small pile of clothes. 
He offered his tied hands to Lestat so he could cut the zip, but the blond ignored him, focusing instead on cleaning him up with soft, careful touches. 
"What's that for?" the brunet asked, gesturing at the clothes, breaking the silence and the tension that seemed to had fallen between them. There was a shift in Lestat, a squaring of his shoulders, a change in demeanor.
Some door shut behind his eyes.
"You were right" He declared, kneeling in front of Louis, cold grey eyes staring into warm brown, "I can't keep doing this, sooner or later someone, probably the police, is going to notice…"
And unleash hell on both their heads. Louis knew this, knew whatever… this was with Lestat had to come to an end at some point. 
That didn't mean it didn't hurt to hear it.
"I have a way out of the country, of course" He went on, “a fat bank account offshore, a nice beach house, the works. Everything is ready…" 
"Then why didn't you leave?" Louis prodded
It was reaching, pathetically grasping at straws, he was aware of that. But he had to know, if Lestat felt anything about him, whatever that might be, he needed to hear him say it. He had ruined himself, time and time again, slept with a criminal, with the man that had torn his and twenty other people’s lives apart. If this was the last time Louis saw him, he needed him to say it. 
"Because I wanted to win" He replied, simply, "I want it all. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I want it all: I want the money and I want the boy" 
Louis stared, taken aback. That certainly wasn't the answer he was expecting.
"What do you mean, Lestat?" Louis held his breath, having a feeling he already knew.
"I want you to come with me, Louis De Pointe Du Lac" 
He wanted to. 
He wanted to laugh in relief, he wanted to cry, he wanted to crush his lips to Lestat’s, cause this was so much more than he had ever dared to hope. He wanted to say yes, let Lestat sweep him off his feet, and run away with him into the sunset. He wanted to.
He couldn't. 
Louis thought of Grace, penniless and pregnant with twins. He thought of Paul, locked up inside that gloomy, depressive building, waiting for his daily visits, their supervised walks the only time he was allowed outside. He thought of Lily, his devoted girlfriend, always welcoming him with a kind word and an open ear and a warm meal at the end of his eternal shifts.
He started shaking his head,
"I can't, Lestat. Grace and Paul… they're my siblings, the only family I have left. I am the only family they have left. I can't do that to them" He knew better by then than mentioning Lily, "I won't do that to them"
Lestat's hand came up to cup his face, fingertips brushing his jaw. Foolishly, Louis leaned into his touch.
"Louis, my love…" His grip turned iron-like, forcing Louis’ head in place, "I wasn't asking" He sneered, his other hand, the one he had kept carefully out of sight without Louis even noticing, coming up, striking his neck, quick as a rattlesnake. Louis felt the sting of the needle, understanding downing on him way too late.
Lestat's manic grin was the last thing Louis saw before the world faded to black. 
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
Siren Song
A Loustat fic for @chamblerstara's smutty dialogue prompt “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
My premise started as "What if Louis could sing like Jacob Anderson and it made Lestat lose his fucking mind?" and this is what I ended up with lol, hope you enjoy!
Also on AO3!
The first time Lestat heard Louis sing, he nearly fell to his knees and deeper in love than even his romantic heart had thought possible.
Lestat had just gotten home after a kill when he heard it—one of the most arresting voices that had ever graced his ears, coming from behind their closed bathroom door of all places. He was up the stairs in a flash and opened the door in a daze, his heart soaring as his eyes confirmed what he already knew—that the man with the heavenly voice singing in the shower was indeed Louis de Pointe du Lac, the love of his unnatural life.
A heady cavalcade of emotions washed over him. Surprise. Hurt. Confusion. Joy. Arousal. Love. 
It was the last two that won out in the end as Lestat stood there, silently absorbing the sound of Louis’ voice with unadulterated awe. He felt Louis’ voice fill him with feeling so intense he thought his legs would give out. 
It made perfect sense, did it not? Of course his Saint Louis would have the voice of an angel, tailor-made to send him to his knees. What better companion heart could he have found in all the world?
“You gonna join me in here or just stand there like a creeper?” Louis paused his singing to ask, not bothering to peek at him from behind the curtain. 
Lestat merely swallowed, words failing him entirely. 
“I can smell the blood on you, Lestat,” Louis said when he heard nothing in reply but the pounding of water against tile. “Come on, get in here.”
Lestat stripped himself of his suit, carelessly tossing it to the floor by the sink. His eyes were still fixed on the shadow of his lover behind the shower curtain, disappointed that Louis’ singing had not resumed. When he was fully naked, Lestat pulled the sheet of fabric back and stepped in behind his husband. 
Louis turned to look at him, but his smile dimmed the moment he saw Lestat’s face.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Louis asked, brow creased with concern as he turned around fully and reached up to cup Lestat’s cheek.
Wrong? Lestat thought incredulously, and it was as Louis' thumb came away wet with bloody tears that Lestat realized he’d been crying.
Lestat laughed at the absurdity of it, feeling a little hysterical, and surged forward to kiss him. Louis allowed it, kissed him back even, but the furrow between his brow had not disappeared when Lestat pulled back.
“Nothing,” he reassured him before stealing another affectionate kiss, his arms coming up to wrap around Louis’ narrow waist. “Nothing at all.”
“Then why are you crying?” Louis asked before adding, mostly to himself, “Don’t think I’ve ever seen you do that before.”
“Because I have just heard your beautiful voice, mon chéri,” Lestat told him, nuzzling the side of his face. “Why did you not tell me that you sing so well?” 
“I don’t,” Louis shrugged, his hands slipping from Lestat’s cheeks to his shoulders. 
Lestat pulled back and raised a skeptical eyebrow at him.
“Not anymore, anyway,” Louis conceded. “Me and Paul used to sing in the church choir when we was kids, but that was a long time ago.”
The mental image of Louis as a young boy dressed in that ridiculous church choir costume brought a smile to Lestat’s face, but he set it aside for the moment—another question was looming larger in his mind.
“But why did you not tell me?” Lestat asked, desperate to understand how and why his Louis would keep this from him when he knew how deeply music spoke to his soul. “Two years you’ve lived with me in this house and I’ve never heard you sing.”
“I don’t know,” Louis shrugged again, this time his eyes fixed firmly on Lestat’s collarbone. “Just haven’t felt like singin’, I guess.”
Does this have something to do with Paul? Lestat wondered. He frowned and studied Louis closely, sensing there was something else on the tip of his tongue.
“Besides, you’re a little…” he began again, hesitating as he fought to find the right word, “critical toward mediocre singers. Didn’t think you’d appreciate it.”
Lestat took a deep inhale of breath. On principle, he was as greatly vexed by a witless hack who thought he was a star as he was by someone who did not realize the depth of their own skill, and it frustrated Lestat as much as it saddened him that Louis underestimated his talent so severely—and further still, that he thought Lestat would criticize him for his singing.
“There is nothing mediocre about your voice, Louis,” Lestat told him, perhaps a little too sharply, his eyes burning with an intensity Louis did not expect. “And when I brought you into the blood, I told you that I wanted you to express yourself without apology. Why would you think I would criticize you for it?”
“What, you angry with me now?” Louis asked, pulling away from him, and for the thousandth time in half as many days, Lestat cursed the fact that Louis could not peek inside his head and know the truth of his heart.
Lestat huffed a laugh with a shake of his head before crowding Louis up against the cool tile wall until Lestat could feel his half-hard cock press against the slick skin of Louis’ lower belly. The spray of the water coming from the shower head, finally reaching him with Louis out of its path, was warm against his side.
Louis’ throat clicked as he swallowed and Lestat watched with deep satisfaction as Louis’ pupils swelled with arousal and his cock began to stir against his thigh.  
“Does it feel like I’m angry with you, Louis?” Lestat asked him softly, leaning in close enough that Louis’ lips brushed his as he shook his head in reply. “I only wish you had shown me sooner, that’s all. I nearly fell to my knees when I heard you singing. Such is the power your voice holds over me.”
Louis’ heart quickened at the compliment. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm,” Lestat hummed against his lips. “I think perhaps I ought to fall to them now in appreciation. What do you think?”
Louis cupped Lestat’s face between his palms once more and pulled him into a searing kiss before he let Lestat drop to his knees.
A trend began soon after that. 
Lestat would catch Louis singing now and then and, inevitably, would become enraptured by the melodic, sensual sound of it. It made him insane with desire to hear Louis sing for him—insatiable, even. He needed to have him, any way and anywhere he could get him: in their bed, on the sofa, in their coffins, in the shower, against a wall—even on top of the grand piano on one memorable occasion. Louis was always more than happy to indulge him, eager for whatever pleasure Lestat was determined to give him.
It took Lestat weeks to realize that Louis was doing it on purpose. He planned to confront him the next time it happened and not three days later did Louis give him the opportunity.
They had been getting ready for coffin when he heard Louis begin to hum a familiar tune, the soft timbre of his voice as alluring as any siren song. Lestat turned around, half-dressed himself, to find Louis stripped down to his undergarments as he fished around in his wardrobe for something to wear. As if sensing Lestat’s eyes on him, Louis bent over to pull something from his bottom drawer, still humming as the thin material of his underwear stretched tight over his backside. 
Lestat nearly bit clean through his bottom lip, inflamed with desire at the sight and sound of him. He crossed the room in time for Louis to stand up straight again, a soft sleep shirt held loosely between his fingers.
Louis put up no resistance as Lestat tugged the shirt from his grasp and let it drop to the floor, as if expecting he wouldn’t need it for long. Instead, he leaned back against Lestat until his bare back met his chest.
“Are you trying to turn me on?” Lestat asked, speaking the words against the nape of Louis’ neck as he wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. “Or are you really just that oblivious?” 
“I don’t know what you mean,” Louis said, but his projection of innocence was greatly undermined by the sly curve of his mouth.
“You know what your beautiful voice does to me, Louis,” Lestat said, grinding his growing erection against the swell of Louis’ ass. “How it brings me to my knees.”
“Maybe I like you there,” Louis said, and Lestat felt the rumble of a growl deep in his throat. 
Without a second thought, Lestat spun Louis around and took him in his arms, lifting him easily off the ground and over his shoulder.
“Lestat! Where are you taking me?” Louis laughed, scrambling for purchase against the smooth skin of Lestat’s back. 
“To bed, mon cher,” Lestat answered, walking him the short distance to their bedroom. He tossed Louis gently down on the bed before dropping to his knees. He slipped his hands between Louis’ open thighs, sliding them along his bare skin, his fingertips teasing just under the hem of his shorts. “You know, if you wanted me on my knees, all you had to do was ask.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Louis quipped, propped up on his elbows as he watched Lestat’s every movement with interest.
Lestat chuckled as he reached for Louis’ waistband. “If you keep singing to me, I’ll show you.”
“You want me to sing to you while you suck me off?” Louis asked, helpfully lifting his hips as Lestat dragged his underwear off of him and tossed it to the floor.
“Oui, mon cher,” Lestat confirmed. Louis’ cock was already hard and flushed at the tip when Lestat took it in hand and rested its thick head against the plush pillow of his bottom lip. “I’d like to find out just how high a note you can reach for me.”
The answer, as Lestat discovered when Louis burst across his tongue with a sharp, blissful moan, was quite fucking high.
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 years
Hi I'm looking for songs, do you have Louis playlist that you recommend?
HI! I made you one.
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Never Found Our Way | Louis de Pointe du Lac
01. Aphex Twin - aisatsana [102]02. Agnes Obel - Dorian03. Thomas Newman - American Beauty04. Gavin Luke - Emotions Becoming Clearer05. God is an Astronaut - A Deafening Distance06. Have a Nice Life - Emptiness Will Eat the Witch07. Placebo - Song to Say Goodbye08. Nine Inch Nails - 1 Ghosts 109. Clara Rockmore - Valse Sentimentale10. Yann Tiersen - La Dispute11. Erik Satie - Gnossienne No. 112. Ramin Djawadi - Light of the Seven13. Portishead - Roads14. Billie Holiday - Gloomy Sunday15. Dead Can Dance - Musica Eternal16. Opeth - To Rid the Disease 
Listen on YouTube.
Anyway so I sincerely apologize for how long it took me to answer this ask; the truth is that I don’t think about Louis as freely as I think about Armand and Daniel and Marius so all my VC playlists are based on those other clowns lmao. But I wanted to put something together for you and wanted to think about it a little.So this playlist is kind of a mix of things that remind me of Louis while also being things I think he might like. Granted, this is headcanon and is subjective, but I see Louis as being sort of sad and dreamy and being into soft melodic things and gloomy piano and film scores and depressing mellow prog. I also totally see him falling for ambient music and getting lost in it. I also want to give honorable mention to Opeth, even though they made it on here anyway IT’S JUST THAT LIKE, OPETH IS LOUIS? It sounds like their songs are about vampires most of the time lmao. Special mention to Blackwater Park, Damnation, and Pale Communion for being Extra Louis. And the song Faith in Others is like the Louisest thing I’ve ever fucking heard in my life. Listen to it/look up the lyrics cause DAMN but this part especially ARE YOU SURE IT’S NOT ABOUT LOUIS?
Out through the doors of starvationAnd into the rains of damnation
And the intro always makes me picture when he’s moping around the streets of New Orleans in the movie. (Pictured above lmao).
Also special shoutout to Daniel Ketchum, here’s a link to this album Sea of Tranquility on Spotify but apparently it’s 3 OBSCURE 5 U cause it’s not on YouTube. Also, I apologize if Spotify is easier anyway but I don’t like to link my Spotify playlists here cause my account is under my real name. =XAnd if I wanted to be a troll I’d also throw in Hilf Mir by Rammstein since it’s about like, a little girl burning LOL WHOOPS. (Also linked on Spotify bcuz Rammstein are bloated parodies of themselves and pulled it off YouTube LOL!)Music is subjective though, so these are MY feelings about Louis, and I threw together some links for you also in case you wanna see what other people have to say or hear some other tastes. :)And the Night Alone Understands You by @theroyalpalmtreeofoz Dark Angel by @anton-mordridThe Fall of a Century by @laurencombeferrePyromania: A Total Serious Fanmix About Louis’ Favorite Pastime by @robin-goodfellow You Are the Night by @muirin007These ones don’t have names that I can see LOL This one from @sangcreole Some from @firelight-fadingALSO RELEVANT A masterlist of awesome classical music from @echo-de-la-lumiereAnd then I know @i-want-my-iwtv has a tag for fanmixes WHICH YOU CAN FIND HERE  and I tend to drop all VAMPIRE MUSIC related posts in my tag #Vampire Music. HOPE THAT HELPS!!! I love vampire music, vampire music is my shit, I always wanna hear some, so if you guys have more to show me please send them my way. :D Also for the sake of sanity I tried to keep these Louis-Centric, I know there are more Louis/Lestat playlists out there too! But I think that’s a different beast haha. 
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