#love my little stinker
gojonanami · 5 months
i LOVE the idea of satoru's child just babbling nonsense and satoru going along with it LMAO
omg yes, walking in with the laundry basket and you hear babbling — not an unusual noise — but it isn’t your kid, it’s your husband.
“uh huh, bababa nanana,” satoru is nodding along, “I know I can’t believe mama did that,”
“Babababa! Wawawa, ah!” Your kid is pouting, looking up Satoru, as he nods even more emphatically, spouting more gibberish.
You chuckle, and it catches his attention, “what’s so funny sweetheart?” His lips curling in a small smile, “ever seen two intellectuals have a conversation?”
“More like two conspiracists sounding their complaints,” you walk over, sitting next to satoru, “isn’t that right, baby?” And your baby lights up, holding out arms for you to take them into your lap, “looks like you lost your partner, what to do?” You grin.
Satoru pouts before smiling slowly at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “good thing I have my favorite partner right here — and you put up with all my nonsense,” and he kisses your lips, flashing his wedding band, “it’s required.”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Alternative form of 'Hitting Wangxian with a Catboyification beam'
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oliviadempseyart · 2 years
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Shout out to my mom for forcing me to watch 80’s movies and this gem changing my life lolol
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Can I request the fluff alphabet for Nikolai or Soap? So happy to hear you’re doing well, always look forward to your writing!
Hey there! Of course you can! And thank you! Glad to hear you enjoy my writing!
Fluff Alphabet for Soap
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Soap definitely loves being out and about, so he’d love nothing more than to go outside with you and just do things there. It doesn’t even need to be anything terrific like hiking on top of a mountain, a walk in the park suffices for him as well. As long as he gets to spend time with you he’s all game. Though, beware: He will likely be touching you in some way the entire time. If it’s raining outside or the weather is bad otherwise then he’ll opt for cuddling on the bed or couch with you. He’s a touchy guy, the only time he’ll let up is when you need to use the bathroom. But even then he’ll whine to no end.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He knows that he can’t be home for too long, so he definitely admires your patience with him. It takes quite a lot of it to date a soldier. Another thing he admires about you would be your loyalty and trust in him. He’s abroad for months at a time, but you don’t question his intentions, believing that he’ll stay with you. And that he will. Soap wouldn’t betray that trust. You don’t message him every time you’re being insecure about your relationship because there’s no need to be. Soap makes sure you feel loved and that you’re the only one.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’d go about it in the same way he’d prefer to be handled during tough times. He, too, can be a patient man and will listen to your every woe, should you want to tell him about it. Although he may not have the best advice for everything, he’ll certainly try. If you want your favorite dish, he’ll cook it for you. If you just want to cry on his shoulder, he’ll let you while he holds you.
If you’re having a panic attack then he’d try to calm you down immediately, getting you away from whatever might be causing you even more distress. He’s learned a thing or two about calming down, so he’d just talk to you, distracting you from it all until you feel better. This guy has plenty of stories to tell, funny ones too. He’ll calmly talk to you, trying to not have his accent be as thick as it usually may be either so you can understand him.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He’s a more traditional man, so I can see him wanting to get married to you eventually. He dreams of the day he gets down on one knee, pulling out the little box with the ring in it and asking you the big question. Afterwards he’d love to have a dog with you. A rather big one as well, like a St. Bernard or a German Shepherd. Soap loves picturing the kind of future where his dog will lie on top of you while you try to get it off and complain to him about him taking pictures of it. He may love being a soldier, but he adores you and would do anything for you.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He believes himself to be more dominant than he actually is. Sure, he can take on the role of being the more dominant person among the two of you, but he will step back as well if he needs to, or wants to. When it comes to your well-being, though, that’s when he’ll get very aggressive. Someone sleazebag is flirting with you? Soap’s won against plenty of people, so this fucker will be no exception. However, he can appreciate a suggestion you have made as well and will follow directions. Sometimes he does like letting you take the reigns as well, though.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
It’s not very hard to annoy him, even if he can hold himself back usually. But when it all gets too much he’ll get a bit louder for a moment before going quiet. He’ll be passive aggressive the entire time, even if he won’t outright insult you. He knows when emotions are appropriate, so he can control them 80% of the time. Won’t insult you, won’t yell at you either, but he will hiss at you. Give him some time to cool down and think it all over and he’ll forgive and forget. If he’s in the wrong he’ll apologize, if you’re in the wrong he won’t forget as easily without an apology, but he’ll forgive.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Yes, he’s very aware of what you’re doing for him. It’s not a given that someone as wonderful as you stays with him, even less so that you do what you do for him. He’s very grateful and will show such as well. Gives you chocolates and flowers, will take you on dates and outings, will do whatever he can to pay those favors back as well. He loves you and you should know that, so he will cling to you like a koala. Either that or he’ll help you with the chores when he’s not as tired anymore after deployment. Either way, you won’t be alone with doing the chores while he’s around.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
There’s plenty of things he doesn’t tell you, actually. Sure, there are some confidential missions he can’t tell you about, so there’s always that. However, he still does have some pride, so he won’t always tell you when he’s in pain either. He can take it like a man, no need to bother you with that sort of thing. He’s also pretty good at hiding his injuries and how much pain he’s in, if it isn’t too overwhelming. But other than that he’s a pretty honest guy and will tell you just about anything. You deserve to know everything about him, but likewise he expects you to be honest and open with him as well. A relationship can only truly prosper with communication.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think you would likely be able to help him with calming down a bit and finding a purpose in life that wasn’t being a soldier. He’s always been an active guy with a knack for chemistry and weaponry, so he wanted to put that knowledge to good use. However, ever since he’s gotten with you he realized that not everything needs to be about work or war. He can definitely appreciate the smaller things with you, like receiving a flower crown from you. You make his life more worthwhile and he finally has something to look forward to that isn’t just work. He has someone to come home to, and that’s worth a lot in his eyes.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It depends on the person stealing your attention. If it’s, say, Ghost, then he doesn’t mind as much since he knows Ghost has no ill intentions with you. But if it’s some random person then he definitely gets jealous if you spend too much time with them. Starts brooding and getting closer to you, wrapping an arm around you, maybe even kissing your cheek while he’s at it. If it was appropriate, he would growl at the person as well, trying to get them to go away. You’re his and no one else’s. Doesn’t apologize for his behavior either, if he’s jealous then he’s jealous, and that’s that. You’re more than welcome to act the same way with him as well, by the way.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s not too bad at kissing. Soap has had a few high school sweethearts, so he’s definitely kissed before and takes it easy. He wasn’t particularly stressed out about your first kiss together either and just let it happen. Although he was being cheesy and asked you to close his eyes before he kissed you. It was a gentle kiss since he wasn’t too sure if you truly liked him the way he likes you and he didn’t want to make you too uncomfortable. But when you told him you felt the same way he quickly gave you another kiss.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I don’t think he’d make too much of a fuss about it. He’d take you to a nice park on a nice day, maybe have a picnic with you and then casually ask you if you wanted to be a thing together. It’s not too bad if you say no, even if he’d be crushed, but he could just play it off and continue the picnic and be friends with you. Would love to watch the clouds go by while lying on the blanket with you. That’s also when he might confess to you.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes, he definitely wants to get married. He wants nothing more than to have a spouse to come home to. With you wearing an apron, asking him if he wants dinner, a bath or you first. It’s cliched, but he’d melt if you ever called him honey. I think he’d think his proposal through, though. It’s important to him, but he still wants the day to be fun, so he might take you to an amusement park and propose to you on the ferris wheel, sincerely hoping it stops while you’re on top and can view the entire city. The marriage would be sweet, he’d be even more doting on you. Would proudly introduce you as his spouse. 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Although they’d start out as a joke where he would mimic those embarrassingly sweet couples calling each other embarrassingly sweet things, he’d eventually take a liking to things such as pumpkin, pudding, or cutie pie. Naturally, there’s also things like babe and baby. If he can reference a stupid meme, he will. You’re also his silly little rabbit, no matter how much you dislike that nickname.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s somewhat obvious to others. Soap is much more inclined to gravitate towards you and try to spend as much time with you as possible. He likely also won’t leave you alone unless you ask him to. He becomes much more chatty with you and brags about his accomplishments as well. Might even flex for you, even if it’s cringe. You need to realize how strong and awesome he is. Also does you a lot of favors, you don’t need to repay him. See? Isn’t he just the ideal guy? Isn’t he just so dateable?
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
If it was up to him either one of you would be holding the other at any point in time. He’s not afraid to show the world you’re a thing, he will brag about you to everyone willing to listen. Even if he’s being called embarrassing, he’ll just keep on going. The world needs to know just how lovely you are, that you’re the best partner anyone could have ever asked for. Kisses you in public, hugs you in public, cuddles you in public. If you’re comfortable with it.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s a very observant guy, so he’ll almost always know what’s up just by watching you for a bit. You’re happy? You’re sad? You’re mad? Don’t worry, he can pretty accurately gauge your emotional well-being just by watching you for a bit. Does what he needs to do to either cheer you up or keep you happy afterwards.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s somewhere in the middle. While he may not be the most romantic person out there, he does dream of kissing you under the moonlight and dance with you then and there as well. When it comes to making you happy he’d do just about anything. You want a cat? You want some cuddles? You want him to kill that guy for you? Just ask for it, you’ll receive whatever you want, you’re his partner and therefore very important to him. He tries to get a bit more creative with what he gifts you and actively searches for things online. But usually he just settles for showing you Scotland. His country is important to him as well, so he hopes you can appreciate it as much as he appreciates you. He means well, he’s just very easily excited about it.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Oh, definitely. It doesn’t matter what your goal may be, he’ll do what he can to help you achieve it. You wanna work out? He’ll go to the gym with you. You wanna get better mentally? He’s there, cheering you on every step of the way. You wanna be independent? He has connections, you’ll get your dream job and dream pay, don’t even worry about it. As long as you let him help you, he will. And even if you refuse his help he will somehow weasel himself in anyway and help you out, even if you won’t ever know about it.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Although repetition can be a nice thing, he does prefer having something new every once in a while. Sometimes he wants to see another country with you, sometimes he wants to try new foods with you, sometimes he just wants to watch a new movie with you. It doesn’t always need to be the most exciting thing with you, even the small things suffice, but he needs something new. The same routine every time bores him to death and annoys him as well. Again, something small will suffice for some time, but then it’s definitely time for a vacation away from it all.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He likes to think he knows you quite well by now. He can remember things very well too, so if you ever mention a fun fact about yourself, chances are he’ll remember it forever. If you ever want something, no matter how small it is, Soap will remember and you’ll get it eventually. He’s also an empathetic person. He sees you and feels what you’re feeling, at least to some degree. Probably not with the same intensity that you do, but he tries to understand you. 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship with you is very important to him, as important as his friendship with Ghost, Gaz and Price. The four of you are the most important people in his life, along with his family, and he’d do anything to keep you safe and happy. He does hope that you can get along with the other three as well, though.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Has probably tried to serenade you before. His voice is by no means bad, but it’s his accent that makes you giggle. He does lay it on extra thick as well when singing I’m Gonna Be just to hear you laugh a bit. He mostly just sings to you to hear your giggles and see you smile, but he does like singing and whistling to himself when he’s alone.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes. Soap loves nothing more than holding you close whenever he can, especially if you haven’t seen each other in months. When he’s tired you can be certain he’ll be all over you the entire time until he falls asleep. And even then he has an iron grip on you so you won’t escape him. He’s a human furnace as well, so while it may be pleasant in winter, it’s hell in summer. But that’s the worst part about him, he doesn’t mind being sweaty as long as he gets to cuddle you. He’s used to being sweaty anyway, he can just shower it off, but he needs to hold you or else he’ll combust.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Whenever he can, he’ll text or call you. He knows it’s not always the time for such a thing, but he’ll do it anyway. Sometimes, he’ll call you just to hear your voice and fall asleep to it. He imagines himself doing all the domestic things to you he can’t do in the moment, it helps him fall asleep when his heart is aching for you yet again. Sometimes, when he’s just on base and not necessarily being deployed, he’ll steal a plushie from you and take it with him, cuddling it in your stead at night. It does help him sleep better.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Soap would literally kill and die for you. He has this sense of camaraderie to him, and that extends to you as well. He’d fight for you, he’d take a severe hit for you. Anything to make sure you’re alright . Soap is loyal to a fault, so even just someone looking at you the wrong way warrants a fight, in his eyes. You’d need to remind him that none of this is necessary, that you’ll be alright and then he’ll calm down. But don’t you ever think that this man won’t blow up entire buildings just to watch you smile. He’ll make his own explosives as well, if he needs to.
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starii-lins · 4 months
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low quality leo valdez doodles because im in love with him
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oktoramaa · 10 months
he sucks
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plethodontidae · 4 months
“zoro is emotionless” “zoro doesn’t smile after the timeskip” “zoro changed after the timeskip” but what about post-dressrosa ☹️
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electronix-arts · 3 months
people are so right cats are amazing i pet tinsel for like 5 minutes straight and he slow blinked at me and i slow blinked back and i am feeling so much better
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amethystpath-writes · 2 years
Red Cheeks and Blue Ribbons
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“Headquarters sent out an email. It’s your birthday.”
Hero nodded. Yes, it was their birthday. Leader said it as though Hero didn’t know their own birth date. At least headquarters knew better than to send them the email on top of everyone else. ‘Hey, Hero! In case you forgot, it’s your very own birthday today!’ Hero would have chuckled if not for the confused look on Leader’s face as they began speaking.
“I usually don’t- um… I mean… We’re not supposed to-”
It was now that Hero realized there was a small box in Leader’s hands. And not just any box; it was a gift box- blue cardboard with a darker blue ribbon atop.
“It’s nothing big, but… you’re a good addition to the team. We’re closer, stronger, more vulnerable…” Leader trailed off.
Vulnerable was an interesting choice of words, but Hero shrugged it off with a hint of a smirk. They knew what Leader meant.
“I imagine informing you that your cheeks are going red would embarrass you further so I’ll say this instead: thank you for the gift.” Hero took the box from Leader’s clammy hands. “I’ll be sure to thank the team,” they said with a quick wink.
Before walking away, Hero added, “Allow yourself more confidence next time. You’re pretty cute when you fluster, but confidence is more my forte. Got it?”
Hero could have sworn they heard Leader swallow.
“I’ll- uh… yeah. Confident. More confident. No, I’ve always been confident.” Leader shook their head. “Happy birthday, Hero.” And they ducked their head as they strode down the hall, separating themself from the situation and their own embarrassment.
Leader wasn’t so messy with anyone else on the team. Hero managed a smile. They could get used to a flustered Leader if it came down to it.
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(Banner by the lovely @creweemmaeec11 . Thank you, Crew <3)
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possum-quesadilla · 3 days
Did we all have fun at the horrors of chapter 11? Cause I sure did!
Also, is there anyone that wants to be tagged in updates for either loopjuice or corpsejuice?
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shkika · 9 months
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concrete girl doodles
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mikeyway-creates · 3 months
Clutch (and his small husband) Doodles!!!
Mostly clutch- I'm trying to learn to draw him better...
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asherlookit · 1 year
praying Zac is playing another fucked up little guy in this upcoming season
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seaspaghetti · 3 months
piplup i love you i love you i love you i love you
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craske · 8 months
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will miss you forever and ever
i still remember how it felt to touch you and hear you and feel you sleep on my stomach
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bridoesotherjunk · 1 year
my dog turns SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD today!!!!
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He's so old!!!!!! Happy birthday little man!!
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