#you just KNOW
linefelcei · 1 year
Gonna upload some ol’ The Arcana fanart, as it was such peak fixation I had in 2019. I’m pretty sure I giggled my way through making this whole animation back then hahah (
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Fandom Culture has fallen so far.
If the whole Anne Rice shit went down today, a large amount of you fools would say that it's her right to have boundaries for her fandom. Thats how much the culture has changed. Y'all are unintentionally defending Anne Rice.
And that unironically both scares me and pisses me off.
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sleaterkinnie · 2 years
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like you know the thanksgiving is crazy
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computerillness · 1 month
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Do you think they ever explored each other’s bodies?
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canisalbus · 9 months
Just wanted to say that your characters feel like real people in the best possible way! I really enjoy reading the snippets of lore you post about them.
(and also, your art style is beautiful - it's extremely recognizable, unique, and makes the graphic designer part of my brain very very happy)
That's so nice to hear, thank you!
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iwillfightgodandwin · 8 months
OFMD S2 spoilers
Actively trying not to think about the fact that Izzy Hands doesn't make a sound when he cries. Every time he goes to cry he stops himself - going as far as to physically cover his mouth.
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choices-binglebonkus · 3 months
Okay I never realized just how truly obnoxious the TRR MC actually was until I replayed #LoveHacks, whose MC shares faces with the TRR MC. This entire playthrough I was just waiting for the MC to be plucky and unserious and annoying and qUiRkY and I had to keep unbracing myself because the #LoveHacks MC, while flawed, is actually rather well-adjusted and mature, whereas the TRR MC will interrupt a ceremony to call the crown regent a big meany bad man, name a boat christened in her daughter’s honor “Boaty McBoatface”, and obsess over fancy hats for seven whole books + a holiday special.
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eidolons-stuff · 5 months
Thing: *signs* "We need to find Enid!"
*Yoko & Thing leaving to find Enid*
Wednesday: "why did she agree..."
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anime-chick · 6 months
hiei seeing the marks/bruises on yukina's wrists and then telling her 'she's got the wrong idea' he's 'just a friend', it makes me wonder if hiei was about to be honest and tell her he's her brother but changed his mind, thinking - he failed to protect her, he doesn't deserve to call himself her brother.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Just thought.
In TFE, what if John and Alex know each other from Transformers fanfic forums and are BNF on them who vehemently disagree with each other. John wrote RPF, TFsona Self-Inserts, and is Known for his writing Bumblebee. Meanwhile, Alex is over here using his degree to write long historical romance dramas as accurately as possible that are maybe slightly possibly based on himself and Dottie.
They are friendly, but they always end up on the other side of each others bidding wars for merch and friendly competitions. It was a hige scandal/ripple when they collaborated on a historical fanfic togethwr with Alex acting as John's Beta.
Post-Finale John quotes something Alex says to him about his writing when he's struggling to Bee and Alex overhears. He gasps and looks at John accusingly and shouts, "BBSweetRims!"
John admittedly goes still, "...ahistoriccybertron?"
Then he looks at him and Dottie and the kids, does some mouth and gasps.
Jesuschristtttttt that's amazing
Yes they do yes yes. Everyone will look at them like they're fucking insane. Does Dot know and if Dot does know does she give input for fics and RPs. "You're my otp!" Just. Ah yes. Normal things to say to people, sure.
I am just imagining Alex and Jon fighting online over a Cliffjumper rare red Bumblebee plush and they're each just bidding one dollar at a time (Alex gets it in the end)
Imagine them in shipping wars but it's like "well I ship Dratchet so" "mmnn but counterpoint Driftrod" "but Dratchet" the. Entire. Time.
Exactly yes
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softly touching a ghoul while they’re napping and they do the “brrrtt???” thing
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wanderingblindly · 2 months
Oh are we doing Director Cuts again? I'd love you to tlk more about Something In Seattle please!! Anything you want, but I'd like to know what inspired you for the forest scene?
Tbh it can always be director's cut time, i fucking love talking lol, so thank you for asking!!!!!!!!!!!! On to some more info dumping about Someone in Seattle's forest scene :)
Inspiration for Lando's Styling:
This is a bit layered. It started, I think, back in January with my regular rewatch of 2005's Pride and Prejudice. Of course, that naturally lead to the question: how would I make that into a landoscar fic?
After talking about it on tumblr, @redcowboy1 made the horrifically influential comment: "AND u can imagine lando in the iconic 2005 white outfit with pearls... in his curly hair!". It ruined me. It's still ruining me. It will always ruin me. I don't even know if I've told him how much that comment ruined me.
I thought of direct Pride and Prejudice fics, I thought of Pride and Prejudice inspired fics, but nothing really stuck? So when I realized this was the moment where I could do it all (ethereal white outfit, pearls in the hair,,, fae-like blush,,,,) I went IN.
Shockingly, that isn't the only super loose 2005 P&P reference in that scene. There's also this:
Giving in to childish instinct, Lando jumps up onto the stump; Oscar’s arm follows him like a guide, a gentleman helping his lady into her carriage.  Lando’s fingers flex against his.  Realizing his mistake, having breached professionalism, he drops it.
Hand Scene, anyone? No?
The Setting:
This was actually really heavily inspired by my own childhood. I grew up with my home backing onto a massive forest that you could explore via a broken fence post :) Just like in this fic :)
Almost all the key elements are lifted from my own experience in the forest, like the creek with the massive tree fallen across it. That was real!!!!!! it's actually the center of a lot of my happiest childhood memories.
In the winter, my sister and I used to go exploring in the woods -- the feeling of a river so cold that it makes the air around it painful is so visceral to me. We used to walk across the tree that Lando posed on to the get to the other side, though I fell off more than once lol.
Something that I tried to capture is the extraordinary alien-ness that comes with the Pacific Northwest's forests. They're incredibly dense, with a mix of obscuring low-crawling plants like ferns and massive evergreens like nothing you've ever seen before. It truly makes it feel like the air is green, like you can't see the sky -- and even if you could, maybe it wouldn't be the same sky you saw elsewhere.
I guess, in a way, maybe I kind of wrote it from the perspective of a small child. I kind of gave the impression that Lando and Oscar are dwarfed by the nature around them -- like I scaled the entire thing up, because that's how I remember it.
Anyways, enough rambling. I found a few pictures that inspired me while I was writing: the tree stump pose, general foliage 1, general foliage 2
Other Fun Facts:
Atypically of me, I wrote this fic out of chronological order. I started it when I was sick (yes, at the same time that i started the wildly different Choking on Greatness), and my fevered brain just produced a bunch of random little scenes. One of those scenes was a solid chunk of their time in the forest.
Honestly, that's probably why this scene feels like the "main event" -- in terms of how I wrote this fic, I really wrote most of it around this moment.
Another fun fact is that I tried to imply that Lando was waiting for a doorknob confession when they got to their cars; he wanted Oscar to come kiss him.
Lando’s hand is on his car’s door handle, but he’s looking at Oscar like there’s something left to say – to do. His lips part slightly, not enough to talk but maybe enough to tempt, if things were different, if he wasn’t here because he’s doing Oscar a favor. Lando’s eyes flutter closed, only opening when Oscar speaks.
don't think I actually nailed it, but hey. Can't win 'em all.
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thecatsaesthetics · 23 hours
The Dornish watching as The Targaryen’s destroy themselves and their nuclear weapons dragons over whether or not a female can succeed her father
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babyjakes · 8 months
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don’t talk to me. i’m processing.
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vixxensvoid · 8 months
teachers be like “we’re gonna watch a video in class today but be warned this guy talks really fast so we will use subtitles” THEN BAM ITS HANK GREEN
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lxndonorris · 4 months
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my fav pose
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