#love to have to go on an installment plan to get my tubes tied
omg i am finally paying off a surgery from JANUARY, the last payment is this week
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hookedontaronfics · 5 years
First Contact series - Part 5
Title: First Contact - Part 5 Read the previous installments here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Rating: M Pairing: Taron x OC Warnings: Some mild cursing, brief sexual mention A/N: Jess and Taron have a perfect summer day together, but will her insecurities get in the way? I hope you love reading the fifth installment of the First Contact series as much I have loved writing it. The series will eventually involve more mature themes as it develops, so be warned! Enjoy! x
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The day had dawned hot and steamy, and transitioned full on into boiling by the time my boss cut work short for everyone. Our office didn’t have air conditioning, and everyone was starting to feel ill from the sticky air in our high rise. No amount of fans could seem to relieve it, and most of the men had loosed their ties and collars. I could feel the heat from the baked concrete of the sidewalk burning through the soles of my shoes as I walked quickly toward the tube station, hoping there would be some relief underground.
The cafe tables on the sidewalks that were usually so full for lunch hour were completely empty, and the few people scurrying about were sticking to the shadows cast by shop awnings. I’d felt temperatures like this in my hometown in America almost every summer, but air conditioning was everywhere across the pond. The heat felt much different when you couldn’t get away from it.
I texted my flatmates to see how they were surviving the heat. Jules complained it was brutal and then said she and Mary were just planning on heading to Hampstead Heath; there really was no other way to deal then to wade neck-up into the bathing pool.
<Oh God, that sounds perfect. We closed shop early and I’m heading back. Wait for me!> I quickly texted back. I caught the train and was soon back at the flat. My friends were already clad in bikinis under their summer clothes, waiting impatiently on me to arrive. Even Tim looked uncomfortable in the stuffy flat, and I felt bad for him.
I quickly changed into the floral high-waisted bikini my friends had convinced me to buy. I was a bit self-conscious about my love handles and stomach, but they swore up and down it highlighted my curves in all the right places. Still, next to my willowy friends, I sometimes felt like a bit of a lard. But today was too hot to care about how I looked, so I pulled on a pair of shorts and a tee over the swimsuit and stuffed the essentials like sunscreen and a hat into my beach bag.
“Alright?” I said, as Jules gave me a once-over and tsk’d slightly. She walked over to me and grabbed the hem and material of my baggy shirt, quickly doing a knot in it and tucking it under so it was not only a lot more form fitting, but also showed my midriff slightly.
“Now we’re ready,” she smiled, waving her finger in my face when I tried to protest. “You’ve got a figure all the guys would die to be with.”
“Jules!” I groaned slightly. 
“Oh we know,” Mary said with a smirk. “There’s only one person you want to be with right now, and so far that hasn’t happened yet. You just need to get laid!” she added with a squeal.
“We are not having this conversation right now!” I yelled, yanking open the door as my roommates just cackled and followed along. 
As we walked back toward the tube entrance, my mind shifted to Taron, whom I hadn’t seen for the past week or so since I’d been sick. We’d been texting most days, and even tried to make plans, but he’d had to cancel and apologized profusely for not being available to see me. I understood being a busy adult; I’d had my own share of things to get done. I found that I missed him, though, and I was surprised by the yearning to see him smile at me again.
Almost as if my thoughts had summoned him, my phone pinged with a text. <I think I’m melting. It’s bloody hot. Hope you’re getting on okay.>
<Just heading to Hampstead now with the girls. Our flat was suffocating.>
<Likely the only thing to do today> he responded.
In some strange dash of courage, I decided to suggest he join us. <Bring your mates> I added hopefully. <It’ll be fun.>
“Who are you texting?” Mary asked, making me jump slightly. I hadn’t realized I’d totally zoned out of the conversation with my friends.
“Just Taron,” I replied, my heart stupidly starting to race as I waited for his response.
“So when’s he going to take you out again?” Jules asked, poking me in the side. “Or is he one of those slow-burn types?”
“He’s busy! He’s got plenty more important things to deal with then me,” I defended. “Besides, I’m sure if it got out that he was dating a nobody the internet would shit itself. He’s probably been coached on this a great deal.”
“You’re not a nobody, Jess,” Mary said, sympathetically. “You’re really brilliant and if he doesn’t see that then he’s blind.” 
“Yeah, fuck what the internet thinks,” Jules added, an older lady huffing disprovingly at the language. “You’re an absolute catch.” I truly had the best roommates a girl could ask for.
Just then, my phone screen lit up again with Taron’s response. <I’ve got something later today but I don’t see why I can’t drop by for a bit. See you soon.> The thrill that ran through me was undeniable.
We grabbed another train and no one seemed remotely bothered by our decided lack of clothing, as everyone was too hot to care. We rumbled our way to Hampstead, knowing it would be crazy busy with everyone else having the same idea. There were only a couple of sparse clouds in the sky as we paid our fare, and I suggested we go to the mixed pool this time instead of the ladies only. My friends both gave me looks, and I had to admit that Taron was supposed to be bringing a few friends along to join us.
“Oh my god, when were you going to tell us!” Jules squealed at me.
“I don’t know! I didn’t want you both to give me shit!” I laughed, as Mary joined in on the excited squealing.
“You’re going to see Taron shirtless ... in person,” Jules said wickedly. “Maybe he’ll even ask you to rub sunscreen on his back, eh?” she said, digging her elbow into my side.
“Ow!” I laughed, grabbing my side and being reminded of how not-skinny I was. “Or he’ll take one look at me in my suit and run screaming the other way.”
“Oh please,” Jules said, as Mary sighed. “You’re totally hot.”
“Yeah, I am hot, sweltering really, and it’s about time we got in this bloody pool,” I laughed, trying to ignore my insecurities about my body as we found a place to dump our stuff, tore off our outer clothes, and ran straight into the water, probably amusing everyone around us as we shrieked about how cold it was.
“That’s one way to cool off,” Mary laughed, her teeth chattering a bit.
“You’ll get used to it soon enough,” Jules grinned as we bobbed there in the water like everyone else. Just a bunch of heads floating about, I giggled at the stupidity of that thought. We chatted for a bit and grew accustomed to the water, and I tried not to stare at the shoreline too much in anticipation. I didn’t exactly want to come across as desperate. We eventually clambered out of the water to try and soak up some sun, spraying on sunscreen and laying out on our towels.
I was just about to think Taron would stand us up when I heard his laugh floating across the grounds to us. I sat up and instantly wrapped my towel around myself. “Hey hey hey ladies!” he grinned, holding out his arms wide as he strolled up, a cap pulled low and his sunnies giving him a bit of a chance to not be immediately recognized. He had two friends with him who were both quite fit themselves, but I only had eyes for Taron as the three of them settled in on the ground with us. Jules and Mary were quite beside themselves. “Well look at that, we match up. These are my mates, Jack and Gavin,” he said with a grin.
We introduced ourselves as well, though I was pretty sure somewhere in a hazy memory of the karaoke bar we’d all met Jack before, but Gavin was new, and Jules had instantly started chatting him up.
“I’m glad you made it,” I smiled at Taron, admiring him just a bit in the tanktop and swim shorts he was wearing. Boy if I didn’t just burn up right then and there, I thought.
“I’m glad I did too,” he grinned back. “I’ve been missing you.”
“You have?” I asked, biting my lip a bit shyly.
“Of course. It’s not been my choice to be so busy, but I’ll figure this out.”
“Yeah?” I couldn’t help but smile. “What’s this thing you’ve got going on later?”
“Oh! Yeah that. Just some old mates from school invited me out to Streatham Common for a bonfire night,” he grinned.
“A bit hot for that, isn’t it?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“Perhaps, but it’s the best place to see the stars in the middle of London. Would you like to see it for yourself?” he asked cutely. “That is, of course, if you haven’t got plans already.”
“No, no plans. I’d love too,” I grinned back.
“Good, now that that’s settled, shall we get out in that water before we all melt?” he asked, standing up and pulling his tanktop off. I felt my breath catch in my chest, and I was glad my shades were dark because oh, was I staring. He was a bit sweaty and the way it glistened on his chest gave me thoughts I should not have been thinking.
“Come on then,” he said to me, offering his hand as Jules, Mary, Gavin and Jack had already headed for the water. He helped me stand up, but I was still clutching the towel around me with one hand and there was a hint of understanding in Taron’s eyes.
“You needn’t be shy around me. You’re gorgeous,” he said softly, reaching over and gently taking the edges of the towel from me and pushing it off my shoulders, letting it drop to the ground. “That’s better,” he said, looking me over and smiling sweetly. “Alright?” he asked me, and I nodded. He took my hand and we made our way to the water, finally joining up with our friends.
We talked and laughed a bit, and with the rest of my body under the water, where no one had to see it, I could forget about my insecurity there. That is, of course, until Taron suggested we play chicken fight. Jules was instantly for it, Mary seemed confused as to what that meant, and I wanted to sink to the bottom of the pool. There was no way I was getting up on Taron’s shoulders for the world to see.
“Come on, love, it’s fine!” Taron grinned at me, excited about his fantastic idea.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” I said under my breath while Jack explained the basic premise to Mary.
“That’s nonsense. Hurt me?” Taron laughed, taking a deep breath of air and ducking under the surface. I nearly fell over when I felt his hands on my legs, pushing them apart enough to get his head between them and standing up, boosting me up out of the water as I shrieked loudly. I clutched at his head to keep from falling over as he just laughed his ass off. “Not so bad, is it?” he smirked, holding onto my legs as I tried to not hyperventilate.
“Holy fuck, Taron, warn a girl next time,” I said, Jules already up on Gavin’s shoulders too. Mary was struggling a bit to get on Jack’s, making everyone laugh, but finally she was up too.
“Let the games commence!” Taron grinned, as Jules and I were the first two to face off. We were quite evenly matched, and it took a fair bit of wrestling, but eventually I prevailed, knocking a shrieking Jules over into the water.
“Yes! We did it!” I squealed happily to Taron.
“Yeaah!” he said, patting my thigh happily and making me feel something strange in my chest as I realized that his fingers were against my bare skin.
Next it was Mary and I, and she royally kicked my butt, managing to push both me and Taron over backward into the water, both of us coming back up for air, sputtering and laughing.
Taron pulled me in close to him, making sure I could breathe and running his fingers along the exposed skin of my waist under the water. “T...Taron?” I stuttered slightly.
“Hmmm?” he said, grinning at me, the sunlight bouncing off the water and making his hazel eyes sparkle.
“Your eyes look rather blue at the moment,” I smiled, running my hands through his wet curls. “I always thought that color-changing eyes were the prettiest. I’ve just got boring brown ones.”
“Boring? Have you gone mad?” he asked, his gaze holding my own. “You just haven’t seen them the way I have. When the sun shines down on them, they turn straight to amber. And there are these little gold flecks that always make them look like they’re dancing.” No one had ever said anything so lovely to me in my life, and I quite forgot how to speak.
“Rematch!” Jules yelled, interrupting our moment, which was fine because I had no idea how much longer we were going to stand there staring at each other if she hadn’t. We even got a few other people involved in the game until we had all worn ourselves out, returning to our towels and letting the sun bake us dry again. The boys had brought snacks and even a Bluetooth speaker to play some tunes, and we spent an incredibly enjoyable afternoon together.
Eventually we decided to head on home, the sun making us all feel a bit knackered, but before we parted ways Taron grabbed my hand in his and placed a sweet kiss on the back of it. “Be ready at 8, yeah?” he smiled, and I nodded, feeling giddy inside.
We made it back to our flat, where Jules and Mary both decided to take naps. I felt the need to freshen up so I ran the water in the bath, still mulling over the image of Taron in my mind, the sun on his shoulders and happiness in his eyes. I slipped beneath the surface of the bath, sighing as the warmth enveloped me. I closed my eyes and could still see him smiling at me, focusing on the muscles of his bare chest that I had wanted to run my hands over so badly, the way his wet swim shorts had clung to his thighs.
“Shit,” I breathed, feeling turned on and letting my hand drift down between my legs, gasping slightly as I imagined what it might feel like if it were Taron’s fingers. I rubbed myself a bit, my breathing coming in short gasps, trying not to moan in case Mary or Jules overheard me. But it was no use; I’d not been able to get off in quite a while. I had no idea what was wrong with me.
“Damnit,” I said, splashing water onto the floor in my frustration as I knocked the back of my head against the edge of the tub. I sighed and sat there for a moment, tearing up slightly and then quickly wiping them away. “Right, get over it,” I told myself. I quickly finished bathing and focused on getting myself ready, which didn’t consist of much. I figured I didn’t need to be made up for a bonfire.
Once Jules and Mary were up from their naps, we ordered some takeout on delivery and sat eating and chatting in front of the telly. Taron arrived promptly and I waved goodbye to the girls. I wasn’t exactly sure who we’d be hanging out with, so Taron filled me in as he drove us out to the nature preserve. It was still warm out, so I’d just dressed in shorts, a tee and sneaks. Taron parked us and we made the bit of a hike toward the woods, Taron holding my hand the whole way there.
He was warmly greeted by his friends once we arrived, and cutely introduced me to everyone. They were all so sweet and welcoming to me, and we were both handed beers. We took a seat on a log, but it was still too warm to have lit the fire. Everyone was hoping that it would cool off once the sun went down. We laughed and talked and drank, and Taron kept his arm draped around my shoulders. It felt amazing to be included in this way, and I started thinking that maybe we really were “together.” But he’d never actually said it out loud, and one thing still worried my mind.
The temperature cooled off as the sun sank toward the horizon, deepening the shadows. After the fire was lit, and most of Taron’s friends were too, Taron grinned over at me and cutely flicked the tip of my nose with this finger. “I told you I’d show you the stars. Come on,” he said with a wink, grabbing two fresh beers and taking my hand again. 
“Where are we going?” I laughed, following along dutifully. “Won’t they miss us?”
“Trust me, you won’t want to go missing in these woods, it’d likely be til Sunday before anyone knows you’re gone,” he smirked.
We trekked through the trees a bit on a well-worn path, giggling when we stumbled over roots until we’d gotten to a small clearing. In the middle was a pickup truck, older but not rusted out. It looked like someone had been taking care of it, though how it’d ended up in the middle of the trees was beyond me. Taron pulled back the cover and then let down the tailgate, helping me climb up. I was shocked at what I found; the bed of the truck had been completely covered with cushions and blankets and pillows. It was rather soft and I felt like I was sinking into it as Taron clambered in after me.
I grinned as he settled in next to me, and we both leaned back and stared up at the twilight sky. We were quiet for a few minutes as I watched the stars slowly blink into existence, one by one. “This is really gorgeous,” I whispered, feeling Taron’s fingers playing at the hem of my shirt. All the beer I’d drunk was making me feel rather heady, and when his fingers connected with my skin, I could barely breathe. “Not nearly as beautiful as you,” he said, before taking a swig of his beer, almost as if he was trying to gather his courage.
I wanted him to kiss me so badly, but I was also afraid for it. What if, from that single kiss, he could detect my entire history? What if he could taste the brokenness on my tongue?
He turned over onto his side slightly, and I did the same. We were so close in the darkness, sharing the same air, and I could feel the tension vibrating between us. “Taron,” I breathed his name, as we slowly drifted closer, our noses touching and then finally our lips. That first kiss was so gentle, but the power of it blew me away. It wasn’t demanding, or selfish, or greedy, or any of the other things I knew a kiss to be. “Jessica,” he said against my lips, his arm sliding around my back and drawing me in for more.
When we broke apart I was breathless, speechless, unable to form a single thought, and I imagined Taron felt the same. There was nothing of the world but this singular moment, Taron and me, the sounds of the woods surrounding us.
“I...uh…” Taron laughed awkwardly, running a hand through his hair. “That was good, right?” he asked.
“Just shut up,” I laughed, burying my face against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, and we laid like that for a space. I was warm and fuzzy inside and everything felt perfect - until I opened my big mouth.
“T, can I ask you a question?” I said against his chest, and he hummed slightly.
“Yeah, anything,” he replied, running his fingers through my hair.
“You don’t already have a girlfriend, do you?” I asked, his fingers going still. He didn’t say anything at first, and I wondered if he’d even heard me, but then he sat up, pushing me off him.
“Why would you say something like that to me?” he asked, the darkness masking the pain in his eyes. “Why would you insinuate I was being unfaithful to someone else? I’d never do that, Jess!” he said, anger lacing through the hurt in his voice.
“What? That’s not… what I meant. I just didn’t know!” I tried to explain, but nothing seemed to be coming out right.
“Do you bloody think I’m an animal? I wouldn’t have been pursuing you if I had a girlfriend, for Chrissake,” he said. “All of this wasn’t just to get into your pants. You’re not just a good fuck for me, you know!” he said, grabbing his half-empty beer bottle and lobbing it angrily into the woods. I heard it smash somewhere against a tree. “Fuck,” he said. “You know what, find your own way home,” he said, hopping out of the truck and fleeing the way we’d come.
I sat there in stunned silence, not even sure what the hell had just happened. “Taron?” I asked, and nothing but silence answered back. I jumped down to the ground, pushing the tailgate and cover back into place before using my phone’s flashlight to make it back down the path. I could see the glow of the bonfire through the trees; we hadn’t been that far away, so I wasn’t feeling scared that I was lost. But I was hurt, and confused. It’d been an honest question and I didn’t understand Taron’s flash of anger. In my haste to return, I tripped over something and crashed to the ground, scraping the palms of my hands and my knees, but I barely noticed.
I pushed myself back up to my feet and retrieved my phone before finally making it back to the circle. I frantically tried to find Taron, but was told he had already left. I tried not to cry then, feeling the sense of abandonment sweep through me. I hated that I felt that way; he didn’t owe me anything, after all. I was just a fan, and he the famous actor. He could go back to his life like none of this had ever happened, but I felt irreparably changed somehow.
I managed to bum a ride from one of his friends, thankful they weren’t much for chatting. I’m not sure I could have kept it together well enough to pretend my night hadn’t gone totally to shit. The flat was completely dark when we arrived, and I was thankful Jules and Mary were already in bed. “Cheers,” I said to the driver before jogging up the walk and letting myself in. I headed straight for the bathroom and shut myself inside, my hands shaking as I tried to doctor my bloodied palms and knees. I left my dirty smoke-scented clothes on the bathroom floor and crawled into bed in my unders. I hugged my pillow to myself tightly and finally allowed myself to cry. I checked my phone again; Taron hadn’t texted. I wanted to let him know I’d gotten home safely, but I didn’t think he’d care.
I eventually cried myself out, and felt Tim jump up on my bed. He settled down in the crook of my legs and purred. “At least you still like me. No one else gives a toss,” I sniffed, feeling sorry for myself. I set my phone on the nightstand and sighed deeply. My chest hurt, my palms were stinging, and everything felt out of place. The only thing to do for it was sleep, so I left myself crash, afraid of the hard truths I was going to have to face in the morning.
Can Jess mend her relationship with Taron in time? Find out in Part 6.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Glass Heart Pt 2
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Pt 1 was part of @sdavid09 52 wk prompt challenge
@love-of-fandoms, @aspiringtranslator, @lilith15000, @howdoistopadulting, @himoverflowers
Shouts were heard across many a dinner table sharing the news of your thievery with many determined to go over and give you a piece of their mind on disturbing family relics. Only in their way over to see the land themselves only to freeze seeing the returned statues glowing in the early morning sun, clearly polished and pampered better than any had imagined.
Around them a clear set of indented paths and odd pits, upon further inspection of a bribed teen, each were filled with a layer of layered stones sealing in the sides of the deepest ones you had secured into place with oddly crossed metal pipes clearly linking them.
Between the smaller dips with raised frames clearly filled with layered stones in thick walls in the form of large planters dividing the clear pathways in the odd maze of a garden left to dry without shifting without your supervision. At the base of the largest circle a clear miniscule slope was uncovered feeding into a dip around the edges under the lowest step with pipes folded over the steps now with an odd steak the end was tied to leaving the elders to assume it was a planned marker for a drainage pump. The clear improvement in just a day left them baffled as to what you could finish with by the end of the week if you had done all this nearly alone in one day.
A long morning of work later and the new metal shingle roof was in place through your castle ending your team repairs on that for the time being until the guys were available in another months time to help swap out the wiring, plumbing and paneling throughout. Alone again you made the long walk back to your rental where you left your boots outside when you had knocked them on the front walk, showering in as hot water as you could muster up you felt your body relaxing you onto your next step. Dried off and pulling on a fresh pair of jeans over your matching set of lingerie you had been meaning to try out in public possibly able to flash a strap of your shoulder when the shoulder of your loose t shirt would drop to the side.
In your car however in the drive through the main square you caught glances of symbols forming the word ‘Shuktu’ above the doors used to mean ‘Kin Only’ when placed that way. Holding back your urge to cry you continued on driving ignoring the stares of the Dwarves pretending not to notice your presence there. From what you could remember Dale was a good two hour drive making you mumble to yourself, “Guess that takes ice cream out of the picture…”
Two hours out of your way brushing your wall of curls from your face you strolled through the lot of the shop collecting a cart along the way. Simple spare soaps and toiletries were gathered along with a cooler you would fill with ice. Barely half an hour later you had all you’d dream of needing and you collected your ice on the way out. You had stuck to mainly pasta, sauces, gravy mixes, bags of potatoes and vegetables able to handle the ride home with a risked try for a roll of hamburger, bag of fries and a box of creamsicles and milk in the cooler.
An obscenely long drive back you were elated to find the frozen items and milk still good for your first trip inside to unload it all. In the light of the sunset you started to pull together a simple pasta dinner that you ate while sipping on an alcoholic lemonade you sat back on the floor against the front of the couch watching some obscure film on a classic log tossing team. A ring from your phone broke your attention and you eyed the screen lighting up with another call from your ex you declined.
In its vanishing you eyed the messages on your screen from your cousin Lei and various relatives scolding you on your abrupt departure and the drastic demotion your ex had gotten. Wryly you chuckled and took another sip of your drink, “Ooh, that should sting.”
A skype call came in and you smirked seeing your friend’s face pop up. “Jaqi! There you are!”
With a giggle you gave a finger wave in return to hers, “Here I am.”
“You are ok? I heard from Daddy what happened. You’re not holed up in some motel, are you? Because we have a great number of properties you know you’re welcome to.”
You shook your head, “No. Staying in a place I rented, friend of my uncles on my dad’s side. Helping out with some family stuff. Looking close to a year, possibly for good if things work out.”
“Oh.” She pouted then asked with a playful grin, “Any cute guys out there?”
You giggled and lowered your drink from another sip, “Remember my Prince of Scowls?”
With a giddy squeal, “How is he?! Is he single?! How does he look?!”
You giggled again, “No idea if he’s single, he’s drop dead gorgeous and moody as ever.”
She chuckled, “Ooh, what is it with you and your weakness for scowls.”
You shrugged, “Just the Dwarf in me. Can’t help it. Meaner the scowl the more protective and snuggly they are.” Making her giggle as you did in delving more into her weeks of traveling she had planned ahead for her photography career for a top fashion magazine. For hours you chatted until you had cleaned up your dishes and sprinted upstairs to drag your comforter and pillows into the closet you locked to curl up on the floor for the night to hope to get some sleep before starting on making the first of the windows for the castle.
With thousands of windows and stained glass murals for doors and windows alike you had quite a bit to get done but thankfully you had sent ahead for some of the frames for the more intricate locations. Mainly for the windows topped with arches and various awkward shapes to fit in the odd cutouts between the visually confusing shelves covering nearly every inch of the walls you couldn’t wait to fill up again when everything was done.
Unable to sleep your eyes opened and you changed your clothes. Strolling out in the dark you found the piles of beams in the shop you loaded up on another cart and pulled along with all the tools you would need under a tall ladder. For hours you worked alone in the dark, starting front the supporting beams you slid the smaller arched beams through the notches into the tops of them. Bracketing down what you needed for extra support. Mentally you held them in place until you could set up the ladder between them to secure the meeting joints. Starting with a single arch in the dark. Under the light of the rising sun the entire area was covered in layered arches forming spiraled domes and smaller beams in the ground for securing points for decorative lattices and plaited walls you would layer climbing vines of flowers that would help to shade flowers needing a break from the harsh summer sun.
When the first of the cars and on foot passers by arrived you were seen in the distance laying a ditch for a stretch of pipes to feed from the branch of the river a mile off. When the beams had been finished you had finished installing the piping inside the full construction. And at the final length of tubing you heard the water rushing through to slowly fill the center section that when the pump was turned on would feed the fountains and sprinkler systems feeding from the smaller raised sections both for floating planters and decorations.
Panting at your glance to the growing crowd your arm rested on your shovel as you wiped your forehead with your free arm streaking a line of dirt across it. Inhaling deeply you turned back to filling the ditch back in with a wave of your hand urging the rolled back grass to settle back into place again. Strolling back to the courtyard you pulled the dirt filled cart over to the first raised planter you started to fill up now that the wooden supports for the properly secured layered stone walls were removed. One by one you pulled it around emptying it into the planters you marked with symbols in chalk to remind you which seeds and bulbs to plant there tonight.
Next your eyes fell to the slabs of unpolished opal you had pulled from the earth you split up into awkwardly aligned pyramids to the distant Dwarves looking on. One by one forming seating sections for those passing through you would finish off later. Barely an hour into the job and a low bellow sounded making you sigh and focus on your work as the Dwarves isn’t he distance flinched and double took between you and the group of massive pitch black mortar bears starting to trot their way over to you. All clearly over six feet tall in their fully grown stature known for their territorial tendencies, though this clan used to the townspeople were rather docile if respected and known to wander from time to time only to be brought back again by members of the Blacklock clan before any incidents would occur.
In the distance a few Dwarves chuckled betting if you could outrun them or not only to fall silent at their leader coming to a stop and strolled straight for you, pressing his forehead to yours in a giggle inducing stroke of his face against yours. Lost to your giggles the Dwarves could not hear in the distance a fur coated arm drew you against his chest for a tight hug you gladly returned mumbling sweetly to him in Bearish, “Hey there Big Bo. At least you remember me.”
The leader once a cub born the day you were now proudly showed you his large brood of sons along with his grand cubs, all at three feet tall already, that came bounding into the courtyard to climb all over you before inspecting the thankfully bear proof structures. Their happiest spot was to climb down into the center circle to splash into the filling pit then bound out to plop and wiggle all over you. Each element of the structure was shown and explained to them earning their awed stares at you in leading them to the greenhouse where you would start next after a stop at the wild beehives your kin tended to in good need of some fresh food sources to survive this year.
Stunned beyond belief at the video captured of your being accepted by the troublesome mortar bears known to dwell in your lands the Dwarves flooded through the town sharing the news puzzling them as to how you managed not to get chased off their lands.
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A single swipe of your hand tore the foliage climbing the greenhouse walls with another after. This one focusing on the sand contained on the glass you tore free leaving the rest of what formed the glass to crumble to the ground you used a rusted snow shovel to scrape to the walls tearing the stubborn plants tearing the stone floor up from its original level places you would focus on removing next. Layering the giant stone tiles outside you returned inside and began to work on leveling the ground while the bears lounged in the green pool of water in the center of the room with the brave birds floating between them to get some relief from the growing heat.
Coated in sweat you panted hearing a truck backing down your drive up to your studio. “Oh no.” Walking out you removed your gloves you folded in your back pocket on the stroll out to the truck packed with trees and small shrubs, “Blast it all…”
A mix up dates had your trees unloaded into the field by the studio and you inhaled sharply while stretching your arms in the empty truck driving off again. The mixture of orange, lemon, lime, pear, cherry and apple trees sat by the hundred and you exhaled rolling your shoulders to head off to the empty patch of land you would be adding the majority of the citrus trees and at each of the areas you had marked off with the loaded cart packed with trees you forced holes open in the ground the trees were eased into and nestled safely one by one. Staggeringly to the last flickers of light you managed each of the trees into their homes including the final flowering trees and shrubs through the courtyard now taking shape a bit more.
Leaving the rest of the seeds and bulbs you had received while the bees from your hives set out to inspect the new food sources you returned back to your studio. Heavily by the completed wrought iron frame for a special gazebo you settled on your stool and got to shaping each special piece of colored glass to form murals with spinning panels that when hit by rain will sing as the water falls into the flute like tubes below the murals.
The sound of an engine dying and doors opening and closing turned your head to see the dying headlights on a familiar blue truck and with a sigh you turned back to the intricate glass knob you were currently making raising the metal rod to your lips to blow a flame tipped heated breath through it adding a special spiral of flecks through the center. Twisting it around you propped it between your knees grabbing a metal spike you used to work a dipping spiraled head through steady turns of the pole hearing the heavy boots of the men entering while they looked at the vast piles of possible bits for your castle they couldn’t quite work out.
When they stopped they remained silent in hopes of not breaking your focus stirring you to say, “Lovely evening for a drive?”
Balin grinned, “Yes, yes it is. Much cooler now the sun has gone down.”
Thorin nodded then drew in a breath blurting out, “Just what do you imagine you’re doing?”
Blindly you answered in turning the pole again adding the final spiraled dip deepening Balin’s grin, “Making a doorknob. Would you like one?”
“I mean with the statues.”
Under tightly knit brows his words exploded out of him, “How dare you imagine you can just go and move the founder of the Blacklock clan and his-,”
Thorin, “What?!”
“Dabondor, his name, would you like the names of his bears as well as their unique abilities and gifted knowledge to him?”
Thorin, “Amazing! You can read a book!” At that you lowered your pick wielding hand and turned your head to look up at him with a stoic yet challenged expression Balin nearly stepped back at assuming you would throw something at Thorin, “The matter is no one moves those statues! If necessary only kin is allowed to move them and only under the strictest-,”
“Who told you I’m not?”
“Not what?!”
“Kin? Who told you I’m not?” His lips parted and his gaze darkened, “I was born on this land who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do with it? I know the laws and charters as well as you, Durin.”
“I have lived here for centuries! And never once has there been an Elf born on these lands!”
Softly you replied through a chuckle, “Wow!” His exhaling breath came with a growl and you added, “Are you going to feel like an ass when you remember me.”
“I will not feel like an ass! Because you have never lived here before!”
On his heels he turned and you looked to Balin saying, “I’ve a full stash of honey, if you or even pookie over there would like some-,”
Thorin turned again, “Just because you are managing these lands does not mean you can hand out the clan’s honey! None of my kin will accept anything from the Blacklock hives until it has been handed back to a fully recognized clan member!” he turned for a moment then added, “I am not your pookie!”
You nodded to his back and replied, “Well aren’t you just full of hot air today. Why not put it to good use and blow me?” A smirk was flashed to Balin in his fight not to laugh and keep a steady expression when red faced Thorin turned to see you looking to the fire with pole raised to your lips for another heated breath making it just a bit larger emphasizing the color effects from the swirls.
Thorin, “You have never lived here!”
You nodded again lowering the pole you tapped against the steadying stand making the base of the knob split off freeing it to fall into your palm as you said to Balin, “Let me know about the honey.” Thorin turned to you and you smirked at him grabbing the metal innards of the knob you eased into the heated glass you cooled and sealed around it saying, “Just because you don’t remember me doesn’t mean I didn’t exist. I have a hunch your cousin has a notion who I could be.” Standing up you moved to add the knob to the cushioned box with the others saying as his eyes scanned over your fire lit face urging his body to untense at his first full glimpse of you spreading a greatly despised warmth through his body followed by an urge to move closer to kiss you in your challenging smirk. “I look forward to our next argument upon which I will remain the gracious victor I am. Enjoy your drive pookie.”
Exhaling sharply as you moved to grab another clump of glass to heat up he simply growled and stormed his way to the truck leaving Balin scratching a mental tally in your favor. Stealing a glimpse of your bear print tattoos on your wrist lit by the flames through your nod at his brief wave in trotting over to join his cousin in the truck.
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“The nerve!” Thorin growled out for the fourth time only to look at Balin who was intently looking out his passenger side window to avoid laughing, “You are not accepting that honey!”
Balin nodded, “Whatever you say Thorin.”
“Some nerve! Blow me! She said that! Blow me!”
Balin freed a weak chuckle in answering, “It was a clever pun.”
Thorin narrowed his eyes at his cousin who said, “Did you have to insinuate she was lying about her kin?”
“She is!” At Balin’s pause Thorin’s heart skipped feeling for the first time he might be terribly wrong in his assumption of you. “Who is she then? She said you know who she is, who is she then?!”
Balin simply shook his head knowing the answer he wanted to give would only anger Thorin worse and send him back to you in a rage for the pain he had felt at having lost you in their lives so long ago. “I am uncertain. However,” he turned his head to catch Thorin’s eye in their parking in the driveway of their own castle, “By looks alone she does appear to be a relation of the clan.”
Thorin huffed and killed the engine climbing out of the truck only to slam the door behind him making Balin shake his head, whispering, “Ass, ass, ass.” In his climb out he saw Thorin heading for the door and shook his head remembering the pain and anger in your eyes at his first insult to you.
Inside the door all in a huddle the Durins came into view and Dis asked, “Well, what did she say?”
Thorin promptly fired back a bit louder than he had intended in his lingering rage, “Blow me!”
Diaa’s mouth dropped open and Grandma Niro said, “Thorin Durin!!”
Balin came into view as Thorin stormed up the curved staircase in an angered trot through his cousin saying, “No, Thorin went off on her and she meant it as a pun. She said he was exceptionally full of hot air today and he should put it to good use and blow her, she was blowing out a doorknob.”
At the top of the stairs Thorin shouted, “No one takes her honey!” Turning to storm to his too he shouted, “No Elf has ever been born here!” At his door Balin’s grin split across his face at the final cry of, “Pookie!” The door slammed and Balin broke into a fit of giggles while Fili and Kili did the same.
Diaa came closer as Balin wipes his cheeks, asking him, “What did he mean by no Elf was ever born here?”
“Our tenant claims to have been born on those lands and is part of the Blacklock clan. A claim Thorin adamantly claims to be false. He also issued a ban on is accepting anything from her produced from those lands.”
Niro eyed his expression asking, “And you?”
Balin wet his lips answering in a confirming glance that Thorin wasn’t able to hear, “She stated Thorin would feel like an ass when he remembers her. Inferring she knew us and we knew her,”
Diaa, “Balin, Thorin right?”
Balin, “Thorin is an ass. A terribly well meaning one, but ass none the less.”
Upstairs through all the stacks of scrapbooks and piles of unsorted pictures Thorin feverishly searched for any sight of any Elves, crossing off all except a single one that seemed similar to you who he couldn’t place. He knew all the former residents of this town and her he recognized but he wasn’t certain how. Assuming a passing visitor he left it to you might have been born in the hospital just within town borders, if anything at all. But under no circumstances were you a resident or relative of any he had known.
Again his mind in moving to sit on his bed to remove his boots, in the firelight flickering across his legs and arms he shook his head forcing his focus off you with that temptingly fiery gaze locked on him. “Pookie.” Muttering it to himself he tossed his boots away into his closet then turned to plop back across his bed in a defeated sigh already doubting his formerly steadfast belief he never knew you. The contrary hurting him all the worse for possibly having missed you and now insulted you so severely to the point he seemed irretrievable.
Bathed and changed into your comfy sweats you closed your eyes in the dark closet lit only by a glowing fish night light so you wouldn’t slam into the island in your traveling through it. Stretched on your stomach on the inflatable mattress you had bought you raised your comforter higher over your back and tried to force the growling Dwarf from your mind so you could get some well needed rest.
All night and halfway to noon you slept and groggily made your breakfast that would fuel you the rest of the day and into the night. Another long stroll found you back at your studio on the edge of an incoming storm. Heavily the rain pounded and your new trees soaked in the water and stretched out their roots claiming their own spaces while you slaved away on your glass gazebo. On the edge of another storm when you had finished another project you made a brief night covered trip to the Durin castle. A simple bag was left hanging from the handle and you turned to make the walk back, returning in time for the first drops of the storm to fall while you returned your focus to the windows for the castle.
Heavily Fili and Kili came crashing down onto their sleeping Uncle, who jolted to consciousness as the rest of his relatives all poured in to join in on the hug. Chuckling to himself Thorin pulled out of bed and found his feet to join the other into the dining room to enjoy his birthday breakfast. After the meal as always he was led into the living room where he opened each of the presents offered to him from his various relatives then paused at the final one from Dis.
“Who is this from?” Thorin’s eyes met hers with an arched brow at the small yellow bag.
Dis shrugged, “It was on the handle when I went to check the mail.”
Thorin’s eyes lowered and he set the bag on his thigh and reached inside finding a small box covered with etchings of a phrase through outlines of clouds and a sideways crescent moon. ‘If you don’t know where you’re going then any road will get you there.’
Lowly he repeated the phrase then eyed the spinning lock on the front he shifted revealing a rounded tail in a half circle that when raised revealed the body of a cat crouching lifting the lid his lips parted in seeing the glass figurine inside the blue velvet lined box. On the inside of the lid was a slip of paper with roses doodled around the elegantly written note of, ‘To spark your memory here’s a clue. Many Happy Returns Pookie.’
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Unable to be furious at the moment he raised the figurine of the Cheshire Cat with head propped up on his little arms tail raised cockily through his wide grin. Balin with a smirk asked, “Any idea on who sent it?”
Lowering it back into the box he answered, “Our tenant.”
Balin chuckled nodding his head to the gift, “Quite a gift. Some might say she’s sweet on you with efforts like that.”
Thorin rolled his eyes and locked the box again his fingers eased across the lid of, “Her intention is to taunt me. A note inside says it’s supposed to be a clue.”
Dis, “Clue?”
Thorin sighed, “To who she is.” Standing up he cradled the box in his hand, “I’m going to head to my studio. Get an early start.”
Niro hurried over to steal another hug, “Don’t you forget about dinner tonight. All your favorites.”
Thorin nodded and chuckled, “I won’t.” Moving past her in the dispersing of the group while Balin wondered just what else was on that note to keep him from showing it off and smirked to himself seeing Thorin’s care in handling the stunningly crafted gift.
Up to his studio he glanced out the wall of windows aimed straight out to the fold of two peaks coated in trees leading to your rental cottage blocked by the growing storm outside. Another sigh left him as he sat at his sketching table and set down your gift again, carefully inspecting every inch of it after setting the figurine aside. Lowly in a hum he mumbled, “No manufacturing markers.” His eyes focused for a moment on the small bear print with an Elvish rune inside of it for the word ‘Pear’ freeing a confused hum from him before he turned to the figurine to do the same noting the intricate details put into it and a similar stamp of the same paw and rune combination. Setting it inside the box again he pulled out the note he read then flipped over then sighed only seeing more doodles of roses across the back. “Why would she make this?”
Shaking his head he put the note back and closed the box then rolled to his clay figurine rolling up his sleeves to start up on the final touches of it before he would go through the process of casting the copper statue he was tasked to bring to life from a child’s sketch. In the middle of the casting process when he was left with nothing to do but wait he did what he always did, turn to a spare bit of clay and begin to shape blindly allowing his hands and subconscious to lead him.
A sounding of his alarm to remind him of dinner snapped him out of his daze and in his eyes focusing on the sharpened tool in his fingers he eyed the familiar pouting lips he was shaping. Taking in the full face he had been shaping he sat up flinching his hands back seeing your face with loose curls cascading around it stemming form the unshaped back half of the clay. Shaking his head he stood leaving his tool with the others and turned the carving around exhaling steadily knowing his mind had wandered as his dreams had entertaining Balin’s belief you might actually care for him in all his irritating idiotic wonder. In a quick turn he grabbed your gift he carried through the castle to his room to set it on his dresser where he was certain it wouldn’t get knocked around then showered and changed to head down to dinner.
Pt 3
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ohmygillygoshoppler · 6 years
Welcome to Rurus (part 1)
I’ve been working on this little short story after Mars and I were spitballing ideas one night. It’s been a while, but I’ve finally finished the first installment of my little shitfic within the darksiders universe.
In case it in’t clear enough, this story takes place in the future perhaps? Maybe Office AU, since the Horsemen live in Uptown Lavender, and everyone’s in suits, lol. Oh well, here it is, I don’t even-
Traveling from Heaven to Rurus was no big adventure; they were neighboring planets in the same solar system. That being said, Lee didn't have much aways to go when she left her group home in the White City to her new family on Rurus. Her host said she was moving to a place called Dreamride, to a foster family where she would wait to be adopted.
Well, at least they were making it clear that nobody here in Heaven wanted her. Maybe she'd have better luck fitting in on some other planet.
There was a designated location set on this planet in only a few places, depending on where you wanted to go. Lee and the other passengers she had teleported with all set their courses to Dreamride and arrived at the immigration department. Luckily, Lee had her social worker accompanying her, so all of that stuff would be taken care of. All the young angel had to do was fill out paperwork and get a few shots. (Apparently, people from off-planet had to get vaccinated to ward off certain diseases that magic can't heal. Who knew?)
After all the needles and picture taking, Lee was sent out in a crowded lobby to wait for her foster mother. Her social worker had explained everything to her as she was getting vaccinated; Lee was going to be picked up and taken into town to get enrolled into school, pick up her uniforms, get her student I.D., and then she would be going to her new home in town.
She couldn't say she was excited about it too much, she'd been in three foster homes in the past several years. It was all the same all around, but oh, the host was so sure that this one would be different. Rurus was filled with all sorts of people, according to what Lee had heard about the planet from her peers in Heaven. Perhaps they would hand her over to a family of demons and wash their hands of her? Maybe that was their plan.
Lee calmly mulled the idea over in her head as she sat in the lobby between a tiefling man in a pressed suit and an older human woman wrapped head to toe in scarves. It was waaaay different than the people she'd seen all her life in Heaven, and it was really strange. She itched at the ladder of colorful bandages along the length of her left arm. The injection sites were starting to get itchy. The doctor had said that such a thing was normal; The itch meant that it was healing.
The fledgling watched people of all shapes and sizes dashing this way and that, coming to and from other worlds. There were civilians, police, and many others all over, and for a while when Lee saw that no one was picking her up yet. She grew worried that she may have gotten lost, or was seated at the wrong port. Was she waiting in the right place? What if her tags were wrong? She looked over at the desk near the entrance from the vaccination ward; Platform 66- WC-12/24 to Dreamride 12/30.
Her tags were all correct, she was in the right place. Maybe, she thought, she was just nervous. Maybe it was all the drugs she had been given making her feel paranoid...
She waited some more. And some more. About two whole hours, Lee waited before Someone arrived looking for her.
A human woman carrying a bright red suitcase had approached the desk at the Platform entrance asking the clerk some questions. Lee watched from her seat. This woman looked just like a sage, Lee thought. She was tall, and lively and beautiful, and Lee was immediately and hopelessly in love. The elders talked, the clerk pointed to where Lee was sitting and the human looked; She smiled and waved, turned back to the clerk, and then began making her way over to the young angel.
"Lee?" She called as she approached the child. "Lee, that you, hon?"
Obediently, Lee rose from her seat. "Yes ma'am."
The human was an olive-skinned woman with long curly hair that was tied together in a messy braid dotted with tiny flowers. She was wearing a bright pink and white dress with drooping sleeves and a square neck line, the whole dress falling just above the floor. She wore dark pink sunglasses and a wide white hat. She looked so elegant next to Lee in her plain celestial school uniform. That was all she had for the moment.
"Welcome home, I'm Simone. You're gonna be staying with us for a while, huh?"
"I guess so." Lee didn't have much of an answer. Simone seemed okay with that.
She held out the red suitcase for Lee to take, which was much lighter than she anticipated. She also handed over a pretty hat much like her own. It was a broad tan hat with an orange ribbon. There were even some tiny orange flowers sticking out of it.
"I thought you might like it. It's summer here, so you'll need this when you go outside to play with all those new friends you're gonna have."
The angel grimaced at the thought. She didn't have too many friends, and she never wore a hat. Lee thought she would try it on anyway. It fit snugly.
"How are you about clothes, Lee? You don't have any bags or anything?" Simone asked as she turned away and waved at the clerk. She placed a hand on Lee's shoulder as she and the child departed from the over-crowded lobby.
"I have a uniform." Lee bluntly replied.
"Your chaperone never brought you any other change of clothes? Nothing?!"
"All my old clothes will be going to some other kid in the White City. "
Simone hummed as she swerved with Lee in and out of packs of people. "Well, since it's your first day here, how about we do some shopping? Get you some clothes to run around and get dirty in. Then, we can get something for lunch. I'm starving. How's that sound?"
"Sounds like a decent plan. I don't know how much I'll eat, I don't know what people here eat."
"Nevermind that, I'll take you to a few places,so you can get a feel for what's around and what you might like. We've got all day; and since school's out today, we can go on a shopping spree so you can pick out as many outfits as you like."
The human escorted Lee from the platforms and through an even longer tube-like corridor. People were being funneled in through a small gate. There were big men in blue and white uniforms checking people's papers and talking to the travelers. There were several of those little checkpoints ahead, and Lee began to notice how the travelers began to separate themselves ;
One line, the line that Simone and Lee were waiting in, was strictly occupied by women and children. Just moms and their kids. Possibly all the foster kids coming on from off planet, too. They were about six spaces from the front. Another line was comprised of people in varied groups, humans and demons, demons and angels, Makers, and others, coming up to the guards two by ten by three by line must have been for citizens of Rurus, since they seemed to just show off their identification and were on their merry ways.
Another line was occupied by men and women in suits. Just men; angel, demon, human, each one in a nice suit. Business Class. Nuthin' but business over there.
Another line was families, parents with children and grandparents and whatnot. There were lots of infernal people running around in all of these lines, which made the poor kid all the more on edge. She herself was in a hurry to get out of this building and see the outside of this place. Simone's arm around her was slightly reassuring. Lee took comfort in that.
"Can I see your folder, Lee? The one your chaperone gave you?"
Lee obediently complied, shrugging her bag off her shoulder and kneeling before it, taking out all of her records and identification. Simone gently took it up from her and opened the parchment, skimming over its contents. Lee winced when she immediately plucked the photograph of the young angel from the front of the file folder and held it up for her to see. The smile was sweet, as was the human woman's giggles.
"What a sad face. Why didn't you smile for your I.D. photo, hon?"
Lee slung her backpack back over her shoulder and shrugged. "Nuthin' to smile about at the time. It would've been a waste, if'ya ask me."
Simone continued to observe the photograph, nodding and pursing her lips. "Okay, okay. That one's gonna slide for now, but next time you get you picture taken for your student I.D., I want you to smile. Whether it be sweet or sinister, I care not. Smile. It's good for your face."
Lee hooked a long strand of platinum hair behind her ear, a tiny grin curling somewhere at the edge of her lip. Simone put the photo back and placed the folder in the crook of her arm. She reached into her own purse and pulled out what looked like a pocketbook. The two of them advanced toward a twin set of tall winged policemen, and Simone held out her hand at the first man. They were both angelic men, with large white wings and strong raptor-like gazes that seemed to penetrate the soul of anyone who looked directly into their eyes. She addressed the first one by name.
"Hello, Ignatius. How are you today, dear?" The human sweetly cooed, handing over her identification card along with a pink slip or paper.
The angel replied in the strong voice that Lee was accustomed to hearing coming from an angel like him; enormous and strong. "I'm the same as always. I'm starving. I can't wait for my lunch break-"
Simone gasped as she handed Lees folder over to the other guard, identical, almost, to Ignatius. "You mean you haven't been fed yet?"
"Not yet, no. Duties before pleasures,a s they say." He shrugged, handing back the small card.
Lee stared as the human reached into her purse and pulled out a paper bag seemingly out of nowhere, holding it out to the angel. "I bought a bunch of beignets this morning, and I couldn't finish them. You want them? Just to hold you and your friend here over until your breaks?"
This must have been a thing that happened often. Ignatius laughed and took the bag with a bow of this head. "What is it with you and feeding everyone, woman?"
A simple shrug. "It's what I do."
Lee was instantly salty. She wasn't offered a beinget.
The identical angel behind Ignatius handed the folder back to the little angel girl. "You'll be better off here, kid. If ya ask me, Heaven's old news."
Simone interjected. "Now, there's nothing wrong with Heaven, and there's nothing wrong with the White City. It's a fine place to be, Rurus and Unys are just way less strict. Angels and Infernals have more freedoms here."
"Amen. You working tonight, Miss Simone?"
"Tonight I am. You got a hot date or something, Luke?"
"Something like that."
Simone's eyebrows shot up and she recoiled with a hand on her chest in mock fright. She seemed quite surprised. "Well I'll be damned~"
“I wanted to introduce you,” Luke continued. “She’s a artist, like you. Thought you two might hit it off.”
Lee stood there for about ten more minutes as her new foster mom talked to her friends. The fledgling assessed that she seemed friendly enough, and liked to talk and joke around. Maybe she was alright, and Lee was just being paranoid about things, as per the norm with her.
So after all that chatting and whatnot, Simone and Lee made to depart. Simone said she didn't drive, rather, she took a bus, and that she would teach Lee how to use the bus and make her way around town. While the two sat together on the crowded bus, Simone explained a few things about this place to her newcomer.
The human and the angel had a long discussion about how much freedom Lee was to have. She was to go to school on her own, which meant hat she was getting a bicycle until she was big enough to fly, she had chores, she would have an allowance, and she was, quote, "Allowed to go anywhere in town, so long as you text me first, and let me know where you are."
Lee didn't understand at first; No church? No constant classes? No painstaking exams? "What do you mean-"
Immediately after, Simone reached into her purse and Lee received her first phone. Oh, this was different. For a second, Lee thought that she held in her hand, the most powerful tool in the universe. She had all sorts of new things to do, and things were only going to get deeper. This was going to be fun.
A whole lotta fun...
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rockpicschick1 · 4 years
(Sharing this verbatim)
An open letter to the public on behalf of the entertainment industry
People like myself and companies like mine work in an invisible industry. Every single one of you have seen or been involved in the fruits of our labor whether it was watching any show on TV, going to any movie, attending a concert, attending a conference, enjoying a night at the theater, watching a symphony orchestra or seeing any number of special events from awards shows, sporting events, political conventions; the list goes on and on. We do not mind being invisible by any stretch of the imagination. It is what we do, it is what we love and that about which we are fiercely passionate. None of the above mentioned projects happens without a huge staff of highly talented but unseen people that are willing to work extremely hard, under crushing deadlines, and often for very long work hours merging art and technology. Watch the credits at the end of any movie. Look at the hundreds of names of people you will never see that were never the less crucial to creating the final product. The same holds true for any TV show, music tour, theatrical tour, corporate event, sporting event or special event.
This industry employs between 10 and 12 million people and generates well over 300 billion dollars in revenue annually. Some estimates put that number at over 800 billion dollars. Between March 11th and March 13th of this year, our entire industry has been shut down and it appears to us that NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION! At this point we are going to have to be visible!
Compare the entertainment industry numbers above with that of General Motors. According to Wikipedia, GM generated a net income of 6.732 billion dollars in 2019 and employed some 164,000 people. The Federal Government deemed GM “too big to fail” and bailed them out with TARP funding of over 13 billion dollars during the financial crisis in December of 2008. My company and most others in this industry has experienced at least a 90% reduction in revenue and the more staggering issue is that none of us have any idea how much longer this will go on. Some are forecasting early 2021, some Q3 of 2021, and some are considering 2022 as the first viable option. We simply have no idea. Envision what THAT financial plan looks like.
Using a concert tour as an example, I want you to see the invisible ones that make it possible for you to see your favorite artists:
Artist Management (an entire office staff)
Booking Agency (an entire office staff)
Promoter (an entire office staff)
Promoter Representative(s)
Tour Manager
Production Manager
Stage Managers
Production Assistants
Production Designer (often an entire office staff)
Lighting Designer
Lighting Programmer
Lighting Director
Lighting Technicians
Video Director
Video Content Creation team (often an entire office staff)
Video Graphics Technicians
Video Engineers
Video Display Technicians
Video Camera Technicians / Operators
Audio Engineers
Audio Technicians
Radio Frequency Technicians
Staging Technicians
Special Effects Technicians
Automation Technicians
Backline (music instrument) Technicians
Wardrobe Technicians
Makeup and Hair Professionals
Personal Assistants
Social Media Content Providers
Catering Services
Security Services
Logistics Coordinators (often an entire office staff)
Bus Drivers
Truck Drivers
Fabricators that build the staging and special effects (an entire office/warehouse staff)
On larger tours, the total number of above personnel actually on the road can easily exceed 100.
I suppose many people just assume a band owns all the equipment you see at an event, but that is very seldom the case. All the equipment you see at a concert is typically owned by third party suppliers that have vast amounts of capitol tied up in inventory, personnel, training, research/development, liability insurance and warehouse/office space. These companies include:
Audio Companies
Lighting Companies
Video Companies
Rigging Companies
Staging Companies
Special Effects Companies
Musical Instrument Rental Companies
Catering Companies
Bus Companies
Trucking Companies
Logistics Companies
Power Generation Companies
To add to the list, there are locally sourced stagehands to physically install and strike the equipment on a daily basis as well as helping to run the event. For small tours this my be 20-30 local technicians. For larger projects it could be well over 100. While these personnel may only work one day on a touring project, they then work every other concert, theatrical production, trade show, convention, TV show, movie, etc. that occurs in the area. In every major market that is a full time job and these people are talented and invaluable.
We should also consider the local venue staff that include catering, concessions, security, ushers, ticket takers, maintenance, custodial services, electricians, IT, box office staff, cost check, merchandise seller, and venue management teams to the list of personnel essential to producing a concert or event.
ALL of the above people and ALL of the above companies are in a desperate situation right now. Companies have closed, people have been laid-off or let go permanently, private contractors have lost everything. We cannot sell our companies nor can we sell off our assets as there is little to no value in either currently.
This industry desperately needs help from our elected officials. While they bicker over partisan pet projects, pick winners and losers, and take their paid vacations, our companies are failing, our people are suffering from depression and some have even committed suicide. It is this simple: we need either additional grant money and unemployment or we need to open up and get back to work. To the latter we also need help from the public. If we can fly 100-200 people in an aluminum tube with people less than 18” apart for 5 hours across the country, we can certainly put on socially distanced events in theaters, arenas and stadiums. If that means wearing a mask to accomplish this then please forget the political stigma attached to the question of masks for two or three hours and wear one. If you think your personal liberties are being threatened by wearing a mask, then imagine the reality of being forced to lose your entire income for the foreseeable future because the government said so. There are millions of people whose livelihood, mental and physical health absolutely depend on it. We will not be invisible any longer.
On the evening of Sept 1st, entertainment professionals will light businesses, homes and other architecture in red. When you see a structure lit up in red, know that the entertainment industry is dying. We can no longer afford to be invisible.
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blamegryles · 7 years
This is simply a list of 10 fics that, to this day, still make my heart go wild when I read them (even if i’m reading them for the 28498th time). Enjoy:
I Just Want to Turn You Down, 27 808 words » Nick is 26, fresh off a bad break up, and working a shitty desk job. Harry is 16, lives across the street, and discovering his sexual prowess. Things get complicated.
If This Is Love, 85 591 words » He’s not fucking thirty yet, but he is way too old for Harry fucking Styles. Or: Nick Grimshaw has done some stupid, ridiculous, mad things in his life, but falling for Harry Styles might be the stupidest thing yet.
This Lift is Out of Service, 34 850 words » Nick is a heart-broken physical therapist just back in London after a six month stint in the States. He’s trying to get his life together. Getting caught up with new patient Harry Styles was never part of the plan.
An Abridged Sexual History of Nick Grimshaw: A Love Story, 12 719 words » Nick considered himself a bit of a late bloomer.
Instalments, 49 983 words » Harry falls in love with a wealthy client. They both pay for it, in instalments. Pretty Woman AU.
He’d Attend All Your Lectures, 10 182 words » Harry asks Nick for tips on picking up men, and on what to do with them after that.
of love and lurking, 8303 words » “If anywhere’s good for sneaking it should be your own flat, regardless of errant wanking teenagers.”
tear up the planks, 5931 words » He stares at the dildo some more, then places it carefully back on top of the condoms and lube and slides the drawer closed. He’s just going to forget he ever saw it; that’s the only thing to do, really. He and Harry are best mates but if Harry’s never mentioned to him that he sometimes gets lads off in his bed with toys, well, that’s apparently Harry’s business to keep. Nick’s fine about it.
Hold Me Down, 14 346 words » “I just can’t believe,” Nick starts. He feels Harry tense against him and he rubs a hand up and down his back to soothe him. “You like to be tied up, then, yeah?” he says, quiet and thick. Harry freezes for a second and then shivers, curling in impossibly closer to Nick’s body. “I bet you look ridiculously good all tied up, I’d imagine. Squirming and begging so prettily. I’d like to have a look at that myself. Mind if I have a go?” Nick asks.
pretty in pink, 9796 words » Harry’s as easy to get going as the average eighteen year old, maybe even easier, but it seems– not odd, never odd, but significant that Harry’s gotten hard from, what, from a tube of lipstick? (basically lipstick blowjobs and then harry wants to be fucked in a dress and there’s some feelings too sigh sigh sigh)
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btrflixx-blog · 7 years
I'm still tired! I can't seem to get much sleep these days. A whole hour tonight! So I thought I'd share the day I had yesterday. As I said it was quite an amazing day. However, it didn't start off that way. There were things that needed to be done but man do I hate to be rushed! But let's not dwell on that. I spent most of the day with my cousin and his husband. And NO, I didn't misspell anything! They are a gay couple and I love them both dearly. They picked me up and we went to several stores. There were a few things I needed but I ended up getting so much! By the end of the day together I had several bags full. I got a new, well used tablet. New to ME anyway. A newer model though. I'm quite happy with it. And I found a cover for it pretty cheap, so bonus! Such big plans for that device! Very exciting! My cousin gave me a lot of things, too. It felt like Christmas! I have a couple of belts now, a couple of ties, some elastic exercise tubing and some flavored massage oil that I'm looking forward to using at some point. Hopefully anyway. And that's not all! I was treated to dinner at Subway and desert at Dairy Queen! And I don't eat out very often so it was quite special for me. Then, after telling Sir about my day and having a rather deep discussion about pushing my limits, He teels me he's considering making what WAS a temporary arrangement, into something more permanent! I could hardly believe it! WOW! So excited and amazed! However, I have to wait to have a more detailed discussion about what that might entail. But He is definitely worth the wait! Then, my son did a rather surprising thing. He came home, installed the ac AND took out the garbage without being asked! As he got ready to leave I questioned him about it. It seemed odd for him to do all that and then leave. So I asked him why he did all that if he wasn't going to be here. His answer left me speechless for a moment. He said,"I did it for YOU! " I didn't know if my heart would explode or if I was going to cry! Kids, right? Never underestimate them! I was very impressed! I'm not going to be able to cover everything that happened but I DO want to mention that I received several compliments not only on my appearance (I've lost about 50 lbs.), but also on my confidence. Never had a compliment about my confidence before! Makes it quite clear that the things Sir has been doing to help me are working. That is just super awesome in my book! Well, I think I'll at least try to get a little more sleep ......
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Discover Something Rare Ch. 1 (Rajila) - Juniper
Summary: Despite her family’s plans, Manila has never cared about romance. She meets a beautiful artist named Raja, and everything changes. 60’s Lesbian AU.
A/N: So this is my first chaptered fic on aq, and I hope you enjoy the first installment. I encourage you to leave me your thoughts either here or over at artificialjuniper as the story progresses. Happy reading!
The scratch of the bobby pin against Manila’s scalp made her eyes water.
“If you’re just going to make me pin it up, I don’t see why I can’t cut it off,” she grunted, jerking her head forward. She could see her mother in the mirror, standing behind her with an agitated expression.
“I’ve told you this a million times, Manila. Hair is a girl’s best accessory, and with it you can be many different women for your future husband. It’s so long and beautiful, don’t be ungrateful.”
Manila sunk into her chair further, bringing her knees up to her chest like a child.
“Oh, mama, not this again. Not everything in my life revolves around getting married.”
A set of crow’s feet threatened to crawl to the surface of her mother’s tanned skin, though her eyes were fierce. Her own hair was pulled into a slick bun, the tightness giving her face a slight lift. With her mouth set in a straight line, Manila knew she was in for the same lecture she had heard time and time again.
“Clearly. Manila, where have I gone wrong with you? You see how much Daddy and I love each other, no?”
She nodded begrudgingly, naked lips pouting.
“Then I don’t understand why you are so fussy when it comes to finding a husband. You insist on living an extreme lifestyle, and every man that does take an interest gets turned away. I’m not getting any younger, princess. I would like some grandkids in this lifetime.”
“But, mama, I don’t love those men! You can’t really want me to be unhappy for the rest of my life, tied to someone that doesn’t understand me.”
Her mother took her fingers to her temples.
“Sometimes I don’t think there’s anyone who understands you.”
Heat rose in Manila’s face, and she struggled to hold back any signs of tears. You certainly don’t, she thought.
Fishing a folded paper from her apron pocket, Manila’s mother sighed.
“The dress that Ate Jane ordered for your birthday should be ready today. Will you be able to pick it up?”
Just like that, the conversation was in the past. For now.
“I guess,” she shrugged. “Where do I need to go?”
Manila rested against the brick wall of the tall apartment building. She gazed up, vines scaling up feet above her, the cement steps covered in dead leaves and discarded gum. Across the street, a balding man was walking his dog, tugging at the leash when it stopped to sniff at some leaf-buried treasure. She sympathized with the pooch.
The cool autumn air blew the skirt of her dress up slightly, and she decided to push her way inside. The entryway was small and cramped, nothing but the buzzers and the wooden door in front of her. She glimpsed at the wrinkled address her mother had given her.
Apartment #5
She tentatively rang the bell, her gloved finger hanging there for a moment too long, perhaps, because the thick voice came out of the speaker in a huff.
“Yes, I hear you. Who is it?”
“Um, Luzon? I mean, I’m here to pick up an order under Luzon. Dress alterations?”
“I have it here. Come on up.”
Manila made her way up the staircase, her black pumps taking tentative steps against the rickety wood. It certainly wasn’t the nicest complex she’d ever seen, but she’d take a shoebox over a hovering mother any day.
When she got to the landing, the door to the fifth apartment was already propped open by a set of books.
The apartment was, to put it simply, an absolute mess. Stacks of paper covered every surface, serving as makeshift coasters to various mugs filled with coffee and paint water. There was a tall easel in the center of the room, illuminated by the wide window giving way to the city streets below. It held a messy palette, smeared with various colors, though the canvas on display was still blank. There was a dress form in the corner, covered in words of a different language. It looked to be hand-decorated.
It was all very exciting to Manila. Everything was in complete disarray, and it was almost unfathomable how one could live like this, consumed by their art, not by rules. Back at home, her mother ensured everything had its proper place. Mess was nonexistent, the clothes were put away, and the most exquisite thing was the china cabinet, which was, off course, off-limits. The owner of the voice emerged from the kitchen, drying her hands on a raggedy t-shirt.
She was tall, almost unbelievably so, with a thin frame dressed in tan trousers and a blouse that resembled Manila’s father’s bowling shirts. She looked down over a pretty, dark nose. Despite the chaos around her, she seemed to be very put-together, like a catalogue model. Thick black hair came down just past her shoulders with a dusting of fringe across her forehead. Her makeup was beautiful; every line pristine and each color blended seamlessly. Manila suddenly felt a little self-conscious of her own bland appearance.
“I have your dress in the closet,” she spoke, with that same husky tone. “I’ll admit, I was surprised when I saw your measurements. The dress I received was more than a little off.”
Manila watched as the woman sauntered over to the tiny closet, bringing out her emerald green dress.
“It was a gift from a distant cousin,” Manila shrugged. “A formality, really.”
The woman raised an eyebrow and laid the garment over the arm of her yellow sofa.
“I’ve never heard of dresses this nice being given as a formality.”
“It’s a bit of a long story,” Manila said, wincing. She thought back to her conversation with her mother that morning. Her aunts were no different, all of them trying to ship her off with some man. They’d shower her with perfumes and new heels, all in hopes of attracting a boy. It was for her own good, they said. Not at all about expanding their already ever-growing family.
“I bet. Raja.”
Manila blinked.
“Yes. That’s my name, Raja.”
“Oh,” Manila squeaked. “That’s very beautiful.”
The woman threw her a sly grin. “It means king. My parents always told me that’s probably where my ego comes from.”
She was a natural conversationalist. Any butterflies that were flittering around in Manila’s stomach were beginning to hibernate.
“My name is Manila. Like, the capital of the Philippines? It’s okay, I guess, that’s where my mom grew up before she met my dad. I grew up here, in the city, of course, but she wanted to connect me to her roots. I always wanted something more regal, though, or just pretty. Place names just leave a bad taste in people’s mouths, you know? I don’t want people to think I’m tacky. That’s subjective, though, isn’t it?”
“You talk a lot,” Raja said.
Releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, Manila laughed. “So I’ve been told.”
Raja encouraged her to try the dress on, and so she slid into the bathroom. The tile beneath her toes was cool. Hearing a ping, she looked to see one of her pins fall into the sink. One long curl fell from her head and it felt slightly radical. On top of the toilet there was a metal tray, housing powders and brushes, and without thinking twice she reached for a tube of lipstick, painting her mouth carefully. She looked like a different woman; sultry and unpolished, and her own mother might not recognize her in the street. She wasn’t sure who this was, but Manila liked her.
A soft knock came at the door, causing her to squeak.
“Are you okay? Do you need help with the zipper?”
“No, no, I’m almost done,” Manila called out, stuffing her hands back into her gloves. “I’ll be right out.”
When she opened the door, Raja was leaning against that same hideous couch, a cigarette perched between her lips. Her eyes narrowed.
“Were you wearing that lipstick when you got here?”
“You’re lying.” Damn.
“Do you mind?” She cursed her compulsive nature.
Raja smiled. “No. You look nice. Spin around, let me see you.”
And so she did, parading around the apartment as the light got lower. She giggled, illuminated in orange, avoiding magazines and spools of thread. Raja watched in amusement, smoke oozing out, intertwined with each spurt of laughter.
“So you’re, like, a real artist?”
Minutes had turned into hours, and Manila couldn’t seem to draw herself away from Apartment #5.
“I’d like to think so,” Raja said. She was sitting on the floor, legs crossed, staring up at Manila. She was playing Nancy Drew, inspecting every sketch, every stray piece of lace. Her gaze was focused, her touch gentle. “I just like to create. I’m influenced by everything I see.”
“All of my friends are superficial squares.” Raja laughed at the way Manila dramatically rolled her eyes.
“This is like a dream to me,” she whispered.
“Are you the creative type, too? I figured. I think we all gravitate toward one another-“
Manila wasn’t listening anymore. “I wish I could live like you. You’re so inspired and free. I wanna be an artist, too.”
“What’s stopping you?” Raja asked, moving toward her.
The moon was bright, holding them both tenderly. She placed a hand on Manila’s shoulder, who shook her head and replaced the pencil she’d been holding. She offered a sad smile.
“My family, I guess. My mother. I sketch, clothes mostly, and when I was little she entertained it. But I’m not a seamstress and now…now she’d rather that I didn’t waste my time on silly hobbies.”
“It doesn’t have to just be a hobby. I mean, I’m not living in luxury, clearly, but once you make connections you can get by.”
“She’d never let me work,” Manila sighed. “I’m supposed to be on the lookout for Prince Charming, and have him take care of me for the rest of my days.”
Raja scoffed. “You’re not a baby. I reckon you could take care of yourself just fine.”
“You think so?” She smiled shyly. Raja nodded. She brought a tissue up to her face and helped her scrub away the lipstick, and tucked the stray hairs behind her ear. She felt a numbness in her fingertips; her adventure was coming to an end, and it was back to mundane, uniform days. She had to resist the urge to grab onto her lithe arm and beg to stay forever in this wonderland. They looked at each other for a moment without saying a word.
“Bring me some of your sketches, little Luzon. I want to see them.”
Suppressing genuine shock, Manila promised to return soon.
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itsworn · 7 years
1979 Corvette Grand Sport: A C3 for Show
Corvettes mean different things to different people. Some just like to cruise top-down on a sunny summer afternoon, others love the performance aspect and still others love Corvettes for their classic looks. The owner of this 1979 Corvette coupe, Richard Skipper, falls into the latter category. Over the years, he has owned 14 Corvettes and while he does enjoy driving them occasionally, he gets the most joy from having them restored and showing them off.
Skipper’s latest pride and joy is a Grand Sport-themed C3 Corvette. It’s a car you’re not likely to see very often and that’s mostly due to the fact that Chevrolet never made it. Years ago, he saw a picture of a C3 Vette with a 1996 Corvette Grand Sport livery and fell in love. “I cut that picture out and put it on my billboard and told myself ‘One of these days I’ll build one,’” Skipper recalls. But he never acted on that ambition until one day it sort of just fell into his lap. A neighbor had a 1979 Corvette that just sat in the driveway for months. It was owned by the man’s son who was off in Iraq and decided it was time to pass it along to a new owner. Skipper figured that now was as good a time as ever, so he brought it home.
Simply painting the ’79 to look like a Grand Sport would be far too easy and replicable, so Skipper wanted to take his one step further—well, maybe more than one step. He wanted the C3 to be a blend of custom, restomod and classic, all tied up in a Grand Sport theme.
Instead of finding a single shop to do all the work from start to finish, Skipper got in touch with three different shops that each specialized in a certain area of custom-car building.
The Bright Brothers, located in Alvarado, Texas, handled all the fiberglass and paint on the Corvette. They took the fiberglass body and worked their magic, integrating a few subtle changes that would make all the difference. The car had the original removable hardtop, but as per Skipper’s request, they got rid of the “removable” aspect of the hardtop and made it a full-time coupe by ’glassing in the top. The other modifications were not quite as subtle, starting with the removal of the popup headlights. Like the roof, they sealed up the original headlight locations with fiberglass, making it look like they were never even there. So where’d the lights go instead? They were relocated down in the nose to loosely resemble the foglights of a C4 Corvette. The hood also got some custom fiberglass work in the form of vents in the cowl. The final major body modification wasn’t really a body modification at all—it was a body addition. Skipper wanted to change things up, and instead of having the stock side pipes stand out so boldly, he wanted them to blend in a little more. So, the Bright Brothers built a custom cover to conceal the otherwise flashy side pipes. With all the custom fiberglass work completed, they moved on to paint. It’s no surprise that Skipper wanted to stay pretty true to form when it came to mimicking the Grand Sport livery. The Bright Brothers utilized Admiral Blue, the stock color of a ’96 Grand Sport, supplied by House of Kolor that was accented by the iconic white center stripe and two red hash marks on the front-left wheel arch.
While the Bright Brothers were working away on the paint and body modifications, Marc Byers of Marc’s Garage in Fort Worth, Texas, started getting the chassis and drivetrain ready. Skipper had decided to go with a full custom chassis from Art Morrison Enterprises complete with Strange Engineering adjustable coilovers and Baer Brakes 14-inch rotors with six-piston calipers all around. Out back is a Strange Engineering Ford 9-inch sporting a limited-slip differential and 3.50:1 gears.
The Vette would be powered by a potent Chevrolet Performance LS376/525 crate engine making 525 horsepower and 525 lb-ft of torque. An Eddie Motorsports S-Drive pulley system sits on the front of the engine and ties together the accessories such as the Powermaster alternator and Gen-IV Vintage Air A/C compressor. A set of ceramic-coated 1 7/8-inch long-tubes from Ultimate Headers are bolted to the side of the LS3 and dump into a custom 3-inch stainless steel system and out MagnaFlow mufflers. Keeping things cool is a three-row aluminum radiator from Mattson’s Custom Radiator. The final piece of Skipper’s powertrain is a 4L70E automatic transmission put together by Phoenix Transmission.
After the chassis and drivetrain were mated, the Corvette made its way across town to Compton Custom Interiors in Burleson, Texas. There, the cabin of the Vette got a makeover in red. They covered almost the entire interior in red leather, from the dash panel and the seats to the door panels and the center console, even the kick panels and glovebox were wrapped in clean, red leather. Oh, and the color chosen for the carpet? That was red, too. Dakota Digital gauges were installed to give Skipper his readouts then Mobile Sound Systems of Arlington, Texas, came in to install four speakers and a subwoofer from Focal hooked up to an Alpine head unit. It all came together to give the C3 Corvette a highly Grand Sport vibe with more than a little custom feel which is just what Skipper wanted.
When the dust had settled, it had been only a year and a half build and the result was just as Skipper had envisioned.
“I’m one of those guys that builds them but doesn’t drive them,” Skipper told us. Expanding on that further, he mentioned having cars that were built 10 years ago and have only 300 miles put on them since. Skipper might not be driving the newly built ’79 a whole lot, but that hasn’t stopped him from displaying it at as many local drive-ins and shows as possible. “Every time we put it in a show it wins a class award,” Skipper beams. That combined with the sound of the LS3 burbling out of the sidepipes hits the spot for Skipper and he plans on enjoy it for years and years to come.
The post 1979 Corvette Grand Sport: A C3 for Show appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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