nadiaharriss · 2 years
how did you discover your love language
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lilian-draconia · 7 months
☁Read fanfiction of your F/O☁
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imeverywoman420 · 1 year
Like when i say height difference i mean i want him a full head taller than me. Ok im kinda chubby in the waist so this might not be in the cards for me but i saw this one gif this one time where the guys hand was like the size of her torso. Thats what i want. A 5’5 woman and a 5’10 man is NOTTTT a notable height difference PLEASE be real
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taroteverythingshop · 9 months
Heart Break Tarot Reading Available
Click Link Below To Book Reading Now!!!
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theloulouge · 11 months
Life Lens - Entry 23
Navigating Singlehood, Rom-Com Blues, and Walls That Crumble You know that feeling when your brain turns into a swirl of thoughts, and you’re like, “Wait, what’s going on up there?” Yep, that’s me today – diving headfirst into the sea of thoughts about my single status. So, rewind a few years. Back when I was in the “single for a minute” phase (okay, more like 3 or 4 years), I couldn’t help but…
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spotsgoods · 1 year
How do you find your soulmate?
The quest to find a soulmate is a deeply personal and often elusive journey. The concept of a soulmate resonates with the desire for a profound and fulfilling connection with another person, someone who understands us on a deeper level and with whom we share a special bond. While there is no foolproof formula for finding a soulmate, there are several aspects to consider and steps to take in this exploration.
1. Self-Reflection: The search for a soulmate often begins with introspection. Understanding yourself, your values, aspirations, and what truly matters to you is essential. Take time to explore your passions, interests, and personal growth. Engaging in self-discovery and personal development can help you align with your authentic self, enabling you to attract someone who complements and resonates with who you truly are.
2. Define Your Vision: Clarify your vision of a soulmate. Consider the qualities, values, and characteristics you seek in a partner. Reflect on the emotional connection you desire, the level of compatibility you seek, and the type of relationship dynamics that resonate with you. Be open to flexibility and allow room for surprises, as soulmates can manifest in unexpected ways.
3. Engage in Meaningful Connections: Building genuine connections with others is a crucial step in finding a soulmate. Engage in activities, hobbies, and communities that align with your interests and values. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passions, as these shared experiences can create a foundation for deeper connections.
4. Openness and Vulnerability: Being open and vulnerable is essential in cultivating meaningful connections. Share your authentic self with others, expressing your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Embrace vulnerability as an opportunity for growth and connection, allowing potential soulmates to truly see and understand you.
5. Patience and Timing: Finding a soulmate is not an overnight process. It requires patience and an understanding that the timing may not always align with our expectations. Trust in the timing of life and have faith that the right person will come into your life when the time is right.
6. Learn from Past Relationships: Reflect on past relationships and learn from them. Identify patterns, strengths, and areas for growth. Understanding your past experiences can provide valuable insights into what you truly desire and help you make more informed choices in future relationships.
7. Embrace Serendipity: Sometimes, soulmate connections occur through chance encounters or unexpected circumstances. Be open to serendipitous moments and trust your intuition. Pay attention to the people who enter your life and the connections that feel genuine and deep.
8. Communication and Compromise: Building a lasting soulmate connection requires effective communication and a willingness to compromise. Cultivate healthy communication skills, active listening, and empathy. Understand that no relationship is perfect, and compromises are necessary for growth and harmony.
9. Trust Your Intuition: Intuition can be a powerful guide in finding a soulmate. Listen to your gut feelings and instincts when making decisions about potential partners. Trust your inner voice as it often offers valuable insights and guidance.
10. Self-Love and Self-Care: Prioritize self-love and self-care throughout your journey. When you love and care for yourself, you attract healthier relationships. Nurture your well-being, practice self-compassion, and maintain healthy boundaries.
Remember, finding a soulmate is a unique and personal journey. It may not follow a linear path, and the definition of a soulmate can vary from person to person. Embrace the process with an open heart, trust in yourself, and be receptive to the possibilities that unfold along the way. Your soulmate may be closer than you think, waiting for the right moment to enter your life
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bearanddear · 1 year
99 Get-To-Know-You Questions
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Free get to know you questions card game at bearanddear.com
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theconnectiongarden · 6 months
Create the Perfect Valentine's Evening at Home: A Comprehensive Guide
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Hello, everyone! Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and affection, and what better way to cherish these moments than in the comfort of your home. This guide will walk you through creating an unforgettable Valentine's evening at home, filled with romance, laughter, and love. Sometimes, the most romantic moments happen right where you feel most comfortable. Let's dive into some sweet and simple ideas to make your Valentine's celebration at home unforgettable.
Setting the Mood
Selecting the Perfect Music
Begin your evening by setting a romantic tone with music. A carefully curated playlist, featuring songs that hold special meaning for both of you, can evoke cherished memories and create a tender atmosphere.
Lighting to Create Ambiance
Lighting plays a crucial role in creating the right ambiance. Soft, dim lighting or the warm glow of candles can transform your home into a cozy, romantic retreat, perfect for a Valentine's Day celebration.
Dinner for Two
Choosing a Romantic Menu
Dinner is often the highlight of Valentine's Day. Choose dishes that resonate with your love story, perhaps a meal from your first date or a cuisine you both adore. The key is to select recipes that are both indulgent and easy to prepare together, adding an element of fun and teamwork to your evening.
Wine Pairing Suggestions
Add the perfect wine to your meal to make it even better. Choose a strong red wine for a big meal, or a light white wine for something lighter. The right wine can make your food taste better and give your dinner a fancy touch.
Decorating Your Space
Floral Arrangements
Decorations set the stage for your evening. Start with floral arrangements; roses are traditional, but feel free to choose blooms that are significant to your relationship. The fragrance and beauty of fresh flowers can instantly uplift the mood.
Personal Touches
Personalize your space with elements that reflect your journey as a couple. Displaying photos from memorable moments, or creating a small altar with mementos of your relationship, can make the evening feel uniquely tailored to your love story.
Activities for the Evening
Romantic Movie Selections
Plan to watch a romantic movie that resonates with your relationship. Whether it's a classic love story or a film you both enjoy, cuddling up with a movie is a great way to unwind and connect.
Couples Games and Entertainment
Engage in light-hearted couples games or activities. This could be anything from a card game that sparks conversation to a DIY project that you can both contribute to. The idea is to create joyful memories and share laughs. Feel free to incorporate LoveQuest our pack of Romantic Scavenger Hunt Cards for a playful and romantic game.
Creating a Memorable Atmosphere
Aroma and Scent
Introduce elements that appeal to the senses. Aromatic candles or essential oils can fill your home with a soothing fragrance, enhancing the romantic setting.
Comfort and Coziness
Ensure your environment is comfortable. Cozy seating, plush cushions, and soft blankets can create a snuggly, inviting atmosphere where you can relax and enjoy each other's company.
Special Gifts
Exchange gifts that are thoughtful and reflect your understanding of one another. These don't have to be expensive; often, a handwritten letter or a DIY gift can be more meaningful than something store-bought.
Capturing the Moment
Remember to capture moments from the evening. Take photos, or even better, keep a journal entry to remember this special home celebration. These memories will be a treasure in years to come.
The Art of Conversation
Dedicate time to meaningful conversation. Discuss your dreams, share your fears, and reflect on your journey together. This deep communication can strengthen your bond and add depth to your relationship. Use our Couples & Relationship Therapy Workbook as a guide to explore topics like empathy, understanding, and reigniting the flames of love.
Dessert and Relaxation
Conclude your dinner with a delightful dessert, followed by relaxation. End the night with a relaxing bubble bath. Light some candles and enjoy a peaceful moment together.
The Element of Surprise
Incorporate small surprises throughout the evening. An unexpected note, a special dessert, or a spontaneous dance can add elements of fun and surprise, keeping the evening exciting.
Planning Ahead
A stress-free evening requires planning. Prepare as much as you can in advance so that you can focus on enjoying the time with your partner rather than worrying about logistics.
Reflecting on Love and Relationships
Take a moment to reflect on the significance of Valentine’s Day and your relationship. Appreciate the growth you’ve experienced as a couple and the love that has deepened over time.
Final Thoughts
This Valentine's Day, remember that the magic of the evening comes from the connection you share with your partner, not just the activities or setting. It's about celebrating your unique love story in a way that feels right for both of you. Whether it's through heartfelt conversations, shared laughter over a home-cooked meal, or simply enjoying each other's company in your own special way, the day is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your bond and create lasting memories. Cherish these moments, for they are the true essence of Valentine's Day.
Looking for more ways to deepen your connection and celebrate your relationship?
Explore our range of thoughtfully designed products, including "The Workbook of Couples & Relationship Therapy" and "LoveQuest: Romantic Scavenger Hunt Cards", to continue your journey of love and discovery. Visit our store and find the perfect tools to enhance your relationship not just on Valentine's Day, but every day.
Explore our store for more heartfelt relationship-building resources.
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smilesession · 1 year
lovequest autistic has got to be a specific subtype because its the type i am. im just always on my lovequest looking for my truelove and stuff like that. im not all that worried about other stuff. never have been worried too much about other stuff. always been this way
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geista-was-stolen · 1 year
“My name is Hogchaser Easy Bone Rowan Jimmy-Lee Puff-E Braxton Fresh Doggy Dog Kid Hammer Lovequest Willie-Bob Dritgrazer Moonbeat Chuck-Boy Mudhauler Cloudspirit, and I’m not like other girls.”
Thank you creative writing
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lilian-draconia · 7 months
☁Put your F/O as your phone wallaper☁
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imeverywoman420 · 1 year
whats it feel like to cum from giving head? ive seen a few ppl say they can do it and i just wanna know like does it creep up on you or feel different from mastrubation like. im so jealous
um u know when ur horny and its like ur clit is just like. Throbbington…. Like just the feeling of air or ur thigh or ur underwear whatever touching it makes you go WOOOO like ric flair…. I mean when im hornington i can kinda give myself an orgasm just with my mind by focusing on how my perchina feels.
idk my mouth has nerve endings or something in it like i really think i could cum from someone fingering my mouth im built different
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clawheld · 2 years
my ideal magnai oronir side quest line would involve like some kind of very sexy suave guy comes to the steppe like its some visitor to the dawn throne or whatever and magnai is like grrrr... guys like that always get the girl but dont even treasure them... hes not even looking for his soul mate at all... and in the quest you are tasked with helping magnai in his lovequest and said sexy guy ends up helping too its like a quasi-hildy vibe. and you just keep failing like theres some false starts but it just never ends up happening for him. and in the end the sidequest fujobait chad is like "listen magnai... it doesnt matter what these ladies think. cuz you have friends who care about you! you have.. me" and magnai is like *sniffle* "otay" and it ends there
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theloulouge · 11 months
Life Lens - Entry 08
Love’s Quirky Quest Ah, love – the rollercoaster of emotions and actions that often leaves us scratching our heads. In a world where emotions swirl like a kaleidoscope of colors, and actions waltz to their own beat, we encounter a peculiar breed of love seekers. They yearn for love’s warm embrace, but when it comes to demonstrating affection, they fumble like a penguin on an ice rink. Love is…
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gesslen · 4 months
Destiny's Embrace
На величезному 🎨🖌️🖼 полотні ночі справжнє кохання — це сяюча зірка, яка затьмарює всі інші. Його сяючий блиск розфарбовує небо чарівним 🔥💡✨ сяйвом, небесним шедевром, який захоплює наші серця в 💃🕺🎉 танці чарівності. Як поетичне сузір’я, воно шепоче 💍💒🤝 обіцянки радості, плете казку про магію, яка веде нас крізь космічний простір, рука об руку, до нескінченності 📤📨💬 спільних мрій.
#LoveQuest #HeartJourney #SoulmateSearch #TrueLoveTrail #DestinedLove #DiscoveringUs #LoveAdventure #HeartfeltConnection #EpicLoveQuest #JourneyToLove #FatefulEncounter #UnveilingLove #ConnectionChronicles #LoveUnveiled #DestinyDuo #SoulmateReveal #LoveOdyssey #DiscoverLove #FatefulRomance #HeartCompass
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neobit · 6 months
Announcing the Neobit ValueDisc 25x Compilation!
tldr: tons of music coming out by this year or the next, might drop a few singles, shit might get crazy, trust me on this ok
hi im neo i make music, now that ive caught you up to speed, it's time to announce the UPCOMING neobit compilation "ValueDisc 25x" ! i know what you're saying. "neo, what the fuck does that mean?" it's pretty simple really. you see, i have 25 empty DVD-R discs, each having 4.3 gigabytes of space. my goal is to fill these up and once its done, dump their contents to bandcamp and to google drive(?), as i've decided to also include images and other funny shit
Neobit ValueDisc 25x Compilation is currently scheduled to come out in 2025. If I fill the discs BEFORE 2025, I will release a separate project under a new name... keep your eyes peeled, and watch the pixels in your screen closely, uh words words clever way to insert the names "Lovequest" and "D:D" into this post words words
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