#love questions
kissmemybby · 1 year
Sose feledd: ne konyorogj a minimumert, amikor masok keres nelkul a maximumot adjak neked
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consultjohnwatson · 4 months
Odd question but you know when you realise someone is 'the one' or realise that you love them or anything along those lines? Is it a moment that just hits you, or is it more of a culmination of moments that just fall into knowing? Or something else entirely?
Not an odd question at all. I believe there is no uniform or universal answer.
For me, it’s more the (sudden, heart wrecking) realisation that you cannot imagine or want a life without them. Infatuation may suddenly hit you, but the knowledge of love may take a while to rise from the subconscious to the consciousness.
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long-distance-love · 1 year
Let's all take a moment to appreciate our lovers. Reblog with something you love about your spouse/partner. 💕
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nymphet-in-blue · 8 months
Thanks for posting and sharing a little of yourself😍 🔥😍 my questions is do you enjoy chatting with strangers in person or online? And if you do start chatting with them don't they no longer become strangers🤔
You are very welcome. I love chatting in person and online .... My goal is that once I chat with strangers then we become friends and have some fun 😁🤭
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meganspoetry · 1 year
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' ... flowerdeep fields ... The beautiful dew is poured out -/ and roses bloom and frail -/ chervil and flowering sweetclover. -/ But she goes back and forth remembering -/ gentle Atthis and in longing -/ she bites her tender mind.'
The Flowerdeep Fields of this Sappho fragment, as featured in If Not, Winter
Wine-pink skies and dry eyes and murmured prayers to she who cannot hear me— pale petals and soft palms and all the other things that shall not last. This world is built for us: its things are constantly dying.
Now we sink into a crowd of flowers; knee-deep in them, wading as if we are in water. These girls, they weave and dance together, shining in the summer breeze as if they will last forever. Who would have thought, in these flowerdeep fields, that seasons must come to an end?
Pour out the dew— nectar ever-flowing, not drunk once, like wine. The signs say that these scraps will survive. Fledgling things, torn paper wings, but they are sturdy enough to stand alone. By bright winter berries, by sunrise, by sugar-sweet words about morning skies: the dew promises you that this song will always be known.
for an ask game: send me a 🏡 if you want a poem about a fictional place that your blog reminds me of 💕
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just-me-rin · 11 months
is it normal for people when they fall in love that they get totally obsessed over their crush and all this shit with not being able to imagine a live without them anymore etc or is this a mental illness thing and not normal?
i'm currently curious bc it's not the healthiest way to love when you become addicted but i just cannot imagine to love someone without this obsession and without these extreme feelings.
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wonderwall4everr · 1 year
Dear soulmate
Do you even exist?
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tinybitofhope · 8 months
(It’s time for obscure questions with Julie!) Are you sunlight, moonlight, or starlight? What’s your favorite article of clothing? Buttons, zippers, or velcro?
hi julie!!
i am so sunlight and moonlight and starlight coded its insane tbh
my favorite article of clothing to wear is probs a big oversized zip up sweater. my fave aesthetically pleasing one is probs skirt w leg warmers (thats two)
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thathalfflowerlily · 1 year
hello boyos
i have a serious problem and need guidance of my moon babies (you guys) or the universe
so this boy I’ve been seeing for a few months now dating feel more than we like eachother but are NOT ready to say the big 3 ily words, but feel like saying we like eachother isn’t enough and need a word that’s like inbetween!!! would appreciate any help or words possible even made up ones lmao 🎀🌙✨
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akayna · 4 months
2 lighter or matches?
I don't have much need for either, but I mean you can't go wrong with a lighter.
4 which cryptyd being do you believe in?
Most of em. Why not? Have a little fun. The stories come from somewhere, even if sometimes the actual origin is mundane, the rich lore is so great!
19 imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
Absolutely! I may not do a great job at it, because obviously I'll try to do something fancy and out of my depth because that's what you do when you do someone else's nails!
34 is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Hahahahahahaha. Oh so many. SO many. I don't even know where to start.
46 favorite holiday film?
Don't really have one. I'm hit or miss on whether I enjoy em on a given year.
Sorry for the delay in answering... As you know, I was deep in the video game fixation 😅
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long-distance-love · 11 months
Hello you two! Apologies if something similar has been asked in the past, but I would love your advice on how to continue feeling connected to your long distance partner when both people are going through times of stress.
My partner and I have been together for nearly 8 months (long distance the whole time, but we have been able to see each other quite regularly which has been a huge blessing). He’s based in California and I’m in New York, so it’s quite the distance while still being in the same continent. Currently, we’re both dealing with extremely stressful situations in our individual lives, so neither one of us is able to be as present for each other as usual. I completely understand that this does happen from time to time, but I’ve been struggling with a lack of connection. Do you have any advice on how to bring this up with him or on ways to remain connected even when we’re both struggling?
I love him so much, and I know he does too. I feel that what we have is really special, so I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work. But any advice would be majorly appreciated, and thank you in advance. <3
Hey Nonny,
Thank you so much for your question! 💕 Benny and I actually talked about this ask all morning as we had breakfast, it was a bit more on the difficult side because we had a new question for every bit of information you gave. Since the answer turned really long, I'll continue under the cut.
Our greatest debate sprouted around the following sentence of yours: "(...) but I've been struggling with a lack of connection." So this is where I'll start. You're asking for advice on a relationship issue, and yet you've used singular first person pronouns. Now this could have been a mistake, but you've said the same thing in the beginning too. So what we think the issue here is very simple - communication. Or a lack thereof. You need to tell your partner exactly what you've just told us, because he needs to know and you need to talk about it. If he loves you and doesn't want to lose you, he'll be more than happy to try and compromise to meet your needs better. Try to bring this up at the least stressful moment possible though, because when you're both at your worst, then the best way to connect in our experience is just to show up for each other (i.e. videocall) and distract each other.
Try being assertive. Do not point fingers. Tell your partner how you are feeling. For instance: "Lately I've been feeling a little alone because of our lack of communication. I don't blame you, because I know you're really stressed as well lately, but I'd like to feel closer to you. Do you think we could talk more?" (If your partner has an anxious attachment style or doesn't like conflict, reassure him immediately and tell him that you love him and you're not accusing him.)
Being transparent and open about both the comfortable and the uncomfortable things is a practice you might want to integrate into your relationship, as well as the practice of showing up for each other (i.e. reassurance of love, questions about their day and mood). I understand it's very difficult if you've fallen out of practice with this, because right now you're both in a rough patch, but if you can get into this habit now, then you'll always stay in it.
As for the things that stress you out, you need to work on them. You need to have a solution planned, even if it's a very long term solution. If you think it affects your relationship, you need to talk about it, and I cannot stress this enough. Having a plan in motion already alleviates some of the additional stress your problems have on your relationship (i.e. I didn't get better immediately when I started therapy, it took me half a year, but I was doing it and to some extent that mattered as well).
And as a bottom line, here's a little reminder. Communication is a two-way street. A relationship is a two-way street. You can never feel connected to someone unless they want you to feel connected to them.
We hope you'll both feel closer to each other soon. We can tell how much you love him, and we hope he loves you back just as much. 💕
- Benny & Danny
Benny's bonus observation: Why aren't you living together? You've been together for a relatively long time, you live in the same country, you're in love. Stress, and life in general is much more bearable when the one you love is right beside you. Maybe it's time to think about that as well.
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citou-ela · 2 years
Desde que você saiu da minha vida,me pego a pensar,no teu sorriso,no teu olhar,no teu falar,me perco em pensamentos e memórias que ficaram de algo que não ficou. Você me destruiu de uma forma que nem consigo explicar,mas não sai da minha vida,sempre está a aparecer,perguntar como está,como se eu fosse falar...
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kyd4rlings · 9 months
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are you?
- by @wearenotreallystrangers on ig
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meganspoetry · 1 year
(Hugs to you, your poetries are marvelous and wholly inspiring! 🤍)
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'There's a powerful magic when two hearts are one, a powerful magic bright as the Sun; goodness will triumph and evil's undone, when you dare to heed Love's call—'
Snow's Castle, from television show 'Once Upon a Time'
There will be bloodshed before there is beauty.
Tonight, I might have combed every gleaming petal, white and star-like, from your night-dark hair: but there will be no such peace; our story does not end there. We will have a new roof above us, tomorrow.
Because there must be bloodshed, before there is beauty. In fact, they say that's how you were born.
But we will build our new balconies, our new turrets and towers, and defend them with bright blades and open hearts; and although we both know how long a curse can hold, in the end they will not truly last. The time for love is coming, I promise; the evenings of which we have dreamt, of warmth and wishes, will come up with the new Sun.
for an ask game: send me a 🏡 if you want a poem about a fictional place that your blog reminds me of 💕
thank you! I hope you enjoy your poem 🤍
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bluewhole1 · 10 months
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