#love that u gave me Deku
inkalight · 2 years
SHOUTOOO, QUEEN, and cute but deadly
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I will miss jokes or just conversations 😅 so definitely vibe with this boy, (I use 🥺💕 to get away with things heehee) never dyed my hair yet I want to tho, 🥺💕 yes please uwuwuwuwu protecc meeeeeeeee /j, a im NOT ITS A TRICK IM A NERD!!!
(I responded to queen already <3)
First I vibe with Deku in many ways, I mean I enjoy drawing angst so (and I’ve been told I look intimidating) but I’m shy and anxious I swear, I try my best to be kind! We all deserve love and support! Hhhh mc energy wowwie that’s a lot of pressure 😳, lovable AAA THANKS, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME UR NEWBORN I DONT WANT TO HURT THE BEBE, smortie? Me?? Only from 3-6 pm every other time I’m spacing out thinking about aus 🥰
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puppyeared · 9 months
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these two are so interesting to me
characters belong to @canisalbus
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habken · 4 months
/busts down your door WHAT ALL HAVE I MISSED IN BNHA?????? I just saw your comic and I’m so confused
okay so bakugou got got right we all know that, shigaraki fucked up his arm, bakugou said “oh I know what I gotta do” and did a good attack on shiggy but his heart exploded </3 and he died but edgshot said “nuh uh” and used his body to stitch it back up and then deku was late to the party and didnt even have time to be bummed out about bakugou’s corpse cause he has to fight shigaraki and then somewhere else afo does stuff blah blah blah and snatches hawks quirk (rip) and then takes off to join shigafo in that fight but all might says “not on my watch” and intercepts him and they duke it out and all this time afo is getting younger cause he used something made from eris quirk so he could keep duking it out with endeavour and that gang so he’s like a teen fighting poor old man all might who used all his savings to by himself a mech suit but it’s not going so hot for him and stain shows up to take on afo with all might but afo still wins and is about to finish off all might when bakugou starts up his own heart with his explosive sweat and makes really fruity eye contact with deku and with the power of friendship deku pauses his fight with shigafo to launch bakugou towards afo and bakugou saved all might and goes “dawg who’s this kid I’m about to beat the shit out of” and all might says “that’s afo” and bakugou goes to beat the shit out of toddler afo and succeeds because afo finally benjamin buttons out of existence but the whole balugou’s arm looks like seconds away from falling off, then after a long day of fighting bakugou takes a well deserved nap and we go back to deku v shigafo and it’s not going well for deku he’s trying to break through to tenko but he’s not getting anywear and then shigaraki steals danger sense and it gets even worse but second user goes “wait ! What if we attack him with psychic damage, give shigaraki ofa and we’ll beat the shit out of his mind so you can do your thing” amd deku is very sad but agrees and then after he goes punches all of the ofa vestiges into shigaraki they end up in his mind palace and little deku holds little tenko hand even though it’s disintegrating his own and this is where we think “wow he truly won with the power of friendship” but no !! He did not ! The afo vestige that loves in shigaraki’s mind comes out and evil laughs and says “you idiot I’ve been behind all the awful missrable things that happened your whole life ! I convinced your dad to have you, I took your og quirk away and gave you half of an ability that should have let you destroy and recreate but only gave you the destructive part because I am evil and you are too because I made you that way” and shigaraki goes :0 ?!1?;& and dissolves because afo cast vicious mockery and got a nat20 dealing double damage. We then exit shigaraki’s mind and deku has no arms !! But behind him avengers endgame style, heroes amass and aizawa steps out of the portal and goes “damn sorry midoriya if only I’d come like a minute earlier now you’re armless </3” but ! He tosses deku eri’s horn because eri havked it off herself to give to deku to save him and deku’s arms start growing back :D at the same time, afo has fully taken over shigaraki’s body and i like “haha tomura is no more it’s just me now” but he’s super bummed out because his vestige brother is gone as well and he’s like “damn what even is the reason for doing anything anymore :// I guess I’ll still kick ur ass or whatever but I’m kinda apathetic about taking over the world now” but while deku gave away ofa he still has some of the embers and with the power of froendship once more, he dodges afo’s attacks and punches him super duper hard, and we see shigaraki again :D and yoichi :00 and yoichi says sone shit to afo and shigaraki turns to deku like “this was truly our hero academia :) tell spinner I love him” and deku says “sure dawg” and they fist bump and stuff
tldr: deku gave up ofa to save shigaraki and bakugou’s arm is super super messed up which is very fun
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
Love Language (My Hero Academia)
Ship : Switch!Bakugou, Switch!Deku (BakuDeku)
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A/N : sorry if there’s any mistakes, the tumblr app is a bitch and i am so tired of using this platform! sorry for the cynicism, just tired. hope you guys enjoy!! i’ve been wanting to write for bkdk forever so this was fun :)
Summary : Bakugou's keeping a secret. Deku is very eager to figure out what exactly he's hiding, and this leads to some...playful antics.
Word Count : 3994
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Deku had put some real thought behind what his and Kacchan’s love language together would be. He felt every relationship had one that stood out above the rest, whether it be words of affirmation and adoration for one another, or simple physical touch that lingered so one could be as close as possible to the other they love. 
But if he had to choose a word, just one word to describe the love language he and Kacchan shared together, the answer he finds in his vocabulary sticks out like a sore thumb:
“Kacchan, I already told you there isn’t another day we can go. I’m either babysitting Eri or training with All Might every other day; it has to be Tuesday.”
“Fucking reschedule then, nerd. I’ve got plans on Tuesday, and I know damn well I’m not rescheduling,” Kacchan lounged against Deku’s bed, sprawled lazily as he scrolled through his phone and argued like it was clockwork. Because really, it was. 
“I can’t just reschedule, you know that! What’s so important about Tuesday anyway? Got a hot date you care to clue me in on?”
“Oh yeah, super hot. Way outta your league, don’t bother asking,” the smirk on Kacchan’s face made Deku smile at the corners of his mouth before immediately pulling his face back into a pout-like scowl. 
“I’m serious, Kacchan, why not Tuesday?”
“Because I said so.”
“Stop being so stubborn.”
“Stop being so annoying.”
“I’m not annoying, I’m persistent.”
“Persistent on annoying the shit out of me.”
Deku sighed frustratedly, finally shutting the laptop on his desk and swiveling the chair around to face his incredibly hard-headed boyfriend, who was still looking at his phone.
He stared at Kacchan for a good moment before the blonde gave in and looked back at him. The blonde kept his eyebrows up and lips pressed, like he was pretending to care about the conversation. He did care, but it’s fun to tease Deku and get him all huffy like he is now.
“Yes, your majesty?”
Deku groaned, but he felt his face getting just slightly warmer at the teasing remark. He said nothing in response, just continuing to stare Kacchan down like his eyes had hidden lie detectors installed in the retinas.
Finally, Kacchan huffed, his face relaxing from the teasing one he held back into that infamous grumpy expression, returning his glare to the phone in his hand, totally uninterested. Totally.
“Look, I’ve got shit to do that day, alright?”
“Like what? Why can’t you tell me what it is?”
“Because I just can’t, okay?! Not a big fucking deal..” Kacchan continued with a mumble of feign annoyance, “You’ll figure out what it is later anyways.”
Ohh. Okay then. So it’s a secret for Deku, not from him. Interesting. Very interesting.
Deku sat in thought, allowing an almost tense silence to fill the room. His glare remained aimed at Kacchan, finger curled against his chin that tilted down as he pondered. It was an expression Deku wore quite often when thinking. Every couple of seconds Kacchan spared him a glance, before clicking his tongue like he was irritated at the cogs turning in Deku’s head. 
Finally, Deku stood, sauntering over to the bed innocently enough. He peeked down at Kacchan with a sweet smile, the blonde finally peering above his phone and grimacing at the look.
“Why are you lookin’ at me like that?” He grumbled.
“So what’s this about Tuesday?”
“Oh my god are you still on that shit? I said you’ll find out soon enough so just drop it-- hey-! Gah whAt the-! S-stop, dohon’t you-- shihit stop!”
That was another thing Deku could probably count as one of their love languages: tickling. Whether to settle a dumb argument, win against the other in a spar, or just to hear some cute giggles whenever they felt in the mood, somehow tickling was always brought back up in their relationship like they were rekindling the childhood they fucked up for each other.
Neither one of them minded it. In fact, they both thoroughly enjoyed the activity when it was with one another. But one was definitely more keen on admitting that fact than the other would ever dare.
Deku’s smile was innocent and sweet; the fingers curling into Kacchan’s lower ribs, pinching the sensitive bundle of nerves that left his boyfriend near thrashing through choked-back laughs, were much less so.
Kacchan growled through restrained giggles, trying hard to fight back against the silly sensations that forced his body to curl around his evil boyfriend’s fingers and his belly to bounce in giggles so unlike him.
“Q-quihit! I swear I’ll- gggrraahaha nohoho!” His feet kicked out against the mattress, ruining the well-made comforter just so he could relieve himself from all the pent-up ticklish energy coursing through him. He tried pushing away Deku’s hands, but even when he managed to move them away from one spot, like his belly, they always found another that somehow felt more ticklish than the last, like his fucking ribs. “I swehehear! GAhaAHAHahah Deheheku!”
“You swear what? Sorry, I can’t understand you, you’ll what now? Hm? What are you gonna do, Kacchan?” Deku teased, delighting in the squeal and curses against his life he got in return. “Oh, I know what you’ll do! How about you tell me what you’re gonna be up to on Tuesday? Hm? How’s that sound, Kacchan?”
The blonde just shook his head defiantly, if not to also hide his flushed face in his pillow as much as he could. 
Why did he always feel like this every time that nerd tickled him. It was so fucking stupid, immature as anything. Tickling isn’t that bad, it shouldn’t take much for Bakugou to fight back and claim victory like he did with everything else.
If it was anyone else tickling him, he’d still be holding back well by now. Sure, it’d probably tickle just the same, maybe less. But he’d be able to hold off his laughter, fight back harder, do fucking anything other than curling up into a squirming ball of growling giggles and just let it happen—like he was doing right now. 
There was just something about the way Deku in particular tickled him that always made his face flame, made his brain short-circuit into nothing more than giddy mush. It just felt different. More intimate, maybe. Deku knows the ins and outs of Bakugou’s entire being, has analyzed him since the day they met, and yet still somehow the bastard manages to find out new things about him nearly every day. Deku knows exactly how to tickle him, and this makes him vulnerable. That knowledge makes the fingers squishing into his belly tickle just so much worse than they would with anyone else. 
Bakugou can't stand it. He can't take it. 
And yet he fucking does. 
“C’mooooon Kacchan! I know you wanna tell me! Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me-”
“STOHOHOPP! You ahahasshohole! Fuhuhuck ahahaha-!” Bakugou was going to die like this. Face red like a cherry, squirming away from his boyfriend’s fingers that always found a new spot to torment no matter his struggle, those stupid fucking butterflies filling his belly and making him feel all—
NO. No. He doesn’t like this. This is torture, an interrogation tactic—and a childish one at that. He is fine, he will persevere, he can fucking handle a little-
“WAHAHAIT NOHOhohoho! Nononohohoho you fuhuhucker!” Through his struggle Deku managed to sit on his waist, pinning his body to the bed and leaving him even more helpless than before. He even zeroed in on that disgustingly ticklish spot on his upper ribs, the one he just loved to remind Kacchan of endlessly.  The blonde glued his elbows to his sides like it would do anything but trap Deku’s stupid skilled fingers to that one horribly ticklish spot. 
Bakugou tried spitting curses at Deku through his cackles, but the words always dissolved into hysterical giggles that that green-headed fucker just chuckled at in response.
“You’re so cuuuute! It tickles, doesn’t it? Does it tickle? Does thiiiis tickle?” Deku pinched faster at that dastardly little spot, Kacchan throwing his head back in giggly anguish. The blonde shook his head yet again, squeezing his eyes shut tight so he didn’t have to look at that sickly sweet expression on his evil tormentor's face.
“Yohohou-! You cahahan’t! You cahahan’t juuhust-!” He yet again lost his words to wheezes and unstoppable giggles, kicking hard against the mattress in flustered frustration.
“I can’t? Oh, but I can! I can do whatever I want, Kacchan, and you can’t do anything about it. All you have to do is tell me what you’re gonna be up to on our date night and then I might let you go!”
Bakugou gave him a wide-eyed intimidation stare, though the effect was lost on his cackling smile and scrunched-up nose. “Mihihight!?”
“Well yeah, I love your laugh~! I only get to hear it so often cause you’re this ticklish,” Deku chuckled, now poking sporadically all over his boyfriend's sensitive ribs and making the blonde throw his head back in a giggle fit. “Tickling you is just so fun, Kacchan, you know it’s hard for me to stop sometimes,” he stated it like a clear fact Bakugou should already be aware of. Even worse is that Bakugou was indeed very aware of how much fun Deku found tickling him to be, and it made his body feel torn between squirming away from him entirely to escape that horribly funny feeling, and just sitting perfectly still (or, at least, as still as one could be while being tickled) and letting his mean boyfriend have his fun. He shouldn’t be thinking like that, Deku is having his fun by torturing the living daylights out of him, but Bakugou’s come to find such a soft spot in himself for that little fucker, one that wants to let him do whatever he wants just to make the boy happy— unluckily for him, this soft spot just happens to be insanely fucking ticklish, and Deku has all intentions to exploit the hell out of it.
“I don’t cahahare! It’s nohohot—! Ahahaha shihit—!” Kacchan wheezed, fists gripping onto Dekus wrists like a lifeline. He pushed, he shoved, made a whole show about trying to get away.
And yet? There he lies; still giggling, still tickled.
Deku chuckled, giving sweet pinches to Kacchans hips and thriving in the loud, giggly whine his action brought. “You can’t even talk now~,” he keened, bringing his face so fucking close to Bakugou’s own that the blonde was almost worried he’d be able to feel the warmth radiating off his flushed face. “I’ve got youuuu~!”
Bakugou wailed through a desperate cackle. He hated that, the stupid teasy shit Deku always pulled when he had him like this. It was so mean, made him feel so damn vulnerable, why the hell is his heart pounding so fucking hard. 
“Nohoho! Nononohoho—!” It was all he could say, his only counter to Deku’s malicious attack. He can’t give in though, can’t let that bastard get what he wants out of him. He has to stay strong. 
“No? Aww, but why? I just wanna know about your fun little plans!” Deku scribbled up Kacchan’s sides, his fingers walking a dark path back up to the blonde’s worst spot. Kacchan jerked to the side, held his arms so tight against himself while still trying to maintain the grasp he had against his boyfriend’s weapons of mass destruction. He knew it was no use, they’d played this game so many times by now he knew his fate was sealed, but he had to try damnit. 
“I wohohon’t! It’s a fuhucking secrehehet you bihihitch!” 
“Always so rude to me, Kacchan. What did I ever do to you, huh?” Deku said with an all-knowing grin, tilting his head like an innocent and curious puppy. That mean fucking bastard.
“Thihihis!! You’re fuhuhcking evihihil—!” Bakugou was having a hard time breathing now, his only source of oxygen being through hysterical giggling. Deku sighed with a tut, removing his fingers from the dip of Kacchans hips and placing them on his chest. He pressed down firmly, like to assert they were not yet finished here. Bakugou groaned through the giggly breaths he took thanks to his little break. 
“I’m not evil, Kacchan. I’m persistent,” Deku smiled at his boyfriend's scoff. “We can be done here, y'know. No more tickling if you just tell me.”
Bakugou glared up at Deku, finally willing down his blush so he could actually assert himself here. 
“I don’t care about the tickling. I’m not fucking talking. It’s not for you to know, not yet at least,” He smirked, placing a hand over the ones pressed against his chest. “Can’t keep your hands off me long, huh?”
Deku pouted, mad that Kacchan was trying to dominate the situation again like he always does. But no, no he’s not in charge here, not yet at least. Deku still has some answers he’s looking for. 
“At least tell me why you can’t tell me.”
Bakugou blinked. He glared at Deku with an incredulous look, one that said “you’re fucking joking, right?”, and when he saw that look of pure seriousness on his boyfriends face, he just couldn’t help it. Bakugou slammed a hand over his mouth as he cackled at his boyfriend’s way with words. 
He laughed through a muffled palm, “You’re so fuhucking stupihid!” Bakugou cackled, his free hand squeezing Deku’s on his chest to assure his words were lighthearted. “‘Tell me why you can’t tell me—,’ that’s fucking telling you, you dumbass!”
Deku scowled at his boyfriend's hysterics, much less amused by this form of laughter than the kind he brought out himself. 
“I’m serious! Why can’t you tell me?”
“I did tell you, it’s a secret.”
“But what kind of secret? A gift? A party? Be more specific.”
“No, cause then you’ll fucking figure it out, you dunce.”
Deku dropped his face. “You’re just asking for it, aren’t you?”
“I’m not asking for shit! If I’m asking you anything it’s that you leave it fucking be.”
“But Kachaaaaan…”
Oh there he goes, whining and pulling that stupid puppy dog look again. That adorable little idiot just always gets what he wants, it’s not fucking fair. But not this time, oh no. Bakugou stayed strong, holding his own, refusing to give the little manipulator what he wants. Because if he did, it would ruin the fucking surprise. 
Deku’s birthday is next month, he’s turning the big one-eight. Bakugou had been preparing his present for weeks now, counting down the days and scheduling the purchase perfectly so nothing could go wrong. But, the only day he could line up to buy the limited-edition All Might plush that had been recalled when they were kids for whatever reason, was Tuesday. 
Deku had one when they were little, but through a tussle between the two boys (one that Bakugou knows he started and to this day feels terrible over), it had been torn and ruined in the mud of their local playground. Deku’s mom had tried everything to fix it before eventually just trying to buy a new one, but again, the damn thing had been fucking recalled, so it was nowhere.
Bakugou still has memories of Deku bawling his eyes out over the thing, sleepless nights from not being able to cuddle his favorite plush like a security blanket. Bakugou feels, and even back then felt, fucking horrible over it. 
So, when he found one for sale online a few months ago, one that was in mint-fucking-condition, he knew that was it. That plushie was exactly what Deku would get from him on his birthday into adulthood. 
Thing was, buying the damn thing was looking to be a real fucking inconvenience at the moment. He was able to talk to the seller, get to a nice price they were both happy with (well, happy was an overstatement; how in the hell could a stuffed doll be so fucking expensive?!), and agree on a time to meet up and exchange. But it had to be Tuesday. This Tuesday. No other day, the seller told him, cause if he was late he’d give it to the next seller who was just as eager to buy. 
And so, here he lies, entirely unwilling to fess up with an actual monster on his waist trying it’s damndest to get him to talk. But Deku had his fun, Bakugou at least gave him that. Now he thinks it’s about time a certain monster learned what the consequences of pestering his very nice and loving boyfriend are.
“Quit your whining, idiot,” Bakugou grinned before quickly gripping at Deku’s waist, careful not to tickle yet, but enough to make sure the boy knew it was a threat. “You think you’re just gonna get away with that little stunt?”
Deku gasped with a wobbly smile, his hands shooting to Kacchan’s wrists with an all-too-excited pleading look. “N-no, I just--”
“You just what? Just thought you could tickle all the answers out of me like it’s easy? Ohoho, I’ll show you what’s really easy--” Bakugou chuckled before delivering quick yet gentle squeezes to Deku’s hips, the boy already folding forward in embarrassed, giggly huffs, his head shaking ‘no’ all the while. “--What’s easy is making you fall apart right at the seams, you ticklish idiot.”
In one quick move, Bakugou had their positions flipped, Deku on his back with his legs wrapped around Bakugou’s waist and the blonde’s fingers pinching quick and mercilessly right at that little spot he knows Deku just can’t stand.
Deku squealed and shrieked through giggles, legs kicking beside his boyfriend’s waist and hands pushing not hard enough at Bakugou’s wrists. His hair was already tussled from shaking his head, face flushed and scrunched in ticklish anguish.
“Ahahaha!! Nohot fahahair!” He whined through his cackles, body twisting with a giggly shout when one hand moved to pinch up and down his right side.
“Oh, it’s not so fair when it’s you getting the tickle punishment then, is it? My my, what double standards you have there, Deku,” Bakugou couldn’t help the wide grin on his face. Seeing Deku like this is just always too damn cute. He looks a mess in the best way possible, shrieking pleas and apologies through hysterical giggles. Bakugou wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’m sohohorryyy!! I wahas just--AH! AHAHahaha juhuhust chuhurious! Kahachhaan plehehease-!” Deku pleaded, trying to look his boyfriend in the eye but failing miserably when the tickling just made his eyes scrunch right back up in laughter.
“Yeah well curiosity sure killed the cat here, didn’t it?” Bakugou moved his hands to pinch at the thighs so readily available to him next to his own sides, leaving Deku to arch off the bed with a loud, desperate squeal. He tried slapping at Bakugou's hands, now too far away to get a firm grip on them, but his fight was futile. Deku was sentenced to a tickled silly death. He wrapped his arms around his torso and cackled helplessly, squirming around like it would do a thing.
“You givin’ up? Just gonna sit there and let me tickle you silly, Deku? You’re fuckin’ hopeless,” Bakugou chuckled, delighted in the blush Deku now tried to cover up with his right hand. “Do you apologize for being a pest?”
“YEHEHES! I’m sohohorryy! So sohohorry, Kachahahaha--! Ahahaha nohoho-! Pleheheehehe-!”
“Yeah, I didn’t quite catch that,” Bakugou brought his face down towards Deku’s own, the boy’s cackles so loud it almost hurt his ears. He grinned maliciously, “Can’t really understand you when, y’know, you can’t even talk~,” Oh how he loved to use Deku’s own words against him. It always made him scream so deliciously.
Hm. Bakugou was quite close to Deku’s face at the moment. His cute, red, smiley little face. Bakugou’s eyes scanned down from the boy’s cheeks, to jaw, to neck. Hm. Hmm.
Bakugou switched up his tickle tactic just a tad, from digging into Deku’s thighs to just tickling softly over the skin (much thanks to the boy’s athletic shorts he always wore for comfort). At this, Deku kicked hard against the sheets, letting out a half-screech half-whine through his bubbly giggles. Bakugou grinned at the change of pace before dipping down right into the crook of Deku’s neck and nibbling.
Deku screamed. His hands pushed against Bakugou’s hair, not enough to pull but enough to make it a mess. Bakugou growled into his neck at that, making him squeak so preciously. 
“Little stuck, huh?”
“Nohohoho! Nohoho yohohou-! Thihhiss ihihis-! AHAHAHA-!! Tihihickles!” His voice was so high-pitched now, the tickling at his neck making it impossible to lower it for his own dignity. 
“Yeah? Tickles?” Bakugou whispered right into the shell of Deku’s ear, the tickled boy shaking his head with a squeal like it would do anything but make Kacchan’s hair tickle at his nose.
“Okahahahay! Okahahay, Kachahahan!” he shoved at Bakugou’s shoulders while his own bounced in giggly mirth. He knew his face had to be bright red at this point, he could feel the heat spreading everywhere, god he felt so warm. Kacchan’s face, his lips, against his neck and ears were too much, too vulnerable, too ticklish. The way his chapped lips grazed the skin as his teeth worked oh-too gently to nibble away at every fiber of his sanity was making him lose his mind. Not to mention he was still tickling his fucking thighs. Kacchan rarely tickled him so gently, it was so out of character for the boy, and yet here he was, tearing Deku apart by the seams just like he said he would with the softest and meanest of tickles Deku could’ve ever imagined.
“You sorry yet~?” Bakugou whispered yet again, smiling into the skin when he heard Deku’s laughter start going silent, every few seconds a wheeze or hysterical giggle slipping its way through before delving right back into silent delirium. 
Finally, Deku got the breath to barely giggle out, “Y-yehehes! S-sohohorry! Kahahahahaha-!”
With a kiss at the shell of Deku’s red little ear (oh it was so warm, how delightful), Bakugou pulled away, the boy left panting through giggles on his lap. Fuck, he looks so cute like that. Bright pink and wrecked, breathing hard while still unable to control the titters of leftover sensations crawling over his neck and thighs. 
Deku seemed to have forgotten what this was all about, just looking up at Kacchan and throwing his arms over his face with embarrassed giggles. Bakugou chuckled, giving a slap to the side of Deku’s thigh and making him squeak.
“You’re gonna love it, though. Even if I can’t tell you what it is, I’ll at least let your nosy ass know it’s something good,” Bakugou gave a small smile, eyes hooded in adoration.
Deku brought his arms down to his chest so he could look properly at his boyfriend, smiling wide when he saw how Kacchan was looking at him. 
“Hope it was worth it,” he giggled before propping himself up and puckering his lips out for Kacchan to take the chance. Bakugou just rolled his eyes fondly before giving in and kissing his boyfriend softly, hand on his cheek.
A month passed, and Deku did indeed adore his gift. Tears were shed (all on Deku’s part of course, Bakugou just chuckled at his boyfriend’s sensitivity like he always did), and that night Deku had two things he could cuddle and snuggle himself to sleep with.
Maybe they had three love languages, Deku thought as he drifted off, cuddled against the soft plush he forgot he missed so much and the warm arms wrapped protectively around his waist. Bickering, check. Tickling, double check. Gift-giving? Most definitely a triple check in Deku’s books. He gave the plush a tight squeeze as he finally dozed off with a smile.
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A/N : i hope yall enjoyed! it's currently 4:30am and i've got class in the morning and work in the afternoon so i should rlly get to sleep lmaoo. this jsut took way longer to post thanks to tumblr dot com being the worst platform in the world! hope yall have a great day, love u guys!! <;33
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tomurawr44 · 2 months
would you mind writing headcanons of tomura and my oc? she’s a tall goth so i wonder what you’d think about their relationship 🫰🖤
(i’m okay with both sfw and nsfw :3)
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A/N: your oc is gorg omg! I remember seeing your posts when i first started getting back into my Tomura obsession and it forced me to lock in and actually cook up a coherent oc with lore 😭 I'm so honored I appeared on your radar🖤 maybe I'll man up and finally make my oc into a drawing to post here.... sorry if the nsfw section is short!
WARNINGS: nsfw under the cut, ooc, just assumptions based on her looks so sorry :( I DONT WANNA BUTCHER OR MISCHARACTERIZE HER SOS.....
I know you said her and tomura but toga loves her and tries to get her to hangout with her whenever Tomura has you around him.
they place their beds together in minecraft.
she has beat him in all the games he plays atleast once and he still sulks about it to this day.
they have been to the mall together and she came with him to the mall scene w/ deku to pick him up and to tell him to knock it off.
she's his collar lol she keeps him in place and to stay rational.
i would like to think she's in the league of villains.
they have painted/written on eachother's controllers, mouses, switches, and even on their clothes.
Tomura thinks her hair is really nice and just likes to carefully run his fingers through it, when i say careful i mean he individually holds locs of hair to put them between his fingers so he can run his hands through it.
Tomura thinks she's emo.
she's kind of assertive over him, but not infront of the league because she knows it'll piss him off.
one time she got so happy drunk with Tomura he had to hold her hair back while she throws up in the toilet. she's done that for him too. holding his fringe up while he vomits is such a couple thing.
twice likes to refer/compare her hair to his mask, he thinks it's cool.
dabi also thinks she's pretty chill, and wonders why she's with Tomura when obviously there's better options. (Not him, he's pretty innocent if u have read the bnha smash manga with the villains!)
he likes it when she ties her hair up.
he texts like a dad, a thumbs up or replies with some outrageously stupid image he found online.
Mr.Compress also thinks she's cool, spinner is somewhat jealous of Tomura though, but he understands why you're with him.
Magne and Toga LOVE her. as in, when the league becomes closer they've had girls sleep overs, twice was invited of course, he's the exception.
Tomura, Dabi and Spinner have eavesdropped in these conversations, mostly Tomura and Spinner while Dabi only does it if he's really bored and all he has to do is kick rocks.
Toga wears her clothes sometimes, actually, all the girls in the LoV have done a fashion show with twice.
Twice is her girls girl.
Tomura gets jealous when he walks into the sleepover room only to see you and toga cuddled up, while magne is unknowingly cuddling against twice.
he has taken a photo of it before though.
he's tried to put on height extenders inside his shoes whenever he's with the league, but after the shoe fell off because it was so loose he's never done it again.
Remember when i said he likes her hair? he'll put on his gloves master gave him as a kid during sex just to grab a fistful of it and pull her by it.
he loves her chest, so much, he's constantly grabbing at it no matter what and if she tries to push him off he'll pout.
hickeys, hickeys hickeys hickeys. he loves leaving red to purple marks on her pale skin, he feels so good whenever he does that.
he likes to cum on her chest, or get a titjob while he plays some game on his computer.
they have fucked infront of AFO accidentally befor because Tomura assured her he was on mute and probably wasn't paying attention because he called out to his master several times and he got no reply. AFO just wanted to see what would happen if Tomura thought there wasn't eyes on him all the time.
he's sent her links to goth/emo pornos and says 'can we recreate this' (they always do)
he loves the height difference, he loves to nuzzle up against her chest.
he likes to fuck her with some clothes on because in his opinion it's way hotter. (ref to the 2nd pic and her top)
he likes it when she wears heels and lets him hump against her foot, especially with the height difference? he's cumming in his pants that's for sure.
he eats her pussy like a starved man, she has to pull him by the hair to get him to give her a break.
he likes choking her and seeing the red mark formed from his grip, it turns him on so much.
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Giving the boys your scrunchie | hc
A/N: is this a thing anymore? It was when i was in school but that was a hot minute ago. trends go so fast lol
not proof read
if this is just an american thing or just something my school did, I'll explain. People(mostly girls) would give their s/o a scrunchie and it was pretty much saying "this (boy/girl/they/them) is mine!!" :)
warnings: suggestive themes from natsuo bc i love him
izuku, shoto, katsuki, eijiro, denki, hitoshi, natsuo, shouta
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Izuku Midoriya (all might)
read his here!
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Shoto Todoroki (white)
*sigh* this boy
he's crushing on u but won't make a move
you're crushing on him but won't make a move
you weren't trying anything
you just wanted to wash your hands for lunch
"todo hold this, I'll be right back."
he LOVES when you use a nickname on him
the usual squad is sitting at the table.'
then Mina walks by
"Oh~ and whos scrunchie is that todoroki?"
"I didn't know she had guts like that."
everyone at the tables like "???"
"That's basically a wedding ring on a guy."
"congratulations todoroki." Iida's responce.
Midiyoria's all like "That's great Todoroki! I'm glad you finally got together.
Todoroki expression stays the same.
"Thank you"
on the inside he's like 'I just thought she didn't want to get it wet.'
this is the real story
you come back and everyones looking at you.
"Guys, someone just asked me out in the hallway."
"Good thing I don't have to worry about that anymore."
everyone blushes and you're digging into lunch
you said this because you don't have a problem turning down people anymore.
Todoroki's starring at you the whole lunch <3
"(L/n), you can call me shoto."
"???" you choke
"okay? um you can call me (y/n)."
later in the day you are walking home next to him when you realize he still has your scuniche on
"Oh sorry shoto, you can give me the scrunchie back."
"Why? What did I do?"
"You want to divorce me?"
you sort everything out after a long talk.
"But I mean if you want to keep it, I don't mind Shoto"
He will, until y'all trade it out for real rings :)
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Katsuki Bakugo (black/orange)
This one is difficult
I think y'all have to be dating first
"Kat can you wear this?"
"Why the hell should I do that?"
"Um, bc i want you too."
your gonna have to wrestle to get it on him
*panting* "now was that so hard?"
"tsk" *grumpy pomeranian*
but he doesn't take it off <3
of course the bakusquad notices
"Omg! that is so cute bakugo!" -mina
"the beast is tamned yet again" -denki
"very manly bakubro" -kiri
"how did she even find one with your colors?" -sero
bc you made it
hours behind a sewing machine
"i think its cute kachan"
cue bakugos quirk
he burns the scrunchie
he's like "...fuck"
hides from you
he can't find it online bc you made it
shows up to school the next day
throws a scrunchie on your desk
"omg katsuki 😍"
"Shut up, down think about it too much"
"okayyy, wait where's the one i gave you?"
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Eijiro Kirishima (red)
this is the plan
"hey kiri put this on."
"um okay why?"
"it is the new must have for manly people
ofc say less
he'll take a million
plan worked
now the next day
"ooo kirishima what's that?" -kaminari
"who tied you down?" -sero
'wait you're dating someone?" -kaminari
"its (y/n) isnt it?" -mina
"yay (y/n)" -kaminari
shark.exe has stopped working
not that he's complaining but since when were yall dating?
he looks at you
your just smiling
as if he wasn't red enough
but he's totally for it
"(y/n) you want to sit with me at lunch?"
"oh I'll carry your bag for you."
"don't forget to stay hydrated"
what a lovely guy
"so just wondering, my scrunchie worked?"
he's like "?"
so you explain what the scrunchie means
and he laughs
"you could have just said something"
"but we're dating right?"
"i thought so."
"well we never actually said anything"
right skipped a step
"well then will you be my s/o?"
"of course"
and that is yalls story <3
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Denki Kaminari (yellow)
he comes to you
"give me one of your scrunchies"
"your favorite one."
"It's may favorite bc i wear it, if you have it i cant wear it"
"but babeeeee"
"omg shut up fine."
"its yellow?? that's totally bc of me rihgt? you wear it bc it reminds you of me?"
"sure thats why."
it was really on sale but why break his heart
is flaunting it around the next day
"oh this? yeah it's just my s/o's scrunchie"
"Kaminari literally no one cares." -mina
"What? everyone should care! not only am i off the market, but they also love me sooo much they want the whole world to know Im theirs."
"you came and asked me for one"
"(Y/n) how you just gonna spill my secrets like that? Whatever happened to us against the world?"
"eat or be eaten babe."
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Hitoshi Shinso (purple)
you saw it on tiktok
thank you internet
"hey shin, keep this safe for me"
you say handing him the purple scrunchie
he smirks "sure"
he's also seen it on tiktok
but who is he to shut you down when your finally making a move
brings you a sweatshirt of his the next day
"keep this safe for me"
he ain't never seen someone turn red so fast
but you still grab it and put it on.
"oh so your finally dating (Y/n)? about time" denki says.
technically no, so he pulls you aside before training
"we're dating now?" he asks
"is this a question or a statement?"
"mutual agreement?"
he smiles and grabs your hand, if the hoodie and scrunchie didn't say y'all were dating, walking down the hallways together would.
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Natsuo Todoroki (blue)
this is 100% on purpose
in your eyes this was his collar
you wouldn't say that though
just a cute "aw this matches your hair" slipping it on his hand
his heart
i mean anything you do that shows him you think of him melts his very soul
love deprived bby 🥺
he's never taking it off
wait until he hears what Fuyumi says about
she looks at it and laughs
I see that (y/n) has taken it to the next level"
when she explains what it means
he swears he has a fire quirk after she tells him bc he is RED
loves it <3
comes home
"oh (y/n)~" he sings
your scrolling on your phone as he plops next to you
he runs his hands across your body
"if your gonna put a ring on it you should at least propose properly"
you look up confused, then see him holding up his wrist
you laugh
"I didn't think you'd find out so soon, i'm just trying to tell all the leeches in your class that there's no chance"
"that's so hot"
he leans over you
"my turn" he says before abusing your neck, leaving plenty of evidence that you're taken behind.
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Shouta Aizawa (black)
put it on him while he was sleeping
"what is this?"
"a present <3"
doesn't really mind it until he gets to class
"wow Aizawa your (s/o) doesn't mess around huh?"
"aw i think its cute"
"slay aizawa"
"what the hell are you guys tslking about? shut up and work."
then he goes the his desk
"Shouta, I see (Y/n)'s got you whipped" hizashi comments
"why do people keep talking about (Y/n)?"
he explains what the scrunchie means.
"*sighs* i should of know they had hidden intentions."
but he doesn't take it off, even with the students whispering about it in the halls
"I didn't know Aizawa was taken."
"man and i was gonna shoot my shot after graduation."
then he gets home
"Welcome home, how was work?"
"annoying, all because of your little schemes"
"what? me? scheming? I would never, that is so beneath me."
"...did it work?"
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asks are open :)
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Thank you for walking study in demonology! Reading it brought me all the way back to the 2019 bnha era. Even tho im a chronic fandom hopper, every once in a while i got pulled back to the bnha fandom like a clinging abused ex gf, cause i feel like no other fandom has given me the same feels as bnha on ao3. It's probably partly because of bnha being a perfect sandbox for ficwriters, but damn you bnha writers are really sth else.
Your work is such an exquisite, heartfelt love letter to the fanfiction medium in general, and the bnha fandom in particular. I hope your pillow is always cool and your socks always come out of the washing machine in pairs.
What's your favourite part about the fic?
hi thanks so much for this ask! super appreciate the kind words :) i agree wholeheartedly i wldnt have started writing my bnha fics if not for the amazing fics ive read from this fandom.
short answer: my favorite part is the process.
super long answer:
(spoilers below fair warning)
demonology has been a learning process for me and also a very strange experience.
ive always been more of an improv writer where i dont really know where a story is going when i write it. with demonology being the way it is, you can surmise that its been a really crazy ride.
ive mentioned this before but it started as an idea of deku being just your typical satanic style exorcist, and as it is a crack fic, i did write it — at the beginning — purposefully to be nonsensical. all the made up “significant” stuff like affinity, authority, even the importance of names and all that — i didnt know what they mean and i didnt care either, i was just making them say whatever that sounded ominous and ridiculous. (often this is for the sake of comedic timing. it is crack after all.)
some comments say the fic didnt make sense, and i agree bc it didnt to me either. but then it DID start to make sense to me. whenever i started to write a new chapter id read back to whatever bullshit i did the previous chap and only then i understood what the hell the characters r talking about. if you look back to the earlier chapters there’d be a lot of foreshadowings, but they werent written to be foreshadowings at the time. its kind of foreshadowing in reverse, bc i only knew what they meant after i wrote them. i didnt know i was writing a meta multiverse time travel fic, but since i did, i had to commit and go crazy.
(in retrospect i think it rly did begin with hitoshi and that cat in ch 3. i didnt even know hitoshi was the “main character” until that chapter. i didnt know that cat was schrodingers cat until i wrote ch 8.)
so u can see how crazy, nonsensical and haphazard the entire writing process of this fic is, which in return gives birth to a crazy, nonsensical and haphazard fic. until its not nonsensical anymore. somehow, there actually is a clear logic in the mechanics of the universe. the cats are schrodinger cats, the demons are maxwell demons, entropies are plotlines which are often riddled with plotholes, the hell is production hell, to be in heaven is to be canonized — and lorem ipsum is the empty blank slate state of the universe. authority actually is authority. the fic gave meaning to itself by the end of it all.
comments ask if i waited for bnha to end — i didnt. bnha ending actually fucked a past version of ch 8, now scrapped. but then it actually … made a better version? and made more sense? its weird.
i did know about some things that were going to happen though. since the first time i had izuku do the “you believe [object] exist,” i always knew i wanted it to be turned back to him (“midoriya izuku doesnt exist”). after i wrote ch 6 i also knew i wanted them to “go back to the beginning” with izuku’s “fall” on the rooftop. but i didnt know until i wrote it that hitoshi was going to choose to fall, too. i know im the author but him choosing that shocked me and i found it moving.
if i had written this “properly”, if i had planned it all with better structuring and better pacing and emotional beats and all that — this might have turned out to be a better written story, in another world. as it is right now there are a lot of flaws that it has. but it wldnt have been the same fic. if not for this fuckass writing process, it wld never have reached the form it takes as of now.
and although it was a very difficult road, i can say wholeheartedly that this strange process has been my favorite part. im doubtful ill ever experience a writing process like this again. the story kept surprising me. a part of why i wanted to finish it was because i wanted to know how it ended too—bc i wldnt know until i wrote it.
of course, at the end of it all, none of us know what their ending is. in the end the story still didnt share its secrets with me and i really really love it for it.
haha this is so long sorry i guess this fic really means a lot to me after all. but yes, thats my answer.
i would also like to thank every reader and commenter once again bc i can honestly say without the feedback and support, this would not have been finished either, or become the way that it is. man. fanfictions, huh?
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And Yet More Random Fanfic Quotes!
: )
IcyThotPainRelief: Remember Zuku murder is illegal
Izuwu: Ur one to talk!
IcyThotPainRelief: Look if im not allowed to ruin my reputation neither are u! we either go down together or not at all bitch!
Mom-o: Hagakura! That is highly inappropriate! Even if he does sound like an unsavory individual, we still don’t know how Midoriya feels about the whole situation! So, it’s best not to assume his feelings on the subject.
Izuwu: Well he’s dead to me so technically u guys arnt wrong the bastered can rot in hell for all the heart ach he gave my mom!
Mom-o: Oh okay, carry on you guys.
SharkBoi: Am i gunna need to bail my boyfriend out of jail?
WeepingDarkness669: Thats only if he gets caught
Pikachu: Bold of u to assume our dear Kacchan knows anything about keeping things lowkey when it comes to acts of violence
Tired™: Dont be dragging me into u guys is shit! I was a happy little introvert chilling on my own until u guys showed up!
IcyThotPainRelief: U should of thought of that before spilling ur entire traumatic backstory within a 5 mile radius of Izuku “I will save people with the power of friendship” Midoriya
Izuwu: So as auntie Mitsuki is beating my dead-beat dad with her shoe and guess who decided to show up out ow fuckin nowhere?
Pikachu: The pizza delivery guy?
WeepingDarkness: Death itself?
DisneyPrincess: The cops?
AlienQween: *gestured with feeling* Aliens?
SugarDaddy: The League of Villains?
Hentai: Jesus fucking chist guys…
Izuwu: ALL MIGHT!!!
Izuwu: With like?? a bouquet of flowers?? and in a blazer?? Cuz like apparently hes going out with my mom??
IcyThotPainRelief: I FUSKING KNWE IT!!!
Izuwu: Still not his secret love child Sho!
Izuwu: So anyways All Might is there and is all like “what’s going on” and Kacchan goes “we’re beating up Deku’s shitty dad” then All Might said “wait he’s alive??”
DefyingGravity: Deku’s useless Y chromosome user: quit telling everyone im dead!
DefyingGravity: Us: sometimes i can still hear his voice
Izuwu: Auntie finally stops beating up my father because she too is really surprised to see All Might at our door step which now allows my sperm doner to finally be aware of his surroundings and he looks up at All Might and goes “who the hell are u and what do u want?” and then All Might looks this man dead in the eye and fuking goes “Im here to pick up ur wife we have dinner reservations!”
Saaanic: We are and it is my job to tell you that your entire existence is being held together by sticky tape, a lot of prayer, and spite.
WAKEMEUPwakemeupinside: you ever think about how we define sandwichs by the inside of them not the outside
WAKEMEUPwakemeupinside: like you never say “oh i gotta wheat bread sandwich”
“You’re worth a hundred of them,” Todoroki said shortly.
“I disagree,” Iida said dryly. “A hundred of any of them would make poor company.”
LabSafety101: she’s surprisingly subdued rn, I actually convinced her to take a nap
Dadzawa: that’s because she worked for 72 hours straight with minimal caffeine
LabSafety101: hey chiyo
GrannyChiyo: if she’s already asleep I can’t do anything
LabSafety101: yeah but can you make sure she’s not about to die in her sleep
Yamadad: the boys made sure she ate, dw
LabSafety101: was it healthy?
Yamadad: idk but it was food!
UncleGun: I know for a fact that basically every kid in school at least knows half the common swear words
UncleGun: but it’s also really fun to say “dagnabbit”
“Alright. I didn’t ask you to get your hero costumes because today you will all be fighting Shinsou.”
The whole class raised their eyebrows. Shinsou tried his hardest not to scream inside though.
Because, what the fuck?
“Uh, sir. That doesn’t seem very fair,” Momo spoke up.
“Yes I know.” Aizawa nodded, “Also, none of you are allowed to use your quirks. Except him, obviously.”
“Why!” Bakugou shouted, “I wanna beat him nice and fair!”
Aizawa was not fazed. “You all know how Shinsou’s quirk works. Once you respond to him, he can make you do anything. That is all. Is that too hard for you?”
The class frowned. Was that a trick question?
Aizawa nodded, and made to sit down. Shinsou stopped him, speaking quietly, “I… I think you’re overestimating my power, here.”
Aizawa just scoffed, “I think you’re underestimating their stupidity.”
After five minutes, there were only three students in front of him. Kouda, because he didn’t talk anyway, Ojirou, because he had actually learned his lesson at the sports festival, and Sero, who had literally taped his mouth shut.
Aizawa walked towards them and stood next to Shinsou. The ones at the wall, looked at him in varying degrees, of shame and disbelief.
The teacher sighed, “All you had to do was not talk.” He shook his head at them, “That’s all you had to do.”
Pro Hero Hawks: So you’ll get to meet all kinds of heroes! Maybe even All Might!
Pro Hero Hawks: Yes, this is naked bribery.
“Young Midoriya is quite the hero fan, isn’t he?”
“He’s not just a fan, Yagi-san, he’s not just an air conditioner either: Midoriya-kun is an entire HVAC system.”
“Gentlemen, I am here, with some brand new handcuffs! Who would like to try them on first?”
Izuku, despite his professionalism as an analyst, despite his commitment to be a hero, still found that teenage urge to throw his head back and groan at the prospect of something that could be seen as a boring, pointless task. He fought the feeling down, self-control pinning it to the ground and discipline clubbing it with a half-brick in a sock before dragging it back into the depths of his mind, and then assumed a low stance.
Mirko’s kicks were well known for breaking bones.
Coincidentally, high schoolers tended to have bones.
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OMG CAN U DO MIDORIYA X READER SOULMATE AU? Maybe they are connected with one for all somehow. (Doesn’t need to to anything canon) oh and i don’t care if reader is m or f.
maybe something where deku feels connection to reader and is overprotective but doesn’t first understand why.
your stories are lovely btw <3
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Midoryia Izuku x GN!reader
Thank you, hun <3 I had too many ideas for this, so I made a small drabble instead. Hope you enjoy!
Everyone say thank you to Soup for editing this for me!
Deku was never sure what it was that drew him to you. 
He could ramble on about you for days.  Flowing like a raging river with no sign of stopping. On and on about your favorite things, habits of yours not even you had picked up on, how your hairstyle suits you, your flaws and your perfections, and so much more. His ramblings would never end.
But if you were to ask him why he felt connected to you?
He stops. 
Like something had blocked the flow in the river. Was it a giant rock? A dam? Had the water dried up? What stopped the boy who never stopped talking from talking?
Perhaps that was just the effect you had on him.
That's how crushes worked, right? They left you breathless? Unable to explain the feeling that burned in your chest? Left you at the mercy of the special person who had stolen your heart?
But a crush was elevating. Left you floating high in the sky, away from the harsh reality as you paraded around in your own little heaven where life could do no wrong. 
And Deku felt that, don't get him wrong. You gave him a different kind of high that left him stumbling and unable to think clearly. 
It was just that the burning sensation wasn't alone. The welcomed feeling of love was joined by something stronger. Something that didn't elevate Deku, but instead grounded him. A strong tug, forceful and demanding. Almost like a mini Bakugou had invaded his mind, yelling "TALK TO YOUR CRUSH. TALK TO THEM!" everytime you come near. 
Just like the real Bakugou, this voice was the center of his frustrations. 
He crouched down, stretching his legs. They were currently fighting against class 1-B in one of the natural disaster training grounds. The mission was simple: you had to steal the other team's flag and make it back to base with it.
He and the rest of his class had come up with a formation to ensure they would win.
Ashido, Sato, Jiro, Koda, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and Todoroki would stay behind to protect the flag.
Iida, Denki, Bakugou, Hagakure, Shoji, and you would go on to try to steal Class 1-B's flag.
Asui, Uraraka, Oijiro, Aoyama, Sero, Mineta and himself would hide in areas by both bases. Their job was to either help their classmate get to base if they were successful in capturing the flag, or stop a class 1-B member if they tried running off with theirs.
He stood hidden between two buildings, stretching his legs and arms. While he should've been thinking about how much of his power he should use, his thoughts got redirected to you. You were strong, Deku knew this, yet he couldn't help but feel uneasy about you going off for the flag.
When Momo had first proposed the formation, he had been hoping to be put in the same group as you, but she had other plans.
"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you, Bakugou, and Todoroki have become the top 3 in the class. You're leaders. Each group needs a leader."
Momo said Deku could switch places with Bakugou, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. There was no way he'd comply with being back up.
And you switching groups wasn't an option either. You looked so excited about the position you were given. Deku couldn't take that from you.
Logically, he knew he was overreacting. This wasn't a war, it was training. They weren't fighting power hungry villains, they were fighting class 1-B in a safe and controlled environment. Nothing bad would happen.
You would be fine.
You would be fine.
You would be—
"I GOT IT!" 
Your voice-
Deku glanced over to see you and your team making a run for it. You used your quirk to get by as fast as you could, members of class 1-B following close behind.
Deku crouched, making eye contact with his team. He leapt forward, his teammates following suite.
While class 1-A had the advantage of having real experience with villains, class 1-B had improved their quirks significantly.
Deku found it difficult trying to keep up with their quick moments. The fact that he kept looking over to see where you were didn't help. 
He couldn't stop himself, he needed to know if you were ok.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Shiozaki launching Shoda. He was heading straight for you. 
(Author's note: if you don't remember who these people are: Shiozaki is the girl with vine hair, and Shoda is the guy with the Twin Impact quirk!)
He hit your side and yelled the one word Deku was afraid of hearing: 
An invisible force sent you flying into a wall, class 1-B's flag slipping through your fingers.
It was like time froze.
Deku couldn't see anything or anyone other than you—
And the man who hurt you.
Anger burned in his veins, everything within him screaming to do something.
That intense tug returned and it pulled him towards you. 
Always you.
Using 25% of his power, he ran after Shoda.
His black whip wrapped around Shoda's waist, and using the same force he used on you, he threw him.
"Ugh, my side…" You muttered. Though your voice was quiet, Deku heard it. It stuck out from the chaos around him and he found himself making his way to you. 
You held onto some rubble and wiped your bloody nose.
"Are you ok?" He grabbed your arm and put it around his shoulders. He thought about wrapping his free arm around your waist, but embarrassment held him back. 
"Yeah, it's just my back."
"It's not bad, is it—?"
Deku jumped and you groaned in annoyance.
Bakugou stomped his way over to you, "The hell are you doing?! You didn't grab the flag butterfingers over here dropped! Now we have to go steal it all over again!"
Deku opened his mouth to ask him what he was talking about, before remembering the situation they were in. He had completely forgotten about the flags.
Guilt swarmed his stomach, he let his team down. What was he doing? 
"Get your head back in the game before I pummel your ass!"
"That's what she said—"
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Class 1-B won the flag game unfortunately. Everyone blamed Deku for their loss. He didn't blame them. 
This time it may have been a harmless game, but in battle he couldn't let himself get distracted so easily. He felt embarrassed for messing up.
All because he was worried about you.
He sighed as he finished brushing his teeth. His classmates were all currently yelling at Mineta because he said something inappropriate again, not that Deku was paying much attention.
He was exhausted and his muscles ached. The only thing he was focused on was making it to his bed, though he failed that goal because the second he closed his bedroom door behind him, he collapsed on the floor and fell asleep.
He felt warm and comfortable. Floors have never felt so good before and as he drifts off to sleep he wonders why he even has a bed...
Deku looked around to see the familiar ghosts of the past. The past users of OFA.
Their faces were blurry and unclear. They all stood quietly, watching Deku carefully.
And in the center of it all was you.
You stood in the center, eyes trained on him.
"You may not be alone…one more is connected to you."
The holder's voices sounded muffled, but their words were clear.
You had some sort of connection to OFA.
How so, Deku wasn't sure,
But this was the tug that pulled him to you.
This was the connection you two shared.
And from that moment, he knew he had to get closer to you.
He needed to find out your connection to OFA.
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luffythinker · 1 year
I feel like Bakugo has a love language but he isnt quite sure what it is even if it is evident to everyone else
His love language is kind gestures of doing things for others and his lover
Bakugo will not only go out of his way to do things not asked of him even so to ignore your "you don't have to" and correction of "I said it would be nice if somebody did that, i didnt mean you had to do it"
He does these things because he values the person hes doing this for lover or otherwise and hes like thw only one who does it the most besides Deku and thats probably who he gets it from and he doesnt even know he's like Deku in that aespect and it's kinda funny
He gave Kirishima that money, he made the class happy when they were sad by making Kaminari make a fool of himself which he knows that makes them laugh he pays attention to small details he may not have known Urarakas name in the sports festival but he made sure he gave her a good fight not just for him but for her too
Bakugo is too smart to let people manipulate him in the since of when his classmates tease him like "oooo that's probably too hard for Bakugo to do" knowing this will make him do it is him actually manipulating them into giving him a outer reason to help them his personality doesn't allow him to help just cause he wants to sometimes so he needs that "OH SO YOU THINK I CANT DO IT?" So he doesn't look like hes actually just doing it cause he wants to
Cause hes the one who voices his opinion first like if his classmates are having a conversation he'll add in a "oh, that's easy for me" hes included himself in the conversation causing them to ask him to help them and hes going to say no and they are going to tease him and he is going to change his answer
Bakugo makes life complex for no reason and I love him for that
Bakugo does a lot of things and that is his love language he doesnt see for some reason, hes like the absolute best guy in the most readable but jacked up looking font to ever exist
And with his lover he would she be aggressively kind saying "I bought you this cause the shampoo you use makes you stink" and the translation is "I saw you ran out of shampoo so I bought you some more"
Like fixtdyfugigigiyi why cant you just do it normally XD bless his strange heart
I don't even have an excuse for myself I just genuinely forgot to check my asks and this one's been sitting here for months, not sure if u still want a reply but let's go!!
"His love language is kind gestures of doing things for others and his lover"
I love that, for me i think it's a bit more like he is just a good listener, unlike what one might think even though he pretends to be annoyed he actually listens to everything his friends tell him, so he retain a lot of information and is able to just to things for his friends and partner because he gets what they might want or need
"Bakugo makes life complex for no reason and I love him for that"
This is my new favorite way to describe him thank you for this anon, because omg he definitely does!!! He can't let people think his nice cause god forbid someone would say that about him, so he just... aggressively does nice things to the point where the lines between nice and angry are very blurred
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catboy-steve · 2 years
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I posted 10,738 times in 2022
That's 4,245 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (1%)
10,674 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 682 of my posts in 2022
#toh spoilers - 62 posts
#naruto - 10 posts
#so true - 9 posts
#lmao - 7 posts
#incredible - 7 posts
#nicos art - 6 posts
#jason todd - 5 posts
#prev - 5 posts
#harley quinn - 5 posts
#jonathan sims - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and even bill seacaster while i would never call him responsible (unless it comes to like teaching them battling skills) he is so loving !!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
percy is hazel and nicos big brother and u can not tell me otherwise
27 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
just thinking thoughts abt how harley literally watched ivy die in season 1,,, wish we had gotten to see her deal with that post s1, just what if  harley started being more protective of ivy and starting taking hits for ivy because she cant go through losing ivy again 
47 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
i love all might and think he’s a cool dude, but sometimes i think about how he told a random 14 year old a state secret before crushing his dreams, and then later gave that same kid a power that he couldn’t tell anyone the details about inadvertently cutting him off from his support systems (deku wasn’t allowed to tell his mom or his teachers or his friends) that weren't all might or someone all might knew and i understand all for one, just a little bit 
58 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
i have been thinking and i have formulated a list of ppl who should be allowed to kill the joker/ppl i want to see kill the joker
-harley (duh)
-jason (duh)
-tim (specifically at age like 12, i’ve read multiple fics where he has killed the joker or been directly involved in the jokers death and its great)
-i think it would be funny if they let damian kill him, but specifically 10 year old damian
might add more later im not sure
89 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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made this for trans day of visibility, its probably the best thing i’ve ever made 
image id: a trans flag with a picture of garfield in the bottom right he is visible from the chest up with his right arm slightly out of frame he has sunglasses on he is holding up with his left hand and his ears are back, his expression is serious. there is a stock image of an explosion behind him that is bright orange. in the top right there is another much smaller garfield popping out with a design around him that makes it look like he bust through paper. in the top middle there is orange text over bright green that reads: fun facts with garfield. a little bit below that text is more bright orange text over a bright green square that reads: being tans automatically makes you 100 times cooler and hotter. this is why so many trans people are so cool and hot. in the bottom left there is a picture of naruto pointing at the viewer, he is visible from the waist up and has a blue backpack on and his usual orange jumpsuit. his right eye is closed and he has a big open mouth that is smiling. there is a text bubble above him that reads : naruto uzumaki approves this message! believe it! end id. 
171 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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doctorweebmd · 4 months
We will wait and wait in that space and part 2 of tht series keeps me up at night well i havent read both of them but i read the summaries and the end of part 2 and started crying
you write angst so well omgg
ive read some of ur fics and posts and u seem like a really cool person!!! What do you think is your saddest fic? I'm a sucker for angst. Im reading ur bkdk fics and im like this hits so hard omg
also new mha chapter, if this isnt too much i just wondering what r ur thoughts on it? I saw a recent post from u abt it so im assuming u alr read it or something. Sorry if this is alot!
hahahha oh my gosh thank you! i don't know how i gave off the impression i was cool at all because i am not
hmmm in terms of the saddest one? I'd say its we will wait and wait in that space, hands down. There's such a certain helplessness and hopelessness in loving someone so much, trying to save them over and over and over again, and knowing that the only way they live is if you're not part of their life. for Izuku, who desperately wants to save people, who got his power because he wanted to save Katsuki - urgh. The devastation. If any of them are worth a read for angst specifically, its that one.
ooooffff thank you for asking about the new mha chapter. its a really, really hard question to answer. there's a very melancholic vibe in the classroom, it seems. i feel for izuku. the amount of loss he's suffering through is immense. he failed to save the one person that he promised himself he's try to reach. he lost his quirk, his dream, broke his body to save everyone around him. he saw his heroes, his idols, his friends die and break and mutilate themselves and felt responsible for all of it. he is sixteen years old and the world as he knows it has changed. forever. how can that boy possibly be in a place where he can return to any semblance of normal?
i hope we have a chance to explore his grief. i hope there is a deku vs kacchan part 3, where katsuki beats izuku's 'i'm fine' out of him. i hope he cries and breaks down and tells him just how tired he is of pretending to be strong for everybody else. i hope they finally talk. that izuku acknowledges just how sincerely and completely katsuki admires him and cares for him. i hope that they can hold each other up, support each other. i hope that he can start to forgive himself. i hope, you know?
on that note, i desperately desperately hope that the 'mysterious' figure in the end is Tenko. listen, i've thought a lot about shigaraki's 'death' in the past week and a half. and, as always, i stand with the fact that horikoshi is an excellent writer and whichever way he decides to end this series and his characters is the right way. he has never been careless in the past ten years with these stories, and i dont have a single doubt he'll start now.
i've spent years talking about how shigaraki is by far my favorite antagonist in any anime ever, and that the LoV are, in every sense of the word, the greatest villain team of all time. horikoshi wrote them with as much love and sincerity as he did the heroes. if the choice to kill tomura is deliberate because it hits so hard, then i dont think it was the wrong choice. he stayed a villain until the very end, and we still loved him. we still sympathized with him. he will still haunt the narrative forever. he still was a hero to the villains. he still gave the disenfranchised hope. he still changed the world.
if he's dead, i need him to be grieved. by toga. by touya. by spinner. by izuku. i need him never to fade.
BUT. but. if he lives. if what disappeared was simply his 'vestige' of Decay and his physical body still exists somewhere, Quirkless. If he has a chance to live as Tenko Shimura. free from All for One. From the house that bound him. from the name Shigaraki itself..
i. i can't imagine a more powerful narrative than to give the villains a chance to live. to be cared for. to be loved. to see the world around them and know that it is with their own hands that they changed it. for people like them. for the future. if this is a story about hope, then that is what hope looks like to me.
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Long completed fanfics you can read on Ao3 pt2
Animal thing by Blue_Five - 20 chapters and 41,519 word count. Description = it’s a sequel to animal side a chronicles of Riddick re-imagining
Love Me, and the World is Mine by Neyiea - 5 chapters and 9,275 word count. Description = Bunny's a player and wants Jack, but Jack refuses due to his reputation. But Bunny can't seem to let it go, not when he thinks of how good they could be together.
So how is he going to win him over?
Too Much Choice by hellbells - 12 chapters and 18,517 word count. Description = Stiles was trying to track Derek down in this god forsaken place. So he could not afford the very hot distraction of the two hot males in front of him. He did not know how to handle their interests at the same time especially as he was more used to dealing with their elder selves.
Philosophy by madam_mess - 13 chapters and 10,523 word count. Description = When Akande is assigned as the professor for an introduction to philosophy class, the last thing he expects is to find a man he’s been sleeping with in the front row.
May the cards have mercy by ohGodohno - 14 chapters and 102,349 word count. Description = The Arcana cards were a select few people that were hard to come by, even in their magic-filled day-to-day life. They had a strict schedule, a lot of duties regarding the public and their future, and were regarded as the highest part of society in the Arctic Empire.
Tommy couldn't relate.
He is the Sun Arcana, and all he wants is to get a summer job at a hotel so he can get out of the Empire with his best friends in autumn, was that too much to ask?
He never asked to have whatever powers the Sun arcana gave him, so he's not going to act like one. Simple as that. If he wanted a simple life, that was on him
Too bad he doesn't get a choice as the cast that makes the rest of the Major Arcanas enter his life one by one and refuse to leave him alone.
Bringing the penguin home by bicanthropus - 8 chapters and 12,938 word count. Description = After Oswald is released from Arkham, Zsasz goes to look for him and finds him where he least expects. In his long lost father's home.
Ikebukuro threesomes: short stories by JunuenLisunia - 30 chapters and 71,417 word count. Description = one shots adout heiwajima shizuo/Orihara Izaya/Ryuugamine Mikado
How to seduce a spider by SparkysCrush - 10 chapters and 23,385 word count. Description = Peter Parker was having vivid wet dreams. About Venom. Basically PWP. Dubious consent so if that bugs you don't read.
Another BHNA chat fic by heartnut - 14 chapters and 9,821 word count. Description = tailed beastboy: do we have to do this
fUCK: how do i leave
leapfrog: u don’t
fUCK: fuck
A rose by any other name by CA3E - 9 chapters and 11,758 word count. Description = Tokoyami goes to a market and receives a flower from an elderly woman, who tells him that the Rose reacts to the owners emotional state around people nearby. Will this flower help him in the long run? Or will it only confuse him more and more?
Show me your teeth by ser_problematique - 6 chapters and 47,515 word count. Description = Izuku sells himself into slavery to save the people he loves, but he doesn't realize what the barbarian king actually has planned for him. Fantasy au with slave!deku, barbarian Bakugou, and dragon Kirishima.
Self love 801: a complete guide to anal sex for beginners by errant_rivalry - 10 chapters and 36,901 word count. Description = Izuku has a new boyfriend and needs advice on the physical aspects of the relationship. He goes to Eijirou and Katsuki for help, and gets that and a whole lot more than he expected.
No, No I don’t see by silent_flower21 - 14 chapters and 42,098 word count. Description = The morning air was crisp and refreshing as Tommy stepped outside. He started down the familiar street, each step taken with practiced care. He kept his shoulder touching the wall the whole time, it helped him not run into people. The rough texture only slightly bothers him. Tubbo suggested he use a walking stick; it would help him walk and feel the surroundings but also make other people aware of his lack of eyesight. He said no, he didn’t want people to treat him differently just because he was ‘disabled’. He was a big man, he wasn’t a pussy that needed help. It’s the same reason he wore glasses. Not the blind people glasses, normal everyday glasses that still hid his eyes.
Skxawng by Proudmonsterlover - 5 chapter and 2,343 word count. Description = With his breathing being restricted, Jake did the only thing he could think of.
He sunk his sharp canines into the flesh of Tsu'tey's arm and he heard a cry of pain.
Although it wasn't from the other.
Yes, Jake realized. There was a stinging sensation from his shoulder and hot breath on his skin.
Cold shoulders lead to warm embraces by SovereignVoidDragon - 17 chapters and 16,537 word count. Description = Tommy wouldn't say an ideal way to spend his Saturday is being yeeted into an alternate dimension with people who hate his guts and yet here his is. On a Saturday. In an alternate universe. With a weird Philza and Technoblade running an Empire and apparently deciding they like him. This might as well happen.
Familia aeterna by Anonymous- 39 chapters and 70,860. Description = Techno and Tommy are brothers - not by blood, but that doesn't stop them. They're also dangerously codependent, and not even Tommy's unwilling transformation into a vampire will change that.
Unfortunately for the brothers, they soon catch the attention of a pair of ancient vampires who are looking to complete their family.
Slight of hand by Anonymous- 11 chapters and 8,753 word count. Description = Tommy wears gloves to hide his ability from the world, so no one knows he’s a healer, so no one can take advantage of that knowledge. Again.
Of course, healing one of the top villains in the city isn’t the most subtle way to go about hiding your powers, Tommy would know.
Conflicting sides by Describedbyadog - 10 chapters and 19,059 word count. Description = Tommy’s been in exile for MONTHS now and despite his best efforts, Dream hasn’t broken him yet.
However when Tommy sprouts a pair of wings, leaving him reeling from his new confusing instincts, Dream thinks his golden opportunity may have arrived.
Prison wife by made1for1life1 - 12 chapters and 12,900 word count. Description = Brian has been in lock up for a few years now. Sure he could hold his own but this is much easier. That being said, this boss is about to turn his idea of a prison wife on its head.
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fluffy-puffy22 · 3 years
MHA/BNHA boys react to you: wearing another pros merch?!?!
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Parings: Izuku Midoriya X Fem!Reader, Katsuki Bakugo X Fem!Reader, Shoto Todoroki X Fem!Reader, Kirishima Eijiro X Fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari X Fem!Reader, Tamaki Amajiki X Fem!Reader, Keigo (Hawks) Takami X Fem!Reader.
Note: New to writing on tumblr so might not be the best, but I’ll get better promise ya. Btw they’re aged up to their 20’s.
Cw: suggestive but no actual smut yk, fluff, possessiveness, insecurities, jealousy, angst? No not really, swearing. think that’s it.
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He was very very confused
Why were you wearing another pros merch?
He got slightly insecure abt it too
Did you not love him as much anymore? Did you not like the merch he gave you? Did you it like his stuff at all?
He tried not to stare at the Ingenium T-Shirt for too long, other wise me was sure he’d tear up and the last thing he needed was for you too see him cry
He don’t want to me that boyfriend— making it seem like the only thing your aloud to us are things that involve him
But why were you wearing this when you have a whole collection of Deku merch?
It was nagging at him really terribly, he just wants an answer, it wasn’t like he though you might have a thing for Iida… right?
You didn’t right?
You love him right!
That’s when he gave into his thoughs
“Why’re you wearing an Ingenium Hoodie?”
Great now you’ll thing he’s annoying and clingy
He didn’t expect for you to giggle at his pink flushed face
That only made him feel even worse
We’re you about to tell him because you love him? Because he’s you’re new favorite hero? Because he’s no longer the No. 1 in your heart?
He couldn’t handle that not a little bit
“‘Zuku, honey. Look at me.”
He didn’t even notice he had looked away from your beautiful eyes, but he looked back as soon as he heard you calm him
“The reason why I’m wearing this, is because all of my Deku merch is dirty and I needed to wash it. I just threw in the first hoodie I saw. No need to be upsets love.”
Ah, that made him feel so much better
But he also felt silly— getting jealous over something as simple as a hoodie
But he loved you so it justifies enough!!
The rest of the day you two just lounged around the house playing board games— you won most of them where he won all the ones that required a strategy… so he didn’t win to much…
But one again not his fault!!
He was just to busy staring at the gorgeous win he’s able to call his wife (that’s you yes you you gorgeous being)
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He was pissed!!
Another word for angry!!
He comes home from a hard day at work, kicking ass, ready to just cuddle up to his wife and watch actions movies… AND HE SEES YOU WEARING ANOTHER HERO’S SWEATER!?!?!?
And to make matters worse worse it’s a DEKU SWEATER!?!
He was seething
You could pretty much see him foaming at the mouth
“The fuckin’ hell are you doing wearing that damn nerds merch!!”
As yes, death is one of the plausible chooses rn
You knew he was pissed when he closed the door without locking it— especially since he prides your safety so much
”U-uhm… I, I was just cold Kat—“
“Than wear my merch!! Not this stupid thing— why do you have this anyways!?!?”
When did you get this thing again?
And why did you have it??
Good he was so heated he wanted to go to the nerds place and bash his face in!!
He bought you pretty much every piece of his merch that came out when it came out
So why wear the nerds stuff?
His merch was clean, he knows because he wished it all yesterday and hung it in your closet…
“You little vixen.”
In barley a second the sweater was torn off of your body and you were left bare in front of your husband
“Don’t ‘Katsuki’ me. You did this to yourself by being a bitch, so now you’ll get fucked like one, that’s why you wore his merch right? To piss me off?”
“Stay quiet then, you won’t be for long.”
Uhm… I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination-
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He’s the one that doesn’t even really notice, nor care
It’s just a hoodie no big deal
It’s not not your walking around kissing Dynamite
Your just wearing his merchandise to support him and he thinks it’s nice of you
But then he saw you were naked underneath that for some reason made him uneasy
You never just walk around in nothing, whether it’s just a pair of shorts and a bra you’re never just naked…
Not even in his merch
What’s so special about Bakugo’s merch, huh?
Is it softer than his?
Smell nicer?
So you like him more?
“… Y/n why are you wearing Bakugo’s merch and not mine?”
He didn’t mean to say it out loud, it slipped!
He just wanted to think it but his mind and mouth had a difference of opinion
You looked at him confused, head tilted to the side as you sat on the slinger next to him
“What do you mean Sho?”
“You always wear my merch, no matter the day seems like. But now you’re wearing his merch, and your naked?”
You understood now, he was jealous
It wasn’t often your duel-haired husband was jealous— he barley showed any emotions at all
So it was quiet funny when you see he’s upsets over something as measly as a hoodie
“Shoto I threw this hoodie in so I could come downstairs and cook with you. I wanted to get down quickly before you left that’s all.”
He’s never felt so much relief wash over him than in that moment
You weren’t in love with Dynamite then
After that the both of you made breakfast, throwing flour at each other getting it stuck in your hair, smearing Pancake batter on his face, then taking a shower together that was filled with kissed and love… making him 30 minutes late
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Oh boy
Oh boy oh boy oh boy
He immediately tried to rip it off
It shocked you to your core
Kiri was never this aggressive when it came to what you wore
He never made you change or anything, he was your hype man, boasting about how hot you would look no matter how little you tried
But something snapped inside of him when he say you rocking the Shoto merch… he hated it
The redhead’s never been the possessive type
At all
But the way the crop-top hugged your curves and his name was was sitting comfortably on your chest
Where he lies his head after a hard days work?
Nope, he hated it
“Eiji baby!! What are you doing?!?!”
He paused
What was he doing?
He never broke out into a jealous rage like that…
Oh my god he was becoming Bakugo-
“I’m so sorry Little one! I don’t know what came over me— I— please forgive me!”
He scared himself with how he pretty much attacked your shirt
He just hated the way his name was Branded across your chest… the one for him to cuddle into, the one he got to kiss, the mounds he got it bite love marks on…
Had Shoto’s name on them
“I… I was jealous… I’m sorry..”
You’d be angry he ruined your shirt if he wasn’t so damn cute!!
It’s only the first time he’s done this, so you’ll let it slid
It wasn’t that big of a deal to you anyways, now you had an excuse to wear another piece of his merch out again
“There’s no need to be jealous Ei, I’m yours and you’re mine.”
You calmed him down with a soft kiss to the lips, making his knees go weak at how you treated him so sweetly
“All mine?”
He knew the answer, but asking didn’t hurt— just to make sure
“All yours.”
He took you out to a drive in movie theater, where you two cuddled up in soft blankets with popcorn and nachos enjoying each other’s company
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He got all pouty about it
He kept pawing at the hoodie like that was your sure sign to take the thing off
But sadly you didn’t which made him pout more
… ok maybe you were teasing him— but you could help it he’s so fucking cute!!
“Babyyyy!! Wear my merch please, you look so much better in yellow than purpleee”
He didn’t like how the Suneater merch looked in you… no matter how much your titties bounced around and made him drool he hated it!!
You knew he was jealous, he tried very little to hide it
But at least listen to him!!
You’re man loves you so seeing you in purple instead of yellow makes him sad :(((
“Why Kami? Do I look bad?”
He recoiled so much at the words “bad” and “you” in the same sentence
Isn’t that like a grammatical error or something?
He immediately started to compliment you
Saying how you look like a living goddess to where the purple hoodie with Amajiki’s face on it hides your curves from his perverted- I mean loving view
“No no no! You never look bad spark plug— i just think my stuff brings out your eyes more, tho they are really, really pretty…”
He stopped talking for a moment to just stare into your eyes, getting lost in the beauty of them
“Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are.”
“Yes Kam many times my love.”
He nodded, completely forgetting what he was upset about
Oh yeah… that hoodie
He started whining, telling you— begging you to put his hoodie on instead of that
You finally comply to his wishes, throwing the purple fabric over your head and getting comfortable his the ChargeBolt hoodie
Which happens to be one of your favorite merch pieces might I add
Then you two sit on the couch and play Mario-Kart, shouting and pushing each other to make the other ness up or fall off the edge
He won a game and you jumped on him bc he had cheated, pulling him into a passionate kiss that made him sigh in content
“Was that a punishment or a reward? Because one or the other I’ll take all day any day.”
He was so goofy, but you’ve always loved that about him
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That’s all
He was scared you didn’t love him any more and that’s why you were proudly wearing Hawks merch
What was so special about it?
Did you not like what he got you? Was it not to your liking?
You noticed he seemed a lot more fidgety than usual, so you quickly took his hand in yours, rubbing gentle circles along his pale skin
“What’s wrong ‘Maki?”
Would you think he’s silly for being upsets that you worse a Hawks crop-top to your date?
No he’s got a right to be upsets right?
After all wearing another pro’s merch in front of your pro-hero husband on your 3rd anniversary gives him the right he pouty right?
He wouldn’t look at at you— no matter how much he wanted to see how pretty your eyes look with your perfectly winged eyeliner on—
Winged eyeliner?
Is it a theme with you tonight?
Are you trying to tell him something?
“Do you not love me anymore?”
God, he sounds like an insecure teenage boy
Its just winged eyeliner, no biggie Tamaki, it’s not like you’re wearing his merch…
Oh wait..
You looked baffled— you were baffled
He thought you didn’t love him anymore?
“Why would you ask me that Tamaki?? You know I love you— from the bottom of my heart I do!!”
You’re to good for me, he thought
He never got mad at him, no matter how anxious he got you were always so loving to him
And he’s asking if you’re catching feelings if for a winged hero you’ve never even met
“Gosh I’m awful.”
This broke your heart
You knew why he was upset, it’s the crop-top
Why did you wear this thing?
Oh yeah, Hawks contacted you and asked if you could wear it to promote his stuff…
But why did he ask you? Doesn’t he have models for that or smthn?
And why would he need you to? He’s plenty popular, so it makes no sense…
Conveniently enough on your anniversary as well…
No, accusing people of things like that is wrong..
Bust lucky you brought a shirt to change into, and it was one of his favorites
“Give me a moment, I’ll be right back.”
You left the indigo haired man to his thought… not a good idea
He was questioning if you left him to find Hawks, to tell him you loved him and the two of you could fly away to where ever the fuck…
But you came back… in his merch now
“I’m sorry for upsetting you Tama, I wore the shirt because I was asked to, not because I wanted to. I love you so much and I’ll never love anyone like I love you, ok??”
That warmed his heart
Why was he afraid, you obviously live him, for 3 years you have!!
So you spent the rest of the night laughing with him, lightly teasing him here and there just to see his cheeks darken slightly
It was a great 3rd year!!
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Cockiest bastard I’ve ever met
The fact that you were just chilling in a ChargeBolt hoodie never even dazed him, not even a little bit
Matter of fact it made him eve cockier when he saw you kept glancing over at him
He was busy finishing up some work and you just wanted his attention
So you put in one of your old hoodies and wore it around to get a rise out of him
He finds you needy face so so cute, it makes him all riled up but he won’t jump just yet
Maybe a little longer
But one thing is certain
You look way better in his merch, than ChargeBolts
He wants you to change so then and only then will he give you the attention you so badly desire
Your whining made it so much harder for him to make you change
Will he just up and tell you to change? No
You might me a brat, but he is too
“Is there something you want, Dove?”
Little shit knows what you want, he just won’t give it till you change out of that damned hoodie
And he’s getting want he wants— no matter how much of a bitch he’s gotta be
You both stared at each other intensely, digging into each other’s souls to see you’ll grow uncomfortable first
News flash
You won
“I want you to change, Doce. His hoodie is the only thing on this planet that makes you less attractive.“
Finally he says it!!
You smirk at finally getting his attention, throwing the hoodie across the room and slipping into your limited addition Hawks hoodie
“That’s much better~”
He grabs you by yours waist and pulled you into his lap, brushing his fingers gently over your thighs while smirking at you
“Now, how about I give you the attention you oh so desire, since you resorted to wearing that junk, you must want something from me, right Dove?”
Oh and did you get what you wanted
He made love to you the rest of the night, holding you tightly and caressing every inch of you that he could reach
Maybe you should wear ChargeBolts merch more often if this is what comes of it…
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Hello you beautiful people and thank you for taking time out of your days to read this!! Please do not re-post any of my stuff on here or any other sites, don’t recommend it on tiktok or places like that, but reblogging is very much appreciated thank you!! Have a great day!!
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Villain DekuWife Au | 2
For context you should read Villain Deku x Wife Reader first And Here's the Masterlist
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❄️🔥He was enamored with your husband seeing as he was one of the reasons he became a Villain
❄️🔥Of course the final decision was up to him but Izuku definitely encouraged it
❄️🔥They've burned a lot of bonfires (read as: buildings) together
❄️🔥Even sharing a heated kiss or two
❄️🔥But a fine line was drawn when Izuku started dating you
❄️🔥It was irritating just how in love he was with you
❄️🔥Constantly gushing about his cute girlfriend and then his sexy wife
❄️🔥Shoto wasn't amused in fact he was so jealous of everything you did because Izuku loved it all
❄️🔥He was so obsessed with Izuku he'd even listen in on the private jacking off his friend would do when he got a text from his wife
❄️🔥And when he snuck a peak at what the text was it went along the lines of this
❄️🔥"Hey hun, I left your briefcase in the trunk of my car. Sorry 😞 BTW I saw u in ur suit before u left and u looked cute❤"
❄️🔥He could definitely text sexier than that
❄️🔥His stalking of Izuku would escalate until he got good enough to watch him during his home life
❄️🔥And he was obsessed
❄️🔥The busy wife coming home around the same time as her tired husband
❄️🔥Both just undressing amongst themselves with no insecurities
❄️🔥And the food made by them together as they chatted about their day
❄️🔥And sometimes the sexy times that followed if they weren't too tired
❄️🔥He loved it, it was his favorite past time
❄️🔥Envying you and wishing he was in your place
❄️🔥This wouldn't change until he got the faithful mission
❄️🔥"Shoto watch my wife for a bit, Shinso may try to bother her and I have to deal with something in Tokyo."
❄️🔥Silent protests only came out in a snide, " Why don't you get Bakugo to do it?"
❄️🔥Deku gave him a 'what the fries' kind of face.
❄️🔥" Because he has a drooling problem."
❄️🔥With that Todoroki suited up directed his limo to your humble home
❄️🔥"Uhm who are you?"
❄️🔥You seemed on guard immediately
❄️🔥"I'm Todoroki I work with your husband."
❄️🔥"Oh-ok c-come on in." You were still so hesitant
❄️🔥You made him tea as he sat in your quaint little room noting the cameras he had hidden there
❄️🔥"So what brings you here? I'm sorry Izuku isn't home right now."
❄️🔥"Oh no that's ok I just came to meet you. He talks so much about his 'cute wife' all the time"
❄️🔥He was practically seething
❄️🔥" Oh no! Is he not getting his work done?"
❄️🔥You went on to ramble on about how scatterbrained he can be
❄️🔥Todoroki was getting annoyed and accidentally spoke his mind
❄️🔥"Did he really have to pick you?"
❄️🔥Mumbling something along the lines of 'this is just like that shounen manga I read'
❄️🔥You stand your ground, saying you love your husband no matter what he will try and in the end it will always be up to Izuku
❄️🔥"But Midoriya-san you shouldn't have let a man like me into your house if you love your husband so much."
❄️🔥He towered over you pinning you against the wall he's seen Deku do so many times before
❄️🔥And as if you were thinking the exact same thing he could see your nervous (blushing/biting lip/fidgeting/etc) that you did when your husband did the same
❄️🔥"I-i u-uhm w-well-" You were absolutely speechless, just the way he liked it
❄️🔥He enjoyed how small you were compared to him
❄️🔥Small enough so he could just trap you against his frame
❄️🔥And he was about to do just that but the specified vibration on his phone told him the time he had to spend with you was over
❄️🔥He excused himself saying its an urgent matter at work
❄️🔥He walked out but not before giving an open kiss to your vulnerable neck
❄️🔥No hickey, just a very embarrassed wife left in the living room
❄️🔥And Todoroki left confused but oddly invigorated
❄️🔥Midoriya would see this pep in his partner's step and he knew for sure that he had met his wife
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dynamightgod · 2 years
i love the way u write about yandere deku but what do u think about bully deku??
Warnings: bullying, inwanted physical contact
Bully Deku who cries everytime he gets caught and tells whoever caught him that you started it and of course he's believed cuz he's Deku. He's All Mights successor. He would never.
Bully Deku who cuts your hair in kindergarten and then lies and says you did it yourself.
Bully Deku who would always make sure everyone else ostracized you too because why would they want to hang out with someone who's so useless.
Bully Deku who gets even more brazen after inheriting One For All
Bully Deku who slaps your ass while you walk to your dorm and says the most disgusting things when you're partnered for classes
Bully Deku who surprisingly allows you to join his agency.
Big mistake
Bully Deku who drags you into a bathroom at work and locks the door before promptly bending you over the sink and running his hands all along your body. "Keep crying ducky. You're so pretty when you cry. You only make it better for me."
He never penetrates you, it's only touches but it's enough to make you feel disgusting.
Bully Deku who does spread a rumor that you fucked in the agency showers and you gave him the best head of his life.
Bully Deku who berates you in front of colleagues but nevee forgets to put his hand on your shoulder and tell you he's just hard on you because you have potential.
And don't even get me STARTED on if Katsuki and Kirishima join in.
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