#lovecore character
riverthylacine · 8 months
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But who is he looking at?
Artwork and character by me
Character: Rojo The Bernese mountain dog
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lovehablt · 1 year
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my ILOVEYOU.txt virus babygirl
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jeliwyre · 7 months
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love shot !
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shelbyuhh · 1 year
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what a spectacle ! ✨
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chellychuu · 9 months
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🎀 be mine 🎀
Kofi ♡ Inprnt
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angel-archivist · 27 days
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Dream a Little Dream of Me <3
My fav pages from Angel Numbers
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goodtimeswithgrian · 11 months
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tango's new best friend! :)
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shima-draws · 3 months
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More info on him below!
Name: Rozen (Codename: Cavalier)
Age: 32
Hair color: Strawberry blonde
Eye color: Magenta
Element: None
Rozen is currently a member of Nahu's party, but before then he was working as a high-ranked officer of an underground gambling ring 😳 It wasn't a job occupation he necessarily chose, he really ended up there because he had nowhere else to go after a tragedy occurred in his childhood. And speaking of which--
Rozen was abandoned by his parents at a young age, dumping him into the first orphanage they could find. This of course caused a lot of trauma and essentially made it so that he no longer trusted anybody due to fear of abandonment. He grew up bitter and angry at the world, living as a troublemaker and pretty much going by his own rules (which caused the director of the orphanage plenty of headaches). Unfortunately due to his prickly personality this made it nearly impossible for any one to adopt him--but he preferred it that way, intent on leaving the orphanage on his own as soon as he was of age.
This all went to shit when a new kid was brought into the orphanage, by the name of Malachi :)
Malachi's circumstances were completely opposite of Rozen's--he had a family who loved him, but their lives were brought to a violent end when they were suddenly attacked by a group of rogues after their fortune. Rozen looked at Malachi and immediately saw himself; angry, bitter and broken because of the cards he'd been dealt. This in turn lead to a very...rocky start between them, due to how similarly they acted around people. Rozen viewed Malachi as a little brat and basically had the opinion of "boo hoo you're an orphan well at least your parents loved you and didn't throw you away like mine did". (So, a biiiiit of jealousy there. LMAO) Malachi thought Rozen's arrogant and stand-offish personality was annoying and correctly called him out for being a total fake. They were definitely at each other's throats for a while!
All of this changed when Rozen got a bit too big for his britches and pissed off the wrong crowd. Surprisingly, Malachi rescued him from being beaten to absolute shit and Rozen was shocked that Malachi actually helped him. Nobody had ever shown him that kind of care all his life, and Malachi was in the same shitty situation that he was, except probably worse. Rozen started to soften up around him after this, and slowly started to drop his defenses and show his true personality. Despite Malachi finding Rozen's change of heart "creepy", and his sudden personality change kind of drastic, he couldn't help but grow attached to him too. Before long they were practically attached at the hip, and if you saw one of them you'd know the other wasn't too far behind.
At this point Rozen was fully himself instead of the persona/act he'd been putting on for all his life. AKA he essentially has the personality of a golden retriever, is kind of an airhead (or an idiot, according to Malachi), and is a total softie. Him finally showing his kinder side helped Malachi too, and eventually, after spending two years together, Malachi was crushing on him HARD lol. Of course, Rozen only really viewed Malachi as a best friend, especially due to their age difference (being 4 years apart, with Rozen being 17 at the time and Malachi being 13).
The two of them were determined to leave the orphanage together, either being adopted as a package deal or just leaving when they were finally of age. This came crashing down when a couple looking to adopt just Malachi showed up, and despite the pair's attempts to sabotage any sort of chance Malachi would get adopted, the couple was insistent on taking him home. This sparked some suspicion in Rozen, wondering just why they were so intent on Malachi. He soon found out that these people were connected to the rogues that had killed Malachi's parents--they were seeking the same fortune and knew that Malachi was the key to finding it. Rozen confronted them and convinced them to take him instead, as Malachi had told him he had no idea about his parents' riches so he'd essentially be useless to the couple. Rozen offered his services and promised he would stop at nothing to find them the treasure, as long as they left Malachi alone. The couple agreed.
Malachi, of course, was devastated to find out about Rozen being adopted (and right before he'd become of age too), not wanting to be apart from him. Rozen explained his reasoning and revealed it was all part of his plan--he'd go away with the couple and then slip back to the orphanage in the middle of the night, where he and Malachi would run away together. With a promise to return, Rozen left with the couple, and they stopped at a nearby manor for the night.
As Rozen was preparing to sneak out and back to Malachi, the manor was suddenly attacked. The couple who had adopted him were slaughtered in the ensuing break in, and Rozen barely escaped alive. One of the villains managed to catch him off guard and cut his eye, leaving him half blind. Horrified, he raced back to the orphanage, only to find the entire village engulfed in flames--along with the orphanage itself. Rozen immediately tried to run into the building, fearing that Malachi was still inside, waiting for him--but before he could do so, he was pulled back by a strange figure.
The figure revealed he was the one who organized the attack on the couple and their accomplices, explaining that they had betrayed his trust. The couple were the ones to initiate the fire in order to wipe any evidence that they'd visited the town in the first place, wanting to cover their tracks. The figure introduces himself as the head of an underground crime organization by the codename of Roi...you see where I'm going with this right 👀 He tells Rozen that, regretfully, there were no survivors, and Rozen breaks down in tears upon realizing that Malachi was gone.
Roi offers Rozen a place among his men, seeing as he had nowhere else to turn to. Rozen, too distraught and emotionally unstable, numbly agrees. This would turn out to be the worst decision of his life.
Roi takes Rozen back to his headquarters and has him sign a contract, essentially chaining him to Roi and the organization as a whole. Rozen is trained to become a master of deception and the overseer of the gambling ring, working at various casinos and resorts to scam big spenders out of their money. By the time Rozen realizes what he's gotten into it's far too late; there's no escape for him and he's completely under Roi's control. Escape means death, and while Rozen wouldn't mind dying to be reunited with Malachi, fear stops him from ever going through with it.
Years pass and Rozen's skills only improve. Out of all the "games" that go on in the ring he becomes an absolute master at cards and takes pride in it (his sleight of hand is actually insane). Being a non-elemental, he uses card-based magic as his offense. He becomes a well-known and respected (and feared) member of the organization, and Roi regards him highly, eventually promoting him and giving the codename "Cavalier". However, things are a bit different behind the scenes--Roi is merciless, abusive, and just an overall toxic person to be around, and Rozen is not excluded from his wrath despite being his so-called "favorite". Rozen has had to endure his abuse for years, and is in constant fear for his life. It's really bad 😭
Things start to shift when Roi brings in a new pawn by the codename of Valet. Valet is surprisingly sympathetic considering the type of people Rozen works with, and Rozen grows to admire his cool head, sharp tongue and intelligence. However, Valet begins to butt into his business, urging him to break free from Roi and find a better path in life. Rozen isn't too happy with someone intruding on his personal matters and lashes out at Valet, causing a rift between them. Valet only wants to help and doesn't want to see Rozen suffer; Rozen knows better than anyone that there's no escape from Roi and has resigned himself to his fate--and he doesn't want to see Valet get hurt either.
This is when Nahu and co. come in ;)
Nahu and co. are sent to infiltrate the gambling ring, and immediately things are thrown into absolute chaos. After many twists and turns (and plot), Nahu goes to face off against Roi in one final fight. Roi captures Rozen and chains him up, unwilling to let his perfect pawn go free, and poisons him so that he loses any strength to escape. While Nahu is absolutely wrecking shit fighting Roi, Valet sneaks up to where Rozen is being held and attempts to set him free. Through the haze, Rozen witnesses Valet trying to free him, and sadly reminisces about Malachi. Rozen tells Valet to let him go, to let him die--that way he can be with the only person he cares about again. Valet yells at him and says no, he can't die, because--
Valet is Malachi.
Recognition hits immediately. Valet has always seemed familiar to Rozen, though he could never put his finger on it. But now he can see it, Valet is Malachi, Malachi is alive, Malachi has been by his side this ENTIRE time and he is SUCH a fucking idiot for not realizing sooner--
Nahu defeats Roi, and before Rozen succumbs to the poison, Malachi threatens him and says he'd better not die before he can kick his ass. Rozen laughs and thinks I can't BELIEVE I didn't notice, they talk the same way.
Days later he finally wakes up to find Malachi beside him, and immediately bursts into tears. Malachi explains that he'd been rescued by one of the townspeople when the orphanage went up in flames. It left him with a few burn scars but it ALSO awakened fire magic within him, which he can now wield freely. Malachi was told that Rozen had been killed by the people who attacked the village--which weren't actually the rogues, the village had been attacked by Roi himself, and HE was the one to set the village ablaze. (So Rozen had even been manipulated by him back then. MAN) Malachi refused to believe that Rozen was dead despite all the evidence claiming otherwise, and spent the next 15 years searching for him. Malachi was eventually employed by a sort of intelligence agency that sent him undercover to the gambling ring, and that was when he found Rozen again and realized he was alive. However, while Malachi was 100% ready to blow his cover and escape with Rozen, he was coerced into staying for the mission, much to his frustration.
Malachi tells him that he hadn't thought of anything else for the past 15 years, and now that he'd found Rozen he'd never leave his side again 🥺 Rozen feels the same way. They both realize they're probably in trouble, with Malachi prepared to abandon his duty to be with Rozen and Rozen with his...complicated history being involved in an underground crime organization. LMAO
Luckily for them, Nahu is all about recruiting them, and they both agree to join his squad <3 Their new life together begins!! Rozen has to grapple with the fact that Malachi is definitely not the kid he used to know and has grown up, a lot. Malachi, meanwhile, has been in love with Rozen since he was 12 and is trying everything he can to properly express that. Rozen slowly comes to terms with the fact that yeah, he's probably in love with Malachi, and things just get more interesting from there as they dance around each other for months just trying to figure it out ;)
AND THAT'S HIM MY MASTER OF CARDS MY HEARTBROKEN KING MY SLUT TITTY-WINDOW THIGH-HIGH WEARING KING thank you for reading mwah <3 (Also Malachi will be posted soon I have to write his side of the story as well lol)
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marimindfog · 4 months
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Lacy Letters my beloved!! maybe i'll give her a lace collar
she's the mailpony in canterlot, perhaps she enjoys the romantical endeavors of the city folk
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coffincataclysm · 11 months
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ʚ Reblogs are greatly appreciated ɞ
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popfizzles · 5 months
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i bought a badger girl adopt from @trapdoornumberthree because I thought she'd fit in nicely with Natter and the other Tail Chasers characters :)
I might tweak her outfit here and there, but she's SOOO cute already 💕
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riverthylacine · 8 months
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Drew Rojo Again :3
Artwork and character by me
Character: Rojo The Bernese mountain dog
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lovehablt · 1 year
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HI! this is one of my new virus ocs i just finished designing :) shes based off of the ILOVEYOU virus! she has a boyloser (named #0) who she kind of likes.. if u wanna read more abt her check out her th here https://toyhou.se/22031083.lucy
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lovelyhellokitty · 6 months
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irlplasticlamb · 2 years
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since the beginning of time, since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls. but the dolls were always and forever baby dolls, until…
prints + merch
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chellychuu · 1 year
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Bunny Nurse Adopt 🐰❤️‍🩹
Update: sold! Thank you so much! 🫶🏻
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