#the ivy league
turnthepagevn · 24 days
And here I thought I was special
- 📚
"I never said anything about who I don't want to share, pookie."
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artwithoutblood · 9 months
Why are librarians all green and horny what is this trope did you do it on purpose
MY green librarian isn't horny!! what awful accusations.
i'm asking the other green librarians.
@turnthepagevn @lockefell-library @gryphons-n-kelpies
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tuuliivanovas · 10 months
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My most beautiful Tuuli Ivanova by @crownedinmarigolds I love her so much thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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guessimdumb · 1 year
The Ivy League - Funny How Love Can Be (1965)
The Ivy League were a English vocal trio who were first heard adding backing vocals to the Who's Can't Explain. They later had a couple of hits in the UK, including this catchy tune of unrequited love.
There she goes with her nose in the air
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an-onyx-void · 5 months
Jewish student sues Columbia for failing to provide a safe environment amid campus protests | The Hill
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yourhoneymoongirl · 9 months
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ivy-and-ivory · 11 months
I keep picturing this scenario where Batman has never told the Justice League his secret identity or anything about his kids. And then one day, for whatever reason, the Red Hood crosses paths with the JL, and it becomes clear that he knows all their identities. Cue mass panic: they all gather in the watchtower to figure out what to do about this huge security breach. Everyone is freaking out, shouting, wondering how the hell the Red Goddamn Hood of heads in duffel bag fame knows that mild mannered journalist for the Daily Planet Clark Kent is actually Superman.
Batman is being suspiciously silent.
Eventually someone turns to Batman and is like what the hell, you’re more paranoid about secret identities than all of us put together, why aren’t you freaking out? And Batman tries to deflect the question somehow, like I don’t believe Hood intends to use this knowledge against us, which just gets alarm bells ringing for everyone in the room because did Batman?? Just say he doesn’t think someone might use sensitive information against him??? BATMAN???!!!
So everyone’s freaking out even harder now, but then someone, maybe Clark, starts connecting some dots about Batman’s strange behavior and asks, “…Batman. Did you…already know? That the Red Hood knows our identities?”
And Batman rumbles and grumbles but it becomes clear that yeah, actually, he’s known this for a while.
So now everyone’s not just stressed about the identity breach, they’re also pissed because what the hell, Batman??? This known criminal knows our deepest, most guarded secrets, and you didn’t think that maybe we should know that????? That maybe that was important information for us to have????? How did you even find this out?!? Why didn’t you do anything bc about it?? How did- … How… Batman? …How did the Red Hood? Learn. Our identities?
And then finally someone, maybe Barry, is like, “Uhhhhhhhaha Batman? You didn’t. You didn’t tell Hood our identities, right? You didn’t…Batman?”
Batman doesn’t respond.
The table goes dead silent.
Because like. How is Bruce supposed to explain to this table of people that don’t know who he or Hood are that yes, he told Hood their identities literally years ago, without explaining that Hood was Robin. How is he going to explain to a Hal that’s trying to strangle him with his constructs and a Diana that’s staring at him like she’s never seen him before and a Clark that’s giving him the biggest kicked-puppy eyes you’ve ever seen that yeah Hood knows but it’s alright! He’s not going to do anything about it they don’t need to stress. That’s his son that’s his baby boy
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kisskisstine · 19 days
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Ugh~💜 Peri is so daddayyy~
More WIPs of Peri in human form with his godkid Dev.
Drawing Peri in different outfits since it seems like fairy’s human form doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly what they were in fairy form. He feels like he’d dawn Ivy League/preppy style in human form. Lots of oxford shoes, leather mules, rolled up fitted button downs, and relaxed wool coats & sweaters.
I want these two getting back together and (mostly Dev) working things out in season 2.. 💕
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
“I think I’m going to move to Gotham,” Jazz’s tapped away at her laptop, clicking through her college acceptance letters. Danny sat up from where he was scrolling through his phone and stared at her. “Thoughts?”
“And prayers,” he sassed. “Because you’re going to need them. Why the would you pick Gotham when Harvard accepted you?”
“Gotham has Arkham. And Doctor Quinzel.”
“Isn’t she Harley Quinn? The Crime Princess of Gotham?”
“Yeah, and an acclaimed psychologist with hundreds of published work that revolutionized the mental health field! Sure, she’s more criminally inclined now, but I’d kill to pick her brains.”
Danny grinned. “Interesting word choice. You’d fit right in. It’s just weird that all of their psychologists turned into villains.”
“Okay, but I won’t. You’d stop me.”
“Or I’d join you,” Danny rolled back onto the floor.
“Don’t you dare, Daniel Fenton. You’d better stop me if I went villain.”
“But I feel like you’d have a pretty good reason for it though?”
“I appreciate the trust, dumbass, but I’m always this close to loosing it.” Jazz rolled her eyes as she jabbed a finger at Danny.
“Hah! You’ll fit right into Gotham!”
Jazz hummed. “So, Gotham?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“Little busy!” Danny dodged a blast from a GIW agent.
“Why’d you pick up, then?”
“You don’t call often- hey, can you guys knock it off? I’m on a call!” Danny shouted. Surprisingly the agents stopped.
“Woah. You guys actually stopped?”
“We’re anti-ghost, not rude cavemen. Finish your call, Phantom, so we can get back to capturing you.” The agent with red hair said. Her partner nodded their head.
“Riiiight.” Phantom floated away a bit. “What did you want to talk about?” He asked Jazz.
“So, Dr. Quinzel-”
Danny heard a further off “Call me Harley, darling!”
“Harley,” Jazz continued seamlessly. “Is dating Ivy, a meta! Which, totally cute and their relationship is so healthy. Goals, honestly-”
Danny heard another far off comment, “Awe, thanks, Jazzy-wazzy!”
“But long story short, they got in touch with the Justice League about the GIW and they’re getting pulled back! And disbanded! Are you fighting the agents? Can you see if they’ve got the order to pull back?”
“Wait, seriously?” Danny perked up, the exhaustion from the fight all but gone. “I’ll ask.”
Danny turned to the two agents, pulling the phone away from his ear. “Hey! Did you guys get orders to stop hunting me? I heard the Justice League got involved.”
“What? We didn’t-”
“Shit, wait, we got orders.” Her partner jabbed their phone at her.
“Fuck. This isn’t over, Phantom!”
“Yeah, yeah! Shoo!” Danny watched them peel away. “Thanks, Jazz! Maybe I’ll finally get a peaceful school year.”
“R.I.P.” Jazz solemnly intoned.
“Dead-ass.” Danny replied, just as seriously before the both of them broke. Cackling, Danny said goodbye to Jazz.
“Maybe I should get some gifts? Hm… Undergrowth has some rare plants.” Danny muttered as he flew back home.
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As a Holocaust historian I have to say that I am deeply disturbed by how much everyone hates Jews. It’s like they waited for Israel to do something real bad until they felt like it was ok to pull out their latent desire to yell that “Hitler was right.”
Deeply. And some of those responses to my now deleted post will live rent free in my head.
If your first impulse upon seeing this is to scream at me about how I’m making atrocities in Gaza about my feelings, you hate Jews. You fucking hate Jews and you should at least have the grace to own it.
Now go show your ass and unfollow me.
ps: I’m not playing Nice Neighborhood Public Historian rn. I’m angry and scared and frankly traumatized. Shitty responses will be publicly shamed and then deleted and the user blocked.
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turnthepagevn · 10 months
Hot librarians in your area!! Cli ck2 find out more now!!
"I know there are hot librarians in my area! I have a mirror! And also Erebus, Morgan, and Sidney exist!"
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artwithoutblood · 1 year
you like librarians.
Well I do simp for the entire Ivy League 🤔
@lockefell-library @turnthepagevn
need your opinions, boys.
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tuuliivanovas · 11 months
Imagine having the funnest most heartbreaking dnd session ever
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justharoo · 29 days
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Whiterose meets Harlivy pt 2
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ckerouac · 2 months
Fun Fact: Tim Walz is the first member of a Democratic ticket NOT to have attended law school since Jimmy Carter in 1980.
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
May I have more gen alpha Damian but as Robin? This little boy is a menace to the rouges ... I love this idea 💖💖💖💖💖
Riddler: Riddle me this.
Damian: *starts recording on his smart watch*
Riddler: The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great man, while the entire word signifies a great woman. What is the word?
Damian's watch: Heroine.
Joker: You see, little birdie, it all started with One Bad Day—
Damian: *plays the world's smallest violin*
Freeze: With the press of a button, I will ice over the entire Gotham Harbor!
Damian: Cringe.
Hatter: *posts a TikTok monologue threatening the batfam*
Damian: *stitches himself yawning and falling asleep*
Croc: *roars*
Damian: *pulls out the All-Blades*
Croc: ?
Damian: My brother got the DLC.
Harley: *launches her confetti cannon*
*single piece of confetti falls out*
Damian, clapping: Go girl give us nothing.
Clayface: *attacks Damian*
Damian: *rips out a chunk of clay*
Damian: *starts playing with it like slime*
Scarecrow: I've got you now.
Damian: Imagine being a grown man beefing with a middle schooler. Couldn't be me.
Ivy: *ties him up with her plants*
Damian, a vegan: *chomp*
Damian: What are your pronouns so I can eviscerate you properly?
Two-Face: ...
Two-Face: He/they.
Ra's: It's just you and me, my disgraced heir. Let's finish this duel once and for all.
Damian: *taps his phone*
Jon: *flies in and pummels Ra's*
Jon: Thank you for ordering from SüberDefeats! Be sure to share your feedback.
Damian: *tips Jon and leaves five stars*
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