#love you Tuuli
I haven’t even read the epilogue yet, but apparently the last few chapters of Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 4 Volume 3 was written solely to make me ugly cry for an hour. (Spoilers ahead)
That goodbye was brutal. I cannot. I am so upset about this. I was upset waaaay back in the beginning for being denied my rightful Gunther and Myne father and daughter ADORABLENESS! When she unthinkingly reached out to him after the Hasse execution and he gave her his coat? I was a puddle of tears y’all 😭 😭
And now? This last tie being severed and those two years being lost is just too cruel. I’m sure later I’ll squeal over how cute it was for Ferdinand to praise her like that (b/c omg it was SO cute!), but right now all I can think about is how tragic and sad it must have been for him. How unexpectedly happy he must have been to receive such praise, that would only come once a year. How utterly alone he must have felt sometimes…
Right so I’m back to crying. This book is more than kicking me in the feelings. I got hit with a 20 hit combo and am down for the count.
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solarsavoy · 1 year
I was trying to decide who to ask about and… you know what, somehow I ended up with Stag. 💜 So: 3, 7, 11, 27 (I'd ask 1 & 2 but I know the answers. XD Of course, if you wish, you can still answer those too. ^^ Lots of questions, I know...)
I am perfectly fine with that. Like I said, seratonin boost! Anyway, here we go!
1 - My first impression of them
What the fuck kind of name is Stag? What an asshole. (True story. I had no idea who he was when he entered the story halfway through book one. XD)
2 - When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
Only took 2-3 chapters of Echoes of Stag for me to fall head over heels for him. I still have not recovered. (Wrote First Fragment, then 95% of Echoes of Stag, then Second Fragment. It really changed a lot of things in the story imo, for the better of course.)
3 - A song that reminds me of them
Hailey found it for me actually, but I think it's quite apt.
Also this one for him and his number 1, specifically when he meets up with them again and they try to steal his prey and then they dance and, yeah. 😏 It's perfect, yeah?
7 - A quote of them that you remember
"I take care of myself just fine." I think you know why that's the first one to pop up in my head, but I also remember a fair amount of his inner dialogue from Echoes of Stag. Nothing specific, but sometimes he was very deep. There are these moments where he kind just stops moving for a second, stares you straight in the face, and doesn't actually say anything, because it's too deep, and it hurts and he's scared. Not really a quote, but I remember nearly every one of those moments. So many with Deshi and Panko, plenty with Lannamay, and then so many other random ones.
11 - What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
Usually how well I managed to draw his abs. I'm glad I did him some justice. Right after that is his flirty grin. XD
27 - If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Deadpool!! Oh man, he'd fanboy out so hard. XD I could see him desperately trying to be his sidekick and he'd be extra pushy about too. "Oh, you'd rather be a lone wolf? So would I!" Totally not getting it. XD
Thanks for the ask tuuli!! 💙
Ask thing.
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natures-marvel · 1 year
They're snail friends!!
Hi Tuuli!!! Long time no see!!
How are you? Hows Mikhail and your bf? Hows EVERYTHING going on for you?
And yes! They are snail friends! 🥺
So, you asked and you shall recieve :
1. I used to hate chemistry until my class 12. I even cheered when I cleared my class 12 Chem, saying I got rid of chem forever.
Needless to say, fate had other plans and now here I am 🙃 getting a master degree in the subject I used to despise till my final school year but managed to grow on me as time passed.
A subject that I now love with all my heart! 🥰
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lialeprosy · 10 months
when someone brings up tuuli <333
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lazytoufu · 8 months
Pls help me speading my arts! My arts aren’t showing on tag! 😭😭🙏
So annoying. I posted my newest art and it’s sucked not showing?! Ive been feeling so bad about iy. idk why im always have a headache problem with tumblr. First the i stupidly deleted my own acc was one thing but tumblr terminated my second without any answer of my email (i sent text towards help centre for three times and never received any reply back, swear to god. My first was like 2 months). Tuuli-san have been with me for whole time, she’s by witness for all the Tumblr’s crimes! and again too often of unreasonable problem keeping occurring me. This time is my arts are not showing on tags. I really want to quit all of this s**t of Tumblr. I’m so tired.
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Pls help me sharing my newest art (there’s more of mine too if you won’t mind🥹) Thank you so much!!!
i know it’s not gonna show on none of tags but i still wanna add it. Ugh
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tuuliivanovas · 11 months
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My most beautiful Tuuli Ivanova by @crownedinmarigolds I love her so much thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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the-alexel-lucas · 1 year
Looks like it’s AoB essay time, might as well join in. I want to focus on the conflict of the story as well as Myne’s noble persona. This will be getting into end of series stuff so if you don’t like that…don’t look.
So, what is the conflict? Well the easy answer is that it varies, P1 is Myne’s devouring and her struggle to survive, P2 is her struggles in the temple and the inevitability of being adopted, P3 is her adjusting to being a noble and trying to gather the ingredients for her jureve, P4 is struggles of Ahrensbach affecting Ehrenfest, and P5 is the Lanzenave invasion and potential collapse of the country. But that’s looking at the story in it’s individual parts, not as a whole. What I believe to be the true conflict of the story is Myne trying to make her way back to her family.
It is often said that P1 and 2 are the prologue (sometimes this is extended to P3 and occasionally even P4) and this is what I am basing my argument off of. In P1 we are introduced to Myne’s family, Gunther a hard working well meaning father, Effa a caring but stern mother, and Tuuli a supportive and gentle older sister. Initially Myne has little to no interest in them outside of survival but over time she grows more and more close to them, to the point that she would choose death over leaving them even if it could mean having books. This is reiterated and doubled down on in P2 where we and Myne see how poorly she treated her mother as Urano and while she understands that she has to leave them for everyone’s safety she wants to drag that out as long as physically possible, and then that time is cut short. Now bound by magic contract they cannot interact as a family and as time goes on more and more connections to that life are taken from her and it hurts Myne deeply. She is forced to wear a mask at all times, she must be the noble Rozemyne for everyone everywhere, that image cannot slip. However when she is in absolute private with those in the know who are not her family she can drop the act, but her engagement means she cannot use the hidden room where she could be Myne with Lutz, Benno, and Mark, Ferdinand’s engagement takes from Ehrenfest entirely and takes not only her mentor but the only noble who truly knows her. And then once again she must prepare to leave everyone she knows and loves, even if it is just momentarily, to protect them.
Her love for her family runs so deep that when Mestionora takes over her body she must block those memories to keep her occupied. At this point she is no longer Myne, she has become the mask and is fully Rozemyne. When Ferdinand restores her memories he offers to fake her death so she can return to her family and live her happy life but at this point she is much more aware of who she is and what options are available to her, but a concession can be made. And that is where the story ends, with the resolution of the conflict, with Myne returning to her commoner family and putting her hair up like she did in P1V1, because while Rozemyne is 14 Myne has come of age. And is home.
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torillatavataan · 2 years
Finnish folk metal cover of Go_A’s SHUM
All possible earnings from ads on this video will be donated to charity for Ukraine.
Kevätloitsu (Spring spell)
Kevätloitsu, kevätloitsu, mis oot talven ollut? Puutarhassa koivun alla, pyöritellen paitaa Metsän reunaan veden pintaan pöllö kuiskuttelee Laulan laulun, hälle laulan, anna kuulua sen
Spring spell, spring spell, where have you been for the winter? In the garden below the birch, spinning a shirt To the surface of water at the edge of the woods an owl whispers I sing a song, to him/her I sing, let it be heard
Solmi tuuli, kierrä talveen kiinni Ja jo laulan, kevään sulle laulan Siemen, siemen, siemen, siemen kylvetään jo maahan Siellä, siellä, siellä, siellä vihreäksi kasvaa
Tie the wind, bind it to winter And already I sing, I sing the spring for you Seed, seed, seed, seed already being sown into the ground There, there, there, there it shall grow green
Riennä, riennä, kevät notkoon, varrottu on vuosi Aika on jo juosta ulos rakkauttesi vuoksi Kevät, ootko katosonut jo ikkunaamme täällä? Sulle oomme laulaneet ja oottaneet kevättä
Hurry, hurry, spring, into the dell, we’ve waited a year It’s time to run outside for the sake of your love Spring, have you already looked into our window here? We have sung for you and waited for the spring
Joudu, joudu, lauletaan jo sulle Saavu tänne, tanssi talven luokse Siemen, siemen, siemen, siemen kylvetään jo maahan Siellä, siellä, siellä, siellä vihreäksi kasvaa
Come, come, we are singing for you already Arrive here, dance to the winter Seed, seed, seed, seed already being sown into the ground There, there, there, there it shall grow green
Peittele talvi talviunillensa Pariimme saavu, notkoon kevättalven Siemen, siemen, siemen, siemen kylvetään jo maahan Siellä, siellä, siellä, siellä vihreäksi kasvaa
Tuck the winter into its hibernation Arrive among us, into the dell of late winter Seed, seed, seed, seed already being sown into the ground There, there, there, there it shall grow green
Kevätloitsu, kevätloitsu, mis oot talven ollut? Puutarhassa koivun alla, pyöritellen paitaa Metsän reunaan veden pintaan, pöllö kuiskuttelee Laulan laulun, hälle laulan, anna kuulua sen
Spring spell, spring spell, where have you been for the winter? In the garden below the birch, spinning a shirt To the surface of water at the edge of the woods an owl whispers I sing a song, to him/her I sing, let it be heard
Solmi tuuli, kierrä talveen kiinni Ja jo laulan, kevään sulle laulan Siemen, siemen, siemen, siemen kylvetään jo maahan Siellä, siellä, siellä, siellä vihreäksi kasvaa
Tie the wind, bind it to winter And already I sing, I sing the spring for you Seed, seed, seed, seed already being sown into the ground There, there, there, there it shall grow green
Joudu, joudu, lauletaan jo sulle Pidetään ääntä, on kevät heräämässä Siemen, siemen, siemen, siemen kylvetään jo maahan Siellä, siellä, siellä, siellä vihreäksi kasvaa
Come, come, we are singing for you already Let’s make noise, the spring is awakening Seed, seed, seed, seed already being sown into the ground There, there, there, there it shall grow green
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ncisfranchise-source · 10 months
What do you think of when you hear the word Australia? “If you speak to anyone around the world, one of the first things they talk to you about is that everything can kill you,” cracks Morgan O’Neill, executive producer of NCIS: Sydney, originally developed to stream on Paramount+ Australia but too good for CBS to pass up. O’Neill then lists (with clear Oz pride) his native land’s deadly snakes, the spider that “makes the black widow look like a lamb” and, of course, crocs.
Two-legged baddies aren’t in short supply, either, on this fifth entry in the massively successful military crime franchise. Smugglers, drug dealers, and the like are in the crosshairs of the eclectic new team led by NCIS Special Agent Michelle Mackey (Olivia Swann). “She’s very hot-blooded,” Swann says. “It’s her way or the highway.” In the November 14 opener — the first of eight episodes — Mackey was serving as an agent afloat when a U.S. Navy sailor died in Sydney Harbour. To solve that case, she was partnered with savvy sergeant JD Dempsey (Todd Lasance) of the Australian Federal Police (similar to the FBI). “He loves banter, but he’s also a fierce operator,” says Lasance. (He and his costar spoke about the series earlier this year.)
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(Credit: Daniel Asher Smith/Paramount+)
They first got on like, well, two wrestling crocodiles. “You have the might of the American military and this proud, plucky, antiauthoritarian Australian facing off,” O’Neill says. Still, their successful joint investigation (which ended thrillingly with Mackey commandeering a chopper and swooping over Sydney Harbour to chase the perps) results in the formation of a new office: NCIS Sydney.
“With Sydney, we have a unique opportunity the other franchises didn’t — to see these guys on Day 1, establishing this team,” O’Neill says. “They end up being a good fit. JD works under Mackey, but in some ways runs the team while Mackey is freed to approach things in a maverick way. You’re going to see team building, bonding, and cracking — what people do when they’re forced to trust one another.”
Their unit counterparts are a chill American agent who trained as a lawyer, DeShawn Jackson (Sean Sagar), and AFP liaison officer Constable Evie Cooper (Tuuli Narkle), who teases him nonstop. “It’s a really Australian way of showing affection,” O’Neill says. On November 28, they go undercover as an engaged couple in an investigation that begins when a shark spits out an arm wearing U.S. Navy gear.
Clues come via a new set of NCIS geniuses: anxious forensic scientist Bluebird “Blue” Gleeson (Mavournee Hazel), who, despite her brains, has impostor syndrome, and AFP forensic pathologist Roy Penrose (William McInnes), who’s given up on life for reasons that will be revealed. “Blue reanimates Doc Roy’s emotional beating heart. He pretends to be curmudgeonly. But when she walks into the room, his world lights a little bit,” O’Neill says.
Blue pulls evidence from the mysterious arm’s dive wrist computer that leads to the start of a longer story arc. “There might be something nefarious going on,” O’Neill says. “While NCIS is wrestling order from chaos, this other organization is trying to wrestle chaos from order. They’re working to undermine the security of the special relationship [between America and Australia], the stability of the region.” U.S. Department of Defense attaché Richard Rankin (Lewis Fitz-Gerald) is already prompting questions: “Is he a good guy, a bad guy, just hard to read?” O’Neill says.
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veterveter · 9 months
Hey, Tuuli! For the end of the year ask: 1, 5, 19, 22 💚
End of the year asks
Ahhh Anna thank you for this, I really appreciate it 🥺❤️ I already filed my taxes today and it was agony, so I cannot be forced to do more work today.
Song of the year
Of the year? Surely Seduction by Eminem. I listened to it so much while writing smut. It was my most-listened to song on Spotify with ease, and now I have to pretend I didn't listen to it while writing smut. It's the price we pay, I suppose.
5. TV show of the year?
I don't watch TV. I did that once and it took over my life. Anyway, as a man of taste; it's easily Succession. Maybe Suburræterna will get there once I finish it? I like to hope, I enjoyed the start of it.
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
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I asked mum for this for Christmas and I'm a normal amount excited to read it. I want to enjoy 2024 with it. I adore Nabokov; Pale Fire was easily my favourite book of 2023. Also a necessary shout-out to Laughter in the Dark, while I'm on this topic. I was, what, 16? 17? when I allowed that book to ruin me.
I mean, I'm excited about so much stuff, but this was literally at hand.
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
A singular favourite? That's hard. I'm always happy to go places. I went to Amsterdam twice and to Germany three times? Bear in mind, I don't live in central Europe, from where I might do this with any ease. Regardless of the why and how, I had a wonderful time each time, but maybe I loved my time there for reasons that haven't got so much to do with the places.
Therefore... I really liked Lugano, Switzerland. It's a gorgeous place; like a dream.
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solarsavoy · 2 years
Fandom Saturday, Astra: Lost in Space
Recommended to me by Hailey.
I'll admit, the overall idea of the anime intrigued me, but I started to get a little bored during it, until some of the big reveals came...
I did not expect it to go that way.
I listened to most of this anime in the background until the reveals came and at that point my eyes were glued to the screen. I almost want to rewatch it just because of the stuff I missed the first time.
I do have a few qualms with it though. I felt like for a bunch of kids that don't really know what they're doing, they had it extremely easy. Traveling 5012 lightyears away to get to home as ill experienced as they are should've come with a lot more losses, but they point that out in the end and I can appreciate the overall message they were trying to portray with that. Yes, it can be dangerous. It can be scary. But it's important to always move forward and to interpret things for yourself. If they had filled the trip with more hardship, then people would be more hesitant to travel and less curious.
Also, absolutely love Luca! I won't spoil why, but I really love how they a person like him. If you've seen the anime and enjoy his as well, I recommend reading this fic from tuuli, as she has a character going through a similar situation. (Don't you dare click on it tuuli! Spoilers. No!) But I also love his attitude about it. So many awkward scenes only made more awkward by him playing into it. XDXDXD Anyway, I love this kid. Not enough to adopt him into my harem, but I love him. He's my favorite. 💙 Incorrect quote, but... "What will you always remember?" Luca: "I'll remember being forced to strip naked in front of everyone at gunpoint on the beach." XD Oh my god, I'm dying...
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I really liked it though. They were really creative with the habitats of the different planets they visited and it actually made me wonder for a moment if the creator was inspired by this space documentary on Netflix because they shared a lot of ideas with each other. 😅 But like I said, the twist? It really catches you by surprise. So I recommend putting it on in the background, paying some attention to it, and right around the last few episodes, it'll probably have you restarting the episode so you can watch it. It's just so good. And it's only 12 episodes long. Highly recommend. And yes, Kanata, it needed to have an ear pick and not a gun upgrade. XD
Have a lovely day everyone!
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jackiewepps · 1 year
Asking for Karma, if I may! ^^ Let's say… 1, 2, 11 and 23.
Sorry for taking a while. Thank you for asking ^^
Karma, huh? It has been years since I first watched Assassination Classroom, but I'll do my best to answer.
My first impression of them
As I mentioned, this is far back. I think I watched AC for the first time in 2016 so... I think I was simultaniously interested and a little nervous. I think I thought he was a troublemaker, both to the class and to the story (if that makes sense). I wasn't sure whether to like or dislike him at first.
2. when I think I truly started to like them
Again, this one is tough. It happened over time the more I learned about him. I liked his introduction and the role he was playing. I liked seeing a normal side of him when he and Nagisa went with Korosensei to see that movie in Hawaii. But I think my favorite side of Karma, the one that makes him stand out the most, is the sadistic side. I love the crazy things he does and he knows they're wrong but he does them anyway without a care. Putting down an exact point is hard, but I'd probably say around the time of the Okinawa trip. But I liked him to begin with and he had been growing on me a lot.
11. What's the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
A master of torture.
23. Future headcanon
A lot is already given about his future. Aside from that... honestly I have never really thought about it, but let's give it a shot.
Of course he goes to high school and gets into a good university. I'm not sure if it's canon that he goes to high school with Asano or not, but they probably go to the same university too, and probably the best one in Japan. He will advance in education, get his dream job and get into a relationship with Nagisa eventually.
Where would he live? I think he would live at his parents' home until they move back to stay in Japan permanently or his place of education is too far from there to justify him staying. If he needs to move because of education, he will find a place of his own for several reasons. I don't think he's the type who can share in the same way you have to when living in a dorm, and I think he'd want a place where he can live even after graduating. He wouldn't care too much about where he stays, there just needs to be room for all the things that are important to him.
What about a car? He'll definitely get a license the moment he can, but I think he'll hold off with the car until he has a job. He wouldn't want the trouble of finding a place to park it while studying, but I imagine his workplace has plenty of parkinig oppertunities, and I think he does want a car because he wants the independance that comes with it, but holds off on buying it because of practical reasons.
As for a part-time job? No, he won't get one. I can't imagine him working in customer service, which are the most common part-time jobs, I feel like. Besides, I don't think he'd feel the need to. I think his parents would help him pay for the license and the car, and he probably has savings too. Maybe, if he really had to, he might apply for a job at McDonalds. But that would only be for the sake of getting free access to condiments (I hope this never happens!)
Thank you for the ask Tuuli! It was fun reflecting on this.
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Stats time! All in the Family Round 1 results
Tuulikki Hotakainen v Veeti Hollola - 24 to 17 - I mean, we all wanted to squish wee Lalli, did we not?
Árni Reynisson v Ulf & Elvira Västerström - 34 to 3 - Árni has written an acceptance speech, "Dear fans, how are you? I am fine. I just wanted to s"Thankyouverymuch, Árni! *ahem*
Bjarni Árnason v Michael Madsen (Mikkel's twin) - 26 to 19 - like the battle between Leaftroll & Hilja, Michael was declared the winner at the end of the Forum voting, but Bjarni garnered at least 4 more votes after the poll officially closed.  However, the tumblr vote went decidedly Bjarni's way, so now he knows what victory looks like.
Signe Sørensen v Aksel Eide - 33 to 13 - even with 2 'can't decide' votes, the margin was so overwhelmingly for Signe on the Forum.
the Terrible Trio v Michael Madsen (Prologue) - 20 to 19 - this was a dead heat in tumblr and only a snip of 1 vote margin on the Forum.  Thus ends the hope of both Michael Madsens.
Mia Västerström v Kaino Hotakainen - 14 to 25 - at least Kaino will have more of a story here than in canon?
Sigríður Jónsdóttir v Berit Eide - 11 to 30 - whoa, a complete shut-out on the Forum, with stronger support here on tumblr!
Tuuli Hollola v Asbjørn & Solveig Eide - 13 to 22 - Tuuli possibly got a late vote or two, because the Forum said the Generals Eide won, as well as winning handily on tumblr.
Magnus (the cat) v Reynir's fylgja - 10 to 19 - the battle of the cuties, with 3 'can't decide' votes
Guðrun Árnasdóttir v Saku Hotakainen - 10 to 50 - Holy smokes, we love a sad sack Hotakainen!
Sigrun Larsen v Ukko-Pekka - 31 to 17 - another case of the Forum winner at poll closing getting dunked by late voting, but Sigrun Larsen had a 2:1 margin on tumblr, so, yeah, sorry dude whoever you really were.  (Possibly a harbinger of how the polling is going to go once her namesake enters the fray?)
Ensi Hotakainen v Ingrid Pedersen & Gøran Anderson - 45 to 4 - by far the biggest margin!  I admit I set up an easy one there.
Jukka & Juha Hotakainen v Ragnar Árnason - 24 to 14 - the hair was indeed epic, but the twins won this one.
Aino Hotakainen v Frida Eide - 40 to 8 - so far, if the name is Hotakainen, the character is a winner (see, Ukko-Pekka, if you'd hung around & taken the name Hotakainen, you'd'a bin a contender).  We shall see what happens in later rounds!
Whew!  Round 2 will be coming soon for these families, but there's less than 1 day to get your vote in the Round 2 of Gods & m0nSTeRs.
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lazytoufu · 8 months
Hi, Toufu! (Sorry I'm sending this in an ask, but your account doesn't show up in the messaging thing 😅), but I tried sending a support thing to tumblr and got a response at ~2:30pm my time (it's not very helpful (sorry, Tumblr Ben) considering the 'proof' I sent said you'd tried contacting them multiple times, but this is what it said):
Hello, Thanks for letting us know about this!
However, in order for us to help out your friend, they will need to contact us directly.
Please have them message us at https://tumblr.com/support using their account's registered email address - We hope to hear from them soon. Thanks, Ben
Thank you for your kindness and advice💜 with Tuuli-san helping I delivered another letter to them via contact centre which I received confirmation my letter was sent successfully. Let’s hope they will send me a proper response.
Thank you and with love
LazyToufu 💜
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tuuliivanovas · 2 months
I have so many feelings about season 1 Hurrem its not even funny. Like from standpoint of just watching for enjoyment her personality can get annoying really fast. Then when i go into analysis mode (mainly after reading the youtube comments oh boy those are brutal) i have fight back to not go onto these year old comments being like please use your brain.
Anyway ill do it here since i can!
It's not necessarily explicitly stated that Hurrem is a teenage girl when sold to the harem so if you dont have that in your brain i can see how hurrem is draining. BUT! she is a teenage girl that saw her entire family slaughterd and she herself sold to the harem. So big trauma number 1 there. Hurrem is gonna be in survial mode for the forseeable future.
Her hotheadedness gets her into serious trouble but then again its her survival instict. Make yourself big and scary and no one can touch you. Then when she does calm down enough to listen people are openly hostile so welcome back survival instinct lets add on a side of lashing out because any and all trust was shattered.
Hurrem is clever and sees the oppertunity with the sultan to survive and do more than keep afloat. She still wants to be the biggest thing out there so no one can ever hurt her again. (Thanks Nigar Kalfa for planting those seeds I wish could have gaslight gatekeep girlboss all 4 seasons because i loved you)
so anyway those are my feelings about s1 hurrem and explaining why shes like that. Doesn't excuse what she did to her friends. Like Gülnihal she never deserved any bad things ever!
I also love watching this show as character homework for my D&D homework because its free therapy for my girl Tuuli!
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tuulikannel · 1 year
These bots just get weirder and weirder. A comment from 5qpcqjyg... Your discørď community, huh? I'm kinda surprised I didn't get any links.
Wow, your artwork of Assassination Classroom is amazing, tuuli! It would be fantastic if you could write a short piece about your process and inspirations for creating this fantastic piece. Also, we’d love for you to join our discørď community of anime fans! Join in with code: 7Za8WmMJGc. Hope to see you there.
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