#love yooooou!!!
undiscloscd · 7 months
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ares hackney medina & amira louie karim @heavensorhells
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peachy-kaiju · 2 years
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fuckedbykai · 5 months
Merry Christmas to everyone!!🎄🎅🏻
My sister ordered me a Evan blanket but it didn’t come in yet, I’m soOoOo excited!😘
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bicayaya · 9 months
happy birthday, yves ♡
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it’s still not september 16th in my timezone but it’s in JST, so it’s officially yves day ♡
i drew a little something to celebrate my fav ikepri boy, hope it made him justice!
my pretty boy, ilysm 🩷
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mothwingwritings · 11 months
So, I have a question how would Yugiro react if he found out that his trainee Musashi Miyamoto had a crush on his daughter? (This is in the same universe as the step cest)? (P.s love your blog.)
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In my humble opinion this would go one of two ways.
For one, I think Yujiro would find it hilarious. You WOULD attract the attention of some ancient warrior of the past, wouldn’t you? It will be interesting to see just how you go about handling this man’s advances. If it gets too serious, would Musashi be stopping by Yujiro’s door for permission to court you? What kind of response will he get if he tells this famous samurai you’re used goods? More importantly, he’d be interested in hearing your opinions on how the legendary Musashi Miyamoto stacked up to your father, both in terms of strength and in the bedroom.
Yujiro doesn’t necessarily care who you are sleeping with, nor does he care who else may be occupying your time. Ultimately he knows he can have you whenever he wants you and you can’t really do a damn thing about it. But as time goes on I feel he definitely becomes more possessive of you. While he may have initially just shrugged off the other people in your life (no one could ever top the great Yujiro Hanma, so what’s the use in worrying about the nobodies you are so keen to surround yourself with?), at a certain point he’s going to start getting irritated by your other liaisons. He may not outwardly admit it, but it does rub him the wrong way that you settle for anyone other than him, especially when he goes through all the trouble he does to keep an eye on you. The least you could do for someone so vested in you is reciprocate the attention. He’s received that from Baki and Jack in the form of strength and fighting, why shouldn’t he expect the same from you for *different* means?
So at that point I think Musashi’s little ‘crush’ would piss him off, even more so if you actively respond in kind to any of the samurai’s advances. What, were you getting bored with JUST your fathers affections? Are you such an insatiable whore that you now need multiple powerful men to fawn over you? And who does Musashi think he is, trying to stake a claim on another man’s property? Yujiro doesn’t really give a damn how revered or honored Musashi may be-he fucked up by enamoring himself with you and considers the act a direct challenge that he intends to meet.
(Also, ty bb I am so glad you love my blog ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚)
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knowlesian · 4 months
fuuuuuuck i love media that rewards you for endless rewatches
like don’t get me wrong, when the spirit moves i will also gleefully hyperfocus on things that fall apart under close scrutiny and love them all the same
but when something i love is the kind of detailed where by the nth rewatch i’m still noticing cool little narrative flourishes? that is truly the sweet spot
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swordtit · 1 month
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quit smiling (im not smiling!!)
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weezeryuri · 11 months
ohhhh disheveled pictures of dee reynolds my beloved
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garbagefool · 2 months
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pastafossa · 9 months
Just saw a recent ask you answered about TRT and found out that you've been adding songs to the playlist that readers suggest.
Well, I've got a whole list of suggestions! I actually made my own playlist because I had thought of a bunch! Anyway, here's the list:
Alive by SIA, Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab, Battlefield by SVRCINA, Become the Beast by Karliene, Carolina by Taylor Swift, Centuries by Fall Out Boy, Darling by Halsey, Devil on My Shoulder by Faith Marie, Ember by Katherine McNamara, Enemy Fire by Bea Miller, Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Lorde (alternatively, you can use the original by the Beatles), False God by Taylor Swift, Human and Divine by Lynda Carter (not so sure about this one, tbh), The Joker and The Queen by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran, Labyrinth by Taylor Swift, Life Vest by The Material, Rescue Me (How The Story Ends) by Kerrie Roberts, Seven Devils by Florence + the Machine, Shatter Me by Lindsay Sterling ft. Lzzy Hale, Soldier by Fleurie and Tommee Profitt, Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift, Take Me to Church by Hozier, This Is The Hunt by Ruelle, Tomorrow We Fight by Tommee Profitt and SVRCINA, Walk Through the Fire by Zayde Wolf and Ruelle, Warrior by Beth Crowley, Warriors by Imagine Dragons, The Way I Was (from "Jem and the Holograms" movie by Aubrey Peeples, We Go Down Together by Dive Cameron and Khalid, Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey (I prefer the DH orchestral version, but the regular also works).
What do you think?
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I THINK YOU HAVE GIFTED ME A TREASURE TROVE, MY FRIEND, LOOK AT ALL THESE SONGS. And I know this shit is gonna be GOOD because I both have a couple of these already on the playlist and because a bunch of these artists make appearances with others songs! AKA, THESE WILL FIT RIGHT IN because apparently we've got a TRT hivemind going on and I fucking LOVE IT.
Thank you SO MUCH! I'm going to drop these onto the playlist!
(and for anyone looking, these are all going onto the official playlist that can be found here! Feel free to listen or browse at your leisure; it's about 50% reader-recommended songs at present, and there are a bunch of other fan-made playlists around spotify, too, so I encourage poking around!)
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almost-a-class-act · 2 months
Top five Burgin moments??
I had to think about this! I was like, what happened in the show and what did I just imagine/read in a fic again? Lol.
I mean. Just the way his voice cracks when he tells the rest of them that AckAck died. That's honestly what gets me in one my one (1) feeling every time.
The goodbye scene. Gosh he just does not know what to say but he feels like he owes it to them. "You're good Marines." He's their sergeant until the last.
When he has just H A D I T with Snafu and Sledge bickering. Y'all figure your shit out. He's not your dad.
Alternatively, when he doesn't say a thing about Snafu razzing the new guys. Y'all figure your shit out. He's not your dad.
Honestly just his lil face LOLing when Jay has his unfortunate pants accident. Pure sunshine. J'adore.
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queenofbaws · 4 months
Hi Queenie - can I ask for a number 13?
Hope you have a lovely weekend. :)
He had to wonder what they would've looked like to any passing Tom, Dick, or Harry who'd gotten it in their head to do a little spying. Probably they would've looked normal at first, maybe even downright wholesome, what with Dad in the rocker up on the porch, the rest of them spread around the backyard as they went about their business.
It was only when you looked a little closer that you saw the cracks. Cracks like Bobby chucking not darts but knives at the old bullseye carved into the dead oak stump while Caleb and Kaylee watched in awe; cracks like Travis feeding the fire shredded clothes and 'abandoned' drivers licenses instead of kindling; cracks, God help them, like Dad filling bullet casings with silver shot as he rocked, adding them to the growing pile at his feet after stoppering them.
Wholesome until you looked a little closer. Yeah. Maybe that should've been the family motto - "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," was all fine and good as far as threats went, but times were changing, the family was changing, so maybe the time for threats was over. Maybe now they needed to truck in warnings.
As though the universe itself had caught wise to that mental rabbit hole, Chris's world exploded in a sudden burst of white-hot agony. The backyard tilted around him, then slid. It was only then, as he lay on the ground, that he heard Bobby and the kids yelling. It was only then that he saw the knife protruding from his calf.
"Sorry! Sorry! Aw shit, C! I'm sorry!"
Math had never been his strong suit, but it would've been a real idiot who couldn't put two and two together on this one: Bobby'd been having fun with his stupid fucking target practice, Chris had been sitting a little too close, neither of them had been paying attention, blah blah flipping blah.
He forced himself to look at the knife, as little as he wanted to. His eyes kept skittering over it, slip-sliding away as though it'd been coated in oil to keep his gaze from sticking. It'd lodged deep into the meat of his leg - real deep - and that wasn't a shock, considering who'd been doing the throwing, but Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, it not being a shock didn't mean it was any easier to stomach.
"I'm fine!" he called, both to the ones that had seemed concerned and the ones that hadn't been assed to glance his way. "Totally, totally fine! Just don't...touch me."
"Why's everyone shouting like..." He managed to push himself up into a shaky sitting position in time to see Trav turn from the fire, the flames throwing harsh, angular shadows across his already grim face. "What in God's name are you idiots doing over there?"
"I apologized!" Bobby called, repeating himself the way he always did when people started raising their voices at him.
"I'm fine!" Chris added, doing very much the same.
Even from that distance, he could see Travis's eyes narrow. "You're fine, huh? I would believe that, only, here's the thing...you got a goddamn knife stickin' outta your leg!"
Something about his tone triggered a deep, dormant part of him; a voice rose up inside his chest, swelling up and up and up to throb in time with the pain in his leg. 'Do I?!' it shrieked, the shitty, snot-nosed younger brother that still lived inside of him, somewhere, 'Do I have a goddamn knife in my leg?! Wow! Geez! I didn't even notice! Look at that!'
Chris bit that voice off at its roots, severing its strength with his teeth. A good thing too, because a second later Dad was talking, and when Jedediah Hackett deigned to raise his voice, you listened.
"Full moon tomorrow," he said, his eyes downcast, his hands filling shell after shell. "It'll heal good as new. Quit bitching and just take care of it."
There was a beat of silence as they waited. Young or old, infected or not, none of them wanted to be the one to accidentally speak over him. When that moment passed, Caleb made as if to crouch down beside him.
"When you get hurt like that, you're not supposed to pull it o - "
"I don't know what part of 'full moon tomorrow' you failed to understand," Dad called from the porch, the rocker ceasing to rock beneath him. He stood, setting down the last of his shells, then walked the two steps necessary to wrap his gnarled hands around the railing as he looked out at them sprawled in the grass.
What did he see when he looked at them, Chris wondered?
But he felt Caleb's eyes on him, Kaylee's too, and knew they were fretting, even if they didn't let themselves show it. So he grit his teeth in the best approximation of a smile he could manage, and he willed himself to do the awful thing.
"Yeah, listen to your grandpa. Tomorrow's gonna be here before you know it, and this? Well...this will..." He swallowed hard, moving his hand to the knife's hilt. His fingers barely brushed it and his head began to swim. "This'll all heal up good...as...new."
He pulled. It gave. There was a horrendously wet but blessedly short sound that accompanied it, and then it was done. He screwed his eyes shut tight as his ears rang and the inside of his eyelids threatened to go grey. That moment too was blessedly short.
"See?" he said, his saliva thick in his mouth. "Everything's fine. Watch where you're throwing these things, wouldya, B?" With that, even knowing it was the wrong thing to do, even feeling close to passing out as he was, Chris pushed himself up off the ground and found some measure of steadiness on his uninjured leg.
Tomorrow, he reminded himself, he'd pop his skin. Tomorrow, everything in him, on him, about him would be shiny and fresh and new. Tomorrow, he wouldn't even have a scar. Dad was right about all that.
But it wasn't tomorrow yet. It was just today. And as he limped his way across the yard, hobbled up the porch steps, and dragged his bleeding leg towards the back door, he hurt.
"Rub some dirt in it," Dad said as he passed by.
Chris turned to look at them - his family - and all he saw were cracks.
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"Personally if you felted a big fluffy hedge and had some glasses on the ground by it and his twinky limbs sticking out I'd be into it" - @blackswan-wildgeese
Guardian Bingo Fest's bonus prompt for March is 'Take A Leap' and I'm swapping my B5 'fake dating' prompt for this.
Despite several suggestions of various people being yeeted from various places "Professor Shen being yote off that roof" was the one that truly spoke to my permanently unserious soul. And this is why you should have friends that encourage your interest in crafting being used for shitpostesque purposes. I have spent half the time making this cackling to myself and if that's not a sign I made the right decision, I don't know what is.
The design changed and got slightly more complicated because what if Shen Wei had had to commit to his lie so much that we got a very different shot than what we actually got:
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Proportions and perspective are definitely way out but oh well. :D
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beastren · 1 month
I love your music taste so much it’s unreal!!!!!!!; have you listened to Neko Case? I feel like you might like a lot of her work! Some stand outs (to me lol) are Star Witness, Nothing to remember and Magpie to the morning :) (I hope this alright to send and not weird!!!)
HELLO!!!! THIS ISN'T WEIRD AT ALL THIS IS EASILY BY FAR ONE OF THE NICEST MESSAGES I HAVE EVER RECEIVED.... TYSM!!!! sorry i got super sleepy soon after you sent this 😔💔 i have heard just a couple neko case songs before and liked them okay but none of those very few had stuck yet but i had really been meaning to check out more so THANK YOU....‼‼
I REALLY really like the lyrics to star witness it has a super comforting sound somehow too.... the repetitiveness (need a better word 😔💔) of the chorus is very engaging and kind of gets me into a very nice lull where i am just chilling and jamming.... definitely an earworm as well.... it feels like a perfect song to go into the start of summer with!!
OOOOOH i really like the sounds in the intro and the instrumental of nothing to remember.... i guess this makes sense bc of when it was released but there's something very nostalgic abt this one.... THESE LYRICS ARE SO GOOD AS WELL.... i like this part a lot.... will have to ponder this long and hard....
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WOOOOAAAAH MAGPIE TO THE MORNING.... this one may be my favorite out of the three.... i LOVE the sound of it idk how to describe what it reminds me of or feels like but i am really enjoying it.... almost placid feeling.... AND THE LYRICS ARE CRAZY GOOD.... OOH the last line where the other voices come in for like a split second is SO GOOD.... but these lyrics are absolutely character playlist material for me i will be eating this song up
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rudeboimonster · 7 months
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apple-butter-tea · 3 months
Woke up today with a little sad in my heart. Then I saw @shhh-secret-time is rewriting the first fic I ever requested from them. ☺️🥰😍 My heart is full of love again! Eeeeeee!
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