juniper-simblr · 1 month
Households of Litchfeld: The Elite Forces
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Keith Wilkinson, Loundres Lindt & Malcolm Perry.
The Elite Forces are selected from the best of the recruits who have demonstrated exceptional skill, discipline, and leadership potential. These soldiers undergo specialized training that goes beyond the standard regimen, focusing on advanced combat techniques, tactical operations, and survival skills in extreme conditions. As a result, members of this unit are highly respected within the camp and are often looked up to by those still in training.
Keith: Keith Wilkinson is a seasoned and highly capable commando within the Elite Forces. Known for his strategic mind and calm demeanor under pressure, Keith is often the one others look to for guidance during complex missions. He has a natural ability to assess situations quickly and make decisions that optimize the chances of success.
Loundres: Loundres Lindt is the unit’s expert in close-quarters combat and reconnaissance. Agile and precise, Loundres excels in situations where speed and stealth are critical. Her background includes intensive training in martial arts and urban warfare, making her a formidable opponent in any confrontation.
Malcolm: Malcolm Perry is the tech and communications specialist of the Elite Forces. With a keen understanding of technology and a talent for problem-solving, Malcolm is responsible for ensuring that all communications and electronic systems are operational and secure during missions. He is adept at hacking, encryption, and operating various types of surveillance equipment, making him an invaluable asset when it comes to gathering intelligence and maintaining contact during high-risk operations.
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tobacconist · 2 years
In Cornwall is two speches; the one is naughty Englyshe, and the other is Cornyshe speche.
God morow to you, syr! Dar day dew a why, serra! (Durda dhywgh hwei, syrra!)
God spede you, mayde! Dar zona de why math-tath! (Dursona dhe'hwei, maghteth!)
You be welcome, good wyfe!  Welcom a whe gwra da! (Wolkom owgh hwei, gwreg dha!)
I do thanke you, syr. Dar dala de why, syra. (Durdala dhe'hwei, syrra)
How do you fare? Vata lew genar why? (Fatl'yw genowgh hwei?)
Well, God thanke you, good master! Da dar dala de why, master da! (Da, durdala dhe'hwei, mester da!)
Hostes, haue you any good meate? Hostes, eus bones de why? (Ostes, eus boos da dhe'hwei?)
Yes, syr, I haue enowghe. Eus, sarra, grace a dew. (Eus, syrra, gras a Dhuw.)
Giue me some meate, good hostes! Rewh bones de vy, hostes da! (Rewgh boos dhe'vy, ostes da!)
Mayde, giue me bread and drinke! Math-tath, eus me barow ha dewas! (Maghteth, [...] bara ha diwes!)
Wife, bringe me a quarte of wine! Gwrac, drewh quart gwin de vy! (Gwreg, drewgh kwart a win dhe'vy!)
Woman, bringe me some fishe! Benen, drewh pyscos de vi! (Benyn, drewgh puskes dhe'vy!)
Mayde, brynge me egges and butter Math-tath, drewgh me eyo hag a manyn de vi (Maghteth, drewgh oyow hag amanyn dhe'vy)
Syr, much good do it you! Syrra, betha why lowe weny cke! (Syrra, bedhowgh hwei lowenek!)
Hostes, what shal I paye? Hostes, prendra we pay? (Ostes, pandr'wrav vy pe?)
Syr, your rekenyng is 5 pens. Syrra, iges rechen eu pymp in ar. (Syrra, agas reken yw pymp diner)
How many myles is it to london? Pes myll der eus a lemma de Loundres? (Pes mildir eus alemma dhe Loundres?)
Syr, it is thre houndred myle. Syrra, tray kans myle dere. (Syrra, tri hans mildir.)
God be with you, good hostes! Bena tewgena a why hostes da! (Bennath Duw genowgh hwei, ostes da!)
God gyue you a good nyght! Dew rebera vos da de why! (Duw re dharbarro nos da dhe'hwei!)
God send you wel to fare! Dew reth euenna thee why fare eta! (Duw re dhanvonno dhe'hwei fara en ta!)
God be wyth you! Dew gena why! (Duw genowgh hwei!)
I pray you, commend me to all good felowes. Meesdesyer, why commende me the olde matas da. (My a's desir hwei, komend vy dhe oll matas da.)
Syr, I wyl do your commaundement. Syrra, me euyden gewel ages commaundement why. (Syrra, my a vydn gul agas komondment hwei.)
God be with you! Dew gena why! (Duw genowgh hwei!)
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stairnaheireann · 9 months
#OTD in 1547 – Henry VIII suppresses the Chapter of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin; it will not be restored until 15 June 1555.
The Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral is the head of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, elected by the Chapter of the cathedral. The office was created in 1219 or 1220, by one of several charters granted to the cathedral by Archbishop Henry de Loundres between 1218 and 1220.   For centuries, the Dean of St. Patrick’s was the only Dean in Dublin, and documents of those years often refer to him as…
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efrentr · 4 years
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🔴294 Loudred A través de las orejas, que le sirven de altavoces, emite ondas sonoras capaces de echar abajo una casa. #pokemongo #pokemon #normal #pokedex #loundred #pokemonfigures #photography #photo #hoenn #bandai (en Hoenn Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIgcI45LeA5/?igshid=9og0yjmv5j4d
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qaumiakhbar · 5 years
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Witness came against Zardari زرداری کے خلاف وعدہ معاف گواہ سامنے آگیا #AgainstZardari, #Google, #Karachi, #MoneyLoundring, #Pakistan, #QaumiAkhbar, #Ticker, #UrduNewsInternational, #UrduNewspaper, #WitnessCame, #Zardari, #اردو, #اردونیوز, #پاکستان, #زردااری, #کراچی
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jarmes · 4 years
Notes on my Randomized Platinum Quarantinelocke
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A few weeks back, I decided to do a new type of Nuzlocke called a Quarantinelocke based around the Covid-19 Pandemic and take notes so I could see how it went. For recap, the rules were:
1: Social Distancing - Only three pokemon may be in your party at once. If a fouth enters your party, it may not be used, and must be deposited as soon as possible.
2: Nonessential Activities - You are only allowed to talk with essential NPCs (NPCs talking with is required, healers, and shopkeepers).
3: Medicinal Shortages - You may not use items that heal status ailments.
4: Infection - If one of your Pokemon dies, the other two Pokemon in your party are considered infected and must be quarantined. They can not be deposited in the box, box Pokemon can not be added to the team, and wild Pokemon are automatically sent to the box. This infection can be cured by beating a major boss (Rival, Gym Leader, Elite Four Member, Legendary, or Evil Team Admin).
So, how did it go? Badly. Really badly. I accidentally made one of the most difficult challenge runs I’ve ever done. Let’s start at the beginning of my Pokemon Platinum QuarantineLocke run…
I started out in a randomized version of Pokemon Platinum and was given a choice between Dratini, Todadile, and Chimchar. I chose Dratini and named him Argo. Unfortunately, Dratini starts out with Wrap and Thunderwave. The first few routes were slow; I could win battles, but it took forever. After beating my rival I caught Bobo the Spinarak, Crash Bandi the Bidoof, and my early game godsend: Dumbelle the Makuhita. Makuhita’s access to powerful physical moves like Arm Thrust, Fake Out, and Vital Throw allowed me to easily sweep my way to Roark. Along the way I caught Enzo the Ekanz, Fran the Nincada, Galvan the Mareep, Horrid the Stunky, Ignis the Chimchar, and Janice the Swinub.
Two things I learned quickly on this run: there are a lot of useful items unavailable because of rule 2, including the Quick Claw; and it is a godsend that they removed poison killing you out of battle in this Gen, because I got poisoned on Route 201 and would have lost the run before getting the Pokedex.
I went into Roark with Makuhitta at level 16, Dratini at level 14, and Chimchar at level 5, thinking I would have an easy time. Makuhitta killed Roark’s Geodude with ease, but died to a critical Headbutt from his Cranidos. Dratini barely managed to beat Cranidos with Wrap and Thunder Wave, giving him enough exp to grow to Level 15 and learn Twister. Through gratuitous use of Potions and Twister, Dratini took Onyx out. This was an insanely intense battle and probably the best part of the run.
After beating Roark I replaced Makuhitta with Mareep and grinded the whole team up, evolving Mareep into Flaaffy, evolving Chimchar into Monferno, and teaching Dragon Rage to Dratini. Dragon Rage made Dratini go from near useless to an unstoppable killing machine.
After catching and boxing Kold the Snorunt, I stormed Valley Windworks and took on Mars. Her Purugly gave me some trouble, but I was able to take it out with a few Mach Punches from Monferno. I caught Leonardo the Squirtle and Moof the Drifbloom as I headed into Eterna Forest, where some crazy lady ran up to me and stuck to me like glue, in spite of pandemic guidelines. She actually said that “There is safety in numbers”. Idiot.
Upon arriving in Eternia City, I received devastating news: you have to talk to Dawn’s father to get the EXP Share. Meaning I would have to switch-train for the rest of the run, something far slower and far more dangerous than using the EXP Share. Damnit.
I caught Nip the Corphish on Route 211 and accidentally killed an Electrike in Mt Cornet before Flame Wheeling all of Gardenia’s Pokemon to death. Galactic Admin Jupiter was a hard fought battle, pushing my team to its limit, but I managed to win through a combination of Thunderwave, Potions, and Dragon Rage. I caught Nordbert the Graveler, Ohm the Shix, Poach the Eggsecute, and Rosa the Bellsprout on my way to Fantina. I also got a VS Seeker, which I decided I can use because reasons.
Tragedy struck while grinding for Fantina when a Machop with Revenge killed Monferno, forcing me to take on Fantina with only Dratini and Faaffy before being able to add in a new team member. Worse, a Haunter took out Dratini as I was making my way through the gym. I grinded up Flaaffy, delaying evolution until it learned Discharge, and Proton Packed Fantina’s French ass.
I added Eggsecute and Drifbloom into the team and easily beat Barry, using Ampharos for everything but Roselia, which Eggsecute took out with Confusion. I hatched Cynthia’s egg into Quizno the Scissor, caught Silky the Silcoon, Terrance the Carvanah, Uggghhh the Gloom, and Volt the Voltorb. I also searched Solaceon Ruins for the Leaf Stone I thought was there, but apparently there’re only Fire, Water, and Thunder Stones.
I almost killed Eggsecute in a double battle against a Ponyta and Rapidash by using Discharge, caught Whistle the Jigglypuff, Xerxes the Bonsly, and Yella the Loundred before arriving in Veilstone. I discovered that the Game Corner is off limits and easily beat Maylene with Eggsecute and Ampharos. I replaced Drifloon with Loudred, who immeadietly died when I forgot using Uproar prevents you from switching out. I caught Zoro the Murkrow, Amelie the Wobufet, Boxer the Wooper, and beat Barry again. I added evolved Wooper to the team and evolved him. I also found a hidden leaf stone in the Great Marsh and finally got an Exeggutor.
Before fighting Wake, I decided to grind. I caught Carumba the Lombre and Diamond the Eevee. Unfortunately, I ran into a wild Wobufet who killed Execcutor. To add salt to the wound, a trainer with a Leafeon killed Boxer during a double battle. I strolled into wake with a single Pokemon, a level 41 Ampharos. The battle, especially against his Quagsire, was tough, but I pulled through by using Hyper Beam and potions.
I added Graveler and Snowrunt to the team and evolved Snowrunt into Froslass. Both of them died before I made it to Celestic Town. I beat Cyrus, caught Ember the Torchic, Fancy/Fang the Clamperl, Gaaaryyy the Slakoff, Horny the Lickitung, Ird the Natu, and Juice the Kabuto. I grinded Torchic and Squirtle up until they fully evolved and beat Barry in Canalave. I Caught Klynt the Shuckle and Lard the Hariyama. Blaziken took out Byron’s Bastiodon and Magneton while Blastoise handled his Steelix. I beat Saturn easily, but Mars’s lake battle was guarded by a double battle against two Murkrow, one of which killed Blaziken with a critical Wing Attack. I took down Mars despite her Hypnosis and Slash spam and promoted Hariyama to the team.
I grinded Hariyama up at Iron Island and went north, catching Mo the Tentacool, Naivue the Smeargle, Olympia the Vibrava, and Phish the Goldeen. Candice went down easy and I went to Veilstone HQ, where Aaron’s egg hatched into Quentin the Phanpy. A grunt’s Golbat with Mean Look, Confuse Ray, and Poison Fang took out Blastoise; after beating Cyrus and Saturn I added Vibrava to the team. She died while grinding. This is why the EXP Share is important.
I climbed Spear Pillar, took out Cyrus, and took on the beast of the Distortion World. What monster did the randomizer replace Ghiratina with? Giratina, because the randomizer can’t change Giratina for some reason. I named it Randumb and boxed it.
I caught Seed the Jumpluff, Seed the Nidorino, and Upside Don the Hitmontop. I added Nidorino to the team and started grinding it up, hoping to use a Nidoking to take out Volkner. It died while I was grinding, so I taught Hariyama Earthquake and took out Volkner that way. I added Carbanah to the team, caught Verylame the Parasect, killed a Delibird for the sin of existing, and went into Victory Road.
Hariyama was killed by a trainer’s Tortera in Victory Road, but I made it through without losing anyone else. I barely beat Barry’s Snorlax, added Hitmontop to the team, and began grinding for the Elite Four. Carvanah was killed by an Afterburn Drilblim, forcing me to take on the Elite Four with only Ampharos and Hitmontop.
I said fuck it, bought as many healing and battle items as I could carry, used all my rare candied on Ampharos, and ran on in. The victory of this run rested solely on whether or not a level 68 Ampharos with Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Power Gem, and Double Team was enough to beat five tough trainers in a row.
Ampharos managed to take out Aaron and even Bertha, but was burned and critted by Flint’s Houndoom. Hitmontop fell shortly after. Game Over.
So, thoughts on the run? Not my cup of tea. It’s hard, but it isn’t fun hard. Not talking to people, no changing team until you beat a boss, and only three Pokemon are good rules on their own, but putting them together is just frustrating. I’m gonna leave this run in the trash for now.
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high-stakes-gambler · 5 years
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full name.  Teledji Adeledji pronunciation.  x nicknames.  DjiDji, Jiji ... he is often dumbstruck at how could anyone refer to him in such an endearing way! height.   91cm   age.  50~55 zodiac.  Leo languages.  Eorzean
hair colour.  White Pale Blond! eye colour.  Teal skin tone.  Tan body type.  Potato on the skinnier side accent.  Uldahn dominant hand.  Right posture.  Confident, hands on his hips, chin up. Looks like his ready to call the manager and tell the manager, he is the manager now. scars.  A large ugly scar over his torso where he was cut in half. The tissue is still tender and he makes sure he is always covered. most noticeable features.  He likes his facial hair and makes sure to keep it well trimmed! Valued syndicate ring he recently parted with.
place of birth.  La Noscea hometown.   Near Costa del Sol birth weight / height.  Mini Potato manner of birth.  Natural first words.  Unknown siblings.  None parents.  Both deceased. parental involvement. A wealthy Ul’dahn mother of a noble family and a scoundrel father from Limsa Lominsa resulted in an accidental child that  neither were too fond of. While he lacked nothing of the material, there was no warmth in his upbringing. He learned that coin means most in the society of Ul’dah at early age and it was what he proceeded to believe to this day.
occupation.  Merchant, Syndicate Member, owner of the Mirage Trust current residence.  Mist/La Noscea close friends.  Pipin Tarupin...oddly enough! Zura, Isen, Samuru, Ane, Lua, Tiy and many he met after turning a page and starting a new life! relationship status.  Considers self Eternally Bonded to Tulala financial status.  He is still Filthy Rich... driver’s license.  The what now? Excuse you... he has gil, he needs no license! criminal record.  Illegal gambling, money loundring, assassination attempt, treason, he probably undercut you on the market board at some point... vices.  Gambling, drinking, power hungry, megalomaniac, greedy little shite
sexual orientation.  Heterosexual romantic orientation.  Heterosexual preferred emotional role.  submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed turn on’s.  Gentle touches, tender kisses turn off’s.  Teasing, half-jokes, any kind of jabs, he has a sensitive ego! libido Not half gone! love language.  Expensive gifts, loud and obnoxious proclamations for the world has to know he loves you! Probably going to call you at 3am on your linkpearl... relationship tendencies.  None, he is a one night stand kinda guy. But provided you became more than that... he will spoil you rotten and require lots of reassuring tender moments as he is prone to lots of self doubt.
character’s theme song.  I usually have a whole play list but will go with this one today! - Secrets and Lies by Ruelle! hobbies to pass the time.  Chocobo Racing mental illnesses.  Occasional anxiety and paranoia spikes, PTSD from Palace of the Dead. He has reoccurring nightmares and often needs to knock himself out with alcohol as to actually sleep. physical illnesses.  His stomach is still tender and weak. He can’t process heavy foods well and the sight of raw meat will make him throw up real quick. Meat in general is hard to stomach now. He can’t lift heavy objects and a kick in the stomach is likely to hurt more than average. left or right brained.  Mostly right. fears.  Returning to Palace of the Death, making a mistake of some kind and losing what friends he gained, finding out said friends are just being close to him to make sure he won’t do something fishy, disappointing Tulala, Raubahn finding him and giving him a vertical cut this time around. self confidence level.  The risks are always calculated! ...but he is really bad at math. vulnerabilities.  He hates showing any weaknesses. As a result he would go to great lengths to pretend confidence - appearing as agitator if needed, using everything to conceal his insecurities or hurt emotions in any way. “If you show a weakness, the world will destroy you” is what he grew up to believe. 
tagged by: @papalymoh Thank you!  tagging: Go go, do it! it’s fun one!
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1547 – Henry VIII suppresses the Chapter of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin; it will not be restored until 15 June 1555.
#OTD in 1547 – Henry VIII suppresses the Chapter of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin; it will not be restored until 15 June 1555.
The Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral is the head of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, elected by the Chapter of the cathedral. The office was created in 1219 or 1220, by one of several charters granted to the cathedral by Archbishop Henry de Loundres between 1218 and 1220.   For centuries, the Dean of St. Patrick’s was the only Dean in Dublin, and documents of those years often refer to him as…
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the-loveliest-lies · 6 years
Hey, on the bright side felicia loundre the best theatre historian in the world is gonnaguest lecture to day
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oddt · 5 years
also, there’ll be elections for mayor soon AND the most promising candidate I’ve ever witnessed has independently appeared!
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stairnaheireann · 3 years
#OTD in 1547 – Henry VIII suppresses the Chapter of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin; it will not be restored until 15 June 1555.
#OTD in 1547 – Henry VIII suppresses the Chapter of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin; it will not be restored until 15 June 1555.
The Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral is the head of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, elected by the Chapter of the cathedral. The office was created in 1219 or 1220, by one of several charters granted to the cathedral by Archbishop Henry de Loundres between 1218 and 1220.   For centuries, the Dean of St. Patrick’s was the only Dean in Dublin, and documents of those years often refer to him as…
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pakistantalkshow · 7 years
Money Loundring Mein Hamri Fouj Bhi Shamil He Ek Lahori Caller ne Nusrat Javed Ko Kiya Bol Diya
Money Loundring Mein Hamri Fouj Bhi Shamil He Ek Lahori Caller ne Nusrat Javed Ko Kiya Bol Diya
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unitelinksfaith · 7 years
三澤紗千香ちゃん♡♡新時代をその目で見よ♡ https://t.co/NfSD7uxELY 昨日は、loundrawさんの個展「夜明けより前の君へ」内のイベントスペースにて行われた、スペシャルトークイベントでした! 素晴らしい才能に触れて、すごく刺激を受けました!loundr…
三澤紗千香ちゃん♡♡新時代をその目で見よ♡ https://t.co/NfSD7uxELY 昨日は、loundrawさんの個展「夜明けより前の君へ」内のイベントスペースにて行われた、スペシャルトークイベントでした! 素晴らしい才能に触れて、すごく刺激を受けました!loundr…
— 三澤紗千香\(^o^)/情報局♡豪華声優 (@UniteLinksFaith) September 10, 2017
from Twitterフォローしてね https://twitter.com/UniteLinksFaith #三澤紗千香 BLOG http://ift.tt/1E7YzSE
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