#love troll lore
felsicveins · 6 months
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His heart belongs to another
And no other heart will do
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
I don’t know why, maybe because I’ve been on a Garp kick lately.
But I do really think that Garp kind of became like a surrogate Uncle to the Roger boys and by extension Mihawk. Like I can just imagine Roger telling them that if they were ever separated from the crew or if something ever happened to him or Ray and they needed help they should go to Garp (I mean he entrusted his own baby to him it makes sense he’d also entrust his boys)
(for whatever reason Mihawk got this talk too despite him already traveling by himself and not being officially part of Rogers crew. But since Ray adopted him he’s Roger’s brat as well)
All this to say that Garp takes his uncle duties very seriously and what is an uncle if not an inconvenience and an embarrassment?
So Ofcourse he pulls up to Kuriagina during the timeskip (Hawain shirt and all) to visit his new grand babies (read Perona and Zoro) that he’s heard so much about. (read shanks immediately gossiped with him abou mt after stumbling upon them last time he came to visit Mihawk)
And because Garp is essentially the one piece equivalent of Florida man, this goes well for absolutely nobody
Except Zoro who is nothing if not a troll. And game must recognize game.
The monkeys love him tho, he communicates with them on a wavelength nobody can quite understand least of all Garp.
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finnylemon · 3 months
Baby Floyd's (Not So) Irrational Fear of Thunder ⛈️
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The night the boys left (referring to this post) was a wet and stormy one. Could this have future consequences that forever mess with Floyd's stability during thunderstorms? Floyd was much too little at the time to fully grasp what was going on. All he understood was that his mom was gone, now his dad, and when it rained, bad things happened.
Having secretive brothers who think lying for your safety is beneficial didn't seem to help in the slightest 💔
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kabutoden · 8 months
OUGH your buggy homestuck designs are SO CUTE!!!!!!!! That's such a fun concept and I LOVE the different molts and the explanation for mutants!!!!!!!!!! Bug lore bug lore bug lore!!!! I also adore the outfit you did for Terezi's third molt, I thought the boots were really creative and it just looked! So cool!!!!! <333333 would it be possible to see Vriska's various molts? ALSO. I NEED YOU TO KNOW. I AM GIVING YOU A VERY EXCITED DOUBLE THUMBS UP I ***LOVE*** ANOMALOCARIS I HAVE LIFE SIZED ANOMALOCARIS PLUSH AND HE IS MY FAVORITE EVER. trilobites very good too I have. So many trilobite fossils and I think that those two were a great choice for the sea dwellers!!!
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thank you so much for sending in an ask im THRILLED WITH YOUR EXCITEMENT!! i love extinct arthopods too+i just LOVE BUG FACTS SO MUCH… i rlly should do a spidertroll lore post but until then here’s the molts you requested!! i actually really struggled in the past with human anatomy so im super proud of how these turned out shes so big and confident and cool!!! a thanks again for the ask :D
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yourfavouritefighter · 9 months
i have REALLY been underutilising lanyon angst
(time to change that)
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(also giving you all a lovely shout out to ink theory/blue theory)
(you know what i think i should do a poll with as many options of what it could be as possible, and you can all vote!)
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tothepointofinsanity · 8 months
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Favourite genre of games otherwise known as, “Your God and cult may be powerful, but I am an angry cog in the machine and I have a loaded grenade launcher.”
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flamestar126 · 10 months
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(click for better quality)
Minor spoilers below for those who haven't watched it yet
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Tell me this isn't how it went rn/j
Dying in the theaters when Floyd's attempt for sympathy/persuasion immediately backfired on him. I wanted his reaction to it so bad
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spicypineneedles · 8 months
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what do you mean I never uploaded my little half-troll-changeling baby?? ok well- say hi to Tove, she's a little gremlin who just moved over to trolberg, and is having a bit of a rough time trying to get around :]
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also a cool night-version for all the troll fans ✧✧
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petracozbi · 4 months
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First ‘meeting’?
Song: All I Wanted by Paramore
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severefartoholic · 5 months
WHY!!! ARE EVERYONE PAFL OCS MUTANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can i pretty prettttyyyyyyyyyy please have a thirty year old man living paycheck to paycheck trying to feed his kids
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kaidraws69 · 2 months
Meet Charo, my new Rageon species I came up with. Of course with the help of @simplydannie !
Lore drop?
Bro is a Carcharodan Carcaharis
Species name is: Akhelios Rageons- water dwellers
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mythicaltoad · 8 months
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Can’t have Veneer without a Velvet
Floyd’s apprentice Velvet is done.
And this time I have a little lore to go with it
:Floyd’s Apprentice Velvet Lore:
So, basically this AU takes place after Veneer catches Floyd after he tired to escape. But instead of handing him back to Velvet, he takes Floyd and runs. Ditching Velvet before the ragedome. She chases after him, but by the time she catches up, he already has taken a car and left.
Velvet, of course, feels angry and betrayed that her brother would leave and take the one thing that made her famous. Sometime later she goes back to her dressing room to prep for the worst, but ends up discovering Branch instead. She realizes this would be her last chance to reclaim what she lost so she decides to use him instead. She then also came up with a plan of what happened to Veneer and why he wouldn’t be at the performance.
Basically, she lies and tells people he passed away and that she accepted the lifer award on his behalf to and that the performance was to be also in memory of him. And they become convinced he passed away.
That’s all I got so far for Vel. This is my favorite AU I’ve made, so I hope you tune in for more.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
The chess meme where the smart kid is losing to the person eating the chess pieces is so Dottore and reader core (specifically the Akademiya time)
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wonkieloser · 7 months
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Me and the bestie who keeps spoiling the ending of every book he reads ever. <3
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thebramblewood · 1 year
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Catching up with Yuki Behr.
Previous / Next
Transcript under the cut.
Yuki: “Helena! Helena! Helena, over here!”
Helena: “Oh, hey, Yuki!”
Yuki: “Girl, we’re always running into each other in the most random places. I was afraid you’d dropped off the face of the earth.”
Helena: [laughs awkwardly] “I guess it has been a while, huh?”
Yuki: “Omigod, you look ah-mazing in that dress!”
Helena: “Thanks. I like yours too.”
Yuki: “It looks like a rainbow threw up on me, right?”
Helena: “Well…”
Yuki: “Don’t worry, that’s exactly the vibe I’m trying to capture these days. Anyway, what’s up? You’re MIA on Social Bunny and you hardly ever text!”
Helena: “I know, I know. I’ve just been a little distracted lately.”
Yuki: “Final semester’s kicking your ass too, huh? I’m counting down the days until it’s over. I just scored a job at this big tech start-up in DSV. Totally corporate, I know, but they’ll never see it coming when I hack the mainframe and run. You must have all kinds of offers lined up, Miss Perfect GPA.”
Helena: “Actually... I’m not exactly sure what’s next. I’m waiting to hear from a few internships in San My, but a gap year also sounds nice right now.”
Yuki: “Look at you! Taking my advice to live a little after all! Aw, I’m so proud. Though I can’t say I expected you to become so... punk.”
Helena: “Oh, I’m not really... I mean, the music’s cool, but I’m also kind of” -
[mutters under breath, blushing] - “dating somebody in the band.”
Yuki: “This just gets better and better! Who? Wait, let me guess! I bet it’s…”
Ulrike: [squeezes] “Hey, babe.”
Helena: “Mmph! Faust! Where’d you come from?”
Yuki: “Looks like I don’t have to guess after all. Well, you’ve got your hands full now.
Call me later! I want all the juicy details.”
Ulrike: “Who’s that?”
Helena: “Just an old friend from high school. She’s at Foxbury now.”
Ulrike: “I didn’t know you had such colorful friends. Come to think of it, do I know any of your friends? What are you hiding, Zhao?”
Helena: “Nothing! I guess I just like having you all to myself.”
Ulrike: “Can’t blame you there.”
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doritopaw101 · 7 months
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Branch evolution
My own hcs:
I imagine Branch had limited food sources for a while before he learned how to forage food, so he has some stunted growth (he often crosses his arms to hide his ribs as a result). When he gains his colors back, he starts gaining some weight.
Fluffy creature, one of the few pop trolls that grows out their neck fluff
He didn’t always have sharp teeth, he evolved that way due to being gray as well as his more meat based diet.
My trolls purr, but after years of gray and isolation, Branch kinda forgets how to which causes him some major distress. Poppy and him work through that as time goes on.
Branch is genrefluid, he enjoys his rocked appearance so he keeps aspects of that in his outfit. He sometimes joins Barb’s and her bands shows. (Fine with any pronouns tho using she/her might fluster him)
[Edit, finally remembered where I got the idea from, The idea of him genrefluid came from this post by @spaceistheplaceart]
The red circled around his pupils are a small after effect from being rock zombied. His eyesight isn't affected but his eyes do glow.
All his piercings were done by Barb except the black studs in his ears which were done by Trickee.
His hug time bracelet is made from his and Poppy’s hair.
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