playchoicesconfessions · 10 months
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Sent by anonymous
‘PB need to do more comedy based books like LoveHacks or Wishful Thinking’
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choices-binglebonkus · 4 months
Okay I never realized just how truly obnoxious the TRR MC actually was until I replayed #LoveHacks, whose MC shares faces with the TRR MC. This entire playthrough I was just waiting for the MC to be plucky and unserious and annoying and qUiRkY and I had to keep unbracing myself because the #LoveHacks MC, while flawed, is actually rather well-adjusted and mature, whereas the TRR MC will interrupt a ceremony to call the crown regent a big meany bad man, name a boat christened in her daughter’s honor “Boaty McBoatface”, and obsess over fancy hats for seven whole books + a holiday special.
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P.S the poll is limited to only 12 options, so feel free to comment/reblog with your favourites ❤️❤️
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casharlow · 3 months
just realized that the “red herring” drinking game the lovehacks gang plays is def based off the true american game from new girl, my other comfort sitcom media about another quirky group of friends’ daily antics in a california city
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storyofmychoices · 28 days
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SpreadJoy #877 spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote by Jess Rachel Sharp
For @moominofthevalley's AAPI Heritage Month (@choicescommunityevents)
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dist4nt-shores · 2 years
choices as random text posts i have saved (because why not and i’m bored)(and beneath the cut because i’m nice)
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queen b
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laws of attraction
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tom from it lives beneath
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wolf bride
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bachelorette party
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perfect match
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blades mcs with seduction as their main skill
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the heist: monacco
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most wanted
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distant shores
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imtura tal kaelen
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tyril starfury
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home for the holidays
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prince aerin
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perfect match (again)
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damien and perfect match mc
part one | part two | part three
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imogenwescott · 2 years
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these two mean everything to me
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choices-junkie · 2 years
so many people hate on LoveHacks for no reason omfg
it’s such a cutesie sitcom-like easy read. the characters are all super lovable and the plot is easy to follow but still entertaining…i regret taking years to actually read it now 🥲
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linlyschoices · 4 months
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alicia manning –> #lovehacks
esfj // 6w5 // ♡ mark collins
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drakesroyalromance · 2 months
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He’s so cute!! I really hope they don’t make us choose between Gabe and Cas because I simply cannot
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Sent by anonymous
‘LoveHacks and RoE are slept on 😭’
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choices-binglebonkus · 4 months
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casharlow · 3 months
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unironically one of the hardest choices i have ever had to make on the game called choices
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storyofmychoices · 5 months
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The beginning of 2024 had definitely already brought it's share of challenges for me, but I'm hoping that maybe things will still be improving from here! Thinking positive!
Writing Goals
Where to even begin? I have probably 100+ WIP ranging from a scribbled idea on a post it to an outline that needs to be typed. I'd like to put a dent in that? So far each year, that list keeps growing instead of shrinking. I find that I'm more of the in the moment writer. It's all or nothing. Either I finish a piece in one sitting or it never gets done. I'd like to try to find more of a balance in 2024.
In a perfect world, here are some stories I'd like to complete:
Mal's proposal: I started this fic last February, and would really like to actually write it. I have art for it. I don't know what I'm waiting for, especially now that I have their Blades 2 AU proposal done 🙈
Laser Tag with Brylivia: This is just a short little drabble that I think is like 75% written. It's from 2 years ago. I really have NO excuses lol
Love and Scotch: This series fell away when I stoped writing Ethan (for a number of reasons). I'd love to finish this series. I had several more chapters planned but I might just skip some and at least get to what I envisioned as "the end" aka Thomas and Alex's HWU AU wedding and a big turning point for Ethan and Ellie.
#HollywoodHacks: Does anyone even care about this series? Anyone even remember it? I feel like no. I was really only writing it for 1 person, but they're not in the fandom anymore...It might not be the ending I'd planned or wanted, but I think I could wrap the series in 1 or 2 (tops) more chapters. I had hoped that the story would lead to me writing more for Ben Parks and my #LoveHacks MC but that never happened
Tipsy Nia x Daenarya: an anon requested tipsy Nia hitting on Daenarya and I started it but then never finished it. It's such a small drabble it seems silly to even include it here, but here we are!
Blades 2 AU: At the start of Blades 2 I was doing a great job keeping up with the book and rewriting the chapters to fit my vision for the characters. That kinda fell apart around Chapter 5. I'd like to finish that rewrite and see how Iliana fits into how the rest of the book happened. Last I wrote, Daenarya didn't even know she was pregnant.
Rayden and Lydo's Adoption: Mal and Daenarya have already decided to adopt them. I've also written them as a family. But, I've never written the actual story of Mal and Daenarya telling the boys they were adopting them and they'd be a family forever, so I'd love to do that!
Pairings I'd like to write more of in 2024:
Thomas and Alex: I used to publish 1 new story a day when I first started writing them. It lasted over a year, then it gradually decreased. Last year, I only wrote them 10 times! I know the lack of interactions with their stories, has definitely made me want to share less and just enjoy daydreaming for them, but still, I'd like to keep their story going, regardless of interactions, because they are so special to me. Plus, if I could wrap those two series above that they're in, that would definitely lift my RCD/HWU fic count for the year!
Nyx x Aerin: I LOVE NYX! NYX is incredible and I love love love them. Aerin is kinda fun too. I would love to develop these two more this year.
Trystan and Lilah: I've only written them a few times and I'd like to get to know them better
Beckett and Emma: I haven't written them in a long time and when I did write them it was for 1 particular series (them in Detention). With the Book Club replaying TE, I'm hoping I might be inspired to see what they're like outside of the library.
Troy and Astraea: I love these two but I haven't had time to explore them more. I don't think I'll have time to participate in the group reread right now, but I would still like to reread WTD at some point this year and keep developing them.
Daenarya x Maiele (@lilyoffandoms) + Mal x Tyril: In 2023, Lily and I started to develop these relationships more. I loved every second of that and I hope 2024 will bring us more of these four lovely characters.
Mal's Orphanage: Blades 2 destroyed the orphanage storyline. If PB wanted to steal it they should have done a better job of it. Like there was literally no point in them having that storyline since they abandoned it the first chance they got. I'd like to fix the Blades 2 orphanage storyline but then go back to focusing on my original orphanage because those children are my favorite.
Other Goals
Catch up on reading and be a more active reader
Follow and support new Choices accounts
Continue with the book club and other events I host but find a balance with hosting that I still have time to create and read/support others
Try my hand at drawing again. I had been drawing chibi's a while back and I haven't had time/the courage to try again, but @lilyoffandoms's incredible art journey this month has inspired me to add it to my list this year
Keep editing Aerin in the sluttiest Choices outfits I can find
Flesh out more of Olivia's pediatric practice and how she transitions from Edenbrook to Sunshine Pediatrics
Be kind to myself and let myself rest when I need it. I am my biggest critic and if you ask me what I'm good at, I'd say nothing and I would tell you everything wrong with anything I've ever done, including all of my pairings. I see the mistakes and I want to let myself see the good and focus on only that this year.
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daniel-the-waiter · 4 months
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