#love all my children equally meme
blueteller · 1 year
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achromecoveredclone · 6 months
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Wearing these to any upcoming arctic monkeys gig to let ppl know that appreciate both their new and old sound
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deathdxnces · 10 months
❛ i thought you’d like some company . ❜  thought about vayne and irelia getting into an argument and yone coming to talk to irelia while she's taking a breather ..
— @windchaser
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Looking through the glass door, one might mistake her stillness for calm. Irelia leans over the balcony, chin resting on one of her hands; yet her expression betrays how she truly feels, sullenness manifesting even in her refusal to spare a glance at whoever approaches when first hearing their footsteps.
Disagreements aren't rare — or an issue by virtue of being. With so many different people working together, they are bound to not see everything eye to eye. That isn't the problem, nor is it any ridiculous notion that she feels entitled to make every decision on her own (an accusation she didn't take to lightly, nor one that would be easily forgotten). The problem is Vayne, who had accused her of that, despite her own unwillingness to find a middle ground or actually listen to what anyone else had to say.
It had taken little more for the argument to escalate, until interference led to a forced break, both of them going opposite ways. The gentle wind that meets her outside is soothing in a way, but most of all is the being alone that truly helps; she's in no mood for prickly commentary or teasing of any sort. Truth be told, Irelia thinks the most well-meaning of approaches would still find her all too ready to lash out.
When Yone speaks, it disarms her readiness to meet company with aggression. She remains uncertain that having anyone around is ideal, not knowing if she can manage it without finding further reason to be irritated, despite knowing none of it is her friend's fault. But there's something comforting about it, too. He took the time to seek her out and make sure she was fine; and maybe it's just the sense of familiarity, the fact she has known Yone for some time, now, and that he knows her also. There is no pressure to be perfect; in that case, company might be better than dwelling on her anger all alone.
"If you can handle me being insufferable," the attempt at lightheartedness falls flat; she isn't in the mood for jokes, despite the attempt. When she continues, it is more truthful. "I'll be terrible company right now."
"Or I am always terrible company, maybe, if I am as overbearing as Vayne accused me of being," Bitterness seeps into her tone, regardless of her best efforts to keep her anger in check. Irelia shakes her head, a deep breath taken as her gaze returns to the horizon rather than stay upon Yone. "I wasn't making choices, I was presenting ideas. I never wanted to choose everything on my own, that's not — that was never what I meant," He asked for no explanation, and yet she feels compelled to defend herself nevertheless (to seek support, perhaps, in even the smallest reassurance someone else knew that was not the case). "Not that she cares to listen to what anyone has to say if they disagree with her."
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thegreatsharkleve · 11 months
9.Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? (For everyone)
Elijah: He is... surprisingly soft, but it's a tough kind of soft wherein he'll drop some real talk on someone in pretty plain terms, but temper the sting with some pointed empathy for their perspective or maybe even some physical affection depending on the person -- at least with people he gives some semblance of a shit about, or someone who doesn't deserve his less pleasant personality points. It's a work in progress :')
As to what he prefers, he wants people to be 100% real with him even if it is hard to hear or is going to piss him off. He grew up with tough love and gets really twitchy when people try to be gentle or delicate with him. Feels like they're coddling him or full of shit.
Baiju: Gives both gentle love and tough love, often at the same time, though it is very dependent on the recipient. He offers very succinct and honest assessments and advice but does so with tact. His general lack of judgement and willingness to understand the reason for actions taken -- along with his open and kind demeanor -- tends to put folks at ease. It allows them to receive harsher critiques that they might have difficulty hearing from others. It might help that he offers some of his harsher commentary in metaphor that the recipient may or may not fully grasp the implication of...
Receiving, he prefers honesty. Gentle or Tough, as long as someone respects him enough to be honest with him and not treat him like he is emotionally delicate just because he is a kind person, he's grateful for it.
Larkspur: Tough but only because he is lacking in tact. He tends to just... say what he's thinking, whether its about himself or about other people. It has gotten him in trouble in the past and probably will again in the future.
On the flip side it's less about preference and more that he needs people to be a little tough with him, otherwise there is a very real possibility he won't get the subtleties of attempting to save his feelings. He likes it when people are nice to him though -- incredibly easy to win over with a soft touch and a bit of positive reinforcement. u_u
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oswlld · 1 year
top 5 edits of yours!!!!! cause i love them all
NOOOO HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE 😩😩 okay i have to justify this with top 5 fav edits at this moment, not all time because how dare lol :
midnight museum + payphone edit
kinnporsche + crime syndicate edit
vice versa + pink web weave
bad buddy + p&p edit
hamilton + specifically the part 1/8 edits
ask me about my top 5!
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shmreduplication · 1 year
One of the shows i got behind on during my House fugue was Taskmaster so I'm catching up on the British one
Kiell has my favorite fashion sense out of any contestant so far. And then I guess Ivo is going into the big& tall section of big& tall stores when he should be going into the 'tall but not big' section. Frankie is ~twice the width of Ivo but could wear Ivo's shirt over his suit jacket. The color is good tho, v pale baby pink and baby blue color blocking matches his precocious anxious toddler energy he brings to everything
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gemgirl28 · 2 years
seeing as though I reblogged this from you...I've been a fan of your stories, they're always so sweet and fun. so, I have to know, in your opinion: 🍦
Hello dear! Awwww thank you so much! I am a self described diabetes-inducing fluff provider so it means a lot that you've enjoyed my stories too 💜
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I honestly don't think I can pick just one. The fluff rating is off the charts for so many. How about top... 5?
See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me- The first fic I ever posted featuring Toph meddling and just wanting the people she loves to be happy.
Turtle the Duck- Because few things are sweeter than Zuko and pets.
Just the Two of us- Dadko has my whole heart.
Tangled Bedsheets- Is Katara's favorite breakfast mine? Yes. Is there any other better way of waking up than to coffee and chocolate chip pancakes served by the love of your life? No.
The Tales of the Paperback Dragon- Incredibly self-indulgent bookstore meet cute. Need I say more?
Send me a fanfic writer emoji ask!
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kwiecista · 2 years
so... do you have a favorite chicken
[ ❀ ]━ Curiosity is the first step to hell
How could you ask such a question! Does a mother have a favorite child? Does a poet have a favorite poem? Does a musician have a favorite song?  Absolutely not!
Although I have a strong respect for Dalia.  I swear, that I’ve never seen a chicken act so motherly in my life.  And it’s absolutely adorable how the little chicks follow her around.
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kinkandkreep · 10 months
T or A: Tokyo Revengers Edition
Ft. 𝑴𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒚, 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏, 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒂𝒋𝒊
So, tits or ass? Which is more appealing to our bois? Well, read on to find out! 🙂
(This should go without saying, but the boys are all their appropriate canonical ages here.)
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Mikey: Tits 1000%
Mikey looooves tits. 
The softness, the bounce, the weight in his hand and on his tongue…
He's obsessed 
But! You'd never guess it
He's surprisingly adept at hiding his fixation, mostly on account of his responsibilities as a gang leader 
They keep him preoccupied, mostly mentally, leaving him little time to focus on such distracting things
The fact that he can’t devote more of his time to focusing on tits though, does not diminish his love for them in the slightest
He’s actually been caught staring more than once, and each time Draken is there to metaphorically (and sometimes literally) smack him upside the head
When it comes to sex, since one of his favorite positions is reverse cowgirl, he usually likes to sit in his office chair and have you ride him, his hands gripping onto your tits and more than likely massaging them as he presses desperate kisses to any part of your exposed neck and back that he can reach
To be honest though, regardless of what position you’re in, he’ll probably have either his hand(s) or mouth on your tit(s)
Mikey also has a thing for cleavage
Actually, it may be more so a thing for teasing but 🤷🏾‍♀️
It takes quite literally all of his seemingly indomitable willpower to not let his eyes wander if/when you lean down and any boobage is visible 
He looks like that one sweating meme 
To go along with his appreciation for breasts, Mikey may or may not also have a lactation kink
This is tied directly into his breeding kink
Ok now I know some a y’all for real finna scroll away and I’ma just let you this time ‘round cus I know 😂
The thought of your breasts swollen and filled with delicious milk drives Mikey up the wall and I will be hearing no arguments 
This of course corresponds with his desire to see you round and full with his children
Oh my goodness wait dis tew much 🫣
ANyway, issa tit outta ten for Mikey MOVING ON
Draken: Is ‘bout equal, but with a slight edge towards ass 
Draken has almost equal appreciation for ass and tits
But even just the visual of smacking or grabbing a handful of your asscheek just…does somethin’ for ole’ Kenny kins
Like it makes him feel a certain type of way that I can’t even really put into proper words
Just know it’s somewhere along the lines of possessive and proud
Like, you ain’t even gotta have the hugest ass around for Draken to love feelin’ you up
He’s appreciative of whatever you’ve got, and he never makes you feel any lesser for or ashamed of the ass you do or don’t have
Such a gentleman 😭
Funnily enough though, most of Draken’s favorite positions involve you facing each other, so he rarely fixates on actually seeing your ass, and instead he prioritizes the feeling
(This is because Draken is a very tactile person. Emphasis on visual stimuli comes secondarily to him.)
Going along with his appreciation for ass, Draken, perhaps naturally, has a thing for thighs
Related to this is his love for lifting you up and carrying you around 
He likes to pick you up, hands grasping the fat of your thighs, your legs wrapped securely around his midsection as he carries you to and fro
And you might think “girl what, Draken can’t be bothered to tote somebody around he’s already had to do that enough with Mikey”
And to that I say UM excuse you?? Is you and Mikey the same person???
No?? Didn’t think so 🙃
Draken will even tell you he doesn’t mind carrying you and that he ENJOYS it
Hmph 😤
Let's move on to the next boy I done inadvertently got myself heated 😂
Shuji Hanma a.k.a “Zombie”: A shameless ass man
As previously stated by me, Shuji Hanma is an ass man
And honestly there’s really not much else to be said about it
He likes to grab your ass, smack your ass, bite your ass
He’s even into anal if I’m jus’ keepin’ it trill wit y’all 👀
Bro Hanma a fuckin’ freak 😂
There’s no special reasoning behind why Hanma likes ass (specifically yours) so much, he just figures he likes what he likes and that’s it
Which probably sounds super underwhelming for y’all I’m sorry 😭
But honest to goodness that’s all that comes to mind for Hanma
(BRO when I was typin’ this up I accidentally typed Handma instead of Hanma and given his hand kink that’s what I’m calling him from now on 😂)
Alrighty, on to our final boi
Baji: Another one who’s opinion of both is about equal, but this time the edge is toward tits
Ok, this is slightly unrelated but have y’all seen Baji’s canines?
I’m personally a big fan of Baji’s face and his teeth are very prominent fixtures…in it (??)
Baji likes to drink from your tits too, even if you don’t produce any milk
He especially likes to nibble on your nipples 
Mostly 'cus he thinks it's funny to see you squirm 
He's another who likes to feel up your chest when he's given the opportunity, and he's also one who doesn't care how big your assets are
He's frankly just glad you have 'em 😂
He also has a neck…kink?
If that's how you say it 🙃
He likes your neck ok?
Marking it ('cus he definitely loves to mark you up), scenting it, running his tongue along your carotid and pulse points
Hol' up Baji might be a bit of a freaky deak too 👀 
But anyway yeah, das about all for him
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Welp, hope that was informative and I hope y'all enjoyed! Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or share wit me in my ask box. 👋🏾
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deedala · 19 days
thanks to @jrooc for the game this week and for tagging me + @creepkinginc @energievie @lingy910y @suzy-queued 💖
Hello beautiful kittens! 🐈‍⬛ Today’s tag game is about our wonderful fandom 😍
How did you get into the fandom? 
after falling deep into the shameless hellspiral i took to tumblr (as is my usual) to find gifs and memes and everything was so good and everyone was so wonderful i couldnt help but wedge my way into the community lmao
How long have you been here?
i started lurking september of 2022 and my first shameless post was in october of 2022 🥰
What’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
yeah tumblr i guess! my first instinct is always to search tumblr tags for a new thing i like 😌
what’s your favourite now? 
tumblr and discord equally, theyre both non-negotiable
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
@michellemisfit my beloved <3 ran into her in the @shamelesscreatorsnetwork discord (the first discord link i found) and we started talking and never shutted the fuck up ever again even until today lmao 🥰
Which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and want to get to know?
okay so since the first thing i seek out on a new interest is GIFS (and also shameless + text posts that shit absolutely sends me), the first people i followed and was so drawn to their immaculate vibes and gorgeous work were @gardenerian @heymacy and @sickness-health-all-that-shit biting you biting you biting you!!! 💖💖💖
First Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
so michelle had me read redheaded step-children and it was so gorgeous and wonderful i was completely knocked on my ass by that one <3
and then i got the itch to read an AU and started with intro to quantum dating by @spoonfulstar and unless you're new here you are surely aware of how much i love that one 😂
First Fan art that blew your mind? 
i feel awful because i really cannot remember (crine) but pretty sure it was probably some gorgeous intricate @steorie painting
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
SPORTS AU - and now ive fully fucking lost my mind (@heymacy @too-schoolforcool know how deep it runs and i cannot even talk about it or i will throw up lmao)
What surprised you most about this fandom?
since my last significant foray into a fandom community was a pretty big fandom, there were looots of people who were just out for fucking blood. this community here on tumblr for shameless is a goddamn pillowfort, the vast majority of people are so sweet and supportive and happy to mind their own business it's such a fuckin breath of fresh air.
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
i dont know if i can pinpoint just one moment? but probably one of the big moments early on since thats what would have kept me ravenous to keep consuming more lol
Ian or Mickey?
the fuck??? AAAAHHHHHHHHH uuhhhhh uuhmmmm omg. fuck. uh... okay...just... Mickey? no... Ian? uuhhhhmmm what was the question?
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? 
im gonna go with Debbie here <3
and now to tag some more folks in (in addition to everyone tagged above!!) if you want to play! if not, consider this me sending you cleansing brainwaves 🧠
@darlingian @heymrspatel @crossmydna @mybrainismelted @mmmichyyy @wehangout @metalheadmickey @gallawitchxx @thepupperino @blue-disco-lights @the-rat-wins @loftec @mickeysgaymom @rereadanon @callivich @lee-ow @palepinkgoat @gallapiech @transmickey @iansw0rld @captainjowl @howlinchickhowl @vintagelacerosette @sam-loves-seb @burninface @spookygingerr @mikhailoisbaby @themarchg1rl @whatwouldmickeydo @sleepyheadgallavich @sleepyfacetoughguy @samantitheos
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usaigi · 1 year
Is Matt Murdock Homophobic?
Short answer: Doubt it.
Long answer: I seriously doubt, just because he’s Catholic/was raised in a highly Catholic environment (a Catholic orphanage) doesn’t mean he’s homophobic. Being Catholic does not automatically equal being homophobic. 
And if we’re being completely honest, I won’t consider Matt to be “extremely” Catholic in the way the fandom seems to think about him. Matt attending mass on Sunday, going to confession, and having a relationship with his priest just makes him a churchgoer. Which I guess makes him more devote than a lot of other Catholics but the way some of the fandom talk about him makes it seems like he’s having a crisis of faith every other Tuesday. 
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I've seen this topic come up in fanfiction and in fandom in general so I’d like to offer a liberal queer Catholic perspective on being queer. 
Is being gay a sin in Catholicism?
Having same-sex attraction is not a sin in Catholicism. However, having sex outside of marriage is a sin. And since the church only recognizes heterosexual marriages, it essentially does make being gay a sin. The whole “being gay isn’t a sin but if you act upon it is” which is... ugh.
We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity. Being homosexual is not a crime. It is not a crime. 'Yes, but it is a sin.' Fine, but first let us distinguish between a sin and a crime. It is not the first time that I speak of homosexuality and of homosexual persons. And I wanted to clarify that it is not a crime, in order to stress that criminalization is neither good nor just. When I said it is a sin, I was simply referring to Catholic moral teaching, which says that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin. Of course, one must also consider the circumstances, which may decrease or eliminate fault. As you can see, I was repeating something in general. I should have said, 'It is a sin, as is any sexual act outside of marriage.' This is to speak of 'the matter' of sin, but we know well that Catholic morality not only takes into consideration the matter, but also evaluates freedom and intention; and this, for every kind of sin. And I would tell whoever wants to criminalize homosexuality that they are wrong. - Pope Francis 2023
HOWEVER: We have not seen Matt Murdock having religious objections/feel guilty for having premarital sex. Birth control is also not accepted in Catholicism but I seriously doubt Matt’s not wrapping it. I’m sure I don’t need to cite one of the million jokes about him being a manwhore, we all know it. Do we really think Matt would be such a hypocrite to think someone is a sinner for being LGBT when he himself has had how many girlfriends? Not to mention he was also born and raised in New York City and his need for justice is one of his primary character traits. Do you really think Matt learned about the Stonewall Riot(his own city’s history), the AIDs epidemic, the general mistreatment and discrimination of LGBT people and would really support it? BFFR.
Matt Murdock is a lot of things, mainly a self-loathing idiot in desperate need a therapy, but he’s not a bigot. 
I’m going to link this post by the lovely @ceterisparibus116 about Matt’s "religious guilt" and what I think is fandom’s general misunderstanding of Matt’s Catholic guilt. 
What about internalized homophobia?
In my own fics I’ve written Matt as bi/pan (hooking up with Moon Knight) (also that one Ziwe meme) and as a trans guy who pre-transition thought he was a lesbian/sapphic. (If you read it I’ll love you forever). Mattfoggy is the biggest ship in the fandom so it's only normal to have this discussion.
Sure, maybe Matt wouldn’t judge other people for being gay and having sex outside of Catholic-recognized marriage but would he judged himself? How can Matt still consider himself Catholic and queer? 
A misconception I think a lot of people have about Catholicism is that we must all follow the church’s teaching and that everything the Pope says is infallible. Which is silly and simply not true. Pope Benedict XVI once stated that: "The Pope is not an oracle; he is infallible in very rare situations, as we know." Pope John XXIII also once said: "I am only infallible if I speak infallibly but I shall never do that, so I am not infallible." 
First of all, the church is not a monolith institution. Second of all, not all Catholic teaching is infallible, “no church teaching is automatically free from error, because the church is composed of human beings. God alone is a priori free from error in detail and in every case.” (Infallible? An Inquiry by Hans Küng). Very few things are infallible statement. The Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Assumption of Mary are infallible statements. But as far as I know, “being gay is a sin” is not. 
Conscience, actually, takes priority over church teaching. Pope Francis said “that priests must inform Catholic consciences ‘but not replace them.’ And he stressed the distinction between one’s conscience—where God reveals himself—and one’s ego that thinks it can do as it pleases.” (x)
In extolling conscience the Catechism quotes from another Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes. It states: "Deep within his conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself but which he must obey. “For a man has in his heart a law inscribed by God . . . His conscience is man’s most secret core and his sanctuary,” the document goes on, “There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths.” In summary, it is possible for a good Catholic in good faith to act contrary to the teachings of the church. - Patsy McGarry
If Matt prayed, asked for guidance and his conscience said that being (trans, gay, bi, however you headcanon him) is not sinful, he can, in good faith, oppose the church. And yes, he’d be welcomed to take the Eucharist. Eucharist is not a reward that only the most faithful free-on-sin living saints. It’s a source of healing and for those striving to live in the Gospel.  
In terms of the church, as I said, it’s not a monolith and people can and do disagree in current teaching. Here’s Cardinal McElroy calling for the ‘radical inclusion’ of LGBT, women and others in the Catholic Church. Here’s a letter by 6,000 nuns standing in solidarity with Trans community.
This is just my headcanon, but I don’t think Father Lantom is homophobic. I’d like to think he’s one of the priest calling for reform and acceptance of LGBT people. I also like to think Sister Maggie was one of the nuns that signed that letter. If Matt came to him asking for support, I honestly think Father Lantom would give him that.  
Would everyone in his community accept him? No, probably not and that’s unfortunate. But there are those in the community don’t accept the young single mom or the recovering alcoholic. Religious gatekeeping is a problem and I don’t want to pretend it isn’t, but it’s not the only truth. I dislike the idea that being queer and Catholic are mutually exclusive. Or that Matt would leave his religion for being queer. To be honest, as a queer Catholic I find it pretty disrespectful. I would love to read more fics where Matt realize he’s queer and struggles with it but it’s so incredibly annoying when the fic concludes with Matt leaving his faith. We’re Catholic for God not for a church. There are other queer Catholic Matt could hypothetically find community with. 
And I get it, a lot of people are coming from a place of religious trauma and are writing fanfic to express it. I'm sorry for anyone who was hurt by the church, religion or toxic family. The church has and continues to do a lot of harm, both on the individual and global level. If anyone wants a rant about colonization of Latin America, I’m your girl. I just dislike this black-and-white mindset that Matt is either Catholic or gay.  
If anyone has questions, I can try to answer. I’m not a theology expert, I’m just a virgo and a fanfic writer. 
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thegreatsharkleve · 11 months
Weirdly specific questions: 42.: TED talk
SORRY I TOOK FOREVER thank you for the ask <3 <3 <3
Elijah: His TEDtalk is titled "The Sultana Doesn't Give a Shit About You: How Patriotism is Used to Keep you Complacent and Under the Boot of the Ruling Class". Or, conversely, "AGCAB: All Grand Companies Are Bastards". He is forcibly escorted off the stage but the 10 minutes he gets through see that he will not be invited back. It's Little Ladies day all over again...
Baiju: Would give a TEDtalk about faith in an expanding world that blurs the lines between different cultures/beliefs/practices and between mortals and their makers more every day. He has a lot of thoughts on the philosophical nature of intra-faith theological interpretation. As long as he had a sign language interpreter, he'd be good (he 100% wouldn't be able to get out that many words for that length of time without his voice giving out entirely).
Lark: "World Leaders I Could Probably Take in a Fight, Maybe."
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oswlld · 2 years
Artists self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five arts/sets/edits/gifs that you've done, then pass on to at least five other people. Time to shine and spread some self-love and appreciation 💖
Thank you, Mitaliiii 😚💞 I’m gonna split this btwn non-bl’s and bl’s, since I really got into the fandom this year and couldn’t boil down all my edits to a ✨top five✨:
Thirteen x P&P - one of the earliest edits I did when I was first exploring VSCO; you can see how restrained I was in using the double exposure and blurring back then; nevertheless, still one of my fav executions
Weeping Angels - back when I was still hesitant on using the beta upload; played around with compositions while still under the ten (10) photo limit and was happy with the end result
WandaVision x Love Warrior - I think this show help me solidify my current editing process; if you compare a lot of what I make today to this one, it still holds up while having the system still be effective to this day
Hamilton, A Series Told By America Now - one of the largest, if not The largest, series I undertook while on this remade blog; eight (8) parts, six (6) edits each, had to make the "cast" consistent??? Can I show you what I’m proudest of?
Anakin/Darth - this is one of those edit ideas that fell into place as I went; I think it was the typography for me
InkPa x Darkroom Chemicals - art school really came in handy when it came to this edit lol; I think this was the only time I’ve ever had to deconstruct a screencap to it’s (almost) early development state
PatPran x P&P - I think after the Moon Knight edit I did recently, this one was the longest I’ve held onto an idea before finally executing it (six months, i think??); what else is there to say, p’aof maked a pretty show with a pretty shots
KinnPorsche Bio(?) - one of the very few times the fonts were against me; also, a very ambitious undertaking for me to edit/post while I was still very early into binging the show, so half the time, I was like "idk these dudes but I think they’re neat"
To My Star 2 x Giovanni/Baldwin Conversation - sometimes I have an insp. edit locked up in my head, waiting for the perfect scene and had to endure all of pain to finally get here lol
Vice Versa x PINK - oof only time will tell if I ever decide to double down on a show like this; posting both a quote edit AND a web weave for three months was a marathon, but I think this one has to be one of my favs, in terms of the typo, edits, and quote combos
+bonus - if you have been around before bad buddy or even since bad buddy ended, you know that i just don’t do meta lol I leave that to people who can words and brain better; idk how y’all do it, this took almost a week and every single last drop of brainpower I had to put this together
EDIT: @i-got-the-feels also tagged me for this meme, thank you so much for thinking of me 💛💛
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It's important you know the "I love all my children equally" meme isn't just in a random Arrested Development episode. It's literally in the Pilot. The show came out swinging.
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octaviasdread · 2 months
I hereby conduct this tortured poets society album meeting in all of its mania and sorrowful blues as I move from unhinged impressions to unhinged first-listen analysis because I am incapable of saying less.
(and to all the Aimees i’m so sorry but that’s on Kim)
This Anthology is taking me so long to process, but nothing feels like the first jarring moments of I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - the cacophony and flashes of a birthday breakdown bopping to 80s arcade game synth. It's crumbled cake and mascara streaks when Bejewelled is actually a delusional Mirrorball,
and The Secret Garden reference in I Hate It Here, oh god, she’s so me:
I hate it here so I will go to / secret gardens in my mind / people need a key to get to / the only one is mine / i read about it in a book when I was a precocious child
I need to come back to that. But the whirlwind of Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? Plans cancelled. IM THE ONE barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine, actually. It's me chained-up in that poor things victorian mourning dress shrieking elegies in my tortured nightingale screams.
She's Grammys Taylor looking at the crowd of her peers rolling their eyes, she's the litany of snide jokes diminishing her success, and the children, sisters, friends, and girlfriends of those who wronged her loudly singing her songs.
so i leap from the gallows and i levitate down your street / crash the party like a record scratch as I scream / who’s afraid of little old me
i was tame i was gentle til the circus made me mean / don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth
ohhh, the throwback to Speak Now and the significance of MEAN. The song and its titular word show how childish language encapsulates that pointless spite and the bone deep hurt mean behaviour breeds - but now she’s a phoenix risen, and they hurl her youth and her downfall back in her face - word for word, surprised face - its the dark side the The Lucky One, of not escaping the cage of fame games.
you lured me and you hurt me and you taught me / you caged me and then you called me crazy
i wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me / you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me / so all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs / i’m always drunk on my own tears isn’t that what they all said?
PUT NARCOTICS IN MY SONG took me out. This album is funny in the most sardonic and absurdly humorous ways,
like the classic cowboy western guitar strings in her crime songs (I Can Fix Him, No Really I Can - pistols drawn), but especially the ones leading into Fresh Out The Slammer. Fucking genius, and to follow on with static sounds at 2:26ish to the house where you still wait up, is exactly the kinda detail I adore.
Naively, I thought Florence was done with me after Florida!!! It's a lyrical meme for single 20 & 30 somethings who moved away from home,
my friends all smell of like weed or little babies / and the city reeks of driving myself crazy / little did you know your home’s really only / a town you’re just a guest in
and the haunting morphs from the ghost of your girlhood into the catalogue of decisions and delusions which get you through adulthood. Yet it feels almost like an interlude within the song when
me and my ghosts we’ve had a hell of a time / yes i’m haunted but i’m feeling fine / all my girls got their lace and their crimes / and your cheating husband disappeared/ well no one asks questions here
appears like an alternative pov for No Body, No Crime with the girls and their ghosts and their pacts made over wine. Every Action has an Equal Reaction. Run away to Florida, or Texas, and lose yourself to lose the heartbreak. Its self-destruction, it's trauma-healing, bonding, and its breaking.
(what a song for an angsty girl collab, problematic girl in hand with problematic girl, lyrically and thematically, maybe the real love story is the friends we make along the way.)
And that wasn't even the last of it. It's Florence 2.0 with B side Cassandra, but instead of Dance Fever, its Taylor’s glorious mythology with all the allusions, parallels, intertextual and lyrical ruining of my mind:
when the first stone’s thrown they’re screaming / when its burn the bitch they’re shrieking / when the truth comes out its quiet
so they killed cassandra first cus she feared the worst / and tried to tell the town / so they filled my cell with snakes i regret to say / do you believe me now?
No apologies anymore. A girl given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, the GOD OF POETRY, is cursed with her prophecy never being believed: Burning all the witches even if you aren't one, indeed. She saw the truth of the Trojan horse, and the Trojans insulted her. Rep snake branding and the current cultural view of KK and Ye. I don't need to say anything else.
i was in the tower weaving nightmares / twisting all my smiles into snarls
the family the pure greed the christian chrous line / bloods thick but nothing like a payroll / bet they never spared a prayer for my soul
I literally played that THREE times before I got over it enough to finish my first listen,
and i’m still thinking about Clara Bow and that Stevie Nicks tambourine we collectively freaked over from the Spotify installation, and all the silent movie speculation from the track title release.
you look like Clara Bow in this light - you look like Stevie Nicks in '75 - you look like Taylor Swift
Three women whose public profession became entangled with their pain. Silver Springs. Boyfriend songs. The jokes. Clara Bow.
Clara feared being left behind by 'talkies.' Miss Americana. The fear of 30 bringing death to a woman's Hollywood/Musical career,
beauty is a beast that roars down on all fours demanding more / only when your girlish glow flickers just so / do they let you know?
Three women who beat the odds - three women whose talent, craft, and popularity carried them through.
But there's something more to unpack here with cycles and patterns - of the past endlessly repeating. It's the transient nature of fame and our fleeting view of beauty mapped out in the untouchable, ever-changing, and culturally worshiped moon.
It's a body of physical craters, a natural body we call discovered, and fight to claim. We project emotions and create rituals of worship - you're the new god we're worshipping. Endless stories are told about her, but we can never fully see the moon with human eyes. Eclipses, shadows, - 'half moonshinе, a full eclipse' - half-truths and half-moons:
this town is fake but you're the real thing / breath of fresh air through smoke rings / take the glory, give everything / promise to be dazzling
There's a play on light and a play on words in the repetition of Dazzling, shining so bright so blindingly bright. Who is dazzled? Who is doing the dazzling? There's an instability between Director - Public - Star. It's Hollywood lights, No one in my small town thought I'd see the lights of Manhattan / No one in my small town thought I'd meet these suits in LA.
She beat the 'War Big Machine' - but for me, there's ambivalence and illusion on all sides of the final lyrics, you've got edge, she never did / the future's bright, dazzling.
(and ‘Edge’ is particularly ironic when you consider the songs on this album…)
Moving again into the B Side, it's Taylor's departure from Invisible string, red strings of fate, and golden threads à la the golden chain of fate in Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities that strikes me.
First, I thought her writing was a complete departure from the themes of destiny and fate, but then, The Prophecy:
cards on thе table / Mine play out like fools in a fablе
it isn't an absent symbol; it transformed. It's the evermore forest amped to the max. Witches, folklore, fairy-tale and fable - a homeric epic. Its the hero's journey distilled as she opens the song with a move from 'full throttle' adventure, to slowing down 'Hand on the Throttle' to appeal for Supernatural aid at the hero's transformative fall.
and it was written / I got cursed like eve got bitten / a greater woman wouldn't beg / but I looked at the sky and said / please I've been on my knees / change the prophecy
Lover asking Traffic Lights becomes spending my last coin so someone will tell me, and this might be the most slept-on heartbreaking line. Her search for reassurance can't be framed as an arbitrary musing anymore. It can't be dismissed as a mere thought on her drive home, or something triggered throughout the day - its intent. It's a quest for answers, a plea, a last-ditch hope difficult to deny.
and I sound like an infant / feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen/ a greater woman stays cool/ but I howl like a wolf at the moon / and I look unstable /
gathered with a coven 'round a sorceress' table / a greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait / i'm so afraid I sealed my fate / no sign of soulmates
She's asking for a gift from the Gods, and when the God's won't answer, she plunges straight down from heaven or Olympus into the self seizure of power in witchcraft. And when it fails, she descends further - Spending my last coin so someone will tell me it'll be okay - paying mortal fortune tellers, even if they lie.
The song leans on figures without redemption, on the Eve's, on the women cursed and punished, and those who scream like infants rather than enduring burdens and pain in silence. She's poisoned, infected like Aurora from the wound of the pricked hand with dreams of him. Is this a punishment?
She's infected, cursed like Eve got bitten, [lyric of all time!!!!] but does a monster always do monstrous things? Who is the monster? Who is the folkloric, the literary Mad Woman? Perhaps she's written from the desperate, the scarred, and the wronged.
and the transition into another tale with Peter? As in Peter losing Wendy? Is it an epilogue to the Betty trilogy? or a different use of the metaphor?
and I didn't wanna hang around / we said it was just goodbye for now /said you were gonna grow up / then you were gonna come find me / words from the mouths of babes / promises oceans deep / but never to keep
The triangle is echoed in love's never lost when perspective is earned, reflecting the different povs of Betty, August, and James, and placing Peter as the new conclusion - the shelf life of those fantasies has expired / lost to the lost boys chapter of your life/ the woman who sits by the window/ has turned out the (porch?) light.
Promises wear out. Wendy's window closes, and so does this chapter in her life.
my lost fearless leader / in closets like cedar / preserved from when we were just kids / is it something I did? / the goddess of timing / once found us beguiling
is also - intentionally or not - Narnia coded. Is the storybook collecting dust in her closet? Or is the closet still holding a portal to another fairytale land accessible only in youth, another home you can't return to (and another folklore parallel with mtr, anywhere I want just not home).
Side B is so harmonious with ttpd being the end of a chapter as the anthology moves through all the seven stages (or Taylor playlists) of grief.
The Manuscript, the signing of the autopsy, is the Death of the Author. It's the Roland Barthes realisation of All Too Well reborn in joy and fan culture, the story isn't mine anymore, of the Eras - 'I hope you hear these songs and think of this night' - Tour. She knew what the agony had been for - art. connection. - and its these things that create the hope lost in ttpd's journey through mania, disorientation, loss and despair. It all leads to healing, nothing left but a manuscript.
So many thoughts from listen no.1 and they’ll probably change, but i’m so exhausted from this 31 song rollercoaster that I'm just gonna let this sit. death of the author, I guess.
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isaactheterrible · 1 year
TF2 Mercs Thoughts On Queerness
TW: Homophobia, Transphobia (nothing graphic)
(Disclaimer: Thats what I think the 9 tf2 Mercs realistically think of gay/trans people based on their personalities in the comics. These are just my personal opinions, don't take it too personally)
1. Soldier
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•Gay People:
-Military Homophobia (Calls gay men sissies/thinks they're weak and feminine)
-Against gay marriage
-Cool with gay people raising children as long as it's a fem/masc dynamic that looks heteronormative from an outside perceptive
-Cool with lesbians, especially butch ones
-Other than a few homophobic comments here and there okay with gay men
-Would defend a gay person if they were being physically attacked or if someone was being particularly mean
-Old fashioned but not cruel
•Trans People:
-Sees Trans people as their Gender Assigned At Birth
-Sees Trans women as emaculated and feminine men who need to 'man up'
-Sees Trans men as masculine women and supports their masculinity even tho he sees them as women
-Misgenders a lot but perhaps with conversation and some mental gymnastics (playing into his insanity) you might get him to accept your identity
-Doesn't understand NB people
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•Gay People:
-Cool with them (supportive)
-Belives in equal rights (Gay marriage/Adoption)
-Would be a bit taken aback if it was his kid and might have to confront some of his internalized biases but would work really hard to understand
-Supportive Dad Energy
•Trans People:
-Man of science
-Very supportive tries his best to use proper name/pronouns
-Thinks it's kinda cool what science can do to people's bodies
-Doesn't really understand NB people but tries to be supportive regardless
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•Gay People:
-He doesn't care
-Probably has experimented with some dudes
-Supportive of gay rights
-You're just another person to him
•Trans People:
-Tries his best with pronouns/names
-Doesn't always understand but he doesn't have to
4. Heavy
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•Gay People:
-Despite the memes Heavy's highly educated
-While he doesn't understand it he doesn't bother gay people
-Would be supportive of a family member coming out, would confront his internalized biases because he just loves them so much
-Might be homophobic before but would rethink everything if someone he loves came out
•Trans People:
-He doesn't get it
-If you ask him to call you something he'll go along with it
-Doesn't really see trans people as their real gender but understands it's none of his business
-Would be polite for the sake of keeping the peace
5. Pyro
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•Gay People:
-Pyro doesn't care
-They think pda is disgusting no matter who it's coming from
-Doesn't care how other people live their lives
-Would defend a person being attacked for being queer if the attack was physical
•Trans People:
-Might buy you a small pride flag
-Very excited to meet a new interesting person
-Uses correct name and pronouns
6. Scout
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•Gay People:
-Uses 'gay' as an insult
-Makes fun of gay people with his friends
-Would say something if a gay person was being physically attacked
-Believes marriage is between one man and one woman
-Mixed feelings on adoption tho (He prefers a kid have 2 dads or 2 moms than no family at all)
•Trans People:
-Would think it's a joke at first
-Has probably never heard of being trans before
-Wouldn't misgender someone if they passed
-Doesn't understand, never will but if you explain the basics he might use proper name/pronouns
-More accepting of trans than gay people
7. Medic
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•Gay People:
-Doesn't care
-He's going to experiment on you regardless
-Supportive in a nonchalant way
-thinks Homophobia is illogical
•Trans People:
-Fascinated by their unique physiology
-Supportive and uses proper name/pronouns
-You better watch out you're a unique speciment
-Cool with NB people and especially intersex people, fascinated by the diversity of the human species
8. Spy
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•Gay People:
-Doesn't care
-You're just another person
-Would be supportive if it was his kid
-None of his business and he knows it
•Trans People:
-Has done drag a few times
-Thinks NB people are "Confused"
-Sees Trans people as their Assigned Gender At Birth
-Thinks Gender-Non-Conforming people are just crossdressers
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•Gay People:
-None of his business
-Would be supportive of his kid if they came out
-Might be a bit uncomfortable with gay people showing pda
-Otherwise chill
•Trans People:
-Doesn't understand
-Uses proper name/pronouns in the name of politeness
-Doesn't know what a NB person is and would be really confused
-Is polite regardless
Link for part 2:
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