#loves making capes fav hobby
max-arioni · 5 months
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Just realized I've only ever posted about them outside of Tumblr GRAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
but ye is MY little pony oc, Matrie Rune!! :)
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dailycass-cain · 7 months
My 10 Favorite Batgirls covers
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You know something we never talk about much is some of the stunning covers Batgirls had (would you believe the series had over seventy-two different covers for a nineteen-issue run + Annual).
That's-- A LOT.
What happens when you get regular and virgin #1 covers that were available in other shops. Now these are my own preferences. I mean, to say the least, Batgirls covers never missed really. These are just my favs.
So are ten of my favorites plus a few honorable mentions.
Honorable Mention #1:
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Batgirls #16 International Women's Day Variant by Lynne Yoshi. I just love the way everyone is framed in this with Babs being "the Batgirl" but in a past B&W motif while Cass/Steph are the present Batgirls being juxtaposed in color.
Honorable Mention #2:
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Batgirls #12 90s variant by Paulina Ganucheau. I love the homage here the splashy page homage with a nice role reversal with Cass subbing for Tim here. My favorite Steph-centric cover.
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Batgirls #13 1:25 variant by Rian Gonzales. Her final one for the series, and man did she go out with a banger. Love the Powerpuff Girls homage with most of the supporting cast (Kyle, Maps, and Alyssa) with random Kon and Kate appearances.
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Batgirls #3 variant by Kim Jacinto. Jacinto would do a few variants for the series too, and this is my favorite one of them. Love that each had a fluidity with them but that up-close claw of Cass coming at ya is why this one is my favorite of Jacinto's Batgirls covers.
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Batgirls #1 the Glass Cabinet Hobbies variant by Dan Mora. This is one of those "store" exclusive variants, and probably my favorite Batgirls cover Mora did on the series.
I love the poses Cass/Steph have here, along with Bab's silhouette. I just LOVE the yellow dips down and to the right even making a rather striking cover. If anything negative I wish Babs was bigger and Dick was taken out of this cover altogether. Still love Bruce on the right though.
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#7 Batgirls #1 (though I forget which store had this exclusive) variant by Babs Tarr. If there's one thing I do enjoy about Burnside Batgirl it is the way Tarr drew Steph in it. Just captured that fun attitude perfectly. Also, love the first "official" drawing of her Cass.
I also love the homage to a famous Batman cover but the personalities of each Batgirl stand out in this one. Plus the pink just makes this one stand out and be so striking.
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Batgirls #14 variant 1:25 cover by Dan Hipp. Again, the pink is a nice striking contrast but Hipp one-ups it with the little details sprinkled throughout this cover. The easter eggs sprinkled in are PERFECTION here. Probably the best "layered" cover with so much behind it.
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#5 Batgirls #18 AAPI variant cover by Crystal Kung. The second of the two AAPI covers Cass got in the series, I love the colors in this one along with the pose Kung gives Cass here. There's that gremlin nature of Cass I love here.
Along with just the wash the background gets further back. I also love the secondary color Kung gives Cass's cape to make it stand out more.
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#4 Batgirls #17 cover by Jorge Corona. My favorite cover of the series with all three Batgirls in them. I love how Corona gets the personalities of the three in here while also the starry background along with the Clocktower. Sooo good.
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Batgirls #6 1:25 variant by Rian Gonzales. My favorite Gonzales cover of the series. I love the watercolors Gonzales does the most here. Just the wash of Gotham City in the background with Cass/Steph lying in the pool. Also Haley on the little batmobile float. SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!
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Batgirls #14 cover by Jorge Corona. The best issue of the entire series and the peak for me of Corona as well with his covers.
Just the somber mood of the cover sets the tone alone. I also LOVE the way Corona has Cass and Steph's capes here. The way each pop sells it all.
So if that's my #2, what can be my #1?
Well... something that just uplifts me anytime I look at it. Something you'd probably not truly expect.
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Batgirls #6 AAPI Heritage Month variant by Audrey Mok. There's just something every time that I look at this cover that fills me with a warm glee.
I adore Mok's use of Cass here and the way the traffic around her lights a part of her up. I adore the pose as well that mid-grapple swing too.
I love the "mini story" this one tells too. Just everything about this cover is perfection to me.
So there are my favorite Batgirls covers. This was tough! 😅What are your favorite Batgirls covers? Please share and comment on which ones are yours, or if you share the same as I do!
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neptunite-stars · 1 year
hello! i'm curious about your favorite dorms and your thoughts on heartslabyul too hehe
oh but a different question (if that's alright) would be what's your favorite fairytale? it doesn't have to be something that the twst characters are based on
gasp i thought youd never ask,,,
my favs are. obviously heartslabyul. i think their dynamics are so funky like. i alr explained riddle cater and deuce but i think trey is the absolute funniest. hes the "thank goodness, im the only normal person here" like trey. no ur not. one of your hobbies is brushing your teeth you are not normal and i mean that in the most loving way. i used to not like ace all that much (i still dont, not as much as the rest of his dorm lol) but hes got some good qualities about him! he and deuce are the only two that actually make an effort to save yuu in book 4 so. yeah
as for the dorm itself... im not sure if id be able to survive in that dorm or not! im pretty rule-driven myself but jeez... 810 rules... oomf i love the asymmetric design of the dorm its very alice in wonderland aesthetic!!!! i used to hate the dorm outfits but. they do be a lil funky. esp riddles. like yes king wear that long cape it looks so good on you!!! i also love sweets (most of the time) so the unbirthday parties are very :0c
oh ofc its ok to ask me other questions!!! hmmmm.... fairytales... tbh i need to read up on more because i dont remember a lot of them right now! alice in wonderland is all that comes to mind when thinking of titles, but theres this one that im thinking of but i dont remember what it was called? i think it had something to do with. dresses. sun/moon/star dresses. maybe. i have no clue where i found that. theres anotehr one thats maybe dealing with donkey skin??? it might be the same one but im gonna do some. research right now.
tysm for blessing my inbox ur so awesome <3 heartslabyul forever ehhe
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tasteofyourblood · 1 year
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
tagged by @lovingpoet (hi bestie! 💕💕)
what book are you currently reading?
just finished On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by ocean vuong last week!! and kinda started albert camus' The Plague (and by kinda i mean like.. 2 pages)
what do you usually wear?
love me a good oversized jacket, high waist wide pants, and currently layers of turtleneck & sweaters y'know how it is but the keyword to my style is Loose
how tall are you?
5'6 i think, average female height which is HATE, god i wish i was tall
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? 
aquarius & don't think so? (just googled, alicia keys that's interesting)
do you go by your name or a nickname?
nickname which started as like internet privacy thing but now it feels kinda weird even having irl ppl know my full name
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?  
HAH! i wanted to be a fashion designer so No but i am finally exploring clothesmaking as a hobby!!!!!!!!
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
good - languages & memorization. bad - planning aka impulsion (basically all the necessary precaution stuff for sewing & making clothes i Don't do and then suffer the consequences)
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? 
did a lot of glitter edits this year gkdfnfn and the first one i made for saw 2004 is still my fav 👌 exquisite (oh! also knit a cardigan, first even knit project! and started a dress project just last month)
dogs or cats?
cats, smth about cat content just Hits more than dog content for me.. Oh also!! my black cat Bean and the 4 stray cats that constantly visit my door now
what's something you would like to create content for?
i really really really wanna write a merlin fic someday, it's been on my mind for years but 1. i hate writing and 2. haven't had an idea that Sticks yet (ALSO WANNA MAKE A BEAUTIFUL BIG RED KNIGHT OF CAMELOT CAPE WITH THE DRAGON SIGIL AND ALL SOMEDAY)
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
not obsessed but just spent the last 2 months slowly binging seinfeld and just finished the finale this morning so (tis good 👍)
what's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
social event at work that turned out to be really awkward for me BUT! the 2nd one I went to ended up being a lot better :D
what’s a hidden talent of yours? 
words? idk i love long words so all that memorization during sat & gre studying i still remember And the word floccinaucinihilipilification that I learned from a child genius competition show probably back in 2014 or smth
what's something you wish to have at this moment? 
beautiful natural fiber fabric (preferably wool & linen AND LACE!) and all the knowledge of clothesmaking in all of history, PLEASE
tagging @inkmaze @mlentertainment @safodebuenosaires @eyeldritch @katealot @human-sweater-vest @lilmoonlad @meat-wentz and every other little molecule on this plane of existence 🪷🤙
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Stork Job
leverage 1.06
Joe: Where is he? What have you done with him?
Dana: Why haven't you returned our calls?
Joe: Did you think we'd just go away?
Dana: We’ve given you the money. What else do you want? (approaches Irena) What have you done with Luca?!
(thug grabs Dana and pushes her aside)
Joe: Dana!
(Joe goes to help Dana and is stopped by the thug. Joe punches the thug, who then beats him into the ground as Irena and Nicolas walk away. Thug leaves, and Dana crawls to his side)
yo can we take a moment to respect and love these parents??? like technically luca was just a kid they were going to adopt but these two were ready to THROW DOWN for him because even though they didn’t really know each other, he was going to be their kid if that’s the last thing they did
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Dana: $120,000. We had to take a second mortgage out on the house.
Nate: Well, we can get the money back.
Dana: We don't want the money. All we want is Luca.
Nate: Right. (looks at picture of Luca)
we love to see the clients being noble as hell
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Eliot: Are we seriously considering this, huh? Swiping a kid?
Nate: Yeah, well -- What happened to you?
Eliot (scrapes on his face): Well, how was I supposed to know it was a lesbian bar?
...I bet it was from something fucking stupid
eliot “distinctive” spencer would have known it was a lesbian bar
(edit: I heard that on the commentary for that episode CK got the injury from trying to play football while wearing cowboy boots and honestly what a chaotic fav)
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Eliot: How do we even know this kid is an orphan?
Parker: See him pocketing those cookies? He’s hoarding food. That bag on the table -- he keeps his essentials light and portable. He knows he's gonna be taken away at any moment. And there, when she goes to touch him, he flinches. He’s expecting… for her to... Trust me. He’s an orphan.
parker’s Tragic Backstory™ is about to be told in 40 minutes, let’s go
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Sophie: Hey, can we -- can we stop off in Paris on the way?
Nate: Uh... maybe on the way back.
Sophie: Cool
sophie loves paris and was so happy and excited im-
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Parker: Yes. And she's with someone.
Eliot: That’s never stopped me before
parker, rolling her eyes: bruh
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sophie being “princess magda of slovenia” rb if u agree
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Nate: You know, just hurry up.
Hardison: It’s not so fun working in the crappy command center, is it? No, see, you're usually off doing your European spy thing. Well, welcome to my world.
(Computer shows facial recognition program working on picture Eliot sent. Hardison offers Sophie a bottle of pop)
Hardison: Orangescu?
even in a foreign country hardison manages to get something akin to orange soda
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Sophie: Who was it? -- Dagmar from the car-rental place was a lovely girl, but listen, Irina’s a professional grifter. She's gonna see straight through your moves. She does this for a living. You know, gets people to like her and trust her, even to fall in love with her. She doesn't do this for sport.
Nate: Mm. Sounds like someone I know.
s a v a g e
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Nicolas: Beautiful name for a beautiful lady. Tell me, Hardison, what brings you to Serbia?
Hardison: Oh, do my fangs and cape frighten you
hardison being Done™ with a skeevy guy hitting on parker and making jokes to ease the tension 🥰
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parker says that sleeping is one of her hobbies and honestly bitch me too
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Parker: It’s amazing how far Serbia’s come, but the scars must still be there. I mean, all the families who suffered during the war.
Nicolas: Yes, but history always has its casualties.
Parker: Yes, but those families and those children.
Nicolas: It’s tragic, yes. But the strong, the smart, the... the beautiful, they survive.
(Joe, Dana and Luca on home move.)
Joe: Smile!
Dana: Smile.
(A young Parker swinging, cuts to Luca sitting in the car that will take him away, cuts to young Parker on a merry-go-round, cuts to Luca being driven away)
Woman: What’s wrong?
(a young Parker in a car holding her bunny, cuts to Nicolas driving the car that takes Luca away)
Nicolas: It’s time to go.
[American Embassy]
Nicolas: Not everyone is worth saving.
(Parker gropes behind her and grabs a fork from the table, stabbing Nicolas with it. Everyone in the room looks in their direction)
parker’s past is developed a lot in this episode and we love to see it + bby you can stab anyone you want
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parker fucking yeeting out the window is me after I do anything remotely embarrassing
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Eliot: I’m lucky to have you on such a short notice. (takes paper from man) Zhavaliti. Is that right? Zhavaliti? Thank you? See? Yeah? No? Welcome to the set.
Hardison: Fire in the hole!
(Hardison sets off explosion of flame behind them)
Eliot: Yeah, it's exciting, isn’t it?
Irena: yes.
Eliot: That guy's our special-effects guy. He ain't all there.
friendship means gently bullying each other
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Parker (sits down near prop truck): This is ridiculous.
Hardison (sits down next to her with fake gun): Tell me about it. We’re supposed to believe these are real?
Parker: This is what he expects me to do, fetch scripts and water?
Hardison: No, it's a trust thing. He just needs to know that you’re gonna go along with the game plan.
Parker: Yeah, yeah. I get it; we're a team.
Hardison: A little more than a team. I’m just saying
this was such a big episode for parker and her opening up to the team (hardison in specific)
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Hardison (picks up papers): Sophie, are you -- seriously, Sophie. It was supposed to be a two-page scene between Irina and a boy.
(Eliot grabs pages)
Sophie: That’s still the heart of it.
Eliot: "The heart of it"? There’s like 10 pages here! You have a stunt. You have special effects.
Parker: "Sister Magda crosses and gets a loaf of bread." Wait, who's sister Magda?
(Sophie rolls out dramatically wearing a nun’s costume while ethereal music is playing)
Hardison: Tell me you didn't see that coming.
(Eliot grabs the pages and walks away)
sophie: is dramatic
eliot: surprised pikachu face
hardison: ??? were you expecting something else
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Sophie: Listen. All right, look, look -- look at all this. This is my world, okay? You need -- you need someone to, I don't know, crawl through an air duct, you call Parker. Bash her head in - Eliot. Internet porn -- Hardison. If you need someone to take over a movie, then...
Nate: yes, an -- an actor. Right
sOpHiE bRuH
poor hardison, he never gets enough credit
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Nate: And... cut!
(everyone claps, Sophie sits up, smiling)
Eliot: She can't act.
Nate: She can act when it's an act.
Eliot (going to Sophie): Unbelievable.
Sophie Really?! Really?!
Eliot: Yeah, really. It was great.
eliot is such a supportive friend because literally his jaw dropped at her acting and literally the first thing he did when they said cut was rush over to her and compliment her
eliot is secretly a hype man disguised in many layers of gruff
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Hardison: Just take it slow until she leads you to Luca.
Parker: I can't believe they sent you to babysit me.
Hardison: I’m here on my own
hardison cares about her so quickly I’m soft
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parker’s haunted look and glassy eyes when she stumbles into the room with all the children? her heavy breathing? how she has to brace herself on a bed frame so that she doesn’t fall over? heartbreaking
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(van pulls to a stop and Parker and Hardison get out, Parker pacing nervously)
Parker: This isn't just an adoption scam.
Hardison: I know. I already called Nate.
Parker: These are arms dealers, and they're using the orphanage for cover.
Hardison: I already called Nate. Now, look, we can go over this with the others back at the hotel.
Parker: We have to bail.
Hardison: No. no, no, no. What about Luca and the others? We can't leave them like that.
Parker: Why not?
Hardison: You don't mean that.
Parker: You think this is the only crappy orphanage in this place? This is a country full of orphans, okay? We can't save them all.
Hardison: No, but we can save this one. Parker, we can -- we can save this one. Look, I know growing up was tough. I-I know that you -- you grew up in the system. It was -- it was bad. I know. It was, it was worse than bad, but that doesn't mean that all foster parents are monsters. Mine wasn't.
Parker: You grew up with your grandmother.
Hardison: We called her "nana," but she was our foster mom. She, uh... she -- she would cuss like a sailor. The old girl would tan your ass just as soon as look at you. But -- but she fed us, she bathed us, she put a roof over our head. And, oh, she would raise hell if you so much as looked at us crooked.
Parker: Yeah?
Hardison: Yeah.
Parker: Well, you were lucky. No. We’ll put these kids in the system, and odds are, they're gonna -- they're gonna... (trying not to cry) they're gonna turn out like me.
Hardison: I like how you turned out.
(Parker breathes hard, getting control of herself)
Hardison: Let’s go
this whole conversation was a lot meta wise but also this was one of the real defining moments in their relationship in s1. it’s also one of the first times parker starts to open up to the team for real, even if it’s only hardison
also, I personally will never get over the “I like how you turned out”
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Hardison: I ran humpty and dumpty through the usual databases. Chechen separatists. Seriously bad dudes.
(Eliot chuckles)
Hardison: After reading their bios, I don't think I’m ever gonna sleep again.
Eliot: Never tell a Chechen his sister has a nice smile. Trust me
eliot is an idiot
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Nate: Okay, let's go. (leads Luca forward)
Sophie (in Serbian): Everything’s going to be okay. Do you understand?
Eliot: Maybe this will help.
(Eliot leads Luca over to the Mortons)
Dana: Hi, Luca. Do you remember us?
(Luca smiles, Dana hugs him)
Dana: Thank you.
Joe: Thank you so much. Come on.
(The Mortons and Luca get in their car)
Eliot: I got to tell you, I had my doubts at first, this feels pretty good
and the eliot-being-soft-around-kids saga B E G I N S
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parker trying her best to translate but just making the kids giggle
“men will sadden you” same
and what gets the kids up and going? Haagen-Dazs
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fierce, determined parker beating up scumbags is my sexuality
parker isn’t violent a lot in terms of being anywhere close to the team’s fighter/hitter, but she fights so hard for the kids in this episode and it’s one of the only times we see her fight fight and that shows just how much she cares
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Parker: Shh, shh, be quiet, they have armed guards at that door.
(door bursts open and a man falls through. Eliot stands in the doorway, looking angry)
Sophie: No, they don't
her team always has her back, even if they’re angry at her trying to go at it alone
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parker spreading herself out to cover as much space as possible, bracing herself to get shot over and over with the hopes that at least none of the kids will im-
she’s so selfless sksjdnnsns
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eliot being all gruff that things happened the way they did but smiling at the exploding building because they did it and the kids were safe
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bonus: nate’s “anD CUT”
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Parker: Hey, how did you know I’d be at the orphanage?
Nate: Thank Hardison for that. (follows Eliot)
Hardison: You know you could have gotten killed. Did -- did you even have an exit strategy?
Parker: I didn't really think that far ahead.
Hardison: You don't work alone anymore. You know that, right?
Parker: I know.
Hardison: We're a team…?
Parker: We're a little more than a team.
this important conversation but also HARDISONS SMILE
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Parker: (gets on the van) Hey, Nate. I have to tell you something.
Nate: What is it?
Parker: We have to stop at Hagen Daaz.
Children: Hagen Daaz!!!
after all that they deserve like a billion pints of ice cream
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ikiruwill · 4 years
ok, but what does shinji actually think of his eva? personally, but also aesthetically
OHH omg?? 😭 thank you for asking this, amazing surprise!! mhajsjsj I ended up writing something verrrry long bc my brain kept throwing info at me, so now this a meta I guess rip
For Shinji’s personal thoughts / relationship with Unit-01, there’s extra long detail mainly of Ep1 bc of first impressions / context ( then I’ll try to summarize ). Insight into some tiny details like Shinji’s unspoken thoughts that were maybe missed:
Shinji’s early and personal impressions of Unit-01 is mostly fear if we’re summing things up. The very first scene with it is even a jump scare to emphasize that:
The frame is black, and then after the lights turn on, boom, this:
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A GIANT FACE WITH MONSTER EYES THAT GLOW YES I AM LOOKING DIRECTLY AT YOU NOW SON ( with bby framed right in the middle so you know how tiny he is in comparison / and narratively, that he’s also the subject of focus )
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.... can confirm scare. Plz no
Much fear. But even before this scene, it’s great to remember that Shinji is already terrified bc he saw Fourth Angel-kun AKA Sachiel wrecking havoc outside, understandably freaked out by its monster appearance / how it was shooting down military planes like they were pieces of paper. Shinji was also directly caught in that earlier crossfire and legit could’ve died just bc everything happening was too close for comfort until Misato finally shows up in her car to pick him up. Best uber But after that they get caught in a huge N2 mine explosion that hits Sachiel dead on but it comes out with barely a scratch / casually just regrows a head or something. Sachiel seems invincible to Shinji by this point and that fact already scares him— as it should.
But back to the Unit-01 scene: as far as Shinji can remember, he’s never seen an Eva or heard of one and he lets everyone know this once Gendo starts pressuring him to pilot it and do the thing to save the world right now plz or else everyone in city dead including Shinji-kun gg
Ofc to Shinji, it’s not a good feeling at all, he’s running through all the sudden facts : Unit-01 is manmade, looks powerful, and it’s supposed to protect us. It isn’t an Angel destroying the city and nonchalantly killing things of military force so there’s no need to hide and run from it— but it’s still alien to me and scary and now my impression of it is even worse because my estranged father and adult strangers are forcing me to get comfortable with it immediately to fight the ‘Angel’ I saw earlier. So I might die after all today.
Fear of death on top of feeling useless / cowardly / abandoned etc is a lot. Then injured Rei scene AKA Gendo’s master guilt tripping plan happens, and it works, but this is also where his impression of Unit-01 changes for the better : There’s a huge tremor, Rei falls off her stretcher, and giant debris is coming down from the ceiling right above her Shinji—
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Unit-01 moves on its own does a giant good thing
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So this part : It saved him? This robot that he’s only had bad feelings about so far? Shinji is confused af but now feels a strangely positive connection to Unit-01, one he probably can’t put into words, but it ultimately influences his decision on not to run away. bc now it finally feels like there’ll be at least something on his side if he agrees to do this— AKA Unit-01 is the literal “something that can protect / help him”, which we all know is a concept Shinji desperately wants and chases. In this terrifying mess, it’s encouraging to him. And then Shinji says the thing:
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Brave bby ( it’s nice to know that he ends up saving Rei again a few eps later, shamelessly serious and gallant / heroic Shinji is underrated don’t @ me )
Fast forward : after that he gets in, syncs perfectly with it, fights Sachiel but almost dies bc he missteps once, starts to panic, but mainly bc he’s never had any proper training prior gg NERV. Unit-01 goes berserk, violently kicks Sachiel’s ass, scares the living hell out of everyone watching etc.
At the end of Ep 2, after Shinji wakes up in the hospital and moves in with Misato, he remembers everything that night, traumatized:
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The blood has settled, an already freaked out Shinji turns to see Unit-01 without its cool sci-fi unicorn headplate thing that it shed earlier in battle:
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It’s once again looking straight at him. Oh no this is much scarier than the first time plz no I want the yellow sci-fi Spiderman mask eyes back
Then Shinji understandably screams his lungs out ( and that’s when he probably fell unconscious? ) So now he’s back to fearing Unit-01 bc his Eva is a beast of a robot, on top of now having PTSD from the fight with Sachiel. Unit-01 protected Shinji twice now by going berserk, sure, but it’s also extremely unknown and frightening to him after in ways he couldn’t have expected when he first saw it— the primal kind of fear. ( side note: Primal fear, primal wants, and primal feelings, primal anything in general are a big thematic thing in nge, so it really lingers and comes back even harder in eoe )
Finally for the rest of his personal thoughts on Unit-01, badly summarized bc this is already 2 fucking long thank you to whoever’s still reading LMAOO: Shinji eventually gets used to piloting and tries to push the existential fear of his Eva to the back of his mind, mostly. He always wonders what it is exactly, once admitting that he really doesn’t know anything about Evas while peering into his NERV manual episodes later ( bc NERV is weird about everything and he’s too scared anyone ask past a certain point, ect ). Shinji thinks his Eva smells / feels weirdly calming to him inside despite being scary, but only when his life isn’t in violent danger. Things only suck whenever Unit-01 goes berserk / he loses control somehow / when he finds out certain truths about it. Youknow
On his opinions about Unit-01 aesthetically, I don’t think Shinji has any preferences that make him go ‘YES I totally vibe with this neon genesis green and purple it’s so me’ or anything, he’s just not caught up in the awesome looking giant robot idea at all ( Unlike Kensuke and Asuka ). For example his reaction was just ‘huh? oh... ok. I see?’ at Asuka when they first met when she was showing off shiny and red Unit-02 to him ( which is cool and cooler with a cape ). If you tell Shinji his giant robot is awesome and that you’re in love with the purple paint job, other than demurely acknowledge your praise, he might try to thank you surface level, very awkwardly bc he can’t take credit for that ( also will 1000/10 think that you remind him of Kensuke depending on who’s more intense LOL )
Confused and serious, I guess that’s Shinji’s attitude towards Evas in general ( minus when he’s not freaking out mhajsja ) and it fits the rest of his mild / boring / unassuming personality— like Kaji and Kaworu both said to his face, he can be clueless about his own position as a pilot and how it affects everyone around him. Like the random girls in his class, lots of people think Shinji’s cool for what he gets to do but to him it’s just a thing he has to do, for the most part.
On a sadder note, makes sense bc the only time we see Shinji enjoying something as a hobby is when he’s playing the cello and smiling, even then he just downplays his talent when asked. I think he would be a lot more passionate about music if his circumstances were better. That probably contributes to why he doesn’t care much about Evas in an aesthetic way either. But I think eventually, he’d come to prefer his own Eva just because of how familiar it would look and feel to him, plus his past experiences with it. Many ones.
Unrelated bonus note!! It’s interesting that Unit-01 is the only Eva with a completely different colour scheme when compared to its respective pilot’s plugsuit— in this case, Shinji’s plugsuit being blue and white instead ( as a side note Unit-13 is also purple and green but Shinji and Kaworu’s plugsuits match this time ) But why purple huh? My guess is that aside from wanting the main character’s giant robot to also stand out bc it’s special and awesome, Yui also wears a purple shirt in one of the later episodes showing a long flashback. That screencap stuck with me, idk why. Purple shirt confirmed in nge holy shit mind blown LOL jk in all seriousness we can only speculate. Maybe Yui’s fav colour was purple and Gendo decided to pay tribute to that when they made the Evas. Whatever headcanon hurts us more!
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I was tagged by @youandthemountains!  thank you so much- i wanted to do it yesterday but i wasn’t home and was running out of data lol
Rules: Tag 10 people you would like to know better
Relationship Status: Single and nervous
Favorite colors: Bright yellows and deep/bright reds.  
Pets: im counting my aloe plant Aloeha, because it is alive and i love it.  other than that, no, unfortunately.  
last song i listened to:  Sound in Color by the Alabama Shakes.  I keep listening to it even though the visuals and the music makes me want to cry.  It’s just so beautiful.  
favorite tv show:  yikes. TGD.  3% was really good- also star wars:the clone wars.  Adventure time and Samurai Jack (I’m an artist I watch a lot of cartoons) Also, Star trek voyager for sure(even though i havent watched all of it lol) and probably a ton of other things im forgetting.  
First fandom:  Powerpuff girls!  i was a true connoisseur of all blossom centric stuff. Doctor Who was a big first for me as well (but i stopped because of the way people kept treating Martha, who surprise surprise, was my fave) and of course Young Jusice(Roy/Kaldur 4 life)
Hobbies:  Drawing!  Writing badly.  Making stupid comics. Designing tattoos i want to get.  using really bad & inconsistent grammar on the internet.
Favorite Book:  asoue.  Easily.  I read them in elementary school/middle, and got really well versed in the lore of it.  It was an experience.  I also really liked the Count of Monty Cristo for some reason
Worst thing I ever tasted/ate:  I had some eggs literally this morning that got me super sick, so probably that.  Also that time i drank 2 cups of straight vinegar because i thought it was orange juice.  to this day i don’t know why i was so convinced it was orange juice and didnt just stop when it clearly wasnt. 
Favorite place: This is tough, i have a lot of favorite places.  I once went to cape cod during this huge rainstorm, and there was this indoor pool in the hotel I was staying at with this huge window that I could see all the rain and stuff while i was swimming.  I also really liked the tunnels underneath this university i went to for a year(you were supposed to walk through them, i wasn’t just being weird).  The Caribbean is alsoreally nice and the water is so clear and blue.  The library in the town where I grew up is definitely a fav because the librarians would let me take out as many books as I wanted with no limits.  Also the ice cream shop across from my old project where my grandma used to take me.  There’s so much more, but im gonna stop here lol
I’m tagging the following wonderful people: 
@borednschooled @genderyikes @autisticjedis @antimana@dahlingplease @wonhai @honestly-how-do-you-art @fuckedupandsleepy @merrywetherweather @knightdragon713
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