#loving how bright it looks! ill be coloring the big tree in next time
fantabulouskilljoys · 2 years
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The results of a double feature of Battle Royale and Carrie lmao
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 5 months
Muzan with a demon that constantly changes to suit their needs (like if evolution was simple and easy to do). if they needed to get away very fast, they'll sprout wings and fly home. If they need to get something in the water they'll become scaley & fishy and breath water.
Seeing as Muzan hates change and has stated so... What if their s/o was like that?
Shape shifter
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Paring: Muzan x Demon!Gender neutral reader
Synopsis: Muzan hates your shape-shifting (to a certain extent because I wanna make it cute)
Content: reader is a shape-shifting demon, mean Muzan, some wholesome moments, soft muzan (a little), reader taking on/turning into animal like forms, my stupid humor, Muzan being a cat person.
Word count: 0.6♡
A/n: AHHH THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA OMG. I'm gonna write it in headcanons :3
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Muzan. Who hates your shape-shifting at random times. Muzan, you and gyokko heard there was a magic lake that healed humans without any medicated water. You heard the rumors, so it was your job to take Muzan and Gokko there. Muzan was about to order Gyokko to do a search drive in the lake but you, decided to take it upon yourself to dive in with the appearance of a half fish half woman, almost like a mermaid to start the search. "They're good!" Gyokko said and looked at Muzan, who's now shaking his head in filtration.
They watched you emerge from out of the water and swim back to Muzan. "I didn't find anything- AHHH!!" You screamed as Muzan began to throw salt on you, knowing full well how sea creatures react to salt. "Change back! Now!" Muzan said, and gyokko tried to stop Muzan, but he also got hit with salt as well.
Muzan. Who will take advantage of your useful blood demon when nessacary. Nakime fell ill, and Muzan needed to get somewhere quickly due to his busy schedule. When you heard your boyfriend master Muzan, needed to get somewhere quickly, the frist thing you decided to do was shape-shift yourself into a harpy. You flew, holding Muzan's arms with your claws and you looked down to see his grumpy/annoyed expression.
"That bird version of hantengu taught you how to do this, didn't he?" Muzan asked, and you nodded happy. "Yes, his name is Urogi," you said to Muzan, but he scoffed. "Yeah. You smell like him, too. Fucking disgusting" he said. You weren't paying attention and ended up crashing into the tree.
Muzan. Who needed you to catch a really fast slayer with yellow hair. The reason? Muzan couldn't stand the bright color, and so you got down on all fours, shape shifting to have the appearance of a cheetah. "When I said get him, I didn't mean like that!" Muzan shouted as you ran off and already stressed out with how stupid you look.
You stopped running and sat down exactly like a big cat. "So... should I turn into a car? I don't think I can do that," you said, bringing your paw to your chin to think meanwhile the yellow haired slayer had run away further. "GO FUCKING GET HIM" Muzan screamed.
Muzan. Who arrived at the main spot in the infinitely castle where upper moon meetings are held. "Oh wow! You really did it! Look at that Akaza-dono," Douma said. They hadn't noticed Muzan's arrival yet, and he raised his brow, moving a bit closer to see what Douma and Akaza were so invested in. Muzan noticed you used your blood demon art to shape shifts into a small cat.
He didn't even know you could ever do that, especially at this tiny size. "Mm. I didn't think you could do it. Good job, I love cats." Akaza was about to pet you when he realized his own hand had fallen to the ground next to you after being severed. "Huh?" Akaza and Douma said, relaxing that you were also gone. They look behind them and froze in fear.
"How dare you touch my significant other," Muzan said, his voice rough as he glares at Akaza and Douma. Before they could explain themselves, they heared loud purring sounds. "...Master. I think you've taken alike to one of your significant other appearances" Kokushibo leaned down to Muzan's height, snapping him out of it to realize his thumb was rubbing your cheek. When muzan realized what he was doing, he just dropped you.
"Idiotic is what it is.." he said angrily and walked away with you still as a cat following him. However, the upper 3 could see Muzan actually found this form cute since they got a glimpse of the blush on his cheeks.
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ratinayellowbandana · 9 months
Hound "baby boy" of Ill Omen for prompts!
first off, thank you for carrying this whole ship on your back. you are our strongest soldier and we appreciate you.
second, even more thanks for sending this my way! I hope this is something like what you had in mind!
if anyone else sees this and would like to toss a little prompt my way, feel free :)
wc: 934
cw: body horror…kind of? it’s just canonically what the good boy looks like
Imogen loves Laudna. She does. Quite a lot, in fact.
Because it is a fact. 
It may as well be written in stone. In the stars. Recorded on one of those dusty scrolls in elegant script and stuck on a shelf in some stuffy library for the next bored student who may happen across it and learn of two witches who saved the world.
Laudna, it must be noted, is a woman of many quirks. 
And Imogen, it must be noted, adores her for them. 
They are just as much a part of Laudna as the angle of her nose, the brightness in her eyes. As are her projects, macabre and scrounged as they often are, and so Imogen adores them, too. 
(If it takes her a moment to come around, Laudna must never know. Each new creation, presented to Imogen with all the glee of a child in a sweets shop, will only ever be met with enthusiasm. Laudna, she knows, has spent too long squirreling away the odd parts of herself. Imogen is determined to recover them.)
“Come here, darling,” Laudna calls, and the flesh-and-bone creature that scared the everloving fuck out of Imogen the first time he burst from his maker’s chest trots happily to her side, tongue lolling from a fleshless snout. 
The hound twines between Laudna’s legs, and she lifts her skirts to allow him through. He leans heavily against the inside of her knee, and Laudna beams. She bends at the waist to wrap the creature in spindly arms. His back arches, and Imogen can hear the vertebrae curving, clacking, as Laudna scratches behind his one intact ear. The ichor-tipped remnant of a tail begins to wag, shaking them both with the force of it.
He spots Imogen several paces away, and his green eyes glow, peering at her curiously.
Laudna has stopped her scritches, and the hound tilts his big head. Laudna looks up, meets Imogen’s fond gaze, and her lips split into a wide grin.
“Go on,” she pats the creature’s sides encouragingly, “say hello if you like.”
The hellhound bounds forward, released from his command. 
Imogen recalls the day he learned his tricks.
Laudna had found Imogen lounging beneath a copse of trees one afternoon, just as the sun was beginning to sink, casting the forest in dappled shades of orange and gold. The festering hound loped diligently at her heels. His paws colored the leaf-strewn ground iridescent black in their wake. 
“Look!” Laudna had said, chest puffed. She turned to her newest creation and pointed one finger. “You’ve been so obedient all afternoon. I’ll see about giving you something from my collection if your other mom approves of your skills. I should have a deer leg that will suit you nicely.” She contemplated for a moment. “Ready?” 
The hound stretched into a bow, muscle snapping over exposed bone, yawned, and shook. Drops of blood and ichor spattered the clearing, but Imogen hardly noticed, too caught up in Laudna’s casual statement. 
She had said it nonchalantly, as if she hadn’t just gifted Imogen something extraordinarily precious. As if Imogen’s senses hadn’t suddenly gone askew. As if she hadn’t just sent Imogen’s worldview slip-sliding into something new and dangerous and so welcome that it felt like a homecoming. Her mind spun until she was almost giddy with it. She wondered, then, how something said so simply could feel so significant. If Laudna understood what she had done. 
She had appointed Imogen the caretaker of a fragment of her soul. Of a creature that had been born of her, born from her. Crafted from the essence of her with whispered words and a desire to protect. 
“Imogen?” Laudna had said then, “Are you ready?”
And Imogen had glanced between Laudna and her hound, who sat on bleeding haunches and looked expectantly at his mother, and it was all she could do to swallow the creak in her throat.
“Let’s see what you can do.”
Now, as the hound nearly bowls her over, Imogen cannot find it within herself to be mad at him. Not even at the dark stains on her dress. They’ll come out with a prestidigitation or two. She knows from experience. 
She falls back in the grass and stares down twin emeralds. A broad tongue laps the side of her face, and she laughs, trying to dodge a cold, wet nose against her cheek. Her hands come up to cup the sides of his muzzle. 
“Hi, baby boy,” she coos. She rubs at his ears, and he presses harder into her palm, groaning loudly. She can feel the vibration in her chest.
Laudna scolds, “What have I said about knocking people over?” Her hands rest firmly on her hips. “Honestly, Imogen, you could at least discipline him. How will he learn?”
Imogen rolls her eyes, shrugs. “I’m the fun mom. He comes to me because he knows he can’t get away with anything when you’re around.”
Laudna huffs. “I’m sorry that I want our son to be civilized.” 
“Where’s the fun in that?” The hound flops to the ground, sprawling over Imogen’s outstretched legs, and she lets out an oomph of surprise. “Are you going to join us down here?” 
Laudna sighs and settles beside Imogen, resting her head on Imogen’s shoulder. She runs her hands over the creature’s exposed belly, avoiding the biggest of the perpetually oozing wounds. His jaw unhinges happily. His tail thumps a steady rhythm against her shin.
Imogen presses a kiss to the top of Laudna’s head, and Laudna relaxes into her.
A soft smile spreads across Imogen’s lips.
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@sicktember Prompt # 28: Missing Out
Title: Unforgettable
Fandom: N/A
Based on this post as well as an ask box prompt. The prompt: “I’m currently dying for something set in a big house (any period) and the young master of the house has a party to attend but he feels awful and is trying to hide it and be a good host but keeps having to sneak off to cough/sneeze. Until maybe one guest notices and that’s how he meets his future wife.”
A young heir attends a Christmas party with his childhood friend as his date. They find themselves in an interesting position when he falls ill.
CW: Vomiting. 
(Author's note: Never written this time period before, but I would like to again in the future! I really enjoyed this prompt. And yes these two are definitely in love and will be married someday.)
The year is 1927, and two young men are seated in the back corner of a jazz club in New England, talking little as they sit, enjoying the music. As the band finishes their opening set and prepares to take a break, the older of the two men takes a deep drag from his cigarette, then glances at his companion.
"All ready for your parents' big Christmas shindig next weekend, Jesse?" 
Jesse rolled his eyes and scoffed, tapping a cigarette of his own out of the pack. "Sure John, of course. It's such a thrill to be a captive audience as they get smoked and strut around peacocking for their friends. Highlight of my whole year, that. Masquerade Ball, my ass. What drivel."
John chuckled, reclining back in his chair and taking another drag. "You're expected to bring a dame too, yeah?"
"Naturally. It'd be too bad for the heir of the Hamilton fortune to attend without a looker, wouldn't it? Shame all the women in this town are abhorrent."
John shook his head with another chuckle. "That attitude is why you're a perpetual bachelor, hombre. But I have some news that may interest you. Did you know Miss Greenwood is back in town?"
Jesse's interest was piqued in spite of himself. "Lillian Greenwood is back?"
"The very same. Home from university for the holidays."
Jesse leaned back in his chair, trying to look unbothered. "So what if she is. What's it to me?"
"Well I dunno, only that you might like to invite her to the Masq’. If memory serves, you never found her particularly abhorrent."
"We were kids!"
"You were damn near inseparable. You don't *have* to do anything, Jess. But as your oldest friend, I'm asking you to think on it. You'd enjoy the party more if you had company, and I'm sure she'd like to see her old stomping grounds again. Just something to consider is all."
Jesse made no reply as the band resumed the stage just then, but he did indeed think on it very hard.
John's information was proven true only a day later. Jesse was just exiting a drugstore he frequented with a fresh carton of cigarettes when he caught the eye of Lillian Greenwood, who was just about to enter the same store, and looking very fetching in a blue fitted coat and hat. Both their eyes widened in surprise upon seeing each other, and for a moment they were speechless. 
"Jesse?" Lillian finally said, a slow grin spreading over her face, so familiar to him. "It's been at least an age!" She seized his hands in hers, reaching up on tiptoes to peck him on the cheek. "How are you? I've missed you!"
"Lil!" He wrapped her in a hug. "I've missed you too! What are you doing back in this dump, accomplished University woman that you are now? I'm surprised you didn't run in the opposite direction from here a long time ago."
"Well I haven't graduated yet, silly. And I couldn't miss another Christmas at home. I missed everyone here so much. Oh Jesse, it's so good to see you!" She hugged him fiercely again. "You must tell me everything you've been up to! Come inside while I shop before we freeze."
He willingly followed her back in, looking fondly at the soft brown hair brushing across her shoulders. He was so sick of the horrid bobs all the girls were wearing, and he loved that Lillian was still wearing hers longer.
He trailed her through the whole store, gamely answering the barrage of questions she directed at him, but mostly content to enjoy her familiar presence. Eventually she stopped short, turning to face him.
"Are you all right? You're very quiet. You've hardly said anything."
"I'm sorry. Just worn out I guess. Been working extra before the holidays."
"You are looking a bit peaky. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jabber your ear off."
"No it's fine, honest. I'm just happy to see you."
"Likewise." She gave his hand a little squeeze, accompanied by a warm smile. Knowing he wasn't going to get a better opportunity, he took a deep breath.
"Lilli, do you remember that big bash my parents host every year for Christmas?"
"Oh yes!" she said, her eyes lighting up in pleasure. "It was my favorite part of the holidays!" 
"No kidding? Well anyway, they still throw it. The last few years they changed it to a Masquerade Ball, but otherwise it's still just like it was. It's a week from Saturday. I know you just got into town and all, and maybe you already have plans… but what do you think about going with me as my date?"
Lillian's grin was immediate, and she clasped her hands together joyfully. "Oh Jess, I'd love that! Just like old times."
Jesse rubbed the back of his neck, attempting to smile. "Yeah, I guess. Same old dumb party. Like I said, if you're busy, don't worry about it. But you're welcome to come… if you want and all."
She looked confused and a little hurt at his abrupt backtracking. "Of course I want to come. I'll be there."
"Great. I better get going though. I'll call you in a few days to give you the details. It was great to see you, Lil." He pecked her on the cheek. "I'll see you around, kid."
He strode out of the store with hardly a backwards glance, leaving her shocked face in his wake. He hated himself for behaving that way, and he wasn't even sure why he did it. Perhaps it was because the "old times" she was referring to included the present he was stuck in, while she had clearly moved on. Perhaps it was the realization that he had resorted to asking his childhood best friend on a date rather than finding a real date to avoid the embarrassment of attending his parents' party unaccompanied. But whatever the reason, speaking to her had made him equal parts thrilled and miserable. Surprisingly, when he called her a few days later as promised, she again agreed to accompany him, despite his rude behavior in the drug store, and continued to insist she was excited for the party, despite his constant negativity towards it.
The Saturday before Christmas dawned bright and snowy, and the Hamilton estate was in an uproar all day with last-minute preparations. Every surface was bedecked for the holidays with ribbons and garlands and tinsel and wreaths and holly and candles. A Christmas tree stood in every room, making the whole house aromatic, each twinkling and topped with a star. When evening rolled in, so too did the guests, all as twinkling and bedecked as the house, filling every room in no time. The Masquerade Ball had begun.
Lillian arrived promptly. Jesse met her in the foyer. Even wearing a mask, she was easily recognizable. She looked stunning in a sparkling gown that accented her figure perfectly. Her eyes were a color that would be easier called unique than pretty, her nose a touch irregular, and her teeth a touch crooked, but Jesse had always found her beautiful. Yet he was in a foul temper, and had been the whole day, and seeing her gave him little pleasure. He noted she had pinned up her hair so it appeared “bobbed” like everyone else's, and even such a simple thing soured his mood further. Upon seeing her initially, he took her hand and kissed it, then gave a sarcastic bow. 
“Welcom, Lillian dear. It’s a pleasure to see you again,” he said, trying to keep his tone civil
She curtsied daintily, smiling warmly. “The pleasure is all mine. You look very dashing and alluring in that mask.”
He chucked coldly. “You’re looking spiffy yourself, kid. Well, shall we get on with it?” He offered her his arm, which she took, almost hesitantly.
“Are you all right?” she asked. “You seem… not yourself.”
“Fine and dandy. Ready to cut a rug and show a girl a good time. Let’s not keep the evening waiting.” He didn’t bother to keep the sarcasm out of his tone, but continued to tug her toward the dining room, albeit gently. She reluctantly followed, casting him worried glances. 
The young Master Hamilton performed his part admirably through the whole evening, however, donning the persona of the host as easily as he did his mask. He chatted and danced and flirted with the appropriate people, giving Lilli adequate attention as required as well. His mother must have been pleased, for the night was a smashing success, from the dinner to the dancing to the decor. Everyone was raving the whole evening about what a splendid party it was. The best one yet, everyone said, just as they said every year. 
Jesse, however, was utterly miserable. The bodies packing every room made him too warm, the lights were too bright, the music and din of talking made his head throb, the food smells turned his stomach, and the aroma of pine everywhere left him feeling on the verge of a sneeze all night, especially since his nose had been on the verge of dripping since he awoke. He could only nibble the rich supper. He was barely able to swallow even small sips of Christmas punch without feeling the urge to gag. 
In order to keep his sanity, whenever Lillian was occupied talking to someone and he wasn't otherwise engaged, he would duck into one of the unused side parlors. In this sanctuary, away from the lights and sounds and smells, he removed his mask and composed himself. He would first allow himself to sneeze unhindered, finally able to stop his incessant stifling and sniffling, each time surprising himself at how wet and messy and ill they sounded. Then, if he hadn't been gone too long, he would rest his face against the icy window pane, breathing slowly and deeply as a halo of condensation spread out from his hot forehead. Inevitably though, the time would come when he was forced to replace his mask and reenter the ball before he was missed. He counted down the hours desperately, willing himself to last until the end of the party.
The evening began to wind down, and Jesse found himself ducking away more and more frequently. His stomach was in knots and his nausea was gradually rising, so composure was getting harder to maintain. He always checked to ensure Lilli was involved in a conversation before he did so, however. Imagine his surprise then, when moments after he snuck into his sanctuary yet again, he heard the door open after him and Lillian appeared just as he had given over to a violent sneezing jag:
Hiihhh'GEHSSSH'ieeew! ESSSHH'yuuh! Hrrr'USH'IIEWW! Kuhh-hhiiih-ISSSHYUUH!"
"Bless you, Jesse! Heavens, that was a fit! Are you alright?" she asked, approaching him and removing her own mask. "Have you been sneezing like that all night? You keep disappearing."
He flashed the most winning smile he could muster even as he wiped the mess from his face. "I'm just ducky," he said, swallowing thickly as his stomach also decided to give a nasty lurch. "All the pine in the air gets me sneezing. Must be a bit allergic. Sorry for worrying you. Let's go back out before we're missed. I think I owe you a dance or two."
She ignored his rambling and came to stand directly in front of him with a searching look. She lifted a hand and brought the back of it to his sweaty forehead. She clucked softly.
"You're sick, aren't you? You're not feeling well at all."
The thin facade that was holding him together finally crumbled. He limply leaned against the wall, nodding mutely. 
"Why didn't you say something? You should be in bed. You look awful."
"I didn't want to spoil the evening," he mumbled. 
"Well we need to get you out of here. You look like you're about to collapse."
"I am about to collapse," he said ruefully.
"Come on then. No one will miss us anyway. Let's go up the servants' steps over here so we're not seen."
"I don't want you to miss out on the ball. You looked like you were having fun."
She caressed his cheek fondly. "I came here tonight to spend time with you. I'm not missing out on anything."
They shared a smile, his first genuine one of the night. Then she took him by the hand and led him expertly along the least conspicuous route to his bedroom. The pair of them had spent hours exploring every inch of this house from top to bottom as children, every cupboard, cranny, and corner. He hadn't forgotten those times, and clearly she hadn't either. 
It was strange bringing her back to his room. They had spent hours together here too during their growing-up years. He couldn't help but imagine it through her eyes--what was different, what was the same. He realized bitterly that the only thing that was really different was the lack of toys and games everywhere. His room was a reflection of his life--boring and stagnant.
If she was thinking along those lines, she gave no indication. Instead she led him to his bed with a hand at the small of his back, guiding him into a sitting position and helping him remove his jacket and tie. His shirt clung to his back with sweat, and heat rolled off of him in waves. The drier air up here made him begin to cough as soon as he sat, the sound hoarse and desperate. She made a sympathetic sound as she carded her fingers through his damp hair, then dug through his dresser, pulling out a set of his pajamas and tossing them over. 
"Make yourself more comfortable, and I'll do the same." She headed to his en suite bathroom. "I'll be right back. Try to relax, Jess." She gave him a little smile, which he attempted to return, a hand going to his sore stomach even as he did.
Once the bathroom door was closed behind her, he slowly changed into his pajama bottoms and managed to strip down to his undershirt. All at once, his stomach had had enough, and he knew he was going to vomit. With the bathroom occupied, the next available option was the balcony off of his room. He dashed outside to the railing, emptying the contents of his stomach onto the ground below, heaving until he had nothing left. As the spasms slowed, his vision began to go gray and wobbly. He sank to his knees weakly, unable to do anything else, clinging to the railing in the freezing cold, which at first felt pleasant on his fevered skin. 
He wasn't sure how long he knelt there, and it would have been even longer had Lillian not come out to find him. By the time she did, he was shivering so violently that his teeth rattled in his head. She was speaking to him, but he couldn't register what she was saying. Finally she pulled him bodily to his feet and helped him inside, her arm wrapped around his waist as she supported most of his weight. She again led him to his bed, making him lie down this time and bundling blankets over his icy cold skin while she sat at his side. His consciousness solidified and the world stopped spinning, and eventually he noticed that while she was still wearing her party dress, she had removed her makeup and unpinned her hair, looking more like her old self. The thought made him marginally warmer. 
"Let me go fetch some tea for you, and some medicine," she murmured, stroking his hair. She stood and tried to pull away, but he quickly grabbed her wrist, his grasp surprisingly strong. 
"Don't go," he rasped, choking back a cough. "I don't want tea or medicine. It'll only make me vomit again. Just stay."
"Stay…" she repeated. "Right. I suppose I could stay."
She went to pull a chair to his bedside, but he stopped her.
"No, come lie here with me."
"Jesse…" she began. "That's not--"
"Why shouldn't you? You were my date. It's what everyone is expecting anyway," he said, a glint of humor in his eye.
She laughed in spite of herself. "I suppose there is that." Against her better judgement, she crossed to the other side of his bed and slipped under the blankets, trying to be mindful of her dress as she got comfortable. He immediately rolled over and nestled against her, and she wrapped an arm around him and began to rub his back soothingly.
They passed the night exactly like that. He was exhausted and very ill, and was clearly miserable the whole night through. However, he refused to let her leave the bed to fetch him anything and only wanted to lie against her all night as he slipped in and out of sleep. She vaguely recalled him being the same way when they were young, but she certainly hadn't expected such behavior tonight. Then again, she hadn't expected to be sharing his bed either. 
He slept fitfully, his symptoms keeping him from true rest despite his weariness. Away from the pine trees his sneezing was less, but the congestion and coughing was worse. He was achy and nauseous and too hot or too cold. He also wanted to be touching her at all times, so she slept even less, for between his tossing and groaning and his sweltering fever heat, she could not get comfortable. Yet she knew he needed her this way tonight, and was glad to be able to help her oldest friend. 
The morning dawned gray and cold. Lillian lay awake still, while Jesse was at last sleeping beside her, his face tucked into her side. She was trying to decide how best to convince him to let her go home and change when an opportunity for escape presented itself in the form of his mother.
Lillian heard her well before she saw her, for her best shoes clattered loudly on the stairs, and her inebriated giggling and whispering was impossible to miss. It was almost certain she hadn't gone to bed after the party. Lillian quickly slipped out from under Jesse's arm and slid to the floor, ducking under the bed. Just because Jesse seemed to think she was expected to spend the night with him did not mean she wanted to be caught in it, especially by Mrs. Hamilton, regardless of what did or did not happen. 
Mrs. Hamilton attempted to be stealthy as she peeked into her son's room, but only his fever-induced slumber prevented him from waking. However, even while intoxicated, what they say about a mother's sense is true, for she apparently noted something amiss and crept closer to her son's bed. Lillian could only see her feet and legs, but she assumed she Mrs. Hamilton reached out to feel her son's forehead, for the elder woman made a little sound of dismay and began to shake him awake. 
"Jesse, you're burning up! Oh my, what happened? Are you sick? Did it start at the ball? How long have you not felt well? Oh you're so pale! And you're shivering! My poor baby! What can I do?..." It seemed she had no end of exclamations and questions. Lillian couldn't help but roll her eyes.
Meanwhile Jesse made sounds of waking, sounding very irritated and confused at first. He didn't realize what was happening initially, and Lillian heard him say her name more than once. Thankfully his mother did not notice over the sound of her own constant flow of verbalized concern. Eventually Jesse realized who was speaking to him and began to give appropriate answers, leaving Lillian out of most of it, which the young woman appreciated. 
Mrs. Hamilton didn't stop speaking the entire time she was in the room. Eventually though it became clear she intended to fetch a doctor, tea, medicine, and one hundred other things for her son's illness. Jesse spoke only as much as he had to, his voice weak and hoarse and congested. He did not argue with her about any of it, knowing it was futile. Finally the well-meaning woman left, still talking even as she shut the door behind herself. 
Lillian gingerly rolled out from under the bed, startling Jesse when she appeared beside him out of nowhere. However a grin split his face when their eyes met.
"I thought you left me without saying goodbye," he rasped. 
"Well now you see I haven't. I do need to leave now though, before your mother returns with an army of doctors and finds me here. I would also like to change my clothes at some point and freshen up. Perhaps take a bit of a nap."
He looked devastated at this, but perked up as she continued:
"I'll come back soon though, as a proper visitor. I don't fancy ducking under the bed whenever anyone comes up the stairs."
"All right," he sighed. "I'll be waiting for you, then." 
She approached him, pressing her lips to his hair as he hugged her fiercely. 
"Be well, Jess. I'll see you soon." She moved to the doorway, her eyes twinkling in a smile. "And thanks for a great night. That was a date I'll never forget."
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
The Girl at the Library Chapter 1
Short Fic - Levihan
Themes: College AU, Library, Fluff, Slow Burn, Falling in Love, Female Hange Zoe, Student!Levi
Word Count: 5730
Chapter: 1/3
Warning: Mild Language
Read on Ao3 - The Girl at the Library
Summary: Levi is a college student who needs help on his research paper. Luckily, Hange is a book worm and works at the library. 
Levi was stressed and annoyed, mainly because he was in college. Of course with college comes infinite amounts of homework assignments, 100-question exams with astronomical amounts of topics on them, unnecessary research papers, and staying in a dorm room with a kid that happens to have no problem inviting his friends over every night to hang out and party with no regards to his sullen roommate.
Levi had a paper coming up. He had to come up with a topic, find sources, and finish his paper by the end of the semester. With three weeks left to go, he decided he’d rather get it over with. He began his brainstorming in the study lounge at the center of his dormitory floor. He was starting to stress. He sat on the big yellow leather couch in the way-too-bright study lounge with his laptop in his lap. He tapped his pen against his head as he tried to think of an idea. 
“You have to write about a topic related to your major,” The professor explained. “This is the one and only paper you will have assigned this semester. I suggest you get it done as early as possible.”
If only it were that easy. He had the rubric pulled up in one tab, and a ton of “How to pick a research topic” websites in others. His major was pharmaceuticals, a field he was inspired to take on because of his mother. She was very ill when he was very young, so they were in and out of hospitals. He was sitting on the edge of his mother’s hospital bed when a nurse came in the room to administer her medications. 
“This is…” His memory was blurry. “This medication will help… and make you feel better.” And it did. 9 year old Levi was fascinated. This one little pill or bag of what looked like water helped his mother feel better. Within hours, his mother’s skin went from pallor to beige. Her hands were warmer. She looked more awake, more alive. She didn’t wince at Levi’s touch. She was in less pain. She got better, like the nurse predicted.
Since then, Levi always asked questions whenever they visited the hospitals again and again. “What kind of drug is that?” “What does it do?” “How long does it take to take effect?”
Levi recalled the memory with a deep sigh. He missed his mother. She was at home, not too far away. Levi never had the time to travel the hour through the big city to visit her. When he did have free time, he spent it studying or sleeping. He felt his heart twinge at this. She had sacrificed everything to help him attend college and to give him a good life.
Now with his head cloudy, he went to reach his water bottle in his backpack. He opened the lid and took a sip. At that moment, he could hear some obnoxiously loud students throwing tennis balls back and forth to each other. He recognized these kids too, they were some (of many) of the lovely visitors his roommate had over most nights. Suddenly in the blink of an eye, Levi’s water bottle spilled all over his laptop, a tennis ball on the floor next to him, and some worried voices approaching him. Within seconds, the laptop started to steam and the screen went black.
His laptop was fried, he determined. He felt heat start to rise inside of him. 
“Oh my god, man. I am so sorry,” One of the kids said, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“Yeah, man. We didn’t mean to.”
Levi took a deep breath and stood up. These kids… were gonna pay.
He closed his broken laptop and stood up. These kids were much taller than him, but looked to be easily intimidated by Levi’s presence. 
“Do you have the money to pay for this?” He sneered, getting very close to their faces. 
“Eh… no, but we have jobs! We can pay you back over time,” One of the kids trailed off. They seemed to be intimidated by the short man. “You live in 112 right?”
Levi nodded, his face heating up with anger. “This laptop cost me a lot of money.”
“We get it, man! We said we’re sorry,” the other kid explained. “We’ll pay you back or whatever.”
“Tch,” Levi clicked. He was extremely pissed. These kids should not be throwing balls at each other in the hallway. Also, they spilled his water which made a mess. “Which room are you both in?” They responded with 118. The one kid explained they get paid on the 15th and 30th of each month. Luckily, their pay day was 4 days away.
“I’ll stop by Tuesday, the 16th,” Levi decided, before gathering his things and heading to the stairs. He began to walk through the campus. Fuck, now where was he gonna go? How was he gonna find his topics? His computer was fucked. Putting it in rice wouldn’t have helped. He was so occupied having a debate with himself about where to research, he almost missed it. If he looked the other way or even blinked in that moment, he wouldn’t have seen it. It was the campus library. No, not the campus library, but a campus library. It blended into the surroundings, hidden from the passerbyers. There was a sign in the window “We’re Open!”. 
The library was small, to say the least. It was old fashioned, which contrasted the modern aesthetic of the university. It was a small, dark brown, wooden building with four-pane windows. The door was a lighter shade of brown. He decided it was easier to check out this little library instead of walking another 10 minutes to get to the main library. He didn’t have time to waste. He had to get started with his paper right away. He walked up to the door and opened it. When he did, a little bell rang at the doorway. 
“Just a minute!” A woman’s voice called from the back. Levi decided to wander around. There were many books crammed on the shelves. There were two computers on each side when he walked in. They looked out of place, considering they were very modern compared to the architecture of the library itself. The books were all shades of bright, vibrant colors. It was strange. From the outside, it seemed creepy and gloomy. Once he walked in, it was very cozy. The dark walls of the library contrasted the beautiful colors of the books.
Then, he saw the woman come out. She came up to the desk. He expected an elderly lady with her glasses on a chain, but he assumed this woman was a student. She was a young woman who wore thin oval glasses and her brown hair thrown up in a messy half-up-half-down ponytail. 
“Hi!” The woman said. “How can I help you?”
“I want to use a computer, please,” He announced. He glanced at her nametag which hung like a necklace around her neck. “Hange” was the name on the tag. It was strange and unordinary, but it had a nice ring to it. The name seemed to suit her.
“Sure! You are allowed up to two hours a day,” Hange explains. “You can choose whichever computer you’d like.”
The computers were unoccupied. In fact, the entire library seemed vacant except for him and the employee. 
“Does anyone actually come here?” Levi asked, setting his stuff down next to a desk, and looking her way. She looked like someone who would work at a library. 
The brunette chuckled. “You are my third visitor today!” She exclaimed proudly. It was already about 3pm. He remembered the sign in the front says “12pm-6pm weekdays”. 
Levi chuckled silently, air huffed out his nose. “How do you stay in business?”
“Well, the university thinks it’s good to have a small library in the outskirts of the campus so students have access to books and computers because the main campus library is in the center of the plaza. Sometimes we get about ten people a day, and sometimes they don’t even take anything out. Sometimes I wonder how…” She began to ramble now. She definitely has not had anyone else visit her today.
She was starting to get on his nerves. It’s been 20 minutes since he arrived, and she was still talking. He zoned out until she caught his attention.
“Hey,” She said. “What’s your name? I have to track whoever comes in to use the computers.” 
Why? No one else comes in. He noticed her clipboard with the sign-ins was blank.
“Levi Ackerman,” He announced. She scribbled his name down. “Okay, it’s 3:30 now, so you have till 5:30 if needed.” She pointed to the clock with her pen as she explained. He nodded and proceeded to walk towards the table with the computer he claimed. He sat down and began working.
He was an hour into his research when he finally threw his hands up in the air in frustration. He still couldn’t think of a topic. He groaned aloud.
Hange was leaning against the main desk, her nose stuck in a book. “How Trees Communicate” was the title. When she heard the young man groan, she looked up. 
“Is everything okay?” She asked, peering over her book at him.
“Yeah, yeah,” He mumbled. “Fine…”
Hange raised an eyebrow. She placed her bookmark at her spot, then strolled around the desk and walked over to him.
“What are you working on?” She asked, sitting in the seat next to him and put her hands on her knees, looking at him curiously. He scoffs. It was none of her business, he thought to himself. And it’s an invasion of privacy.
He was frustrated and desperate. Hoping for a miracle, he managed to tell her anyways.
 “I need a topic for my paper and I can’t think of any…” Levi began. “It needs to be based on pharmaceuticals, my major. It also needs scientific evidence to back up my research…”
She was fully absorbed in what he had to say. She was bored, so helping Levi would’ve been something to do at least. Besides, Levi was in luck. She was an avid reader, always reading about anything and everything. She was studying plants and botanicals, but she found herself frequently taking out books about cooking; religion; war; animals; and medical topics including surgery, pathophysiology, anatomy, and pharmaceuticals.
“What about how diuretics affect blood pressure?” Hange suggested. Levi was taken aback. His eyebrows furrowed, and he shook his head in confusion. “Or if anti-alzheimer drugs actually help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s? Why do you take different medications during certain stages of Alzheimer’s disease? Or how do anti-seizure medications work? That is something I ask myself all the time. You take this little pill and BOOM! You’ll be fine, no seizure! Oh, oh, oh! Or, how certain medications cause certain adverse effects? How come so many medications cause anxiety?” Her eyes started to light up as she talked. They were a dark brown, but when she started to talk, they seemed to morph to a captivating hazel. He felt he could see every color in her eyes. He saw brown and green and the little lines of her iris. Hange’s hands would move as she talked, and her smile grew wide. She couldn’t keep still. She was getting excited by coming up with all these ideas. She seemed so passionate and so willing to help; he was overwhelmed by her.
Levi was in shock. His day started off horrible. Now, he was almost glad his laptop was fucked. This woman was making his mind race with ideas. 
“Are you okay?” Hange asked for the second time within his visit there. Levi nodded slowly. “I am just… How do you know all that? Are you a med student?”
Hange chuckled and waved her hand at him. “No… I am a bookworm! Also, my mom is a nurse, so she used to teach me about nursing stuff all the time. Oh! You could write about the pathophysiology of anticholinergics! Or beta blockers! Or how the body reacts to the use of long-term steroids?”
Levi took a deep breath. He felt euphoric. He had been casually trying to think of topics since last week. All of a sudden, this woman can just ramble off hundreds of ideas? Levi smiled visibly.
“Actually… I really like the final topic you suggested. About steroids.” Levi admitted.
Hange smiled back at him. “Great! I can try to help you find some sources or books.” She directed him to open a new tab and to go to a certain database. “This is where you can find reliable sources. Over here,” She pointed to his screen at the left side. “You can add filters. You can change how old or new you’d like the sources to be, filter out certain words or phrases, et cetera.” She had been closer to him now; she scooted her chair closer so she could explain the database to him. It was hard not to look at her as she explained. She was captivating.
Levi began to type in words for his topic.
“Steroids”, “Long-term use”, “Cushing’s Disease”, “Addison’s Disease”, “Addisonian Crisis”, “Pathophysiology”.
He felt like he was finally getting somewhere. He was finally making progress.
As Levi was walking home, he couldn’t get his mind off that girl. He decided to brainstorm about his topic in his room once he got there. The thing was, though, he couldn’t think of any more ideas. He found it funny. Of course he was full of ideas and inspiration when he visited that library, but now he’s void of any.
Levi’s weekends were no different than the weekdays. He made it appoint to visit the library again the next day, Saturday. It was a sunny, cool Saturday morning. Levi had inspiration to write. He needed a computer and Hange’s ideas. When he arrived, it seemed busy. There were three other patrons at the library.  He recognized Hange right away, helping a tall blonde man with a big nose. He wondered if she was the only employee there. The man she was helping was taller than her, so she had to reach up on her toes to point to items. She was an average height, but this action made her seem shorter than she actually was.
Hange looked his way and greeted him with a toothy smile. Levi waved at her and started to head down one of the aisles of books. He was in the nonfiction section, but was lost. For now, he just casually browsed the section, but quickly got impatient. He needed Hange’s help to find books for this paper. He heard her laugh with the patron. Maybe he’s a friend, he thought to himself. Her laugh was airy and full of heart. It seemed genuine and passionate. Levi felt an urge to make her laugh, too.
She finally made her way over to him. Levi was looking down at a book when she caught his eye. “Hey, stranger!” She greeted him with a wave. “Whatcha looking for?” She placed her hands on her hips.
“I’m trying to find some sources for my paper. Steroids is the topic,” Levi explained.
“Oh, right. I remember! After you left last night, I tried to look for some books for your topic,” She said. She was trying to help me? Levi thought to himself.
She curled her finger in a “follow me” gesture and he did. She brought him to another aisle or two over from where they were. “These are the 600’s, where you’ll most likely find what you’re looking for. I found a book or two about Addison’s disease, but it’s more of a memoir. You can look around though if you’d like. Anything in the 610’s should be right up your alley.” She explained as if she was going to leave, but she didn’t. Hange looked for books with him. 
After a moment, she made a noise. “Look at this!” She exclaimed. She reached next to him to reach for a book. She was on her toes again. “Mmmm,” She moaned as she tried to reach. “Actually, I’m gonna get the step stool. I don’t think I can reach it.” Quickly, she left and came back with the stool. It looked unreliable, but Levi was sure he’d be able to prevent any accident from occurring. Hange placed it on the ground and stepped up on it, grabbing the book with ease. She stepped down with the book in her hand. This book had a white cover with a blue label and was titled “Coping with Prednisone”. Levi was surprised she even knew what prednisone was. 
“Here!” She reached it out for him to grab. He took it and looked at her face. She had that same look in her eyes. “Did you want to use the computer?” He nodded and she led him towards the front of the library. The library was small from the outside, but very deep inside. It reminded him of a forest. 
“I got your name, don’t worry,” She said, clicking her pen and writing his name down on the sheet. 
“Oops!” Hange made a quick grimace. “I added an ‘e’ at the end. I’ll just cross it out.” The statement sounded like it was addressed to herself rather than to anyone else. She crossed out the extra letter.
“Ackermane”. Levi was gonna attempt to make her laugh.
“If you thought I looked like a horse you could’ve just said so.” 
Mane, horse mane. Get it?
It felt like forever before Hange responded. She looked up at him, starting to laugh. It was a short but audible laugh. Her head nodded back and she smiled. Her cheeks turned pink and her eyes lit up for a moment. It made his heart skip a beat. It was a bad joke yet she still laughed. She chuckled. Giggled? No. Laughed lightly. Chortled? Maybe that’s the right word. Whatever it was, he wanted to do it more, maybe even more than that.
He followed her to the computers. The blonde guy she was helping earlier was on one computer. She led him to the two computers across from the other ones and sat down in the chair next to him.
“What are you doing?” Levi asked, placing the book she found for him on the table.
Her eyebrows raised, and after a moment she reacted. She waved her hands in front of her.
“I’m sorry! I thought you may have needed help. I should get back to work anyway. I gotta go through a new box of books that just came in.”
Levi looked up at her. Is she blushing? he asked himself.
“I’ll let you know if I need help.” Levi responded. She smiled at him before quickly walking away.
He started to find some evidence-based practice articles about how steroids can cause long-term side effects, especially if stopped abruptly. He made sure to keep the tabs available. He’d have to cite them later. Levi’s mind was racing with words and sentences and ideas. He had to get them down on paper. He opened Documents on the computer and started typing away.
The clicking of the keyboard soothed him. He was a pretty fast typer, he didn’t make many mistakes either. The library around him began to become quiet as his typing got louder and he got deeper in thought. Before he knew it, his two hours were up. He felt someone approach him from his right.
“Hey,” Hange said, gently tapping the table next to him. “It’s 2pm. I gotta close up.”
Levi snapped out of his focused trance with a quick head shake. “Right. Sorry.” He pulled out a flash drive from his backpack and plugged it into the computer. He transferred his document. “I got the first page done.”
Levi asked himself for a brief moment why he was sharing this information with someone he just met. Maybe since she helped him, he felt she should know.
“That’s great! It seemed like you were really focused,” Hange said, walking away to shut off some lights. Only then did he notice the white noise of the overhead lights quickly dissipate. The room buzzed with silence now. Levi and Hange were alone in the library. Suddenly, Levi felt nervous. He watched Hange walk around the room frantically, making sure to shut off all the lights and computers. She grabbed a bag. The bag was a fabric material with a patchwork design that had a long strap that hung on on her shoulder. Maybe she made it herself. She grabbed her big mess of keys and walked towards him.
“Ready?” She said. He nodded and walked outside, holding the door for her. She thanked him, locking the door behind her. They began to walk down the street slowly. 
“Want to grab lunch?” Hange asked, looking at him. Levi looked back at her. She looked pretty.
“Sure, I can eat.” Hange chuckled at that. He didn’t try, but it made her happy for a brief moment. He seemed nervous but she was too.
They decided to eat at a cute restaurant on campus called “Life in Paradis”. It was a small, dainty place with a green and yellow checkered awning. The building was made of yellow brick, and the door was bright green. There were flower pots outside on the windowsill. Again, this place seemed totally out of place in the modern aesthetic of the university. 
“This place is adorable!” Hange exclaimed. “I love the food here. You’ll love it too. They have all kinds of food here.” Levi felt a smile grow on his face. The way she talked made his heart flutter. She was always so passionate. They entered and got a table for two. This is not a date, Levi kept telling himself. Then why were his cheeks red?
They sat down and looked through a menu. Levi wasn’t extremely hungry even though he hadn’t had anything but tea this morning. He peered over his menu to look at the girl. Her hair was different today, he determined. Today all her hair was in a ponytail, and it was higher on her head. She wore a light yellow button-down with a long, light blue cardigan. Hange caught him staring at her and blushed.
“What would you two like to order?” The waitress asked him first.
“I’m gonna get a sandwich, I think,” He said, crossing his arms across his chest. “Turkey sub.” “I think I’m gonna get a chicken caesar salad,” Hange said. He nodded, grabbed the menus, and walked away.
Hange began to talk about how beautiful the flowers outside the restaurant were. They were all variants of pink, purple, yellow, and red. She described the petals and the leaves, the flowers’ origins, and all the meanings of the flowers. Levi wasn’t annoyed by her tangent this time. He actively listened to this girl talk about what fascinated her so much. He found it soothing. It made him wonder how her brain can contain all the information she was spewing at him. He enjoyed watching the way her eyes lit up when she talked. The beautiful green that blossomed at the bottom of her irises when the light hit her eyes at the right angle. The way her lips curled into a big smile when she talked to him. Her cheeks flush to a light pink when she describes the petals of the flowers or how flowers were used to express feelings when words cannot. It made his heart race. 
“Levi,” Hange said. Her affect was the opposite of earlier when she was rambling. She wore a frown on her face, feeling guilty.“I’ve been rambling… sorry. It’s such a bad habit of mine. I can talk for hours and hours.”
“Don’t apologize, four-eyes,” Levi replied, leaning his elbows and forearms on the table in a crossed position. Hange smiled at him. Levi meant it. She shouldn’t apologize for talking, especially if it’s about something she loves. The food had arrived at the table. They ate. Levi felt the need to open up to her about something. He already learned so much about her, and her presence made him feel like he can open up. 
“I like to run,” Levi said abruptly. Hange looked at him intently, chewing on a forkful of salad. “I don’t do it competitively or anything, but I enjoy running. I try to run once or twice a day.” Hange’s eyebrows raised and she nodded in agreement.
“That’s awesome!” She smiled again at him. “I like to run too. I’m really slow and get tired easily, but I enjoy feeling the wind in my hair and feeling my heart pound.” She took a bite of her meal again. Levi nodded and began to eat too. This sandwich was really good.
After talking some more about hobbies and school, they both finished their meal. The waiter brought over the check. Hange reached into her pocket for her wallet.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Levi asked. Hange furrowed her brows.
“I invited you out to lunch. I will pay,” Hange determined, her wallet now in her hands.
“No,” Levi said too quickly. “I will pay. It’s the least I can do. You helped me with my paper after all.”
The bickering lasted a very long minute. Before she got to think of the idea, Levi grabbed the checkbook and shoved his card inside before handing it to the waiter. Hange looked surprised. She sighed, putting her wallet away.
“Thank you, Levi. But you really didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.”
In all honesty, Hange didn’t have much money. She worked at that library four times a week, but the money she made went towards paying off her tuition. She really wanted to treat this man, her new friend. She wasn’t sure if he thought the same way about her. Did he consider her his friend? She felt slightly embarrassed. She did most of the talking and felt like she was annoying him. Maybe he just wanted to pay so she would lay off. 
But the truth is, Levi felt the opposite way of how she was thinking. He was interested to hear more from her. He was addicted to the way his heart raced when he saw her. 
Over the next couple of days, Levi would go to that library whenever he was available. He knew it was closed on Sunday, so he went Monday and Tuesday to the library. Fortunately, he got his first batch of money from the brats that fried his computer. He received $100. Of course it was not enough, but it was a start. Wednesday the 17th came around. This specific day was a wild card. The weather was unpredictable. Levi entered the library just in time; it had started to downpour. The little bell rang as he entered the library. To his surprise, Hange was not working that day. There was a boy behind the counter who was tall and had a brown bowl cut hairstyle.  He almost thought about turning around and leaving when he realized she wasn’t there. The rain charged towards the earth viciously, so he decided to seek shelter in the small library. It almost looked like a hurricane. He felt his mood change into a bad one. He didn’t remember to ask how often she worked. 
“Hi there!” The man said. His name tag read “Moblit”. That’s a dumb name.
“I wanna use a computer,” Levi muttered, walking up to the main desk.
“Okay. Name?” Moblit grabbed the clipboard and a pen.
“Levi Ackerman.”
“Oh, I see you’ve been here before. A lot, actually.” Levi scoffed and rolled his eyes at his comment. He turned around, picked a computer, and sat down. He felt really stupid to not ask her about her schedule.
The two hours he spent working on his paper was incredibly slow. He didn’t get much done that day. He had writer’s block. He was almost done, so he didn’t worry about it too much. He didn’t know Hange’s schedule. He knew she worked Friday, the day they met; Saturday; Monday, and Tuesday. Maybe she only worked four times a week? Before he knew it, he asked Moblit aloud. It was almost an accident.
“Uh, she’ll be in on Friday,” Moblit replied. He probably couldn’t give out that information to some creep who began visiting daily with an attitude. He muttered a “thanks” before finishing up and heading out. The weather was holding up for now, so he decided to make a run for it. He didn’t say goodbye to Moblit.
He didn’t have an umbrella. The sun was trying to shine through the dark, eerie clouds. It wasn’t trying hard enough. He heard thunder rumbling in the distance.
Levi realized that this girl was all he thought about the past few days. Something about her enticed him. Something about her eyes and her presence drew him towards her. His heart skipped a beat whenever she’d graze his hand on accident, or even when she just talked to him. She made him happy. He hadn’t had too many friends in college. Although they just met last week, he felt a deep connection with her.��
Suddenly, the sun poked through the clouds for a brief moment. The world lit up. It was at that moment he recognized a familiar face. Hange. She was walking towards him. She grinned when she saw him. She wore a fitted black t-shirt and baggy, light blue jeans. 
“Levi!” She exclaimed. “I forgot my jacket in the library, so I came down to get it.” 
“You didn’t tell me you weren’t working today.” Is all Levi said. Once he said it, he realized how creepy it must’ve sounded. A man she just met happens to go to this library to work on his project every day, who happens to come up with multiple reasons to interact with her. Maybe she thought he was a perv.
“Ehh!” She sighed. “I’m sorry! I thought I told you I was off today.” Levi shook his head. The comment itself may have sounded rude, but it wasn’t. She genuinely felt bad. “Walk with me.” Levi followed. Guess not.
“I don’t work Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. Well I’m not supposed to be,” Hange explained. “Mobilt, one of my co-workers, is always calling out sick. So I basically run the place.” They walked towards the library again and entered. 
“Hey, Moblit. How’s it going?” Hange said in a normal tone, heading towards the back of the library. Moblit responded briefly, following Hange. Levi decided to hang back, he figured it was a secure area. He looked around awkwardly.
“Hange, you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” Moblit said, following her towards the back. 
Hange chuckled nervously. “He’s not my boyfriend,” she said bluntly. “He’s just a friend.” Moblit scoffed, rolling his eyes. “If he’s not your boyfriend, how come his mood entirely changed once he saw you?”
Hange found her jacket, folding it over her forearm. “Huh?”
“He was, like, in a bad mood when he came in. He used the computer but he seemed to be pissed or something. Now that he’s with you, he seems… tolerable.”
Hange laughed, feeling her cheeks blush. “It’s nothing like that. People have bad days, you know.”
Hange rolled her eyes and smirked, then headed towards the front of the library. “Ready?” Levi nodded and turned around.
“See you Friday,” Moblit called out. “See ya.” Hange replied.
The two started walking down the street. The air smelt of rain, and the ground was wet from the rain earlier. “Which building is your dorm in?” Hange asked. He was a bit surprised she asked him that, and she was so direct about it.
“Saint Maria,” He replied. She smiled. “Me too! I can’t believe I haven’t seen you around!” The wind picked up and the sky turned darker than before. They both looked up. “If you can’t make it to the library, you can use my desktop in my dorm room,” Hange offered. Levi’s cheeks turned bright red. 
“Thanks, maybe tomorrow I can stop by,” Levi said. It was more of him thinking aloud than a statement. It was too late though, Hange already heard him. He could’ve sworn he didn’t say it aloud.
“That’s fine! I only have a class early tomorrow morning. Come by around 11, okay? My room number is 506.” Levi nodded. Thunder rolled and sounded closer now. They were almost at the dormitory building when it started to downpour. The rain was forcefully coming down on the two. Levi groaned in annoyance. He hated being in the rain. He hated being wet; he hated the wet socks and how gross he felt when it rained. He would’ve started to run to the building to seek cover, but he was taken aback by his new friend.
She was soaked and embracing it. She lifted her head up to face the sky and she laughed. It was loud, happy, genuine, and it took Levi’s breath away. Hange reached her hands out wide and spun around. He saw a strike of lightning light up the sky. He stared at her in awe. His heart swelled. Levi smiled big. After laughing, Hange looked at Levi and shared the look that he wore just a few moments ago. She loved his smile. She wished to make him smile more. She was also determined to make him laugh, too.
She grabbed his hand. “Let’s take cover!” And she pulled him into the dormitory hall. Saint Maria’s hall was beautiful. It had ceiling-to-floor glass pane windows that were always crystal clear. There was a big black modern chandelier that hung from the ceiling. It contained visible light bulbs. Hange secretly loved it. There were the same big, yellow, leather couches in the living room as there were in the study area on his floor. They both wiped their feet off on the big rug in the entryway. 
“I love the rain,” Hange deduced, turning her head to look at him. As if Levi couldn’t tell. Her hand was still holding his. Levi looked up at her. “I like it, too.”
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mudhornchronicles · 3 years
festivals | din djarin 
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pairing: din djarin x reader; din djarin x military!reader; din djarin x general!reader
warnings: remembering of aq vetina, mentions of war
a/n: i’m back ya’ll. school really messed me up ANYWAYS we back with another dinny fic. the festival idea came from my own culture in Mexico with a celebration called Danza de los Viejitos! 
Spring on your planet was the time of a cycle where your planet gets the most visitors. You would know… you had to authorize every single ship that came into the atmosphere. You sat in the control center every day for the past 9 rotations authorizing ship after ship – making sure none of them came to cause trouble. Your planet could not take a hit like that anymore.
But it was finally the day.
Pink and purple skies, green leaves, and warm winds created the perfect day to hold the celebration of your culture’s history – the day your people escaped imprisonment and a life or servitude.
In 19 BBY, your planet was invaded by Gamorian raiders and the elders fought them off. Civilians and military, all passed 40 years old, stayed behind while they forced everyone younger on escape ships. They wanted to “protect the able ones from extinction.” Your father stayed behind, a 38-year-old general in the emperor’s army, stayed behind as your mother your two brothers, ages 12 and 16, and a 5-year-old you were loaded onto the ship, leaving your father behind to fight for his people.
When the fight was over, he became this planet’s emperor after Emperor Molur became ill and unable to rule.
That same year, a few civilians claiming to be from an attacked settlement named Aq Vetina entered the atmosphere. Your father couldn’t turn them away as he saw “fear and a cry for help” look in their eyes. He knew that look. He lived it. It hurt him when he saw a group of dirty, shaking individuals in need of help with nothing but the clothing on their backs. Their red robes and frightened demeanor became engrained in your mind and as you saw safer days, so did they.
Your father painted visual minds of how the elders, 60-year-olds, fought off the raiders with the skill set they once knew in their youth. The determination they had to fight for their planet was motivating and drove you to also protect your planet they way they did for you. That was when you decided to serve. You trained day and night all throughout your youth and into adulthood. When your father, or your emperor you should say, deemed you well, you entered the military along with your siblings.
Your eldest brother left the planet when he met his partner. He wanted to see what the galaxy and so he went. Your other brother left the military to pursue education. He loved children and took advantage of his patience and knowledge. You remained.
You worked and worked as you climbed the ranks. You wanted to earn your position and so you did. Your peers were elated for you and served well under you. You knew every soldier in the force by name and up to their grandparents. You loved your planet and everyone in it even if they weren’t born there.
Your father deemed this day in remembrance of those who gave the planet’s inhibitants the right to remain happy on this planet and celebrate their lives. He decided that spring would be the best season as the brightest colors came to light.
A tradition this festival had was a performance by civilians wearing an elder-resembling mask and clothing too big and dated to be their own. These masks were decorated in white rope hair, wrinkles, and big smiles. These civilians would wear these to bring their elders alive for one night. They would dance through the street as watchers threw flowers and cheered them on. It never failed to put a smile on your face.
This was a tradition ever since and now, in 19 ABY, it was bigger than ever. Every species you can possibly think of has been present at some point, but you have never seen a Mandalorian enter your planet.
That is until today.
“Identify yourself, Razor Crest,” you hear the private ask.
What in the Maker is a Razor Crest doing here?
“This is Razor Crest requesting to land.”
You roll your eyes. Yeah, no shit, you thought.
You gesture the private to hold. You walk over and hold down the button on the comm.
“What is your business here, Razor Crest.”
“The festival. Should there be another reason?” a gruff voice answers.
You tilt your head. Why do I have a bad feeling?
“Stage 91 is clear to land. Over.”
“Stage 91. Heard.”
You allow the private to move on to the next ship in line. You take a deep breath in and decide its best to quiet this questioning voice in your head. You’ll just see for yourself, you said to yourself.
“Are the Sergeants on the field?” You ask the private.
“Yes, General. All 12 Sergeants and 38 Captains are out in the field making their rounds.”
You nod. “Very well.” You look over your shoulder and look at the other privates on the datapads. “Private Lukis,” you call out.
The poor young man, no more than 21, quickly stands, dropping items from the desk, and salutes. “Yes, General. Private Lukis at your attention.”
You stifle a laugh, and you shake your head in disbelief. “Private. I understand you’re new, but I’ve told you numerous times that you simply answer with yes, General. None of that is needed okay, son?”
Still saluting, he replies with, “Yes, General.”
“Put your hand down, son, and call a land speeder for me.”
He quickly nods his head, gives a yes general and proceeds to call in for a speeder.
As you go to walk towards the door, you look over to him and call for him again. He looks at you, saying yet another yes general and smiles. “You’re doing great, Private. I’m appreciative of your aid in the force.”
“Thank you, General.” He exclaims, his face turning red. “I am happy to be here.”
With that you left to go see this Razor Crest.
You waited as you saw the ramp go down with a hiss. You stand at attention with a Sergeant to your right and a Captain to your left.
Your eyes widen at the glimpse of beskar and take a deep breath. You slowly exhale as the broad warrior makes his way down.
“Is this how you greet all of your guests?” he dryly says.
“For the guests we find unsual, yes. What’s your business here, Mandalorian?” you sternly ask.
“Heard there was a festival.”
You simply nod.
“Am I allowed to be here?”
You remain looking at the warrior as you command the other officials to move on.
“I take it you brought more guests on that ancient craft of yours?”
“Just me.”
You take a couple of steps towards him. He doesn’t flinch.
“I’ve never seen a Mandalorian on this planet before. You leave your clan somewhere else?”
“How unfortunate. They would have loved the festival. Do you enjoy dancing, warrior?”
You let out a single chuckle. “By the end of the night, you will. Enjoy the festival, Mandalorian. I suggest you have plenty of credits on hand… with the treats they sell, you’ll want to buy some for the trip.”
“Thank you, General.”
You bid farewell and walk towards your landspeeder. You look back at the warrior and notice he’s still looking at you. “How did you know I was a general?”
“Your confidence. It would be a waste for you not to be.”
You smirk at this. “And the stars on your lapel give it away,” he continues.
You look at your embroidered stars and smile. “Good eye, Mandalorian.” He nods in appreciation as you hop on the land speeder.
“I’ll see you around, warrior.”
“I’m sure,” he says.
You ask the droid to be taken to the palace. You have to get ready too.
Bright colors flow as you walk the streets of the festival. Paper decorations and string lights go from streetlight to streetlight and the sound of laughing children sing songs to your ears. You walk with your father as you both greet anyone who comes in your way. Your father, dressed in an intricate silk number with florals and bright colors, is the embodiment of happiness. His smile is even brighter than the jewelry he wears. You, having gone with a black number with an embroidered masterpiece of bright colored patterns, take in the sight of it all.
As you continue on, you spot a glimmer of silver in the corner of your eye. You turn your head and spot the Mandalorian from earlier, leaning against a tree. You offer a small wave and he returns a nod.
“I want eyes on my father at all times while I’m gone, do you understand?” you speak into the commlink.
“Yes, General. Delta and Sierra on him,” your captain replies.
You excuse yourself from your father’s side and receive a kiss your hand as he smiles at you. You can be the most frightening general in the galaxy, but you are never too tough for a kiss from your father.
You walk towards the Mandalorian and spot the wooden trinket in his hands. “I see you found Mister Ferin’s stand. His work is stunning, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” he replies. He sounds much different than earlier today. Is he upset?
“I must admit I have many of his trinkets. He made me a carousel when I was young and I still cherish it everyday.”
“He’s very talented.”
You look at the Mandalorian and are met with your reflection in his visor. “Would you like to walk with me, warrior?”
He pushes himself off the trunk of the tree. “Very well. Lead the way.”
And so you do.
You showed him your favorite drink stand and even convinced him to try one. He refused to take off his helmet, so you improvised. You connected two straws so it would slide under his helmet.
It worked.
You showed him the dance of the elders. He paid attention to every detail of it. He asked about the history, the significance of the colors, and even the music. You felt comfortable. You were more than happy to talk about and when he asked for specifics, your heart fluttered.
How was this beskar-clad stranger so much more interested in the history than anyone you have ever met? Everyone else came for the parties, but he wanted to learn.
He came to learn.
You walked some more as he drank from his two-straw drink. He asked to stop by again and you happily agreed. You got to know him too. You had learned that he had a son – a foundling, he said. You knew he was taken in by Mandalorians and you knew about the events of the last couple of rotations. His stride was confident and was openly speaking to you as if you were best friends the whole time, but then he stopped abruptly. You looked over at him.
“Mando? You okay?”
His visor stayed fixed at the view in front of you.
That’s when you saw it.
He became vulnerable.
His stance turned frail, and his chest began to heave. You looked over and spot an elderly couple sitting on a bench in their red robes, taking in the scene of the festival.
You asked again. “Mandalorian, what did you see?”
“Where did they get those robes?” He gruffed out. There was no emotion behind the question. It felt as if he wasn’t there anymore.
“I… They’ve always had them. That’s what they came here with.”
“Came from where?” He turned to you.
“Their settlement. It was a long time ago. Remember when I said our planet got attacked? So did theirs, except… not many survived from their settlement.”
He stomped over to the couple and you hurried after him. He stopped in front of the couple.
“Where did you get those robes. Where are you from?”
The woman gasped at the Mandalorian, but the man remained still. He eyed the warrior before him.
“What’s it to you, bucket?”
You quickly answer. “I’m so sorry to alarm you, Mister and Missus Pescur.”
“What settlement did you come from?” The Mandalorian asked, more softly now. “I- I know these robes.”
“I doubt it,” the elderly man says. “We were not Mandalorians. Just peaceful civilians who were attacked.”
“You are from Aq Vetina.”
“So what?”
“I… I was born on Aq Vetina. My mother and father were killed in the attack and I was taken in by the Mandalorians. I- I didn’t… I didn’t know there were any survivors.”
“Yeah? Well, you know now, bucket. We have lived peacefully on this planet so do not go around running that rusted helmet about it. The Emperor and the General have kept us safe. You mess that up, I’ll hunt you down myself.”
“Mister Pescur, I assure you this warrior means no harm. He is my guest.”
His wife stands and looks at the Mandalorian. “You are from Aq Vetina?”
He sighs. “Yes.”
Her frail hand slowly reaches for him. He eases his body’s tension and allows Mrs. Pescur to pat the back of his gloved hand. “You’ve seen many things in your life, haven’t you son?”
“Yes,” he chokes out.
“You needn’t be so rude!” She says slapping her husband’s knee. “This poor young man was blind sighted! Apologize!”
Mando chuckles, shaking his helmet side to side. “I should be apologizing.”
Mr. Pescur stands in front of Mando as he sizes him up. “Prove it.”
“Prove what?”
“Prove to me you are one of us,” he says. “I’ll apologize when I see that you lost something just like we did.”
You shift your gaze over to this beskar-clad warrior. You hear a sigh modulate through as he whispers his agreeance. You watch him as he lifts the lapel of a pouch on his belt and pulls a beaded bracelet. Obsidian pearls polished to perfection all tied together with a braided red string. He reluctantly hands it to Mr. Pescur with shaky hands.
“My family name is Djarin,” he states. “My father was a mechanic, fixed anything with a gear… and my mother was a sea-“
“A seamstress,” Mr. Pescur finishes. “Din? Little Din that always ruined his red robes when it rained?”
His wife gasped. “The little boy who would always ask to be hidden from that womp weasel in the market?”
What a small galaxy, you thought.
Within a blink of an eye, the old couple had their arms wrapped around Mando. “My boy,” Mr. Pescur tearfully says, “look how you’ve grown.”
Mando, or Din as you learned, did not reciprocate the hugging interaction. He was paralyzed. “I don’t remember a Pescur family,” he mentions.
“We changed our name here!” Mrs. Pescur exclaims. “My name is Lurina. Do you remember? You’d hide at my mother’s post at the market and would always ask for a berry treat when you left. I must have been in my 20s at the time.”
“Yes!” Din remembered. “You would always carry a blue satchel with the extras for the post.” Mrs. Pescur laughed as she confirmed his memory. Din turned to Mr. Pescur and pointed. “You would help my father when he would fix the generators. You’d always stop by her post.”
As the couple went on and on about the memories they remember from their settlement, Din looked over to you.
“I had no idea that there were any survivors… let alone ever find them. Thank you.”
You shot him a confused, yet genuine smile. “Why are you thanking me?”
“For allowing me to walk these streets.”
You placed a hand on his arm – a wordless you’re welcome. You remained with the couple for a few more minutes before they decided to go back home. You watched as they bid their farewells and Mrs. Pescur sliding the ornate bracelet on Din’s wrist. Din stopped them with a low wait.
He slowly removed his helmet and looked back up and the couple. Mrs. Pescur smiled and ran to him. She wrapped her arms around him as he did her, giving her a short squeeze. As they let go, Mrs. Pescur pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek as she spoke, your parents would be so proud.
Mr. Pescur took his time walking to Din. He reached a hand up and laid it on Din’s other cheek, gently patting it. Din took matters into his own hands and hugged the elder man, giving him a squeeze too. Mr. Pescur laughed and joked Squeeze me with that build of yours and I’ll pop, boy.
The lights over your head became brighter the more you stood there. You patiently waited for Din to slide his helmet back on, but he took a hold of your hand instead. A bold move, you thought. He looked to you and smiled.
Who knew you liked dimples and brown eyes? He wore them well.
“General,” he promptly said. “The night is still young. I’d like to see more of this festival.”
“You a dancer? Because that’s what you are going to get dragged into at this time,” you joke.
“As long as it is with you,” he confesses, “I am willing to make a fool of myself.”
“You don’t even know me, Mandalorian.”
“You can call me Din.” You nod.
“Alright Din, still doesn’t; change the fact that you don’t know me.”
“You’re right… but I’d like to.”
You can’t help but to blush at that. You nod and look around as you hear the music in the background. “Squirt some oil in that armor of yours, Din.” You interlock your fingers with his. You shot a grin in his direction as you bobbed your head towards the music. “We’re going to a festival.”
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moon-goddess-posts · 3 years
Cherry Blossoms in Winter
Zhongli x gn!reader
Hurt/comfort, mentions of death, light angst, immortal reader, reader is based off my oc because I said so, reader is a grim reaper, slow burn
I usually tend to avoid reading angst cause I can't handle it but I wanted to try writing it for the first time, not too angsty but just enough :] also writing in 3rd person this time, I tend to avoid it cause ill be forced to use "y/n" and I'm not a big fan of that 😭
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Even during the harshest of winters, when the most vibrant shades of red stick out from the pure snow, and tears spill out on to rosy red cheeks of a death that will never be forgotten, that will forever shine like gold in his memories; Love and beauty shall still find its way through, like the last cherry blossom that still kept its flowers during winter. Or an immortal soul that was destined to befriend the now former geo archon that is Zhongli. The tale of a grim reaper who was responsible for Zhonglis former love for passing on to the after life, and an archon that has retired his name. Listen closely as I tell you this story, for it is surely to be a beautiful one indeed.
"Every living being has its end someday, you know turning back the clock will not work dear Rex Lapis. For death and life are both inevitable." Y/n had said when Zhongli begged them for Guizhong to come back and live again. He was so close to saving her, he witnessed her blood on the blinding snow. Even if there was something y/n could do, it would result in the same scenario that even an immortal archon would go mad over.
"Please y/n...she was the only one, I cant bear to lose her!" Y/n took pity on the god, but if they ever got caught meddling with the dead they would cease to exist. Still knowing this, they implanted a bit of Guizhongs soul into a beautiful cherry blossom tree and sent the rest to the after life.
"Weep no more Rex Lapis, for I have planted a bit of your lovers soul into a cherry tree. But it shall only be located in one tree, so choose wisely." They wipped his tears and gave him a few days to decide. Y/n witnessed the creation of Guili Plains from the geo archon in memory of Guizhong. He came back to the grim reaper and request the cherry tree be planted there.
"Is that your final decision?" Making sure he had no regrets.
"I understand your requirements for this contract, so I accept with no regrets." And just like that you granted his wish.
Every year, Zhongli visits the cherry tree and basks in its presence. He even talks to it as well, not many people visit Guili Plains so he enjoys every second of alone time with the tree and himself. Zhongli had come to adore cherry blossoms from the contract y/n had opposed on him, and on a very peculiar day the grim reaper had disguised themself as a human and now works as a florist who sells flowers for those who have passed. Zhongli could feel their presence once they first came down to earth. Like a shockwave, the memories came back to him almost like he forgot about what had happened a few thousand years ago. He found y/n sitting alone next to a cherry tree, the only cherry blossom tree in liyue, that was Guili Plains.
"Y/n...? Is that you?" They turned around and gave him a small smile.
"Rex Lapis... or should I say Zhongli, its been ages hasn't it? Even when you retired, you still wish to live amongst the people."
"Guizhong loved humans. So I wish to seek the purpose and study their behaviors of such beings. Even when those around me come to pass, ill strive to make good memories with them so I can look back."
They chuckled and turned again to face the tree. "Still the same as ever, I've missed you." A petal landed on their hand but dissolved into ash as living beings cease to exist once a grim reaper has come in tact with it. Because of this, they wear gloves and clothing that wouldn't cause a threat to such a beautiful world. They put back on their glove.
Zhongli say down next to them and they enjoyed a comfortable silence. "I still fondly remember the day when you planted this tree" He spoke.
"Thank you for doing that...I would have crumbled without knowing she would never live on to see this world again." Though he grew numb to her death, tears almost threatened to spill out.
"It was the least I could do Zhongli. I can reassure you she is living happily now." Y/n held his face and wiped his eyes before any tears could have a chance to spill. The wind blew freely and sun was setting, turning the sky into a bright pink and orange, like something that was only found in paintings. The cherry blossom petals shined as bright as stars and the rosy pink color reminded him of when Guizhong blushed. Oh how much Zhongli missed those memories. He felt them fade, and he felt guilty they were. Yet he knew it was for the better. He would move on, but he made sure her legacy in this world would never be forgotten.
Prologue end
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Moonlit Forever After  Finale
Luz adjusted her tie for the fourth time in as many minutes. She is so. Fucking. Nervous.
They’re due to start in a matter of ten minutes and she’d taken her place beneath the tree with Lilith, who is looking over a small paper with notes on it when she glanced up at Luz’s constant fidgeting.
“Are you alright, Luz?” she questioned her quietly.
“I don’t know... I’m just… really nervous,” she said, playing with her fingers.
“That’s understandable,” The eldest Clawthorne nodded. “It is a big change, even if you two have already been living together for three years now, but there’s no reason to be nervous, Amity would be pleased if you showed up in your pajamas,” Lilith chuckled to herself but Luz still looks like she wanted to throw up.
Lilith hummed thoughtfully, the girl needed a distraction before she blew her lunch onto the floor, and considering who she’s marrying, Lilith decides to share something with Luz that even Eda doesn’t know.
“Luz, did you know I was in love once,” she finally said and Luz whipped to look at her, eyes blown wide.
“What, you!?” She blinked and Lilith huffed a laugh under her breath, cocking a brow at her. “I mean, you’re great and all!… I just never expected that… but, oh wow… backstory; tell me!” she grinned and Lilith rolled her eyes.
“Yes, before I joined the emperor’s coven, there was a boy, but… after I was accepted, I was so consumed with guilt about what I did to Edalyn I threw everything I had into rising in the coven’s ranks so I could find her cure that I inevitably ended up letting that relationship wither on the vine and he moved onto someone else.” she frowned, eyes distant. “Just one of the many things I regret.”
“Oh, wow. I’m sorry, Lily.” Luz frowned.
“It was my own fault, everything that has plagued my life has been a mess of my own creation. I regret many things, but nothing will change them now, I simply must live with them.” Lilith gave a small shrug. “That’s one thing I can never make up for now.”
“Anyone I know?” she asked and then watched, fascinated as Lilith’s face flushed a little.
“Yes, actually… you’re rather familiar with this man.” she glanced away and now Luz was intrigued.
“Your soon to be father-in-law.”
Luz choked on her own spit at that.
“Alador Blight!?” she cried and the guests look at her curiously before going back to talking amongst themselves. Lilith is red-faced. “You used to date Alador?” Luz doesn’t know what else to say to that.
“Yes,” Lilith nodded and Luz suddenly remembered something.
“Is that who you went to the fall shower with way back when?” She knows she hit it square on the head when Lilith darkened further.
“I can’t believe you remembered that,” The older witch mumbled and Luz chuckled. She and Amity had gone to watch the fall shower again just two weeks ago and this triggered the memory.
“Wow… plot twist, I never saw that coming…”
Lilith just hummed. Luz pressed a hand to her chin, thinking.
“He really took a downgrade didn’t he…?” she asked thoughtfully, which made Lilith blink before laughing.
“I won’t speak ill of Odalia, despite my less than pleasant feelings about her, though, that has much more to do with Amity than Alador.”
“I will, she’s a bitch,” Luz scowled and Lilith snorted.
Luz suddenly has so many questions, was that why Lilith had taken Amity on as her pupil as a kid? Or was it just because Amity was powerful and had nothing to do with any previous romantic feelings for her dad?
She doesn’t have time to ask them though, it seems Lilith’s ploy to distract her worked because Willow is peeking out from behind the curtain and giving them a thumbs up. The moon is overhead now; it’s time.
“Ready?” Lilith smiled.
“No!” Luz hissed, and her palms are starting to sweat. She is so not ready by any stretch of the imagination!
A lilting piano starts to play, It’s nothing like the classic wedding march she is familiar with, but it’s pretty, though the soothing melody does absolutely nothing for her jangling nerves. She glanced at her moms in the front row behind her and Camila smiled while Eda gave her a fanged grin and a thumbs up and mouthed ‘You got this’. She wiped her sweaty hands on her pants, hopefully, that won’t stain...
She straightened and took a deep breath, ready or not, here she went.
The curtains pulled aside and Gus and Willow appeared, linked arm in arm, they smiled brightly as they made their way down the aisle, followed a few moments later by Viney and Emira, and in the back of her mind, Luz knows that it’s their wedding she’ll be attending next. Viney had already confided in her three months ago that she’d bought a ring, but she wanted to wait a little while after their wedding to propose, the last thing she wanted to do was upstage the two of them, which Luz appreciated.
She snorted, nerves abated a bit when Edric and King came walking down the aisle, King was adorable in his little blue vest.
“Are you ready?” Gus whispered in her ear as he came to stand at her side.
She made a distressed sound in the back of her throat and across from her, Willow smiled as he quickly patted her shoulder.
The music changed and the guests turned to look while Luz swallowed thickly. Then Amity appeared, arm wrapped through Alador’s.
Luz sucked in a sharp breath, stunned speechless.
She doesn’t think anyone in any realm has ever looked as beautiful as Amity does right now, and no one ever could. Her mouth is bone dry, but her mother was right, she’s not nervous anymore, her entire body is tingling as her gaze locked with Amity’s, whose smiling that little smile Luz knew so well.
Her mother was right about the dress too.
The whole situation smacked her like a raging slitherbeast and she’s trying to blink away the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. How did she get this lucky? She has no concrete answer but is happy she did all the same.
Amity doesn’t know how she keeps moving down the aisle, because once her eyes land on Luz they feel like jelly. Her brother hadn’t been kidding and she should have been more prepared, though she doesn’t think she could have ever been prepared for this.
Luz has always cut a sharp, immaculate profile when she actually gave an effort, but their’s something almost ethereal about her as she is now, the white of her suit almost glows beneath the soft light of the blue moon and the light spells that float in the air around them. Her heart is beating hard against her ribs, but it’s not nerves that make it skip a beat. It’s the staggering wave of amazement and affection she feels for Luz, who she can tell now that she’s close enough to see, is doing her damnedest to hold back her tears. She recognized that scrunched up, rapidly blinking expression anywhere. It makes her own eyes sting.
Finally, she’s standing close enough to touch and her father smiled at her as Luz held out her hand and Amity gently pulled her arm from his to slip her hand into Luz’s. Alador nodded to Luz before slipping himself into his seat in the front row across from Camila and Eda.
“Hey.” Luz’s voice is barely a whisper that only Amity can hear.
“Hey, yourself.” she smiled back, voice just as low.
They don’t even hear Lilith as she began to speak to the crowd about why they’re all here and all the ceremonial spiel that is the norm at a wedding on the Boiling Isles.
Amity’s hand is warm in hers and Luz squeezed it gently, running her thumb over her knuckles. She’s still in awe, unable to take her eyes off Amity and how beautiful she is in that dress, under the blue moon’s light
She’s absolutely bewitching and Luz would gladly live under her spell for the rest of her life.
Amity is just as spellbound as Luz, watching the pink glow that the light spells are refracting from the grom tree bounce off Luz’s dark eyes, making them look alive as a gentle breeze rustles the tree’s blush-colored leaves. The shadows cast by the lights cut sharp lines across her jaw and neck that make Amity want to reach out and run her fingertips along them.
“....and they will now speak these promises to each other,” Lilith read loudly, jerking the two of them out of their love induced haze. How long had they been zoned out, staring at each other? Judging from the subtle smirk on Lilith’s face, a while.
“Amity, you may now say your vows,” Lilith said and she nodded, letting go of Luz’s right hand and pulling a small slip of paper from her pocket taking a deep breath, she could feel everyone’s eyes on her, but the only important ones were staring straight at her, smiling, no pressure in those warm brown eyes she adored.
"I've been advised to keep this short," she smiled and she swears she hears Emira snort behind her. "So here it is. Luz, I never thought I could be as incredibly happy as I am when I’m with you, that such a thing was even possible, but here we are, and I can hardly believe it’s real sometimes. Till I met you, I was playing at being someone I didn’t even want to be but was too scared to stop and be myself, but having you at my side made me brave enough to face that fear, made it feel like I could and should be myself.” Her thumb rubbed across Luz’s knuckles and Luz squeezed back, smiling encouragingly at her. “Even now,” she whispered so only Luz could hear her, and that bright grin she adored flashed at her. “I know that who I am now is thanks to you in many ways, you always make me want to try harder, to be better. It hasn’t always been easy, life has thrown a lot at us over the years, but with you, I know that I can make it through. No matter how hard it gets, I’ll never stop trying, because I can’t think of anything that could ever be more worth the effort than being with you for the rest of my life,” she finished, slipping the paper back into her pocket and taking up Luz’s other hand again. She can hear her sister and Willow sniffling behind her, while Viney did her best to hold it in. Gus is already crying and making whimpering noises while Edric bit his lip, doing his best to keep it together. King is biting his tongue to hold back his cries.
In the front row, Camila is quietly sniffling into a tissue and Eda crosses her arms, definitely blinking her eyes against the tears trying to well up in her mismatched eyes while Alador is filled with a deep appreciation for his future daughter-in-law, even as a bitter sorrow wells up in his chest because he knows just why Amity was afraid of being herself.
Luz knows that there are tears sliding down her cheeks, but she can’t stop it. It should be illegal for Amity to look at her like that and say those things that make her face flush and feel like a hot pile of goo, even as they simultaneously cradle her heart in a blanket of warmth.
Lilith is doing about the same as the rest of the wedding party it seems, and clears her throat, pulling herself together before turning to Luz.
“Luz, you may now say your vows,” she said.
“Don’t mess this up, Kid,” Eda murmured quietly to herself and Camila can only nod in agreement. Gus and Edric hoping for the same thing, especially after Amity’s had been so perfect.
Luz squeezed both of Amity’s hands and cleared her throat, willing away the lump lodged there.
"I'll be honest with you, with everything that’s been going on, I totally, completely forgot to write my vows," she admits sheepishly, and there's a murmur from the guests, but Amity only rolled her eyes, smirking, which makes Luz relax at the response, and behind her, Viney hissed a quiet 'Ha' to Emira, but she can examine that later. "But I don't need to, I can think of reasons why I love you in my sleep." She grinned right back at Amity, whose hands squeezed hers as she smiled down at her softly and Luz’s stomach bubbled up with so much love and affection that it made her tingle all over. "I never could have imagined when I stumbled through a portal chasing an owl that stole my book that I would end up standing here, with you, but I’m beyond glad that Owlbert is a tiny trash thief, and I did.” she grinned. Eda chuckled to herself. “Amity, I've never known anyone as incredibly kind and amazing as you, and I consider myself to be the luckiest person on The Boiling Isles for getting to have met you, and now because I get to spend the rest of my life with you. Without you watching my back for the last six years I probably would have drowned or set myself on fire by now.” She admitted, and there's an agreeing chuckle from the guests and their friends standing next to them. Amity just grinned wetly and knowingly at her, there have been a few incidents over the years that even their closest friends aren't privy to, disaster averted only because Amity is always at her side.
“But I know I can always count on you to be there for me, and I promise that no matter what, I’ll always be there for you too, because there is no one, in any realm that I could ever love more than you, Amity, and I want to spend every minute from here till the end; proving it to you.” Her voice is low by the end and even if Amity hadn’t been teary before, she was now and she’s going to ruin her makeup if she can’t pull herself together! The wedding party isn’t doing much better, barely holding it together themselves. Gus is looking at them starry-eyed, lip trembling and Edric is right there with him. Willow is sniffled quietly into her flowers while Emira rapidly blinked away her tears, Viney much the same.
Eda held Camila as she wept into her shoulder, biting her lips to hold back her own flood of tears.
Alador clenched his hands into the fabric of his dress pants, jaw tight.
“The rings?” Lilith’s voice is thick, but level, with herculean effort, as she looked down at King, who is sniffling and whimpering, on the verge of sobs as he steps forward and holds up the pillow with their rings sitting on it. Luz and Amity picked up the other’s ring.
Lilith held up a glyph and a glowing blue ring appeared and they broke contact just long enough for Luz to slip Amity’s ring on her finger and for Amity to do the same before they reached through the ring and clasped hands again, fingers laced together,
“Do you, Amity Blight, swear on an eternal oath to love, protect and be ever devoted to Luz Noceda for as long as you both live?
“I swear,” Amity said, voice quivering as she squeezed Luz’s fingers laced between hers.
“Do you, Luz Noceda, swear on an eternal oath to love, protect and be ever devoted to Amity Blight for as long as you both live.
“I swear.” Luz smiled even as her eyes shined with still falling tears.
“The oath is sealed,” Their hands glowed before the ring faded away. “you may now…”
They didn’t need to wait for Lilith to tell them.
Amity flung her arms around Luz’s neck as Luz grabbed her around the waist sealing the oath with a kiss as the guests erupted into loud, raucous cheers and laughter. It’s a much longer kiss than it needs to be, but no one is going to stop them.
They finally pulled back, grinning stupidly at each other before Luz pulled back just enough to bend down and sweep an arm beneath Amity’s knees.
She squealed as Luz scooped her up into her arms and took off running down the aisle to whoops and cheers as they passed.
“Luz!” Amity laughed, clinging to her neck as she ran into the woods, both of their laughter echoing off the trees as the blue glow of the moon lit their way.
“To the party!” Eda declared with a grin over the crowd, standing and pointing in the direction of Hexside.
The wedding party cheered as they took off running after the newlyweds, followed by the guests.
The courtyard of the school was filled with tables of people walking about and chatting as the wedding party all walked toward the school to take photos.
Luz couldn’t stop grinning, nor Amity, as they stood inside, waiting for their friends to catch up after Luz had finally set her back on her feet, still clutching each other tightly, foreheads pressed together. They couldn’t wipe away their bright grins even if they wanted to.
Amity’s eyes roved over her face as she wiped at any remaining tears on Luz’s cheeks.
“Eres tan hermosa,” Amity mumbled making Luz’s face darken even as she grinned.
“I should be saying that to you!” Luz pulled back till they were linked only by their hands and openly stared at her wife in awe. “You look… I don’t know any words in any language to do you justice, mi amor.” Luz smiled, squeezing her hands.
Amity squeezed back before pulling her back in close and captured her lips in another kiss.
"Titan, I love you so much," she mumbled against her lips, a few tears had managed to slip past against her will.
"Just as much as I love you," Luz smiled at her reaching up to wipe them away before they can do much damage to Amity's makeup. Her chest feels fit to burst with the rampant affection she feels, especially as Amity leaned into the touch on her cheek
As she stared back at Luz, she's struck hard by the sudden urge to just take her by the hand and drag her away, somewhere they can just be alone, screw the after-party. Willow would kill her, not to mention the rest of their friends and both of Luz's mothers’. Her siblings and Viney would just be amused as all get out.
"Do you think people would notice if we left?" she asked anyway, looking down at her.
Luz blinked at her, eyes blown wide and mouth hanging open before she couldn't help but burst into laughter.
"Yes, Amity, I think it's safe to say they would definitely notice." The tone isn't even playing at scolding and Luz is smiling at her, eyes dancing with unspoken mirth and warm, overwhelming affection. That only makes the urge to take her and run that much stronger.
"We could still go…"
Luz is grinning so widely at her it almost looks like it hurts. She just cupped Amity's cheeks in her hands and pressed another long kiss to her mouth. Amity lets her eyes droop closed, and clings to Luz.
Her wife.
She hummed against Luz, threading her fingers gently through her hair. She smells wonderful, not her normal warm, woodsy smell, but some kind of perfume.
Luz finally released her but is still grinning, thumbs running gently over her cheeks.
"We can't leave, Amor," she said and Amity huffed quietly, making her chuckle. "Soon enough, it'll just be you and me," she promised, and Amity hummed in agreement, kissing her again.
"What, are you making out in here already?" Edric's laughing voice broke them out of their own world as their friends finally arrived.
“Not yet.” Luz grinned cheekily at him and Amity slapped her shoulder. Nothing was going to ruin her mood tonight, absolutely nothing!
The rest of the wedding party piled into the building along with the photographer. A tall, bug-eyed demon with long curving horns and a large camera stood in front of them.
“Say, ‘scream’!”
They crowded together and took photos. Eda, Camila, and Lilith joining them for several, including a few shots of Luz with each of her moms and both of them together, before dragging Lilith and King into the photo with her and Amity, the whole Owl House one last time. Minus Hooty, who was bitterly disappointed that he couldn’t come, but hey; house.
Luz glanced around as Amity took photos with the bridesmaids and her siblings and noticed someone missing from the photo party. She grabbed Gus and whispered in his ear. He grinned at her and nodded before quietly shooting out of the building as the photos carried on. He entered again a few minutes later with a bright grin and another witch.
“I think that’s all the photos…” Amity looked at them and let the rest of the wedding party finally move back out into the courtyard to wait for them.
“Not yet!” Luz piped up as she moved toward her, Alador, trailing behind her. “We gotta get a couple with you and your dad!” She grinned at her and Amity blinked, surprised. Alador himself didn’t look so sure but she smiled and nodded.
“Of course we do.”
Her father seemed to perk and Luz stepped out of the way to allow the older auburn-haired witch to stand at her wife’s side.
Luz cocked her head as she watched the two smile. It was the first time she’d ever seen the two together since they were teenagers when Amity still had mint green hair, now as they stood side by side, both with that shiny, red/brown, auburn hair and the same bright, golden eyes and tall stature, Luz couldn’t help but smile. It was obvious where Amity got all her genes from; thank goodness it wasn’t Odalia.
The photographer snapped a few photos before Amity turned to look at her.
“Get over here,” she called and Luz blinked, pointing to herself. “Yes, you,” Amity laughed to herself as Luz trotted over and Amity wrapped an arm around her waist and Alador laid a hand on both of their shoulders. She could feel the soft squeezing of his hand, it wasn’t threatening, or a warning, but thankful, and Luz grinned all the brighter as the photos were snapped. Alador smiled at them and moved away, walking out the doors with the photographer and leaving them alone.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you…,” Amity can’t help but mumble once they’re alone, looking at her from beneath her dark lashes.
“Probably worry a lot less.” Luz shrugged, making her chuckle.
“Maybe,” she agreed. “Things would certainly be duller though,” she smirked and Luz grinned right back. “I saw your free falling stunt today, Eda sent a video.”
“That traitor!” Luz hissed, making Amity snort. “I was completely in control, I swear!”
“Hey, hey, relax, I know. I know that you can take care of yourself,” she assured gently and Luz relaxed. “I’m still going to worry about you though, that’s my job.”
“Worrying about each other is both our jobs,” she refuted, and then they heard Gus on the mic outside.
“Ladies, gentlemen, demons, and others, thank you for coming tonight!” Cheers and applause answered him.
“Oh, that’s our cue! Are you ready, mi amor?” Luz smiled, holding out her arm, which Amity looped her own through, smiling back.
“Please welcome, for the first time, Mrs. and Mrs. Luz and Amity Noceda!” Gus called and they walked out of the school’s double doors to the whoops and cheers of their friends and family. They smiled and waved as they walked down the stairs to take their seats next to their friends at the head table as dinner was served.
Dinner was just as dinner at the owl house, loud, cheery, and fun. Even at the more serious tables, like where the coven heads were seated, were still far from quiet. Though there were fewer fights over, or with food then there usually was at the owl house, mostly because Camila sat between the two Clawthorne sisters at the table near theirs.
Edric was eyeing the beautiful, three-tiered cake with the smooth white icing and purple and pink accents with drool dripping down the corner of his mouth while Emira reluctantly paid a smirking Viney.
“I can’t believe you didn’t write any vows and your wife wrote a book!” Emira scowled at Luz.
“It’s been really busy! I forgot!” Luz defended, gesturing with her fork. Amity giggled and laid a hand over Luz’s on the table.
“It’s alright, Luz, I thought they were perfect.” She smiled at her and Luz grinned before her face turned thoughtful.
“Knowing you, you must have actually written a book too…,” she hummed and Amity flushed.
Willow grinned and twirled a finger and a stack of bound papers fell from the spell circle, which she handed to Luz, despite Amity’s protests.
“No, give me that!” she grabbed for it but Luz held it just beyond her reach as she flipped through it.
“Ay dios mio! You weren’t kidding… now I feel bad!” she turned, frowning, to Amity, who took the opportunity to pluck the pages from Luz’s hand.
“Don’t, I didn’t use them anyway, querida.” She spelled the pages away.
“But you spent all that time writing them…” Luz’s brows furrowed.
“It’s fine, Luz,” Amity assured her but Luz wasn’t having it.
“I’m going to write something just as good for you later,” she promised and Amity can’t help but smile at her.
“Alright.” she nodded, she knows that once luz has made up her mind it takes a miracle to change it.
When dinner is all but done Gus has taken up the mic again.
“Will the happy couple please come to the dance floor for their first dance?”
Luz perks up at that and stands, offering her hand to Amity.
“Shall we, Mrs. Noceda?” She smiled at her and Amity slipped her hand in hers.
“Please, Mrs. Noceda.” She smiled back and let Luz lead her onto the dance floor. Their friends can only roll their eyes at the two, even as they smile.
The Moon is hovering directly overhead now and everything glows with its sapphire light as they stand hand in hand in the middle of the floor. The song that begins to play is one they have danced to many times, but the first time was under very similar circumstances in Blight manor under the same blue light.
Everyone’s eyes are on them, but they only have eyes for each other, as has always been the case.
The move in slow, graceful steps. Fighting or dancing the two have always been in perfect sync and they don’t even need to think about their movements, they don’t need to speak either, they simply enjoy this quiet moment, even if they are in the spotlight.
When the lilting slow song finally ends, much too soon for either, Luz grins at her. They still have something planned that only Gus and the DJ are aware of.
“Are you ready?” Luz is vibrating with energy.
“We haven’t been practicing this for three months for me not to be ready.” Amity grinned back as Luz stepped back and pulled off her jacket, tossing it to Gus who looks much too excited. Amity spun a finger and her dress glowed as the hem shrank up to her knees, freeing her legs. 
“What are they doing?” Lilith cocked her head.
“Dunno, but knowing them, it’s gonna be good, whatever it is,” Eda smirked.
Sitting in Luz’s breast pocket is a bright red flower, she pulled it out and clenched the stem between her teeth before she wrapped an arm around Amity’s waist and held one of her hands in hers, arms stretched straight out as Amity set her other on Luz’s shoulder even as she’s laughing quietly to herself at Luz.
“You’re ridiculous,” she mumbled, grinning. Luz just wagged her eyebrows in response, making Amity giggle all the harder. She’s too happy to care one bit about Luz’s added ‘personal touch’ to what they’re about to do.
“Do you have any idea what’s going on, what’s with the flower?” Emira looked at Willow who shook her head, just as confused as the rest of them.
“Amity didn’t say anything to me, looks like Gus is in on it though.”
The two are standing, pressed so closely together that no light can be seen between them.
Luz glanced at Gus and nodded. The nineteen-year-old signaled the DJ and then music again filled the night air.
The assembled witches looked around at the brand new sounds.
Camila blinked at the familiar music that is starting to grow louder and faster
“Tango?” she questioned too herself.
Then the two take off to the quick rhythm of the accordion and drums, spinning across the dance floor in sharp, controlled measure, hardly ever far from the other and taking such fast steps around the other that it’s amazing they don’t trip on each other.
Luz twirled them around, both grinning as they follow the whine of a violin across the dancefloor, the fast clicking of their shoes on the hardwood adding an extra beat to the music.
Gripping her hand, Luz flung amity away in a tight spin, making her dress billow up around her knees as their laced fingers pulled her to a stop, arms outstretched. Whistles and shouts erupted from the guests and Luz tugged her back into her arms. Their hands adjust and then Amity is the one leading them across the floor in tight spins and quicker steps.
“Wow…,” Viney mumbled as she watched the two. Especially when they flip around again and Luz takes back the lead, jerking them to a sudden stop, Amity’s knee wrapped around her hip, and Luz’s hand pressed to the small of her back, they can feel each other breathe they’re so close.
“This feels wrong to watch…” Edric covered his face with a hand but is peeking between his fingers. There is certainly a charged feeling in the air between the two as Luz spun them around, still attached at the hips.
“But they’re so good…,” Willow said in awe, hands pressed to her face.
“Holy shit…” Eda is watching the dance, slack-jawed, Lilith can only nod, eyes wide.
The song builds to a crescendo in a pounding of drums and the rapid squeal of the violin as they finally separated in another spin before Luz pulled her back in, twisting around the moment Amity is back in her arms and dropped her in a sharp dip to the songs final beats.
It’s quiet as they looked at each other, breathing heavy and smiling so hard it hurt. Luz’s smile turned to a grin and she wagged her eyebrows at her again, teeth clenched around the rose she had made a special trip to the human realm for, Amity giggled as they stood up straight and the guest all cheered and clapped at the display.
Luz pulled the flower from her mouth and they both gave dramatic bows.
Regular music starts to play again and other couples move onto the floor.
“What. Was. That?” Emira asked the moment they returned to the table.
“It’s called Tango,” Luz laughed. “It’s a type of dance from the human world, we’ve been practicing,” she said proudly.
“That was amazing, you two,” Willow praised.
“A little risque…,” Edric laughed.
“Well, it is colloquially known in the human world sometimes as ‘sex on hardwood’.” Camila and the Clawthorne sisters chose that moment to approach the head table. Amity flushed at that, Luz had not told her that, and the sheepish grin she’s wearing told her that she had absolutely known it too.
“Can see why,” Viney snorted.
“Either way, that was pretty fancy,” Eda smirked at them.
“It was remarkable,” Lilith added.
“Thank you.” Amity nods, smiling.
They let several more songs play while they rest before they decided to finally cut the cake at Edric’s pleading.
As they do, Amity suddenly remembered a conversation she had with Camila about human wedding traditions.
“Your mother told me about another human wedding tradition last week involving the cake,” she started, cake in hand, and watched Luz from the corner of her eye as she hummed happily to herself.
“Oh, yea, which one?” she turned to look at her and Amity smashed a handful of cake in her face as she did.
It’s quiet for a moment, one visible brown eye blinked at her, face smeared with cake before a grin broke out across her face, and she shoved her fist into her own cake.
“That’s how you want it, huh, mi amor?”
Amity squealed as icing is smeared across her face in return to the sound of Luz’s laughing and then she’s laughing too.
“Food fight!” Eda jumped up, plate in hand.
“Yeah!” King jumped up as well but Camila and Lilith grabbed them both.
“NO, just them!” Camila shouted.
“Well, that’s no fun,” Eda grumbled, pouting.
Amity laughed as she watched Luz’s tongue dart out of her mouth to lick the frosting off her lip.
“Tasty” she grinned.
They let the caterers pass out the cake while they go and clean their faces off inside. They’re gone a little longer than they should be and Viney and Edric take bets on if they even come back at all or are just making out
“Oh, you know what I found out tonight?” Luz asked Amity as she wiped the frosting off her face in Hexside’s bathroom.
“Hmm?” she hummed and leaned in close to the mirror and trying to save as much of her makeup as she can while wiping the cake away.
“Your dad and Lilith used to date,” she said it so casually.
‘What!?” Amity whipped to her.
“Yeah! Crazy right? Guess they were together in school but after she joined the coven she felt so guilty about mom she spent all her time looking for a cure and they drifted apart.”
Amity has no idea how to process this information. She vaguely wonders what life would have been like if Lilith had been her mother.
“You okay, amor?”
She blinks and Luz is looking at her, brows creased with worry. There will be none of that, not tonight.
“Fine, it’s just such a bizarre thought.” She shrugged.
“Right?” Luz laughed.
Something for her to think about another time.
When they come back out, icing free they finally get to eat some of the cake.
“Lilith did an awesome job on this cake,” Luz mumbled around a mouthful of it. Amity just nodded an agreement, glad that Luz had always liked thornberry desserts as much as she did. “Hopefully it’ll taste half this good next year…,” Luz hummed and Amity blinked at her.
“Next year?” she questioned and Luz nodded.
“It’s a human wedding tradition,” she explained. “You save a piece of your cake and freeze it so you can have it on your first anniversary.”
“Then we need to do it now, my brother hasn’t walked away from the cake since we cut it.” Amity rolled her eyes and pointed her fork at Edric, who had stationed himself cake side for the last fifteen minutes.
“Uhh, yeah, probably, he called dibs on leftovers yesterday, so if we wait he’s gonna cart the whole thing outta here at the end of the night,” she snorted and Amity sighed, shaking her head. Her brothers only real loves; trouble and baked goods.
“I’ll get him,” Emira said, rolling her eyes as she made a beeline for the cake and her gluttonous twin. Viney laughed at them.
“Are you sure you’re ready for that package deal?” Luz turned to the older witch who grinned at them and shrugged.
“He’s not bad.... and he’s definitely not going to be living with us…,” Viney deadpanned.
“You don’t think he’s going to end up at our house do you?” Luz looked at her and Amity stopped, fork halfway to her mouth.
“Absolutely not,” she said with finality. “I love my brother but no. He and dad will keep each other company in Blight manor.” Luz and Viney laughed at that.
“Hey, guys, it’s time for you to throw the bouquet,” Willow reminded.
“Oh, right,” Amity nodded and they stood from the table and quickly made their way to the empty dancefloor.
“Single Witches gather round!” Luz called. She and Amity grinned as a slew of their female guests tripped all over themselves as they hurried onto the dance floor. Luz caught sight of a certain witch standing in the back at the edge of the dancefloor and grinned wickedly before she leaned up to whisper in Amity’s ear. She snorted as gold eyes fell on the witch in question.
“Alright.” she nodded, still grinning.
Lilith watched the couple and their guests gather on the dancefloor, arms crossed over her chest. Perhaps it appeared as though she was being standoffish, standing alone in at the back of the festivities but if she had didn’t she and Eda would be brawling in the middle of the party, and as annoying as her sister could sometimes be, and deserving of a piece of cake to the face, she was not going to make a scene at Luz and Amity’s wedding. Camila seemed to have Edalyn in hand right now as the two sat at their table drinking hard appleblood and laughing.
She shook her head, smirking to herself at all the young women and a few men who had swarmed the floor as the two got ready to throw the bouquet.
“Good evening, Lilith.”
Lilith jerked, turning her head to find Alador Blight at her side.
“It’s been a while, Alador,” she greeted with a tilt of her head. He nodded, arms folded behind his back as his gaze turned to the couple.
“It was a beautiful ceremony,” he said, watching them. She nodded, humming an affirmative.
“I’m sure they’ll continue to be quite happy together, despite your wife’s attempts at the contrary.” She can’t help the little dig, she said that she wouldn’t speak ill of Odalia, that didn’t mean she was going to pretend to like her either, but Alador just hummed.
“Precisely why she is my ex-wife now,” he admitted, which makes Lilith look at him.
“Oh…” she’s not sure what to say to that. Alador nods as they observed the gaggle of witches gathered around the middle of the dancefloor.
“It’s just as well,” he continued unexpectedly. “I would hardly have called our marriage a happy one, even from the start.”
“I’m sorry,” is all the elder Clawthorne can think to say.
“No need, It was my own fault for choosing to turn a blind eye to her machinations from the start.” He ran a hand through his beard thoughtfully.
“You never struck me as the type ignore inconvenient truths, Alador.” she cocked a brow at him.
“I wasn’t, once. But I suppose after our… acquaintance, it was easier to ignore some… ‘inconvenient truths’ as you called them.”
Lilith stiffened at that, she never expected him to bring that up, not after over twenty-five years, nor the subtle implication about her being the cause of his relationship with Odalia.
Before she can even think of something to say in response the couple drew both of their eyes again.
“Here we go!” Luz grinned as she and Amity both held the bouquet in one hand and tossed it over their shoulders. The witches on the dance floor scrambled all over each other as it flew through the air, shooting way over their heads and across the dancefloor.
Lilith can barely raise her arms in time to catch the flowers as they fell into her hands.
She blinked down at them as the crowd whistled and clapped. Across the room, she can hear Edalyn laughing maniacally.
She looked up to find Luz and Amity grinning at her from across the room. She scowled when Luz had the audacity to wink at her.
‘Little shits’
Low chuckling at her side made her turn to Alador, who is laughing quietly.
“Well, I suppose that means you will be the one swearing an eternal oath next.” He smirked at her.
“That worked out better than I thought.” Luz laughed, watching Lilith scowl at them. Amity just shook her head and smiled exasperatedly at her wife.
A few hours later the party is winding down and they decide it’s the perfect time to make their getaway.
“Amity and I are gonna sneak out of here,” Luz told her mom’s. “Can you take Mami home later?” she turned to Eda who nodded.
“No worries, kid. I’ll make sure Cami gets home safe and sound, scouts honor.”
“Yeah… there’s no way you were ever any kind of scout,” she drawled and Amity crossed her arms, smirking.
“Do you want me to get her home or not?” Eda huffed, reaching out and ruffling her hair. Luz grumbled but let it happen. “I’ll see you two in a week.” The older women hugged them both before they pull away. “Try not to break any beds.” She smirked as the two walked away, and Luz groaned to herself. Camila just gave the witch a tired look.
They say quick goodbyes to their friends who hug them tightly and they promise to get together when they get back from their honeymoon.
Amity made a quick goodbye to her father and then they’re sneaking away from the party into the woods and Amity spelled her staff into existence and they are soon flying over the woods, the bright cobalt light from the moon lighting the way.
“Well, we’re not leaving for the coast until tomorrow morning, so now what, Mrs. Noceda?” Luz grinned as she set her chin on Amity’s shoulder.
“I could think of a few things.” Amity glanced at her over her shoulder knowingly, gold eyes glowing in the moonlight
“Well, take me home then!” Luz said and laughed as they picked up speed, wind whipping through their hair, as they flew through the moonlit night.
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thatlongspringnight · 3 years
Effortlessly Alone (Chapter 1) (Jin x Namjoon)
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Pairing: Namjoon x Seokjin 
Genre: fluff, soft angst, fantasy
Rating: T for teen 
Length: 3.5 k 
Warnings: Feeding fish food they shouldn’t eat, sad boys
Summary: Jin is an ancient river god, cursed to be trapped in his fish form for his heartless transgressions. Namjoon is a lonely twenty-something who takes to feeding him cheese crackers and telling him about his life. Together this unlikely pair may just find the answers to the loneliness in their hearts are closer than they think.
This is for the Spring Sprouts collab, which has honestly been the highlight of my March, I had no idea how much this idea would spring out of control, enough for me to make this a chapter fic. Tune in next time for more of Jin’s past, and Namjoon taking a date to the river. <3 
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The first time Namjoon visits the river, it's to clear his head. Odd, considering the vast emptiness that had seemed to take over in the last few weeks, a sort of dullness that not even reading could banish. He’s new to this small town, and he knows that in part...that’s the problem. He’s new and he’s lonely. Lonely and bored, a job transfer from busy Seoul that had upped his pay, but left him stranded in what seemed like the wilderness. 
It’s different, so different from the fast paced life he’d left behind, and some days...some days its maddening. Maddening enough to force him up onto his feet, jogging through winding roads, rarely paved, taking in his new home, hoping to burn off the anxious energy he’d yet to find a healthy outlet for. 
And today - that takes him to the river, plopping to the ground as he makes it there, the grass soft and cool against sweaty thighs. There is a little sitting area his eyes trail, and a pagoda that looks far too old for his comfort. Like a relic from another time. A cherry blossom tree, not yet blooming, that looked just as old. Out of respect, or maybe fear of spiders, he chooses to avoid them both, instead finding himself lounging at the water’s edge, basking in the warmth of the day...the sound of the water moving by.
“Its not so bad.” He speaks out loud, but only to himself, he’s alone here after all. Nature has rarely comforted him in his short life, but this place...well, he wonders if the water is too cold...or if it would be nice enough to dip his feet in. He wonders what the stars look like at night from here, gazing above the river. “I mean, I have all this free time.” It’s a musing, punctuated by him sliding off his shoes, socks shoved inside them. 
There is no harm in it right? He shifts, a jolt as his feet hit the water, current smooth and soothing and very cold. But he doesn’t move. 
It is grounding and liberating all at once...at least until he feels something nip at his ankle. 
“Ahhk!” He tumbles back, feet yanked out of the water. “What - “ He can’t help himself, scrambling to look over the edge of the water, to find out what - And it is a what, Joon thinks, eyes widening. A beautiful what. 
A beautiful fish. Long flowing fins in elegant shades of ivory fading to soft pink. Big too - like a koi who has gotten comfortable in a well sized pond. Is it a koi fish? Namjoon thinks to himself, his situation forgotten as he stares at the way its fins fan and move, making waves of their own in the current. 
It has to be a koi fish. “You bit me.” The man complains, shifting so he’s staring down into the water, feet safely on the bank, “are you hungry?” He gives the fish benefit of the doubt, surprised to find its gaze on him. 
There is...something there - something behind the fish’s eyes, it gives Namjoon pause - because its an all around human look. A sort of awareness that breeds curiosity in the man. He finds himself reaching for his fanny pack, grabbing the snacks he brought. “I know these can’t be good for you.” he speaks as he breaks a cheez-it in half, tossing it to the surface. “But as a treat, I don’t think its that bad.” 
The fish devours them, and circles after, clearly wanting more. Namjoon settles himself on the bank, happy enough to feed the pretty creature and soak up the sun. 
He goes to speak, then pauses. Would it be completely unhinged if he talked to the fish?
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“What’s your name?” 
The voice is a whisper, a sweet sound against Namjoon’s ear, he shudders, glancing around in the darkness, searching for the sound. There it is again, he doesn’t understand what’s being said, but its so close, he reaches out, he can’t help it, he just wants to know…
Who the voice belongs to, what the voice is saying. 
“Namjoon - My name is Namjoon, Kim Namjoon.” He finally answers, and suddenly there is color, bursting everywhere, and...and a man, beautiful, ethereal, like staring at the moon in reflection over the river. 
He’s sitting, and there is a divide, something Namjoon can’t see - and they’re touching, fingertips brushing each other - How does the man look like that? Namjoon can feel the confusion. Beautiful and fragile like glass, but with a piercing gaze.
He can’t remember ever meeting someone who looks like him, with those full lips, tousled hair, and almost petulant look.
“You - who are you?” “My name….not important.” The man answers, staring up towards the cloudless sky and too-close moon. “You - you are lonely.” its a simple pronouncement. “I’m lonely too.”
“I - “
His alarm is blaring, and he groans, its time for work. He sits up, nearly toppling over as he rubs his eyes. The river, the silver moon, a man - its disappearing as quickly as it was there the memories of his strange encounter already fading to the background 
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For the fish, however, it’s not so easy. Centuries of loneliness, trapped in this disgraced form, culminating in this human boy feeding him something that made him want to be alive again...what had he called them...cheese things? Cheese rounds? He wasn’t sure, but what he was sure of is that the moment those flavored breads hit his mouth, he felt alive again….for the first time in over a hundred years. 
Alive, and ravenous for more. For too long he had dined on the refuse of the lake floor, smaller fish and wilted water weeds, when once upon a time he had feasted in banquet halls lined in gold, on bread dripping in honey, wine soaked lips demanding more.
And yet these delectable cheese rounds trumped them all. Made his belly storm and growl, demanding more of them. 
But those are memories that just bitter his heart, move him further and further from freedom from breaking the curse that bound him here. Here trapped in this forgotten land, in the body of a fish - a once great god brought low for his pride, Seokjin, the fish thinks wryly - god of rock and river, whose tears overflowed these banks as a child, lonely and lost. 
Whose only friend in the world was himself, his reflection along the water’s edge keeping him company. It is no surprise how easy it was to fall in love with his own features. 
Jin, of comely face, on his lonely rock in the middle of the river - attracting suitors both human and divine, temples raised in his honor as his power and beauty grew. Jin, with an indolent smirl, laughing merrily, taking a new lover every night, discarding them come morning, no consequences for the divine. Relishing in life because life relished in him, blessed with beauty and an insatiable spirit, a whole where his heart should be.
All lost overnight, cursed for his own hubris - for his own inability to love. 
The fish glances up, risking the dangers of the surface to stare at the moon, at the reason he was cursed in the first place. 
To linger on the huge, ancient cherry blossom tree that shielded the pagoda, the temple erected in his name so many years ago. So beautiful, the springtime blossoms nearly ready to burst. His first real friend, even if he didn’t know it then. 
But its now, not then, and he’s lonely, and hungry for life - and something about that boy’s unhurried, somewhat awkward smile touches that part of him, the part that longed to live again - even in this very changed world, this future that had forgotten him. 
If anything then just to get those crackers again. 
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And that’s why he visits his dreams. The only place Jin can show himself, his true self, unable to voice that ancient curse to the boy - but able to be seen, truly seen, to speak those words...loneliness - 
Its...its a trick, to coax him back, with more snacks, Jin justifies, unwilling to admit that he reached out for any other reason, that he took the time under the light of that damned, too-bright moon to expend thousands year old energy on a boy who nearly kicked him in the face that day at the river for any other reason.
That he wasn’t lying when he said he was lonely. That the empty spot where his heart should be ached for something, a friend, a confidant - how he ached for a voice, to speak in more than just dreams.
But he can’t. 
Either way, it works - and he learns his name. 
Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. 
It takes effort that first time, tendrils of magic that he used to control with barely a glance, still - 
Namjoon makes a habit of visiting the river after that first time, Jin wonders if he feels that pull. That same pull he can’t deny every time the man sets himself down on the river bank. 
Jin wonders if its the magic, if he’s grown that unused to the feeling...or...or if its something else. 
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“You’re really ridiculous, you know.” Namjoon scolds the water lightly, looking down at the white and pink fish that is floating close to surface,
Mouth opening and closing in an ill concealed attempt to get snacks. “I shouldn’t be feeding you, I’m sure it’s bad for you.” Namjoon drops a broken cracker in the water anyway, watching how the beautiful fish is quick to eat, thrashing a powerful tail. 
Today Namjoon has his camera, a Polaroid he bought to document his new home, a collection of photos of nature and old stone piling up on his desk. He snaps a picture of the fish, knowing full well the film couldn’t capture the beauty. “...I took your picture.” He explains, noticing the way the fish swirls his tail in discontent. “Nothing bad, see?” He’s shaking the developing Polaroid, knowing that’s not effective. “I’ll show you.” 
He truly wonders if he’s that lonely, lonely enough to become friends with a fish. 
But the fish is the easiest creature to talk to, in this town full of ancient history and even older families, well established and not looking to accept a stranger...or all too eager too, to pry into his personal life, there was none of that here, at the quiet little bend in the river.
Maybe the fish judged him, but that was easy to ignore, and he always hung around to listen - sentient fish - Namjoon was growing confident of that.
“I wish you could tell me more about you.” Namjoon offers the fish, showing him the photo, watching it reflect in the water. He watches the way the fish eyes it, mouth moving to blow bubbles at the surface. Does he like it? Does it matter? “Like first of all, why do i only ever see one of you? Are you all alone?” He’d started to develop some theories, and it mostly just ended in someone dumping the fish in the river when they were tired of taking care of it.
He couldn’t think of any other reason, no amount of internet browsing found him a koi that looked exactly like him, certainly not in the wild.
Which meant he was probably home bred, maybe even tossed out for looking like that, and…and that made Namjoon sad.
Sad, to go from having a family to none at all. It makes him empathize with the creature, who was once new to this place too, who found a home...but was still alone. “You don’t have to be alone if I’m here.” He’s tucking the picture into his wallet. “And I’ll keep visiting you.”
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Seokjin does not understand the human boy. He comes back, usually every other day - with Jin finding himself more and more longing for every day - but he does not understand, just the same. Does not understand why the boy bothers, time and time again,
To visit, to sit by the river with him, to talk to him. Especially when Jin cannot talk back, relegated to bubbles and splashes, to lingering glances that he hopes the boy processes as listening. He’s lonely, Jin does recognize that - but why….why seek company with a fish?
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Namjoon is in that haze again. That landscape he’s started to recognize as a dream, he thinks - it feels familiar, like he’s felt so many mornings lately, comforted, though he doesn’t know why.
“You’re back.” Oh, right, memories of dreams come rushing back, of the beautiful man - who won’t give him his name. His voice is sweet, wistful. “It took you a while to fall asleep tonight.” The man, he can see him so much more clearly than before, resting on the bank of the river, hair as pink as the heavy laden cherry blossoms behind him. “I’ve been waiting.” 
“Waiting…?” Namjoon questions, watching the way the man beckons him forward. “For me?” “Always.” Jin answer, a sort of soft purr to his voice, one that has Namjoon joining him on the river bank. So familiar, Namjoon thinks to himself, wondering if thinking in dreams is even possible, this riverbank - this man with the soft pink hair and lonely gaze. 
“Who are you?” It could be the first or hundredth time he’s asked, judging by the look on Jin’s face. 
“I’m someone not worth knowing.” Jin answers, looking up at the stars, the full moon, a grimace dancing on his lips.
He’s always being watched, even here, in the dreams of a boy who thinks to know him, in his own way. 
There are a thousand years between him and freedom and still that damn moon watches. 
“I think i’d like to know you more.” Namjoon answers. “Or at least your name, I always read you dream only about the people you’ve met, or seen before, and I’ve never seen you.” “Oh but you have.” Jin corrects, often even, though he doesn’t add that part.
“Untrue.” Namjoon is simple about it. “I’d remember meeting someone like you.” “Like me?” “You have the saddest eyes of anyone i’ve ever met.” 
This time when Namjoon wakes up, he’s got tears dripping down his cheeks, and he doesn’t know why. 
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Many years ago, someone said something so similar. Jin is trapped, trapped in this form but that does not mean he doesn’t feel as a man, think as a man. That he doesn’t - he doesn’t remember. 
Many years ago when he was beautiful, young, powerful...and so foolish, there was one who said something so - so similar.
A beautiful creature, a human like Namjoon - come to give him praise, to worship at his temple, at its height. He could remember him now - clear as day. Beauty then, like now, was not rare, but what was rare were his words. 
He was quiet, shy even in his splendor, a boxy smile that alighted warm on Seokjin, and often. There were many, many pretty humans who came to see Jin, but he stayed, he became an acolyte, a worshipper - and he never left.
Taehyung stayed at his side from the moment their eyes met, from the moment he told him those words “You’re very lonely...you smile, but your eyes tell me what you won’t say.” Seokjin could remember how he felt then, cold water tossed on him, like a rolling sea. 
He had looked away, away towards another pretty thing, a playful woman come to bathe in his waters - and he vowed to not look upon Taehyung again. 
But Taehyung stayed, and it was hard not to look - especially on those nights when he was alone, utterly alone, when it was just him, Taehyung...and the moon. 
“You should worship him instead.” Jin remembers forming the words, Taehyung settling beside him on the river bank. “The moon, he gazes at you every night, I can feel it.” 
“No.” Taehyung shakes his head. “When i saw you, Seokjin, I saw the world in a way I had never had before.
Taehyung - the memory fades, gone before Jin could get to parts he doesn’t want to remember. Too good for him, Taehyung. He looks up at the cherry blossom tree, weighed down with blossoms. Beautiful, quiet Taehyung, who had asked for so little and gotten even less.
Lessons that it was too late for him to learn now, Jin thinks to himself. He couldn’t go back in time and change the way things were, and maybe that was the true curse of it all.
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Namjoon is starting to remember, and they both realize it about the same time, the man sitting on the river bank, lounging in the feel of mid-spring. Wondering just how long the blossoms would stay on the trees here. 
“I’m having weird dreams.” Namjoon confesses. “Of a man.” Jin is far too concerned, far too quickly, not even complaining at the lack of snack. “A...beautiful man.” He adds on, cheeks heating in a way that Jin knows all too well. If he could smirk, he would smirk - the familiar thrill of the chase not lost on him, even now. “And I don’t think i’ve ever seen him before.” Namjoon is frowning lightly at the water, well - at the fish.
“He reminds me of someone - but at the same time, no one I know.” He confesses, knowing full well that even to the fish he must sound ridiculous. “And he says I’ve seen him before, or - or met him before.” Namjoon is frustrated, even Seokjin can tell, he bubbles a little, trying to sooth the man. “I just want to know why - “ He sighs. “I know why, its because - its because I need to get laid.” The confession makes the fish freeze, literally, all movement stopping. 
“I am trying so hard, you know I went on a date last night?” The confession makes Jin lap anxiously around his legs. “it didn’t go as well as I hoped.” Namjoon sighs, enjoying the coolness of the river water against his skin. It is suddenly hot, too hot. “But...a date is a date - and - well, i’m not getting any younger.” 
A date. Jin might be old, far older than any other being he would be talking to, certainly older than a foolish mortal boy, but he knew the word date. Had seen many along the banks of the river he called home. 
He could feel himself frown, bubbles rising to the surface of the water as he glared at Namjoon, tail thrashing behind him. The other man was in no way required to entertain men for the sake of his age. It made Jin - well it upset him. 
Namjoon watches, sees how the fish seems to disagree with this notion. Bubbles gathering at the water’s edge as he sways his tail. Namjoon is struck by how disapproving he seems. Can….can fish feel that emotion? Disapproval? 
“Don’t look at me like that, I feel judged!” Nothing, his expression doesn’t change, and Namjoon grimaces. The last thing he wants after the day he’s had is even the fish judging him. “What if I give you the sharp cheddar cheez-its this time? I know they’re your favorite.” 
They ARE his favorite, and Namjoon is the only one of the human crowd who still thinks to bring him offerings that brings the strange and delightful crackers. The tail thrashing ceases, though his eyes still hold that frown. He wishes he could speak to Namjoon then, tell him that as a priest of his - he do not need to - to date. Jin will take care of his every need and more - but he cannot, not yet at least. 
And so he just waits until Namjoon is sighing, muttering something about a conscious spirit in the fish, pulling out the bag, breaking the pieces up as he feed them to him
“Sometimes I think you don’t really love me, or my company.” Namjoon stares at him, an amused, albeit sad look on his face. “You just come here for my cheez-its.” 
No, Jin thinks to himself. Its Namjoon that comes to him, time and time again, and he doesn’t want it to stop - something that his statements only put into perspective. Namjoon had gone on a date, had met with a mortal, and he had not...had not known.
The emotion that Seokjin feels is...Jealousy, and he doesn’t like it one bit.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
LoL Chapter 27- Hermits
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
Its not often the hermits get a chance to all be together. And while they know battles lie ahead of them, they take this moment to enjoy being a family again. 
Etho appears beside TFC, causing the mineral mage to sputter out the coffee he was sipping. “I caught sight of xB a few islands down!” 
The hermits murmur with excitement and follow Etho to the shoreline. Sure enough, xB is hauling Hypno and Beef onto the warm sand. Hypno thumps his hand against his head, an attempt to escape his clogged ears which only fails for him. “Can’t we take a sky turtle next time?” 
“But it’s more fun to swim!” xB chuckles, and with a flick of his finned ears and his grey tail he runs to hug the hermits. “It’s so good to be back, guys! I can’t remember the last time all of us were on the island together.”
“You guys said something about taking back Lairyon?” Beef raises an eyebrow, looking over at Doc. “This isn’t your rebellious phase coming back, is it?”
“We’ll explain everything on the way. TFC has a lot to tell.” Etho wraps his arms around Hypno and xB, before disappearing into their shared shadow. 
The kipling laughs, shaking his head and looking around the island. “Some things never change. I see you haven’t fixed the hole in False’s forge either.” 
The hermits laugh, the entire group filled with life as they return to the guild hall. Joe and Cleo regale the missing hermits with the story of their victory at the Chimaera’s Championship. Their battles and challenges in the arena, facing off against the best guilds and winning the cup. They also tell Hypno, xB, and Beef about the heist, the discovery. 
“Why am I not surprised?” Hypno hums, tapping his fingers against the wood of the table that he sits down at. TFC pats the boys on the head, grabbing at Beef’s face and tapping his finger on a scar he sees. Beef shrinks away, concerned for a second, but the guildmaster only chuckles in response.
“I can’t wait to hear that story. It’s good to have you guys back.” TFC pats him on the back. “Treat you to a pint of beer next time we go to town.” 
“Let’s hear about this big job you’ve got planned for us first.” xB raises an eyebrow. In response, TFC rolls out his map.
The paper has changed since they first decided to go after Dolios and his creepy crystals. If there’s one thing an outlaw guild knows how to do, it’s to find new jobs through the grapevine. “Dolios has these tales silenced. I’ve heard of at least six other guilds being attacked or wiped out by unknown magic. Unfortunately, we’re too late to help them.” Team ZIT glance at one another, but focus on the here and now. “But there are places we can make a difference, as well as get information and better ourselves as a group.”
TFC motions to the Evernight forest. “An old friend of mine said there has been stories of familiars and companion animals going missing. No trace of where they went, except for a few patches of charred grass.”
“Charred, or drained?” Mumbo muses. To anyone, that sounds like the signs of a dragon ravaging Foresta, but after Mumbo’s duel with a draconic mage he knows dragons aren’t that dastardly. Nothing is as dastardly as Dolios. 
TFC grins, the newest member and the guildmaster sharing a knowing glint. “There’s also Shellor- which, I believe one of our hermits here knows quite intimately.” Etho gives a two fingered salute, rocking on the back legs of his chair until they fall out from under him, dumping him on the floor. Doc, Beef, and BDubs laugh at him. “There’s a few spies who’ve seen things Dolios has done, but the hard part will be earning their trust.” 
“Hmm, yeah. I don’t think I really left Shellor on a good note.” Etho grimaces. 
“That’ll be you, Keralis, and Grian’s problem. Meanwhile, we also need some help in the magical beings department. And if there’s one group that has mysterious, arcane magic on lock, it’s-”
“The fae!” Stress slams down her hands, a bright smile on her face. Iskall jolts upright and nearly hits the table again on the way down. “But where will we go? The fjords? The mountains? Heartbreak Trench?” 
“The flowerfruit fields. While you’re there, you and BDubs can gather ingredients that we’ve been running low on.” TFC glances at the map, running a finger over the lime green patch on the map. “We do have two confirmed crystal sightings, as well as Gildara. Edenswell seems to be falling ill to dark magic, and there’s reasonable belief that Dolios isn’t getting these massive rocks from nowhere- he’s using gems from the mines.” 
Heads peek over one another in an attempt to see the map. The charcoal diamonds and swirls. Gildara still sits untouched, and every hermit looks at one another. Do any of them want to return to the beginning of this all? Even to put an end to the dark magic plaguing the land, the memories of what they saw, what they experienced, still remain. 
Except for those that weren’t there. “I don’t think I’d mind checking out this hokey little town you guys keep talking about.” Beef grins, glancing over at Hypno and Wels. “We’ll have that place brimming with flaxen fields and green gardens all over again.” 
TFC grins, dipping his head in thanks to the returning hermits. He leans back, looking at the filled guild hall. “It’s been so long since we’ve all been together. If only it were on good terms.” 
“It feels good to return home.” xB ruffles his hair with a scaled hand, looking around for a second, then returning to speaking. “Even if it’s just for a short time, we should enjoy everyone being together again.” 
“What I’m hearing is we need to have our signature hermit celebrations.” Tango’s face splits into a devious smile. All around him, other hermits get a similar smirk on their face. Before TFC can agree to the idea, the hermits are gone. Cleo rushes to her wrecked pirate ship, hefting kegs of ale with the aid of Stress. Wels commandeers False’s forge to begin baking his favorite sweets, while Mumbo, Grian, and Iskall work together to fix the pennants, lanterns, and flags that decorate the guild hall in a myriad of colors. 
Tango snaps his fingers, and a small flame dances at his fingertips, jumping from his nails to the wicks of the lanterns. He ducks out of the way just in time to avoid being smacked in the face by a massive fish, tossed from the sea by xB and grabbed by Grian midair. The whirlpool mage disappears back underwater, back to hunting in the realm he was born in. 
The sun begins to inch towards the western horizon, turning the sky ablaze in a mosaic of pinks, oranges, yellows, and reds. A blue flag flutters against the ancient oak tree, catching on a branch. BDubs reaches out from his seat near the food platters, hardly even glancing away from the fresh baked goods, and with a flick of his wrist the branch bends away and the flag flies free again. 
False appears beside Wels, grabbing a brownie from the hot pan and sticking her tongue out at him as she passes. When Wels objects she’s quick to retort. “You used my forge. It’s rental payment, paladin.” 
Beef sets out plates, which are promptly ignored once Impulse and Zedaph have finished cooking the tuna xB caught. Music swells from a music box the creation of Ren, with the help of Mumbo, the upbeat songs written and composed with Joe and requests from the other hermits for their favorite tunes. 
The music thrums against the low roar of talking, the sound only broken by the common lilt of laughter. Hermits tell their stories, whether they be heard for the thousandth time or a new tale to tell. Beef causes Hypno to flush as he recounts the prank he pulled on the dream mage. Hypno turns bright red, quiet voice cracking over the tale. “I smelled like centaur shit for a week! It was awful, I’ll tell you that.” 
A raucous laugh erupts from that table, overshadowing the story of Mumbo’s duel to xB. “I swear on my life, I thought she was gonna swallow me whole. Or burn me like coal.” Mumbo shakes his head. “I don’t think I ever want to go up against a draconic mage ever again in my life.” 
“I’m surprised a kipling, a draconic mage, and a desert wizard were one team. That’s a strange group. I don’t think I’ve even met each of the others.” xB takes a bite of his fish, marinated in fresh fruits that Cub plucked from nearby islands. “But I’m sure that kipling gave you guys a run for your money. That magic she had… it’s rare beyond imagination. In kipling legend, it means a legendary hero is about to arise.” 
“He definitely kicked Ren’s ass. I don’t think I ever saw so much water moved at once.” Mumbo shakes his head, and stuffs a red jelly tart into his mouth. 
Keralis stands, tossing his woven hat from the brown curls of his hair, and inviting himself onto the open floor. “I love this song! Come on, my wonderful friends, let’s dance!” 
The setting sun casts a golden glow, bouncing off verdant leaves, twisting along the waves of the Ashioll sea. Laughter and music dance in the gilded light, playing in the curls of Zedaph’s hair as he joins Keralis. The two bumble around, drunk from Cleo’s ale but enjoying themselves immensely. 
Only one hermit wasn’t taking part in the festivities. Atop the canopy that protects the guild hall below, Xisuma watches as the stars appear in the sky. For a few moments in the day, the void and the sun share the space above. And he always thinks of the one person he knows he should forget by now. But he would’ve loved this, even if he’s constantly worrying about being caught doing something wrong. 
“Hey X, you gonna mope up there all day or join us?” Jevin grins below, one hand placed on his hip and the other waving Xisuma down. “Just because you’re a void mage doesn’t mean you have to a-void everything!” 
Xisuma rolls his eyes, but smiles beneath his mask. “After that terrible pun, how can I say no?”
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valhahazred · 4 years
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Cryptozoology and the Cthulhu Mythos are two of my main interests so of course I think about how the two might intersect. When a cryptid is seen, what Sothic truths might lurk behind it?
Just like with my Mothman page, the top row are some vaguely similar witness accounts while the bottom row is some mythos based speculation. This time we're looking at aliens and cryptids with some seemingly ghostly properties, best exemplified by the Flatwoods Monster.
Also hey West Virginia, what's up with your monsters? Why are they so cool?
The Flatwoods Encounter
The Phantom of Flatwoods. The Braxton County Monster. The Queen of the Cryptids.
One September night in 1952, three boys witness a bright object cross the sky before landing in a nearby farmer's land. Running home to get two of the boy's mother, Kathleen May, they formed a group with more boys and set out to look for the landed UFO. One member of this group was young National Guardsman, Gene Lemon, who brought along a flashlight and his dog. As they headed towards the farm Lemon's dog ran ahead only to bark furiously before running back to the group with it's tail between it's legs. Lemon saw a pair of glittering lights in the dark and turned his flashlight beam towards them. All the witnesses saw a bright red face, a hood shaped like the ace of spades and glowing orange-green eyes. Kathleen May also described it as having long clawed hands and green cloth-like folds. After a few seconds it hissed at them and then glided towards the group, at which point Lemon dropped the flashlight and they had to flee into the darkness. Afterwards several members of the group felt ill and vomited for hours. Lemon in particular had throat problems for weeks.
Investigators from the Civilian Saucer Investigation obtained a few other accounts of the monster in the area after the fact but none of them were as memorable as the Flatwoods encounter. In recent times there has been some disagreement over the appearance of the Phantom, with some ufologists pushing the idea that it was some form of alien robot, powered armor or even a small craft itself.
The Frametown Encounter
The same night of the Flatwoods encounter, George and Edith Snitowsky were traveling the road between Gassaway and Frametown when their car stalled and they caught a horrible stench. George got out to see what was going on and saw a violet orb moving back and forth across the road. As he moved towards it he felt a pins-and-needles sensation and a wave of sickness passed over him. As he staggered back to the car, Edith noticed something behind him. A towering figure with a big head, a bloated body and long spindly arms was hovering rapidly towards them. As they crouched inside their locked car, the being touched the windshield before retreating. The violet globe swayed back and forth as it rose above the trees and it shot off in a trail of light. The next day a gas station attendant pointed out a v-shaped burn on the hood of their car.
Mantis Man
Seen in the company of the alien Greys or hanging out in New Jersey rivers, these towering Mantisoid beings have been witnessed dozens of times. Although superficially similar to gigantic insects, they appear to be only partially exoskeletal with snake-like skin and a bipedal stance. They are able to cloak themselves; with one witness claiming that the creature was transparent, while another said it appeared solid at first but faded from sight after it noticed him. They might be telepathic as well, with several of the Hackettstown New Jersey encounters reporting that they felt sensations of surprise or aggression from the creatures.
Shadow Abductor
After seeing a low flying circular craft, Kelly Cahill and her husband got home with an hour of missing time. Kelly had a triangular burn near her navel and after weeks of stomach problems and a uterine infection Kelly began to remember what happened that night. She recalled leaving the car with her husband in what seemed to be a trance and walking towards the vast UFO as it hovered in a gully. As they walked towards the craft, they noticed tall, dark figures waiting for them. They were congregating in small groups and some were investigating another car parked at the side of the road. As they approached one of the figures floated towards them, covering a hundred yards in a moment. It was so black it was like an absence of matter and the only color came from its glowing red eyes. Kelly remembered feeling a certainty that it was evil before she blacked out. The encounter was even corroborated by the occupants of that other car, who told a similar tale. Further to her encounter Kelly would occasionally awaken in the night to find one of the shadowy aliens looming over her bed before vanishing.
Hopkinsville Goblins
Have we ever considered that the Flatwoods Monster might just be three Goblins in a trench coat?
In 1955 a group of seven people were terrorized by these small glowing creatures as they bumbled around the Sutton family farm. They arrived out of the woods after one of the men witnessed a UFO covered in rainbow lights. All through the night they wandered the property, peering through windows and grabbing at anyone who left the house even as they were shot at by the frightened witnesses. Any time they were struck by a bullet, they would make a sound like rattling metal before falling in slow motion and wandering away. They seemed to able to hover and glide and even when walking they moved in a strange swaying motion as though wading through the air. It was not clear how many of the beings were present, with estimates ranging from 2 to 12.
Fungi from Yuggoth
If it might be aliens, the fungi are probably the ones behind it.
There is a Fungi Tulu-metal mine in the Appalachian Mountains, perhaps a group of prospectors were moving through West Virginia that September night? This particular prospector is a Sleestak, the reptiloid allies of the fungi. The symbiotic fungi it is paired with grants it a number of useful abilities as it follows its crystal matrix probes to deposits of psychic metal.
Diana of the Black Goat
There is a belt of Shub-Niggurath worship stretching from Pennsylvania, down through Virginia and Kentucky and reaching all the way down to northern Texas. One sign of this worship are the numerous legends of goatmen stalking the backwoods or hiding under abandoned bridges. Where there are children of the Black Goat the Diana are sure to follow. The Diana are telepathic and extremely empathetic and understand human fear and that not all beings share the proclivities of the Black Goat and her worshipers. Perhaps the creature seen that night was simply trying to ward off those who would rather not witness the revels of the Gof'nn hupadgh.
Dark Han is considered to be among the ranks of the "Great Old Ones". It is one of the three gods of divination along with Father Yig and serpent-bearded Byatis. It appears as a humanoid figure cloaked in tattered robes and freezing mists. As the cloak flaps its tatters slither away or flap into the air and those within its mists see nightmarish figures. Anyone who touches its skeletal hand will be plagued with nightmares that contain kernels of future events. As long as the nightmares last the victim will sicken as Han draws energy from the dream conduit.
Being from Shonhi
When Yaddith was consumed by Dholes, its people fled to the nearby worlds of Kath, Zaith and Ymar to take refuge. Their allies from Shonhi swarmed the orbitals over the newly formed Dhole hive tracing the transit residues of the Yaddithian light-envelopes to ensure all the survivors where accounted for. One light wake did not head to the muster point in the Xoth system but instead headed off towards some backwater arm of the galaxy. Further investigation revealed that the light-envelope in question belonged to the wizard Zkauba, one of the very people responsible for maintaining the Dhole chants and the barriers that kept them to the worldcore. Interviews with his acquaintances revealed he had been acting stranger than usual leading up to the fall of the barrier.
Now Shonhi sorcerers have followed the trail back to our humble planet, with awkward questions for the wayward Yaddithian wizard.
Xola Noxa
An ancient sorceress from an early human culture, Xola Noxa has been wandering North America since the days it was called Quy and the Muvians built their fabled cities of gold. She is now a towering figure of blistering heat and venom. She walks the secret roads of the world, seeking hidden knowledge and ever greater powers for no reason aside from the love of the hunt.
The blaze of light that crossed the sky remains a question as it resembles none of the spells or signs she is reputed to know. What force did she call down from the stars that night?
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aliciameade · 5 years
Santa's Little Helper - Merry Pitchmas 2019
Merry Pitchmas to @brandneweyesx! 
Summary: Beca needs to earn some extra cash so Chloe hooks her up with a job at the mall. And maybe her motives aren't totally innocent.
Rated: T
(Also on AO3)
“Just cover me one more time; you know I’m good for it,” Beca says, giving her best big doe-eyes that she knows will win over Chloe. She doesn’t take advantage of the known weakness that often, but it’s useful when she does.
She watches Chloe sigh yet nod in agreement. “Okay. You know, if you’re so broke, I could try to put in a good word at a few of the stores in the mall. They all staff up for the holidays.”
Beca’s instinct is to reject it; she’s busy enough as it is with figuring out how the Bellas will defend their national title and repeat as champions. Oh, and attending class. She does that most days, too. She’s also flat broke as a result of her packed schedule and Chloe’s paid Beca’s share of the Bella house bills for the last three months.
“Fine,” Beca says, resigned. “But nothing lame like Cinnabon or hocking hand lotions at a kiosk. Get me in at Journeys or Sunglass Hut. Somewhere I can get a discount on stuff I actually want to buy.”
She smiles into Chloe’s shoulder when she gets tackled by a wholly unnecessary and welcome hug. “I’ll do my best. I can’t believe we’re going to work together!”
“Do not get me a job at Victoria’s Secret.”
“What—too tempting to look at all the pretty girls?”
“Shut up,” Beca huffs while pushing Chloe off her. She schools her face into a strong pout with a hefty glare that earns her a giggly kiss to her cheek.
“Don’t worry,” Chloe says, voice dropping to a whisper, “your secret’s safe with me.”
Beca’s pout turns into a furious blush. She’s still getting used to the whole someone-knows-she’s-gay thing. Chloe was the first—and remains the only—person she’s come out to. It’s been kind of nice getting to talk about it, even if it feels a lot like learning to ride a bike without training wheels.
It’s helped that Chloe had made no secret about her own bisexuality, and her current favorite hobby is quietly pointing out (or texting pictures of) girls she thinks Beca might find attractive and prodding her for an opinion. It’s also often accompanied with, “I can talk to her for you if you want.”
Beca’s been dismissive of the options, begrudgingly admitting that, “Yes, that girl is pretty,” but, “No, please don’t talk to her for me.”
“I don’t think I’m ready for that,” is the reason she provides when Chloe asks why not.
“What if we went on a date instead?” is the answer she wishes she could give,” but, “No, please don’t talk to her for me.”
“I don’t think I’m ready for that,” is the reason she provides when Chloe asks why not.
“What if we went on a date instead?” is the answer she wishes she was brave enough to give instead.
“Okay, no lingerie stores,” Chloe laughs, interrupting Beca’s thoughts. “Let me see what I can rustle up for you.”
When Beca shows up at the mall the following Thursday afternoon, she’s there via what seems like one step away from an illegal hustle based on the lack of information provided by the man who had called her.
“Southeast entrance. 4:00. Ask for Randall.”
Turns out the southeast entrance isn’t where she’s going; a man identified as Randall leads her through a service entrance and into a network of nondescript, neutral-colored hallways. She’s considering texting Chloe and asking what exactly she’s about to walk into or if she needs to have her family prepare ransom money when Randall pushes open a door into an employee locker room.
Her apprehension eases considerably at the normalcy that comes with it. Just walls of blue lockers, a few benches, and a vending machine.
“163,” he says, pointing vaguely.
“They’re assigned? What is this, high school?” she asks with a laugh, only he doesn’t laugh back and she sobers, apprehension immediately returning. She follows his orders though, glad to put some distance between them, and pops the latch on locker 163.
“What is this?” she asks, pointing at its contents as she turns around, but Randall is already leaving and has offered no further instruction or clarity. “Cool, cool, cool,” she says with a nod as she turns back to face her reality.
“We need to talk,” she texts Chloe, accompanied by a photo of the atrocious red and green outfit hanging in her locker before stuffing her phone into the pocket of her green skirt (at least it has pockets). The candy cane-striped leggings are itchy, the corsetted top is, in her opinion, too racy for Christmas, and honestly, don’t even get her started on the hat.
At least she can wear her own boots.
Unsure where to go, she stomps out the same exit Randall had gone and nearly runs into the man waiting on the other side of the door.
“Let’s go,” he says before dialing a number on a weirdly out-of-date flip phone.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s going on? I mean, I have a pretty good idea but it’d be nice to know—“
She stops mid-sentence when a door opens and she’s pushed (not led) right into the open floor of the shopping center just meters away from what is clearly the back of the mall’s installation of Santa’s Workshop, a noisy, bright monstrosity designed as a cash-grab for parents who need Instagram content. She’s avoided it like the plague every season while shopping, and now it seems the avoidance has ricocheted back upon her ten-fold.
She turns around looking for Randall but he’s gone and the door she was booted through is closed and the only thing left for her to do is to explore the obvious: she approaches the back door of the workshop and knocks while considering ding-dong-ditching.
The door swings open and a man that looks to be about her age, maybe a bit younger, sticks his head out. He’s dressed similarly but has a noticeable amount of rouge on his cheeks and he’s definitely wearing body glitter. “Beca?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Just in time; I need a damn break. Get in here.”
She’s half-pulled into the structure which is much less magical inside than its exterior, save for a few deliberately placed decorations that can be seen if one looks in from the front windows. There are a couple of overstuffed chairs, a Christmas tree, a fake fireplace,  and a plain table and chairs that sit in the back out of sight for employees. “Um, I don’t really know what I’m doing here. Literally and figuratively,” she adds hoping for at least a smile but instead, she gets a blank stare.
“You’re an elf. Go be an elf.” With that, her new, nameless coworker disappears out the back as if such an explanation is suitable for someone’s first day on a job, as basic as it might seem.
“And a Merry Christmas to you,” she says with a sarcastic bow in his direction. She checks her phone expecting a response form Chloe but she hasn’t replied so she does the only thing she can do.
She puts her phone away and opens the front door of Santa’s Workshop to the cheers (and screams) of children and a loud, “Ho, ho, ho! Here’s another of my little helpers!” from an unimpressive mall Santa who looks at her with what should be a criminal level of disdain. Or pity. “Well, let’s not keep the good girls and boys waiting!” He gestures at the line that has no end in sight and Beca figures there’s only one thing to do.
“Okay, little guy,” she says, reaching out to take the hand of the next child in line, “let’s visit Santa!”
She’s going to have some very strong words for Chloe when she sees her tonight.
“Dude, you said you were going on a break! It’s been at least two hours,” she whispers harshly under her breath when the elf she replaced returns. All he offers is a shrug and takes up a position at the front of the line to pass off the children to Beca.
At least she doesn’t have to walk back and forth trying to control the kids anymore. If they make it as far as her, most of them are agreeable to her lifting them on to Santa’s lap without too much of a fuss.
Her back is aching by the time someone tells her that she can take a dinner break and her hands are so uncomfortably sticky that she knows she’s destined to wake up puking tomorrow thanks to some illness she’s acquired. She pushes through the front door of the workshop and makes a beeline for the giant pump bottle of hand sanitizer, briefly considering bathing with it but settles on slathering it only on her hands and arms.
A check of her phone reveals to her her worst nightmare.
A photo, sent from Chloe, of Beca standing on the porch of Santa’s Workshop looking less than impressed by her situation, staring off into the distance contemplating her existence.
Only the photo was sent to the Bellas’ group chat, not just Beca, and there are at least fifty texts of varying levels of amusement and threats of blackmail that follow it.
She’s typing out a message intended just for Chloe to convey her irritation as she exits through the back door only to find the would-be recipient of her words waiting for her wearing exactly the smile Beca imagined her sporting when she sent her evil, evil photo to the girls.
“You!” she growls, her stride changing to stalk toward her co-captain. “You knew about this!”
“You asked me to get you a job, Bec!” Chloe says, voice so high and eyes so bright with mirth that it’s impossible for Beca to maintain any level of ill-will toward her. “So I got you a job.”
Beca pokes her squarely in the chest. “This wasn’t what I had in mind.”
“I specifically said nothing lame.”
“It’s not lame,” Chloe grins. “I love Christmas!”
“Right. You love Christmas.”
Her correction goes unnoticed (or ignored) by Chloe. “I knew you’d make a good elf.”
Beca crosses her arms. “And why is that? Choose your words carefully.”
“Because I knew you’d look adorable in the costume.” Her eyes roam Beca in what feels like a slightly invasive manner. “And I was right.”
Beca blushes despite herself. “I look like an idiot.”
“But an adorable idiot. Are you on break?”
Beca lets her comment slide. “Yeah.”
“Awes. Me, too. Let’s go to the food court.”
Beca should have known that going to the food court in full elf attire would garner attention, especially from children. They flocked to her asking about Santa like pigeons to tossed breadcrumbs and if not for the stupidly cute way Chloe watched her while it happened, she would have probably done something to get herself fired on her first day, like yelling that Santa isn’t even real and to get the fuck away from her.
“You know you owe me. Big time,” she says as Chloe walks her back to the workshop.
“If I’m not mistaken, you actually owe me. That’s why you’re here.”
“Right,” Beca grumbles.
“But seeing you dressed up like this is definitely worth more than the money you owe me. Let’s call it even.”
“What? Dude, no,” Beca says, feeling immensely guilty that Chloe’s offering to forgive the nearly $100 she owes. “I’ll pay you back.”
She feels Chloe grab her hand once they’re behind the workshop and sidle up alongside her to whisper conspiratorially. “Tell you what: give me a private tour of Santa’s Workshop after you close. Then we’ll call it even.”
Beca’s stomach flip-flops, maybe from the mall sushi she just ate or maybe from Chloe being so close and sounding so suggestive. “I don’t think I’m supposed to do that.”
Chloe clicks her tongue and the fact that it happens so close to Beca’s ear makes her shiver. “Everyone knows Santa’s Workshop after-hours is the place to be. You just have to know someone to get in. And now I know you.”
Beca can’t help but smirk a little. “You make it sound like it’s the hottest new club.”
“Well, maybe not quite,” Chloe says with a shrug and puts a bit of space between them once again. “But I do want to see it.”
“It’s just a big empty box.”
“Then who cares if I see it?” Damn Chloe and her logic.
“Fine. What time does this thing close? I don’t even know who my supervisor is. Or when my shift ends.”
“Mall closes at 9:00. Santa at 8:30.”
Beca checks her very non-elf-like watch and groans that it’s only 6:30. “Then meet me here at 8:30.”
Chloe gives her one of her excited squeals and a kiss on her cheek before scampering away back toward her much less lame job at Aeropostale with a wave.
She spots Chloe spying on her in the open plaza of the mall when she’s helping the other elf close up the workshop (which involves little more than placing a sign in front of the door that reads Santa’s checking his lists - come back tomorrow!) and she throws a glare or two her way.
Chloe laughs at them and when Beca disappears into the workshop house to exit through the back, she sees Chloe all but skipping around it to meet her. Beca lets her fellow elf depart first who stops when he almost bumps into Chloe waiting at the back door. Beca’s immediate reaction is to panic that she’s in trouble but instead, he turns around smiling and says, “Nice one, honey. And on your first day.”
She doesn’t have a chance to ask what he means because he’s out the door and Chloe’s stepping in, closing it behind her.
“Why did he look at me that way?” Beca asks, trying to catch sight of him through a side window as he departs.
“I don’t know,” Chloe says airly. “This is cool!”
“Uh, sure,” Beca says as she steps aside so Chloe can explore what little there is to the place. She watches her try out both chairs, wondering aloud which one is Santa’s and which one is Mrs. Claus’s while taking more than one selfie.
“Come sit on my lap,” Chloe says and it makes Beca wonder if she heard correctly.
“Come on,” she repeats, patting it. “Don’t think I’m not getting a picture with Santa’s cutest elf in his workshop.”
“Oh, my God, stop,” Beca says with a roll of her eyes. “I’ll do it, but only if I get photo approval.”
“Deal,” Chloe grins, holding out her arms expectantly.
As if it’s really some big chore for Beca.
She perches cautiously on Chloe’s knee only to get pulled back until Chloe’s arm is around her waist, the other poised in the air with her phone at the ready.
“Say, ‘Have a holly jolly Christmas!’”
“Not saying that,” Beca says but she smiles for the photos anyway.
A few minutes and many photos (and one photo approval) later, Chloe has a new Instagram post and Beca has days of ridicule lying ahead. She’s also still basically on Chloe’s lap, the two of them shifting to share the chair, though Beca’s legs have to drape awkwardly over Chloe’s to fit.
“You know,” Chloe starts as she wiggles to get her phone into her pocket, “I’ve worked at this mall for three Christmases and I’ve never been invited to the workshop.”
“Should I know why that’s significant?”
“Well,” she says as she settles again, her free hand now taking up Beca’s to start playing with her fingers absentmindedly, “this is totes the make-out spot in the mall.”
Beca nearly chokes. “What?”
“I told you: it’s VIP. You have to be invited. It’s like, the law of the mall.”
“And you thought making me an elf would get you in? Dude, I’m not going to be a lookout while you hook up with someone in here.”
“No, silly,” Chloe laughs. “I didn’t mean that. I wanted you to invite me.”
Beca feels like her ears are on fire. “What?”
“You wanna make out?”
Beca’s sure she’s now entirely engulfed in flames, and Chloe’s hand resting on her hip isn’t helping matters. “Dude, what?”
“We don’t have to,” Chloe quickly follows with. “Unless...unless you want to? Maybe? I’m not trying to make anything weird, I just thought, you know, I like you, and now that I know you like girls, too, I just thought maybe...”
Beca’s brain tunes out after that because Chloe’s turned from a giggly, cuddly friend to a rambling ball of nerves; she can even feel how tense Chloe is beneath her. She tunes out because Chloe’s asking Beca if she wants to kiss. Each other. And something about Chloe having thought about it?
“Okay.” She doesn’t know where the word comes from but her brain spits it out and it cuts off Chloe.
“...Okay?” Chloe repeats slowly, as though unsure she heard what she thinks she heard.
Beca feels seconds from full-on panic so she just nods.
“Oh. Cool,” Chloe says, the uncertainty and tension starting to ease. “So…”
“So…” Beca repeats and finds herself adjusting her position next to Chloe so they’re less cheek-to-cheek and more face-to-face.
Or lips-to-lips, as it were. Not that she’s thinking of such things. Mostly her heart os pounding in her ears and her stomach is tingling because there’s no doubt that Chloe’s staring at Beca’s mouth with intent and there’s getting to be less and less distance between them.
Beca holds her breath when they’re so close she can feel Chloe’s. But then Chloe stops.
“Are you sure?” she asks and Beca almost laughs.
“Chloe.” She hears herself and is embarrassed by how whiney it sounds but it makes Chloe’s soft lips split into a grin.
“I just wanted to hear you beg,” she whispers before erasing the last inch between them to press her lips to Beca’s.
Beca’s still reeling from the fact that Chloe is kissing her when her sassy and startingly sexy words register with Beca. She starts to pull away with a grunt of protest, not of the kiss but of Chloe’s cockiness, but Chloe laughs against her lips and slides the arm that’s been around Beca’s waist higher up her back so she can’t get far.
Beca doesn’t really want to get away from Chloe anyway. Or stop what’s currently happening. Because Chloe’s lips feel amazing touching hers and just when Beca starts to sink into it, Chloe changes things up and tilts her head in a way that makes them fit even better.
The sound Beca makes at the touch of Chloe’s tongue to her lips is just as embarrassing as whining about Chloe teasing her but the sound Chloe makes in response is the sexiest thing Beca’s ever heard.
It fuels her. Emboldens her to press a bit forward, to part her lips and let Chloe in to meet her tongue with her own.
That’s all it takes for them to be making out in the darkened Santa’s Workshop. A rambly suggestion and Beca nodding like a bobblehead. If she had known it would be that easy, maybe they could have done this a long time ago.
Not that she has any regrets. Not when Chloe’s tongue is playing with hers in a way that makes Beca think she might be showing off. Or maybe Chloe’s just an amazing kisser.
(She’s pretty sure it’s the latter.)
She doesn’t know how much time passes but eventually Chloe is the one to pull back with a satisfied-sounding groan. “God, that was really good,” she says before leaning in to kiss Beca again, a hard, fast, wet kiss that turns Beca on more in those three seconds than everything prior.
“Yeah,” Beca replies and she can hear in her own voice how breathless she sounds.
“And you look...smokin’ hot dressed up like this.”
Beca almost finds enough snark left inside her to turn that into a comment about Chloe having a weird Christmas kink, except as soon as she thinks about Chloe having kinks of any kind, her mind shuts down again and she’s the one suddenly kissing Chloe, hard, fast, and wet.
Chloe groans again when Beca pulls back and it’s all she can do to not lean right in for more. It feels too good and knowing it’s affecting Chloe like it’s affecting Beca is even better. She manages to refrain, though, because she’s noticing how dark it’s gotten. “Dude, they turned off all the lights.”
“Mall’s closed,” Chloe says, voice sounding as dreamy as she looks.
“And it’s okay for us to still be here?”
“Security will let us out. Do you want to do this again?” Chloe’s question follows her comment about security with no warning and it catches Beca off-guard.
“Uh, I mean…” she stumbles over what she should say; she doesn’t want to sound like the horny college student she is, and she doesn’t want to sound like she’s rejecting Chloe’s offer (?), but she definitely wants to do this again. “Amy’s crashing at Bumper’s tonight,” is how she answers it and it’s not until Chloe’s eyes go wide with surprise that she realizes how that sounded.
“I just meant...oh, my God,” she rushes, trying to figure out how to explain that she didn’t mean it ‘that way’ except she kind of did, just not all-the-way that way. Except despite tonight being their first kiss, she’s pretty sure she would sleep with Chloe tonight if things went that direction.
It’s not like she’s never thought about it.
“I just meant we can hang out in my room and be alone and see what happens.”
Chloe’s smiling at her struggle to answer and it only grows. “‘See what happens’? What if what happens is more of that?”
Beca thinks it’s a dumb question. Dumb dumb dumb. “Then that would be fine,” she says with a nod.
“Then let’s go home,” Chloe whispers before pulling Beca into one more kiss, all of it leaving Beca’s legs unsteady when she finally rights herself so they can leave the workshop.
“I can’t get over this,” Chloe says with a tug to Beca’s skirt before standing up as well. “Can you keep it on when we get home?”
“In your dreams.”
Chloe hums thoughtfully as she takes Beca’s hand to lead her out of the workshop and through the hidden hallways of the mall to the exit. “Oh, it will be.”
Beca has a lot of questions about that: what exactly she means, what exactly she’d be dreaming of, what exactly what’s happening means for them as friends, and if it means something more.
Instead of asking about any of that, however, she says, “I didn’t forget what you did. You’re not off the hook for this elf thing.”
The look Chloe tosses her over her shoulder makes her breath catch. “Guess I’ll have to make it up to you.”
The End
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type-mage · 4 years
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I felt like writing something like a fairy tale. (art also by me)  Enjoy. 
The fire that brings spring
It was on a sunny spring day that the girl caught the firefox. She had laid the traps for years, just for this moment. Her eyes were itching, her nose running. That morning she had sighed as so often before. “If only,” she had wished. “If only spring wouldn’t come, I wouldn’t be feeling so bad.”
Now, her wish was ready to come true.
The fox looked up at her with begging eyes. “Dear, sweet little girl. Look at me caught in this cruel trap. Will you please free me before the hunter comes?”
The girl felt for the fox, but she was unable to comply. “I am very sorry, pretty fox, but I can not let you go. I’ll be taking you home instead.”
The fox said no more and let her take him. She put him in a cage, in the cellar.
Then she visited her grandfather, like every day. He gave her cookies and spoke to her about the wonders of nature. As so often, he told her how spring had come, because the firefox had woken everything up. He told her the hayfever would subside soon. She just had to hold out a little longer.
Months went by and the girl was sure to feed the fox whatever he asked for. She gave him all he wanted, except the freedom he needed most.
“Dear, sweet little girl,” the fox pleaded one day. “Summer is neigh. Please release me so I can absorb the sun and smell the flowers.”
The girl felt again for the fox, but she shook her head. “I’m sorry, pretty fox, but if I free you, how will I be sure that I will catch you again? I can not let you go now.”
The fox said no more and let her take care of him ever longer, his eyes growing sad.
The sun grew warm and bright. Nature flourished in green. The girl’s itches finally grew less, yet wouldn’t ever leave her alone.
She visited her grandfather and again he told her the hayfever would subside as soon as the flowers would wither.
“Dear, sweet little girl,” the fox begged her again a few months later. “Summer has passed and autumn is here. It is time for me to find my hollow and prepare for sleep. Will you please let me go?”
The girl could feel for the fox’s sad tone of voice. Yet, she responded negatively: “I’m sorry, pretty fox, but I can not let you go. If I let you fall asleep I will not see you before spring again.”
The fox said no more and lay down with clouded eyes.
She gave him extra soft pillows, yet, he would not cheer up. He stopped eating her coals and only looked at her with pain.
The leaves turned red and gold like the sunset. They kissed the ground, where creatures scurried through them. Squirrels hid their nuts and bears ate twice their weight in honey.
“Just a little longer,” grandfather assured her. “The last flowers are giving their all now.”
Surely, the itching was finally subsiding.
“Little girl, I beg of you!” the fox pleaded desperately now. “Winter is about to start. I feel the sleep weighing me down. If I am not at my hollow, I will not wake up in time. Spring will never come.”
The girl couldn’t do anything but grieve for the creature, yet she answered once again: “I’m sorry, pretty fox, I can not let you go. When spring starts I will feel so bad. As the flowers bloom my eyes will swell. My nose will run and everything will itch until I want to scratch myself bleeding. If spring never comes, that will be my dream come true.”
This time the fox did say more. “Spring is needed for all to awake. Without it other seasons will never come and all who live will fall ill.”
The girl said no more and left the fox alone.
Trees went bare and cold crept in. The fire fox fell into a deep slumber not a living soul could break. The girl rejoiced in the lack of itching and continued to look after her grandfather every day.
Winter did not stop. Without the firefox to wake the world, the cold went on and plants stayed asleep. Branches wouldn’t produce leaves. The animals wouldn’t wake up. The birds outside looked sad in their fluffed feathers, waiting for the moment to sing.
Grandfather looked outside in worry. As he shifted he grunted in pain. “Something must be up with the firefox. My joints can’t take this cold much longer. Spring needs to start now, or all will suffer and die.”
Seeing her own grandfather hurt, the little girl felt incredibly sorry. She hurried back to the fox and carried it into the woods. Yet, it continued to sleep and would not awaken spring.
“You must find its hollow,” a magpie told her with raspy voice. Its feathers looked ruffled from the long season. “The forest spirit can tell you where it is. Follow the river towards its source and go even deeper into the forest from there. You will find him.”
The girl lifted the fox and carried it the long way. She grew thirsty and hungry. Her feet started to rough and her legs grew tired. Yet, she did not give in and continued to walk. The thought of her hurt grandfather pushed her on.
The forest spirit was a great, green dear, with antlers as bare as the branches. It looked at her sternly: “I will tell you where to bring the fox, only if you stay there until it wakes and will agree to the punishment it decides to render you.”
The little girl bowed before the spirit and swore to accept whatever punishment the fox would give her.
Thus, the spirit led her on towards a clearing, surrounded by stone walls. Purple flowers with long white stamens bloomed in the grass.
The girl laid the fox down and slept next to it, exhausted from her journey.
She dreamed she had flaming paws that rumbled on the ground. She chased through the bare forest and wherever her toes touched, green sprouted. Her fluffy tail waved to the waking plants and animals in warm welcome. Their happiness entered her body and filled her veins.
When she woke, the fox was standing before her. It looked at her with wise eyes. The girl pushed her face to the ground and apologized from the depth of her heart. “I am ready to receive any punishment you bestow upon me.”
“Come with me,” the fox told her.
They left the hollow and met a dark, sad forest.
“All seasons,” the fox explained, “are needed for balance. Every one of them has their upsides and downsides. Yet, they are all necessary for life. Spring gives the joy of awakening, summer allows one to thrive in warmth, autumn delivers us colors and preparation and winter will let us rest from the excitement. Rather than linger in your suffering, you should see the good sides and look forward to what is to come. Because every year, the season you love most, will appear once again. Not any kind of suffering in life is everlasting. Neither can you hurt others to comfort yourself.”
The little girl fell to her knees as his words reached her. She realized her big mistake and felt tremendously guilty. “I’m sorry, pretty fox. I should have let you go.”
“Dear, sweet little girl,” the fox decided. “As punishment to my imprisonment you will watch the beauty of spring outside all season long, despite the bad feeling it brings to you. After that, I am sure you will understand.”
The fox said no more as it took off from beside her. It ran through the forest, leaving a trail of green in its wake. The little girl could see the world awaken before her eyes.
It was spring yet again.
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love-fireflysong · 4 years
Day 24: Wedding
Fandom: Until Dawn  Character(s): Ashley Brown, Chris Hartley Words: 3349 Rating: Teen (kissing got *slightly* more heated then I intended. whoops. also language.)  Author’s Notes: If you thought that day 21′s story was fluffy oh boy do you have another thing coming. It’s not nearly as sappy (i dont think ill ever be able to write anything like that ever again), but it’s certainly up there!
It’s not that Ashley wasn’t having a good time, because she was! Surprising even her honestly. But it was all becoming a bit much. There was too many people pressed together, some dancing, some still sitting at their tables. The music was too loud and and leaving her head feeling muffled and heavy, and the people sitting at the table around her talking and laughing weren’t helping that matter either. It was even this weird combination of too dark and too bright for her eyes to handle, the open outside area under the canopy was pitch dark with night outside, but the bright spots of the lantern lights strung around the canopy had been making her eyes sting for a while.
Not to mention, it was just so hot in here. A combination of all the people pressed together in one area and the fact that it was a mid-August night, was making Ash feel like her skin was about to crawl away from her and just go die somewhere else. Preferably the pond located only a few minutes walk from the wedding site. Now, to be fair, a good part of her was aware that while this was all a lot for her to handle, the two or three glasses of wine she had had earlier certainly weren’t helping matters any. 
She just needed to leave. Not the entire area exactly, but get far enough away that she could sit down on one of the nearby benches and just take in some peace and quiet. Feel the air of the humid August night on her skin. Maybe actually take a swim in the aforementioned pond and cool off. Okay, no, she wasn’t actually going to do that. As tempting at the idea sounded (and boy oh boy was it tempting), she wasn’t nearly that drunk. So she stood up on shaky legs, excused herself from the table where she had been sitting with Chris and his parents (and a couple of cousins she had regrettably forgotten the names of already) and walked off.
She passed Chris’s cousin, Madeline, and her new wife on the way out, giving them both her congratulations once again, and assured them that she wasn’t going far, just to clear her head a little. The new wife, Rosalie, had nodded in understanding and pointed her towards a little area that she had always found perfect for getting away from the hecticness of life. Ash had thanked her profusely and headed off in the direction indicated, but not before Madeline had thanked her for coming (again) and mentioning how nice it was to finally meet her (again).
Ash returned the sentiments, and hurriedly left the too hot canopy in the direction Rosalie had indicated, finding the bench easily enough after only a couple of minutes. She could see why Rosalie had recommended it to her. It was close enough to the wedding party that it was still in sight, but far enough away that the sounds were more of a background noise that meshed well-enough with the more natural sounds of the park. It was even close enough to the pond that the light breeze carried some of it’s more cooling properties to her. 
She wasn’t sure if that just made her want to jump into the pond more or less now.
But all in all, surrounded by towering trees and blooming flowers, it was nice. It was private. And best of all, it was quiet. So Ash let out a sigh of relief and leaned back a bit to take a look at the night sky above her.
“There you are, Ash!”
She looked back towards the area where the canopy was and smiled at the sight of Chris making his way towards her. Sure, she had wanted some time on her own, but she could never refuse time with Chris. So she waved her hand up in greeting and when he got closer, patted the seat next to her in invitation. He sat down without any hesitation.
“You feeling okay? You were starting to look a little out of it there for a bit.”
Ash wasn’t surprised that Chris had caught that, but it didn’t make the butterflies in her stomach flutter any less. “Yeah, I’m okay. It was just starting to be a little too much at once, you know. Feeling much better now.”
The short bark of laughter that he let out was more akin to an exhale of breath. “Yeah, I feel ya. Sorry for making you come to this by the way. I know that these really aren’t your thing, not that they’re really mine either though.”
Ash rolled her eyes and bumped his shoulder with hers. ‘You didn’t make me come, you dip. You asked, and I said yes. I could have refused at any point and you wouldn’t have stopped me.”
“True. Shame that Josh wasn’t able to make it either though.” 
“He has that whole Cape Cod thing with his sisters every August. Nothing to be done about it.” She shrugged, and then couldn’t help the snort that came out. “We’d really have a party going on then, though.”
Chris nodded enthusiastically at her. “Oh man. Can you imagine? I mean it’s already pretty busy in there,” he stuck his thumb back towards the wedding party under the canopy, “but that would be tame compared to whatever Josh would turn it into.”
“Conga line for miles.”
“At least!”
The two of them broke out into unrestrained giggles, not helped at all by the wine that both had been drinking that night. Until finally Chris looked up at her and gave a bashful smile, and Ash was once again reminded how much the color of his dress shirt brought out his eyes. Not that she would ever tell him of course. Josh would have, would have teased her mercilessly about it in fact, but she wasn’t Josh. She wasn’t nearly that brave.
“I really, really do appreciate you coming with me to this, Ash.”
The smile she gave back was just as shy, and she bumped their shoulders together again. The conversation trailed off after that, but she didn’t mind too much. She thinks he doesn’t either. She likes sitting next to Chris like this, when things have gotten quiet and soft and it’s just them. 
After a few moments, she looks down towards her hands and notices how close his right hand is to her left. All she would have to do is reach out a little and she could wrap her pinky with his. She spends about five seconds debating on doing it, only to feel her face flush at the realization. Jesus Christ, maybe she’s more drunk then she thought.
“Can’t believe your cousin booked an entire botanical garden for the wedding.” 
“Huh? What?” Chris gives her a look of confusion, a little jarred from the sudden topic of conversation, but understands quickly enough. “Oh! Yeah, I think it was because of Rosalie actually. She loves flowers and plants and shit, studied it in college or something.”
Ash rolls her eyes, but can’t help the fond smile. “It’s the study of plants, dork.”
“Hey, it’s not like I was able to shove a dictionary into my pocket or anything. I don’t even have pockets, Ash. Can you believe that? Had to leave my phone in my coat!”
She tries to disguise the laugh as long-sufferiing sigh, she really does! But she can tell she failed by the way his face lights up just a bit. “Oh no. No pockets. I wonder what that’s like,” she gestures dryly to the dress she’s wearing.
Chris laughs as he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “Alright, alright. I get it. I’ll stop.” He gives her a curious look though. “Why’d you ask about the gardens though?”
Ash moves her hands so they’re clasped in her lap and looks down at the hole the toe of her shoe is digging into the dirt. “I don’t know,” she says finally. “I guess it just surprised me is all. Not exactly the location I’d choose myself.”
“Oh ho! So you’ve thought about what your wedding would be like Miss Brown?”
She looks up from her new project and into the look of exaggerated interest on Chris’s face. One hand is firmly clasping onto his glasses as he lays into her with an intense look. She gives a casual shrug and smile. “Once or twice.”
“Well you can’t just say that and expect me not to dig, Ash!” He moves placing his head into the palm of his hands as he balances his elbows on his knees, staring at her with wide-eyed interest. She can’t help the laugh that bubbles out. “So spill! Tell me everything.” 
“Oh man. Um, I guess I’ve always kind of imagined a backyard wedding?” She pauses to think it over for a moment before giving a quick jerk of her head. “No, it’s definitely going to be in a backyard. And with only close friends and family.”
Chris nods in understanding. “Small and private. Sounds like you.” He starts to swallow nervously and looks away for a second, and for the life of her she can’t understand why. “Got anyone you imagine it’s with?”
Ashley doesn’t respond, instead biting her lip and returning to look at the hole that has now expanded to twice it’s size. 
“Wait, are you serious?”
She’d like to think the shrug she gives is casual, but she knows it’s anything but.
“Holy shit. Oh, holy shit. You have a crush on someone?”
“I mean, it’s not that big of a deal—”
“Are you kidding me right now, Ash? Not a big deal? This is a huge deal! You have a crush on someone and you’ve never told me or Josh?!”
Ash just bites her lip harder, still refusing to look at Chris, knowing her face is probably as red as the wine they’d been drinking earlier. “Josh knows,” she mumbles out.
“Wait, so you told Josh, but you never told me?”
“I didn’t tell Josh, he just, sorta, well, guessed. Correctly.”
“Oh. I mean, I guess that tracks. He kinda sorta guessed mine too.”
“Wait.” She raises her head to look at Chris, only to see that he’s not actually looking at her, but off to the side where the pond is, scratching awkwardly at his jaw. “You have a crush on someone too? How have I not known about this?”
“Um, because I never told you?”
“Nuh uh. Not going to work. You’re completely terrible when it comes to keeping secrets. So spill. Who’s the person?” She doesn’t want to know. Her heart is already shattering as she speaks, but she needs to know. Know who this person is that managed to get Chris’s attention when she couldn’t after all these years.
“I’m not gonna tell you, Ash! Are you going to tell me yours?”
“Well, no, but—”
“Exactly!” She watches Chris stand up, limbs jerky as he clumsily makes his way to his feet. “So let’s just to back to the party and we’ll both forget that this conversation ever happened and—”
The words are out of her mouth before she knows it. “Let’s play a game.” And she wishes she could take them back almost immediately. Oh, she really was way more drunk then she thought. He was giving both of them an out, a chance to walk away and pretend that this conversation wasn’t happening and that they weren’t about to ruin their friendship. “Let’s play a game.”
Chris groans tiredly as he drags his hand over his face. “Ash, I’m not really in the mood for games right now. So let’s just go back—”
“Five questions.” She swallows nervously. Oh shit, she was going to ruin everything if she didn’t stop talking now! “We both ask each other five questions about who our crush is. Yes or no questions only."
“Just five questions? That’s it?” She nods and he sighs in what could be defeat, but he sits back down heavily next to her on the bench. “Fine. But just five questions, alright? Do you want to go first, or should I?”
Ash swallows and draws in a shaky breath for courage. “I’ll go. It was my idea in the first place.” She could do this. She could figure out who Chris liked. And then, when she was home and safe under her covers, she could cry her heart out later. “Do I know them?”
“Yeah.” The nod he gives is jerky. “Yeah, you know her pretty well actually.”
“Oh! So it’s a girl!”
The laugh Chris makes is a tight thing, but it’s a laugh nonetheless. “No fair! That doesn’t count.”
Ash’s smile is forced, but not as forced as it could have been. “Not my fault, you’re offering more information then you need to.” Okay, so that narrows it down to either Sam, Emily, Jessica, or Josh’s sisters. Except now she’s really confused to how in the world she missed this.
“Still not fair. Okay, um, do I know them?”
Ash shakes her head but she’s laughing. “Doesn’t count! You can’t ask me the same question I just asked you!”
“Wait, that wasn’t in the rules before! You are rigging this game to be in your favor, Ash!” The laugh that Chris makes is much more natural and it set’s her a little more at ease. She’ll be fine. She can do this! “Fine then,” she watches him hem and haw for a moment to find a question. “Do they make you laugh?”
The sigh Chris gives then, is one in relief. “Good. You have a cute laugh, you deserve someone who brings it out of you.”
“Oh.” Never mind, she was wrong. She can’t do this. She absolutely cannot do this. “Um, okay. Have you known them long?”
“Yeah.” Narrowing it down even further to Beth, Hannah, or Sam. “Is this a recent development?”
“No, it's not. Have you ever asked them out?”
She’s a little surprised by how puzzled Chris looks at the question. “I mean, I haven’t asked them on a date or anything, I guess?” Hmm. She’ll narrow the question down a little bit more next time. “Do they like cookies?”
She can’t help the giggle that escapes. “What? I mean, yeah, of course they do. What kind of question is this?”
“I’m running out of idea’s Ash! You’re the brain person here, not me! I’m just the funny guy with the jokes!”
“And sometimes you can’t even pull that off.”
“Oh, ouch. Low blow.”
Ash is too busy still laughing, happy that things have finally gotten back to normal between them, that at first she doesn’t notice his reaction to her fourth question. “Did you ask her to be your plus one to the wedding?” And then she does, she’s noticed he’s stiffened right up in his seat and now refusing to look her in the eyes.
“Yeah, I did.”
Oh. Well now Ash hates whoever Chris asked. Why wouldn’t they want to come with him? He’s the funniest, nicest guy she knows and it doesn’t matter that Hannah and Beth are off vacationing in Cape Cod or that Sam has that work placement thing at that national park or—
Wait. She turns to stare at Chris in shock. There’s no way. There’s absolutely no way. But, it makes sense. Both she and Chris have known about the Washington’s Cape Cod trips in August for years now. And Sam had been so excited, she had been talking about her national park thing for months. So, that just left...
“Chris,” she manages to squeak out. “You still have two more questions.”
“No, I-I think I’m done playing now.” He starts to try and stand up again, but Ash has already reached for and grabbed onto his shirt sleeve to keep him there. 
“It’s just two more questions, and you can repeat all the questions I’ve already asked if you want. I don’t care. Just please, please don’t go yet.” She knows that she’s being desperate right now, but she doesn’t care. She has one more question, and if she’s wrong she’s never going to be able to recover. But she doesn’t care, she needs to know!
“Ash, I really don’t think—”
“Do I know them?”
“Yes! God yes! You know him, Chris! You see him everyday!” His eyes have widened behind his glasses, but Ash is already asking her question. “Did you ask anyone other than me to be your date this thing?”
If his eyes were wide before, they’re practically saucers now. “What? I don’t—”
“Answer the fucking question, Christopher!”
“No! I didn’t— I didn’t ask anyone else!”
Ash settles back down onto the bench, breathing far too heavily than is appropriate. There’s no way that this is actually happening to her right now. No way in hell. She’s going to wake up any moment in her bed and realize that this was all a dream. “You have one more question.” If she has any thoughts towards how absolutely breathless she sounds right now, she couldn’t care less.
“Ash, listen, I—”
Slowly, she shakes her head and watches his adam apple bob as he swallows. “Would-would you tell me who it is if I asked?”
She nods jerkily. “O-oh. Well then,” he licks his lips nervously, “who—”
She doesn’t give him any time to finish his question. Ash has already moved her hands so they’re gripping the front of his shirt and dragging him down so she can place a fierce, hard kiss on his lips. It’s over almost as quickly as it started though, and she pulls back to stare at a dazed Chris, looking for all the world like he had just been clubbed over the head.
“You,” she manages to gasp out. “It’s you, you idiot. It’s always been you.”
Anything she could have said is lost, as that’s when Chris’s brain finally kicked in again and he responded by twisting his hand into her hair and pulling her into another kiss just a searing as the first. Ash doesn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck to hold him closer as his free hand finds the center of her back and is now pushing her chest into his. She knows that he’s probably—definitely—making a mess of her hair, but when she starts whining into his mouth when the kiss deepens, she finds that she doesn’t give two flying fucks anymore.
The second kiss goes on for much, much longer then the first one. And the third longer than that, and on the forth she finds that they’ve shifted at some point so she’s 100% straddling his lap in her dress right now as they make out on the bench. By the fifth she doesn’t really care about that either. 
Eventually the two of them do manage to separate, and are pressing their foreheads together staring at the other in wide-eyed amazement. Ash giggles at the sight. The lipstick she had worn was now a mess all over Chris’s mouth, and she could already feel that her hair was an unsalvageable rat’s nest of hairspray and bobby pins. There is going to be no explaining this away. It’s pretty dang obvious what they had both been doing. She leaves a small kiss on the tip of his nose anyway, just because she can.
“You think that maybe your parent’s have started to worry about us? Think we should head back soon?”
Chris let’s out a low breathy laugh, his smile bright enough that if she wasn’t already flushed from their previous activities, she certainly would be now. “Honestly, Ash? I don’t give a shit about what everyone over there is doing right now.”
He leans in and gives her a much softer and more tender kiss then anything they had shared earlier. And as she sighs happily into it, she finds herself agreeing wholeheartedly. No matter what’s going on over there, she would much rather stay here with Chris. 
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livayl · 5 years
On a hazy autumn morning
This is a sneeze-/sick fic I wrote to introduce my two modern day OCs: Alexej who´s in his early thirties and a concert harpist and his husband Evan a former marine in his forties. :3 So no fantasy this time but a bad cold, sneezes and a bit of domestic fluff/care taking. :) Also a mess warning for the sneeze parts towards the end. (Never know how to actually classify this but nothing worse than in my “things I think of” stuff. It´s there but not very descriptive) 
It was still early in the morning and relatively quiet. Peacefully so almost at least if one could ignore the unusual deep, breathless and congested snoring that resounded inside the small flat. Outside the chill autumn air was still hazy with mist and damp with frosted dew that had sprinkled the windows. The newly rising sun fought for supremacy with the seemingly ever present opaque shroud which could only be displaced temporarily these days. Bright rays of bronzed golden light illuminated the thick swirls of mist. They only managed thinning it enough to reveal an alley of old, widely branched maple trees whose leaves flashed auburn and rust red in an entity of white.
Evan watched from inside his cozy and warm apartment as a strong gust of wind made the big yet pliable branches wave and sway. His steel grey eyes followed the instantly loosened clouds of five-pointed leaves tinted in different layers of gleaming reds. They drifted and danced sluggishly through the fog, flashed their splendor until slowly gliding out of view. The sight was eerily pretty yet Evan would have preferred to indulge in it while dreaming instead of blurring it with tears created by a jaw-cracking yawn. Being up this early on a free day and after an almost sleepless night should have been rewarded with a bit more. He stifled another yawn against the rim of his mug and drowned its remains with a last stream of lukewarm coffee. The pleasantly bitter taste and aromatic smell managed to linger for a few moments longer.
Evan rubbed over his rather rugged, angular face, neatly buzzed head and full beard while pondering what would be more alluring: Another round of news reading followed by a nap on the small couch or a hot shower. The shower won the uneven match easily. Could have been a different outcome if it had rivaled with his big, comfortable bed. But Evans younger husband did strictly refuse sharing a sleeping place or other close quarters whenever he happened to fall ill- which was the case much more often than it should have been. Well, Evan unyielding insisted that his ill yet much smaller partner should sleep in the bed and NOT on the couch. So maybe they were even in stubbornness.
His back protested and ached while getting up which made him cringe. He´d only been a civilian for some years after a prolonged time of military service yet sometimes the amount of subjective effeminacy seemed to be hinting on a couple more.
A series of wheezing, crackling coughs made him turn on his heels and wide awake immediately as he hurried to swiftly open the bedroom door. The sight of his husband bent forward and shaking with forcefully suppressed, barking coughs alarmed him instantly as he crouched down next to the bed. “Alex? Do you need your inhalator?” He asked and pried away a slender, slightly trembling hand to place the small device into it´s palm. The gesture made Alexej look up despite the rattling spasms. When Evan had previously thought that he felt tired his husband clearly looked the part:
Alex skin, naturally very pallid, almost translucent with a faint dapple of freckles above his nose, high set cheekbones and lightly concave cheeks, was flushed and sweaty with fever. His deep set yet big bright eyes were dulled and glazed over. Now only resembling a fading cyani flower instead of their usual glowing bouquet of blossoming blue. They were also puffy and even more embedded into shadows created by too much worry, work and an irregular sleep pattern. The latest tour of long concerts had worn the already small and dainty, almost fragile built harpist out and probably paved ways for this recent illness. His beautifully curved yet small lips were devoid of color as well- a stark contrast to his straight, narrow nose which was tinted an angry red and chapped around the edges. Lingering exhaustion had deepened the fine, usually barely visible lines in his face and hopefully only marred it temporarily.
“Ndo….” Alexej managed to choke out after the small yet intense fit- voice almost inaudibly hoarse and slurred with heavy congestion. His fine and wavy, chin length wheat blonde hair was widely ruffled, damp with cold sweat and underlined with premature silver. Yet Evan loved gently combing it back behind a feverishly heated ear while he caressed the others delicate and long fingers with his much bigger and calloused hand. “I´m sorry if I woke you up.” Alex mumbled around a few futile tries to suck in a bit of air through his hopelessly clogged nose. “You didn’t, no worries. Can I bring you something?” Evan asked and had to restrain himself from kissing the others slightly parted mouth. He´d probably refuse which would leave him longing even more. “No tha-hah-nk youhh- hheh-hih-hold on-” Alexejs already unsteady breath had started to quaver mid sentence. Evan watched as his husbands red rimmed nostrils flared irritably while his breath hitched. They revealed tender yet angrily blushed insides and a septum already slightly wetted with shining fluid. Alex light blonde lashes fluttered feathery as he fought to keep his tearing eyes open while his free hand went on a frantic search for his box of tissues. Evans own did find it a bit earlier though and gathered a whole bunch of them right in time to gently cup them around his husbands gasping mouth. A small hand gripped his own with surprising force and pressed the protective barrier closer to his down turned lips and shaking nose as he surrendered:   “hhh-heh-hhiih-PTZSSCH-hieh!- hheh-hah-TSSSCHHiuh!-AH´PTZSSCH-iiiew! unngh snfff" The sneezes had been unusually rough and tortuously teasing with their build ups that made Alex face scrunch and contort helplessly in rhythm of his frantically rising chest. They also were richly accompanied by moisture and spray worth of a restless night with congestion. It had not only been audible but also burst steamingly through the thin barrier and had managed to heat Evans skin.
Alex rather frail body had been at complete mercy of their exceptional force as he shook with each one and would have tumbled over if not steadied by his husband. He looked tired and teary eyed as he finally emerged from the sodden cluster of tissues. Still too dazed, feverish and breathless to feel shame or the traces of moisture still lingering around his nose and chin.
"Bless you, angel.” Evan simply replied while plucking a new bouquet of tissues.
“Ndoh- let me-” Alex tried but was shushed effectively by the cloudy fabric and even softer touch that gently cleaned his now deeply blushed face.
“Jesus… How did you get it on your cheek?” Evan could not help but snort a bit with amusement. It accomplished the impossible and made Alexejs fair skin turn into an even deeper shade of red.
“Don´t do that, I´m gross!” the younger man finally managed to say and gathered his remaining strength to pull away a still caressing hand.
Evan could not resist any longer and planted a gentle, soft kiss on Alex forehead. He tasted salt, bitter sweetly radiating warmth and that special, tingling aftertaste so delightfully unique to the other.
Alexej shivered with pleasure at his husbands surprisingly soft lips and coarse yet mellow rub of beard against his overheated skin.
He snuffled and tried rubbing the persistent tickle out of his nose that managed to squish and squelch wetly with the massaging motion.
“Don´t be stubborn. Let me stay and take care of you. I can´t sleep much outside anyways.”
“But you´ll get sick, too.” Alexej mumbled and bit his lower lip to give a contrast to the again rising tickle burning through his swollen sinuses.
Evan slowly, tenderly kissed the arch of his husbands delicately trimmed brows.
“I´ll be extra careful…” He breathed and let the tiny, soft hairs tickle his lips.
“But you-” Alexej really wanted to argue or at least revel in the sweet fondle and stroking breaths for a bit but could hardly concentrate as his own grew erratic again. The tickle had quickly grown big and urgent enough to crumble the last pieces of control while demanding his immediate attention.
“Hhhold on, I hah-ve tosneeze-” he gasped out as his eyes closed against his will once more and nostrils opened widely.  
The harpist had barely time to avert his head and hide the snarling grimace behind a hastily raised forearm:  “Hhh-hhiieh-IZZSSSCH-iieew! hhah-APTSSCHiieh! huh-heh-YISSSSCH-iuh!” Building faster, more easily this time but no less desperate and urgent the sneezes had left his shirt copiously wet and him slightly dizzy. Alexej could not help but cringe at the damp feeling tickling his skin and big wet spots distinctively visible on his light grey sweater.
“Here sweetheart. Bless you.” Evan said kindly, this time offering the tools for a much needed clean up instead of doing so himself.
“But I?” He then asked once Alex had finished off with an extensive and crackling nose blow.
“…. You made me sneeze at your hand. That´s not being careful.” He replied groggily and slumped back into a pile of propped up pillows. Those last outbursts seemed to have sapped the last bit of his much restricted strength.
“And you just did so all over yourself. Both of us can be washed.” Evan pecked a quick, teasing kiss on his husbands lips.
“Let me start with myself and come back with some tea, meds and breakfast. And then we´ll try to get some sleep.”
While left alone in the room all drowsy and floating with fever Alexej could not help but feel relieved and comforted knowing his love would return and this time also stay.
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Oh fuck it lets post Hood
The Wolf stood on the edge of the cliff side, staring intently below him. Nestled in a deep valley just beyond the hills was a town. More of a village, really, but the occupants of Earinheart would never admit to that. The air was crisp and cool. The wind blowing whispers of lost memories around him. In the town below everything was silent— save for the various taverns and pubs that stayed open all hours of the night. Their windows pouring out light and the sounds of laughter and loud music slithering between the cracks in the doors. The merchants and street hagglers of the day time tucked away in their homes and sleeping peacefully. The Wolf regarded the town with some distaste, a bitter longing shadowed by a deep seated hatred for what he’d lost. In the end, it had been his own fault, really. The Wolf often wondered what life would be life had things gone differently so many years ago…
There once were two twins as different as can be. One was light and happy— the joy of the town. She thrived on music and laughter and the simple pleasures of human kindness. The other was colder— quieter. Preferring the shadows than the limelight. However different he may be from his sister, he was just as kind. You wouldn’t even know the twins were related had it not been for the fact that they shared a mother and lived in the same house. The only other defining traits of the twins was their ginger colored hair. Ironically this is how one of the Hood twins had gotten their nickname. Cressida Hood had been referred to as “Red” for as long as anyone could remember. Named for her striking ginger hair and crimson hooded cloak.
Her brother, Grayson, had been named by the village in a similar fashion. Gray, they called him, for his dark colored clothing and his affinity for staying in the shadows— and perhaps because it was also a lot less to say than Grayson Hood.
Despite their differences in appearance and manner the Hood twins were inseparable. Going everywhere and doing everything with each other. The shared the same friends and had the same likes and dislikes. Both had the same kind eyes and inviting smiles. However, even in these times people were quick to judge the twins less on personality and more on appearance. You could hear the shouts of joy as Red walked down the streets. People calling greetings and sharing jokes with her. Basking in her exuberance. But you could also hear the whispers that ensued in her wake as they caught sight of her brother. “Quiet”, they’d say. Too quiet. Unsettling.
Red was oblivious to these whispers, Gray was not. But Grayson Hood found that he didn’t care what people thought of him. He was more than happy to let his sister be the one everyone loved. His family provided him with all the love he could ever need, and that was enough for him.
The twins lived with their mother in a small cottage on the outskirts of town. Bordered by deep woods and long streams, their cottage was a rather quaint spot. An escape from the chaos of the rest of Earinheart. Their grandmother would come to visit every weekend. Excited to learn about what new adventures Red had gotten into and what new books Gray had read.
On one particular summers day, the twins mother got a letter in the mail from their grandmother. She seemed to have fallen grievously ill and would not be able to visit for the weekend.
“Oh my!” The mother exclaimed. “This is terrible news!”
Cressida, having just returned home, asked. “What is?”
“Your grandmother has taken ill! She won’t be able to visit this weekend!”
Cressida was shocked. Her grandmother was sick? This is terrible news!
“We should make her a basket filled with all of her favorite treats,” the mother suggested.
“That’s a brilliant idea,” Red agreed. And the two set off to work.
Some time later, when the basket had been finished, Red pulled on her cloak and prepared to deliver the basket to her grandmother.
“Where is your brother?” Red’s mother asked.
Cressida shook her head, she did not know. Last she saw of her brother he’d been in the library. He’d told her he would catch up later.
“He’ll be along,” Red replied. Her mother nodded, not too concerned about the whereabouts of her second child. “Make sure you watch out for the wolves, Cressida. There’s been an increase in wolf related deaths recently.”
Her mother frowned at the bright red cloak Cressida had wrapped around her shoulders. “Perhaps you should wear a different cloak?” She suggested. But Cressida only shook her head. She had no fear of wolves.
“I’ll be alright,” she said. “Send Gray after me when he returns home.” Then she scooped up the basket and left in a swirl of scarlet fabric.
Not long after, Gray sloped into the small cottage. Arms laden with books from his day spent in the library. Setting his books down, he looked around the house. Where is everyone? His mother appeared in the doorway, smiling brightly and pulling him into a hug.
“I received a letter from your grandmother saying that she’d taken ill. You sister has gone to take her a care basket,” she explained. “Cressida said to send you after her once you returned.”
Gray nodded, turning back towards the door and preparing to head off again. As he pulled open the door his mother issued him the same warning she gave to his sister.
“Be careful of wolves!” His mother called after him.
“I will,” he said, and then he tugged the door shut behind him.
Their grandmother lived in a small house in the heart of the forest. The trees grew closely the further you went into the woods. The only way you could be certain to not get lost was by sticking to the worn down dirt path. Gray walked along the path, sending cautious glances into the thick trees. He had no intentions of being eaten by a wolf.
Eventually he reached his destination, breathing a small sigh of relief at the sight of the familiar house. Gray continued up the cobblestone walkway that led to his grandmother's door.
Standing at the top step of the porch, Gray noticed something odd. The door to the house was slightly ajar, the light wood beneath his feat stained a funny orange color. A sharp spike of panic shot through the boy. Quickly he pushed the door open, recoiling at the metallic taste that bit at his nostrils.
“Hello?,” he called. “Grandmother, Red, I’m here.”
He was met by silence. He journeyed further into the house. Chairs had been knocked askew and tea cups had been shattered. Later Gray would realize that he already knew what was coming before he entered the bedroom. But at that moment he had been shocked by the scene before him.
The room was in tatters. Ripped satin and broken floors were illuminated by the bright sunlight that was streaming lazily into the room. In the center of it all, on the bed, lay his grandmother; showered in wine colored liquid that ran fresh from the gashes in her chest.
The second thing he saw might’ve been worse than his grandmother. Laying on the floor, near his grandmother was his sister. Ginger hair dyed as red as the cloak she was named for. Falling to his knees, Gray crawled towards his sister. Cradling scraps of shredded fabric in his hands.
Now everyone knows that the universe has an odd sort of timing. Somewhat paradoxical in its abnormality. For at that particular moment, a huntsman had happened across the cottage. Eyes catching on the still open front door, and the unnaturally colored floor boards. He — as any good hunter would — entered the house, sensing something was wrong.
He entered the house slowly, posture stiffening as he saw the damage. He took out his axe. When he reached the bedroom he was greeted by a horrifying sight. Two motionless women lay in crooked positions, a boy in dark clothing kneeling over them. The huntsmans grip around his axe tightened.
“Murder,” he hissed.
The boy looked up. Eyes dark with heavy circles under them. The boy started to stutter out a protest, but the huntsman silenced him by swinging his axe. The silver blade making a perfect arc towards him. Gray just barely jumped out of the way.
“But I—“ he started. But the huntsman had no interest in anything he had to say.
“Murder,” he said again, this time much louder.
Knowing that there was nothing he could say to convince this man otherwise, Gray did the only thing he could do. He ran. He ran and ran and ran and ran. Until his lungs couldn’t take anymore and he collapsed against a tree.
Years had passed since then. Stories had been passed through dozens of people, twisting the actual events into things that had never happened. Some said it had been an act of vengeance. He’d always been different from his sister. Some said it was an accident. But there was one thing they could all agree on: Unsettling. The events at the Hood cottage had been unsettling.
“Wolf” they had started to call the boy who had done it. For the deep, jagged slash marks in the bodies. It hadn’t been long before food had started to go missing. And then animals. All found dead the next morning. It had taken even less time for the name to catch on. The Big Bad Wolf. A harbinger of death. A bad omen.
The Wolf looked over the village once more. His eyes falling on a small cottage on the edge of town, bordered by thick woods and lovely streams. He tore his eyes away, instead focusing on the food below. No one would have missed him anyways. The Wolf tore across the cliff side, racing towards the village.
He caught a glimpse of his reflection in one of the rivers. He looked different from the last time anyone had seen him. However one thing remained. That quiet, mysterious persona of a boy who lived in shadows. It was wrapped around and inside of him. Reflecting back in the moonlight in every different shade of, Gray.
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