#love u all gay muslims
mashallah · 1 year
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pride mubarak ☆ ☆ ☆ ⌒(ゝ。∂)
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sacredpit · 10 months
happy thanksgiving to all who are celebrating!! i hope you get to spend time with people you love today & find joy in even the smallest things to be thankful for. one of those things for me has been coming back to this community after such a hard time in my life and finding (& re-finding in some cases) such lovely people with not just beautiful writing & characterization, but such warm & kindhearted energy. i really feel welcome here & i’m having a lot of fun with both of my muses (even though giorno just got here lol, shhh) 🤧 i hope to write with all of you even more & to get to know you, too! 🤎🦃
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anauwhere · 17 days
Not to be a therapist in main but younger generations are acting so much like abusive, authoritative foster parents with strangers bc they lacked parenting themselves or any kind of positive interaction with mommy dearest and they're making it a problem for random people or their peers instead of fighting in the kitchen like all normal teens.
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i-cant-sing · 2 months
Ugh, Baris is so annoying- I LOVE HIM!!! He reminds me of that one fashionista gay bestfriend I have that will NEVER shut up and will absolutely roast the shit out of my fashion sense, but is still there to be hella supportive and help me improve anyway- except Baris is definitely NOT helping at all
he's gay in every sense except the sexual preferrence one because he may act feminine (only because he has to train all these concubines on how to act) but he still sleeps with women (ofc, hes very picky.)
interesting tidbit for u guys: baris is one of the few eunuchs who is not black. so basically in the ottoman empire, they had these young boys (non muslim slaves) who would have their testes removed/crushed so they wouldnt sleep with harem women they were raised to protect/train. HOWEVER, the whole "Removing the testes" thing didnt always work out the way it was supposed to, so often these eunuchs would still be able to perform reproductive functions normally. this is why the ottomans would have black eunuchs so that if they were to sleep with concubines, they will be caught when the girls pop out a half black child! ofc, they had contraceptives too but yeah... they were quiet weird and often ineffective.
see, i teach u guys new stuff in a few minutes everyday that i learn from hours long documentaries on youtube. say "thanks, snow!"
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shivology · 2 years
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so to add onto this i think stewy’s relationship with his dad is like. complicated? no shit lol
but anyway my hc is his family is super old money, fled iran in the 80s, lost a shit ton of generational wealth as a result, but still had enough to live very comfortably amongst american millionaires. stewy, a brown kid in america, grew up othered in a way his parents, rich brown people in their homeland, never were. i would assume stewy’s dad thinks of money and privilege and power as something you, sure, cultivate, but don’t need to actively chase (because that’s nouveau riche and embarrassing!) whereas stewy grew up in a more dog eat dog world. so that makes them see the world in inherently different viewpoints. like, stewy changes his name, is very much not a practicing muslim, befriends kendall roy, whose father is the epitome of awful american new money, and goes into private equity, which is the epitome of soulless american capitalism, and it’s kind of upsetting to his dad because it’s like ... his kid is becoming very very westernized. so i think he’s disappointed in him in that regard. 
but for the most part? i think their relationship is, for the most part, okay -- mr hosseini loves his son v much and cares for his wellbeing. howeverrrrrr. them being on very very very good terms is somewhat thanks to the fact that, for the most part, his dad kind of makes up a version of stewy in his mind that isn’t perhaps so amoral, that isn’t so greedy or money-obsessed, that is very much heterosexual and just flamboyant! i also don’t think stewy has ever or will ever come out to his parents because there’s literally no use. (gay stewy truthers i see u however i am a bi stewy girl <3) and if him being not very heterosexual comes up, either when he was a kid at school, or in tabloids or anything, they just assume it’s bigotry bc their kid is Not Queer ofc. 
anyway, all those issues aside, i think stewy is on good terms with his parents. there’s a shit ton of baggage and unsaid shit, but he has dinner with them at least twice a month, visits them on nowruz + eid, texts them regularly, etc. they’re fairly close all things considered and he loves them very much even though he knows he may not necessarily be the son they wanted (but he’s the son logan wanted ironically!) and they love him despite the things they pretend they do not see
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homosapiennns · 2 years
Sadık is an unique name. I never met a Sadık in my life. It means loyal. Adnan is usually a name, not a surname. It’s an old name, people don’t name their sons Adnan anymore. Both names are pretty masculine sounding. “Sadık” is pronounced S, A in dark, Dı is read the same as the word “the”, K is normal. Adnan is pretty easy, all As in our language are the same.
Sadiq is not a real name, we don’t have q in our alphabet. But I understand that people don’t know this so I forgive u guys 😙
Do I like his name? Tbh the first time I’ve seen it I didn’t, but I like it now. I can’t imagine him having a different name.
I have a few headcanons of him!!!
First of all, this man is LOUD. Like he is not shouting obv, but he talks loudly, energetically, and a little fast paced. He is extroverted, he can carry a conversation easily, and I can see him being “the dominant one” in a convo if it makes sense. Like u don’t have to worry about finding a topic bc Sadık naturally finds it.
His voice is deep.
He is friendly, but he doesn’t share his romantic life if it’s not a close friend. I can see him being close w Balkan countries, Bulgaria especially. A lot of Turks came to Turkey from Bulgaria in 50s and 90s (bc yk Ottoman Empire was there) But I think his personal relationship with Balkans doesn’t get affected by foreign policies. Bc fuck governments and politics. Anyways LOL. He is friends with Russia too. I read some RusTur fanfics? I don’t even know the name of the ship but it was fucking hot. He likes Europeans, Germany is his fave, but he isn’t close with them. Greece will have his own section 😉
He lives in Istanbul, in Anatolia side. He just can’t escape this city he loves it so much even tho it’s overpopulated.
He likes fishing like every uncle ever. He falls asleep in front of his TV like every dad. He loves drinking rakı and eating the fish he caught w it. He loves to eat, he has a dad bod. When he’s drinking he prepares the table like this n people go insane for it, also he always pays the meal’s bills. His hospitality has no limits like this man can die of hypothermia if it means his guests are warm and tucked in bed.
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He has ZERO drip 😔 he has a beard n a hairy body. Idk why but I can’t rlly imagine him with abs. Maybe Osmanlı (Im gonna use Turkish bc Ottoman Empire is so long bro) had an athletic body, but Mr. Turkey just doesn’t care.
He loveeees cooking. Ok so Turks hate takeouts unless u live alone. If u go to a Turkish household and suggest that u want to order a pizza they will act like u just cursed their entire family. Sadık is the same unless he eats kebap outside bc mmm kebap is yummy.
He is a Muslim, not a hardcore tho, he only practices it in Fridays the same way Christians go to church in Sundays.
LETS TALK ABOUT OSMANLI OMG. So yk Mr. Adnan is friendly softie etc etc. But Osmanlı was different! I think his personality changed after the Turkish War of Independence and the Republic has founded. He had to change himself, we the people had to change ourselves to fit the modern Western world.
But at it’s prime Sadık was crueler, focused on wars and fighting and conquering, making his Empire bigger. He has seen many things. Had to betray, manipulate. He was impatient, cunning, cynical. He was never cold though. I think he was always sincere, like yeah his words hurt but he was telling the truth. I don’t like portraying him evil, like a villain. He doesn’t have a bad heart. He knows how to have a good time if u are his friend.
I think he got THE drip bro. Like his clothes were the most expensive fabrics, sewn by the best tailors.
His sexuality hmmm well 🤔 I think he likes woman but Osmanlı was really gay at that time. Lots of gossips about bisexual Sultans. So I hc him as bi leaning to woman. He loves woman but he bedded many manyyyyy men yk. Especially when he was younger and sexier and he fucked some Sultans with their wives. Like casual not-so-secret threesomes in Has Oda, yeniçeri’s blushing listening outside of their door (Sultan’s main bedroom 😉) he probably wanted to sleep w women in harem too but he couldn’t 😔 no men were allowed inside.
I don’t ship TurGre. I’ve read fics, some I really like, but when I think about it I feel weird and uncomfortable. I like their dynamic as complicated frenemies. Sadık was never a parent to Hera. I think their dynamic was like Romano-Spain. Boss and ??? Child??? I think Hera never did housework though. Humans already did that. When Hera was little, he hated Sadık. But as he spent time w him, he liked him a little bit. Sadık taught him many things, but he never saw him as his “son” or “student” it’s just. It was a land under Osmanlı, and Sadık wanted to know him. He looked after him of course, and he enjoyed his company. Telling him stories, traveling Istanbul, talking philosophy. We all know Hera loves philosophy. I also think they didn’t spend a lot of time anyway, Sadık was too busy.
Today, they pretend to hate each other but they don’t actually hate each other?? Wowneifnifj. It’s like Turkey vs Greece memes. Like they make fun of each other but it’s teasing, it’s not mean, both went through so many things. They both suffered n they understand each other.
AND TURKEY TOUCHES PEOPLE. A LOT. He hugs n slaps n pokes. Hera is used to it. Turks are touchy in general, including men. No boundaries at all. I’m glad Hima put this in the comic :D
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That’s all about the Istanbul gentleman 😙✨
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taurasiluvr · 2 months
hey, this is an incredibly off the wall question, but i saw you’re part lebanese and support palestine so ive no idea if that part of your fam is muslim or not BUT I figured it’s unlikely you’d be islamophobic to me!! and you seem super sweet! I’m muslim and trying to please god, but im kind of struggling w it bc of liking girls. im only 16 so for now i am trying not to think too hard about that. i just wondered, do you think reading stories like yours is haram 🙈 it feels like a harmless way to avoid other worse things. obv i cannot ask anyone i know irl :/ thank you!!!!!
i would never be islamophobic it is genuinely such a beautiful religion! my mom’s side of the family is Lebanese and muslim but we are not so i know a little bit about it :)
first of all, i’d like to say that i’m pretty bias because i am religious and gay so take everything i say with a grain of salt. i know exactly how you’re feeling right now, ive been through the same thing — if you ever need anyone to talk to, i am here for you! god (or allah) wouldn’t have made you the way you are & not love you.
on the other hand, i do think is haram to read my stories just because they are basically written porn unfortunately:( however, any non nsfw works should be okay!
i love you sweet girl! thank you so much for this ask and im always here for u
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papirouge · 4 months
Not white gay men on my tiktok fyp literally protecting glaad and justifying Israel and zionism because “Hamas controls Palestine and wants to kill gay people” 🙄
They’re completely fine with murdering Palestine men women and children because hamas. I’ve noticed this among white western gay men and women who often have these same views. They’re scared of hamas because of some weird fantasy they have their head that this fringe group will take over the world and persecute gay people under sharia law, meanwhile in reality, children are starving to death and being bombed at for being Palestinian. It’s the same thing when people think of Palestinian they only think “strict muslim” when it only means someone from Palestine and make this issue into a Jew vs Muslim one when it’s not
If there's one thing that this war revealed is that white homosexuals will always be White people first and foremost and therefore prioritize the best interest of White people - regardless of their sexuality. There no coincidence many White gays are rabidly racists. Hitler knew what he was doing when he leveraged homosexuality as a recruiting tool to hire new SS (look up the Pink Swastika book by Judith Reissman)
Since I'm orbiting around radfem platforms that's something I noticed a lot these last few months .
Mind you, before all of this, those White women were all agreeing that war wasn't just a "male thing" and that women were significantly affected it (through rape as war weapon, etc.), so I was extremely confused to see them "we don't know enough about this conflict to talk about it uwu" this issue out once Gaza started being carpet bombed. Like- i thought that war was bad for women no matter what? so why suddenly being wishywashy about calling for a ceasefire?? Mind you, while they feigned neutrality, they'll still reblogged posts talking about the mass rapes of October 7.... but nothing about raped Palestinian women. Because we all know only the Hamas rapes women and that the IDF hasn't been exposed countless times abusing & raping Israeli women of course ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Many radfem are just racist white women using female oppression as a totem of immunity to protect them from any criticism.
I'm glad I clocked their bs out when a lot of them started saying shit like "misogyny is worse than slavery bc misogyny existed for a longer time uwu" sorry but that brand of retarded take could only come from the sick brain of delusional White women.
Same when they did THE MOST about the karen meme bc they were cranky people of color were seeing through the bs of nasty white women crocodile tears. I'll never forget radfem saying karen was a misogynist meme and getting more angry at it than the actual racist white women that made the meme pop in the first place... Tells you where their priorities are and how prone to gloss over racism they are . BUT GOD FORBID IF YOU DARE CALL A WOMEN A "BITCH" BECAUSE MISOGYNY IS ACTUALLY THE WORST OFFENSE
I think White gay men are even more dangerous though because as men, they might have even less compassion for women (racist + misogyny)j. They see Palestinians as beast that would kill them.
Oh, and I'll never forget about all those "Christian" who remain silent while our Palestinians Christian brethrens are being martyred. These hypocrites LOVED weaponizing the struggle of Christians in middle east to dunk on Muslim, but suddenly don't have shit to say when Jews were killing them in churches. Special shout out to evangelicals who went ballistic during c0vid lockdowns (and fighting no gathering policies arguing that church gathering was an unalienable right as Christian), but didn't say shit when Palestinian churches were being bombed (with believers inside) by Zionists. These ghouls only used Christians middle eastern as pawns to hate on Muslim, not because theu genuinely cared for them. They are hellbound.
I hope that none of them will have the audacity to ever talk about how "Christianity is a middle east religion uwu" to defend themselves off the white supremacist accusations when did NOTHING to defend middle east Christians being murdered before our eyes. They are White supremacists. Every White Christian blogger on this website who ever talked about middle east Christian but didn't say shit abt the martyrdom of Christians Palestinian is a ghoul. I wish I could buy some "you're a fake Christian a ghoul and White supremacist coward" Tumblr badge for all of them to show everyone how fake they are.
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bigmack2go · 10 months
No i dont think u understand!! I love heartstopper with my heart and all and im greatfull for all the representation but theres just so much i will never see myself in tv or media.
I want to see a kid having two(+) crushes and despair bc „why do i have to choose?“
But instead of the kid chOoSiNg ThE BeTtEr PeRsON iN tHe eNd i want to see them end up with BOTH because you dont have to choose! You can love several people in a romantic way and theres NOTHING wrong with it!
I want to see a girl that doesnt get along with other girls or a boy that doesnt get along with boys( or just isnt the same as other boys/girls)
I want to see a kid that just doesn’t belong to either. I dont wanna hear „not boy enough for the girls and not girl enough for the boys“ and have them struggle with the other people. NO! I want them to wonder for themselves who they are! Have them realize they dont belong to both or to either BUT TO NEITHER!
I want to see an outcast that isn’t all „boys at school never look at me. Im just not a main character…“ give me a kid thats an outcast but „WHY??? WHY AM I AN OUTCAST?? IM NOT EVEN THAT BAD WHY CANT NO ONE SEE THAT???“
Give me an authistic kid that doesn’t realize its being picked on until its to late. I want to see then masking and learning to unmask! I dont want to see not because „what is your problem?“ but because What is my problem? I want to see them struggling to name their feelings and even understand themselves! I want them to have to explain themselves and their actions but not being able too because THEY DONT KNOW EITHER!! I want them to be told their not authistic because „if you were authistic [insert authitic stty]“ i want them to accept that they have a disability and learn to live with it, not to say „aUthIsM iS A GiFt“ because for it fuking isnt! Its a condition! But that doesn’t make you less worthy of anything.
I want a kid that gets made fun off and KNOWS it but they cant do anything about it because the bullying is so passive that everyone’s just like „hAvE YoU eVeR cOnsIdeReD tHeyRe NoT aCtuAlLly AgaInSt YoU?” And being told to just engage with them, but of they do that then everyone will know theyre a fool and they fell for the passiveness and „did u actually think we wanted to be your friends ha ha“
I want an adhd kid that wonders „what is wrong with me?“ „why me???“ or „why cant i just be like everyone else“ i want them to struggle with asignments and get burned out and shit! I wanna see them nit asking for help because „istg if one more person asks me what dont you understand im gonna lose it!“ because „HOW AM I SUPOSED TO KNOW WHAT I DONT UNDERSTAND IF I DONT UNDERSTAND IT?!“ i want to see them react negatively when they meet another kid with adhd thats like them instead of „i fInNaLy FoUnd SoMeoNe ThAt UndErStAnDs mE“ because
I want a kid that is of faith but not the same faith that they were raised with.
I want to see a christian kid thats friends with a muslim kid,because w h a t d o i c a r e? Maybe one of us is wrong. Maybe were both wrong. Maybe were both right! There is quite literally no way to find out!
I want to see them both struggle because the musilm kid hears shit like
„you realise that r the same ppl that k!ll3d ourlikes back in the day..“ (but why r they so nice then?) from one side, and „blah blah are you/ your parents terrorist(s)?“ (where’d u get that idea from) from the other
And the other kid hears „you cant be friends with a blasphemer“ and „you realise that everything you stand for is homophobic and what not“
Even better; give me a GAY christian that goes to church on Sundays and to pride on Fridays!
Give me an abuse surviver that was emotionally manipulated. Someone who thought that was normal. Some one who’s been lied to. Someone who has to change their whole worldview because everything they believed to be fact wasn’t. I want to see them growing into the person that did that to them in the first place BUT AGAINST THEIR WILL! I want them to fight against it! I want them to struggle because they don’t wanna hurt anyone but they know they’re toxic. Not in a „im just a burdain anyways i should go kms“ way but in a genuine way where they do genuinely bad things sometimes without realising it. But they can win that fight and the y D O N T have to become the abuser.
Give me an emotionally traumatised kid. A kid that keeps apologising and that panics when things go to good!
I want to hear the story of a bullying victim that changes school and it actually gets better and they panic about it.
I want them to genuinely believe their new friendgroup secretly has a groupchat without them. I want them to genuinely think people are laughing AT THEM when they r laughing in private. I want them to genuinely believe that no one gets it. I want them to genuinely think certain people dont want to do with them and r just being polite every here and there because „they r so cool! There is no possible way they would actually wanna be friends w me“
I want everything in they’re life to grow to be better but they just dont. They just watch their life improving while they dont heal. The damage is done, the glue is dryed. You cant do anything about it anymore. Its to late.
They genuinely think they cant heal anymore
A gifted kid that struggles more than everyone else and „they must have switched something up! Theres no possible way that my iq is barely 10 under einsteins.“ because they keep struggling.
Gimme a dyslexic kid that doesn’t go „why do i not get this“ but instead „why does everyone else get this??“
Give me a discalculatic kid for whom its the other way around! I don’t wanna see the same thing that every kid has with maths like „dO yOu GuYs ActUaLlY UndErStAnd ThIs??“ no! (They dont prolly but thats just normal) they go „how come i dont understand this when everyone else seems to do it somehow“
A kid with generalized anxiety disorder being misjudged as paranoid. A kid that panics because of the most obscure things. „What if a metheor destroys earth“
If your feeling funny connect it with ocd!
„What if everyone in my family is zombies? I cant just ask them that because if i do they know their cover is up and then they dont have a reason to not do zombie stuff anymore“
(I actually genuinely believed that for three years straight and i had so many panic attacks.)
I dont want then to not ask for help because „thats stupid lol! Everyone will think im a dumb kid woth too much fantasy“ but instead „if i ask for help IT’LL GET WORSE!“
A boy that has everything!
His parents have much money, he’s white (dont experience racism), he’s straight (no homophobia), cis, a boy, has friends, nothing stressful in his life „so why do i feel so damn bad?!“
A kid that digs into their past and theyre grandparents and stuff and find something they just didnt wanna know!
This is the representation i need! I need to see the other representation too but it’s not done with that!
There is so much more that kids think they will never see themselves in when watching tv etc. and they WILL grow to belive that they are wrong or not normal for that if that doesn’t change!
I could go on abt this and maybe i will tbh but in the coments lol
(I didnt do anything abt racism because im a white person and i dont experience it! I dont think i should talk about stuff that i dont know about as much as someone who IS experiencing it does)
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menalez · 1 year
I'm assuming you're a Muslim, and I truly apologize if you're not. But how do you deal with being a lesbian and not feeling any guilt or shame or even fear! I struggle alot. Same thing with viewing Islam as a religion when there's so many sexist and patriarchal things about it, but I can't let go because this is my religion.
im not the best to ask about reconciling religious beliefs with one's sexuality because i was never religious and was always skeptical of religion overall & in my case islam specifically. but ill share my process in hopes it will help & for those of u who come from more religious backgrounds, i encourage you to share your wisdoms with anon as i know my experience is not aligned with what anon needs.
so, i came out when i was 18 and i was very much afraid. i was mostly afraid not because i thought id be going to hell, because that idea didn't make much sense to me anyways, but because i was afraid of the reality of being gay (& especially a lesbian specifically) in my country. i literally felt like a wave of heat take over me and felt this weakness i can't even explain, its like i had a really high fever or sth. i knew i would lose the love & respect of many relatives and that id never be able to actually live a decent life in my country. we are so far behind in terms of gay rights, its not something people talk about yknow and theres no kind of community or orgs for us because its illegal to "promote" it in any way which means its illegal for such an org to even exist. theres no support for us.
at that time, i did look into more liberal & progressive interpretations of islam. it did help me a bit and it made me feel like i was doing something and promoting change that will maybe ultimately help gay muslims like myself. i thought maybe it would be possible to change how muslims view homosexuality bit by bit. so i looked into those things and surrounded myself with other gay muslims and would read about the interpretations from this one gay imam and id argue all the time about how qaum lut (people of lot) were actually not punished for homosexuality, that theres no actual mention of homosexuality, and that what is actually being criticised is them committing adultery (they were married men) & rape for power. i argued they werent even gay anyways and its been misconstrued for homophobic reasons.
i did this for a few years until i realised it was fruitless & theres no changing bigots, but looking at those interpretations at least did give me some kind of peace of mind that this idea of women being inferior and gay being a sin and all the other nonsense most muslims believe is at least not believed unanimously. so... idk how helpful it is but id recommend perhaps looking into that? it was part of my process & journey and maybe it'll at least bring you comfort and a peace of mind. the way ive seen religious muslims also think of it is like, it makes no sense to make gay people and then single us out for something we did not choose nor can change and just reaffirming the fact that if god does exist, then god would love gay people too. idk. good luck tho anon & i hope someone else has better input to provide
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calliopesburn · 2 years
So you mentioned queer film and docs in some of your tags, may I ask if you have any specific recommendations?
thank u for asking i have SO MANY!!!!!!!!!!
i haven't actually checked but im 99% sure all of these films were definitely directed and likely also written by queer people; for context this top list is all new so look for film festivals that might be screening or streaming these virtually / below i added some older films that are more easy to find
New from the past year or two:
the one i mentioned in the post is one i definitely recommend - it's called Nelly & Nadine (doc) - two women fall in love in a concentration camp, survive, and live happily together - the documentary gets made when a queer grandkid finds old stuff and is like hrmmmm
Rule 34 - one of my favorite films ever honestly - a black sex worker (in brazil) gets into criminal law school (paid for by her sex work) and witnesses her own life and identity being constantly debated in the classroom while continuing her sex work and beginning to explore BDSM at night - she becomes increasingly erratic throughout the film in a way that culminates beautifully (talk about a chaos queer) an incredibly commentary on women's agency
Before I Change My Mind - i think it takes place in the 60s - a non-binary pre-teen kid moves from america to a small canadian town and struggles to make friends for .02 seconds before they set their sights on their crush and become a member of their toxic friend group - puts a whole new spin on 'coming of age'
Compulsus - a woman starts hunting down men who sexually assault women (from the descrip it says it never shows the actual assault that leads her to start striking back, only her committing violence)
Tahara - first of all the stop motion kiss scene still has me reeling. two jewish bffs attend a funeral and things get real awkward when they kiss 'for fun'
Framing Agnes (doc) - gender case studies from a 50's UCLA clinic are re-enacted by icons like Angelica Ross - incredible history
Wildhood - a two-spirit teen falls for another indigenous boy while he journeys with his brother to find their mom
Anything's Possible - Billy Porter's directorial debut - a muslim boy falls for a trans girl and takes his shot even though he knows people will freak out (and they do) but it's really affirming and supportive and lovely and funny <3
Esther Newton Made Me Gay (doc) - ok wanna talk about queer history?? Esther Newton was the first person to ever write about drag culture from an anthropological perspective PERIOD. i think if i remember correctly she was fired from parsons, and was on very thin ice for a long time with her career - but even still she wrote and paved the way for queer academia - writing about fire island, cherry grove, the drag scene, and more!!!!! she also identifies as a butch lesbian/between genders and this film is so incredible for the lesbians - you really need to hear her talk about gender, about butchness and femmeness - ALSO you get to see her childhood growing up in the early 1900's as a queer person and it's incredible, you'll cry but like in a GOOD cathartic way
Sleep With Me (series) - a soapy sapphic thai romance between two disabled women - one in a wheelchair and another with a rare sleep disorder. this will literally give you every cute soapy sapphic moment you could ask for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girl Picture - lesbians watch this one!!!!!!!! this is a ROMANCE!!!!!! there were scenes where i was like omg!!!!!!! when you never realize how desperately ur craving a certain style - just watch the trailer please ; also asexuals u should watch this one too :) (just to be clear though the asexual character is straight, not the sapphic romance)
Mama Bears (doc) - this doc will also make u cry but in a really fucking good way. this is a doc on christian parents who used to be conservative and homophobic before changing perspectives after their kids come out. most notable is Kai (though she also chooses the name Esther for herself <3, based on her favorite person in the Bible), a trans girl who talks about coming out to her mom as a girl as young as 3 years old, and in spite of the abuse she was put through, she kept saying it and her mom eventually realized she could either lose her "son" forever, or accept and love her daughter. im tearing up writing this - her mom gave up her entire family to literally save her daughters life - and she did.
Nana's Boys - two black men are about to get engaged when the city goes on lockdown and their relationship is put to the test - truths come out and the gorgeous twists and turns of their relationship really shows the gentleness and supportiveness of queer relationships (it's called nana's boys because they were both raised by their grandmas <3)
Unidentified Objects - a lovely film about two neighbors who take an unexpected road trip - their lives of course changing forever as a result. one of the characters is a gay little person who's mourning the death of a close friend and the other is a sex worker who is looking for the aliens who took her when she was a kid (yes that's literally the plot) it's wonderfully well written and has one of those endings that'll send you reeling
New - haven't seen but on my list:
The First Fallen - a narrative story that follows a group a friends as the first wave of the AIDS epidemic approaches in Peru <3
All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (doc) - you'll likely hear about this as its Laura Poitras' new film, it's about Nan Goldin
Stupid for You - a sapphic girl musical????????????????????
Way Down - an episodic on a bunch of friends trying to be musicians - the lead is non-binary in a romance with various ladies and i think everyone else in the band is queer too
The Blue Caftan - a tailor in morocco lives happily closeted with his wife until they hire a sexy assistant
The Inspection - a gay man enters the military and finds unexpected support and family
El Houb - can only remember that it's a muslim guy who comes out to his dad but is a dark comedy (he literally runs into the closet at a point in the film)
My Emptiness and I - a newly out transfemme woman navigates life and dating and surgery
Moneyboys - two gay men in i think taiwan?
so in general i highly recommend paying attention to queer film festivals - newfest, frameline, and outfest are the major US ones (they only stream in the US but im pretty sure you can use a vpn) inside out is a canadian one; most of them stream now!!!! like 80% of their films are available to stream for a short duration so sign up for their email lists and mark their festivals on your calendars because if you pay attention to these you'll start to see actual queer stories written and directed by queer people!!!!!!!!
also consider watching shorts programs - some of the most impactful films ive been seeing have been shorts (there's one called Dress Up that has been glued into the back of my skull for like 2 months) and shorts are basically seeing into the future of queer film and a lot of them are amazing so highly recommend!!!!!!!
For things currently streaming or easy to find and download:
Fantasy of the Girls (2017/2018 depending where you look) thrilled to list this one as it's actually the film that made me realize im a lesbian :) full film is also on YT
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love dir Maria Maggenti (1995)
Saving Face (2000) and The Half of It - dir Alice Wu
The Watermelon Woman (1996)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (late 90s i think)
Fire (1996)
Desert Hearts (1985)
The Velvet Vampire - feels like jennifer's body but in 1971 with a vampire who wants to have sex/kill both ppl in a married couple (dir. by a woman; haven't seen this yet though)
Chutney Popcorn (1999)
Paris is Burning (1990)
Brother to Brother (2004) (anthony mackie)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (a sad one but chloe moretz dated the girl from the film and the director is queer - incredible film)
Lingua Franca
Fire Island
Naz & Maalik
The Obituary of Tunde Johnson
See You Then
No Hard Feelings
Shiva Baby
so in general i highly recommend paying attention to queer film festivals - newfest, frameline, and outfest are the major US ones (they only stream in the US but im pretty sure you can use a vpn) inside out is a canadian one; most of them stream now!!!! like 80% of their films are available to stream for a short duration so sign up for their email lists and mark their festivals on your calendars because if you pay attention to these you'll start to see actual queer stories written and directed by queer people!!!!!!!!
also consider watching shorts programs - some of the most impactful films ive been seeing have been shorts (there's one that has been glued into the back of my skull for like 2 months) and shorts are basically seeing into the future of queer film and a lot of them are amazing so highly recommend!!!!!!!
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The londoner in ur birmie squad sjdhhdf
i am so sorry bro i dont think i am who u think i am 😭😭
8 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
aras have you seen the Joan of Arc outfit yet
10 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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3000 posts!
ashamed 😔
16 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
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19 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love the energy and all and I don’t want to offend but as a Muslim girl i can tell you that it is literally haram to identify as anything other than your god given gender. Like I’m not trying to be rude and I’m glad that there a respectful supportive people out there but if you’re looking at the Quran and other islamic book you’ll find stories about how its considered haram. Accepting the islam religion means accepting everything and dedicating yourself to it you can’t just pick and choose.
omg my first anon hate hahaha
i know im not obligated to answer hate but im going to anyway bcuz of i have things to say (sparkle emoji) (im on pc and dont have the energy to find an emoji keyboard)
okay first of all nowhere did i say that I identify as Muslim. i get that it was ambiguous tho so its cool. to clarify,, I am personally not Muslim but I kind of have to act like one so I don't get kicked to the streets or some shit lol and maybe I'm a bit of a coward idkkk but anyways
I would be interested to know what other Islamic books ur talking about btw, but I'm pretty sure the quran doesn't mention being trans anywhere at all. in fact I'm pretty certain, I've read it multiple times with translation and commentary interpretations and anyway being trans wasn't really a 'known' thing back then? bcuz obviously patriarchy and gender roles n segregation blah blah was wayyyy more yk. shit I forgot the word. uhhh yk like prevalent?? ofc the quran does mention a shitton about gender roles,, so yk men r the breadwinners, women raise the kids and keep house and be good wives etc. and also remember the big important fact:: GENDER AND SEX R DIFFERENT THINGS!!! meaning technically u cant be 'born' a gender (omfg my keyboard hates me imagine a question mark here) ur born with certain genitals and society assigns u a gender based on that . sounds a bit fucked when u put it like that actually but anyway back when the quran was being revealed this wasn't a known thing cuz yk they didn't have studies on this stuff,, and yea ur probably gonna say 'but the quran came from allah and he knows everything' well the fact of the matter is he either forgot or smth idk I don't speak for God but trans people definitely exist that's a fact we know so yeah. oh I should come back to my point which was, even with the quran saying those things about what ur supposed to do based on whats in ur pants which is crazy outdated anyway it doesn't take gender ≠ sex into consideration either soo ye that's the most it could've said about being trans and that not very valid anymore rip and that's not even mentioning non-binary people
and anyway Islam is literally all about acceptance and respect and everything so idk it would probably be better if u didn't go around telling ppl they're 'literally haram' for being trans or gay or any typa queer bcuz its literally not our choice (insert question marks) believe me I would fucking love to be comfortable in my 'female' body but I cant no matter how much I try to force myself so I'm sorry dude. no one would choose to be stuck in a situation like this. personally, I believe Islam needs a super massive reformation. well not Islam exactly, but a lot of things said in the quran r outdated wildly now, while a lot of it will also always be relevant, eg. everyone being equal and yk give to the poor etc. i have absolutely nothing against Muslims (I have it against my family for being so forceful about religion - different thing) yall r super cool and ik being a Muslim girl isn't easy believe me, but genuinely seeing Muslim people around and yk, just existing in wider society outside of Islamic spaces makes me feel so proud of where I came from even if its not been the best experience. have u seen the show We are Lady Parts (question mark) its about an all female Muslim punk band and there's only six episodes I literally watched it all today but the message of it is what I'm trying to get to you. u don't have to be the perfect pious wife to be considered a 'good Muslim',, there are so many ways u can show faith. you don't have to be a big strong man who can handle all pain with ease while single-handedly providing for a family either.
anyways peace out that sure was a journey lol and I definitely have forgot some of the things I wanted to say but yea that's all don't forget to like and subscribe &lt;3
(colours r to make it easier to read for people with shorter attention spans,, they don't have any other significance)
36 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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scattered-winter · 2 years
also. im suddenly intrigued by this “911” thing u keep talking about. it looks like homosexual activity (that might actually be somewhat healthy for once??)
IT IS IN FACT!! I'm gonna ramble about it a bit because it's my current new favorite thing of all time. it's the show for the girls and the gays <3
there's 2 separate shows, 911 (the og, set in california) and 911 Lone Star (a spinoff set in texas). my favorite thing about both of them is that they have very wide diverse casts of characters, and the writing is overall very well done which is a nice change of pace from dc lmao
in 911, the main cast consists of two black women (one of which is a lesbian married to another black lesbian and they're raising a son together), a korean man, a mexican man who's also a single parent to a kid with cerebral palsy, and a woman who is a victim and survivor of domestic abuse. there's also a popular ship between two of the main male characters that isn't canon but it's widely believed that it will be soon. it's a character-driven show that doesn't have any set main character because everyone in the main cast and every main relationship gets the same amount of care and attention. my favorite favorite thing is that the familial/platonic relationships are JUST as important as the romantic shit and the found family in this show is SOOOOOO <33333 its a show for the aroaces, truly. it also has some of THEE m/f ships of all TIME.
there are also a lot of queer/poc side characters!! and the main female characters all have a life and friendships outside of their male (or female) love interests and it's sad that that's such a high bar for media but it's soooo <3333
911 lone star is my least favorite of the two, but I still love it a lot! the writing focuses a lot more on a specific Main Character (and he's like. the blandest most obnoxious white guy of all time smh) but there's still a very diverse cast and the found family is once again very <333333 in the main cast there's a black trans man, a hispanic man with dyslexia, a muslim hijabi, a black woman, a gay jewish man, and a gay hispanic man (who are one of the main canon pairings and one of my personal favorites in the 911 universe.) sadly the main white character is played by a more famous actor so a lot of the storylines center around him, but there's still quite a few storylines for the others!! there's a more correct 911 lone star in my head where owen (bland obnoxious white guy) dies in the first season for his son and wife's character development <33
so tldr if you're wanting good writing and a wide cast of characters who each get their own chunk of the story, I'd recommend watching 911 first, but lone star has its good moments too. it's also worth mentioning that both shows are about first responders (mostly firefighters/paramedics and dispatchers, but there's a few cops too) so there could be some triggering content since they're dealing with car crashes and earthquakes and shit. and there's also some copaganda vibes surrounding the cop characters but again, there's a more correct version in my head where they're vigilantes instead of cops
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So today i've learned my gran's opinion on polygamy, or rather her UPDATED view on polygamous marriage
It's Thursday, an off day for me, and my gran and I usually have bruncheon with coffee and homemade carrot cake and maybe something else fun. Today was no different. We had coffee, talked bout my dad and my aunt (gran's kids), and went to watch TV. A new thing we've started doing is watching Miss Fischer TV series. We're on season 1 episode 3. (Beware spoilers)
Gran loves detective TV series, especially if the mystery is consistent and deductable (her words, she hates it when she can't piece the mystery plot together on her own, cuz some random detail wasn't mentioned or focused on at all), and since lots of our family members recommended it to her, she finally gave Miss Fischer a shot. We've been watching one episode per week, so today is week 3.
Today's episode was "interesting" to say the least. The mystery was mmmmm just ok, but what caught my attention was the focus on different couples they've shown. A bit of spoilers for this episode, there're a lot of relationships depicted in this episode: a gay couple, an interracial married couple, a Catholic lass asking out a Protestant lad, a pair of exes, and a polygamous marriage (mentioned - also important to the plot). Spoiler - in the polygamous marriage the wife married two husbands. That's it that's the spoiler. Carry on.
Anyway, when we were discussing this episode, I pointed out it was interesting how they've depicted all these relationships, just a bunch of people loving each other at different levels of legality (at the time period the show is set in). Gran pointed out how sad it is that some relationships were illegal in the past (the interracial and gay couples), but a polygamous marriage where the wife have multiple husbands is absolutely unbelievable.
THIS prompted us to Google if any woman in history had multiple husbands. We learned a lot bout Tibet and their culture, bout a Ugandan lady with 7 husbands, a bunch of stuff really.
And here's what my gran said:
"Huh, I've always knew about polygamy, mostly cuz of Islam and Muslim men allowed multiple wives, but I didn't much care for it... Now though... I'm reconsidering" and just thought about it, out loud, how cool it would be to have a few husbands around.
Lemme elaborate
My very Christian grandmother up till today was "meh" on polygamy, and after an episode of Miss Fischer and a 5 min Google search changed her opinion to "would be neat to have"
Daaaammmmm old lady
Love u
Never change
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the-arashikage-clan · 5 years
keanu reeves: *exsists*
muslim girls, gays, literally everyone:
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heistgoda · 6 years
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